<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Update Operators <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-operators" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-operators"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#update-operators-1" target="_self"> <span> Update Operators </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-update-operators-top-level"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following modifiers are available for use in update operations, for example, in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.findAndModify() </code> . </a> </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <!-- --> update operators <!-- --> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the operator expression in a document of the form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n &lt;operator1&gt;: { &lt;field1&gt;: &lt;value1&gt;, ... },\n &lt;operator2&gt;: { &lt;field2&gt;: &lt;value2&gt;, ... },\n ...\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;<!-- -->operator1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;<!-- -->operator2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on a specific operator, including syntax and examples, click on the link to the operator's reference page. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-update-operators"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Update Operators <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-operators-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-operators-1"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider this example <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/set/#mongodb-update-up.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $set: { \"a.2\": &lt;new&gt;, \"a.10\": &lt;new&gt;, } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a.2"</span>: <!-- -->&lt;new value&gt;, "a.10": &lt;new value&gt;, } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB 5.0 and later, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "a.2" </code> is processed before <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "a.10" </code> because <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> comes before <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> in numeric order. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/currentDate/#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the value of a field to current date, either as a Date or a Timestamp. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/inc/#mongodb-update-up.-inc"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $inc </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Increments the value of the field by the specified amount. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/min/#mongodb-update-up.-min"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Only updates the field if the specified value is less than the existing field value. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/max/#mongodb-update-up.-max"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Only updates the field if the specified value is greater than the existing field value. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/mul/#mongodb-update-up.-mul"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $mul </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Multiplies the value of the field by the specified amount. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/rename/#mongodb-update-up.-rename"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Renames a field. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/set/#mongodb-update-up.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the value of a field in a document. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/setOnInsert/#mongodb-update-up.-setOnInsert"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setOnInsert </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the value of a field if an update results in an insert of a document. Has no effect on update operations that modify existing documents. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/unset/#mongodb-update-up.-unset"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $unset </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the specified field from a document. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Array <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#array" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="array"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Operators <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operators" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operators"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/positional/#mongodb-update-up.-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Acts as a placeholder to update the first element that matches the query condition. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/positional-all/#mongodb-update-up.---"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $[] </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Acts as a placeholder to update all elements in an array for the documents that match the query condition. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/positional-filtered/#mongodb-update-up.---identifier--"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $[&lt;identifier&gt;] </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Acts as a placeholder to update all elements that match the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> arrayFilters </code> condition for the documents that match the query condition. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/addToSet/#mongodb-update-up.-addToSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addToSet </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Adds elements to an array only if they do not already exist in the set. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/pop/#mongodb-update-up.-pop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $pop </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the first or last item of an array. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/pull/#mongodb-update-up.-pull"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $pull </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes all array elements that match a specified query. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Adds an item to an array. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/pullAll/#mongodb-update-up.-pullAll"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $pullAll </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes all matching values from an array. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Modifiers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#modifiers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="modifiers"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Modifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/addToSet/#mongodb-update-up.-addToSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addToSet </code> </a> operators to append multiple items for array updates. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/position/#mongodb-update-up.-position"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $position </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Modifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> operator to specify the position in the array to add elements. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/slice/#mongodb-update-up.-slice"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Modifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> operator to limit the size of updated arrays. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/sort/#mongodb-update-up.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Modifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> operator to reorder documents stored in an array. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Bitwise <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#bitwise" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="bitwise"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/bit/#mongodb-update-up.-bit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bit </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Performs bitwise <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AND </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OR </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> XOR </code> updates of integer values. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $min <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-min" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-min"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="update"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-update-up.-min"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </span> </a> updates the value of the field to a specified value <em> if </em> the specified value is <strong> less than </strong> the current value of the field. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </span> </a> operator can compare values of different types, using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#std-label-faq-dev-compare-order-for-BSON-types"> BSON comparison order <!-- --> . </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $min: { &lt;field1&gt;: &lt;value1&gt;, ... } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$min</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> in an embedded document or in an array, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-dot-notation"> dot notation <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> Update Operators Behavior </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the field does not exist, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </span> </a> operator sets the field to the specified value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For comparisons between values of different types, such as a number and a null, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </span> </a> uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#std-label-faq-dev-compare-order-for-BSON-types"> BSON comparison order <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> no longer raises an error when you use an update operator like <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </span> </a> with an empty operand expression ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> ). An empty update results in no changes and no <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entry is created (meaning that the operation is a no-op). </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> to Compare Numbers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use--min-to-compare-numbers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use--min-to-compare-numbers"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertOne( { _id: 1, highScore: 800, lowScore: 200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">800</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lowScore </code> for the document currently has the value <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 200 </code> . The following operation uses <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-min" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </span> </a> to compare <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 200 </code> to the specified value <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 150 </code> and updates the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lowScore </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 150 </code> since <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 150 </code> is less than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 200 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $min: { lowScore: 150 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$min</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">150</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection now contains the following modified document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, highScore: 800, lowScore: 150 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">800</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">150</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The next operation has no effect since the current value of the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lowScore </code> , i.e <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 150 </code> , is less than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 250 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $min: { lowScore: 250 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$min</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The document remains unchanged in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, highScore: 800, lowScore: 150 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">800</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">150</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> to Compare Dates <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use--min-to-compare-dates" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use--min-to-compare-dates"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tags </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.tags.insertOne(\n {\n _id: 1,\n desc: \"crafts\",\n dateEntered: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T05:00:00Z\"),\n dateExpired: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T16:38:16Z\")\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">tags</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">desc</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"crafts"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateEntered</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T05:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateExpired</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T16:38:16Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation compares the current value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dateEntered </code> field, i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ISODate("2013-10-01T05:00:00Z") </code> , with the specified date <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new Date("2013-09-25") </code> to determine whether to update the field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.tags.updateOne(\n { _id: 1 },\n { $min: { dateEntered: new Date(\"2013-09-25\") } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">tags</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$min</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateEntered</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-09-25"</span>) } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation updates the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dateEntered </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id: 1,\n desc: \"crafts\",\n dateEntered: ISODate(\"2013-09-25T00:00:00Z\"),\n dateExpired: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T16:38:16Z\")\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">desc</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"crafts"</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateEntered</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-09-25T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateExpired</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T16:38:16Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.findAndModify() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $rename <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-rename" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-rename"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="update"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-update-up.-rename"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> operator updates the name of a field. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $rename: { &lt;field1&gt;: &lt;newname1&gt;, &lt;field2&gt;: &lt;newname2&gt;, ... } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$rename</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->newName1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->field2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->newName2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The new field name must differ from the existing field name. To specify a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> in an embedded document, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-dot-notation"> dot notation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne(\n { _id: 1 }, { $rename: { 'nickname': 'alias', 'cell': 'mobile' } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$rename</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'nickname'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'alias'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'cell'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'mobile'</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The preceding operation renames the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nickname </code> field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> alias </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cell </code> field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mobile </code> in a document where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> is 1. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you run a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> operation, MongoDB performs the following actions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Delete the old <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> and field with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;newName&gt; </code> from the document (using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/unset/#mongodb-update-up.-unset"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $unset </code> </a> ). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Perform a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/set/#mongodb-update-up.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> operation with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;newName&gt; </code> , using the value from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Atomicity <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#atomicity" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="atomicity"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each document matched by an update command is updated in an individual operation. Update operations (like <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> ) only guarantee atomicity on a single-document level. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Field Order <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#field-order" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="field-order"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> operation might not preserve the order of the fields in the document. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update Processing Order <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-processing-order" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-processing-order"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> Update Operators Behavior </a> for details. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Rename Embedded Document Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#rename-embedded-document-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="rename-embedded-document-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> operator can move fields into and out of embedded documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> does not work on embedded documents in arrays. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Other Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#other-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="other-considerations"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the document already has a field with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;newName&gt; </code> , the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> operator removes that field and renames the specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;newName&gt; </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the field to rename does not exist in a document, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> does nothing. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> no longer raises an error when you use an update operator like <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> with an empty operand expression ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> ). An empty update results in no changes and no <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entry is created (meaning that the operation is a no-op). </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.insertMany( [\n {\n \"_id\": 1,\n \"alias\": [ \"The American Cincinnatus\", \"The American Fabius\" ],\n \"mobile\": \"555-555-5555\",\n \"nmae\": { \"first\" : \"george\", \"last\" : \"washington\" }\n },\n {\n \"_id\": 2,\n \"alias\": [ \"My dearest friend\" ],\n \"mobile\": \"222-222-2222\",\n \"nmae\": { \"first\" : \"abigail\", \"last\" : \"adams\" }\n },\n {\n \"_id\": 3,\n \"alias\": [ \"Amazing grace\" ],\n \"mobile\": \"111-111-1111\",\n \"nmae\": { \"first\" : \"grace\", \"last\" : \"hopper\" }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alias"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The American Cincinnatus"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The American Fabius"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mobile"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"555-555-5555"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nmae"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"first"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"george"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"last"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"washington"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alias"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"My dearest friend"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mobile"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"222-222-2222"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nmae"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"first"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abigail"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"last"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"adams"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alias"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Amazing grace"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mobile"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"111-111-1111"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nmae"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"first"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"grace"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"last"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hopper"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The documents contain an error, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nmae </code> should be <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> . The examples in the following sections update the documents in the collection. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Rename a Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#rename-a-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="rename-a-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To rename a field, call the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> operator with the current name of the field and the new name: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateMany(\n { \"nmae\": { $ne: null } },\n { $rename: { \"nmae\": \"name\" } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateMany</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nmae"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$ne</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$rename</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nmae"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation checks for documents where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nmae </code> field is not null and updates those documents to rename the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nmae </code> field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\": 1,\n \"alias\": [ \"The American Cincinnatus\", \"The American Fabius\" ],\n \"mobile\": \"555-555-5555\",\n \"name\": { \"first\" : \"george\", \"last\" : \"washington\" }\n}\n\n{\n \"_id\" : 2,\n \"alias\" : [ \"My dearest friend\" ],\n \"mobile\" : \"222-222-2222\",\n \"name\" : { \"first\" : \"abigail\", \"last\" : \"adams\" }\n}\n\n{\n \"_id\" : 3,\n \"alias\" : [ \"Amazing grace\" ],\n \"mobile\" : \"111-111-1111\",\n \"name\" : { \"first\" : \"grace\", \"last\" : \"hopper\" }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alias"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The American Cincinnatus"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The American Fabius"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mobile"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"555-555-5555"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"first"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"george"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"last"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"washington"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alias"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"My dearest friend"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mobile"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"222-222-2222"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"first"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abigail"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"last"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"adams"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alias"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Amazing grace"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mobile"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"111-111-1111"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"first"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"grace"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"last"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hopper"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-rename-field-in-embedded-document"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Rename a Field in an Embedded Document <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#rename-a-field-in-an-embedded-document" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="rename-a-field-in-an-embedded-document"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To rename a field in an embedded document, call the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> operator using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-dot-notation"> dot notation </a> to refer to the field. If the field is to remain in the same embedded document, also use the dot notation in the new name, as in the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $rename: { \"name.first\": \"name.fname\" } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$rename</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name.first"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name.fname"</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation renames the embedded field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> first </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fname </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id: 1,\n alias: [ 'The American Cincinnatus', 'The American Fabius' ],\n mobile: '555-555-5555',\n name: { last: 'washington', fname: 'george' }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">alias</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'The American Cincinnatus'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'The American Fabius'</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mobile</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'555-555-5555'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">last</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'washington'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">fname</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'george'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Rename a Field That Does Not Exist <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#rename-a-field-that-does-not-exist" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="rename-a-field-that-does-not-exist"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When renaming a field and the existing field name refers to a field that does not exist, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-rename" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </span> </a> operator does nothing, as in the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $rename: { 'wife': 'spouse' } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$rename</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'wife'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'spouse'</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation does nothing because there is no field named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wife </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.findAndModify() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $max <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-max" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-max"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="update"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-update-up.-max" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-update-up.-max"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-max" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </span> </a> operator updates the value of the field to a specified value <em> if </em> the specified value is <strong> greater than </strong> the current value of the field. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-max" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </span> </a> operator can compare values of different types, using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#std-label-faq-dev-compare-order-for-BSON-types"> BSON comparison order <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-max" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </span> </a> operator expression has the form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $max: { &lt;field1&gt;: &lt;value1&gt;, ... } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$max</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> in an embedded document or in an array, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-dot-notation"> dot notation <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> Update Operators Behavior </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the field does not exists, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-max" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </span> </a> operator sets the field to the specified value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> no longer raises an error when you use an update operator like <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-max" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </span> </a> with an empty operand expression ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> ). An empty update results in no changes and no <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entry is created (meaning that the operation is a no-op). </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> to Compare Numbers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use--max-to-compare-numbers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use--max-to-compare-numbers"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertOne( { _id: 1, highScore: 800, lowScore: 200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">800</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> highScore </code> for the document currently has the value 800. The following operation: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Compares the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> highscore </code> , 800, to the specified value, 950 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Updates <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> highScore </code> to 950 since 950 is greater than 800 </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $max: { highScore: 950 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$max</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">950</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection now contains the following modified document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, highScore: 950, lowScore: 200 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">950</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The next operation has no effect since the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> highScore </code> , 950, is greater than 870: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.updateOne( { _id: 1 }, { $max: { highScore: 870 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$max</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">870</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The document remains unchanged in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, highScore: 950, lowScore: 200 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">highScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">950</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lowScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> to Compare Dates <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use--max-to-compare-dates" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use--max-to-compare-dates"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tags </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.tags.insertOne(\n {\n _id: 1,\n desc: \"crafts\",\n dateEntered: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T05:00:00Z\"),\n dateExpired: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T16:38:16.163Z\")\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">tags</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">desc</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"crafts"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateEntered</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T05:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateExpired</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T16:38:16.163Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation compares the current value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dateExpired </code> field, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ISODate("2013-10-01T16:38:16.163Z") </code> , with the specified date <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new Date("2013-09-30") </code> to determine whether to update the field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.tags.updateOne(\n { _id: 1 },\n { $max: { dateExpired: new Date(\"2013-09-30\") } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">tags</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$max</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateExpired</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-09-30"</span>) } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new Date("2013-09-30") </code> is not the newest date, so the operation does <em> not </em> update the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dateExpired </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id: 1,\n desc: \"decorative arts\",\n dateEntered: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T05:00:00Z\"),\n dateExpired: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T16:38:16.163Z\")\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">desc</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"decorative arts"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateEntered</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T05:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dateExpired</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T16:38:16.163Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.findAndModify() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#encryption-keys-and-key-vaults" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="encryption-keys-and-key-vaults"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#data-encryption-keys-and-the-customer-master-key" target="_self"> <span> Data Encryption Keys and the Customer Master Key </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#key-rotation" target="_self"> <span> Key Rotation </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#key-vault-collections" target="_self"> <span> Key Vault Collections </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#key-vault-collection-name" target="_self"> <span> Key Vault collection Name </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#permissions" target="_self"> <span> Permissions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#key-vault-cluster" target="_self"> <span> Key Vault Cluster </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#update-a-key-vault-collection" target="_self"> <span> Update a Key Vault Collection </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In this guide, you can learn details about the following components of In-Use Encryption: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Data Encryption Keys ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> )s </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Customer Master Keys ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> )s </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Key Vault collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Key Management System ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> ) </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view step by step guides demonstrating how to use the preceding components to set up a Queryable Encryption or Client-Side Field Level Encryption enabled client, see the following resources: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/quick-start/#std-label-qe-quick-start"> Queryable Encryption Quick Start </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/tutorials/#std-label-qe-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> Queryable Encryption Automatic Encryption Tutorial </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/quick-start/#std-label-csfle-quick-start"> CSFLE Quick Start </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> CSFLE Automatic Encryption Tutorial </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Data Encryption Keys and the Customer Master Key <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#data-encryption-keys-and-the-customer-master-key" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="data-encryption-keys-and-the-customer-master-key"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In-use encryption uses a multi-level key hierarchy to protect your data, often called " <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-envelope-encryption"> envelope encryption </a> " or "wrapping keys". </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A Customer Master Key ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> ), sometimes called a Key Management System ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> ) key, is the top-level key you create in your customer provisioned key provider, such as a cloud KMS. The <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> encrypts Data Encryption Keys ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> ), which in turn encrypt the fields in your documents. Without access to a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> , your client application cannot decrypt the associated DEKs. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB stores DEKs, encrypted with your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> , in the Key Vault collection as BSON documents. MongoDB can never decrypt the DEKs, as key management is client-side and customer controlled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you delete a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> , all fields encrypted with that <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> become permanently unreadable. If you delete a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> , all fields encrypted with a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> using that <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> become permanently unreadable. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Customer Master Key is the most sensitive key in Queryable Encryption. If your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> is compromised, all of your encrypted data can be decrypted. Use a remote Key Management System to store your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> . </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Use a Remote Key Management Service Provider </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Store your Customer Master Key on a remote Key Management System ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> ). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about why you should use a remote <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-reasons-to-use-remote-kms"> Reasons to Use a Remote Key Management System <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a list of all supported <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> providers, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers </a> page. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-key-rotation"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Key Rotation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#key-rotation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="key-rotation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You rotate your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> either manually or automatically on your provisioned key provider. MongoDB has no visibility into this process. Once you rotate the <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> , MongoDB uses it to wrap all new DEKs. It does not re-wrap existing encrypted DEKs. These are still wrapped with the prior <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To rotate some or all of the encrypted DEKs in your key vault, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey() </code> </a> method. It seamlessly re-wraps keys with the new <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> specified, without interrupting your application. The DEKs themselves are left unchanged after re-wrapping them with the new <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on rotating keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/manage-keys/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-manage-keys"> Rotate Encryption Keys <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Key Vault Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#key-vault-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="key-vault-collections"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your Key Vault collection is the MongoDB collection you use to store encrypted Data Encryption Key ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> ) documents. <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> documents are BSON documents that contain DEKs and have the following structure: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : UUID(&lt;string&gt;),\n \"status\" : &lt;int&gt;,\n \"masterKey\" : {&lt;object&gt;},\n \"updateDate\" : ISODate(&lt;string&gt;),\n \"keyMaterial\" : BinData(0,&lt;string&gt;),\n \"creationDate\" : ISODate(&lt;string&gt;),\n \"keyAltNames\" : &lt;array&gt;\n}\n","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"_id"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(&lt;string&gt;)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"status"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;int&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"masterKey"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span>&lt;object&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"updateDate"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> ISODate(&lt;string&gt;)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"keyMaterial"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> BinData(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span>&lt;string&gt;)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"creationDate"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> ISODate(&lt;string&gt;)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"keyAltNames"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;array&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You create your Key Vault collection as you would a standard MongoDB collection. Your Key Vault collection must have a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique index </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyAltNames </code> field. To check if the unique index exists, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listIndexes </code> </a> command against the Key Vault collection: </p> <div class="css-1f5771r"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand({\n listIndexes: \"__keyVault\",\n});","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-ukaj9n">1</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.runCommand(<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-ukaj9n">2</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> listIndexes<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"__keyVault"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-ukaj9n">3</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span>);</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="css-9st569 efa38qy0" style="--border-color:#E8EDEB"> <button aria-disabled="false" class="lg-ui-button-0000 leafygreen-ui-hix6y6" data-lgid="lg-button" role="button" type="button"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-v038xi"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-16tr4y"> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-hjnzs9" fill="none" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.364 10.778a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-4.95-4.95-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-.707.707-4.95 4.95a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l.707.707a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0L8 7.243l4.243 4.242a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l.707-.707Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> HIDE OUTPUT </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1oteowz"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: 'encryption.__keyVault',\n firstBatch: [\n { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' }\n ]\n },\n ok: 1,\n}"} </script> <div class="css-1sax7hu e11q6jfk0" style="--code-container-border:initial;--code-pre-border:none"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1fyvhqe"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-12cejcz" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-dark none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">1</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">2</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">3</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id: Long("0"),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">4</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns: 'encryption.__keyVault',</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">5</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch: [</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">6</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">7</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">8</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">9</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok: 1,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-1uztkne">10</td><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the unique index does not exist, your application must create it before performing <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> management. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to create a MongoDB collection, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/databases-and-collections/#std-label-collections"> Databases and Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Feature </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.createKey/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.createKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.createKey() </code> </a> automatically creates a unique index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyAltNames </code> field if one does not exist. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view diagrams detailing how your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> , <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> , and Key Vault collection interact in all supported <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> provider architectures, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Key Vault collection Name <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#key-vault-collection-name" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="key-vault-collection-name"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may use any non-admin <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> to store your Key Vault collection. By convention, the examples throughout this documentation use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> encryption.__keyVault </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database to store encryption-related collections. If you use the admin database for this collection, your MongoDB client may not be able to access or decrypt your data due to lack of permissions. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Permissions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#permissions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="permissions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Applications with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-read"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> read </code> </a> access to the Key Vault collection can retrieve encrypted Data Encryption Key ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> )s by querying the collection. However, only applications with access to the Customer Master Key ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> ) used to encrypt a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> can use that <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> for encryption or decryption. You must grant your application access to both the Key Vault collection and your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> to encrypt and decrypt documents with a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to grant access to a MongoDB collection, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-users-and-roles/" target="_self"> <span> Manage Users and Roles </span> </a> in the MongoDB manual. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to grant your application access to your Customer Master Key, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/tutorials/#std-label-qe-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> Queryable Encryption Automatic Encryption Tutorial </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> CSFLE Automatic Encryption Tutorial <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Key Vault Cluster <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#key-vault-cluster" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="key-vault-cluster"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB stores the Key Vault collection on the connected cluster. MongoDB also supports hosting the Key Vault collection on a different MongoDB deployment than the connected cluster. Applications must have access to both the cluster that hosts your Key Vault collection and the connection cluster to perform Queryable Encryption operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify the cluster that hosts your Key Vault collection, use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultClient </code> field of your client's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> object. To learn more about the specific configuration options in your client's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> object, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/reference/qe-options-clients/#std-label-qe-reference-mongo-client"> MongoClient Options for Queryable Encryption </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/reference/csfle-options-clients/#std-label-csfle-reference-mongo-client"> MongoClient Options for CSFLE <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update a Key Vault Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-a-key-vault-collection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-a-key-vault-collection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To add a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> to your Key Vault collection, use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createKey </code> method of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ClientEncryption </code> object. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To delete or update a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> , use one of the following mechanisms: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rewrapManyDataKey </code> method </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Standard <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/crud/#std-label-crud"> CRUD </a> operations </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rewrapManyDataKey </code> method, see the documentation of the method for your client or driver: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey/#std-label-server-keyvault-rewrap-manydatakey-method"> MongoDB Shell </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://pymongo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/pymongo/encryption.html#pymongo.encryption.ClientEncryption.rewrap_many_data_key" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> PyMongo </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/mongodb/libmongocrypt/tree/master/bindings/node#RewrapManyDataKeyResult" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> MongoDB Node.js driver </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.18/apidocs/html/M_MongoDB_Driver_Encryption_ClientEncryption_RewrapManyDataKey.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> MongoDB C#/.NET driver </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/4.11/apidocs/mongodb-driver-sync/com/mongodb/client/vault/ClientEncryption.html#rewrapManyDataKey(org.bson.conversions.Bson)" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> MongoDB Java driver </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://pkg.go.dev/go.mongodb.org/[email protected]/mongo#ClientEncryption.RewrapManyDataKey" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> MongoDB Go driver </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Specific Features </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> provides the following additional methods for working with your Key Vault collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/getKeyVault/#mongodb-method-getKeyVault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getKeyVault() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.getKey/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.getKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.getKey() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.getKeys/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.getKeys"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.getKeys() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.getKeyByAltName/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.getKeyByAltName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.getKeyByAltName() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.createKey/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.createKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.createKey() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.rewrapManyDataKey() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.addKeyAlternateName/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.addKeyAlternateName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.addKeyAlternateName() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/KeyVault.removeKeyAlternateName/#mongodb-method-KeyVault.removeKeyAlternateName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.removeKeyAlternateName() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial that shows how to create a Data Encryption Key, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/quick-start/#std-label-qe-quick-start"> Queryable Encryption Quick Start </a> or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/quick-start/#std-label-csfle-local-create-dek"> CSFLE Quick Start <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Features <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#features" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="features"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#client-side-field-level-encryption" target="_self"> <span> Client-Side Field Level Encryption </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#other-security-mechanisms" target="_self"> <span> Other Security Mechanisms </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#role-based-access-control" target="_self"> <span> Role-Based Access Control </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#encryption-at-rest" target="_self"> <span> Encryption at Rest </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#transport-encryption--tls-ssl-" target="_self"> <span> Transport Encryption (TLS/SSL) </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#comparison-of-features" target="_self"> <span> Comparison of Features </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#scenario" target="_self"> <span> Scenario </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#solution" target="_self"> <span> Solution </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On this page, you can learn about the security benefits of Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE), and how CSFLE compares to other security mechanisms supported by MongoDB. You can also view a fictional scenario that demonstrates the value of CSFLE in securing your data. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-csfle-features-csfle"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Client-Side Field Level Encryption <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#client-side-field-level-encryption" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="client-side-field-level-encryption"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE) is a feature of MongoDB that enables a client application to encrypt data before transporting it over the network. Sensitive data is transparently encrypted and decrypted by the client and only communicated to and from the server in encrypted form. CSFLE keeps encrypted fields secure in the following scenarios: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Direct access to encrypted fields by a database superuser </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to encrypted fields by reading the server's memory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Capture of encrypted fields over an insecure network </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to on-disk encrypted fields by reading database or backup files </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While all clients have access to the non-sensitive data fields, only appropriately-configured CSFLE clients are able to read and write the encrypted data fields. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Remote Key Management System </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use CSFLE in production, you must use a remote Key Management System (KMS) to store your encryption key. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a step-by-step guide demonstrating how to use a remote KMS with CSFLE, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> Tutorials <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a list of all supported KMS providers, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about why you should use a remote KMS, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-reasons-to-use-remote-kms"> Reasons to Use a Remote Key Management System <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-csfle-feature-comparison"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Other Security Mechanisms <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#other-security-mechanisms" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="other-security-mechanisms"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section describes the following security mechanisms supported by MongoDB and explains their use cases and limitations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-csfle-features-role-based-access-control" target="_self"> <span> Role-Based Access Control </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-csfle-features-encryption-at-rest" target="_self"> <span> Encryption at Rest </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-csfle-features-transport-encryption" target="_self"> <span> Transport Encryption (TLS/SSL) </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-csfle-features-role-based-access-control"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Role-Based Access Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#role-based-access-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="role-based-access-control"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Role-Based Access Control is a security mechanism that allows administrators to grant and restrict collection-level permissions for users. With the appropriate role definition and assignment, this solution prevents accidental disclosure of data and access. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Role-Based Access control cannot protect against the following scenarios: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Capture of the data over an insecure network </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to on-disk data by reading database or backup files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to data by reading the server's memory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Direct access to data by a database superuser </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/authorization/" target="_self"> <span> Role-Based Access Control <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-csfle-features-encryption-at-rest"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Encryption at Rest <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#encryption-at-rest" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="encryption-at-rest"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Encryption at Rest is a mechanism that encrypts database files on disk. This mechanism prevents a person who lacks database credentials, but has access to the computer hosting your database, from viewing your data. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This mechanism does not protect your data against the following scenarios: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Capture of the data over an insecure network </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to data by reading the server's memory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Direct access to data by a database superuser </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/" target="_self"> <span> Encryption at Rest <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-csfle-features-transport-encryption"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transport Encryption (TLS/SSL) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transport-encryption--tls-ssl-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transport-encryption--tls-ssl-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Transport Encryption using TLS/SSL encrypts your data over the network. TLS/SSL protects your data as it travels over an insecure network, but cannot protect your data from a privileged user or as it sits on disk. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/" target="_self"> <span> Transport Encryption using TLS/SSL </span> </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Comparison of Features <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#comparison-of-features" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="comparison-of-features"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Queryable Encryption, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/features/#std-label-qe-features"> Queryable Encryption Features <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes potential security threats and how MongoDB encryption features address them. Use these mechanisms together: Role-Based Access Control, Encryption at Rest, Transport Encryption, and In-Use Encryption. Note that you can't use both Client-Side Field Level Encryption and Queryable Encryption in the same collection. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This is a high-level summary meant for general comparison. For detailed information, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cdn.bfldr.com/2URK6TO/as/64kp46t53v34xw37gkngbrg/An_Overview_of_Queryable_Encryption" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Overview of Queryable Encryption </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cdn.bfldr.com/2URK6TO/as/jkwp857q2zr8fj5vqs24f5/Design__Analysis_Stateless_Document_Database_Encryption_Scheme" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Design and Analysis of a Stateless Document Database Encryption Scheme </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> whitepapers. </p> </div> </div> <div class="header-buffer" id="ref-db-exfil-id1"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:16%"/> <col style="width:16%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Threat </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> TLS/SSL Transport Encryption </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Encryption at Rest (EaR) </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Queryable Encryption (Equality) + TLS/SSL + EaR </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> CSFLE + TLS/SSL + EaR </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Network Snooping (attacker has access to network traffic) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-operation-metadata"> operation metadata </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals operation metadata </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals operation metadata </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals operation metadata </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Database Recoveries from Disk (attacker has physical disk access) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals database </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals <em> size of database </em> and operation metadata </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals <em> size of database </em> and operation metadata </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals <em> size of database </em> and operation metadata </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-database-exfiltration"> Database exfiltration </a> from Disk and Memory (attacker has physical disk access and multiple database snapshots) <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-db-exfil" id="ref-db-exfil-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals database </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals database </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals <em> size of database </em> and operation metadata </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals <em> frequency of values </em> and operation metadata </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-Advanced-Persistent-Threat"> Advanced Persistent Threat </a> (attacker has long-term, continuous access to network, disk, and memory while remaining undetected) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals database </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reveals database </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Queryable Encryption is not designed to protect against an ATP. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cdn.bfldr.com/2URK6TO/as/64kp46t53v34xw37gkngbrg/An_Overview_of_Queryable_Encryption" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> whitepaper </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> for details. </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> CSFLE is not designed to protect against an ATP. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cdn.bfldr.com/2URK6TO/as/64kp46t53v34xw37gkngbrg/An_Overview_of_Queryable_Encryption" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> whitepaper </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> for details. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-db-exfil" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-db-exfil-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> This assumes exfiltration occurs between completed operations. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cdn.bfldr.com/2URK6TO/as/64kp46t53v34xw37gkngbrg/An_Overview_of_Queryable_Encryption" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> whitepaper </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> for details. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Scenario <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#scenario" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="scenario"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following fictional scenario demonstrates the value of Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE) in securing your application's data, and how CSFLE interacts with the other security mechanism discussed in this guide. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In this scenario, we secure sensitive data on a medical care management system that stores patients' personal information, insurance information, and medical records for a fictional company, <em> MedcoMD </em> . None of the patient data is public, and specific data such as their social security number (SSN, a US government-issued ID number), insurance policy number, and vital sign measurements are particularly sensitive and subject to privacy compliance. It is important for the company and the patient that the data is kept private and secure. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MedcoMD needs this system to satisfy the following use cases: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Doctors use the system to access patients' medical records, insurance information, and add new vital sign measurements. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Receptionists use the system to verify patients' identities using their contact information. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Receptionists can view a patient's insurance policy provider, but not their policy number. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Receptionists cannot access a patient's medical records. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MedcoMD is also concerned with the disclosure of sensitive data through any of the following methods: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Accidental disclosure of data on a receptionist's publicly-viewable screen. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Direct access to the database by a superuser such as a database administrator. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Capture of data over an insecure network. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to data by reading the database server's memory. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Access to data by reading database or backup files. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> What can MedcoMD do to balance the functionality and access restrictions of their medical care management system? </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Solution <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#solution" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="solution"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MedcoMD uses the following security mechanisms to satisfy their use cases and protect against the disclosure of sensitive medical data: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-csfle-features-transport-encryption" target="_self"> <span> Transport Encryption (TLS/SSL) </span> </a> to secure data as it travels over the network. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-csfle-features-encryption-at-rest" target="_self"> <span> Encryption at Rest </span> </a> to protect against disclosure of data by reading database or backup files. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-csfle-features-role-based-access-control" target="_self"> <span> Role-Based Access Control </span> </a> to limit the access of database users to the collections necessary for them to perform their tasks. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Encrypting sensitive fields with CSFLE to satisfy the following use cases and constraints: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Prevent reading data from server memory as the CSFLE encrypted data is never on the database server in an unencrypted form. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Allow receptionists to verify patients' identities and prevent accidental disclosure of sensitive data on a receptionist's publicly viewable screen by providing receptionists with a client that is not CSFLE-enabled. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Allow doctors to view sensitive data privately in their offices by providing doctors with a CSFLE-enabled client. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a list of security measures you should implement to protect your MongoDB deployment, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/" target="_self"> <span> Security Checklist <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To start using CSFLE, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/quick-start/#std-label-csfle-quick-start"> Quick Start <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $avg (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-avg--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-avg--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <dl class="group"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-group-grp.-avg"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns the average value of the numeric values. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> ignores non-numeric values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> is available in these stages: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/addFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/bucket/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-bucket"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bucket </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/bucketAuto/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-bucketAuto"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bucketAuto </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage that includes an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/expr/#mongodb-query-op.-expr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $expr </code> </a> expression </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-project"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/replaceRoot/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-replaceRoot"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceRoot </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/replaceWith/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-replaceWith"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceWith </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/set/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-setWindowFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> </a> (Available starting in MongoDB 5.0) </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When used in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/bucket/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-bucket"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bucket </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/bucketAuto/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-bucketAuto"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bucketAuto </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-setWindowFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> </a> stages, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> has this syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $avg: &lt;expression&gt; }"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ $avg: &lt;expression&gt; }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When used in other supported stages, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> has one of two syntaxes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> has one specified expression as its operand: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $avg: &lt;expression&gt; }"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ $avg: &lt;expression&gt; }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> has a list of specified expressions as its operand: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $avg: [ &lt;expression1&gt;, &lt;expression2&gt; ... ] }"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ $avg: [ &lt;expression1&gt;, &lt;expression2&gt; ... ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Result Type <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#result-type" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="result-type"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default return type is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-Double"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> double </code> </a> . If at least one operand is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-Decimal128"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> decimal </code> </a> , then the return type is a decimal. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Non-numeric or Missing Values <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#non-numeric-or-missing-values" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="non-numeric-or-missing-values"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> ignores non-numeric values, including missing values. If all of the operands for the average are non-numeric, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> since the average of zero values is undefined. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Array Operand <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#array-operand" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="array-operand"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage, if the expression resolves to an array, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> treats the operand as a non-numerical value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the other supported stages: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With a single expression as its operand, if the expression resolves to an array, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> traverses into the array to operate on the numeric elements of the array to return a single value. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With a list of expressions as its operand, if any of the expressions resolves to an array, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> does <strong> not </strong> traverse into the array but instead treats the array as a non-numeric value. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> Stage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-in--group-stage" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-in--group-stage"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sales </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"abc\", \"price\" : 10, \"quantity\" : 2, \"date\" : ISODate(\"2014-01-01T08:00:00Z\") }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"jkl\", \"price\" : 20, \"quantity\" : 1, \"date\" : ISODate(\"2014-02-03T09:00:00Z\") }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"xyz\", \"price\" : 5, \"quantity\" : 5, \"date\" : ISODate(\"2014-02-03T09:05:00Z\") }\n{ \"_id\" : 4, \"item\" : \"abc\", \"price\" : 10, \"quantity\" : 10, \"date\" : ISODate(\"2014-02-15T08:00:00Z\") }\n{ \"_id\" : 5, \"item\" : \"xyz\", \"price\" : 5, \"quantity\" : 10, \"date\" : ISODate(\"2014-02-15T09:12:00Z\") }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2014-01-01T08:00:00Z"</span>) }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jkl"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2014-02-03T09:00:00Z"</span>) }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2014-02-03T09:05:00Z"</span>) }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2014-02-15T08:00:00Z"</span>) }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2014-02-15T09:12:00Z"</span>) }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Grouping the documents by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field, the following operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> accumulator to compute the average amount and average quantity for each grouping. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.sales.aggregate(\n [\n {\n $group:\n {\n _id: \"$item\",\n avgAmount: { $avg: { $multiply: [ \"$price\", \"$quantity\" ] } },\n avgQuantity: { $avg: \"$quantity\" }\n }\n }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">sales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$item"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">avgAmount</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$avg</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$multiply</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$price"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quantity"</span> ] } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">avgQuantity</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$avg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quantity"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : \"xyz\", \"avgAmount\" : 37.5, \"avgQuantity\" : 7.5 }\n{ \"_id\" : \"jkl\", \"avgAmount\" : 20, \"avgQuantity\" : 1 }\n{ \"_id\" : \"abc\", \"avgAmount\" : 60, \"avgQuantity\" : 6 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"avgAmount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">37.5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"avgQuantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7.5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jkl"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"avgAmount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"avgQuantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"avgAmount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"avgQuantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> Stage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-in--project-stage" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-in--project-stage"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\": 1, \"quizzes\": [ 10, 6, 7 ], \"labs\": [ 5, 8 ], \"final\": 80, \"midterm\": 75 }\n{ \"_id\": 2, \"quizzes\": [ 9, 10 ], \"labs\": [ 8, 8 ], \"final\": 95, \"midterm\": 80 }\n{ \"_id\": 3, \"quizzes\": [ 4, 5, 5 ], \"labs\": [ 6, 5 ], \"final\": 78, \"midterm\": 70 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizzes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"labs"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"final"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"midterm"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">75</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizzes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"labs"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"final"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">95</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"midterm"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizzes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"labs"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"final"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">78</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"midterm"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">70</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-project"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> </a> stage to calculate the average quiz scores, the average lab scores, and the average of the final and the midterm: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.aggregate([\n { $project: { quizAvg: { $avg: \"$quizzes\"}, labAvg: { $avg: \"$labs\" }, examAvg: { $avg: [ \"$final\", \"$midterm\" ] } } }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quizAvg</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$avg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quizzes"</span>}<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">labAvg</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$avg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$labs"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">examAvg</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$avg</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$final"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$midterm"</span> ] } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation results in the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"quizAvg\" : 7.666666666666667, \"labAvg\" : 6.5, \"examAvg\" : 77.5 }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"quizAvg\" : 9.5, \"labAvg\" : 8, \"examAvg\" : 87.5 }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"quizAvg\" : 4.666666666666667, \"labAvg\" : 5.5, \"examAvg\" : 74 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7.666666666666667</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"labAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6.5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"examAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">77.5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">9.5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"labAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"examAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">87.5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4.666666666666667</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"labAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5.5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"examAvg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">74</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> Stage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-in--setwindowfields-stage" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-in--setwindowfields-stage"> </div> </a> </h3> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cakeSales </code> collection that contains cake sales in the states of California ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CA </code> ) and Washington ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WA </code> ): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.cakeSales.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, type: \"chocolate\", orderDate: new Date(\"2020-05-18T14:10:30Z\"),\n state: \"CA\", price: 13, quantity: 120 },\n { _id: 1, type: \"chocolate\", orderDate: new Date(\"2021-03-20T11:30:05Z\"),\n state: \"WA\", price: 14, quantity: 140 },\n { _id: 2, type: \"vanilla\", orderDate: new Date(\"2021-01-11T06:31:15Z\"),\n state: \"CA\", price: 12, quantity: 145 },\n { _id: 3, type: \"vanilla\", orderDate: new Date(\"2020-02-08T13:13:23Z\"),\n state: \"WA\", price: 13, quantity: 104 },\n { _id: 4, type: \"strawberry\", orderDate: new Date(\"2019-05-18T16:09:01Z\"),\n state: \"CA\", price: 41, quantity: 162 },\n { _id: 5, type: \"strawberry\", orderDate: new Date(\"2019-01-08T06:12:03Z\"),\n state: \"WA\", price: 43, quantity: 134 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">cakeSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2020-05-18T14:10:30Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">13</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">120</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-20T11:30:05Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"WA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">14</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">140</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vanilla"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-01-11T06:31:15Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">145</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vanilla"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2020-02-08T13:13:23Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"WA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">13</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"strawberry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2019-05-18T16:09:01Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">41</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">162</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"strawberry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2019-01-08T06:12:03Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"WA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">43</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">134</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example uses <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-setWindowFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> </a> stage to output the moving average for the cake sales <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> for each <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> state </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.cakeSales.aggregate( [\n {\n $setWindowFields: {\n partitionBy: \"$state\",\n sortBy: { orderDate: 1 },\n output: {\n averageQuantityForState: {\n $avg: \"$quantity\",\n window: {\n documents: [ \"unbounded\", \"current\" ]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">cakeSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$setWindowFields</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partitionBy</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$state"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sortBy</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">output</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">averageQuantityForState</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$avg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quantity"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">window</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">documents</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unbounded"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"current"</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the example: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partitionBy: "$state" </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#std-label-setWindowFields-partitionBy"> partitions </a> the documents in the collection by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> state </code> . There are partitions for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CA </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WA </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sortBy: { orderDate: 1 } </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#std-label-setWindowFields-sortBy"> sorts </a> the documents in each partition by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orderDate </code> in ascending order ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> ), so the earliest <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orderDate </code> is first. </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> output </code> sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> averageQuantityForState </code> field to the moving average <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> for the documents in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#std-label-setWindowFields-documents"> documents </a> window. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#std-label-setWindowFields-window"> window </a> contains documents between an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> unbounded </code> lower limit and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> current </code> document in the output. This means <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-group-grp.-avg" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $avg </code> </span> </a> returns the moving average <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> for the documents between the beginning of the partition and the current document. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In this output, the moving average <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CA </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WA </code> is shown in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> averageQuantityForState </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 4, \"type\" : \"strawberry\", \"orderDate\" : ISODate(\"2019-05-18T16:09:01Z\"),\n \"state\" : \"CA\", \"price\" : 41, \"quantity\" : 162, \"averageQuantityForState\" : 162 }\n{ \"_id\" : 0, \"type\" : \"chocolate\", \"orderDate\" : ISODate(\"2020-05-18T14:10:30Z\"),\n \"state\" : \"CA\", \"price\" : 13, \"quantity\" : 120, \"averageQuantityForState\" : 141 }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"type\" : \"vanilla\", \"orderDate\" : ISODate(\"2021-01-11T06:31:15Z\"),\n \"state\" : \"CA\", \"price\" : 12, \"quantity\" : 145, \"averageQuantityForState\" : 142.33333333333334 }\n{ \"_id\" : 5, \"type\" : \"strawberry\", \"orderDate\" : ISODate(\"2019-01-08T06:12:03Z\"),\n \"state\" : \"WA\", \"price\" : 43, \"quantity\" : 134, \"averageQuantityForState\" : 134 }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"type\" : \"vanilla\", \"orderDate\" : ISODate(\"2020-02-08T13:13:23Z\"),\n \"state\" : \"WA\", \"price\" : 13, \"quantity\" : 104, \"averageQuantityForState\" : 119 }\n{ \"_id\" : 1, \"type\" : \"chocolate\", \"orderDate\" : ISODate(\"2021-03-20T11:30:05Z\"),\n \"state\" : \"WA\", \"price\" : 14, \"quantity\" : 140, \"averageQuantityForState\" : 126 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"strawberry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orderDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2019-05-18T16:09:01Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">41</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">162</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"averageQuantityForState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">162</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orderDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2020-05-18T14:10:30Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">13</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">120</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"averageQuantityForState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">141</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vanilla"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orderDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-01-11T06:31:15Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">145</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"averageQuantityForState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">142.33333333333334</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"strawberry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orderDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2019-01-08T06:12:03Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"WA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">43</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">134</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"averageQuantityForState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">134</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vanilla"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orderDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2020-02-08T13:13:23Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"WA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">13</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"averageQuantityForState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">119</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orderDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-20T11:30:05Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"WA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">14</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">140</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"averageQuantityForState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">126</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Inconsistency Types <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#inconsistency-types" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="inconsistency-types"> </div> </a> </h1> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command performs a series of consistency checks on sharding metadata and indexes and returns an array of inconsistency documents. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Inconsistency Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/CollectionOptionsMismatch/#mongodb-data-CollectionOptionsMismatch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionOptionsMismatch </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection contains mismatching options across different shards. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/CollectionUUIDMismatch/#mongodb-data-CollectionUUIDMismatch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionUUIDMismatch </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection exists on a shard with a locally registered UUID that differs from the one registered in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.collections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.collections </code> </a> cluster catalog. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/CorruptedChunkShardKey/#mongodb-data-CorruptedChunkShardKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedChunkShardKey </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The routing table contains a chunk with a min key or max key that doesn't correspond to the collection shard key. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/CorruptedZoneShardKey/#mongodb-data-CorruptedZoneShardKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedZoneShardKey </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The routing table contains a zone with a min key or max key that doesn't correspond to the collection shard key. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/HiddenShardedCollection/#mongodb-data-HiddenShardedCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> HiddenShardedCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection is registered in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.collections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.collections </code> </a> cluster catalog under a non-existent database. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/InconsistentIndex/#mongodb-data-InconsistentIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> InconsistentIndex </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An index exists on two different shards that contains differing metadata or a specific index is missing on some shards. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/MisplacedCollection/#mongodb-data-MisplacedCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MisplacedCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates that an unsharded collection exists on the incorrect shard and was not moved with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/MissingLocalCollection/#mongodb-data-MissingLocalCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingLocalCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection is registered on the sharding catalog but does not exist on the corresponding shard. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/MissingRoutingTable/#mongodb-data-MissingRoutingTable"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingRoutingTable </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A sharded collection exists without a routing table. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/MissingShardKeyIndex/#mongodb-data-MissingShardKeyIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingShardKeyIndex </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A sharded collection exists that doesn't have an index compatible with the collection shard key. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/RoutingTableMissingMaxKey/#mongodb-data-RoutingTableMissingMaxKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableMissingMaxKey </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A range gap exists in the routing table. The last chunk boundary in the routing table does not reach the maximum key value. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/RoutingTableMissingMinKey/#mongodb-data-RoutingTableMissingMinKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableMissingMinKey </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A range gap exists in the routing table. The first chunk does not start from the minimum key value. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/RoutingTableRangeGap/#mongodb-data-RoutingTableRangeGap"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableRangeGap </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A range gap exists in the routing table between two consecutive chunks for the same collection. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/RoutingTableRangeOverlap/#mongodb-data-RoutingTableRangeOverlap"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableRangeOverlap </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The routing table of a collection contains two chunks with overlapping shard key ranges. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/ShardMissingCollectionRoutingInfo/#mongodb-data-ShardMissingCollectionRoutingInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardMissingCollectionRoutingInfo </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A shard is missing routing information for a collection. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/TrackedUnshardedCollectionHasInvalidKey/#mongodb-data-TrackedUnshardedCollectionHasInvalidKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TrackedUnshardedCollectionHasInvalidKey </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An unsharded collection has an invalid shard key. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/TrackedUnshardedCollectionHasMultipleChunks/#mongodb-data-TrackedUnshardedCollectionHasMultipleChunks"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TrackedUnshardedCollectionHasMultipleChunks </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An unsharded collection contains multiple chunks. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/ZonesRangeOverlap/#mongodb-data-ZonesRangeOverlap"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ZonesRangeOverlap </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Overlapping zones exist for the same collection. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> ZonesRangeOverlap <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#zonesrangeoverlap" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="zonesrangeoverlap"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ZonesRangeOverlap </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-ZonesRangeOverlap" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-ZonesRangeOverlap"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Overlapping zones exist for the same collection. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"ZonesRangeOverlap\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n collectionUUID: &lt;string&gt;,\n zoneA: {&lt;document&gt;},\n zoneB: {&lt;document&gt;}\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ZonesRangeOverlap"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;string&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> zoneA<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span>&lt;document&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> zoneB<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span>&lt;document&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ZonesRangeOverlap </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ZonesRangeOverlap </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.collectionUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> UUID of the collection. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.zoneA </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The first zone that overlaps with the second zone. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.zoneB </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The second zone that overlaps with the first zone. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ZonesRangeOverlap </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"ZonesRangeOverlap\",\n description: \"Found two overlapping zones\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n collectionUUID: new UUID(\"62ebdb7e-a7bb-4151-a620-49d44cef097f\"),\n zoneA: {\n ns: \"test.authors\",\n tag: \"64ddec77e0d32b766bb8d5fe\",\n min: { x: MinKey },\n max: { x: 0 }\n },\n zoneB: {\n ns: \"test.authors\",\n tag: \"64ddec77e0d32b766bb8d5ff\",\n min: { x: -10 },\n max: { x: MaxKey }\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ZonesRangeOverlap"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found two overlapping zones"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62ebdb7e-a7bb-4151-a620-49d44cef097f"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> zoneA<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> tag<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"64ddec77e0d32b766bb8d5fe"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> min<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> MinKey <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> max<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> zoneB<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> tag<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"64ddec77e0d32b766bb8d5ff"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> min<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">-10</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> max<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> MaxKey <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> CollectionUUIDMismatch <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#collectionuuidmismatch" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="collectionuuidmismatch"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionUUIDMismatch </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-CollectionUUIDMismatch" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-CollectionUUIDMismatch"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection exists on a shard with a locally registered UUID that differs from the one registered in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.collections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.collections </code> </a> cluster catalog. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"CollectionUUIDMismatch\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n shard: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n localUUID: UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\"),\n uuid: UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\")\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CollectionUUIDMismatch"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> localUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;uuid&gt;"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> uuid<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;uuid&gt;"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionUUIDMismatch </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionUUIDMismatch </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.shard </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The shard where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.localUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The UUID registered locally on the shard. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.uuid </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The UUID of the collection found in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.collections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.collections </code> </a> cluster catalog. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionUUIDMismatch </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"CollectionUUIIDMismatch\",\n description: \"Found collection on non primary shard with mismatching UUID\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n shard: \"shard02\",\n localUUID: new UUID(\"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4\"),\n uuid: new UUID(\"a3153e8a-3544-43ec-928f-37f72b48dee9\")\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CollectionUUIIDMismatch"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found collection on non primary shard with mismatching UUID"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard02"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> localUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> uuid<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"a3153e8a-3544-43ec-928f-37f72b48dee9"</span>)</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> CorruptedChunkShardKey <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#corruptedchunkshardkey" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="corruptedchunkshardkey"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedChunkShardKey </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-CorruptedChunkShardKey" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-CorruptedChunkShardKey"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The routing table contains a chunk with a min key or max key that doesn't correspond to the collection shard key. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"CorruptedChunkShardKey\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n collectionUUID: UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\"),\n chunk: &lt;chunk&gt;,\n shardKeyPattern: &lt;pattern&gt;\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CorruptedChunkShardKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;uuid&gt;"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> chunk<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;chunk&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shardKeyPattern<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;pattern&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedChunkShardKey </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedChunkShardKey </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.collectionUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID of the collection with the corrupted chunk shard key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.chunk </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Chunk with the corrupted shard key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.shardKeyPattern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Collection shard key pattern. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedChunkShardKey </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"CorruptedChunkShardKey\",\n description: \"Found chunk with a shard key pattern violation\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n collectionUUID : new UUID(\"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4\"),\n chunk: {\n _id: ObjectId(\"64ddd81656be208c6685da1b\"),\n uuid: new UUID(\"de934e0a-74d2-412b-9bb8-409abe9754e3\"),\n min: {\n y: 0\n },\n max: {\n x: MaxKey\n },\n shard: \"shard0000\",\n lastmod: Timestamp(1, 0),\n onCurrentShardSince: Timestamp(1, 0),\n history: [\n {\n validAfter: Timestamp(1, 0),\n shard: \"shard0000\"\n }\n ]\n },\n shardKeyPattern: {\n x: 1\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CorruptedChunkShardKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found chunk with a shard key pattern violation"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> chunk<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> _id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"64ddd81656be208c6685da1b"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> uuid<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"de934e0a-74d2-412b-9bb8-409abe9754e3"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> min<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> y<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> max<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> MaxKey</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard0000"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> lastmod<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Timestamp(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> onCurrentShardSince<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Timestamp(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> history<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> validAfter<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Timestamp(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard0000"</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shardKeyPattern<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> CorruptedZoneShardKey <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#corruptedzoneshardkey" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="corruptedzoneshardkey"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedZoneShardKey </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-CorruptedZoneShardKey" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-CorruptedZoneShardKey"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The routing table contains a zone with a min key or max key that doesn't correspond to the collection shard key. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"CorruptedZoneShardKey\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n collectionUUID: UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\"),\n zone: &lt;zone&gt;,\n shardKeyPattern: &lt;pattern&gt;\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CorruptedZoneShardKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;uuid&gt;"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> zone<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;zone&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shardKeyPattern<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;pattern&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedZoneShardKey </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedZoneShardKey </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.collectionUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID of the collection with the corrupted zone shard key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.zone </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Zone with the corrupted shard key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.shardKeyPattern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Collection shard key pattern. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CorruptedZoneShardKey </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"CorruptedZoneShardKey\",\n description: \"Found zone with a shard key pattern violation\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n collection: {\n collectionUUID : new UUID(\"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4\"),\n zone : {\n ns : \"test.authors\",\n tag: \"64ddd81656be208c6685da21\",\n min: {\n y: 0\n },\n max: {\n x: MaxKey\n }\n },\n shardKeyPattern: {\n x: 1\n }\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CorruptedZoneShardKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found zone with a shard key pattern violation"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collection<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> zone <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> tag<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"64ddd81656be208c6685da21"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> min<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> y<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> max<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> MaxKey</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shardKeyPattern<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> InconsistentIndex <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#inconsistentindex" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="inconsistentindex"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> InconsistentIndex </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-InconsistentIndex" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-InconsistentIndex"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An index exists on two different shards that contains differing metadata or a specific index is missing on some shards. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"InconsistentIndex\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n info: &lt;document&gt;\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"InconsistentIndex"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> info<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;document&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> InconsistentIndex </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> InconsistentIndex </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.info </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Information on the inconsistent index. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1,\n checkIndexes: true\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkIndexes</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> InconsistentIndex </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"InconsistentIndex\",\n description: \"Found an index of a sharded collection that is inconsistent between different shards\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n info: {\n missingFromShards: [\n \"shard-rs1\"\n ],\n inconsistentProperties: [ ],\n indexName: \"index1\"\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"InconsistentIndex"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found an index of a sharded collection that is inconsistent between different shards"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> info<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> missingFromShards<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard-rs1"</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> inconsistentProperties<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> indexName<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"index1"</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MisplacedCollection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#misplacedcollection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="misplacedcollection"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MisplacedCollection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-MisplacedCollection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-MisplacedCollection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates that an unsharded collection exists on the incorrect shard and was not moved with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"MisplacedCollection\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n shard: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n localUUID: UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\")\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MisplacedCollection"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> localUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;uuid&gt;"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MisplacedCollection </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MisplacedCollection </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.shard </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The shard where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.localUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The local UUID of the misplaced collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MisplacedCollection </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"MisplacedCollection\",\n description: \"Found unsharded collection without the appropriate metadata on a shard different from the database primary shard\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n shard: \"shard02\",\n localUUID: new UUID(\"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4\")\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MisplacedCollection"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found unsharded collection without the appropriate metadata on a shard different from the database primary shard"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard02"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> localUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4"</span>)</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MissingLocalCollection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#missinglocalcollection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="missinglocalcollection"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingLocalCollection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-MissingLocalCollection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-MissingLocalCollection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection is registered on the sharding catalog but does not exist on the corresponding shard. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"MissingLocalCollection\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n uuid: UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\"),\n shard: \"&lt;string&gt;\"\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MissingLocalCollection"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> uuid<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;uuid&gt;"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingLocalCollection </code> inconsistency documents contain these fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingLocalCollection </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.uuid </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> UUID </span> of the collection registered on the sharding catalog. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.shard </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The shard where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MissingLocalCollection </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"MissingLocalCollection\",\n description: \"Collection registered on the sharding catalog not found on the given shards\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n uuid: UUID(\"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4\"),\n shard: \"shard02\"\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MissingLocalCollection"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Collection registered on the sharding catalog not found on the given shards"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> uuid<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard02"</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> CollectionOptionsMismatch <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#collectionoptionsmismatch" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="collectionoptionsmismatch"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionOptionsMismatch </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-CollectionOptionsMismatch" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-CollectionOptionsMismatch"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection contains mismatching options across different shards. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"CollectionOptionsMismatch\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n options: &lt;array&gt;\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CollectionOptionsMismatch"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> options<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;array&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionOptionsMismatch </code> inconsistency documents contain these fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionOptionsMismatch </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.options </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Lists the mismatching options found per shard or config server. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionOptionsMismatch </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"CollectionOptionsMismatch\",\n description: \"Found collection with mismatching options across shards and/or config server\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n options: [\n { \"options\": { \"capped\": true }, \"shards\": [ \"shard0\" ] },\n { \"options\": { \"capped\": false }, \"shards\": [ \"shard1\", \"config\" ] }\n ]\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CollectionOptionsMismatch"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Found collection with mismatching options across shards and/or config server"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> options<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"options"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"capped"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">true</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"shards"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard0"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"options"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"capped"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">false</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"shards"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard1"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"config"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> RoutingTableMissingMaxKey <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#routingtablemissingmaxkey" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="routingtablemissingmaxkey"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableMissingMaxKey </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-RoutingTableMissingMaxKey" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-RoutingTableMissingMaxKey"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A range gap exists in the routing table. The last chunk boundary in the routing table does not reach the maximum key value. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n type: \"RoutingTableMissingMaxKey\",\n description: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"&lt;string&gt;\",\n collectionUUID: &lt;string&gt;,\n maxKeyObj: { &lt;document&gt; },\n globalMax: { &lt;document&gt; }\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"RoutingTableMissingMaxKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;string&gt;"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;string&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> maxKeyObj<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> &lt;document&gt; <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> globalMax<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> &lt;document&gt; <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableMissingMaxKey </code> inconsistency documents contain the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type of inconsistency document. Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableMissingMaxKey </code> for this inconsistency type. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Describes the inconsistency found in the metadata. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document with additional information on where the inconsistency exists in the database and sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the database and collection where the inconsistency exists. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.collectionUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> UUID of the collection. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.maxKeyObj </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The max key used by the collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> details.globalMax </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The expected max key of the collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> </a> method to call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method returns a cursor with a batch of documents showing the inconsistencies found in the sharding metadata. The example below shows a cursor with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoutingTableMissingMaxKey </code> inconsistency document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"RoutingTableMissingMaxKey\",\n description: \"Routing table has a gap because last chunk boundary does not reach MaxKey\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n collectionUUID: new UUID(\"62ebdb7e-a7bb-4151-a620-49d44cef097f\"),\n maxKeyObj: {\n x: 0\n },\n globalMax: {\n x: MaxKey\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"RoutingTableMissingMaxKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Routing table has a gap because last chunk boundary does not reach MaxKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collectionUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62ebdb7e-a7bb-4151-a620-49d44cef097f"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> maxKeyObj<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> globalMax<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> x<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> MaxKey</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Schema Design Anti-Patterns <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#schema-design-anti-patterns" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="schema-design-anti-patterns"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#get-started" target="_self"> <span> Get Started </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#details" target="_self"> <span> Details </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Schema design anti-patterns are inefficient ways to structure your database schema. They can create unnecessary complexity and cause performance issues. Recognizing and avoiding schema design anti-patterns can help create applications with better performance. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Get Started <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#get-started" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="get-started"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about schema design anti-patterns, see the following pages: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Schema Design Anti-Pattern </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Definition </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-antipatterns/unbounded-arrays/#std-label-unbounded-arrays-antipattern"> Avoid Unbounded Arrays </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A document stores an unbounded array that can grow to be too large. The large array can exceed the document size limit and cause a decrease in index performance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-antipatterns/reduce-collections/#std-label-reduce-collections"> Reduce Number of Collections </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You create a large number of collections in your database. Having too many collections can decrease storage engine performance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-antipatterns/unnecessary-indexes/#std-label-unnecessary-indexes-antipattern"> Remove Unnecessary Indexes </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Your collection contains unnecessary indexes. Unnecessary indexes consume additional disk space and can degrade write performance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-antipatterns/bloated-documents/#std-label-bloated-documents-antipattern"> Reduce Bloated Documents </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Your collection has excessively large documents. The large documents can degrade the performance of your most common queries. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-antipatterns/reduce-lookup-operations/#std-label-reduce-lookup-operations"> Reduce $lookup Operations </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You are running too many $lookup operations on your data. This increases query complexity and reduces query performance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Details <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#details" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="details"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/performance-advisor/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas Performance Advisor </span> </a> (available for M10 clusters or higher) and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/compass/current/manage-data/performance-insights/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Compass Performance Insights </span> </a> identify schema design anti-patterns in your database. It is important to understand the Atlas anti-pattern warnings in order to properly correct the issues and prevent the use of anti-patterns. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For recommended schema design patterns, see the following: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-patterns/#std-label-schema-design-patterns"> Schema Design Patterns </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/schema-design-process/apply-patterns/#std-label-data-modeling-apply-patterns"> Apply Design Patterns <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> 5.0 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0-changelog"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#5.0.29-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 5.0.29 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#5.0.28-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 5.0.28 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#5.0.27-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 5.0.27 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#5.0.26-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 5.0.26 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#5.0.25-changelog" 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class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.29-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.29 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.29-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.29-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make txn_recover_decision_using_recovery_router.js robust to spurious shard version refreshes </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89344" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89344 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix explain output for '$unionWith' queries </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92393" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92393 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate v5.0 to AWS MacOS Fleet </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59831" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59831 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WTUniqueIndex::_insert expects secondaries to pass in dupsAllowed=true </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60349" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60349 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make IDL compatibility checker allow addition of fields with type 'optionalBool' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61484" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61484 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow ExceededMemoryLimit to be a benign log warning instead of an invariant in the JournalFlusher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76231" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76231 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate should not fail immediately when it detects out-of-order keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not crash when index inconsistencies are detected in WiredTiger </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock between index build external abort and self abort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reclassify some collection validation warnings/errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86327" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86327 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series single schema per bucket column is not maintained in some cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> concurrency_replication* tasks are not running on the UBSan DEBUG build variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88750" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88750 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add "bypassEmptyTsReplacement" param to insert, update, findAndModify, and bulkWrite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90342" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90342 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport DataCorruptionDetectionMode </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90391" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90391 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clarify headers and readme </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log with utf-8 encoding to avoid charmap errors on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $log gives incorrect calculation with Decimal128 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91416" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91416 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Serialize lookup's introspection sub-pipeline during query analysis </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid past-the-end access of group by field in DocumentSourceBucket </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91566" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91566 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress checkIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91630" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91630 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> configsvr_remove_chunks.js should use retriable writes when writing to the config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91758" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91758 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js should retry NetworkInterfaceTimeLimitExceeded for a sharded find command on versions earlier than 8.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91778" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91778 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not close cursor in the shell when cursor reaches limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91940" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91940 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove all ignored files from server evergreen.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92158" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92158 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable hedged_reads.js on windows variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92199" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92199 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban change_stream_lookup_single_shard_cluster.js from stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92287" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92287 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] fix ninja link on old macos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0][v6.0] add pip install retries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92375" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92375 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove minor version from rhel8.x variant names </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92377" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92377 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clean up the system_perf.yml configuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92415" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92415 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bump db-contrib-tool version to v0.8.3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92516" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92516 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove openssl111 buildvariants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92547" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92547 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use the old rhel80 variant name on v4.2 and v4.4 multiversion tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92612" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92612 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> set cache dir for pip installs in evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92733" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92733 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update PyGithub to 1.58 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92753" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92753 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add requires_persistence tag to ignore_dbcheck_in_rollback.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry ShutdownInProgress errors after removing shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the URL components for the RHEL8 artifact </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93174" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93174 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not elect secondaries in mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93224" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93224 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> drop_database_before_write_is_targeted.js is not compatible with config stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93264" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93264 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add additional handling of deadlines and sleeps for Topology Observer unit test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93326" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93326 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add retries to cloneing jstestfuzz.git </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93482" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93482 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log python version in use </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8771" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8771 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Checkpoint cleanup to dirty obsolete page with overflow items </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8884" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8884 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change return code of rollback_to_stable_check from EINVAL to EBUSY </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9502" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9502 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Checkpoint cleanup should not mark a dirty page as obsolete </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.28-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.28 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.28-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.28-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink 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class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10807" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10807 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip in-memory deleted pages as part of the tree walk </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58311" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58311 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MongoDB calls WT RTS API while holding an open cursor on _mdb_catalog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62102" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62102 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Need to check statistics for 5.2 timeseries bucket splitting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63198" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63198 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent shutdown command from hanging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73464" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73464 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AutoGetCollectionForReadLockFree can leak lastApplied read source setting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81596" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81596 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix Race in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82205" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82205 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make shell dbHash comparison to exclude encryption options </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82668" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82668 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove fsync_deadlock.js from the sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle EBUSY when opening the duplicate backup filename </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89970" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89970 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce flakiness of hedged_reads.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90100" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90100 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress false-positive leak from libresolv </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent tests that hang while collecting minidumps from running on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the test update_node_clustertime_replset.js more resilient to $$NOW </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90747" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90747 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle $elemMatch with empty path in plan enumerator correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert SERVER-71520 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90894" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90894 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix multiversion on SUSE 15 variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90898" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90898 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark change_streams_shards_start_in_sync as ppc64le_incompatible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90928" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90928 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make copybara prune out extra lines on commit messages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AddToSetNode::init() should uassert if argument to $each is invalid BSON </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91068" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91068 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove read_ticket_exhaustion_with_stepdown test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make backports require codeowners </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91166" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91166 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Transactions in retryable_write_error_labels.js should update different documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call awaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime in ignore_dbcheck_in_startup_recovery.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91179" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91179 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip jstests directory in codeowners for v7.0, v6.0, and v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91222" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91222 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make cluster_time_across_add_shard.js temporarily retry on KeyNotFound error after restarting the replica set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91237" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91237 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Add more info to RuntimeUpdatePath invariant(good()) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip etc/backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml in codeowners </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91320" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91320 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable move_chunk_deferred_lookup.js in sharding_last_lts_mongos_and_mixed_shards on 5.0 Branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91354" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91354 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> burn_in_tags_gen fails because it runs twice in v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91362" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91362 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Performance: Do not copy JS "scope" object if a cached JsExecution exists </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91378" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91378 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip fcv_upgrade_succeeds_when_persisted_collection_cache_missing_uuid_field.js with stepdowns on slow variants (5.0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91435" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91435 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Regenerate test certs with legacy flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91460" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91460 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] random_moveChunk_timeseries_insert_many.js is not tagged with requires_fcv_50 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91562" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91562 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] IndexDescriptor::compareIndexOptions treats no unique/sparse as not identical to unique:false/sparse:false </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Un-hardcode Cert Thumbprints </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91705" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91705 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable convert_to_and_from_sharded.js on PPC for 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude backports touching only <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> etc/*suppressions </code> files from release codeownership </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.27-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.27 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.27-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.27-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89134" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89134 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test wrongly assumes multi writes outside of transactions are atomic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89893" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89893 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change executor used by _flushReshardingStateChange from arbitrary to fixed </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88949" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88949 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Explain for classic multi planner displays incorrect skip amount </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-30832" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-30832 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix dbCheck behavior on rollback </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix transaction visibility issue with truncate </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12587" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12587 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable compile-clang tasks for older versions of clang </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12664" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12664 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase the size of COPY_BUF_SIZE in test_random_directio </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Log errno when EventFDHolder write or read fails </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60049" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60049 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate using AtomicLockStats over SingleThreadedLockStats in lock_state.h </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62571" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62571 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Serialize concurrent accesses to Socket in ThrowOnNetworkErrorInEnsureSync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64026" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64026 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update WT operations that require exclusive access to a dhandle </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70351" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70351 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry txn in test cancel_coordinate_txn_commit_with_tickets_exhausted.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72090" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72090 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> system.users can be renamed to regular collections and vice versa </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove jstests/parallel/basic* </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74931" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74931 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add AtomicWord::storeRelaxed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Join the mirroring executor on shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77559" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77559 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement file system log handler for resmoke </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77561" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77561 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rollout resmoke file system logging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78509" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78509 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add storage stats to replicated slow op log entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78556" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78556 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return default of internalInsertMaxBatchSize to 64 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79637" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79637 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect query results in $lookup with TS foreign collection using a correlated predicate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79999" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79999 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> reduce test code coverage on macos builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80340" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80340 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle and test dbCheck during initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80363" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80363 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> server default writeConcern is not honored when wtimeout is set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80922" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80922 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Object field order is undefined when using $setWindowField </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripInvalidAssignments tries to strip non-existent index assignment from $_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83193" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83193 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replace deprecated BatchedCommandRequest getters/setters for WC with the ones provided by OperationContext </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83956" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83956 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer wrongly emit warning message in multiversion clusters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84004" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84004 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Add FCV gating to dots and dollars validation on 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84440" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84440 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose the number of replication waiters in serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84761" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84761 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MigrationSourceManager may fail to emit the migrateChunkToNewShard due to stale ChunkManager info </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Updates the genny module in sys-perf to point to mongo/genny instead of 10gen/genny </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85681" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85681 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix for negative value being passed to BasicBufBuilder::grow() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Point evergreen task log lobster links to Parsley </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86116" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86116 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CreateCollectionCoordinator may fail to create the chunk metadata on commit time. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add serverstatus to record how many users use retryable writes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86407" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86407 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validation does not produce complete results when it should </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SBE and Classic behave differently for $bitsAnyClear on NumberDecimal infinity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86474" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86474 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $_internalApplyOplogUpdate with $set: { foo: Timestamp(0, 0) } is not replicated correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86478" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86478 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series bucket min/max does not track empty field names under certain circumstances </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86648" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86648 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resumable index build sorter files are not fsynced on shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase oplog size for PIT (point in time restore) tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86782" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86782 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> geo_axis_aligned.js takes too long </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86822" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86822 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove sharding_gen from macOS builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86973" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86973 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Add debug log around helloResponse and splitHorizon </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87058" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87058 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Chunk refresh from a secondary does not wait for majority writeConcern while flushing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87306" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87306 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent accessing OCSP manager ptr during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87323" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87323 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Future continuations must capture vector clock as shared pointer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race in BackgroundSync between making RollbackImpl and shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87881" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87881 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Exclude latch analysis testing from certain buildvariants in v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unittest CaptureLogs utility allows unsynchronized access to log statements </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries optimization does not exclude the timeField though it's renamed by the $addFields and excluded by a project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88017" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88017 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resolve lock-order-inversion TSAN error in TimestampKVEngineTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88028" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88028 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Move ThreadContext counter outside of constructor into test specific function </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88111" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88111 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> random_DDL_CRUD_operations.js bulk insert should perform max internalInsertMaxBatchSize inserts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88258" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88258 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Schedule all required builders on the same 5.0 mainline build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88262" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88262 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent timeouts in read_pref_with_hedging_mode.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88318" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88318 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail dbcheck if one batch failed waiting for write concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock in VectorClockMongoD during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88755" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88755 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure all sys-perf build variants specify a mongodb_setup_release </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88864" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88864 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make nodes_eventually_sync_from_closer_data_center.js more robust to transient slow heartbeat issues </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88885" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88885 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a way to stop applying a dbcheck batch on secondary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88942" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88942 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update db-contrib-tool version that includes fix for downloading old binaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88971" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88971 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Older sys-perf variants on 5.0 and 6.0 no longer needed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88978" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88978 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator should ensure participants have seen kAbort before dropping temp collection metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89034" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89034 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Always preserve 0-valued timestamps when migrating documents, add tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89068" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89068 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Explicitly set exec_timeout and timeout_secs for the sys-perf project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89163" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89163 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Chunk Migration Destination Should Wait for Majority Before Engaging Critical Section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89235" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89235 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> internal_strip_invalid_assignment.js missing tag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89418" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89418 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CursorManager loses track of registered cursors for queries with multiple executors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89474" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89474 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Properly validate sortBy when parsing $setWindowFields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89554" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89554 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix evergreen/compiled_binaries_get.sh script </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89618" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89618 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Must disable validation when reconstructing prepared transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89646" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89646 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add all Network Error Code Strings to List of Strings isNetworkError() Looks For In Exception Message </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89653" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89653 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Install db-contrib-tool with --no-cache-dir argument </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exceptions thrown when performing transport session cleanup can cause mongos to terminate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89752" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89752 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make logkeeper buildIDs stay unique when branching </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adjust commit message validation to handle GitHub merge queue </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90020" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90020 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Explicitly use 1 config server for mongos_api_params_util tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90090" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90090 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Amazon 2 distros to the latest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90135" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90135 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure the Windows system CA stores are in a clean state at the start of ssl_linear tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90145" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90145 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Fix multiversion setup configuration on Debian 10 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90172" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90172 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the shard key prefix error description more general in v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only load included SASL plugins on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90187" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90187 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cleanup multiversion binaries before running resmoke tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90264" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90264 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove slow step from compile </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90513" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90513 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check whether SSL_get0_verified_chain returns null before consuming it </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add retries to cloneing QA.git </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11241" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11241 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip current transaction snap_min visible deleted pages as part of the tree walk </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12304" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12304 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RTS should provide information about how much more work it has to do </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.26-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.26 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.26-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.26-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65802" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65802 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos returns inconsistent error code when renameCollection target already exists </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CreateIndex fails with StaleConfig if run from a stale mongos against a sharded non-empty collection </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $or -&gt; $in MatchExpression rewrite should not generate $or directly nested in another $or </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11062" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11062 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Safe free the ref addr to allow concurrent access </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56661" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56661 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase default close_handle_minimum in WiredTiger from 250 to 2000 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow connection reset errors without assertion in ASIOSession::ensureSync() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68128" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68128 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exceptions thrown while generating command response lead to network error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69005" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69005 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $internalBoundedSort should not accept empty sort pattern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72703" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72703 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Downgrade $out's db lock to MODE_IX </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75355" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75355 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve explain with Queryable Encryption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79235" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79235 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> rolling_index_builds_interrupted.js checkLog relies on clearRawMongoProgramOutput </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79286" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79286 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a query knob </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement number of documents tie breaking heuristics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79575" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79575 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix numa node counting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement index prefix heuristic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80275" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80275 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add log line for detailed plan scoring </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve index prefix heuristic by taking into account closed intervals </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82476" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82476 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable diagnostics latches by default </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries inserts can leave dangling BSONObj in WriteBatches in certain cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84612" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84612 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Define a version for immer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84615" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84615 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Define a version for linenoise </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Checkpoint the vector clock after committing shard collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85633" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85633 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add lock around res_ninit call </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85843" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85843 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A write operation may fail with NamespaceNotFound if the database has been concurrently dropped (sharding-only) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exhaustive find on config shard can return stale data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85973" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85973 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update README.third_party.md to indicate that Valgrind is licensed under BSD-4-Clause </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86017" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86017 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport multi-planner tie breaking improvements to v6.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86214" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86214 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add all bazel-* output dirs to git ignore </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86388" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86388 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove fle_drivers_integration.js test from 6.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86395" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86395 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate DuplicateKey error while recovering convertToCapped from stable checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86403" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86403 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix THP startup warnings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86433" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86433 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clear memory in the data_union stored on the endpoint before use </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86562" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86562 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport multi-planner tie breaking improvements to v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86619" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86619 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Document::shouldSkipDeleted() accesses string without checking for missing string </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86622" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86622 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator use possibly stale database info </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> plan_cache_drop_database.js should catch DatabaseDropPending errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding should validate user provided zone range doesn't include $-prefixed fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87198" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87198 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Make shard registry reads fallback to majority readConcern if snapshot reads fail </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87224" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87224 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable diagnostic latching in test variants on old branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87259" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87259 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Fix for atlas azure intel variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87415" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87415 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove run_command__simple workload from sys-perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87544" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87544 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix up gitignore to permit git awareness of enterprise module </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87567" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87567 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The SessionWorkflow should correctly return a response error on malformed requests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87610" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87610 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax shardVersionRetry tripwires on the namespace of received stale exceptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87626" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87626 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Add san_options to buildvariant config </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87653" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87653 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent latch_analyzer.js from being run as part of the parallelTester </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9057" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9057 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Null address read in compact walk </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12077" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12077 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect hardware checksum calculation on zSeries for buffers on stack </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12379" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12379 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect python version on Windows on 6.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12402" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12402 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add stats to track when eviction server skips walking a tree </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12438" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12438 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop using Ubuntu 18.04 Power Evergreen distro on 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12447" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12447 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect version of Python in the CMake Windows build on 5.0 </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.25-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.25 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.25-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.25-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76536" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76536 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase receiveChunkWaitForRangeDeleterTimeoutMS in concurrency suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81508" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81508 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Potential double-execution of write statements when ShardCannotRefreshDueToLocksHeld is thrown </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56756" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56756 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Primary cannot stepDown when experiencing disk failures </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-2"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10017" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10017 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the unstable historical versions at the end of rollback to stable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12316" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12316 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timing stress options in test/format for 6.0 and older branches </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85156" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85156 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbCheck throws unexpected "invalidate" change stream event [5.0] </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data-type used for passing options to setsockopt </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64444" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64444 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> listIndexes fails on invalid pre-5.0 index spec after upgrade </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve future validity semantics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68674" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68674 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Vendor an immutable/persistent data structure library </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69413" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69413 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Documentation Updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71520" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71520 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dump all thread stacks on RSTL acquisition timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72839" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72839 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Server skips peer certificate validation if neither CAFile nor clusterCAFile is provided </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74874" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74874 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add typedef for immutable unordered map and set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74875" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74875 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement immutable ordered map and set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74876" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74876 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Evaluate which immer memory policy to use </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74946" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74946 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert containers in CollectionCatalog for collection lookup to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74947" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74947 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert containers in CollectionCatalog for view lookup to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74951" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74951 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert containers in CollectionCatalog for profile settings to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75263" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75263 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add immer benchmarks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75497" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75497 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert ordered containers in CollectionCatalog to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75613" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75613 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add GDB pretty printers for immutable data structures </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75851" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75851 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add typedef for immutable vector </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add immer to README.third_party.md </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76932" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76932 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a way for a thread to know when the SignalHandler thread is done with printAllThreadStacks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> cannot compile immer header with --opt=off </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78911" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78911 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Always suppress "Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs" log during X.509 intracluster auth </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log negotiated network compressor with client metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commit on non-existing transaction then proceed to continue can trigger an invariant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80978" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80978 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix potential deadlock between TTLMonitor::onStepUp and prepared transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81133" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81133 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Speedup logic to persist routing table cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82093" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82093 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Release mongo v5 on amazon 2023 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82353" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82353 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multi-document transactions can miss documents when movePrimary runs concurrently </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82627" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82627 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingDataReplication does not join the ReshardingOplogFetcher thread pool causing invariant failure. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82815" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82815 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose server’s index key creation via aggregation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83050" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83050 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a deployment of mongodb on AL2-openssl-1.1.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable wt_size_storer_cleanup_replica_set.js on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Index creation does not enforce type of bucketSize field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83564" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83564 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure the process field is indexed in config.locks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84063" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84063 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove BlackDuck from Security Daily Cron </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84722" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84722 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create undocumented server parameter to skip document validation on insert code path for internal usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84749" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84749 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove sharding_update_v1_oplog_jscore_passthrough from macOS variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84772" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84772 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delete stitch-related tasks in enterprise variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Size storer can be flushed concurrently with being destructed for rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85263" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85263 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report escaped client application name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85306" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85306 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update sys-perf config to use HTTPs github links rather than SSH </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85364" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85364 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [6.0] Convert resource map in CollectionCatalog to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85365" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85365 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [6.0] Convert shadow catalog in CollectionCatalog to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer pollutes logs in case no suitable recipient is found during draining </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85498" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85498 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Fix immutable_ordered_test on MacOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refresh Test Certificates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85652" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85652 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update DSI atlas azure tasks to use an AL2 compile artifact. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85693" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85693 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix potential access violation in User::validateRestrictions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85771" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85771 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make $bucketAuto more robust in the case of an empty string for the groupBy field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The test for inserting docs larger than the user max relies on a specific order of documents in the oplog, but that order is not guaranteed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86027" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86027 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tag insert_docs_larger_than_max_user_size_standalone.js with requires_persistence and requires_replication </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86062" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86062 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] directoryperdb.js relies on fsync/checkpointing behavior which does not hold when running with --nojournal </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86081" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86081 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sys-perf missing required parameters due to Evergreen Redaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86561" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86561 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase benchmarks_orphaned from 3h to 4h </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7712" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7712 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> commit and durable timestamps should be disallowed at stable timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9824" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9824 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add testing to file manager WT connection configurations in test/format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11491" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11491 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log the WiredTiger time spent during startup and shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix units of __wt_timer_evaluate() calls: logging and progress period </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12211" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12211 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix PATH env variable in hang analyzer to generate python core dump (7.0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12272" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12272 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unnecessary module in evergreen.yml </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.24-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.24 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.24-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.24-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50792" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50792 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return more useful errors when a shard key index can't be found for shardCollection/refineCollectionShardKey </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding does not extend zone ranges for config.tag docs, leading to config server primary fassert loop from duplicate key error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82838" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82838 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOplogApplier uses {w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000} write concern when persisting resharding oplog application progress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82883" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82883 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Recovering TransactionCoordinator on stepup may block acquiring read/write tickets while participants are in the prepared state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82953" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82953 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CreateCollectionCoordinator::checkIfOptionsConflict should be more verbose </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83146" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83146 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bulk write operation might fail with NamespaceNotFound </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55465" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55465 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix Invariant upon failed request for a vote from the current primary in the election dry-run of catchup takeover </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70155" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70155 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add duration of how long an oplog slot is kept open to mongod "Slow query" log lines </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Catalog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#catalog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="catalog"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82129" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82129 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fCV 5.0 Upgrade fails due to config.cache.collections missing UUIDs for most collections </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-33494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-33494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WT SizeStorer never deletes old entries </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65666" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65666 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not create chunks on draining shards when sharding a new collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67766" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67766 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log index and collection successful drop </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69063" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69063 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix TCP keepalive option setting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69615" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69615 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rollback fuzzing in WiredTiger leads to size storer marked dirty at shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74074" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74074 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude auth consistency workloads from concurrency simultaneous suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77311" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77311 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new log message when a secondary node is skipping a two-phase index build with a subset of indexes built </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77506" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77506 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded multi-document transactions can mismatch data and ShardVersion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add LSAN suppressions for executor worker threads </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78009" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78009 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardSvrCommitReshardCollection command should fail recoverably if the node is shutting down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79864" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79864 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TTL deleter does not correctly handle time series collections with extended range dates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79982" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79982 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Batched catalog writers can run concurrently with HistoricalCatalogIdTracker::cleanup() and lead to incorrect PIT find results. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make AutoGetOplog behave consistently in replica set node started as standalone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80886" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80886 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $out may fail with a StaleDbVersion after a movePrimary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unclean shutdown while dropping local.* collection and indexes can make the catalog inconsistent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> export_import_concurrency.js should check for code 2 when killing child resmoke client </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81442" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81442 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Poke WT oplog reclamation thread periodically </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81573" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81573 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ExpressionNary::optimize crashes on initialized children in v4.4 and 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81878" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81878 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> startupRecoveryForRestore may not play nicely with collection drop applied during startup recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81949" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81949 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sync from 10gen/mongo to mongodb/mongo on v4.4 with copybara </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82043" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82043 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enhancement of Commit Message Validation for 10gen/mongo Commits </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82111" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82111 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> In sharded_agg_helpers.cpp move invariant below response status check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commit handler in fCV op observer is susceptible to interruption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82391" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82391 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v4.4] Only allow github Apps Copybara Syncer: 10gen-to-Mongodb to syncs new commits to mongodb/mongo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82447" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82447 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $project incorrectly pushed down on timeseries when $project uses $getField on a measurement field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82449" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82449 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v4.4] Optimize copybara sync behavior for specific no-change scenarios </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82555" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82555 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use shallow clone to speed up performance tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upload mongod --version output to S3 during server compilation in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82708" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82708 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update variants used to performance test stable branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82730" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82730 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The validate cmd can invariant on corrupted keystrings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $or query can trigger an infinite loop during plan enumeration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83161" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83161 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix concurrent read to _errMsg from MigrationDestinationManager without acquiring mutex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83283" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83283 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify copybara script to send slack message on failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable wt_size_storer_cleanup_replica_set.js on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83354" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83354 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Schedule copybara instance after each commit made </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix multikey-path serialization code used during validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Fix range deleter unit test case </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add resmoke flag --enable_enterprise_tests enable enterprise js tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83655" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83655 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Restore legal client ns exception for admin.system.new_users </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> On Enterprise build creating a collection in a replica set with the storageEngine.inMemory option breaks secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83874" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83874 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move primary operation doesn't drop db.system.views on the donor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83916" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83916 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add LSAN Suppression for threads leaked by unjoined thread pools </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84013" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84013 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect results for index scan plan on query with duplicate predicates in nested $or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84353" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84353 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The test for stepDown deadlock with read ticket exhaustion is flaky </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84435" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84435 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deploy enterprise module consolidation to branch v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84457" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84457 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Explicitly declare type of term field in sync source resolver query </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Amend burn_in test to tolerate absence of manifest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84576" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84576 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Update 5.0 Readme </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7929" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7929 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate a solution to avoid FTDC stalls during checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9257" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9257 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test_checkpoint WT_NOTFOUND failure on CS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9821" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9821 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add option to verify to report all data corruption in a file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10601" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10601 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix wt verify -c failure when first block on page is corrupt </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10961" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10961 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix OOO keys caused by racing deletion and insertion on left subtrees </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10972" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10972 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Eliminate long periods of silence when recovering with recovery_progress verbose messages enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generation tracking might not be properly synchronized </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add diagnostic stat to investigate eviction server's inability to queue pages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Workaround for lock contention on Windows </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.23-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.23 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.23-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.23-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73430" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73430 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve Hash, HMAC, and Crypto algo lookup for OpenSSL 3.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75989" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75989 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add support for OpenSSL 3.0 FIPS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> POS interface should expose its shutdown state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78115" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78115 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shard primaries must commit a majority write before using new routing information from the config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81581" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81581 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend BlackDuck timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81942" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81942 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardingDDLCoordinator should retry on LockTimeout errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82204" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82204 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Classic window functions first/last handle missing field incorrectly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update BACKPORTS_REQUIRED_BASE_URL from mongodb/mongo to 10gen/mongo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82613" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82613 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Supress test in v5.0 multiversion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82799" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82799 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase reshardingCriticalSectionTimeoutMillis for resharding_update_tag_zones.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82990" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82990 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate powercycle failures on v6.0 and v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Document::shred() does not copy document metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11564" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11564 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix RTS to read the newest transaction value only when it exists in the checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11584" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11584 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_checkpoint_stats test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Hide expected eviction failures from the application and don't rollback in case of errors </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.22-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.22 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.22-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.22-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-40459" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-40459 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Optimize the construction of the balancer's collection distribution status histogram </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deletion of ReshardingCoordinatorService state document is not idempotent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79327" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79327 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Missing verification in refine collection shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79682" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79682 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardsvrReshardCollection Can Hang If Stepdown Occurs Shortly After Stepping Up </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80236" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80236 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race in migration source registration and capturing writes for xferMods for deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80712" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80712 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid leaving the replica set shard partitioned at the end of linearizable_read_concern.js </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Collect fCV in FTDC </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68548" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68548 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongo shell version 4.4.15 logging asio message despite --quiet flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77610" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77610 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log session id associated with the backup cursor </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-52149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-52149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag for Make taking self-managed backups in 4.4+ as safe as possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-52452" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-52452 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag for Make taking self-managed backups in 4.4+ as safe as possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60156" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60156 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a way to bypass storageValid() for time-series updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delta-updates should only validate the diff for storage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68132" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68132 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove Feature Flag for PM-2076 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68791" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68791 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expand the stacktrace API to return a loggable BSONObj </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71053" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71053 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix dataSize can be negative and incorrect on rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73470" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73470 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log index inconsistencies detected by queries in the health log </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73497" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73497 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create an interface for the HealthLog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74303" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74303 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a sizeStorer call to the onRollback handler for dataSize and numRecords changes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76341" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76341 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add range deletion throughput statistic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77638" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77638 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add logging on completion of resharding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement the mongos fsync (lock : true) command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement the mongos fsyncUnlock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78151" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78151 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add fsyncLock status to the mongos currentOp command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78153" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78153 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unlock the config server primary via the mongos fsyncUnlock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78156" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78156 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test the mongos fsync with lock command with distributed transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78217" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78217 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Renaming view return wrong error on sharded cluster (2nd attempt) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78252" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78252 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Block chunk migrations for hashed shard keys if you don’t have the shard key index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow folks with hashed shard keys to drop the hashed index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78342" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78342 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> nReturned in slow query is incorrect when no docs are matched </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78384" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78384 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos should allow --port 0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78505" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78505 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Database cache does not use the 'allowLocks' option correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78529" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78529 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78687" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78687 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set up copybara syncing between 10gen/mongo and 10gen/mongo-copybara </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a timeout to the mongos FSync Lock Command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79025" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79025 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongos Fsync with lock command should use mongos fsyncUnlock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin pyyaml in another place </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79251" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79251 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test dropping hashed shard key index mid chunk migration aborts migration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79471" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79471 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mirrored reads should include databaseVersion in addition to shardVersion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79552" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79552 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $group rewrite for timeseries returns incorrect result if referencing the metaField in an object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop range deletion when hashed shard key index does not exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TestGetDestinedRecipientThrowsOnBlockedRefresh should not run two refreshes without resetting the catalog cache loader mock return value </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate OCSP failure possibilities </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79975" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79975 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Classic] Optimize large group keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make $convert round-trip correctly between double and string </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80100" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80100 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix typo in excluding compound_wildcard_index_hiding.js and sparse_index_internal_expr.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80140" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80140 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use the $currentOp to verify that fsyncLockWorker threads are waiting for the lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80157" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80157 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ExclusionProjectionExecutor forces Document cache to load excluded fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Normalization of time-series meta field can break insert targeting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Catalog cache unit tests of allowLocks should block the refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80484" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80484 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable libfuzzer on v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80491" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80491 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose more granular metrics around balancing round </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80499" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80499 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix use-after-free in planShardedSearch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80643" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80643 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> large_events_failed_metric.js fails because change steram pre-images are not supported in v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80678" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80678 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove an outdated test case </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80703" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80703 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid traversing routing table in MigrationDestinationManager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80737" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80737 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] slow_query_log_stats_not_block_on_RSTL.js requires lock-free reads support </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80809" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80809 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make _logOplogEntriesForInvalidResults resilient to non-existing oplog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80982" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80982 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rename collection coordinator should use the view catalog to check if a view exists </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81106" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81106 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Recipient shard doesn't wait for the collection version to be locally persisted before starting the cloning phase </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81155" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81155 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use move semantic to avoid copying all chunks in createCollection coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Limiting the memory usage during the cloning phase on the recipient shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81202" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81202 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use host environment when signing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add canaries_only task to older mongo branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81904" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81904 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Address test-only issue in UpdateChunkMapRandom unit test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81966" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81966 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid modification of previous ChunkMap instances during refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FlushRoutingTableCacheUpdates command should not be allowed on databases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82003" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82003 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> powercycle tests are missing variables </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82070" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82070 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Classic window function $stdDevSamp handles empty window frame incorrectly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8614" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8614 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make format.sh more verbose for failure diagnosis </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10207" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10207 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix log slot flags and remove debugging added for WT-9796 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10624" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10624 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix regression on x86 for search and insert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11064" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11064 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip globally visible tombstones as part of update obsolete check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11168" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11168 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the page image reuse logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11359" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11359 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update spinlock tasks to limit disk usage </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.21-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.21 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.21-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.21-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60466" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60466 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support drivers gossiping signed $clusterTimes to replica set --shardsvrs before addShard is run </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67529" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67529 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding silently skips documents with all MaxKey values for their fields under the new shard key pattern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle the race between the getting and setting of the LogicalTimeValidator during sharding initialization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79771" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79771 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make Resharding Operation Resilient to NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50606" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50606 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> NetworkInterfaceTest needs to be more permissive with async op timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> OperationContext::_ignoreInterrupts can be written to without synchronization by IgnoreInterruptionsGuard destructor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent threads spawned outside ThreadContextTest from updating test counters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable memory underflow check in the query system </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71627" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71627 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refreshed cached collection route info will severely block all client request when a cluster with 1 million chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove misleading operationsBlockedByRefresh metrics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75255" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75255 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove all outdated entries from backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Null embedded metaField for creating a time-series collection leads to invalid BSON index spec </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ignoreUnknownIndexOptions doesn't account for the 'weights' index field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use sequential time series bucket IDs when possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78971" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78971 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip shutting down Grid::getExecutorPool() when TestProctor is disabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the free monitoring code from mongodb/mongo repo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79022" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79022 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update ASIO's Git hash in README.third_party.md </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79252" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79252 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add the system-perf bootstrap file to the task Files section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79261" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79261 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add logging to ping monitor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reset bucket OID counter when encountering a collision </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79397" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79397 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix and test logic to internally retry time series inserts on OID collision </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79609" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79609 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix findAndModify_upsert.js test to accept StaleConfig error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only use two node replicasets in initial sync performance tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79861" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79861 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delete rosetta builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79885" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79885 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Oplog fetching getMore should not set null lastKnownCommittedOpTime if it is not using exhaust cursors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove operationTime check from store_retryable_find_and_modify_images_in_side_collection.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80302" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80302 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> capped_large_docs.js is not resilient to replication rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80488" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80488 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid traversing routing table in balancer split chunk policy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7492" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7492 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ignore the evict drain wait msg in stdout.txt for test_cursor_random </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10380" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10380 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix expected warning output in test_cursor_random: Eviction took more than 1 minute </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix expected warning output for test_hs20 on macos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10759" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10759 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not retry to force evict history store pages during reconciliation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11051" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11051 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix newest start durable timestamp comparison in aggregate timestamp validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11221" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11221 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Python tests fails due to unexpected "Eviction took more than 1 minute" warning in standard output </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.20-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.20 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.20-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.20-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-44422" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-44422 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow findAndModify and delete one to target by query instead of extracted shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wrong replication logic on refreshes on secondary nodes </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54344" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54344 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Interruptible's Atomic timer parameter is not typesafe </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58618" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58618 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sleep intervals in interruptible_test cause imprecision </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58958" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58958 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable Interruptible::WaitUntilDeadline test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58959" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58959 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix and reenable Interruptible::WaitUntilDeadline test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71335" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71335 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Debug symbols of server binaries used by system_perf.yml are archived in S3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73841" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73841 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A slow query report should not require the rstl lock to return storage statistics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74451" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74451 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement limit pushdown to mongot cursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74453" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74453 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement support for getMore against a mongot cursor created with a user-defined limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74701" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74701 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add checksum verification for blackduck installer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74954" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74954 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect result when contained $or rewrites $elemMatch extra condition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75648" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75648 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add limit pushdown info to explain output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report writeConflicts in serverStatus on secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76404" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76404 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call the no-prefetch TaskExecutorCursor if there is an extractable limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76828" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76828 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase test coverage for RoutingTableHistory and ChunkMap </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pooled LDAP connections may reference out-of-scope memory after timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77654" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77654 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Having more constraints on time-series collection timeField name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77856" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77856 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Provide Atlas with a way to choose a specific initial sync sync source </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78229" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78229 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> createIndexes should acquire the CollectionLock of the targeted nss before accessing the parent DatabaseShardingState </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78251" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78251 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> move_chunk_deferred_lookup.js can fail if mongos RSM is stale after stepup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78333" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78333 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DocumentSourceSearchMeta on 5.0/4.4 don't correctly specify involved collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78410" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78410 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress debug election log messages in rollback resumable index build tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78434" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78434 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> never implicitly shard a view in implicitly_shard_accessed_collections.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78525" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78525 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update jstests/noPassthrough/metadata_size_estimate.js to use a smaller document size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78676" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78676 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replace c-string constructor with fill constructor in CurrentOpExhaustCursorTestFixture::initTestCollection on v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78751" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78751 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $collStats should check for presence of time series options rather than relying on namespace checks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Distribute roles in metadata sizing test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78828" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78828 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LDAP host timing data can be inconsistent during sorting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78888" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78888 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unschedule Mix js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79136" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79136 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect query result of $match + $group on metaField over time-series </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v4.4, v5.0] Avoid server crash when using positional projection with collation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8340" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8340 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix overflowed value in Btree atomic flags of 8 bit type </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10197" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10197 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Track eviction timeline </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> cursor::search_near slow performance if many deleted items are present </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10449" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10449 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not save update chain when there are no updates to be written to the history store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10522" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10522 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix a bug that leads to an unexpected aborted tombstone on update chain </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10585" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10585 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Record the location of the last key in key order check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10911" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10911 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate and update eviction timeline metrics that are showing up incorrectly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11031" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11031 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix RTS to skip tables with no time window information in the checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11312" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11312 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect flag check for accurate force eviction stat </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11374" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11374 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix comparison of txnid to timestamp in row_modify (v5.0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11380" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11380 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable compile-clang task on 5.0 </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.19-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.19 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.19-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.19-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-6491" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-6491 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent dropping shard key index when alternative index doesn't exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use a named ErrorCode when asserting that you can't drop the last shard key index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongod shutdown procedure doesn't shutdown the Grid::getExecutorPool() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73848" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73848 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Hashed shard keys with zones can cause issues with resharding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76056" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76056 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> countDocsDeletedOnDonor name is misleading </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76546" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76546 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _migrateClone can deadlock with prepared transactions on secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76948" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76948 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow shard key fields to contain DBRefs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78050" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78050 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Chunk Migration Can Lose Data If Processing Deferred Modifications </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78414" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78414 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Recipient shard in chunk migration can skip fetching changes to the migrated range, leading to lost writes </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75922" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75922 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Partial unique indexes created on MongoDB 4.0 can be missing index keys after upgrade to 4.2 and later, leading to uniqueness violations </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-10" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-10"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62854" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62854 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardingCatalogManager::removeShard should prevent concurrent remove shard commits </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64706" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64706 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create Feature flag for PM-2802 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67699" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67699 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tracking for when change stream event exceeds 16Mb </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70242" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70242 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Intracluster X509 authentication can trigger "Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70973" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70973 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer should stop iterating collections when there are no more available shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71387" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71387 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range-based window [+N, unbounded] can tassert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Automatically retry time series insert on DuplicateKey error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> tlsClusterCAFile is not being used to validate client certificates on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73707" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73707 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Evergreen timeout calculation fixes and cleanups </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73943" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73943 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin code pages in memory in memory constrained systems </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73959" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73959 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add option to TaskExecutorCursor to not pre-fetch documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74471" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74471 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prune existing tests to stabilize the signal from the change stream perf suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74551" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74551 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WriteConflictException unnecessarily logged as warning during findAndModify after upgrade to mongo 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74645" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74645 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> integration_tests_standalone[_audit] should not run a unqiue build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74806" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74806 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write size estimation logic does not account for runtime/let constants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74980" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74980 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> excessive logging of "Refreshed cached collection" log messages introduced in 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make shard_keys_with_dollar_sign.js use long timeouts for resharding crit sec </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75298" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75298 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce log error severity in sharding logging library </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75392" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75392 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update rounding functions in S2 geometry library </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v4.4] Require WT engine for read_ticket_exhaustion_with_stepdown test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> break compile_dist_test into small chunks in a new kind of task group </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76180" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76180 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Remove TemporarilyUnavailable error code in transaction_too_large_for_cache.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76739" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76739 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Archive data missing on evergreen task timeouts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76824" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76824 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not run mr_single_reduce.js in stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76826" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76826 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $merge doesn't work with document that has dollar fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76934" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76934 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update computeDiff() code should safely error when there are duplicate fields in the objects </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76955" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76955 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a multiversion_incompatible flag to fsm_workloads/map_reduce_drop.js in v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76983" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76983 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos shutdown procedure doesn't shutdown the CatalogCache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76988" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76988 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Abort the reshardCollection operation when the zone information is too large </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77018" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77018 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock between dbStats and 2 index builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77028" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77028 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> tlsClusterCAFile is not being used to validate client certificates on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77039" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77039 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-blacklist map_reduce_drop.js from SERVER-71368 changes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77074" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77074 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongod termination process should always shutdown and join the CatalogCached's thread pool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77168" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77168 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongod crashes when restoring time series collection with auth enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77196" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77196 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> NoPrefetch test in TaskExecutorCursorTest can deadlock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77226" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77226 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix permissions-checking when pinning code segments </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77266" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77266 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> createCollection command in rename_capped_collection_droptarget.js should ignore "cannot find ns" errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77273" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77273 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add gcc IPA pass cp ICE to oom_retry tool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77298" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77298 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent fassert after killing opCtx as part of reconstructing prepared transactions after initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77357" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77357 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Add ubuntu22 variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77383" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77383 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ".msi.sha256" files have incorrect shasum </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77518" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77518 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable pin_code_segments.js on 6.0 rhel-80-debug-ubsan </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77527" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77527 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongodbtoolchain/v3 stdlib unsafe against self-moves </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix diff finder to handle deleted files correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] remove publish tasks for ubuntu22 variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77687" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77687 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add ld OOM message to auto retry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77710" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77710 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data race in AuditManager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SysPerf yml's compile-skip comment is incorrectly spaced </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78080" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78080 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use fully random bytes for 8 low-order bytes of OID value for time series bucket _id </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> For specific kinds of input, mongo::Value() always hashes to the same result on big-endian platforms </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78314" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78314 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create documentSourceWriterBatchBuffer server parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7401" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7401 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Silent test/format failure in the long-test Evergreen task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8536" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8536 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the LLVM symbolizer path in the evergreen.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8539" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8539 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Correct description for statistic for rolling back oldest pinned. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8601" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8601 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timestamps do not work with logged tables. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8709" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8709 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RTS: Do not hold the oldest id of logged tables. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8822" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8822 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable logging in failing configs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9117" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9117 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test format exited with status 137 (Linux OOM killer) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Format stress tests generate cores even when successful </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run session dhandle sweep and session cursor sweep more often </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10285" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10285 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test format fails with status 137 (Linux OOM killer) during sanitizer runs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10469" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10469 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix no timestamp tombstones not removing history store entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10488" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10488 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test_schema_abort failed with invalid argument </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10512" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10512 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix not inserting an out of order timestamp into the history store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10671" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10671 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reset statistics when retrying test in test_checkpoint04.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10764" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10764 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add start and stop messages to rollback to stable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10900" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10900 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Segmentation fault on unit-test-macos on macos-1100 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10909" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10909 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simplify new test_backup29.py more </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10920" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10920 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Minor cleanup to test_backup29.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add test of incremental backup after files are closed by dhandle sweep </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11122" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11122 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable FLCS scenario in the long-test task for 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11140" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11140 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Python path for Windows variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> failed: format-stress-sanitizer-ppc-test on rhel8-ppc [wiredtiger-mongo-v5.0]: memory leak detected </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.18-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.18 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.18-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.18-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72146" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72146 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make chunk migrations metrics more accessible from Atlas </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76004" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76004 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove incorrect sharding tassert in getOwnershipFilter function </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76516" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76516 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix Concurrent Access of Clock in ReshardingRecipientServiceTest in 5.0 Branch </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-48196" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-48196 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade the timelib to the latest to update the built-in timezone files to the latest </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-11" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-11"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Recovery from a stable checkpoint should fassert on oplog application failures </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57056" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57056 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Syslog severity set incorrectly for INFO messages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60375" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60375 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Blacklist move_chunk_remove_shard.js from sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62053" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62053 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add retry for errors in AWS server-side conversation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63865" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63865 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle missing index idents during standalone startup recovery after unclean shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66009" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66009 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban $search when running in update pipeline (stub process interface is present) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68338" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68338 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> sync_source_changes.js needs to wait for heartbeat </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71089" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71089 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run signing tasks on a single distro </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71249" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71249 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove buildvariant task overrides for .publish tags </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72686" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72686 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add support for $collStats agg stage on timeseries collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73007" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73007 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CURL_OPT_SEEKFUNCTION not set for multi-pass authentication </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73385" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73385 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RenameCollectionCoordinator wrongly releases critical section for destination ns. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mitigate database version regression bug on drop database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74344" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74344 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban use of sparse indexes on internal comparison expression unless explicitly hinted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74997" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74997 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce the timeout of tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs to 4 seconds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75010" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75010 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement no-op planShardedSearch in 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75082" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75082 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make balancer migrations throttling configurable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75360" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75360 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Include $search result count (total hits) in slow query log </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the overflow of total possible enumeration count in LockstepOr enumeration strategy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use system python on macos for ssl tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75626" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75626 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Special handling for macosx venv </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75652" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75652 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate from notary client to garasign for push task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Synchronize the connection and server threads in transport_layer_test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76039" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76039 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> PauseDuringStateTransitions guard needs correct initialization in DropsTemporaryReshardingCollectionOnAbort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76063" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76063 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the getFreeMonitoringStatus command to always return state: disabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> sync_source_changes.js should wait for node to no longer be newly added before asserting on selected sync source </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76179" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76179 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> "/var/run/mongodb/"mongod.pid" deleted on each Mongod shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76274" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76274 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move microbenchmarks to their own task distro </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76278" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76278 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log extra migration information </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76378" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76378 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use estimated impersonation metadata size in calculating block chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76421" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76421 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] ttl_expire_nan_upgrade.js checks indexes on node before it becomes secondary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76498" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76498 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update push task to run on rhel8.7-small </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76599" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76599 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude jstests/sharding/balancer_collection_status.js from step-down suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76600" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76600 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase timeouts for aggregation_timeseries_fuzzer on tsan/asan variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76619" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76619 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add setParameter to enable libcurl's verbose logging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76690" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76690 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Special handling for PYTHONPATH when activate venv </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76695" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76695 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> initial_sync_nodes_maintain_and_gossip_commit_point.js should wait longer for initial sync node to advance commit point </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable Curl Connection Pooling for STS requests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76699" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76699 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add configurable retry count in AWS IAM code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76718" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76718 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Push mongocryptd and create packages for RHEL 7 PPC in 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify plan_cache_stats_shard_and_host.js to count plan cache entries only for specific plan cache key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76767" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76767 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable 4.0 upgrade tests on v5.0 branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8570" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8570 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not increase oldest ID during recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8689" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8689 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Switch Evergreen zSeries builder to RHEL distro </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8702" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8702 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Limit oldest id to recovered checkpoint snapshot in recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10551" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10551 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incremental backup may omit modified blocks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10932" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10932 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable many-collection-test on release branches </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.17-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.17 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.17-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.17-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-10" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-10"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73229" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73229 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Logical sessions cache refresh ignores write errors from updating session document, leading to cursors being killed early </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73877" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73877 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for shard to have a primary before doing a migration in prepare_transaction_then_migrate.js </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Write Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75517" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75517 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> illegal format of _id possible via upsert </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-12" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-12"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66927" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66927 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove reference to silentFail from mongo repo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use -large Evergreen distro for compiling on arm64 in sys-perf project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74647" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74647 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding state machine creation should be retried after interruption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74720" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74720 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The default 'shardingStatistics' serverStatus section takes locks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74824" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74824 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add more expressive logging to map_reduce_drop.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75066" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75066 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check for parent directory before writing to SCons cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75172" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75172 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use unique collection name in partial_index_logical.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75261" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75261 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> "listCollections" command fails with BSONObjectTooLarge error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75404" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75404 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Designate $searchSortValues as metadata field on v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Get rid or fix best effort check for primary db on rename path in sharded clusters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75501" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75501 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't run Sys-perf fCV variants on stable branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75561" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75561 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report and log more detailed information when validate encounters multikey inconsistencies </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75601" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75601 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make serverStatus apiversion field more robust </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75618" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75618 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> check oplog fast count before restarting server in oplog_sampling.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75745" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75745 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only log record and index metadata associated with missing or extra index keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75795" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75795 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update aws_e2e_ec2.js for evergreen changes to AWS test identity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76098" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76098 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow queries with $search and non-simple collations </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.16-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.16 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.16-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.16-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-11" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-11"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58466" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58466 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Minor optimization on the CatalogCache: do not create a new routing table if the collection version hasn't changed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Failures in preCacheMongosRoutingInfo() will cause mongos to fail startup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66542" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66542 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Missing log/Update of the stats after the completion of a CatalogCache refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop excluding tests that drop collection/database in sharded suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73751" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73751 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> movePrimary shouldn't create indexes for sharded collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74124" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74124 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disallow sharding with wildcard shard key pattern </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63049" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63049 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Track usage of agg accumulators </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Write Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-operations-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-operations-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75517" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75517 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> illegal format of _id possible via upsert </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-13" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-13"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-51835" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-51835 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongos readPreferenceTags are not working as expected </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59169" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59169 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use larger machines for large inMemory tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Missing index scan bound in time-series query rewrite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61100" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61100 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix multiversion tests that assert last-lts/last-continuous incompatibility </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add record metadata and history in validate output when corruption is detected </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61909" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61909 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Hang inserting or deleting document with large number of index entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62665" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62665 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure TransportLayerASIO::TimerService can safely end the session </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63637" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63637 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Execution stats for $_internalBoundedSort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63699" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63699 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Proof of Concept of bounded-sort stage for time-series </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64093" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64093 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support spilling to disk in BoundedSorter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64347" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64347 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add support for descending sort to the bounded sorter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64348" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64348 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add support for compound sorts (meta, time) to the bounded sorter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64349" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64349 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add heuristic-based planning support for bucket unpacking with sort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64397" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64397 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TimeSorter comparator int overflow </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64451" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64451 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure we don't try to access BoundedSorter heap if it is empty </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Provide time-series bucket time bounds as document metadata for use by bounded sorter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64654" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64654 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable Feature flag for PM-2786 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure $_internalBoundedSort provides sort key for sharded mergesort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65050" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65050 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> BUS planning work for point query on meta data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65990" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65990 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test BUS w/ changing BucketMaxTimeSpan </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66012" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66012 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use a WiredTiger version cursor to print metadata of extra index entries during validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66469" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66469 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Filtering timeseries with date-field does not include results from before 1970 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66558" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66558 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $sort does not rewrite to bounded sort when multiple index options are available </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable bucket unpacking with sort for clustered collections with out of order buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure consistent wildcardProjection and columnstoreProjection specs in catalog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67780" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67780 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect $group rewrite for timeseries collection when the accumulator uses meta field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make stronger assertions in bucket_unpacking_with_sort_granularity_change.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68328" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68328 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add ResumableChangeStreamError label to ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68594" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68594 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add vscode format/lint on save </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69952" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69952 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Filtering on dates outside of the 32 bit epoch range returns wrong results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resumed create coordinator may incorrectly try to release the critical section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70747" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70747 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rename collection used in bucket_unpacking_with_sort_extended_range.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create project branch and flag for PM-2786 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71307" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71307 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Aggregations with $search should fail if the resolved collation is non-simple </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71328" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71328 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure correct filtering metadata on donor shard after multiple failures </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71392" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71392 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Track usage of JSON Schema for validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71750" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71750 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert refactor into handleWriteConflictException in writeConflictRetry loop </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71751" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71751 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip transaction_too_large_for_cache.js for in-memory variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail and log the operation when out-of-order keys are detected in WiredTiger </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72194" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72194 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> oplog_rollover.js should wait for the durable timestamp to advance </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72519" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72519 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add arm and intel Microbenchmark test variants to Sys Perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72520" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72520 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Decommission Microbenchmark performance tests that are running on CBI instances </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72542" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72542 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fullValidate should not return a count of items </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A node in quiesce mode can win election </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73110" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73110 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> bucket_unpacking_with_sort_extended_range.js fails in sharded passthrough </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73125" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73125 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Builtin variable $$NOW is not available in document validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73157" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73157 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move out_max_time_ms tests to serial_run suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change the default log-verbosity for _killOperations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mitigate database version regression bug on drop database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use -large Evergreen distro for compiling on arm64 in sys-perf project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73481" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73481 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate does not detect out-of-order keys with {full: false} </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Backport setProfilingFilterGlobally command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73706" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73706 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Save WTRecordStoreUassertOutOfOrder fail point state to prevent concurrency bugs in testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-61100 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73745" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73745 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Zero initialize IndexKeyBucket struct </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73822" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73822 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series $group rewrite ignores certain accumulators </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74038" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74038 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Windows] Possible negative performance effects of SetProcessWorkingSetSize in SecureAllocator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74045" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74045 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow turning on diagnostic log messages for validate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74103" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74103 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase storage log verbosity in oplog_sampling.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74104" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74104 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Disable journal flusher in validate_out_of_order.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74131" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74131 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multiplanning together with subplanning causes server crash in mapReduce queries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74137" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74137 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Tag validate_out_of_order.js with requires_replication </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74153" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74153 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix blackduck_hub.sh 5.0 script </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74156" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74156 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Package plist files with macosx releases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74287" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74287 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> create scons OOM retry tool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74345" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74345 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongodb-org-server 4.4.19, 5.0.15, 6.0.5 not starting after upgrading from older version (Debian, RPM Packages) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74386" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74386 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don’t reset recordPreImages on collMod [6.0 only] </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74501" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74501 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix MigrationBatchFetcher/Inserter completion reliance to not spawn an extra cleanup thread </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74631" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74631 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log index spec when validation detects index key inconsistencies </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log $collStats output when a collection fails validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74642" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74642 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log additional information about the oplog entry that generated a document or index key when printing metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74647" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74647 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding state machine creation should be retried after interruption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74690" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74690 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change Atlas Real variants to use “2022-11” workload client </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74824" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74824 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add more expressive logging to map_reduce_drop.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create mechanism to ignore ignore fork option with systemd </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74895" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74895 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expect command errors in validation when querying $collStats, and improve the error message </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75172" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75172 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use unique collection name in partial_index_logical.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75205" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75205 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock between stepdown and restoring locks after yielding when all read tickets exhausted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75397" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75397 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make v5.0/v4.4 required variants run every other day </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75404" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75404 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Designate $searchSortValues as metadata field on v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Get rid or fix best effort check for primary db on rename path in sharded clusters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75561" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75561 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report and log more detailed information when validate encounters multikey inconsistencies </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75618" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75618 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> check oplog fast count before restarting server in oplog_sampling.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8333" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8333 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement version cursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8848" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8848 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add API to roll back and indicate that a transaction has exceeded a configurable limit of pinned dirty data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8981" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8981 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable evergreen testing for RHEL8 on PPC </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9629" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9629 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix collection of compact progress statistics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix overcounting of session txn dirty bytes statistic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10027" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10027 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Session txn dirty statistic is incorrect </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10062" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10062 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix checkpoint cleanup not to skip the internal pages </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.15-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.15 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.15-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.15-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-12" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-12"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68361" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68361 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LogTransactionOperationsForShardingHandler::commit misses transferring documents from prepared and non-prepared transactions changing a document's shard key value </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71092" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71092 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shard_id_test.cpp relies on a pure behavior of std::string::compare function </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71219" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71219 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migration can miss writes from prepared transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71305" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71305 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Legacy shard collection path waits on wrong opTime to be majority committed (5.0 and older) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71689" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71689 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refresh the CatalogCache before dropping the local collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72301" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72301 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use ordered:false when inserting chunks in optimized path of create collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72430" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72430 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MigrationDestinationManager::report() may access null _migrationCloningProgress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73916" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73916 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve ReshardingTest fixture error reporting when reshardCollection has already failed before any failpoints are waited on </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58712" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58712 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inconsistent update performance on collections with multiple secondary indexes on same key </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67704" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67704 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add count of cpu sockets to FTDC metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67705" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67705 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add count of NUMA zones to FTDC metadata </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-38232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-38232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongod on Ubuntu 16/18 does not create a pid file </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-14" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-14"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-49705" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-49705 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> 'permitted' file may have been deleted by 'after_test' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54900" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54900 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Blocking networking calls can delay sync-source resolution indefinitely </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60839" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60839 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Introduce a TemporarilyUnavailable error type </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63104" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63104 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make it easy to run jsCore locally again in a world with tests tagged by feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64764" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64764 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $expr rewrite is not prepared to handle "$$ROOT" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65177" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65177 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Elapsed initial sync time in TestRemainingInitialSyncEstimatedMillisMetric unit test can be 0 ms </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65259" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65259 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cursor leak in aggregation that requires merging on shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65881" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65881 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support sort-limit optimization with bounded sort stage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66050" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66050 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> findSelfInConfig should attempt fast path for every HostAndPort before trying slow path </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66106" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66106 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> sharded_moveChunk_partitioned.js failed moveChunk check may be incorrect (only pre-6.0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66466" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66466 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove TransportLayerASIOTest dependence on ThreadContext </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66570" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66570 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries pushes down metaField-projections that can change semantics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Higher throughput Chunk Migration - reimplement for fetching and insertion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> backup_restore.js should check for code -SIGINT due to unclean SIGINT </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67406" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67406 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sorting a cursor on sharded coll returns documents that are missing $-prefixed fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure consistent wildcardProjection and columnstoreProjection specs in catalog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68122" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68122 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate replicating the collection WiredTiger config string during initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68388" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68388 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Limit concurrency setting and update server parameter name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68434" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68434 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Equality to null can incorrectly use a cached partial ixscan which does not cover the predicate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68576" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68576 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> We need to know how many sharded collections exist in a cluster </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68647" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68647 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68648" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68648 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68739" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68739 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add WiredTiger session statistic without affecting slow op statistics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68836" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68836 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Properly handle NaN and 0 in for LDAPTimeoutMS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68853" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68853 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove invariant that a session stat needs to be a slow op stat </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68901" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68901 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect $elemMatch query analysis in mongocryptd if document contains 2 different fields with the same name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69944" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69944 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resmoke's globstar.py does not properly parse <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> * </code> before <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ** </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> listCollection returns duplicate view names </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70323" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70323 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert invariant to tassert in collection_sharding_runtime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create serverParameter for migrationConcurrency </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix self-swap in MultiPlanStage::removeRejectedPlans </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70427" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70427 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove chef+kitchen package test infrastructure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70553" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70553 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add module support to the mongo test runner </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70566" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70566 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make assertion in backup_restore.js print error code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70594" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70594 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add updated build variants to sys-perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add migrationConcurrency to serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unit test WiredTigerOperationStats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Small window of inconsistency for reads after turning index to multikey </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71020" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71020 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure aborting time series batch eventually removes bucket from catalog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71055" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71055 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> OplogOrder test can read stale all_durable timestamp after rolling back oplog entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71191" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71191 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock between index build setup, prepared transaction, and stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Variant " <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> * </code> Enterprise RHEL 8.0" should not have a .publish file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71373" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71373 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend assert.soon timeout inside predictive_connpool.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71399" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71399 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Jumbo chunk flag isn't automatically cleared after a chunk split </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix failures in lint_fuzzer_sanity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71436" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71436 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range deleter must not aggressively spam the log when shard key index not found </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71449" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71449 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix log_successs_msg: not found in init.d on debian </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71471" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71471 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve jstestfuzz deployment to work with new node run/install </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71533" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71533 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update legacy task generation to use new test stats location </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> lint_fuzzer_sanity_all regression caused by running multiple instances of npm </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71597" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71597 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race condition on createDatabase for case sensitive dbName </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable dropDatabase FSM test in stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71648" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71648 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] txn_index_catalog_changes.js runs on storage engines that do not support snapshot reads </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71691" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71691 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Error 5643004 when using $setWindowFields in a facet </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71759" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71759 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dataSize command doesn't yield </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new log message when a secondary node is skipping a two-phase index build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update BucketCatalogTest::Task class with failpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail and log the operation when out-of-order keys are detected in WiredTiger </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71969" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71969 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update system_perf.yml for compile-variant and compile_variant. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72005" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72005 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable TSBS on 2022-11 sys-perf variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72046" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72046 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Concurrent chunk migration testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable auth-delay sys-perf variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix sys-perf logkeeper links on 5.0 and 4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MetadataManagerTest must reset orphanCleanupDelaySecs to the default value on teardown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72185" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72185 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TSBS perf test definition depends on a personal github repo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72222" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72222 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MapReduce with single reduce optimization fails when merging results in sharded cluster </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72276" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72276 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove all outdated entries from backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72288" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72288 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> microbenchmark tests fail after "Enable M1 Mac support for DSI" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72449" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72449 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> backup_restore.js should check for code 2 when killing child resmoke client </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72512" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72512 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Indexes reported as valid when unable to return inconsistencies due to memory limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72535" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72535 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded clusters allow creating the 'admin', 'local', and 'config' databases with alternative casings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72576" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72576 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Notarize archive-dist binaries on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72613" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72613 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Speed up taking core dumps with the hang analyzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72619" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72619 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refactor and add more testing for migration_chunk_cloner_source changes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72620" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72620 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $indexStats doesn't include the "shard" field when run on unsharded collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72677" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72677 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Full validation doesn't always report information about indexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72825" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72825 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove all outdated entries from backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72868" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72868 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-30949 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72877" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72877 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongos retargeting logic in stepdown hooks should skip views </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72910" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72910 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Backport wtRCToStatus changes from SERVER-60839 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only print error message if there were in fact errors in getHostFQDNs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WiredTigerKVEngine::getSanitizedStorageOptionsForSecondaryReplication should skip inMemory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73216" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73216 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade BlackDuck to Detect v8 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73228" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73228 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove active directory server from jstests/external_auth/ldap_mongos_health_checking.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change the default log-verbosity for _killOperations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73264" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73264 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix wrong invariant in MigrationChunkClonerSource::commitClone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73389" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73389 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Checkpoint vector clock in drop database coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73481" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73481 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate does not detect out-of-order keys with {full: false} </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73636" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73636 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 135025: Inefficient vector resizing with reserve. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73706" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73706 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Save WTRecordStoreUassertOutOfOrder fail point state to prevent concurrency bugs in testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73719" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73719 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Comment out Legacy Build Variants in Sys-perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73745" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73745 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Zero initialize IndexKeyBucket struct </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8290" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8290 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adding a new API to the session to return the rollback reason </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8379" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8379 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not disable eviction during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow checkpoint scrub during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8652" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8652 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not skip the final metadata checkpoint when shutdown configured with use_timestamp=true </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9268" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9268 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delay deletion of the history store record to reconciliation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9428" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9428 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix two asserts in rec_visibility.c </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rollback to stable should also clear WT_UPDATE_TO_DELETE_FROM_HS flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9705" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9705 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix accidentally freeing update on the update chain in prepared commit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9751" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9751 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix a memory leak in reconciliation after aborted eviction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9765" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9765 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix handling a prepared commit after a prepared rollback with eviction failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9792" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9792 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix RTS to remove globally visible update of the data store update from the history store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9805" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9805 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Save the updates need to be deleted from history store and delete them later </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A crash during startup from backup can lose metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10081" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10081 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix failure format configs for older branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10250" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10250 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove certain Evergreen builders for release branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10257" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10257 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data-validation-stress-test-checkpoint-fp-hs-insert-s7 in 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure failure configs task executes test format once per configuration. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10461" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10461 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix key out of order in skip list on weakly ordered architecture </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10584" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10584 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add missing read barriers in __cursor_skip_prev </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.14-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.14 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.14-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.14-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-13" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-13"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid clearing filtering metadata after failed metadata refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding command fails if the projection sort is bigger than 100MB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68361" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68361 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LogTransactionOperationsForShardingHandler::commit misses transferring documents from prepared and non-prepared transactions changing a document's shard key value </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69134" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69134 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dropping a sharded collection doesn't get rid of the CSS entry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69444" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69444 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the joining of concurrent critical section and refresh look the same between DSS and CSS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69700" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69700 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replication rollback fails resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69756" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69756 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Segmentation fault on abortReshardCollection issued right after reshardCollection cmd </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70364" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70364 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry configureFailPoint command on network error (resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70373" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70373 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invariant failure in case resharding metrics are not restored </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make database metadata refresh first check new metadata under the IS lock before taking X lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71092" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71092 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shard_id_test.cpp relies on a pure behavior of std::string::compare function </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71305" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71305 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Legacy shard collection path waits on wrong opTime to be majority committed (5.0 and older) </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66289" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66289 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $out incorrectly throws BSONObj size error on v5.0.8 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70381" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70381 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _internalSearchIdLookup stage violates a 5.0 precondition of the getOwnershipFilter function </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> log_progress_msg in init.d does not print message </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-48203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-48203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support --install-action for Ninja builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64289" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64289 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Platform Support: Add support for RHEL7 PPC in 5.0.X </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69507" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69507 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rpath should only be set on dynamic builds </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-15" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-15"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54284" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54284 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ExceptionFor&lt;ErrorCodes::WriteConflict&gt; should resolve to WriteConflictException </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57072" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57072 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Explore upgrading wheel on all platforms. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60016" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60016 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> serverStatus and collection stats should not block on the RSTL lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61185" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61185 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use prefix_search for unique index lookup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63104" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63104 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make it easy to run jsCore locally again in a world with tests tagged by feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63585" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63585 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fastcount gets out of sync when a delete rollbacks and another transaction deletes the same rows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66525" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66525 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> errexit prevents capturing pip install log </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66972" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66972 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Database critical section does not serialize with ongoing refreshes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67385" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67385 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range deletion tasks may be wrongly scheduled before ongoing queries on range finish on a shard primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67538" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67538 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multi-doc transactions should fail if on an old, incompatible snapshot </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67681" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67681 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create specific target for compile commands </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68115" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68115 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bug fix for "elemMatchRootLength &gt; 0" invariant trigger </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68477" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68477 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve NaN-handling for expireAfterSeconds TTL index parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68901" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68901 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect $elemMatch query analysis in mongocryptd if document contains 2 different fields with the same name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69001" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69001 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Initial sync should set the minValid document to the "stopTimestamp" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69133" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69133 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove redundant setting of hardlink install action </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69281" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69281 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Force minimum ninja version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69348" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69348 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commands must declare empty auth checks to be universally callable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69380" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69380 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $_internalUnpackBucket stage can incorrectly swap with a $project if an inclusion projection has already been absorbed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69389" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69389 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Command checkAuthorization may throw ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound for existing collection while trying to resolve UUID to namespace when the node is shutting down. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase electionTimeoutMillis in jstests/replsets/dbcheck_write_concern.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69569" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69569 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Python scripts failing in Evergreen tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69784" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69784 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix instances of signed char misuse </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69868" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69868 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return an error when starting a TransportLayer that is shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69898" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69898 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for the critical section catch-up phase before refreshing the DB version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69912" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69912 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SConstruct is executable by mistake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> errorcodes.py doesn't detect duplicate errors in MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unexpected error message in the logs attempting to refresh the version of a dropped database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70062" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70062 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log pertinent info about oplog entries in oplog rolled over restore failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70160" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70160 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not push down $match that needs whole document before $internalUnpackBucket </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove JSON.send command usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70314" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70314 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adjust time series extended range tests to account for log retention limitations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70348" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70348 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove EAGAIN for queryable WT and retry internally </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70469" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70469 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use virtual env python in watchdog tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70483" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70483 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Resmoke to pass "evergreen_execution" up to logkeeper. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70484" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70484 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove signal processing module from perf.yml and sys_perf.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70557" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70557 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase timeout for integration_tests_sharded on s90x </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70633" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70633 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make per shard cursors suite actually run tests in 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race where multiple threads are turning an index multikey concurrently </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71055" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71055 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> OplogOrder test can read stale all_durable timestamp after rolling back oplog entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent eviction of internal pages while reconciling leaf pages which could refer to their memory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9323" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9323 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix a race tracking whether a tree has updates after a checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9599" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9599 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Acquire the hot backup lock to call fallocate in the block manager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return EBUSY if the time window of inserting record does not match with history store time window </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.13-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.13 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.13-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.13-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-14" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-14"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding with custom generated _id fails with projection error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding command fails if the projection sort is bigger than 100MB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A retry of _configSvrReshardCollection can succeed causing resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js to fail </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69142" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69142 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A retry of _shardsvrReshardCollection can cause DuplicateKey error (resharding_nonblocking_coordinator_rebuild.js) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69220" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69220 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> refineCollectionShardKey permits toggling current shard key fields between range-based and hashed, leading to data inconsistency </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69384" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69384 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix v5.0 legacy shardCollection path for implicitCreateIndex parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69700" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69700 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replication rollback fails resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Write Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-operations-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-operations-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50454" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50454 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoiding sending the "keyValue" field to drivers on duplicate key error </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-16" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-16"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58673" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58673 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable featureFlagPerShardCursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60551" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60551 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Occasionally getting "Initialized wire specification" when connecting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61185" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61185 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use prefix_search for unique index lookup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add $_passthroughToShard parameter to AggregateCommandRequest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62681" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62681 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create change streams per shard cursor passthrough suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62738" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62738 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Give mongos the ability to passthrough to a specific shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63772" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63772 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Post Batch Resume token not sent on initial batch from per shard cursor change stream </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63773" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63773 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Per Shard cursor post batch resume token not set in getMore responses </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pass optional dbVersion to runPipelineOnSpecificShard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $sortKey not filtered out in initial batch from post batch resume token </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write conflict on commitIndexBuild oplog entry insertion can cause multikey to fail to be set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66794" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66794 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an in-memory flag for TS collections having dates outside years 1970-2038 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67402" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67402 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Linearizable reads can occasionally read with wrong read source </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67538" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67538 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multi-doc transactions should fail if on an old, incompatible snapshot </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding recipient can return remainingOperationTimeEstimatedSecs=0 when the oplog applier hasn't caught up with the oplog fetcher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67653" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67653 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator can incorrectly conclude that it can start the critical section although on one recipient the oplog applier hasn't caught up with the oplog fetcher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67725" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67725 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check catalog consistency on shards as precondition for rename </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67916" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67916 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race during stepdown can trigger invariant in ReshardingMetrics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68003" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68003 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make experiment_unified_ninja.vars the default </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check for negative maxChunkSize input value in AutoSplitVector </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68691" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68691 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $graphLookup does not report variable references for 'restrictSearchWithMatch' filter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69002" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69002 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] backport pm-2419 Per Shard Cursors via mongos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SCCL can immediately return config and admin metadata without triggering a refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69547" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69547 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add multiversion_incompatible tag to show_raw_update_description*.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69590" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69590 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> libunwind warnings on clang arm platforms </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69611" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69611 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set the -ffp-contract=off compiler option by default </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69693" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69693 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use lambda instead of repeating code in resharding coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69785" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69785 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> robustify change_streams_per_shard_cursor.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9870" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9870 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix updating pinned timestamp whenever oldest timestamp is updated during recovery </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.12-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.12 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.12-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.12-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-15" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-15"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add new implicitlyCreateIndex and enforceUniquenessCheck to shardCollection command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64142" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64142 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add new enforceUniqueness to refineCollectionShardKey command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68728" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68728 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add addl. activation condition for interruptBeforeProcessingPrePostImageOriginatingOp fail point </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A retry of _configSvrReshardCollection can succeed causing resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js to fail </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69142" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69142 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A retry of _shardsvrReshardCollection can cause DuplicateKey error (resharding_nonblocking_coordinator_rebuild.js) </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62636" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62636 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 succeeds on 5.0 binVersion that has indexes with conflicting options </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-17" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-17"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongos does not validate readConcern on insert/update/delete commands </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58966" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58966 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> timeseries_granularity.js and timeseries_timestamp_rounding.js collide on test namespaces in parallel suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59834" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59834 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $group with allowDiskUse doesn't clean up _tmp files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60958" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60958 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid server hang in chunk migration when step-down event occurs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63843" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63843 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't allow recursive doLog in synchronous signal handlers </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63852" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63852 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> getThreadName() should not crash </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64573" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64573 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make implicitlyCreateIndex and enforceUniquenessCheck fields optional </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64741" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64741 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create mongos appendOplogNote command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write conflict on commitIndexBuild oplog entry insertion can cause multikey to fail to be set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AutoSplitVector should not use clientReadable to reorder shard key fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66794" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66794 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an in-memory flag for TS collections having dates outside years 1970-2038 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove LOGV2 call from printStackTrace no-LOGV2 codepath </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure HealthObserver::periodicCheckImpl() implementations handle exceptions and return an appropriate failing health check status when one occurs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67725" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67725 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check catalog consistency on shards as precondition for rename </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67814" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67814 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Track the number of time-series collections with dates outside 1970-2038 in serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> run_dbcheck_background.js should be resilient to CappedPositionLost </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68039" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68039 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Old pymongo version 3.10.1 on MongoDB v5.0 causes Invariant failure (message.operation() == dbMsg) after connection reset by peer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68399" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68399 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix parsing of safeint version numbers in blackduck_hub.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68482" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68482 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Add TSAN exclusion to getFlowControlStats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68538" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68538 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Typo in dependencies list in RPM config forces to fail installing mongodb enterprise in amazon linux 1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68540" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68540 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add docker_incompatible tag for jscore tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate the locking around the compact command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68737" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68737 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove multiversion test from debian11 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68766" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68766 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add option to re-enable single value MapReduce optimization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68925" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68925 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reintroduce check table logging settings at startup (revert SERVER-43664) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69052" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69052 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure bucket collection is valid when checking for extended range </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69141" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69141 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [6.1] Move forward pinned TSBS version </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.11-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.11 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.11-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.11-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-16" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-16"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56185" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56185 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate possible improvements with session migration and a chunk migration's critical section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js may report resharding operation as succeeding due to primary shard retrying _configsvrReshardCollection and running a second resharding operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64340" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64340 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Warn if balancer is disabled while draining shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67492" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67492 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Failed chunk migrations can lead recipient shard to have divergent config.transactions records between primary and secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> resharding_test_fixture doesn't configure failpoints for all nodes of config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68495" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68495 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding a collection with a very large number of zones configured may stall on config server primary indefinitely </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68628" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68628 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retrying a failed resharding operation after a primary failover can lead to server crash or lost writes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68728" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68728 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add addl. activation condition for interruptBeforeProcessingPrePostImageOriginatingOp fail point </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-43155" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-43155 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Queries which exceed maxTimeMS may return NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66072" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66072 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $match sampling and $group aggregation strange behavior </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61894" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61894 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support the 'showRawUpdateDescription' option in change stream specs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63159" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63159 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement the $_internalApplyOplogUpdate aggregation stage </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-18" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-18"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60607" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60607 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> improve handling of large/NaN values for geo index version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60958" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60958 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid server hang in chunk migration when step-down event occurs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61321" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61321 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve handling of large/NaN values for text index version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62747" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62747 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> proxy_protocol_connect.js needs to use the loopback address for Docker containers </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65262" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65262 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expand usage of WT numerical timestamp API </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65884" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65884 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $lookup from time-series can place $sequentialCache after correlated $match </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66023" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66023 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not constantly reset election and liveness timers </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66310" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66310 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make ExpressionSetUnion::isCommutative() collation aware </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66548" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66548 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $lookup sequential cache can incorrectly treat a $facet as non-correlated </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Role "restore" not sufficient for mongorestore --preserveUUID </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66726" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66726 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix serialization in killAllSessionsByPattern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66841" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66841 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LOGV2: invalid JSON when truncation happens at a backslash character </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66938" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66938 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Drastically simplify command to generate ninja files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67122" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67122 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add warning when building with --module=ninja that it is deprecated </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67296" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67296 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark the OpCtx of the configsvr commands used to commit chunk-related DDL ops as interruptible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67305" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67305 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Lock-free reads setup should validate writes permitted before and after setting up snapshot. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67523" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67523 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Must clear _nextCall on reschedule failure in delayable_timeout_callback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67532" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67532 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail less in OplogServerStatusSection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67683" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67683 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change some of the modes in fast and opt builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Acquire critical section in rename "check preconditions" phase only if target not sharded </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> run_dbcheck_background.js should be resilient to CappedPositionLost </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68041" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68041 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify merge_write_concern.js and add diagnostic log </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68130" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68130 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AutoSplitVector could generate response bigger than BSONObjMaxUserSize </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68158" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68158 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> serverstatus_indexbulkbuilder.js should run listIndexes on primary after creating indexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use Number instead of NumberLong when indexing in checkWritesOfCommittedTxns </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68193" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68193 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharding DDL coordinator can lock itself out in distlock retry loop </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68487" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68487 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add BSONElement method to check for NaN field values </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68511" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68511 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> movePrimary might introduce sharding metadata inconsistency in MongoDB 5.0+ </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68522" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68522 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent 5.0 binary from starting in fCV 4.4 with misconfigured TTL index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68540" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68540 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add docker_incompatible tag for jscore tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68574" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68574 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Switch to the new logkeeper cluster </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68737" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68737 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove multiversion test from debian11 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8847" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8847 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tombstone to WT_SAVE_UPD to truncate the update list upon page restore </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9004" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9004 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix memory leak in update restore eviction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9302" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9302 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deprecated object_target_size as a config in api_data.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9311" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9311 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure log messages clearly identify storage HW corruption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9477" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9477 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't allow checkpoint triggering internal page split which leads to corrupted internal page in the checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9500" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9500 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix RTS to use cell time window instead of key/value timestamps of HS update </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.10-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.10 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.10-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.10-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-17" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-17"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57519" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57519 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make ARS use causally consistent ShardRegistry::getShard() function </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62272" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62272 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adding schema validation to a collection can prevent chunk migrations of failing documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure safe access to ShardingDDLCoordinator instance state documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62656" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62656 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Decouple mongos-to-config-server connection pool sizing from mongos-to-shard-server connection pool sizing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63243" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63243 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range deleter must not clean up orphan ranges in a round-robin fashion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64433" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64433 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A new topology time could be gossiped without being majority committed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65027" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65027 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding commands permit extra options without returning an error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65821" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65821 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock during setFCV when there are prepared transactions that have not persisted commit/abort decision </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65925" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65925 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardsvrCommitReshardCollection should check for transient errors when joining </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DDL coordinators and rename participant initial checkpoint may incur in DuplicateKey error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66046" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66046 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator won't automatically abort the resharding operation when a recipient shard errors during its applying phase </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66618" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66618 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure ReshardingCoordinator has aborted in resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66866" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66866 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The range deleter waits between batches while holding the collection IX lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67457" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67457 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding operation aborted in the midst of contacting participants may stall on config server primary indefinitely </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> JavaScript <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#javascript" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="javascript"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> JS object-based types are not properly auto-serialized when directly returned by server-side JS functions </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66627" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66627 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport the install-devcore target </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-19" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-19"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57938" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57938 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip polygon validation for stored GeoJSON when query has $geoIntersect and a 2dsphere index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58257" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58257 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add better diagnostics to predictive_connpool.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59658" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59658 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve logging to reflect that sharding metadata refresh waiting on replication </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61856" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61856 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade libunwind to 1.6.2+ </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62386" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62386 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 121298: Parse warning </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62716" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62716 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle spurious finishWaitingForOneOpTime in WaitForMajorityServiceTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63271" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63271 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> serverStatus can fail the server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63493" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63493 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> update-shard-key tests failing due to transaction lock timeouts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63971" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63971 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change server parameter to default to read-your-writes behavior after 2PC transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64215" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64215 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Interrupt OplogBufferMock::waitForData on shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64244" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64244 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RunDBCheckInBackground should be resilient to interrupts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64509" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64509 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix ShardRegistry threadpool shutdown order </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64627" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64627 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Need general method to handle in-memory state after initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64628" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64628 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> More testing of adding nodes to sharded sets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64659" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64659 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report in serverStatus number of file descriptors used during index builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64725" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64725 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make ShardRegistry::periodicReloader interruptible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64797" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64797 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use WT's new numerical timestamp API </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65100" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65100 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase memory block size for BSONColumn </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65131" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65131 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable opportunistic read targeting (except for hedged reads) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65313" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65313 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use BatchedCollectionCatalogWriter during startup recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65371" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65371 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MigrationSourceManager running on secondary node may trip invariant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65399" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65399 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> 'commitIndexBuild' oplog entry is a no-op for unfinished index builds not restarted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65723" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65723 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tunable parameter to improve batching on secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> "revokePrivilegesFromRole" param.ns missing user object in audit log </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65797" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65797 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove invalid index specs in memory before parsing for listIndexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66087" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66087 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call curl_global_init before threading enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66111" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66111 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Curl implementation of HTTPClient should respect default timeouts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66319" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66319 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbcheck_no_history_on_secondary.js disables dbCheck failpoint too early </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66379" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66379 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $or to $in conversion flawed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66384" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66384 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable command line customization of NINJA_BUILDDIR </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66418" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66418 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bad projection created during dependency analysis due to string order assumption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66433" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66433 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport deadline waiting for overlapping range deletion to finish to pre-v5.1 versions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66461" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66461 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run notarization earlier in the build process </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66520" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66520 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add index build UUID to BackgroundOperationInProgress error messages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66556" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66556 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent potential race when releasing cursors during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66559" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66559 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expand the internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes param from 32 to 64 bits </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66658" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66658 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shard registry might be accessed before initialization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66727" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66727 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series bucket can be created that violates max time-span </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update spawnhost setup script to support Windows hosts via cygwin </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66799" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66799 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix getParameterWithDetails.js failure on ephemeralForTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66843" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66843 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use defensive programming in DeadlineFuture destructor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66860" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66860 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FSM tests should not reuse same database names </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66902" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66902 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multiversion setup is consistently failing on the mongodb-mongo-v5.0 Evergreen project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66955" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66955 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove JSON.send usage in perf projects </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67014" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67014 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Say that "the client driver may require an upgrade" in warning message for deprecated op codes in 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67106" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67106 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The _flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates() command should be able to also serve requests referencing collection views. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DIsable or_to_in.js from running in the parallel suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67220" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67220 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] set_fcv_prepared_transaction.js is not resilient to StaleConfig errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67405" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67405 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle empty string for is_patch evergreen expansion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67513" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67513 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable or_to_in for jsCore_compatibility for v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8425" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8425 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Push updates with the same commit timestamps in the out_of_order_ts_updates vector in hs_rec.c. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8669" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8669 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Assert that the timestamps are not OOO in __hs_insert_record </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9249" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9249 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Compare and fix the start durable timestamp if it is greater than ooo timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9251" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9251 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Perform log flush before the metadata checkpoint </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.9-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.9 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.9-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.9-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-18" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-18"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62175" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62175 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongos fails to attach RetryableWrite Error Label For Command Interrupted In _parseCommand </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure safe access to ShardingDDLCoordinator instance state documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64822" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64822 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharding an empty collection releases the critical section too early </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66041" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66041 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Chunk cloner must never consider too big a chunk with only one document </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63642" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63642 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add serverStatus metrics to measure multi-planning performance </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-42470" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-42470 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generate additional configuration for libunwind </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64332" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64332 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Notarize MongoDB builds for macos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66386" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66386 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update AMI images for package tests </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-20" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-20"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57546" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57546 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase test-specific timeouts for roles lock acquisition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log deprecation warning and bump serverStatus counter upon receipt of OP_QUERY command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60758" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60758 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent dbVersion refreshes from failing transactions in txn_recover_decision_using_recovery_router.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61018" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61018 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a generic histogram type </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61110" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61110 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix locking in AuthorizationContract::contains </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61460" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61460 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resmoke should merge config_svr options with mongod_options rather than overriding them </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62941" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62941 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update FTDCServerStatusCommandCollector to include oplog metrics from serverStatus command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62992" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62992 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove need for resmoke.ini </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63254" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63254 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add Index usage metrics to serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63796" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63796 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable Feature flag for PM-2750 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63850" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63850 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add the count command to API version 1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64664" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64664 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ninja tool should not consider install files generated source </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64815" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64815 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent buildindexes_false_commit_quorum.js from running in multiversion tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65137" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65137 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> detect namespace changes when refreshing Collection after yielding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65166" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65166 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use compareOptimes in abort_in_progress_transactions_on_step_up.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid concurrent election and stepdown in downgrade_default_write_concern_majority.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65271" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65271 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> serverStatus should allow fine-grained metrics exclusion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65636" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65636 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove limits on number of LDAP connections per host </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65861" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65861 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove enterprise-rhel-83-s390x from mh_variants on 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65995" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65995 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce Evergreen cron frequency on older branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66089" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66089 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Initial sync should do transaction table read with a later afterClusterTime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66117" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66117 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable qualify_shortname in mock libkrb5 configuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8250" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8250 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase the maximum expected space available after compaction in test_wt7989_compact_checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8450" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8450 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report stats in hs_cleanup_stress, don't validate them </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8481" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8481 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Split cppsuite search near tests and update their logging levels </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8622" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8622 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Read in last_ckpt_base_write_gen at start of recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8860" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8860 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Save the mongod logs as a test artifact in many-collection-test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9019" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9019 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable cyclomatic-complexity test on 5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9029" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9029 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove object_target_size option from WT_SESSION::create </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9044" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9044 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable code coverage measurement on mongodb-5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9054" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9054 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Correctly configure split stress options in format.sh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9096" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9096 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix search near returning wrong key/value sometimes when key doesn't exist </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.8-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.8 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.8-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.8-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-19" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-19"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62690" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62690 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shard is shutting down before finishing draining in test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65533" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65533 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Operations with {readConcern:available} do not treat the collection as UNSHARDED </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Write Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-operations-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-operations-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65261" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65261 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deleting from a capped collection via collection scan reports number of documents deleted incorrectly </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-44074" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-44074 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Platform Support: Add Enterprise RHEL 8 (zSeries) </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-21" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-21"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55173" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55173 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Segmentation fault in WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56003" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56003 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ninja + icecream with changing compilers doesn't regen run-icecc.sh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56731" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56731 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Consider running server tests on newer SLES 12 service pack </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58506" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58506 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Command to expose settability for Server Parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60105" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60105 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inserts into timeseries collections are not observable from any opcounter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tasks which run on the MigrationUtilExecutor must not wait for shutdown to complete </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61032" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61032 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert all references to /opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb to a versioned equivalent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61663" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61663 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dynamically split concurrency_metrics and concurrency_replication_metrics into smaller tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refreshes to recover migrations must never join ongoing refreshes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62205" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62205 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Include sanity check for max chunk size argument of [auto]splitVector </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62229" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62229 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix invariant when applying index build entries while recoverFromOplogAsStandalone=true </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Platform Support: Add support for Debian 11 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63010" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63010 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that unpacking measurements doesn't overwrite pushedown addFields that are computed on meta data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63387" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63387 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> StreamingCursor should return backup blocks in the order they were retrieved from the WiredTiger backup cursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Correct $$SEARCH_META ban in sharded environments </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63531" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63531 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> commitQuorum incorrectly includes buildIndexes:false nodes and error message incorrectly says that only voting nodes are eligible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63910" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63910 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generalize this error message related to the critical section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64031" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64031 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> serverStatus should not take PBWM lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Track usage of allowDiskUse:true in agg command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use _id to determine the update type in extractUpdateType() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64554" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64554 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> abortIndexBuild oplog entry has no effect when run with --recoverFromOplogAsStandalone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] BSONColumn decompression of interleaved arrays </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64757" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64757 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve error messages when scons fails to generate-ninja on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64983" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64983 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Release Client lock before rolling back WT transaction in TransactionParticipant::_resetTransactionState </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65024" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65024 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multiple documents with the same _id value make reIndex invariant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65032" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65032 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin python package BaseResponse for ocsp suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65182" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65182 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix split_horizon_hostname_startup.js to use an assert.soon when getting the replsetconfig </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65200" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65200 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Package task not run as part of task group </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65211" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65211 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use expansion to get binaries from the current branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65284" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65284 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create collection coordinator should always perform cleanup on subsequent execution </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65430" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65430 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable capped_deletes.js on ephemeralForTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65718" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65718 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix mypy error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Format timed out with prepare-conflict </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8260" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8260 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a Python suite test to validate new EVENT_HANDLER JSON format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8708" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8708 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timestamp usage error in test/checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8924" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8924 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't check against on disk time window if there is an insert list when checking for conflicts in row-store </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.7-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.7 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.7-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.7-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-20" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-20"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60109" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60109 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure vector clock is recovered on step-up </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61249" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61249 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> refine_collection_shard_key_basic.js relies on a best-effort refresh that might not happen in case of failover </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61444" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61444 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding uses of bumpCollectionVersionAndChangeMetadataInTxn are not idempotent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61755" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61755 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migration recovery should handle refined shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62072" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62072 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _configsvrReshardCollection may return without having waited for unsetting "reshardingFields" to replicate to majority </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Distributed locks might not be released on definite error when using a DDL coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62761" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62761 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] receiveChunkWaitForRangeDeleterTimeoutMS is being passed on 4.4 binaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62906" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62906 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a check in the createCollection/shardCollection path verifying the collection name length </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62907" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62907 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Vector clock components must survive CSRS non-rolling restart </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63722" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63722 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rename collection participants get stuck upon errors different from stepdown/shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63742" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63742 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Default topology time in shard can lead to infinite refresh in shard registry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64517" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64517 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RecoverableCriticalSection is not properly recovered on startup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64580" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64580 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Step downs while sharding a collection in mixed binaries shards might crash the old binary </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54374" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54374 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race between signalOplogWaiters and StorageEngine::loadCatalog </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-40691" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-40691 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $nin:[[],...] queries are not indexed </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-21070" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-21070 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add option to gather collection stats </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-22" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-22"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-51456" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-51456 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Database Profiler outputs incorrect value of property "keysDeleted" for a remove operation when a write conflict occurs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53993" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53993 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Attach client strand before releasing the opCtx in AsyncCommandExecution tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56300" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56300 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add append range functionality to BSON obj and array builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56558" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56558 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify validate_db_metadata_command.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56931" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56931 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> instrument ASIO set_option failures better </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for config.system.sessions collection to exist on the config server before refreshing logical session cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58069" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58069 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ASSERT_THAT matcher framework for unit tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58152" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58152 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create Feature flag for Remove Faulty Mongos From Cluster Topology </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58310" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58310 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ThreadPoolTaskExecutor is memory unsafe when task cancellation occurs around the same time an exhaust network response is received </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58499" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58499 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new error code LoadBalancerSupportMismatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59220" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59220 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Connectivity probes in ocsp_server_refresh.js should use fresh shells </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve ecs scp robustness </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59290" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59290 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-evaluate sync source after incrementing config version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59356" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59356 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create dummy FaultManager singleton, FaultStatus enum and dummy unit test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59357" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59357 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create dummy Fault class and dummy unit test for it </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59358" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59358 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create FaultFacet interface, mock implementation and unit test running mock that imitates a failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59360" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59360 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create HealthObserver interface, mock implementation and unit test invoking the periodic check with mocked failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59361" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59361 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement periodic health check thread pool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59362" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59362 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Setup Fault Manager State Machine </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59364" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59364 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Should move to the OK state after performing a successful round of health checks when in the StartupCheck state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59365" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59365 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Should not transition to OK state if initial health checks are not completed successfully </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59366" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59366 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Progress monitor for periodic health check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59367" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59367 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Should create in-memory Fault instance when entering the TransientFault state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59370" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59370 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Should Transition to ActiveFault state when in the TransientFault state for kActiveFaultDuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enforce non-critical facets not entering ActiveFault state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Should provide the ability to perform periodic health checks against config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59397" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59397 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> implement randomization for health check periods </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59496" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59496 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fault class should be a container of active fault facets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59522" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59522 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> HealthCheckStatus should track fault status and lifetime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59567" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59567 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Periodic check should invoke observers, simulate HealthObserver Mock failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59608" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59608 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 120502: Parse warning </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59912" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59912 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Initial no-op scaffolding of the Ldap health checker </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60079" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60079 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Common health observer code to incorporate generic patterns from Ldap observer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60316" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60316 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FaultManager should start with periodic checks disabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60412" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60412 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Host memory limit check does not honor cgroups v2 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60587" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60587 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement FaultFacet </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61016" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61016 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Swallow connection reset-related errors received during ASIOSession creation on outbound connection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61095" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61095 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve transport_layer_asio_test.cpp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61104" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61104 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify find_and_modify_invalid_query_params.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61220" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61220 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Integration test for Progress monitor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61315" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61315 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ldap health check executor should support aborted tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FaultManager test suite should use real thread pool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61438" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61438 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race in health_observer_test.cpp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61490" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61490 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> transport_layer_test: asio connect race </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Querying with ms precision does not return expected results (TS collection) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SCons configure checks should always run with verbosity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61706" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61706 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> make sure that the new config has reached all nodes in cluster_x509_rotate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Attempting to run an aggregation with $out or $merge in a transaction on a sharded cluster leaves idle cursors open </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61871" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61871 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> use tassert for state machine programmer errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61872" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61872 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix thread pool starvation in FaultManager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61873" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61873 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LDAP health observer runtime params </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61914" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61914 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add fault facet details to FaultImpl::toBSON </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61921" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61921 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Link failure in noSSL mode in FaultManager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61956" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61956 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fix data race when accessing the state machine's state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61977" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61977 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Concurrent rollback and stepUp can cause a node to fetch from a timestamp before lastApplied once it has stepped down. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62017" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62017 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable all feature flags by default in the sys-perf all feature flags variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62084" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62084 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Serializer for FaultFacetType is broken </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62085" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62085 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use more bits for hashedMultikeyMetadataPaths in validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62096" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62096 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> /proc/&lt;id&gt;/smaps is not available </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62098" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62098 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Guard healthCheckContexts with mutex in fault_manager.cpp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62192" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62192 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle feature flag disabled for implicit sharding accessed collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62242" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62242 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $indexOfArray does not work with duplicate values in array </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62285" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62285 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate cachedir add push failure debug messages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range deleter must honor rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62379" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62379 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix deadlock between ReplicationCoordinator and BackgroundSync on stepUp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62466" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62466 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _lastTransitionTime stat field in FaultManager is never changed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62511" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62511 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race in dbcheck_no_history_on_secondary.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62513" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62513 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RunDBCheckInBackground should retry on Interrupt errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62514" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62514 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbcheck_write_concern.js should prevent primary from stepping down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62569" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62569 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> IDL Compatibility Checker script doesn't properly handle array types </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add enable all feature flags by default feature to Enable all feature flags by default to microbenchmark project. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62668" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62668 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Synchronize access to ImpersonatedUserMetadata in OperationContext. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62680" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62680 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate cachedir make local tmp to ensure successful copy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62682" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62682 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> PrimaryOnlyService Does Not Call _rebuildCV.notify_all() leading to calls to waitForConditionOrInterrupt not being triggered </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62712" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62712 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate cachedir isolate cache errors to only the cache debug log file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62876" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62876 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop testing tenant migrations with capped collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62948" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62948 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure FTDC collectors don't have a read timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63010" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63010 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that unpacking measurements doesn't overwrite pushedown addFields that are computed on meta data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63073" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63073 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix ShardNotFound handling in shard_removal_triggers_catalog_cache_invalidation.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63079" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63079 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid using projection parser in $setWindowFields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63097" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63097 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> stepdown_race_with_transaction.js should use the "uses_transactions" tag. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63141" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63141 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Difference in $lookup/$redact/$let behaviour with pipeline optimization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63197" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63197 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin microbenchmarks genny version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax restriction of deletion ops in applyOps command. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Chunk splitter never splits if more than 8192 split points are found </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63214" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63214 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ignore hash inconsistency between whole dbs when collection hash mismatch between image collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Better logging to explain LDAP health check flakiness </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63239" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63239 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not throw exception in AutoSplitVector on empty ranges </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63240" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63240 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> clearJumboFlag might persist a ChunkVersion with a wrong format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63250" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63250 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix implicitly sharding timeseries collections feature flag check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pushing predicates on the time-series metaField past unpacking can cause incorrect results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63288" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63288 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add debug log messages for queryable http calls </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63417" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63417 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Oplog fetcher should not retry when a node is known to be down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63428" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63428 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify oplog applying code for update operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Transferring large file to repo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63471" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63471 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> waitForPrimaryOnlyServices finish rebuilding before testing stepDown in no_disconnect_on_stepdown.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63497" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63497 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix icecream debugging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63505" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63505 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure arbiter recognizes primary node in rollback_views.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63512" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63512 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use optimized (no isSelf calls) reconfiguration on heartbeat reconfig </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63531" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63531 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> commitQuorum error message incorrectly says that only voting nodes are eligible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63646" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63646 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _raise_if_unsafe_exit uses wrong return_code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63859" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63859 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disallow collMod with expireAfterSeconds on a view </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63876" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63876 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Secondary nodes crash when applying collMod with index.expireAfterSeconds option </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63968" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63968 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prohibit enumeration of builtin roles on $external database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin version of itsdangerous python dependency </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-63986" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-63986 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disallow 4.x running update_with_dollar_fields.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64182" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64182 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enabling health checks should check if another pending check was already scheduled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64304" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64304 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Using --recoverFromOplogAsStandalone can result in index builds crashing the server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Must not allow deletes from capped collections in fCV 4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64403" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64403 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Find queries with SORT_MERGE collation-encode the missing sort attribute </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64555" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64555 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Allow new unique index data formats to exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7922" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7922 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle missing WiredTiger version file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7954" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7954 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use longer flush_tier timeout in test_tiered04 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8074" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8074 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Panic in reconciliation if inserting content into the history fails </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Updating metadata salvage csuite test to handle salvaging table metadata without salvaging file metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8198" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8198 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Switch the bulk load cursor to a scratch buffer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8320" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8320 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Select updates restored from history store irrespective of visibility </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8362" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8362 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove or rewrite HS entries of a key when OOO tombstone is written to datastore </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8417" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8417 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Restructure assert testing in search near 01 cpp for concurrency </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8422" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8422 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clear the on-disk cell time window if it is obsolete </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use consistent toolchain in little-endian </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8477" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8477 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enforce the use of Pymongo 3.12.2 in our Evergreen tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8598" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8598 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid checkpoint cleanup always on shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8605" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8605 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable the perf tests for non-develop branches in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8649" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8649 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WT_SESSION methods cannot release scratch buffers unless reset or closing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8743" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8743 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Configure hs_cleanup configuration to stress the cache less </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8753" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8753 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tombstone when rolling back in-memory, prepared, reconciled updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8799" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8799 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable documentation update on mongodb-5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8874" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8874 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable compatibility tests on mongodb-5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set the OOO flag when the selected tombstone is globally visible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8894" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8894 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Find the path to the mongod executable for many-collection-test </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.6-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.6 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.6-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.6-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-21" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-21"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-45149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-45149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> replSetStepDown command in txn_two_phase_commit_failover.js should not timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56127" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56127 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retryable update may execute more than once if chunk is migrated and shard key pattern uses nested fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56227" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56227 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add user-facing command to set allowMigrations to false for a sharded collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58622" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58622 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DDL coordinator handle write concern error incorrectly when removing coordinator document </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60624" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60624 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> txn_commit_optimizations_for_read_only_shards.js pauses replication on coordinator and can leave transaction stuck in prepare </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60682" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60682 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TransactionCoordinator may block acquiring WiredTiger write ticket to persist its decision, prolonging transactions being in the prepared state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60860" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60860 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingCollectionCloner uses primary read preference when nearest was intended </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61003" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61003 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet errors from ShardRegistry must be retried </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61105" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61105 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The sessions migration logic during moveChunk pollutes the logs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61268" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61268 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fixing the release of a recoverable critical section on secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61416" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61416 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Indefinitely retry errors in rename coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61459" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61459 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardingCatalogManager::assignKeyRangeToZone() reads stale version of CollectionType while running locally on config server primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61461" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61461 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> update_shard_key_doc_moves_shards.js fails due to spurious refreshes from secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61628" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61628 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not reschedule range deletion task when numDeleted &lt; numDocsToRemovePerBatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61637" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61637 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Review range deleter batching policy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61689" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61689 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ActiveMigrationsRegistry::lock method doesn't properly handle its exceptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61759" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61759 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unsetting the AllowMigrations flag should abort ongoing migrations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61816" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61816 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> cancel_coordinate_txn_commit_with_tickets_exhausted.js can hang forever due to race condition between transaction reaper and transaction coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61945" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61945 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding collection cloning may fail with NamespaceNotSharded when "nearest" read preference chooses secondary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOplogFetcher waits on network request completing without interruption, potentially preventing shard step-up from ever completing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61976" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61976 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Resharding] Shards can error while refreshing their shard version following step-up, stalling the resharding operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62065" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62065 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade path from 3.6 to 4.0 can leave chunk entries without history on the shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62171" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62171 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add logs to output of runConcurrentMoveChunk in sharding_statistics_server_status.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding can fail with NamespaceNotSharded if recipient primary fails over before creating temporary resharding collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62207" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62207 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardCollection with small maxTimeMS can crash the shard due to incorrect BSON object lifetime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62245" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62245 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MigrationRecovery must not assume that only one migration needs to be recovered </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62296" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62296 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MoveChunk should recover any unfinished migration before starting a new one </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Node may become unable to sync from other members after performing rollback to stable timestamp </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-10" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-10"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57588" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57588 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inconsistent query results when an array position is indexed whose value is an array </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59754" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59754 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect logging of queryHash/planCacheKey for operations that share the same $lookup shape </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62147" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62147 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exhaust query using the OP_QUERY protocol is broken when more than one getMore batch is required </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-30846" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-30846 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run dbCheck as background workload in FSM tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55483" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55483 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new startup parameter that skips verifying the table log settings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58409" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58409 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Startup RecordId initialization is flawed with durable history and reconstructing prepared transactions </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-28953" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-28953 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Capture df (disk full) statistics in FTDC </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-23" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-23"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-49748" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-49748 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Initial sync should clone admin.system.version before any other collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54468" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54468 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable Feature flag for Minimal support for sharding time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Guarantee hang analyzer collects core dumps for sharded clusters, at minimum </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57037" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57037 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve precision of operator counters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57092" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57092 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use real test name for JS runner resmoke suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57289" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57289 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> redact should not convert BSONArray into BSONObj </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57312" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57312 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin transitive Python dependencies and use the pinned file for installation in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57772" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57772 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Failpoints on mongos rewrite state change error codes in writeConcernError </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58035" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58035 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove db.runCommandWithMetadata from mongo shell </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58135" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58135 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReplSetTest initiate failing in replica sets with chaining disabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59428" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59428 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use more robust regex matching in rollback resumable index build fixture </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59779" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59779 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call asCluster() before replSetFreeze in ReplSetTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> multi_statement_transaction.js does not retry transaction on StaleConfig </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60048" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60048 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CheckReplDBHash should not fail for cases where we expect retryable findAndModify images to be inconsistent after a restart </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60217" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60217 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] enableReconfigRollbackCommittedWritesCheck should be applied on 4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60310" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60310 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> OCSP response validation should not consider statuses of irrelevant certificates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60334" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60334 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pause the WiredTigerSizeStorer during Rollback To Stable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60392" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60392 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timing in priority_takeover_two_nodes_equal_priority test. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60513" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60513 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run burn_in_tags compile on -large distro </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60517" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60517 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enforce eviction_dirty_target &lt; eviction_dirty_trigger in the fuzzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60685" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60685 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TransactionCoordinator may interrupt locally executing update with non-Interruption error category, leading to server crash </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60788" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60788 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> merge_causes_infinite_loop.js attempts to expose a problem that no longer exists </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60809" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60809 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add ability to not idLookup after $search </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60959" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60959 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Insert to a Time-Series getting error collection ErrorCodes::TimeseriesBucketCleared </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61005" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61005 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> rs.initiate() fails with "Invariant failure" under specific startup options </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61012" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61012 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Instantiation of TEMPLATE rule sometimes has a command in generated ninja </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61097" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61097 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SizeStorer can cause deadlocks with cache eviction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61121" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61121 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make TransactionMetricsObserver support TxnNumberAndRetryCounter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61122" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61122 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log TxnNumberAndRetryCounter in metrics and log methods inside TransactionParticipant and TransactionRouter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61188" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61188 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> When storeImageInSideCollection=true, pre-image noop entries for collection with preImageRecordingEnabledForCollection=true are assigned wrong opTimes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61194" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61194 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent time-series bucket OID reuse with coarse granularity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Creating a view can lead to a deadlock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61214" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61214 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure having the latest known entry of the catalog cache when creating config.system.sessions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61216" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61216 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The --cache-disable flag results in a python stacktrace </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61275" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61275 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Destruct the size storer after the session cache has shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61307" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61307 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add context to parsing errors for $setWindowFields' partitionBy expression </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61358" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61358 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate cachedir incorrectly re-raising InvalidChecksum </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61427" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61427 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unique index builds can cause a loss of availability during commit due to checking many false duplicates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase the number of retries to connect to a replica set following a stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61532" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61532 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Opcounters to detect constrain violations need to be exposed. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61550" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61550 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify auto_workload_path in perf.yml to be relative to cwd </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61590" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61590 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Presence of system.buckets collection should not assume that the collection is time-series collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61591" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61591 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify currentop_shell.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> timeseries_min_max.js assumes measurements are returned in insertion order </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disconnect nodes before restarting replication in sync_source_selection_ignores_minvalid_after_rollback.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61681" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61681 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for replSetGetStatus to update in replSetGetStatus_member_wall_times.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61690" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61690 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adjust stored fields protocol for atlas search </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61738" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61738 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revive dbCheck.js and make it deterministic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61743" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61743 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The -fno-builtin-memcmp flag shouldn't be applied except on x86_64 platforms </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61748" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61748 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbCheck should not hold a strong database lock during batches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61754" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61754 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbCheck should not hold a strong collection lock during batches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61757" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61757 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a dbCheck command option to customize the batch size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61791" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61791 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> pin pymongo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61805" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61805 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use port to check primary node in timeseries_retryable_write_downgrade_oplog_rollover.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61846" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61846 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent redact from throwing BSONObjectTooLarge </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61852" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61852 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbCheck should tryLock the collection with backoff </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61858" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61858 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for node to become primary before disconnecting in sync_source_selection_ignores_minvalid_after_rollback.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61877" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61877 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove catalog consistency verification from dbCheck </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61883" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61883 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] Read support for compressed time-series buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61910" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61910 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> initiate_takes_stable_checkpoint.js doesn't account for closing connections in rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61931" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61931 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow ClusterManager role to operate against system.buckets.* collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61955" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61955 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose dbCheck as a generally available command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62022" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62022 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce dbCheck info logging in production, log start and stop </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62023" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62023 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve dbCheck observability </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62037" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62037 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix replica set definition in the system perf yaml file for linux-1-node-15gbwtcache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62041" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62041 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a maximum batch execution time to dbCheck </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove several obsoleted build variants across all stable branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62210" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62210 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix dbCheck progress meter handling of dropped and recreated collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62212" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62212 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support writeConcern for dbCheck </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62226" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62226 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable dbcheck_no_history_on_secondary.js on EFT </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62243" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62243 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for vector clock document majority-commit without timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62277" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62277 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Performance regression from dbstats due to occupied disk space calculation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tolerate SnapshotTooOld errors in dbCheck testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62380" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62380 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for majority commit point to be advanced on each node before starting rollback test in rollback_set_fcv.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Several Amazon Linux 2 tests on the 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and master waterfalls are not running </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> recover_multiple_migrations_on_stepup.js fails when executed in config server stepdown suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62423" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62423 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix replsetinitiate_works_with_keyfile_profile_verbose_options.js to work on ephemeralForTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make timeseries_sharding_admin_commands.js clearJumboFlag test more resilient </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62706" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62706 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbcheck.js: handle replica sets with mixed debug/release members </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8395" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8395 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inconsistent data after upgrade from 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 to 4.4.8+ and 5.0.2+ </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow retrieving checkpoint snapshot for backup restore recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8576" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8576 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable logging in test checkpoint </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.5-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.5 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.5-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.5-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-22" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-22"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-51329" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-51329 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unexpected non-retryable error when shutting down a mongos server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ignore error from retryable write being converted to transaction and that transaction failing in random_moveChunk_update_shard_key.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56227" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56227 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add user-facing command to set allowMigrations to false for a sharded collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57686" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57686 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> We need test coverage that runs resharding in the face of elections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58343" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58343 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable reshard_collection_failover_shutdown_basic.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59719" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59719 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardsvr{Commit, Abort}ReshardCollection may return unrecoverable error on stepdown, leading to fassert() on config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59806" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59806 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Optimized path of shard collection fails to succeed with a large number of chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60730" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60730 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardsvrDropDatabase should always join existing coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60751" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60751 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> move_chunk_critical_section_non_internal_client_abort.js does not consider config server stepdowns </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60804" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60804 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove shard version checks from cursor_valid_after_shard_stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60945" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60945 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase the resharding critical section timeout value for resharding_large_number_of_initial_chunks.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61027" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61027 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Port permitMigrations changes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61066" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61066 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make shardsvr DDL commands check primary status after marking opCtx as interruptible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61289" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61289 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make resharding_retryable_writes.js more robust to timing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61473" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61473 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator calls ReshardingMetrics::onCompletion() multiple times on transient errors, leading to config server crash </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61482" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61482 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Updates to config.reshardingOperations wait for PrimaryOnlyService to be rebuilt while holding oplog slot, stalling replication on config server indefinitely </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61483" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61483 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator fails to recover abort decision on step-up, attempts to commit operation as success, leading to data inconsistency </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61607" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61607 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Accept DuplicateKey as a possible error in resharding_nonblocking_coordinator_rebuild.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61633" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61633 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding's RecipientStateMachine doesn't join thread pool for ReshardingOplogFetcher, leading to server crash at shutdown </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54909" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54909 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> In replSetGetStatus, report last durable and last applied operation wall times for all members </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60946" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60946 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race condition in replsetprio1.js when initiating replset with nodes having different priorities </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59924" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59924 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Error executing aggregate with $out with "available" read concern on sharded clusters </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58736" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58736 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid quadratic behavior in rollback with many collections </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-24" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-24"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54776" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54776 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable Feature flag for PM-2191 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55535" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55535 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Performance tests to exercise change streams optimizations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57131" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57131 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix trivial race in topology_listener_test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invariant failure in a $group-by-variable optimization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57171" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57171 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the killop test more resilient </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57486" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57486 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent periodic index checks in transactions_stale_shard_version_errors.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58636" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58636 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Initial syncing node can miss final oplog entry when calculating stopTimestamp against a secondary sync source </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59329" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59329 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure that withTemporaryOperationContext throw an error if the node is no longer a primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Downgrade invariant and add additional tassert for group on system variable optimization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59654" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59654 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add Evergreen task for time-series update fuzzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a concurrency test with time-series inserts and interrupt generating commands </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59858" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59858 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add observability for tasks scheduled on the reactor thread </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59871" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59871 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> startup_recovery_for_restore_restarts.js needs to make sure a checkpoint happens after failpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adjust maxTimeMS value to allow for slower execution in the parallel test suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60393" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60393 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> increase replica_sets_jscore_passthrough time limit to 3hr. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TenantOplogFetcher times out on recreating aggregation cursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inconsistent error on mongos when renameCollection target already exists </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60670" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60670 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> use a separate branch instead of a specific commit for TPCC </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60671" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60671 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove dagger </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60756" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60756 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add additional logging for failed updates in multi_statement_transaction_atomicity_isolation.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60762" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60762 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $setWindowFields partitionBy an array should consistently error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Documents may be retrieved out of order in timeseries_delete.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61039" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61039 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded time-series listIndexes should report the view's namespace </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Accept error code 48 (Inappropriate authentication) as a valid response for LDAP liveness check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use less concurrency in find_cmd_with_indexes_timeseries.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61208" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61208 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer might be running when it shouldn't in transactions_stale_shard_version_errors.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61269" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61269 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adding log to awaitdata_getmore_cmd.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61283" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61283 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Add requires_fcv_50 to timeseries_insert_kill_op.js and timeseries_insert_idle_bucket_expiration.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix forward compatibility with checkout_idl_files_from_past_releases.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61309" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61309 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix time-series bucket lock reacquisition logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61360" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61360 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> reduce Debian 9 variants jlink to prevent OOM cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61405" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61405 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Consider removing fCV check from $$SEARCH_META </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61597" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61597 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use deterministic order for random_moveChunk_timeseries_inserts.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-3445" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-3445 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add multiple tables to format tester. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5008" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5008 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate Jenkins "wiredtiger-perf-btree" job to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5010" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5010 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate Jenkins "wiredtiger-perf-checkpoint" job to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5011" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5011 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate Jenkins "wiredtiger-perf-log-consolidated" job to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5012" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5012 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate wiredtiger-perf-evict to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5013" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5013 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate Jenkins "wiredtiger-perf-stress" job to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5580" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5580 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dump the wtperf command into logs in Evergreen wtperf test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6001" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6001 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid reading the page into cache if it needs to be rewritten </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6022" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6022 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> NVRAM cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6116" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6116 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Turn non-timestamp testing back on </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fixes to have bucket prefixes properly used in object names. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7820" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7820 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retrieve the on-disk durable timestamp to compare with newer update timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an oldest_id for tiered and its metadata. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7912" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7912 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix prefix search near optimisation to handle scenarios where the key range is split across pages. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8004" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8004 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a read order for the architecture guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8030" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8030 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add sanity checks related to eviction trigger setting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8046" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8046 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Keep non persistent configuration settings between wiredtiger_open calls in test/format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8065" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8065 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update documentation about cursor and prefix_key configuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8076" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8076 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify tiered_abort csuite test to work with cmake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8114" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8114 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert allow setting the prepare timestamp smaller than or equal to the latest active read timestamp with roundup prepare config </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8151" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8151 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make durable_start_ts equal to stop_ts if stop_ts is less than durable_start_ts and greater than start_ts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8157" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8157 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix format-abort-recovery-stress-test timeout condition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8163" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8163 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Consider more eviction scenarios to give up checkpoint-cleanup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unused getters from the cppsuite code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8173" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8173 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix row column store node in architecture guide diagram </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Push JSON output generated from wtperf_run.py to Cedar/Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8179" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8179 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Push out.json generated from wtperf_run.py to Atlas </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8188" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8188 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use compact progress stats in compact related tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8189" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8189 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add useful information for compact analysis to WT verbose messaging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8192" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8192 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend the verbose API to support the assignment of verbosity levels per event category </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8194" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8194 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix ASAN leaks when tcmalloc is enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8196" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8196 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add warning options to the cppsuite files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8221" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8221 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Compare write generation number before performing RTS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8224" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8224 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix coverity complains about unused variable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8228" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8228 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add variable-length column store support to the compact tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix hs18 test to use release evict cursor to evict the page </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data-validation-stress-test-checkpoint ignoring failures </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8237" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8237 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unassign NULL value to config after freeing, it stays unused. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8241" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8241 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip value return for largest key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix disk space issue in checkpoint stress tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8254" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8254 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implementation of new WiredTiger internal API to define verbose messages with an associated severity level </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8255" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8255 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a Python suite test to assert legacy uses of the verbose interface still work as intended </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8256" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8256 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create new tests capturing different verbose configuration scenarios </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8270" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8270 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Updating the time window clear obsolete stage of reconciliation to correctly consider global visibility. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8271" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8271 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Capture git branch and commit status in perf test result output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8275" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8275 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Streamline compact stats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable prefix assert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8281" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8281 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix out of order handling with history store stop timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8283" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8283 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use the new verbose API in compact files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8284" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8284 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve verbose logging for transactions when rollback is required </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8285" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8285 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simplify CMakes use of third party libraries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8286" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8286 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create stress test for prefix search </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call _exit() instead of exit() without an exec </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8294" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8294 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Push the results from performance tests to one collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8297" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8297 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> timestamp order check fired on logged table in recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8298" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8298 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Switch Evergreen performance tests to use ubuntu2004-large instances </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8314" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8314 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the block cache returning blocks for the wrong table </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8316" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8316 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> format backward compatibility mode fixes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8317" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8317 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Never store overflow keys on internal pages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8318" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8318 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add format.sh support for a directory of CONFIG files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8321" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8321 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update timeout for smoke tests to 60 minutes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8331" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8331 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> change format to allow quote characters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8335" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8335 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support compiling both a static and shared WiredTiger library in CMake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable unsafe-loop-optimizations flag when compiling c++ files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> format direct I/O test fails to turn off backups </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8339" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8339 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add missing comma to wtperf monitor header </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8342" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8342 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity: CID 121074: UNINTENDED_INTEGER_DIVISION in src/support/float.c </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8345" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8345 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> API to configure cache_max_wait_ms at the session level </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8346" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8346 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate Jenkins "wiredtiger-perf-stress" remaining tests to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8347" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8347 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Slipup in test_checkpoint modify changes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8349" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8349 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> In-memory format runs can create a CONFIG with illegal cache size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8350" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8350 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test/format problems where the wrong type of value was used to turn a configuration value off </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8354" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8354 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Historic format builds used in compatibility runs need their previous syntax </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8355" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8355 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 121096: Uninitialized pointer read </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8357" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8357 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add more Evergreen expansions into the performance test output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8358" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8358 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pass ops and args fields to wtperf via command line </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8359" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8359 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Separate smoke tests from stress tests in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8363" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8363 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate stats output by performance tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8364" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8364 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix CMake bug when building cppsuite with TCMalloc </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix verbose message output produced by '__wt_verbose_multi' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert Validate stats output by performance tests </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.4-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.4 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.4-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.4-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-23" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-23"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-40865" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-40865 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader does not serialize read operations with other operations for the same collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-49897" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-49897 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Insert no-op entries into oplog buffer collections for resharding so resuming is less wasteful </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53335" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53335 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Queries, updates, and deletes with non-"simple" collations may miss documents when using hashed sharding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54231" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54231 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding can leave behind local collection on former primary shard that doesn't own any chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54623" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54623 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Decrease number of jobs in causal consistency passthrough suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55412" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55412 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mirrored reads should propagate the shard version field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55429" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55429 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Abort migration earlier when receiver is not cleaning overlapping ranges </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55557" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55557 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range deletion of aborted migration can fail after a refine shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-56500 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57217" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57217 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't report remainingOperationTimeEstimatedSecs in currentOp metrics for resharding for donors and coordinators </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57266" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57266 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create IDL representations for resharding metrics time intervals. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57276" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57276 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Capture max/min percent complete in FTDC metrics as seen by the commit monitor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove resharding_test_util.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57654" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57654 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call Pipeline::dispose() if Pipeline::getNext() throws in ReshardingCollectionCloner </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57655" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57655 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call Pipeline::dispose() if Pipeline::getNext() throws in ReshardingTxnCloner </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57665" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57665 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the unused disallowWritesForResharding() method </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57675" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57675 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> random_DDL_CRUD_operations.js may attempt to rename to a same destination ns twice </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57686" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57686 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> We need test coverage that runs resharding in the face of elections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57760" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57760 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Introduce dedicated OpCounters-like metrics for resharding and use them in ReshardingOplogApplier </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57761" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57761 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increment insert opcounter as part of resharding collection cloning </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58082" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58082 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail resharding operation if allowMigrations has already been set to false </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58304" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58304 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> "metrics" field in resharding's donor, recipient, and coordinator documents isn't marked as optional </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58343" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58343 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable reshard_collection_failover_shutdown_basic.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58407" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58407 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding components do not retry on FailedToSatisfyReadPreference when targeting remote shard, leading to server crash </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58433" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58433 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingCoordinatorService Transaction In bumpCollectionVersionAndChangeMetadataInTxn Possibly Too Large </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make ReshardingCoordinatorService more robust when stepdowns happen near the end of a resharding operation. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58871" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58871 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set fixed db primary in write_concern_basic.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58914" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58914 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create ReshardingDonorWriteRouter class with function stubs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58915" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58915 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement ReshardingDonorWriteRouter functionality along with unit tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58960" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58960 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Measure the overhead from ShardingWriteRouter on the write codepath </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58980" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58980 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent Resharding Coordinator StepDownStepUpEachTransition test race between stepdown and done </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58990" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58990 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding always write new collection timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59023" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59023 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding can fail with NamespaceNotSharded following a primary failover on a recipient shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59160" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59160 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable balancer in test_stacked_migration_cleanup.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59208" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59208 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow retryable write in resharding_replicate_updates_as_insert_delete.js to fail with ShardCannotRefreshDueToLocksHeld </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59500" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59500 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DDL coordinators must not release dist locks on stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59585" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59585 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOpObserver performs an invalid CollectionShardingRuntime cast on config servers </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding Prohibited Commands Incorrectly Assumes Consistency In Config.Cache.Collections Collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer conflicts with chunk migration tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59775" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59775 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingDonorOplogIterator triggers an fassert() when it continues to run in member state SECONDARY following a stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59803" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59803 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set maxTimeMs for catalog cache refresh aggregation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59811" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59811 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOplogFetcher can see the postBatchResumeToken move backwards in time when switching sync sources, stalling the resharding operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59812" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59812 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingMetrics::onStepDown() is called while data replication components are still running, leading to an invariant failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59849" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59849 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add test to verify behavior of ReshardingOplogFetcher when pre/post image cannot be fetched </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59890" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59890 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude migration_coordinator_shutdown_in_critical_section.js test from the config stepdown suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59903" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59903 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not wipe out renamed tags upon resuming the rename of sharded metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59916" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59916 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> T{1, 2}Starts{First, Second}AndWins In WriteConflictHelpers Does Not Synchronize Committing Of Failed Transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59923" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59923 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry reshardCollection command from background thread in ReshardingTest fixture </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59927" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59927 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding's RecipientStateMachine::_restoreMetrics() doesn't retry on transient errors, leading to fassert() on stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59965" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59965 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Distributed deadlock between renameCollection and multi-shard transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOplogApplicationRules does not version all writes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60142" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60142 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shard can migrate on top of orphans after filtering metadata was cleared </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60161" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60161 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock between config server stepdown and _configsvrRenameCollectionMetadata command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60220" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60220 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingCoordinator::installCoordinatorDoc should update in memory state before calling logChange </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60266" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60266 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry WriteConcernError exceptions in DDL coordinators </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding Prohibited Commands Does Not Wait For The Recipient To Be Done </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60413" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60413 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the critical section reason used by the moveChunk command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60508" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60508 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shard server OnReplicationRollback throws when recovering critical section on time-series collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DDL participant commands need to ensure they make a write with their txnNumber </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60731" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60731 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Postpone database critical section release in drop database coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60737" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60737 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove incorrect chunk timestamp check from ShardServerCatalogCacheLoaderTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding may apply through reshardFinalOp without transitioning to strict consistency, stalling write operations on collection being resharded until critical section times out </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60811" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60811 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Drop database could drop new collections after stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60858" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60858 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _configsvrReshardCollection command which joins existing ReshardingCoordinator may miss being interrupted on stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60859" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60859 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingCoordinator waits on _canEnterCritical future without cancellation, potentially preventing config server primary step-up from ever completing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60916" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60916 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CPS Restores failed with a snapshot with documents in reshardingOperation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61026" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61026 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invert order of shards receiving drop collection participant command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61052" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61052 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding Donor &amp; Recipient's Coordinator Doc Updates Can Time Out Waiting for Replication on Coordinator Doc, Leading to Fatal Assertion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61066" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61066 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make shardsvr DDL commands check primary status after marking opCtx as interruptible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingCoordinatorService, Config Collection Deletes Can Time Out Waiting for Replication on Coordinator Doc, Leading to Fatal Assertion </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58988" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58988 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid sync source selection cycle during primary catchup. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59170" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59170 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude max_doc_size.js from tenant_migration_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59646" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59646 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check that the difference in ping times is greater than changeSyncSourceThreshold before evaluating sync source in nodes_in_primarys_datacenter_dont_sync_across_datacenters.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60153" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60153 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> More INFO level logs during election </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-11" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-11"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-51806" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-51806 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> bulk key insertion phase of index build holds IX lock without yielding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55516" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55516 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove tags for Time-series tests in sharded passthroughs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57321" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57321 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $mod match expression incorrectly handles NaN, Infinity and large values </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57376" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57376 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CollectionImpl and IndexCatalogImpl stats are uninitialized and can be written to the logs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60586" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60586 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> out_max_time_ms.js does not correctly enable "maxTimeNeverTimeOut" failpoint leading to spurious test failure </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59308" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59308 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Match After $lookup-$unwind not applied correctly to $lookup results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59613" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59613 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $range expression should error if it exceeds memory limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59924" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59924 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Error executing aggregate with $out with "available" read concern on sharded clusters </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58130" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58130 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Changing time-series collection validator is acknowledged by server without errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59057" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59057 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not enforce fast count in validate command for config.transactions collection </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53242" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53242 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Always log collmod command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59883" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59883 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Have mongo shell message about using mongosh respect the --quiet flag </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-25" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-25"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-52310" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-52310 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag for Integration work to support new $search parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53350" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53350 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose methods on ReshardingTest fixture for sending replSetStepUp, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL to shards and config server while resharding is running </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53351" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53351 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add resharding fuzzer task with step-ups enabled for shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53913" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53913 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingDonorService instances to load metrics state upon instantiation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54206" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54206 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a non-blocking API for the Fetcher class (or create an alternate class) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54726" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54726 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix typo in 'numScannedAferResume' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Architecture Guide updates for PM-2191 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54775" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54775 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create Feature flag for PM-2191 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55711" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55711 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 118014: 'state' variable shadowed in checkState() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56416" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56416 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongod --version returns with extraneous log line on M1 laptops </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Track usage of match expressions in serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56639" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56639 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timestamp index ident drops for startup recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56801" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56801 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update placeholder links for the reconfig check in PSA sets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56813" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56813 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Have Resharding be [RRFaM] aware </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56887" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56887 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> setIndexCommitQuorum command returns {ok: 1} when run against a mongos on a non-existent index build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57000" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57000 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix handling of correlated pipeline with facet </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57229" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57229 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> killOp_against_journal_flusher_thread.js must ensure the JournalFlusher doesn't reset the opCtx between finding the opId and running killOp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57295" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57295 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rotate audit log on startup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57315" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57315 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable shardCollection command for a time series collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57350" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57350 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardKeyPattern::parseShardKeyPattern() - NaN representation is being cast to integer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57437" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57437 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement insert routing for sharded time series collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57565" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57565 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure time series measurements do not update orphan buckets on sharded cluster </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57566" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57566 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement sharding admin commands behaviour for time series collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57567" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57567 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update sharded passthrough suite to handle time series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57568" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57568 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement query routing behaviour for sharded time series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57570" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57570 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable updating granularity on sharded time-series collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57572" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57572 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rewrite secondary indexes on mongos for sharded time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57573" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57573 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement orphan filtering logic for $sample stage on sharded time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57589" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57589 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enhance testing for cluster collStats and indexStats commands to ensure top-level 'timeseries' summation works </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> timeseries::MinMax::minUpdates/maxUpdates should consider calls to timeseries::MinMax::min/max when determining updates to include </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57605" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57605 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose Decimal128 equality comparison helper to shell </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57697" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57697 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Measure latency/throughput of ReshardingOplogApplier::_applyBatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57700" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57700 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Measure latency/throughput of resharding::data_copy::fillBatchForInsert in ReshardingCollectionCloner::doOneBatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add time-series stub to update command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57718" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57718 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add time-series stub to delete command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57733" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57733 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Determine whether an update/delete's query depends only on a time-series collection's metaField </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57734" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57734 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Determine whether an update modifies only a time-series collection's metaField </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57735" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57735 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Translate a single update on a time-series collection's metaField into an update on its buckets collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57736" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57736 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Translate a delete on a time-series collection's metaField into a delete on its buckets collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57742" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57742 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a non-specialized version of the OperationLatencyHistogram class </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57780" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57780 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve BlackDuck timeout handling </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57784" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57784 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TryUntilLoop Does Not Synchronize Destructor and Promise resolution </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58112" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58112 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add explicit synchronization to TaskExecutor's exhaust command promises </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58122" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58122 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replace searching logs for invariant failure with failpoint usage in resync_majority_member.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid leaking state from NetworkInterfaceTest::CancelLocally </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58148" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58148 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mirrored_reads.js assertion does not consider mirrored read failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58166" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58166 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resumable index build rollback tests can run out of RamLog space </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58170" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58170 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prohibit dropping system.views if timeseries collections are present </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58175" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58175 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Round time values before routing inserts to sharded timeseries collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _applyPrepareTransaction does not ensure prepareConflictBehavior is kIgnoreConflictAcceptWrites on retry attempts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> improve $unionWith stage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58263" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58263 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix absl map erase loop in TenantMigrationAccessBlockerRegistry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58331" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58331 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail time-series updates and deletes in multi-document transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58370" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58370 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> StringMap element use-after-free in RollbackImpl </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58385" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58385 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> recovery oplog application updates multikey info on wrong collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58386" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58386 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> assign unique collection names to test cases in null_query_semantics.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test time-series metaField-only deletes with collation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58393" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58393 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable "collation" for time-series metaField-only updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Translate multiple ordered updates on a time-series collection's metaField into updates on its buckets collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58396" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58396 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Translate multiple unordered updates on a time-series collection's metaField into updates on its buckets collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58406" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58406 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable debug logging when the TestingProctor is enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58412" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58412 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Changing settings.chainingEnabled in replica set configuration should affect change in sync sources </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58480" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58480 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add the necessary parameters to the ContinuousTenantMigration hook to allow for proper transient error retry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry transaction on transient errors in api_params_transaction.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58492" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58492 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test time-series metaField-only deletes with let </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58493" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58493 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test time-series metaField-only deletes with hint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58519" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58519 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix metaField-only time-series deletes with concurrent collection drops </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58583" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58583 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Query analysis for mongocryptd does not handle expressive projections in find </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58617" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58617 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow updates on a time-series collection with no metaField </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> processReplSetInitiate does not set a stableTimestamp or take a stable checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58722" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58722 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> assign unique collection names to test cases in wildcard_index_multikey.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58739" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58739 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-58334 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clean up timeseries_update_delete_util.h and update references to queryOnlyDependsOnMetaField() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inserts and updates disagree on whether an empty subdocument is a level of nesting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58796" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58796 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable "let" for time-series metaField-only updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58797" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58797 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable "hint" for time-series metaField-only updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58798" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58798 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test "arrayFilters" for time-series metaField-only updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58803" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58803 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test that time-series metaField-only deletes close in-memory buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58804" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58804 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure time-series metaField-only updates close in-memory buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58811" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58811 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unit test query functions in timeseries_update_delete_util.h </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58861" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58861 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ephemeralForTest sorted data interface does not work on big endian machines </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58872" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58872 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add require_fcv_51 tag for sharded timeseries tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58877" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58877 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban spilling to disk in SpillableCache if there is no storage engine available. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58888" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58888 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $unionWith explain with mode "executionStats" does not account for stages which are pushed down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58896" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58896 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix metaField-only time-series updates with concurrent collection drops </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58899" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58899 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set curOp namespace to view collection for time-series updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58903" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58903 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Blacklist index_many2.js from tenant migration stepdown/kill/terminate passthrough suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongodb-enterprise-unstable-server conflicts with mongodb-enterprise-unstable-shell </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58967" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58967 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set curOp namespace to view collection for time-series deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59024" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59024 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unit test update functions in timeseries_update_delete_util.h </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use a unique bucket collection name in clustered_index_types.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59054" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59054 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enforce timeouts for generated fuzzer tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59067" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59067 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix TLS Race condition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59072" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59072 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disallow updates on time-series collections where upsert:true </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59074" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59074 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not acquire storage tickets just to set/wait on oplog visibility </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59088" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59088 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create Feature flag for Minimal support for sharding time-series collections: update and delete </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59092" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59092 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support $jsonSchema operator for time-series deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardCollection command should ensure that time-series collection is created properly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59104" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59104 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove usages of findNthChild() in time-series update/delete code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resolve race with transaction operation not killed after step down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59110" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59110 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update connection error message in powercycle </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59120" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59120 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create unit tests for commitChunksMerge </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> drop collection on time-series collection should drop the underlying buckets collection on config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59140" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59140 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate shard key pattern for timeseries shardCollection command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59141" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59141 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Review RPM spec files for potential errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> hard fail if "--ninja" tool option is used with ninja module in place </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> non_durable_writes_on_primary_can_reach_majority.js does not wait for durable timestamp on secondary to advance </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59154" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59154 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add more comprehensive time-series update document test cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59159" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59159 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $min/max window function null semantics are different than their accumulator counterparts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> All write commands on sharded time-series namespace should translate to buckets namespace, on mongos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59173" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59173 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Audit error messages for time-series updates and deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59174" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59174 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report number of documents updated/deleted for time-series updates/deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59180" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59180 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement update rewrite and routing for sharded time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59181" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59181 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement delete rewrite and routing for sharded time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tests to verify correctness of Time Series index and bucket collection after chunk migration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59190" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59190 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> IndexAccessMethod can be destructed during index build bulk load yield </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59191" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59191 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SPIKE: git.get_project fails to clone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59194" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59194 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude timeseries_update_concurrent.js from running in parallel with other tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59196" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59196 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tests for explain command for sharded timeseries collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59214" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59214 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> include query results in oplog_visibility.js assertion message </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59218" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59218 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only replace the top-level metaField with "meta" for time-series updates/deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59226" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59226 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock when stepping down with a profile session marked as uninterruptible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59294" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59294 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check action type for oidReset </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59298" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59298 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generated fuzzer tasks should use timeout_secs not exec_timeout_secs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve $match stage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59321" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59321 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update suffix var to v5.0 in compile expansions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59409" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59409 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race between reconfig replication and stepup can cause RSM to be stuck in reporting ReplicaSetNoPrimary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59410" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59410 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clean up time-series update and delete tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59413" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59413 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix possible race in tenant_migration_fetch_committed_transactions_retry.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59425" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59425 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ninja fails to install archive targets locally </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59445" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59445 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase storage log verbosity in oplog_sampling.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59456" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59456 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Start the LDAPReaper threadpool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59459" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59459 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongodb fails to build with glibc-2.34 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59476" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59476 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate_commit_message does not allow wiredtiger imports to be reverted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59483" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59483 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> tenant_migration_collection_ttl.js must account for race between recipient cloner and donor TTL sweep </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59491" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59491 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add "requires_multi_updates" tag to geo_update2.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59505" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59505 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series query on mixed, nested measurements can miss some events </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59515" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59515 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix defaults in MergeAuthzCollection command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59525" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59525 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TenantMigrationRecipientAccessBlocker isn't being initialized correctly on recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59591" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59591 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LockerNoop::isW() always returns true allowing multiple operations think they are holding the global exclusive lock at the same time </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59606" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59606 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not set dynamic timeouts on tasks with tests that have no runtime history </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59635" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59635 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark ConfigSvrMoveChunkCommand as interruptible on stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59649" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59649 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> multiversion generated suite filenames should be different from normal tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a concurrency test with time-series inserts and interrupt generating commands </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59666" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59666 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Renaming system.buckets collection should be disallowed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59669" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59669 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unprotected variable in the concurrent test TransientSSLParamsStressTestWithManager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59672" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59672 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix stopping replication in step_down_during_draining3.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59676" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59676 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DocumentSourceFindAndModifyImageLookup can hit invariant when used in a shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59693" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59693 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingTest fixture must accommodate nodes going into ROLLBACK while attempting to run replSetStepUp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59701" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59701 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Error when working with some timezones when using external timezones database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59720" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59720 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Correctly handle $rename in time-series metaField-only updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59727" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59727 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TenantMigrationAccessBlockerRegistry::_remove doesn't remove when both mtabs are present </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59765" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59765 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $dateAdd/$dateSubtract do not detect an overflow for certain 'amount' values </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59778" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59778 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify timeseries_query.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59796" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59796 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for replication before stopping replication on secondaries in catchup.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59804" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59804 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Using a separate branch for YCSB in system_perf.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59805" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59805 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Provide a way to check for and to remove invalid index catalog options </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59843" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59843 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-56639 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59865" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59865 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update repl arch guide to reflect new implicit default write concern formula </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59866" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59866 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop fCV from waiting for majority when currentCommittedSnapshot is dropped </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59867" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59867 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Split horizon mappings in ReplSetConfig/MemberConfig should be serialized deterministically </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59868" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59868 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix index build race in durable_history_index_usage.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59876" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59876 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Large delays in returning from libcrypto.so while establishing egress connections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59885" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59885 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for replica set to stabilize before validating collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59925" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59925 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stress test and fix deadlock in expiring idle buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59934" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59934 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dropping a View and creating a Collection on same namespace may be replicated out-of-order </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59943" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59943 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multiversion setup should not download assets from test branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59952" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59952 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix multiversion burnin_tests error during resmoke process </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59970" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59970 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix return value from authenticate command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60007" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60007 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement command to drop collection if its UUID differs from the expected </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60025" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60025 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> queue document crashes the server due to producing invalid runtime object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60038" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60038 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban setWindowFields in transaction with read concern snapshot </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60062" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60062 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix duplicate uuid and server description deep copy found in topology description clone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60096" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60096 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add rollbackHangCommonPointBeforeReplCommitPoint failpoint to RVR </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60145" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60145 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> generated task resmoke config files should be based on task names </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add variant to 5.0 with some feature flags </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clean up time-series update and delete util functions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60218" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60218 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve $group stage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Container hosts should look for evergreen binary at / </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60228" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60228 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RPM external dependency scanner is deprecated </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60259" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60259 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> set require_multiversion in task generation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60263" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60263 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> stitch_support library fails to load due to missing static initializers </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60269" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60269 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable ShardedTimeSeriesUpdateDelete feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60270" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60270 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tags to window functions read concern test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60283" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60283 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable tests incompatible with the ephemeralForTest storage engine </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60285" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60285 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create FSM test for deletes on sharded time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60290" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60290 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Windows external auth test distro </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport PCRE bugfix for Bugzilla #2613 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60322" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60322 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Failed index build initialization during rename collection between dbs may not clean itself up from collection metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60326" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60326 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Windows Server fails to start when X509 certificate has empty subject name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60340" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60340 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't forward mongo ports through SSH tunnel in powercycle </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60343" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60343 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Single-phase index builds perform un-timestamped catalog writes on abort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60348" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60348 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add featureFlagTimeseriesUpdatesAndDeletes to 5.0 backport builder </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60406" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60406 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $searchMeta fails on unsharded collection in sharded cluster when there are no search results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60418" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60418 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> drop_sharded_timeseries_collection would not support step downs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60420" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60420 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The slow 'shardCollection' path performs heavy work under the critical section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TenantOplogFetcher times out on recreating aggregation cursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60430" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60430 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] tenant_migration_recipient_access_blocker_rollback.js holds a failpoint that prevents previous instance from completing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60450" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60450 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add error check for $dateSubtract when negating amount value </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60451" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60451 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Index builds code can access an invalid BSONObj because the cursor was saved&amp;restored at a lower level </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60452" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60452 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix time-series shard key validation when the collection does not exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60456" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60456 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LDAPBindOptions go out of scope during heavily delayed binds on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60469" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60469 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retryable deletes reserve two optimes for preImage chaining despite not capturing a preImage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60495" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60495 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry FailedToSatisfyReadPreference in DDL coordinators </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60497" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60497 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> renameCollectionForApplyOps should skip system.buckets rename check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60511" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60511 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> getPinnedOplog return value should always be std::min compared with the pinned timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60518" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60518 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Best effort checks in range deleter can leave orphans </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60523" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60523 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Standalone fixture incorrectly handles directory creation exceptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60544" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60544 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replace remaining references to slaveDelay in replication system </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60548" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60548 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries insert path segfault </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60550" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60550 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> migration_util function may miss some response errors when submitting remote commands through sendToRecipient() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60554" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60554 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce ConnectionAttempts in ssh connection options in powercycle </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60588" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60588 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $multiply incorrectly throws an error in some cases in the classic engine </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60593" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60593 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify sample_timeseries.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60606" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60606 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race condition during initial sync when index builds start in data cloning phase </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport the autoSplitVector logic to v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60661" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60661 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Add test to ensure that sharded time-series collections work correctly when the feature flag is off </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60739" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60739 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change chunk size in timeseries_balancer.js to split chunks sooner </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60740" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60740 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify timeseries_multiple_mongos.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60762" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60762 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $setWindowFields partitionBy an array should consistently error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60766" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60766 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add 'does_not_support_transactions' for sharded time-series tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60801" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60801 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix logkeeper snapshot location </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-add logic to set feature compatibility version on arbiters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60877" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60877 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Correct inadvertent copy of MutableOplogEntry on replLogUpdate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60896" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60896 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fast forward audit spooler before triggering filtered event </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60913" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60913 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Package testing is failing on some platforms </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60948" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60948 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Insert document in new collection in migration_id_index.js to await successful index build on secondary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-60971" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-60971 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove calls to BF suggestion service </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generating KeyStrings from MultiIndexBlock can result in memory limits not being respected </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-61096" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-61096 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ResetDbPath sometimes errors while recreating dbpath on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5009" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5009 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate remaining wiredtiger-perf-lsm tests to Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5270" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5270 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create wtperf script for evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5743" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5743 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rewrite cells when the transaction ids are cleared for VLCS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-5939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-5939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix naming conflict resulting in "cannot remove directory" error in test_config06 (OSX only) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6077" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6077 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add new stats to track compact progress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6193" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6193 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable VLCS testing in format-test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6669" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6669 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable VLCS coverage and checkpoint tests in evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6900" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6900 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "schema" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6903" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6903 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "dhandle/btree" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6907" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6907 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "snapshots" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6909" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6909 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Eviction architecture guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6913" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6913 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> file system and os interface architecture guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7169" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7169 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commit ts should not be lesser than the last durable ts in test_timestamp22.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7250" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7250 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the test to perform explicit eviction instead of relying on low cache size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7294" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7294 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable VLCS evergreen endianness tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7392" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7392 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Added evicted flag to dhandle for use by session sweep </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add Python test to trigger update restore eviction during recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7601" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7601 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix typo in operation tracking documentation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7695" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7695 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dump entire tree when key out-of-order found in __cursor_key_order_check_row </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7745" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7745 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add macro to identify uris for btree objects </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7757" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7757 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip obsolete leaf pages without having to read them </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7844" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7844 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tiered_abort stress test for tiered storage. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7885" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7885 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure WiredTiger testing uses tcmalloc where possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7902" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7902 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry the alter command after a system wide checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7914" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7914 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the documentation only when required </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7942" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7942 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Release timestamp lock in test/format when all_durable timestamp is not found </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7949" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7949 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change local store cache and bucket directories to be relative to WT_HOME </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7957" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7957 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tiered storage should look in local system for objects </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7959" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7959 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skipped_pages is less than expected_pages_skipped in test_cursor17 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7980" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7980 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create interface to "log:" cursor which switches log files before returning them </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create Unit Test to check compact does not rewrite overflow items </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7989" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7989 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Compact quits when running at the same time as a system checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7992" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7992 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Provide API to return the last key in a table regardless of visibility </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7993" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7993 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> If gathering handles and not in aggressive eviction mode, have eviction sleep to let checkpoint grab a contentious spinlock. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8001" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8001 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix Inconsistent API behaviour when setting global oldest and stable timestamps </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8007" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8007 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update script to correctly generate new test for the CPP test suite framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8011" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8011 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add format support for randomly choosing RS or VLCS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8017" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8017 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable VLCS format stress testing in evergreen. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8019" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8019 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> VLCS snapshot-isolation search mismatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8022" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8022 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Verify WT_CURSOR.modify return values in format test program </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8023" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8023 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use global transaction information to assess if a session has active transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8024" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8024 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add link text to cross-references in Arch Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8026" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8026 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run PPC/zSeries/macOS mainline builds less frequently in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8034" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8034 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use the PR branch when docs are compiled in PR testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8035" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8035 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle prefix enabled lexicographical comparisons for string key formats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Added connection panic flag in two assert statements in wt_evict_thread_run and _wt_evict_thread_stop. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8039" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8039 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new flag for API check instead of clearing prepared flag which may incorrectly force a roll back </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8041" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8041 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rollback to stable unpacks values repeatedly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8042" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8042 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create an evergreen job to run test/checkpoint variation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8043" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8043 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tidy the "ripcip" argument into the visibility code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8044" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8044 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prefix enabled search near only returns matching keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8048" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8048 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove split_8 timing stress configuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8055" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8055 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix issue when compact quits when running at the same time as a checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8057" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8057 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a test to verify that changing compact is not resulting in data loss </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8059" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8059 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a check in salvage when no overflow items are found </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8067" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8067 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the code that ensures to insert the newest history store value as full update </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8068" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8068 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve __rollback_row_modify control flow </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8069" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8069 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 120706: Redundant test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8070" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8070 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove discrepancy between prefix_key and prefix_search </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8075" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8075 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 120712: 'Constant' variable guards dead code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8077" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8077 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark the page dirty once the prepared updates are resolved </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8078" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8078 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement tiered storage local retention caching </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8079" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8079 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add breakpoint to verify error macros, clean up API processing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8081" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8081 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix tiered hook functions to provide default for config string </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create cpp test for prefix search near entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8092" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8092 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prefix early exit when keys are present in the insert list </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix use after free in csv extractor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8101" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8101 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable diagnostic mode for the CPP tests in evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8103" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8103 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip a dhandle if it isn't a btree </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8104" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8104 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix memory leaks noted by ASAN </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use temporary files and rename in local store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8112" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8112 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip null check, per coverity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8113" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8113 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove dead code, per coverity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8115" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8115 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Define macros only when necessary in cpp files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8116" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8116 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix issues related to inheritance in the cpp testing framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8119" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8119 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add targeted compact testing to the existing testing framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8121" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8121 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a long running stress test which inserts a large amount of data over a long period </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8125" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8125 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update hs_cleanup cppsuite test to use the new thread_context logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark btree as dirty only if not newly created when instantiating a deleted row-store leaf page </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8146" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8146 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop the tracking component when a CPP test ends </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8147" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8147 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Detect invalid syntax in cppsuite configs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8148" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8148 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix comment typo in util_verify.c </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8161" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8161 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce verbosity of CMake Evergreen smoke </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8162" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8162 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refactor uses of SMOKE arg in 'define_c_test' helper </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable rollback_to_stable10 python test on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8168" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8168 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix unused variables in search near cpp tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8171" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8171 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement a C style test in the CPP testing framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8193" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8193 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wrong corner case in VLCS rollback-to-stable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8199" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8199 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make s_all accept Python PEP8 compliant line breaks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the layering violation in accessing the page </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8204" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8204 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix possible race condition in "wt7989_compact_checkpoint" CSuite test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8214" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8214 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only publish the docs from the WiredTiger develop Evergreen project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8225" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8225 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data race in zstd get context </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8226" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8226 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix largest_key failed to consider prepared update </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.3-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.3 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.3-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.3-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57716" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57716 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Partial certificate chain in PEM causes validation failure in OCSP </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-24" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-24"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-27383" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-27383 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Require --replSet with --configsvr </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50937" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50937 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make resharding coordinator support recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55824" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55824 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make ssl_get_more.js start shards as replicaset </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57487" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57487 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update chunks during setFCV 4.4 «--» 5.0 must not block balancing for long periods </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57953" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57953 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _flushReshardingStateChange attempts to refresh shard version while another refresh already pending, leading to invariant failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58081" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58081 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _flushReshardingStateChange from coordinator races with donor shard acquiring critical section, stalling the resharding operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58315" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58315 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change jstests to not use standalone nodes as shards nor config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58342" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58342 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow specifying of reshardCollection zones to be empty </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ensureTempReshardingCollectionExistsWithIndexes may hit an invariant if collection was previously dropped </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58702" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58702 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix comment in ReshardingDataReplication and update its member declaration order </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58720" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58720 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DropDatabaseCoordinator must not re-execute destructive logic after removing CSRS metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingCoordinatorObserver should not fulfill promises if the "donors" or "recipients" fields are empty </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58868" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58868 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable/Remove a commented moveChunk + AllowMigrations test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58917" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58917 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait until donors/recipients are aware that coordinator has persisted decision before expecting successful collMod, createIndexes, and dropIndexes in resharding_prohibited_commands.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingDonor should not try to set the stop time of the critical section if it the critical section was already released </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59114" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59114 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOplogFetcher stops fetching new oplog entries if remote donor shard responds with Interruption exception </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59292" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59292 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> completion future can be set more than once because of WithAutomaticRetry </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58133" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58133 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use split replication tasks because they are timing out because of "majority" implicit default write concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix read_only_test.js to avoid start point beyond end point during replication recovery. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59083" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59083 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> catchup_takeover_with_higher_config.js needs to be excluded from multiversion suite for last-continuous </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59131" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59131 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wrap rawMongoProgramOutput search in an assert.soon in implicit_default_write_concern_upgrade_shards.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59212" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59212 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure node stepped down before waiting for catchup takeover in catchup_takeover_with_higher_config.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59478" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59478 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move serverStatus command before taking RSTL in catchup_takeover_with_higher_config.js </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-12" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-12"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54791" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54791 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Excessive file descriptor usage during index build with external sort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57448" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57448 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fix ExpressionParams::parseTwoDParams() to handle int values in key patterns that are out of bounds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57667" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57667 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve processing speed for resharding's collection cloning pipeline </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58744" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58744 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> applyOps on capped collections can violate the multi-timestamp constraint </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migrate the python setup scripts to use cmake </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-26" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-26"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-52007" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-52007 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag for Integration work to support new $search parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53001" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53001 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-47323 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-53437" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-53437 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Architecture Guide updates for Change the Default Write Concern to Majority </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54735" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54735 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Executor shutdown can cause AsyncTry-until to set its result with ErrorCodes::BrokenPromise </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55589" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55589 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> replSetMaintenance command does not take the RSTL </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55664" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55664 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support clustered _id indexes in ephemeralForTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55760" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55760 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cancelation tests for AsyncTry are racy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55966" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55966 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AsyncTry no longer handles exceptions from until() lambda, leading to process crash </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56235" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56235 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Evaluate index types that are dependent on a collection not being clustered, rather that it not being time-series </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56492" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56492 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Normalize time-series metadata with array type </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56580" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56580 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Promote build-tools=next to stable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate collection epoch when not holding a DB lock for $merge </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56800" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56800 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail addShard if CWWC disagrees with existing CWWC on cluster </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56844" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56844 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fassert shard server on startup if DWCF=w:1 and no CWWC set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail addShard if DWCF=w:1 and no CWWC is set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56846" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56846 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail reconfig for shard server if it would change DWCF and CWWC is not set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not set inherited maxTimeMSOpOnly deadline on hello command in v4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57140" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57140 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix up perl relics from migrated shell scripts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57262" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57262 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow nodes to vote for candidates with higher config </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the fCV constant in the logkeeper snapshot workload </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57360" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57360 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log additional debug info for the "invariant (_requests.empty());" in ~LockerImpl </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57387" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57387 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> create_view_does_not_take_database_X.js should check its insert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57435" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57435 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude views_coll_stats.js from causally_consistent test suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57465" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57465 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove_newly_added_field_after_finishing_initial_sync.js does not wait until the new configuration has been replicated </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57520" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57520 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make set_audit_config.js test start shard as replicaset </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57575" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57575 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate create_view_does_not_take_database_X.js failures on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57585" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57585 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> oplog_visibility.js prints null 'next' timestamp for missing oplog entry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57599" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57599 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DocumentSourceBucketAuto returning eof when disposed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57615" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57615 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reset CWWC to w:majority for tests that don't create/stop the replica set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57616" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57616 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for secondary to load signing keys in disable_cluster_time_gossiping_in_unreadable_state.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57617" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57617 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Have the OplogFetcher in Tenant Migrations do an aggregation query instead of a find </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57630" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57630 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION on Ubuntu 18.04 when running against OpenSSL 1.1.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent integer overflow in Query Planner parsing of hint parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57657" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57657 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> disable_cluster_time_gossiping_in_unreadable_state.js shouldn't modify a response's $clusterTime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57700" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57700 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Measure latency/throughput of resharding::data_copy::fillBatchForInsert in ReshardingCollectionCloner::doOneBatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57737" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57737 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The index builds code path can throw WCEs and invalidate an active cursor by calling abandonSnapshot without calling save/restore cursor. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57740" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57740 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardingTest use X509 also with preferTLS mode </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58051" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58051 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongod.exe does not release file handles on rotated logs on windows 10 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58060" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58060 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add new aggregation stage to downconvert RRFaM images to oplog entries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58068" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58068 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multi updates interrupted by a tenant migration should wait for the migration to complete </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58119" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58119 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> single_node_set_new_hostname.js needs to call replSetReconfig with an assert.soonNoExcept </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58152" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58152 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create Feature flag for Remove Faulty Mongos From Cluster Topology </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58160" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58160 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase egress timeout in cluster_x509_roate.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Checkpoint thread causes assertions when raced with recovering prepared transactions on startup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58264" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58264 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only run cron jobs in Evergreen on the master branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58293" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58293 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongocryptd does not include server API fields in explain command response </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58353" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58353 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix disabled Replication tests failing in multiversion suites due to changing latest release to 5.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58392" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58392 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unpin durable history on rollback to refetch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58399" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58399 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Duplicate errInfo field in write errors when operation fails document validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58402" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58402 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase timeout of shutdown command in shutdown_primary.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58420" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58420 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Gracefully handle the demotion of data-types in umask </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Include dochub link in log line 5578800 when warning about deprecation/removal of old op codes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58438" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58438 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tenant migration retryable write prefetching pipeline could be very slow under load </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58464" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58464 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invariant failure during time-series insert with concurrent shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58565" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58565 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adjust timeout for replica_sets_jscore_passthrough </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58581" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58581 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add SEARCH_META variable that populates from mongot </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58588" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58588 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement $searchMeta stage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58594" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58594 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::handleHeartbeatResponse_forTest doesn't use _mutex when reading _rsConfig </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58620" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58620 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> New recipient primary can complete migration before donor renames collection in tenant_migration_resume_collection_cloner_after_rename.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58626" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58626 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark capped_max1 as tenant_migration_incompatible. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58637" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58637 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable null_query_semantics.js from multiversion passthroughs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58669" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58669 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> createIndexes, dropIndexes, and collMod may still fail with ReshardCollectionInProgress after resharding operation completes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58676" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58676 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban pipelines that set SEARCH_META variable in sharded collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58682" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58682 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> check_todos.py should be no-oping in the waterfall </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Linux Repeated Execution builder] disable concurrency_replication_multi_stmt_txn </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58740" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58740 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reserve multiple oplog slots when writing retryable findAndModify with storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection=true </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58806" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58806 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use replica_sets_jscore_passthrough_gen task on Enterprise MacOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58812" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58812 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> tenant_migration_timeseries_retryable_write_oplog_cloning.js should get donorDoc before being garbage collected </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58815" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58815 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Have internal findAndModifyImageLookup set the synthetic oplog entry to timestamp of findAndModify - 1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58823" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58823 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The refineShardKey command should mark its operation context as interruptible at step down/step up </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58855" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58855 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve/Fix the Race Condition in out_max_time_ms.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58857" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58857 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change stream accidentally filters out rename event from reshardCollection [5.0 Only] </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58886" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58886 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow 'vars' result to be returned from a sharded search query but fail on SEARCH_META access </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58898" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58898 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent writing to "local" db from waiting for writeConcern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58904" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58904 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Escaped or single-quoted DESTDIR causes malformed .ninja and resmoke.ini </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58919" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58919 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops_gen needs to be marked as a generated task. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58948" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58948 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> idl_tool: support generated idls </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58973" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58973 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix failure deprecated_wire_ops_mongos.js with v5.0 windows debug build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> awaitable_hello_fcv_change.js doesn't account for window between awaitable hello requests due to reconfig </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59000" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59000 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enforce dependencies for generated tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59025" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59025 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase storage log verbosity in oplog_slow_sampling_logging.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59040" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59040 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add operations_longer_than_stepdown_interval tag to background_unique_indexes.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59044" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59044 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle empty time series collection for $sample in the TrialStage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59056" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59056 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Fix primary check in timeseries_retryable_write_downgrade.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59071" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59071 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Using $sample can trigger invariant when connecting directly to shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid fetching namespace from durable catalog for every key inserted in index build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59093" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59093 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable the failing jstest suite for ephemeralForTest on evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59101" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59101 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove unnecessary LIBDEPS edge from pipeline library </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59117" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59117 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> xcode next builders hit dyld 512 library limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59121" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59121 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ssh connection failure during check_disk command in powercycle should cause ssh failure exit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59135" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59135 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make mongocryptd targets in MSIs depend on libsasl2 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59158" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59158 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support running checkFCV() shell helper with mongos connection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59188" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59188 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 120391: Uninitialized scalar field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59197" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59197 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delete fam image entries when the corresponding session documents are deleted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't rely on mocks to test generating tasks for build variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59204" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59204 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> unowned filter BSONObj stored in PlanCache entry debugInfo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59217" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59217 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> convert spaces to tabs for package files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59236" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59236 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add function to legacy shell to recursively copy directories </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59242" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59242 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> update to snmp 5.9.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Consider adding 'enableSearchMeta' query knob </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59324" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59324 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove feature flag performance variant from sys-perf on 5.0. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59353" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59353 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Have shell strip featureFlagRetryableFindAndModify when launching mongod version &lt;= 4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59362" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59362 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Setup Fault Manager State Machine </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59404" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59404 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid powercycle_smoke_skip_compile reaching task timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v5.0] disable parallel task in EFT builder </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59516" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59516 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create opCtx outside of lock in oplog fetcher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59573" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59573 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add setParameter which can be used to restore inactive cursor timeout in sessions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-59640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-59640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [5.0] Add coverage for geoSearch command in views_all_commands.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6755" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6755 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Documentation: populate developer glossary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6910" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6910 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "history store" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6911" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6911 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "block manager" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6915" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6915 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "log files" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write Connection subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7007" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7007 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backup architecture guide page </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7198" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7198 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_backup15 failure with backup mismatch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7352" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7352 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_hs01 conflict between concurrent operations in cursor modify </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7363" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7363 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add support for dumping history store output in hex format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove excess ckplist invalidations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove log_flush("sync=background") support </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7599" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7599 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the CONFIG file based on the release that is about to run for compatibility tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7663" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7663 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change local store extension to allow only readonly FS operations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7673" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7673 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate and fix manydbs test failure on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7718" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7718 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rename 'build_cmake' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7838" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7838 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ability for ordered timestamp assertion to do more than a log message </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7842" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7842 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove explicit ulimit -n call in many-collection-test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7860" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7860 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve code coverage reporting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7866" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7866 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update cache_hs_insert limits in cppsuite-hs-cleanup-stress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7876" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7876 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update rollback to stable test to use correct boolean values and update statistic checking logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7880" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7880 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix history store record issue when the update following the prepared update is in history store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7891" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7891 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove doc typos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7893" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7893 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove ignored message from wiredtiger_open in test_encrypt08 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7895" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7895 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix arch-data-file.dox documentation build failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7897" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7897 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable verbose logging for test_backup15 to aid debugging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7900" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7900 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix insertion of new records in test format for column-store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7901" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7901 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test suite cleanup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7905" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7905 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect builtin behaviour for builds in CMake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7907" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7907 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add dependencies to swig module definition in CMake build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7908" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7908 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make variable-length column store work again with the static tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7909" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7909 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a new method to check for running user transactions before starting rollback-to-stable operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7918" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7918 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support setting a prepare timestamp at current read timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7928" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7928 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> VLCS checkpoint and additional test suite improvements </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7931" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7931 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Evicting modifies using the evict cursor in test_multiple_older_readers_with_multiple_mixed_mode() to ensure that eviction happens. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7934" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7934 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upload perf results from many-collection test to Altas </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7935" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7935 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add arm64 implementation of rdtsc equivalent instruction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7936" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7936 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the format.sh script to run recovery tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7937" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7937 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix s_docs to use sh, not bash syntax </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7938" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7938 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix rollback-to-stable memory leak on error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7940" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7940 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update mongod path for many-coll test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7941" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7941 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an Evergreen task to test abort/recovery using test/format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7943" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7943 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not assert timestamps when rolling back a prepared transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7945" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7945 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move rollback handling to the operation layer in the cppsuite. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7947" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7947 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow CMake to take in a specific Python version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7952" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7952 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Minor docs build fixes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7953" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7953 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Teach s_string to not look inside getopt option lists. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7955" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7955 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Copy format.sh and CONFIG.stress to the test/format build directory with CMake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7956" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7956 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RTS to skip deleted or stable RLE cells </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7961" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7961 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sometimes lag oldest timestamp in timestamp_abort. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7964" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7964 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix rollback to stable incorrectly not rolling back updates at snap_max </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7965" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7965 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update connection base write generation number at the end of recovery checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7968" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7968 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> In timestamp_abort skip setting timestamps when all_durable moves backwards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7970" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7970 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set the stable timestamp before starting the checkpointer and clock threads </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> More column-store fixes and tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix a bug that could cause a checkpoint to omit a page of data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7994" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7994 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add docs compile task to PR testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7995" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7995 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the global visibility that it cannot go beyond checkpoint visibility </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7996" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7996 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> More column-store C testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7998" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7998 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Minor fixes on Cache subpage of Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7999" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7999 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the assert to handle an update in the middle with max stop timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8005" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8005 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix a prepare commit bug that could leave the history store entry unresolved </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-8006" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-8006 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> sync/checkpoint cleanup code isn't appropriate for VLCS </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.2-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.2 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.2-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.2-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57727" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57727 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race conditions in x509_invalid.js </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-25" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-25"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-47372" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-47372 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> config.cache collections can remain even after collection has been dropped </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-48651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-48651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid lock timeout errors in refine_collection_shard_key_basic.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write reshardBegin no-op oplog entry after temporary resharding collection is created </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54948" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54948 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Calling shardCollection after enableSharding from a different MongoS is not causally consistent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55574" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55574 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Migration distlock acquisition fails to catch status </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56647" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56647 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make dropDatabase resilient to network partitions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56648" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56648 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make dropCollection resilient to network partitions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56649" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56649 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make renameCollection resilient to network partitions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make createCollection resilient to network partitions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57204" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57204 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend the _configsvrSetAllowMigrations command to take the collection uuid to make it idempotent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57380" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57380 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve "InvalidOptions: read concern level snapshot is only valid in a transaction" message during cluster incompatibility </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57488" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57488 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create command to remove tags matching a ns from config.tags that can be run as retryable write </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57496" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57496 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Proactively evict cached entries after drop database/collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57559" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57559 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement LSID cache for DDL coordinators </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57759" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57759 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run movePrimary command before sharding the source collection in the ReshardingTest fixture </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57850" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57850 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase timeout when waiting for migration on authCommands.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57870" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57870 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Drop database sharded FSM doesn't guarantee that operations will be completed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57944" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57944 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Targeter is not being clean completely after failed refresh on batch write executor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos should retry write upon getting ShardCannotRefreshDueToLocksHeld error from shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58048" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58048 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding's initial split points for hashed shard keys don't match the sampled values </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58089" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58089 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 120194: Uninitialized pointer field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58115" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58115 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Outdated information can remain in the catalog cache after a collection is renamed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardsvrDropCollectionParticipant should be killable on stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use scoped database critical section during dropDatabase </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58266" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58266 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop forcing database version refreshes in chunk manager targeter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58271" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58271 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop forcing collection version refreshes in chunk manager targeter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58273" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58273 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Solve deadlock caused by uninterruptible lock guard in drop db participant command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58321" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58321 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check recipient document existence instead of donor twice in resharding abort command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58364" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58364 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader::waitForCollectionFlush should be interruptible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58465" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58465 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the cleanup of the Routing Info in the rename operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58535" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58535 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _shardsvrRenameCollection should be interrupted on stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58589" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58589 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove ShardingFullDDLSupportTimestampedVersion feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58624" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58624 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change the resharding critical section timeout value for reshard_collection_basic.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58649" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58649 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not assume that the collection is always sharded in ShardServerProcessInterface::checkRoutingInfoEpochOrThrow method </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58747" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58747 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader doesn't interrupt ongoing operations on step up </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58749" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58749 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Drop database coordinator must acquire collection distributed lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58775" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58775 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark ConfigsvrSetAllowMigrationsCommand's opCtx as killable on stepdown </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-37904" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-37904 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow a node to override the cluster chaining (enabled/disabled) setting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58258" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58258 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for initial sync to clear state before asserting 'replSetGetStatus' reply has no 'initialSync' field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58625" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58625 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add multi_update tag to geo_update1.js to exclude from certain passthrough suites </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-13" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-13"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54078" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54078 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [SBE] Improve perf of the bestbuy_agg_merge_wordcount benchmark suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58127" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58127 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix benchRun() memory leak for parsing benchRun() args under exception </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58372" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58372 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify deprecated_wire_ops_mongos.js </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50287" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50287 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> drop_index.js fails when run in passthrough suite with stepdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56019" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56019 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> timeseries_index.js hangs in burn_in_tests burn_in:replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough subtask </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56877" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56877 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> insert operations may fail to set index to multikey after aborted multikey catalog update </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58510" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58510 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix 'use after free' issue in getExecutorForSimpleDistinct() function </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-10" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-10"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-54729" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-54729 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MongoDB Enterprise Debian/Ubuntu packages should depend on libsasl2-modules and libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-55446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-55446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stand up an Apple Silicon compile-only builder on the Xcode 12 enabled hosts. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-27" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-27"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Can't use ReplSetTest.restart() in _auth suites with waitForConnect: false </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56568" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56568 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable vptr UBSAN checks in dynamic builds and remove LIBDEPS_TYPEINFO </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56620" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56620 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Nodes should explicitly clear arbiter durableOpTimeAndWalltime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56625" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56625 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate cachedir race condition when cleaning bad cachefile </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-56980" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-56980 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify jstests/core/query_hash_stability.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57002" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57002 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refactor Evergreen task creation to support building multiple tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57003" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57003 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generate all tasks for a build variant in a single task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57064" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57064 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log create index and dropIndex(es) on mongos </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The 'validateFeaturesAsPrimary' flag should be set to false while a node is in recovery phase </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57268" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57268 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add multikey query to validate_multikey_restart.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57302" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57302 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generate implicit multiversion tests uses invalid name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57327" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57327 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> evergreen ninja builders fail to copy install file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57396" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57396 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable visibility support by default on platforms where it is applicable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57425" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57425 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid killing opCtx while holding the SessionCatalog mutex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57450" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57450 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Newly added tests do not show up in generated dynamic resmoke suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57474" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57474 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> profile_operation_metrics.js not resilient to query yielding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fCV change unconditionally closes outgoing connections that have not finished their hello handshake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57576" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57576 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate_cache_dir should print the stacktrace </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57580" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57580 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simplify multiversion handling in evergreen.yml and task generation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57642" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57642 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invariant Failure on src/mongo/db/query/plan_yield_policy.cpp 75 | Aborting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make MigrationChunkClonerSource interruptible when waiting response to recipient commands </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57676" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57676 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for a checkpoint before releasing the "hangOplogCapMaintainerThread" in oplog_rollover.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57729" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57729 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cannot drop time-series collection if buckets collection does not exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57742" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57742 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a non-specialized version of the OperationLatencyHistogram class </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57750" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57750 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> use a more distinct read command in quiesce_mode.js so that internal ops don't set off the failpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57756" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57756 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race between concurrent stepdowns and applying transaction oplog entry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57771" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57771 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SBE explain does not report correct trial period statistics for a winning sort plan in "allPlansExecution" section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57790" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57790 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Minimise the impact of fCV upgrade/downgrade between 4.4 and 5.0 with large routing tables </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57798" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57798 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Direct user to MongoDB Compass download page when failing to install MongoDB Compass due to a connection issue using ./install_compass </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57837" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57837 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adding TSBS to system_perf.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shell getShardDistribution helper does not accumulate chunk counts on 5.0.0-rc1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adjust log level from the evergreen scons splunk task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57928" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57928 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> create_collection.js should use a dedicated database name and avoid dropping the test database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57951" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57951 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect data files archived by hook_test_archival.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-57983" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-57983 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Integer overflow for $range in Classic Engine </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58020" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58020 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> cache-dir: prevent same buildsig with different content race condition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58022" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58022 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> tenant_migration_resume_oplog_application.js should account for resumeTokens being part of an application batch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate why debug symbols are not marked for download in some tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58087" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58087 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce overhead of activated generated tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58159" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58159 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend relaxation of index ident reconciliation invariant for single-phase index builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58169" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58169 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log timestamps info on hitting invariants around stable timestamp calculation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58187" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58187 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve Connection Reaper and MongoLDAP performance </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58191" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58191 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Migrate Protocol] Allow delete_during_migrate.js to tolerate chunk migration failures due to timeout in catchup phase in slow variants. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58197" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58197 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pass ranges by reference when constructing a Sorter from existing ranges </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58202" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58202 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mark several tests as requires_sharding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58208" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58208 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow top-level $graphLookup stages to run in parallel on shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58249" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58249 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> findAndModify_flip_location.js should account for racey upserts when run in multiversion suites against 4.4 binaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58250" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58250 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inefficient usage of memory tracking map for $group and $setWindowFields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> initial sync hangs on hiding dropped index when index builds are active </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58283" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58283 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new versioning file to set MONGO_VERSION and MONGO_GIT_HASH </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58332" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58332 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> pipeline MemoryUsageTracker: change StringMap to unordered_map for pointer stability </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58335" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58335 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove SBE build variants from the 5.0 branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58357" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58357 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [ephemeralForTest] TemporaryKVRecordStore fails to register commit handler in WCE loop </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58395" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58395 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding metrics should set donorState/RecipientState to kUnused if they are not initialized for currentOp report. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generated timeouts need to take repeated execution into account </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58480" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58480 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add the necessary parameters to the ContinuousTenantMigration hook to allow for proper transient error retry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58515" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58515 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [ephemeralForTest] disable parallel task in EFT builder </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58532" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58532 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Take when a build is ASAN into account when calculating timeouts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58576" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58576 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve tests for task generation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Kill ssh tunnel process in exit handler in powercycle </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable tsbs on variants with older versions of mongodb </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58707" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58707 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bench_test*.js </code> tests out of parallel test job </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58734" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58734 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add evergreen task for new change stream fuzzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58746" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58746 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Build failure on macOS 10.12; mongodb 5.0.0 requires macOS 10.13+? </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58794" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58794 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> _configsvrCreateDatabase and _flushDatabaseCacheUpdates should accept any API version parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58816" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58816 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> errors_on_committed_transaction.js incompatible with multiversion tests in v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58936" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58936 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unique index constraints may not be enforced </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail eviction if out of order handling races with checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6729" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6729 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Quiesce eviction prior running rollback to stable's active transaction check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6782" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6782 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test_prepare_hs02 WT_ROLLBACK failure: conflict between concurrent operations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6902" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6902 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Metadata subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-6914" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-6914 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write "database files" subpage for Architecture Guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow multiple terminate calls for storage source extension </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7343" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7343 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write a script that executes many-collection-test.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7473" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7473 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resolve "TODO: tiered" comments in code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7507" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7507 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update salvage for a history store and timestamp world </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7520" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7520 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add start and stop values to automatic flag generation code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7524" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7524 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refactor functions to obtain checkpoint list; Clear delete on skipping checkpoints </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7539" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7539 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a configuration option that allows the user to specify debug modes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7543" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7543 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pass in the correct test name when constructing the default config path </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7553" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7553 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Loosen the restrictions around evicting fast-truncate pages to avoid cache-stuck failures </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7556" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7556 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_rollback_to_stable10 failure cache_hs_ondisk is 0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sort statistics to fix JSON output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7605" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7605 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Drop support for million-collection-test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7609" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7609 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report on time taken to start and shutdown the database in many-coll-test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7616" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7616 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a pass or fail test based on many collection workgen workload </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7619" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7619 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new optimization to skip pages in cursor traversal when all entries on the page are deleted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7626" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7626 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> We only ensure update restore eviction happened in test debug mode09 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7628" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7628 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return an error message when supplied invalid command line args in the test framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7629" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7629 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run clang format on .cxx files in the codebase. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix invalid argument in test_rollback_to_stable14 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_backup02 failure where checkpoint tables differ due to checkpoint cursor not supported </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7660" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7660 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rename poc_test to base_test in the cpp test framework and add insert_operation logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7667" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7667 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix workgen JSON output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7668" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7668 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Overload the update method for the hs_cleanup test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7670" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7670 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify test tag format and tag additional python tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7676" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7676 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reformat wtperf backup to only read in files instead of wt_copy_and_sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7679" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7679 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create an evergreen test for many-dhandle-stress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7683" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7683 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add python test hook to call flush_tier() during connection.close() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7687" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7687 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop tiered manager thread before internal thread </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7689" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7689 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix double free in __curhs_insert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7690" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7690 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix coverity error when enum is compared against 0 (incr_backup:table_changes) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7692" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7692 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fix make check test failure on osx10 14 cmake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7696" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7696 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix coverity error - Unused variable in _rollback_to_stable_btree_apply_all </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Decrease max_latency value in many dhandles scenario for workgen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7703" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7703 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timeout in test_checkpoint_snapshot04 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7705" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7705 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an assert to ensure that there are no updates on the new disk image in update restore </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7707" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7707 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simplify insert splits to use the splitting WT_REFs key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7708" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7708 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an assert to ensure the durable timestamp is larger than stable timestamp at the end of prepared commit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7715" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7715 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix uninitialized bool in txn_ckpt.c </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change macros in local_store.c to use WT namespace </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7719" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7719 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change default value of ENABLE_STRICT to "OFF" (CMake Usability Improvements) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7720" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7720 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update POSIX CMAKE doxygen documentation (CMake Usability Improvements) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7723" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7723 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delete the updates in the history store if they are rolled back or is the first stable update on the update chain </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7724" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7724 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race when running concurrent checkpoint and flush_tier </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7725" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7725 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add missing brackets around parameter in macro definition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7726" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7726 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Separating out the validation portion from the database model </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7727" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7727 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix null pointer passed to memcpy() during 'format' test. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7729" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7729 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix to write out correct tiered information on checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7730" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7730 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shifting the oldest and stable timestamps to match the commit timestamp format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a timeout configuration for flush_tier </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7739" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7739 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Switch back to using MacOS 10.14 for Evergreen compile task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7741" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7741 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix misaligned address in crc32-x86.c </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7742" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7742 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix misaligned address in wt3184_dup_index_collator/main.c </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7743" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7743 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix integer overflow within wt2999_join_extractor csuite test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7744" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7744 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix null pointer within wt3338_partial_update csuite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7746" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7746 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve directory syncing with CMake helper 'create_test_executable' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7748" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7748 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix CMake library probes for libraries not on the default linker path </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7749" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7749 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Assorted fixes for (and from) building and testing on NetBSD </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7751" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7751 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an assert to ensure we never select an update that has been written to the history store for data store </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7752" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7752 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update packing code according to documentation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7754" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7754 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race when updating block manager file handle </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7755" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7755 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> YSCB: Add a native implementation of YCSB to WTPERF. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7756" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7756 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RTS to clear the HS flag of an update following tombstone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7758" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7758 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Force evict a page when the update chain is too long </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7761" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7761 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve debug_print to include timestamp, thread_id and reorder args in cppsuite. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7762" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7762 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create stressful configs for the two tests add them to evergreen. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity issues found in the stress testing framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7765" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7765 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix signed integer overflow in intpack-test3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7766" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7766 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix null pointer passed to memset in test_wt3338_partial_update </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7767" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7767 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Code cleanup for curhs_remove and __txn_fixup_prepared_update </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7770" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7770 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix issue linking TCMalloc in CMake </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7776" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7776 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a hard limit on the number of modify updates before we instantiate a complete update </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7778" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7778 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix null dereferencing, and return of incorrect allocation size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7780" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7780 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Guarantee log message sequencing in the test framework. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid skipping python tests for 3rd party ext libraries in CMake builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7782" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7782 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Separate implementation from headers in cppsuite test framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7784" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7784 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable RTS to use checkpoint snapshot on timestamp tables </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7787" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7787 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't read pages for checkpoint cleanup when the cache is in aggressive mode </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change tiered python tests to fail without extension library </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7795" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7795 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix CppSuite failure "expected ) before PRIxMAX" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7796" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7796 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Scan the tracking table and delete parts of it that are obsolete. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7797" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7797 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable postrun stats in CppSuite testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7799" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7799 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not report failure of wiredtiger_open in python tests to output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7802" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7802 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove data store same transaction update squash logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7804" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7804 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_hs24 committing mixed mode update from the wrong value </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7807" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7807 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unused arg in backup_config </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7811" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7811 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_hs24 not commiting from 0 timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7813" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7813 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop inserting to history store if we see a prepared update </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7815" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7815 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Properly initialize prev_upd_ts for ordered timestamp assertion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7817" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7817 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make tiered storage address cookies backward compatible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7825" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7825 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_hs24 key order </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7831" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7831 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clear transaction ids from previous run when repack the cell </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7832" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7832 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an encryptor extension that uses the libsodium cryptography library. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7836" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7836 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fixing a number of small issues in the cppsuite test framework </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7837" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7837 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clear updates structure in wt_hs_insert_updates to avoid firing assert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7841" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7841 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add "only unencrypted" checksum configuration, switch checksum default to "on" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7843" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7843 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add missing macros to define PRIxMAX </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7846" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7846 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable test_tiered08 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7851" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7851 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix illegal checksum configuration in compatibility-test-for-newer-releases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7852" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7852 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't release eviction server lock when evicting pages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7856" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7856 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable flush test with open cursor in test_tiered04 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7864" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7864 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add support to run.py for running lists/ranges of scenarios in a test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7865" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7865 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable timeout assert while waiting for eviction to quiesce prior to RTS and test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7870" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7870 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix measurement of cyclomatic code complexity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7871" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7871 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove comment that is no longer true </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7874" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7874 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove two other stale comments </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7883" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7883 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove incorrect wt_free statement </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7889" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7889 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Find/replace existing uses of WT with WiredTiger in reference guide </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7890" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7890 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix CMake syntax error in config_lib </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0.1-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0.1 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0.1-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0.1-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58398" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58398 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tenant migration hung indefinitely </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-28" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-28"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58142" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58142 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TenantOplogBatcher should transition to complete when the next batch callback is called with error status </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58171" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58171 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Changing time-series granularity does not update view definition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58489" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58489 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Collection creation stuck in an infinite writeConflictRetry loop when having a duplicate name as a view </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58546" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58546 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add log message to applyOps to preview which oplog entries will be applied </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.getName() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.getname--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.getname--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getName() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.getName" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.getName"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> the current database name. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getName() </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getName() </code> method has the following form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getName()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getName</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#rs.printslavereplicationinfo--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="rs.printslavereplicationinfo--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#output" target="_self"> <span> Output </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Deprecated since version 4.4.1: </em> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo() </code> </a> instead. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns a formatted report of the status of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> from the perspective of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> member of the set. The output is identical to that of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.printSlaveReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following is example output from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </span> </a> method issued on a replica set with two secondary members: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"source: m1.example.net:27017\n syncedTo: Thu Apr 10 2014 10:27:47 GMT-0400 (EDT)\n 0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary\nsource: m2.example.net:27017\n syncedTo: Thu Apr 10 2014 10:27:47 GMT-0400 (EDT)\n 0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">source</span>: <!-- -->m1.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">syncedTo</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Thu</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Apr</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">2014</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">47</span> <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">GMT</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">0400</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">EDT</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> secs <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> hrs) behind the primary</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">source</span>: <!-- -->m2.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">syncedTo</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Thu</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Apr</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">2014</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">47</span> <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">GMT</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">0400</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">EDT</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> secs <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> hrs) behind the primary</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-delayed-member/#std-label-replica-set-delayed-members"> delayed member </a> may show as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> seconds behind the primary when the inactivity period on the primary is greater than the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.secondaryDelaySecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members[n].secondaryDelaySecs </code> </a> value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A member may show a negative time value behind the primary when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </span> </a> is called. This behavior is expected if the method is called after a secondary replicates a write following a period of inactivity, but before it has received a heartbeat from the primary with its latest optime. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The lag reported by secondaries may not be representative of cluster health. Negative values do not indicate that the secondary is ahead of the primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the most up-to-date information on your replica set, it is generally advisable to run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </span> </a> on the primary. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Modify a Self-Managed PSA Replica Set Safely <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#modify-a-self-managed-psa-replica-set-safely" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="modify-a-self-managed-psa-replica-set-safely"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedure" target="_self"> <span> Procedure </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When reconfiguring primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) replica sets or changing to a PSA architecture, you need to take special care in the following cases: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You want to reconfigure a secondary in an existing three-member replica set with a PSA architecture to become a voting, data-bearing node with a non-zero priority. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You want to add a new voting, data-bearing node with a non-zero priority to an existing two-member replica set that contains one primary and one arbiter. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the secondary you are adding is lagged and the resulting replica set is a PSA configuration, the first configuration change will change the number of nodes that need to commit a change with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> . In this case, your commit point will lag until the secondary has caught up. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document outlines the procedure for reconfiguring your replica set in these specific cases <strong> without </strong> using the designated helper method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfigForPSASet/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfigForPSASet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfigForPSASet() </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are performing one of the preceding operations, it is necessary to reconfigure your replica set in two steps: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Reconfigure the replica set to add or modify a secondary with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { votes: 1, priority: 0 } </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once the added or modified secondary has caught up with all committed writes, reconfigure the secondary to have a non-zero priority <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { votes: 1, priority: &lt;num&gt; } </code> . </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The two-step approach avoids the possibility of rolling back committed writes in the case of a failover to the new secondary before the new secondary has all committed writes from the previous primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfigForPSASet/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfigForPSASet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfigForPSASet() </code> </a> method, you must connect to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> of the replica set. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Add or modify a secondary with votes 1 but priority 0To avoid rolling back uncommitted writes when adding or changing a\nvoting, data-bearing node, it is required that you add the node with\n{ priority: 0 } first.In mongosh, modify the replica set configuration. To\nreconfigure an existing replica set, first retrieve the current\nconfiguration with rs.conf(), modify the configuration\ndocument as needed, and then pass the modified document to\nrs.reconfig():"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Reconfigure the secondary to have non-zero priorityOnce the secondary is caught up, set the prority to the desired\nnumber. Before this reconfiguration succeeds, the secondary must\nreplicate all the writes that were committed when it had zero votes.\nThis is automatically checked when you issue the\nrs.reconfig() command."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Add or modify a secondary with votes 1 but priority 0 <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-or-modify-a-secondary-with-votes-1-but-priority-0" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-or-modify-a-secondary-with-votes-1-but-priority-0"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid rolling back uncommitted writes when adding or changing a voting, data-bearing node, it is required that you add the node with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { priority: 0 } </code> first. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , modify the replica set configuration. To reconfigure an existing replica set, first retrieve the current configuration with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.conf/#mongodb-method-rs.conf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.conf() </code> </a> , modify the configuration document as needed, and then pass the modified document to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfig/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfig() </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"cfg = rs.conf();\ncfg[\"members\"] = [\n {\n // existing member or members\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : &lt;num&gt;, // The array position of the new member in the\n // ``members`` array.\n \"host\" : &lt;host&gt;,\n \"arbiterOnly\" : false,\n \"buildIndexes\" : true,\n \"hidden\" : false,\n \"priority\" : 0,\n \"tags\" : { &lt;tags&gt; },\n \"secondaryDelaySecs\" : &lt;num&gt;,\n \"votes\" : 1\n },\n {\n // existing member or members\n }\n]\nrs.reconfig(cfg);\n","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">cfg <!-- -->= <!-- -->rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">conf</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">cfg<!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-string">"members"</span>] <!-- -->= <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// existing member or members</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->num<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">//</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> The array position </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">of</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> the new member </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">in the</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// ``members`` array.</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"host"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->host<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"arbiterOnly"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"buildIndexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hidden"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priority"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->tags<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondaryDelaySecs"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->num<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// existing member or members</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">reconfig</span>(<!-- -->cfg)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Reconfigure the secondary to have non-zero priority <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reconfigure-the-secondary-to-have-non-zero-priority" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reconfigure-the-secondary-to-have-non-zero-priority"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once the secondary is caught up, set the prority to the desired number. Before this reconfiguration succeeds, the secondary must replicate all the writes that were committed when it had zero votes. This is automatically checked when you issue the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfig/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfig() </code> </a> command. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"cfg = rs.conf();\ncfg[\"members\"] = [\n {\n // existing member or members\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : &lt;num&gt;, // The array position of the new member in the\n // ``members`` array.\n \"host\" : &lt;host&gt;,\n \"arbiterOnly\" : false,\n \"buildIndexes\" : true,\n \"hidden\" : false,\n \"priority\" : &lt;num&gt;,\n \"tags\" : { &lt;tags&gt; },\n \"secondaryDelaySecs\" : &lt;num&gt;,\n \"votes\" : 1\n },\n {\n // existing member or members\n }\n]\nrs.reconfig(cfg);\n","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">cfg <!-- -->= <!-- -->rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">conf</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">cfg<!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-string">"members"</span>] <!-- -->= <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// existing member or members</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->num<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">//</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> The array position </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">of</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> the new member </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">in the</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// ``members`` array.</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"host"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->host<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"arbiterOnly"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"buildIndexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hidden"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priority"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->num<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->tags<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondaryDelaySecs"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->num<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// existing member or members</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">reconfig</span>(<!-- -->cfg)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.printShardingStatus() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.printshardingstatus--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.printshardingstatus--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Prints a formatted report of the sharding configuration and the information regarding existing chunks in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> </span> </a> when connected to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> </span> </a> method has the following parameter: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> verbose </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Determines the level of verbosity. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , the method displays: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Full details of the chunk distribution across shards even if you have 20 or more chunks, as well as the number of chunks on each shard. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Details of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#std-label-sharding-status-mongoses"> active mongos instances <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the method displays: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Full details of the chunk distribution across shards only if you have less than 20 chunks. If you have 20 or more chunks, the method instead returns a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> too many chunks to print ... </code> message, showing only the number of chunks on each shard. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#std-label-sharding-status-mongoses"> version and number of active mongos instances <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default verbose value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/"> sh.status() </a> for details of the output. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> </span> </a> method run in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> does <strong> not </strong> return <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-JSON"> JSON </a> . Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> </span> </a> for manual inspection, and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/"> Config Database </a> in scripts. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 5.0 <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility-changes-in-mongodb-5.0" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility-changes-in-mongodb-5.0"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#certain-commands-only-accept-recognized-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Certain Commands Only Accept Recognized Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#removed-commands" target="_self"> <span> Removed Commands </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#removed-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Removed Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#removed-index-types" target="_self"> <span> Removed Index Types </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#removed-metrics" target="_self"> <span> Removed Metrics </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#removed-raspberry-pi-support" target="_self"> <span> Removed Raspberry Pi Support </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#ttl-expireafterseconds-behavior-when-set-to-nan" target="_self"> <span> TTL <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> expireAfterSeconds </code> Behavior When Set to <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> NaN </code> </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#shell-changes" target="_self"> <span> Shell Changes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#replica-sets" target="_self"> <span> Replica Sets </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#read-concern-snapshot-on-capped-collections" target="_self"> <span> Read Concern <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> snapshot </code> on Capped Collections </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#local-is-the-default-read-concern" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> local </code> is the Default Read Concern </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#new-cursor.map---return-type" target="_self"> <span> New <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> cursor.map() </code> Return Type </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#update-operator-changes" target="_self"> <span> Update Operator Changes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#-setwindowfields-stage-with-transactions-and-snapshot-read-concern" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $setWindowFields </code> Stage with Transactions and Snapshot Read Concern </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#aggregation-pipeline-operator-parameter-limits" target="_self"> <span> Aggregation Pipeline Operator Parameter Limits </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#listdatabases-output-changes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> listDatabases </code> Output Changes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#security" target="_self"> <span> Security </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#map-reduce" target="_self"> <span> Map-Reduce </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#auditing" target="_self"> <span> Auditing </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#reduce-risk-of-stale-chunks-in-sharded-transactions" target="_self"> <span> Reduce Risk of Stale Chunks in Sharded Transactions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#general-changes" target="_self"> <span> General Changes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#5.0-feature-compatibility" target="_self"> <span> 5.0 Feature Compatibility </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following 5.0 changes can affect compatibility with older versions of MongoDB. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Certain Commands Only Accept Recognized Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#certain-commands-only-accept-recognized-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="certain-commands-only-accept-recognized-parameters"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, certain database commands raise an error if passed a parameter not explicitly accepted by the command. In MongoDB 4.4 and earlier, unrecognized parameters are silently ignored. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Affected Commands: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/abortTransaction/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.abortTransaction"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> abortTransaction </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/authenticate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.authenticate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticate </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/commitTransaction/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.commitTransaction"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> commitTransaction </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/delete/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.delete"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> delete </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropDatabase/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropDatabase </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/endSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.endSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> endSessions </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/explain/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/find/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/hello/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.hello"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hello </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/insert/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.insert"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insert </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/killCursors/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.killCursors"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killCursors </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listCollections/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listCollections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listCollections </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/ping/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.ping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ping </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/update/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.update"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Removed Commands <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#removed-commands" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="removed-commands"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, these database commands and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> shell helper methods are removed: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Removed Command </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Alternative </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.copyTo() </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.ensureIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.ensureIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.ensureIndex() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.save() </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.insertOne() </code> </a> </div> <div class="line"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.insertMany() </code> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.resetError/#mongodb-method-db.resetError"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.resetError() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not available </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/geoSearch/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.geoSearch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> geoSearch </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> One of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query-geospatial/#std-label-geospatial-query-selectors"> Geospatial Query Operators </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getSecondaryOk() </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getReadPrefMode/"> Mongo.getReadPrefMode() </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.isCausalConsistency </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not available </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setSecondaryOk() </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setReadPref/"> Mongo.setReadPref() </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.secondaryOk() </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setReadPref/"> Mongo.setReadPref() </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/resetError/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.resetError"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resetError </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not available </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shardConnPoolStats/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.shardConnPoolStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardConnPoolStats </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/connPoolStats/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.connPoolStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolStats </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/unsetSharding/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.unsetSharding"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> unsetSharding </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not available </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Removed Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#removed-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="removed-parameters"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 5.0 removes the following server parameters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Removed Parameters </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cachePressureThreshold </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 5.0 removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cachePressureThreshold </code> server parameter. Due to changes in how WiredTiger calculates snapshot window size this parameter is no longer relevant. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shouldMultiDocTxnCreateCollectionAndIndexes </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 5.0 removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shouldMultiDocTxnCreateCollectionAndIndexes </code> server parameter. In 5.0+, collection and index creation inside of transactions is always enabled. You can no longer use the server parameter to disable this behavior. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxShardedConnsPerHost </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 5.0 removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxShardedConnsPerHost </code> server parameter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxShardedInUseConnsPerHost </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 5.0 removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxShardedInUseConnsPerHost </code> server parameter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardedConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 5.0 removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardedConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes </code> server parameter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Removed Index Types <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#removed-index-types" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="removed-index-types"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 5.0 removes the deprecated <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> geoHaystack </code> index. Use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/2d/#std-label-2d-index"> 2d index </a> instead. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upgrading your MongoDB instance to 5.0 and setting <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> featureCompatibilityVersion </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5.0 </code> will delete any pre-existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/geohaystack/#std-label-index-geohaystack-index"> geoHaystack </a> indexes. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Removed Metrics <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#removed-metrics" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="removed-metrics"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command does not output <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.opReadConcernCounters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opReadConcernCounters </code> </a> , which contained the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/#std-label-read-concern-levels"> read concern level </a> specified by query operations. Instead, the new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.readConcernCounters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcernCounters </code> </a> replaces <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.opReadConcernCounters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opReadConcernCounters </code> </a> and contains additional information. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command does not output the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cache pressure percentage threshold </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> current cache pressure percentage </code> under <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTiger.snapshot-window-settings </code> . </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> currentOp </code> Output Change <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#currentop-output-change" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="currentop-output-change"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/currentOp/#mongodb-data--currentOp.remainingOperationTimeEstimated"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentOp.remainingOperationTimeEstimated </code> </a> metric is only present on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.reshardCollection/#std-label-resharding-process-details"> recipient shard </a> when a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> is taking place. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Removed Raspberry Pi Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#removed-raspberry-pi-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="removed-raspberry-pi-support"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 5.0 removes support for Raspberry Pi. To run MongoDB on Raspberry Pi, install version 4.4. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-ttl_expireAfterSeconds_behavior"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> TTL <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> Behavior When Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ttl-expireafterseconds-behavior-when-set-to-nan" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ttl-expireafterseconds-behavior-when-set-to-nan"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/expire-data/#std-label-ttl-collections"> TTL </a> indexes with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/expire-data/#std-label-expireData-warning"> experience a behavior change </a> compared to earlier versions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The behavior change affects: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> direct upgrades </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> initial sync from earlier versions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> from earlier versions </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Performing any of those actions causes an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> to be treated as an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . As a result, documents may expire immediately. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0.14 (and 6.0.2), the server will not use TTL indexes that have <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Shell Changes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shell-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shell-changes"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> shell has been deprecated in MongoDB v5.0. The replacement shell is <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shell packaging also changes in MongoDB v5.0. Refer to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/install/" target="_self"> <span> installation instructions </span> </a> for further details. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Replica Sets <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-sets" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-sets"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableMajorityReadConcern </code> Is Not Configurable <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#enablemajorityreadconcern-is-not-configurable" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="enablemajorityreadconcern-is-not-configurable"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> cannot be changed and are always set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> due to storage engine improvements. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In earlier versions of MongoDB, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> are configurable and can be set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> to prevent storage cache pressure from immobilizing a deployment with a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture, consider the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> can cause performance issues if a secondary is unavailable or lagging. For advice on how to mitigate these issues, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/mitigate-psa-performance-issues/#std-label-performance-issues-psa"> Mitigate Performance Issues with a Self-Managed PSA Replica Set <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using a global default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> and the write concern is less than the size of the majority, your queries may return stale (not fully replicated) data. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryDelaySecs </code> Configuration Setting <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#secondarydelaysecs-configuration-setting" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="secondarydelaysecs-configuration-setting"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.secondaryDelaySecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryDelaySecs </code> </a> replaces <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slaveDelay </code> . This change is not backwards compatible. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Host Names Required for Split Horizon DNS <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#host-names-required-for-split-horizon-dns" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="host-names-required-for-split-horizon-dns"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure cluster nodes for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-horizon_DNS" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> split horizon DNS </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> , use host names instead of IP addresses. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB v5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetInitiate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetInitiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetInitiate </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetReconfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetReconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetReconfig </code> </a> reject configurations that use IP addresses instead of hostnames. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck </code> </a> to modify nodes that cannot be updated to use host names. The parameter only applies to the configuration commands. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> do not rely on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck </code> </a> for validation at startup. Legacy <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instances that use IP addresses instead of host names can start after an upgrade. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Instances that are configured with IP addresses log a warning to use host names instead of IP addresses. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Non-transactional Reads on <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.transactions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#non-transactional-reads-on-config.transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="non-transactional-reads-on-config.transactions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, non-transaction reads are not allowed on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.transactions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.transactions </code> </a> collection with the following read concerns and options: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-snapshot/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-snapshot-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "snapshot" </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/#std-label-afterClusterTime"> afterClusterTime </a> option is set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When using a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Driver </span> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> within a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-sessions"> causally consistent session </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Manual Oplog Writes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#manual-oplog-writes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="manual-oplog-writes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, it is no longer possible to perform manual write operations to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-oplog/#std-label-replica-set-oplog"> oplog </a> on a cluster running as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-replication"> replica set </a> . Performing write operations to the oplog when running as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-standalone"> standalone instance </a> should only be done with guidance from MongoDB Support. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Automatic Reconfiguration for New Voting Replica Set Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#automatic-reconfiguration-for-new-voting-replica-set-members" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="automatic-reconfiguration-for-new-voting-replica-set-members"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, a newly added secondary does not count as a voting member and cannot be elected until it has reached the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> state. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a new voting node is added to a replica set, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetReconfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetReconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetReconfig </code> </a> will internally add a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> field to the node's configuration. Nodes with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> field do not count towards the current number of voting nodes. When initial sync completes and the node reaches <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> state, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> field is automatically removed. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configurations that attempt to add a field named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> will error even if run with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { force: true } </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If an existing node has a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> field, using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfig/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfig() </code> </a> to change the configuration will not remove the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> field. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> field will be appended to the user provided configuration. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetConfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetConfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetConfig </code> </a> will remove any <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> fields from its output. If you would like to see any <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> newlyAdded </code> fields, you can query the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/local-database/#mongodb-data-local.system.replset"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local.system.replset </code> </a> collection directly. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Removed Customizable Values For getLastErrorDefaults <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#removed-customizable-values-for-getlasterrordefaults" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="removed-customizable-values-for-getlasterrordefaults"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you cannot specify a default write concern with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.getLastErrorDefaults"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> settings.getLastErrorDefaults </code> </a> other than the default of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 } </code> . Instead, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setDefaultRWConcern/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setDefaultRWConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setDefaultRWConcern </code> </a> command to set the default read or write concern configuration for a replica set or sharded cluster. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replica Set Write Acknowledgement <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set-write-acknowledgement" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set-write-acknowledgement"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, replica set members in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> state do not participate in write majorities. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-write-concern/#std-label-replica-set-write-concern"> Write Concern for Replica Sets </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Implicit Default Write Concern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#implicit-default-write-concern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="implicit-default-write-concern"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the implicit default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> w: majority </code> </a> . However, special considerations are made for deployments containing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-arbiter/#std-label-replica-set-arbiter-configuration"> arbiters <!-- --> : </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The voting majority of a replica set is 1 plus half the number of voting members, rounded down. If the number of data-bearing voting members is not greater than the voting majority, the default write concern is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: 1 } </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In all other scenarios, the default write concern is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: "majority" } </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifically, MongoDB uses the following formula to determine the default write concern: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"if [ (#arbiters &gt; 0) AND (#non-arbiters &lt;= majority(#voting-nodes)) ]\n defaultWriteConcern = { w: 1 }\nelse\n defaultWriteConcern = { w: \"majority\" }"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">if [ (#arbiters &gt; 0) AND (#non-arbiters &lt;= majority(#voting-nodes)) ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> defaultWriteConcern = { w: 1 }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">else</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> defaultWriteConcern = { w: "majority" }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, consider the following deployments and their respective default write concerns: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Non-Arbiters </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Arbiters </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Voting Nodes </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Majority of Voting Nodes </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Implicit Default Write Concern </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 2 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 3 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 2 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: 1 } </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 4 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 5 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 3 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: "majority" } </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the first example: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There are 2 non-arbiters and 1 arbiter for a total of 3 voting nodes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The majority of voting nodes (1 plus half of 3, rounded down) is 2. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of non-arbiters (2) is equal to the majority of voting nodes (2), resulting in an implicit write concern of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: 1 } </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the second example: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There are 4 non-arbiters and 1 arbiter for a total of 5 voting nodes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The majority of voting nodes (1 plus half of 5, rounded down) is 3. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of non-arbiters (4) is greater than the majority of voting nodes (3), resulting in an implicit write concern of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: "majority" } </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: "majority" } </code> </a> default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> provides a stronger durability guarantee in the event of an election, or if replica set members become unavailable. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Read Concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> snapshot </code> on Capped Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-concern-snapshot-on-capped-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-concern-snapshot-on-capped-collections"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you cannot use read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-snapshot/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-snapshot-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "snapshot" </code> </a> when reading from a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/capped-collections/#std-label-manual-capped-collection"> capped </a> collection. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> is the Default Read Concern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#local-is-the-default-read-concern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="local-is-the-default-read-concern"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-local/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-local-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "local" </code> </a> is the default read concern level for read operations against the primary and secondaries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This may introduce a significant latency increase for count queries that use a filter and for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> covered queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can opt out of this behavior by setting the cluster-wide <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/#std-label-read-concern"> read concern </a> with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setDefaultRWConcern/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setDefaultRWConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setDefaultRWConcern </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> New <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.map() </code> Return Type <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#new-cursor.map---return-type" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="new-cursor.map---return-type"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.map/#mongodb-method-cursor.map"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.map() </code> </a> returned an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Array </code> in the legacy <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> shell. The return type is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Cursor </code> in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> . You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .toArray() </code> to convert the results. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Update Operator Changes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-operator-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-operator-changes"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> no longer raises an error when you use the following update operators with an empty operand expression ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> ): </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/addToSet/#mongodb-update-up.-addToSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addToSet </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/bit/#mongodb-update-up.-bit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bit </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/currentDate/#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/inc/#mongodb-update-up.-inc"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $inc </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/max/#mongodb-update-up.-max"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $max </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/min/#mongodb-update-up.-min"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $min </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/mul/#mongodb-update-up.-mul"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $mul </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/pop/#mongodb-update-up.-pop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $pop </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/pull/#mongodb-update-up.-pull"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $pull </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/pullAll/#mongodb-update-up.-pullAll"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $pullAll </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/rename/#mongodb-update-up.-rename"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rename </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/set/#mongodb-update-up.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/setOnInsert/#mongodb-update-up.-setOnInsert"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setOnInsert </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/unset/#mongodb-update-up.-unset"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $unset </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An empty update results in no changes and no <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entry is created (meaning that the operation is a no-op). </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update Operator Processing Order <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-operator-processing-order" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-operator-processing-order"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> Update Operators Behavior </a> for details. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> Stage with Transactions and Snapshot Read Concern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-setwindowfields-stage-with-transactions-and-snapshot-read-concern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-setwindowfields-stage-with-transactions-and-snapshot-read-concern"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB versions earlier than 5.3, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-setWindowFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> </a> aggregation pipeline stage cannot be used with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> transactions </a> or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-snapshot/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-snapshot-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "snapshot" </code> </a> read concern. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Aggregation Pipeline Operator Parameter Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-pipeline-operator-parameter-limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-pipeline-operator-parameter-limits"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation pipeline operators now have a 64-bit integer value maximum limit. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/limit/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you pass a value that exceeds this limit, the pipeline returns an invalid argument error. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> Output Changes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#listdatabases-output-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="listdatabases-output-changes"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, output from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> command running against a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> is more consistent with output from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> running against a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table shows the differences in data types for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> output fields between MongoDB 5.0 and earlier versions. Only fields which differ between 5.0 and earlier versions are listed. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type in MongoDB 5.0 </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type in MongoDB 4.4 and earlier ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> ) </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type in MongoDB 4.4 and earlier ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> ) </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sizeOnDisk </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> double </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalSize </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> double </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalSizeMb </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> not present (see below) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The output from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> now includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalSizeMb </code> field when run against either a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> or a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . In MongoDB 4.4 and earlier, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalSizeMb </code> only appears when run against <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalSizeMb </code> is the sum of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sizeOnDisk </code> fields, expressed in megabytes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When run against <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shards </code> field in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> output contains a field-value pair for each collection on a particular shard. Size values in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shards </code> field are expressed as integers. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> TLS Connection X509 Certificate Startup Warning <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#tls-connection-x509-certificate-startup-warning" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="tls-connection-x509-certificate-startup-warning"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> now issue a startup warning when their certificates do not include a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-Subject-Alternative-Name"> Subject Alternative Name </a> attribute. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following platforms do not support common name validation: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> iOS 13 and higher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MacOS 10.15 and higher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Go 1.15 and higher </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Clients using these platforms will not <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-x509-client-authentication/#std-label-x509-client-authentication"> authenticate </a> to MongoDB servers that use x.509 certificates whose hostnames are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-label-KMIP-subject-alternative-name-CN"> specified by CommonName attributes <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Map-Reduce <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#map-reduce" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="map-reduce"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in version 5.0, MongoDB deprecates the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/map-reduce/#std-label-map-reduce"> map-reduce </a> operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples of aggregation pipeline alternatives to map-reduce operations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/map-reduce-to-aggregation-pipeline/"> Map-Reduce to Aggregation Pipeline </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/map-reduce-examples/"> Map-Reduce Examples <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Auditing <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#auditing" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="auditing"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 5.0 adds auditing capabilities that can be configured at runtime. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.runtimeConfiguration </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , then the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> configuration files can no longer set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter.auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/"> configure audit filters </a> . If the server configuration files contain these settings the server will fail to start and will log an error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.runtimeConfiguration </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> and an audit filter config document is present, then a startup warning will be issued but the server will not abort. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Reduce Risk of Stale Chunks in Sharded Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reduce-risk-of-stale-chunks-in-sharded-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reduce-risk-of-stale-chunks-in-sharded-transactions"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, if you change the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </a> parameter, you must also change <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </a> to the same value on all config server replica set members. Keeping this value consistent: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensures the routing table history is retained for at least as long as the transaction lifetime limit on the shard replica set members. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Reduces the transaction retry frequency and therefore improves performance. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> General Changes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#general-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="general-changes"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> featureCompatibilityVersion </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "5.0" </code> or greater, users can no longer write directly to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.views"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;database&gt;.system.views </code> </a> collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/reIndex/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.reIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> reIndex </code> </a> command and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.reIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.reIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.reIndex() </code> </a> shell method may only be run on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-standalone"> standalone </a> instances. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline-operator-reference"> aggregation pipeline stages </a> allowed in a single pipeline is limited to 1000. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Dropping the final collection in a database (or dropping the database itself) when <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.directoryPerDB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> directoryPerDB </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--directoryperdb"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --directoryperdb </code> </a> is enabled deletes the newly empty subdirectory for that database. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/subtract/#mongodb-expression-exp.-subtract"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $subtract </code> </a> aggregation operator will convert the data type of the result if necessary to accurately represent the result value. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/subtract/#mongodb-expression-exp.-subtract"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $subtract </code> </a> for the specific conversions. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceExecutor </code> command-line option and the corresponding <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.serviceExecutor </code> configuration option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may not authenticate as multiple simultaneous users on the same client session if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --apiStrict </code> option is set. Attempting to authenticate as a new user while currently logged in as an existing user when the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --apiStrict </code> option is set will generate an error message once per authentication attempt. If you are not using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --apiStrict </code> option, authenticating as a new user while currently logged in as an existing user will write a warning to the log once per authentication attempt. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/control-text-search-results/#std-label-specify-weights"> weights </a> option is only allowed for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> indexes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must explicitly set the global default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> before attempting to reconfigure a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharded-vs-non-sharded-collections"> non-sharded </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> configuration </a> that would change the implicit default write concern. To set the global default write concern, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setDefaultRWConcern/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setDefaultRWConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setDefaultRWConcern </code> </a> command. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetOplog </code> size in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Double() </code> constructor with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetResizeOplog/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetResizeOplog"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetResizeOplog </code> </a> command. </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Deprecations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deprecations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deprecations"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Deprecated </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The legacy <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> shell has been deprecated in MongoDB v5.0. The replacement is <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.printSlaveReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Deprecated since version 4.4.1: </em> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo() </code> </a> instead. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Deprecated since version 4.4.1: </em> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo() </code> </a> instead. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.clusterIpSourceWhitelist"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.clusterIpSourceWhitelist </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Deprecated in version 5.0: </em> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.clusterIpSourceAllowlist"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.clusterIpSourceAllowlist </code> </a> instead. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--clusterIpSourceWhitelist"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --clusterIpSourceWhitelist </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Deprecated in version 5.0: </em> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--clusterIpSourceAllowlist"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --clusterIpSourceAllowlist </code> </a> instead. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/logout/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.logout"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logout </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Deprecated in version 5.0: </em> Disconnect from the server to end your session instead. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.logout/#mongodb-method-db.logout"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.logout() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Deprecated in version 5.0: </em> Disconnect from the server to end your session instead. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-message-local"> local </a> audit message field </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Deprecated in version 5.0: </em> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localEndpoint </code> field in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-message-clientMetadata"> clientMetadata </a> audit message instead. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-deprecated-wire-protocol-opcodes"> </span> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Deprecated Wire Protocol Opcodes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deprecated-wire-protocol-opcodes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deprecated-wire-protocol-opcodes"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 5.0 deprecates the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-wire-protocol/#std-label-mongodb-wire-protocol"> wire protocol opcodes <!-- --> : </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_REPLY </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_UPDATE </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_INSERT </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_QUERY </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_GET_MORE </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_DELETE </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OP_KILL_CURSORS </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Newer driver versions use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-wire-protocol/#std-label-wire-op-msg"> OP_MSG </a> instead of these deprecated opcodes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The related commands and methods are also deprecated in MongoDB 5.0: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getLastError </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getLastError() </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getLastErrorObj() </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To ensure your driver uses the most up-to-date wire protocol, upgrade your driver to a 5.0-compatible version. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Any code explicitly using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getLastError </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getLastError() </code> , or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getLastErrorObj() </code> should instead use the CRUD API to issue the write with the desired <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> . Information about the success or failure of the write operation will be provided directly by the driver as a return value. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-5.0-compatibility-enabled"> </span> </section> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 5.0 Feature Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#5.0-feature-compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="5.0-feature-compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Some features in 5.0 require not just the 5.0 binaries but the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> featureCompatibilityVersion </a> (fCV) set to 5.0. These features include: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Creation of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/timeseries-collections/#std-label-manual-timeseries-collection"> time series collections </a> requires fCV set to 5.0+. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/#std-label-configure-audit-filters-at-runtime"> Configuring Runtime Audit Filter Management </a> requires fCV set to 5.0+. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Usage of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> in field names requires fCV set to 5.0+. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> Resharding a collection </a> requires fCV set to 5.0+. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Self-Managed Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#self-managed-storage" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="self-managed-storage"> </div> </a> </h1> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $text in the Aggregation Pipeline on Self-Managed Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-text-in-the-aggregation-pipeline-on-self-managed-deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-text-in-the-aggregation-pipeline-on-self-managed-deployments"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#restrictions" target="_self"> <span> Restrictions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#text-score" target="_self"> <span> Text Score </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#-search-stage-in-atlas-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $search </code> Stage in Atlas Search </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page describes text query capabilities for self-managed (non-Atlas) deployments. For data hosted on MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB offers an improved full-text query solution, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-text-agg-expression-behavior"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the aggregation pipeline, text search is available via the use of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> query operator in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restrictions"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For general <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operator restrictions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#std-label-text-query-operator-behavior"> operator restrictions <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In addition, text search in the aggregation pipeline has the following restrictions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage that includes a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> must be the <strong> first </strong> stage in the pipeline. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operator can only occur once in the stage. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operator expression cannot appear in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/or/#mongodb-expression-exp.-or"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $or </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/not/#mongodb-expression-exp.-not"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $not </code> </a> expressions. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> , by default, does not return the matching documents in order of matching scores. To sort by descending score, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> aggregation expression in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> stage. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Text Score <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#text-score" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="text-score"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operator assigns a score to each result document. The score represents the relevance of a document to a given query. The score can be part of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> pipeline <!-- --> specification as well as part of the projection expression. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $meta: "textScore" } </code> expression provides information on the processing of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operation. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> for details on accessing the score for projection or sort. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The metadata is only available after the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage that includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operation. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-text-search-examples"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following examples assume a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> articles </code> that has a text index on the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> subject </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.articles.createIndex( { subject: \"text\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">articles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">subject</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"text"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Calculate the Total Views for Articles that Contains a Word <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#calculate-the-total-views-for-articles-that-contains-a-word" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="calculate-the-total-views-for-articles-that-contains-a-word"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation searches for the term <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cake </code> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage and calculates the total <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> views </code> for the matching documents in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.articles.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: { $text: { $search: \"cake\" } } },\n { $group: { _id: null, views: { $sum: \"$views\" } } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">articles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cake"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">views</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$views"</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Return Results Sorted by Text Search Score <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#return-results-sorted-by-text-search-score" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="return-results-sorted-by-text-search-score"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To sort by the text search score, include a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> {$meta: "textScore"} </code> </a> expression in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> stage. The following example matches on <em> either </em> the term <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cake </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tea </code> , sorts by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> textScore </code> in descending order, and returns only the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> title </code> field in the results set. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.articles.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: { $text: { $search: \"cake tea\" } } },\n { $sort: { score: { $meta: \"textScore\" } } },\n { $project: { title: 1, _id: 0 } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">articles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cake tea"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$meta</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"textScore"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">title</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The specified metadata determines the sort order. For example, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "textScore" </code> metadata sorts in descending order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> for more information on metadata as well as an example of overriding the default sort order of the metadata. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Match on Text Score <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#match-on-text-score" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="match-on-text-score"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "textScore" </code> metadata is available for projections, sorts, and conditions subsequent the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage that includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example matches on <em> either </em> the term <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cake </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tea </code> , projects the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> title </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> fields, and then returns only those documents with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1.0 </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.articles.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: { $text: { $search: \"cake tea\" } } },\n { $project: { title: 1, _id: 0, score: { $meta: \"textScore\" } } },\n { $match: { score: { $gt: 1.0 } } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">articles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cake tea"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">title</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$meta</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"textScore"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1.0</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify a Language for Text Search <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-a-language-for-text-search" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-a-language-for-text-search"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation searches in spanish for documents that contain the term <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saber </code> but not the term <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> claro </code> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage and calculates the total <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> views </code> for the matching documents in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.articles.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: { $text: { $search: \"saber -claro\", $language: \"es\" } } },\n { $group: { _id: null, views: { $sum: \"$views\" } } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">articles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"saber -claro"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$language</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"es"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">views</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$views"</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> Stage in Atlas Search <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-search-stage-in-atlas-search" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-search-stage-in-atlas-search"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For data hosted on MongoDB Atlas, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search </span> </a> provides the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/atlas-search/query-syntax/" target="_self"> <span> $search </span> </a> aggregation stage to perform full-text search on your collections. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $currentDate <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-currentdate" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-currentdate"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="update"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-update-up.-currentDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> operator sets the value of a field to the current date, either as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-date"> Date </a> or a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-timestamp"> timestamp </a> . The default type is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-date"> Date <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> operator has the form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $currentDate: { &lt;field1&gt;: &lt;typespecification1&gt;, ... } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$currentDate</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->typeSpecification1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;typeSpecification&gt; </code> can be either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> a boolean <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to set the field value to the current date as a Date, or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> a document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $type: "timestamp" } </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $type: "date" } </code> which explicitly specifies the type. The operator is <em> case-sensitive </em> and accepts only the lowercase <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "timestamp" </code> or the lowercase <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "date" </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> in an embedded document or in an array, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-dot-notation"> dot notation <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> Update Operators Behavior </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> sets the specified field to the date when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> was run. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the field does not exist, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> adds the field to a document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> no longer raises an error when you use an update operator like <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> with an empty operand expression ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> ). An empty update results in no changes and no <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entry is created (meaning that the operation is a no-op). </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a sample collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customers </code> with the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.customers.insertOne(\n { _id: 1, status: \"a\", lastModified: ISODate(\"2013-10-02T01:11:18.965Z\") }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">customers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lastModified</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-02T01:11:18.965Z"</span>) }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation updates the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastModified </code> field to the current date, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "cancellation.date" </code> field to the current timestamp as well as updating the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> status </code> field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "D" </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "cancellation.reason" </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "user request" </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.customers.updateOne(\n { _id: 1 },\n {\n $currentDate: {\n lastModified: true,\n \"cancellation.date\": { $type: \"timestamp\" }\n },\n $set: {\n \"cancellation.reason\": \"user request\",\n status: \"D\"\n }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">customers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$currentDate</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lastModified</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cancellation.date"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"timestamp"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cancellation.reason"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"user request"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> sets the specified field to the date when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> was run. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To verify the update: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.customers.find()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">customers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The updated document resembles: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : 1,\n \"status\" : \"D\",\n \"lastModified\" : ISODate(\"2020-01-22T21:21:41.052Z\"),\n \"cancellation\" : {\n \"date\" : Timestamp(1579728101, 1),\n \"reason\" : \"user request\"\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastModified"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2020-01-22T21:21:41.052Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cancellation"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1579728101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"reason"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"user request"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastModified </code> field is set to the date when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-currentDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> </span> </a> was run in the update example shown earlier. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-currentDate-example-agg"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation Alternative to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-alternative-to--currentdate" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-alternative-to--currentdate"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Update methods can accept an aggregation pipeline. Specifically, the previous example can be rewritten as the following using the aggregation stage <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/set/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> and the aggregation variables <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation-variables/#mongodb-variable-variable.NOW"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NOW </code> </a> (for the current datetime) and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation-variables/#mongodb-variable-variable.CLUSTER_TIME"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CLUSTER_TIME </code> </a> (for the current timestamp): </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To access aggregation variables, prefix the variable with double dollar signs <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $$ </code> and enclose in quotes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation-variables/#mongodb-variable-variable.CLUSTER_TIME"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CLUSTER_TIME </code> </a> is available only on replica sets and sharded clusters. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation-variables/#mongodb-variable-variable.NOW"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NOW </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation-variables/#mongodb-variable-variable.CLUSTER_TIME"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CLUSTER_TIME </code> </a> values remain the same throughout the pipeline. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.customers.updateOne(\n { _id: 1 },\n [\n { $set: { lastModified: \"$$NOW\", cancellation: {date: \"$$CLUSTER_TIME\", reason: \"user request\"}, status: \"D\" } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">customers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">lastModified</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$$NOW"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cancellation</span>: <!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$$CLUSTER_TIME"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">reason</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"user request"</span>}<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After the operation, you can query the collection to verify the update: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.customers.find().pretty()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">customers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">pretty</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query should return the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : 1,\n \"status\" : \"D\",\n \"lastModified\" : ISODate(\"2020-01-22T21:02:18.994Z\"),\n \"cancellation\" : {\n \"date\" : Timestamp(1579726934, 2),\n \"reason\" : \"user request\"\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastModified"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2020-01-22T21:02:18.994Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cancellation"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1579726934</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"reason"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"user request"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateOne() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.findAndModify() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findOneAndUpdate/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findOneAndUpdate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.findOneAndUpdate() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Multikey Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#multikey-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="multikey-indexes"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#use-cases" target="_self"> <span> Use Cases </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#get-started" target="_self"> <span> Get Started </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#details" target="_self"> <span> Details </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#index-bounds" target="_self"> <span> Index Bounds </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#unique-multikey-indexes" target="_self"> <span> Unique Multikey Indexes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#compound-multikey-indexes" target="_self"> <span> Compound Multikey Indexes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#sorting" target="_self"> <span> Sorting </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#shard-keys" target="_self"> <span> Shard Keys </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#hashed-indexes" target="_self"> <span> Hashed Indexes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#covered-queries" target="_self"> <span> Covered Queries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#query-on-an-array-field-as-a-whole" target="_self"> <span> Query on an Array Field as a Whole </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#-expr" target="_self"> <span> $expr </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Multikey indexes collect and sort data from fields containing array values. Multikey indexes improve performance for queries on array fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You do not need to explicitly specify the multikey type. When you create an index on a field that contains an array value, MongoDB automatically sets that index to be a multikey index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB can create multikey indexes over arrays that hold both scalar values (for example, strings and numbers) and embedded documents. If an array contains multiple instances of the same value, the index only includes one entry for the value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a multikey index, use the following prototype: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.createIndex( { &lt;arrayfield&gt;: &lt;sortorder&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.&lt;collection&gt;.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( { &lt;arrayField&gt;: &lt;sortOrder&gt; } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This image shows a multikey index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addr.zip </code> field: </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width: 760px;"> <img alt="Diagram of a multikey index on the ``addr.zip`` field. The ``addr`` field contains an array of address documents. The address documents contain the ``zip`` field." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="400" src="/docs/manual/images/index-multikey.bakedsvg.svg" style="--border-color: #C1C7C6;" width="720"/> </div> <a class="css-53dzkk" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/indexes/"> <div class="css-z0l49d"> <div class="css-fw7ipj"> <svg aria-label="Cloud Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1t2jgtk" fill="none" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.571 8.143c0 1.775-.899 3.34-2.267 4.264l-.014.01a5.12 5.12 0 0 1-2.861.869H2.857a2.857 2.857 0 0 1-.545-5.663 5.144 5.144 0 0 1 10.26.52ZM13.821 8.143a6.38 6.38 0 0 1-2.358 4.96 3.429 3.429 0 1 0 2.17-6.506c.123.494.188 1.013.188 1.546Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/indexes/" target="_self"> <span> create and manage multikey indexes in the UI </span> </a> for deployments hosted in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas. </span> </a> </p> </div> </a> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Use Cases <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-cases" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-cases"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application frequently queries a field that contains an array value, a multikey index improves performance for those queries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indexing commonly queried fields increases the chances of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-indexes-covered-queries"> covering </a> those queries. Covered queries are queries that can be satisfied entirely using an index, without examining any documents. This optimizes query performance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, documents in a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> collection contain a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test_scores </code> field: an array of test scores a student received throughout the semester. You regularly update a list of top students: students who have at least five <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test_scores </code> greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 90 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create an index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test_scores </code> field to improve performance for this query. Because <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test_scores </code> contains an array value, MongoDB stores the index as a multikey index. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Get Started <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#get-started" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="get-started"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a multikey index, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/create-multikey-index-basic/#std-label-index-create-multikey-scalar"> Create an Index on an Array Field </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/create-multikey-index-embedded/#std-label-index-create-multikey-embedded"> Create an Index on an Embedded Field in an Array </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Details <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#details" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="details"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section describes technical details and limitations for multikey indexes. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Index Bounds <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#index-bounds" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="index-bounds"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The bounds of an index scan define the parts of an index to search during a query. The computation of multikey index bounds follows special rules. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/multikey-index-bounds/#std-label-indexes-multikey-bounds"> Multikey Index Bounds. </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Unique Multikey Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#unique-multikey-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="unique-multikey-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique </a> multikey index, a document may have array elements that result in repeating index key values as long as the index key values for that document do not duplicate those of another document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more and see an example of this behavior, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-unique-separate-documents"> Unique Constraint Across Separate Documents. </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-compound_multikey_indexes"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Compound Multikey Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compound-multikey-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compound-multikey-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-compound/#std-label-index-type-compound"> compound </a> multikey index, each indexed document can have <em> at most </em> one indexed field whose value is an array. Specifically: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot create a compound multikey index if more than one field in the index specification is an array. For example, consider a collection that contains this document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, scores_spring: [ 8, 6 ], scores_fall: [ 5, 9 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores_spring</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> ], <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores_fall</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can't create the compound multikey index <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { scores_spring: 1, scores_fall: 1 } </code> because both fields in the index are arrays. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a compound multikey index already exists, you cannot insert a document that would violate this restriction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a collection that contains these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, scores_spring: [8, 6], scores_fall: 9 }\n{ _id: 2, scores_spring: 6, scores_fall: [5, 7] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores_spring</span>: [<span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>], <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores_fall</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores_spring</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores_fall</span>: [<span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create a compound multikey index <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { scores_spring: 1, scores_fall: 1 } </code> because for each document, only one field indexed by the compound multikey index is an array. No document contains array values for both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores_spring </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores_fall </code> fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, after you create the compound multikey index, if you attempt to insert a document where both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores_spring </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores_fall </code> fields are arrays, the insert fails. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sorting <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sorting" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sorting"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you sort based on an array field that is indexed with a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-index-type-multikey" target="_self"> <span> multikey index </span> </a> , the query plan includes a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-blocking-sort"> blocking sort </a> stage unless both of the following are true: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The index <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/multikey-index-bounds/#std-label-multikey-index-bounds-intersecting"> boundaries </a> for all sort fields are <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [MinKey, MaxKey] </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> No boundaries for any multikey-indexed field have the same path prefix as the sort pattern. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Shard Keys <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-keys" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-keys"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify a multikey index as a shard key index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, if the shard key index is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-compound/#std-label-compound-index-prefix"> prefix </a> of a compound index, the compound index may become a compound <em> multikey </em> index if one of the trailing keys (that are not part of the shard key) indexes an array. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Hashed Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#hashed-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="hashed-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-hashed/#std-label-index-type-hashed"> Hashed indexes </a> cannot be multikey. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-multikey-covered-queries"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Covered Queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#covered-queries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="covered-queries"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Multikey indexes can cover queries when these conditions are met: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query does not return the array field (meaning the array is not included in the query projection). This means that to cover a query, the multikey index must be <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-compound_multikey_indexes" target="_self"> <span> compound. </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query does not include <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/elemMatch/#mongodb-query-op.-elemMatch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $elemMatch </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query meets all other <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> covered query requirements. </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, consider a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matches </code> collection with these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.matches.insertMany( [\n { name: \"Joe\", event: [ \"open\", \"tournament\" ] },\n { name: \"Bill\", event: [ \"match\", \"championship\" ] }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">matches</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( [</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"open"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tournament"</span> ] },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Bill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"match"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"championship"</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matches </code> collection has a compound multikey index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> event </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> fields: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.matches.createIndex( { event: 1, name: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">matches</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The preceding index is multikey because the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> event </code> field contains array values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The index covers these queries: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.matches.find(\n { event: 'championship' },\n { _id: 0, name: 1 }\n)\n\ndb.matches.find(\n { name: 'Bill', event: 'championship' },\n { _id: 0, name: 1 }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">matches</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'championship'</span> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">matches</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Bill'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'championship'</span> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The index does not cover the following query because the projection contains the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> event </code> array field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.matches.find(\n { event: 'championship' },\n { _id: 0, event: 1 }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">matches</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'championship'</span> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">event</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query on an Array Field as a Whole <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-on-an-array-field-as-a-whole" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-on-an-array-field-as-a-whole"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a query filter specifies an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-arrays/#std-label-array-match-exact"> exact match for an array as a whole </a> , MongoDB can use the multikey index to look up the <em> first </em> element of the query array, but cannot use the multikey index scan to find the whole array. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Instead, after using the multikey index to look up the first element of the query array, MongoDB retrieves the associated documents and filters for documents whose array matches the array in the query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, consider an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection that contains these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.insertMany( [\n { _id: 5, type: \"food\", item: \"apple\", ratings: [ 5, 8, 9 ] }\n { _id: 6, type: \"food\", item: \"banana\", ratings: [ 5, 9 ] }\n { _id: 7, type: \"food\", item: \"chocolate\", ratings: [ 9, 5, 8 ] }\n { _id: 8, type: \"food\", item: \"fish\", ratings: [ 9, 5 ] }\n { _id: 9, type: \"food\", item: \"grapes\", ratings: [ 5, 9, 5 ] }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( [</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"food"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"apple"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"food"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"banana"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"food"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"food"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fish"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"food"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"grapes"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection has a multikey index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ratings </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.createIndex( { ratings: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following query looks for documents where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ratings </code> field is the array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ 5, 9 ] </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { ratings: [ 5, 9 ] } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ratings</span>: [ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> ] } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB can use the multikey index to find documents that have <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> at any position in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ratings </code> array. Then, MongoDB retrieves these documents and filters for documents whose <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ratings </code> array equals the query array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ 5, 9 ] </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> $expr <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-expr" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-expr"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/expr/#mongodb-query-op.-expr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $expr </code> </a> operator does not support multikey indexes. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how MongoDB combines multikey index bounds to improve performance, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/multikey-index-bounds/#std-label-indexes-multikey-bounds"> Multikey Index Bounds. </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to query array fields, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-arrays/#std-label-read-operations-arrays"> Query an Array </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-array-of-documents/#std-label-array-match-embedded-documents"> Query an Array of Embedded Documents </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Compound Index Sort Order <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compound-index-sort-order" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compound-index-sort-order"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#use-case" target="_self"> <span> Use Case </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#supporting-index-for-the-leaderboard" target="_self"> <span> Supporting Index for the Leaderboard </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#reverse-results" target="_self"> <span> Reverse Results </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#unsupported-queries" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Queries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indexes store references to fields in either ascending ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> ) or descending ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> ) order. For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-compound/#std-label-index-type-compound"> compound indexes </a> , sort order can determine whether the index can support a sort operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Compound indexes support sort operations that match either the sort order of the index, or the reverse sort order of the index. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Use Case <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-case" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-case"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A mobile game has a leaderboard that shows the following information: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Highest game scores </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user who achieved each score </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date each score was achieved </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The application sorts the leaderboard first by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> in descending order. Then, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> associated with each <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> is sorted in ascending order (alphabetically). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A compound index can improve performance for the leaderboard if the sort order in the index matches the sort order in the query. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> leaderboard </code> collection with these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.leaderboard.insertMany( [\n {\n \"score\": 50,\n \"username\": \"Alex Martin\",\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-03-01T00:00:00Z\")\n },\n {\n \"score\": 55,\n \"username\": \"Laura Garcia\",\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-03-02T00:00:00Z\")\n },\n {\n \"score\": 60,\n \"username\": \"Alex Martin\",\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-03-03T00:00:00Z\")\n },\n {\n \"score\": 60,\n \"username\": \"Riya Patel\",\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-03-04T00:00:00Z\")\n },\n {\n \"score\": 50,\n \"username\": \"Laura Garcia\",\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-03-05T00:00:00Z\")\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">leaderboard</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Alex Martin"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">55</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Laura Garcia"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-02T00:00:00Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Alex Martin"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-03T00:00:00Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Riya Patel"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-04T00:00:00Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Laura Garcia"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-05T00:00:00Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This query returns leaderboard results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.leaderboard.find().sort( { score: -1, username: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">leaderboard</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a74\"),\n score: 60,\n username: 'Alex Martin',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-03T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a75\"),\n score: 60,\n username: 'Riya Patel',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-04T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a73\"),\n score: 55,\n username: 'Laura Garcia',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-02T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a72\"),\n score: 50,\n username: 'Alex Martin',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a76\"),\n score: 50,\n username: 'Laura Garcia',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-05T00:00:00.000Z\")\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a74"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Alex Martin'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-03T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a75"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Riya Patel'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-04T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a73"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">55</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Laura Garcia'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-02T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a72"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Alex Martin'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a76"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Laura Garcia'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-05T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The results are sorted first by score in descending order, then by username in ascending order (alphabetically). </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Supporting Index for the Leaderboard <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#supporting-index-for-the-leaderboard" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="supporting-index-for-the-leaderboard"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following index improves performance for the leaderboard results because the sort order of the index matches the sort order used in the query: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.leaderboard.createIndex( { score: -1, username: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">leaderboard</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This compound index stores: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values in descending order. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> values in ascending order (alphabetically). </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Reverse Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reverse-results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reverse-results"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB can traverse a compound index in either direction. If the application allows users to view the leaderboard in reverse order, the index supports that query as well. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following query returns the leaderboard in reverse order, where results are sorted first by ascending <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values and then by descending <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> values (reverse alphabetically): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.leaderboard.find().sort( { score: 1, username: -1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">leaderboard</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a76\"),\n score: 50,\n username: 'Laura Garcia',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-05T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a72\"),\n score: 50,\n username: 'Alex Martin',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a73\"),\n score: 55,\n username: 'Laura Garcia',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-02T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a75\"),\n score: 60,\n username: 'Riya Patel',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-04T00:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"632235700646eaee87a56a74\"),\n score: 60,\n username: 'Alex Martin',\n date: ISODate(\"2022-03-03T00:00:00.000Z\")\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a76"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Laura Garcia'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-05T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a72"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Alex Martin'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a73"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">55</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Laura Garcia'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-02T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a75"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Riya Patel'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-04T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"632235700646eaee87a56a74"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Alex Martin'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-03-03T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { score: -1, username: 1 } </code> index supports this query. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Unsupported Queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#unsupported-queries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="unsupported-queries"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Compound indexes cannot support queries where the sort order does not match the index or the reverse of the index. As a result, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { score: -1, username: 1 } </code> index <strong> cannot </strong> support sorting by ascending <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values and then by ascending <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> values, such as this query: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.leaderboard.find().sort( { score: 1, username: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">leaderboard</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally, for a sort operation to use an index, the fields specified in the sort must appear in the same order that they appear in an index. As a result, the above index cannot support this query: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.leaderboard.find().sort( { username: 1, score: -1, } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">leaderboard</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on sort order and indexes, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/sort-results-with-indexes/#std-label-sorting-with-indexes"> Use Indexes to Sort Query Results <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on sorting query results, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.sort/#mongodb-method-cursor.sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sort() </code> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community on macOS using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> Tarball <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-on-macos-using-.tgz-tarball" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-on-macos-using-.tgz-tarball"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Install MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#run-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Run MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#additional-information" target="_self"> <span> Additional Information </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this tutorial to manually install MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition on macOS using a downloaded <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial installs MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> , use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this page to select the documentation for that version. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Installation Method <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#installation-method" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="installation-method"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While MongoDB can be installed manually via a downloaded <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball as described in this document, it is recommended to use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> brew </code> package manager on your system to install MongoDB if possible. Using a package manager automatically installs all needed dependencies, provides an example <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.conf </code> file to get you started, and simplifies future upgrade and maintenance tasks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/"> Install MongoDB using the brew Package Manager </a> for instructions. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Shell, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-shell--mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-shell--mongosh"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> package to install the server, you need to follow the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/install/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh installation instructions </span> </a> to download and install <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh </span> </a> separately. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Platform Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#platform-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="platform-support"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition supports macOS 11 or later. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms"> Platform Support <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Production Notes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#production-notes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="production-notes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before deploying MongoDB in a production environment, consider the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/"> Production Notes for Self-Managed Deployments </a> document which offers performance considerations and configuration recommendations for production MongoDB deployments. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-install-with-tarball"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To manually install MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> , select the tab that corresponds with your Mac's processor and complete the following steps: </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-18"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of apple/intel" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_lfe9rzvqi" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_z3ejxqy1s" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Intel </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_prlu8aiyf" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_8qjc0rvcj" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Apple Silicon </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_63kgk15za" class="" id="_ws88t6lih" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Download the MongoDB Community tgz tarball from the following link:➤ MongoDB Download CenterIn the Version dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download.In the Platform dropdown, select macOS.In the Package dropdown, select tgz.Click Download.","name":"Download the tarball."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"If your web browser automatically unzips the file as part of the download, the\nfile ends in .tar instead.","name":"Extract the files from the downloaded archive."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"The MongoDB binaries are in the bin/ directory of the tarball. You can\neither:Copy the binaries into a directory listed in your PATH variable, such as\n/usr/local/bin. Replace /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ with your\ninstallation directory.Create symbolic links to the binaries from a directory listed in your PATH\nvariable, such as /usr/local/bin. Replace\n/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ with your installation directory.","name":"Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable."}],"name":"Install MongoDB Community Edition - Intel","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Download the tarball. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-the-tarball." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-the-tarball."> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Download the MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tgz </code> tarball from the following link: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Version </span> dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Platform </span> dropdown, select <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> macOS </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Package </span> dropdown, select <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> tgz </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Download </span> . </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Extract the files from the downloaded archive. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive."> </div> </a> </h3> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"tar -zxvf mongodb-macos-x86_64-8.0.tgz","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">tar -zxvf mongodb-macos-x86_64-8.0.tgz</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your web browser automatically unzips the file as part of the download, the file ends in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tar </code> instead. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> environment variable. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable."> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB binaries are in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bin/ </code> directory of the tarball. You can either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Copy the binaries into a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> variable, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/local/bin </code> . Replace <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ </code> with your installation directory. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo cp /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin/* /usr/local/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">cp</span> <!-- -->/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/local/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create symbolic links to the binaries from a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> variable, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/local/bin </code> . Replace <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ </code> with your installation directory. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo ln -s /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin/* /usr/local/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">ln</span> -s <!-- -->/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/local/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_pc7joe1xx" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_p4w7zneki" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Download the MongoDB Community tgz tarball from the following link:➤ MongoDB Download CenterIn the Version dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download.In the Platform dropdown, select macOS ARM 64.In the Package dropdown, select tgz.Click Download.","name":"Download the tarball."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"If your web browser automatically unzips the file as part of the download, the\nfile ends in .tar instead.","name":"Extract the files from the downloaded archive."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"The MongoDB binaries are in the bin/ directory of the tarball. You can\neither:Copy the binaries into a directory listed in your PATH variable, such as\n/usr/local/bin. Replace /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ with your\ninstallation directory.Create symbolic links to the binaries from a directory listed in your PATH\nvariable, such as /usr/local/bin. Replace\n/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ with your installation directory.","name":"Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable."}],"name":"Install MongoDB Community Edition - Apple Silicon","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Download the tarball. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-the-tarball.-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-the-tarball.-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Download the MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tgz </code> tarball from the following link: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Version </span> dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Platform </span> dropdown, select <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> macOS ARM 64 </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Package </span> dropdown, select <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> tgz </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Download </span> . </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Extract the files from the downloaded archive. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive.-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive.-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"tar -zxvf mongodb-macos-arm64-8.0.tgz","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">tar -zxvf mongodb-macos-arm64-8.0.tgz</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your web browser automatically unzips the file as part of the download, the file ends in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tar </code> instead. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> environment variable. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable.-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable.-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB binaries are in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bin/ </code> directory of the tarball. You can either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Copy the binaries into a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> variable, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/local/bin </code> . Replace <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ </code> with your installation directory. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo cp /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin/* /usr/local/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">cp</span> <!-- -->/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/local/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create symbolic links to the binaries from a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> variable, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/local/bin </code> . Replace <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ </code> with your installation directory. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo ln -s /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin/* /usr/local/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">ln</span> -s <!-- -->/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/local/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Run MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl> <dt> ulimit Considerations </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Most Unix-like operating systems limit the system resources that a process may use. These limits may negatively impact MongoDB operation, and should be adjusted. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/ulimit/"> UNIX <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> Settings for Self-Managed Deployments </a> for the recommended settings for your platform. <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> value for number of open files is under <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 64000 </code> , MongoDB generates a startup warning. </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to run MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition. These instructions assume that you are using the default settings. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create the data directory.Before you start MongoDB for the first time, you must create the\ndirectory to which the mongod process will write data.For example, to create the ~/data/db directory:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create the log directory.You must also create the directory in which the mongod process\nwill write its log file:For example, to create the ~/data/log/mongodb directory:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Set permissions for the data and log directories.Ensure that the user account running mongod has read\nand write permissions for these two directories. If you are running\nmongod as your own user account, and you just created\nthe two directories above, they should already accessible to your\nuser. Otherwise, you can use chown to set ownership,\nsubstituting the appropriate user:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Run MongoDB.To run MongoDB, run the mongod process at the system\nprompt, providing the two parameters dbpath and logpath\nfrom above, and the fork parameter to run mongod\nin the background. Alternatively, you may choose to store the values\nfor dbpath, logpath, fork, and many other parameters in a\nconfiguration file.Run mongod with command-line parametersRun the mongod process at the system prompt,\nproviding the three necessary parameters directly on the\ncommand-line:Run mongod with a configuration fileRun the mongod process at the system prompt,\nproviding the path to a\nconfiguration file\nwith the config parameter:macOS may prevent mongod from running after installation. If\nyou receive a security error when starting mongod\nindicating that the developer could not be identified or verified,\ndo the following to grant mongod access to run:Open System PreferencesSelect the Security and Privacy pane.Under the General tab, click the button to the right of the\nmessage about mongod, labelled either Open\nAnyway or Allow Anyway depending on your version of\nmacOS."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfully.Verify that MongoDB has started successfully:If you do not see a mongod process running, check the logfile for\nany error messages."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with the\ndefault port of 27017:For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. See\nGetting Started with MongoDB for the available editions."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Create the data directory. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-data-directory" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-data-directory"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you start MongoDB for the first time, you must create the directory to which the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process will write data. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ~/data/db </code> directory: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo mkdir -p ~/data/db\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo mkdir -p ~/data/db</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Create the log directory. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-log-directory" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-log-directory"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must also create the directory in which the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> process will write its log file: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ~/data/log/mongodb </code> directory: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo mkdir -p ~/data/log/mongodb\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo mkdir -p ~/data/log/mongodb</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Set permissions for the data and log directories. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#set-permissions-for-the-data-and-log-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="set-permissions-for-the-data-and-log-directories"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that the user account running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> has read and write permissions for these two directories. If you are running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> as your own user account, and you just created the two directories above, they should already accessible to your user. Otherwise, you can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chown </code> to set ownership, substituting the appropriate <em> user </em> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo chown &lt;user&gt; ~/data/db\nsudo chown &lt;user&gt; ~/data/log/mongodb\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo chown &lt;user&gt; ~/data/db</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo chown &lt;user&gt; ~/data/log/mongodb</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Run MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run MongoDB, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process at the system prompt, providing the two parameters <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbpath </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logpath </code> from above, and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fork </code> parameter to run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> in the background. Alternatively, you may choose to store the values for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbpath </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logpath </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fork </code> , and many other parameters in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h5 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> with command-line parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongod-with-command-line-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongod-with-command-line-parameters"> </div> </a> </h5> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process at the system prompt, providing the three necessary parameters directly on the command-line: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath ~/data/db --logpath ~/data/log/mongodb/mongo.log --fork\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath ~/data/db --logpath ~/data/log/mongodb/mongo.log --fork</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h5 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> with a configuration file <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongod-with-a-configuration-file" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongod-with-a-configuration-file"> </div> </a> </h5> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process at the system prompt, providing the path to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file </a> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> parameter: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> macOS may prevent <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> from running after installation. If you receive a security error when starting <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> indicating that the developer could not be identified or verified, do the following to grant <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> access to run: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Open <em> System Preferences </em> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Select the <em> Security and Privacy </em> pane. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Under the <em> General </em> tab, click the button to the right of the message about <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , labelled either <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Open Anyway </span> or <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Allow Anyway </span> depending on your version of macOS. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"ps aux | grep -v grep | grep mongod\n"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">ps aux | grep -v grep | grep mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you do not see a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> process running, check the logfile for any error messages. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 6 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your <em> localhost </em> with the default port of <em> 27017 </em> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started with MongoDB </a> for the available editions. </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Additional Information <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#additional-information" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="additional-information"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Localhost Binding by Default <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#localhost-binding-by-default" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="localhost-binding-by-default"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB launches with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> , which binds to the localhost network interface. This means that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> can only accept connections from clients that are running on the same machine. Remote clients will not be able to connect to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> will not be able to initialize a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> unless this value is set to a valid network interface. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value can be configured either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> in the MongoDB configuration file with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> via the command-line argument <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-mongodb-configuration/"> IP Binding in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community on Amazon Linux using .tgz Tarball <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-on-amazon-linux-using-.tgz-tarball" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-on-amazon-linux-using-.tgz-tarball"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Install MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#run-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Run MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#additional-information" target="_self"> <span> Additional Information </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this tutorial to manually install MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition on Amazon Linux using a downloaded <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Verify Linux Distribution <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-linux-distribution" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-linux-distribution"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can verify which Linux distribution you are running by running the following command on the command-line: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"grep ^NAME /etc/*release"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">grep ^NAME /etc/*release</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The result should be <strong> Amazon Linux </strong> or <strong> Amazon Linux AMI </strong> . If using a different Linux distribution, please see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-on-linux/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition-linux"> install instructions for your platform <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial installs MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> , use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this page to select the documentation for that version. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Installation Method <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#installation-method" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="installation-method"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While MongoDB can be installed manually via a downloaded <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball as described in this document, it is recommended to use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> package manager on your system to install MongoDB if possible. Using a package manager automatically installs all needed dependencies, provides an example <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.conf </code> file to get you started, and simplifies future upgrade and maintenance tasks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-amazon/"> Install MongoDB using the yum Package Manager </a> for instructions. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Shell, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-shell--mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-shell--mongosh"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> package to install the server, you need to follow the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/install/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh installation instructions </span> </a> to download and install <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh </span> </a> separately. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Platform Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#platform-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="platform-support"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition supports the following <strong class="css-4dei7l"> 64-bit </strong> Amazon Linux release on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-x86_64"> x86_64 </a> architecture: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Amazon Linux 2023 </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB only supports the 64-bit versions of this platform. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition on Amazon Linux also supports the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-ARM64"> ARM64 </a> architecture on select platforms. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms"> Platform Support </a> for more information. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Production Notes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#production-notes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="production-notes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before deploying MongoDB in a production environment, consider the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/"> Production Notes for Self-Managed Deployments </a> document which offers performance considerations and configuration recommendations for production MongoDB deployments. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Prerequisites <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#prerequisites" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="prerequisites"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the following command to install the dependencies required for the MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo yum install libcurl openssl xz-libs","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo yum install libcurl openssl xz-libs</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to manually install MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Download the tarball.After you have installed the required prerequisite packages, download\nthe MongoDB Community tgz tarball from the following link:➤ MongoDB Download CenterIn the Version dropdown, select the version of\nMongoDB to download.In the Platform dropdown, select your operating system\nversion and architecture.In the Package dropdown, select tgz.Click Download."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Extract the files from the downloaded archive.Using an archive manager program or the tar command, extract the\nfiles. For example, to extract from the terminal shell, you can use the\nfollowing tar command:If you downloaded a different MongoDB 8.0 point release,\nbe sure to modify the command to reflect the correct .tgz\nfile name."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Optional. Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable.The MongoDB binaries are in the <mongodb-install-directory>/bin\ndirectory. To avoid having to specify the path to the MongoDB\nbinaries, add the contents of the\n<mongodb-install-directory>/bin/ directory to a directory in the\n$PATH such as /usr/bin/. For example, you can either:Copy the binaries into /usr/bin/.-OR-Create symbolic links to each of these binaries to /usr/bin/:Replace /full/path/to with the full path to the extracted\ndirectory contents."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Install the MongoDB Shell (mongosh).Install mongosh then use the MongoDB Shell\nto connect to your deployment.Download the package for the version of mongosh you need from the\nMongoDB Download Center and uncompress the package."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Download the tarball. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-the-tarball" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-the-tarball"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you have installed the required prerequisite packages, download the MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tgz </code> tarball from the following link: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Version </span> dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Platform </span> dropdown, select your operating system version and architecture. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Package </span> dropdown, select <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> tgz </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Download </span> . </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Extract the files from the downloaded archive. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using an archive manager program or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tar </code> command, extract the files. For example, to extract from the terminal shell, you can use the following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tar </code> command: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you downloaded a different MongoDB 8.0 point release, be sure to modify the command to reflect the correct <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> file name. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-*-8.0.0.tgz","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-*-8.0.0.tgz</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Optional. Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> environment variable. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#optional-ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="optional-ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB binaries are in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;/bin </code> directory. To avoid having to specify the path to the MongoDB binaries, add the contents of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;/bin/ </code> directory to a directory in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $PATH </code> such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/bin/ </code> . For example, you can either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Copy the binaries into <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/bin/ </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo cp &lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;/bin/* /usr/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">cp</span> &lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;<!-- -->/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong> -OR- </strong> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create symbolic links to each of these binaries to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/bin/ </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo ln -s /full/path/to/&lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;/bin/* /usr/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">ln</span> -s <!-- -->/full/path/to<!-- -->/&lt;mongodb-install-directory&gt;<!-- -->/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replace <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /full/path/to </code> with the full path to the extracted directory contents. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Install the MongoDB Shell ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> ). <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-the-mongodb-shell-mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-the-mongodb-shell-mongosh"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/install/" target="_self"> <span> Install </span> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> then use the MongoDB Shell to connect to your deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Download the package for the version of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> you need from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> and uncompress the package. </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Run MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ulimit Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ulimit-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ulimit-considerations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Most Unix-like operating systems limit the system resources that a process may use. These limits may negatively impact MongoDB operation, and should be adjusted. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/ulimit/"> UNIX <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> Settings for Self-Managed Deployments </a> for the recommended settings for your platform. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> value for number of open files is under <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 64000 </code> , MongoDB generates a startup warning. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Directories <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="directories"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, a MongoDB instance stores: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> its data files in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongo </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> its log files in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed via the package manager, these default directories are created during the installation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed manually by downloading the tarballs, you can create the directories using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mkdir -p &lt;directory&gt; </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sudo mkdir -p &lt;directory&gt; </code> depending on the user that will run MongoDB. (See your linux man pages for information on <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mkdir </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sudo </code> .) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB runs using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> user account. If you change the user that runs the MongoDB process, you <strong> must </strong> also modify the permission to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongo </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> directories to give this user access to these directories. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a different log file directory and data file directory, edit the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> settings in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/mongod.conf </code> . Ensure that the user running MongoDB has access to these directories. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to run MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition. These instructions assume that you are using the default settings. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create the data and log directories.Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its data. For\nexample:Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its log. For example:The user that starts the MongoDB process must have read and write\npermission to these directories. For example, if you intend to run\nMongoDB as yourself:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Run MongoDB.To run MongoDB, run the mongod process at the system prompt.For details on the command-line options --dbpath and --logpath, see\nOptions."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfully.Verify that MongoDB has started successfully by\nchecking the process output for the following line in the\nlog file /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log:You may see non-critical warnings in the process\noutput. As long as you see the log line shown above, you can safely\nignore these warnings during your initial evaluation of MongoDB."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with default\nport 27017.For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. For the\ndriver documentation, see Start Developing with MongoDB."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Create the data and log directories. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-data-and-log-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-data-and-log-directories"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its data. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/mongo","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">mkdir</span> -p <!-- -->/var/lib/mongo</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its log. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">mkdir</span> -p <!-- -->/var/log/mongodb</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user that starts the MongoDB process must have read and write permission to these directories. For example, if you intend to run MongoDB as yourself: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo chown `whoami` /var/lib/mongo # Or substitute another user\nsudo chown `whoami` /var/log/mongodb # Or substitute another user","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">chown</span> `<span class="lg-highlight-built_in">whoami</span>` <!-- -->/var/lib/mongo<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-comment"># Or substitute another user</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">chown</span> `<span class="lg-highlight-built_in">whoami</span>` <!-- -->/var/log/mongodb<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-comment"># Or substitute another user</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Run MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run MongoDB, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process at the system prompt. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongo --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log --fork","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath <!-- -->/var/lib/mongo<!-- --> --logpath <!-- -->/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log<!-- --> --fork</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on the command-line options <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--dbpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--logpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-label-mongod-options"> Options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully by checking the process output for the following line in the log file <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017\n"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may see non-critical warnings in the process output. As long as you see the log line shown above, you can safely ignore these warnings during your initial evaluation of MongoDB. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your localhost with default port 27017. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\nmongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. For the driver documentation, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> Start Developing with MongoDB <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Additional Information <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#additional-information" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="additional-information"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Localhost Binding by Default <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#localhost-binding-by-default" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="localhost-binding-by-default"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB launches with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> , which binds to the localhost network interface. This means that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> can only accept connections from clients that are running on the same machine. Remote clients will not be able to connect to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> will not be able to initialize a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> unless this value is set to a valid network interface. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value can be configured either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> in the MongoDB configuration file with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> via the command-line argument <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-mongodb-configuration/"> IP Binding in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Start a Sharded Cluster with a Config Shard <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-a-sharded-cluster-with-a-config-shard" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-a-sharded-cluster-with-a-config-shard"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#steps" target="_self"> <span> Steps </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can configure a config server to store your application data in addition to the usual sharded cluster metadata. A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> node that provides both config server and shard server functionality is called a config shard. A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> node that runs as a standalone <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> </a> without shard server functionality is called a dedicated <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharded-cluster-config-server"> config server <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can consider using a config shard if your cluster has three or fewer shards. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/config-shard/#std-label-config-shard-use-cases"> Config Shard Use Cases <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can perform this task on deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This task is not available on the Atlas Shared Tier or on Atlas Serverless. </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Steps <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#steps" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="steps"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"For a production deployment, deploy a config server replica set with at\nleast three members.The config server replica set must not use the same name as any of\nthe shard replica sets.For this tutorial, the config server replica set members are associated\nwith the following hosts:Config Server Replica Set MemberHostnameMember 0cfg1.example.netMember 1cfg2.example.netMember 2cfg3.example.netStart each member of the config server replica set.When starting each mongod, specify the mongod\nsettings using either a configuration file or the command line.If using a configuration file, set:sharding.clusterRole to configsvr.replication.replSetName to the desired name of the\nconfig server replica set.net.bindIp option to one of:The hostname/ip address.A comma-delimited list of hostnames or ip addresses that\nremote clients can use to connect to the instance (including\nthe other members of the config server replica set as well\nas other members of the sharded cluster).Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.Additional settings as appropriate to your deployment, such as\nstorage.dbPath and net.port. For more\ninformation on the configuration file, see configuration\noptions.Start the mongod with the --config option set to the\nconfiguration file path.If using the command line options, start the\nmongod with the --configsvr, --replSet,\n--bind_ip, and other options as appropriate to your\ndeployment. For example:Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.For more information on startup parameters, see the\nmongod reference page.Connect mongosh to one of the config server members.Initiate the replica set.From mongosh, run the rs.initiate() method.rs.initiate() can take an optional replica set\nconfiguration document. In\nthe replica set configuration document, include:The _id set to the replica set name specified in either\nthe replication.replSetName or the --replSet option.The configsvr field set to true for the config server replica set.The members array with a document per each member of the replica set.Run rs.initiate() on only one mongod instance\nfor the replica set.See Self-Managed Replica Set Configuration for more\ninformation on replica set configuration documents.","name":"Create the Config Server Replica Set."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start a mongos using either a configuration file or a\ncommand line parameter to specify the config servers.If using a configuration file, set the\nsharding.configDB to the config server replica set\nname and at least one member of the replica set in\n<replSetName>/<host:port> format.Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.Start the mongos specifying the --config\noption and the path to the configuration file.For more information on the configuration file, see\nconfiguration options.If using command line parameters start the mongos\nand specify the --configdb, --bind_ip, and other\noptions as appropriate to your deployment. For example:Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.Include any other options as appropriate for your deployment.At this point, your sharded cluster consists of the\nmongos and the config servers. You can now connect to\nthe sharded cluster using mongosh.","name":"Start a mongos for the Sharded Cluster."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Connect mongosh to the mongos. Specify the host and\nport on which the mongos is running:","name":"Connect to the Sharded Cluster."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"This example configures a dedicated config server to run as a\nconfig shard:","name":"Transition from a Dedicated Config Server to a Config Shard."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"To confirm that the sharded cluster now uses the config shard,\nrun the serverStatus command to check that the\nconfigServerInShardCache\nstatus returns true:","name":"Confirm Cluster uses a Config Shard"}],"name":"Steps","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create the Config Server Replica Set. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-config-server-replica-set." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-config-server-replica-set."> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a production deployment, deploy a config server replica set with at least three members. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The config server replica set must not use the same name as any of the shard replica sets. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For this tutorial, the config server replica set members are associated with the following hosts: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Config Server Replica Set Member </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Hostname </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Member 0 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cfg1.example.net </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Member 1 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cfg2.example.net </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Member 2 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cfg3.example.net </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start each member of the config server replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When starting <em> each </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> settings using either a configuration file or the command line. </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-8"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of command-line/config-file" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_8zp1qwhg4" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_yn5vrflfz" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Configuration File </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_6mdud9rgx" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_0s3nf8i1b" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Command Line </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_adpygg24q" class="" id="_q3rfc1t63" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a configuration file, set: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: configsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;replica&gt;\nnet:\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">configsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;replica</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">set</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">name&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address(es)&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configsvr </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> to the desired name of the config server replica set. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> option to one of: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The hostname/ip address. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A comma-delimited list of hostnames or ip addresses that remote clients can use to connect to the instance (including the other members of the config server replica set as well as other members of the sharded cluster). </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additional settings as appropriate to your deployment, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> . For more information on the configuration file, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --config </code> option set to the configuration file path. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --config &lt;path-to-config-file&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --config &lt;path-to-config-file&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_ii5yokp6k" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_v9n7gowuf" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using the command line options, start the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> , and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replica&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replica <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">set</span> name&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip address(es)&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on startup parameters, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> reference page. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect mongosh to one of the config server members. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->host <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->hostname<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->port <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->port<!-- -->&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Initiate the replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> From <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> , run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> method. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> can take an optional <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#std-label-self-managed-replset-configuration"> replica set configuration document </a> . In the replica set configuration document, include: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf._id"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> </a> set to the replica set name specified in either the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configsvr </code> </a> field set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> for the config server replica set. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members </code> </a> array with a document per each member of the replica set. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> on <em> only one </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance for the replica set. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.initiate(\n {\n _id: \"myReplSet\",\n configsvr: true,\n members: [\n { _id : 0, host : \"cfg1.example.net:27019\" },\n { _id : 1, host : \"cfg2.example.net:27019\" },\n { _id : 2, host : \"cfg3.example.net:27019\" }\n ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">initiate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myReplSet"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">configsvr</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">members</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cfg1.example.net:27019"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cfg2.example.net:27019"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cfg3.example.net:27019"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#std-label-self-managed-replset-configuration"> Self-Managed Replica Set Configuration </a> for more information on replica set configuration documents. </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Start a mongos for the Sharded Cluster. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-a-mongos-for-the-sharded-cluster." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-a-mongos-for-the-sharded-cluster."> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> using either a configuration file or a command line parameter to specify the config servers. </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-10"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of command-line/config-file" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_lc8c6nv7u" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_5z1vep0d1" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Configuration File </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_mn3zi4dkw" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_wccwl8e07" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Command Line </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_q12h2mbne" class="" id="_3i1i090fq" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a configuration file, set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.configDB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.configDB </code> </a> to the config server replica set name and at least one member of the replica set in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;replSetName&gt;/&lt;host:port&gt; </code> format. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n configDB: &lt;configreplsetname&gt;/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019\nnet:\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">configDB:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;configReplSetName&gt;/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address(es)&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> specifying the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --config </code> option and the path to the configuration file. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --config &lt;path-to-config&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --config &lt;path-to-config&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on the configuration file, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_4152v59um" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_edz629h7k" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using command line parameters start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configdb </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> , and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --configdb &lt;configreplsetname&gt;/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019,cfg3.example.net:27019 --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --configdb &lt;configReplSetName&gt;<!-- -->/cfg<!-- -->1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019,cfg3.example.net:27019 --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip address(es)&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other options as appropriate for your deployment. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> At this point, your sharded cluster consists of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> and the config servers. You can now connect to the sharded cluster using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Connect to the Sharded Cluster. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connect-to-the-sharded-cluster." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connect-to-the-sharded-cluster."> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . Specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> host </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> port </code> on which the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> is running: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transition from a Dedicated Config Server to a Config Shard. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transition-from-a-dedicated-config-server-to-a-config-shard." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transition-from-a-dedicated-config-server-to-a-config-shard."> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example configures a dedicated config server to run as a config shard: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer: 1\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Confirm Cluster uses a Config Shard <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#confirm-cluster-uses-a-config-shard" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="confirm-cluster-uses-a-config-shard"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To confirm that the sharded cluster now uses the config shard, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command to check that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.shardingStatistics.configServerInShardCache"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configServerInShardCache </code> </a> status returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <div class="css-1f5771r"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n serverStatus: 1,\n} ).shardingStatistics.configServerInShardCache","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">serverStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} ).<span class="lg-highlight-property">shardingStatistics</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">configServerInShardCache</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 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2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/config-shard/#std-label-config-shard-concept"> Config Shard </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/addShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShard </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Identify Application Workload <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#identify-application-workload" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="identify-application-workload"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#steps" target="_self"> <span> Steps </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#identify-the-data-your-application-needs" target="_self"> <span> Identify the data your application needs </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#create-a-workload-table-with-your-application-s-queries" target="_self"> <span> Create a workload table with your application's queries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#next-steps" target="_self"> <span> Next Steps </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The first step in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/schema-design-process/#std-label-data-modeling-schema-design"> schema design process </a> is to identify the operations that your application runs most frequently. Knowing your application's most common queries helps you create effective indexes and minimize the number of calls the application makes to the database. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you consider your application's workload, consider the scenarios your application currently supports and scenarios it may support in the future. Design your schema to function in all stages of your application development. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Steps <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#steps" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="steps"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"To identify the data that your application needs, consider the\nfollowing factors:Your application's users and the information they need.Your business domain.Application logs and frequently-run queries. To see database\ncommands run on a MongoDB deployment, see\nDatabase Profiler.","name":"Identify the data your application needs"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Fill out the following table with the queries that your\napplication needs to run:ActionQuery TypeInformationFrequencyPriorityThe action that a user takes to trigger the query.The type of query (read or write).The document fields that are either written or returned by\nthe query.How frequently your application runs the query.Queries that are run frequently benefit from indexes and\nshould be optimized to avoid lookup operations.How critical the query is to your application.","name":"Create a workload table with your application's queries"}],"name":"Steps","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Identify the data your application needs <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#identify-the-data-your-application-needs" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="identify-the-data-your-application-needs"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To identify the data that your application needs, consider the following factors: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your application's users and the information they need. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your business domain. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Application logs and frequently-run queries. To see database commands run on a MongoDB deployment, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/#std-label-database-profiler"> Database Profiler <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a workload table with your application's queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-workload-table-with-your-application-s-queries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-workload-table-with-your-application-s-queries"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Fill out the following table with the queries that your application needs to run: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Action </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Query Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Information </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Frequency </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Priority </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The action that a user takes to trigger the query. </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The type of query (read or write). </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The document fields that are either written or returned by the query. </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> How frequently your application runs the query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Queries that are run frequently benefit from indexes and should be optimized to avoid lookup operations. </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> How critical the query is to your application. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example shows a workload table for a blog application: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Action </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Information </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Frequency </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Priority </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Submit a new article </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Write </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> author, text </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 10 per day </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> High </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Submit a comment on an article </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Write </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> user, text </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1,000 per day (100 per article) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Medium </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> View an article </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Read </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> article id, text, comments </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1,000,000 per day </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> High </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> View article analytics </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Read </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> article id, comments, clicks </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 10 per hour </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Low </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Next Steps <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#next-steps" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="next-steps"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you identify your application's workload, the next step in the schema design process is to map related data in your schema. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/schema-design-process/map-relationships/#std-label-data-modeling-map-relationships"> Map Schema Relationships <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Upgrade a Sharded Cluster to 7.0 <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-a-sharded-cluster-to-7.0" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-a-sharded-cluster-to-7.0"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#upgrade-recommendations-and-checklists" target="_self"> <span> Upgrade Recommendations and Checklists </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#prerequisites" target="_self"> <span> Prerequisites </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#download-newversion-binaries" target="_self"> <span> Download <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> Binaries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#upgrade-procedure" target="_self"> <span> Upgrade Procedure </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#additional-upgrade-procedures" target="_self"> <span> Additional Upgrade Procedures </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this tutorial to upgrade from MongoDB <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> to MongoDB <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . To upgrade to a new patch release within the same release series, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/upgrade-revision/#std-label-upgrade-to-latest-revision"> Upgrade to the Latest Self-Managed Patch Release of MongoDB <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Familiarize yourself with the content of this document, including thoroughly reviewing the prerequisites, prior to upgrading to MongoDB <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following steps outline the procedure to upgrade a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is a shard member from version <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you need guidance on upgrading to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/consulting?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB professional services </span> </a> offer major version upgrade support to help ensure a smooth transition without interruption to your MongoDB application. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Upgrade Recommendations and Checklists <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-recommendations-and-checklists" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-recommendations-and-checklists"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When upgrading, consider the following: </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Upgrade Version Path <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-version-path" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-version-path"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To upgrade an existing MongoDB deployment to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> , you must be running a <!-- --> 6.0-series <!-- --> release. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To upgrade from a version earlier than the <!-- --> 6.0-series <!-- --> , you must successively upgrade major releases until you have upgraded to <!-- --> 6.0-series <!-- --> . For example, if you are running a <!-- --> 5.0-series <!-- --> , you must <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/6.0/#std-label-6.0-upgrade"> upgrade first to 6.0 </a> <em> before </em> you can upgrade to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Check Driver Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#check-driver-compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="check-driver-compatibility"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you upgrade MongoDB, check that you're using a MongoDB <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> -compatible driver. Consult the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> driver documentation </span> </a> for your specific driver to verify compatibility with MongoDB <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upgraded deployments that run on incompatible drivers might encounter unexpected or undefined behavior. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Preparedness <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#preparedness" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="preparedness"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before beginning your upgrade, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/7.0-compatibility/#std-label-7.0-compatibility"> Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 7.0 </a> document to ensure that your applications and deployments are compatible with MongoDB <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . Resolve the incompatibilities in your deployment before starting the upgrade. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before upgrading MongoDB, always test your application in a staging environment before deploying the upgrade to your production environment. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Downgrade Consideration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#downgrade-consideration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="downgrade-consideration"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot downgrade your deployment's binary version without assistance from support. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/8.0-downgrade/#std-label-8.0-downgrade"> Downgrade <!-- --> 8.0 <!-- --> to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Prerequisites <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#prerequisites" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="prerequisites"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> All Members Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#all-members-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="all-members-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To upgrade a sharded cluster to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> , <strong> all </strong> members of the cluster must be at least version <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> . The upgrade process checks all components of the cluster and will produce warnings if any component is running version earlier than <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Feature Compatibility Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#feature-compatibility-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="feature-compatibility-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> sharded cluster must have <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> featureCompatibilityVersion </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "6.0" </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To ensure that all members of the sharded cluster have <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> featureCompatibilityVersion </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "6.0" </code> , connect to each shard replica set member and each config server replica set member and check the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> featureCompatibilityVersion </code> : </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a sharded cluster that has access control enabled, to run the following command against a shard replica set member, you must connect to the member as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-users/#std-label-shard-local-users"> shard local user <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">getParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">featureCompatibilityVersion</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> All members should return a result that includes <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "featureCompatibilityVersion" : { "version" : "6.0" } </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set or update <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> featureCompatibilityVersion </code> , run the following command on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"6.0\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setFeatureCompatibilityVersion</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"6.0"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replica Set Member State <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set-member-state" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set-member-state"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For shards and config servers, ensure that no replica set member is in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.ROLLBACK"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ROLLBACK </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.RECOVERING"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RECOVERING </code> </a> state. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { replSetGetStatus: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Back up the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> Database <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#back-up-the-config-database" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="back-up-the-config-database"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Optional but Recommended. </em> As a precaution, take a backup of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> database <em> before </em> upgrading the sharded cluster. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Download <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> Binaries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-newversion-binaries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-newversion-binaries"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use Package Manager <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-package-manager" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-package-manager"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed MongoDB from the MongoDB <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> apt </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dnf </code> , or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> zypper </code> repositories, you should upgrade to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> using your package manager. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow the appropriate <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/installation/#std-label-tutorial-installation"> 7.0 installation instructions </a> for your Linux system. This will involve adding a repository for the new release, then performing the actual upgrade process. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Download <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> Binaries Manually <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-newversion-binaries-manually" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-newversion-binaries-manually"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you have not installed MongoDB using a package manager, you can manually download the MongoDB binaries from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/installation/#std-label-tutorial-installation"> 7.0 installation instructions </a> for more information. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Upgrade Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-procedure"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Connect mongosh to a mongos instance\nin the sharded cluster, and run sh.stopBalancer() to\ndisable the balancer:If a migration is in progress, the system will complete the\nin-progress migration before stopping the balancer. You can run\nsh.isBalancerRunning() to check the balancer's current\nstate.To verify that the balancer is disabled, run\nsh.getBalancerState(), which returns false if the\nbalancer is disabled:For more information on disabling the balancer, see\nDisable the Balancer.","name":"Disable the Balancer."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Upgrade the secondary\nmembers of the replica set, one at a time.Shut down the secondary instance.To shut down the mongod process, use\nmongosh to connect to the cluster member and\nrun the following command:Replace the 6.0 binary with the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 binary with the --configsvr,\n--replSet, and --port.\nInclude any other options as used by the deployment.If using a configuration file, update the file to\nspecify sharding.clusterRole: configsvr, replication.replSetName,\nnet.port, and net.bindIp,\nthen start the 7.0 binary:Include any other settings as appropriate for your deployment.Wait for the member to recover to the SECONDARY state before upgrading the next secondary member.To check the member's state, issue rs.status() in\nmongosh.Repeat for each secondary member.Step down the replica set primary.Step down the primary.Connect mongosh to the primary and use\nrs.stepDown() to step down the primary and force an\nelection of a new primary:Shut down the stepped-down primary.When rs.status() shows that the primary has stepped\ndown and another member has assumed the PRIMARY state, shut\ndown the stepped-down primary.To shut down the stepped-down primary, use\nmongosh to connect to the primary and\nrun the following command:Replace the mongod binary with the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 with the --configsvr,\n--replSet,\n--port, and --bind_ip options. Include any optional command line\noptions used by the previous deployment:If using a configuration file, update the file to\nspecify sharding.clusterRole: configsvr, replication.replSetName,\nnet.port, and net.bindIp,\nthen start the 7.0 binary:Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment.","name":"Upgrade the config servers."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Upgrade the shards one at a time.For each shard replica set:Upgrade the secondary\nmembers of the replica set, one at a time.Shut down the secondary instance.To shut down the mongod process, use\nmongosh to connect to the cluster member and\nrun the following command:Replace the 6.0 binary with the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 binary with the --shardsvr, --replSet,\n--port, and --bind_ip options. Include any additional command line\noptions as appropriate for your deployment:If using a configuration file, update the file to\ninclude sharding.clusterRole: shardsvr,\nreplication.replSetName, net.port, and\nnet.bindIp, then start the 7.0 binary:Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment.Wait for the member to recover to the SECONDARY state before upgrading the next secondary member.To check the member's state, you can issue\nrs.status() in mongosh.Repeat for each secondary member.Step down the replica set primary.Connect mongosh to the primary and use\nrs.stepDown() to step down the primary\nand force an election of a new primary:Upgrade the stepped-down primary.When rs.status() shows that the primary has\nstepped down and another member has assumed the PRIMARY\nstate, upgrade the stepped-down primary:Shut down the stepped-down primary.To shut down the stepped-down primary, use\nmongosh to connect to the replica set\nmember and run the following command:Replace the mongod binary. with the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 binary.Start the 7.0 binary with the --shardsvr,\n--replSet,\n--port, and --bind_ip options. Include any additional command line\noptions as appropriate for your deployment:If using a configuration file, update the file to\nspecify sharding.clusterRole: shardsvr, replication.replSetName,\nnet.port, and net.bindIp, then start the\n7.0 binary:Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment.","name":"Upgrade the shards."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Replace each mongos instance with the 7.0 binary\nand restart. Include any other configuration as appropriate for your\ndeployment.The --bind_ip option must be specified when\nthe sharded cluster members are run on different hosts or if\nremote clients connect to the sharded cluster.","name":"Upgrade the mongos instances."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Using mongosh, connect to a\nmongos in the cluster and run\nsh.startBalancer() to re-enable the balancer:For more information about re-enabling the balancer, see\nEnable the Balancer.","name":"Re-enable the balancer."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"At this point, you can run the 7.0 binaries without the\n7.0 features that are incompatible with 6.0.To enable these 7.0 features, set the feature compatibility\nversion (fCV) to 7.0.Enabling these backwards-incompatible features can complicate the\ndowngrade process since you must remove any persisted backwards-incompatible\nfeatures before you downgrade.It is recommended that after upgrading, you allow your deployment to run\nwithout enabling these features for a burn-in period to ensure the\nlikelihood of downgrade is minimal. When you are confident that the\nlikelihood of downgrade is minimal, enable these features.On a mongos instance, run the\nsetFeatureCompatibilityVersion command in the admin\ndatabase:Setting featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) : \"7.0\"\nimplicitly performs a replSetReconfig on each shard to\nadd the term field to the shard replica configuration\ndocument.The command doesn't complete until the new configuration propagates to a\nmajority of replica set members.This command must perform writes to an internal system collection.\nIf for any reason the command does not complete successfully, you\ncan safely retry the command on the mongos as the\noperation is idempotent.While setFeatureCompatibilityVersion is running on\nthe sharded cluster, chunk migrations, splits, and merges\ncan fail with ConflictingOperationInProgress.Any orphaned documents that exist on your\nshards will be cleaned up when you set the\nsetFeatureCompatibilityVersion to 7.0. The\ncleanup process:Does not block the upgrade from completing, andIs rate limited. To mitigate the potential effect on performance\nduring orphaned document cleanup, see\nRange Deletion Performance Tuning.The mongos binary cannot connect to mongod\ninstances whose feature compatibility version (fCV) is greater\nthan that of the mongos. For example, you cannot connect\na MongoDB 6.0 version mongos to a 7.0\nsharded cluster with fCV set to 7.0. You\ncan, however, connect a MongoDB 6.0 version\nmongos to a 7.0 sharded cluster with fCV set to 6.0.Using substitutions, so that the blurb in example is updated per each version of the manual.","name":"Enable backwards-incompatible 7.0 features."}],"name":"Upgrade Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Disable the Balancer. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#disable-the-balancer." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="disable-the-balancer."> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0-upgrade-disable-balancer"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance in the sharded cluster, and run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.stopBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.stopBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.stopBalancer() </code> </a> to disable the balancer: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.stopBalancer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stopBalancer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a migration is in progress, the system will complete the in-progress migration before stopping the balancer. You can run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.isBalancerRunning/#mongodb-method-sh.isBalancerRunning"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.isBalancerRunning() </code> </a> to check the balancer's current state. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To verify that the balancer is disabled, run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.getBalancerState/#mongodb-method-sh.getBalancerState"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getBalancerState() </code> </a> , which returns false if the balancer is disabled: </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.getBalancerState()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getBalancerState</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on disabling the balancer, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-sharded-cluster-balancer/#std-label-sharding-balancing-disable-temporarily"> Disable the Balancer <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Upgrade the config servers. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-the-config-servers." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-the-config-servers."> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0-upgrade-config-servers"> </span> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upgrade the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-members/#std-label-replica-set-secondary-members"> secondary </a> members of the replica set, one at a time. </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="i"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shut down the secondary instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To shut down the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to the cluster member and run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { shutdown: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shutdown</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replace the <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> binary with the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--replSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </a> . Include any other options as used by the deployment. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replsetname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replSetName&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip address&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file </a> , update the file to specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole: configsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> , then start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: configsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;string&gt;\nnet:\n port: &lt;port&gt;\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;ip&gt;\nstorage:\n dbpath: &lt;path&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">configsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;string&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">port:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;port&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbpath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;path&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other settings as appropriate for your deployment. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wait for the member to recover to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> state before upgrading the next secondary member. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To check the member's state, issue <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Repeat for each secondary member. </p> </li> </ol> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Step down the replica set primary. </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="i"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Step down the primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to the primary and use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#mongodb-method-rs.stepDown"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.stepDown() </code> </a> to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-step-down"> step down </a> the primary and force an election of a new primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.stepDown()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stepDown</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shut down the stepped-down primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> shows that the primary has stepped down and another member has assumed the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PRIMARY </code> state, shut down the stepped-down primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To shut down the stepped-down primary, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to the primary and run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { shutdown: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shutdown</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replace the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> binary with the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--replSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> options. Include any optional command line options used by the previous deployment: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replsetname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replSetName&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip address&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file </a> , update the file to specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole: configsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> , then start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: configsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;string&gt;\nnet:\n port: &lt;port&gt;\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;ip&gt;\nstorage:\n dbpath: &lt;path&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">configsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;string&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">port:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;port&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbpath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;path&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment. </p> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Upgrade the shards. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-the-shards." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-the-shards."> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0-upgrade-shards"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upgrade the shards one at a time. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For each shard replica set: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upgrade the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-members/#std-label-replica-set-secondary-members"> secondary </a> members of the replica set, one at a time. </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="i"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shut down the secondary instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To shut down the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to the cluster member and run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { shutdown: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shutdown</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replace the <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> binary with the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--shardsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --shardsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--replSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> options. Include any additional command line options as appropriate for your deployment: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --shardsvr --replSet &lt;replsetname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --shardsvr --replSet &lt;replSetName&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip address&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file </a> , update the file to include <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole: shardsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> , then start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: shardsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;string&gt;\nnet:\n port: &lt;port&gt;\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;ip&gt;\nstorage:\n dbpath: &lt;path&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">shardsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;string&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">port:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;port&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbpath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;path&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wait for the member to recover to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> state before upgrading the next secondary member. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To check the member's state, you can issue <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Repeat for each secondary member. </p> </li> </ol> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Step down the replica set primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to the primary and use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#mongodb-method-rs.stepDown"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.stepDown() </code> </a> to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-step-down"> step down </a> the primary and force an election of a new primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.stepDown()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stepDown</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upgrade the stepped-down primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> shows that the primary has stepped down and another member has assumed the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PRIMARY </code> state, upgrade the stepped-down primary: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="i"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shut down the stepped-down primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To shut down the stepped-down primary, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to the replica set member and run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { shutdown: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shutdown</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replace the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> binary. with the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--shardsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --shardsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--replSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> options. Include any additional command line options as appropriate for your deployment: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --shardsvr --replSet &lt;replsetname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --shardsvr --replSet &lt;replSetName&gt; --port &lt;port&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip address&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file </a> , update the file to specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole: shardsvr </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> , then start the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: shardsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;string&gt;\nnet:\n port: &lt;port&gt;\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;ip&gt;\nstorage:\n dbpath: &lt;path&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">shardsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;string&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">port:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;port&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbpath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;path&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment. </p> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Upgrade the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> instances. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-the-mongos-instances." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-the-mongos-instances."> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0-upgrade-mongos-instances"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replace each <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance with the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binary and restart. Include any other configuration as appropriate for your deployment. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> option must be specified when the sharded cluster members are run on different hosts or if remote clients connect to the sharded cluster. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --configdb csReplSet/&lt;rsconfigsver1:port1&gt;,&lt;rsconfigsver2:port2&gt;,&lt;rsconfigsver3:port3&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --configdb csReplSet/&lt;rsconfigsver1:port1&gt;,&lt;rsconfigsver2:port2&gt;,&lt;rsconfigsver3:port3&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;ip address&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Re-enable the balancer. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#re-enable-the-balancer." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="re-enable-the-balancer."> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0-upgrade-reenable-balancer"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> in the cluster and run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.startBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.startBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.startBalancer() </code> </a> to re-enable the balancer: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.startBalancer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">startBalancer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about re-enabling the balancer, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-sharded-cluster-balancer/#std-label-sharding-balancing-enable"> Enable the Balancer <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 6 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Enable backwards-incompatible <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> features. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#enable-backwards-incompatible--features." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="enable-backwards-incompatible--features."> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0-upgrade-enable-features-mongos"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> At this point, you can run the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> binaries without the <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/7.0/#std-label-7.0-downgrade-considerations"> features </a> that are incompatible with <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable these <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> features, set the feature compatibility version ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fCV </code> ) to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enabling these backwards-incompatible features can complicate the downgrade process since you must remove any persisted backwards-incompatible features before you downgrade. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> It is recommended that after upgrading, you allow your deployment to run without enabling these features for a burn-in period to ensure the likelihood of downgrade is minimal. When you are confident that the likelihood of downgrade is minimal, enable these features. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion </code> </a> command in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"7.0\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setFeatureCompatibilityVersion</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"7.0"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-set-fcv"> featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) : "7.0" </a> implicitly performs a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetReconfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetReconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetReconfig </code> </a> on each shard to add the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.term"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> term </code> </a> field to the shard replica configuration document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command doesn't complete until the new configuration propagates to a majority of replica set members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command must perform writes to an internal system collection. If for any reason the command does not complete successfully, you can safely retry the command on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> as the operation is idempotent. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion </code> </a> is running on the sharded cluster, chunk migrations, splits, and merges can fail with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ConflictingOperationInProgress </code> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Any <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-document"> orphaned documents </a> that exist on your shards will be cleaned up when you set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion </code> </a> to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . The cleanup process: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Does not block the upgrade from completing, and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Is rate limited. To mitigate the potential effect on performance during orphaned document cleanup, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-range-deletion-performance-tuning"> Range Deletion Performance Tuning <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongos fCV Compatibility </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> binary cannot connect to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances whose <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> feature compatibility version (fCV) </a> is greater than that of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . For example, you cannot connect a MongoDB <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> version <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to a <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> sharded cluster with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> fCV </a> set to <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> . You can, however, connect a MongoDB <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> version <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to a <!-- --> 7.0 <!-- --> sharded cluster with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> fCV </a> set to <!-- --> 6.0 <!-- --> . </p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Additional Upgrade Procedures <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#additional-upgrade-procedures" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="additional-upgrade-procedures"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To upgrade a standalone, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/7.0-upgrade-standalone/#std-label-7.0-upgrade-standalone"> Upgrade a Standalone to 7.0 <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To upgrade a replica set, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/7.0-upgrade-replica-set/#std-label-7.0-upgrade-replica-set"> Upgrade a Replica Set to 7.0 <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.fsyncLock() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.fsynclock--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.fsynclock--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Flushes all pending writes from the storage layer to disk and locks the server to prevent any additional writes until the lock is released. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.1 (also available starting in 7.0.2, 6.0.11, and 5.0.22) <!-- --> the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-method-db.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncUnlock() </code> </a> methods <!-- --> can run on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to lock and unlock a sharded cluster. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Method </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. This is <em> not </em> the documentation for database commands or language-specific drivers, such as Node.js. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the database command, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/fsync/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.fsync"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsync </code> </a> command <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB driver documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Servers maintain an fsync lock count. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsyncLock() </code> </span> </a> method increments the lock count while the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-method-db.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsyncUnlock() </code> </a> method decrements it. To unlock writes on a server or cluster, call the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-method-db.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsyncUnlock() </code> </a> method until the lock count reaches zero. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> </span> </a> has the syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.fsyncLock()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">fsyncLock</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns a document with the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> info </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Information on the status of the operation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lockCount </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Number of locks currently on the instance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> seeAlso </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Link to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/fsync/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.fsync"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsync </code> </a> command documentation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ok </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The status code. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> </span> </a> is an administrative command. Use this method to lock a server or cluster before <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/backups/#std-label-backup-methods"> backup operations <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> </span> </a> ensures that the data files are safe to copy using low-level backup utilities such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cp </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scp </code> , or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tar </code> . A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> started using the copied files contains user-written data that is indistinguishable from the user-written data on the locked <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The data files of a locked <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> may change due to operations such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/journaling/#std-label-journal-process"> journaling syncs </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger-checkpoints"> WiredTiger snapshots </a> . While this has no affect on the logical data (e.g. data accessed by clients), some backup utilities may detect these changes and emit warnings or fail with errors. For more information on MongoDB- recommended backup utilities and procedures, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/backups/"> Backup Methods for a Self-Managed Deployment <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Fsync Locks after Failures <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#fsync-locks-after-failures" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="fsync-locks-after-failures"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Fsync locks execute on the primary in a replica set or sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the primary goes down or becomes unreachable due to network issues, the cluster <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-elections/#std-label-replica-set-elections"> elects </a> a new primary from the available secondaries. If a primary with an fsync lock goes down, the new primary does <strong> not </strong> retain the fsync lock and can handle write operations. When elections occur during backup operations, the resulting backup may be inconsistent or unusable. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To recover from the primary going down: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-method-db.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncUnlock() </code> </a> method until the lock count reaches zero to release the lock on all nodes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Issue the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> </span> </a> command to reestablish the fsync lock on the cluster. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the backup. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally, fsync locks are persistent. When the old primary comes online again, you need to run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-method-db.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncUnlock() </code> </a> command to release the lock on the node. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation runs <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.fsyncLock()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">fsyncLock</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following status document that includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lockCount </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"info\" : \"now locked against writes, use db.fsyncUnlock() to unlock\",\n \"lockCount\" : NumberLong(1),\n \"seeAlso\" : \"http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/fsynccommand\",\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"info"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"now locked against writes, use db.fsyncUnlock() to unlock"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lockCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"seeAlso"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/fsynccommand"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.fsyncLock" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncLock() </code> </span> </a> again, the operation increments the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lockCount </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"info\" : \"now locked against writes, use db.fsyncUnlock() to unlock\",\n \"lockCount\" : NumberLong(2),\n \"seeAlso\" : \"http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/fsynccommand\",\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"info"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"now locked against writes, use db.fsyncUnlock() to unlock"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lockCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"seeAlso"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/fsynccommand"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To unlock the instance for writes, you must run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-method-db.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.fsyncUnlock() </code> </a> twice to reduce the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lockCount </code> to 0. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> replSetGetConfig <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replsetgetconfig" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replsetgetconfig"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#output-example" target="_self"> <span> Output Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetConfig </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetConfig" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetConfig"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns a document that describes the current <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#std-label-replica-set-configuration-document"> configuration </a> of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , this command can also be run through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.conf/#mongodb-method-rs.conf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.conf() </code> </a> helper method <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Helper methods are convenient for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in M0, M2, and M5 clusters. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetConfig </code> </span> </a> must be issued against the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database. The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n replSetGetConfig: 1,\n commitmentStatus: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n comment: &lt;any&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetConfig</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">commitmentStatus</span>: &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">comment</span>: &lt;<!-- -->any<!-- -->&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:65%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetConfig </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> any </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Any value </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replSetGetConfig-commitmentStatus" target="_self"> <span> commitmentStatus </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replSetGetConfig-commitmentStatus"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to include a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replSetGetConfig-output-commitmentStatus" target="_self"> <span> commitmentStatus </span> </a> field in the output. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replSetGetConfig-output-commitmentStatus" target="_self"> <span> commitmentStatus </span> </a> output field indicates whether the replica set's previous reconfig has been committed, so that the replica set is ready to be reconfigured again. For details, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replSetGetConfig-output-commitmentStatus" target="_self"> <span> commitmentStatus Output Field <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> commitmentStatus: true </code> option when running the command on the primary. The command errors if run with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> commitmentStatus: true </code> on a secondary. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> comment </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> any </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A user-provided comment to attach to this command. Once set, this comment appears alongside records of this command in the following locations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> mongod log messages </a> , in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attr.command.cursor.comment </code> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#std-label-profiler"> Database profiler </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#mongodb-data-system.profile.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.currentOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> currentOp </code> </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-data-currentOp.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A comment can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-bson-types"> BSON type </a> (string, integer, object, array, etc). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> provides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.conf/#mongodb-method-rs.conf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.conf() </code> </a> method that wraps the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetConfig </code> </span> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.conf();","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">conf</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replSetGetConfig-example"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Output Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following is an example output of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetConfig </code> </span> </a> command run with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replSetGetConfig-commitmentStatus" target="_self"> <span> commitmentStatus: true </span> </a> on the primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"config\" : {\n \"_id\" : \"myRepl\",\n \"version\" : 180294,\n \"term\" : 1,\n \"protocolVersion\" : NumberLong(1),\n \"writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault\" : true,\n \"members\" : [\n {\n \"_id\" : 0,\n \"host\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"arbiterOnly\" : false,\n \"buildIndexes\" : true,\n \"hidden\" : false,\n \"priority\" : 1,\n \"tags\" : {\n\n },\n \"secondaryDelaySecs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"votes\" : 1\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 1,\n \"host\" : \"m2.example.net:27017\",\n \"arbiterOnly\" : false,\n \"buildIndexes\" : true,\n \"hidden\" : false,\n \"priority\" : 1,\n \"tags\" : {\n\n },\n \"secondaryDelaySecs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"votes\" : 1\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 2,\n \"host\" : \"m3.example.net:27017\",\n \"arbiterOnly\" : false,\n \"buildIndexes\" : true,\n \"hidden\" : false,\n \"priority\" : 1,\n \"tags\" : {\n\n },\n \"secondaryDelaySecs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"votes\" : 1\n }\n ],\n \"settings\" : {\n \"chainingAllowed\" : true,\n \"heartbeatIntervalMillis\" : 2000,\n \"heartbeatTimeoutSecs\" : 10,\n \"electionTimeoutMillis\" : 10000,\n \"catchUpTimeoutMillis\" : -1,\n \"catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis\" : 30000,\n \"getLastErrorModes\" : {\n\n },\n \"getLastErrorDefaults\" : {\n \"w\" : 1,\n \"wtimeout\" : 0\n },\n \"replicaSetId\" : ObjectId(\"5eaa1e9ac4d650aa7817623d\")\n }\n },\n \"commitmentStatus\" : true,\n \"ok\" : 1,\n \"$clusterTime\" : {\n \"clusterTime\" : Timestamp(1588212091, 1),\n \"signature\" : {\n \"hash\" : BinData(0,\"veOHa2mOeRTzuR0LKqnzGxWV77k=\"),\n \"keyId\" : NumberLong(\"6821298283919441923\")\n }\n },\n \"operationTime\" : Timestamp(1588212091, 1)\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"config"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myRepl"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"version"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">180294</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"term"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"protocolVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"members"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"host"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"arbiterOnly"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"buildIndexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hidden"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priority"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondaryDelaySecs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"host"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m2.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"arbiterOnly"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"buildIndexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hidden"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priority"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondaryDelaySecs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"host"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m3.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"arbiterOnly"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"buildIndexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hidden"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priority"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondaryDelaySecs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"settings"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chainingAllowed"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"heartbeatIntervalMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"heartbeatTimeoutSecs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTimeoutMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"catchUpTimeoutMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"getLastErrorModes"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"getLastErrorDefaults"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"w"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wtimeout"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replicaSetId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5eaa1e9ac4d650aa7817623d"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"commitmentStatus"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$clusterTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"clusterTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1588212091</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"signature"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hash"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BinData</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"veOHa2mOeRTzuR0LKqnzGxWV77k="</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"keyId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6821298283919441923"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"operationTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1588212091</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The replica set configuration. For description of each configuration settings, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> Self-Managed Replica Set Configuration <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replSetGetConfig-output-commitmentStatus" target="_self"> <span> commitmentStatus </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replSetGetConfig-output-commitmentStatus"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean that indicates whether the most recent replica set configuration has been committed; i.e. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The most recent replica set configuration for the primary has propagated to a majority of members, and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The last write operation to the replica set with the previous configuration has been <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.writeMajorityCount"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority-commited </code> </a> in the new configuration. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , then the configuration has been committed, and the replica set can be reconfigured. To reconfigure the replica set, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetReconfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetReconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetReconfig </code> </a> command or the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfig/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfig() </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , then the configuration has not been committed, and the replica set cannot be reconfigured. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ok </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A number that indicates whether the command has succeeded ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> ) or failed ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> ). </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> operationTime </code> </div> <div class="line"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $clusterTime </code> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returned with every command for a replica set. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#std-label-db-adminCommand-response"> db.adminCommand Response </a> for details. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.conf/#mongodb-method-rs.conf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.conf() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfig/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfig() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.help() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.help--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.help--"> </div> </a> </h1> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.help() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.help" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.help"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> Text output listing common methods on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db </code> object. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Rotate X.509 Certificates to Use Extension Values on Self-Managed Clusters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#rotate-x.509-certificates-to-use-extension-values-on-self-managed-clusters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="rotate-x.509-certificates-to-use-extension-values-on-self-managed-clusters"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About This Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#steps" target="_self"> <span> Steps </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Cluster members can use X.509 certificates for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-internal-authentication/#std-label-internal-auth-x509"> membership authentication </a> to identify other servers in the same deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When the server receives a connection request, it compares the Distinguished Name (DN) values or the extension value string of the certificate to the configured values of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthX509 </code> </a> setting and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> </a> parameter. If the values match, it treats the connection as a cluster member. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Clusters adopting new certificates can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> </a> parameter to migrate from certificates identified using DN attributes to certificates identified using extension values during the certificate rotation procedure. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once all members use certificates with the new value, remove the override to begin rejecting the now out of date certificates. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About This Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a replica set where member certificates (set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterFile </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.certificateKeyFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> certificateKeyFile </code> </a> settings) have Distinguished Name (DN) values that use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoDB </code> organization and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoDB Server </code> organizational unit (set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509.attributes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attributes </code> </a> setting). </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"security:\n clusterAuthMode: x509\nnet:\n tls:\n mode: requireTLS\n certificateKeyFile: /etc/mycerts/10gen-server1.pem\n CAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterFile: /etc/mycerts/10gen-cluster1.pem\n clusterCAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterAuthX509:\n attributes: O=MongoDB, OU=MongoDB Server","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">security:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthMode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">x509</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tls:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">requireTLS</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">certificateKeyFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/10gen-server1.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">CAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/10gen-cluster1.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterCAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthX509:</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">attributes:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">O=MongoDB,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">OU=MongoDB</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">Server</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial assumes that the new X.509 certificates meet membership certificate and all other requirements and that the cluster configuration identifies peer certificates using extension values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-x.509/#std-label-x509-member-certificate-requirements"> Member Certificate Requirements <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Steps <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#steps" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="steps"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> These steps update member certificates to use new X.509 certificates on a cluster configured with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509.attributes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attributes </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Initially, the clusters identify members using DN values. With the new certificates, the servers instead identify members using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb://example.mongodb.net </code> extension value and ignore certificate attributes. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Update the configuration file of each server:Change the clusterAuthX509 setting to match\nthe new certificate by replacing the\nattributes setting with the\nthe extensionValue setting.Set the tlsClusterAuthX509Override parameter to use the\nDN attributes of the old certificate.For example:","name":"Update the TLS Cluster Membership Configuration"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart each secondary cluster member:Use mongosh to connect to each secondary cluster member,\nthen use the db.shutdownServer() method to stop the server:Restart the server.Use the rs.status() method to determine the member state:Wait for the stateStr field for this member to show a value of\nSECONDARY, then restart the next secondary.Secondary servers in the replica set now accept peer connections from\nmembers using certificates with the new extension values as well as\nthe old DN attributes.","name":"Restart Secondary Cluster Members"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart the primary member:Connect to the primary using mongosh, then use the\nrs.stepDown() method to step the member down as the\nprimary:The cluster promotes a secondary with the new certificate to serve\nas the new primary.Use the db.shutdownServer() method to shut the server down:Restart the server.The primary server in the replica set steps down and restarts as a\nsecondary that now accepts peer connections from members using\ncertificates with the new extension value as well as the old DN\nattributes.","name":"Restart Primary Cluster Member"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Update the configuration file of each server:Change the net.tls.certificateKeyFile setting to use the\nnew certificate.Change the net.tls.clusterFile setting to use the\nnew certificate.For example:","name":"Update the TLS Certificates"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart each secondary cluster member:Use mongosh to connect to each secondary cluster member,\nthen use the db.shutdownServer() method to stop the server:Restart the server.Use the rs.status() method to determine the member state:Wait for the stateStr field for this member to show a value of\nSECONDARY, then restart the next secondary.Secondary servers in the replica set now use the new X.509 certificates.","name":"Restart Secondary Cluster Members"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart the primary member:Connect to the primary using mongosh, then use the\nrs.stepDown() method to step the member down as the\nprimary:The cluster promotes a secondary with the new certificate to serve\nas the new primary.Use the db.shutdownServer() method to shut the server down:Restart the server.The primary server in the replica set steps down and restarts as a\nsecondary that uses the new X.509 certificate.","name":"Restart Primary Cluster Member"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"With all members of the cluster now using the new X.509 certificate,\nupdate the configuration file to remove the setParameter\nsettings for the tlsClusterAuthX509Override parameter.For example:This ensures that the server doesn't configure the old certificate\nsettings on startup.","name":"Remove the DN Certification Override Configuration"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart each secondary cluster member:Use mongosh to connect to each secondary cluster member,\nthen use the db.shutdownServer() method to stop the server:Restart the server.Use the rs.status() method to determine the member state:Wait for the stateStr field for this member to show a value of\nSECONDARY, then restart the next secondary.Secondary servers in the replica set restart and no longer accept\nconnections from the old X.509 certificates.","name":"Restart Secondary Cluster Members"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart the primary member:Connect to the primary using mongosh, then use the\nrs.stepDown() method to step the member down as the\nprimary:The cluster promotes a secondary with the new certificate to serve\nas the new primary.Use the db.shutdownServer() method to shut the server down:Restart the server.The primary server steps down and restarts as a secondary that no longer\naccepts connections from the old X.509 certificates.","name":"Restart Primary Cluster Member"}],"name":"Steps","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-qum8nr eccljxs0"> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update the TLS Cluster Membership Configuration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-the-tls-cluster-membership-configuration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-the-tls-cluster-membership-configuration"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Update the configuration file of each server: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthX509 </code> </a> setting to match the new certificate by replacing the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509.attributes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attributes </code> </a> setting with the the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509.extensionValue"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extensionValue </code> </a> setting. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> </a> parameter to use the DN attributes of the old certificate. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"net:\n tls:\n mode: requireTLS\n certificateKeyFile: /etc/mycerts/mongodb-server1.pem\n CAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterFile: /etc/mycerts/mongodb-cluster1.pem\n clusterCAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterAuthX509:\n extensionValue: mongodb://example.mongodb.net\nsecurity:\n clusterAuthMode: x509\nsetParameter:\n tlsClusterAuthX509Override: { attributes: O=MongoDB, OU=MongoDBServer }","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tls:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">requireTLS</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">certificateKeyFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/mongodb-server1.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">CAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/mongodb-cluster1.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterCAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthX509:</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extensionValue:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">mongodb://example.mongodb.net</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">security:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthMode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">x509</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tlsClusterAuthX509Override:</span> <!-- -->{<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">attributes:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">O=MongoDB</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-string">OU=MongoDBServer</span> <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart Secondary Cluster Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-secondary-cluster-members" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-secondary-cluster-members"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart each secondary cluster member: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to each secondary cluster member, then use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.shutdownServer/#mongodb-method-db.shutdownServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.shutdownServer() </code> </a> method to stop the server: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.shutdownServer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shutdownServer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the server. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> method to determine the member state: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.status().members","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">status</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wait for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stateStr </code> field for this member to show a value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> , then restart the next secondary. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Secondary servers in the replica set now accept peer connections from members using certificates with the new extension values as well as the old DN attributes. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart Primary Cluster Member <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-primary-cluster-member" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-primary-cluster-member"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the primary member: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect to the primary using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , then use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#mongodb-method-rs.stepDown"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.stepDown() </code> </a> method to step the member down as the primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.stepDown()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stepDown</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The cluster promotes a secondary with the new certificate to serve as the new primary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.shutdownServer/#mongodb-method-db.shutdownServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.shutdownServer() </code> </a> method to shut the server down: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.shutdownServer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shutdownServer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the server. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The primary server in the replica set steps down and restarts as a secondary that now accepts peer connections from members using certificates with the new extension value as well as the old DN attributes. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update the TLS Certificates <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-the-tls-certificates" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-the-tls-certificates"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Update the configuration file of each server: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.certificateKeyFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.certificateKeyFile </code> </a> setting to use the new certificate. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.clusterFile </code> </a> setting to use the new certificate. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"net:\n tls:\n mode: requireTLS\n certificateKeyFile: /etc/mycerts/mongodb-server2.pem\n CAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterFile: /etc/mycerts/mongodb-cluster2.pem\n clusterCAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterAuthX509:\n extensionValue: mongodb://example.mongodb.net\nsecurity:\n clusterAuthMode: x509\nsetParameter:\n tlsClusterAuthX509Override: { attributes: O=MongoDB, OU=MongoDB Server }","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tls:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">requireTLS</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">certificateKeyFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/mongodb-server2.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">CAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/mongodb-cluster2.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterCAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthX509:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extensionValue:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">mongodb://example.mongodb.net</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">security:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthMode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">x509</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tlsClusterAuthX509Override:</span> <!-- -->{<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">attributes:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">O=MongoDB</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-string">OU=MongoDB</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">Server</span> <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart Secondary Cluster Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-secondary-cluster-members-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-secondary-cluster-members-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart each secondary cluster member: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to each secondary cluster member, then use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.shutdownServer/#mongodb-method-db.shutdownServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.shutdownServer() </code> </a> method to stop the server: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.shutdownServer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shutdownServer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the server. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> method to determine the member state: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.status().members","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">status</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wait for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stateStr </code> field for this member to show a value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> , then restart the next secondary. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Secondary servers in the replica set now use the new X.509 certificates. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 6 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart Primary Cluster Member <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-primary-cluster-member-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-primary-cluster-member-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the primary member: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect to the primary using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , then use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#mongodb-method-rs.stepDown"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.stepDown() </code> </a> method to step the member down as the primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.stepDown()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stepDown</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The cluster promotes a secondary with the new certificate to serve as the new primary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.shutdownServer/#mongodb-method-db.shutdownServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.shutdownServer() </code> </a> method to shut the server down: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.shutdownServer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shutdownServer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the server. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The primary server in the replica set steps down and restarts as a secondary that uses the new X.509 certificate. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 7 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Remove the DN Certification Override Configuration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#remove-the-dn-certification-override-configuration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="remove-the-dn-certification-override-configuration"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With all members of the cluster now using the new X.509 certificate, update the configuration file to remove the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> settings for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> </a> parameter. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"net:\n tls:\n mode: requireTLS\n certificateKeyFile: /etc/mycerts/mongodb-server1.pem\n CAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterFile: /etc/mycerts/mongodb-cluster1.pem\n clusterCAFile: /etc/mycerts/ca.pem\n clusterAuthX509:\n extensionValue: mongodb://example.mongodb.net\nsecurity:\n clusterAuthMode: x509","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tls:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">requireTLS</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">certificateKeyFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/mongodb-server1.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">CAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/mongodb-cluster1.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterCAFile:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">/etc/mycerts/ca.pem</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthX509:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extensionValue:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">mongodb://example.mongodb.net</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">security:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterAuthMode:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">x509</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This ensures that the server doesn't configure the old certificate settings on startup. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 8 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart Secondary Cluster Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-secondary-cluster-members-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-secondary-cluster-members-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart each secondary cluster member: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to connect to each secondary cluster member, then use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.shutdownServer/#mongodb-method-db.shutdownServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.shutdownServer() </code> </a> method to stop the server: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.shutdownServer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shutdownServer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the server. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> method to determine the member state: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.status().members","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">status</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wait for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stateStr </code> field for this member to show a value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> , then restart the next secondary. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Secondary servers in the replica set restart and no longer accept connections from the old X.509 certificates. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-vq8pj5 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-18jxsvu e1ckbxcu2"> 9 </div> </div> <div class="css-clrhqf"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart Primary Cluster Member <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-primary-cluster-member-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-primary-cluster-member-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the primary member: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect to the primary using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , then use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#mongodb-method-rs.stepDown"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.stepDown() </code> </a> method to step the member down as the primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.stepDown()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stepDown</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The cluster promotes a secondary with the new certificate to serve as the new primary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.shutdownServer/#mongodb-method-db.shutdownServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.shutdownServer() </code> </a> method to shut the server down: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.shutdownServer()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shutdownServer</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart the server. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The primary server steps down and restarts as a secondary that no longer accepts connections from the old X.509 certificates. </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-x.509/#std-label-security-auth-x509"> x.509 </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-x509-member-authentication/#std-label-x509-internal-authentication"> Use x.509 Certificate for Membership Authentication with Self-Managed MongoDB </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/upgrade-keyfile-to-x509/#std-label-upgrade-to-x509-internal-authentication"> Upgrade Self-Managed MongoDB from Keyfile Authentication to x.509 Authentication </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/rotate-x509-member-cert/#std-label-x509-rotate-member-certs"> Rotate X.509 Certificates on Self-Managed Clusters </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.updateUser() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.updateuser--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.updateuser--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#required-access" target="_self"> <span> Required Access </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser( username, update, writeConcern ) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.updateUser"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Updates the user's profile on the database on which you run the method. An update to a field <strong> completely replaces </strong> the previous field's values. This includes updates to the user's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> array. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you update the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> array, you completely replace the previous array's values. To add or remove roles without replacing all the user's existing roles, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.grantRolesToUser/#mongodb-method-db.grantRolesToUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.grantRolesToUser() </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.revokeRolesFromUser/#mongodb-method-db.revokeRolesFromUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.revokeRolesFromUser() </code> </a> methods. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> method uses the following syntax: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/passwordPrompt/#mongodb-method-passwordPrompt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> passwordPrompt() </code> </a> method in conjunction with various user authentication management methods and commands to prompt for the password instead of specifying the password directly in the method or command call. However, you can still specify the password directly as you would with earlier versions of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> shell. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.updateUser(\n \"&lt;username&gt;\",\n {\n customData : { &lt;any&gt; },\n roles : [\n { role: \"&lt;role&gt;\", db: \"&lt;database&gt;\" } | \"&lt;role&gt;\",\n ...\n ],\n pwd: passwordPrompt(), // Or \"&lt;cleartext&gt;\"\n authenticationRestrictions: [\n {\n clientSource: [\"&lt;ip&gt;\" | \"&lt;cidr&gt;\", ...],\n serverAddress: [\"&lt;ip&gt;\", | \"&lt;cidr&gt;\", ...]\n },\n ...\n ],\n mechanisms: [ \"&lt;scram-sha-1|scram-sha-256&gt;\", ... ],\n passwordDigestor: \"&lt;server|client&gt;\"\n },\n writeConcern: { &lt;write&gt; }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateUser</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;username&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->customData <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->&lt;any information&gt; },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> roles : [</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> { role: "&lt;role&gt;", db: "&lt;database&gt;" } | "&lt;role&gt;",</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> pwd: passwordPrompt(), // Or "&lt;cleartext password&gt;"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> authenticationRestrictions: [</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> clientSource: ["&lt;IP&gt;" | "&lt;CIDR range&gt;", ...],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> serverAddress: ["&lt;IP&gt;", | "&lt;CIDR range&gt;", ...]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> mechanisms: [ "&lt;SCRAM-SHA-1|SCRAM-SHA-256&gt;", ... ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> passwordDigestor: "&lt;server|client&gt;"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> writeConcern: { &lt;write concern&gt; }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> method has the following arguments. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The name of the user to update. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A document containing the replacement data for the user. This data completely replaces the corresponding data for the user. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeConcern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The level of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> for the operation. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-wc-specs"> Write Concern Specification <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> document specifies the fields to update and their new values. All fields in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> document are optional, but <em> must </em> include at least one field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> document has the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customData </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. Any arbitrary information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. The roles granted to the user. An update to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> array overrides the previous array's values. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pwd </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The user's password. The value can be either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the user's password in cleartext string, or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/passwordPrompt/#mongodb-method-passwordPrompt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> passwordPrompt() </code> </a> to prompt for the user's password. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/passwordPrompt/#mongodb-method-passwordPrompt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> passwordPrompt() </code> </a> method in conjunction with various user authentication management methods and commands to prompt for the password instead of specifying the password directly in the method or command call. However, you can still specify the password directly as you would with earlier versions of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo </code> shell. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationRestrictions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. The authentication restrictions the server enforces upon the user. Specifies a list of IP addresses and <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CIDR </span> ranges from which the user is allowed to connect to the server or from which the server can accept users. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mechanisms </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The specific SCRAM mechanism or mechanisms for the user credentials. If <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationMechanisms </code> </a> is specified, you can only specify a subset of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationMechanisms </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If updating the mechanisms field without the password, you can only specify a subset of the user's current mechanisms, and only the existing user credentials for the specified mechanism or mechanisms are retained. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If updating the password along with the mechanisms, new set of credentials are stored for the user. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid values are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "SCRAM-SHA-1" </code> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SHA-1 </code> hashing function. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "SCRAM-SHA-256" </code> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SHA-256 </code> hashing function. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Requires featureCompatibilityVersion set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.0 </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Requires passwordDigestor to be <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> server </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> passwordDigestor </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Indicates whether the server or the client digests the password. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available values are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "server" </code> (Default) </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> The server receives undigested password from the client and digests the password. </dd> </dl> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "client" </code> (Not compatible with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> ) </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> The client digests the password and passes the digested password to the server. </dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </dd> </dl> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Roles <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#roles" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="roles"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> field, you can specify both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#std-label-built-in-roles"> built-in roles </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-user-defined-roles/#std-label-user-defined-roles"> user-defined roles <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a role that exists in the same database where <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> runs, you can either specify the role with the name of the role: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"readWrite\"","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">"readWrite"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or you can specify the role with a document, as in: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ role: \"&lt;role&gt;\", db: \"&lt;database&gt;\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">role</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;role&gt;"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">db</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;database&gt;"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a role that exists in a different database, specify the role with a document. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Authentication Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#authentication-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="authentication-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationRestrictions </code> document can contain <em> only </em> the following fields. The server throws an error if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationRestrictions </code> document contains an unrecognized field: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientSource </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Array of IP addresses and/or <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CIDR </span> ranges </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If present, when authenticating a user, the server verifies that the client's IP address is either in the given list or belongs to a CIDR range in the list. If the client's IP address is not present, the server does not authenticate the user. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverAddress </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Array of IP addresses and/or <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CIDR </span> ranges </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges to which the client can connect. If present, the server will verify that the client's connection was accepted via an IP address in the given list. If the connection was accepted via an unrecognized IP address, the server does not authenticate the user. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a user inherits multiple roles with incompatible authentication restrictions, that user becomes unusable. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, if a user inherits one role in which the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientSource </code> field is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [""] </code> and another role in which the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientSource </code> field is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [""] </code> the server is unable to authenticate the user. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on authentication in MongoDB, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/#std-label-authentication"> Authentication on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> method wraps the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/updateUser/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.updateUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateUser </code> </a> command. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replica set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If run on a replica set, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> is executed using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> write concern by default. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Encryption <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#encryption" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="encryption"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> sends all specified data to the MongoDB instance in cleartext, even if using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/passwordPrompt/#mongodb-method-passwordPrompt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> passwordPrompt() </code> </a> . Use TLS transport encryption to protect communications between clients and the server, including the password sent by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> . For instructions on enabling TLS transport encryption, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/"> Configure <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for TLS/SSL <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does not store the password in cleartext. The password is only vulnerable in transit between the client and the server, and only if TLS transport encryption is not enabled. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Required Access <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#required-access" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="required-access"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must have access that includes the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-revokeRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> revokeRole </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#std-label-security-user-actions"> action </a> on all databases in order to update a user's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-users-collection/#mongodb-data-admin.system.users.roles"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> </a> array. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-grantRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> grantRole </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#std-label-security-user-actions"> action </a> on a role's database to add a role to a user. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To change another user's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pwd </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customData </code> field, you must have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-changePassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changePassword </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-changeCustomData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeCustomData </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#std-label-security-user-actions"> actions </a> respectively on that user's database. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify your own password and custom data, you must have privileges that grant <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-changeOwnPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeOwnPassword </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-changeOwnCustomData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeOwnCustomData </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#std-label-security-user-actions"> actions </a> respectively on the user's database. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Given a user <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> appClient01 </code> in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> products </code> database with the following user info: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id : \"products.appClient01\",\n userId : UUID(\"c5d88855-3f1e-46cb-9c8b-269bef957986\"),\n user : \"appClient01\",\n db : \"products\",\n customData : { empID : \"12345\", badge : \"9156\" },\n roles : [\n {\n role : \"readWrite\",\n db : \"products\"\n },\n {\n role : \"read\",\n db : \"inventory\"\n }\n ],\n mechanisms : [\n \"SCRAM-SHA-1\",\n \"SCRAM-SHA-256\"\n ],\n authenticationRestrictions : [ {\n clientSource: [\"\"],\n serverAddress: [\"\"]\n } ]\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"products.appClient01"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->userId <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">UUID</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"c5d88855-3f1e-46cb-9c8b-269bef957986"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->user <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appClient01"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"products"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->customData <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->empID <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"12345"</span>, <!-- -->badge <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"9156"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->roles <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->role <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"readWrite"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"products"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->role <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"read"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->mechanisms <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SCRAM-SHA-1"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SCRAM-SHA-256"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->authenticationRestrictions <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clientSource</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">serverAddress</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.updateUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </span> </a> method <strong> completely </strong> replaces the user's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customData </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> roles </code> data: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use products\ndb.updateUser( \"appClient01\",\n{\n customData : { employeeId : \"0x3039\" },\n roles : [\n { role : \"read\", db : \"assets\" }\n ]\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use products</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateUser</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appClient01"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->customData <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->employeeId <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"0x3039"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->roles <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->role <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"read"</span>, <!-- -->db <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"assets"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> appClient01 </code> in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> products </code> database now has the following user information: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id : \"products.appClient01\",\n userId : UUID(\"c5d88855-3f1e-46cb-9c8b-269bef957986\"),\n user : \"appClient01\",\n db : \"products\",\n customData : { employeeId : \"0x3039\" },\n roles : [\n {\n role : \"read\",\n db : \"assets\"\n }\n ],\n mechanisms : [\n \"SCRAM-SHA-1\",\n \"SCRAM-SHA-256\"\n ],\n authenticationRestrictions : [ {\n clientSource: [\"\"],\n serverAddress: [\"\"]\n } ]\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"products.appClient01"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->userId <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">UUID</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"c5d88855-3f1e-46cb-9c8b-269bef957986"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->user <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appClient01"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"products"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->customData <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->employeeId <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"0x3039"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->roles <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->role <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"read"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"assets"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->mechanisms <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SCRAM-SHA-1"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SCRAM-SHA-256"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->authenticationRestrictions <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clientSource</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">serverAddress</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update User to Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> Credentials Only <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-user-to-use-scram-sha-256-credentials-only" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-user-to-use-scram-sha-256-credentials-only"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-256"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </a> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> featureCompatibilityVersion </code> must be set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.0 </code> . For more information on featureCompatibilityVersion, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> Get FeatureCompatibilityVersion </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation updates a user who currently have both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-1 </code> credentials to have only <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> credentials. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the password is not specified along with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mechanisms </code> , you can only update the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mechanisms </code> to a subset of the current SCRAM mechanisms for the user. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the password is specified along with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mechanisms </code> , you can specify any supported SCRAM mechanism or mechanisms. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> passwordDigestor </code> must be the default value <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "server" </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use reporting\ndb.updateUser(\n \"reportUser256\",\n {\n mechanisms: [ \"SCRAM-SHA-256\" ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use reporting</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateUser</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"reportUser256"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mechanisms</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SCRAM-SHA-256"</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> moveCollection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#movecollection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="movecollection"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#restrictions" target="_self"> <span> Restrictions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#requirements" target="_self"> <span> Requirements </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Moves a single unsharded collection to a different <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> . Run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance while using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not available on the Atlas Shared Tier or on Atlas Serverless. </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restrictions"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> for: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/timeseries-collections/#std-label-manual-timeseries-landing"> Time series collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/#std-label-qe-manual-feature-qe"> Queryable Encryption </a> collections. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n moveCollection: \"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;\",\n toShard: \"&lt;id&gt;\",\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">moveCollection</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">toShard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;ID of the recipient shard&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Database and name of the collection to move. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> toShard </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> ID of the recipient shard. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-moveCollection-considerations"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> can only be run on sharded clusters. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> can only move unsharded collections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> can only move a single collection at a time. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> has a 5 minute minimum duration. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Atlas Search indexes need to be rebuilt after <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> runs. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot make topology changes, such as add or remove shard or transition between embedded and dedicated config servers, until <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> completes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot run the following operations against the collection that is being moved while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> is in progress: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/convertToCapped/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndexes() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.drop/#mongodb-method-db.collection.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.drop() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dropIndex() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/renameCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.renameCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> renameCollection </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.renameCollection/#mongodb-method-db.collection.renameCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.renameCollection() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot run the following operations against the cluster while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> is in progress: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/addShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShard </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeShard </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropDatabase/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropDatabase </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionToDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionToDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionToDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index builds that occur while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> is in progress might silently fail. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not create indexes while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> is in progress. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not call <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> if there are ongoing index builds. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Requirements <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#requirements" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="requirements"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you move your collection, ensure that you meet the following requirements: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your application can tolerate a period of <strong> two seconds </strong> where the affected collection blocks writes. During the time period where writes are blocked, your application experiences an increase in latency. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your database meets these resource requirements: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure the shard you are moving the collection to has enough storage space for the collection and its indexes. The destination shard requires at least <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ( Collection storage size + Index Size ) * 2 </code> bytes available. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your I/O capacity is below 50%. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your CPU load is below 80%. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> These requirements are not enforced by the database. A failure to allocate enough resources can result in: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the database running out of space and shutting down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> decreased performance </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the operation taking longer than expected </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application has time periods with less traffic, perform this operation on the collection during that time if possible. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example moves an unsharded collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> app </code> database to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shard02 </code> shard. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n moveCollection: \"app.inventory\",\n toShard: \"shard02\"\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">moveCollection</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"app.inventory"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">toShard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard02"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To get a list of the available shard IDs, run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> . For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#std-label-sh-status-output-examples"> sh.status() Output <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.moveCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/moveable-collections/#std-label-moveable-collections"> Moveable Collections </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> auditConfig <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#auditconfig" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="auditconfig"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#parameter-fields" target="_self"> <span> Parameter Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#retrieving-audit-configurations" target="_self"> <span> Retrieving Audit Configurations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#setting-audit-configurations" target="_self"> <span> Setting Audit Configurations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.1 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Object that contains information on audit configurations from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> server instances. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> for your deployment, run the following command on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setClusterParameter: { auditConfig: &lt;value&gt; } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setClusterParameter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditConfig</span>: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view current values for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> cluster parameter, run the following command on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { getClusterParameter: \"auditConfig\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">getClusterParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"auditConfig"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Parameter Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#parameter-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="parameter-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig.auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig.auditAuthorizationSuccess" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> auditing </a> of authorization successes for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-action-details-results"> authCheck </a> action. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To audit read and write operations, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig.auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> must be set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig.auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the audit system only logs the authorization failures for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authCheck </code> . When <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , auditing has less performance impact because the audit system only logs authorization failures. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig.filter </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig.filter" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig.filter"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : document </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : none </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Filter expression that controls which <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-action-details-results"> types of operations </a> that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> audit system </a> records. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The document fields can be <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/#std-label-audit-message"> any field in the audit message </a> , including fields returned in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-action-details-results"> param </a> document. The field values are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/#std-label-query-selectors"> query condition expressions <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a sample filter document, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-auditconfig-example" target="_self"> <span> Examples section <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Auditing must be enabled to use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> . </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Retrieving Audit Configurations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#retrieving-audit-configurations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="retrieving-audit-configurations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/#std-label-configure-audit-filters-at-runtime"> runtime audit configuration </a> is enabled, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> parameter doesn't appear in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> configuration file. The server will fail to start if the parameter is present. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getClusterParameter </code> on <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> , nodes that do not participate in a runtime audit configuration return their current configuration file settings for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.filter </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter.auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Setting Audit Configurations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#setting-audit-configurations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="setting-audit-configurations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you set audit configurations with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setClusterParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setClusterParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setClusterParameter </code> </a> , changes immediately take effect on all <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharding-config-server"> config servers </a> and shards in a sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting too wide of an audit filter or enabling <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig.auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> can degrade performance. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-auditconfig-example"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setClusterParameter </code> command to enable auditing when a collection is created or deleted. The audit messages have been reformatted. They appear on a single line in the log file. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setClusterParameter: {\n auditConfig: {\n filter: {\n atype: {\n $in: [ \"createCollection\", \"dropCollection\" ]\n }\n },\n auditAuthorizationSuccess: false\n }\n }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setClusterParameter</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditConfig</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">atype</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$in</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"createCollection"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dropCollection"</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditAuthorizationSuccess</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After setting the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> parameter, if you create an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sales </code> database, the audit system logs a message that resembles the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"atype\" : \"createCollection\",\n \"ts\" : { \"$date\" : \"2021-08-09T13:45:05.372+00:00\" },\n \"uuid\" : { \"$binary\" : \"RKU/YLizS6K9se2GUU7ZVQ==\", \"$type\" : \"04\" },\n \"local\" : { \"ip\" : \"\", \"port\" : 27502 },\n \"remote\" : { \"ip\" : \"\", \"port\" : 51918 },\n \"users\" : [],\n \"roles\" : [],\n \"param\" : { \"ns\" : \"sales.inventory\" },\n \"result\" : 0\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "atype" : "createCollection",</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "ts" : { "$date" : "2021-08-09T13:45:05.372+00:00" },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "uuid" : { "$binary" : "RKU/YLizS6K9se2GUU7ZVQ==", "$type" : "04" },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "local" : { "ip" : "", "port" : 27502 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "remote" : { "ip" : "", "port" : 51918 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "users" : [],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "roles" : [],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "param" : { "ns" : "sales.inventory" },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "result" : 0</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection is dropped from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sales </code> database, the audit system logs a message similar to the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"atype\" : \"dropCollection\",\n \"ts\" : { \"$date\" : \"2021-08-09T13:45:00.661+00:00\" },\n \"uuid\" : { \"$binary\" : \"0gle4/pSQli+LUcz43ykag==\", \"$type\" : \"04\" },\n \"local\" : { \"ip\" : \"\", \"port\" : 27502 },\n \"remote\" : { \"ip\" : \"\", \"port\" : 51928 },\n \"users\" : [],\n \"roles\" : [],\n \"param\" : { \"ns\" : \"sales.inventory\" },\n \"result\" : 0\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "atype" : "dropCollection",</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "ts" : { "$date" : "2021-08-09T13:45:00.661+00:00" },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "uuid" : { "$binary" : "0gle4/pSQli+LUcz43ykag==", "$type" : "04" },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "local" : { "ip" : "", "port" : 27502 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "remote" : { "ip" : "", "port" : 51928 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "users" : [],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "roles" : [],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "param" : { "ns" : "sales.inventory" },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "result" : 0</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> Auditing Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-action-details-results"> Audit Event Actions, Details, and Results </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/cluster-parameters/#std-label-cluster-parameters"> Cluster Parameters for a Self-Managed Deployment </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/#std-label-configure-audit-filters-at-runtime"> Filter Configuration at Runtime </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/#std-label-audit-message"> System Event Audit Messages in Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Reduce $lookup Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reduce--lookup-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reduce--lookup-operations"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> operator joins information from multiple collections into a single document. While the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> operation is useful when used infrequently, it can be slow and resource-intensive compared to operations that only query a single collection. If you often use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> operations, consider restructuring your schema to store related data in a single collection. This can improve query performance and reduce the cost of operations. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following schema with two separate collections: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> products </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> . Each order can contain multiple products, and you want to keep track of product details within each order for quick access. The two separate collections are joined by a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> operation. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"//products collection\ndb.products.insertMany( [\n {\n _id: 1,\n name: \"Laptop\",\n price: 1000,\n manufacturer: \"TechCorp\",\n category: \"Electronics\",\n description: \"Fastest computer on the market.\"\n },\n {\n _id: 2,\n name: \"Headphones\",\n price: 100,\n manufacturer: \"Sound\",\n category: \"Accessories\",\n description: \"The latest sound technology.\"\n },\n {\n _id: 3,\n name: \"Tablet\",\n price: 200,\n manufacturer: \"TechCorp\",\n category: \"Electronics\",\n description: \"The most compact tablet.\"\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">//products collection</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Laptop"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">manufacturer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"TechCorp"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Electronics"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Fastest computer on the market."</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Headphones"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">manufacturer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sound"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Accessories"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The latest sound technology."</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Tablet"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">manufacturer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"TechCorp"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Electronics"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The most compact tablet."</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"//orders collection\ndb.orders.insertMany( [\n {\n _id: 101,\n customer_name: \"John Doe\",\n timestamp: \"2024-05-11T010:00:00Z\",\n product_ids: [1, 2],\n total: 1200\n },\n {\n _id: 102,\n customer_name: \"Jane Smith\",\n timestamp: \"2024-05-11T012:00:00Z\",\n product_ids: [2],\n total: 100\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">//orders collection</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"John Doe"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">timestamp</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-05-11T010:00:00Z"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">product_ids</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1200</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Jane Smith"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">timestamp</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-05-11T012:00:00Z"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">product_ids</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In this schema, you need to use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> operation everytime you access order information. Running the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> operation adds query complexity and degrades performance. To reduce the use of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> operations, store data that is accessed together in a single collection . </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use the subset schema design pattern to embed a subset of product details in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection. This lets you query a single collection to return the required results. Product details and documents not relevant to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection remain in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> products </code> collection. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"//orders collection\ndb.orders.insertMany( [\n {\n _id: 101,\n customer_name: \"John Doe\",\n timestamp: \"2024-05-11T10:00:00Z\",\n products: [\n {\n product_id: 1,\n name: \"Laptop\",\n price: 1000\n },\n {\n product_id: 2,\n name: \"Headphones\",\n price: 100\n }\n ],\n total: 1100\n },\n {\n _id: 102,\n customer_name: \"Jane Smith\",\n timestamp: \"2024-05-11T12:00:00Z\",\n products: [\n {\n product_id: 2,\n name: \"Headphones\",\n price: 100\n }\n ],\n total: 100\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">//orders collection</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"John Doe"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">timestamp</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-05-11T10:00:00Z"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">products</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">product_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Laptop"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1000</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">product_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Headphones"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1100</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Jane Smith"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">timestamp</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-05-11T12:00:00Z"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">products</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">product_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Headphones"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"//products collection\ndb.products.insertMany( [\n {\n _id: 1,\n name: \"Laptop\",\n price: 1000,\n manufacturer: \"TechCorp\",\n category: \"Electronics\",\n description: \"Fastest computer on the market.\"\n },\n {\n _id: 2,\n name: \"Headphones\",\n price: 100,\n manufacturer: \"Sound\",\n category: \"Accessories\",\n description: \"The latest sound technology.\"\n },\n {\n _id: 3,\n name: \"Tablet\",\n price: 200,\n manufacturer: \"TechCorp\",\n category: \"Electronics\",\n description: \"The most compact tablet.\"\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">//products collection</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Laptop"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">manufacturer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"TechCorp"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Electronics"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Fastest computer on the market."</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Headphones"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">manufacturer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sound"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Accessories"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The latest sound technology."</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Tablet"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">manufacturer</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"TechCorp"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Electronics"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The most compact tablet."</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This approach lets you keep collections separate while avoiding multiple queries by embedding key fields from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> product </code> collection into the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection. This improves read performance and simplifies data retrieval, as you can access all necessary information in a single query. However, it's important to consider potential document size limitations and data duplication. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-antipatterns/#std-label-schema-design-antipatterns"> Schema Design Anti-Patterns </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/design-patterns/#std-label-schema-design-patterns"> Schema Design Patterns </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> compactStructuredEncryptionData <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compactstructuredencryptiondata" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compactstructuredencryptiondata"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#required-access" target="_self"> <span> Required Access </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> compactStructuredEncryptionData </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.compactStructuredEncryptionData" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.compactStructuredEncryptionData"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Compacts documents specified in the metadata collections and deletes redundant documents. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is supported in all MongoDB Atlas clusters. For information on Atlas support for all commands, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n compactStructuredEncryptionData: &lt;collection&gt;,\n compactionTokens: {\n encryptedFieldPath: bindata,\n ...\n },\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">compactStructuredEncryptionData</span>: &lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">compactionTokens</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">encryptedFieldPath</span>: <!-- -->bindata<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> compactStructuredEncryptionData </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The name of the collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> compactionTokens </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A document that maps index fields to compaction tokens. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> provides a wrapper method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.compactStructuredEncryptionData/#mongodb-method-db.collection.compactStructuredEncryptionData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.compactStructuredEncryptionData() </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Required Access <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#required-access" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="required-access"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The built-in roles <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-readWriteAnyDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readWriteAnyDatabase </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-dbOwner"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbOwner </code> </a> provide <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-compactStructuredEncryptionData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> compactStructuredEncryptionData </code> </a> actions on resources. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/manage-collections/#std-label-qe-metadata-compaction"> metadata collection compaction </a> for an example. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> dbStats <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#dbstats" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="dbstats"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#output" target="_self"> <span> Output </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> command returns storage statistics for a given database. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command has limited support in M0, M2, and M5 clusters. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-scale-argument"> </span> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n dbStats: 1,\n scale: &lt;number&gt;,\n freeStorage: 0\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbStats</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scale</span>: &lt;<!-- -->number<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">freeStorage</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Fields </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-scale" target="_self"> <span> scale </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-dbStats-scale"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The scale factor for the various size data. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scale </code> defaults to 1 to return size data in bytes. To display kilobytes rather than bytes, specify a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scale </code> value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1024 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify a non-integer scale factor, MongoDB uses the integer part of the specified factor. For example, if you specify a scale factor of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1023.999 </code> , MongoDB uses <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1023 </code> as the scale factor. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in version 4.2, the output includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scaleFactor </code> used to scale the size values. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-freeStorage" target="_self"> <span> freeStorage </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-dbStats-freeStorage"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. To return details on free space allocated to collections, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> freeStorage </code> to 1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the instance has a large number of collections or indexes, obtaining free space usage data may cause processing delays. To gather <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> information without free space details, either set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> freeStorage </code> to 0 or do not include the field. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.stats/#mongodb-method-db.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.stats() </code> </a> function provides a wrapper around <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> . </span> </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The time required to run the command depends on the total size of the database. Because the command must touch all data files, the command may take several seconds to run. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Accuracy after Unexpected Shutdown <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#accuracy-after-unexpected-shutdown" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="accuracy-after-unexpected-shutdown"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After an unclean shutdown of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/"> Wired Tiger </a> storage engine, <!-- --> count and size <!-- --> statistics reported by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> may be inaccurate. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The amount of drift depends on the number of insert, update, or delete operations performed between the last <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger-checkpoints"> checkpoint </a> and the unclean shutdown. Checkpoints usually occur every 60 seconds. However, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances running with non-default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--syncdelay"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --syncdelay </code> </a> settings may have more or less frequent checkpoints. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/validate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.validate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> validate </code> </a> on each collection on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> to restore statistics after an unclean shutdown. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After an unclean shutdown: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/validate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.validate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> validate </code> </a> updates the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/collStats/#std-label-collstat-count"> count statistic </a> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collStats </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#std-label-collStats-output"> output </a> with the latest value. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Other statistics like the number of documents inserted or removed in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collStats </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#std-label-collStats-output"> output </a> are estimates. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replica Set Member State Restriction <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set-member-state-restriction" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set-member-state-restriction"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run on a replica set member, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> operations require the member to be in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.PRIMARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PRIMARY </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> state. If the member is in another state, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> , the operation errors. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-dbstats-output"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.db </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.db" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.db"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Name of the database. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.collections </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.collections" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.collections"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of collections in the database. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.views </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.views" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.views"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> views </a> in the database. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.objects </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.objects" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.objects"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of objects (specifically, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> documents </a> ) in the database across all collections. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.avgObjSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.avgObjSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.avgObjSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Average size of each document in bytes. This is the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.dataSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataSize </code> </span> </a> divided by the number of documents. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-scale-argument" target="_self"> <span> scale argument </span> </a> does not affect the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> avgObjSize </code> value. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.dataSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.dataSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.dataSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Total size of the uncompressed data held in the database. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.dataSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataSize </code> </span> </a> decreases when you remove <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> documents <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For databases using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger-compression"> WiredTiger </a> storage engine, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataSize </code> may be larger than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageSize </code> if compression is enabled. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataSize </code> decreases when documents shrink. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.storageSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.storageSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.storageSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sum of the disk space allocated to all collections in the database for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> document </a> storage, including free space. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.storageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageSize </code> </span> </a> does not decrease as you remove or shrink documents. This value may be smaller than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.dataSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataSize </code> </span> </a> for databases using the WiredTiger storage engine with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger-compression"> compression </a> enabled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.storageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageSize </code> </span> </a> does not include space allocated to indexes. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexSize </code> </span> </a> for the total index size. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.freeStorageSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.freeStorageSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.freeStorageSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sum of the free space allocated to all collections in the database for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> document </a> storage. Free database storage space is allocated to the collection but does not contain data. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.freeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> freeStorageSize </code> </span> </a> does not include free space allocated to indexes. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexFreeStorageSize </code> </span> </a> for the total free index size. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To include this value in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> output, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-freeStorage" target="_self"> <span> freeStorage </span> </a> to 1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Updated in version 5.3.0, 5.2.1, and 5.0.6 </em> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.indexes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.indexes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Total number of indexes across all collections in the database. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.indexSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.indexSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sum of the disk space allocated to all indexes in the database, including free index space. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sum of the free disk space allocated to all indexes in the database. Free database storage space is allocated to the index but does not contain data. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexFreeStorageSize </code> </span> </a> does not include free space allocated to document storage. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.freeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> freeStorageSize </code> </span> </a> for the total free document storage size. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexFreeStorageSize </code> </span> </a> does not include in-progress index builds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To include this value in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> output, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-freeStorage" target="_self"> <span> freeStorage </span> </a> to 1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Updated in version 7.0, 6.3.2, 6.0.7, 5.3.0, 5.2.1, 5.0.19, and 5.0.6 </em> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.totalSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.totalSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.totalSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sum of the disk space allocated for both documents and indexes in all collections in the database. Includes used and free storage space. This is the sum of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.storageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageSize </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.totalFreeStorageSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.totalFreeStorageSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.totalFreeStorageSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sum of the free storage space allocated for both documents and indexes in all collections in the database. This is the sum of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.freeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> freeStorageSize </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexFreeStorageSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexFreeStorageSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To include this value in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> output, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-freeStorage" target="_self"> <span> freeStorage </span> </a> to 1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Updated in version 5.3.0, 5.2.1, and 5.0.6. </em> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.scaleFactor </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.scaleFactor" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.scaleFactor"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scale </code> value used by the command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specified a non-integer scale factor, MongoDB uses the integer part of the specified factor. For example, if you specify a scale factor of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1023.999 </code> , MongoDB uses <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1023 </code> as the scale factor. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.fsUsedSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.fsUsedSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.fsUsedSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Total size of all disk space in use on the filesystem where MongoDB stores data. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--dbpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats.fsTotalSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.fsTotalSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-dbStats.fsTotalSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Total size of all disk capacity on the filesystem where MongoDB stores data. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following examples demonstrate <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> usage. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Limit Data Returned <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#limit-data-returned" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="limit-data-returned"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To limit the data returned to a single field, append the field name to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dbStats" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbStats </code> </span> </a> command. This example returns the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-dbStats.indexSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexSize </code> </span> </a> value: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand( { dbStats: 1 } ).indexSize","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbStats</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-property">indexSize</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> View Free Space Allocated to Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#view-free-space-allocated-to-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="view-free-space-allocated-to-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view free storage usage, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-freeStorage" target="_self"> <span> freeStorage </span> </a> to 1. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand( { dbStats: 1, scale: 1024, freeStorage: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbStats</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1024</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">freeStorage</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n db: 'test',\n collections: 2,\n views: 0,\n objects: 1689,\n avgObjSize: 52.56542332741267,\n dataSize: 86.7021484375,\n storageSize: 100,\n freeStorageSize: 32,\n indexes: 2,\n indexSize: 116,\n indexFreeStorageSize: 36,\n totalSize: 216,\n totalFreeStorageSize: 68,\n scaleFactor: 1024,\n fsUsedSize: 60155820,\n fsTotalSize: 61255492,\n ok: 1,\n '$clusterTime': {\n clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1646085664, i: 1 }),\n signature: {\n hash: Binary(Buffer.from(\"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\", \"hex\"), 0),\n keyId: Long(\"0\")\n }\n },\n operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1646085664, i: 1 })\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">db</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'test'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collections</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">views</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">objects</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1689</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">avgObjSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">52.56542332741267</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dataSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">86.7021484375</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">storageSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">freeStorageSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">32</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexes</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">116</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexFreeStorageSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">36</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">216</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalFreeStorageSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">68</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scaleFactor</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1024</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">fsUsedSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60155820</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">fsTotalSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">61255492</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ok</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">'$clusterTime'</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterTime</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">t</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1646085664</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">i</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> })<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">signature</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">hash</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Binary</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Buffer</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">from</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hex"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">keyId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Long</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">operationTime</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">t</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1646085664</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">i</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> })</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-freeStorage" target="_self"> <span> freeStorage </span> </a> field enables the collection and display of the highlighted metrics. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbStats-scale" target="_self"> <span> scale </span> </a> field sets the displayed values to kilobytes. </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $slice <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-slice" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-slice"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="update"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-update-up.-slice"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier limits the number of array elements during a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> operation. To project, or return, a specified number of array elements from a read operation, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/slice/#mongodb-projection-proj.-slice"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </a> projection operator instead. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier, it <strong> must </strong> appear with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> modifier. You can pass an empty array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [] </code> to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> modifier such that only the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier has an effect. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n $push: {\n &lt;field&gt;: {\n $each: [ &lt;value1&gt;, &lt;value2&gt;, ... ],\n $slice: &lt;num&gt;\n }\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$push</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;<!-- -->field<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$each</span>: <!-- -->[ &lt;<!-- -->value1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->value2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: &lt;<!-- -->num<!-- -->&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;num&gt; </code> can be: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Zero </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> To update the array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> to an empty array. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Negative </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> To update the array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> to contain only the last <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;num&gt; </code> elements. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Positive </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> To update the array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field&gt; </code> contain only the first <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;num&gt; </code> elements. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </dd> </dl> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, update operators process document fields with string-based names in lexicographic order. Fields with numeric names are processed in numeric order. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-processing-order"> Update Operators Behavior </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The order in which the modifiers appear is immaterial. Previous versions required the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> modifier to appear as the first modifier if used in conjunction with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> . For a list of modifiers available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#std-label-push-modifiers"> Modifiers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Trying to use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier without the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> modifier results in an error. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Slice from the End of the Array <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#slice-from-the-end-of-the-array" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="slice-from-the-end-of-the-array"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> contains the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"scores\" : [ 40, 50, 60 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"scores"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">40</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation adds new elements to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> array, and then uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier to trim the array to the last five elements: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne(\n { _id: 1 },\n {\n $push: {\n scores: {\n $each: [ 80, 78, 86 ],\n $slice: -5\n }\n }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$push</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$each</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">78</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">86</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The result of the operation is slice the elements of the updated <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> array to the last five elements: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"scores\" : [ 50, 60, 80, 78, 86 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"scores"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">78</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">86</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Slice from the Front of the Array <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#slice-from-the-front-of-the-array" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="slice-from-the-front-of-the-array"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> contains the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 2, \"scores\" : [ 89, 90 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"scores"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">89</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation adds new elements to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> array, and then uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier to trim the array to the first three elements. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne(\n { _id: 2 },\n {\n $push: {\n scores: {\n $each: [ 100, 20 ],\n $slice: 3\n }\n }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$push</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$each</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The result of the operation is to slice the elements of the updated <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> array to the first three elements: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 2, \"scores\" : [ 89, 90, 100 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"scores"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">89</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Update Array Using Slice Only <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-array-using-slice-only" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-array-using-slice-only"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> contains the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 3, \"scores\" : [ 89, 70, 100, 20 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"scores"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">89</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">70</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To update the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> field with just the effects of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier, specify the number of elements to slice (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -3 </code> ) for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier and an empty array <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [] </code> for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> modifier, as in the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne(\n { _id: 3 },\n {\n $push: {\n scores: {\n $each: [ ],\n $slice: -3\n }\n }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$push</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scores</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$each</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The result of the operation is to slice the elements of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> array to the last three elements: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 3, \"scores\" : [ 70, 100, 20 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"scores"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">70</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> with Other <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> Modifiers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use--slice-with-other--push-modifiers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use--slice-with-other--push-modifiers"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Add the following document to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> students </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.insertOne(\n {\n \"_id\" : 5,\n \"quizzes\" : [\n { \"wk\": 1, \"score\" : 10 },\n { \"wk\": 2, \"score\" : 8 },\n { \"wk\": 3, \"score\" : 5 },\n { \"wk\": 4, \"score\" : 6 }\n ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizzes"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#mongodb-update-up.-push"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $push </code> </a> operation uses: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/each/#mongodb-update-up.-each"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $each </code> </a> modifier to add multiple documents to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quizzes </code> array, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/sort/#mongodb-update-up.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> modifier to sort all the elements of the modified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quizzes </code> array by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field in descending order, and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-update-up.-slice" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </span> </a> modifier to keep only the <strong> first </strong> three sorted elements of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quizzes </code> array. </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.students.updateOne(\n { _id: 5 },\n {\n $push: {\n quizzes: {\n $each: [ { wk: 5, score: 8 }, { wk: 6, score: 7 }, { wk: 7, score: 6 } ],\n $sort: { score: -1 },\n $slice: 3\n }\n }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">students</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$push</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quizzes</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$each</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wk</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wk</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wk</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After the operation only the three highest scoring quizzes are in the array: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : 5,\n \"quizzes\" : [\n { \"wk\" : 1, \"score\" : 10 },\n { \"wk\" : 2, \"score\" : 8 },\n { \"wk\" : 5, \"score\" : 8 }\n ]\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quizzes"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wk"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The order of the modifiers is immaterial to the order in which the modifiers are processed. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/push/#std-label-push-modifiers"> Modifiers </a> for details. </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Database References <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#database-references" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="database-references"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#manual-references" target="_self"> <span> Manual References </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#background" target="_self"> <span> Background </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#create-a-manual-reference-in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui" target="_self"> <span> Create a Manual Reference in the MongoDB Atlas UI </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#create-a-manual-reference-in-the-terminal" target="_self"> <span> Create a Manual Reference in the Terminal </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#use" target="_self"> <span> Use </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#dbrefs" target="_self"> <span> DBRefs </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#background-1" target="_self"> <span> Background </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#format" target="_self"> <span> Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#driver-support-for-dbrefs" target="_self"> <span> Driver Support for DBRefs </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#use-1" target="_self"> <span> Use </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For many use cases in MongoDB, the denormalized data model where related data is stored within a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> document </a> is optimal. However, in some cases, it makes sense to store related information in separate documents, typically in different collections or databases. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> pipeline stage to perform a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/graphLookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-graphLookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $graphLookup </code> </a> pipeline stage to join an unsharded collection to perform recursive search. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page outlines alternative procedures that predate the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/graphLookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-graphLookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $graphLookup </code> </a> pipeline stages. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create a database reference for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB applications use one of two methods to relate documents: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-document-references" target="_self"> <span> Manual references </span> </a> save the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field of one document in another document as a reference. Your application runs a second query to return the related data. These references are simple and sufficient for most use cases. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-dbref-explanation" target="_self"> <span> DBRefs </span> </a> are references from one document to another using the value of the first document's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field, collection name, and, optionally, its database name, as well as any other fields. DBRefs allow you to more easily reference documents stored in multiple collections or databases. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To resolve DBRefs, your application must perform additional queries to return the referenced documents. Some <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB drivers </span> </a> provide helper methods to enable DBRefs to be resolved into documents, but it doesn't happen automatically. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> DBRefs provide a common format and type to represent relationships among documents. The DBRef format also provides common semantics for representing links between documents if your database must interact with multiple frameworks and tools. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unless you have a compelling reason to use DBRefs, use manual references instead. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-document-references"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Manual References <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#manual-references" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="manual-references"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Background <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#background" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="background"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A manual reference is the practice of including one <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> document's </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in another document. The application can then issue a second query to resolve the referenced fields as needed. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a Manual Reference in the MongoDB Atlas UI <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-manual-reference-in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-manual-reference-in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a manual reference in the MongoDB Atlas UI, follow these steps: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"If it's not already displayed, select the organization that\ncontains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the\nnavigation bar.If it's not already displayed, select your project\nfrom the Projects menu in the navigation bar.If it's not already displayed, click Clusters in the\nsidebar.The Clusters page displays.","name":"In the MongoDB Atlas UI, go to the Clusters page for your project."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"For the cluster where you want to add a database\nreference, click Browse Collections.In the left navigation pane, select the database.In the left navigation pane, select the collection. This\nexample references a places collection.","name":"Navigate to the collection."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Click Insert Document.Click the JSON view icon ({{}}).Paste the following data into the document:Click Insert.","name":"Add a document."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"In the left navigation pane, select a different\ncollection. This example references a people collection.Click Insert Document.Click the JSON view icon ({{}}).Paste the following data into the document:Click Insert.When a query returns the document from the people\ncollection you can, if needed, filter the query results from\nthe places collection for the document referenced by the\nplaces_id field.To learn more about running queries in MongoDB Atlas,\nsee View, Filter, and Sort Documents in\nthe MongoDB Atlas documentation.","name":"Add a document in the people collection that references the entry in places."}],"name":"Create a Manual Reference in the MongoDB Atlas UI","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> In the MongoDB Atlas UI, go to the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Clusters </span> page for your project. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui--go-to-the-clusters-page-for-your-project." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui--go-to-the-clusters-page-for-your-project."> </div> </a> </h4> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the <i class="mms-icon-office mms-icon"> </i> <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Organizations </span> menu <!-- --> in the navigation bar. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If it's not already displayed, select your project from the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Projects </span> menu in the navigation bar. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If it's not already displayed, click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Clusters </span> in the sidebar. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cloud.mongodb.com/go?l=https%3A%2F%2Fcloud.mongodb.com%2Fv2%2F%3Cproject%3E%23%2Fclusters" target="_self"> <span> Clusters </span> </a> page displays. </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Navigate to the collection. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#navigate-to-the-collection." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="navigate-to-the-collection."> </div> </a> </h4> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the cluster where you want to add a database reference, click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Browse Collections </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the left navigation pane, select the database. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the left navigation pane, select the collection. This example references a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> places </code> collection. </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Add a document. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-a-document." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-a-document."> </div> </a> </h4> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Insert Document </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click the JSON view icon ( <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> {{}} </span> ). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Paste the following data into the document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\": {\n \"$oid\": \"651aea5870299b120736f442\"\n },\n \"name\": \"Broadway Center\",\n \"url\": \"bc.example.net\"\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "_id": {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "$oid": "651aea5870299b120736f442"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "name": "Broadway Center",</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "url": "bc.example.net"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Insert </span> . </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Add a document in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> people </code> collection that references the entry in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> places </code> . <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-a-document-in-the-people-collection-that-references-the-entry-in-places." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-a-document-in-the-people-collection-that-references-the-entry-in-places."> </div> </a> </h4> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the left navigation pane, select a different collection. This example references a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> people </code> collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Insert Document </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click the JSON view icon ( <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> {{}} </span> ). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Paste the following data into the document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\": {\n \"$oid\": \"651aebeb70299b120736f443\"\n },\n \"name\": \"Erin\",\n \"places_id\": \"651aea5870299b120736f442\"\n \"url\": \"bc.example.net/Erin\"\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "_id": {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "$oid": "651aebeb70299b120736f443"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "name": "Erin",</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "places_id": "651aea5870299b120736f442"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "url": "bc.example.net/Erin"</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Insert </span> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a query returns the document from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> people </code> collection you can, if needed, filter the query results from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> places </code> collection for the document referenced by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> places_id </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about running queries in MongoDB Atlas, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/documents/#view--filter--and-sort-documents" target="_self"> <span> View, Filter, and Sort Documents </span> </a> in the MongoDB Atlas documentation. </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a Manual Reference in the Terminal <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-manual-reference-in-the-terminal" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-manual-reference-in-the-terminal"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following operation to insert two documents, using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field of the first document as a reference in the second document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"original_id = ObjectId()\n\ndb.places.insertOne({\n \"_id\": original_id,\n \"name\": \"Broadway Center\",\n \"url\": \"bc.example.net\"\n})\n\ndb.people.insertOne({\n \"name\": \"Erin\",\n \"places_id\": original_id,\n \"url\": \"bc.example.net/Erin\"\n})","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">original_id <!-- -->= <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">places</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <!-- -->original_id<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Broadway Center"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"url"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bc.example.net"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">})</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">people</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Erin"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"places_id"</span>: <!-- -->original_id<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"url"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bc.example.net/Erin"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">})</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then, when a query returns the document from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> people </code> collection you can, if needed, make a second query for the document referenced by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> places_id </code> field in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> places </code> collection. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For nearly every case where you want to store a relationship between two documents, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-document-references" target="_self"> <span> manual references </span> </a> . The references are simple to create and your application can resolve references as needed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The only limitation of manual linking is that these references do not convey the database and collection names. If you have documents in a single collection that relate to documents in more than one collection, you may need to consider using DBRefs. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-dbref-explanation"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> DBRefs <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#dbrefs" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="dbrefs"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Background <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#background-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="background-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> DBRefs are a convention for representing a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> document </a> , rather than a specific reference type. They include the name of the collection, and in some cases the database name, in addition to the value from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optionally, DBRefs can include any number of other fields. Extra field names must follow any <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/limits/#std-label-limit-restrictions-on-field-names"> rules for field names </a> imposed by the server version. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="format"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> DBRefs have the following fields: </p> <dl> <dt> <code class="css-lugakg"> $ref </code> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ref </code> field holds the name of the collection where the referenced document resides. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt> <code class="css-lugakg"> $id </code> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $id </code> field contains the value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in the referenced document. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt> <code class="css-lugakg"> $db </code> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Optional. </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Contains the name of the database where the referenced document resides. </p> </dd> </dl> <div class="leafygreen-ui-vg7qwp" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-2xicti"> Example </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> DBRef documents resemble the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"$ref\" : &lt;value&gt;, \"$id\" : &lt;value&gt;, \"$db\" : &lt;value&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$ref"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$id"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$db"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a document from a collection that stored a DBRef in a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> creator </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5126bbf64aed4daf9e2ab771\"),\n // .. application fields\n \"creator\" : {\n \"$ref\" : \"creators\",\n \"$id\" : ObjectId(\"5126bc054aed4daf9e2ab772\"),\n \"$db\" : \"users\",\n \"extraField\" : \"anything\"\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5126bbf64aed4daf9e2ab771"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// .. application fields</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"creator"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$ref"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"creators"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5126bc054aed4daf9e2ab772"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$db"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"users"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"extraField"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"anything"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The DBRef in this example points to a document in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> creators </code> collection of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> users </code> database that has <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ObjectId("5126bc054aed4daf9e2ab772") </code> in its <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. It also contains an optional field. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The order of fields in the DBRef matters, and you must use the above sequence when using a DBRef. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Driver Support for DBRefs <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#driver-support-for-dbrefs" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="driver-support-for-dbrefs"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:55%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Driver </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> DBRef Support </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Notes </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> C </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You can traverse references manually. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> C++ </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You can traverse references manually. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> C# </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Please see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/csharp/" target="_self"> <span> C# driver page </span> </a> for more information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Go </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You can traverse references manually. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Haskell </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You can traverse references manually. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Java </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Please see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/java/" target="_self"> <span> Java driver page </span> </a> for more information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Node.js </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Please see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/node/" target="_self"> <span> Node.js driver page </span> </a> for more information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Perl </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Please see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/perl/" target="_self"> <span> Perl driver page </span> </a> for more information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> PHP </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You can traverse references manually. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Python </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Please see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/pymongo/" target="_self"> <span> PyMongo driver page </span> </a> for more information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Ruby </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Please see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/ruby-driver/current/" target="_self"> <span> Ruby driver page </span> </a> for more information. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Scala </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Not Supported </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> You can traverse references manually. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In most cases you should use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-document-references" target="_self"> <span> manual reference </span> </a> method for connecting two or more related documents. However, if you need to reference documents from multiple collections, consider using DBRefs. </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Wildcard Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wildcard-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wildcard-indexes"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#use-cases" target="_self"> <span> Use Cases </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#get-started" target="_self"> <span> Get Started </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#details" target="_self"> <span> Details </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#covered-queries" target="_self"> <span> Covered Queries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB supports creating indexes on a field, or set of fields, to improve performance for queries. MongoDB supports <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/#std-label-manual-data-modeling-intro"> flexible schemas </a> , meaning document field names may differ within a collection. Use wildcard indexes to support queries against arbitrary or unknown fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a wildcard index, use the wildcard specifier ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $** </code> ) as the index key: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.createIndex( { \"$**\": &lt;sortorder&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$**"</span>: &lt;<!-- -->sortOrder<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use the following commands to create a wildcard index: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndexes() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Use Cases <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-cases" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-cases"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only use wildcard indexes when the fields you want to index are unknown or may change. Wildcard indexes don't perform as well as targeted indexes on specific fields. If your collection contains arbitrary field names that prevent targeted indexes, consider remodeling your schema to have consistent field names. To learn more about targeted indexes, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/schema-design-process/create-indexes/#std-label-create-indexes-to-support-queries"> Create Indexes to Support Your Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider using a wildcard index in the following scenarios: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application queries a collection where field names vary between documents, create a wildcard index to support queries on all possible document field names. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application repeatedly queries an embedded document field where the subfields are not consistent, create a wildcard index to support queries on all of the subfields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application queries documents that share common characteristics. A compound wildcard index can efficiently cover many queries for documents that have common fields. To learn more, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/index-wildcard-compound/#std-label-wildcard-index-compound"> Compound Wildcard Indexes <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Get Started <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#get-started" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="get-started"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can perform the following tasks with wildcard indexes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/create-wildcard-index-single-field/#std-label-create-wildcard-index-single-field"> Create a Wildcard Index on a Single Field </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/create-wildcard-index-multiple-fields/#std-label-create-wildcard-index-multiple-fields"> Include or Exclude Fields in a Wildcard Index </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/create-wildcard-index-all-fields/#std-label-create-wildcard-index-all-fields"> Create a Wildcard Index on All Fields </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/index-wildcard-compound/#std-label-create-wildcard-index-compound"> Create a Compound Wildcard Index </a> </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-wildcard-index-details"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Details <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#details" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="details"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wildcard indexes behave as follows: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create multiple wildcard indexes in a collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A wildcard index can cover the same fields as other indexes in the collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wildcard indexes omit the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field by default. To include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in the wildcard index, you must explicitly include it in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wildcardProjection </code> document by specifying <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { "_id" : 1 } </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wildcard indexes are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse indexes </a> and only contain entries for documents that have the indexed field, even if the index field contains a null value. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wildcard indexes are distinct from and incompatible with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/create-wildcard-text-index/#std-label-create-wildcard-text-index"> wildcard text indexes </a> . Wildcard indexes cannot support queries using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> operator. </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Covered Queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#covered-queries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="covered-queries"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Wildcard indexes can support a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> covered query </a> only if <strong> all </strong> of the following conditions are true: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query planner selects the wildcard index to fulfill the query predicate. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query predicate specifies <em> exactly </em> one field covered by the wildcard index. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query projection explicitly excludes <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> and includes <em> only </em> the query field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The specified query field is never an array. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following wildcard index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> employees </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.employees.createIndex( { \"$**\" : 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">employees</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$**"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation queries for a single field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastName </code> and projects out all other fields from the resulting document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.employees.find(\n { \"lastName\" : \"Doe\" },\n { \"_id\" : 0, \"lastName\" : 1 }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">employees</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastName"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Doe"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastName"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastName </code> is never an array, MongoDB can use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $** </code> wildcard index to support a covered query. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about wildcard indexes, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/reference/restrictions/#std-label-wildcard-index-restrictions"> Wildcard Index Restrictions </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/reference/embedded-object-behavior/#std-label-wildcard-index-embedded-object-behavior"> Wildcard Indexes on Embedded Objects and Arrays </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/reference/wildcard-projection-signature/#std-label-wildcard-projection-signature"> Wildcard Index Signature </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/reference/restrictions/#std-label-wildcard-index-sort"> Queries with Sort </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Linux <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition-on-linux" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-edition-on-linux"> </div> </a> </h1> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> These documents provide instructions to install MongoDB Community Edition for supported Linux systems. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-recommended-linux-install"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Recommended <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#recommended" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="recommended"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the best installation experience, MongoDB provides packages for popular Linux distributions. These packages are the preferred way to run MongoDB. The following guides detail the installation process for these systems: </p> <dl> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-red-hat/#std-label-install-mdb-community-redhat-centos"> Install on Red Hat </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Red Hat Enterprise and related Linux systems using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .rpm </code> packages. </dd> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/#std-label-install-mdb-community-ubuntu"> Install on Ubuntu </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu Linux systems using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .deb </code> packages. </dd> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-debian/#std-label-install-mdb-community-debian"> Install on Debian </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Debian systems using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .deb </code> packages. </dd> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-debian/#std-label-install-mdb-community-debian"> Install on SUSE </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on SUSE Linux systems using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .rpm </code> packages. </dd> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-amazon/#std-label-install-mdb-community-amazon-linux"> Install on Amazon </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Amazon Linux AMI systems using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .rpm </code> packages. </dd> </dl> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> convertToCapped <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#converttocapped" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="converttocapped"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Do Not Run This Command On Sharded Collections </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does <strong> not </strong> support the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </span> </a> command on sharded collections. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </span> </a> command converts an existing, non-capped collection to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-capped-collection"> capped collection </a> within the same database. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in serverless instances. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n convertToCapped: &lt;collection&gt;,\n size: &lt;capped&gt;,\n writeConcern: &lt;document&gt;,\n comment: &lt;any&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">convertToCapped</span>: &lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <!-- -->&lt;capped size&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> writeConcern: &lt;document&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> comment: &lt;any&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> convertToCapped </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The name of the existing collection to convert. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> size </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The maximum size, in bytes, for the capped collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> writeConcern </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. A document expressing the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/"> write concern </a> of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> command. Omit to use the default write concern. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> comment </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A user-provided comment to attach to this command. Once set, this comment appears alongside records of this command in the following locations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> mongod log messages </a> , in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attr.command.cursor.comment </code> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#std-label-profiler"> Database profiler </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#mongodb-data-system.profile.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.currentOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> currentOp </code> </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-data-currentOp.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A comment can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-bson-types"> BSON type </a> (string, integer, object, array, etc). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </span> </a> takes an existing collection ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;collection&gt; </code> ) and transforms it into a capped collection with a maximum size in bytes, specified by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> size </code> argument ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;capped size&gt; </code> ). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During the conversion process, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </span> </a> command exhibits the following behavior: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB traverses the documents in the original collection in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-natural-order"> natural order </a> and loads the documents into a new capped collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> capped size </code> specified for the capped collection is smaller than the size of the original uncapped collection, then MongoDB will overwrite documents in the capped collection based on insertion order, or <em> first in, first out </em> order. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Internally, to convert the collection, MongoDB uses the following procedure </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/cloneCollectionAsCapped/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.cloneCollectionAsCapped"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cloneCollectionAsCapped </code> </a> command creates the capped collection and imports the data. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB drops the original collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/renameCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.renameCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> renameCollection </code> </a> renames the new capped collection to the name of the original collection. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This holds a database exclusive lock for the duration of the operation. Other operations which lock the same database will be blocked until the operation completes. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/faq/concurrency/#std-label-faq-concurrency-operations-locks"> What locks are taken by some common client operations? </a> for operations that lock the database. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </span> </a> will not recreate indexes from the original collection on the new collection, other than the index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. If you need indexes on this collection you will need to create these indexes after the conversion is complete. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Convert a Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#convert-a-collection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="convert-a-collection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.insertOne() </code> </a> to create an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> events </code> collection, and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.stats/#mongodb-method-db.collection.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.stats() </code> </a> to obtain information about the collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.events.insertOne( { click: 'button-1', time: new Date() } )\ndb.events.stats()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">events</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">click</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'button-1'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>(<!-- -->) } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">events</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stats</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB will return the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"ns\" : \"test.events\",\n ...\n \"capped\" : false,\n ...\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ns"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.events"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"capped"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To convert the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> events </code> collection into a capped collection and view the updated collection information, run the following commands: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand( { convertToCapped: 'events', size: 8192 } )\ndb.events.stats()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">convertToCapped</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'events'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8192</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">events</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stats</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB will return the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"ns\" : \"test.events\",\n ...\n \"capped\" : true,\n \"max\" : NumberLong(\"9223372036854775807\"),\n \"maxSize\" : 8192,\n ...\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ns"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.events"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"capped"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"max"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"9223372036854775807"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"maxSize"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8192</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </span> </a> will not recreate indexes from the original collection on the new collection, other than the index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. If you need indexes on this collection you will need to create these indexes after the conversion is complete. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $ltrim (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-ltrim--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-ltrim--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Removes whitespace characters, including null, or the specified characters from the beginning of a string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $ltrim: { input: &lt;string&gt;, chars: &lt;string&gt; } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$ltrim</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: &lt;<!-- -->string<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">chars</span>: &lt;<!-- -->string<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> takes a document with the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The string to trim. The argument can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a string. For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chars </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The character(s) to trim from the beginning of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The argument can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a string. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> operator breaks down the string into individual UTF <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.unicode.org/glossary/#code_point" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> code point </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> to trim from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If unspecified, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> removes whitespace characters, including the null character. For the list of whitespace characters, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-ltrim-white-space" target="_self"> <span> Whitespace Characters <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/trim/#mongodb-expression-exp.-trim"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $trim </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/rtrim/#mongodb-expression-exp.-rtrim"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $rtrim </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> removes whitespace characters, including the null character, from the beginning of the input string: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:60%"/> <col style="width:40%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Results </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $ltrim: { input: " \n good bye \t " } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "good bye \t " </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can override the default characters to trim using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chars </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following trims any <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> g </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> e </code> from the start of the input string. Since the input starts with a whitespace, neither character can be trimmed from the start of the string. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:70%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Results </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $ltrim: { input: " ggggoodbyeeeee", chars: "ge" } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> " ggggoodbyeeeee" </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If overriding the default characters to trim, you can explicitly include the whitespace character(s) to trim in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chars </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following trims any space, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> g </code> , or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> d </code> from the start of the input string. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:70%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Results </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $ltrim: { input: " ggggoodbyeeeee ", chars: " gd" } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "oodbyeeeee " </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-ltrim-white-space"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Whitespace Characters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#whitespace-characters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="whitespace-characters"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> removes the following characters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Unicode </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Escape sequence </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+0000 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> '0' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Null character </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+0020 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> ' ' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+0009 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 't' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Horizontal tab </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+000A </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 'n' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Line feed/new line </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+000B </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 'v' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Vertical tab </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+000C </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 'f' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Form feed </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+000D </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 'r' </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Carriage return </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+00A0 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Non-breaking space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+1680 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Ogham space mark </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2000 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> En quad </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2001 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Em quad </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2002 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> En space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2003 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Em space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2004 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Three-per-em space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2005 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Four-per-em space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2006 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Six-per-em space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2007 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Figure space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2008 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Punctuation space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+2009 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Thin space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> U+200A </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Hair space </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"ABC1\", quarter: \"13Q1\", \"description\" : \" product 1\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"ABC2\", quarter: \"13Q4\", \"description\" : \"product 2 \\n The product is in stock. \\n\\n \" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"XYZ1\", quarter: \"14Q2\", \"description\" : null }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13Q1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">" product 1"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13Q4"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 2 </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string"> The product is in stock. </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"XYZ1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"14Q2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-ltrim" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ltrim </code> </span> </a> operator to remove leading whitespaces from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.aggregate([\n { $project: { item: 1, description: { $ltrim: { input: \"$description\" } } } }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$ltrim</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$description"</span> } } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"ABC1\", \"description\" : \"product 1\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"ABC2\", \"description\" : \"product 2 \\n The product is in stock. \\n\\n \" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"XYZ1\", \"description\" : null }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 1"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 2 </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string"> The product is in stock. </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"XYZ1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $sqrt (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-sqrt--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-sqrt--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sqrt </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-sqrt" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-sqrt"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Calculates the square root of a positive number and returns the result as a double. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-sqrt" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sqrt </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $sqrt: &lt;number&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sqrt</span>: &lt;<!-- -->number<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The argument can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> as long as it resolves to a <em> non-negative </em> number. For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default return type is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-Double"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> double </code> </a> . If at least one operand is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-Decimal128"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> decimal </code> </a> , then the return type is a decimal. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the argument resolves to a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> or refers to a field that is missing, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sqrt </code> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . If the argument resolves to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sqrt </code> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-sqrt" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sqrt </code> </span> </a> errors on negative numbers. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:85%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Results </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $sqrt: 25 } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $sqrt: 30 } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5.477225575051661 </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $sqrt: null } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> points </code> contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, p1: { x: 5, y: 8 }, p2: { x: 0, y: 5} }\n{ _id: 2, p1: { x: -2, y: 1 }, p2: { x: 1, y: 5} }\n{ _id: 3, p1: { x: 4, y: 4 }, p2: { x: 4, y: 0} }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">p1</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">p2</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>} }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">p1</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">p2</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>} }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">p1</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">p2</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-sqrt" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sqrt </code> </span> </a> to calculate the distance between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> p1 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> p2 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.points.aggregate([\n {\n $project: {\n distance: {\n $sqrt: {\n $add: [\n { $pow: [ { $subtract: [ \"$p2.y\", \"$p1.y\" ] }, 2 ] },\n { $pow: [ { $subtract: [ \"$p2.x\", \"$p1.x\" ] }, 2 ] }\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">points</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distance</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sqrt</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$add</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$pow</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$subtract</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$p2.y"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$p1.y"</span> ] }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$pow</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$subtract</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$p2.x"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$p1.x"</span> ] }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"distance\" : 5.830951894845301 }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"distance\" : 5 }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"distance\" : 4 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"distance"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5.830951894845301</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"distance"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"distance"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> sh.removeTagRange() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sh.removetagrange--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sh.removetagrange--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeTagRange(namespace, minimum, maximum) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-sh.removeTagRange" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-sh.removeTagRange"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeRangeFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeRangeFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeRangeFromZone() </code> </a> . MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> Zone sharding </a> as the successor to tag-aware sharding. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Removes a specified shard tag from a defined range of shard key values. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeTagRange() </code> takes the following arguments: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the sharded collection to tag. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minimum </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The minimum value of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> from the tag. Specify the minimum value in the form of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;fieldname&gt;:&lt;value&gt; </code> . This value must be of the same BSON type or types as the shard key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maximum </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The maximum value of the shard key range from the tag. Specify the maximum value in the form of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;fieldname&gt;:&lt;value&gt; </code> . This value must be of the same BSON type or types as the shard key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeTagRange() </code> to ensure that unused or out of date ranges are removed and hence chunks are balanced as required. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeTagRange() </code> when connected to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Given a shard key of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> {state: 1, zip: 1} </code> , the following operation removes an existing tag range covering zip codes in New York State: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.removeTagRange( \"exampledb.collection\",\n { state: \"NY\", zip: MinKey },\n { state: \"NY\", zip: MaxKey }\n )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">removeTagRange</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"exampledb.collection"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"NY"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">zip</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">MinKey</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">state</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"NY"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">zip</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">MaxKey</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> sh.moveCollection() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sh.movecollection--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sh.movecollection--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#requirements" target="_self"> <span> Requirements </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection(namespace, destination) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-sh.moveCollection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-sh.moveCollection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Moves a single unsharded collection to a different <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> . Run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance while using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Method </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. This is <em> not </em> the documentation for database commands or language-specific drivers, such as Node.js. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the database command, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> command <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB driver documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.moveCollection( \"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;\" )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">moveCollection</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;"</span> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> takes the following parameters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Database and name of the collection to move. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> toShard </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> ID of the recipient shard. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This method is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not available on the Atlas Shared Tier. </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-moveCollection-method-considerations"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> can only be run on sharded clusters. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> can only move unsharded collections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> can only move a single collection at a time. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> has a 5 minute minimum duration. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Atlas Search indexes need to be rebuilt after <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> runs. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot make topology changes, such as add or remove shard or transition between embedded and dedicated config servers, until <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> completes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot run the following operations against the collection that is being moved while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> is in progress: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/convertToCapped/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndexes() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.drop/#mongodb-method-db.collection.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.drop() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dropIndex() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/renameCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.renameCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> renameCollection </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.renameCollection/#mongodb-method-db.collection.renameCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.renameCollection() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot run the following operations against the cluster while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> is in progress: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/addShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShard </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeShard </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropDatabase/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropDatabase </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionToDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionToDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionToDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index builds that occur while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> is in progress might silently fail. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not create indexes while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> is in progress. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not call <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> if there are ongoing index builds. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-moveCollection-method-reqs"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Requirements <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#requirements" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="requirements"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you move your collection, ensure that you meet the following requirements: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your application can tolerate a period of <strong> two seconds </strong> where the affected collection blocks writes. During the time period where writes are blocked, your application experiences an increase in latency. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your database meets these resource requirements: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure the shard you are moving the collection to has enough storage space for the collection and its indexes. The destination shard requires at least <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ( Collection storage size + Index Size ) * 2 </code> bytes available. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your I/O capacity is below 50%. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your CPU load is below 80%. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> These requirements are not enforced by the database. A failure to allocate enough resources can result in: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the database running out of space and shutting down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> decreased performance </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the operation taking longer than expected </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application has time periods with less traffic, perform this operation on the collection during that time if possible. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example moves an unsharded collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> app </code> database to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shard02 </code> shard. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.moveCollection( \"app.inventory\", \"shard02\" )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">moveCollection</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"app.inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard02"</span> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To get a list of the available shard IDs, run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> . For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#std-label-sh-status-output-examples"> sh.status() Output <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/moveable-collections/#std-label-moveable-collections"> Moveable Collections </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Operational Restrictions in Sharded Clusters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operational-restrictions-in-sharded-clusters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operational-restrictions-in-sharded-clusters"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#sharding-operational-restrictions" target="_self"> <span> Sharding Operational Restrictions </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-requirements-data"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-operational-restrictions"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharding Operational Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-operational-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-operational-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations Unavailable in Sharded Environments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-unavailable-in-sharded-environments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-unavailable-in-sharded-environments"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/where/#mongodb-query-op.-where"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $where </code> </a> does not permit references to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db </code> object from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/where/#mongodb-query-op.-where"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $where </code> </a> function. This is uncommon in un-sharded collections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/geoSearch/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.geoSearch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> geoSearch </code> </a> command is not supported in sharded environments. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB 5.0 and earlier, you cannot specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-background"> sharded collections </a> in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> from </code> parameter of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> stages. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Single Document Modification Operations in Sharded Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#single-document-modification-operations-in-sharded-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="single-document-modification-operations-in-sharded-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateOne() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.deleteOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteOne() </code> </a> operations for a sharded collection that specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> multi: false </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> justOne </code> option: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you only target one shard, you can use a partial shard key in the query specification or, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can provide the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in the query specification. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findOneAndUpdate/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findOneAndUpdate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findOneAndUpdate() </code> </a> with a sharded collection, your query filter must include an equality condition on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> to compare the key and value in either of these formats: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ key: value }\n{ key: { $eq: value } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->value }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$eq</span>: <!-- -->value } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-requirements-unique-indexes"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Unique Indexes in Sharded Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#unique-indexes-in-sharded-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="unique-indexes-in-sharded-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does not support unique indexes across shards, except when the unique index contains the full shard key as a prefix of the index. In these situations MongoDB will enforce uniqueness across the full key, not a single field. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/unique-constraints-on-arbitrary-fields/#std-label-shard-key-arbitrary-uniqueness"> Unique Constraints on Arbitrary Fields </a> for an alternate approach. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Consistent Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#consistent-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="consistent-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does not guarantee consistent indexes across shards. Index creation during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/addShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShard </code> </a> operations or chunk migrations may not propagate to new shards. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To check a sharded cluster for consistent indexes, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1,\n checkIndexes: true\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkIndexes</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Aggregation Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-operations"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#aggregation-pipelines" target="_self"> <span> Aggregation Pipelines </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#single-purpose-aggregation-methods" target="_self"> <span> Single Purpose Aggregation Methods </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Aggregation operations process multiple documents and return computed results. You can use aggregation operations to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Group values from multiple documents together. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Perform operations on the grouped data to return a single result. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Analyze data changes over time. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To perform aggregation operations, you can use: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-aggregation-pipeline-intro" target="_self"> <span> Aggregation pipelines </span> </a> , which are the preferred method for performing aggregations. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-single-purpose-agg-methods" target="_self"> <span> Single purpose aggregation methods </span> </a> , which are simple but lack the capabilities of an aggregation pipeline. </p> </li> </ul> <a class="css-53dzkk" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/agg-pipeline"> <div class="css-z0l49d"> <div class="css-fw7ipj"> <svg aria-label="Cloud Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1t2jgtk" fill="none" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.571 8.143c0 1.775-.899 3.34-2.267 4.264l-.014.01a5.12 5.12 0 0 1-2.861.869H2.857a2.857 2.857 0 0 1-.545-5.663 5.144 5.144 0 0 1 10.26.52ZM13.821 8.143a6.38 6.38 0 0 1-2.358 4.96 3.429 3.429 0 1 0 2.17-6.506c.123.494.188 1.013.188 1.546Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/agg-pipeline/" target="_self"> <span> run aggregation pipelines in the UI </span> </a> for deployments hosted in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas. </span> </a> </p> </div> </a> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-aggregation-pipeline-intro"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Aggregation Pipelines <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-pipelines" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-pipelines"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An aggregation pipeline consists of one or more <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline-operator-reference"> stages </a> that process documents: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each stage performs an operation on the input documents. For example, a stage can filter documents, group documents, and calculate values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The documents that are output from a stage are passed to the next stage. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An aggregation pipeline can return results for groups of documents. For example, return the total, average, maximum, and minimum values. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can update documents with an aggregation pipeline if you use the stages shown in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/update-documents-with-aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-updates-agg-pipeline"> Updates with Aggregation Pipeline. </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Aggregation pipelines run with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.aggregate/#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </a> method do not modify documents in a collection, unless the pipeline contains a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> stage. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation Pipeline Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-pipeline-example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-pipeline-example"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation pipeline example contains two <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline-operator-reference"> stages </a> and returns the total order quantity of medium size pizzas grouped by pizza name: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.aggregate( [\n\n // Stage 1: Filter pizza order documents by pizza size\n {\n $match: { size: \"medium\" }\n },\n\n // Stage 2: Group remaining documents by pizza name and calculate total quantity\n {\n $group: { _id: \"$name\", totalQuantity: { $sum: \"$quantity\" } }\n }\n\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( [</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// Stage 1:</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> Filter pizza order </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">documents by pizza size</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// Stage 2:</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> Group remaining documents </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">by</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> pizza name and </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">calculate total quantity</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$name"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalQuantity</span>: { <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quantity"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Filters the pizza order documents to pizzas with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> size </code> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> medium </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Passes the remaining documents to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Groups the remaining documents by pizza <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sum/#mongodb-group-grp.-sum"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sum </code> </a> to calculate the total order <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> for each pizza <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> . The total is stored in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalQuantity </code> field returned by the aggregation pipeline. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For runnable examples containing sample input documents, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline-examples"> Complete Aggregation Pipeline Examples. </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Learn More About Aggregation Pipelines <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more-about-aggregation-pipelines" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more-about-aggregation-pipelines"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about aggregation pipelines, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline"> Aggregation Pipeline. </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-single-purpose-agg-methods"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Single Purpose Aggregation Methods <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#single-purpose-aggregation-methods" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="single-purpose-aggregation-methods"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The single purpose aggregation methods aggregate documents from a single collection. The methods are simple but lack the capabilities of an aggregation pipeline. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 50%;"/> <col style="width: 50%;"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Method </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount/#mongodb-method-db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns an approximate count of the documents in a collection or a view. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.count/#mongodb-method-db.collection.count"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.count() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a count of the number of documents in a collection or a view. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.distinct/#mongodb-method-db.collection.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.distinct() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns an array of documents that have distinct values for the specified field. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Configure Auditing on Self-Managed Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#configure-auditing-on-self-managed-deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="configure-auditing-on-self-managed-deployments"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#enable-and-configure-audit-output" target="_self"> <span> Enable and Configure Audit Output </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#runtime-audit-filter-management" target="_self"> <span> Runtime Audit Filter Management </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Auditing in MongoDB Atlas </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas supports auditing for all <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M10 </code> and larger clusters. Atlas supports specifying a JSON-formatted audit filter as documented in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/"> Configure Audit Filters on Self-Managed Deployments </a> and using the Atlas audit filter builder for simplified auditing configuration. To learn more, see the Atlas documentation for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/database-auditing/" target="_self"> <span> Set Up Database Auditing </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/database-auditing/#std-label-auditing-custom-filter" target="_self"> <span> Configure a Custom Auditing Filter <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> supports <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> auditing </a> of various operations. A complete auditing solution must involve <strong> all </strong> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> server and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> router processes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The audit facility can write audit events to the console, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-syslog"> syslog </a> (option is unavailable on Windows), a JSON file, or a BSON file. For details on the audited operations and the audit log messages, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/"> System Event Audit Messages in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Enable and Configure Audit Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#enable-and-configure-audit-output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="enable-and-configure-audit-output"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable auditing in MongoDB Enterprise, set an audit output destination with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditDestination"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditDestination </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For sharded clusters, if you enable auditing on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instances you must also enable auditing on the cluster's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances. Configure auditing for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> on all of the shards and config servers. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output to Syslog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-to-syslog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-to-syslog"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable auditing and print audit events to the syslog (option is unavailable on Windows) in JSON format, specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syslog </code> for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditDestination"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditDestination </code> </a> setting. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination syslog","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath data<!-- -->/db<!-- --> --auditDestination syslog</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind to other ip addresses, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling access control </a> and other security measures listed in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> to prevent unauthorized access. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The syslog message limit can result in the truncation of the audit messages. The auditing system will neither detect the truncation nor error upon its occurrence. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a Linux system, messages are subject to the rules defined in the Linux configuration file <code class="file docutils literal"> <span class="pre"> /etc/systemd/journald.conf </span> </code> . By default, log message bursts are limited to 1000 messages within a 30 second period. To see more messages, increase the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RateLimitBurst </code> parameter in <code class="file docutils literal"> <span class="pre"> /etc/systemd/journald.conf </span> </code> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may also specify these options in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration file <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"storage:\n dbPath: data/db\nauditLog:\n destination: syslog","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbPath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditLog:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">destination:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">syslog</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output to Console <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-to-console" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-to-console"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable auditing and print the audit events to standard output (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stdout </code> ), specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> console </code> for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditDestination"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditDestination </code> </a> setting. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination console","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath data<!-- -->/db<!-- --> --auditDestination console</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind to other ip addresses, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling access control </a> and other security measures listed in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> to prevent unauthorized access. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may also specify these options in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration file <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"storage:\n dbPath: data/db\nauditLog:\n destination: console","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbPath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditLog:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">destination:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">console</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output to JSON File <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-to-json-file" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-to-json-file"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable auditing and print audit events to a file in JSON format, specify the following options: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:40%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Option </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditDestination"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditDestination </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> file </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditFormat"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditFormat </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> JSON </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditPath </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The output filename. Accepts either the full path name or relative path name. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following enables auditing and records audit events to a file with the relative path name of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> data/db/auditLog.json </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file --auditFormat JSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.json","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath data<!-- -->/db<!-- --> --auditDestination file --auditFormat JSON --auditPath data<!-- -->/db/audit<!-- -->Log.json</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind to other ip addresses, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling access control </a> and other security measures listed in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> to prevent unauthorized access. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The audit file may be rotated with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/logRotate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logRotate </code> </a> command, either alongside the server log or independently. Rotation specifics may be configured with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.logRotate </code> </a> configuration file option or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logRotate </code> </a> command-line option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may also specify these options in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration file <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"storage:\n dbPath: data/db\nauditLog:\n destination: file\n format: JSON\n path: data/db/auditLog.json","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbPath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditLog:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">destination:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">file</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">format:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">JSON</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">path:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db/auditLog.json</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Printing audit events to a file in JSON format degrades server performance more than printing to a file in BSON format. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output to BSON File <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-to-bson-file" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-to-bson-file"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable auditing and print audit events to a file in BSON binary format, specify the following options: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:40%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Option </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditDestination"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditDestination </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> file </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditFormat"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditFormat </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BSON </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditPath </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The output filename. Accepts either the full path name or relative path name. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following enables auditing and records audit events to a BSON file with the relative path name of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> data/db/auditLog.bson </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath data<!-- -->/db<!-- --> --auditDestination file --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data<!-- -->/db/audit<!-- -->Log.bson</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include additional options as required for your configuration. For instance, if you wish remote clients to connect to your deployment or your deployment members are run on different hosts, specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind to other ip addresses, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling access control </a> and other security measures listed in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> to prevent unauthorized access. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The audit file is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/logRotate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rotated </code> </a> at the same time as the server log file. Rotation specifics may be configured with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.logRotate </code> </a> configuration file option or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logRotate </code> </a> command-line option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may also specify these options in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration file <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"storage:\n dbPath: data/db\nauditLog:\n destination: file\n format: BSON\n path: data/db/auditLog.bson","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbPath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditLog:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">destination:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">file</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">format:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">BSON</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">path:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db/auditLog.bson</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example converts the audit log into readable form using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/bsondump/#mongodb-binary-bin.bsondump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsondump </code> </span> </a> and outputs the result: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"bsondump data/db/auditLog.bson","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">bsondump data<!-- -->/db/audit<!-- -->Log.bson</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output Messages in OCSF Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-messages-in-ocsf-format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-messages-in-ocsf-format"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, MongoDB can write log messages in <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> OCSF </span> format. The OCSF schema provides logs in a standardized format compatible with log processors. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the OCSF schema for log messages, set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditSchema"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditSchema </code> </a> option to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OCSF </code> . For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file --auditFormat JSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.json --auditSchema OCSF","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath data<!-- -->/db<!-- --> --auditDestination file --auditFormat JSON --auditPath data<!-- -->/db/audit<!-- -->Log.json --auditSchema OCSF</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also specify the OCSF schema in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-auditLog.schema"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.schema </code> </a> configuration file option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"storage:\n dbPath: data/db\nauditLog:\n destination: file\n format: JSON\n path: data/db/auditLog.json\n schema: OCSF","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dbPath:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditLog:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">destination:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">file</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">format:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">JSON</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">path:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">data/db/auditLog.json</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">schema:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">OCSF</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on the OCSF schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/ocsf/#std-label-event-audit-messages-ocsf"> OCSF Schema Audit Messages <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-runtime-audit-configuration"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Runtime Audit Filter Management <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#runtime-audit-filter-management" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="runtime-audit-filter-management"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, audit filters can be configured at runtime. Runtime Audit Filter Management provides three benefits compared to audit filter configurations that are specified in a local <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> configuration file: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-rafm-separation" target="_self"> <span> Separation of Concerns </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-rafm-configurability" target="_self"> <span> Runtime Configurability </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-rafm-consistency" target="_self"> <span> Consistency </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-rafm-separation"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Separation of Concerns <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#separation-of-concerns" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="separation-of-concerns"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Prior to MongoDB 5.0, anyone auditing a MongoDB <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance had to have write access to the host server's file system in order to update audit filters. Runtime Audit Filter Management improves security by separating audit access from administrative access. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using Runtime Audit Filter Management instead of editing configuration files directly means: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> File system access is not required so an auditor does not need access to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> host server. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There is no direct access to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance's configuration file. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Runtime Audit Filter Management only exposes <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/#std-label-audit-filter"> audit filters </a> and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </a> parameter. </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-rafm-configurability"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Runtime Configurability <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#runtime-configurability" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="runtime-configurability"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, when Runtime Audit Filter Management is enabled, auditing can be reconfigured at runtime without restarting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance. A statically configured instance has to be restarted to update its audit settings. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Audit filter modifications made at runtime persist when an instance is shutdown and restarted. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-rafm-consistency"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Consistency <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#consistency" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="consistency"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Within a cluster, if all participating <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> nodes are configured to use Runtime Audit Filter Management, then every node will use the same audit filters. In contrast, if each node has its own locally configured audit filters, there is no guarantee of audit filter consistency across nodes. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-rafm-enable"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Enable Runtime Audit Filter Management <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#enable-runtime-audit-filter-management" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="enable-runtime-audit-filter-management"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, audit configurations for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> nodes can be configured at runtime. A group of these nodes can take part in a distributed audit configuration. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To include a node in a distributed audit configuration, update the node's configuration file as follows and restart the server. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-auditLog.runtimeConfiguration"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.runtimeConfiguration </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-auditLog.filter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.filter </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Unset </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Unset </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The server logs an error and fails to start if: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> runtimeConfiguration </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> either <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-auditLog.filter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditLog.filter </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </a> is set. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify audit filters and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </a> parameter at runtime, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/cluster-parameters/auditConfig/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/#std-label-audit-filter"> Configure Audit Filters on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> Auditing Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/#std-label-audit-message"> System Event Audit Messages in Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/cluster-parameters/auditConfig/#std-label-auditConfig"> auditConfig </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Read Concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-concern--majority-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-concern--majority-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#performance" target="_self"> <span> Performance </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#availability" target="_self"> <span> Availability </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#storage-engine-support" target="_self"> <span> Storage Engine Support </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#read-concern--majority--and-transactions" target="_self"> <span> Read Concern <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> "majority" </code> and Transactions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#read-concern--majority--and-aggregation" target="_self"> <span> Read Concern <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> "majority" </code> and Aggregation </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#read-your-own-writes" target="_self"> <span> Read Your Own Writes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#primary-secondary-arbiter-replica-sets" target="_self"> <span> Primary-Secondary-Arbiter Replica Sets </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="readconcern"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For read operations not associated with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transactions </a> , read concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> guarantees that the data read has been acknowledged by a majority of the replica set members. The documents read are durable and guaranteed to not roll back. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For operations in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transactions </a> , read concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> provides its guarantees only if the transaction commits with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-write-concern"> write concern "majority" </a> . Otherwise, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> read concern provides no guarantees about the data read in transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regardless of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-concern"> read concern </a> level, the most recent data on a node may not reflect the most recent version of the data in the system. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about what happens if a primary fails, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-replication-auto-failover"> Automatic Failover <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Performance <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#performance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="performance"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each replica set member maintains, in memory, a view of the data at the majority-commit point; the majority-commit point is calculated by the primary. To fulfill read concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> , the node returns data from this view and is comparable in performance to other read concerns. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Availability <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#availability" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="availability"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Read concern <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> is available for use with or without causally consistent sessions and transactions. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture, consider the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> can cause performance issues if a secondary is unavailable or lagging. For advice on how to mitigate these issues, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/mitigate-psa-performance-issues/#std-label-performance-issues-psa"> Mitigate Performance Issues with a Self-Managed PSA Replica Set <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using a global default <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> and the write concern is less than the size of the majority, your queries may return stale (not fully replicated) data. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following timeline of a write operation Write <sub> 0 </sub> to a three member replica set: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For simplification, the example assumes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> All writes prior to Write <sub> 0 </sub> have been successfully replicated to all members. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Write <sub> prev </sub> is the previous write before Write <sub> 0 </sub> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> No other writes have occured after Write <sub> 0 </sub> . </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width:340px"> <img alt="Timeline of a write operation to a three member replica set" class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="112" src="/docs/manual/images/read-concern-write-timeline.svg" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6" width="340"/> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Time </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Event </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Most Recent Write </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Most Recent w: "majority" write </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Primary applies Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 1 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 1 </sub> applies write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 2 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 2 </sub> applies write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 3 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Primary is aware of successful replication to Secondary <sub> 1 </sub> and sends acknowledgment to client </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 4 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Primary is aware of successful replication to Secondary <sub> 2 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 5 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 1 </sub> receives notice (through regular replication mechanism) to update its snapshot of its most recent w: "majority" write </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> t <sub> 6 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 2 </sub> receives notice (through regular replication mechanism) to update its snapshot of its most recent w: "majority" write </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <strong> Primary </strong> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 1 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> <div class="line"> <strong> Secondary </strong> <sub> 2 </sub> : Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then, the following tables summarizes the state of the data that a read operation with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> read concern would see at time <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> T </code> . </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width:330px"> <img alt="Timeline of a write operation to a three member replica set." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="112" src="/docs/manual/images/read-concern-write-timeline.svg" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6" width="340"/> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Read Target </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Time <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> T </code> </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> State of Data </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Primary </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Before t <sub> 3 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Data reflects Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Primary </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> After t <sub> 3 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Data reflects Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 1 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Before t <sub> 5 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Data reflects Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 1 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> After t <sub> 5 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Data reflects Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 2 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Before or at t <sub> 6 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Data reflects Write <sub> prev </sub> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secondary <sub> 2 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> After t <sub> 6 </sub> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Data reflects Write <sub> 0 </sub> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Storage Engine Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-engine-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-engine-support"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Read concern <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> is available for the WiredTiger storage engine. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command returns the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads </code> </a> field, which indicates whether the storage engine supports <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> read concern. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-readconcern-majority-txn"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Read Concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> and Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-concern--majority--and-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-concern--majority--and-transactions"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You set the read concern at the transaction level, not at the individual operation level. To set the read concern for transactions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-read-concern"> Transactions and Read Concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For operations in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transactions </a> , read concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> provides its guarantees only if the transaction commits with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-write-concern"> write concern "majority" </a> . Otherwise, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> read concern provides no guarantees about the data read in transactions. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Read Concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> and Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-concern--majority--and-aggregation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-concern--majority--and-aggregation"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/#std-label-read-concern"> read concern </a> level <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> for an aggregation that includes an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> stage. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Read Your Own Writes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-your-own-writes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-your-own-writes"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-sessions"> causally consistent sessions </a> to read your own writes, if the writes request acknowledgment. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-disable-read-concern-majority"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Primary-Secondary-Arbiter Replica Sets <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#primary-secondary-arbiter-replica-sets" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="primary-secondary-arbiter-replica-sets"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> cannot be changed and are always set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> due to storage engine improvements. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In earlier versions of MongoDB, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --enableMajorityReadConcern </code> </a> are configurable and can be set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> to prevent storage cache pressure from immobilizing a deployment with a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture, consider the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> can cause performance issues if a secondary is unavailable or lagging. For advice on how to mitigate these issues, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/mitigate-psa-performance-issues/#std-label-performance-issues-psa"> Mitigate Performance Issues with a Self-Managed PSA Replica Set <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using a global default <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </span> </a> and the write concern is less than the size of the majority, your queries may return stale (not fully replicated) data. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $cond (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-cond--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-cond--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-cond"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Evaluates a boolean expression to return one of the two specified return expressions. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> </span> </a> expression has one of two syntaxes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $cond: { if: &lt;boolean-expression&gt;, then: &lt;true-case&gt;, else: &lt;false-case&gt; } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$cond</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">if</span>: &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->-<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">then</span>: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-keyword">case</span>&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">else</span>: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-keyword">case</span>&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $cond: [ &lt;boolean-expression&gt;, &lt;true-case&gt;, &lt;false-case&gt; ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$cond</span>: <!-- -->[ &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->-<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-keyword">case</span>&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-keyword">case</span>&gt; <!-- -->] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> </span> </a> requires all three arguments ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> if-then-else </code> ) for either syntax. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;boolean-expression&gt; </code> evaluates to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , then <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> </span> </a> evaluates and returns the value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;true-case&gt; </code> expression. Otherwise, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> </span> </a> evaluates and returns the value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;false-case&gt; </code> expression. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The arguments can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> . For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/switch/#mongodb-expression-exp.-switch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $switch </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example use a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"abc1\", qty: 300 }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"abc2\", qty: 200 }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"xyz1\", qty: 250 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">300</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> </span> </a> expression to set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> discount </code> value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 30 </code> if <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> qty </code> value is greater than or equal to 250 and to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20 </code> if <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> qty </code> value is less than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 250 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.aggregate(\n [\n {\n $project:\n {\n item: 1,\n discount:\n {\n $cond: { if: { $gte: [ \"$qty\", 250 ] }, then: 30, else: 20 }\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">discount</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$cond</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">if</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gte</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$qty"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> ] }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">then</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">else</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"abc1\", \"discount\" : 30 }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"abc2\", \"discount\" : 20 }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"xyz1\", \"discount\" : 30 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"discount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"discount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"discount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses the array syntax of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-cond" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $cond </code> </span> </a> expression and returns the same results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.aggregate(\n [\n {\n $project:\n {\n item: 1,\n discount:\n {\n $cond: [ { $gte: [ \"$qty\", 250 ] }, 30, 20 ]\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">discount</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$cond</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gte</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$qty"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> ] }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Sharding Reference <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-reference" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-reference"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#sharding-methods-in-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> Sharding Methods in <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sharding-database-commands" target="_self"> <span> Sharding Database Commands </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#reference-documentation" target="_self"> <span> Reference Documentation </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharding Methods in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-methods-in-mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-methods-in-mongosh"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.abortMoveCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.abortMoveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.abortMoveCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Stops an in-progress <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> operation. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.abortReshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.abortReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.abortReshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Aborts a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShard/#mongodb-method-sh.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShard() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Adds a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> to a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardTag/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardTag"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardTag() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardToZone/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardToZone() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardToZone/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardToZone() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Associates a shard to a zone. Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addTagRange/#mongodb-method-sh.addTagRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addTagRange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-method-sh.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.updateZoneKeyRange() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.balancerCollectionStatus/#mongodb-method-sh.balancerCollectionStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.balancerCollectionStatus() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns information on whether the chunks of a sharded collection are balanced. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.commitReshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.commitReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.commitReshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Forces a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> to block writes and complete. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableBalancing/#mongodb-method-sh.disableBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableBalancing() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disable balancing on a single collection in a sharded database. Does not affect balancing of other collections in a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.enableAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables automatic <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> merges for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableBalancing/#mongodb-method-sh.enableBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableBalancing() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Activates the sharded collection balancer process if previously disabled using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableBalancing/#mongodb-method-sh.disableBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableBalancing() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.disableAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disables automatic <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> merges for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableAutoSplit/#mongodb-method-sh.disableAutoSplit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableAutoSplit() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0.3, automatic chunk splitting is not performed. This is because of balancing policy improvements. Auto-splitting commands still exist, but do not perform an operation. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableAutoSplit/#mongodb-method-sh.enableAutoSplit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableAutoSplit() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0.3, automatic chunk splitting is not performed. This is because of balancing policy improvements. Auto-splitting commands still exist, but do not perform an operation. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableSharding/#mongodb-method-sh.enableSharding"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableSharding() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Creates a database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.getBalancerState/#mongodb-method-sh.getBalancerState"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getBalancerState() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a boolean to report if the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> is currently enabled. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.getShardedDataDistribution/#mongodb-method-sh.getShardedDataDistribution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getShardedDataDistribution() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns data distribution information for sharded collections. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getShardedDataDistribution() </code> is a shell helper method for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/shardedDataDistribution/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-shardedDataDistribution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $shardedDataDistribution </code> </a> aggregation pipeline stage. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeTagRange/#mongodb-method-sh.removeTagRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeTagRange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeRangeFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeRangeFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeRangeFromZone() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeRangeFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeRangeFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeRangeFromZone() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes an association between a range of shard keys and a zone. Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.help/#mongodb-method-sh.help"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.help() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns help text for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh </code> methods. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.isBalancerRunning/#mongodb-method-sh.isBalancerRunning"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.isBalancerRunning() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a document describing the status of the balancer. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.moveChunk/#mongodb-method-sh.moveChunk"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveChunk() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Migrates a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.moveCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Moves a single unsharded collection to a different shard. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeShardTag/#mongodb-method-sh.removeShardTag"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeShardTag() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeShardFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeShardFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeShardFromZone() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeShardFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeShardFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeShardFromZone() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the association between a shard and a zone. Use to manage <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zone sharding <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.reshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.reshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.reshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Initiates a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> to change the shard key for a collection, changing the distribution of your data. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.setBalancerState/#mongodb-method-sh.setBalancerState"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.setBalancerState() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables or disables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> which migrates <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunks </a> between <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shards <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.shardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.shardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables sharding for a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.splitAt/#mongodb-method-sh.splitAt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.splitAt() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Divides an existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> into two chunks using a specific value of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> as the dividing point. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.splitFind/#mongodb-method-sh.splitFind"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.splitFind() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Divides an existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> that contains a document matching a query into two approximately equal chunks. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.startAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.startAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.startAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/automerger-concept/#std-label-automerger-concept"> AutoMerger <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.startBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.startBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.startBalancer() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> and waits for balancing to start. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reports on the status of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster </a> , as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.printShardingStatus/#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.stopAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.stopAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.stopAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/automerger-concept/#std-label-automerger-concept"> AutoMerger <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.stopBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.stopBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.stopBalancer() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> and waits for any in progress balancing rounds to complete. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.waitForBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.waitForBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.waitForBalancer() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal. Waits for the balancer state to change. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.waitForBalancerOff/#mongodb-method-sh.waitForBalancerOff"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.waitForBalancerOff() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal. Waits until the balancer stops running. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.waitForPingChange/#mongodb-method-sh.waitForPingChange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.waitForPingChange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal. Waits for a change in ping state from one of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> in the sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-method-sh.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.updateZoneKeyRange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Associates a range of shard keys to a zone. Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/convertShardKeyToHashed/#mongodb-method-convertShardKeyToHashed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertShardKeyToHashed() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the hashed value for the input. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharding Database Commands <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-database-commands" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-database-commands"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following database commands support <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded clusters <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/abortMoveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.abortMoveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> abortMoveCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Stops an in-progress <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> operation. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/abortReshardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.abortReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> abortReshardCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Aborts a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/addShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShard </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Adds a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/addShardToZone/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShardToZone </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Associates a shard with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-zone"> zone </a> . Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/balancerCollectionStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerCollectionStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerCollectionStatus </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns information on whether the chunks of a sharded collection are balanced. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/balancerStart/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerStart"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerStart </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Starts a balancer thread. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/balancerStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerStatus </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns information on the balancer status. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/balancerStop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerStop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerStop </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Stops the balancer thread. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/clearJumboFlag/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.clearJumboFlag"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clearJumboFlag </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Clears the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> jumbo </code> flag for a chunk. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/cleanupReshardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.cleanupReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cleanupReshardCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Cleans up a failed <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/commitReshardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.commitReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> commitReshardCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Forces a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> to block writes and complete. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/enableSharding/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.enableSharding"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableSharding </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables sharding on a specific database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/flushRouterConfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Forces a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> / <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance to update its cached routing metadata. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getShardMap/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getShardMap"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getShardMap </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal command that reports on the state of a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/isdbgrid/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.isdbgrid"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> isdbgrid </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Verifies that a process is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listShards/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listShards"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listShards </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a list of configured shards. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveChunk/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveChunk"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveChunk </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal command that migrates chunks between shards. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Moves a single unsharded collection to a different shard. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/movePrimary/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.movePrimary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> movePrimary </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reassigns the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary-shard"> primary shard </a> when removing a shard from a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveRange/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveRange </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Command that migrates ranges between shards. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/mergeChunks/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.mergeChunks"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mergeChunks </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Provides the ability to combine chunks on a single shard. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeShard </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Starts the process of removing a shard from a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeShardFromZone/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeShardFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeShardFromZone </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the association between a shard and a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-zone"> zone </a> . Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/reshardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.reshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> reshardCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Initiates a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> to change the shard key for a collection, changing the distribution of your data. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables the sharding functionality for a collection, allowing the collection to be sharded. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shardingState/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.shardingState"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardingState </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reports whether the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> is a member of a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/split/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.split"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> split </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Creates a new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/unsetSharding/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.unsetSharding"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> unsetSharding </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Removed in MongoDB 5.0. </em> Internal command that affects connections between instances in a MongoDB deployment. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateZoneKeyRange </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Adds or removes the association between a range of sharded data and a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-zone"> zone </a> . Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Reference Documentation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reference-documentation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reference-documentation"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-requirements/#std-label-sharding-fundamentals"> Operational Restrictions </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Requirement for deploying a sharded cluster </dd> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/troubleshoot-sharded-clusters/#std-label-sharding-high-availability"> Troubleshoot Sharded Clusters </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Common strategies for troubleshooting sharded cluster deployments. </dd> <dt> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#std-label-config-database"> Config Database </a> </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Complete documentation of the content of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> database that MongoDB uses to store sharded cluster metadata. </dd> </dl> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $acosh (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-acosh--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-acosh--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine (hyperbolic arc cosine) of a value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $acosh: &lt;expression&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$acosh</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> takes any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a number between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> +Infinity </code> , e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 &lt;= value &lt;= +Infinity </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> returns values in radians. Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/radiansToDegrees/#mongodb-expression-exp.-radiansToDegrees"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $radiansToDegrees </code> </a> operator to convert the output value from radians to degrees. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> returns values as a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> double </code> . <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> can also return values as a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/reference/data-types/#std-label-shell-type-decimal" target="_self"> <span> 128-bit decimal </span> </a> as long as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;expression&gt; </code> resolves to a 128-bit decimal value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> +/- Infinity </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#null--nan--and-----infinity" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="null--nan--and-----infinity"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the argument resolves to a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> or refers to a field that is missing, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . If the argument resolves to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> . If the argument resolves to negative infinity, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> throws an error. If the argument resolves to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Infinity </code> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Infinity </code> . If the argument resolves to a value outside the bounds of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [-1, Infinity] </code> inclusive, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> throws an error. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:85%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Results </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $acosh: NaN } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $acosh: null } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $acosh : Infinity} </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Infinity </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $acosh : 0 } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Throws an error message resembling the following formatted output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"errmsg\" :\n \"Failed to optimize pipeline :: caused by :: cannot\n apply $acosh to -inf, value must in (1,inf)\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">"errmsg"</span> :</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Failed to optimize pipeline :: caused by :: cannot</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> apply </span><span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-string">$acosh</span><span class="lg-highlight-string"> to -inf, value must in (1,inf)"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-8"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of degrees/radians" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_emegkv5qd" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_c8mnm2h5v" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine in Degrees </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_ylrcfrlib" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_5npp516iy" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine in Radians </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_1iizysgsx" class="" id="_o66sjnd0o" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> trigonometry </code> collection contains a document that stores a value along the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> axis of a 2-D graph: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5c50782193f833234ba90d85\"),\n \"x-coordinate\" : NumberDecimal(\"3\")\n}","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> : ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5c50782193f833234ba90d85"</span>),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"x-coordinate"</span> : NumberDecimal(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"3"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> expression to calculate inverse hyperbolic cosine of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x-coordinate </code> and add it to the input document using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/addFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </a> pipeline stage. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.trigonometry.aggregate([\n {\n $addFields : {\n \"y-coordinate\" : {\n $radiansToDegrees : { $acosh : \"$x-coordinate\" }\n }\n }\n }\n])","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.trigonometry.aggregate([</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-variable">$addFields</span> : {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"y-coordinate"</span> : {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-variable">$radiansToDegrees</span> : { <span class="lg-highlight-variable">$acosh</span> : <span class="lg-highlight-string">"</span><span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-string">$x</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">-coordinate"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/radiansToDegrees/#mongodb-expression-exp.-radiansToDegrees"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $radiansToDegrees </code> </a> expression converts the radian value returned by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> to the equivalent value in degrees. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns the following output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5c50782193f833234ba90d85\"),\n \"x-coordinate\" : NumberDecimal(\"3\"),\n \"y-coordinate\" : NumberDecimal(\"100.9979734210524228844295260083432\")\n}","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> : ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5c50782193f833234ba90d85"</span>),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"x-coordinate"</span> : NumberDecimal(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"3"</span>),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"y-coordinate"</span> : NumberDecimal(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"100.9979734210524228844295260083432"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Since <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x-coordinate </code> is stored as a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/reference/data-types/#std-label-shell-type-decimal" target="_self"> <span> 128-bit decimal </span> </a> , the output of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> is a 128-bit decimal. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_xvm1j0u3p" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_rwhojpua6" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> trigonometry </code> collection contains a document that stores a value along the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> axis of a 2-D graph: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5c50782193f833234ba90d85\"),\n \"x-coordinate\" : NumberDecimal(\"3\")\n}","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> : ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5c50782193f833234ba90d85"</span>),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"x-coordinate"</span> : NumberDecimal(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"3"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> expression to calculate inverse hyperbolic cosine of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x-coordinate </code> and add it to the input document using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/addFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </a> pipeline stage. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.trigonometry.aggregate([\n {\n $addFields : {\n \"y-coordinate\" : {\n $acosh : \"$x-coordinate\"\n }\n }\n }\n])","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.trigonometry.aggregate([</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-variable">$addFields</span> : {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"y-coordinate"</span> : {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-variable">$acosh</span> : <span class="lg-highlight-string">"</span><span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-string">$x</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">-coordinate"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns the following output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5c50782193f833234ba90d85\"),\n \"x-coordinate\" : NumberDecimal(\"3\"),\n \"y-coordinate\" : NumberDecimal(\"1.762747174039086050465218649959585\")\n}","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> : ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5c50782193f833234ba90d85"</span>),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"x-coordinate"</span> : NumberDecimal(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"3"</span>),</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"y-coordinate"</span> : NumberDecimal(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1.762747174039086050465218649959585"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Since <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x-coordinate </code> is stored as a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/reference/data-types/#std-label-shell-type-decimal" target="_self"> <span> 128-bit decimal </span> </a> , the output of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-acosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $acosh </code> </span> </a> is a 128-bit decimal. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Read Preference Use Cases <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-preference-use-cases" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-preference-use-cases"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#read-preference-modes" target="_self"> <span> Read Preference Modes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#indications-to-use-non-primary-read-preference" target="_self"> <span> Indications to Use Non-Primary Read Preference </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#counter-indications-for-non-primary-read-preference" target="_self"> <span> Counter-Indications for Non-Primary Read Preference </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#maximize-consistency" target="_self"> <span> Maximize Consistency </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#maximize-availability" target="_self"> <span> Maximize Availability </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#minimize-latency" target="_self"> <span> Minimize Latency </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#query-from-geographically-distributed-members" target="_self"> <span> Query From Geographically Distributed Members </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#secondary-vs-secondarypreferred" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> secondary </code> vs <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> secondaryPreferred </code> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following document explains common use cases for various <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#std-label-read-preference"> read preference </a> modes, as well as <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-read-preference-counter-indications" target="_self"> <span> counter-indications </span> </a> outlining when you should not change the read preference from the default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> . </a> </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Read Preference Modes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-preference-modes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-preference-modes"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Read Preference Mode </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default mode. All operations read from the current replica set <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> Distributed transactions </a> that contain read operations must use read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> . All operations in a given transaction must route to the same member. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primaryPreferred </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> In most situations, operations read from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> but if it is unavailable, operations read from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> members. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> All operations read from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> members of the replica set. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operations typically read data from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> members of the replica set. If the replica set has only one single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> member and no other members, operations read data from the primary member. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operations read from a random eligible <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> member, irrespective of whether that member is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> , based on a specified latency threshold. The operation considers the following when calculating latency: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.localThresholdMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localThresholdMS </code> </a> connection string option </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-staleness/#std-label-replica-set-read-preference-max-staleness"> maxStalenessSeconds </a> read preference option </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Any specified <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-replica-set-tag-sets/"> tag set lists </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Indications to Use Non-Primary Read Preference <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#indications-to-use-non-primary-read-preference" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="indications-to-use-non-primary-read-preference"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following are common use cases for using non- <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> read preference modes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Running systems operations that do not affect the front-end application. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Read preferences aren't relevant to direct connections to a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. However, in order to perform read operations on a direct connection to a secondary member of a replica set, you must set a read preference, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Providing local reads for geographically distributed applications. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you have application servers in multiple data centers, you may consider having a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-architecture-geographically-distributed/#std-label-replica-set-geographical-distribution"> geographically distributed replica set </a> and using a non primary or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> read preference. This allows the client to read from the lowest-latency members, rather than always reading from the primary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maintaining availability during a failover. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primaryPreferred </code> </a> if you want an application to read from the primary under normal circumstances, but to allow <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-stale-read"> stale reads </a> from secondaries when the primary is unavailable. </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-read-preference-counter-indications"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Counter-Indications for Non-Primary Read Preference <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#counter-indications-for-non-primary-read-preference" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="counter-indications-for-non-primary-read-preference"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In general, do <em> not </em> use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> to provide extra capacity for reads, because: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> All members of a replica have roughly equivalent write traffic; as a result, secondaries will service reads at roughly the same rate as the primary. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replication is asynchronous and there is some amount of delay between a successful write operation and its replication to secondaries. Reading from a secondary can return stale data; reading from different secondaries may result in non-monotonic reads. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Clients can use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-sessions"> Client Sessions and Causal Consistency Guarantees </a> to ensure monotonic reads. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Distributing read operations to secondaries can compromise availability if <em> any </em> members of the set become unavailable because the remaining members of the set will need to be able to handle all application requests. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-background"> Sharding </a> increases read and write capacity by distributing read and write operations across a group of machines, and is often a better strategy for adding capacity. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-mechanics/"> Server Selection Algorithm </a> for more information about the internal application of read preferences. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-maximize-consistency"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Maximize Consistency <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#maximize-consistency" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="maximize-consistency"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid <em> stale </em> reads, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> read preference and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern </code> . If the primary is unavailable, e.g. during elections or when a majority of the replica set is not accessible, read operations using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> read preference produce an error or throw an exception. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-edge-cases"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In some circumstances, it may be possible for a replica set to temporarily have two primaries; however, only one primary will be capable of confirming writes with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> write concern. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A partial <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-network-partition"> network partition </a> may segregate a primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> ) into a partition with a minority of the nodes, while the other side of the partition contains a majority of nodes. The partition with the majority will elect a new primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> new </sub> ), but for a brief period, the old primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> ) may still continue to serve reads and writes, as it has not yet detected that it can only see a minority of nodes in the replica set. During this period, if the old primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> ) is still visible to clients as a primary, reads from this primary may reflect stale data. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> ) may become unresponsive, which will trigger an election and a new primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> new </sub> ) can be elected, serving reads and writes. If the unresponsive primary ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> ) starts responding again, two primaries will be visible for a brief period. The brief period will end when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> steps down. However, during the brief period, clients might read from the old primary <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> P </code> <sub> old </sub> , which can provide stale data. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To increase consistency, you can disable automatic <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-failover"> failover </a> ; however, disabling automatic failover sacrifices availability. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Maximize Availability <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#maximize-availability" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="maximize-availability"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To permit read operations when possible, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primaryPreferred </code> </a> . When there's a primary you will get consistent reads <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-edge-cases-2-primaries" id="ref-edge-cases-2-primaries-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> , but if there is no primary you can still query <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondaries </a> . However, when using this read mode, consider the situation described in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-caveat-secondaryPreferred" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> vs <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> . </span> </a> </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-edge-cases-2-primaries" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-edge-cases-2-primaries-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-edge-cases" target="_self"> <span> some circumstances </span> </a> , two nodes in a replica set may <em> transiently </em> believe that they are the primary, but at most, one of them will be able to complete writes with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: "majority" } </code> </a> write concern. The node that can complete <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { w: "majority" } </code> </a> writes is the current primary, and the other node is a former primary that has not yet recognized its demotion, typically due to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-network-partition"> network partition </a> . When this occurs, clients that connect to the former primary may observe stale data despite having requested read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> , and new writes to the former primary will eventually roll back. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Minimize Latency <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#minimize-latency" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="minimize-latency"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To always read from a low-latency node, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> . The driver or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> will read from the nearest member and those no more than 15 milliseconds <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-secondary-acceptable-latency" id="ref-secondary-acceptable-latency-id2"> [ <!-- --> 2 <!-- --> ] </a> further away than the nearest member. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> does <em> not </em> guarantee consistency. If the nearest member to your application server is a secondary with some replication lag, queries could return stale data. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> only reflects network distance and does not reflect I/O or CPU load. </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-secondary-acceptable-latency" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-secondary-acceptable-latency-id2"> 2 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> This threshold is configurable. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.localPingThresholdMs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localPingThresholdMs </code> </a> for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> or your driver documentation for the appropriate setting. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Query From Geographically Distributed Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-from-geographically-distributed-members" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-from-geographically-distributed-members"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the members of a replica set are geographically distributed, you can create replica tags based that reflect the location of the instance and then configure your application to query the members nearby. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, if members in "east" and "west" data centers are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-replica-set-tag-sets/#std-label-replica-set-configuration-tag-sets"> tagged </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> {'dc': 'east'} </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> {'dc': 'west'} </code> , your application servers in the east data center can read from nearby members with the following read preference: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.find().readPref('nearest', [ { 'dc': 'east' } ])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">readPref</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'nearest'</span>, <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'dc'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'east'</span> } ])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Although <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> already favors members with low network latency, including the tag makes the choice more predictable. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-caveat-secondaryPreferred"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> vs <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#secondary-vs-secondarypreferred" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="secondary-vs-secondarypreferred"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For specific dedicated queries (e.g. ETL, reporting), you may shift the read load from the primary by using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> read preference mode. For this use case, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> mode is preferable to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> mode because <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> risks the following situation: if all secondaries are unavailable and your replica set has enough <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-arbiter"> arbiters </a> <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-arbiter-limit" id="ref-arbiter-limit-id3"> [ <!-- --> 3 <!-- --> ] </a> to prevent the primary from stepping down, then the primary will receive all traffic from the clients. If the primary is unable to handle this load, the queries will compete with the writes. For this reason, use read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> to distribute these specific dedicated queries instead of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> . </a> </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-arbiter-limit" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-arbiter-limit-id3"> 3 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> In general, avoid deploying arbiters in replica sets and use an odd number of data-bearing nodes instead. If you must deploy arbiters, avoid deploying more than one arbiter per replica set. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Administration Commands <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#administration-commands" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="administration-commands"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on a specific command, including syntax and examples, click on the link to the command's reference page. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/autoCompact/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.autoCompact"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoCompact </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables background compaction. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/bulkWrite/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.bulkWrite"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Performs many insert, update, and delete operations on multiple collections in one request. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/cloneCollectionAsCapped/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.cloneCollectionAsCapped"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cloneCollectionAsCapped </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Copies a non-capped collection as a new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-capped-collection"> capped collection <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Add options to a collection or modify a view definition. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/compact/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.compact"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> compact </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Attempts to release unneeded disk space to the operating system. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/convertToCapped/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.convertToCapped"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Converts a non-capped collection to a capped collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Creates a collection or a view. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Builds one or more indexes for a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.currentOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> currentOp </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a document that contains information on in-progress operations for the database instance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the specified collection from the database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropDatabase/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropDatabase </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the current database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropConnections/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropConnections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropConnections </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Drops outgoing connections to the specified list of hosts. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes indexes from a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/filemd5/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.filemd5"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filemd5 </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-md5"> md5 </a> hash for files stored using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-GridFS"> GridFS <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/fsync/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.fsync"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsync </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Flushes pending writes to the storage layer and locks the database to allow backups. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/fsyncUnlock/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.fsyncUnlock"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fsyncUnlock </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Unlocks one fsync lock. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getDefaultRWConcern/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getDefaultRWConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getDefaultRWConcern </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Retrieves the global default read and write concern options for the deployment. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getAuditConfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getAuditConfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getAuditConfig </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Deprecated in version 7.1: </em> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/cluster-parameters/auditConfig/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> </a> cluster parameter instead. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Retrieves details on audit configuration and filters. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getClusterParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getClusterParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getClusterParameter </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Retrieves cluster parameter values from all nodes in a cluster. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getParameter </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Retrieves configuration options. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/killCursors/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.killCursors"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killCursors </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Kills the specified cursors for a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/killOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.killOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killOp </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Terminates an operation as specified by the operation ID. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listCollections/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listCollections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listCollections </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a list of collections in the current database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a document that lists all databases and returns basic database statistics. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listIndexes </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Lists all indexes for a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/logRotate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.logRotate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logRotate </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Rotates the MongoDB logs to prevent a single file from taking too much space. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/reIndex/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.reIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> reIndex </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Rebuilds all indexes on a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeQuerySettings </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Removes query settings. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/renameCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.renameCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> renameCollection </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Changes the name of an existing collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/rotateCertificates/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.rotateCertificates"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rotateCertificates </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Performs online TLS certificate rotation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setFeatureCompatibilityVersion </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables or disables features that persist data that are backwards-incompatible. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setIndexCommitQuorum/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setIndexCommitQuorum"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setIndexCommitQuorum </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Changes the minimum number of data-bearing members (i.e commit quorum), including the primary, that must vote to commit an in-progress <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-creation/#std-label-index-operations-replicated-build"> index build </a> before the primary marks those indexes as ready. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setClusterParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setClusterParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setClusterParameter </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Modifies configuration options for all nodes in a cluster. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Modifies configuration options. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets query settings. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setDefaultRWConcern/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setDefaultRWConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setDefaultRWConcern </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the global default read and write concern options for the deployment. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shutdown/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.shutdown"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shutdown </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Shuts down the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> process. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MongoDB Package Components <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-package-components" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-package-components"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#core-processes" target="_self"> <span> Core Processes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#windows-services" target="_self"> <span> Windows Services </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#security-tools" target="_self"> <span> Security Tools </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#mongodb-compass" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Compass </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Core Processes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#core-processes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="core-processes"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The core components in the MongoDB package are: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> the core database process </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> the controller and query router for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded clusters </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> the interactive shell </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Windows Services <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#windows-services" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="windows-services"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod.exe/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod.exe"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.exe </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos.exe/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </a> describe the options available for configuring MongoDB when running as a Windows Service. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod.exe/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod.exe"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.exe </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos.exe/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </a> binaries provide a superset of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> options. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod.exe/"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.exe </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos.exe/"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Security Tools <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security-tools" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security-tools"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongoldap/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoldap"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoldap </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongokerberos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongokerberos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongokerberos </code> </a> provide a method for validating a system's LDAP or Kerberos configuration respectively, and for testing that the authentication process for each succeeds for a given username. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> MongoDB Compass <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-compass" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-compass"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB is packaged with an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> install_compass </code> script, which is a platform-specific installer for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/compass/current/#std-label-compass-index" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Compass Community Edition <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Hashed Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#hashed-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="hashed-indexes"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#use-cases" target="_self"> <span> Use Cases </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#floating-point-numbers" target="_self"> <span> Floating-Point Numbers </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#limitations" target="_self"> <span> Limitations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#get-started" target="_self"> <span> Get Started </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#details" target="_self"> <span> Details </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#hashing-function" target="_self"> <span> Hashing Function </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#embedded-documents" target="_self"> <span> Embedded Documents </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hashed indexes collect and store hashes of the values of the indexed field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hashed indexes support <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-background"> sharding </a> using hashed shard keys. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-sharding-hashed-sharding"> Hashed based sharding </a> uses a hashed index of a field as the shard key to partition data across your sharded cluster. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Use Cases <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-cases" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-cases"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hashed indexing is ideal for shard keys with fields that change <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-choose-a-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-monotonic"> monotonically </a> like <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ObjectId"> ObjectId </a> values or timestamps. When you use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/ranged-sharding/#std-label-sharding-ranged"> ranged sharding </a> with a monotonically increasing shard key value, the chunk with an upper bound of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-MaxKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MaxKey </code> </a> receives the majority incoming writes. This behavior restricts insert operations to a single shard, which removes the advantage of distributed writes in a sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on choosing the best sharding approach for your application, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-hashed-versus-ranged-sharding"> Hashed vs Ranged Sharding </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-hashed-index-warning"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Floating-Point Numbers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#floating-point-numbers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="floating-point-numbers"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hashed indexes truncate floating-point numbers to 64-bit integers before hashing. For example, a hashed index uses the same hash to store the values <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2.3 </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2.2 </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2.9 </code> . This is a <strong> collision </strong> , where multiple values are assigned to a single hash key. Collisions may negatively impact query performance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To prevent collisions, do not use a hashed index for floating-point numbers that cannot be reliably converted to 64-bit integers and then back to floating point. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hashed indexes do not support floating-point numbers larger than 2 <sup> 53 </sup> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Limitations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#limitations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="limitations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hashed indexes have limitations for array fields and the unique property. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Array Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#array-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="array-fields"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The hashing function does not support <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/#std-label-index-type-multikey"> multi-key indexes </a> . You cannot create a hashed index on a field that contains an array <em> or </em> insert an array into a hashed indexed field. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Unique Constraint <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#unique-constraint" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="unique-constraint"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique constraint </a> on a hashed index. Instead, you can create an additional non-hashed index with the unique constraint. MongoDB can use that non-hashed index to enforce uniqueness on the chosen field. </p> </section> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Get Started <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#get-started" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="get-started"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a hashed index, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-hashed/create/#std-label-hashed-index-create"> Create a Hashed Index <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Details <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#details" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="details"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section describes technical details for hashed indexes. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Hashing Function <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#hashing-function" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="hashing-function"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When MongoDB uses a hashed index to resolve a query, it uses a hashing function to automatically compute the hash values. Applications do <strong> not </strong> need to compute hashes. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To see what the hashed value would be for a key, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/convertShardKeyToHashed/#mongodb-method-convertShardKeyToHashed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertShardKeyToHashed() </code> </a> method. This method uses the same hashing function as the hashed index. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Embedded Documents <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#embedded-documents" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="embedded-documents"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The hashing function collapses embedded documents and computes the hash for the entire value. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-background"> Sharding </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-sharding-hashed-sharding"> Hashed Sharding </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-hashed-versus-ranged-sharding"> Hashed vs Ranged Sharding </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Toggle $queryStats Log Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#toggle--querystats-log-output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="toggle--querystats-log-output"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#steps" target="_self"> <span> Steps </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB records <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/queryStats/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-queryStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> </a> operations in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/mongodb-logs/" target="_self"> <span> deployment logs </span> </a> . By default, MongoDB only logs the invocation of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> operations, not the operation's output. For <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> operations that include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transformIdentifiers </code> option, you can specify whether the transformed output is included in the log entry. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Including <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> output in the logs provides more information on specific <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> operations, but can negatively impact cluster performance as log updates take more time and resources. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When MongoDB logs <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> output, the results are redacted and anonymized. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> output does not contain literals or field values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For an example of transformed <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> output, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/queryStats/#std-label-queryStats-example-transformed"> Transformed Example <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Steps <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#steps" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="steps"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"If it's not already displayed, select the organization that\ncontains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the\nnavigation bar.If it's not already displayed, select your project\nfrom the Projects menu in the navigation bar.If it's not already displayed, click Clusters in the\nsidebar.The Clusters page displays.","name":"In the MongoDB Atlas UI, go to the Clusters page for your project."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Click Edit Config"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Select your cluster from the dropdown"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Open the Additional Settings dropdown"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Open the More Configuration Options dropdown"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Toggle the Enable Logging of Redacted and Anonymized Query Data setting"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Click Review Changes"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Click Apply Changes"}],"name":"Steps","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> In the MongoDB Atlas UI, go to the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Clusters </span> page for your project. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui--go-to-the-clusters-page-for-your-project." title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="in-the-mongodb-atlas-ui--go-to-the-clusters-page-for-your-project."> </div> </a> </h3> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the <i class="mms-icon-office mms-icon"> </i> <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Organizations </span> menu <!-- --> in the navigation bar. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If it's not already displayed, select your project from the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Projects </span> menu in the navigation bar. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If it's not already displayed, click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Clusters </span> in the sidebar. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cloud.mongodb.com/go?l=https%3A%2F%2Fcloud.mongodb.com%2Fv2%2F%3Cproject%3E%23%2Fclusters" target="_self"> <span> Clusters </span> </a> page displays. </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Edit Config </span> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#click-edit-config" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="click-edit-config"> </div> </a> </h3> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Select your cluster from the dropdown <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#select-your-cluster-from-the-dropdown" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" 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2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="open-the-additional-settings-dropdown"> </div> </a> </h3> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Open the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> More Configuration Options </span> dropdown <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#open-the-more-configuration-options-dropdown" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="open-the-more-configuration-options-dropdown"> </div> </a> </h3> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 6 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Toggle the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Enable Logging of Redacted and Anonymized Query Data </span> setting <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#toggle-the-enable-logging-of-redacted-and-anonymized-query-data-setting" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="toggle-the-enable-logging-of-redacted-and-anonymized-query-data-setting"> </div> </a> </h3> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 7 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Review Changes </span> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#click-review-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="click-review-changes"> </div> </a> </h3> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 8 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Apply Changes </span> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#click-apply-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="click-apply-changes"> </div> </a> </h3> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following examples show the differences in log messages when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> output is included. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The example log entries are reformatted for readability. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> Output Omitted (Default Behavior) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-querystats-output-omitted--default-behavior-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-querystats-output-omitted--default-behavior-"> </div> </a> </h3> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"t\":{\"$date\":\"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00\"},\"s\":\"D1\", \"c\":\"QRYSTATS\",\n \"id\":7808300, \"ctx\":\"conn31\",\"msg\":\"Logging invocation\n $queryStats\",\"attr\":{\"commandSpec\":{\"transformIdentifiers\":{\"algorithm\":\"hmac-sha-256\",\"hmacKey\":\"###\"}}\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"$date"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00"</span>}<!-- -->,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"s"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"D1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"c"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"QRYSTATS"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"id"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">7808300</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ctx"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"conn31"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"msg"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"Logging invocation</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> $queryStats"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"attr"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"commandSpec"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"transformIdentifiers"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"algorithm"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"hmac-sha-256"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"hmacKey"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"###"</span>}}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $queryStats </code> Output Included <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-querystats-output-included" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-querystats-output-included"> </div> </a> </h3> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"t\":{\"$date\":\"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00\"},\"s\":\"D1\", \"c\":\"QRYSTATS\",\n \"id\":7808300, \"ctx\":\"conn31\",\"msg\":\"Logging invocation\n $queryStats\",\"attr\":{\"commandSpec\":{\"transformIdentifiers\":{\"algorithm\":\"hmac-sha-256\",\"hmacKey\":\"###\"}}\n}\n\n{\n \"t\":{\"$date\":\"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00\"},\"s\":\"D3\", \"c\":\"QRYSTATS\",\n \"id\":7808301, \"ctx\":\"conn31\",\"msg\":\"Logging all outputs of\n $queryStats\",\"attr\":{\"thisOutput\":\"{key: {queryShape: {cmdNs: {db:\n 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sumOfSquares: 0},\n docsReturned: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0},\n firstSeenTimestamp: 2023-11-27T19:31:36.463Z, latestSeenTimestamp:\n 2023-11-27T19:31:36.463Z}, asOf: 2023-11-27T20:58:59.213Z}\"}\n}\n\n// Additional $queryStats output...","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"$date"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00"</span>}<!-- -->,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"s"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"D1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"c"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"QRYSTATS"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"id"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">7808300</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ctx"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"conn31"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"msg"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"Logging invocation</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> $queryStats"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"attr"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"commandSpec"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"transformIdentifiers"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"algorithm"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"hmac-sha-256"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"hmacKey"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"###"</span>}}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"$date"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00"</span>}<!-- -->,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"s"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"D3"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"c"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"QRYSTATS"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"id"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">7808301</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ctx"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"conn31"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"msg"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"Logging all outputs of</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> $queryStats"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"attr"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"thisOutput"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"{key: {queryShape: {cmdNs: {db:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">hYt+nW/sr1/Zc3YR8nlGWFoesJdvywkw+cR9rMGzXU4=</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, coll:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">TRx6R3rvstYgX96gNmeOi5E3QVsOqzRbv7A9j3q7OvM=</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}, command: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">find</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> filter: {Wb/Uu22DzKZ/Os+ZvLgPKFKGZPV4cIMZ3Ybv1HfYih4=: {$lt:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">?date</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}}, projection: {r5zQZllsGoqQuQp4Jm0eH2M6RrMqH84KHowcFaiverg=:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> true}, sort: {r5zQZllsGoqQuQp4Jm0eH2M6RrMqH84KHowcFaiverg=: 1}},</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> readConcern: {}, collectionType: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">nonExistent</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}, metrics:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> {lastExecutionMicros: 208, execCount: 21, totalExecMicros: {sum: 6079,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> max: 1875, min: 198, sumOfSquares: 4401645}, firstResponseExecMicros:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> {sum: 6079, max: 1875, min: 198, sumOfSquares: 4401645}, docsReturned:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0}, firstSeenTimestamp:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> 2023-11-27T19:15:51.317Z, latestSeenTimestamp:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> 2023-11-27T20:55:51.309Z}, asOf: 2023-11-27T20:58:59.212Z}"</span>}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"$date"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2023-11-27T20:58:59.213+00:00"</span>}<!-- -->,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"s"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"D3"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"c"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"QRYSTATS"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"id"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">7808301</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ctx"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"conn31"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"msg"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"Logging all outputs of</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> $queryStats"</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"attr"</span>:<!-- -->{<span class="lg-highlight-string">"thisOutput"</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-string">"{key: {queryShape: {cmdNs: {db:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">j+Caz+gxt7vl++gmeCAWrvyhDL17WaNrSIDi6Au7VI0=</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, coll:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">f/LCkK/kVEbt4fk2NNbyDPhxas+kzCLLcVbjeNBbhyg=</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}, let:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> {pUZAyEEImSXcu8deG05tfIf6F/H92YsFnkZXIeRQtgc=: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">?number</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}, command:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">aggregate</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, pipeline: [{$group: {_id: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">?number</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> 5E6FSc5VxCvIZK0jrqkY3k3aX51jSc73hQwO/8kH0lo=: {$sum: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">?number</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}}}],</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> explain: true, allowDiskUse: false}, client: {driver: {name:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">nodejs|mongosh</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, version: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">5.1.0</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}, os: {type: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Darwin</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, name:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">darwin</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, architecture: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">arm64</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, version: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">22.6.0</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}, platform:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Node.js v16.19.1, LE (unified)</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, version: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">5.1.0|1.8.0</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> application: {name: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">mongosh 1.8.0</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}}, collectionType: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">collection</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> cursor: {batchSize: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">?number</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">}}, metrics: {lastExecutionMicros: 0,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> execCount: 1, totalExecMicros: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> 0}, firstResponseExecMicros: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0},</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> docsReturned: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0},</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> firstSeenTimestamp: 2023-11-27T19:31:36.463Z, latestSeenTimestamp:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> 2023-11-27T19:31:36.463Z}, asOf: 2023-11-27T20:58:59.213Z}"</span>}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">// Additional $queryStats output...</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> Auditing Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/#std-label-audit-message"> System Event Audit Messages in Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/database-auditing/#std-label-auditing-custom-filter" target="_self"> <span> Configure a Custom Auditing Filter </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Enterprise on Amazon Linux using .tgz Tarball <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-on-amazon-linux-using-.tgz-tarball" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-enterprise-on-amazon-linux-using-.tgz-tarball"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-edition" target="_self"> <span> Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#run-mongodb-enterprise-edition" target="_self"> <span> Run MongoDB Enterprise Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#additional-information" target="_self"> <span> Additional Information </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this tutorial to manually install MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition on Amazon Linux using a downloaded <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise Edition </span> </a> is available on select platforms and contains support for several features related to security and monitoring. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Verify Linux Distribution <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-linux-distribution" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-linux-distribution"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can verify which Linux distribution you are running by running the following command on the command-line: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"grep ^NAME /etc/*release"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">grep ^NAME /etc/*release</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The result should be <strong> Amazon Linux </strong> or <strong> Amazon Linux AMI </strong> . If using a different Linux distribution, please see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise-linux/#std-label-install-enterprise-linux"> install instructions for your platform <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial installs MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> , use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this page to select the documentation for that version. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Installation Method <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#installation-method" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="installation-method"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While MongoDB can be installed manually via a downloaded <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball as described in this document, it is recommended to use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> package manager on your system to install MongoDB if possible. Using a package manager automatically installs all needed dependencies, provides an example <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.conf </code> file to get you started, and simplifies future upgrade and maintenance tasks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-amazon/"> Install MongoDB using the yum Package Manager </a> for instructions. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Shell, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-shell--mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-shell--mongosh"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> package to install the server, you need to follow the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/install/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh installation instructions </span> </a> to download and install <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh </span> </a> separately. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Platform Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#platform-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="platform-support"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Enterprise Edition supports the following <strong class="css-4dei7l"> 64-bit </strong> Amazon Linux release on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-x86_64"> x86_64 </a> architecture: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Amazon Linux 2023 </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB only supports the 64-bit versions of this platform. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Enterprise Edition on Amazon Linux also supports the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-ARM64"> ARM64 </a> architecture on select platforms. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms"> Platform Support </a> for more information. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Production Notes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#production-notes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="production-notes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before deploying MongoDB in a production environment, consider the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/"> Production Notes for Self-Managed Deployments </a> document which offers performance considerations and configuration recommendations for production MongoDB deployments. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-install-amazon-from-tarball"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-enterprise-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Prerequisites <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#prerequisites" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="prerequisites"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the following command to install the dependencies required for the MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> tarball: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo yum install cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-gssapi cyrus-sasl-plain krb5-libs libcurl openldap openssl xz-libs","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo yum install cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-gssapi cyrus-sasl-plain krb5-libs libcurl openldap openssl xz-libs</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to manually install MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Download the tarball.After you have installed the required prerequisite packages, download\nthe MongoDB Enterprise tgz tarball from the following link:➤ MongoDB Download CenterIn the Version dropdown, select the version of\nMongoDB to download.In the Platform dropdown, select your operating system\nversion and architecture.In the Package dropdown, select tgz.Click Download."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Extract the files from the downloaded archive.For example, from a system shell, you can extract using the tar command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable.The MongoDB binaries are in the bin/ directory of the tarball.\nYou can either:Copy the binaries into a directory listed in your PATH\nvariable, such as /usr/local/bin (Update\n/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ with your installation\ndirectory as appropriate)Create symbolic links to the binaries from a directory listed in\nyour PATH variable, such as /usr/local/bin (Update\n/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ with your installation\ndirectory as appropriate):"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Install the MongoDB Shell (mongosh).Install mongosh then use the MongoDB Shell\nto connect to your deployment.Download the package for the version of mongosh you need from the\nMongoDB Download Center and uncompress the package."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Download the tarball. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-the-tarball" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-the-tarball"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you have installed the required prerequisite packages, download the MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tgz </code> tarball from the following link: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ➤ <!-- --> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/enterprise?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="a"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Version </span> dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Platform </span> dropdown, select your operating system version and architecture. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Package </span> dropdown, select <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> tgz </span> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Click <span class="guilabel css-h15tq0"> Download </span> . </p> </li> </ol> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Extract the files from the downloaded archive. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="extract-the-files-from-the-downloaded-archive"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, from a system shell, you can extract using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tar </code> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-*-8.0.0.tgz","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-*-8.0.0.tgz</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Ensure the binaries are in a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> environment variable. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ensure-the-binaries-are-in-a-directory-listed-in-your-path-environment-variable"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB binaries are in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bin/ </code> directory of the tarball. You can either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Copy the binaries into a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> variable, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/local/bin </code> (Update <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ </code> with your installation directory as appropriate) </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo cp /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin/* /usr/local/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">cp</span> <!-- -->/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/local/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create symbolic links to the binaries from a directory listed in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PATH </code> variable, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /usr/local/bin </code> (Update <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/ </code> with your installation directory as appropriate): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo ln -s /path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin/* /usr/local/bin/","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">ln</span> -s <!-- -->/path/to/the/mongodb-directory/bin<!-- -->/* <!-- -->/usr/local/bin<!-- -->/</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Install the MongoDB Shell ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> ). <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-the-mongodb-shell-mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-the-mongodb-shell-mongosh"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/install/" target="_self"> <span> Install </span> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> then use the MongoDB Shell to connect to your deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Download the package for the version of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> you need from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/enterprise?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> and uncompress the package. </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Run MongoDB Enterprise Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb-enterprise-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb-enterprise-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ulimit Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ulimit-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ulimit-considerations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Most Unix-like operating systems limit the system resources that a process may use. These limits may negatively impact MongoDB operation, and should be adjusted. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/ulimit/"> UNIX <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> Settings for Self-Managed Deployments </a> for the recommended settings for your platform. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> value for number of open files is under <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 64000 </code> , MongoDB generates a startup warning. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Directories <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="directories"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, a MongoDB instance stores: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> its data files in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongo </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> its log files in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed via the package manager, these default directories are created during the installation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed manually by downloading the tarballs, you can create the directories using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mkdir -p &lt;directory&gt; </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sudo mkdir -p &lt;directory&gt; </code> depending on the user that will run MongoDB. (See your linux man pages for information on <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mkdir </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sudo </code> .) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB runs using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> user account. If you change the user that runs the MongoDB process, you <strong> must </strong> also modify the permission to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongo </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> directories to give this user access to these directories. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a different log file directory and data file directory, edit the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> settings in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/mongod.conf </code> . Ensure that the user running MongoDB has access to these directories. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to run MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition. These instructions assume that you are using the default settings. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create the data and log directories.Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its data. For\nexample:Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its log. For example:The user that starts the MongoDB process must have read and write\npermission to these directories. For example, if you intend to run\nMongoDB as yourself:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Run MongoDB.To run MongoDB, run the mongod process at the system prompt.For details on the command-line options --dbpath and --logpath, see\nOptions."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfully.Verify that MongoDB has started successfully by\nchecking the process output for the following line in the\nlog file /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log:You may see non-critical warnings in the process\noutput. As long as you see the log line shown above, you can safely\nignore these warnings during your initial evaluation of MongoDB."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with default\nport 27017.For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. For the\ndriver documentation, see Start Developing with MongoDB."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Create the data and log directories. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-data-and-log-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-data-and-log-directories"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its data. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/mongo","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">mkdir</span> -p <!-- -->/var/lib/mongo</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a directory where the MongoDB instance stores its log. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">mkdir</span> -p <!-- -->/var/log/mongodb</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user that starts the MongoDB process must have read and write permission to these directories. For example, if you intend to run MongoDB as yourself: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo chown `whoami` /var/lib/mongo # Or substitute another user\nsudo chown `whoami` /var/log/mongodb # Or substitute another user","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">chown</span> `<span class="lg-highlight-built_in">whoami</span>` <!-- -->/var/lib/mongo<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-comment"># Or substitute another user</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">chown</span> `<span class="lg-highlight-built_in">whoami</span>` <!-- -->/var/log/mongodb<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-comment"># Or substitute another user</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Run MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run MongoDB, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process at the system prompt. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongo --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log --fork","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath <!-- -->/var/lib/mongo<!-- --> --logpath <!-- -->/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log<!-- --> --fork</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on the command-line options <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--dbpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--logpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-label-mongod-options"> Options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully by checking the process output for the following line in the log file <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017\n"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may see non-critical warnings in the process output. As long as you see the log line shown above, you can safely ignore these warnings during your initial evaluation of MongoDB. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your localhost with default port 27017. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\nmongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. For the driver documentation, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> Start Developing with MongoDB <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Additional Information <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#additional-information" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="additional-information"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Localhost Binding by Default <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#localhost-binding-by-default" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="localhost-binding-by-default"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB launches with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> , which binds to the localhost network interface. This means that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> can only accept connections from clients that are running on the same machine. Remote clients will not be able to connect to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> will not be able to initialize a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> unless this value is set to a valid network interface. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value can be configured either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> in the MongoDB configuration file with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> via the command-line argument <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-mongodb-configuration/"> IP Binding in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $regex <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-regex" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-regex"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page describes regular expression search capabilities for self-managed (non-Atlas) deployments. For data hosted on MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB offers an improved full-text search solution, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search </span> </a> , which has its own <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator. To learn more, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/regex/" target="_self"> <span> $regex </span> </a> in the Atlas Search documentation. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="query"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-query-op.-regex" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-query-op.-regex"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Provides regular expression capabilities for pattern matching <em> strings </em> in queries. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> , use one of the following syntaxes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ &lt;field&gt;: { $regex: /pattern/, $options: '&lt;options&gt;' } }\n{ \"&lt;field&gt;\": { \"$regex\": \"pattern\", \"$options\": \"&lt;options&gt;\" } }\n{ &lt;field&gt;: { $regex: /pattern/&lt;options&gt; } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ &lt;<!-- -->field<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/pattern/</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'&lt;options&gt;'</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;field&gt;"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$regex"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pattern"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$options"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;options&gt;"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ &lt;<!-- -->field<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/pattern/</span>&lt;<!-- -->options<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> , you must enclose the query document in single quotes ('{ ... }') to ensure that it does not interact with your shell environment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query document must be in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#std-label-mongodb-extended-json-v2"> Extended JSON v2 </a> format (either relaxed or canonical/strict mode), which includes enclosing the field names and operators in quotes. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump -d=sample_mflix -c=movies -q='{\"year\": {\"$regex\": \"20\"}}'","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump -d=sample_mflix -c=movies -q='{"year": {"$regex": "20"}}'</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB, you can also use regular expression objects (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /pattern/ </code> ) to specify regular expressions: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ &lt;field&gt;: /pattern/&lt;options&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ &lt;<!-- -->field<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/pattern/</span>&lt;<!-- -->options<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For restrictions on particular syntax use, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-syntax-restrictions" target="_self"> <span> $regex vs. /pattern/ Syntax <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-query-options"> </span> <dl class="query"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $options </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-query-op.-options" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-query-op.-options"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;options&gt; </code> are available for use with regular expression. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Option </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> i </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Case insensitivity to match upper and lower cases. For an example, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-regex-case-insensitive" target="_self"> <span> Perform Case-Insensitive Regular Expression Match <!-- --> . </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> m </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For patterns that include anchors (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ^ </code> for the start, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> for the end), match at the beginning or end of each line for strings with multiline values. Without this option, these anchors match at beginning or end of the string. For an example, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-regex-multiline-match" target="_self"> <span> Multiline Match for Lines Starting with Specified Pattern <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the pattern contains no anchors or if the string value has no newline characters (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \n </code> ), the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> m </code> option has no effect. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> "Extended" capability to ignore all white space characters in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> pattern unless escaped or included in a character class. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally, it ignores characters in-between and including an un-escaped hash/pound ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> # </code> ) character and the next new line, so that you may include comments in complicated patterns. This only applies to data characters; white space characters may never appear within special character sequences in a pattern. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> option does not affect the handling of the VT character (i.e. code 11). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> s </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Allows the dot character (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) to match all characters <em> including </em> newline characters. For an example, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-regex-dot-new-line" target="_self"> <span> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> Dot Character to Match New Line <!-- --> . </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> u </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Supports Unicode. This flag is accepted, but is redundant. UTF is set by default in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator, making the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> u </code> option unnecessary. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator <em> does not </em> support the global search modifier <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> g </code> . </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-syntax-restrictions"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> $regex vs. /pattern/ Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-regex-vs.--pattern--syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-regex-vs.--pattern--syntax"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> Expressions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-in-expressions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-in-expressions"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To include a regular expression in an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> query predicate operator, you can only use JavaScript regular expression objects ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /pattern/ </code> ). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ name: { $in: [ /^acme/i, /^ack/ ] } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$in</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^acme/i</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^ack/</span> <!-- -->] } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You <em> cannot </em> use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator expressions inside an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/in/#mongodb-query-op.-in"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </a> operator. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Implicit <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AND </code> Conditions for the Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#implicit-and-conditions-for-the-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="implicit-and-conditions-for-the-field"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To include a regular expression in a comma-separated list of query conditions for the field, use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ name: { $regex: /acme.*corp/i, $nin: [ 'acmeblahcorp' ] } }\n{ name: { $regex: /acme.*corp/, $options: 'i', $nin: [ 'acmeblahcorp' ] } }\n{ name: { $regex: 'acme.*corp', $options: 'i', $nin: [ 'acmeblahcorp' ] } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/acme.*corp/i</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$nin</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'acmeblahcorp'</span> ] } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/acme.*corp/</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'i'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$nin</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'acmeblahcorp'</span> ] } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'acme.*corp'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'i'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$nin</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'acmeblahcorp'</span> ] } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> s </code> Options <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#x-and-s-options" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="x-and-s-options"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use either the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> option or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> s </code> options, you must use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator expression <em> with </em> the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-options" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $options </code> </span> </a> operator. For example, to specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> i </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> s </code> options, you must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-options" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $options </code> </span> </a> for both: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ name: { $regex: /acme.*corp/, $options: \"si\" } }\n{ name: { $regex: 'acme.*corp', $options: \"si\" } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/acme.*corp/</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"si"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'acme.*corp'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"si"</span> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> PCRE Versus JavaScript <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#pcre-versus-javascript" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="pcre-versus-javascript"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> PCRE </span> -supported features in a regular expression that aren't supported in JavaScript, you must use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator and specify the regular expression as a string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To match case-insensitive strings: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "(?i)" </code> begins a case-insensitive match. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "(?-i)" </code> ends a case-insensitive match. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the regular expression <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "(?i)a(?-i)cme" </code> matches strings that: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Begin with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "a" </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "A" </code> . This is a case-insensitive match. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> End with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "cme" </code> . This is a case-sensitive match. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> These strings match the example regular expression: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "acme" </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "Acme" </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator to find <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> field strings that match the regular expression <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "(?i)a(?-i)cme" </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ name: { $regex: \"(?i)a(?-i)cme\" } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"(?i)a(?-i)cme"</span> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in version 6.1, MongoDB uses the PCRE2 (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library to implement regular expression pattern matching. To learn more about PCRE2, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> PCRE Documentation <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $not </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-regex-and--not" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-regex-and--not"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/not/#mongodb-query-op.-not"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $not </code> </a> operator can perform logical <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NOT </code> operation on both: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regular expression objects (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /pattern/ </code> ) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { item: { $not: /^p.*/ } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$not</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^p.*/</span> <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> operator expressions </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { item: { $not: { $regex: \"^p.*\" } } } )\ndb.inventory.find( { item: { $not: { $regex: /^p.*/ } } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$not</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"^p.*"</span> } } } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$not</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^p.*/</span> <!-- -->} } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-index-use"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Index Use <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#index-use" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="index-use"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index use and performance for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> queries varies depending on whether the query is case-sensitive or case-insensitive. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Case-Sensitive Queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#case-sensitive-queries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="case-sensitive-queries"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For case sensitive regular expression queries, if an index exists for the field, then MongoDB matches the regular expression against the values in the index, which can be faster than a collection scan. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Further optimization can occur if the regular expression is a "prefix expression", which means that all potential matches start with the same string. This allows MongoDB to construct a "range" from that prefix and only match against those values from the index that fall within that range. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A regular expression is a "prefix expression" if it starts with a caret ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ^ </code> ) or a left anchor ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \A </code> ), followed by a string of simple symbols. For example, the regex <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^abc.*/ </code> will be optimized by matching only against the values from the index that start with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> abc </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally, while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^a/ </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^a.*/ </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^a.*$/ </code> match equivalent strings, they have different performance characteristics. All of these expressions use an index if an appropriate index exists; however, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^a.*/ </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^a.*$/ </code> are slower. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /^a/ </code> can stop scanning after matching the prefix. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Case-Insensitive Queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#case-insensitive-queries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="case-insensitive-queries"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Case-insensitive indexes typically do not improve performance for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-regex" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> </span> </a> queries. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> implementation is not collation-aware and cannot utilize case-insensitive indexes efficiently. </p> </section> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The examples in this section use the following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> products </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.insertMany( [\n { _id: 100, sku: \"abc123\", description: \"Single line description.\" },\n { _id: 101, sku: \"abc789\", description: \"First line\\nSecond line\" },\n { _id: 102, sku: \"xyz456\", description: \"Many spaces before line\" },\n { _id: 103, sku: \"xyz789\", description: \"Multiple\\nline description\" },\n { _id: 104, sku: \"Abc789\", description: \"SKU starts with A\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Single line description."</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc789"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"First line</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Second line"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz456"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Many spaces before line"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz789"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Multiple</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">line description"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Abc789"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SKU starts with A"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Perform a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> LIKE </code> Match <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#perform-a-like-match" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="perform-a-like-match"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example matches all documents where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> field is like <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "%789" </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.find( { sku: { $regex: /789$/ } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/789$/</span> <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The example is analogous to the following SQL LIKE statement: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"SELECT * FROM products\nWHERE sku like \"%789\";","programmingLanguage":"SQL"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">SELECT * FROM products</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">WHERE sku like "%789";</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 101, sku: 'abc789', description: 'First line\\nSecond line' },\n { _id: 103, sku: 'xyz789', description: 'Multiple\\nline description' },\n { _id: 104, sku: 'Abc789', description: 'SKU starts with A' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'First line</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Second line'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'xyz789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Multiple</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">line description'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'SKU starts with A'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-case-insensitive"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Perform Case-Insensitive Regular Expression Match <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#perform-case-insensitive-regular-expression-match" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="perform-case-insensitive-regular-expression-match"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> i </code> option perform a <em> case-insensitive </em> match for documents with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> value that starts with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ABC </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.find( { sku: { $regex: /^ABC/i } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^ABC/i</span> <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 100, sku: 'abc123', description: 'Single line description.' },\n { _id: 101, sku: 'abc789', description: 'First line\\nSecond line' },\n { _id: 104, sku: 'Abc789', description: 'SKU starts with A' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc123'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Single line description.'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'First line</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Second line'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'SKU starts with A'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-multiline-match"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Multiline Match for Lines Starting with Specified Pattern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#multiline-match-for-lines-starting-with-specified-pattern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="multiline-match-for-lines-starting-with-specified-pattern"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> m </code> option to match lines starting with the letter <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> S </code> for multiline strings: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.find( { description: { $regex: /^S/, $options: 'm' } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^S/</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'m'</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 100, sku: 'abc123', description: 'Single line description.' },\n { _id: 101, sku: 'abc789', description: 'First line\\nSecond line' },\n { _id: 104, sku: 'Abc789', description: 'SKU starts with A' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc123'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Single line description.'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'First line</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Second line'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'SKU starts with A'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Without the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> m </code> option, the example output is: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 100, sku: 'abc123', description: 'Single line description.' },\n { _id: 104, sku: 'Abc789', description: 'SKU starts with A' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc123'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Single line description.'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'SKU starts with A'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> pattern does not contain an anchor, the pattern matches against the string as a whole, as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.find( { description: { $regex: /S/ } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/S/</span> <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 100, sku: 'abc123', description: 'Single line description.' },\n { _id: 101, sku: 'abc789', description: 'First line\\nSecond line' },\n { _id: 104, sku: 'Abc789', description: 'SKU starts with A' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc123'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Single line description.'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'First line</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Second line'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'SKU starts with A'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-dot-new-line"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> Dot Character to Match New Line <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-the-.-dot-character-to-match-new-line" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-the-.-dot-character-to-match-new-line"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> s </code> option to allow the dot character (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) to match all characters <em> including </em> new line as well as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> i </code> option to perform a case-insensitive match: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.find( { description: { $regex: /m.*line/, $options: 'si' } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/m.*line/</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'si'</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 102, sku: 'xyz456', description: 'Many spaces before line' },\n { _id: 103, sku: 'xyz789', description: 'Multiple\\nline description' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'xyz456'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Many spaces before line'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'xyz789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Multiple</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">line description'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Without </em> the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> s </code> option, the example output is: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 102, sku: 'xyz456', description: 'Many spaces before line' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'xyz456'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Many spaces before line'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-ignore-white-spaces"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Ignore White Spaces in Pattern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ignore-white-spaces-in-pattern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ignore-white-spaces-in-pattern"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> option ignore white spaces and the comments, denoted by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> # </code> and ending with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \n </code> in the matching pattern: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"var pattern = \"abc #category code\\n123 #item number\"\ndb.products.find( { sku: { $regex: pattern, $options: \"x\" } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">var</span> pattern <!-- -->= <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc #category code</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">123 #item number"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <!-- -->pattern<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$options</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"x"</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 100, sku: 'abc123', description: 'Single line description.' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc123'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Single line description.'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-match-case-in-strings"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use a Regular Expression to Match Case in Strings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-a-regular-expression-to-match-case-in-strings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-a-regular-expression-to-match-case-in-strings"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the regular expression <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "(?i)a(?-i)bc" </code> to match <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> field strings that contain: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "abc" </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "Abc" </code> </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.products.find( { sku: { $regex: \"(?i)a(?-i)bc\" } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">products</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"(?i)a(?-i)bc"</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 100, sku: 'abc123', description: 'Single line description.' },\n { _id: 101, sku: 'abc789', description: 'First line\\nSecond line' },\n { _id: 104, sku: 'Abc789', description: 'SKU starts with A' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc123'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Single line description.'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'First line</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\n</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">Second line'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">104</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sku</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Abc789'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'SKU starts with A'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-regex-example-pcre2-ucp"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Extend Regex Options to Match Characters Outside of ASCII <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#extend-regex-options-to-match-characters-outside-of-ascii" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="extend-regex-options-to-match-characters-outside-of-ascii"> </div> </a> </h3> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.1 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, certain regex options (such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /b </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /w </code> ) only recognize ASCII characters. This can cause unexpected results when performing regex matches against UTF-8 characters. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.1, you can specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *UCP </code> regex option to match UTF-8 characters. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Performance of UCP Option </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *UCP </code> option results in slower queries than those without the option specified because <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *UCP </code> requires a multistage table lookup to perform the match. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, consider the following documents in a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> songs </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.songs.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, \"artist\" : \"Blue Öyster Cult\", \"title\": \"The Reaper\" },\n { _id: 1, \"artist\": \"Blue Öyster Cult\", \"title\": \"Godzilla\" },\n { _id: 2, \"artist\" : \"Blue Oyster Cult\", \"title\": \"Take Me Away\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">songs</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"artist"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Blue Öyster Cult"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"title"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The Reaper"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"artist"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Blue Öyster Cult"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"title"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Godzilla"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"artist"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Blue Oyster Cult"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"title"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Take Me Away"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following regex query uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \b </code> option in a regex match. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \b </code> option matches a word boundary. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.songs.find( { artist: { $regex: /\\byster/ } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">songs</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">artist</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/</span><span class="lg-highlight-regexp">\b</span><span class="lg-highlight-regexp">yster/</span> <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 0, artist: 'Blue Öyster Cult', title: 'The Reaper' },\n { _id: 1, artist: 'Blue Öyster Cult', title: 'Godzilla' }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">artist</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Blue Öyster Cult'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">title</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'The Reaper'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">artist</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Blue Öyster Cult'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">title</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Godzilla'</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The previous results are unexpected because none of the words in the returned <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> artist </code> fields begin with the matched string ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yster </code> ). The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Ö </code> character in documents <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id: 0 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id: 1 </code> is ignored when performing the match because it is a UTF-8 character. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The expected result is that the query does not return any documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To allow the query to recognize UTF-8 characters, specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *UCP </code> option before the pattern: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.songs.find( { artist: { $regex: \"(*UCP)/\\byster/\" } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">songs</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">artist</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"(*UCP)/</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\b</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">yster/"</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The previous query does not return any documents, which is the expected result. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Escape Characters for Regex Patterns </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When specifying <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *UCP </code> or any other regular expression option, ensure that you use the correct escape characters for your shell or driver. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $jsonSchema <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-jsonschema" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-jsonschema"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#json-schema" target="_self"> <span> JSON Schema </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="query"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $jsonSchema </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-query-op.-jsonSchema" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-query-op.-jsonSchema"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $jsonSchema </code> operator matches documents that satisfy the specified JSON Schema. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $jsonSchema </code> operator expression has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $jsonSchema: &lt;json&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$jsonSchema</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&lt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-name lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">JSON</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">Schema</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">object</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&gt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> }</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Where the JSON Schema object is formatted according to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-04" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> draft 4 of the JSON Schema standard </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ &lt;keyword1&gt;: &lt;value1&gt;, ... }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ &lt;<!-- -->keyword1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n $jsonSchema: {\n required: [ \"name\", \"major\", \"gpa\", \"address\" ],\n properties: {\n name: {\n bsonType: \"string\",\n description: \"must be a string and is required\"\n },\n address: {\n bsonType: \"object\",\n required: [ \"zipcode\" ],\n properties: {\n \"street\": { bsonType: \"string\" },\n \"zipcode\": { bsonType: \"string\" }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$jsonSchema</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">required</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"major"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"gpa"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"address"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">properties</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bsonType</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"string"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"must be a string and is required"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">address</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bsonType</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"object"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">required</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"zipcode"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">properties</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"street"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bsonType</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"string"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"zipcode"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bsonType</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"string"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> JSON Schema <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#json-schema" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="json-schema"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB supports draft 4 of JSON Schema, including <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-04" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> core specification </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> validation specification </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> , with some differences. For details, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-jsonSchema-extension" target="_self"> <span> Extensions </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-json-schema-omission" target="_self"> <span> Omissions <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about JSON Schema, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://json-schema.org/" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> official website <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-jsonSchema-keywords"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Available Keywords <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#available-keywords" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="available-keywords"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify the following keywords in your JSON Schema. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB implements a subset of keywords available in JSON Schema. For a complete list of omissions, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-json-schema-omission" target="_self"> <span> Omissions <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Keyword </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Definition </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Behavior </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> additionalItems </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> arrays </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean or object </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If an object, must be a valid JSON Schema </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> additionalProperties </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean or object </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , additional fields are allowed. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , they are not. If a valid JSON Schema object is specified, additional fields must validate against the schema. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> allOf </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array of JSON Schema objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Field must match all specified schemas </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> anyOf </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array of JSON Schema objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Field must match at least one of the specified schemas </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> bsonType </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string alias or array of string aliases </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Accepts same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/type/#std-label-document-type-available-types"> string aliases </a> used for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/type/#mongodb-query-op.-type"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $type </code> </a> operator </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> dependencies </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> object </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Describes field or schema dependencies </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> description </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> N/A </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A string that describes the schema and has no effect on validation. Starting in MongoDB 5.1, if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> field is specified, MongoDB includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> in the error output when a document fails validation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> enum </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array of values </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enumerates all possible values of the field </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> exclusiveMaximum </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> numbers </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If true and field is a number, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maximum </code> is an exclusive maximum. Otherwise, it is an inclusive maximum. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> exclusiveMinimum </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> numbers </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If true, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minimum </code> is an exclusive minimum. Otherwise, it is an inclusive minimum. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> items </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> arrays </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> object or array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Must be either a valid JSON Schema, or an array of valid JSON Schemas </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> maximum </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> numbers </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> number </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the maximum value of the field </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> maxItems </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> arrays </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the maximum length of array </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> maxLength </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> strings </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the maximum length of the field </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> maxProperties </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the field's maximum number of properties </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> minimum </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> numbers </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> number </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the minimum value of the field </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> minItems </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> arrays </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the minimum length of array </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> minLength </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> strings </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the minimum length of the field </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> minProperties </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates the field's minimum number of properties </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> multipleOf </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> numbers </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> number </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Field must be a multiple of this value </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> not </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> a JSON Schema object </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Field must not match the schema </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> oneOf </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array of JSON Schema objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Field must match exactly one of the specified schemas </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> pattern </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> strings </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string containing a regex </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Field must match the regular expression </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> patternProperties </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> object </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> In addition to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> properties </code> requirements, each property name of this object must be a valid regular expression </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> properties </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> object </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A valid JSON Schema where each value is also a valid JSON Schema object </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> required </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> objects </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array of unique strings </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Object's property set must contain all the specified elements in the array </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> title </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> N/A </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A descriptive title string with no effect. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> type </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> all types </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string or array of unique strings </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enumerates the possible JSON types of the field. Available types are "object", "array", "number", "boolean", "string", and "null". </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB's implementation of the JSON Schema does not support the "integer" type. Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsonType </code> keyword and the "int" or "long" types instead. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> uniqueItems </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> arrays </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If true, each item in the array must be unique. Otherwise, no uniqueness constraint is enforced. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-jsonSchema-extension"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Extensions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#extensions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="extensions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB's implementation of JSON Schema includes the addition of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsonType </code> keyword, which allows you to use all <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-BSON"> BSON </a> types in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $jsonSchema </code> operator. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsonType </code> accepts the same string aliases used for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/type/#mongodb-query-op.-type"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $type </code> </a> operator. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-json-schema-omission"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Omissions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#omissions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="omissions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following are not supported in MongoDB's implementation of JSON Schema: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-luff-json-hyper-schema-00" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Hypertext definitions </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> in draft 4 of the JSON Schema spec. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The keywords: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ref </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $schema </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> default </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> definitions </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> format </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> id </code> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> integer </code> type. You must use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-BSON"> BSON </a> type <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> int </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> long </code> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsonType </code> keyword. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hypermedia and linking properties of JSON Schema, including the use of JSON References and JSON Pointers. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unknown keywords. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $jsonSchema </code> , see the following pages: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/specify-json-schema/#std-label-schema-validation-json"> Specify JSON Schema Validation </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/use-json-schema-query-conditions/#std-label-use-json-schema-query-conditions"> Query for and Modify Valid or Invalid Documents </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> KeyVault.deleteKey() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#keyvault.deletekey--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="keyvault.deletekey--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.deleteKey(UUID) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-KeyVault.deleteKey" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-KeyVault.deleteKey"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Deletes a data encryption key with the specified UUID from the key vault associated to the database connection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-KeyVault.deleteKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteKey() </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"keyVault = db.getMongo().getKeyVault()\n\nkeyVault.deleteKey(UUID(\"&lt;uuid&gt;\"))"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">keyVault = db.getMongo().getKeyVault()</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">keyVault.deleteKey(UUID("&lt;UUID String&gt;"))</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> UUID </span> is a BSON <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-Binary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> binary data </code> </a> object with subtype <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4 </code> . </p> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> A document indicating the number of deleted keys. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Requires Configuring Client-Side Field Level Encryption on Database Connection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#requires-configuring-client-side-field-level-encryption-on-database-connection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="requires-configuring-client-side-field-level-encryption-on-database-connection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> client-side field level encryption methods require a database connection with client-side field level encryption enabled. If the current database connection was not initiated with client-side field level encryption enabled, either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo/#mongodb-method-Mongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> </a> constructor from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to establish a connection with the required client-side field level encryption options. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo/#mongodb-method-Mongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> </a> method supports the following Key Management Service (KMS) providers for Customer Master Key (CMK) management: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-aws"> Amazon Web Services KMS </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-azure"> Azure Key Vault </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-gcp"> Google Cloud Platform KMS </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-local"> Locally Managed Key </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> or </em> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/reference/options/#std-label-mongosh-client-side-field-level-encryption-options" target="_self"> <span> command line options </span> </a> to establish a connection with the required options. The command line options only support the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-aws"> Amazon Web Services KMS </a> provider for CMK management. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example is intended for rapid evaluation of client-side field level encryption. For specific examples of using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-KeyVault.deleteKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.deleteKey() </code> </span> </a> with each supported <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> provider, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/fundamentals/manage-keys/#std-label-field-level-encryption-data-key-delete"> Delete a Data Encryption Key <!-- --> . </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start the mongosh client.","name":"Start mongosh"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"To configure client-side field level encryption for a locally\nmanaged key, generate a base64-encoded 96-byte string with no line\nbreaks.","name":"Generate Your Key"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create the client-side field level encryption options using the\ngenerated local key string:","name":"Create the Client-Side Field Level Encryption Options"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Use the Mongo() constructor with the client-side field level\nencryption options configured to create a database connection. Replace\nthe mongodb://myMongo.example.net URI with the connection\nstring URI of the target cluster.","name":"Create Your Encrypted Client"}],"name":"Example","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Start mongosh <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-mongosh" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-mongosh"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> client. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --nodb","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --nodb</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Generate Your Key <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#generate-your-key" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="generate-your-key"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure client-side field level encryption for a locally managed key, generate a base64-encoded 96-byte string with no line breaks. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"const TEST_LOCAL_KEY = require(\"crypto\").randomBytes(96).toString(\"base64\")","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">const</span> <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">TEST_LOCAL_KEY</span> <!-- -->= <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">require</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"crypto"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">randomBytes</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">96</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">toString</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"base64"</span>)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create the Client-Side Field Level Encryption Options <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-client-side-field-level-encryption-options" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-client-side-field-level-encryption-options"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the client-side field level encryption options using the generated local key string: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":" var autoEncryptionOpts = {\n \"keyVaultNamespace\" : \"encryption.__dataKeys\",\n \"kmsProviders\" : {\n \"local\" : {\n \"key\" : BinData(0, TEST_LOCAL_KEY)\n }\n }\n }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">var</span> autoEncryptionOpts <!-- -->= <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"keyVaultNamespace"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"encryption.__dataKeys"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"kmsProviders"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"local"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"key"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BinData</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">TEST_LOCAL_KEY</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create Your Encrypted Client <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-your-encrypted-client" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-your-encrypted-client"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo/#mongodb-method-Mongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> </a> constructor with the client-side field level encryption options configured to create a database connection. Replace the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb://myMongo.example.net </code> URI with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/#std-label-mongodb-uri"> connection string URI </a> of the target cluster. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"encryptedClient = Mongo(\n \"mongodb://myMongo.example.net:27017/?replSetName=myMongo\",\n autoEncryptionOpts\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">encryptedClient <!-- -->= <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Mongo</span>(</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb://myMongo.example.net:27017/?replSetName=myMongo"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->autoEncryptionOpts</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Retrieve the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/getKeyVault/#mongodb-method-getKeyVault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault </code> </a> object and use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-KeyVault.deleteKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVault.deleteKey() </code> </span> </a> method to delete the data encryption key with matching <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> UUID </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"keyVault = encryptedClient.getKeyVault()\nkeyVault.deleteKey(UUID(\"b4b41b33-5c97-412e-a02b-743498346079\"))","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">keyVault <!-- -->= <!-- -->encryptedClient.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getKeyVault</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">keyVault.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">deleteKey</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">UUID</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"b4b41b33-5c97-412e-a02b-743498346079"</span>))</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If successful, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-KeyVault.deleteKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteKey() </code> </span> </a> returns output similar to the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"acknowledged\" : true, \"deletedCount\" : 1 }","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"acknowledged"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">true</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"deletedCount"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/fundamentals/manage-keys/#std-label-field-level-encryption-data-key-delete"> Delete a Data Encryption Key </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> balancerStatus <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#balancerstatus" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="balancerstatus"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#output-document" target="_self"> <span> Output Document </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerStatus </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerStatus" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerStatus"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns a document that contains information about the status of the balancer. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only issue the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.balancerStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerStatus </code> </span> </a> against the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , this command can also be run through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.isBalancerRunning/#mongodb-method-sh.isBalancerRunning"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.isBalancerRunning() </code> </a> helper method <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Helper methods are convenient for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in serverless instances. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n balancerStatus: 1\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">balancerStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Output Document <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-document" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-document"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following is an example of a document returned by the command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"mode\" : \"full\",\n \"inBalancerRound\" : false,\n \"numBalancerRounds\" : NumberLong(86),\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"mode"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"full"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"inBalancerRound"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">false</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"numBalancerRounds"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> NumberLong(<span class="lg-highlight-number">86</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"ok"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "mode" </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A string that specifies whether the balancer thread is running or stopped. Possible values are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> "full" </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Balancer thread is running but not necessarily in a balancing round. </dd> </dl> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> "off" </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> Balancer thread is stopped. No chunk balancing can occur in this mode. </dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "inBalancerRound" </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean that specifies if the balancer is in a balancing round. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inBalancerRound=true </code> , it is now distributing chunks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inBalancerRound </code> can be <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mode=off </code> . If you turn the balancer off while it's in a balancing round, the server lets it finish rather than interrupting it. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "numBalancerRounds" </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The number of balancer rounds which have occurred since the config servers were started. This value is not persisted and is reset to 0 upon restart of the config servers. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance and issue the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { balancerStatus: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">balancerStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $sort (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-sort--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-sort--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#-sort-operator-and-memory" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $sort </code> Operator and Memory </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#-sort-operator-and-performance" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $sort </code> Operator and Performance </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="pipeline"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sorts all input documents and returns them to the pipeline in sorted order. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> stage has the following prototype form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $sort: { &lt;field1&gt;: &lt;sort&gt;, &lt;field2&gt;: &lt;sort&gt; ... } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <!-- -->&lt;sort order&gt;, &lt;field2&gt;: &lt;sort order&gt; ... } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> takes a document that specifies the field(s) to sort by and the respective sort order. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;sort order&gt; </code> can have one of the following values: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:35%"/> <col style="width:65%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sort ascending. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sort descending. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $meta: "textScore" } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <dl> <dt> Sort by the computed <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> textScore </code> metadata in descending </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> order. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-sort-pipeline-metadata" target="_self"> <span> Text Score Metadata Sort </span> </a> for an example. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If sorting on multiple fields, sort order is evaluated from left to right. For example, in the form above, documents are first sorted by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field1&gt; </code> . Then documents with the same <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field1&gt; </code> values are further sorted by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;field2&gt; </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Performance <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#performance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="performance"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> is a blocking stage, which causes the pipeline to wait for all input data to be retrieved for the blocking stage before processing the data. A blocking stage may reduce performance because it reduces parallel processing for a pipeline with multiple stages. A blocking stage may also use substantial amounts of memory for large data sets. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="limits"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can sort on a maximum of 32 keys. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Providing a sort pattern with duplicate fields causes an error. </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sort-aggregation-consistent-sorting"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sort Consistency <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sort-consistency" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sort-consistency"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does not store documents in a collection in a particular order. When sorting on a field which contains duplicate values, documents containing those values may be returned in any order. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If consistent sort order is desired, include at least one field in your sort that contains unique values. The easiest way to guarantee this is to include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in your sort query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurant </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.insertMany( [\n { \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"Central Park Cafe\", \"borough\" : \"Manhattan\"},\n { \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill\", \"borough\" : \"Queens\"},\n { \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"Empire State Pub\", \"borough\" : \"Brooklyn\"},\n { \"_id\" : 4, \"name\" : \"Stan's Pizzaria\", \"borough\" : \"Manhattan\"},\n { \"_id\" : 5, \"name\" : \"Jane's Deli\", \"borough\" : \"Brooklyn\"},\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light js leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Park Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Queens"</span>}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Empire State Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span>}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Stan's Pizzaria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Jane's Deli"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span>}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following command uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> stage to sort on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.aggregate(\n [\n { $sort : { borough : 1 } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light js leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->$sort<!-- --> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->borough <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In this example, sort order may be inconsistent, since the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> field contains duplicate values for both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Manhattan </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Brooklyn </code> . Documents are returned in alphabetical order by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> , but the order of those documents with duplicate values for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> might not the be the same across multiple executions of the same sort. For example, here are the results from two different executions of the above command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"Empire State Pub\", \"borough\" : \"Brooklyn\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 5, \"name\" : \"Jane's Deli\", \"borough\" : \"Brooklyn\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"Central Park Cafe\", \"borough\" : \"Manhattan\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 4, \"name\" : \"Stan's Pizzaria\", \"borough\" : \"Manhattan\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill\", \"borough\" : \"Queens\" }\n\n{ \"_id\" : 5, \"name\" : \"Jane's Deli\", \"borough\" : \"Brooklyn\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"Empire State Pub\", \"borough\" : \"Brooklyn\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 4, \"name\" : \"Stan's Pizzaria\", \"borough\" : \"Manhattan\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"Central Park Cafe\", \"borough\" : \"Manhattan\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill\", \"borough\" : \"Queens\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light js leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Empire State Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Jane's Deli"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Park Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Stan's Pizzaria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Queens"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Jane's Deli"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Empire State Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Stan's Pizzaria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Park Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Queens"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While the values for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> are still sorted in alphabetical order, the order of the documents containing duplicate values for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Manhattan </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Brooklyn </code> ) is not the same. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To achieve a <em> consistent sort </em> , add a field which contains exclusively unique values to the sort. The following command uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> stage to sort on both the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> field and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.aggregate(\n [\n { $sort : { borough : 1, _id: 1 } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light js leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->$sort<!-- --> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->borough <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Since the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field is always guaranteed to contain exclusively unique values, the returned sort order will always be the same across multiple executions of the same sort. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sort by an Array Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sort-by-an-array-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sort-by-an-array-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When MongoDB sorts documents by an array-value field, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sort-key"> sort key </a> depends on whether the sort is ascending or descending: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In an ascending sort, the sort key is the lowest value in the array. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a descending sort, the sort key is the highest value in the array. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query filter does not affect sort key selection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shoes </code> collection with these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.shoes.insertMany( [\n { _id: 'A', sizes: [ 7, 11 ] },\n { _id: 'B', sizes: [ 8, 9, 10 ] }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">shoes</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'A'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sizes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">11</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'B'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sizes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following queries sort the documents by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sizes </code> field in ascending and descending order: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"// Ascending sort\ndb.shoes.aggregate( [\n {\n $sort: { sizes: 1 }\n }\n] )\n\n// Descending sort\ndb.shoes.aggregate( [\n {\n $sort: { sizes: -1 }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">// Ascending sort</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.shoes.aggregate( <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> $sort<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> sizes<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span> )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">// Descending sort</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.shoes.aggregate( <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> $sort<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> sizes<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">-1</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Both of the preceding queries return the document with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id: 'A' </code> first because sizes <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 7 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 11 </code> are the lowest and highest in the entries in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sizes </code> array, respectively. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sort-pipeline-asc-desc"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Ascending/Descending Sort <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ascending-descending-sort" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ascending-descending-sort"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the field or fields to sort by, set the sort order to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> to specify an ascending or descending sort respectively, as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.users.aggregate(\n [\n { $sort : { age : -1, posts: 1 } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">users</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->$sort<!-- --> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->age <!-- -->: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">posts</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation sorts the documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> users </code> collection, in descending order according by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> age </code> field and then in ascending order according to the value in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> posts </code> field. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bson_sort_order"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When comparing values of different <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-bson-types"> BSON types </a> in sort operations, MongoDB uses the following comparison order, from lowest to highest: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MinKey (internal type) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Null </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Numbers (ints, longs, doubles, decimals) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Symbol, String </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Array </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> BinData </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ObjectId </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Boolean </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Date </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regular Expression </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MaxKey (internal type) </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on the comparison/sort order for specific types, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#std-label-bson-types-comparison-order"> Comparison/Sort Order <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sort-pipeline-metadata"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Text Score Metadata Sort <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#text-score-metadata-sort" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="text-score-metadata-sort"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> provides text query capabilities for self-managed (non-Atlas) deployments. For data hosted on MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB offers an improved full-text query solution, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a pipeline that includes <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> , you can sort by descending relevance score using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $meta: "textScore" } </code> </a> expression. In the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { &lt;sort-key&gt; } </code> document, set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $meta: "textScore" } </code> </a> expression to an arbitrary field name. The field name is ignored by the query system. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.users.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: { $text: { $search: \"operating\" } } },\n { $sort: { score: { $meta: \"textScore\" }, posts: -1 } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">users</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"operating"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$meta</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"textScore"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">posts</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> operator to match the documents, and then sorts first by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "textScore" </code> metadata in descending order, and then by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> posts </code> field in descending order. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field name in the sort document is ignored by the query system. In this pipeline, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "textScore" </code> metadata is not included in the projection and is not returned as part of the matching documents. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> for more information. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sort-and-memory"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> Operator and Memory <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-sort-operator-and-memory" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-sort-operator-and-memory"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sort-limit-sequence"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> + <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> Memory Optimization <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-sort----limit-memory-optimization" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-sort----limit-memory-optimization"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> precedes a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/limit/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </a> and there are no intervening stages that modify the number of documents, the optimizer can coalesce the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/limit/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </a> into the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> . This allows the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> operation to only maintain the top <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> results as it progresses, where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> is the specified limit, and ensures that MongoDB only needs to store <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> items in memory. This optimization still applies when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUse </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> items exceed the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/#std-label-agg-memory-restrictions"> aggregation memory limit <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optimizations are subject to change between releases. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sort-memory-limit"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> and Memory Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-sort-and-memory-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-sort-and-memory-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, pipeline stages that require more than 100 megabytes of memory to execute write temporary files to disk by default. These temporary files last for the duration of the pipeline execution and can influence storage space on your instance. In earlier versions of MongoDB, you must pass <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> to individual <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands to enable this behavior. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Individual <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands can override the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </a> parameter by either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> to allow writing temporary files out to disk when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: false } </code> to prohibit writing temporary files out to disk when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB Atlas, it is recommended to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/cluster-autoscaling/#std-label-cluster-autoscaling" target="_self"> <span> configure storage auto-scaling </span> </a> to prevent long-running queries from filling up storage with temporary files. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your Atlas cluster uses storage auto-scaling, the temporary files may cause your cluster to scale to the next storage tier. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/#std-label-agg-pipeline-limits"> Aggregation Pipeline Limits <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> Operator and Performance <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-sort-operator-and-performance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-sort-operator-and-performance"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> operator can take advantage of an index if it's used in the first stage of a pipeline or if it's only preceeded by a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </span> </a> on a sharded cluster, each shard sorts its result documents using an index where available. Then the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> or one of the shards performs a streamed merge sort. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/aggregation-zip-code-data-set/"> Aggregation with the Zip Code Data Set </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/aggregation-with-user-preference-data/"> Aggregation with User Preference Data </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Self-Managed LDAP Proxy Authentication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#self-managed-ldap-proxy-authentication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="self-managed-ldap-proxy-authentication"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#ldap-authentication-via-the-operating-system-ldap-libraries" target="_self"> <span> LDAP Authentication via the Operating System LDAP libraries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#ldap-authentication-via-saslauthd" target="_self"> <span> LDAP Authentication via <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> saslauthd </code> </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#connect-to-a-mongodb-server-via-ldap-authentication" target="_self"> <span> Connect to a MongoDB server via LDAP authentication </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> supports proxying authentication requests to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB supports simple and SASL binding to LDAP servers: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Via </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Operating system libraries </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB supports binding to an LDAP server via operating system libraries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This allows MongoDB servers on Linux and Windows to use an LDAP server for authentication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In earlier versions, MongoDB on Microsoft Windows cannot connect to LDAP servers. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB servers on Linux supports binding to an LDAP server via the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> daemon. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Not available for MongoDB on Windows. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A full description of LDAP is beyond the scope of this documentation. This page assumes prior knowledge of LDAP. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This documentation only describes MongoDB LDAP authentication, and does not replace other resources on LDAP. We encourage you to thoroughly familiarize yourself with LDAP and its related subject matter before configuring LDAP authentication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB can provide <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/consulting?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> professional services </span> </a> for optimal configuration of LDAP authentication for your MongoDB deployment. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Connection Pool <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connection-pool" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connection-pool"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When connecting to the LDAP server for authentication/authorization, MongoDB, by default: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Uses connection pooling if run: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> on Windows or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> on Linux where MongoDB Enterprise binaries are linked against <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-libldap-vs-libldap_r" target="_self"> <span> libldap_r <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Does not use connection pooling if run: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> on Linux where MongoDB Enterprise binaries are linked against <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-libldap-vs-libldap_r" target="_self"> <span> libldap <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To change the connection pooling behavior, update the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUseConnectionPool"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUseConnectionPool </code> </a> parameter. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> and Directory Permissions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#saslauthd-and-directory-permissions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="saslauthd-and-directory-permissions"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parent directory of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> Unix domain socket file specified to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.saslauthdPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter saslauthdPath </code> </a> must grant read and execute ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> r-x </code> ) permissions for either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user starting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , <em> or </em> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A group to which that user belongs. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> cannot successfully authenticate via <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> without the specified permission on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> directory and its contents. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-libldap-vs-libldap_r"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap_r </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#libldap-and-libldap_r" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="libldap-and-libldap_r"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB 4.2 Enterprise binaries linked against <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap </code> (such as when running on RHEL), access to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap </code> is synchronized, incurring some performance/latency costs. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB 4.2 Enterprise binaries linked against <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap_r </code> , there is no change in behavior from earlier MongoDB versions. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Managing LDAP Users on the MongoDB server <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#managing-ldap-users-on-the-mongodb-server" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="managing-ldap-users-on-the-mongodb-server"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When using LDAP authentication <strong> without </strong> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-ldap-authorization"> LDAP authorization </a> , user management requires managing users both on the LDAP server and the MongoDB server. For each user authenticating via LDAP, MongoDB requires a user on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database whose name exactly matches the authentication username. Changes to a user on the LDAP server may require changes to the corresponding MongoDB <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> user. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-sessions"> Client Sessions and Causal Consistency Guarantees </a> with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> authentication users (Kerberos, LDAP, or x.509 users), usernames cannot be greater than 10k bytes. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-vg7qwp" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-2xicti"> Example </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A user authenticates as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [email protected] </code> . The MongoDB server binds to the LDAP server and authenticates the user, respecting any <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.userToDNMapping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username transformations </code> </a> . On successful authentication, the MongoDB server then checks the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database for a user <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [email protected] </code> and grants the authenticated user the roles and privileges associated to that user. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To manage users on the MongoDB server, you must authenticate as an LDAP user whose corresponding MongoDB <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> user has user administrative privileges on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database, such as those provided by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-userAdmin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> userAdmin </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> users have user administrative privileges on <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database, you cannot perform user management for LDAP authentication. This scenario may occur if you configure users prior to enabling LDAP authentication, but do not create the appropriate user administrators. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Managing existing non-LDAP users <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#managing-existing-non-ldap-users" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="managing-existing-non-ldap-users"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If there are existing users not on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database, you must meet the following requirements for each user to ensure continued access: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> User has a corresponding user object on the LDAP server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> User exists on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database with equivalent roles and privileges </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you want to continue allowing access by users <em> not </em> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database, you must configure <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationMechanisms </code> </a> to include <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-1 </code> and/or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> as appropriate. Users must then specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --authenticationMechanism SCRAM-SHA-1 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> when authenticating. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Deploying LDAP authentication on a replica set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deploying-ldap-authentication-on-a-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deploying-ldap-authentication-on-a-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica sets </a> , configure LDAP authentication on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-arbiter"> arbiter </a> members first before configuring the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> . This also applies to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-shards/#std-label-shards-concepts"> shard replica sets </a> , or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-csrs"> config server replica sets </a> . Configure one replica set member at a time to maintain a majority of members for write availability. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Deploying LDAP authentication on a sharded cluster <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deploying-ldap-authentication-on-a-sharded-cluster" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deploying-ldap-authentication-on-a-sharded-cluster"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded clusters </a> , you must configure LDAP authentication on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-config-server"> config servers </a> and each <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> for cluster-level users. You can optionally configure LDAP authorization on each <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> for shard-local users. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-security-ldap-connect-native"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> LDAP Authentication via the Operating System LDAP libraries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ldap-authentication-via-the-operating-system-ldap-libraries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ldap-authentication-via-the-operating-system-ldap-libraries"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The LDAP authentication via OS libraries process is summarized below: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A client authenticates to MongoDB, providing a user's credentials. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the username requires mapping to an LDAP DN prior to binding against the LDAP server, MongoDB can apply transformations based on the configured <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.userToDNMapping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.userToDNMapping </code> </a> setting. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB binds to an LDAP server specified in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.servers"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.servers </code> </a> using the provided username or, if a transformation was applied, the transformed username. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB uses simple binding by default, but can also use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sasl </code> binding if configured in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.method"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.method </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a transformation requires querying the LDAP server, or if the LDAP server disallows anonymous binds, MongoDB uses the username and password specified to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.queryUser </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.queryPassword </code> </a> to bind to the LDAP server before attempting to authenticate the provided user credentials. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The LDAP server returns the result of the bind attempt to MongoDB. On success, MongoDB attempts to authorize the user. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB server attempts to map the username to a user on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database, assigning the user any roles or privileges associated to a matching user. If MongoDB cannot find a matching user, authentication fails. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The client can perform those actions for which MongoDB granted the authenticated user roles or privileges. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use LDAP for authentication via operating system libraries, specify the following settings as a part of your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> configuration file: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Option </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.servers"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.servers </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Quote-enclosed comma-separated list of LDAP servers in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> host[:port] </code> format. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can prefix LDAP servers with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> srv: </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> srv_raw: </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your connection string specifies <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "srv:&lt;DNS_NAME&gt;" </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> verifies that <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "_ldap._tcp.gc._msdcs.&lt;DNS_NAME&gt;" </code> exists for SRV to support Active Directory. If not found, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> verifies that <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "_ldap._tcp.&lt;DNS_NAME&gt;" </code> exists for SRV. If an SRV record cannot be found, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> warns you to use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "srv_raw:&lt;DNS_NAME&gt;" </code> instead. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your connection string specifies <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "srv_raw:&lt;DNS_NAME&gt;" </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> performs an SRV record lookup for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "&lt;DNS NAME&gt;" </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> YES </strong> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.method"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.method </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Used to specify the method the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> uses to authenticate, or bind, to the LDAP server. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sasl </code> to use one of the SASL protocols defined in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> NO </strong> , unless using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sasl </code> for binding to the LDAP server. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Used to specify the SASL mechanisms <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> can use when authenticating or binding to the LDAP server. MongoDB and the LDAP server must agree on at least one SASL mechanism. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> DIGEST-MD5 </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> NO </strong> , unless setting <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.method"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> method </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sasl </code> <em> and </em> you need different or additional SASL mechanisms. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.queryUser </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The LDAP entity, identified by its distinguished name (DN) or SASL name, with which the MongoDB server authenticates, or binds, when connecting to an LDAP server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryPassword </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user specified must have the appropriate privileges to execute queries on the LDAP server. </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> NO </strong> , unless specifying a query as part of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.userToDNMapping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> userToDNMapping </code> </a> transformation, or if the LDAP server's security settings disallow anonymous binds. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.queryPassword </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The password used to authenticate to an LDAP server when using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryUser </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> NO </strong> , unless specifying <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryUser </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.useOSDefaults"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.bind.useOSDefaults </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Windows MongoDB deployments can use the operating system credentials in place of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryUser </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryPassword </code> </a> for authenticating or binding as when connecting to the LDAP server. </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> NO </strong> , unless replacing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryUser </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryPassword </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.userToDNMapping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.ldap.userToDNMapping </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Clients may authenticate using a username whose format is incompatible with the format expected by the configured <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.method"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bind method </code> </a> . For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> binding may require a full LDAP DN while the username used to authenticate to MongoDB might be an e-mail address. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.userToDNMapping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> userToDNMapping </code> </a> allows MongoDB to transform incoming usernames into a format compatible with your LDAP schema. MongoDB supports transformations using either a substitution template or an LDAP query template. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.userToDNMapping"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> userToDNMapping </code> </a> transformation that uses LDAP queries as part of the transformation, you must also specify a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.ldap.bind.queryUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryUser </code> </a> with the appropriate level of permissions for the LDAP server </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <strong> NO </strong> , unless client authenticate using usernames that require transformation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> LDAP Authentication via <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ldap-authentication-via-saslauthd" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ldap-authentication-via-saslauthd"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Enterprise for Windows does not support binding via <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> . </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Linux MongoDB servers support binding to an LDAP server via the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> daemon. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use secure encrypted or trusted connections between clients and the server, as well as between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> and the LDAP server. The LDAP server uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SASL PLAIN </code> mechanism, sending and receiving data in <strong> plain text </strong> . You should use only a trusted channel such as a VPN, a connection encrypted with TLS/SSL, or a trusted wired network. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Configuration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#configuration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="configuration"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure the MongoDB server to bind to the LDAP server using via <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> , start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> using either the following command line options <em> or </em> the following configuration file settings: </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-16"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of commandline/configuration" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_wu9vhikoj" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_8mbdhrudn" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Command Line Options </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_kc3a1i5tg" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_ua6wskjrz" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Configuration File Settings </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_kl83z7vel" class="" id="_kzpixvcs6" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auth"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auth </code> </a> to enable access control, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter </code> </a> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationMechanisms </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PLAIN </code> , and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter </code> </a> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.saslauthdPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthdPath </code> </a> parameter set to the path to the Unix-domain Socket of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> instance. Specify an empty string <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "" </code> to use the default Unix-domain socket path. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other command line options required for your deployment. For complete documentation on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> command line options, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_wi2gztvg8" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_vu1qjbijg" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.authorization"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.authorization </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enabled </code> , </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationMechanisms </code> </a> parameter set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PLAIN </code> , and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.saslauthdPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthdPath </code> </a> set to the path to the Unix-domain Socket of the saslauthd instance. Specify an empty string <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "" </code> to use the default Unix-domain socket path. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other configuration file settings required for your deployment. For complete documentation on configuration files, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> YAML configuration file <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You need to create or update the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd.conf </code> file with the parameters appropriate for your LDAP server. Documenting <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd.conf </code> is out of scope for this documentation. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parent directory of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> Unix domain socket file specified to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.saslauthdPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter saslauthdPath </code> </a> must grant read and execute ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> r-x </code> ) permissions for either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user starting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , <em> or </em> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A group to which that user belongs. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> cannot successfully authenticate via <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> without the specified permission on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> directory and its contents. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following tutorials provide basic information on configuring <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd.conf </code> to work with two popular LDAP services: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ldap-sasl-openldap/"> Authenticate Using Self-Managed SASL and LDAP with OpenLDAP </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ldap-sasl-activedirectory/"> Authenticate Using Self-Managed SASL and LDAP with ActiveDirectory </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Please see the documentation for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> as well as your specific LDAP service for guidance. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Connect to a MongoDB server via LDAP authentication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connect-to-a-mongodb-server-via-ldap-authentication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connect-to-a-mongodb-server-via-ldap-authentication"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To authenticate to a MongoDB server via LDAP authentication, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.auth/#mongodb-method-db.auth"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.auth() </code> </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database with the following parameters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Option </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The username to authenticate as. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> password </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The password to authenticate with. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mechanism </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PLAIN </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Create a Wildcard Index on All Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-wildcard-index-on-all-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-wildcard-index-on-all-fields"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#before-you-begin" target="_self"> <span> Before You Begin </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedure" target="_self"> <span> Procedure </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#results" target="_self"> <span> Results </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create a wildcard index that supports queries on all possible document fields. Wildcard indexes support queries on arbitrary or unknown field names. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a wildcard index on all fields (excluding <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> ), use the wildcard specifier ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $** </code> ) as the index key: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.createIndex( { \"$**\": &lt;sortorder&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$**"</span>: &lt;<!-- -->sortOrder<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only use wildcard indexes when the fields you want to index are unknown or may change. Wildcard indexes don't perform as well as targeted indexes on specific fields. If your collection contains arbitrary field names that prevent targeted indexes, consider remodeling your schema to have consistent field names. To learn more about targeted indexes, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/schema-design-process/create-indexes/#std-label-create-indexes-to-support-queries"> Create Indexes to Support Your Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Before You Begin <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#before-you-begin" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="before-you-begin"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> artwork </code> collection that contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.artwork.insertMany( [\n {\n \"name\": \"The Scream\",\n \"artist\": \"Edvard Munch\",\n \"style\": \"modern\",\n \"themes\": [ \"humanity\", \"horror\" ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"Acrobats\",\n \"artist\": {\n \"name\": \"Raoul Dufy\",\n \"nationality\": \"French\",\n \"yearBorn\": 1877\n },\n \"originalTitle\": \"Les acrobates\",\n \"dimensions\": [ 65, 49 ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"The Thinker\",\n \"type\": \"sculpture\",\n \"materials\": [ \"bronze\" ],\n \"year\": 1904\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">artwork</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The Scream"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"artist"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Edvard Munch"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"style"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"modern"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"themes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"humanity"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"horror"</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Acrobats"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"artist"</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Raoul Dufy"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nationality"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"French"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"yearBorn"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1877</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"originalTitle"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Les acrobates"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dimensions"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">65</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">49</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"The Thinker"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"type"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sculpture"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"materials"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bronze"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"year"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1904</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each document contains details about the artwork. The field names vary between documents depending on the information available about the piece. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation creates a wildcard index on all document fields in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> artwork </code> collection (excluding <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> ): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.artwork.createIndex( { \"$**\" : 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">artwork</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$**"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="results"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This index supports single-field queries on any field in the collection. If a document contains an embedded document or array, the wildcard index traverses the document or array and stores the value for all fields in the document or array. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the index supports the following queries: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.artwork.find( { \"style\": \"modern\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">artwork</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"style"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"modern"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"6352c401b1fac2ee2e957f09\"),\n name: 'The Scream',\n artist: 'Edvard Munch',\n style: 'modern',\n themes: [ 'humanity', 'horror' ]\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6352c401b1fac2ee2e957f09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'The Scream'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">artist</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Edvard Munch'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">style</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'modern'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">themes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'humanity'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'horror'</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.artwork.find( { \"artist.nationality\": \"French\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">artwork</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"artist.nationality"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"French"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"6352c525b1fac2ee2e957f0d\"),\n name: 'Acrobats',\n artist: { name: 'Raoul Dufy', nationality: 'French', yearBorn: 1877 },\n originalTitle: 'Les acrobates',\n dimensions: [ 65, 49 ]\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6352c525b1fac2ee2e957f0d"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Acrobats'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">artist</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Raoul Dufy'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nationality</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'French'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">yearBorn</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1877</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">originalTitle</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Les acrobates'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dimensions</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">65</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">49</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.artwork.find( { \"materials\": \"bronze\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">artwork</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"materials"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bronze"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"6352c387b1fac2ee2e957f08\"),\n name: 'The Thinker',\n type: 'sculpture',\n materials: [ 'bronze' ],\n year: 1904\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6352c387b1fac2ee2e957f08"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'The Thinker'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'sculpture'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">materials</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'bronze'</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">year</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1904</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to create a wildcard index that projects specific fields to cover, see the following pages: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/index-wildcard-compound/#std-label-wc-compound-index-wcProject"> Filter Fields with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wildcardProjection </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/create-wildcard-index-multiple-fields/#std-label-create-wildcard-index-multiple-fields"> Include or Exclude Fields in a Wildcard Index </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about behaviors for wildcard indexes, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/reference/embedded-object-behavior/#std-label-wildcard-index-embedded-object-behavior"> Wildcard Indexes on Embedded Objects and Arrays </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/reference/restrictions/#std-label-wildcard-index-restrictions"> Wildcard Index Restrictions </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> IP Binding in Self-Managed Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ip-binding-in-self-managed-deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ip-binding-in-self-managed-deployments"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB binaries, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , bind to localhost by default. If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.ipv6"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.ipv6 </code> </a> configuration file setting or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --ipv6 </code> command line option is set for the binary, the binary additionally binds to the localhost IPv6 address. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Make sure that your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instances are only accessible on trusted networks. If your system has more than one network interface, bind MongoDB programs to the private or internal network interface. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.ipv6"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.ipv6 </code> </a> configuration file setting or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --ipv6 </code> command line option is set for the binary, the binary additionally binds to the localhost IPv6 address. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To bind to all IPv4 addresses, you can specify the bind ip address of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> . To bind to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, you can specify the bind ip address of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ::, </code> or alternatively, use the new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIpAll"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIpAll </code> </a> setting or the new command-line option <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip_all </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-security-firewalls"> Firewalls </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/configuration/#std-label-configuration-security"> Security Considerations </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Back Up and Restore a Self-Managed Deployment with MongoDB Tools <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#back-up-and-restore-a-self-managed-deployment-with-mongodb-tools" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="back-up-and-restore-a-self-managed-deployment-with-mongodb-tools"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#deployments" target="_self"> <span> Deployments </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#performance-impacts" target="_self"> <span> Performance Impacts </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#output-format" target="_self"> <span> Output Format </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedures" target="_self"> <span> Procedures </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#back-up-a-database-with-mongodump" target="_self"> <span> Back Up a Database with <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#restore-a-database-with-mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> Restore a Database with <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial describes the process for creating backups and restoring data using the command-line utilities <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> provided with MongoDB. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To restore a backup of your self-hosted deployment to a managed <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas deployment </span> </a> , see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/import/mongorestore/" target="_self"> <span> Seed with mongorestore <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a fully-managed backup method, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/backup/cloud-backup/overview/" target="_self"> <span> Cloud Backups </span> </a> in MongoDB Atlas, which provide localized backup storage using the native snapshot functionality of the cluster's cloud service provider. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-binary-bson-dumps"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deployments"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> utilities work with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-bson-types"> BSON </a> data dumps, and are useful for creating backups of small deployments. For resilient and non-disruptive backups, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-with-filesystem-snapshots/#std-label-backup-restore-filesystem-snapshots"> file system snapshots </a> or block-level disk snapshots with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/backup/cloud-backup/overview/" target="_self"> <span> Cloud Backups </span> </a> from MongoDB Atlas. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Back Up Sharded Clusters with MongoDB Atlas </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-program-mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-program-mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> as a backup strategy for sharded clusters, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-sharded-cluster-with-database-dumps/#std-label-backup-sharded-dumps"> Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sharded clusters can also use one of the following coordinated backup and restore processes, which maintain the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/atlas/database?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/cloud-manager?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Cloud Manager </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/ops-manager?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Ops Manager </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Performance Impacts <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#performance-impacts" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="performance-impacts"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Because <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> operate by interacting with a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance, they can impact the performance of your running database. Not only do the tools create traffic for a running database instance, they also force the database to read all data through memory. When MongoDB reads infrequently used data, it can evict more frequently accessed data, causing a deterioration in performance for the database's regular workload. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When backing up your data with MongoDB's tools, consider the following guidelines: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Label files so that you can identify the contents of the backup as well as the point in time that the backup reflects. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use an alternative backup strategy such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-with-filesystem-snapshots/#std-label-backup-restore-filesystem-snapshots"> Filesystem Snapshots </a> or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/backup/cloud-backup/overview/" target="_self"> <span> Cloud Backups in MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> if the performance impact of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> is unacceptable for your use case. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To ensure <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> can take a consistent backup of a replica set, you must either use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--oplog" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplog </code> </span> </a> option to capture writes received during backup operations or stop all writes to the replica set for the duration of the backup. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For sharded cluster replica sets, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-sharded-cluster-with-database-dumps/#std-label-backup-sharded-dumps"> Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your backups are usable by restoring them to a test MongoDB deployment. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help reduce the likelihood of inconsistencies in a sharded cluster backup, you must stop the balancer, stop all write operations, and stop any schema transformations for the duration of the backup. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/backups/"> Backup Methods for a Self-Managed Deployment </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/backup/cloud-backup/overview/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas Cloud Backups </span> </a> for more information on backing up MongoDB instances. Additionally, consider the following reference documentation for the MongoDB Database Tools: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoexport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoexport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoexport </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoimport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoimport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoimport </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-considerations-output-format"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output Format <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output-format" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output-format"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> can output data to an archive file, which is a single-file alternative to multiple BSON files. Archive files are special-purpose formats that support non-contiguous file writes. They enable concurrent backups from MongoDB, as well as restores to MongoDB. Using archive files optimizes disk I/O while backup and restore operations execute. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also output archive files to the standard output ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stdout </code> ). Writing to the standard output allows for data migration over networks, reduced disk I/O footprint, and concurrency gains in both the MongoDB tools and your storage engine. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on archive files, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--archive" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --archive </code> </span> </a> option. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-backup-mongodump"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-backup-and-restore-tools"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedures <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedures" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedures"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Back Up a Database with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#back-up-a-database-with-mongodump" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="back-up-a-database-with-mongodump"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Back Up Sharded Clusters with MongoDB Atlas </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-program-mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-program-mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> as a backup strategy for sharded clusters, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-sharded-cluster-with-database-dumps/#std-label-backup-sharded-dumps"> Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sharded clusters can also use one of the following coordinated backup and restore processes, which maintain the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/atlas/database?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/cloud-manager?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Cloud Manager </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/ops-manager?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Ops Manager </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Exclude <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> Database <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#exclude-local-database" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="exclude-local-database"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> excludes the content of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> database in its output. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Required Access <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#required-access" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="required-access"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> against a MongoDB deployment that has <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/#std-label-authorization"> access control </a> enabled, you must have privileges that grant <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> action for each database to back up. The built-in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-backup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> backup </code> </a> role provides the required privileges to perform backup of any and all databases. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-backup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> backup </code> </a> role provides additional privileges to back up the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </a> collection that exists when running with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/#std-label-database-profiling"> database profiling <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Basic <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#basic-mongodump-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="basic-mongodump-operations"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> utility backs up data by connecting to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The utility can create a backup for an entire server, database or collection, or can use a query to backup just part of a collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> without any arguments, the command connects to the MongoDB instance on the local system (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localhost </code> ) on port <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 27017 </code> and creates a database backup named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dump/ </code> in the current directory. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To backup data from a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on the same machine and on the default port of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 27017 </code> , use the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify the host and port of the MongoDB instance, you can either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the hostname and port in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --uri </code> string, using either an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/#std-label-connections-dns-seedlist"> SRV </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/#std-label-connections-standard-connection-string-format"> standard </a> connection string: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump --uri=\"mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]\" &lt;additional_options&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump --uri=<span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]"</span> &lt;additional_options&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the hostname and port in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --host </code> string: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump --host=\"mongodb0.example.com:27017\" &lt;additional_options&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump --host=<span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb0.example.com:27017"</span> &lt;additional_options&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the hostname and port in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --host </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump --host=\"mongodb0.example.com\" --port=27017 &lt;additional_options&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump --host=<span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb0.example.com"</span> --port=27017 &lt;additional_options&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> will write <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-BSON"> BSON </a> files that hold a copy of data accessible via the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> listening on port <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 27017 </code> of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb.example.net </code> host. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-backup-from-non-local" target="_self"> <span> Create Backups from Non-Local <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> Instances </span> </a> for more information. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a different output directory, you can use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--out" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --out or -o </code> </span> </a> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump --out=/opt/backup/mongodump-1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump --out=<!-- -->/opt/backup/mongodump-<!-- -->1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To limit the amount of data included in the database dump, you can specify <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--db" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --db </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--collection" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --collection </code> </span> </a> as options to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> . For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump --collection=myCollection --db=test"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump --collection=myCollection --db=test</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation creates a dump of the collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> myCollection </code> from the database <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test </code> in a <code class="file docutils literal"> <span class="pre"> dump/ </span> </code> subdirectory of the current working directory. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> overwrites output files if they exist in the backup data folder. Before running the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> command multiple times, either ensure that you no longer need the files in the output folder (the default is the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dump/ </code> folder) or rename the folders or files. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Create Backups Using Oplogs <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-backups-using-oplogs" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-backups-using-oplogs"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--oplog" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplog </code> </span> </a> option with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> collects the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entries and allows you to perform a backup on a live database. If you later restore the database from the backup, the database will be the same as it was when the backup process completed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--oplog" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplog </code> </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> copies all the data from the source database as well as all of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entries from the beginning to the end of the backup procedure. This operation, in conjunction with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--oplogReplay" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore --oplogReplay </code> </span> </a> , allows you to restore a backup that reflects the specific moment in time that corresponds to when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> completed creating the dump file. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-backup-from-non-local"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Create Backups from Non-Local <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> Instances <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-backups-from-non-local-mongod-instances" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-backups-from-non-local-mongod-instances"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--host" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --host </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--port" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </span> </a> options for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> allow you to connect to and backup from a remote host. Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongodump \\\n --host=mongodb1.example.net \\\n --port=3017 \\\n --username=user \\\n --password=\"pass\" \\\n --out=/opt/backup/mongodump-1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodump \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --host=mongodb1.example.net \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --port=3017 \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --username=user \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --password=<span class="lg-highlight-string">"pass"</span> \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --out=<!-- -->/opt/backup/mongodump-<!-- -->1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On any <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> command you may, as above, specify username and password credentials to specify database authentication. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-backup-restore-dump"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restore a Database with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restore-a-database-with-mongorestore" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restore-a-database-with-mongorestore"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Back Up Sharded Clusters with MongoDB Atlas </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-program-mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-program-mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> as a backup strategy for sharded clusters, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-sharded-cluster-with-database-dumps/#std-label-backup-sharded-dumps"> Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sharded clusters can also use one of the following coordinated backup and restore processes, which maintain the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/atlas/database?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/cloud-manager?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Cloud Manager </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/ops-manager?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Ops Manager </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Access Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#access-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="access-control"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To restore data to a MongoDB deployment that has <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/"> access control </a> enabled, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-restore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restore </code> </a> role provides the necessary privileges to restore data from backups <em> if </em> the data does not include <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </a> collection data and you run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> without the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--oplogReplay" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogReplay </code> </span> </a> option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the backup data includes <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </a> collection data or you run with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--oplogReplay" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogReplay </code> </span> </a> , you need additional privileges: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the backup data includes <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </a> collection data and the target database does not contain the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </a> collection, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> attempts to create the collection even though the program does not actually restore <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> documents. As such, the user requires additional privileges to perform <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createCollection </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-convertToCapped"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertToCapped </code> </a> actions on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data--database-.system.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> </a> collection for a database. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Both the built-in roles <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-dbAdmin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbAdmin </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-dbAdminAnyDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbAdminAnyDatabase </code> </a> provide the additional privileges. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogReplay </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--oplogReplay" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogReplay </code> </span> </a> , create a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-users-and-roles/#std-label-create-user-defined-role"> user-defined role </a> that has <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-anyAction"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> anyAction </code> </a> on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/resource-document/#std-label-resource-anyresource"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> anyResource </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Grant only to users who must run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--oplogReplay" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogReplay </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Basic <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#basic-mongorestore-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="basic-mongorestore-operations"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> utility restores a binary backup created by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> . By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> looks for a database backup in the <code class="file docutils literal"> <span class="pre"> dump/ </span> </code> directory. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> utility restores data by connecting to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> directly. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> can restore either an entire database backup or a subset of the backup. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> All MongoDB collections have <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> UUIDs </span> by default. When MongoDB restores collections, the restored collections retain their original UUIDs. When restoring a collection where no UUID was present, MongoDB generates a UUID for the restored collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on collection UUIDs, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/databases-and-collections/#std-label-collections"> Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> to connect to an active <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , use a command with the following prototype form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongorestore --uri &lt;connection&gt; &lt;path&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongorestore --uri &lt;connection string&gt; &lt;path to the backup&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongorestore /opt/backup/mongodump-1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongorestore <!-- -->/opt/backup/mongodump-<!-- -->1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Here, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> imports the database backup in the <code class="file docutils literal"> <span class="pre"> /opt/backup/mongodump-1 </span> </code> directory to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on the localhost interface on the default port <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 27017 </code> . </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-backup-restore-oplogreplay"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Use an Oplog File to Backup and Restore Data <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-an-oplog-file-to-backup-and-restore-data" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-an-oplog-file-to-backup-and-restore-data"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To capture writes that may occur while <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> is running, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#std-option-mongodump.--oplog" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump --oplog </code> </span> </a> . <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> creates an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplog.bson </code> file with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entries for each write that occurred during the run. You can apply the oplog operations with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--oplogReplay" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore --oplogReplay </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/mongodump-examples/#std-label-mongodump-examples" target="_self"> <span> mongodump Examples </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/mongorestore-examples/#std-label-mongorestore-examples" target="_self"> <span> mongorestore Examples <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> All of the data from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplog.bson </code> file is restored. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore --oplogReplay </code> doesn't allow you to restore data to an arbitrary point in time. Use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore --oplogReplay </code> to ensure the restored data is up to date with any writes that occurred during the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump --oplog </code> run. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplog </code> is intended for use with replica sets. For sharded clusters, including replica sets that are part of a sharded environment, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-sharded-cluster-with-database-dumps/#std-label-backup-sharded-dumps"> Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may also consider using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--objcheck" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore --objcheck </code> </span> </a> option to check the integrity of objects while inserting them into the database, or you may consider the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--drop" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore --drop </code> </span> </a> option to drop each collection from the database before restoring from backups. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Restore Backups to Non-Local <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> Instances <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restore-backups-to-non-local-mongod-instances" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restore-backups-to-non-local-mongod-instances"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> connects to a MongoDB instance running on the localhost interface and on the default port ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 27017 </code> ). If you want to restore to a different host or port, use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--host" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --host </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--port" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </span> </a> options. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example that specifies the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--host" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --host </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--port" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --port </code> </span> </a> options: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongorestore --host=mongodb1.example.net --port=3017","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongorestore --host=mongodb1.example.net --port=3017</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If restoring to an instance that enforces access control, include the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--username" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --username </code> </span> </a> and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--authenticationDatabase" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --authenticationDatabase </code> </span> </a> as well. Omit the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#std-option-mongorestore.--password" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --password </code> </span> </a> option to have <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> prompt for the password: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongorestore \\\n --host=mongodb1.example.net \\\n --port=3017 \\\n --username=user \\\n --authenticationDatabase=admin \\\n /opt/backup/mongodump-1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongorestore \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --host=mongodb1.example.net \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --port=3017 \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --username=user \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --authenticationDatabase=admin \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->/opt/backup/mongodump-<!-- -->1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> sh.startAutoMerger() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sh.startautomerger--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sh.startautomerger--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.startAutoMerger() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-sh.startAutoMerger" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-sh.startAutoMerger"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/automerger-concept/#std-label-automerger-concept"> AutoMerger <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.startAutoMerger()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">startAutoMerger</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the time intervals for automatic chunk merges, use these parameters: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerIntervalSecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerIntervalSecs </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerThrottlingMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerThrottlingMS </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example enables the AutoMerger. Run the example from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.startAutoMerger()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">startAutoMerger</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/automerger-concept/#std-label-automerger-concept"> The AutoMerger </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.stopAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.stopAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.stopAutoMerger() </code> </a> method </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.enableAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableAutoMerger() </code> </a> method </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.disableAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableAutoMerger() </code> </a> method </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/configureCollectionBalancing/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.configureCollectionBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configureCollectionBalancing </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/mergeAllChunksOnShard/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.mergeAllChunksOnShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mergeAllChunksOnShard </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerIntervalSecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerIntervalSecs </code> </a> parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerThrottlingMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerThrottlingMS </code> </a> parameter </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $substrBytes (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-substrbytes--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-substrbytes--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns the substring of a string. The substring starts with the character at the specified UTF-8 byte index (zero-based) in the string and continues for the number of bytes specified. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> has the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-agg-quick-ref-operator-expressions"> operator expression syntax <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ &lt;string&gt;, &lt;byte&gt;, &lt;byte&gt; ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->&lt;string expression&gt;, &lt;byte index&gt;, &lt;byte count&gt; ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> string expression </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The string from which the substring will be extracted. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> string expression </code> can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> as long as it resolves to a string. For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the argument resolves to a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> or refers to a field that is missing, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> returns an empty string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the argument does not resolve to a string or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> nor refers to a missing field, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> returns an error. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte index </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> number </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates the starting point of the substring. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte index </code> can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> as long as it resolves to a non-negative integer or number that can be represented as an integer (such as 2.0). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte index </code> cannot refer to a starting index located in the middle of a multi-byte UTF-8 character. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte count </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> number </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> as long as it resolves to a non-negative integer or number that can be represented as an integer (such as 2.0). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte count </code> can not result in an ending index that is in the middle of a UTF-8 character. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> operator uses the indexes of UTF-8 encoded bytes where each code point, or character, may use between one and four bytes to encode. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, US-ASCII characters are encoded using one byte. Characters with diacritic markings and additional Latin alphabetical characters (Latin characters outside of the English alphabet) are encoded using two bytes. Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters typically require three bytes, and other planes of unicode (emoji, mathematical symbols, etc.) require four bytes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> It is important to be mindful of the content in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> string expression </code> because providing a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte index </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte count </code> located in the middle of a UTF-8 character will result in an error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> differs from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/substrCP/#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrCP"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrCP </code> </a> in that <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> counts the bytes of each character, whereas <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/substrCP/#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrCP"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrCP </code> </a> counts the code points, or characters, regardless of how many bytes a character uses. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:55%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Results </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ \"abcde\", 1, 2 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abcde"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"bc\"","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">"bc"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ \"Hello World!\", 6, 5 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Hello World!"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":" \"World\"","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"World"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ \"cafétéria\", 0, 5 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafétéria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"café\"","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ \"cafétéria\", 5, 4 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafétéria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"tér\"","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">"tér"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ \"cafétéria\", 7, 3 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafétéria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Errors with message: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "Error: Invalid range, starting index is a UTF-8 continuation byte." </code> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $substrBytes: [ \"cafétéria\", 3, 1 ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafétéria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Errors with message: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "Error: Invalid range, ending index is in the middle of a UTF-8 character." </code> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Single-Byte Character Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#single-byte-character-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="single-byte-character-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"ABC1\", quarter: \"13Q1\", \"description\" : \"product 1\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"ABC2\", quarter: \"13Q4\", \"description\" : \"product 2\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"XYZ1\", quarter: \"14Q2\", \"description\" : null }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13Q1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 1"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13Q4"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 2"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"XYZ1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"14Q2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> </span> </a> operator separate the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quarter </code> value (containing only single byte US-ASCII characters) into a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yearSubstring </code> and a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quarterSubstring </code> . The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quarterSubstring </code> field represents the rest of the string from the specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte index </code> following the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yearSubstring </code> . It is calculated by subtracting the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> byte index </code> from the length of the string using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/strLenBytes/#mongodb-expression-exp.-strLenBytes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $strLenBytes </code> . </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.aggregate(\n [\n {\n $project: {\n item: 1,\n yearSubstring: { $substrBytes: [ \"$quarter\", 0, 2 ] },\n quarterSubtring: {\n $substrBytes: [\n \"$quarter\", 2, { $subtract: [ { $strLenBytes: \"$quarter\" }, 2 ] }\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">yearSubstring</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quarter"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarterSubtring</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quarter"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$subtract</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$strLenBytes</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quarter"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"ABC1\", \"yearSubstring\" : \"13\", \"quarterSubtring\" : \"Q1\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"ABC2\", \"yearSubstring\" : \"13\", \"quarterSubtring\" : \"Q4\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"XYZ1\", \"yearSubstring\" : \"14\", \"quarterSubtring\" : \"Q2\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"yearSubstring"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quarterSubtring"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Q1"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"yearSubstring"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quarterSubtring"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Q4"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"XYZ1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"yearSubstring"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"14"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quarterSubtring"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Q2"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Single-Byte and Multibyte Character Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#single-byte-and-multibyte-character-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="single-byte-and-multibyte-character-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> food </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.food.insertMany(\n [\n { \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"apple\" },\n { \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"banana\" },\n { \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"éclair\" },\n { \"_id\" : 4, \"name\" : \"hamburger\" },\n { \"_id\" : 5, \"name\" : \"jalapeño\" },\n { \"_id\" : 6, \"name\" : \"pizza\" },\n { \"_id\" : 7, \"name\" : \"tacos\" },\n { \"_id\" : 8, \"name\" : \"寿司sushi\" }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">food</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"apple"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"banana"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"éclair"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hamburger"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jalapeño"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pizza"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tacos"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"寿司sushi"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrBytes </code> operator to create a three byte <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> menuCode </code> from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> value: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.food.aggregate(\n [\n {\n $project: {\n \"name\": 1,\n \"menuCode\": { $substrBytes: [ \"$name\", 0, 3 ] }\n }\n }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">food</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$substrBytes</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$name"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"apple\", \"menuCode\" : \"app\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"banana\", \"menuCode\" : \"ban\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"éclair\", \"menuCode\" : \"éc\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 4, \"name\" : \"hamburger\", \"menuCode\" : \"ham\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 5, \"name\" : \"jalapeño\", \"menuCode\" : \"jal\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 6, \"name\" : \"pizza\", \"menuCode\" : \"piz\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 7, \"name\" : \"tacos\", \"menuCode\" : \"tac\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 8, \"name\" : \"寿司sushi\", \"menuCode\" : \"寿\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"apple"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"app"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"banana"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ban"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"éclair"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"éc"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hamburger"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ham"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jalapeño"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jal"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pizza"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"piz"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tacos"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tac"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"寿司sushi"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"menuCode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"寿"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/substrCP/#mongodb-expression-exp.-substrCP"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $substrCP </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> FAQ: MongoDB Storage for Self-Managed Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#faq--mongodb-storage-for-self-managed-deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="faq--mongodb-storage-for-self-managed-deployments"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#storage-engine-fundamentals" target="_self"> <span> Storage Engine Fundamentals </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#can-you-mix-storage-engines-in-a-replica-set-" target="_self"> <span> Can you mix storage engines in a replica set? </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#storage-recommendations" target="_self"> <span> Storage Recommendations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#wiredtiger-storage-engine" target="_self"> <span> WiredTiger Storage Engine </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#data-storage-diagnostics" target="_self"> <span> Data Storage Diagnostics </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document addresses common questions regarding MongoDB's storage system. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Storage Engine Fundamentals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-engine-fundamentals" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-engine-fundamentals"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> What is a storage engine? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#what-is-a-storage-engine-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="what-is-a-storage-engine-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A storage engine is the part of a database that is responsible for managing how data is stored, both in memory and on disk. Many databases support multiple storage engines, where different engines perform better for specific workloads. For example, one storage engine might offer better performance for read-heavy workloads, and another might support a higher throughput for write operations. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/storage-engines/"> Storage Engines for Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Can you mix storage engines in a replica set? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#can-you-mix-storage-engines-in-a-replica-set-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="can-you-mix-storage-engines-in-a-replica-set-"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Yes. You can have replica set members that use different storage engines (WiredTiger and in-memory) </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Storage Recommendations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-recommendations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-recommendations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How many collections and indexes can be in a cluster? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-many-collections-and-indexes-can-be-in-a-cluster-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-many-collections-and-indexes-can-be-in-a-cluster-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Cluster performance might degrade once the combined number of collections and indexes reaches beyond 100,000. In addition, many large collections have a greater impact on performance than smaller collections. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> WiredTiger Storage Engine <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-storage-engine" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-storage-engine"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Can I upgrade an existing deployment to WiredTiger? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#can-i-upgrade-an-existing-deployment-to-wiredtiger-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="can-i-upgrade-an-existing-deployment-to-wiredtiger-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Yes. See: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/change-standalone-wiredtiger/"> Change a Self-Managed Standalone to WiredTiger </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/change-replica-set-wiredtiger/"> Change a Self-Managed Replica Set to WiredTiger </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/change-sharded-cluster-wiredtiger/"> Change a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster to WiredTiger </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How much compression does WiredTiger provide? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-much-compression-does-wiredtiger-provide-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-much-compression-does-wiredtiger-provide-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The ratio of compressed data to uncompressed data depends on your data and the compression library used. By default, collection data in WiredTiger use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-snappy"> Snappy block compression </a> ; <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-zlib"> zlib </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-zstd"> zstd </a> compression is also available. Index data use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-prefix-compression"> prefix compression </a> by default. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-wt-cache-and-eviction"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> To what size should I set the WiredTiger internal cache? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#to-what-size-should-i-set-the-wiredtiger-internal-cache-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="to-what-size-should-i-set-the-wiredtiger-internal-cache-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With WiredTiger, MongoDB utilizes both the WiredTiger internal cache and the filesystem cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default WiredTiger internal cache size is the larger of either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> 50% of (RAM - 1 GB), or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> 256 MB. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, on a system with a total of 4GB of RAM the WiredTiger cache uses 1.5GB of RAM ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.5 * (4 GB - 1 GB) = 1.5 GB </code> ). Conversely, on a system with a total of 1.25 GB of RAM WiredTiger allocates 256 MB to the WiredTiger cache because that is more than half of the total RAM minus one gigabyte ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.5 * (1.25 GB - 1 GB) = 128 MB &lt; 256 MB </code> ). </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In some instances, such as when running in a container, the database can have memory constraints that are lower than the total system memory. In such instances, this memory limit, rather than the total system memory, is used as the maximum RAM available. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To see the memory limit, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/hostInfo/#mongodb-data-hostInfo.system.memLimitMB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hostInfo.system.memLimitMB </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, WiredTiger uses Snappy block compression for all collections and prefix compression for all indexes. Compression defaults are configurable at a global level and can also be set on a per-collection and per-index basis during collection and index creation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Different representations are used for data in the WiredTiger internal cache versus the on-disk format: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Data in the filesystem cache is the same as the on-disk format, including benefits of any compression for data files. The filesystem cache is used by the operating system to reduce disk I/O. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indexes loaded in the WiredTiger internal cache have a different data representation to the on-disk format, but can still take advantage of index prefix compression to reduce RAM usage. Index prefix compression deduplicates common prefixes from indexed fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Collection data in the WiredTiger internal cache is uncompressed and uses a different representation from the on-disk format. Block compression can provide significant on-disk storage savings, but data must be uncompressed to be manipulated by the server. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With the filesystem cache, MongoDB automatically uses all free memory that is not used by the WiredTiger cache or by other processes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To adjust the size of the WiredTiger internal cache, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--wiredTigerCacheSizeGB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB </code> </a> . Avoid increasing the WiredTiger internal cache size above its default value. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB </code> </a> limits the size of the WiredTiger internal cache. The operating system uses the available free memory for filesystem cache, which allows the compressed MongoDB data files to stay in memory. In addition, the operating system uses any free RAM to buffer file system blocks and file system cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To accommodate the additional consumers of RAM, you may have to decrease WiredTiger internal cache size. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default WiredTiger internal cache size value assumes that there is a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance per machine. If a single machine contains multiple MongoDB instances, then you should decrease the setting to accommodate the other <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> in a container (for example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lxc </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cgroups </code> , Docker, etc.) that does <em> not </em> have access to all of the RAM available in a system, you must set <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB </code> </a> to a value less than the amount of RAM available in the container. The exact amount depends on the other processes running in the container. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/hostInfo/#mongodb-data-hostInfo.system.memLimitMB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> memLimitMB </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view statistics on the cache and eviction rate, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.wiredTiger.cache"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTiger.cache </code> </a> field returned from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How much memory does MongoDB allocate per connection? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-much-memory-does-mongodb-allocate-per-connection-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-much-memory-does-mongodb-allocate-per-connection-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each connection uses up to 1 megabyte of RAM. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To optimize memory use for connections, ensure that you: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Monitor the number of open connections to your deployment. Too many open connections result in excessive use of RAM and reduce available memory for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-working-set"> working set <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Close <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/connection-pool-overview/#std-label-connection-pool-overview"> connection pools </a> when they are no longer needed. A connection pool is a cache of open, ready-to-use database connections maintained by the driver. Closing unneeded pools makes additional memory resources available. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Manage the size of your connection pool. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.maxPoolSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxPoolSize </code> </a> connection string option specifies the maximum number of open connections in the pool. By default, you can have up to 100 open connections in the pool. Lowering the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxPoolSize </code> reduces the maximum amount of RAM used for connections. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure your connection pool, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/connection-pool-overview/#std-label-connection-pool-settings"> Connection Pool Configuration Settings <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How frequently does WiredTiger write to disk? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-frequently-does-wiredtiger-write-to-disk-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-frequently-does-wiredtiger-write-to-disk-"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl> <dt> Checkpoints </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> MongoDB configures WiredTiger to create checkpoints, specifically, writing the snapshot data to disk at intervals of 60 seconds. </dd> <dt> Journal Data </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> WiredTiger syncs the buffered journal records to disk upon any of the following conditions: <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For replica set members (primary and secondary members): </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a write operation includes or implies a write concern of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.j"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> j: true </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally for secondary members, after every batch application of the oplog entries. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> implies <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> j: true </code> if the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault </code> </a> is true. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> At every 100 milliseconds (See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.journal.commitIntervalMs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal.commitIntervalMs </code> </a> ). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When WiredTiger creates a new journal file. Because MongoDB uses a journal file size limit of 100 MB, WiredTiger creates a new journal file approximately every 100 MB of data. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-faq-wt-reclaim-disk-space"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How do I reclaim disk space in WiredTiger? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-do-i-reclaim-disk-space-in-wiredtiger-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-do-i-reclaim-disk-space-in-wiredtiger-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The WiredTiger storage engine maintains lists of empty records in data files as it deletes documents. This space can be reused by WiredTiger, but will not be returned to the operating system unless under very specific circumstances. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The amount of empty space available for reuse by WiredTiger is reflected in the output of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.stats/#mongodb-method-db.collection.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.stats() </code> </a> under the heading <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTiger.block-manager.file bytes available for reuse </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To allow the WiredTiger storage engine to release this empty space to the operating system, you can de-fragment your data file. This can be achieved by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/resync-replica-set-member/#std-label-resync-replica-member"> resyncing a replica set member </a> or using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/compact/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.compact"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> compact </code> </a> command. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Data Storage Diagnostics <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#data-storage-diagnostics" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="data-storage-diagnostics"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How can I check the size of a collection? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-can-i-check-the-size-of-a-collection-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-can-i-check-the-size-of-a-collection-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view the statistics for a collection, including the data size, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.stats/#mongodb-method-db.collection.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.stats() </code> </a> method from within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> . The following example issues <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.stats/#mongodb-method-db.collection.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.stats() </code> </a> for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.stats();","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stats</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB also provides the following methods to return specific sizes for the collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dataSize/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dataSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dataSize() </code> </a> to return the uncompressed data size in bytes for the collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.storageSize/#mongodb-method-db.collection.storageSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.storageSize() </code> </a> to return the size in bytes of the collection on disk storage. If collection data is compressed (which is the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> default for WiredTiger </code> </a> ), the storage size reflects the compressed size and may be smaller than the value returned by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dataSize/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dataSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dataSize() </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.totalIndexSize/#mongodb-method-db.collection.totalIndexSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.totalIndexSize() </code> </a> to return the index sizes in bytes for the collection. If an index uses prefix compression (which is the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> default for WiredTiger </code> </a> ), the returned size reflects the compressed size. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following script prints the statistics for each database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\"listDatabases\").databases.forEach(function (d) {\n mdb = db.getSiblingDB(d.name);\n printjson(mdb.stats());\n})","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"listDatabases"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-property">databases</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">forEach</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-keyword lg-highlight-function">function</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-params">d</span>)<!-- --> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->mdb <!-- -->= <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getSiblingDB</span>(<!-- -->d.<span class="lg-highlight-property">name</span>)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">printjson</span>(<!-- -->mdb.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stats</span>(<!-- -->))<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">})</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following script prints the statistics for each collection in each database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\"listDatabases\").databases.forEach(function (d) {\n mdb = db.getSiblingDB(d.name);\n mdb.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(c) {\n s = mdb[c].stats();\n printjson(s);\n })\n})","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"listDatabases"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-property">databases</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">forEach</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-keyword lg-highlight-function">function</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-params">d</span>)<!-- --> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->mdb <!-- -->= <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getSiblingDB</span>(<!-- -->d.<span class="lg-highlight-property">name</span>)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->mdb.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getCollectionNames</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">forEach</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-keyword lg-highlight-function">function</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-params">c</span>)<!-- --> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->s <!-- -->= <!-- -->mdb<!-- -->[<!-- -->c].<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">stats</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">printjson</span>(<!-- -->s)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->})</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">})</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How can I check the size of the individual indexes for a collection? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-can-i-check-the-size-of-the-individual-indexes-for-a-collection-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-can-i-check-the-size-of-the-individual-indexes-for-a-collection-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view the size of the data allocated for each index, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.stats/#mongodb-method-db.collection.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.stats() </code> </a> method and check the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#mongodb-data-collStats.indexSizes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexSizes </code> </a> field in the returned document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If an index uses prefix compression (which is the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> default for WiredTiger </code> </a> ), the returned size for that index reflects the compressed size. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-faq-tools-for-measuring-storage-use"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> How can I get information on the storage use of a database? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#how-can-i-get-information-on-the-storage-use-of-a-database-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="how-can-i-get-information-on-the-storage-use-of-a-database-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.stats/#mongodb-method-db.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.stats() </code> </a> method in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> returns the current state of the "active" database. For the description of the returned fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dbStats/#std-label-dbstats-output"> dbStats Output <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Connection Pool Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connection-pool-overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connection-pool-overview"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#what-is-a-connection-pool-" target="_self"> <span> What is a Connection Pool? </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#create-and-use-a-connection-pool" target="_self"> <span> Create and Use a Connection Pool </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sharded-cluster-connection-pooling" target="_self"> <span> Sharded Cluster Connection Pooling </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#connection-pool-configuration-settings" target="_self"> <span> Connection Pool Configuration Settings </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document describes how to use a connection pool to manage connections between applications and MongoDB instances. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> What is a Connection Pool? <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#what-is-a-connection-pool-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="what-is-a-connection-pool-"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-connection-pool-overview" target="_self"> <span> connection pool </span> </a> is a cache of open, ready-to-use database connections maintained by the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> driver </span> </a> . Your application can seamlessly get connections from the pool, perform operations, and return connections back to the pool. Connection pools are thread-safe. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Benefits of a Connection Pool <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#benefits-of-a-connection-pool" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="benefits-of-a-connection-pool"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A connection pool helps reduce application latency and the number of times new connections are created. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A connection pool creates connections at startup. Applications do not need to manually return connections to the pool. Instead, connections return to the pool automatically. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Some connections are active and some are inactive but available. If your application requests a connection and there's an available connection in the pool, a new connection does not need to be created. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Create and Use a Connection Pool <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-and-use-a-connection-pool" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-and-use-a-connection-pool"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use an Instance of your Driver's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-an-instance-of-your-driver-s-mongoclient-object" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-an-instance-of-your-driver-s-mongoclient-object"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Most <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> drivers </span> </a> provide an object of type <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use one <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance per application unless the application is connecting to many separate clusters. Each <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance manages its own connection pool to the MongoDB cluster or node specified when the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> is created. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> objects are thread-safe in most drivers. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Store your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance in a place that is globally accessible by your application. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Authentication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#authentication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="authentication"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use a connection pool with LDAP, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-ldap-connection-pool-behavior"> LDAP Connection Pool Behavior <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharded Cluster Connection Pooling <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharded-cluster-connection-pooling" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharded-cluster-connection-pooling"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> routers have connection pools for each node in the cluster. The availability of connections to individual nodes within a sharded cluster affects latency. Operations must wait for a connection to be established. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-connection-pool-settings"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Connection Pool Configuration Settings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connection-pool-configuration-settings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connection-pool-configuration-settings"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify connection pool settings in these locations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/#std-label-mongodb-uri"> MongoDB URI </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your application's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your application framework's configuration files </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Settings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#settings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="settings"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Setting </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.connectTimeoutMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connectTimeoutMS </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Most drivers default to never time out. Some versions of the Java drivers (for example, version 3.7) default to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default: </em> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> for most drivers. See your <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> driver </span> </a> documentation. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.maxConnecting"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxConnecting </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of connections a pool may be establishing concurrently. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxConnecting </code> is supported for all drivers <strong> except </strong> the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/rust/current/" target="_self"> <span> Rust Driver <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Raising the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxConnecting </code> allows the client to establish connection to the server faster, but increases the chance of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-connection-storm"> connection storms </a> . If the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxConnecting </code> is too low, your connection pool may experience heavy throttling and increased tail latency for clients checking out connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default: </em> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.maxIdleTimeMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIdleTimeMS </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and closed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default: </em> See your <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> driver </span> </a> documentation. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.maxPoolSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxPoolSize </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-maxpoolsize-cp-setting"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of connections opened in the pool. When the connection pool reaches the maximum number of connections, new connections wait up until to the value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.waitQueueTimeoutMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> waitQueueTimeoutMS </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default: </em> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100 </code> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.minPoolSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minPoolSize </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-minpoolsize-cp-setting"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Minimum number of connections opened in the pool. The value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.minPoolSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minPoolSize </code> </a> must be less than the value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.maxPoolSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxPoolSize </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to any given <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 2 <sup> 64 </sup> - 1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameter only applies to sharded deployments. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional override for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </a> to set the <!-- --> maximum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharding-config-server"> configuration server <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </a> is used. This is the default. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> an integer value greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , overrides the <!-- --> maximum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a configuration server. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameter only applies to sharded deployments. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Minimum number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to any given <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameter only applies to sharded deployments. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional override for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </a> to set the <!-- --> minimum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharding-config-server"> configuration server <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </a> is used. This is the default. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> an integer value greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , overrides the <!-- --> minimum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a configuration server. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameter only applies to sharded deployments. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.socketTimeoutMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> socketTimeoutMS </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of milliseconds to wait before timeout on a TCP connection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do <em> not </em> use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.socketTimeoutMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> socketTimeoutMS </code> </a> as a mechanism for preventing long-running server operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting low socket timeouts may result in operations that error before the server responds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , which means no timeout. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string-options/#mongodb-urioption-urioption.waitQueueTimeoutMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> waitQueueTimeoutMS </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread can wait for a connection to become available. A value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> means there is no limit. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Drop an Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#drop-an-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="drop-an-index"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#before-you-begin" target="_self"> <span> Before You Begin </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedures" target="_self"> <span> Procedures </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#drop-a-single-index" target="_self"> <span> Drop a Single Index </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#drop-multiple-indexes" target="_self"> <span> Drop Multiple Indexes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#drop-all-indexes-except-the-_id-index" target="_self"> <span> Drop All Indexes Except the <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> _id </code> Index </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#results" target="_self"> <span> Results </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can remove a specific index from a collection. You may need to drop an index if you see a negative performance impact, want to replace it with a new index, or no longer need the index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To drop an index, use one of the following shell methods: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Method </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dropIndex() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Drops a specific index from the collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dropIndexes() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Drops all removable indexes from the collection or an array of indexes, if specified. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can drop any index except the default index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. To drop the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> index, you must drop the entire collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you drop an index that's actively used in production, you may experience performance degradation. Before you drop an index, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-hidden/#std-label-index-type-hidden"> hiding the index </a> to evaluate the potential impact of the drop. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Before You Begin <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#before-you-begin" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="before-you-begin"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To drop an index, you need its name. To get all index names for a collection, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.getIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.getIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getIndexes() </code> </a> method: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.getIndexes()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getIndexes</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedures <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedures" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedures"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you identify which indexes to drop, use one of the following drop methods for the specified collection: </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Drop a Single Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#drop-a-single-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="drop-a-single-index"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To drop a specific index, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndex() </code> </a> method and specify the index name: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.dropIndex(\"&lt;indexname&gt;\")","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">dropIndex</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;indexName&gt;"</span>)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Drop Multiple Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#drop-multiple-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="drop-multiple-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To drop multiple indexes, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes() </code> </a> method and specify an array of index names: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.dropIndexes( [ \"&lt;index1&gt;\", \"&lt;index2&gt;\", \"&lt;index3&gt;\" ] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">dropIndexes</span>( <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;index1&gt;"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;index2&gt;"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;index3&gt;"</span> ] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Drop All Indexes Except the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#drop-all-indexes-except-the-_id-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="drop-all-indexes-except-the-_id-index"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To drop all indexes except the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> index, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.dropIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes() </code> </a> method: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.dropIndexes()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">dropIndexes</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="results"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you drop an index, the system returns information about the status of the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"...\n{ \"nIndexesWas\" : 3, \"ok\" : 1 }\n...","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nIndexesWas"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">...</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nIndexesWas </code> reflects the number of indexes before removing an index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To confirm that the index was dropped, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.getIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.getIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getIndexes() </code> </a> method: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.getIndexes()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getIndexes</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The dropped index no longer appears in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getIndexes() </code> output. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about managing your existing indexes, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-indexes/#std-label-manage-indexes"> Manage Indexes <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to remove an index in <!-- --> MongoDB Compass <!-- --> , see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/compass/current/indexes/" target="_self"> <span> Manage Indexes in Compass <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Config Shard <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#config-shard" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="config-shard"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#use-cases" target="_self"> <span> Use Cases </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#get-started" target="_self"> <span> Get Started </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can configure a config server to store your application data in addition to the usual sharded cluster metadata. A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> node that provides both config server and shard server functionality is called a config shard. A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> node that runs as a standalone <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> </a> without shard server functionality is called a dedicated <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharded-cluster-config-server"> config server <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A sharded cluster must have a config server, but it can be either a config shard (embedded config server) or a dedicated config server. Using a config shard reduces the number of nodes required and can simplify your deployment. A config shard cluster is also called an embedded config server cluster. You cannot use the same config server for multiple sharded clusters. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-config-shard-use-cases"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Use Cases <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-cases" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-cases"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can consider using a config shard if your cluster has three or fewer shards. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your application has demanding availability and resiliency requirements, consider deploying a dedicated config server. A dedicated config server provides isolation, dedicated resources, and consistent performance for critical cluster operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You should use a dedicated config server if you satisfy one or more of the following conditions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You plan to use more than three <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-sharded-cluster"> shards <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You plan to use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/timeseries-collections/#std-label-manual-timeseries-landing"> Time series collections </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/#std-label-qe-manual-feature-qe"> Queryable Encryption </a> collections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You plan to use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/ops-manager/current/tutorial/query-backup/" target="_self"> <span> queryable backups </span> </a> (on-prem). </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In an embedded config server cluster, a config shard will be used to store cluster metadata and user data. It helps reduce the complexity of a sharded cluster deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can store sharded and unsharded collection data in your config shard. It has all the properties of a shard as well as acting as the config server. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Confirm use of Config Shard <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#confirm-use-of-config-shard" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="confirm-use-of-config-shard"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To confirm that a sharded cluster uses a config shard, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command and check the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.shardingStatistics.configServerInShardCache"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configServerInShardCache </code> </a> status: </p> <div class="css-1f5771r"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n serverStatus: 1,\n} ).shardingStatistics.configServerInShardCache","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">serverStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} ).<span class="lg-highlight-property">shardingStatistics</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">configServerInShardCache</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="css-9st569 efa38qy0" style="--border-color:#E8EDEB"> <button aria-disabled="false" class="lg-ui-button-0000 leafygreen-ui-hix6y6" data-lgid="lg-button" role="button" type="button"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-v038xi"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-16tr4y"> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-hjnzs9" fill="none" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.364 10.778a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-4.95-4.95-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-.707.707-4.95 4.95a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l.707.707a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0L8 7.243l4.243 4.242a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l.707-.707Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> HIDE OUTPUT </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1oteowz"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"true","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1sax7hu e11q6jfk0" style="--code-container-border:initial;--code-pre-border:none"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1fyvhqe"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1qhgg7e" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-dark javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Config Shard Identity Document <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#config-shard-identity-document" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="config-shard-identity-document"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To identify the config server as a config shard, inspect the document in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data-admin.system.version"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin.system.version </code> </a> collection. In this example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardName </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 'config' </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id: 'shardIdentity',\n shardName: 'config',\n clusterId: ObjectId(\"&lt;objectid&gt;\"),\n configsvrConnectionString: '&lt;config&gt;',\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'shardIdentity'</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shardName</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'config'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;objectID&gt;"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">configsvrConnectionString</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'&lt;config server replica set connection string&gt;'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example retrieves a shard identity document from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data-admin.system.version"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin.system.version </code> </a> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.system.version.find()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">system</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">version</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output extract: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n _id: 'shardIdentity',\n shardName: 'config',\n clusterId: ObjectId(\"6441bdd6779584849dcac095\"),\n configsvrConnectionString: 'configRepl/localhost:27007'\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'shardIdentity'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shardName</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'config'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6441bdd6779584849dcac095"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">configsvrConnectionString</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'configRepl/localhost:27007'</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Commands <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#commands" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="commands"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure a dedicated config server to run as a config shard, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure a config shard to run as a dedicated config server, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionToDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionToDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionToDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> command. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Get Started <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#get-started" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="get-started"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/convert-replica-set-to-embedded-config-server/#std-label-convert-replica-set-to-embedded-config-server"> Convert a Replica Set to a Sharded Cluster with an Embedded Config Server </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/start-a-sharded-cluster-with-config-shard/#std-label-start-a-sharded-cluster-with-config-shard"> Start a Sharded Cluster with a Config Shard </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" 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class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharded-cluster-config-server-config-shards"> Config Shards </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/transitionToDedicatedConfigServer/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.transitionToDedicatedConfigServer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transitionToDedicatedConfigServer </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $limit (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-limit--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 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</div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="pipeline"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Limits the number of documents passed to the next stage in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-pipeline"> pipeline <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> stage has the following prototype form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $limit: &lt;positive&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$limit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&lt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-name lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">positive</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">64-bit</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">integer</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&gt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> }</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> takes a positive integer that specifies the maximum number of documents to pass along. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> pipeline aggregation has a 64-bit integer limit. Values passed to the pipeline which exceed this limit will return a invalid argument error. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Using $limit with Sorted Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#using--limit-with-sorted-results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="using--limit-with-sorted-results"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> stage with any of: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> aggregation stage, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.sort/#mongodb-method-cursor.sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sort() </code> </a> method, or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sort </code> field to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify </code> </a> command or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify() </code> </a> shell method, </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> be sure to include at least one field in your sort that contains unique values, before passing results to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> stage. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sorting on fields that contain duplicate values may return an inconsistent sort order for those duplicate fields over multiple executions, especially when the collection is actively receiving writes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The easiest way to guarantee sort consistency is to include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in your sort query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See the following for more information on each: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#std-label-sort-aggregation-consistent-sorting"> Consistent sorting with $sort (aggregation) </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.sort/#std-label-sort-cursor-consistent-sorting"> Consistent sorting with the sort() shell method </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#std-label-findandmodify-command-consistent-sorting"> Consistent sorting with the findAndModify command </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#std-label-findandmodify-method-consistent-sorting"> Consistent sorting with the findAndModify() shell method </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.article.aggregate([\n { $limit : 5 }\n]);","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">article</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->$limit<!-- --> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation returns only the first 5 documents passed to it by the pipeline. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> has no effect on the content of the documents it passes. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> precedes a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> and there are no intervening stages that modify the number of documents, the optimizer can coalesce the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-limit" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $limit </code> </span> </a> into the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> . This allows the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> operation to only maintain the top <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> results as it progresses, where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> is the specified limit, and ensures that MongoDB only needs to store <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> items in memory. This optimization still applies when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUse </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> items exceed the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/#std-label-agg-memory-restrictions"> aggregation memory limit <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/aggregation-zip-code-data-set/"> Aggregation with the Zip Code Data Set <!-- --> , </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/aggregation-with-user-preference-data/"> Aggregation with User Preference Data </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Replica Set Oplog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set-oplog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set-oplog"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#oplog-size" target="_self"> <span> Oplog Size </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#workloads-that-might-require-a-larger-oplog-size" target="_self"> <span> Workloads that Might Require a Larger Oplog Size </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#oplog-status" target="_self"> <span> Oplog Status </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#slow-oplog-application" target="_self"> <span> Slow Oplog Application </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#oplog-collection-behavior" target="_self"> <span> Oplog Collection Behavior </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> (operations log) is a special <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-capped-collection"> capped collection </a> that keeps a rolling record of all operations that modify the data stored in your databases. If write operations do not modify any data or fail, they do not create oplog entries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unlike other capped collections, the oplog can grow past its configured size limit to avoid deleting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority commit point </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB applies database operations on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> and then records the operations on the primary's oplog. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> members then copy and apply these operations in an asynchronous process. All replica set members contain a copy of the oplog, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/local-database/#mongodb-data-local.oplog.rs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local.oplog.rs </code> </a> collection, which allows them to maintain the current state of the database. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To facilitate replication, all replica set members send heartbeats (pings) to all other members. Any <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> member can import oplog entries from any other member. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each operation in the oplog is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-idempotent"> idempotent </a> . That is, oplog operations produce the same results whether applied once or multiple times to the target dataset. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replica-set-oplog-sizing"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Oplog Size <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#oplog-size" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="oplog-size"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you start a replica set member for the first time, MongoDB creates an oplog of a default size if you do not specify the oplog size. </p> <dl> <dt> For Unix and Windows systems </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default oplog size depends on the storage engine: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Storage Engine </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Default Oplog Size </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger"> WiredTiger Storage Engine </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 5% of free disk space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/inmemory/#std-label-storage-inmemory"> In-Memory Storage Engine for Self-Managed Deployments </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 5% of physical memory </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default oplog size has the following constraints: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum oplog size is 990 MB. If 5% of free disk space or physical memory (whichever is applicable based on your storage engine) is less than 990 MB, the default oplog size is 990 MB. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum default oplog size is 50 GB. If 5% of free disk space or physical memory (whichever is applicable based on your storage engine) is greater than 50 GB, the default oplog size is 50 GB. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> <dt> For 64-bit macOS systems </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default oplog size is 192 MB of either free disk space or physical memory depending on the storage engine: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Storage Engine </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Default Oplog Size </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger"> WiredTiger Storage Engine </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 192 MB of free disk space </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/inmemory/#std-label-storage-inmemory"> In-Memory Storage Engine for Self-Managed Deployments </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 192 MB of physical memory </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In most cases, the default oplog size is sufficient. For example, if an oplog is 5% of free disk space and fills up in 24 hours of operations, then secondaries can stop copying entries from the oplog for up to 24 hours without becoming too stale to continue replicating. However, most replica sets have much lower operation volumes, and their oplogs can hold much higher numbers of operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> creates an oplog, you can specify its size with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.oplogSizeMB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogSizeMB </code> </a> option. Once you have started a replica set member for the first time, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetResizeOplog/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetResizeOplog"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetResizeOplog </code> </a> administrative command to change the oplog size. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetResizeOplog/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetResizeOplog"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetResizeOplog </code> </a> enables you to resize the oplog dynamically without restarting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replica-set-minimum-oplog-size"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Minimum Oplog Retention Period <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#minimum-oplog-retention-period" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="minimum-oplog-retention-period"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify the minimum number of hours to preserve an oplog entry where <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only removes an oplog entry <em> if </em> both of the following criteria are met: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The oplog has reached the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replica-set-oplog-sizing" target="_self"> <span> maximum configured size <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The oplog entry is older than the configured number of hours based on the host system clock. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default MongoDB does not set a minimum oplog retention period and automatically truncates the oplog starting with the oldest entries to maintain the configured maximum oplog size. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure the minimum oplog retention period when starting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Add the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.oplogMinRetentionHours"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.oplogMinRetentionHours </code> </a> setting to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> -or- </em> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Add the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--oplogMinRetentionHours"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogMinRetentionHours </code> </a> command line option. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure the minimum oplog retention period on a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetResizeOplog/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetResizeOplog"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetResizeOplog </code> </a> . Setting the minimum oplog retention period while the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> is running overrides any values set on startup. You must update the value of the corresponding configuration file setting or command line option to persist those changes through a server restart. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Oplog Window <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#oplog-window" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="oplog-window"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> entries are time-stamped. The oplog window is the time difference between the newest and the oldest timestamps in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplog </code> . If a secondary node loses connection with the primary, it can only use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-replication"> replication </a> to sync up again if the connection is restored within the oplog window. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replica-set-large-oplog-required"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Workloads that Might Require a Larger Oplog Size <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#workloads-that-might-require-a-larger-oplog-size" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="workloads-that-might-require-a-larger-oplog-size"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you can predict your replica set's workload to resemble one of the following patterns, then you might want to create an oplog that is larger than the default. Conversely, if your application predominantly performs reads with a minimal amount of write operations, a smaller oplog may be sufficient. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following workloads might require a larger oplog size. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Updates to Multiple Documents at Once <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#updates-to-multiple-documents-at-once" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="updates-to-multiple-documents-at-once"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The oplog must translate multi-updates into individual operations in order to maintain <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-idempotent"> idempotency </a> . This can use a great deal of oplog space without a corresponding increase in data size or disk use. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Deletions Equal the Same Amount of Data as Inserts <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deletions-equal-the-same-amount-of-data-as-inserts" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deletions-equal-the-same-amount-of-data-as-inserts"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you delete roughly the same amount of data as you insert, the database will not grow significantly in disk use, but the size of the operation log can be quite large. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Significant Number of In-Place Updates <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#significant-number-of-in-place-updates" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="significant-number-of-in-place-updates"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a significant portion of the workload is updates that do not increase the size of the documents, the database records a large number of operations but does not change the quantity of data on disk. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Oplog Status <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#oplog-status" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="oplog-status"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view oplog status, including the size and the time range of operations, issue the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printReplicationInfo() </code> </a> method. For more information on oplog status, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/troubleshoot-replica-sets/#std-label-replica-set-troubleshooting-check-oplog-size"> Check the Size of the Oplog <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication Lag and Flow Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-lag-and-flow-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-lag-and-flow-control"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Under various exceptional situations, updates to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary's </a> oplog might lag behind the desired performance time. Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.getReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-db.getReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getReplicationInfo() </code> </a> from a secondary member and the replication status output to assess the current state of replication and determine if there is any unintended replication delay. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Administrators can limit the rate at which the primary applies its writes with the goal of keeping the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority committed </code> </a> lag under a configurable maximum value <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.flowControlTargetLagSeconds"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flowControlTargetLagSeconds </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, flow control is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.enableFlowControl"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enabled </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For flow control to engage, the replica set/sharded cluster must have: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) </a> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.2 </code> and read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority enabled </code> </a> . That is, enabled flow control has no effect if fCV is not <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.2 </code> or if read concern majority is disabled. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/troubleshoot-replica-sets/#std-label-replica-set-replication-lag"> Replication Lag </a> for more information. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-slow-oplog-application"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Slow Oplog Application <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#slow-oplog-application" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="slow-oplog-application"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Secondary members of a replica set log oplog entries that take longer than the slow operation threshold to apply. These messages are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--logpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logged </code> </a> for the secondaries under the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#mongodb-data-REPL"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> REPL </code> </a> component with the text <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> applied op: &lt;oplog entry&gt; took &lt;num&gt;ms </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"2018-11-16T12:31:35.886-05:00 I REPL [repl writer worker 13] applied op: command { ... }, took 112ms"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">2018-11-16T12:31:35.886-05:00 I REPL [repl writer worker 13] applied op: command { ... }, took 112ms</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The slow oplog application logging on secondaries are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Not affected by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.logLevel"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logLevel </code> / </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.verbosity </code> </a> level (or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.replication.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.component.replication.verbosity </code> </a> level); i.e. for oplog entries, the secondary logs only the slow oplog entries. Increasing the verbosity level does not log all oplog entries. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Not captured by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/"> profiler </a> and not affected by the profiling level. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on setting the slow operation threshold, see </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--slowms"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod --slowms </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-operationProfiling.slowOpThresholdMs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slowOpThresholdMs </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/profile/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.profile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> profile </code> </a> command or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.setProfilingLevel/#mongodb-method-db.setProfilingLevel"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.setProfilingLevel() </code> </a> shell helper method. </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-oplog-coll-behavior"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Oplog Collection Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#oplog-collection-behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="oplog-collection-behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local.oplog.rs </code> collection from any replica set member if your MongoDB deployment uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger"> WiredTiger Storage Engine </a> . You cannot drop the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local.oplog.rs </code> collection from a standalone MongoDB instance. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> requires the oplog for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-replication"> Replication </a> and recovery of a node if the node goes down. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, it is no longer possible to perform manual write operations to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replica-set-oplog" target="_self"> <span> oplog </span> </a> on a cluster running as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-replication"> replica set </a> . Performing write operations to the oplog when running as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-standalone"> standalone instance </a> should only be done with guidance from MongoDB Support. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition on Debian <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-edition-on-debian" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-enterprise-edition-on-debian"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-edition" target="_self"> <span> Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#run-mongodb-enterprise-edition" target="_self"> <span> Run MongoDB Enterprise Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#uninstall-mongodb" target="_self"> <span> Uninstall MongoDB </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#additional-information" target="_self"> <span> Additional Information </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this tutorial to install MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> apt </code> package manager. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise Edition </span> </a> is available on select platforms and contains support for several features related to security and monitoring. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial installs MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> , use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this page to select the documentation for that version. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Platform Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#platform-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="platform-support"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Enterprise Edition supports the following <strong class="css-4dei7l"> 64-bit </strong> Debian releases on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-x86_64"> x86_64 </a> architecture: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Debian 12 "Bookworm" </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB only supports the 64-bit versions of these platforms. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms"> Platform Support </a> for more information. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Production Notes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#production-notes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="production-notes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before deploying MongoDB in a production environment, consider the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/"> Production Notes for Self-Managed Deployments </a> document which offers performance considerations and configuration recommendations for production MongoDB deployments. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Official MongoDB Packages <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#official-mongodb-packages" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="official-mongodb-packages"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To install MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> on your <!-- --> Debian <!-- --> system, these instructions will use the official <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise </code> package, which is maintained and supported by MongoDB Inc. The official <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise </code> package always contains the latest version of MongoDB, and is available from its own dedicated repo. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb </code> package provided by <!-- --> Debian <!-- --> is <strong> not </strong> maintained by MongoDB Inc. and conflicts with the official <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise </code> package. If you have already installed the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb </code> package on your <!-- --> Debian <!-- --> system, you <strong> must </strong> first uninstall the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb </code> package before proceeding with these instructions. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-debian-enterprise-package-content" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise Edition Packages </span> </a> for the complete list of official packages. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-install-enterprise-debian-pkg"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-enterprise-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to install MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> apt </code> package manager. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"From a terminal, install gnupg and curl if they are not already\navailable:To import the MongoDB public GPG key, run the following command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise.list file for MongoDB.Create the list file using the command appropriate for your version\nof Debian:If you'd like to install MongoDB Enterprise packages from a\nparticular release series, you can\nspecify the release series of a version of MongoDB that is supported\nfor your Debian build in the repository configuration. For example,\nto restrict your system to the 7.0 release series,\nadd the following repository:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Reload local package databaseIssue the following command to reload the local package database:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Install MongoDB Enterprise ServerTo install the latest release of MongoDB Enterprise\nServer, run the following command:To install a specific release, you must specify each component package\nindividually along with the version number, as in the\nfollowing example:If you only install mongodb-enterprise=8.0.0 and do not include the\ncomponent packages, the latest version of each MongoDB package will be\ninstalled regardless of what version you specified.Although you can specify any available version of MongoDB,\napt-get upgrades the packages when a newer version\nbecomes available. To prevent unintended upgrades, pin the\npackage. To pin the version of MongoDB at the currently\ninstalled version, issue the following command sequence:"}],"name":"Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> From a terminal, install <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> gnupg </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> curl </code> if they are not already available: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get install gnupg curl","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get install gnupg curl</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To import the MongoDB public GPG key, run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"curl -fsSL https://pgp.mongodb.com/server-8.0.asc | \\\n sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg \\\n --dearmor","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">curl -fsSL https:/<!-- -->/pgp.mongodb.com/server-<!-- -->8.0.asc | \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> sudo gpg -o <!-- -->/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-<!-- -->8.0.gpg \</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> --dearmor</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise.list </code> file for MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-etc-apt-sources-list-d-mongodb-enterprise-list-file-for-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-etc-apt-sources-list-d-mongodb-enterprise-list-file-for-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the list file using the command appropriate for your version of Debian: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"echo \"deb [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg ] http://repo.mongodb.com/apt/debian bookworm/mongodb-enterprise/8.0 main\" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise.list","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"deb [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg ] http://repo.mongodb.com/apt/debian bookworm/mongodb-enterprise/8.0 main"</span> | sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">tee</span> <!-- -->/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise.list</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you'd like to install MongoDB Enterprise packages from a particular <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/versioning/#std-label-release-version-numbers"> release series </a> , you can specify the release series of a version of MongoDB that is supported for your Debian build in the repository configuration. For example, to restrict your system to the 7.0 release series, add the following repository: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"echo \"deb [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg ] http://repo.mongodb.com/apt/debian bullseye/mongodb-enterprise/7.0 main\" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise-7.0.list","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"deb [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg ] http://repo.mongodb.com/apt/debian bullseye/mongodb-enterprise/7.0 main"</span> | sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">tee</span> <!-- -->/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise-<!-- -->7.0.list</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Reload local package database <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reload-local-package-database" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reload-local-package-database"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Issue the following command to reload the local package database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get update","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get update</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Enterprise Server <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-enterprise-server" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-enterprise-server"> </div> </a> </h3> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-14"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of latest/specific" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_ic45k2ty9" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_zg9oqca0m" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Latest Release </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_dej35va9j" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_pgo9t9864" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Specific Release </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_azmnw8scp" class="" id="_6tcjxet4t" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To install the latest release of MongoDB Enterprise Server, run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_xz42t3n3y" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_k0svfbbfx" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To install a specific release, you must specify each component package individually along with the version number, as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise=8.0.0 mongodb-enterprise-database=8.0.0 mongodb-enterprise-server=8.0.0 mongodb-mongosh mongodb-enterprise-mongos=8.0.0 mongodb-enterprise-tools=8.0.0\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise=8.0.0 mongodb-enterprise-database=8.0.0 mongodb-enterprise-server=8.0.0 mongodb-mongosh mongodb-enterprise-mongos=8.0.0 mongodb-enterprise-tools=8.0.0</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you only install <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise=8.0.0 </code> and do not include the component packages, the latest version of each MongoDB package will be installed regardless of what version you specified. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Although you can specify any available version of MongoDB, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> apt-get </code> upgrades the packages when a newer version becomes available. To prevent unintended upgrades, pin the package. To pin the version of MongoDB at the currently installed version, issue the following command sequence: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"echo \"mongodb-enterprise hold\" | sudo dpkg --set-selections\necho \"mongodb-enterprise-server hold\" | sudo dpkg --set-selections\necho \"mongodb-enterprise-database hold\" | sudo dpkg --set-selections\necho \"mongodb-mongosh hold\" | sudo dpkg --set-selections\necho \"mongodb-enterprise-mongos hold\" | sudo dpkg --set-selections\necho \"mongodb-enterprise-tools hold\" | sudo dpkg --set-selections","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb-enterprise hold"</span> | sudo dpkg --set-selections</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb-enterprise-server hold"</span> | sudo dpkg --set-selections</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb-enterprise-database hold"</span> | sudo dpkg --set-selections</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb-mongosh hold"</span> | sudo dpkg --set-selections</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb-enterprise-mongos hold"</span> | sudo dpkg --set-selections</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">echo</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb-enterprise-tools hold"</span> | sudo dpkg --set-selections</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also install the MongoDB Shell that uses the system's OpenSSL. You must have already installed OpenSSL on your system before installing this version of the MongoDB Shell. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can install all of the MongoDB Enterprise packages and the MongoDB Shell that uses the system's OpenSSL without removing the MongoDB Shell first. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example removes the MongoDB Shell and then installs the MongoDB Shell that uses the system's OpenSSL 1.1: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get remove -y mongodb-mongosh &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get install -y\nmongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get remove -y mongodb-mongosh &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get install -y</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example removes the MongoDB Shell and then installs the MongoDB Shell that uses the system's OpenSSL 3: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get remove -y mongodb-mongosh &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get install -y\nmongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get remove -y mongodb-mongosh &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get install -y</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also choose the MongoDB packages to install. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example installs MongoDB Enterprise and tools, and the MongoDB Shell that uses the system's OpenSSL 1.1: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise-database\nmongodb-enterprise-tools mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise-database</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodb-enterprise-tools mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example installs MongoDB Enterprise and tools, and the MongoDB Shell that uses the system's OpenSSL 3: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise-database\nmongodb-enterprise-tools mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise-database</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongodb-enterprise-tools mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Run MongoDB Enterprise Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb-enterprise-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb-enterprise-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, a MongoDB instance stores: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> its data files in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongodb </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> its log files in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed via the package manager, these default directories are created during the installation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you installed manually by downloading the tarballs, you can create the directories using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mkdir -p &lt;directory&gt; </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sudo mkdir -p &lt;directory&gt; </code> depending on the user that will run MongoDB. (See your linux man pages for information on <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mkdir </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sudo </code> .) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB runs using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb </code> user account. If you change the user that runs the MongoDB process, you <strong> must </strong> also modify the permission to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongodb </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> directories to give this user access to these directories. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a different log file directory and data file directory, edit the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> settings in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/mongod.conf </code> . Ensure that the user running MongoDB has access to these directories. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Most Unix-like operating systems limit the system resources that a process may use. These limits may negatively impact MongoDB operation, and should be adjusted. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/ulimit/"> UNIX <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> Settings for Self-Managed Deployments </a> for the recommended settings for your platform. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> value for number of open files is under <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 64000 </code> , MongoDB generates a startup warning. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to run MongoDB <!-- --> Enterprise <!-- --> Edition on your system. These instructions assume that you are using the official <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise </code> package -- not the unofficial <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb </code> package provided by <!-- --> Debian <!-- --> -- and are using the default settings. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong> Init System </strong> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run and manage your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process, you will be using your operating system's built-in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-init-system"> init system </a> . Recent versions of Linux tend to use <strong> systemd </strong> (which uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemctl </code> command), while older versions of Linux tend to use <strong> System V init </strong> (which uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> service </code> command). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are unsure which init system your platform uses, run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"ps --no-headers -o comm 1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">ps --no-headers -o <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">comm</span> 1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then select the appropriate tab below based on the result: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemd </code> - select the <strong> systemd (systemctl) </strong> tab below. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> init </code> - select the <strong> System V Init (service) </strong> tab below. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <br/> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-27"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of systemd-systemctl/systemvinit-service" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_wo7ucjb5p" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_7u185xie6" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> systemd (systemctl) </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_rc2gtijo4" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_skaszgtbz" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> System V Init (service) </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_19dgah4rn" class="" id="_95tqnwxyz" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start MongoDB.You can start the mongod process by issuing the\nfollowing command:If you receive an error similar to the following when starting\nmongod:Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found.Run the following command first:Then run the start command above again."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfully.You can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a\nsystem reboot by issuing the following command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Stop MongoDB.As needed, you can stop the mongod process by issuing the\nfollowing command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart MongoDB.You can restart the mongod process by issuing the following\ncommand:You can follow the state of the process for errors or important messages\nby watching the output in the /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log file."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with default\nport 27017.For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. For the\ndriver documentation, see Start Developing with MongoDB."}],"name":"Procedure - systemd (systemctl)","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Start MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl start mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl start mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you receive an error similar to the following when starting <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> : </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found. </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run the following command first: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl daemon-reload\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl daemon-reload</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then run the start command above again. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully"> </div> </a> </h4> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl status mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl status mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a system reboot by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl enable mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl enable mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Stop MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#stop-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="stop-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As needed, you can stop the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl stop mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl stop mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Restart MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can restart the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl restart mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl restart mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can follow the state of the process for errors or important messages by watching the output in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> file. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your localhost with default port 27017. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\nmongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. For the driver documentation, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> Start Developing with MongoDB <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_t530e7df9" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_q0graq1z0" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start MongoDB.Issue the following command to start mongod:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfullyVerify that the mongod process has started\nsuccessfully:You can also check the log file for the current status of the\nmongod process, located at:\n/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log by default. A running\nmongod instance will indicate that it is ready for\nconnections with the following line:[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Stop MongoDB.As needed, you can stop the mongod process by issuing the\nfollowing command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart MongoDB.Issue the following command to restart mongod:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with default\nport 27017.For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. For the\ndriver documentation, see Start Developing with MongoDB."}],"name":"Procedure - System V Init (service)","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Start MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Issue the following command to start <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod start\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod start</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Verify that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process has started successfully: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod status\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod status</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also check the log file for the current status of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process, located at: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> by default. A running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance will indicate that it is ready for connections with the following line: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017 </code> </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Stop MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#stop-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="stop-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As needed, you can stop the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod stop\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod stop</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Restart MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Issue the following command to restart <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod restart\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod restart</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your localhost with default port 27017. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\nmongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. For the driver documentation, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> Start Developing with MongoDB <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Uninstall MongoDB <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#uninstall-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="uninstall-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To completely remove MongoDB from a system, you must remove the MongoDB applications themselves, the configuration files, and any directories containing data and logs. The following section guides you through the necessary steps. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This process will <em> completely </em> remove MongoDB, its configuration, and <em> all </em> databases. This process is not reversible, so ensure that all of your configuration and data is backed up before proceeding. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Stop MongoDB.Stop the mongod process by issuing the following command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Remove Packages.Remove any MongoDB packages that you had previously installed."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Remove Data Directories.Remove MongoDB databases and log files."}],"name":"Uninstall MongoDB","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Stop MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#stop-mongodb-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="stop-mongodb-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Stop the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod stop\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod stop</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Remove Packages. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#remove-packages" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="remove-packages"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Remove any MongoDB packages that you had previously installed. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo apt-get purge mongodb-enterprise*\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo apt-get purge mongodb-enterprise*</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Remove Data Directories. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#remove-data-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="remove-data-directories"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Remove MongoDB databases and log files. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb\nsudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Additional Information <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#additional-information" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="additional-information"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Localhost Binding by Default <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#localhost-binding-by-default" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="localhost-binding-by-default"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB launches with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> , which binds to the localhost network interface. This means that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> can only accept connections from clients that are running on the same machine. Remote clients will not be able to connect to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> will not be able to initialize a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> unless this value is set to a valid network interface. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value can be configured either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> in the MongoDB configuration file with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> via the command-line argument <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-mongodb-configuration/"> IP Binding in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-debian-enterprise-package-content"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Enterprise Edition Packages <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-enterprise-edition-packages" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-enterprise-edition-packages"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Enterprise Edition is available from its own dedicated repository, and contains the following officially-supported packages: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:35%"/> <col style="width:65%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Package Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metapackage </code> that automatically installs the component packages listed below. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise-database </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metapackage </code> that automatically installs the component packages listed below. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Package Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise-server </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> daemon and associated configuration and init scripts. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise-mongos </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> daemon. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise-cryptd </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/reference/encryption-components/#std-label-csfle-encryption-components"> mongocryptd </a> binary </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-mongosh </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the MongoDB Shell ( <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> ). </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-shared-openssl* </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the MongoDB Shell that uses the OpenSSL version already installed on your computer ( <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> ). </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise-tools </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metapackage </code> that automatically installs the component packages listed below: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Package Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-database-tools </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Contains the following MongoDB database tools: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/bsondump/#mongodb-binary-bin.bsondump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsondump </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoimport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoimport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoimport </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoexport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoexport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoexport </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongostat/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongostat" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongostat </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongotop/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongotop" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongotop </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongofiles/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongofiles" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongofiles </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-enterprise-database-tools-extra </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Contains the following MongoDB support tools: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongoldap/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoldap"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoldap </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongokerberos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongokerberos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongokerberos </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/install_compass/#std-label-install-compass"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> install_compass </code> </a> script </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodecrypt </code> binary </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> distinct <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#distinct" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="distinct"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> returns a document that contains an array of the distinct values. The return document also contains an embedded document with query statistics and the query plan. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , this command can also be run through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.distinct/#mongodb-method-db.collection.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.distinct() </code> </a> helper method <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Helper methods are convenient for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command has limited support in M0, M2, and M5 clusters. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n distinct: \"&lt;collection&gt;\",\n key: \"&lt;field&gt;\",\n query: &lt;query&gt;,\n readConcern: &lt;read&gt;,\n collation: &lt;collation&gt;,\n comment: &lt;any&gt;,\n hint: &lt;string&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;collection&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;field&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: &lt;<!-- -->query<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">readConcern</span>: <!-- -->&lt;read concern document&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> collation: &lt;collation document&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> comment: &lt;any&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> hint: &lt;string or document&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The name of the collection to query for distinct values. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> key </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The field for which to return distinct values. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> query </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. A query that specifies the documents from which to retrieve the distinct values. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-concern"> read concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern </code> option has the following syntax: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern: { level: &lt;value&gt; } </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Possible read concern levels are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-local/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-local-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "local" </code> </a> . This is the default read concern level for read operations against the primary and secondaries. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-available/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-available-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "available" </code> </a> . Available for read operations against the primary and secondaries. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-available/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-available-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "available" </code> </a> behaves the same as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-local/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-local-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "local" </code> </a> against the primary and non-sharded secondaries. The query returns the instance's most recent data. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> . Available for replica sets that use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger"> WiredTiger storage engine <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> . Available for read operations on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.PRIMARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> only. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more formation on the read concern levels, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/#std-label-read-concern-levels"> Read Concern Levels <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> to use for the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collation option has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"collation: {\n locale: &lt;string&gt;,\n caseLevel: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n caseFirst: &lt;string&gt;,\n strength: &lt;int&gt;,\n numericOrdering: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n alternate: &lt;string&gt;,\n maxVariable: &lt;string&gt;,\n backwards: &lt;boolean&gt;\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">collation: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> locale: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> caseLevel: &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> caseFirst: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> strength: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> numericOrdering: &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> alternate: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> maxVariable: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> backwards: &lt;boolean&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When specifying collation, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locale </code> field is mandatory; all other collation fields are optional. For descriptions of the fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation-document-fields"> Collation Document <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the collation is unspecified but the collection has a default collation (see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> ), the operation uses the collation specified for the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no collation is specified for the collection or for the operations, MongoDB uses the simple binary comparison used in prior versions for string comparisons. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify multiple collations for an operation. For example, you cannot specify different collations per field, or if performing a find with a sort, you cannot use one collation for the find and another for the sort. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> comment </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> any </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A user-provided comment to attach to this command. Once set, this comment appears alongside records of this command in the following locations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> mongod log messages </a> , in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attr.command.cursor.comment </code> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#std-label-profiler"> Database profiler </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#mongodb-data-system.profile.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.currentOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> currentOp </code> </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-data-currentOp.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A comment can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-bson-types"> BSON type </a> (string, integer, object, array, etc). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string or document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Specify the index name, either as a string or a document. If specified, the query planner only considers plans using the hinted index. For more details, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-index-example" target="_self"> <span> Specify an Index <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.1 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Results must not be larger than the maximum <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/limits/#std-label-limit-bson-document-size"> BSON size </a> . If your results exceed the maximum BSON size, use the aggregation pipeline to retrieve distinct values using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> operator, as described in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#std-label-aggregation-group-distinct-values"> Retrieve Distinct Values with the Aggregation Pipeline <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB also provides the shell wrapper method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.distinct/#mongodb-method-db.collection.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.distinct() </code> </a> for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> command. Additionally, many MongoDB <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-driver"> drivers </a> provide a wrapper method. Refer to the specific driver documentation. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster </a> , the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> command may return <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-document"> orphaned documents <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/timeseries-collections/#std-label-manual-timeseries-landing"> time series collections </a> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> command can't make efficient use of indexes. Instead, use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> aggregation to group documents by distinct values. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/timeseries/timeseries-limitations/#std-label-timeseries-limitation-distinct"> Time Series Limitations <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-distinct-command-array-behavior"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Array Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#array-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="array-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the value of the specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> is an array, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> considers each element of the array as a separate value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For instance, if a field has as its value <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ 1, [1], 1 ] </code> , then <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> considers <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [1] </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> as separate values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> command returns the same results for collections and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> views </a> when using arrays. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-distinct-command-array" target="_self"> <span> Return Distinct Values for an Array Field </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-distinct-arrays-in-collections-and-views" target="_self"> <span> Arrays in Collections and Views </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Index Use <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#index-use" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="index-use"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When possible, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> operations can use indexes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indexes can also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> cover </a> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> operations. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> Covered Query </a> for more information on queries covered by indexes. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transactions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To perform a distinct operation within a transaction: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For unsharded collections, you can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.distinct/#mongodb-method-db.collection.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.distinct() </code> </a> method/the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> command as well as the aggregation pipeline with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For sharded collections, you cannot use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.distinct/#mongodb-method-db.collection.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.distinct() </code> </a> method or the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To find the distinct values for a sharded collection, use the aggregation pipeline with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> stage instead. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-operations/#std-label-transactions-operations-distinct"> Distinct Operation </a> for details. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In most cases, a distributed transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of distributed transactions should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/concepts/embedding-vs-references/#std-label-data-modeling-embedding"> denormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays) </a> will continue to be optimal for your data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data appropriately will minimize the need for distributed transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional transactions usage considerations (such as runtime limit and oplog size limit), see also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-production-consideration/#std-label-production-considerations"> Production Considerations <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Client Disconnection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#client-disconnection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="client-disconnection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 4.2, if the client that issued <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> disconnects before the operation completes, MongoDB marks <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> for termination using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/killOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.killOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killOp </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replica Set Member State Restriction <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set-member-state-restriction" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set-member-state-restriction"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run on a replica set member, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> operations require the member to be in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.PRIMARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PRIMARY </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> state. If the member is in another state, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> , the operation errors. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Index Filters and Collations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#index-filters-and-collations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="index-filters-and-collations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, an index filter uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> previously set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/planCacheSetFilter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheSetFilter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSetFilter </code> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, use query settings instead of adding <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters </a> . Index filters are deprecated starting in MongoDB 8.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality than index filters. Also, index filters aren't persistent and you cannot easily create index filters for all cluster nodes. To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query Settings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-settings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-settings"> </div> </a> </h3> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use query settings to set index hints, set <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/operation-rejection-filters/#std-label-operation-rejection-filters"> operation rejection filters </a> , and other fields. The settings apply to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/queryStats/#std-label-queryStats-queryShape"> query shape </a> on the entire cluster. The cluster retains the settings after shutdown. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-query-optimizer"> query optimizer </a> uses the query settings as an additional input during query planning, which affects the plan selected to run the query. You can also use query settings to block a query shape. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can add query settings for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/find/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> </a> commands. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality and are preferred over deprecated <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To remove query settings, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeQuerySettings </code> </a> . To obtain the query settings, use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/querySettings/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-querySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $querySettings </code> </a> stage in an aggregation pipeline. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The examples use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection that contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\": 1, \"dept\": \"A\", \"item\": { \"sku\": \"111\", \"color\": \"red\" }, \"sizes\": [ \"S\", \"M\" ] }\n{ \"_id\": 2, \"dept\": \"A\", \"item\": { \"sku\": \"111\", \"color\": \"blue\" }, \"sizes\": [ \"M\", \"L\" ] }\n{ \"_id\": 3, \"dept\": \"B\", \"item\": { \"sku\": \"222\", \"color\": \"blue\" }, \"sizes\": \"S\" }\n{ \"_id\": 4, \"dept\": \"A\", \"item\": { \"sku\": \"333\", \"color\": \"black\" }, \"sizes\": [ \"S\" ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sku"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"111"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"color"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"red"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sizes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"S"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"M"</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sku"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"111"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"color"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sizes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"M"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"L"</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"B"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sku"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"222"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"color"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sizes"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"S"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sku"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"333"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"color"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"black"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sizes"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"S"</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Return Distinct Values for a Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#return-distinct-values-for-a-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="return-distinct-values-for-a-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example returns the distinct values for the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dept </code> from all documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand ( { distinct: \"inventory\", key: \"dept\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">runCommand</span> <!-- -->( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns a document with a field named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> that contains the distinct <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dept </code> values: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"values\" : [ \"A\", \"B\" ],\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"values"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"B"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Return Distinct Values for an Embedded Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#return-distinct-values-for-an-embedded-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="return-distinct-values-for-an-embedded-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example returns the distinct values for the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> , embedded in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field, from all documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand ( { distinct: \"inventory\", key: \"item.sku\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">runCommand</span> <!-- -->( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item.sku"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns a document with a field named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> that contains the distinct <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> values: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"values\" : [ \"111\", \"222\", \"333\" ],\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"values"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"111"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"222"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"333"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-dot-notation"> Dot Notation </a> for information on accessing fields within embedded documents </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-distinct-command-array"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Return Distinct Values for an Array Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#return-distinct-values-for-an-array-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="return-distinct-values-for-an-array-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example returns the distinct values for the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sizes </code> from all documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand ( { distinct: \"inventory\", key: \"sizes\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">runCommand</span> <!-- -->( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sizes"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns a document with a field named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> that contains the distinct <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sizes </code> values: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"values\" : [ \"M\", \"S\", \"L\" ],\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"values"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"M"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"S"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"L"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For information on <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> and array fields, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-distinct-command-array-behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> section. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-distinct-arrays-in-collections-and-views"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Arrays in Collections and Views <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrays-in-collections-and-views" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrays-in-collections-and-views"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> command returns the same results for collections and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> views </a> when using arrays. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example creates a collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sensor </code> with an array of temperature values for each document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.sensor.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, temperatures: [ { value: 1 }, { value: 4 } ] },\n { _id: 1, temperatures: [ { value: 2 }, { value: 8 } ] },\n { _id: 2, temperatures: [ { value: 3 }, { value: 12 } ] },\n { _id: 3, temperatures: [ { value: 1 }, { value: 4 } ] }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">sensor</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperatures</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> } ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperatures</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> } ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperatures</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span> } ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperatures</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> } ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example creates a view named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sensorView </code> from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sensor </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.createView( \"sensorView\", \"sensor\", [] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createView</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sensorView"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sensor"</span>, <!-- -->[<!-- -->] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </span> </a> to return the unique values from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temperatures </code> array in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sensor </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.sensor.distinct( \"temperatures.1.value\" )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">sensor</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">distinct</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"temperatures.1.value"</span> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temperatures.1.value </code> specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temperatures </code> array index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[ 4, 8, 12 ]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span> ]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sensorView </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.sensorView.distinct( \"temperatures.1.value\" )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">sensorView</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">distinct</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"temperatures.1.value"</span> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ 4, 8, 12 ] </code> starting in MongoDB 6.0 (identical to result returned from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sensor </code> collection). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [] </code> in MongoDB versions earlier than 6.0. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify Query with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-query-with-distinct" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-query-with-distinct"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example returns the distinct values for the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> , embedded in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field, from the documents whose <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dept </code> is equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "A" </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand ( { distinct: \"inventory\", key: \"item.sku\", query: { dept: \"A\"} } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">runCommand</span> <!-- -->( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item.sku"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dept</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns a document with a field named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> that contains the distinct <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sku </code> values: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"values\" : [ \"111\", \"333\" ],\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"values"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"111"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"333"</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify a Collation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-a-collation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-a-collation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> myColl </code> has the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, category: \"café\", status: \"A\" }\n{ _id: 2, category: \"cafe\", status: \"a\" }\n{ _id: 3, category: \"cafE\", status: \"a\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafE"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation includes the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n distinct: \"myColl\",\n key: \"category\",\n collation: { locale: \"fr\", strength: 1 }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myColl"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"category"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fr"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For descriptions on the collation fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation-document-fields"> Collation Document <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Override Default Read Concern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#override-default-read-concern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="override-default-read-concern"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To override the default read concern level of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-local/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-local-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "local" </code> </a> , use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern </code> option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation on a replica set specifies a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/"> Read Concern </a> of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> to read the most recent copy of the data confirmed as having been written to a majority of the nodes. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regardless of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-concern"> read concern </a> level, the most recent data on a node may not reflect the most recent version of the data in the system. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n distinct: \"restaurants\",\n key: \"rating\",\n query: { cuisine: \"italian\" },\n readConcern: { level: \"majority\" }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"restaurants"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rating"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"italian"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">readConcern</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">level</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majority"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To ensure that a single thread can read its own writes, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> read concern and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> write concern against the primary of the replica set. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-index-example"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify an Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-an-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-an-index"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify an index name or pattern using the hint option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a hint based on an index name: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand ( { distinct: \"inventory\", key: \"dept\", hint: \"sizes\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">runCommand</span> <!-- -->( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">hint</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sizes"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a hint based on an index pattern: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand ( { distinct: \"inventory\", key: \"dept\", hint: { sizes: 1 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">runCommand</span> <!-- -->( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">distinct</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dept"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">hint</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sizes</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $exists <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-exists" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-exists"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#query-data-on-atlas-by-using-atlas-search" target="_self"> <span> Query Data on Atlas by Using Atlas Search </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#exists-and-not-equal-to" target="_self"> <span> Exists and Not Equal To </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#null-values" target="_self"> <span> Null Values </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#use-a-sparse-index-to-improve--exists-performance" target="_self"> <span> Use a Sparse Index to Improve <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $exists </code> Performance </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="query"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-query-op.-exists" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-query-op.-exists"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-exists" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> </span> </a> operator matches documents that contain or do not contain a specified field, including documents where the field value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> does <strong> not </strong> correspond to SQL operator <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> exists </code> . For SQL <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> exists </code> , refer to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/in/#mongodb-query-op.-in"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </a> operator. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For Atlas Search <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> exists </code> , refer to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/exists/#std-label-exists-ref" target="_self"> <span> exists </span> </a> operator in the Atlas documentation. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/nin/#mongodb-query-op.-nin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $nin </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/in/#mongodb-query-op.-in"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-for-null-fields/#std-label-faq-developers-query-for-nulls"> Query for Null or Missing Fields </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify an <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-exists" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> </span> </a> expression, use the following prototype: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ field: { $exists: &lt;boolean&gt; } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">field</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;boolean&gt; </code> is true, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-exists" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> </span> </a> matches the documents that contain the field, including documents where the field value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;boolean&gt; </code> is false, the query returns only the documents that do not contain the field. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-type0" id="ref-type0-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-type0" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-type0-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> Users can no longer use the query filter <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $type: 0 </code> as a synonym for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists:false </code> . To query for null or missing fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-for-null-fields/"> Query for Null or Missing Fields <!-- --> . </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Query Data on Atlas by Using Atlas Search <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-data-on-atlas-by-using-atlas-search" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-data-on-atlas-by-using-atlas-search"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For data stored in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> , you can use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search </span> </a> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/exists/#std-label-exists-ref" target="_self"> <span> exists </span> </a> operator when running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> queries. Running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-exists" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> </span> </a> after <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> is less performant than running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/exists/#std-label-exists-ref" target="_self"> <span> exists </span> </a> operator. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about the Atlas Search version of this operator, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/exists/#std-label-exists-ref" target="_self"> <span> exists </span> </a> operator in the Atlas documentation. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Exists and Not Equal To <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#exists-and-not-equal-to" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="exists-and-not-equal-to"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { qty: { $exists: true, $nin: [ 5, 15 ] } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$nin</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> ] } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This query will select all documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> qty </code> field exists <em> and </em> its value does not equal <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 15 </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Null Values <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#null-values" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="null-values"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following examples uses a collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> spices </code> with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.spices.insertMany( [\n { saffron: 5, cinnamon: 5, mustard: null },\n { saffron: 3, cinnamon: null, mustard: 8 },\n { saffron: null, cinnamon: 3, mustard: 9 },\n { saffron: 1, cinnamon: 2, mustard: 3 },\n { saffron: 2, mustard: 5 },\n { saffron: 3, cinnamon: 2 },\n { saffron: 4 },\n { cinnamon: 2, mustard: 4 },\n { cinnamon: 2 },\n { mustard: 6 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">spices</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists: true </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-exists--true" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-exists--true"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following query specifies the query predicate <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saffron: { $exists: true } </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.spices.find( { saffron: { $exists: true } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">spices</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The results consist of those documents that contain the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saffron </code> , including the document whose field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saffron </code> contains a null value: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ saffron: 5, cinnamon: 5, mustard: null }\n{ saffron: 3, cinnamon: null, mustard: 8 }\n{ saffron: null, cinnamon: 3, mustard: 9 }\n{ saffron: 1, cinnamon: 2, mustard: 3 }\n{ saffron: 2, mustard: 5 }\n{ saffron: 3, cinnamon: 2 }\n{ saffron: 4 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists: false </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-exists--false" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-exists--false"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following query specifies the query predicate <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cinnamon: { $exists: false } </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.spices.find( { cinnamon: { $exists: false } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">spices</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cinnamon</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The results consist of those documents that do not contain the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cinnamon </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ saffron: 2, mustard: 5 }\n{ saffron: 4 }\n{ mustard: 6 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">saffron</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mustard</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Users can no longer use the query filter <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $type: 0 </code> as a synonym for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists:false </code> . To query for null or missing fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-for-null-fields/"> Query for Null or Missing Fields <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use a Sparse Index to Improve <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> Performance <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-a-sparse-index-to-improve--exists-performance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-a-sparse-index-to-improve--exists-performance"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table compares <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> query performance using sparse and non-sparse indexes: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists </code> Query </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Using a Sparse Index </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Using a Non-Sparse Index </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $exists: true } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Most efficient. MongoDB can make an exact match and does not require a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> FETCH </code> . </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> More efficient than queries without an index, but still requires a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> FETCH </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $exists: false } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cannot use the index and requires a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> COLLSCAN </code> . </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Requires a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> FETCH </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Queries that use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $exists: true } </code> on fields that use a non-sparse index or that use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $exists: true } </code> on fields that are not indexed examine all documents in a collection. To improve performance, create a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse index </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> as shown in the following scenario: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stockSales </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stockSales.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, symbol: \"MDB\", auditDate: new Date( \"2021-05-18T16:12:23Z\" ) },\n { _id: 1, symbol: \"MDB\", auditDate: new Date( \"2021-04-21T11:34:45Z\" ) },\n { _id: 2, symbol: \"MSFT\", auditDate: new Date( \"2021-02-24T15:11:32Z\" ) },\n { _id: 3, symbol: \"MSFT\", auditDate: null },\n { _id: 4, symbol: \"MSFT\", auditDate: new Date( \"2021-07-13T18:32:54Z\" ) },\n { _id: 5, symbol: \"AAPL\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stockSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">symbol</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MDB"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-05-18T16:12:23Z"</span> ) }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">symbol</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MDB"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-04-21T11:34:45Z"</span> ) }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">symbol</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MSFT"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-02-24T15:11:32Z"</span> ) }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">symbol</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MSFT"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">symbol</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MSFT"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Date</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-07-13T18:32:54Z"</span> ) }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">symbol</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AAPL"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The document with an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> of: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 3 </code> has a null <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> value. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> is missing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> value. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse index </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getCollection( \"stockSales\" ).createIndex(\n { auditDate: 1 },\n { name: \"auditDateSparseIndex\", sparse: true }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getCollection</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stockSales"</span> ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"auditDateSparseIndex"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example counts the documents where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> field has a value (including null) and uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse index <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stockSales.countDocuments( { auditDate: { $exists: true } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stockSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">countDocuments</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The example returns 5. The document that is missing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> value is not counted. </p> </li> </ol> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you only need documents where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> has a non-null value, you: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ne: null </code> instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists: true </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not need a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse index </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stockSales </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stockSales.countDocuments( { auditDate: { $ne: null } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stockSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">countDocuments</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditDate</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$ne</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The example returns 4. Documents that are missing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> value or have a null <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditDate </code> value are not counted. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-for-null-fields/"> Query for Null or Missing Fields </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MongoDB CRUD Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-crud-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-crud-operations"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#create-operations" target="_self"> <span> Create Operations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#read-operations" target="_self"> <span> Read Operations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#update-operations" target="_self"> <span> Update Operations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#delete-operations" target="_self"> <span> Delete Operations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#bulk-write" target="_self"> <span> Bulk Write </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> CRUD operations <em> create </em> , <em> read </em> , <em> update </em> , and <em> delete </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-bson-document-format"> documents. </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can connect with driver methods and perform CRUD operations for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <a class="css-53dzkk" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/documents"> <div class="css-z0l49d"> <div class="css-fw7ipj"> <svg aria-label="Cloud Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1t2jgtk" fill="none" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.571 8.143c0 1.775-.899 3.34-2.267 4.264l-.014.01a5.12 5.12 0 0 1-2.861.869H2.857a2.857 2.857 0 0 1-.545-5.663 5.144 5.144 0 0 1 10.26.52ZM13.821 8.143a6.38 6.38 0 0 1-2.358 4.96 3.429 3.429 0 1 0 2.17-6.506c.123.494.188 1.013.188 1.546Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/documents/" target="_self"> <span> perform CRUD operations in the UI </span> </a> for deployments hosted in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas. </span> </a> </p> </div> </a> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Create Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-operations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create or insert operations add new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-bson-document-format"> documents </a> to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/databases-and-collections/#std-label-collections"> collection </a> . If the collection does not currently exist, insert operations will create the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides the following methods to insert documents into a collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.insertOne() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.insertMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB, insert operations target a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-collection"> collection </a> . All write operations in MongoDB are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/write-operations-atomicity/"> atomic </a> on the level of a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-bson-document-format"> document. </a> </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width: 640px;"> <img alt="The components of a MongoDB insertOne operations." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="215" src="/docs/manual/images/crud-annotated-mongodb-insertOne.bakedsvg.svg" style="--border-color: #C1C7C6;" width="640"/> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/insert-documents/"> Insert Documents. </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-crud-read-operations"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Read Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-operations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Read operations retrieve <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-bson-document-format"> documents </a> from a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/databases-and-collections/#std-label-collections"> collection </a> ; i.e. query a collection for documents. MongoDB provides the following methods to read documents from a collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.find() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-documents/#std-label-read-operations-query-argument"> query filters or criteria </a> that identify the documents to return. </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width: 680px;"> <img alt="The components of a MongoDB find operation." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="120" src="/docs/manual/images/crud-annotated-mongodb-find.bakedsvg.svg" style="--border-color: #C1C7C6;" width="720"/> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-documents/"> Query Documents </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-embedded-documents/"> Query on Embedded/Nested Documents </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-arrays/"> Query an Array </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-array-of-documents/"> Query an Array of Embedded Documents </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Update Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#update-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="update-operations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Update operations modify existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-bson-document-format"> documents </a> in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/databases-and-collections/#std-label-collections"> collection </a> . MongoDB provides the following methods to update documents of a collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateOne() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.replaceOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB, update operations target a single collection. All write operations in MongoDB are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/write-operations-atomicity/"> atomic </a> on the level of a single document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify criteria, or filters, that identify the documents to update. These <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-query-filter"> filters </a> use the same syntax as read operations. </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width: 640px;"> <img alt="The components of a MongoDB updateMany operation." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="130" src="/docs/manual/images/crud-annotated-mongodb-updateMany.bakedsvg.svg" style="--border-color: #C1C7C6;" width="640"/> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/update-documents/"> Update Documents. </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Delete Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#delete-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="delete-operations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Delete operations remove documents from a collection. MongoDB provides the following methods to delete documents of a collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.deleteOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.deleteOne() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.deleteMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.deleteMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB, delete operations target a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-collection"> collection </a> . All write operations in MongoDB are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/write-operations-atomicity/"> atomic </a> on the level of a single document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify criteria, or filters, that identify the documents to remove. These <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/document/#std-label-document-query-filter"> filters </a> use the same syntax as read operations. </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width: 640px;"> <img alt="The components of a MongoDB deleteMany operation." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="100" src="/docs/manual/images/crud-annotated-mongodb-deleteMany.bakedsvg.svg" style="--border-color: #C1C7C6;" width="640"/> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/remove-documents/"> Delete Documents. </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Bulk Write <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#bulk-write" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="bulk-write"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides the ability to perform write operations in bulk. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/bulk-write-operations/"> Bulk Write Operations. </a> </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Specify an Index Name <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-an-index-name" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-an-index-name"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#about-this-task" target="_self"> <span> About this Task </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#default-index-names" target="_self"> <span> Default Index Names </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedure" target="_self"> <span> Procedure </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#results" target="_self"> <span> Results </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#learn-more" target="_self"> <span> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you create an index, you can give the index a custom name. Giving your index a name helps distinguish different indexes on your collection. For example, you can more easily identify the indexes used by a query in the query plan's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/explain-results/#std-label-explain-results"> explain results </a> if your indexes have distinct names. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify the index name, include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> option when you create the index: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.&lt;collection&gt;.createIndex(\n { &lt;field&gt;: &lt;value&gt; },\n { name: \"&lt;indexname&gt;\" }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->field<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;indexName&gt;"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> About this Task <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#about-this-task" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="about-this-task"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you specify an index name, consider the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index names must be unique. Creating an index with the name of an existing index returns an error. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can't rename an existing index. Instead, you must <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/drop-index/#std-label-drop-an-index"> drop </a> and recreate the index with a new name. </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Default Index Names <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#default-index-names" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="default-index-names"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you don't specify a name during index creation, the system generates the name by concatenating each index key field and value with underscores. For example: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:60%"/> <col style="width:40%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Index </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Default Name </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { score : 1 } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score_1 </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { content : "text", "description.tags": "text" } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> content_text_description.tags_text </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { category : 1, locale : "2dsphere"} </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> category_1_locale_2dsphere </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { "fieldA" : 1, "fieldB" : "hashed", "fieldC" : -1 } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fieldA_1_fieldB_hashed_fieldC_-1 </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> blog </code> collection contains data about blog posts and user interactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a text index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> content </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> users.comments </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> users.profiles </code> fields. Set the index <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> InteractionsTextIndex </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.blog.createIndex(\n {\n content: \"text\",\n \"users.comments\": \"text\",\n \"users.profiles\": \"text\"\n },\n {\n name: \"InteractionsTextIndex\"\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">blog</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">content</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"text"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"users.comments"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"text"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"users.profiles"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"text"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"InteractionsTextIndex"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="results"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you create the index, you can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.getIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.getIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getIndexes() </code> </a> method to get the index name: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.blog.getIndexes()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">blog</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getIndexes</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' },\n {\n v: 2,\n key: { _fts: 'text', _ftsx: 1 },\n name: 'InteractionsTextIndex',\n weights: { content: 1, 'users.comments': 1, 'users.profiles': 1 },\n default_language: 'english',\n language_override: 'language',\n textIndexVersion: 3\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">v</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'_id_'</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">v</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_fts</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'text'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_ftsx</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'InteractionsTextIndex'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">weights</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">content</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'users.comments'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'users.profiles'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">default_language</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'english'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">language_override</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'language'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">textIndexVersion</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Learn More <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#learn-more" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="learn-more"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to create an index, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/create-index/#std-label-manual-create-an-index"> Create an Index <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about index properties, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-properties/#std-label-index-properties"> Index Properties <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.getPlanCache() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.getplancache--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.getplancache--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#methods" target="_self"> <span> Methods </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getPlanCache() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.getPlanCache" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.getPlanCache"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Method </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. This is <em> not </em> the documentation for a language-specific driver, such as Node.js. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB driver documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns an interface to access the query plan cache for a collection. The interface provides methods to view and clear the query plan cache. </p> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> Interface to access the query plan cache. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query optimizer only caches the plan for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-plan-cache-query-shape"> plan cache query shape </a> that can have more than one viable plan. </p> </dd> </dl> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query Settings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-settings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-settings"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, use query settings instead of adding <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters </a> . Index filters are deprecated starting in MongoDB 8.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality than index filters. Also, index filters aren't persistent and you cannot easily create index filters for all cluster nodes. To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Methods <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#methods" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="methods"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following methods are available through the interface: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/PlanCache.help/#mongodb-method-PlanCache.help"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PlanCache.help() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Displays the methods available for a collection's query plan cache. Accessible through the plan cache object of a specific collection, i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getPlanCache().help() </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/PlanCache.clearPlansByQuery/#mongodb-method-PlanCache.clearPlansByQuery"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PlanCache.clearPlansByQuery() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Clears the cached query plans for the specified <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-plan-cache-query-shape"> plan cache query shape </a> . Accessible through the plan cache object of a specific collection, i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getPlanCache().clearPlansByQuery() </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/PlanCache.clear/#mongodb-method-PlanCache.clear"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PlanCache.clear() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Clears all the cached query plans for a collection. Accessible through the plan cache object of a specific collection, i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getPlanCache().clear() </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/PlanCache.list/#mongodb-method-PlanCache.list"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PlanCache.list() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the plan cache information for a collection. Accessible through the plan cache object of a specific collection, i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getPlanCache().list() </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Mongo.getReadPrefMode() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongo.getreadprefmode--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongo.getreadprefmode--"> </div> </a> </h1> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getReadPrefMode() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> The current <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-preference"> read preference </a> mode for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.getMongo/#mongodb-method-db.getMongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> </a> connection object. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/"> Read Preference </a> for an introduction to read preferences in MongoDB. Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getReadPrefMode() </code> </span> </a> to return the current read preference mode, as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().getReadPrefMode()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getReadPrefMode</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the following operation to return and print the current read preference mode: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"print(db.getMongo().getReadPrefMode());","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>(<!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getReadPrefMode</span>(<!-- -->))<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This operation will return one of the following read preference modes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primaryPreferred </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/"> Read Preference </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.readPref/#mongodb-method-cursor.readPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readPref() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setReadPref/#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setReadPref() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getReadPrefTagSet() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Mongo.watch() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongo.watch--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongo.watch--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#availability" target="_self"> <span> Availability </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#deployment" target="_self"> <span> Deployment </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#storage-engine" target="_self"> <span> Storage Engine </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#read-concern-majority-support" target="_self"> <span> Read Concern <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> majority </code> Support </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#resumability" target="_self"> <span> Resumability </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#full-document-lookup-of-update-operations" target="_self"> <span> Full Document Lookup of Update Operations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#availability-1" target="_self"> <span> Availability </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#access-control" target="_self"> <span> Access Control </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#cursor-iteration" target="_self"> <span> Cursor Iteration </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch( pipeline, options ) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-Mongo.watch"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> For replica sets and sharded clusters only </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Opens a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> change stream cursor </a> for a replica set or a sharded cluster to report on all its non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system </code> collections across its databases, with the exception of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> databases. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pipeline </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline"> Aggregation Pipeline </a> consisting of one or more of the following aggregation stages: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/addFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-project"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/replaceRoot/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-replaceRoot"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceRoot </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/replaceWith/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-replaceWith"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceWith </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/redact/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-redact"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $redact </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/set/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/unset/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-unset"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $unset </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify a pipeline to filter/modify the change events output. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 4.2, change streams will throw an exception if the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-change-stream-modify-output"> change stream aggregation pipeline </a> modifies an event's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#std-label-change-stream-event-id"> _id </a> field. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> options </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. Additional options that modify the behavior of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> . </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> options </code> document can contain the following fields and values: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Directs <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> to attempt resuming notifications starting after the operation specified in the resume token. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each change stream event document includes a resume token as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. Pass the <em> entire </em> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field of the change event document that represents the operation you want to resume after. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> is mutually exclusive with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAfter </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAtOperationTime </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAfter </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Directs <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> to attempt starting a new change stream after the operation specified in the resume token. Allows notifications to resume after an invalidate event. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each change stream event document includes a resume token as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. Pass the <em> entire </em> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field of the change event document that represents the operation you want to resume after. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAfter </code> is mutually exclusive with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAtOperationTime </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> returns the delta of those fields modified by an update operation, instead of the entire updated document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "updateLookup" </code> to direct <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> to look up the most current majority-committed version of the updated document. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> returns a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> field with the document lookup in addition to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateDescription </code> delta. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> batchSize </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> int </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Specifies the maximum number of change events to return in each batch of the response from the MongoDB cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Has the same functionality as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.batchSize/#mongodb-method-cursor.batchSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.batchSize() </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxAwaitTimeMS </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> int </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the server waits for new data changes to report to the change stream cursor before returning an empty batch. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1000 </code> milliseconds. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. Pass a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation-document-fields"> collation document </a> to specify collation for the change stream cursor. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If omitted, defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> binary comparison. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAtOperationTime </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Timestamp </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The starting point for the change stream. If the specified starting point is in the past, it must be in the time range of the oplog. To check the time range of the oplog, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printReplicationInfo() </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAtOperationTime </code> is mutually exclusive with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAfter </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-cursor"> cursor </a> over the change event documents. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/"> Change Events </a> for examples of change event documents. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/#mongodb-method-db.collection.watch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.watch() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.watch/#mongodb-method-db.watch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.watch() </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Availability <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#availability" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="availability"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Deployment <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deployment" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deployment"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> is available for replica sets and sharded clusters: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a replica set, you can issue <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> on any data-bearing member. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a sharded cluster, you must issue <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage Engine <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-engine" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-engine"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger"> Wired Tiger storage engine <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Read Concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority </code> Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#read-concern-majority-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="read-concern-majority-support"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> Change streams </a> are available regardless of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> read concern support; that is, read concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority </code> support can be either enabled (default) or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#std-label-disable-read-concern-majority"> disabled </a> to use change streams. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> only notifies on data changes that have persisted to a majority of data-bearing members. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> change stream cursor </a> remains open until one of the following occurs: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The cursor is explicitly closed. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/invalidate/#std-label-change-event-invalidate"> invalidate event </a> occurs; for example, a collection drop or rename. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The connection to the MongoDB deployment closes or times out. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/iterate-a-cursor/#std-label-cursor-behaviors"> Cursor Behaviors </a> for more information. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the deployment is a sharded cluster, a shard removal may cause an open change stream cursor to close. The closed change stream cursor may not be fully resumable. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Resumability <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#resumability" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="resumability"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unlike the MongoDB <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> Drivers </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> does not automatically attempt to resume a change stream cursor after an error. The MongoDB drivers make <em> one </em> attempt to automatically resume a change stream cursor after certain errors. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> uses information stored in the oplog to produce the change event description and generate a resume token associated to that operation. If the operation identified by the resume token passed to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startAfter </code> option has already dropped off the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </span> </a> cannot resume the change stream. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-change-stream-resume"> Resume a Change Stream </a> for more information on resuming a change stream. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> to resume a change stream after an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/invalidate/#std-label-change-event-invalidate"> invalidate event </a> (for example, a collection drop or rename) closes the stream. Instead, you can use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-change-stream-start-after"> startAfter </a> to start a new change stream after an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/invalidate/#std-label-change-event-invalidate"> invalidate event <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the deployment is a sharded cluster, a shard removal may cause an open change stream cursor to close. The closed change stream cursor may not be fully resumable. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Resume Token </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The resume token <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _data </code> type depends on the MongoDB versions and, in some cases, the feature compatibility version (fcv) at the time of the change stream's opening/resumption (i.e. a change in fcv value does not affect the resume tokens for already opened change streams): </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:45%"/> <col style="width:55%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> MongoDB Version </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Feature Compatibility Version </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Resume Token <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _data </code> Type </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 4.2 and later </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> "4.2" or "4.0" </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Hex-encoded string ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> v1 </code> ) </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 4.0.7 and later </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> "4.0" or "3.6" </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Hex-encoded string ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> v1 </code> ) </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 4.0.6 and earlier </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> "4.0" </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Hex-encoded string ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> v0 </code> ) </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 4.0.6 and earlier </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> "3.6" </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> BinData </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB 3.6 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> "3.6" </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> BinData </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Hex Encoded Tokens <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#hex-encoded-tokens" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="hex-encoded-tokens"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With hex-encoded string resume tokens, you can compare and sort the resume tokens. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regardless of the fcv value, a 4.0 deployment can use either BinData resume tokens or hex string resume tokens to resume a change stream. As such, a 4.0 deployment can use a resume token from a change stream opened on a collection from a 3.6 deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> New resume token formats introduced in a MongoDB version cannot be consumed by earlier MongoDB versions. </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Decode Resume Tokens <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#decode-resume-tokens" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="decode-resume-tokens"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/snippets/#std-label-snip-overview" target="_self"> <span> "snippet" </span> </a> , an extension to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , that decodes hex-encoded resume tokens. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can install and run the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/mongodb-labs/mongosh-snippets/tree/main/snippets/resumetoken" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> resumetoken </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> snippet from <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"snippet install resumetoken\ndecodeResumeToken('&lt;resume&gt;')","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">snippet install resumetoken</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">decodeResumeToken</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'&lt;RESUME TOKEN&gt;'</span>)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/mongodb-labs/mongosh-snippets/tree/main/snippets/resumetoken" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> resumetoken </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> from the command line (without using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> ) if <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> npm </code> is installed on your system: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"npx mongodb-resumetoken-decoder &lt;resume&gt;","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">npx mongodb<!-- -->-<!-- -->resumetoken<!-- -->-<!-- -->decoder <!-- -->&lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">RESUME</span> <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">TOKEN</span>&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See the following for more details on: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/mongodb-labs/mongosh-snippets/tree/main/snippets/resumetoken" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> resumetoken </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/snippets/working-with-snippets/#std-label-snip-using-snippets" target="_self"> <span> using snippets </span> </a> in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Full Document Lookup of Update Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#full-document-lookup-of-update-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="full-document-lookup-of-update-operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> change stream cursor </a> returns specific field changes/deltas for update operations. You can also configure the change stream to look up and return the current majority-committed version of the changed document. Depending on other write operations that may have occurred between the update and the lookup, the returned document may differ significantly from the document at the time of the update. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Depending on the number of changes applied during the update operation and the size of the full document, there is a risk that the size of the change event document for an update operation is greater than the 16MB BSON document limit. If this occurs, the server closes the change stream cursor and returns an error. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Availability <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#availability-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="availability-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> Change streams </a> are available regardless of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> read concern support; that is, read concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority </code> support can be either enabled (default) or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#std-label-disable-read-concern-majority"> disabled </a> to use change streams. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Access Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#access-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="access-control"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When running with access control, the user must have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-changeStream"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeStream </code> </a> privilege actions on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/resource-document/#std-label-resource-all-but-system-collections"> all non-systems collections across all databases </a> .. That is, a user must have a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/#std-label-roles"> role </a> that grants the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/#std-label-privileges"> privilege <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ resource: { db: \"\", collection: \"\" }, actions: [ \"find\", \"changeStream\" ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">resource</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">db</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collection</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">actions</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"find"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"changeStream"</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The built-in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-read"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> read </code> </a> role provides the appropriate privileges. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Cursor Iteration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#cursor-iteration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="cursor-iteration"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides multiple ways to iterate on a cursor. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hasNext/#mongodb-method-cursor.hasNext"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.hasNext() </code> </a> method blocks and waits for the next event. To monitor the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchCursor </code> cursor and iterate over the events, use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hasNext() </code> like this: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"while (!watchCursor.isClosed()) {\n if (watchCursor.hasNext()) {\n firstChange = watchCursor.next();\n break;\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">while</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->!<!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">isClosed</span>(<!-- -->)) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">if</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">hasNext</span>(<!-- -->)) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->firstChange <!-- -->= <!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">next</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">break</span>;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.tryNext/#mongodb-method-cursor.tryNext"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.tryNext() </code> </a> method is non-blocking. To monitor the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchCursor </code> cursor and iterate over the events, use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tryNext() </code> like this: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"while (!watchCursor.isClosed()) {\n let next = watchCursor.tryNext()\n while (next !== null) {\n printjson(next);\n next = watchCursor.tryNext()\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">while</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->!<!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">isClosed</span>(<!-- -->)) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">let</span> next <!-- -->= <!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">tryNext</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">while</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->next <!-- -->!<!-- -->== <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">printjson</span>(<!-- -->next)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->next <!-- -->= <!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">tryNext</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> opens a change stream cursor on a replica set. The returned cursor reports on data changes to all the non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system </code> collections across all databases except for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> databases. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"watchCursor = db.getMongo().watch()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">watchCursor <!-- -->= <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">watch</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Iterate the cursor to check for new events. Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.isClosed/#mongodb-method-cursor.isClosed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.isClosed() </code> </a> method with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.tryNext/#mongodb-method-cursor.tryNext"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.tryNext() </code> </a> method to ensure the loop only exits if the change stream cursor is closed <em> and </em> there are no objects remaining in the latest batch: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"while (!watchCursor.isClosed()) {\n let next = watchCursor.tryNext()\n while (next !== null) {\n printjson(next);\n next = watchCursor.tryNext()\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">while</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->!<!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">isClosed</span>(<!-- -->)) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">let</span> next <!-- -->= <!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">tryNext</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">while</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->next <!-- -->!<!-- -->== <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">printjson</span>(<!-- -->next)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->next <!-- -->= <!-- -->watchCursor.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">tryNext</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For complete documentation on change stream output, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#std-label-change-stream-output"> Change Events <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> isExhausted() </code> with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> change streams <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongo.getreadpreftagset--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongo.getreadpreftagset--"> </div> </a> </h1> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> The current <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-preference"> read preference </a> tag set for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.getMongo/#mongodb-method-db.getMongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> </a> connection object. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/"> Read Preference </a> for an introduction to read preferences and tag sets in MongoDB. Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getReadPrefTagSet() </code> </span> </a> to return the current read preference tag set, as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().getReadPrefTagSet()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getReadPrefTagSet</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the following operation to return and print the current read preference tag set: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"printjson(db.getMongo().getReadPrefTagSet());","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">printjson</span>(<!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getReadPrefTagSet</span>(<!-- -->))<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/"> Read Preference </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.readPref/#mongodb-method-cursor.readPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readPref() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setReadPref/#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setReadPref() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getReadPrefTagSet() </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Mongo.getURI() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongo.geturi--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongo.geturi--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getURI() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.getURI" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-Mongo.getURI"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> The connection string for the current active connection. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/#std-label-mongodb-uri"> Connection Strings </a> for more information. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().getURI()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getURI</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use this method to return a URI string for a connection, which you can then use to create a new <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"new Mongo(db.getMongo().getURI())","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">new</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Mongo</span>(<!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getURI</span>(<!-- -->))</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To return the current connection string, enter the following: </p> <div class="css-1f5771r"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().getURI()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light js leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getURI</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="css-9st569 efa38qy0" style="--border-color:#E8EDEB"> <button aria-disabled="false" class="lg-ui-button-0000 leafygreen-ui-hix6y6" data-lgid="lg-button" role="button" type="button"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-v038xi"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-16tr4y"> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" 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<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Sharding Methods <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-methods" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-methods"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on a specific method, including syntax and examples, click on the link to the method's reference page. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/convertShardKeyToHashed/#mongodb-method-convertShardKeyToHashed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertShardKeyToHashed() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the hashed value for the input. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-method-db.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.checkMetadataConsistency() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Checks the cluster or database for inconsistent sharding metadata. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-method-db.collection.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.checkMetadataConsistency() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Checks the collection for inconsistent sharding metadata. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.abortMoveCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.abortMoveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.abortMoveCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Stops an in-progress <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> operation. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.abortReshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.abortReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.abortReshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Aborts a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShard/#mongodb-method-sh.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShard() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Adds a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> to a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardTag/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardTag"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardTag() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardToZone/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardToZone() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardToZone/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardToZone() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Associates a shard to a zone. Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addTagRange/#mongodb-method-sh.addTagRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addTagRange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-method-sh.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.updateZoneKeyRange() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.balancerCollectionStatus/#mongodb-method-sh.balancerCollectionStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.balancerCollectionStatus() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns information on whether the chunks of a sharded collection are balanced. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-method-sh.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.checkMetadataConsistency() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Checks the cluster for inconsistent sharding metadata. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.commitReshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.commitReshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.commitReshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Forces a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> to block writes and complete. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.disableAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disables automatic <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> merges for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableBalancing/#mongodb-method-sh.disableBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableBalancing() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disable balancing on a single collection in a sharded database. Does not affect balancing of other collections in a sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.enableAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables automatic <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> merges for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableBalancing/#mongodb-method-sh.enableBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableBalancing() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Activates the sharded collection balancer process if previously disabled using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableBalancing/#mongodb-method-sh.disableBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableBalancing() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.disableAutoSplit/#mongodb-method-sh.disableAutoSplit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.disableAutoSplit() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0.3, automatic chunk splitting is not performed. This is because of balancing policy improvements. Auto-splitting commands still exist, but do not perform an operation. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableAutoSplit/#mongodb-method-sh.enableAutoSplit"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableAutoSplit() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0.3, automatic chunk splitting is not performed. This is because of balancing policy improvements. Auto-splitting commands still exist, but do not perform an operation. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.enableSharding/#mongodb-method-sh.enableSharding"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.enableSharding() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Creates a database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.getBalancerState/#mongodb-method-sh.getBalancerState"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getBalancerState() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a boolean to report if the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> is currently enabled. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.getShardedDataDistribution/#mongodb-method-sh.getShardedDataDistribution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getShardedDataDistribution() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns data distribution information for sharded collections. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.getShardedDataDistribution() </code> is a shell helper method for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/shardedDataDistribution/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-shardedDataDistribution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $shardedDataDistribution </code> </a> aggregation pipeline stage. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeTagRange/#mongodb-method-sh.removeTagRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeTagRange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeRangeFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeRangeFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeRangeFromZone() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeRangeFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeRangeFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeRangeFromZone() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes an association between a range of shard keys and a zone. Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.help/#mongodb-method-sh.help"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.help() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns help text for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh </code> methods. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.isBalancerRunning/#mongodb-method-sh.isBalancerRunning"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.isBalancerRunning() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a document describing the status of the balancer. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.moveChunk/#mongodb-method-sh.moveChunk"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.moveChunk() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Migrates a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeShardTag/#mongodb-method-sh.removeShardTag"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeShardTag() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> This method aliases to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeShardFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeShardFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeShardFromZone() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.removeShardFromZone/#mongodb-method-sh.removeShardFromZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.removeShardFromZone() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Removes the association between a shard and a zone. Use to manage <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zone sharding <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.reshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.reshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.reshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Initiates a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> resharding operation </a> to change the shard key for a collection, changing the distribution of your data. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.setBalancerState/#mongodb-method-sh.setBalancerState"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.setBalancerState() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables or disables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> which migrates <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunks </a> between <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shards <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.shardAndDistributeCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.shardAndDistributeCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.shardAndDistributeCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shards a collection and immediately redistributes the data using the provided <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.shardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.shardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables sharding for a collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.splitAt/#mongodb-method-sh.splitAt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.splitAt() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Divides an existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> into two chunks using a specific value of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> as the dividing point. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.splitFind/#mongodb-method-sh.splitFind"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.splitFind() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Divides an existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> that contains a document matching a query into two approximately equal chunks. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.startAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.startAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.startAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/automerger-concept/#std-label-automerger-concept"> AutoMerger <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.startBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.startBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.startBalancer() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> and waits for balancing to start. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Reports on the status of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster </a> , as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.printShardingStatus/#mongodb-method-db.printShardingStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printShardingStatus() </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.stopAutoMerger/#mongodb-method-sh.stopAutoMerger"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.stopAutoMerger() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/automerger-concept/#std-label-automerger-concept"> AutoMerger <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.stopBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.stopBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.stopBalancer() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> and waits for any in progress balancing rounds to complete. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.unshardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.unshardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.unshardCollection() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unshards an existing sharded collection and moves the collection data onto a single shard. When you unshard a collection, the collection cannot be partitioned across multiple <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shards </a> and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> is removed. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-method-sh.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.updateZoneKeyRange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Associates a range of shard keys to a zone. Supports configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> in sharded clusters. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.waitForBalancer/#mongodb-method-sh.waitForBalancer"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.waitForBalancer() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal. Waits for the balancer state to change. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.waitForBalancerOff/#mongodb-method-sh.waitForBalancerOff"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.waitForBalancerOff() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal. Waits until the balancer stops running. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.waitForPingChange/#mongodb-method-sh.waitForPingChange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.waitForPingChange() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Internal. Waits for a change in ping state from one of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> in the sharded cluster. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Connection Methods <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connection-methods" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connection-methods"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on a specific method, including syntax and examples, click on the link to the method's reference page. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/connect/"> connect() </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Connects to a MongoDB instance and to a specified database on that instance. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo/#mongodb-method-Mongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Creates a new connection object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getDB/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getDB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getDB() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a database object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getDBNames/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getDBNames"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getDBNames() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a list of databases. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getDBs/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getDBs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getDBs() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns a document with a list of databases and metadata. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getReadPrefMode/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getReadPrefMode() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the current read preference mode for the MongoDB connection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the read preference tag set for the MongoDB connection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getURI/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getURI"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getURI() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the connection string for the current active connection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.getWriteConcern/#mongodb-method-Mongo.getWriteConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.getWriteConcern() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Returns the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-write-concern"> write concern </a> for the connection object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setCausalConsistency/#mongodb-method-Mongo.setCausalConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setCausalConsistency() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Enables or disables causal consistency on the connection object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setReadPref/#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setReadPref() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-preference"> read preference </a> for the MongoDB connection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.setWriteConcern/#mongodb-method-Mongo.setWriteConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setWriteConcern() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-write-concern"> write concern </a> for the connection object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.startSession/#mongodb-method-Mongo.startSession"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.startSession() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Starts a session on the connection object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.watch/#mongodb-method-Mongo.watch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.watch() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Opens a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> change stream cursor </a> for a deployment to report on all its non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system </code> collections across all its databases, excluding the internal <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> databases. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Session/#mongodb-method-Session"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Session() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The session object. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/SessionOptions/#mongodb-method-SessionOptions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SessionOptions() </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The options object for the session. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MongoDB Server Parameters for a Self-Managed Deployment <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-server-parameters-for-a-self-managed-deployment" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-server-parameters-for-a-self-managed-deployment"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#synopsis" target="_self"> <span> Synopsis </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#parameters" target="_self"> <span> Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#authentication-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Authentication Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#general-parameters" target="_self"> <span> General Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#logging-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Logging Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#diagnostic-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Diagnostic Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#replication-and-consistency" target="_self"> <span> Replication and Consistency </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#sharding-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Sharding Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#health-manager-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Health Manager Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#storage-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Storage Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#wiredtiger-parameters" target="_self"> <span> WiredTiger Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#auditing-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Auditing Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#transaction-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Transaction Parameters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#slot-based-execution-parameters" target="_self"> <span> Slot-Based Execution Parameters </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, LDAP authentication and authorization is deprecated. LDAP is available and will continue to operate without changes throughout the lifetime of MongoDB 8. LDAP will be removed in a future major release. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/LDAP-deprecation/#std-label-ldap-deprecation"> LDAP Deprecation <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Synopsis <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#synopsis" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="synopsis"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides a number of configuration options that you can set using: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, &lt;parameter&gt;: &lt;value&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, &lt;<!-- -->parameter<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> configuration setting: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n &lt;parameter1&gt;: &lt;value1&gt;\n ...","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;parameter1&gt;:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;value1&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">...</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter </code> command-line option for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-option-mongos.--setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter &lt;parameter&gt;=&lt;value&gt;\nmongos --setParameter &lt;parameter&gt;=&lt;value&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter &lt;parameter&gt;=&lt;value&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter &lt;parameter&gt;=&lt;value&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional configuration options, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> Self-Managed Configuration File Options </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="parameters"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-authentication-parameters"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Authentication Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#authentication-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="authentication-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticationMechanisms </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.authenticationMechanisms"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the list of authentication mechanisms the server accepts. Set this to one or more of the following values. If you specify multiple values, use a comma-separated list and no spaces. For descriptions of the authentication mechanisms, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/"> Authentication on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:40%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-1"> SCRAM-SHA-1 </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5802" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC 5802 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> standard Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA-1 hash function. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-256"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7677" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC 7677 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> standard Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA-256 hash function. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-x.509/#std-label-security-auth-x509"> MONGODB-X509 </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> MongoDB TLS/SSL certificate authentication. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/#std-label-security-auth-kerberos"> GSSAPI </a> (Kerberos) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> External authentication using Kerberos. This mechanism is available only in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/#std-label-security-auth-ldap"> PLAIN </a> (LDAP SASL) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> External authentication using LDAP. You can also use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PLAIN </code> for authenticating in-database users. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PLAIN </code> transmits passwords in plain text. This mechanism is available only in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-oidc/#std-label-authentication-oidc"> MONGODB-OIDC </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> OpenID Connect is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth2. This mechanism is available only in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to specify both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PLAIN </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> as the authentication mechanisms, use the following command: </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-set-parameter-authenticationMechanisms-code"> </span> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter authenticationMechanisms=PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-256 --auth","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter authenticationMechanisms=PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-256 --auth</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> awsSTSRetryCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.awsSTSRetryCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.awsSTSRetryCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> (Also starting in 6.0.7 and 5.0.18) </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In previous versions, AWS IAM authentication retried only when the server returned an HTTP 500 error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 2 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AWS IAM credentials </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-envvars.html#envvars-list" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AWS IAM environment variables <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of AWS IAM authentication retries after a connection failure. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.awsSTSRetryCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> awsSTSRetryCount </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 15 </code> retries: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter awsSTSRetryCount=15","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter awsSTSRetryCount=15</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Alternatively, the following examples uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, awsSTSRetryCount: 15 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">awsSTSRetryCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.clusterAuthMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.clusterAuthMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.clusterAuthMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> </a> to either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sendX509 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x509 </code> . Useful during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/upgrade-keyfile-to-x509/#std-label-upgrade-to-x509-internal-authentication"> rolling upgrade to use x509 for membership authentication </a> to minimize downtime. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/"> Configure <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for TLS/SSL </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl-clients/"> TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients </a> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at runtime. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, clusterAuthMode: \"sendX509\" } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, clusterAuthMode: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sendX509"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableLocalhostAuthBypass </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableLocalhostAuthBypass" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enableLocalhostAuthBypass"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> to disable localhost authentication bypass. Enabled by default. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/localhost-exception/#std-label-localhost-exception"> Localhost Exception in Self-Managed Deployments </a> for more information. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enforceUserClusterSeparation </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enforceUserClusterSeparation" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enforceUserClusterSeparation"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> to disable the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> O/OU/DC </code> check when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyFile </code> in your configuration file. This allows clients possessing member certificates to authenticate as users stored in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> database. The server won't start if <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> isn't <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyFile </code> in your configuration file. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enforceUserClusterSeparation </code> parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , run the following command during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter enforceUserClusterSeparation=false","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter enforceUserClusterSeparation<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enforceUserClusterSeparation </code> parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the server doesn't distinguish between client certificates, which applications use to authenticate, and intra-cluster certificates, which have privileged access. This has no effect if your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyFile </code> . However, if your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x509 </code> , user certificates that use the allowed scheme are conflated with cluster certificates and granted privileged access. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your existing certificates are granted internal privileges if you do the following: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a user, with a name allowed by this parameter. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enforceUserClusterSeparation </code> parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x509 </code> . </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must not upgrade from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyFile </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x509 </code> without validating that you've removed users with elevated privileges that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enforceUserClusterSeparation </code> flag allowed you to create. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeysRotationIntervalSec </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.KeysRotationIntervalSec" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.KeysRotationIntervalSec"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 7776000 seconds (90 days) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the number of seconds for which an <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash-based_message_authentication_code" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> HMAC signing key </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> is valid before rotating to the next one. This parameter is intended primarily to facilitate authentication testing. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapForceMultiThreadMode </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapForceMultiThreadMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapForceMultiThreadMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables the performance of concurrent LDAP operations. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only if you are certain that your instance of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap </code> is safe to use in this mode, enable this flag. You may experience crashes of the MongoDB process if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap </code> version you are using is not thread safe. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapForceMultiThreadMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapForceMultiThreadMode </code> </span> </a> to use LDAP connection pool. To enable LDAP connection pool, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapForceMultiThreadMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapForceMultiThreadMode </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUseConnectionPool" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUseConnectionPool </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you have any concerns regarding your MongoDB version, OS version or libldap version, please contact MongoDB Support. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapQueryPassword </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapQueryPassword" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapQueryPassword"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : string </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The password used to bind to an LDAP server. You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapQueryUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapQueryUser </code> </span> </a> with this parameter. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If not set, mongod or mongos does not attempt to bind to the LDAP server. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapQueryUser </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapQueryUser" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapQueryUser"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : string </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The user that binds to an LDAP server. You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapQueryPassword" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapQueryPassword </code> </span> </a> with this parameter. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If not set, mongod or mongos does not attempt to bind to the LDAP server. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapRetryCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapRetryCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapRetryCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.1 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-security-ldap-external"> LDAP Authorization on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of operation retries by the server LDAP manager after a network error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapRetryCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapRetryCount </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 3 </code> seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --ldapRetryCount=3","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --ldapRetryCount=3</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ldapRetryCount: 3 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ldapRetryCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.2, the update interval for cached user information retrieved from an LDAP server depends on <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries </code> : </span> </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If true, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If false, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For use with MongoDB deployments using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-security-ldap-external"> LDAP Authorization on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The interval (in seconds) that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance waits between external user cache flushes. After MongoDB flushes the external user cache, MongoDB reacquires authorization data from the LDAP server the next time an LDAP-authorized user issues an operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing the value specified increases the amount of time MongoDB and the LDAP server can be out of sync, but reduces the load on the LDAP server. Conversely, decreasing the value specified decreases the time MongoDB and the LDAP server can be out of sync while increasing the load on the LDAP server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to 30 seconds. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 30 seconds </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.2, the update interval for cached user information retrieved from an LDAP server depends on <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries </code> : </span> </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If true, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If false, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-security-ldap-external"> LDAP Authorization on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The interval in seconds that <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> waits before refreshing the cached user information from the LDAP server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum interval is 86,400 seconds (24 hours). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4000 </code> seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval=4000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval=4000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval: 4000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 90 seconds </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-security-ldap-external"> LDAP Authorization on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The interval in seconds that <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> retains the cached LDAP user information after the last cache refresh. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If more than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval </code> </span> </a> seconds elapse without a successful refresh of the user information from the LDAP server, then <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> : </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Invalidates the cached LDAP user information. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Is unable to authenticate new sessions for LDAP users until <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> connects to the LDAP server and authorizes the LDAP user. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Authorizes any existing sessions that use previously authenticated LDAP users if <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> is unable to connect to the LDAP server. When <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> reconnects to the LDAP server, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> ensures the LDAP users are correctly authorized. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum interval is 86,400 seconds (24 hours). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4000 </code> seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval=4000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval=4000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval: 4000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ldapUserCacheStalenessInterval</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUseConnectionPool </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUseConnectionPool" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUseConnectionPool"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies whether MongoDB should use connection pooling when connecting to the LDAP server for authentication/authorization. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB uses the following default values: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> true on Windows. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> true on Linux where MongoDB Enterprise binaries are linked against <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap_r </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> false on Linux where MongoDB Enterprise binaries are linked against <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libldap </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUseConnectionPool" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUseConnectionPool </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolUseLatencyForHostPriority </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolUseLatencyForHostPriority" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolUseLatencyForHostPriority"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean that determines whether the LDAP connection pool (see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUseConnectionPool" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUseConnectionPool </code> </span> </a> ) should use latency of the LDAP servers to determine the connection order (from lowest latency to highest). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolUseLatencyForHostPriority" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolUseLatencyForHostPriority </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting during run time with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolMinimumConnectionsPerHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMinimumConnectionsPerHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMinimumConnectionsPerHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum number of connections to keep open to each LDAP server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMinimumConnectionsPerHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolMinimumConnectionsPerHost </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting during run time with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsPerHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsPerHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsPerHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Changed starting in MongoDB versions 5.0.9 and 6.0.0 </em> Changed default value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2147483647 </code> . In previous versions, the default is unset. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 2147483647 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of connections to keep open to each LDAP server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsPerHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsPerHost </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting during run time with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsInProgressPerHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsInProgressPerHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsInProgressPerHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Changed starting in MongoDB versions 5.0.9 and 6.0.0 </em> Changed default value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> . In previous versions, the default is unset. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 2 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of in-progress connect operations to each LDAP server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsInProgressPerHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolMaximumConnectionsInProgressPerHost </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolHostRefreshIntervalMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolHostRefreshIntervalMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolHostRefreshIntervalMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 60000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of milliseconds in-between health checks of the pooled LDAP connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolHostRefreshIntervalMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolHostRefreshIntervalMillis </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolIdleHostTimeoutSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolIdleHostTimeoutSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolIdleHostTimeoutSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 300 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of seconds that the pooled connections to an LDAP server can remain idle before being closed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapConnectionPoolIdleHostTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapConnectionPoolIdleHostTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> during start-up, and cannot change this setting with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> database command. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/#std-label-security-ldap-external"> LDAP Authorization on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.2, the update interval for cached user information retrieved from an LDAP server depends on <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries </code> : </span> </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If true, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheRefreshInterval </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If false, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval </code> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries </code> </span> </a> during startup in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configuration file </code> </a> or with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter </code> option on the command line. For example, the following disables <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries=false","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ldapShouldRefreshUserCacheEntries=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxValidateMemoryUsageMB </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxValidateMemoryUsageMB" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxValidateMemoryUsageMB"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 200 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum memory usage limit in megabytes for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/validate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.validate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> validate </code> </a> command. If the limit is exceeded, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/validate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.validate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> validate </code> </a> returns as many results as possible and warns that not all corruption might be reported because of the limit. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oidcIdentityProviders </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.oidcIdentityProviders" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.oidcIdentityProviders"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> ( <em> Also available in 7.3 and 7.0 </em> ) </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this parameter to specify identity provider (IDP) configurations when using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-oidc/#std-label-authentication-oidc"> OpenID Connect Authentication <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oidcIdentityProviders </code> accepts an array of zero or more identity provider (IDP) configurations. An empty array (default) indicates no OpenID Connect support is enabled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When more than one IDP is defined, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oidcIdentityProviders </code> uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPattern </code> field to select an IDP. Array order determines the priority and the first IDP is always selected. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, when multiple identity providers (IDP) are defined, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.oidcIdentityProviders" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oidcIdentityProviders </code> </span> </a> parameter accepts duplicate <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> issuer </code> values as long as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> audience </code> value is unique for each issuer. This is also available in versions 7.3 and 7.0. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-oidcidentityproviders-fields"> </span> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> oidcIdentityProviders Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#oidcidentityproviders-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="oidcidentityproviders-fields"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:18%"/> <col style="width:42%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Necessity </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> issuer </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Required </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The issuer URI of the IDP that the server should accept tokens from. This must match the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> iss </code> field in any JWT used for authentication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, when multiple identity providers (IDP) are defined, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.oidcIdentityProviders" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oidcIdentityProviders </code> </span> </a> parameter accepts duplicate <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> issuer </code> values as long as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> audience </code> value is unique for each issuer. This is also available in versions 7.3 and 7.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify an unreachable issuer URI, MongoDB: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Logs a warning. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Continues server startup, which allows you to update the issuer URI. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Reattempts issuer contact. If MongoDB reaches the issuer URI and validates the access token, authentication succeeds. If the issuer URI remains unreachable, authentication fails. </p> </li> </ol> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> ( <em> Also available in 7.3 and 7.0 </em> ) </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authNamePrefix </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Required </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unique prefix applied to each generated <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> UserName </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RoleName </code> used in authorization. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authNamePrefix </code> can only contain the following characters: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> alphanumeric characters (combination of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> a </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> z </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 9 </code> ) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> hyphens ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> - </code> ) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> underscores ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _ </code> ) </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPattern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Conditional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regex pattern used to determine which IDP should be used. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPattern </code> matches against usernames. Array order determines the priority and the first IDP is always selected. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPattern </code> is required in some configurations, depending on how the user sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> supportsHumanFlows </code> : </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When only one IdP has <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> supportsHumanFlows </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> (the default), <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPatterns </code> is optional. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When multiple IdP's have <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> supportsHumanFlows </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> (the default), each of these requires <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPatterns </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPatterns </code> is optional for any IdP where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> supportsHumanFlows </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This is not a security mechanism. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPattern </code> serves only as an advisory to clients. MongoDB accepts tokens issued by the IDP whose principal names do not match this pattern. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientId </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Conditional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> ID provided by the IDP to identify the client that receives the access tokens. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Required when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> supportsHumanFlows </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> (the default). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> audience </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Required </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the application or service that the access token is intended for. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, only one <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> audience </code> oidcIdentityProviders field can be specified for OIDC access tokens. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> audience </code> fields with empty arrays or arrays of multiple strings are invalid. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When more than one IDP is defined, this must be a unique value for each configuration that shares an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> issuer </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> requestScopes </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array[ string ] </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Permissions and access levels that MongoDB requests from the IDP. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> principalName </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The claim to be extracted from the access token containing MongoDB user identifiers. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sub </code> (stands for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> subject </code> ). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> useAuthorizationClaim </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Determines if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authorizationClaim </code> is required. The default value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> useAuthorizationClaim </code> field is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , the server requires an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authorizationClaim </code> for the identity provider's config. This is the default behavior. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> useAuthorizationClaim </code> field is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authorizationClaim </code> field is optional (and ignored if provided). Instead, the server does the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Searches the token for a claim whose name is listed in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> principalNameClaim </code> field. This is typically named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sub </code> . For example: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sub: "[email protected]" </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Constructs the internal username by concatenating the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authNamePrefix </code> , a forward slash ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> / </code> ), and the contents of the claim identified by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> principalNameClaim </code> within the access token. For example, with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authNamePrefix </code> field value of "mdbinc", the internal username is: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mdbinc/[email protected] </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Looks for the user with this username and authorizes the client with the roles: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ user: \"mdbinc/[email protected]\",\n db: \"$external\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">user</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mdbinc/[email protected]"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">db</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$external"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.2 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> ( <em> Also available in 7.0.5 </em> ) </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authorizationClaim </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Conditional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Required, unless <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> useAuthorizationClaim </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Claim extracted from access token that contains MongoDB role names. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logClaims </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array[ string ] </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> List of access token claims to include in log and audit messages upon authentication completion. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> JWKSPollSecs </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Frequency, in seconds, to request an updated JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) from the IDP. A setting of 0 disables polling. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When more than one IDP is defined, this must be the same value for each configuration that shares an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> issuer </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> supportsHumanFlows </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> bool </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Whether the OIDC provider supports human or machine workflows. This affects the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientId </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPattern </code> fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You may find it useful to set this field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> with machine workload IdP's to allow them to omit the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientId </code> when it's unneeded. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.2 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </section> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspEnabled </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspEnabled" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ocspEnabled"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available on Linux and macOS. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The flag that enables or disables OCSP. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following disables OCSP: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ocspEnabled=false ...","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ocspEnabled=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> ...</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, if <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspEnabled" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspEnabled </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> during initial sync, all nodes must be able to reach the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/#std-label-ocsp-support"> OCSP </a> responder. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a member fails in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> state, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> to a value that is less than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available on Linux. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the stapled OCSP status response. Specify a number greater than or equal to 1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs </code> </span> </a> during startup in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configuration file </code> </a> or with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter </code> option on the command line. For example, the following sets the parameter to 3600 seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs=3600 ...","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs=3600 ...</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/rotateCertificates/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.rotateCertificates"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rotateCertificates </code> </a> command and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.rotateCertificates/#mongodb-method-db.rotateCertificates"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.rotateCertificates() </code> </a> method will also refresh any stapled OCSP responses. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspEnabled" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspEnabled </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherConfig </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherConfig" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherConfig"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Available on Linux only </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With the use of native TLS/SSL libraries, the parameter <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherConfig </code> </span> </a> is supported for Linux/BSD and no longer supported in Windows and macOS. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the cipher string for OpenSSL when using TLS/SSL encryption. For a list of cipher strings, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> . Multiple cipher strings can be provided as a colon-separated list. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only for use with TLS 1.2 or earlier. To specify cipher suites for use with TLS 1.3, use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherSuiteConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherSuiteConfig </code> </span> </a> parameter. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The use of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TLS </code> options is preferred over <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SSL </code> options. The TLS options have the same functionality as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SSL </code> options. The following example configures a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherConfig </code> </span> </a> cipher string of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 'HIGH:!EXPORT:!aNULL@STRENGTH' </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter opensslCipherConfig='HIGH:!EXPORT:!aNULL@STRENGTH' --tlsMode requireTLS --tlsCertificateKeyFile Certs/server.pem","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter opensslCipherConfig=<span class="lg-highlight-string">'HIGH:!EXPORT:!aNULL@STRENGTH'</span> --tlsMode requireTLS --tlsCertificateKeyFile Certs<!-- -->/server.pem</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherSuiteConfig </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherSuiteConfig" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherSuiteConfig"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Available on Linux only </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the list of supported cipher suites OpenSSL should permit when using TLS 1.3 encryption. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a list of cipher suites for use with TLS 1.3, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list.html </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> . Multiple cipher suites can be provided as a colon-separated list. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only for use with TLS 1.3. To specify cipher strings for use with TLS 1.2 or earlier, use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherConfig </code> </span> </a> parameter. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following configures a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherSuiteConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherSuiteConfig </code> </span> </a> cipher suite of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384' </code> for use with TLS 1.3: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter opensslCipherSuiteConfig='TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384' --tlsMode requireTLS --tlsCertificateKeyFile Certs/server.pem","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter opensslCipherSuiteConfig=<span class="lg-highlight-string">'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384'</span> --tlsMode requireTLS --tlsCertificateKeyFile Certs<!-- -->/server.pem</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslDiffieHellmanParameters </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslDiffieHellmanParameters" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.opensslDiffieHellmanParameters"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Available on Linux only </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the path to the PEM file that contains the OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman parameters when using TLS 1.2 or previous. Specifying the OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman parameters enables support for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/#std-label-dhe"> Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) </a> cipher suites during TLS/SSL encryption. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is not supported for use with TLS 1.3. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) cipher suites (and Ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) cipher suites) provide <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/#std-label-tls-forward-secrecy"> Forward Secrecy </a> . <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/#std-label-tls-forward-secrecy"> Forward Secrecy </a> cipher suites create an ephemeral session key that is protected by the server's private key but never transmitted. This ensures that even if a server's private key is compromised, you cannot decrypt past sessions with the compromised key. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslDiffieHellmanParameters" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslDiffieHellmanParameters </code> </span> </a> is unset but <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/#std-label-ecdhe"> ECDHE </a> is enabled, MongoDB enables DHE using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ffdhe3072 </code> Diffie-Hellman parameter, as defined in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/7919#appendix-A.2" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC-7919#appendix-A.2 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> . The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ffdhe3072 </code> is a strong parameter (specifically, size is greater than 1024). Strong parameters are not supported with Java 6 and 7 unless extended support has been purchased from Oracle. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If for performance reasons, you need to disable support for DHE cipher suites, use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opensslCipherConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opensslCipherConfig </code> </span> </a> parameter: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter opensslCipherConfig='HIGH:!EXPORT:!aNULL:!DHE:!kDHE@STRENGTH' ...","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter opensslCipherConfig=<span class="lg-highlight-string">'HIGH:!EXPORT:!aNULL:!DHE:!kDHE@STRENGTH'</span> ...</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthdPath </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslauthdPath" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.saslauthdPath"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Available only in MongoDB Enterprise (except MongoDB Enterprise for Windows). </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the path to the Unix Domain Socket of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslauthd </code> instance to use for proxy authentication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslHostName </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslHostName" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.saslHostName"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslHostName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslHostName </code> </span> </a> overrides MongoDB's default hostname detection for the purpose of configuring SASL and Kerberos authentication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslHostName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslHostName </code> </span> </a> does not affect the hostname of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance for any purpose beyond the configuration of SASL and Kerberos. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslHostName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslHostName </code> </span> </a> supports Kerberos authentication and is only included in MongoDB Enterprise. For more information, see the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Linux: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/control-access-to-mongodb-with-kerberos-authentication/"> Configure Self-Managed MongoDB with Kerberos Authentication on Linux </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Windows: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/control-access-to-mongodb-windows-with-kerberos-authentication/"> Configure Self-Managed MongoDB with Kerberos Authentication on Windows </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslServiceName </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslServiceName" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.saslServiceName"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Allows users to override the default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/control-access-to-mongodb-with-kerberos-authentication/"> Kerberos </a> service name component of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/control-access-to-mongodb-with-kerberos-authentication/"> Kerberos </a> principal name, on a per-instance basis. If unspecified, the default value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.saslServiceName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> saslServiceName </code> </span> </a> is only available in MongoDB Enterprise. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your driver supports alternate service names. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scramIterationCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.scramIterationCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.scramIterationCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10000 </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Changes the number of hashing iterations used for all new <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-1 </code> passwords. More iterations increase the amount of time required for clients to authenticate to MongoDB, but makes passwords less susceptible to brute-force attempts. The default value is ideal for most common use cases and requirements. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you modify this value, it does not change the iteration count for existing passwords. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.scramIterationCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scramIterationCount </code> </span> </a> value must be <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5000 </code> or greater. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.scramIterationCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scramIterationCount </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 12000 </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter scramIterationCount=12000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter scramIterationCount=12000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, scramIterationCount: 12000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scramIterationCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.changeUserPassword/#mongodb-method-db.changeUserPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.changeUserPassword() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createUser/#mongodb-method-db.createUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createUser() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.updateUser/#mongodb-method-db.updateUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scramSHA256IterationCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.scramSHA256IterationCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.scramSHA256IterationCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 15000 </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Changes the number of hashing iterations used for all new <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </code> passwords. More iterations increase the amount of time required for clients to authenticate to MongoDB, but makes passwords less susceptible to brute-force attempts. The default value is ideal for most common use cases and requirements. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you modify this value, it does not change iteration count for existing passwords. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.scramSHA256IterationCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scramSHA256IterationCount </code> </span> </a> value must be <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5000 </code> or greater. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.scramSHA256IterationCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scramSHA256IterationCount </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20000 </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter scramSHA256IterationCount=20000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter scramSHA256IterationCount=20000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, scramSHA256IterationCount: 20000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">scramSHA256IterationCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.changeUserPassword/#mongodb-method-db.changeUserPassword"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.changeUserPassword() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createUser/#mongodb-method-db.createUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createUser() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.updateUser/#mongodb-method-db.updateUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.updateUser() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sslMode </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.sslMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.sslMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.ssl.mode </code> to either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> preferSSL </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> requireSSL </code> . Useful during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/upgrade-cluster-to-ssl/"> rolling upgrade to TLS/SSL </a> to minimize downtime. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/"> Configure <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for TLS/SSL </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl-clients/"> TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients </a> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at runtime. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, sslMode: \"preferSSL\" } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, sslMode: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"preferSSL"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsMode </code> </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsMode </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set to either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> preferTLS </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> requireTLS </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsMode </code> </span> </a> parameter is useful during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/upgrade-cluster-to-ssl/"> rolling upgrade to TLS/SSL </a> to minimize downtime. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at runtime. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, tlsMode: \"preferTLS\" } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, tlsMode: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"preferTLS"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/"> Configure <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for TLS/SSL </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl-clients/"> TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients </a> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.sslMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sslMode </code> </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Overrides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthX509 </code> </a> configuration options. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n tlsClusterAuthX509Override: { attributes: O=MongoDB, OU=MongoDB Server }","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tlsClusterAuthX509Override:</span> <!-- -->{<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">attributes:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">O=MongoDB</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-string">OU=MongoDB</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">Server</span> <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter supports <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attributes </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extensionValue </code> overrides. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When the server authenticates connections from members, it analyzes the X.509 certificate to determine whether it belongs to a cluster member. If the server uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509.attributes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attributes </code> </a> setting or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attributes </code> field on the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> </span> </a> parameter, it checks the Distinguished Name (DN) values of the certificate. If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterAuthX509.extensionValue"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extensionValue </code> </a> setting or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extensionValue </code> field of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsClusterAuthX509Override" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsClusterAuthX509Override </code> </span> </a> parameter is set, it checks the extension values of the certificate. If it finds a match, it authorizes the connection as a peer. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this parameter to rotate certificates when the new certificates have different attributes or extension values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for Linux. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of seconds the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> / <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance should wait to receive the OCSP status response for its certificates. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify an integer greater than or equal to ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &gt;= </code> ) 1. If unset, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> to 20 seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs=20 ...","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs=20 ...</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspEnabled" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspEnabled </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for Linux and Windows. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 5 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of seconds that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> / <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> should wait for the OCSP response when verifying server certificates. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify an integer greater than or equal to ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &gt;= </code> ) 1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> to 20 seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs=20 ...","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter tlsOCSPVerifyTimeoutSecs=20 ...</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspEnabled" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspEnabled </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ocspValidationRefreshPeriodSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOCSPStaplingTimeoutSecs </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsUseSystemCA </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsUseSystemCA" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsUseSystemCA"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies whether MongoDB loads TLS certificates that are already available to the operating system's certificate authority. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When starting a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/#std-label-configure-mongod-mongos-for-tls-ssl"> TLS/SSL enabled </a> , you must specify a value for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--tlsCAFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --tlsCAFile </code> </a> flag, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.CAFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.CAFile </code> </a> configuration option, or the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsUseSystemCA" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsUseSystemCA </code> </span> </a> parameter. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --tlsCAFile </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tls.CAFile </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsUseSystemCA </code> are all mutually exclusive. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsUseSystemCA </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter tlsUseSystemCA=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter tlsUseSystemCA=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/"> Configure <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for TLS/SSL </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl-clients/"> TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients </a> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsWithholdClientCertificate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsWithholdClientCertificate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsWithholdClientCertificate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A TLS certificate is set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> either by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--tlsClusterFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --tlsClusterFile </code> </a> option or by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--tlsCertificateKeyFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --tlsCertificateKeyFile </code> </a> option when <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--tlsClusterFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --tlsClusterFile </code> </a> is not set. If the TLS certificate is set, by default, the instance sends the certificate when initiating intra-cluster communications with other <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instances in the deployment. Set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsWithholdClientCertificate </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to direct the instance to withhold sending its TLS certificate during these communications. Use this option with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--tlsAllowConnectionsWithoutCertificates"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --tlsAllowConnectionsWithoutCertificates </code> </a> (to allow inbound connections without certificates) on all members of the deployment. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsWithholdClientCertificate </code> is mutually exclusive with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--clusterAuthMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --clusterAuthMode x509 </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An alternative Distinguished Name (DN) that the instance can also use to identify members of the deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a MongoDB deployment that uses x.509 certificates for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.clusterAuthMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAuthMode </code> </a> , deployment members identify each other using x.509 certificates ( <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.clusterFile </code> </a> , if specified, and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.certificateKeyFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.certificateKeyFile </code> </a> ) during intra-cluster communications. For members of the same deployment, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> DN </code> from their certificates must have the same Organization attributes ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> O </code> 's), the Organizational Unit attributes ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OU </code> 's), and the Domain Components ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> DC </code> 's). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride </code> </span> </a> is set for a member, the member can also use the override value when comparing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> DN </code> components ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> O </code> 's, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OU </code> 's, and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> DC </code> 's) of the presented certificates. That is the member checks the presented certificates against its <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.clusterFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.clusterFile </code> / </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.tls.certificateKeyFile"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.tls.certificateKeyFile </code> </a> . If the DN does not match, the member checks the presented certificate against the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsX509ClusterAuthDNOverride </code> </span> </a> value. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set, you must set this parameter on all members of the deployment. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use this parameter for a rolling update of certificates to new certificates that contain a new <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> DN </code> value. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/rotate-x509-membership-certificates/"> Rolling Update of x.509 Certificates that Contain New DN on Self-Managed Clusters <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information about membership certificate requirements, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-x.509/#std-label-x509-member-certificate-requirements"> Member Certificate Requirements </a> for details. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 30 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> / <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> logs a warning on connection if the presented x.509 certificate expires within <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 30 </code> days of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> system clock. Use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays </code> </span> </a> parameter to control the certificate expiration warning threshold: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increase the parameter value to trigger warnings farther ahead of the certificate expiration date. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Decrease the parameter value to trigger warnings closer to the certificate expiration date. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> to disable the warning. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter has a minimum value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on x.509 certificate validity, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC 5280 <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 30 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance, specifies the interval (in seconds) at which the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance checks to determine whether the in-memory cache of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-users-collection/"> user objects </a> has stale data, and if so, clears the cache. If there are no changes to user objects, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> will not clear the cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter has a minimum value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> second and a maximum value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 86400 </code> seconds (24 hours). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authFailedDelayMs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.authFailedDelayMs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.authFailedDelayMs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0 </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Enterprise Feature </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available in MongoDB Enterprise only. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of milliseconds to wait before informing clients that their authentication attempt has failed. This parameter may be in the range <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5000 </code> , inclusive. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting this parameter makes brute-force login attacks on a database more time-consuming. However, clients waiting for a response from the MongoDB server still consume server resources, and this may adversely impact benign login attempts if the server is denying access to many other clients simultaneously. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowRolesFromX509Certificates </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.allowRolesFromX509Certificates" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.allowRolesFromX509Certificates"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean flag that allows or disallows the retrieval of authorization roles from client x.509 certificates. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> General Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#general-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="general-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : True </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, pipeline stages that require more than 100 megabytes of memory to execute write temporary files to disk by default. These temporary files last for the duration of the pipeline execution and can influence storage space on your instance. In earlier versions of MongoDB, you must pass <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> to individual <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands to enable this behavior. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Individual <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands can override the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </span> </a> parameter by either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> to allow writing temporary files out to disk when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: false } </code> to prohibit writing temporary files out to disk when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter allowDiskUseByDefault=false","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter allowDiskUseByDefault=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </span> </a> only works on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> not <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> never writes temporary files to disk. Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> to change the value of the parameter while the server is running: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setParameter: 1,\n allowDiskUseByDefault: false\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">allowDiskUseByDefault</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> httpVerboseLogging </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.httpVerboseLogging" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.httpVerboseLogging"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Adds more verbose tracing for curl on Linux and macOS. Has no affect on Windows. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, the parameter is unset. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter httpVerboseLogging=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter httpVerboseLogging=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slowConnectionThresholdMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.slowConnectionThresholdMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.slowConnectionThresholdMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 100 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the time limit in milliseconds to log the establishment of slow server connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a connection takes longer to establish than the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.slowConnectionThresholdMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slowConnectionThresholdMillis </code> </span> </a> parameter, an event is added to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> log </a> with the message <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> msg </code> field set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "Slow connection establishment" </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.slowConnectionThresholdMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slowConnectionThresholdMillis </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 250 </code> milliseconds. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter slowConnectionThresholdMillis=250","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter slowConnectionThresholdMillis=250</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, slowConnectionThresholdMillis: 250 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">slowConnectionThresholdMillis</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxConnsPerHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.connPoolMaxConnsPerHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.connPoolMaxConnsPerHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 200 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the maximum size of the legacy connection pools for outgoing connections to other <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances in the global connection pool. The size of a pool does not prevent the creation of additional connections, but <em> does </em> prevent a connection pool from retaining connections in excess of the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.connPoolMaxConnsPerHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxConnsPerHost </code> . </span> </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter is separate from the connections in TaskExecutor pools. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong> Only </strong> adjust this setting if your driver does <em> not </em> pool connections and you're using authentication in the context of a sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter connPoolMaxConnsPerHost=250","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter connPoolMaxConnsPerHost=250</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxInUseConnsPerHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.connPoolMaxInUseConnsPerHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.connPoolMaxInUseConnsPerHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the maximum number of in-use connections at any given time for for outgoing connections to other <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances in the legacy global connection pool. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, the parameter is unset. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter connPoolMaxInUseConnsPerHost=100","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter connPoolMaxInUseConnsPerHost=100</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.connPoolMaxConnsPerHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> connPoolMaxConnsPerHost </code> </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> globalConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.globalConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.globalConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the time limit that connection in the legacy global connection pool can remain idle before being closed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, the parameter is unset. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter globalConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes=10","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter globalConnPoolIdleTimeoutMinutes=10</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursorTimeoutMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.cursorTimeoutMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.cursorTimeoutMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 600000 (10 minutes) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the expiration threshold in milliseconds for idle cursors before MongoDB removes them; specifically, MongoDB removes cursors that have been idle for the specified <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.cursorTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursorTimeoutMillis </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.cursorTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursorTimeoutMillis </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 300000 </code> milliseconds (5 minutes). </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter cursorTimeoutMillis=300000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter cursorTimeoutMillis=300000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, cursorTimeoutMillis: 300000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cursorTimeoutMillis</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">300000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.cursorTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursorTimeoutMillis </code> </span> </a> to less than or equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> results in all cursors being immediately eligible for timeout. Generally, the timeout value should be greater than the average amount of time for a query to return results. Use tools like the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.explain/#mongodb-method-cursor.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.explain() </code> </a> cursor modifier to analyze the average query time and select an appropriate timeout period. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB cleans up <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-cursor"> orphaned cursors </a> linked to sessions as part of session management. This means that orphaned cursors with session ids do not use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursorTimeoutMillis </code> to control the timeout. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For operations that return a cursor and have an idle period longer than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes </code> </span> </a> , use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.startSession/#mongodb-method-Mongo.startSession"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.startSession() </code> </a> to perform the operation within an explicit session. To refresh the session, run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> command. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.noCursorTimeout/#std-label-refresh-session-cursor-example"> Refresh a Cursor with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 3 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the maximum number of concurrent index builds allowed on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> . This is a global limit that applies across all collections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds </code> allows additional concurrent index builds at the cost of increased pressure on the WiredTiger cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> System indexes are not limited to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds </code> , however a system index build counts against the limit for user index builds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After the server reaches <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds </code> , it blocks additional user index builds until the number of concurrent index builds drops below the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds </code> limit. If an index build is blocked, the server logs this message: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"Too many index builds running simultaneously, waiting until the\nnumber of active index builds is below the threshold.","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">Too many index builds running simultaneously, waiting until the</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">number of active index builds is below the threshold.</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following command sets a limit of 4 concurrent index builds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds: 4 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">maxNumActiveUserIndexBuilds</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See also: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-creation/#std-label-index-creation-background"> Index Builds on Populated Collections </a> </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> notablescan </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.notablescan" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.notablescan"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify whether <strong> all </strong> queries must use indexes. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> , MongoDB will not execute queries that require a collection scan and will return an error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example which sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.notablescan" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> notablescan </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> or true: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, notablescan: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">notablescan</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.notablescan" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> notablescan </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> can be useful for testing application queries, for example, to identify queries that scan an entire collection and cannot use an index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To detect unindexed queries without <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> notablescan </code> , consider reading the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/evaluate-operation-performance/"> Analyze Query Performance </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/optimize-query-performance-with-indexes-and-projections/"> Optimize Query Performance </a> sections and using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logLevel" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logLevel </code> </span> </a> parameter, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongostat/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongostat" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongostat </code> </span> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/#std-label-database-profiling"> profiling <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Don't run production <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.notablescan" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> notablescan </code> </span> </a> because preventing collection scans can potentially affect queries in all databases, including administrative queries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> notablescan </code> does not allow unbounded queries that use a clustered index because the queries require a full collection scan. For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/explain-results/#std-label-explain-output-collection-scan"> Collection Scans <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ttlMonitorEnabled </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ttlMonitorEnabled" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ttlMonitorEnabled"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To support <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-ttl/#std-label-index-feature-ttl"> TTL Indexes </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances have a background thread that is responsible for deleting documents from collections with TTL indexes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To disable this worker thread for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ttlMonitorEnabled" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ttlMonitorEnabled </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , as in the following operations: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: false } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ttlMonitorEnabled</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Alternately, you may disable the thread at startup time by starting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance with the following option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ttlMonitorEnabled=false","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ttlMonitorEnabled=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not run production <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ttlMonitorEnabled </code> disabled, except under guidance from MongoDB support. Preventing TTL document removal can negatively impact MongoDB internal system operations that depend on TTL Indexes. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcpFastOpenServer </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcpFastOpenServer" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tcpFastOpenServer"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables support for accepting inbound TCP Fast Open (TFO) connections to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> from a client. TFO requires both the client and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> host machine support and enable TFO: </p> <dl> <dt> Windows </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following Windows operating systems support TFO: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and later. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Microsoft Windows 10 Update 1607 and later. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> <dt> macOS </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) and later support TFO. </dd> <dt> Linux </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Linux operating systems running Linux Kernel 3.7 or later can support inbound TFO. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen </code> to enable inbound TFO connections: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> to enable only inbound TFO connections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 3 </code> to enable inbound and outbound TFO connections. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter has no effect if the host operating system does not support <em> or </em> is not configured to support TFO connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7413" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC7413 <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcpFastOpenClient </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcpFastOpenClient" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tcpFastOpenClient"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Linux Operating System Only </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables support for outbound TCP Fast Open (TFO) connections from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> to a client. TFO requires both the client and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> host machine support and enable TFO. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Linux operating systems running Linux Kernel 4.11 or later can support outbound TFO. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen </code> to enable outbound TFO connections: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> to enable only outbound TFO connections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 3 </code> to enable inbound and outbound TFO connections. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter has no effect if the host operating system does not support <em> or </em> is not configured to support TFO connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7413" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC7413 <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcpFastOpenQueueSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcpFastOpenQueueSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tcpFastOpenQueueSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1024 </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As part of establishing a TCP Fast Open (TFO) connection, the client submits a valid TFO cookie to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> <em> before </em> completion of the standard TCP 3-way handshake. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> keeps a queue of all such pending TFO connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcpFastOpenQueueSize </code> parameter sets the size of the queue of pending TFO connections. While the queue is full, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> falls back to the normal three-way handshake for incoming client requests and ignores the presence of TFO cookies. Once the queue size falls back below the limit, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod/mongos </code> begins accepting new TFO cookies. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing the default queue size may improve the effect of TFO on network performance. However, large queue sizes also increase the risk of server resource exhaustion due to excessive incoming TFO requests. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Decreasing the default queue size may reduce the risk of resource server resource exhaustion due to excessive incoming TFO requests. However, small queue sizes may also reduce the effect of TFO on network performance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum queue size is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . A queue of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> effectively disables TFO. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter has no effect on host operating systems that do not support or are not configured for TFO connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7413#section-5" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC7413 TCP Fast Open Section 5: Security Considerations </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7413#section-6" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> RFC7413 TCP Fast Open Section 6: TFO Applicability </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableJavaScriptJIT </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableJavaScriptJIT" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.disableJavaScriptJIT"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB JavaScript engine uses SpiderMonkey, which implements Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation for improved performance when running scripts. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable the JIT, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableJavaScriptJIT" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableJavaScriptJIT </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, disableJavaScriptJIT: false } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">disableJavaScriptJIT</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/where/#mongodb-query-op.-where"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $where </code> </a> will reuse existing JavaScript interpreter contexts, so changes to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableJavaScriptJIT" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableJavaScriptJIT </code> </span> </a> may not take effect immediately for these operations. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Alternately, you may enable the JIT at startup time by starting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance with the following option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter disableJavaScriptJIT=false","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter disableJavaScriptJIT=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.1 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 500 MB </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the minimum available disk space in megabytes required for index builds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Must be greater than or equal to 0 MB, and less than or equal to 8 TB. 0 disables the minimum disk space requirement. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A new index build cannot be started and a current index build is cancelled if the available disk space is below <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you increase <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> , ensure your server has enough available disk space. Also, if you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> too high, you might needlessly prevent index builds when there is enough available disk space and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> could be set lower. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> to 650 MB: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB: 650 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">650</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB </code> at startup. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB=650","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter indexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB=650</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 100000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Limits the maximum number of keys generated for a document to prevent out of memory errors. It is possible to raise the limit, but if an operation requires more keys than the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument </code> </span> </a> parameter specifies, the operation will fail. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 200 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Limits the amount of memory that simultaneous index builds on one collection may consume for the duration of the builds. The specified amount of memory is shared between all indexes built using a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> command or its shell helper <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndexes() </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The memory consumed by an index build is separate from the WiredTiger cache memory (see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cacheSizeGB </code> </a> ). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> sets a limit on how much memory the index build uses at once. This can impact performance when the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-creation/#std-label-index-build-process"> index build process </a> generates and sorts keys for the index. Increasing the memory limit improves sorting performance during an index build. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index builds may be initiated either by a user command such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> or by an administrative process such as an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-sync"> initial sync </a> . Both are subject to the limit set by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-sync"> initial sync </a> populates only one collection at a time and has no risk of exceeding the memory limit. However, it is possible for a user to start index builds on multiple collections in multiple databases simultaneously and potentially consume an amount of memory greater than the limit set by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> . </span> </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To minimize the impact of building an index on replica sets and sharded clusters with replica set shards, use a rolling index build procedure as described on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/build-indexes-on-replica-sets/#std-label-index-building-replica-sets"> Rolling Index Builds on Replica Sets <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Changing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> does not affect an in progress index build if it has already started a collection scan. However, a forced replica set reconfiguration restarts the collection scan and uses the most current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> provided. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> feature compatibility version (fcv) </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "4.2" </code> and later, the index build memory limit applies to all index builds. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean flag that determines whether the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.serverStatus/#mongodb-method-db.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.serverStatus() </code> </a> method and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command return <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.opWriteConcernCounters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opWriteConcernCounters </code> </a> information. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-perf" id="ref-perf-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-perf" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-perf-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> Enabling <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> reportOpWriteConcernCountersInServerStatus </code> </span> </a> can have a negative performance impact; specifically, when running <em> without </em> TLS. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : -1 (disabled) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Determines how frequent the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> checks the status of the monitored filesystems: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--dbpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> </a> directory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> journal </code> directory inside the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--dbpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> </a> directory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The directory of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--logpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath </code> </a> file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The directory of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auditPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auditPath </code> </a> file </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid values for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> (the default), to disable/pause <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An integer greater than or equal to 60. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a filesystem on a monitored directory becomes unresponsive, it can take a maximum of nearly <em> twice </em> the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> to terminate the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If any of its monitored directory is a symlink to other volumes, the Storage Node Watchdog does not monitor the symlink target. For example, if the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.directoryPerDB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.directoryPerDB: true </code> </a> (or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--directoryperdb"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --directoryperdb </code> </a> ) and symlinks a database directory to another volume, the Storage Node Watchdog does not follow the symlink to monitor the target. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> must be set during startup. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter watchdogPeriodSeconds=60","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter watchdogPeriodSeconds=60</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only enable the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> at startup. However, once enabled, you can pause the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> or change the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> during run time. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once enabled, </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To pause the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> during run time, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> to -1. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, watchdogPeriodSeconds: -1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">watchdogPeriodSeconds</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To resume or change the period during run time, set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> to a number greater than or equal to 60. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, watchdogPeriodSeconds: 120 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">watchdogPeriodSeconds</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">120</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> It is an error to set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.watchdogPeriodSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> watchdogPeriodSeconds </code> </span> </a> at run time if the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/monitoring/#std-label-storage-node-watchdog"> Storage Node Watchdog </a> was not enabled at startup time. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocAggressiveMemoryDecommit </code> is deprecated in 8.0. MongoDB 8.0 uses an updated version of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmalloc </code> that improves memory fragmentation and management. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/8.0/#std-label-8.0-tcmalloc-upgrade"> tcmalloc upgrade </a> for more information. To release memory back to the operating system, consider using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread </code> </span> </a> instead. </p> </div> </div> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread </code> creates a background thread that periodically releases memory back to the operating system. The value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocReleaseRate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> </span> </a> determines the rate, in bytes per second, at which the background thread releases memory. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , MongoDB still releases memory. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For improved memory usage, we recommend using the default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . To learn more about improvements to performance and memory management, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/8.0/#std-label-8.0-tcmalloc-upgrade"> Upgraded TCMalloc <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter \"tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread=false\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread=false"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocReleaseRate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocReleaseRate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/google/tcmalloc/blob/master/docs/tuning.md" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> TCMalloc release rate </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> in bytes per second. Release rate refers to the rate at which MongoDB releases unused memory to the system. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> MongoDB doesn't release memory back to the system. Increase this value to return memory faster; decrease it to return memory slower. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocEnableBackgroundThread </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , MongoDB still releases memory. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, the default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> is reduced to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> due to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/8.0/#std-label-8.0-tcmalloc-upgrade"> tcmalloc upgrade </a> that prioritizes CPU performance over memory release. Earlier versions of MongoDB used an older version of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmalloc </code> that set the default <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> to balance memory release and performance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify the release rate during run time, you can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command; for example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, tcmallocReleaseRate: 5.0 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tcmallocReleaseRate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5.0</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.tcmallocReleaseRate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tcmallocReleaseRate </code> </span> </a> at startup time; for example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter \"tcmallocReleaseRate=5.0\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tcmallocReleaseRate=5.0"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 15 seconds </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Allows a server that receives a request to step up or step down, to terminate if it is unable to comply (for example due to faulty server disks) within the timeout. This enables a cluster to successfully elect a new primary node and thus continue to be available. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown </code> defaults to 15 seconds. To disable nodes from fasserting, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown=0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example disables nodes from fasserting: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown=0","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter fassertOnLockTimeoutForStepUpDown=0</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1000000 </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Controls the maximum number of operations admitted concurrently to the ingress queue. The default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1000000 </code> represents the numerical equivalent of unbounded, which admits all incoming operations up to the default maximum connections that MongoDB allows. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing this value while there are operations waiting on the queue unblocks as many operations as the new pool size permits. Decreasing this value does not block any currently executing operations, but incoming controllable operations are blocked until there are tickets available. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize=100000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize=100000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Avoid modifying <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ingressAdmissionControllerTicketPoolSize </code> </span> </a> unless directed by MongoDB engineers. This setting has major implications across both WiredTiger and MongoDB. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Logging Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#logging-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="logging-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logLevel </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logLevel" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.logLevel"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify an integer between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> signifying the verbosity of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> logging </a> , where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> is the most verbose. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-log-message" id="ref-log-message-id2"> [ <!-- --> 2 <!-- --> ] </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logLevel" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logLevel </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> (Informational). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logLevel" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logLevel </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, logLevel: 2 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">logLevel</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logComponentVerbosity" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logComponentVerbosity </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.verbosity </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-log-message" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-log-message-id2"> 2 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB includes the Debug verbosity level (1-5) in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-severity-levels"> log messages </a> . For example, if the verbosity level is 2, MongoDB logs <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> D2 </code> . In previous versions, MongoDB log messages only specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> D </code> for Debug level. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logComponentVerbosity </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logComponentVerbosity" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.logComponentVerbosity"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the verbosity levels of various <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-message-components"> components </a> for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/"> log messages </a> . The verbosity level determines the amount of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-severity-levels"> Informational and Debug </a> messages MongoDB outputs. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-log-message2" id="ref-log-message2-id3"> [ <!-- --> 3 <!-- --> ] </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The verbosity level can range from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> : </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> is the MongoDB's default log verbosity level, to include <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-severity-levels"> Informational </a> messages. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> increases the verbosity level to include <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-severity-levels"> Debug </a> messages. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a component, you can also specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> to inherit the parent's verbosity level. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify the verbosity level, use a document similar to the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,\n &lt;component1&gt;: { verbosity: &lt;int&gt; },\n &lt;component2&gt;: {\n verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,\n &lt;component3&gt;: { verbosity: &lt;int&gt; }\n },\n ...\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;component1&gt;: { verbosity: &lt;int&gt; },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;component2&gt;: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;component3&gt;: { verbosity: &lt;int&gt; }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the components, you can specify just the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;component&gt;: &lt;int&gt; </code> in the document, unless you are setting both the parent verbosity level and that of the child component(s) as well: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,\n &lt;component1&gt;: &lt;int&gt; ,\n &lt;component2&gt;: {\n verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,\n &lt;component3&gt;: &lt;int&gt;\n }\n ...\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;component1&gt;: &lt;int&gt; ,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;component2&gt;: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> verbosity: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;component3&gt;: &lt;int&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The top-level <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> verbosity </code> field corresponds to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.verbosity </code> </a> which sets the default level for all components. The default value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.verbosity </code> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The components correspond to the following settings: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.accessControl.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> accessControl </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.command.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.control.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> control </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.ftdc.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ftdc </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.geo.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> geo </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.index.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> index </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.network.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> network </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.query.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> query </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.queryStats.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryStats </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.replication.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.replication.election.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.election </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.replication.heartbeats.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.heartbeats </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.replication.initialSync.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.initialSync </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.replication.rollback.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.rollback </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.recovery.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> recovery </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.sharding.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.journal.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.transaction.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transaction </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.write.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> write </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Unless explicitly set, the component has the verbosity level of its parent. For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage </code> is the parent of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal </code> . That is, if you specify a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage </code> </a> verbosity level, this level also applies to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.journal.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal </code> </a> components <em> unless </em> you specify the verbosity level for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.journal.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.recovery.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.recovery </code> </a> components <em> unless </em> you specify the verbosity level for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.recovery.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.recovery </code> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> default verbosity level </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.query.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> query </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> , and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.component.storage.journal.verbosity"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n setParameter: 1,\n logComponentVerbosity: {\n verbosity: 1,\n query: { verbosity: 2 },\n storage: {\n verbosity: 2,\n journal: {\n verbosity: 1\n }\n }\n }\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">logComponentVerbosity</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">verbosity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">verbosity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">storage</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">verbosity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">journal</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">verbosity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set parameter <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logComponentVerbosity" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logComponentVerbosity </code> </span> </a> at startup time, passing the verbosity level document as a string. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter \"logComponentVerbosity={command: 3}\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">"logComponentVerbosity={command: 3}"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> also provides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.setLogLevel/#mongodb-method-db.setLogLevel"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.setLogLevel() </code> </a> to set the log level for a single component. For various ways to set the log verbosity level, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-configure-verbosity"> Configure Log Verbosity Levels <!-- --> . </a> </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-log-message2" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-log-message2-id3"> 3 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB includes the Debug verbosity level (1-5) in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-severity-levels"> log messages </a> . For example, if the verbosity level is 2, MongoDB logs <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> D2 </code> . In previous versions, MongoDB log messages only specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> D </code> for Debug level. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxLogSizeKB </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxLogSizeKB" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxLogSizeKB"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : non-negative integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, for an individual attribute field in a log entry; attributes exceeding this limit are truncated. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Truncated attribute fields print field content up to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxLogSizeKB" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxLogSizeKB </code> </span> </a> limit and excise field content past that limit, retaining valid JSON formatting. Log entries that contain truncated attributes append a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> truncated </code> object to the end of the log entry. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-message-truncation"> log message truncation </a> for more information. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> disables truncation entirely. Negative values for this parameter are not valid. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using a large value, or disabling truncation with a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , may adversely affect system performance and negatively impact database operations. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets the maximum log line size to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20 </code> kilobytes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter maxLogSizeKB=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter maxLogSizeKB=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> profileOperationResourceConsumptionMetrics </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.profileOperationResourceConsumptionMetrics" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.profileOperationResourceConsumptionMetrics"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Flag that determines whether operations collect resource consumption metrics and report them in the slow query logs. If you enable <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/#std-label-database-profiling"> profiling </a> , these metrics are also included. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , running the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/explain/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain </code> </a> command returns <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/explain-results/#std-label-executionStats"> operationMetrics </a> when the verbosity is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> executionStats </code> or higher. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quiet </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.quiet" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.quiet"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets quiet logging mode. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> will go into a quiet logging mode which will not log the following events/activities: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> connection events; </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/drop/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.drop"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> drop </code> </a> command, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropIndexes </code> </a> command, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/validate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.validate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> validate </code> </a> command; and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> replication synchronization activities. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example which sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quiet </code> parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, quiet: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiet</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.quiet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.quiet </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactClientLogData </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.redactClientLogData" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.redactClientLogData"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Enterprise Feature </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available in MongoDB Enterprise only. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configure the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to redact any message accompanying a given log event before logging. This prevents the program from writing potentially sensitive data stored on the database to the diagnostic log. Metadata such as error or operation codes, line numbers, and source file names are still visible in the logs. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.redactClientLogData" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactClientLogData </code> </span> </a> in conjunction with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/"> Encryption at Rest </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-transport-encryption/"> TLS/SSL (Transport Encryption) </a> to assist compliance with regulatory requirements. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable log redaction at startup, you can either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--redactClientLogData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --redactClientLogData </code> </a> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --redactClientLogData","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->redactClientLogData</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.redactClientLogData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.redactClientLogData </code> </a> option in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration file <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"security:\n redactClientLogData: true\n ...","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">security:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">redactClientLogData:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">...</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can't use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --setParameter </code> </a> option to set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.redactClientLogData" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactClientLogData </code> </span> </a> at startup. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable log redaction on a running <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> , use the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, redactClientLogData : true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <!-- -->redactClientLogData <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.redactClientLogData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.redactClientLogData </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactEncryptedFields </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.redactEncryptedFields" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.redactEncryptedFields"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.1.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configures <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-program-mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to redact field values of encrypted <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#mongodb-bsontype-Binary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Binary </code> </a> data from all <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> log messages <!-- --> . </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.redactClientLogData" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactClientLogData </code> </span> </a> parameter or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.redactClientLogData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.redactClientLogData </code> </a> setting is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactEncryptedFields </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> (the default), encrypted fields are redacted from all log messages. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.redactClientLogData" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactClientLogData </code> </span> </a> parameter or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.redactClientLogData"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.redactClientLogData </code> </a> setting is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , all fields are redacted, regardless of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> redactEncryptedFields </code> setting. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> traceExceptions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.traceExceptions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.traceExceptions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configures <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> to log full source code stack traces for every database and socket C++ exception, for use with debugging. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> will log full stack traces. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at runtime. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example which sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> traceExceptions </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, traceExceptions: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">traceExceptions</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.traceAllExceptions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.traceAllExceptions </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/#std-label-configure-mongod-mongos-for-tls-ssl"> TLS/SSL enabled </a> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.ssl.allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates </code> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> lets clients connect without providing a certificate for validation while logging an warning. Set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to suppress those warnings. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning: true} )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, suppressNoTLSPeerCertificateWarning: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-param-connection-health-metric-logs"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Determines whether to enable specific log messages related to cluster connection health metrics. If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableDetailedConnectionHealthMetricLogLines </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the following log messages are turned off, but MongoDB still collects data on the cluster connection health metrics: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Log Message </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Accepted TLS connection from peer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that the server successfully parsed the peer certificate during the TLS handshake with an accepted ingress connection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Ingress TLS handshake complete </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that the TLS handshake with an ingress connection is complete. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Hello completed </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Indicates that the initial connection handshake completed on an incoming client connection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB displays the log message only with the first <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hello </code> command. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Auth metrics report </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specifies the completion of a step in the authentication conversation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Received first command on ingress connection since session start or auth handshake </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that an ingress connection received the first command that is not part of the handshake. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Slow network response send time </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that the time spent, in milliseconds, to send the response back to the client over an ingress connection takes more time than the duration defined by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slowMS </code> server parameter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Completed client-side verification of OCSP request </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If the peer doesn't include an <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> OCSP </span> response to the TLS handshake when an egress TLS connection is established, the server must send an OCSP request to the certificate authority. MongoDB writes this log message when the certificate authority receives the OCSP response. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Slow connection establishment </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that the time taken to send a response back to the client over an ingress connection takes longer than the threshold specified with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.slowConnectionThresholdMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> slowConnectionThresholdMillis </code> </span> </a> parameter. MongoDB also emits this log message when the connection establishment times out. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Operation timed out while waiting to acquire connection </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that an operation timed out while waiting to acquire an egress connection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Acquired connection for remote operation and completed writing to wire </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates that the server took one millisecond or longer to write an outgoing request on an egress connection, counting from the instant when the connection establishes. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-param-ftdc"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Diagnostic Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#diagnostic-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="diagnostic-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To facilitate analysis of the MongoDB server behavior by MongoDB engineers, MongoDB logs server statistics to diagnostic files at periodic intervals. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , the diagnostic data files are stored in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnostic.data </code> directory under the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the diagnostic data files, by default, are stored in a directory under the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath </code> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> directory. The diagnostic data directory is computed by truncating the logpath's file extension(s) and concatenating <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnostic.data </code> to the remaining name. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, if <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> has <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongos.log.201708015 </code> , then the diagnostic data directory is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongos.diagnostic.data/ </code> directory. To specify a different diagnostic data directory for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath </code> </span> </a> parameter. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following parameters support diagnostic data capture (FTDC): </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default values for the diagnostic data capture interval and the maximum sizes are chosen to provide useful data to MongoDB engineers with minimal impact on performance and storage size. Typically, these values will only need modifications as requested by MongoDB engineers for specific diagnostic purposes. </p> </div> </div> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Determines whether to enable the collecting and logging of data for diagnostic purposes. Diagnostic logging is enabled by default. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following disables the diagnostic collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled=false","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : String </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/full-time-diagnostic-data-capture/#std-label-ftdc-stub"> Full Time Diagnostic Data Capture (FTDC) </a> is disabled with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled </code> </span> </a> or if <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.destination"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.destination </code> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syslog </code> , you must restart <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> after setting <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath </code> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the directory for the diagnostic directory for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . If the directory does not exist, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> creates the directory. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If unspecified, the diagnostic data directory is computed by truncating the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath </code> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> file extension(s) and concatenating <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnostic.data </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, if <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> has <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongos.log.201708015 </code> , then the diagnostic data directory is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongos.diagnostic.data/ </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> cannot create the specified directory, the diagnostic data capture is disabled for that instance. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> may not be able to create the specified directory if a file with the same name already exists in the path or if the process does not have permissions to create the directory. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 200 </code> ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 400 </code> in sharded clusters) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the maximum size, in megabytes, of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnostic.data </code> directory. If directory size exceeds this number, the oldest diagnostic files in the directory are automatically deleted based on the timestamp in the file name. </p> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB </code> has a default value of 400 MB for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-program-mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances used in sharded clusters. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instances used in replica set or as standalone servers have a default value of 200 MB. </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the maximum size of the directory to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 250 </code> megabytes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB=250","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB=250</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum value for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> megabytes. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB </code> </span> </a> must be greater than maximum diagnostic file size <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the maximum size, in megabytes, of each diagnostic file. If the file exceeds the maximum file size, MongoDB creates a new file. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the maximum size of each diagnostic file to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20 </code> megabytes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum value for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> megabyte. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 1000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, at which to collect diagnostic data. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the interval to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5000 </code> milliseconds or 5 seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis=5000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis=5000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum value for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100 </code> milliseconds. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication and Consistency <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication-and-consistency" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication-and-consistency"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure cluster nodes for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-horizon_DNS" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> split horizon DNS </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> , use host names instead of IP addresses. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB v5.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetInitiate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetInitiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetInitiate </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetReconfig/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetReconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetReconfig </code> </a> reject configurations that use IP addresses instead of hostnames. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck </code> </span> </a> to modify nodes that cannot be updated to use host names. The parameter only applies to the configuration commands. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> do not rely on <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck </code> </span> </a> for validation at startup. Legacy <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instances that use IP addresses instead of host names can start after an upgrade. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Instances that are configured with IP addresses log a warning to use host names instead of IP addresses. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To allow configuration changes using IP addresses, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck=true </code> using the command line: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"/usr/local/bin/mongod --setParameter disableSplitHorizonIPCheck=true -f /etc/mongod.conf","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">/<!-- -->usr<!-- -->/<!-- -->local<!-- -->/<!-- -->bin<!-- -->/<!-- -->mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter disableSplitHorizonIPCheck<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> <!-- -->-<!-- -->f <!-- -->/<!-- -->etc<!-- -->/<!-- -->mongod.<span class="lg-highlight-property">conf</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n disableSplitHorizonIPCheck: true","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">disableSplitHorizonIPCheck</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , replica set <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> members can replicate data from other secondary members even if <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.chainingAllowed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> settings.chainingAllowed </code> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting </code> </span> </a> for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logicalSessionRefreshMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logicalSessionRefreshMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.logicalSessionRefreshMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 300000 (5 minutes) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The interval (in milliseconds) at which the cache refreshes its logical session records against the main session store. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.logicalSessionRefreshMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logicalSessionRefreshMillis </code> </span> </a> for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to 10 minutes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter logicalSessionRefreshMillis=600000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter logicalSessionRefreshMillis=600000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 30 </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> For testing purposes only </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is intended for testing purposes only and not for production use. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The time in minutes that a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-sessions"> session </a> remains active after its most recent use. Sessions that have not received a new read/write operation from the client or been refreshed with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> within this threshold are cleared from the cache. State associated with an expired session may be cleaned up by the server at any time. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter applies only to the instance on which it is set. To set this parameter on replica sets and sharded clusters, you must specify the same value on every member; otherwise, sessions will not function properly. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes </code> </span> </a> for a test <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to 20 minutes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 31536000 (1 year) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum amount by which the current cluster time can be advanced; specifically, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs </code> </span> </a> is the maximum difference between the new value of the cluster time and the current cluster time. Cluster time is a logical time used for ordering of operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot advance the cluster time to a new value if the new cluster time differs from the current cluster time by more than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs </code> </span> </a> for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to 15 minutes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs=900","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs=900</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxSessions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxSessions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxSessions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 1000000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of sessions that can be cached. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxSessions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxSessions </code> </span> </a> for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to 1000: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter maxSessions=1000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter maxSessions=1000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogBatchDelayMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.oplogBatchDelayMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.oplogBatchDelayMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of milliseconds to delay applying batches of oplog operations on secondary nodes. By default, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogBatchDelayMillis </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , meaning oplog batches are applied with no delay. When there is no delay, MongoDB may apply frequent, small oplog batches to secondaries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogBatchDelayMillis </code> causes MongoDB to apply oplog batches less frequently on secondaries, with each batch containing larger amounts of data. This reduces <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> IOPS </span> on secondaries, but adds latency for writes with write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, run the following command to set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogBatchDelayMillis </code> for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to 20 milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter oplogBatchDelayMillis=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter oplogBatchDelayMillis=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> periodicNoopIntervalSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.periodicNoopIntervalSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.periodicNoopIntervalSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The duration in seconds between <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-noop"> noop </a> writes on each individual node. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify this value for a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> cluster, you must contact <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/support/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Support <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> periodicNoopIntervalSecs </code> to 1 second at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter periodicNoopIntervalSecs=1","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter periodicNoopIntervalSecs<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Determines whether the temporary documents required for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/retryable-writes/#std-label-retryable-writes"> retryable </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify </code> </a> commands are stored in the <em> side </em> collection ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.image_collection </code> ). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection </code> is: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , the temporary documents are stored in the side collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the temporary documents are stored in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-oplog/#std-label-replica-set-oplog"> replica set oplog <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Keep <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> if you: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Have a large <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/retryable-writes/#std-label-retryable-writes"> retryable </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify </code> </a> workload. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Require more temporary document space for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/retryable-writes/#std-label-retryable-writes"> retryable </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify </code> </a> commands than is available in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-oplog/#std-label-replica-set-oplog"> replica set oplog <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> Secondaries </a> may experience increased CPU usage when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection=false","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection: false } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">storeFindAndModifyImagesInSideCollection</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 30 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum lifetime a transaction record exists in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.transactions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactions </code> </a> collection before the record becomes eligible for cleanup. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes </code> </span> </a> for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance to 20 minutes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter TransactionRecordMinimumLifetimeMinutes=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes </code> </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableFlowControl </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableFlowControl" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enableFlowControl"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables or disables the mechanism that controls the rate at which the primary applies its writes with the goal of keeping the secondary members' <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority committed </code> </a> lag under a configurable maximum value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For flow control to engage, the replica set/sharded cluster must have: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) </a> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.2 </code> and read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.enableMajorityReadConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority enabled </code> </a> . That is, enabled flow control has no effect if fCV is not <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.2 </code> or if read concern majority is disabled. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flowControlTargetLagSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.flowControlTargetLagSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.flowControlTargetLagSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The target maximum <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority committed </code> </a> lag when running with flow control. When flow control is enabled, the mechanism attempts to keep the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority committed </code> </a> lag under the specified seconds. The parameter has no effect if flow control is disabled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The specified value must be greater than 0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In general, the default settings should suffice; however, if modifying from the default value, decreasing, rather than increasing, the value may prove to be more useful. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flowControlWarnThresholdSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.flowControlWarnThresholdSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.flowControlWarnThresholdSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The amount of time to wait to log a warning once the flow control mechanism detects the majority commit point has not moved. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The specified value must be greater than or equal to 0, with 0 to disable warnings. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncTransientErrorRetryPeriodSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncTransientErrorRetryPeriodSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncTransientErrorRetryPeriodSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 86400 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The amount of time in seconds a secondary performing initial sync attempts to resume the process if interrupted by a transient network error. The default value is equivalent to 24 hours. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncSourceReadPreference </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncSourceReadPreference" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncSourceReadPreference"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : String </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The preferred source for performing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> . Specify one of the following read preference modes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primaryPreferred </code> </a> (Default for voting replica set members) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> (Default for newly added <em> or </em> non-voting replica set members) </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the replica set has disabled <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.chainingAllowed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chaining </code> </a> , the default <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncSourceReadPreference" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncSourceReadPreference </code> </span> </a> read preference mode is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify a tag set or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxStalenessSeconds </code> to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncSourceReadPreference" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncSourceReadPreference </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> cannot find a sync source based on the specified read preference, it logs an error and restarts the initial sync process. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> exits with an error if it cannot complete the initial sync process after <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> attempts. For more information on sync source selection, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-source-selection"> Initial Sync Source Selection <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncSourceReadPreference" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncSourceReadPreference </code> </span> </a> takes precedence over the replica set's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.chainingAllowed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> settings.chainingAllowed </code> </a> setting when selecting an initial sync source. After a replica set member successfully completes initial sync, it defers to the value of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.chainingAllowed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chainingAllowed </code> </a> when selecting a replication sync source. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncMethod </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncMethod" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.initialSyncMethod"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : String </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logical </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available only in MongoDB Enterprise. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Method used for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logical </code> to use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-logical"> logical initial sync </a> . Set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fileCopyBased </code> to use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-file-copy-based"> file copy based initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter only affects the sync method for the member on which it is specified. Setting this parameter on a single replica set member does not affect the sync method of any other replica set members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumSyncSourceChangesPerHour </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxNumSyncSourceChangesPerHour" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxNumSyncSourceChangesPerHour"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 3 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-replication-sync-source-selection"> Sync sources </a> are evaluated each time a sync source is updated and each time a node fetches a batch of oplog entries. If there are more than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxNumSyncSourceChangesPerHour </code> source changes in an hour, the node temporarily stops re-evaluating that sync source. If this parameter is set with a high value, the node may make unnecessary source changes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter will not prevent a node from starting to sync from another node if it doesn't have a sync source. The node will re-evaluate if a sync source becomes invalid. Similarly, if the primary changes and chaining is disabled, the node will update to sync from the new primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogFetcherUsesExhaust </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.oplogFetcherUsesExhaust" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.oplogFetcherUsesExhaust"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables or disables <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-streaming-replication"> streaming replication </a> . Set the value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to enable streaming replication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set the value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> to disable streaming replication. If disabled, secondaries fetch batches of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-oplog/#std-label-replica-set-oplog"> oplog </a> entries by issuing a request to their <em> sync from </em> source and waiting for a response. This requires a network roundtrip for each batch of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-oplog/"> oplog </a> entries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogInitialFindMaxSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.oplogInitialFindMaxSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.oplogInitialFindMaxSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 60 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum time in seconds for a member of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> to wait for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/find/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> command to finish during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-sync"> data synchronization <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterThreadCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterThreadCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterThreadCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 16 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of threads to use to apply replicated operations in parallel. Values can range from 1 to 256 inclusive. However, the maximum number of threads used is capped at twice the number of available cores. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterMinThreadCount </code> </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterMinThreadCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Minimum number of threads to use to apply replicated operations in parallel. Values can range from 0 to 256 inclusive. You can only set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterMinThreadCount </code> </span> </a> at startup and cannot change this setting with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parallel application of replication operations uses up to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterThreadCount </code> </span> </a> threads. If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterMinThreadCount </code> </span> </a> is configured with a value less than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterThreadCount </code> </span> </a> , the thread pool will timeout idle threads until the total count of threads in the thread pool is equal to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterMinThreadCount </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterMinThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterMinThreadCount </code> </span> </a> must be configured with a value that is less than or equal to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replWriterThreadCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replWriterThreadCount </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rollbackTimeLimitSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rollbackTimeLimitSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.rollbackTimeLimitSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : 64-bit integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 86400 (1 day) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum age of data that can be rolled back. Negative values for this parameter are not valid. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the time between the end of the to-be-rolledback instance's oplog and the first operation after the common point (the last point where the source node and the to-be-rolledback node had the same data) exceeds this value, the rollback will fail. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To effectively have an unlimited rollback period, set the value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2147483647 </code> which is the maximum value allowed and equivalent to roughly 68 years. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The length of time (in milliseconds) that a secondary must wait if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> afterClusterTime </code> is greater than the last applied time from the oplog. After the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS </code> passes, if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> afterClusterTime </code> is still greater than the last applied time, the secondary makes a no-op write to advance the last applied time. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS </code> </span> </a> to 20 milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS: 20 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">waitForSecondaryBeforeNoopWriteMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createRollbackDataFiles </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.createRollbackDataFiles" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.createRollbackDataFiles"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Flag that determines whether MongoDB creates <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-rollbacks/#std-label-rollback-data-files"> rollback files </a> that contains documents affected during a rollback. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.createRollbackDataFiles" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createRollbackDataFiles </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> and MongoDB creates the rollback files. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.createRollbackDataFiles" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createRollbackDataFiles </code> </span> </a> to false so that the rollback files are not created: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter createRollbackDataFiles=false","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter createRollbackDataFiles<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, createRollbackDataFiles: false } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, createRollbackDataFiles: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-rollbacks/#std-label-rollback-data-files"> Collect Rollback Data <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replBatchLimitBytes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replBatchLimitBytes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.replBatchLimitBytes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 104857600 (100MB) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the maximum oplog application batch size in bytes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Values can range from 16777216 (16MB) to 104857600 (100MB) inclusive. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.replBatchLimitBytes" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replBatchLimitBytes </code> </span> </a> to 64 MB to limit the oplog application batch size: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter replBatchLimitBytes=67108864","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter replBatchLimitBytes<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-number">67108864</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, replBatchLimitBytes: 64 * 1024 * 1024 } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, replBatchLimitBytes: 64 * 1024 * 1024 } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mirrorReads </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.mirrorReads" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.mirrorReads"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : Document </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { samplingRate: 0.01, maxTimeMS: 1000 } </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the settings for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-mirrored-reads"> mirrored reads </a> for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. The settings only take effect when the member is a primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.mirrorReads" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mirrorReads </code> </span> </a> takes a JSON document with the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> samplingRate </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The sampling rate used to mirror a subset of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-mirrored-reads-supported-operations"> operations that support mirroring </a> to a subset of electable (specifically, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.priority"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> priority greater than 0 </code> </a> ) secondaries. That is, the primary mirrors reads to each electable secondary at the specified sampling rate. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid values are: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:40%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.0 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Turns off mirroring. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1.0 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The primary mirrors all <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/replication/#std-label-mirrored-reads-supported-operations"> operations that supports mirroring </a> to each electable secondary. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Number between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.0 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1.0 </code> (exclusive) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The primary randomly samples each electable secondary at the specified rate to be sent mirrored reads. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, given a replica set with a primary and two electable secondaries and a sampling rate of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.10 </code> , the primary mirrors reads to each electable secondary at the sampling rate of 10 percent such that one read may be mirrored to one secondary and not to the other or to both or to neither. That is, if the primary receives <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100 </code> operations that can be mirrored, the sampling rate of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.10 </code> may result in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 8 </code> reads being mirrored to one secondary and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 13 </code> reads to the other or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> to each, etc. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.01 </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum time in milliseconds for the mirrored reads. The default value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1000 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS </code> for the mirrored reads is separate from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS </code> of the original read being mirrored. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify from the configuration file or on the command line, <strong> enclose the </strong> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mirrorReads </code> <strong> document in quotes </strong> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the mirror reads sampling rate to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.10 </code> from the command line: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter mirrorReads='{ samplingRate: 0.10 }'","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter mirrorReads=<span class="lg-highlight-string">'{ samplingRate: 0.10 }'</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or, to specify in a configuration file: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n mirrorReads: '{samplingRate: 0.10}'","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mirrorReads:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">'{samplingRate: 0.10}'</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , do <strong> not </strong> enclose the document in quotes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, mirrorReads: { samplingRate: 0.10 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mirrorReads</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">samplingRate</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0.10</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowMultipleArbiters </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.allowMultipleArbiters" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.allowMultipleArbiters"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies whether the replica set allows the use of multiple arbiters. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The use of multiple arbiters is not recommended: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Multiple arbiters prevent the reliable use of the majority write concern. MongoDB counts arbiters in calculating a membership majority, but arbiters do not store data. With the inclusion of multiple arbiters, it's possible for a majority write operation to return success before the write replicates to a majority of data bearing nodes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Multiple arbiters allow replica sets to accept writes even when the replica set doesn't have sufficient secondaries for data replication. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-arbiter/#std-label-rollbacks-multi-arbiters"> Concerns with Multiple Arbiters <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter allowMultipleArbiters=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter allowMultipleArbiters=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-ask-cdss-param"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10000000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sampleRate </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sampleSize </code> are not set when you run <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKey </code> , specifies the number of documents to sample when calculating shard key characteristics metrics. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10000 </code> at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize=10000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize=10000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can set or modify the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize: 10000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">analyzeShardKeyCharacteristicsDefaultSampleSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-ask-nmcv-param"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 5 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the number of most common shard key values to return. If the collection contains fewer unique shard keys than this value, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues </code> returns that number of most common values. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and less than or equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1000 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 3 </code> at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues=3","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues=3</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can set or modify the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues: 3 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyNumRanges </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyNumRanges" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyNumRanges"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 100 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the number of ranges to partition the shard key space into when calculating the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-troubleshooting-shard-keys/#std-label-shard-hotness"> hotness </a> of shard key ranges. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and less than or equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10000 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyNumRanges </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 50 </code> at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyNumRanges=50","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyNumRanges=50</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can set or modify the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, analyzeShardKeyNumRanges: 50 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">analyzeShardKeyNumRanges</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-ask-mcct-param"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : double </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0.7 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RecordId </code> correlation coefficient threshold used to determine if a shard key is monotonically changing in insertion order. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and less than or equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold=1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold=1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can set or modify the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">analyzeShardKeyMonotonicityCorrelationCoefficientThreshold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-automerger-params"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerIntervalSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerIntervalSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerIntervalSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 3600 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When AutoMerger is enabled, specifies the amount of time between automerging rounds, in seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds, or one hour. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerIntervalSecs </code> can only be set on config servers. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerIntervalSecs </code> to 7200 seconds, or two hours, at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter autoMergerIntervalSecs=7200","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter autoMergerIntervalSecs=7200</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can set or modify the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, autoMergerIntervalSecs: 7200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">autoMergerIntervalSecs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerThrottlingMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerThrottlingMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.autoMergerThrottlingMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 15000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When AutoMerger is enabled, specifies the minimum amount time between merges initiated by the AutoMerger on the same collection, in milliseconds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerThrottlingMS </code> can only be set on config servers. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> autoMergerThrottlingMS </code> to 60000 milliseconds, or one minute, at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter autoMergerThrottlingMS=60000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter autoMergerThrottlingMS=60000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can set or modify the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, autoMergerThrottlingMS: 60000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">autoMergerThrottlingMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-balancer-sharding-params"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> ( <em> Also available starting in 6.3.1, 6.0.6, 5.0.18 </em> ) </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 1000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the minimum amount of time between two consecutive balancing rounds. This allows you to throttle the balancing rate. This parameter only takes effect on config server nodes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs </code> to 2000 milliseconds at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs=2000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs=2000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs: 2000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">balancerMigrationsThrottlingMs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the minimum time period (in milliseconds) between consecutive split and merge commands run by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-balancer"> balancer </a> when the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunks </a> in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharding"> sharded </a> collection are defragmented. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS </code> </span> </a> limits the rate of split and merge commands. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS=10","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS=10</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS: 10 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">chunkDefragmentationThrottlingMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkMigrationConcurrency </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.chunkMigrationConcurrency" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.chunkMigrationConcurrency"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Available starting in MongoDB 7.0, 6.3, 6.0.6 (and 5.0.15). </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies an integer that sets the number of threads on the source shard and the receiving shard for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/migrate-chunks-in-sharded-cluster/#std-label-migrate-chunks-sharded-cluster"> chunk migration </a> . Chunk migrations use the number of threads that you set on the receiving shard for both the source and receiving shard. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing the concurrency improves chunk migration performance, but also increases the workload and disk IOPS usage on the source shard and the receiving shard. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum value is 500. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You should typically use half the total number of CPU cores as threads. For example, if the total is 16 cores, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkMigrationConcurrency </code> to 8 threads (or fewer). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkMigrationConcurrency </code> is greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _secondaryThrottle </code> configuration setting is ignored. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _secondaryThrottle </code> setting determines when the chunk migration proceeds with the next document in the chunk. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-chunk-migration-replication"> Range Migration and Replication <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunkMigrationConcurrency </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter chunkMigrationConcurrency=5","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter chunkMigrationConcurrency=5</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, chunkMigrationConcurrency: 5 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">chunkMigrationConcurrency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure collection balancing, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/configureCollectionBalancing/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.configureCollectionBalancing"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configureCollectionBalancing </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn about defragmenting sharded collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/defragment-sharded-collections/#std-label-defragment-sharded-collections"> Defragment Sharded Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableResumableRangeDeleter </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableResumableRangeDeleter" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.disableResumableRangeDeleter"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set on a shard's primary, specifies if range deletion is paused on the shard. If set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , cleanup of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-range"> ranges </a> containing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-document"> orphaned documents </a> is paused. The shard can continue to donate chunks to other shards, but the donated documents will not be removed from this shard until you set this parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . This shard can continue to receive chunks from other shards as long as it does not have a pending range deletion task in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.rangeDeletions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.rangeDeletions </code> </a> collection that overlaps with the incoming chunk's range. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableResumableRangeDeleter" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableResumableRangeDeleter </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , chunk migrations fail if <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-document"> orphaned documents </a> exist on the recipient shard's primary in the same range as the incoming chunks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter has no effect on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> if it is not the shard's primary. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.disableResumableRangeDeleter" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableResumableRangeDeleter </code> </span> </a> parameter to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , ensure that you apply it consistently for all members in the shard's replica set. In the event of a failover, this setting's value on the new primary dictates the behavior of the range deleter. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter disableResumableRangeDeleter=false","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter disableResumableRangeDeleter<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set on the config server's primary, enables or disables the index consistency check for sharded collections. The parameter has no effect on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> if it is not the config server's primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> for a config server primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck=false","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck: false } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS </code> </span> </a> parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.shardedIndexConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardedIndexConsistency </code> </a> metrics returned by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opportunisticSecondaryTargeting </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.opportunisticSecondaryTargeting" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.opportunisticSecondaryTargeting"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.1.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Determines whether <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> performs opportunistic reads against replica sets. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When this parameter is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> directs secondary reads to secondaries with active connections. It sends the request to the first secondary that accepts the connection. When this parameter is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> holds secondary reads until it can establish a connection to a specific secondary, (except in the case of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-hedge-option/#std-label-read-preference-hedged-read"> hedged reads </a> ). </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Under certain workloads, opportunistic reads may trigger the opening of unnecessary connections from <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-program-mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and reduce overall performance. This parameter should not be enabled unless your application has a specific need for the feature. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> opportunisticSecondaryTargeting </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter opportunisticSecondaryTargeting=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter opportunisticSecondaryTargeting=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 600000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set on the config server's primary, the interval, in milliseconds, at which the config server's primary checks the index consistency of sharded collections. The parameter has no effect on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> if it is not the config server's primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the interval at 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes) at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS=300000","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter shardedIndexConsistencyCheckIntervalMS<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-number">300000</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck </code> </span> </a> parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.shardedIndexConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardedIndexConsistency </code> </a> metrics returned by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.serverStatus"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> serverStatus </code> </a> command. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Deprecated in 8.0 </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, the parameter is deprecated and doesn't cause any changes or errors. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter allows the catalog cache to be refreshed only if the shard needs to be refreshed. If disabled, any stale chunk will cause the entire chunk distribution for a collection to be considered stale and force all <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-sharded-cluster-query-routing"> routers </a> who contact the shard to refresh their shard catalog cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh=true\nmongos --setParameter enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-background"> Sharding </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.shardingStatistics.catalogCache"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardingStatistics.catalogCache </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMSForHedgedReads </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTimeMSForHedgedReads" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxTimeMSForHedgedReads"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, hedged reads are deprecated. Queries that specify the read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> no longer use hedged reads by default. If you explicitly specify a hedged read, MongoDB performs a hedged read and logs a warning. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 150 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the maximum time limit (in milliseconds) for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-mongos-hedged-reads"> hedged read </a> . That is, the additional read sent to hedge the read operation uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS </code> value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTimeMSForHedgedReads" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMSForHedgedReads </code> </span> </a> while the read operation that is being hedged uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS </code> value specified for the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the limit to 200 milliseconds, you can issue the following during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter maxTimeMSForHedgedReads=200","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter maxTimeMSForHedgedReads=200</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, maxTimeMSForHedgedReads: 200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">maxTimeMSForHedgedReads</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.readHedgingMode" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readHedgingMode </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-mongos-hedged-reads"> Hedged Reads </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveChunk/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveChunk"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveChunk </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveRange/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveRange </code> </a> operations, specifies the maximum percentage of untrasferred data allowed by the migration protocol (expressed in percentage of the total chunk size) to transition from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> catchup </code> phase to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> commit </code> phase. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting a higher catchup percentage can decrease the amount of time it takes for the migration to complete at the cost of increased latency during concurrent <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.deleteOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> delete </code> </a> operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.1 (and 7.0.1), you can set the parameter during runtime. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the maximum percentage to 20, you can issue the following during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.1 (and 7.0.1), you can set the parameter during runtime with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites: 20} )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites: 20} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/master/src/mongo/db/s/README.md#the-live-migration-protocol" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Live Migration Protocol </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> ( <em> Also available starting in 5.1.0, 5.0.4 </em> ) </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 500 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Limits the time a shard waits for a critical section within a transaction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a query accesses a shard, a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/migrate-chunks-in-sharded-cluster/#std-label-migrate-chunks-sharded-cluster"> chunk migration </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-operations/#std-label-transactions-operations-ddl"> DDL operation </a> may already hold the critical section for the collection. If the query finds the critical section is taken, the shard waits until the critical section has been released. When the shard returns control to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> retries the query. However, if a multi-shard transaction interacts with an operation that takes the critical section on multiple shards, the interaction can result in a distributed deadlock. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS </code> </span> </a> limits the maximum time a shard waits within a transaction for the critical section to be released. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To reduce the maximum wait time for the critical section within a transaction, lower the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS </code> . </span> </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS </code> </span> </a> is too low, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> could use all of its retry attempts and return an error. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS </code> </span> </a> to 400 milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS: 400 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">metadataRefreshInTransactionMaxWaitBehindCritSecMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">400</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0.1 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 10 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Interval that a sampler ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> ) refreshes its query analyzer sample rates. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The sample rate configured by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configureQueryAnalyzer </code> command is divided among <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> instances in the sharded cluster or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instances in the replica set based on the traffic going through them. To make the sample rate assignment for a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> more responsive to the traffic going through it, decrease this value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> We recommend using the default value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0.1, you can set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs </code> during run time. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs </code> to 60 seconds at startup on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs=60","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs=60</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs </code> to 60 seconds at startup on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs=60","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs=60</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the value to 30 seconds, run the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs: 30 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">queryAnalysisSamplerConfigurationRefreshSecs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0.1 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 90 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Interval that sampled queries are written to disk, in seconds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0.1, you can set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs </code> during run time. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs </code> to 60 seconds at startup on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs=60\nTo set the value to 60 seconds, run the following:","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs=60</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">To <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">set</span> the value to 60 seconds, run the following:</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs: 60 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">queryAnalysisWriterIntervalSecs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterMaxMemoryUsageBytes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisWriterMaxMemoryUsageBytes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisWriterMaxMemoryUsageBytes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 100 * 1024 * 1024 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum amount of memory in bytes that the query sampling writer is allowed to use. Once the limit is reached, all new queries and diffs are discarded from sampling until the buffer is flushed. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterMaxMemoryUsageBytes </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10000000 </code> at startup on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisWriterMaxMemoryUsageBytes=10000000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisWriterMaxMemoryUsageBytes=10000000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 100000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of sampled queries to write to disk at once. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and less than or equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100000 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1000 </code> at startup on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize=1000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize=1000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize: 1000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">queryAnalysisWriterMaxBatchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 7 * 24 * 3600 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Amount of time that a sampled query document exists before being removed by the TTL monitor, in seconds. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 691200 </code> ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 8 * 24 * 3600 </code> ) at startup on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs=691200","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs=691200</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs: 691200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">queryAnalysisSampleExpirationSecs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">691200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readHedgingMode </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.readHedgingMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.readHedgingMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : string </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : on </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies whether <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> supports hedged reads for those read operations whose <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/"> read preference </a> have enabled the hedged read option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available values are: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:35%"/> <col style="width:85%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> on </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance supports hedged reads for read operations whose <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/"> read preference </a> have enabled the hedged read option. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> off </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance does not support hedged reads. That is, hedged reads are unavailable, even for read operations whose read preference have enabled the hedged read option. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to turn off hedged read support for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance, you can issue the following during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter readHedgingMode=off","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter readHedgingMode=off</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, readHedgingMode: \"off\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">readHedgingMode</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"off"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-mongos-hedged-reads"> Hedged Reads </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTimeMSForHedgedReads" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMSForHedgedReads </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> routingTableCacheChunkBucketSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.routingTableCacheChunkBucketSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.routingTableCacheChunkBucketSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0.1 </em> . </p> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 500 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the size of the routing table cache buckets used to implement chunk grouping optimization. Must be greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the cache chunk bucket size to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 250 </code> on a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> , issue the following command at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter routingTableCacheChunkBucketSize=250","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter routingTableCacheChunkBucketSize=250</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 15000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait for any ongoing database operations to complete before initiating a shutdown of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> in response to a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SIGTERM </code> signal. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the time to 250 milliseconds, you can issue the following during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown=250","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown=250</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown: 250 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 15000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait for any ongoing database operations to complete before initiating a shutdown of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> in response to a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SIGTERM </code> signal. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the time to 250 milliseconds, you can issue the following during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown=250","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown=250</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown: 250 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">250</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 300000 (5 minutes) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum time that <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> goes without communication to a host before <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> drops all connections to the host. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> should be greater than the sum of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> . Otherwise, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> adjusts the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> to be greater than the sum. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 120000 </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS=120000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS=120000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS: 120000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">120000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 2 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of simultaneous initiating connections (including pending connections in setup/refresh state) each TaskExecutor connection pool can have to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. You can set this parameter to control the rate at which <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> adds connections to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting </code> </span> </a> should be less than or equal to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> . If it is greater, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> ignores the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting </code> </span> </a> value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20 </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting: 20 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 2 <sup> 64 </sup> - 1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to any given <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. The maximum possible connections to any given host across all TaskExecutor pools is: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize * taskExecutorPoolSize"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize * taskExecutorPoolSize</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20 </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize: 20 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> can have up to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> TaskExecutor connection pools, where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> is the number of cores. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.taskExecutorPoolSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> taskExecutorPoolSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: -1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional override for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> to set the <!-- --> maximum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharding-config-server"> configuration server <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> is used. This is the default. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> an integer value greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , overrides the <!-- --> maximum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a configuration server. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameter only applies to sharded deployments. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> during startup, which sets the <!-- --> maximum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a configuration server to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> : </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers=2","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers=2</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers: 2 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSizeForConfigServers</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-pool-minsize-parameters"> </span> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Minimum number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to any given <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> connections are created the first time a connection to a new host is requested from the pool. While the pool is idle, the pool maintains this number of connections until <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolHostTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> milliseconds pass without any application using that pool. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup </code> </span> </a> parameter, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> parameter also controls how many connections to each shard host are established on startup of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance before it begins accepting incoming client connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize=2","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize=2</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize: 2 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> can have up to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> TaskExecutor connection pools, where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> is the number of cores. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.taskExecutorPoolSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> taskExecutorPoolSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: -1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional override for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> to set the <!-- --> minimum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharding-config-server"> configuration server <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> is used. This is the default. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> an integer value greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> , overrides the <!-- --> minimum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a configuration server. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameter only applies to sharded deployments. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> during startup, which sets the <!-- --> minimum <!-- --> number of outbound connections each TaskExecutor connection pool can open to a configuration server to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> : </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers=2","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers=2</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers: 2 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSizeForConfigServers</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 60000 (1 minute) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum time the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> waits before attempting to heartbeat an idle connection in the pool. An idle connection may be discarded during the refresh if the pool is above its <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-sharding-pool-minsize-parameters" target="_self"> <span> minimum size <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> </span> </a> should be greater than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> . Otherwise, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> adjusts the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> to be less than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 90000 </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS=90000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS=90000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS: 90000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 20000 (20 seconds) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Maximum time the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> waits for a heartbeat before timing out the heartbeat. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> should be less than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> </span> </a> . Otherwise, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> adjusts the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> to be less than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshRequirementMS </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 30000 </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS=30000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS=30000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS: 30000 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolRefreshTimeoutMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30000</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: string </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: "automatic" </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance, this parameter sets the policy that determines the minimum size limit of its connection pools to nodes within replica sets. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance, this parameter sets the policy that determines the minimum size limit of its connection pools to nodes within <em> other </em> replica sets. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Note that this parameter only manages connections for operations that are directly related to user requests and CRUD operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available values are: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:85%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Matching Policy </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "automatic" </code> (Default) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in 5.0, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "automatic" </code> is the new default value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the instance follows the behavior specified for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "matchPrimaryNode" </code> option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , the instance follows the behavior specified for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "disabled" </code> option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong class="css-4dei7l"> WARNING: </strong> If the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "automatic" </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/connPoolStats/#mongodb-data-connPoolStats.replicaSetMatchingStrategy"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replicaSetMatchingStrategy </code> </a> still describes the actual policy being used, not <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "automatic" </code> . To find the value of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching </code> </span> </a> , use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getParameter </code> </a> which returns the value of the server parameter. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "matchPrimaryNode" </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the minimum size limit of the instance's connection pool to each secondary of a replica set in the sharded cluster (specifically, shard replica set and config servers) is equal to the size of its connection pool to that replica set's primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , the minimum size limit of the instance's connection pool to each secondary of another replica set in the sharded cluster (specifically, shard replica set and config servers) is equal to the size of its connection pool to that replica set's primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong class="css-4dei7l"> WARNING: </strong> If multiple shard servers in your topology can experience a rapid influx of cross-shard operations, do not set this option on your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In case of a primary stepdown, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchPrimaryNode </code> ensures that any secondary that becomes the primary can handle the current level of primary reads and writes. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "matchBusiestNode" </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the instance's minimum size limit of the connection pool to each member of a replica set in the sharded cluster (specifically, shard replica set and config servers) is equal to the largest among the active connection counts to the primary and each secondary member of that replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , the instance's minimum size limit of the connection pool to each member of another replica set in the sharded cluster (specifically, shard replica set and config servers) is equal to the largest among the active connection counts to the primary and each secondary member of that replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "matchBusiestNode" </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> maintains enough connections to each secondary to handle the current level of primary and secondary reads and writes. The number of connections to maintain in the pool decreases as the number of active connections decreases. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "disabled" </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the instance's minimum number of connections in the instance's connection pool to each node of a replica set in the sharded clusterv (specifically, shard replica set and config servers) is equal to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , the instance's minimum number of connections in the instance's connection pool to each node of another replica set in the sharded cluster (specifically, shard replica set and config servers) is equal to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "automatic" </code> during startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching=\"automatic\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching=<span class="lg-highlight-string">"automatic"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching: \"automatic\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"automatic"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> taskExecutorPoolSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.taskExecutorPoolSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.taskExecutorPoolSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 1 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of Task Executor connection pools to use for a given <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the parameter value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> or less, the number of Task Executor connection pools is the number of cores with the following exceptions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the number of cores is less than 4, the number of Task Executor connection pools is 4. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the number of cores is greater than 64, the number of Task Executor connection pools is 64. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When running MongoDB 6.2 or newer on Linux, you cannot modify the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.taskExecutorPoolSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> taskExecutorPoolSize </code> </span> </a> from the default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> . You may modify this parameter when running MongoDB on Windows or macOS. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.taskExecutorPoolSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> taskExecutorPoolSize </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> : </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter taskExecutorPoolSize=6","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter taskExecutorPoolSize=6</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxSize </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> loadRoutingTableOnStartup </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.loadRoutingTableOnStartup" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.loadRoutingTableOnStartup"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configures a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance to preload the routing table for a sharded cluster on startup. With this setting enabled, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> caches the cluster-wide routing table for each sharded collection as part of its startup procedure, before it begins accepting client connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Without this setting enabled, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only loads a routing table as needed for incoming client connections, and only loads the specific routing table for the namespace of a given request. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.loadRoutingTableOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> loadRoutingTableOnStartup </code> </span> </a> parameter enabled may experience longer startup times, but will result in faster servicing of initial client connections once started. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.loadRoutingTableOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> loadRoutingTableOnStartup </code> </span> </a> is enabled by default. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : true </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configures a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance to prewarm its connection pool on startup. With this parameter enabled, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> attempts to establish <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> network connections to each shard server as part of its startup procedure, before it begins accepting client connections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A timeout for this behavior can be configured with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS </code> </span> </a> parameter. If this timeout is reached, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> will begin accepting client connections regardless of the size of its connection pool. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance with this parameter enabled may experience longer startup times, but will result in faster servicing of initial client connections once started. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup </code> </span> </a> is enabled by default. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartupWaitMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 2000 (2 seconds) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the timeout threshold in milliseconds for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to wait for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> connections to be established per shard host when using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup </code> </span> </a> parameter. If this timeout is reached, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> will begin accepting client connections regardless of the size of its connection pool. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warmMinConnectionsInShardingTaskExecutorPoolOnStartup </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: Non-negative integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Time in milliseconds to wait between batches of insertions during cloning step of the migration process. This wait is in addition to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryThrottle </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> indicates no additional wait. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS </code> </span> </a> to 200 milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS=200","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS=200</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter may also be set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS: 200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">migrateCloneInsertionBatchDelayMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: Non-negative integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 0 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of documents to insert in a single batch during the cloning step of the migration process. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> indicates no maximum number of documents per batch. However, in practice, this results in batches that contain up to 16 MB of documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize </code> </span> </a> to 100 documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize=100","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize=100</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter may also be set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize: 100 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">migrateCloneInsertionBatchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orphanCleanupDelaySecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.orphanCleanupDelaySecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.orphanCleanupDelaySecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 900 (15 minutes) </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Minimum delay before a migrated <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> is deleted from the source shard. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before deleting the chunk during chunk migration, MongoDB waits for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.orphanCleanupDelaySecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orphanCleanupDelaySecs </code> </span> </a> or for in-progress queries involving the chunk to complete on the shard primary, whichever is longer. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, because the shard primary has no knowledge of in-progress queries run on the shard secondaries, queries that use the chunk but are run on secondaries may see documents disappear if these queries take longer than the time to complete the shard primary queries and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.orphanCleanupDelaySecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orphanCleanupDelaySecs </code> . </span> </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This behavior only affects in-progress queries that start before the chunk migration. Queries that start after the chunk migration starts will not use the migrating chunk. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a shard has storage constraints, consider reducing this value temporarily. If running queries that exceed 15 minutes on shard secondaries, consider increasing this value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.orphanCleanupDelaySecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orphanCleanupDelaySecs </code> </span> </a> to 20 minutes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter orphanCleanupDelaySecs=1200","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter orphanCleanupDelaySecs=1200</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This may also be set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, orphanCleanupDelaySecs: 1200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orphanCleanupDelaySecs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In all versions, the new value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.orphanCleanupDelaySecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orphanCleanupDelaySecs </code> </span> </a> is only applied to range deletions created after the value is changed. To apply the new value to existing range deletions, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#std-label-rs.stepDown-behavior"> force a step down <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.2 </em> : <!-- --> <!-- --> (and 7.1.1, 7.0.4, 6.0.13, 5.0.25) </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: Integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 1000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To route and serve operations, shards must know the routing and ownership information associated with their collections. This information propogates from a shard's primary node to its secondary nodes through the replication of the internal cache collections <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.cache.collections </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.cache.chunks.&lt;collectionName&gt; </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In previous versions, updates on the chunk cache collection were performed individually (meaning that an entry was deleted and a new entry was inserted). Starting in MongoDB 7.2, these updates are performed as a batch of deletions followed by a batch of insertions. The updated logic improves performance for collections that contain a large number of chunks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize </code> parameter specifies the maximum batch size used for updating the persisted chunk cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize </code> to 700 at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize=700","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize=700</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize </code> during runtime: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize: 700 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">persistedChunkCacheUpdateMaxBatchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">700</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: Non-negative integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 20 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before the next batch of deletion during the cleanup stage of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-range-migration-procedure"> range migration <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-chunk-migration-replication"> _secondaryThrottle replication delay </a> occurs after each batch deletion. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS </code> </span> </a> to 200 milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS=200","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS=200</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter may also be set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS: 200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In versions prior to 6.0.3, the new value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS </code> </span> </a> is only applied to range deletions created after the value is changed. To apply the new value to existing range deletions, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#std-label-rs.stepDown-behavior"> force a step down <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> From 6.0.3 on, the new value of the parameter is applied to all the range deletions processed after the update, regardless of when the range deletion was created. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterBatchSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: Non-negative integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 2147483647 starting in MongoDB 5.1.2 and 5.0.6 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of documents in each batch to delete during the cleanup stage of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-range-migration-procedure"> range migration <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> indicates that the system chooses the default value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterBatchSize </code> </span> </a> to 32 documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter rangeDeleterBatchSize=32","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter rangeDeleterBatchSize=32</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter may also be set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, rangeDeleterBatchSize: 32 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rangeDeleterBatchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">32</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In versions prior to 6.0.3, the new value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterBatchSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterBatchSize </code> </span> </a> is only applied to range deletions created after the value is changed. To apply the new value to existing range deletions, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.stepDown/#std-label-rs.stepDown-behavior"> force a step down <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> From 6.0.3 on, the new value of the parameter is applied to all the range deletions processed after the update, regardless of when the range deletion was created. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterHighPriority </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterHighPriority" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterHighPriority"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , prioritizes cleanup of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-document"> orphaned documents </a> over user operations. By default, this is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> to prioritize user operations over cleanup of orphaned documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.rangeDeleterHighPriority" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rangeDeleterHighPriority </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter rangeDeleterHighPriority=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter rangeDeleterHighPriority=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter may also be set using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, rangeDeleterBatchSize: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rangeDeleterBatchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> skipShardingConfigurationChecks </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.skipShardingConfigurationChecks" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.skipShardingConfigurationChecks"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: false </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , allows for starting a shard member or config server member as a standalone for maintenance operations. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--shardsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --shardsvr </code> </a> options. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter skipShardingConfigurationChecks=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter skipShardingConfigurationChecks=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once maintenance has completed, remove the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.skipShardingConfigurationChecks" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> skipShardingConfigurationChecks </code> </span> </a> parameter when restarting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findChunksOnConfigTimeoutMS </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.findChunksOnConfigTimeoutMS" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.findChunksOnConfigTimeoutMS"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Type: Non-negative integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Default: 900000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The timeout in milliseconds for find operations on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.chunks"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> chunks </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If there is a large number of chunks in the cluster and chunk loading fails with the error <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ExceededTimeLimit </code> , increase the parameter value: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter findChunksOnConfigTimeoutMS=1000000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter findChunksOnConfigTimeoutMS=1000000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-health-manager-parameters"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Health Manager Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#health-manager-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="health-manager-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> activeFaultDurationSecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.activeFaultDurationSecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.activeFaultDurationSecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : Document </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The amount of time to wait from a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/health-managers/#std-label-health-managers-overview"> Health Managers Overview </a> failure until the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> is removed from the cluster, in seconds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a failure is detected and a <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> is configured as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> critical </code> , the server waits for the specified interval before removing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> from the cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the duration from failure to crash to five minutes, issue the following at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter activeFaultDurationSecs=300","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter activeFaultDurationSecs=300</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setParameter: 1,\n activeFaultDurationSecs: 300\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">activeFaultDurationSecs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">300</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameters set with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> do not persist across restarts. See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#std-label-setParameter-commands-not-persistent"> setParameter page </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To make this setting persistent, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> activeFaultDurationSecs </code> in your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> mongos config file </a> using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> option as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n activeFaultDurationSecs: 300","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">activeFaultDurationSecs:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">300</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> healthMonitoringIntensities </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.healthMonitoringIntensities" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.healthMonitoringIntensities"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : Array of documents </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this parameter to set intensity levels for <!-- --> Health Managers <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> healthMonitoringIntensities </code> accepts an array of documents, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> . Each document in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> takes two fields: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> , the <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> facet </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> intensity </code> , the intensity level </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Health Managers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#health-managers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="health-managers"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Facet </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> What the Health Observer Checks </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configServer </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster health issues related to connectivity to the config server. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dns </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster health issues related to DNS availability and functionality. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster health issues related to LDAP availability and functionality. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Intensity Levels <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#intensity-levels" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="intensity-levels"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Intensity Level </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> critical </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> on this facet is enabled and has the ability to move the failing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> out of the cluster if an error occurs. The <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> waits the amount of time specified by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.activeFaultDurationSecs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> activeFaultDurationSecs </code> </span> </a> before stopping and moving the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> out of the cluster automatically. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> non-critical </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> on this facet is enabled and logs errors, but the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> remains in the cluster if errors are encountered. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> off </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> on this facet is disabled. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> does not perform any health checks on this facet. This is the default intensity level. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dns </code> <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> facet to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> critical </code> intensity level, issue the following at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter 'healthMonitoringIntensities={ values:[ { type:\"dns\", intensity: \"critical\"} ] }'","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">'healthMonitoringIntensities={ values:[ { type:"dns", intensity: "critical"} ] }'</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setParameter: 1,\n healthMonitoringIntensities: { values: [ { type: \"dns\", intensity: \"critical\" } ] } } )\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">healthMonitoringIntensities</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">values</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"dns"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">intensity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"critical"</span> } ] } } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameters set with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> do not persist across restarts. See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#std-label-setParameter-commands-not-persistent"> setParameter page </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To make this setting persistent, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> healthMonitoringIntensities </code> in your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> mongos config file </a> using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> option as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n healthMonitoringIntensities: \"{ values:[ { type:\\\"dns\\\", intensity: \\\"critical\\\"} ] }\"","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">healthMonitoringIntensities:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"{ values:[ { type:</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">dns</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, intensity: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">critical</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">} ] }"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> healthMonitoringIntervals </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.healthMonitoringIntervals" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.healthMonitoringIntervals"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : Array of documents </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> How often this <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> will run, in milliseconds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> healthMonitoringIntervals </code> accepts an array of documents, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> . Each document in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> values </code> takes two fields: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> type </code> , the <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> facet </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> interval </code> , the time interval it runs at, in milliseconds </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Health Managers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#health-managers-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="health-managers-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Facet </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> What the Health Observer Checks </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configServer </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster health issues related to connectivity to the config server. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dns </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster health issues related to DNS availability and functionality. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster health issues related to LDAP availability and functionality. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, to set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ldap </code> <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> facet to the run health checks every 30 seconds, issue the following at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter 'healthMonitoringIntervals={ values:[ { type:\"ldap\", interval: \"30000\"} ] }'","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">'healthMonitoringIntervals={ values:[ { type:"ldap", interval: "30000"} ] }'</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setParameter: 1,\n healthMonitoringIntervals: { values: [ { type: \"ldap\", interval: \"30000\" } ] } } )\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">healthMonitoringIntervals</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">values</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ldap"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">interval</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"30000"</span> } ] } } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameters set with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> do not persist across restarts. See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#std-label-setParameter-commands-not-persistent"> setParameter page </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To make this setting persistent, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> healthMonitoringIntervals </code> in your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> mongos config file </a> using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> option as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n healthMonitoringIntervals: \"{ values: [{type: \\\"ldap\\\", interval: 200}] }\"","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">healthMonitoringIntervals:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"{ values: [{type: </span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">ldap</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">\"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">, interval: 200}] }"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> progressMonitor </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.progressMonitor" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.progressMonitor"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : Document </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/health-managers/#std-label-health-managers-progress-monitor"> Progress Monitor </a> runs tests to ensure that <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> checks do not become stuck or unresponsive. Progress Monitor runs these tests in intervals specified by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> interval </code> . If a health check begins but does not complete within the timeout given by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deadline </code> , Progress Monitor stops the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> and removes it from the cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> progressMonitor </code> Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#progressmonitor-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="progressmonitor-fields"> </div> </a> </h4> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Units </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> interval </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> How often to ensure <!-- --> Health Managers <!-- --> are not stuck or unresponsive. </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Milliseconds </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deadline </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Timeout before automatically failing the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-label-mongos"> mongos </a> if a <!-- --> Health Manager <!-- --> check is not making progress. </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Seconds </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> interval </code> to 1000 milliseconds and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deadline </code> to 300 seconds, issue the following at startup: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --setParameter 'progressMonitor={\"interval\": 1000, \"deadline\": 300}'","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">'progressMonitor={"interval": 1000, "deadline": 300}'</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Or if using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setParameter: 1,\n progressMonitor: { interval: 1000, deadline: 300 } )\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">progressMonitor</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">interval</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1000</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">deadline</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">300</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Parameters set with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> do not persist across restarts. See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#std-label-setParameter-commands-not-persistent"> setParameter page </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To make this setting persistent, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> progressMonitor </code> in your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> mongos config file </a> using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> option as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"setParameter:\n progressMonitor: \"{ interval: 1000, deadline: 300 }\"","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">progressMonitor:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"{ interval: 1000, deadline: 300 }"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , new files created by MongoDB have permissions in accordance with the user's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> umask </code> settings. You cannot set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.processUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> processUmask </code> </span> </a> if <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , new files created by MongoDB have permissions set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 600 </code> , which gives read and write permissions only to the owner. New directories have permissions set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 700 </code> . You can use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.processUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> processUmask </code> </span> </a> to override the default permissions for groups and other users on all new files created by MongoDB. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter honorSystemUmask=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter honorSystemUmask=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is not available on Windows systems. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> journalCommitInterval </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.journalCommitInterval" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.journalCommitInterval"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify an integer between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 500 </code> signifying the number of milliseconds (ms) between journal commits. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example which sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.journalCommitInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> journalCommitInterval </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 200 </code> ms: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, journalCommitInterval: 200 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">journalCommitInterval</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">200</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.journal.commitIntervalMs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.journal.commitIntervalMs </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 300 </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum time window in seconds for which the storage engine keeps the snapshot history. If you query data using read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-snapshot/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-snapshot-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "snapshot" </code> </a> and specify an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-snapshot/#std-label-atClusterTime"> atClusterTime </a> value older than the specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds </code> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> returns a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SnapshotTooOld </code> error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify an integer greater than or equal to ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &gt;= </code> ) 0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example which sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 600 </code> seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds: 600 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">600</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing the value of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds </code> </span> </a> increases disk usage. For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-snapshot-history"> Snapshot History Retention <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify this value for a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> cluster, you must contact <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/support/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Support <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> processUmask </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.processUmask" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.processUmask"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Overrides the default permissions used for groups and other users when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . By default, when <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , new files created by MongoDB have permissions set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 600 </code> . Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> processUmask </code> parameter to override this default with a custom <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> umask </code> value. The file owner inherits permissions from the system <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> umask </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot set this parameter if <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.honorSystemUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> honorSystemUmask </code> </span> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example, which sets the permissions for groups and other users to read/write only and retains the system <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> umask </code> settings for the owner: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter processUmask=011","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter processUmask=011</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.processUmask" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> processUmask </code> </span> </a> is not available on Windows systems. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 128 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, this parameter is available for all storage engines. In earlier versions, this parameter is available for the WiredTiger storage engine only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the maximum number of concurrent read transactions (read tickets) allowed into the storage engine. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you use the default value, MongoDB dynamically adjusts the number of tickets to optimize performance, with a highest possible value of 128. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, if you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions </code> to a non-default value, it disables an algorithm that dynamically adjusts the number of concurrent storage engine transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions: &lt;int&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions</span>: &lt;<!-- -->int<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> : <!-- --> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions </code> parameter was renamed to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentReadTransactions </code> . </p> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.queues.execution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queues.execution </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, this parameter is available for all storage engines. In earlier versions, this parameter is available for the WiredTiger storage engine only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the maximum number of concurrent write transactions allowed into the WiredTiger storage engine. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> to whichever value is higher: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of cores on the machine running MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> 4 </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you use the default value, MongoDB dynamically adjusts the number of tickets to optimize performance, with a highest possible value of 128. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, if you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> to a non-default value, it disables an algorithm that dynamically adjusts the number of concurrent storage engine transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions: &lt;int&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions</span>: &lt;<!-- -->int<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> : <!-- --> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> parameter was renamed to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storageEngineConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> . </p> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.queues.execution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queues.execution </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncdelay </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.syncdelay" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.syncdelay"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the interval in seconds when <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> flushes its working memory to disk. By default, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> flushes memory to disk every 60 seconds. In almost every situation you should not set this value and use the default setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example which sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncdelay </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 60 </code> seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, syncdelay: 60 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">syncdelay</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To provide <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-durable"> durable </a> data, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger"> WiredTiger </a> uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/wiredtiger/#std-label-storage-wiredtiger-checkpoints"> checkpoints </a> . For more details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/journaling/#std-label-journaling-wiredTiger"> Journaling and the WiredTiger Storage Engine <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.journalCommitInterval" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> journalCommitInterval </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.syncPeriodSecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.syncPeriodSecs </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the initial delay before retying a write operation that was rolled back due to cache pressure. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In rare circumstances, a write can fail due to cache pressure. When this happens MongoDB issues a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TemporarilyUnavailable </code> error and increments the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableErrors </code> counter in two places: the slow query log and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/full-time-diagnostic-data-capture/#std-label-ftdc-stub"> Full Time Diagnostic Data Capture (FTDC) <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Individual operations within multi-document transactions never return <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TemporarilyUnavailable </code> errors. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Adjust the write retry properties by modifying the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries </code> </span> </a> parameters. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter accepts: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> integer &gt;= 0 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to 1 second. The initial delay between retries. The value increases with each retry to a maximum of 55 seconds. A larger value increases the chance that the cache pressure will be reduced before the next retry. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To configure number of retries, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set a new value, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs: 3 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.1.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the maximum number of retries when a write operation is rolled back due to cache pressure. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In rare circumstances, a write can fail due to cache pressure. When this happens MongoDB issues a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TemporarilyUnavailable </code> error and increments the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableErrors </code> counter in two places: the slow query log and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/full-time-diagnostic-data-capture/#std-label-ftdc-stub"> Full Time Diagnostic Data Capture (FTDC) <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Individual operations within multi-document transactions never return <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TemporarilyUnavailable </code> errors. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Adjust the write retry properties by modifying the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries </code> </span> </a> parameters. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The parameter accepts: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Value </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> integer &gt;= 0 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to 10. The maximum number of retries. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There is an increasing delay between retries. To configure the backoff time, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> temporarilyUnavailableBackoffBaseMs </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set a new value, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.adminCommand/#mongodb-method-db.adminCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.adminCommand() </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries: 5 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temporarilyUnavailableMaxRetries</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.1.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> WiredTiger Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 128 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, this parameter is available for all storage engines. In earlier versions, this parameter is available for the WiredTiger storage engine only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the maximum number of concurrent read transactions (read tickets) allowed into the storage engine. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you use the default value, MongoDB dynamically adjusts the number of tickets to optimize performance, with a highest possible value of 128. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, if you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions </code> to a non-default value, it disables an algorithm that dynamically adjusts the number of concurrent storage engine transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions: &lt;int&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions</span>: &lt;<!-- -->int<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.queues.execution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queues.execution </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, this parameter is available for all storage engines. In earlier versions, this parameter is available for the WiredTiger storage engine only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the maximum number of concurrent write transactions allowed into the WiredTiger storage engine. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> to whichever value is higher: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of cores on the machine running MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> 4 </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you use the default value, MongoDB dynamically adjusts the number of tickets to optimize performance, with a highest possible value of 128. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.0, if you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions </code> to a non-default value, it disables an algorithm that dynamically adjusts the number of concurrent storage engine transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions: &lt;int&gt; } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions</span>: &lt;<!-- -->int<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#mongodb-serverstatus-serverstatus.queues.execution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> queues.execution </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTiger </code> storage engine configuration options for a running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at runtime. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Avoid modifying the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig </code> </span> </a> unless under the direction from MongoDB engineers as this setting has major implication across both WiredTiger and MongoDB. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following operation prototype: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand({\n \"setParameter\": 1,\n \"wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig\": \"&lt;option&gt;=&lt;setting&gt;,&lt;option&gt;=&lt;setting&gt;\"\n})","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"setParameter"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;option&gt;=&lt;setting&gt;,&lt;option&gt;=&lt;setting&gt;"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">})</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerFileHandleCloseIdleTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerFileHandleCloseIdleTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.wiredTigerFileHandleCloseIdleTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 600 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the amount of time in seconds that a file handle in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTiger </code> can remain idle before being closed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wiredTigerFileHandleCloseIdleTime </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , idle handles are not closed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter wiredTigerFileHandleCloseIdleTime=100000","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter wiredTigerFileHandleCloseIdleTime=100000</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See the WiredTiger documentation for all available <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://source.wiredtiger.com/mongodb-5.0/struct_w_t___c_o_n_n_e_c_t_i_o_n.html#" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WiredTiger configuration options <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Auditing Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#auditing-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="auditing-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available only in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cloud.mongodb.com/user#/atlas/login" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> auditing </a> of authorization successes for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/audit-message/mongo/#std-label-audit-action-details-results"> authCheck </a> action. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </span> </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> audit system </a> only logs the authorization failures for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authCheck </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To enable the audit of authorization successes, issue the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, auditAuthorizationSuccess: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">auditAuthorizationSuccess</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enabling <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </span> </a> degrades performance more than logging only the authorization failures. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-audit-filters/#std-label-configure-audit-filters-at-runtime"> runtime audit configuration </a> is enabled, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditAuthorizationSuccess" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditAuthorizationSuccess </code> </span> </a> parameter should not appear in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> configuration file. The server will fail to start if the parameter is present. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getParameter </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfigPollingFrequencySecs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfigPollingFrequencySecs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfigPollingFrequencySecs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 300 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A sharded cluster may have servers which maintain audit configuration settings for the cluster. Set the interval, in seconds, for non-configured servers to poll a config server for the current audit generation. If this value returned differs from the previously known value, the initiating node will request the current configuration and update its internal state. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using the default value of 300 seconds, non-config nodes may lag up to 5 minutes after you set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/cluster-parameters/auditConfig/#mongodb-parameter-param.auditConfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditConfig </code> </a> cluster parameter. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : string </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available only in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> . MongoDB Enterprise and Atlas have different configuration requirements. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Path and file name for logging metadata audit headers for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/#std-label-security-encryption-at-rest-audit-log"> audit log encryption </a> . A header is placed at the top of each audit log file and contains metadata for decrypting the audit log. The headers are also stored in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/#std-label-auditing"> audit log <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following sets the path and file for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile=/auditFiles/auditHeadersMetadataFile.log","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter auditEncryptionHeaderMetadataFile=<!-- -->/audit<!-- -->Files<!-- -->/audit<!-- -->HeadersMetadataFile.<span class="lg-highlight-built_in">log</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available only in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> . MongoDB Enterprise and Atlas have different configuration requirements. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enables <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/#std-label-security-encryption-at-rest-audit-log"> audit log encryption </a> for Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) servers that only support KMIP protocol version 1.0 or 1.1. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is only available at startup. To set the parameter, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet=true","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter auditEncryptKeyWithKMIPGet=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transaction Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transaction-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transaction-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Updated in version 6.1 </em> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : boolean </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : false </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-shards/#std-label-shards-concepts"> shard </a> transaction coordinator waits for all participating shards to acknowledge the decision to either commit or cancel a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-atomicity"> multi-document transaction </a> before returning the result to the client. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , the shard transaction coordinator returns a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-atomicity"> multi-document transaction </a> commit decision to the client as soon as the decision is made <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-durable"> durable </a> with the requested transaction <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the client requested a write concern that is less than <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> , the commit may roll back after the decision is returned to the client. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Transactions may not have "read your writes" consistency. That is, a read operation may not show the results of write operations that preceded it. This can happen if: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A transaction has to write to multiple shards. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The read and the earlier write take place in different sessions. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-causal-consistency"> Causal consistency </a> only guarantees the causal relationship of reads and writes that occur within the same session. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision=true","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod <!-- -->-<!-- -->-<!-- -->setParameter coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision<!-- -->=<span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During run time, you can also set the parameter with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision: true } )","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> internalSessionsReapThreshold </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.internalSessionsReapThreshold" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.internalSessionsReapThreshold"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 1000 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Session limit for internal session metadata deletion. The metadata: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Contains session transaction information for user operations. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Is stored in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/config-database/#mongodb-data-config.transactions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.transactions </code> </a> collection. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When the number of internal sessions is greater than <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.internalSessionsReapThreshold" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> internalSessionsReapThreshold </code> </span> </a> , the metadata is deleted. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.internalSessionsReapThreshold" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> internalSessionsReapThreshold </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , the internal session metadata is only deleted when the user session ends. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.internalSessionsReapThreshold" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> internalSessionsReapThreshold </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 500 </code> sessions: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, internalSessionsReapThreshold: 500 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">internalSessionsReapThreshold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">500</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.internalSessionsReapThreshold" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> internalSessionsReapThreshold </code> </span> </a> at startup. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter internalSessionsReapThreshold=500","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter internalSessionsReapThreshold=500</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 60 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the lifetime of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transactions </a> . Transactions that exceed this limit are considered expired and will be aborted by a periodic cleanup process. The cleanup process runs every <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </span> </a> /2 seconds or at least once every 60 seconds. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The cleanup process helps relieve storage cache pressure. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The minimum value for transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> second. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 30 </code> seconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds: 30 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set parameter <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </span> </a> at startup time. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter \"transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds=30\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter <span class="lg-highlight-string">"transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds=30"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter for a sharded cluster, the parameter must be modified for all shard replica set members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, if you change the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </span> </a> parameter, you must also change <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </span> </a> to the same value on all config server replica set members. Keeping this value consistent: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensures the routing table history is retained for at least as long as the transaction lifetime limit on the shard replica set members. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Reduces the transaction retry frequency and therefore improves performance. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionTooLargeForCacheThreshold </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionTooLargeForCacheThreshold" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.transactionTooLargeForCacheThreshold"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : decimal </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 0.75 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The threshold value for retrying transactions that fail due to cache pressure. The value is a percentage of the dirty cache size. The default value, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.75 </code> , means 75% of the dirty cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The dirty cache is limited to 20% of the total cache size. When <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionTooLargeForCacheThreshold </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.75 </code> , the server only retries transactions that use less than 15% ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0.75 * 20% </code> ) of the total storage engine cache. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The limit only applies to retries. Large transactions can use more than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionTooLargeForCacheThreshold </code> percent of the dirty cache. However, if a large transaction is rolled back due to cache pressure, the server issues a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-in-applications/#std-label-transactionTooLargeForCache-error"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TransactionTooLargeForCache </code> </a> error and does not retry the transaction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To disable this behavior, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionTooLargeForCacheThreshold </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1.0 </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on WiredTiger storage, see: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-wiredTiger-storage-options"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.wiredTiger </code> Options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : integer </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 5 </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transactions </a> should wait to acquire locks required by the operations in the transaction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the transaction cannot acquire the locks after waiting <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis </code> </span> </a> , the transaction aborts. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> multi-document transactions </a> wait <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> milliseconds. That is, if the transaction cannot acquire the locks within <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 5 </code> milliseconds, the transaction aborts. If an operation provides a greater timeout in a lock request, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis </code> </span> </a> overrides the operation-specific timeout. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can set <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis </code> </span> </a> to: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> such that if the transaction cannot acquire the required locks immediately, the transaction aborts. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A number greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> to wait the specified time to acquire the required locks. This can help obviate transaction aborts on momentary concurrent lock acquisitions, like fast-running metadata operations. However, this could possibly delay the abort of deadlocked transaction operations. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> to use the operation specific timeout. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis </code> </span> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 20 </code> milliseconds: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis: 20 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also set this parameter during start-up: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis=20","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis=20</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Slot-Based Execution Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#slot-based-execution-parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="slot-based-execution-parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="parameter"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.planCacheSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-parameter-param.planCacheSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Available for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> only. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Type </em> : string </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : 5% </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Although the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSize </code> parameter existed in prior versions of MongoDB, it had no effect on the plan cache until version 6.3. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the size of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-read-operations-query-optimization"> plan cache </a> only for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/sbe/#std-label-sbe-landing"> slot-based query execution engine <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can set the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.planCacheSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSize </code> </span> </a> value to either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A percentage of the system's total physical memory to allocate for the plan cache. For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "8.5%" </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The exact amount of data to allocate for the plan cache in either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MB </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> GB </code> . For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "100MB" </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "1GB" </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Increasing the plan cache size adds more cached <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-plan-cache-query-shape"> plan cache query shapes </a> for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-read-operations-query-optimization"> query planner </a> . This can improve query performance, but increases memory usage. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This parameter is available both at runtime and at startup: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at runtime, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set the parameter at startup, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> setting </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following startup command sets <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-parameter-param.planCacheSize" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSize </code> </span> </a> to 80 megabytes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --setParameter planCacheSize=\"80MB\"","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --setParameter planCacheSize=<span class="lg-highlight-string">"80MB"</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setParameter </code> </a> command within the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Shell <!-- --> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, planCacheSize: \"80MB\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">planCacheSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"80MB"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.replaceOne() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.replaceone--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.replaceone--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-147elvs"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1ronz74"> MongoDB with drivers </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-18k5rfm"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. To see the equivalent method in a MongoDB driver, see the corresponding page for your programming language: </p> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-zgrwqu notranslate"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/csharp/current/fundamentals/crud/write-operations/modify/#replace-operation" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1351_59964)"> <g clip-path="url(#clip1_1351_59964)"> <path d="M25.7709 9.2495C25.7709 8.79827 25.678 8.39408 25.4827 8.04627C25.2874 7.70785 25.0084 7.42586 24.627 7.20025C21.465 5.35781 18.2937 3.51538 15.1317 1.67295C14.2761 1.17474 13.4484 1.19354 12.6021 1.70115C11.3466 2.45316 5.04112 6.10042 3.15321 7.20025C2.3813 7.65142 2 8.34705 2 9.24005C2 12.9531 2 16.6568 2 20.3698C2 20.8117 2.093 21.2064 2.279 21.5449C2.4743 21.8927 2.7626 22.1841 3.15321 22.4191C5.03182 23.5189 11.3373 27.1662 12.6021 27.9182C13.4484 28.4258 14.2761 28.4446 15.1317 27.9463C18.2937 26.1039 21.465 24.2615 24.627 22.4191C25.0177 22.1935 25.306 21.9021 25.5012 21.5449C25.6873 21.2064 25.7803 20.8117 25.7803 20.3698C25.7709 20.3698 25.7709 12.9531 25.7709 9.2495Z" fill="#A179DC"> </path> <path d="M13.9227 14.7673L2.27905 21.5449C2.47435 21.8927 2.76265 22.1841 3.15326 22.4191C5.03187 23.5189 11.3373 27.1662 12.6021 27.9182C13.4484 28.4258 14.2762 28.4445 15.1317 27.9463C18.2938 26.1039 21.4651 24.2615 24.6271 22.4191C25.0177 22.1935 25.306 21.9021 25.5013 21.5449L13.9227 14.7673Z" fill="#280068"> </path> <path d="M25.7711 9.24949C25.7711 8.79827 25.6781 8.39408 25.4828 8.04626L13.9229 14.7768L25.4921 21.5543C25.6781 21.2159 25.7711 20.8211 25.7711 20.3793C25.7711 20.3699 25.7711 12.9531 25.7711 9.24949Z" fill="#390091"> </path> <path d="M20.7771 12.2387V13.5078H22.0325V12.2387H22.6557V13.5078H23.9111V14.1376H22.6557V15.4066H23.9111V16.0364H22.6557V17.3054H22.0325V16.0364H20.7771V17.3054H20.1539V16.0364H18.8984V15.4066H20.1539V14.1376H18.8984V13.5078H20.1539V12.2387H20.7771ZM22.0325 14.1376H20.7771V15.4066H22.0325V14.1376Z" fill="white"> </path> <path d="M13.9508 5.87482C17.2151 5.87482 20.0702 7.67022 21.6047 10.3399L21.5861 10.3117L17.7452 12.5489C16.9919 11.2517 15.5969 10.3775 14.0066 10.3587H13.9601C11.5328 10.3587 9.56116 12.3515 9.56116 14.805C9.56116 15.604 9.77503 16.3654 10.1377 17.014C10.9004 18.3488 12.3232 19.2512 13.9601 19.2512C15.6062 19.2512 17.0384 18.3394 17.7917 16.9858L17.7731 17.014L21.614 19.2606C20.0981 21.9021 17.2895 23.6975 14.0531 23.7257H13.9508C10.6679 23.7257 7.81274 21.9209 6.28753 19.2418C5.54353 17.9352 5.11572 16.4124 5.11572 14.7956C5.11572 9.87931 9.06825 5.87482 13.9508 5.87482Z" fill="white"> </path> </g> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_1351_59964"> <rect fill="white" height="28" transform="translate(0 0.809265)" width="28"> </rect> </clippath> <clippath id="clip1_1351_59964"> <rect fill="white" height="27" transform="translate(2 1.30966)" width="24"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> C# </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/java/sync/current/fundamentals/crud/write-operations/modify/#replace" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 41" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.0921 30.7949C10.0921 30.7949 8.57608 31.6793 11.166 31.9636C14.2929 32.311 15.9037 32.2794 19.3464 31.6161C19.3464 31.6161 20.2623 32.1846 21.5257 32.6901C13.7876 35.9748 4.02791 32.5005 10.0921 30.7949Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M9.14539 26.4678C9.14539 26.4678 7.43985 27.7312 10.0298 27.9838C13.3778 28.3312 15.9992 28.3628 20.579 27.4785C20.579 27.4785 21.2107 28.1101 22.1898 28.4576C12.8724 31.2054 2.44949 28.6787 9.14539 26.4678Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M17.1039 19.1398C18.9989 21.3191 16.5985 23.3089 16.5985 23.3089C16.5985 23.3089 21.431 20.8138 19.2201 17.6869C17.1355 14.7811 15.5563 13.3282 24.1788 8.33789C24.1473 8.33789 10.6607 11.6858 17.1039 19.1398Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M27.3377 33.9845C27.3377 33.9845 28.4431 34.9004 26.1059 35.6269C21.6525 36.985 7.53417 37.3957 3.61769 35.6901C2.19639 35.0899 4.84949 34.2372 5.67069 34.0477C6.52347 33.8582 7.02884 33.8898 7.02884 33.8898C5.44961 32.7843 -3.10981 36.0691 2.67016 36.9851C18.4308 39.5433 31.4121 35.8164 27.3377 33.9845Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M10.8194 21.983C10.8194 21.983 3.6497 23.6885 8.2926 24.3203C10.2509 24.5729 14.1357 24.5097 17.7995 24.2255C20.7685 23.9728 23.7375 23.4359 23.7375 23.4359C23.7375 23.4359 22.6951 23.8781 21.9372 24.415C14.6411 26.3416 0.585992 25.4257 4.62881 23.4675C8.00839 21.7935 10.8194 21.983 10.8194 21.983Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M23.6745 29.1846C31.0969 25.3313 27.6542 21.6359 25.2538 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19.136V22.2567C12.0302 22.2838 12.0439 22.3176 12.071 22.3311L12.8101 22.7576C13.2102 22.9607 13.4611 22.7237 13.4611 22.4868V19.4067C13.4611 19.3661 13.495 19.3255 13.5425 19.3255H13.8884C13.929 19.3255 13.9697 19.3593 13.9697 19.4067V22.4868C13.9697 23.0217 13.6781 23.333 13.1695 23.333C13.0136 23.333 12.8915 23.333 12.5457 23.1638L11.8336 22.7576C11.6574 22.6561 11.5488 22.4665 11.5488 22.2635V19.1427C11.5488 18.9396 11.6574 18.7501 11.8336 18.6485L14.5393 17.0848C14.7089 16.99 14.9394 16.99 15.109 17.0848L17.8146 18.6485C17.9909 18.7501 18.0995 18.9396 18.0995 19.1427V22.2635C18.0995 22.4665 17.9909 22.6561 17.8146 22.7576L15.109 24.3214C15.0276 24.3552 14.9259 24.3823 14.8241 24.3823Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M15.6643 22.2362C14.4775 22.2362 14.2334 21.6946 14.2334 21.2343C14.2334 21.1936 14.2673 21.153 14.3147 21.153H14.6674C14.7081 21.153 14.742 21.1801 14.742 21.2207C14.7963 21.5795 14.9522 21.7555 15.671 21.7555C16.2407 21.7555 16.4847 21.6269 16.4847 21.3223C16.4847 21.1462 16.4169 21.0177 15.5286 20.9297C14.7895 20.8552 14.3284 20.6928 14.3284 20.1038C14.3284 19.5555 14.7895 19.2305 15.5625 19.2305C16.4305 19.2305 16.8577 19.5284 16.912 20.1782C16.912 20.1986 16.9052 20.2189 16.8916 20.2392C16.8781 20.2527 16.8577 20.2663 16.8374 20.2663H16.4779C16.4441 20.2663 16.4101 20.2392 16.4034 20.2053C16.322 19.833 16.1118 19.7111 15.5557 19.7111C14.9319 19.7111 14.8573 19.9278 14.8573 20.0902C14.8573 20.2866 14.9454 20.3475 15.7863 20.4558C16.6204 20.5641 17.0137 20.7198 17.0137 21.302C17.0137 21.8977 16.5187 22.2362 15.6643 22.2362Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M19.5706 18.9597C19.5706 19.244 19.3333 19.481 19.0485 19.481C18.7636 19.481 18.5264 19.2507 18.5264 18.9597C18.5264 18.6618 18.7704 18.4385 19.0485 18.4385C19.3265 18.4385 19.5706 18.6686 19.5706 18.9597ZM18.6077 18.9597C18.6077 19.2034 18.8044 19.3997 19.0417 19.3997C19.2859 19.3997 19.4825 19.1967 19.4825 18.9597C19.4825 18.716 19.2859 18.5264 19.0417 18.5264C18.8111 18.5264 18.6077 18.716 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22.1471 15.6973 22.1471 15.5754V7.32338C22.1471 7.19476 22.0793 7.07968 21.9708 7.01875L20.2551 6.06425ZM19.9907 14.4855C19.9907 14.5194 19.9771 14.5464 19.9501 14.56L18.9667 15.1286C18.9397 15.1421 18.9057 15.1421 18.8786 15.1286L17.8953 14.56C17.8682 14.5464 17.8547 14.5126 17.8547 14.4855V13.3482C17.8547 13.3144 17.8682 13.2873 17.8953 13.2738L18.8786 12.7051C18.9057 12.6916 18.9397 12.6916 18.9667 12.7051L19.9501 13.2738C19.9771 13.2873 19.9907 13.3212 19.9907 13.3482V14.4855Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M29.8235 13.3214C29.932 13.2605 29.9931 13.1454 29.9931 13.0235V12.218C29.9931 12.0961 29.9253 11.981 29.8235 11.9201L26.9687 10.2683C26.8602 10.2074 26.7314 10.2074 26.6228 10.2683L23.7476 11.9269C23.6391 11.9878 23.5713 12.1029 23.5713 12.2247V15.535C23.5713 15.6569 23.6391 15.772 23.7476 15.8328L26.6025 17.4575C26.7109 17.5185 26.8398 17.5185 26.9415 17.4575L28.6707 16.4963C28.725 16.4692 28.7589 16.4083 28.7589 16.3474C28.7589 16.2864 28.725 16.2255 28.6707 16.1984L25.782 14.5399C25.7277 14.506 25.6938 14.4519 25.6938 14.391V13.3552C25.6938 13.2943 25.7277 13.2334 25.782 13.2063L26.6839 12.6918C26.7381 12.658 26.8059 12.658 26.8602 12.6918L27.7621 13.2063C27.8163 13.2402 27.8502 13.2943 27.8502 13.3552V14.1676C27.8502 14.2285 27.8841 14.2894 27.9384 14.3165C27.9927 14.3504 28.0605 14.3504 28.1147 14.3165L29.8235 13.3214Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.7521 13.1654C26.7724 13.1519 26.7996 13.1519 26.8199 13.1654L27.3692 13.4836C27.3895 13.4971 27.4031 13.5174 27.4031 13.5445V14.1809C27.4031 14.2079 27.3895 14.2282 27.3692 14.2418L26.8199 14.5599C26.7996 14.5735 26.7724 14.5735 26.7521 14.5599L26.2028 14.2418C26.1825 14.2282 26.1689 14.2079 26.1689 14.1809V13.5445C26.1689 13.5174 26.1825 13.4971 26.2028 13.4836L26.7521 13.1654Z" fill="#5FA04E" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path d="M11.2331 10.2292C11.1227 10.1671 10.9917 10.1671 10.8814 10.2292L7.97807 11.9053C7.86772 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35.9746 29.3276 37.238 23.9583 38.2487C17.894 39.3858 10.4085 39.2594 5.95508 38.533C5.95508 38.5646 6.87103 39.3225 11.5455 39.6068Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> </svg> <span> Java RS </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/kotlin/coroutine/current/fundamentals/crud/write-operations/modify/#replace" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M28 29H0V1H28L14 15L28 29Z" fill="url(#:R35tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588)"> </path> <defs> <lineargradient gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R35tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588" x1="28" x2="8.34465e-07" y1="0.999999" y2="29"> <stop offset="0.00343514" stop-color="#E44857"> </stop> <stop offset="0.4689" stop-color="#C711E1"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#7F52FF"> </stop> </lineargradient> </defs> </svg> <span> Kotlin Coroutine </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" 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5.47871ZM5.71063 11.3936C5.91853 11.3996 6.11589 11.4864 6.26079 11.6356C6.40568 11.7849 6.48669 11.9847 6.4866 12.1927C6.4866 12.4046 6.40241 12.6079 6.25255 12.7577C6.10269 12.9076 5.89944 12.9918 5.6875 12.9918C5.47557 12.9918 5.27232 12.9076 5.12246 12.7577C4.9726 12.6079 4.88841 12.4046 4.88841 12.1927C4.88836 12.0858 4.90977 11.9799 4.95137 11.8814C4.99297 11.7829 5.0539 11.6938 5.13057 11.6193C5.20724 11.5448 5.29809 11.4864 5.39772 11.4476C5.49736 11.4089 5.60376 11.3905 5.71063 11.3936ZM24.7631 11.4295C24.971 11.4356 25.1683 11.5224 25.3132 11.6716C25.4581 11.8208 25.5391 12.0206 25.539 12.2286C25.539 12.4406 25.4548 12.6438 25.305 12.7937C25.1551 12.9435 24.9519 13.0277 24.7399 13.0277C24.528 13.0277 24.3247 12.9435 24.1749 12.7937C24.025 12.6438 23.9408 12.4406 23.9408 12.2286C23.9408 12.1217 23.9622 12.0159 24.0038 11.9174C24.0454 11.8189 24.1063 11.7298 24.183 11.6553C24.2597 11.5807 24.3505 11.5224 24.4502 11.4836C24.5498 11.4448 24.6562 11.4264 24.7631 11.4295ZM7.21632 11.558H8.60896V17.8377H5.79799C5.45083 16.6186 5.34264 15.3439 5.47938 14.0838L7.20091 13.3181C7.56834 13.1536 7.73535 12.7245 7.57091 12.3571L7.21632 11.558ZM13.0284 11.6248H16.3456C16.5177 11.6248 17.5558 11.8227 17.5558 12.6012C17.5558 13.2461 16.7592 13.4774 16.104 13.4774H13.0258L13.0284 11.6248ZM13.0284 16.1368H15.5696C15.8008 16.1368 16.8106 16.2036 17.1318 17.4934C17.232 17.8891 17.4556 19.179 17.6072 19.5927C17.7588 20.0552 18.3729 20.9802 19.0281 20.9802H23.1751C22.8972 21.3524 22.5933 21.7044 22.2656 22.0336L20.5774 21.6713C20.1843 21.5866 19.7963 21.8384 19.7115 22.2315L19.3107 24.102C18.0217 24.6859 16.622 24.9848 15.2069 24.9781C13.7919 24.9714 12.395 24.6595 11.1116 24.0635L10.7108 22.1929C10.626 21.7998 10.2406 21.548 9.84743 21.6328L8.19528 21.9874C7.88869 21.6711 7.6037 21.3346 7.34223 20.9802H15.3769C15.4668 20.9802 15.5285 20.9647 15.5285 20.88V18.0381C15.5285 17.9559 15.4668 17.9379 15.3769 17.9379H13.0258L13.0284 16.1368ZM9.3207 22.6452C9.5286 22.6512 9.72596 22.738 9.87085 22.8872C10.0157 23.0364 10.0968 23.2363 10.0967 23.4443C10.0967 23.6562 10.0125 23.8594 9.86262 24.0093C9.71276 24.1592 9.50951 24.2434 9.29757 24.2434C9.08564 24.2434 8.88239 24.1592 8.73253 24.0093C8.58267 23.8594 8.49848 23.6562 8.49848 23.4443C8.49843 23.3373 8.51984 23.2315 8.56144 23.133C8.60303 23.0345 8.66397 22.9454 8.74064 22.8709C8.81731 22.7964 8.90815 22.738 9.00779 22.6992C9.10743 22.6605 9.21383 22.6421 9.3207 22.6452ZM21.153 22.6811C21.3609 22.6872 21.5583 22.774 21.7031 22.9232C21.848 23.0724 21.929 23.2722 21.929 23.4802C21.929 23.6922 21.8448 23.8954 21.6949 24.0453C21.5451 24.1951 21.3418 24.2793 21.1299 24.2793C20.9179 24.2793 20.7147 24.1951 20.5648 24.0453C20.415 23.8954 20.3308 23.6922 20.3308 23.4802C20.3307 23.3733 20.3521 23.2675 20.3937 23.169C20.4353 23.0705 20.4963 22.9814 20.5729 22.9068C20.6496 22.8323 20.7404 22.774 20.8401 22.7352C20.9397 22.6964 21.0461 22.678 21.153 22.6811Z" fill="black"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.7232 15.2304C26.7232 18.2717 25.515 21.1885 23.3645 23.3391C21.2139 25.4896 18.2971 26.6978 15.2558 26.6978C12.2144 26.6978 9.29761 25.4896 7.14705 23.3391C4.99649 21.1885 3.78832 18.2717 3.78832 15.2304C3.78832 12.189 4.99649 9.27222 7.14705 7.12166C9.29761 4.9711 12.2144 3.76293 15.2558 3.76293C18.2971 3.76293 21.2139 4.9711 23.3645 7.12166C25.515 9.27222 26.7232 12.189 26.7232 15.2304ZM26.5073 14.1229L28.2957 15.2304L26.5073 16.3378L28.0439 17.7741L26.0757 18.5115L27.3039 20.2202L25.2252 20.5594L26.0988 22.4762L23.9944 22.4017L24.4775 24.4521L22.4271 23.969L22.5016 26.0734L20.5848 25.1998L20.2456 27.2785L18.5369 26.0503L17.7995 28.0185L16.3632 26.482L15.2558 28.2703L14.1483 26.482L12.712 28.0185L11.9746 26.0503L10.2659 27.2785L9.92672 25.1998L8.00992 26.0734L8.08443 23.969L6.03401 24.4521L6.51707 22.4017L4.4127 22.4762L5.28631 20.5594L3.20763 20.2202L4.43582 18.5115L2.46763 17.7741L4.00415 16.3378L2.21582 15.2304L4.00415 14.1229L2.46763 12.6866L4.43582 11.9492L3.20763 10.2405L5.28631 9.90133L4.4127 7.98453L6.51707 8.05904L6.03401 6.00862L8.08443 6.49168L8.00992 4.3873L9.92672 5.26092L10.2659 3.18223L11.9746 4.41043L12.712 2.44224L14.1483 3.97876L15.2558 2.19043L16.3632 3.97876L17.7995 2.44224L18.5369 4.41043L20.2456 3.18223L20.5848 5.26092L22.5016 4.3873L22.4271 6.49168L24.4775 6.00862L23.9944 8.05904L26.0988 7.98453L25.2252 9.90133L27.3039 10.2405L26.0757 11.9492L28.0439 12.6866L26.5073 14.1229Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> </path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_5454_14623"> <rect fill="black" height="30" width="30"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> Rust </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/languages/scala/scala-driver/current/tutorials/write-ops/#replace-a-document" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" height="24" viewbox="0 0 70 70" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <defs> <lineargradient id=":R3ptlqcmqn9:aaa" x1=".006%" x2="96.837%" y1="49.998%" y2="49.998%"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#CD413F"> </stop> <stop offset="75.091%" stop-color="#CD4543"> </stop> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#D04543"> </stop> </lineargradient> </defs> <g fill="none" fill-rule="nonzero"> <path d="M13 39v5c0 .843 17.73 2.255 29.28 5 5.582-1.327 9.72-2.966 9.72-5v-5c0-2.034-4.138-3.673-9.72-5C30.73 36.745 13 38.157 13 39M13 20v5c0 .843 17.73 2.255 29.28 5 5.582-1.327 9.72-2.966 9.72-5v-5c0-2.034-4.138-3.673-9.72-5C30.73 17.745 13 19.157 13 20" fill="#731818"> </path> <g fill="url(#:R3ptlqcmqn9:aaa)" transform="translate(13)"> <path d="M0 29.53v14.766c0-1.232 39-3.692 39-9.844V19.686c0 6.152-39 8.612-39 9.844M0 9.843V24.61c0-1.231 39-3.691 39-9.843V0C39 6.152 0 8.612 0 9.843M0 49.216v14.766c0-1.231 39-3.691 39-9.843V39.373c0 6.151-39 8.612-39 9.843"> </path> </g> </g> </svg> <span> Scala </span> </a> </div> <button class="leafygreen-ui-ki2t97"> Show all <svg aria-label="Chevron Down Icon" class="" fill="none" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1.636 5.364a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l4.95 4.95.707.707a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l.707-.707 4.95-4.95a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0L8 8.899 3.757 4.657a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-.707.707Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </button> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne(filter, replacement, options) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replaces a single document within the collection based on the filter. </p> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> A document containing: <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> acknowledged </code> as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> if the operation ran with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-write-concern"> write concern </a> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> if write concern was disabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> matchedCount </code> containing the number of matched documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> modifiedCount </code> containing the number of modified documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsertedId </code> containing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> for the upserted document </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> method has the following form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.replaceOne(\n &lt;filter&gt;,\n &lt;replacement&gt;,\n {\n upsert: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n writeConcern: &lt;document&gt;,\n collation: &lt;document&gt;,\n hint: &lt;document|string&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">replaceOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;<!-- -->filter<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->replacement<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upsert</span>: &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeConcern</span>: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">hint</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-xml">&lt;document|string&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> }</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-xml">)</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> method takes the following parameters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replace-one-filter" target="_self"> <span> filter </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replace-one-filter"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The selection criteria for the update. The same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/#std-label-query-selectors"> query selectors </a> as in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> method are available. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify an empty document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> to replace the first document returned in the collection. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The replacement document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Cannot contain <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators-top-level"> update operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. When <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Inserts the document from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> parameter if no document matches the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replaces the document that matches the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> document. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB will add the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field to the replacement document if it is not specified in either the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> documents. If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> is present in both, the values must be equal. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid multiple upserts, ensure that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> query </code> fields are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> uniquely indexed <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeConcern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A document expressing the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/"> write concern </a> . Omit to use the default write concern. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not explicitly set the write concern for the operation if run in a transaction. To use write concern with transactions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-write-concern"> Transactions and Write Concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> to use for the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collation option has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"collation: {\n locale: &lt;string&gt;,\n caseLevel: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n caseFirst: &lt;string&gt;,\n strength: &lt;int&gt;,\n numericOrdering: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n alternate: &lt;string&gt;,\n maxVariable: &lt;string&gt;,\n backwards: &lt;boolean&gt;\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">collation: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> locale: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> caseLevel: &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> caseFirst: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> strength: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> numericOrdering: &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> alternate: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> maxVariable: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> backwards: &lt;boolean&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When specifying collation, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locale </code> field is mandatory; all other collation fields are optional. For descriptions of the fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation-document-fields"> Collation Document <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the collation is unspecified but the collection has a default collation (see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> ), the operation uses the collation specified for the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no collation is specified for the collection or for the operations, MongoDB uses the simple binary comparison used in prior versions for string comparisons. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify multiple collations for an operation. For example, you cannot specify different collations per field, or if performing a find with a sort, you cannot use one collation for the find and another for the sort. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replace-one-hint" target="_self"> <span> hint </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replace-one-hint"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A document or string that specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/indexes/#std-label-indexes"> index </a> to use to support the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replace-one-filter" target="_self"> <span> filter <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The option can take an index specification document or the index name string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For an example, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-ex-replace-one-hint" target="_self"> <span> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint </code> for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> replaces the first matching document in the collection that matches the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> , using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> document. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upsert" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upsert"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> and no documents match the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> creates a new document based on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> on a sharded collection, you must include the full shard key in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> . For additional <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> behavior on a sharded collection, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-sharded-collection" target="_self"> <span> Sharded Collections <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-example-replace-with-upsert" target="_self"> <span> Replace with Upsert <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-capped-collection"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Capped Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#capped-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="capped-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a replacement operation changes the document size, the operation will fail. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-timeseries-collection"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Time Series Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#time-series-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="time-series-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> method on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-time-series-collection"> time series collection <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-sharded-collection"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharded Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharded-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharded-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> attempts to target a single shard, first by using the query filter. If the operation cannot target a single shard by the query filter, it then attempts to target by the replacement document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In earlier versions, the operation attempts to target using the replacement document. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Shard Key Requirements In Replacement Document <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-key-requirements-in-replacement-document" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-key-requirements-in-replacement-document"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The replacement document does not need to include the shard key. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Documents in sharded collections can be missing the shard key fields. Take precaution to avoid accidentally removing the shard key when changing a document's shard key value. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-sharded-upsert"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> on a Sharded Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upsert-on-a-sharded-collection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upsert-on-a-sharded-collection"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> operation that includes <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> on a sharded collection must include the full shard key in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, documents in a sharded collection can be <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-missing"> missing the shard key fields </a> . To target a document that is missing the shard key, you can use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> equality match <strong class="css-4dei7l"> in conjunction with </strong> another filter condition (such as on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field). For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: &lt;value&gt;, &lt;shardkeyfield&gt;: null } // _id of the document missing shard key","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: &lt;<!-- -->value<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->shardkeyfield<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> } <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// _id of</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> the document missing </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">shard key</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-shard-key-modification"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Shard Key Modification <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-key-modification" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-key-modification"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can update a document's shard key value unless the shard key field is the immutable <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Documents in sharded collections can be missing the shard key fields. Take precaution to avoid accidentally removing the shard key when changing a document's shard key value. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify the <strong> existing </strong> shard key value with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> : </span> </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You <strong class="css-4dei7l"> must </strong> run on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . Do <strong class="css-4dei7l"> not </strong> issue the operation directly on the shard. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You <strong class="css-4dei7l"> must </strong> run either in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> transaction </a> or as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/retryable-writes/"> retryable write <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You <strong class="css-4dei7l"> must </strong> include an equality <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replace-one-filter" target="_self"> <span> filter </span> </a> on the full shard key. </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-missing-shard-key"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Missing Shard Key <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#missing-shard-key" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="missing-shard-key"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Documents in a sharded collection can be <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-missing"> missing the shard key fields </a> . To use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> to set the document's <strong> missing </strong> shard key, you <strong class="css-4dei7l"> must </strong> run on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . Do <strong class="css-4dei7l"> not </strong> issue the operation directly on the shard. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In addition, the following requirements also apply: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Task </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Requirements </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> To set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Requires equality filter on the full shard key if <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> is specified. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> To set to a non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> value </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong class="css-4dei7l"> Must </strong> be performed either inside a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> transaction </a> or as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/retryable-writes/"> retryable write <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Requires equality filter on the full shard key if either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the new shard key value belongs to a different shard. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Since a missing key value is returned as part of a null equality match, to avoid updating a null-valued key, include additional query conditions (such as on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field) as appropriate. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See also: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-sharded-upsert" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> on a Sharded Collection </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-missing"> Missing Shard Key Fields </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transactions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> can be used inside <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> distributed transactions <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In most cases, a distributed transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of distributed transactions should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/concepts/embedding-vs-references/#std-label-data-modeling-embedding"> denormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays) </a> will continue to be optimal for your data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data appropriately will minimize the need for distributed transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional transactions usage considerations (such as runtime limit and oplog size limit), see also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-production-consideration/#std-label-production-considerations"> Production Considerations <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Upsert within Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upsert-within-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upsert-within-transactions"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create collections and indexes inside a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-create-collections-indexes"> distributed transaction </a> if the transaction is <strong class="css-4dei7l"> not </strong> a cross-shard write transaction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> </span> </a> with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> can be run on an existing collection or a non-existing collection. If run on a non-existing collection, the operation creates the collection. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-create-collections-indexes"> Create Collections and Indexes in a Transaction </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Write Concerns and Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-concerns-and-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-concerns-and-transactions"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not explicitly set the write concern for the operation if run in a transaction. To use write concern with transactions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-write-concern"> Transactions and Write Concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-example-update"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replace <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replace" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replace"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurant </code> collection contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"Central Perk Cafe\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\" },\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill\", \"Borough\" : \"Queens\", \"violations\" : 2 },\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"Empire State Pub\", \"Borough\" : \"Brooklyn\", \"violations\" : 0 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Perk Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Queens"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Empire State Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation replaces a single document where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name: "Central Perk Cafe" </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"try {\n db.restaurant.replaceOne(\n { \"name\" : \"Central Perk Cafe\" },\n { \"name\" : \"Central Pork Cafe\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\" }\n );\n} catch (e){\n print(e);\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">try</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurant</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">replaceOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Perk Cafe"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Pork Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">catch</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->e)<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>(<!-- -->e)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"acknowledged\" : true, \"matchedCount\" : 1, \"modifiedCount\" : 1 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"acknowledged"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"matchedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"modifiedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no matches were found, the operation instead returns: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"acknowledged\" : true, \"matchedCount\" : 0, \"modifiedCount\" : 0 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"acknowledged"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"matchedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"modifiedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> would insert the document if no match was found. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-example-replace-with-upsert" target="_self"> <span> Replace with Upsert </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-example-replace-with-upsert"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replace with Upsert <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replace-with-upsert" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replace-with-upsert"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurant </code> collection contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"Central Perk Cafe\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\", \"violations\" : 3 },\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill\", \"Borough\" : \"Queens\", \"violations\" : 2 },\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"Empire State Pub\", \"Borough\" : \"Brooklyn\", \"violations\" : 0 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Perk Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Queens"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Empire State Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation attempts to replace the document with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name : "Pizza Rat's Pizzaria" </code> , with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert : true </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"try {\n db.restaurant.replaceOne(\n { \"name\" : \"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria\" },\n { \"_id\": 4, \"name\" : \"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\", \"violations\" : 8 },\n { upsert: true }\n );\n} catch (e){\n print(e);\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">try</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurant</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">replaceOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upsert</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">catch</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->e)<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>(<!-- -->e)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Since <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert : true </code> the document is inserted based on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> document. The operation returns: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"acknowledged\" : true,\n \"matchedCount\" : 0,\n \"modifiedCount\" : 0,\n \"upsertedId\" : 4\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"acknowledged"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"matchedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"modifiedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"upsertedId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collection now contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"Central Perk Cafe\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\", \"violations\" : 3 },\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill\", \"Borough\" : \"Queens\", \"violations\" : 2 },\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"Empire State Pub\", \"Borough\" : \"Brooklyn\", \"violations\" : 0 },\n{ \"_id\" : 4, \"name\" : \"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\", \"violations\" : 8 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Central Perk Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Rock A Feller Bar and Grill"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Queens"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Empire State Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Brooklyn"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-example-replace-with-write-concern"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replace with Write Concern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replace-with-write-concern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replace-with-write-concern"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Given a three member replica set, the following operation specifies a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> w </code> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wtimeout </code> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"try {\n db.restaurant.replaceOne(\n { \"name\" : \"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria\" },\n { \"name\" : \"Pizza Rat's Pub\", \"Borough\" : \"Manhattan\", \"violations\" : 3 },\n { w: \"majority\", wtimeout: 100 }\n );\n} catch (e) {\n print(e);\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">try</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurant</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">replaceOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Pizza Rat's Pizzaria"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Pizza Rat's Pub"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Manhattan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"violations"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">w</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majority"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wtimeout</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">catch</span> <!-- -->(<!-- -->e) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>(<!-- -->e)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the acknowledgment takes longer than the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wtimeout </code> limit, the following exception is thrown: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"WriteConcernError({\n \"code\" : 64,\n \"errmsg\" : \"waiting for replication timed out\",\n \"errInfo\" : {\n \"wtimeout\" : true,\n \"writeConcern\" : {\n \"w\" : \"majority\",\n \"wtimeout\" : 100,\n \"provenance\" : \"getLastErrorDefaults\"\n }\n }\n})","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">WriteConcernError</span>(<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"code"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">64</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"errmsg"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"waiting for replication timed out"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"errInfo"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wtimeout"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writeConcern"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"w"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majority"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wtimeout"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"provenance"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"getLastErrorDefaults"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">})</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table explains the possible values of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> errInfo.writeConcern.provenance </code> : </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:40%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Provenance </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clientSupplied </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The write concern was specified in the application. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customDefault </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The write concern originated from a custom defined default value. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setDefaultRWConcern/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setDefaultRWConcern"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setDefaultRWConcern </code> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getLastErrorDefaults </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The write concern originated from the replica set's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.getLastErrorDefaults"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> settings.getLastErrorDefaults </code> </a> field. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> implicitDefault </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The write concern originated from the server in absence of all other write concern specifications. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify Collation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-collation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-collation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> myColl </code> has the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ _id: 1, category: \"café\", status: \"A\" }\n{ _id: 2, category: \"cafe\", status: \"a\" }\n{ _id: 3, category: \"cafE\", status: \"a\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafE"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation includes the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.myColl.replaceOne(\n { category: \"cafe\", status: \"a\" },\n { category: \"cafÉ\", status: \"Replaced\" },\n { collation: { locale: \"fr\", strength: 1 } }\n\n);","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">myColl</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">replaceOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafÉ"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Replaced"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fr"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-ex-replace-one-hint"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint </code> for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-hint-for-replaceone" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-hint-for-replaceone"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a sample <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.members.insertMany([\n { \"_id\" : 1, \"member\" : \"abc123\", \"status\" : \"P\", \"points\" : 0, \"misc1\" : null, \"misc2\" : null },\n { \"_id\" : 2, \"member\" : \"xyz123\", \"status\" : \"A\", \"points\" : 60, \"misc1\" : \"reminder: ping me at 100pts\", \"misc2\" : \"Some random comment\" },\n { \"_id\" : 3, \"member\" : \"lmn123\", \"status\" : \"P\", \"points\" : 0, \"misc1\" : null, \"misc2\" : null },\n { \"_id\" : 4, \"member\" : \"pqr123\", \"status\" : \"D\", \"points\" : 20, \"misc1\" : \"Deactivated\", \"misc2\" : null },\n { \"_id\" : 5, \"member\" : \"ijk123\", \"status\" : \"P\", \"points\" : 0, \"misc1\" : null, \"misc2\" : null },\n { \"_id\" : 6, \"member\" : \"cde123\", \"status\" : \"A\", \"points\" : 86, \"misc1\" : \"reminder: ping me at 100pts\", \"misc2\" : \"Some random comment\" }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"member"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"P"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc2"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"member"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">60</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"reminder: ping me at 100pts"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc2"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Some random comment"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"member"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lmn123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"P"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc2"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"member"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pqr123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Deactivated"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc2"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"member"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ijk123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"P"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc2"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"member"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cde123"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">86</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"reminder: ping me at 100pts"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc2"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Some random comment"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the following indexes on the collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.members.createIndex( { status: 1 } )\ndb.members.createIndex( { points: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">points</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following update operation explicitly hints to use the index <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { status: 1 } </code> : </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.members.replaceOne(\n { \"points\": { $lte: 20 }, \"status\": \"P\" },\n { \"misc1\": \"using index on status\", status: \"P\", member: \"replacement\", points: \"20\"},\n { hint: { status: 1 } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">replaceOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"points"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$lte</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"P"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"misc1"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"using index on status"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"P"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">member</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replacement"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">points</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"20"</span>}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">hint</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"acknowledged\" : true, \"matchedCount\" : 1, \"modifiedCount\" : 1 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"acknowledged"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"matchedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"modifiedCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view the indexes used, you can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/indexStats/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-indexStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $indexStats </code> </a> pipeline: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.members.aggregate( [ { $indexStats: { } }, { $sort: { name: 1 } } ] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">members</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$indexStats</span>: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->} }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } ] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $geometry <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-geometry" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-geometry"> </div> </a> </h1> <dl class="query"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geometry </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-query-op.-geometry" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-query-op.-geometry"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-geometry" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geometry </code> </span> </a> operator specifies a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-GeoJSON"> GeoJSON </a> geometry for use with the following geospatial query operators: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/#mongodb-query-op.-geoWithin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoWithin </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoIntersects/#mongodb-query-op.-geoIntersects"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoIntersects </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/near/#mongodb-query-op.-near"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $near </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/nearSphere/#mongodb-query-op.-nearSphere"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $nearSphere </code> </a> . <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-geometry" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geometry </code> </span> </a> uses <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> EPSG:4326 </code> as the default coordinate reference system (CRS). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify GeoJSON objects with the default CRS, use the following prototype for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-geometry" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geometry </code> : </span> </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"$geometry: {\n type: \"&lt;geojson&gt;\",\n coordinates: [ &lt;coordinates&gt; ]\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">$geometry</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;GeoJSON object type&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">coordinates</span>: <!-- -->[ &lt;<!-- -->coordinates<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify a single-ringed GeoJSON <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/geojson/#std-label-geojson-polygon"> polygon </a> with a custom MongoDB CRS, use the following prototype (available only for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/#mongodb-query-op.-geoWithin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoWithin </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoIntersects/#mongodb-query-op.-geoIntersects"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoIntersects </code> </a> ): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"$geometry: {\n type: \"Polygon\",\n coordinates: [ &lt;coordinates&gt; ],\n crs: {\n type: \"name\",\n properties: { name: \"urn:x-mongodb:crs:strictwinding:EPSG:4326\" }\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">$geometry</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Polygon"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">coordinates</span>: <!-- -->[ &lt;<!-- -->coordinates<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">crs</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">properties</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"urn:x-mongodb:crs:strictwinding:EPSG:4326"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The custom MongoDB coordinate reference system has a strict counter-clockwise winding order. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If specifying latitude and longitude coordinates, list the <strong> longitude </strong> first, and then <strong> latitude </strong> . </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid longitude values are between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -180 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 180 </code> , both inclusive. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid latitude values are between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -90 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 90 </code> , both inclusive. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Partial Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#partial-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="partial-indexes"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#create-a-partial-index" target="_self"> <span> Create a Partial Index </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#restrictions" target="_self"> <span> Restrictions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Partial indexes only index the documents in a collection that meet a specified filter expression. By indexing a subset of the documents in a collection, partial indexes have lower storage requirements and reduced performance costs for index creation and maintenance. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Create a Partial Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-partial-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-partial-index"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partial </code> index, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> </a> method with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> option. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> option accepts a document that specifies the filter condition using: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> equality expressions (i.e. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field: value </code> or using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/eq/#mongodb-query-op.-eq"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $eq </code> </a> operator), </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/exists/#mongodb-query-op.-exists"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $exists: true </code> </a> expression, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/gt/#mongodb-query-op.-gt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $gt </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/gte/#mongodb-query-op.-gte"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $gte </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/lt/#mongodb-query-op.-lt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lt </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/lte/#mongodb-query-op.-lte"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lte </code> </a> expressions, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/type/#mongodb-query-op.-type"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $type </code> </a> expressions, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/and/#mongodb-query-op.-and"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $and </code> </a> operator, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/or/#mongodb-query-op.-or"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $or </code> </a> operator, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/in/#mongodb-query-op.-in"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </a> operator </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following operation creates a compound index that indexes only the documents with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating </code> field greater than 5. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.createIndex(\n { cuisine: 1, name: 1 },\n { partialFilterExpression: { rating: { $gt: 5 } } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rating</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> option for all MongoDB <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/#std-label-index-types"> index types </a> . When specifying a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> for a TTL index on a time series collection, you can only filter on the collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metaField </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to manage indexes in <!-- --> MongoDB Compass <!-- --> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-indexes/#std-label-manage-indexes"> Manage Indexes <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-partial-index-query-coverage"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query Coverage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-coverage" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-coverage"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB will not use the partial index for a query or sort operation if using the index results in an incomplete result set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the partial index, a query must contain the filter expression (or a modified filter expression that specifies a subset of the filter expression) as part of its query condition. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, given the following index: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.createIndex(\n { cuisine: 1 },\n { partialFilterExpression: { rating: { $gt: 5 } } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rating</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following query can use the index since the query predicate includes the condition <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating: { $gte: 8 } </code> that matches a subset of documents matched by the index filter expression <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating: { $gt: 5 } </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.find( { cuisine: \"Italian\", rating: { $gte: 8 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Italian"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rating</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gte</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, the following query cannot use the partial index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cuisine </code> field because using the index results in an incomplete result set. Specifically, the query predicate includes the condition <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating: { $lt: 8 } </code> while the index has the filter <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating: { $gt: 5 } </code> . That is, the query <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { cuisine: "Italian", rating: { $lt: 8 } } </code> matches more documents (e.g. an Italian restaurant with a rating equal to 1) than are indexed. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.find( { cuisine: \"Italian\", rating: { $lt: 8 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Italian"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rating</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$lt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Similarly, the following query cannot use the partial index because the query predicate does not include the filter expression and using the index would return an incomplete result set. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.find( { cuisine: \"Italian\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Italian"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Comparison with Sparse Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#comparison-with-sparse-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="comparison-with-sparse-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Partial indexes should be preferred over <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse indexes </a> . Partial indexes provide the following benefits: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Greater control over which documents are indexed. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A superset of the functionality offered by sparse indexes. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sparse indexes select documents to index <em> solely </em> based on the existence of the indexed field, or for compound indexes, the existence of the indexed fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Partial indexes determine the index entries based on the specified filter. The filter can include fields other than the index keys and can specify conditions other than just an existence check. For example, a partial index can implement the same behavior as a sparse index: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.contacts.createIndex(\n { name: 1 },\n { partialFilterExpression: { name: { $exists: true } } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">contacts</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This partial index supports the same queries as a sparse index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, a partial index can also specify filter expressions on fields other than the index key. For example, the following operation creates a partial index, where the index is on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> field but the filter expression is on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> email </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.contacts.createIndex(\n { name: 1 },\n { partialFilterExpression: { email: { $exists: true } } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">contacts</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">email</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the query optimizer to choose this partial index, the query predicate must include a condition on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> field as well as a <em> non-null </em> match on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> email </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following query can use the index because it includes both a condition on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> field and a non-null match on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> email </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.contacts.find( { name: \"xyz\", email: { $regex: /\\.org$/ } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">contacts</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">email</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$regex</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/</span><span class="lg-highlight-regexp">\.</span><span class="lg-highlight-regexp">org$/</span> <!-- -->} } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, the following query cannot use the index because it includes a null match on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> email </code> field, which is not permitted by the filter expression <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { email: { $exists: true } } </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.contacts.find( { name: \"xyz\", email: { $exists: false } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">contacts</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">email</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$exists</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-partial-ttl-indexes"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Partial TTL Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#partial-ttl-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="partial-ttl-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Partial indexes can also be TTL indexes. Partial TTL indexes match the specified filter expression and expire only those documents. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/expire-data/#std-label-partial-ttl-index-example"> Expire Documents with Filter Conditions <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restrictions"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify both the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> option and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sparse </code> option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> indexes cannot be partial indexes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shard key indexes cannot be partial indexes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/#std-label-manual-csfle-feature"> Client-Side Field Level Encryption </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/#std-label-qe-manual-feature-qe"> Queryable Encryption </a> , a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> cannot reference an encrypted field. </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-index-partial-equivalent-indexes"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Equivalent Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#equivalent-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="equivalent-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.3, you cannot create equivalent indexes, which are partial indexes with the same index keys and the same partial expressions that use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For databases in MongoDB 7.3 with existing equivalent indexes, the indexes are retained but only the first equivalent index is used in queries. This is the same behavior as MongoDB versions earlier than 7.3. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For an example, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-index-partial-equivalent-indexes-example" target="_self"> <span> Equivalent Indexes Example <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a Partial Index On A Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-partial-index-on-a-collection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-partial-index-on-a-collection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurants </code> containing documents that resemble the following </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"5641f6a7522545bc535b5dc9\"),\n \"address\" : {\n \"building\" : \"1007\",\n \"coord\" : [\n -73.856077,\n 40.848447\n ],\n \"street\" : \"Morris Park Ave\",\n \"zipcode\" : \"10462\"\n },\n \"borough\" : \"Bronx\",\n \"cuisine\" : \"Bakery\",\n \"rating\" : { \"date\" : ISODate(\"2014-03-03T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"grade\" : \"A\",\n \"score\" : 2\n },\n \"name\" : \"Morris Park Bake Shop\",\n \"restaurant_id\" : \"30075445\"\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"5641f6a7522545bc535b5dc9"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"address"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"building"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"1007"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"coord"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">73.856077</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-number">40.848447</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"street"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Morris Park Ave"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"zipcode"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"10462"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"borough"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Bronx"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cuisine"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Bakery"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rating"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2014-03-03T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"grade"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Morris Park Bake Shop"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"restaurant_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"30075445"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You could add a partial index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> borough </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cuisine </code> fields choosing only to index documents where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating.grade </code> field is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> A </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.createIndex(\n { borough: 1, cuisine: 1 },\n { partialFilterExpression: { 'rating.grade': { $eq: \"A\" } } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">borough</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'rating.grade'</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$eq</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then, the following query on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurants </code> collection uses the partial index to return the restaurants in the Bronx with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating.grade </code> equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> A </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.find( { borough: \"Bronx\", 'rating.grade': \"A\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">borough</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Bronx"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'rating.grade'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, the following query cannot use the partial index because the query predicate does not include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rating.grade </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.find( { borough: \"Bronx\", cuisine: \"Bakery\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">borough</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Bronx"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cuisine</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Bakery"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-partial-index-with-unique-constraints"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Partial Index with Unique Constraint <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#partial-index-with-unique-constraint" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="partial-index-with-unique-constraint"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Partial indexes only index the documents in a collection that meet a specified filter expression. If you specify both the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partialFilterExpression </code> and a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique constraint </a> , the unique constraint only applies to the documents that meet the filter expression. A partial index with a unique constraint does not prevent the insertion of documents that do not meet the unique constraint if the documents do not meet the filter criteria. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> users </code> contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"56424f1efa0358a27fa1f99a\"), \"username\" : \"david\", \"age\" : 29 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"56424f37fa0358a27fa1f99b\"), \"username\" : \"amanda\", \"age\" : 35 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"56424fe2fa0358a27fa1f99c\"), \"username\" : \"rajiv\", \"age\" : 57 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"56424f1efa0358a27fa1f99a"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"david"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"age"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">29</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"56424f37fa0358a27fa1f99b"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"amanda"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"age"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">35</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"56424fe2fa0358a27fa1f99c"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"username"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rajiv"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"age"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">57</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation creates an index that specifies a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique constraint </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> username </code> field and a partial filter expression <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> age: { $gte: 21 } </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.users.createIndex(\n { username: 1 },\n { unique: true, partialFilterExpression: { age: { $gte: 21 } } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">users</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">unique</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">age</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gte</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">21</span> } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The index prevents the insertion of the following documents since documents already exist with the specified usernames and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> age </code> fields are greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 21 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.users.insertMany( [\n { username: \"david\", age: 27 },\n { username: \"amanda\", age: 25 },\n { username: \"rajiv\", age: 32 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">users</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"david"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">age</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">27</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"amanda"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">age</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rajiv"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">age</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">32</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, the following documents with duplicate usernames are allowed since the unique constraint only applies to documents with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> age </code> greater than or equal to 21. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.users.insertMany( [\n { username: \"david\", age: 20 },\n { username: \"amanda\" },\n { username: \"rajiv\", age: null }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">users</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"david"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">age</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"amanda"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">username</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rajiv"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">age</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-index-partial-equivalent-indexes-example"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Equivalent Indexes Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#equivalent-indexes-example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="equivalent-indexes-example"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.3, you cannot create equivalent indexes, which are partial indexes with the same index keys and the same partial expressions that use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For databases in MongoDB 7.3 with existing equivalent indexes, the indexes are retained but only the first equivalent index is used in queries. This is the same behavior as MongoDB versions earlier than 7.3. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In previous MongoDB versions, you can create two equivalent indexes. The following example creates a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection and two equivalent indexes named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> index0 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> index1 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"// Create the pizzas collection\ndb.pizzas.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, type: \"pepperoni\", size: \"small\", price: 4 },\n { _id: 1, type: \"cheese\", size: \"medium\", price: 7 },\n { _id: 2, type: \"vegan\", size: \"large\", price: 8 }\n] )\n\n// Create two equivalent indexes with medium pizza sizes\ndb.pizzas.createIndex(\n { type: 1 },\n { name: \"index0\",\n partialFilterExpression: { size: \"medium\" },\n collation: { locale: \"en_US\", strength: 1 }\n }\n)\n\ndb.pizzas.createIndex(\n { type: 1 },\n { name: \"index1\",\n partialFilterExpression: { size: \"MEDIUM\" },\n collation: { locale: \"en_US\", strength: 1 }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">//</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> Create the pizzas </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">collection</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pepperoni"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vegan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-comment">//</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> Create two equivalent </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">indexes</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> with medium pizza </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">sizes</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"index0"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"en_US"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"index1"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partialFilterExpression</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MEDIUM"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"en_US"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The indexes are equivalent because the two indexes specify the same pizza size and only differ in the text case in the partial filter expression. Only one index is used by queries: the index that was created first, which is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> index0 </code> in the previous example. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 7.3, you cannot create the second index ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> index1 </code> ) and this error is returned: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"MongoServerError: Index already exists with a different name: index0"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">MongoServerError: Index already exists with a different name: index0</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB versions earlier than 7.3, you can create the indexes but only the first index ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> index0 </code> ) is used with these queries: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.pizzas.find( { type: \"cheese\", size: \"medium\" } ).collation(\n { locale: \"en_US\", strength: 1 }\n)\n\ndb.pizzas.find( { type: \"cheese\", size: \"MEDIUM\" } ).collation(\n { locale: \"en_US\", strength: 1 }\n)\n\ndb.pizzas.find( { type: \"cheese\", size: \"Medium\" } ).collation(\n { locale: \"en_US\", strength: 1 }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">collation</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"en_US"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MEDIUM"</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">collation</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"en_US"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Medium"</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">collation</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"en_US"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> flushRouterConfig <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#flushrouterconfig" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="flushrouterconfig"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> </span> </a> marks the cached routing table for a sharded cluster as stale, causing the next operation that requests the routing table to refresh the cache. Management of the routing table cache is generally handled automatically by the cluster. You should only need to run the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> </span> </a> command manually in specific instances, as indicated under <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-flushrouterconfig-considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> </span> </a> is no longer required after executing the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/movePrimary/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.movePrimary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> movePrimary </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropDatabase/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropDatabase"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropDatabase </code> </a> commands. These two commands now automatically refresh a sharded cluster's routing table as needed when run. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in serverless instances. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> </span> </a> is available on both <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instances, and has the following syntax: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Flush the cache for a specified collection when passed in a collection namespace parameter: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n flushRouterConfig: \"&lt;db.collection&gt;\"\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flushRouterConfig</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;db.collection&gt;"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Flush the cache for a specified database and all of its collections when passed in a database namespace parameter: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n flushRouterConfig: \"&lt;db&gt;\"\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flushRouterConfig</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;db&gt;"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Flush the cache for all databases and their collections when run without a parameter or passed in a non-string scalar value (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> ): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\"flushRouterConfig\")\ndb.adminCommand(\n {\n flushRouterConfig: 1\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"flushRouterConfig"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flushRouterConfig</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-flushrouterconfig-considerations"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Generally, a sharded cluster's routing table is automatically refreshed as needed as part of normal operation. However, you should manually issue the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.flushRouterConfig" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flushRouterConfig </code> </span> </a> command before running the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.getShardDistribution/#mongodb-method-db.collection.getShardDistribution"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getShardDistribution() </code> </a> command. This ensures that the command returns the most up-to-date information. </p> </section> </section>