# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from azure.cli.testsdk import ScenarioTest, record_only @record_only() class PolicyInsightsTests(ScenarioTest): def test_policy_insights(self): top_clause = '--top 2' filter_clause = '--filter "isCompliant eq false"' apply_clause = '--apply "groupby((policyAssignmentId, resourceId), aggregate($count as numRecords))"' select_clause = '--select "policyAssignmentId, resourceId, numRecords"' order_by_clause = '--order-by "numRecords desc"' from_clause = '--from "2018-04-04T00:00:00"' to_clause = '--to "2018-05-22T00:00:00"' scopes = [ '-m "azgovtest4"', '', '-g "defaultresourcegroup-eus"', '--resource "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/eastusnsggroup/providers/"', '--resource "omssecuritydevkeyvalut" --namespace "microsoft.keyvault" --resource-type "vaults" -g "omssecurityintresourcegroup"', '--resource "default" --namespace "" --resource-type "subnets" --parent "virtualnetworks/mms-wcus-vnet" -g "mms-wcus"', '-s "335cefd2-ab16-430f-b364-974a170eb1d5"', '-d "25bf1e2a-6004-47ad-9bd1-2a40dd6de016"', '-a "96e22f7846e94bb186ae3a01"', '-a "bc916e4f3ab54030822a11b3" -g "tipkeyvaultresourcegroup" ' ] for scope in scopes: events = self.cmd('az policy event list {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( scope, from_clause, to_clause, filter_clause, apply_clause, select_clause, order_by_clause, top_clause)).get_output_in_json() assert len(events) >= 0 states = self.cmd('az policy state list {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( scope, from_clause, to_clause, filter_clause, apply_clause, select_clause, order_by_clause, top_clause)).get_output_in_json() assert len(states) >= 0 summary = self.cmd('az policy state summarize {} {} {} {} {}'.format( scope, from_clause, to_clause, filter_clause, top_clause)).get_output_in_json() assert summary["results"] is not None assert len(summary["policyAssignments"]) >= 0 if len(summary["policyAssignments"]) > 0: assert summary["policyAssignments"][0]["results"] is not None assert len(summary["policyAssignments"][0]["policyDefinitions"]) >= 0 if len(summary["policyAssignments"][0]["policyDefinitions"]) > 0: assert summary["policyAssignments"][0]["policyDefinitions"][0]["results"] is not None
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import openem import os import cv2 import numpy as np from openem.tracking import * import json import sys import datetime import tator from pprint import pprint from collections import defaultdict import yaml import math import subprocess import sys def crop_localization(frame_bgr, localization): img_width = frame_bgr.shape[1] img_height = frame_bgr.shape[0] box_x = round(localization['x'] * img_width) box_y = round(localization['y'] * img_height) box_width = round(localization['width'] * img_width) box_height = round(localization['height'] * img_height) img_crop = frame_bgr[box_y:box_y+box_height,box_x:box_x+box_width,:] return img_crop def join_up_iteration(detections, track_ids): tracklets = defaultdict(list) num_tracklets = np.max(track_ids) + 1 assert(len(detections) == len(track_ids)) for d,tid in zip(detections, track_ids): tracklets[tid].append(d) return tracklets def extend_tracklets(tracklets, length): for track_id,track in tracklets.items(): if len(track) <= 16: continue ext_length = min(length,len(track)) sum_h=0.0 sum_w=0.0 track.sort(key=lambda x:x['frame']) def restore_det(det): det['x'] = det.get('orig_x',det['x']) det['y'] = det.get('orig_y',det['y']) det['width'] = det.get('orig_w',det['width']) det['height'] = det.get('orig_h',det['height']) det['orig_x'] = det['x'] det['orig_y'] = det['y'] det['orig_w'] = det['width'] det['orig_h'] = det['height'] restore_det(track[0]) restore_det(track[-1]) for d in track: sum_h += d['height'] sum_w += d['width'] angle,vel,comps = track_vel(track) vel_x = comps[0] vel_y = comps[1] avg_h = sum_h / len(track) avg_w = sum_w / len(track) new_x = min(1,max(0,track[-1]['x']+(vel_x*ext_length))) new_y = min(1,max(0,track[-1]['y']+(vel_y*ext_length))) old_x = min(1,max(0,track[0]['x']-(vel_x*ext_length))) old_y = min(1,max(0,track[0]['y']-(vel_y*ext_length))) min_x = min(track[-1]['x'],new_x) min_y = min(track[-1]['y'],new_y) if min_x > 0 and min_y > 0: track[-1]['x'] = min_x track[-1]['y'] = min_y track[-1]['width'] = min(max(0,abs(new_x-track[-1]['x'])+avg_w),1) track[-1]['height'] = min(max(0,abs(new_x-track[-1]['y'])+avg_h),1) else: track[-1]['width'] = 0 track[-1]['height'] = 0 min_x = min(track[0]['x'],old_x) min_y = min(track[0]['y'],old_y) if min_x > 0 and min_y > 0: track[0]['x'] = min(max(0,min_x),1) track[0]['y'] = min(max(0,min_y),1) track[0]['width'] = min(max(abs(old_x-track[0]['x'])+avg_w,0),1) track[0]['height'] = min(max(abs(old_x-track[0]['y'])+avg_h,0),1) else: track[0]['width'] = 0 track[0]['height'] = 0 return tracklets def split_tracklets(tracklets): track_ids=[] detections=[] for track_id,track in tracklets.items(): for d in track: track_ids.append(track_id) detections.append(d) return detections,track_ids def trim_tracklets(detections, track_ids, max_length): tracklets = join_up_iteration(detections, track_ids) next_track_id = 1 new_tracklets = {} for track_id,detections in tracklets.items(): new_track_count=math.ceil(len(detections)/max_length) for i in range(new_track_count): start=max_length*i end=max_length+(max_length*i) new_tracklets[next_track_id] = detections[start:end] next_track_id += 1 detections, track_ids = split_tracklets(new_tracklets) track_ids = renumber_track_ids(track_ids) return detections, track_ids if __name__=="__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) tator.get_parser(parser) parser.add_argument("--detection-type-id", type=int, required=True) parser.add_argument("--tracklet-type-id", type=int, required=True) parser.add_argument("--version-id", type=int) parser.add_argument("--input-version-id", type=int) parser.add_argument("--strategy-config", type=str) parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action='store_true') parser.add_argument('media_files', type=str, nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args() # Weight methods methods = ['hybrid', 'iou', 'iou-motion', 'iou-global-motion'] # Weight methods that require the video visual_methods = ['hybrid', 'iou-global-motion'] api = tator.get_api(, args.token) detection_type = api.get_localization_type(args.detection_type_id) project = detection_type.project version_id = args.version_id default_strategy = {"method": "hybrid", "frame-diffs": [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256], "args": {}, "extension": {'method' : None}, "max-length": {}, "min-length": 0} if args.strategy_config: strategy = {**default_strategy} with open(args.strategy_config, "r") as strategy_file: strategy.update(yaml.load(strategy_file)) else: strategy = default_strategy if strategy['method'] == 'hybrid': model_file = strategy['args']['model_file'] batch_size = strategy['args'].get('batch_size', 4) comparator=FeaturesComparator(model_file) #extractor=FeaturesExtractor(args.model_file) class_method = strategy.get('class-method',None) classify_function = None classify_args = {} if class_method: pip_package=class_method.get('pip',None) if pip_package: p =[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", pip_package]) print("Finished process.", flush=True) function_name = class_method.get('function',None) classify_args = class_method.get('args',None) names = function_name.split('.') module = __import__(names[0]) for name in names[1:-1]: module = getattr(module,name) classify_function = getattr(module,names[-1]) print("Strategy: ", flush=True) pprint(strategy) print(args.media_files, flush=True) optional_fetch_args = {} if args.input_version_id: optional_fetch_args['version'] = [args.input_version_id] for media_file in args.media_files: comps=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(media_file))[0] media_id=comps.split('_')[0] media = api.get_media(media_id) if media.attributes.get("Tracklet Generator Processed") != "No": print(f"Skipping media ID {}, name {} due to " f"'Tracklet Generator Processed' attribute being set to " f"something other than 'No'!") continue media_shape = (media.height, media.width) fps = media.fps localizations_by_frame = {} localizations = api.get_localization_list(project, type=args.detection_type_id, media_id=[media_id], **optional_fetch_args) localizations = [l.to_dict() for l in localizations] if len(localizations) == 0: print(f"No localizations present in media {media_file}", flush=True) continue print(f"Processing {len(localizations)} detections", flush=True) # Group by localizations by frame for lid, local in enumerate(localizations): frame = local['frame'] if frame in localizations_by_frame: localizations_by_frame[frame].append(local) else: localizations_by_frame[frame] = [local] detections=[] track_ids=[] track_id=1 # If media does not exist, download it. if strategy['method'] == 'iou-global-motion': if not os.path.exists(media_file): temp_path = f'/tmp/{os.path.basename(media_file)}' for progress in tator.util.download_media(api, media, temp_path): print(f"Downloading {media_file}, {progress}%...") print("Download finished!") # Unfrag the file["ffmpeg", '-i', temp_path, '-c:v', 'copy', media_file]) os.remove(temp_path) if strategy['method'] == 'hybrid': # Not all visual methods need detection images vid=cv2.VideoCapture(media_file) ok=True frame = 0 while ok: ok,frame_bgr = if frame in localizations_by_frame: for l in localizations_by_frame[frame]: l['bgr'] = crop_localization(frame_bgr, l) if l['attributes']['Confidence'] < 0.50: continue detections.append(l) track_ids.append(track_id) track_id += 1 frame+=1 else: # The method is analytical on the detections coordinates # and does not require processing the video for frame,frame_detections in localizations_by_frame.items(): for det in frame_detections: detections.append(det) track_ids.append(track_id) track_id += 1 print("Loaded all detections", flush=True) track_ids = renumber_track_ids(track_ids) if strategy['method'] == 'hybrid': weights_strategy = HybridWeights(comparator, None, None, media_shape, fps, 0.0, batch_size) elif strategy['method'] == 'iou': weights_strategy = IoUWeights(media_shape, **strategy['args']) elif strategy['method'] == 'iou-motion': weights_strategy = IoUMotionWeights(media_shape, **strategy['args']) elif strategy['method'] == 'iou-global-motion': weights_strategy = IoUGlobalMotionWeights(media_shape, media_file, **strategy['args']) # Generate localization bgr based on grouped localizations for x in strategy['frame-diffs']: print(f"Started {x}", flush=True) detections, track_ids, pairs, weights, is_cut, constraints = join_tracklets( detections, track_ids, x, weights_strategy) if x in strategy['max-length']: trim_to = strategy['max-length'][x] print(f"Trimming track to max length of {trim_to}") detections, track_ids = trim_tracklets(detections, track_ids, trim_to) _,det_counts_per_track=np.unique(track_ids,return_counts=True) print(f"frame-diff {x}: {len(detections)} to {len(det_counts_per_track)}", flush=True) if x > 1 and strategy['extension']['method'] == 'linear-motion': ext_frames=x print(f"Extending by linear motion, {ext_frames}") tracklets = join_up_iteration(detections,track_ids) tracklets = extend_tracklets(tracklets, ext_frames) detections, track_ids = split_tracklets(tracklets) # Now we make new track objects based on the result # from the graph solver # [ detection, detection, detection, ...] # [ track#, track#, track#,...] # [ 133, 33, 13, 133,] # [ 0,0,1,1] # TODO: Handle is_cut? def join_up_final(detections, track_ids): tracklets = defaultdict(list) num_tracklets = np.max(track_ids) + 1 assert(len(detections) == len(track_ids)) for d,tid in zip(detections, track_ids): tracklets[tid].append(d) return tracklets def make_object(track): track.sort(key=lambda x:x['frame']) if classify_function: valid,attrs = classify_function(media.to_dict(), track, **classify_args) elif len(track) >= strategy['min-length']: valid = True attrs = {} else: valid = False attrs = {} if valid: obj={"type": args.tracklet_type_id, "media_ids": [int(media_id)], "localization_ids": [x['id'] for x in track], **attrs, "version": version_id} return obj else: return None tracklets = join_up_final(detections, track_ids) new_objs=[make_object(tracklet) for tracklet in tracklets.values()] new_objs=[x for x in new_objs if x is not None] print(f"New objects = {len(new_objs)}") with open(f"/work/{media_id}.json", "w") as f: json.dump(new_objs,f) if not args.dry_run: for response in tator.util.chunked_create(api.create_state_list,project, state_spec=new_objs): pass try: api.update_media(int(media_id), {"attributes":{"Tracklet Generator Processed": str(}}) except: print("WARNING: Unable to set 'Tracklet Generator Processed' attribute")
import unittest from nzmath.matrix import * import nzmath.vector as vector import nzmath.rational as rational import nzmath.poly.uniutil as uniutil Ra = rational.Rational Poly = uniutil.polynomial Int = rational.theIntegerRing # sub test try: from test.testMatrixFiniteField import * except: try: from nzmath.test.testMatrixFiniteField import * except: from .testMatrixFiniteField import * ## for RingMatrix a1 = createMatrix(1, 2, [3, 2]) a2 = Matrix(1, 2, [5, -6]) a3 = createMatrix(3, 2, [7, 8]+[3, -2]+[0, 10]) a4 = Matrix(3, 2, [21, -12]+[1, -1]+[0, 0]) a5 = createMatrix(1, 2, [Poly({0:3, 1:5}, Int), Poly({1:2}, Int)]) ## for RingSquareMatrix b1 = createMatrix(2, 2, [1, 2]+[3, 4]) b2 = Matrix(2, 2, [0, -1]+[1, -2]) b3 = createMatrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 2]+[5, 4, 6]+[7, 9, 8]) b4 = Matrix(3, 3, [1, 2, 3]+[0, 5, -2]+[7, 1, 9]) b5 = createMatrix(3, 3, [1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 6, 8, 9]) b6 = createMatrix(3, 3, [1, 2, 4, 0, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0]) b7 = createMatrix(3, 3, [1, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0, 5, 6, 1]) b8 = Matrix(3, 3, [3, 15, 12]+[2,7,5]+[1,-4,-2]) ## for FieldMatrix c1 = createMatrix(1, 2, [Ra(3), Ra(2)]) c2 = createMatrix(4, 5, \ [Ra(0), 0, 1, 2, -1]+[0, 0, 5, 12, -2]+[0, 0, 1, 3, -1]+[0, 0, 1, 2, 0]) c3 = createMatrix(3, 2, [Ra(1), 2]+[2, 5]+[6, 7]) ## for FieldSquareMatrix d1 = createMatrix(2, 2, [Ra(1), Ra(2)]+[Ra(3), Ra(4)]) d2 = createMatrix(3, 3, [Ra(1), 2, 3]+[4, 5, 6]+[5, 7, 9]) d3 = Matrix(3, 3, \ [Ra(1), Ra(2), Ra(3)]+[Ra(0), Ra(5), Ra(-2)]+[7, 1, 9]) d4 = createMatrix(6, 6, \ [Ra(4), 2, 5, 0, 2, 1]+[5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1]+[90, 7, 54, 8, 4, 6]+\ [7, 5, 0, 8, 2, 5]+[8, 2, 6, 5, -4, 2]+[4, 1, 5, 6, 3, 1]) d5 = createMatrix(4, 4, \ [Ra(2), -1, 0, 0]+[-1, 2, -1, 0]+[0, -1, 2, -1]+[0, 0, -1, 2]) d6 = createMatrix(4, 4, \ [Ra(1), 2, 3, 4]+[2, 3, 4, 5]+[3, 4, 5, 6]+[4, 5, 6, 7]) d7 = Matrix(3, 3, \ [Ra(1, 2), Ra(2, 3), Ra(1, 5)]+[Ra(3, 2), Ra(1, 3), Ra(2, 5)]+[Ra(-1, 2), Ra(4, 3), Ra(3, 5)]) ## other objects v1 = vector.Vector([1, 4]) v2 = vector.Vector([8]) v3 = vector.Vector([0, 0, 1]) class MatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def testInit(self): lst_lst = Matrix(3, 2, [[21, -12], [1, -1], [0, 0]]) self.assertEqual(a4, lst_lst) lst_tuple = Matrix(3, 2, [(21, 1, 0), (-12, -1, 0)]) self.assertEqual(a4, lst_tuple) lst_vect = Matrix(3, 2, [vector.Vector([21, 1, 0]), vector.Vector([-12, -1, 0])]) self.assertEqual(a4, lst_vect) def testGetitem(self): self.assertEqual(2, a1[1, 2]) self.assertEqual(-2, b2[2, 2]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, a1.__getitem__, "wrong") self.assertEqual(vector.Vector([21, 1, 0]), a4[1]) def testEqual(self): self.assertTrue(a1 == Matrix(1, 2, [3, 2])) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a1 == a1, bool)) def testNonZero(self): self.assertTrue(not zeroMatrix(2, 3)) def testContains(self): self.assertTrue(5 in a2) def testCall(self): call = createMatrix(1, 2, [13, 4]) self.assertEqual(call, a5(2)) def testMap(self): pow_two = createMatrix(1, 2, [9, 4]) self.assertEqual(pow_two, n : n ** 2)) def testReduce(self): self.assertEqual(-2, a3.reduce(min)) def testGetRow(self): row1 = vector.Vector([3, -2]) self.assertEqual(row1, a3.getRow(2)) row2 = vector.Vector([1, 2]) self.assertEqual(row2, b1.getRow(1)) def testGetColumn(self): col1 = vector.Vector([-12, -1, 0]) self.assertEqual(col1, a4.getColumn(2)) col2 = vector.Vector([1, 3]) self.assertEqual(col2, b1.getColumn(1)) def testTranspose(self): trans = createMatrix(2, 3, [7, 3, 0]+[8, -2, 10]) self.assertEqual(trans, a3.transpose()) def testGetBlock(self): block = Matrix(2, 3, [4, 6, 5, 6, 8, 9]) self.assertEqual(block, b5.getBlock(2, 1, 2, 3)) def testSubMatrix(self): sub1 = createMatrix(2, 1, [-12, 0]) self.assertEqual(sub1, a4.subMatrix(2, 1)) sub2 = createMatrix(2, 2, [4, 5, 6, 9]) self.assertEqual(sub2, b5.subMatrix([2, 3], [1, 3])) class SquareMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def testIsUpperTriangularMatrix(self): UT = createMatrix(4, 4, \ [1, 2, 3, 4]+[0, 5, 6, 7]+[0, 0, 8, 9]+[0, 0, 0, 1]) notUT = createMatrix(4, 4, \ [1, 2, 3, 4]+[0, 5, 6, 7]+[0, 0, 8, 9]+[0, 0, 1, 1]) assert UT.isUpperTriangularMatrix() assert not notUT.isUpperTriangularMatrix() def testIsLowerTriangularMatrix(self): LT = createMatrix(4, 4, \ [1, 0, 0, 0]+[2, 3, 0, 0]+[4, 5, 6, 0]+[7, 8, 9, 10]) notLT = createMatrix(4, 4, \ [1, 0, 0, 0]+[2, 3, 1, 0]+[4, 5, 6, 0]+[7, 8, 9, 10]) assert LT.isLowerTriangularMatrix() assert not notLT.isLowerTriangularMatrix() def testIsDiagonalMatrix(self): diag = createMatrix(2, 2, [-3, 0, 0, 5]) assert diag.isDiagonalMatrix() def testIsScalarMatrix(self): scaler = createMatrix(2, 2, [10, 0, 0, 10]) assert scaler.isScalarMatrix() def testIsSymmetricMatrix(self): symmetric = createMatrix(2, 2, [2, 3, 3, 5]) assert symmetric.isSymmetricMatrix() class RingMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def testAdd(self): sum1 = createMatrix(1, 2, [8, -4]) self.assertEqual(sum1, a1 + a2) sum2 = createMatrix(2, 2, [1, 1, 4, 2]) self.assertEqual(sum2, b1 + b2) def testSub(self): sub1 = createMatrix(1, 2, [-2, 8]) self.assertEqual(sub1, a1 - a2) sub2 = createMatrix(2, 2, [1, 3, 2, 6]) self.assertEqual(sub2, b1 - b2) def testMul(self): mul1 = createMatrix(1, 2, [2, -7]) self.assertEqual(mul1, a1 * b2) mul2 = createMatrix(3, 2, [-15, -6]+[-2, -2]+[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(mul2, a4 * b1) mul3 = createMatrix(3, 2, [1, -1]+[109, -64]+[156, -93]) self.assertEqual(mul3, b3 * a4) def testScalarMul(self): mul = createMatrix(1, 2, [15, 10]) self.assertEqual(mul, 5 * a1) def testVectorMul(self): mul = vector.Vector([9, 19]) self.assertEqual(mul, b1 * v1) def testMod(self): mod1 = createMatrix(3, 2, [1, 2]+[0, 1]+[0, 1]) self.assertEqual(mod1, a3 % 3) def testNeg(self): neg = createMatrix(2, 2, [0, 1, -1, 2]) self.assertEqual(neg, -b2) def testHermiteNormalForm(self): already = createMatrix(4, 3, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) h = already.hermiteNormalForm() self.assertEqual(h, already) lessrank = createMatrix(2, 3, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) h = lessrank.hermiteNormalForm() self.assertEqual(h.row, lessrank.row) self.assertEqual(h.column, lessrank.column) zerovec = vector.Vector([0, 0]) self.assertEqual(zerovec, h.getColumn(1)) square = createMatrix(3, 3, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]) h = square.hermiteNormalForm() self.assertEqual(h.row, square.row) self.assertEqual(h.column, square.column) hermite = createMatrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) self.assertEqual(hermite, h) def testExtHermiteNormalForm(self): already = createMatrix(4, 3, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) U_1, h_1 = already.exthermiteNormalForm() self.assertEqual(h_1, already) self.assertEqual(already * U_1, h_1) lessrank = createMatrix(2, 3, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) U_2, h_2 = lessrank.exthermiteNormalForm() self.assertEqual(h_2.row, lessrank.row) self.assertEqual(h_2.column, lessrank.column) self.assertEqual(lessrank * U_2, h_2) def testKernelAsModule(self): ker_1 = a1.kernelAsModule() self.assertEqual(a1 * ker_1[1], vector.Vector([0])) #zero test ker_2 = b1.kernelAsModule() self.assertEqual(ker_2, None) class RingSquareMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def testPow(self): pow1 = createMatrix(2, 2, [7, 10, 15, 22]) self.assertEqual(pow1, b1 ** 2) pow2 = createMatrix(2, 2, [1, 0, 0, 1]) self.assertEqual(pow2, b2 ** 0) def testIsOrthogonalMatrix(self): orthogonal = createMatrix(2, 2, [Ra(3, 5), Ra(4, 5), Ra(-4, 5), Ra(3, 5)]) assert orthogonal.isOrthogonalMatrix() def testIsAlternatingMatrix(self): alternate1 = createMatrix(2, 2, [0, 2, -2, 0]) assert alternate1.isAlternatingMatrix() alternate2 = createMatrix(2, [1, 2, -2, 0]) assert not alternate2.isAntisymmetricMatrix() def testIsSingular(self): assert b6.isSingular() def testTrace(self): self.assertEqual(15, b4.trace()) def testDeterminant(self): self.assertEqual(-2, b1.determinant()) #sf.bug #1914349 self.assertTrue(isinstance(b3.determinant(), int)) self.assertEqual(36, b3.determinant()) def testCofactor(self): self.assertEqual(-6, b5.cofactor(1, 2)) def testCommutator(self): commutator = createMatrix(2, 2, [5, -1, 9, -5]) self.assertEqual(commutator, b1.commutator(b2)) def testCharacteristicMatrix(self): charMat = createMatrix(2, 2, \ [Poly({0:-1,1:1}, Int), Poly({0:-2}, Int)]+[Poly({0:-3}, Int), Poly({0:-4,1:1}, Int)]) self.assertEqual(charMat, b1.characteristicMatrix()) def testCharacteristicPolynomial(self): assert d1.characteristicPolynomial() == d1.characteristicMatrix().determinant() def testAdjugateMatrix(self): adjugate = createMatrix(3, 3, [47, -15, -19, -14, -12, 2, -35, 13, 5]) self.assertEqual(adjugate, b4.adjugateMatrix()) assert d1 * d1.adjugateMatrix() == d1.determinant() * unitMatrix(d1.row) def testCofactorMatrix(self): cofact = d5.cofactorMatrix() self.assertEqual(d5.cofactor(2, 3), cofact[2, 3]) def testSmithNormalForm(self): self.assertEqual([12, 1, 1], b5.smithNormalForm()) self.assertRaises(ValueError, b6.smithNormalForm) self.assertEqual([1, 1, 1], b7.smithNormalForm()) self.assertEqual([9, 3, 1], b8.smithNormalForm()) def testExtSmithNormalForm(self): smith1 = Matrix(3, 3, [12, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]) U_1, V_1, M_1 = b5.extsmithNormalForm() self.assertEqual(smith1, M_1) self.assertEqual(M_1, U_1 * b5 * V_1) smith2 = Matrix(3, 3, [9, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1]) U_2, V_2, M_2 = b8.extsmithNormalForm() self.assertEqual(smith2, M_2) self.assertEqual(M_2, U_2 * b8 * V_2) class FieldMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def testDiv(self): div = createMatrix(1, 2, [1, Ra(2, 3)]) self.assertEqual(div, c1 / 3) def testKernel(self): ker = c2.kernel() self.assertTrue(not c2 * ker) def testImage(self): img = createMatrix(4,3,[1,2,-1]+[5,12,-2]+[1,3,-1]+[1,2,0]) self.assertEqual(img, c2.image()) def testRank(self): self.assertEqual(3, c2.rank()) self.assertEqual(3, d3.rank()) def testInverseImage(self): self.assertEqual(d6, d5 * d5.inverseImage(d6)) self.assertRaises(NoInverseImage, d2.inverseImage, unitMatrix(3)) def testSolve(self): for i in range(1, d6.column+1): self.assertEqual(d6[i], d5 * d5.solve(d6[i])[0]) sol1 = c1.solve(v2) for i in range(len(sol1[1])): self.assertEqual(v2, c1 * (sol1[0]+sol1[1][i])) self.assertRaises(NoInverseImage, c3.solve, v3) def testColumnEchelonForm(self): echelon = createMatrix(4, 5,\ [Ra(0), 0, 1, 0, 0]+[0, 0, 0, 2, 3]+[0, 0, 0, 1, 0]+[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) self.assertEqual(echelon, c2.columnEchelonForm()) class FieldSquareMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def testPow(self): pow3 = createMatrix(2, 2, [Ra(11, 2), Ra(-5, 2), Ra(-15, 4), Ra(7, 4)]) self.assertEqual(pow3, d1 ** (-2)) def testTriangulate(self): triangle = createMatrix(3, 3, \ [Ra(1, 1), 2, 3]+[0, 5, -2]+[0, 0, Ra(-86, 5)]) self.assertEqual(triangle, d3.triangulate()) def testDeterminant(self): self.assertEqual(Ra(-7, 15), d7.determinant()) def testInverse(self): cinverse = createMatrix(3, 3) cinverse.set([Ra(-47, 86), Ra(15, 86), Ra(19, 86)]+\ [Ra(7, 43), Ra(6, 43), Ra(-1, 43)]+[Ra(35, 86), Ra(-13, 86), Ra(-5, 86)]) self.assertEqual(cinverse, d3.inverse()) self.assertRaises(NoInverse, d2.inverse) self.assertEqual(d3.inverse() * c3, d3.inverse(c3)) def testInverseNoChange(self): # sf bug#1849220 M1 = SquareMatrix(2, 2, [Ra(1, 2), Ra(1, 2), Ra(1, 1), Ra(-3, 2)]) M1.inverse() M2 = SquareMatrix(2, 2, [Ra(1, 2), Ra(1, 2), Ra(1, 1), Ra(-3, 2)]) self.assertEqual(M2, M1) def testHessenbergForm(self): pass def testLUDecomposition(self): L, U = d4.LUDecomposition() assert L * U == d4 assert L.isLowerTriangularMatrix() assert U.isUpperTriangularMatrix() class MatrixRingTest (unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.m2z = MatrixRing.getInstance(2, Int) def testZero(self): z = self.assertEqual(0, z[1, 1]) self.assertEqual(0, z[1, 2]) self.assertEqual(0, z[2, 1]) self.assertEqual(0, z[2, 2]) def testOne(self): o = self.assertEqual(1, o[1, 1]) self.assertEqual(0, o[1, 2]) self.assertEqual(0, o[2, 1]) self.assertEqual(1, o[2, 2]) def testUnitMatrix(self): """ unitMatrix() is an alias of one. """ self.assertEqual(, self.m2z.unitMatrix()) def testRingAPI(self): m3z = MatrixRing.getInstance(3, Int) m2q = MatrixRing.getInstance(2, rational.theRationalField) # issubring self.assertFalse(self.m2z.issubring(Int)) self.assertTrue(self.m2z.issubring(self.m2z)) self.assertTrue(self.m2z.issubring(m2q)) self.assertFalse(self.m2z.issubring(m3z)) # issuperring self.assertFalse(self.m2z.issuperring(Int)) self.assertTrue(self.m2z.issuperring(self.m2z)) self.assertFalse(self.m2z.issuperring(m2q)) self.assertFalse(self.m2z.issuperring(m3z)) # getCommonSuperring self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.m2z.getCommonSuperring, Int) class SubspaceTest(unittest.TestCase): def testSupplementBasis(self): ba = Subspace(3, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]) supbase = createMatrix(3, 3, [1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 7, 1]) self.assertEqual(supbase, ba.supplementBasis()) def testSumOfSubspaces(self): unit1 = Subspace(3, 1, [1, 0, 0]) unit2 = Subspace(3, 2, [0, 0]+[1, 0]+[0, 1]) self.assertEqual(unitMatrix(3), unit1.sumOfSubspaces(unit2)) def testIntersectionOfSubspace(self): unit1 = Subspace(3, 2, [1, 0]+[0, 1]+[0, 0]) unit2 = unitMatrix(3) unit2.toSubspace() intersect = Subspace(3, 2, [-1, 0]+[0, -1]+[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(intersect, unit1.intersectionOfSubspaces(unit2)) class FunctionTest(unittest.TestCase): def testCreateMatrix(self): Q = rational.theRationalField mat1 = createMatrix(2, 3, [[2,3,4], [5,6,7]]) self.assertEqual(mat1.coeff_ring, Int) mat2 = createMatrix(2, 3, [[2,3,4], [5,6,7]], Q) self.assertEqual(mat2.coeff_ring, Q) mat3 = createMatrix(3, [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)], Q) self.assertTrue(mat3.row == mat3.column) self.assertTrue(mat3.__class__, FieldSquareMatrix) mat4 = createMatrix(2, [vector.Vector([1, 4]), vector.Vector([6, 8])]) self.assertEqual(mat4.coeff_ring, Int) mat5 = createMatrix(5, 6, Int) self.assertTrue(mat5 == 0) mat6 = createMatrix(1, 4) self.assertTrue(mat6 == 0) mat7 = createMatrix(3, Q) self.assertTrue(mat7.row == mat7.column) self.assertTrue(mat7 == 0) self.assertEqual(mat7.coeff_ring, Q) mat8 = createMatrix(7) self.assertTrue(mat8 == 0) def suite(suffix="Test"): suite = unittest.TestSuite() all_names = globals() for name in all_names: if name.endswith(suffix): suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(all_names[name], "test")) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
# Written by <NAME> # Example for Compose Methods: Extract Method. import math def get_distance(xc1=5, xc2=7.25, yc1=22, yc2=-4.84): # Calculate the distance between the two circle return math.sqrt((xc1-xc2)**2 + (yc1 - yc2)**2) print('distance', get_distance()) # *** somewhere else in your program *** def get_length(xa=-50, ya=99, xb=.67, yb=.26): # calcualte the length of vector AB vector which is a vector between A and B points. return math.sqrt((xa-xb)*(xa-xb) + (ya-yb)*(ya-yb)) print('length', get_length())
import logging import pytest from streamsets.testframework.markers import aws, sdc_min_version from streamsets.testframework.utils import get_random_string logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) S3_SANDBOX_PREFIX = 'sandbox' LOG_FIELD_MAPPING = [{'fieldPath': '/date', 'group': 1}, {'fieldPath': '/time', 'group': 2}, {'fieldPath': '/timehalf', 'group': 3}, {'fieldPath': '/info', 'group': 4}, {'fieldPath': '/file', 'group': 5}, {'fieldPath': '/message', 'group': 6}] REGULAR_EXPRESSION = r'(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (.*)' # log to be written int the file on s3 data_format_content = { 'COMMON_LOG_FORMAT': ' - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] ' '"GET /apache.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 232', 'LOG4J': '200 [main] DEBUG org.StreamSets.Log4j unknown - This is sample log message', 'APACHE_ERROR_LOG_FORMAT': '[Wed Oct 11 14:32:52 2000] [error] [client] client ' 'denied by server configuration:/export/home/live/ap/htdocs/test', 'COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT': ' - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache.gif' ' HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "" "Mozilla/4.08' ' [en] (Win98; I ;Nav)"', 'APACHE_CUSTOM_LOG_FORMAT': ' - - [09/Jan/2015:9:12:06 +0000] "GET ' '/inventoryServic/inventory/purchaseItem?userId=20253471&itemId=23434300 ' 'HTTP/1.1" 500 17 ', 'CEF': ' CEF:0|Citrix|NetScaler|NS10.0|APPFW|APPFW_STARTURL|6|src= ' 'spt=53743 method=GET request= msg=Disallow Illegal URL.', 'LEEF': 'LEEF: 2.0|Trend Micro|Deep Security Agent|<DSA version>|4000030|cat=Anti-Malware ' 'name=HEU_AEGIS_CRYPT desc=HEU_AEGIS_CRYPT sev=6 cn1=241 msg=Realtime', 'REGEX': '2019-04-30 08:23:53 AM [INFO] [streamsets.sdk.sdc_api] Pipeline Filewriterpipeline53'} # data to verify the output of amazon s3 origin. get_data_to_verify_output = { 'LOG4J': {'severity': 'DEBUG', 'relativetime': '200', 'thread': 'main', 'category': 'org.StreamSets.Log4j', 'ndc': 'unknown', 'message': 'This is sample log message'}, 'COMMON_LOG_FORMAT': {'request': '/apache.gif', 'auth': 'frank', 'ident': '-', 'response': '200', 'bytes': '232', 'clientip': '', 'verb': 'GET', 'httpversion': '1.0', 'rawrequest': None, 'timestamp': '10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700'}, 'APACHE_ERROR_LOG_FORMAT': {'message': 'client denied by server configuration:/export/home/live/ap/htdocs/' 'test', 'timestamp': 'Wed Oct 11 14:32:52 2000', 'loglevel': 'error', 'clientip': ''}, 'COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT': {'request': '/apache.gif', 'agent': '"Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win98; I ;Nav)"', 'auth': 'frank', 'ident': '-', 'verb': 'GET', 'referrer': '"' 'html"', 'response': '200', 'bytes': '2326', 'clientip': '', 'httpversion': '1.0', 'rawrequest': None, 'timestamp': '10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700'}, 'APACHE_CUSTOM_LOG_FORMAT': {'remoteUser': '-', 'requestTime': '09/Jan/2015:9:12:06 +0000', 'request': 'GET ' '/inventoryServic/inventory/purchaseItem?userId=20253471&itemId=23434300 HTTP/1.1', 'logName': '-', 'remoteHost': '', 'bytesSent': '17', 'status': '500'}, 'CEF': {'severity': '6', 'product': 'NetScaler', 'extensions': {'msg': 'Disallow Illegal URL.', 'request': '', 'method': 'GET', 'src': '', 'spt': '53743'}, 'signature': 'APPFW', 'vendor': 'Citrix', 'cefVersion': 0, 'name': 'APPFW_STARTURL', 'version': 'NS10.0'}, 'GROK': {'request': '/inventoryServic/inventory/purchaseItem?userId=20253471&itemId=23434300', 'auth': '-', 'ident': '-', 'response': '500', 'bytes': '17', 'clientip': '', 'verb': 'GET', 'httpversion': '1.1', 'rawrequest': None, 'timestamp': '09/Jan/2015:9:12:06 +0000'}, 'LEEF': {'eventId': '4000030', 'product': 'Deep Security Agent', 'extensions': {'cat': 'Realtime'}, 'leefVersion': 2.0, 'vendor': 'Trend Micro', 'version': '<DSA version>'}, 'REGEX': {'/time': '08:23:53', '/date': '2019-04-30', '/timehalf': 'AM', '/info': '[INFO]', '/message': 'Pipeline Filewriterpipeline53', '/file': '[streamsets.sdk.sdc_api]'}} @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_access_key_id(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_bucket(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_connection_timeout(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('task', ['CREATE_NEW_OBJECT']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_content(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, task): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('task', ['COPY_OBJECT']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('delete_original_object', [False, True]) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_delete_original_object(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, task, delete_original_object): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('region', ['OTHER']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_endpoint(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, region): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('task', ['COPY_OBJECT']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_new_object_path(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, task): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_object(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('on_record_error', ['DISCARD', 'STOP_PIPELINE', 'TO_ERROR']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_on_record_error(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, on_record_error): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_preconditions(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_proxy', [True]) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_proxy_host(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, use_proxy): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_proxy', [True]) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_proxy_password(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, use_proxy): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_proxy', [True]) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_proxy_port(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, use_proxy): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_proxy', [True]) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_proxy_user(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, use_proxy): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('region', ['AP_NORTHEAST_1', 'AP_NORTHEAST_2', 'AP_NORTHEAST_3', 'AP_SOUTHEAST_1', 'AP_SOUTHEAST_2', 'AP_SOUTH_1', 'CA_CENTRAL_1', 'CN_NORTHWEST_1', 'CN_NORTH_1', 'EU_CENTRAL_1', 'EU_WEST_1', 'EU_WEST_2', 'EU_WEST_3', 'OTHER', 'SA_EAST_1', 'US_EAST_1', 'US_EAST_2', 'US_GOV_WEST_1', 'US_WEST_1', 'US_WEST_2']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_region(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, region): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_required_fields(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_retry_count(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_secret_access_key(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_socket_timeout(sdc_builder, sdc_executor): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('task', ['CHANGE_EXISTING_OBJECT']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_tags(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, task): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('task', ['CHANGE_EXISTING_OBJECT', 'COPY_OBJECT', 'CREATE_NEW_OBJECT']) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_task(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, task): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_proxy', [False, True]) @pytest.mark.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_configuration_use_proxy(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, use_proxy): pass @aws('s3') @pytest.mark.parametrize('data_format', ['LOG']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('log_format', ['COMMON_LOG_FORMAT', 'APACHE_ERROR_LOG_FORMAT', 'COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT', 'APACHE_CUSTOM_LOG_FORMAT', 'REGEX', 'GROK', 'LOG4J', 'CEF', 'LEEF']) def test_configurations_data_format_log(sdc_executor, sdc_builder, aws, data_format, log_format): """Check whether S3 origin can parse different log format or not. A log file is being created in s3 bucket mentioned below .S3 origin reads the log file and parse the same. Pipeline for the same- s3_origin >> trash s3_origin >= pipeline_finisher_executor """ if log_format == 'GROK': file_content = data_format_content['APACHE_CUSTOM_LOG_FORMAT'] else: file_content = data_format_content[log_format] client = aws.s3 s3_key = f'{S3_SANDBOX_PREFIX}/{get_random_string()}' attributes = {'bucket': aws.s3_bucket_name, 'prefix_pattern': f'{s3_key}/*', 'number_of_threads': 1, 'read_order': 'LEXICOGRAPHICAL', 'data_format': data_format, 'log_format': log_format, 'custom_log_format': '%h %l %u [%t] "%r" %>s %b', 'regular_expression': REGULAR_EXPRESSION, 'field_path_to_regex_group_mapping': LOG_FIELD_MAPPING } pipeline = get_aws_origin_to_trash_pipeline(sdc_builder, attributes, aws) s3_origin = pipeline.origin_stage try: client.put_object(Bucket=aws.s3_bucket_name, Key=f'{s3_key}/{get_random_string()}.log', Body=file_content) output_records = execute_pipeline_and_get_output(sdc_executor, s3_origin, pipeline) assert output_records[0].field == get_data_to_verify_output[log_format] finally: if sdc_executor.get_pipeline_status(pipeline).response.json().get('status') == 'RUNNING': sdc_executor.stop_pipeline(pipeline) # cleaning up s3 bucket delete_aws_objects(client, aws, s3_key) def get_aws_origin_to_trash_pipeline(sdc_builder, attributes, aws): # Build pipeline. builder = sdc_builder.get_pipeline_builder() builder.add_error_stage('Discard') s3_origin = builder.add_stage('Amazon S3', type='origin') s3_origin.set_attributes(**attributes) trash = builder.add_stage('Trash') pipeline_finisher_executor = builder.add_stage('Pipeline Finisher Executor') pipeline_finisher_executor.set_attributes(stage_record_preconditions=["${record:eventType() == 'no-more-data'}"]) s3_origin >> trash s3_origin >= pipeline_finisher_executor s3_origin_pipeline = s3_origin_pipeline.configuration['shouldRetry'] = False return s3_origin_pipeline def delete_aws_objects(client, aws, s3_key): # Clean up S3. delete_keys = {'Objects': [{'Key': k['Key']} for k in client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=aws.s3_bucket_name, Prefix=s3_key)['Contents']]} client.delete_objects(Bucket=aws.s3_bucket_name, Delete=delete_keys) def execute_pipeline_and_get_output(sdc_executor, s3_origin, pipeline): sdc_executor.add_pipeline(pipeline) snapshot = sdc_executor.capture_snapshot(pipeline, start_pipeline=True).snapshot output_records = snapshot[s3_origin].output return output_records
import torch import torch.nn as nn class WordDropout(nn.Module): """ A word dropout layer that's designed for embedded inputs (e.g., any inputs to an LSTM layer). Given a batch of embedded inputs, this layer randomly set some of them to be a replacement state. Note that this layer assumes the last dimension of the input to be the hidden dimension of a unit. """ def __init__(self, dropprob): super().__init__() self.dropprob = dropprob def forward(self, x, replacement=None): if not or self.dropprob == 0: return x masksize = [y for y in x.size()] masksize[-1] = 1 dropmask = torch.rand(*masksize, device=x.device) < self.dropprob res = x.masked_fill(dropmask, 0) if replacement is not None: res = res + dropmask.float() * replacement return res def extra_repr(self): return 'p={}'.format(self.dropprob) class LockedDropout(nn.Module): """ A variant of dropout layer that consistently drops out the same parameters over time. Also known as the variational dropout. This implementation was modified from the LockedDropout implementation in the flair library ( """ def __init__(self, dropprob, batch_first=True): super().__init__() self.dropprob = dropprob self.batch_first = batch_first def forward(self, x): if not or self.dropprob == 0: return x if not self.batch_first: m = x.new_empty(1, x.size(1), x.size(2), requires_grad=False).bernoulli_(1 - self.dropprob) else: m = x.new_empty(x.size(0), 1, x.size(2), requires_grad=False).bernoulli_(1 - self.dropprob) mask = m.div(1 - self.dropprob).expand_as(x) return mask * x def extra_repr(self): return 'p={}'.format(self.dropprob) class SequenceUnitDropout(nn.Module): """ A unit dropout layer that's designed for input of sequence units (e.g., word sequence, char sequence, etc.). Given a sequence of unit indices, this layer randomly set some of them to be a replacement id (usually set to be <UNK>). """ def __init__(self, dropprob, replacement_id): super().__init__() self.dropprob = dropprob self.replacement_id = replacement_id def forward(self, x): """ :param: x must be a LongTensor of unit indices. """ if not or self.dropprob == 0: return x masksize = [y for y in x.size()] dropmask = torch.rand(*masksize, device=x.device) < self.dropprob res = x.masked_fill(dropmask, self.replacement_id) return res def extra_repr(self): return 'p={}, replacement_id={}'.format(self.dropprob, self.replacement_id)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from django.contrib.auth.models import User from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from import assert_equal, assert_true, assert_not_equal from hadoop import cluster, pseudo_hdfs4 from hadoop.conf import HDFS_CLUSTERS, MR_CLUSTERS, YARN_CLUSTERS from liboozie.submittion import Submission from oozie.tests import OozieMockBase from desktop.lib.test_utils import clear_sys_caches from desktop.lib.django_test_util import make_logged_in_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @attr('requires_hadoop') def test_copy_files(): cluster = pseudo_hdfs4.shared_cluster() try: c = make_logged_in_client() user = User.objects.get(username='test') prefix = '/tmp/test_copy_files' if cluster.fs.exists(prefix): cluster.fs.rmtree(prefix) # Jars in various locations deployment_dir = '%s/workspace' % prefix external_deployment_dir = '%s/deployment' % prefix jar_1 = '%s/udf1.jar' % prefix jar_2 = '%s/lib/udf2.jar' % prefix jar_3 = '%s/udf3.jar' % deployment_dir jar_4 = '%s/lib/udf4.jar' % deployment_dir # Never move cluster.fs.mkdir(prefix) cluster.fs.create(jar_1) cluster.fs.create(jar_2) cluster.fs.create(jar_3) cluster.fs.create(jar_4) class MockNode(): def __init__(self, jar_path): self.jar_path = jar_path class MockJob(): def __init__(self): self.node_list = [ MockNode(jar_1), MockNode(jar_2), MockNode(jar_3), MockNode(jar_4), ] def get_application_filename(self): return 'workflow.xml' submission = Submission(user, job=MockJob(), fs=cluster.fs, jt=cluster.jt) submission._copy_files(deployment_dir, "<xml>My XML</xml>") submission._copy_files(external_deployment_dir, "<xml>My XML</xml>") # All sources still there assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(jar_1)) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(jar_2)) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(jar_3)) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(jar_4)) deployment_dir = deployment_dir + '/lib' external_deployment_dir = external_deployment_dir + '/lib' list_dir_workspace = cluster.fs.listdir(deployment_dir) list_dir_deployement = cluster.fs.listdir(external_deployment_dir) # All destinations there assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(deployment_dir + '/udf1.jar'), list_dir_workspace) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(deployment_dir + '/udf2.jar'), list_dir_workspace) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(deployment_dir + '/udf3.jar'), list_dir_workspace) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(deployment_dir + '/udf4.jar'), list_dir_workspace) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(external_deployment_dir + '/udf1.jar'), list_dir_deployement) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(external_deployment_dir + '/udf2.jar'), list_dir_deployement) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(external_deployment_dir + '/udf3.jar'), list_dir_deployement) assert_true(cluster.fs.exists(external_deployment_dir + '/udf4.jar'), list_dir_deployement) stats_udf1 = cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf1.jar') stats_udf2 = cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf2.jar') stats_udf3 = cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf3.jar') stats_udf4 = cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf4.jar') submission._copy_files('%s/workspace' % prefix, "<xml>My XML</xml>") assert_not_equal(stats_udf1['fileId'], cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf1.jar')['fileId']) assert_not_equal(stats_udf2['fileId'], cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf2.jar')['fileId']) assert_not_equal(stats_udf3['fileId'], cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf3.jar')['fileId']) assert_equal(stats_udf4['fileId'], cluster.fs.stats(deployment_dir + '/udf4.jar')['fileId']) finally: try: cluster.fs.rmtree(prefix) except: LOG.exception('failed to remove %s' % prefix) class MockFs(): def __init__(self, logical_name=None): self.fs_defaultfs = 'hdfs://curacao:8020' self.logical_name = logical_name if logical_name else '' class MockJt(): def __init__(self, logical_name=None): self.logical_name = logical_name if logical_name else '' class TestSubmission(OozieMockBase): def test_get_properties(self): submission = Submission(self.user, fs=MockFs()) assert_equal({}, submission._update_properties('curacao:8032', '/deployment_dir') assert_equal({ 'jobTracker': 'curacao:8032', 'nameNode': 'hdfs://curacao:8020' }, def test_get_logical_properties(self): submission = Submission(self.user, fs=MockFs(logical_name='fsname'), jt=MockJt(logical_name='jtname')) assert_equal({}, submission._update_properties('curacao:8032', '/deployment_dir') assert_equal({ 'jobTracker': 'jtname', 'nameNode': 'fsname' }, def test_update_properties(self): finish = [] finish.append(MR_CLUSTERS.set_for_testing({'default': {}})) finish.append(MR_CLUSTERS['default'].SUBMIT_TO.set_for_testing(True)) finish.append(YARN_CLUSTERS.set_for_testing({'default': {}})) finish.append(YARN_CLUSTERS['default'].SUBMIT_TO.set_for_testing(True)) try: properties = { '': 'hue', 'test.1': 'http://localhost/test?test1=test&test2=test', 'nameNode': 'hdfs://curacao:8020', 'jobTracker': 'jtaddress' } final_properties = properties.copy() submission = Submission(None, properties=properties, oozie_id='test', fs=MockFs()) assert_equal(properties, submission._update_properties('jtaddress', 'deployment-directory') assert_equal(final_properties, clear_sys_caches() fs = cluster.get_hdfs() jt = cluster.get_next_ha_mrcluster()[1] final_properties = properties.copy() final_properties.update({ 'jobTracker': 'jtaddress', 'nameNode': fs.fs_defaultfs }) submission = Submission(None, properties=properties, oozie_id='test', fs=fs, jt=jt) assert_equal(properties, submission._update_properties('jtaddress', 'deployment-directory') assert_equal(final_properties, finish.append(HDFS_CLUSTERS['default'].LOGICAL_NAME.set_for_testing('namenode')) finish.append(MR_CLUSTERS['default'].LOGICAL_NAME.set_for_testing('jobtracker')) clear_sys_caches() fs = cluster.get_hdfs() jt = cluster.get_next_ha_mrcluster()[1] final_properties = properties.copy() final_properties.update({ 'jobTracker': 'jobtracker', 'nameNode': 'namenode' }) submission = Submission(None, properties=properties, oozie_id='test', fs=fs, jt=jt) assert_equal(properties, submission._update_properties('jtaddress', 'deployment-directory') assert_equal(final_properties, finally: clear_sys_caches() for reset in finish: reset() def test_get_external_parameters(self): xml = """ <workflow-app name="Pig" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4"> <start to="Pig"/> <action name="Pig"> <pig> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <prepare> <delete path="${output}"/> </prepare> <script>aggregate.pig</script> <argument>-param</argument> <argument>INPUT=${input}</argument> <argument>-param</argument> <argument>OUTPUT=${output}</argument> <configuration> <property> <name>mapred.input.format.class</name> <value>org.apache.hadoop.examples.SleepJob$SleepInputFormat</value> </property> </configuration> </pig> <ok to="end"/> <error to="kill"/> </action> <kill name="kill"> <message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message> </kill> <end name="end"/> </workflow-app> """ properties = """ # # Licensed to the Hue # nameNode=hdfs://localhost:8020 jobTracker=localhost:8021 queueName=default examplesRoot=examples oozie.use.system.libpath=true${nameNode}/user/${}/${examplesRoot}/apps/pig """ parameters = Submission(self.user)._get_external_parameters(xml, properties) assert_equal({'oozie.use.system.libpath': 'true', 'input': '', 'jobTracker': 'localhost:8021', '': '${nameNode}/user/${}/${examplesRoot}/apps/pig', 'examplesRoot': 'examples', 'output': '', 'nameNode': 'hdfs://localhost:8020', 'queueName': 'default' }, parameters)
# Copyright (c) 2020 Xiaomi Corporation (author: <NAME>) # See ../../../LICENSE for clarification regarding multiple authors import torch from torch.utils.dlpack import to_dlpack from .fsa import Fsa from _k2host import _is_valid from _k2host import _is_top_sorted from _k2host import _is_arc_sorted from _k2host import _has_self_loops from _k2host import _is_acyclic from _k2host import _is_deterministic from _k2host import _is_epsilon_free from _k2host import _is_connected from _k2host import _is_empty def is_valid(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_valid(fsa.get_base()) def is_top_sorted(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_top_sorted(fsa.get_base()) def is_arc_sorted(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_arc_sorted(fsa.get_base()) def has_self_loops(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _has_self_loops(fsa.get_base()) def is_acyclic(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_acyclic(fsa.get_base()) def is_deterministic(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_deterministic(fsa.get_base()) def is_epsilon_free(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_epsilon_free(fsa.get_base()) def is_connected(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_connected(fsa.get_base()) def is_empty(fsa: Fsa) -> bool: return _is_empty(fsa.get_base())
leetcode/1672 Richest Customer
class Solution(object): def maximumWealth(self, accounts): """ :type accounts: List[List[int]] :rtype: int """ # Runtime: 36 ms # Memory: 13.5 MB return max(map(sum, accounts))
import pandas as pd import requests from lxml import etree import re, time, random, datetime from queue import Queue import threading class Review: headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 \ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36" } proxies = { "http": "", } def __init__(self, domain): self.view_list = [] self.page_list = [] self.url_queue = Queue() if domain.strip().lower() == 'jp': self.row_url = "" elif domain.strip().lower == 'com': self.row_url = "" self.s = requests.Session() self.s.get(url=self.row_url, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies) def get_review(self, url): res = self.s.get(url, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies) if res.status_code != 200: print("请求出错,状态码为:%s" % res.status_code) print(res.text) return res_html = etree.HTML(res.text) # 商品评价名称 view_goods = res_html.xpath('//span[@class="a-list-item"]/a/text()')[0] # 商品评价容器 view_con = res_html.xpath('//div[@class="a-section review aok-relative"]') for each_view in view_con: # 评价人 view_name = each_view.xpath('.//span[@class="a-profile-name"]/text()')[0] view_star_raw = each_view.xpath('.//div[@class="a-row"]/a[@class="a-link-normal"]/@title')[0] # 评价星级 view_star = view_star_raw.split(' ')[0] # 评价title view_title = each_view.xpath('.//a[@data-hook="review-title"]/span/text()')[0] # 评价日期 view_date = each_view.xpath('.//span[@data-hook="review-date"]/text()')[0] view_format = each_view.xpath('.//a[@data-hook="format-strip"]/text()') view_colour = None view_size = None try: for each in view_format: if"color|colour|色", each, re.I): view_colour = each.split(':')[1].strip() if"size|style|サイズ", each, re.I): view_size = each.split(":")[1].strip() except: pass # 评价内容 view_body = each_view.xpath('string(.//span[@data-hook="review-body"]/span)') # 评价有用数量 try: view_useful_raw = each_view.xpath('.//span[@data-hook="helpful-vote-statement"]/text()')[0] view_useful = view_useful_raw.split(' ')[0] if view_useful == 'one': view_useful = 1 try: view_useful = int(view_useful) except: pass except: view_useful = 0 # 商品的评价信息表 each_view_list = [view_goods, view_name, view_star, view_title, view_date, view_colour, view_size, view_body, view_useful] self.view_list.append(each_view_list) # print(self.view_list[-1]) def run(self, data): goods_data = pd.read_excel(data, encoding='utf-8') base_url = self.row_url + "/product-reviews/" # goods_data.drop_duplicates(subset=['r','评价数量'],inplace=True) for each_asin, each_count in zip(goods_data['ASIN'][5:50], goods_data['goods_review_count'][5:50]): if each_asin and int(each_count) > 0: if int(each_count) % 10 == 0: end_page = int(each_count) // 10 + 1 else: end_page = int(each_count) // 10 + 2 for page in range(1, end_page): if page == 1: url = base_url + each_asin else: url = base_url + each_asin + '?pageNumber=' + str(page) self.url_queue.put(url) print("review_page_%d" % page, url) time.sleep(1.5) while True: try: review_threads = [threading.Thread(target=self.get_review, args=(self.url_queue.get(),)) for m in range(30) if not self.url_queue.empty()] for each in review_threads: each.start() print("队列剩余数量", self.url_queue.qsize()) for each in review_threads: each.join() except: print("请求链接出错,重试中...") pass time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5,2.1)) if self.url_queue.empty(): break view_goods_pd = pd.DataFrame(self.view_list, columns=['review_goods', 'review_name', 'review_star', 'review_title', 'review_date', 'review_colour', 'review_size', 'review_body', 'review_useful']) view_goods_pd.drop_duplicates(subset=['review_name', 'review_date','review_body'], inplace=True) aft ='%m%d%H%M') file_name = r'../data/goods_review/' + "reviews_" + aft + ".xlsx" view_goods_pd.to_excel(file_name, encoding='utf-8', engine='xlsxwriter') print("共获取评论数量:", len(self.view_list)) if __name__ == '__main__': data = r"../data/category/Kid's Weighted Blankets_08_28_13_22.xlsx" review = Review(domain='com')
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page from rest_framework.generics import ( ListAPIView, RetrieveAPIView, CreateAPIView, UpdateAPIView, DestroyAPIView ) from .models import Pokemon from .serializers import PokemonSerializer from .filters import PokemonFilterSet # Create your views here. class PokemonListAPIView(ListAPIView): queryset = Pokemon.objects.all() serializer_class = PokemonSerializer filterset_class = PokemonFilterSet @method_decorator(cache_page(7200)) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs) class PokemonDetailAPIView(RetrieveAPIView): queryset = Pokemon.objects.all() serializer_class = PokemonSerializer @method_decorator(cache_page(7200)) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs) class PokemonCreateAPIView(CreateAPIView): queryset = Pokemon.objects.all() serializer_class = PokemonSerializer class PokemonUpdateAPIView(UpdateAPIView): queryset = Pokemon.objects.all() serializer_class = PokemonSerializer class PokemonDeleteAPIView(DestroyAPIView): queryset = Pokemon.objects.all() serializer_class = PokemonSerializer
"""\ Dialog to show details of internal errors. @copyright: 2014-2016 <NAME> @copyright: 2017 <NAME> @license: MIT (see LICENSE.txt) - THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH NO WARRANTY """ import bugdialog_ui import config import log import logging import sys import wx class BugReport(bugdialog_ui.UIBugDialog): "Dialog to show details of internal errors" _disabled = False # Flag to prevent dialog popups during test runs. def __init__(self): self._disabled = getattr(sys, '_called_from_test', False) bugdialog_ui.UIBugDialog.__init__(self, None, -1, "") def SetContent(self, msg, exc): """Prepare given exception information and show it as dialog content. msg: Short description of the action that has raised this error exc: Caught exception (Exception instance) see: SetContentEI()""" if self._disabled: return exc_type = exc.__class__.__name__ exc_msg = str(exc) header = self.st_header.GetLabel() % {'action': msg} log.exception_orig(header) self._fill_dialog(exc_msg, exc_type, header) def SetContentEI(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, msg=_('An internal error occurred')): """Format given exception and add details to dialog. exc_type: Exception type exc_value: Exception value exc_tb: Exception traceback msg: Short description of the exception see: SetContent()""" if self._disabled: return # don't use exception() because it overwrites exc_info with 1 logging.error(msg, exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) self._fill_dialog(msg, exc_type, _('An internal error occurred')) def _fill_dialog(self, exc_msg, exc_type, header): """Fill the bug dialog exc_msg: Short exception summary exc_type: Exception type as string header: Initial message see: L{SetContent(), SetContentEI()""" details = log.getBufferAsString() if not exc_msg: exc_msg = _('No summary available') summary = self.st_summary.GetLabel() % { 'exc_type':exc_type, 'exc_msg':exc_msg } self.st_header.SetLabel(header) self.st_summary.SetLabel(summary) self.tc_details.SetValue(details) howto = self.tc_howto_report.GetValue() howto = howto % {'log_file': config.log_file} self.tc_howto_report.SetValue(howto) def OnCopy(self, event): "Copy the dialog content to the clipboard" text = self.tc_details.GetValue() if not text: return data = wx.TextDataObject(text) if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(data) wx.TheClipboard.Close() else: wx.MessageBox("Unable to open the clipboard", "Error") def ShowModal(self, **kwargs): if getattr(sys, '_called_from_test', False): return wx.ID_OK super(BugReport, self).ShowModal(**kwargs) def Show(msg, exc): """Wrapper for creating a L{BugReport} dialog and show the details of the given exception instance. msg: Short description of the action that has raised this error exc: Caught exception see ShowEI(), BugReport.SetContent()""" dialog = BugReport() dialog.SetContent(msg, exc) dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy() def ShowEI(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, msg=None): """Wrapper for creating a L{BugReport} dialog and show the given exception details. exc_type: Exception type exc_value: Exception value exc_tb: Exception traceback msg: Short description of the exception see: L{Show(), BugReport.SetContent()""" dialog = BugReport() dialog.SetContentEI(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, msg) dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy() def ShowEnvironmentError(msg, inst): """Show EnvironmentError exceptions detailed and user-friendly msg: Error message inst: The caught exception""" details = {'msg':msg, 'type':inst.__class__.__name__} if inst.filename: details['filename'] = _('Filename: %s') % inst.filename if inst.errno is not None and inst.strerror is not None: details['error'] = '%s - %s' % (inst.errno, inst.strerror) else: details['error'] = str(inst.args) text = _("""%(msg)s Error type: %(type)s Error code: %(error)s %(filename)s""") % details wx.MessageBox(text, _('Error'), wx.OK | wx.CENTRE | wx.ICON_ERROR)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Lint as: python3 """Sentencize the raw wikitext103.""" import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf app = flags = tf.flags gfile = tf.gfile logging = tf.logging flags.DEFINE_string("wiki103_raw", None, "Path to raw wikitext103 train corpus.") flags.DEFINE_string("output_path", None, "Path to output the processed dataset.") FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def main(_): with open(FLAGS.wiki103_raw, "r") as f: data ="\n") data = [x.split(" . ") for x in data if x.strip() and x.strip()[0] != "="] sentences = [] for para in data: for sent in para: sentences.append(sent + ".") data = "\n".join(sentences) data = data.replace(" @.@ ", ".").replace(" @-@ ", "-").replace(" ,", ",") data = data.replace(" \'", "\'").replace(" )", ")").replace("( ", "(") data = data.replace(" ;", ";") data = "\n".join([x for x in data.split("\n") if len(x.split()) > 3])"length = %d", len(data.split("\n"))) with open(FLAGS.output_path, "w") as f: f.write(data) if __name__ == "__main__":
votes_t_shape = [3, 0, 1, 2] for i in range(6 - 4): votes_t_shape += [i + 4] print(votes_t_shape)
""" Celery queued tasks for Helios 2010-08-01 <EMAIL> """ import copy from celery import shared_task from celery.utils.log import get_logger import signals from models import CastVote, Election, Voter, VoterFile from view_utils import render_template_raw @shared_task def cast_vote_verify_and_store(cast_vote_id, status_update_message=None, **kwargs): cast_vote = CastVote.objects.get(id=cast_vote_id) result = cast_vote.verify_and_store() voter = cast_vote.voter election = voter.election user = voter.get_user() if result: # send the signal signals.vote_cast.send(sender=election, election=election, user=user, voter=voter, cast_vote=cast_vote) if status_update_message and user.can_update_status(): user.update_status(status_update_message) else: logger = get_logger(cast_vote_verify_and_store.__name__) logger.error("Failed to verify and store %d" % cast_vote_id) @shared_task def voters_email(election_id, subject_template, body_template, extra_vars={}, voter_constraints_include=None, voter_constraints_exclude=None): """ voter_constraints_include are conditions on including voters voter_constraints_exclude are conditions on excluding voters """ election = Election.objects.get(id=election_id) # select the right list of voters voters = election.voter_set.all() if voter_constraints_include: voters = voters.filter(**voter_constraints_include) if voter_constraints_exclude: voters = voters.exclude(**voter_constraints_exclude) for voter in voters: single_voter_email.delay(voter.uuid, subject_template, body_template, extra_vars) @shared_task def voters_notify(election_id, notification_template, extra_vars={}): election = Election.objects.get(id=election_id) for voter in election.voter_set.all(): single_voter_notify.delay(voter.uuid, notification_template, extra_vars) @shared_task def single_voter_email(voter_uuid, subject_template, body_template, extra_vars={}): voter = Voter.objects.get(uuid=voter_uuid) the_vars = copy.copy(extra_vars) the_vars.update({'voter': voter}) subject = render_template_raw(None, subject_template, the_vars) body = render_template_raw(None, body_template, the_vars) voter.send_message(subject, body) @shared_task def single_voter_notify(voter_uuid, notification_template, extra_vars={}): voter = Voter.objects.get(uuid=voter_uuid) the_vars = copy.copy(extra_vars) the_vars.update({'voter': voter}) notification = render_template_raw(None, notification_template, the_vars) voter.send_notification(notification) @shared_task def election_compute_tally(election_id): election = Election.objects.get(id=election_id) election.compute_tally() election_notify_admin.delay(election_id=election_id, subject="encrypted tally computed", body=""" The encrypted tally for election %s has been computed. -- Helios """ % if election.has_helios_trustee(): tally_helios_decrypt.delay( @shared_task def tally_helios_decrypt(election_id): election = Election.objects.get(id=election_id) election.helios_trustee_decrypt() election_notify_admin.delay(election_id=election_id, subject='Helios Decrypt', body=""" Helios has decrypted its portion of the tally for election %s. -- Helios """ % @shared_task def voter_file_process(voter_file_id): voter_file = VoterFile.objects.get(id=voter_file_id) voter_file.process() election_notify_admin.delay(, subject='voter file processed', body=""" Your voter file upload for election %s has been processed. %s voters have been created. -- Helios """ % (, voter_file.num_voters)) @shared_task def election_notify_admin(election_id, subject, body): election = Election.objects.get(id=election_id) election.admin.send_message(subject, body)
import pyaudio import wave from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 from scipy import signal from swan import pycwt CHUNK = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 # int16型 CHANNELS = 1 # 1;monoral 2;ステレオ- RATE = 22100 # 22.1kHz 44.1kHz RECORD_SECONDS = 5 # 5秒録音 WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "output2.wav" p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) s=1 # figureの初期化 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313) ax2.axis([0, 5, 200,20000]) ax2.set_yscale('log') while True: fig.delaxes(ax1) fig.delaxes(ax3) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313) print("* recording") frames = [] for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * RECORD_SECONDS)): data = frames.append(data) print("* done recording") wf =, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(CHANNELS) wf.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames)) wf.close() wavfile = WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME wr =, "rb") ch = CHANNELS #wr.getnchannels() width = p.get_sample_size(FORMAT) #wr.getsampwidth() fr = RATE #wr.getframerate() fn = wr.getnframes() fs = fn / fr origin = wr.readframes(wr.getnframes()) data = origin[:fn] wr.close() sig = np.frombuffer(data, dtype="int16") /32768.0 t = np.linspace(0,fs, fn/2, endpoint=False) ax1.axis([0, 5, -0.0075,0.0075]) ax1.plot(t, sig) nperseg = 256 f, t, Zxx = signal.stft(sig, fs=fs*fn/50, nperseg=nperseg) ax2.pcolormesh(t, 5*f, np.abs(Zxx), cmap='hsv') freq =fft(sig,int(fn/2)) Pyy = np.sqrt(freq*freq.conj())*2/fn f = np.arange(int(fn/2)) ax3.axis([200, 20000, 0,0.000075]) ax3.set_xscale('log') ax3.plot(f,Pyy) plt.pause(1) plt.savefig('figure'+str(s)+'.png') s += 1
# Generated by Django 3.1.2 on 2020-10-26 12:21 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('games', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='game', name='score', field=models.FloatField(null=True, verbose_name='Score'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='game', name='series', field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='games.series'), ), ]
# Copyright 2014-2018 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function, division from pyscf.nao.m_coulomb_am import coulomb_am import numpy as np try: import numba as nb from pyscf.nao.m_numba_utils import fill_triu_v2, fill_tril use_numba = True except: use_numba = False # # # def comp_coulomb_pack(sv, ao_log=None, funct=coulomb_am, dtype=np.float64, **kvargs): """ Computes the matrix elements given by funct, for instance coulomb interaction Args: sv : (System Variables), this must have arrays of coordinates and species, etc ao_log : description of functions (either orbitals or product basis functions) Returns: matrix elements for the whole system in packed form (lower triangular part) """ from pyscf.nao.m_ao_matelem import ao_matelem_c from pyscf.nao.m_pack2den import ij2pack_l aome = ao_matelem_c(sv.ao_log.rr, sv.ao_log.pp) me = ao_matelem_c(sv.ao_log) if ao_log is None else aome.init_one_set(ao_log) atom2s = np.zeros((sv.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom,sp in enumerate(sv.atom2sp): atom2s[atom+1]=atom2s[atom]+me.ao1.sp2norbs[sp] norbs = atom2s[-1] res = np.zeros(norbs*(norbs+1)//2, dtype=dtype) for atom1,[sp1,rv1,s1,f1] in enumerate(zip(sv.atom2sp,sv.atom2coord,atom2s,atom2s[1:])): #print("atom1 = {0}, rv1 = {1}".format(atom1, rv1)) for atom2,[sp2,rv2,s2,f2] in enumerate(zip(sv.atom2sp,sv.atom2coord,atom2s,atom2s[1:])): if atom2>atom1: continue # skip oo2f = funct(me,sp1,rv1,sp2,rv2, **kvargs) if use_numba: fill_triu_v2(oo2f, res, s1, f1, s2, f2, norbs) else: for i1 in range(s1,f1): for i2 in range(s2, min(i1+1, f2)): res[ij2pack_l(i1,i2,norbs)] = oo2f[i1-s1,i2-s2] #print("number call = ", count) #print("sum kernel: {0:.6f}".format(np.sum(abs(res)))) #np.savetxt("kernel_pyscf.txt", res) #import sys #sys.exit() return res, norbs
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # || ____ _ __ # +------+ / __ )(_) /_______________ _____ ___ # | 0xBC | / __ / / __/ ___/ ___/ __ `/_ / / _ \ # +------+ / /_/ / / /_/ /__/ / / /_/ / / /_/ __/ # || || /_____/_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/ /___/\___/ # # Copyright (C) 2018 Bitcraze AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. import math import sys import unittest from cflib.crazyflie import Crazyflie from cflib.crazyflie import HighLevelCommander from cflib.crazyflie import Param from cflib.positioning.position_hl_commander import PositionHlCommander if sys.version_info < (3, 3): from mock import MagicMock, patch, call else: from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, call @patch('time.sleep') class TestPositionHlCommander(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.commander_mock = MagicMock(spec=HighLevelCommander) self.param_mock = MagicMock(spec=Param) self.cf_mock = MagicMock(spec=Crazyflie) self.cf_mock.high_level_commander = self.commander_mock self.cf_mock.param = self.param_mock self.cf_mock.is_connected.return_value = True self.sut = PositionHlCommander(self.cf_mock) def test_that_the_estimator_is_reset_on_take_off( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture sut = PositionHlCommander(self.cf_mock, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) # Test sut.take_off() # Assert self.param_mock.set_value.assert_has_calls([ call('kalman.initialX', '{:.2f}'.format(1.0)), call('kalman.initialY', '{:.2f}'.format(2.0)), call('kalman.initialZ', '{:.2f}'.format(3.0)), call('kalman.resetEstimation', '1'), call('kalman.resetEstimation', '0') ]) def test_that_the_hi_level_commander_is_activated_on_take_off( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture # Test self.sut.take_off() # Assert self.param_mock.set_value.assert_has_calls([ call('commander.enHighLevel', '1') ]) def test_that_controller_is_selected_on_take_off( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.set_controller(PositionHlCommander.CONTROLLER_MELLINGER) # Test self.sut.take_off() # Assert self.param_mock.set_value.assert_has_calls([ call('stabilizer.controller', '2') ]) def test_that_take_off_raises_exception_if_not_connected( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.cf_mock.is_connected.return_value = False # Test # Assert with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.sut.take_off() def test_that_take_off_raises_exception_when_already_flying( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() # Test # Assert with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.sut.take_off() def test_that_it_goes_up_on_take_off( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture # Test self.sut.take_off(height=0.4, velocity=0.6) # Assert duration = 0.4 / 0.6 self.commander_mock.takeoff.assert_called_with(0.4, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_up_to_default_height( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture sut = PositionHlCommander(self.cf_mock, default_height=0.4) # Test sut.take_off(velocity=0.6) # Assert duration = 0.4 / 0.6 self.commander_mock.takeoff.assert_called_with(0.4, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_down_on_landing( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off(height=0.4) # Test # Assert duration = 0.4 / 0.6, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_takes_off_and_lands_as_context_manager( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture # Test with self.sut: pass # Assert duration1 = 0.5 / 0.5 duration2 = 0.5 / 0.5 self.commander_mock.takeoff.assert_called_with(0.5, duration1), duration2) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration1) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration2) def test_that_it_returns_current_position( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off(height=0.4, velocity=0.6) # Test actual = self.sut.get_position() # Assert self.assertEqual(actual, (0.0, 0.0, 0.4)) def test_that_it_goes_to_position( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.go_to(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) # Assert distance = self._distance(inital_pos, (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) duration = distance / 4.0 self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_moves_distance( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.move_distance(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) # Assert distance = self._distance((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) duration = distance / 4.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0] + 1.0, inital_pos[1] + 2.0, inital_pos[2] + 3.0) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_forward( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.forward(1.0, 2.0) # Assert duration = 1.0 / 2.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0] + 1.0, inital_pos[1], inital_pos[2]) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_back( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.back(1.0, 2.0) # Assert duration = 1.0 / 2.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0] - 1.0, inital_pos[1], inital_pos[2]) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_left( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.left(1.0, 2.0) # Assert duration = 1.0 / 2.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0], inital_pos[1] + 1.0, inital_pos[2]) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_right( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.right(1.0, 2.0) # Assert duration = 1.0 / 2.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0], inital_pos[1] - 1, inital_pos[2]) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_up( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.up(1.0, 2.0) # Assert duration = 1.0 / 2.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0], inital_pos[1], inital_pos[2] + 1) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_it_goes_down( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() # Test self.sut.down(1.0, 2.0) # Assert duration = 1.0 / 2.0 final_pos = ( inital_pos[0], inital_pos[1], inital_pos[2] - 1) self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( final_pos[0], final_pos[1], final_pos[2], 0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_default_velocity_is_used( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() self.sut.set_default_velocity(7) # Test self.sut.go_to(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) # Assert distance = self._distance(inital_pos, (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) duration = distance / 7.0 self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) def test_that_default_height_is_used( self, sleep_mock): # Fixture self.sut.take_off() inital_pos = self.sut.get_position() self.sut.set_default_velocity(7.0) self.sut.set_default_height(5.0) # Test self.sut.go_to(1.0, 2.0) # Assert distance = self._distance(inital_pos, (1.0, 2.0, 5.0)) duration = distance / 7.0 self.commander_mock.go_to.assert_called_with( 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.0, duration) sleep_mock.assert_called_with(duration) ###################################################################### def _distance(self, p1, p2): dx = p1[0] - p2[0] dy = p1[1] - p2[1] dz = p1[2] - p2[2] return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# from django.urls import path, register_converter from fiesta import converters from fiesta.views import views from rest_framework.urlpatterns import format_suffix_patterns # "" # "" register_converter(converters.ResourceConverter, 'res') register_converter(converters.AgencyConverter, 'age') register_converter(converters.ContextConverter, 'con') urlpatterns = [ path('wsreg/SubmitStructure/', views.SubmitStructureRequestView.as_view()), path('wsrest/schema/<con:context>/<age:agencyID>/<str:resourceID>', views.SDMXRESTfulSchemaView.as_view()), path('wsrest/schema/<con:context>/<age:agencyID>/<str:resourceID>/<str:version>', views.SDMXRESTfulSchemaView.as_view()), path('wsrest/<res:resource>/', views.SDMXRESTfulStructureView.as_view()), path('wsrest/<res:resource>/<age:agencyID>/', views.SDMXRESTfulStructureView.as_view()), path('wsrest/<res:resource>/<age:agencyID>/<str:resourceID>/', views.SDMXRESTfulStructureView.as_view()), path('wsrest/<res:resource>/<age:agencyID>/<str:resourceID>/' '<str:version>/', views.SDMXRESTfulStructureView.as_view()), ] urlpatterns = format_suffix_patterns(urlpatterns)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Generated Mon May 2 14:23:33 2011 by version 0.4. # # A summary of available specifications can be found at: # # # saml core specifications to be found at: # if any question arise please query the following pdf. # # The specification was later updated with errata, and the new version is here: # # try: from base64 import encodebytes as b64encode except ImportError: from base64 import b64encode from saml2.validate import valid_ipv4, MustValueError from saml2.validate import valid_ipv6 from saml2.validate import ShouldValueError from saml2.validate import valid_domain_name import saml2 from saml2 import SamlBase import six from saml2 import xmldsig as ds from saml2 import xmlenc as xenc # authentication information fields NAMESPACE = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion' # xmlschema definition XSD = "xs" # xmlschema templates and extensions XS_NAMESPACE = '' # xmlschema-instance, which contains several builtin attributes XSI_NAMESPACE = '' # xml soap namespace NS_SOAP_ENC = "" # type definitions for xmlschemas XSI_TYPE = '{%s}type' % XSI_NAMESPACE # nil type definition for xmlschemas XSI_NIL = '{%s}nil' % XSI_NAMESPACE # idp and sp communicate usually about a subject(NameID) # the format determines the category the subject is in # custom subject NAMEID_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified") # subject as email address NAMEID_FORMAT_EMAILADDRESS = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress") # subject as x509 key NAMEID_FORMAT_X509SUBJECTNAME = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName") # subject as windows domain name NAMEID_FORMAT_WINDOWSDOMAINQUALIFIEDNAME = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:WindowsDomainQualifiedName") # subject from a kerberos instance NAMEID_FORMAT_KERBEROS = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:kerberos") # subject as name NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity") # linked subject NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent") # annonymous subject NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient") # subject avaiable in encrypted format NAMEID_FORMAT_ENCRYPTED = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:encrypted") # dicc for avaiable formats NAMEID_FORMATS_SAML2 = ( ('NAMEID_FORMAT_EMAILADDRESS', NAMEID_FORMAT_EMAILADDRESS), ('NAMEID_FORMAT_ENCRYPTED', NAMEID_FORMAT_ENCRYPTED), ('NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY', NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY), ('NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT', NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT), ('NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT', NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT), ('NAMEID_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED', NAMEID_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED), ) # a profile outlines a set of rules describing how to embed SAML assertions. # # The specification was later updated with errata, and the new version is here: # # XML based values for SAML attributes PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_BASIC = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:attribute:basic") # an AuthnRequest is made to initiate authentication # authenticate the request with login credentials AUTHN_PASSWORD = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password" # authenticate the request with login credentials, over tls/https AUTHN_PASSWORD_PROTECTED = \ "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport" # attribute statements is key:value metadata shared with your app # custom format NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED = ( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified") # uri format NAME_FORMAT_URI = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri" # XML-based format NAME_FORMAT_BASIC = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic" # dicc for avaiable formats NAME_FORMATS_SAML2 = ( ('NAME_FORMAT_BASIC', NAME_FORMAT_BASIC), ('NAME_FORMAT_URI', NAME_FORMAT_URI), ('NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED', NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED), ) # the SAML authority's decision can be predetermined by arbitrary context # the specified action is permitted DECISION_TYPE_PERMIT = "Permit" # the specified action is denied DECISION_TYPE_DENY = "Deny" # the SAML authority cannot determine if the action is permitted or denied DECISION_TYPE_INDETERMINATE = "Indeterminate" # consent attributes determine wether consent has been given and under # what conditions # no claim to consent is made CONSENT_UNSPECIFIED = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unspecified" # consent has been obtained CONSENT_OBTAINED = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:obtained" # consent has been obtained before the message has been initiated CONSENT_PRIOR = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:prior" # consent has been obtained implicitly CONSENT_IMPLICIT = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:current-implicit" # consent has been obtained explicitly CONSENT_EXPLICIT = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:current-explicit" # no consent has been obtained CONSENT_UNAVAILABLE = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unavailable" # no consent is needed. CONSENT_INAPPLICABLE = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:inapplicable" # Subject confirmation methods(scm), can be issued, besides the subject itself # by third parties. # # the 3rd party is identified on behalf of the subject given private/public key SCM_HOLDER_OF_KEY = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:holder-of-key" # the 3rd party is identified by subject confirmation and must include a security header # signing its content. SCM_SENDER_VOUCHES = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:sender-vouches" # a bearer token is issued instead. SCM_BEARER = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer" class AttributeValueBase(SamlBase): def __init__(self, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): self._extatt = {} SamlBase.__init__(self, text=None, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) if self._extatt: self.extension_attributes = self._extatt if text: self.set_text(text) elif not extension_elements: self.extension_attributes = {XSI_NIL: 'true'} elif XSI_TYPE in self.extension_attributes: del self.extension_attributes[XSI_TYPE] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key == "text": self.set_text(value) else: SamlBase.__setattr__(self, key, value) def verify(self): if not self.text and not self.extension_elements: if not self.extension_attributes: raise Exception( "Attribute value base should not have extension attributes" ) if self.extension_attributes[XSI_NIL] != "true": raise Exception( "Attribute value base should not have extension attributes" ) return True else: SamlBase.verify(self) def set_type(self, typ): try: del self.extension_attributes[XSI_NIL] except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass try: self.extension_attributes[XSI_TYPE] = typ except AttributeError: self._extatt[XSI_TYPE] = typ if typ.startswith('xs:'): try: self.extension_attributes['xmlns:xs'] = XS_NAMESPACE except AttributeError: self._extatt['xmlns:xs'] = XS_NAMESPACE if typ.startswith('xsd:'): try: self.extension_attributes['xmlns:xsd'] = XS_NAMESPACE except AttributeError: self._extatt['xmlns:xsd'] = XS_NAMESPACE def get_type(self): try: return self.extension_attributes[XSI_TYPE] except (KeyError, AttributeError): try: return self._extatt[XSI_TYPE] except KeyError: return "" def clear_type(self): try: del self.extension_attributes[XSI_TYPE] except KeyError: pass try: del self._extatt[XSI_TYPE] except KeyError: pass def set_text(self, value, base64encode=False): def _wrong_type_value(xsd, value): msg = 'Type and value do not match: {xsd}:{type}:{value}' msg = msg.format(xsd=xsd, type=type(value), value=value) raise ValueError(msg) # only work with six.string_types _str = unicode if six.PY2 else str if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): value = value.decode('utf-8') type_to_xsd = { _str: 'string', int: 'integer', float: 'float', bool: 'boolean', type(None): '', } # entries of xsd-types each declaring: # - a corresponding python type # - a function to turn a string into that type # - a function to turn that type into a text-value xsd_types_props = { 'string': { 'type': _str, 'to_type': _str, 'to_text': _str, }, 'integer': { 'type': int, 'to_type': int, 'to_text': _str, }, 'short': { 'type': int, 'to_type': int, 'to_text': _str, }, 'int': { 'type': int, 'to_type': int, 'to_text': _str, }, 'long': { 'type': int, 'to_type': int, 'to_text': _str, }, 'float': { 'type': float, 'to_type': float, 'to_text': _str, }, 'double': { 'type': float, 'to_type': float, 'to_text': _str, }, 'boolean': { 'type': bool, 'to_type': lambda x: { 'true': True, 'false': False, }[_str(x).lower()], 'to_text': lambda x: _str(x).lower(), }, 'base64Binary': { 'type': _str, 'to_type': _str, 'to_text': ( lambda x: b64encode(x.encode()) if base64encode else x ), }, 'anyType': { 'type': type(value), 'to_type': lambda x: x, 'to_text': lambda x: x, }, '': { 'type': type(None), 'to_type': lambda x: None, 'to_text': lambda x: '', }, } xsd_string = ( 'base64Binary' if base64encode else self.get_type() or type_to_xsd.get(type(value))) xsd_ns, xsd_type = ( ['', type(None)] if xsd_string is None else ['', ''] if xsd_string == '' else [ XSD if xsd_string in xsd_types_props else '', xsd_string ] if ':' not in xsd_string else xsd_string.split(':', 1)) xsd_type_props = xsd_types_props.get(xsd_type, {}) valid_type = xsd_type_props.get('type', type(None)) to_type = xsd_type_props.get('to_type', str) to_text = xsd_type_props.get('to_text', str) # cast to correct type before type-checking if type(value) is _str and valid_type is not _str: try: value = to_type(value) except (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError): # the cast failed _wrong_type_value(xsd=xsd_type, value=value) if type(value) is not valid_type: _wrong_type_value(xsd=xsd_type, value=value) text = to_text(value) self.set_type( '{ns}:{type}'.format(ns=xsd_ns, type=xsd_type) if xsd_ns else xsd_type if xsd_type else '') SamlBase.__setattr__(self, 'text', text) return self def harvest_element_tree(self, tree): # Fill in the instance members from the contents of the XML tree. for child in tree: self._convert_element_tree_to_member(child) for attribute, value in iter(tree.attrib.items()): self._convert_element_attribute_to_member(attribute, value) # if we have added children to this node # we consider whitespace insignificant # and remove/trim/strip whitespace # and expect to not have actual text content text = ( tree.text.strip() if tree.text and self.extension_elements else tree.text ) if text: #print("set_text:", tree.text) # clear type #self.clear_type() self.set_text(text) # if we have added a text node # or other children to this node # remove the nil marker if text or self.extension_elements: if XSI_NIL in self.extension_attributes: del self.extension_attributes[XSI_NIL] class BaseIDAbstractType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:BaseIDAbstractType element """ c_tag = 'BaseIDAbstractType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_attributes['NameQualifier'] = ('name_qualifier', 'string', False) c_attributes['SPNameQualifier'] = ('sp_name_qualifier', 'string', False) def __init__(self, name_qualifier=None, sp_name_qualifier=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.name_qualifier = name_qualifier self.sp_name_qualifier = sp_name_qualifier class NameIDType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:NameIDType element """ c_tag = 'NameIDType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'string'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_attributes['NameQualifier'] = ('name_qualifier', 'string', False) c_attributes['SPNameQualifier'] = ('sp_name_qualifier', 'string', False) c_attributes['Format'] = ('format', 'anyURI', False) c_attributes['SPProvidedID'] = ('sp_provided_id', 'string', False) def __init__(self, name_qualifier=None, sp_name_qualifier=None, format=None, sp_provided_id=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.name_qualifier = name_qualifier self.sp_name_qualifier = sp_name_qualifier self.format = format self.sp_provided_id = sp_provided_id def name_id_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(NameIDType_, xml_string) class EncryptedElementType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:EncryptedElementType element """ c_tag = 'EncryptedElementType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{}EncryptedData'] = ( 'encrypted_data', xenc.EncryptedData) c_children['{}EncryptedKey'] = ( 'encrypted_key', [xenc.EncryptedKey]) c_cardinality['encrypted_key'] = {"min": 0} c_child_order.extend(['encrypted_data', 'encrypted_key']) def __init__(self, encrypted_data=None, encrypted_key=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.encrypted_data = encrypted_data self.encrypted_key = encrypted_key or [] def encrypted_element_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(EncryptedElementType_, xml_string) class EncryptedID(EncryptedElementType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:EncryptedID element """ c_tag = 'EncryptedID' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = EncryptedElementType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = EncryptedElementType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = EncryptedElementType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = EncryptedElementType_.c_cardinality.copy() def encrypted_id_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(EncryptedID, xml_string) class Issuer(NameIDType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Issuer element """ c_tag = 'Issuer' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = NameIDType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = NameIDType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = NameIDType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = NameIDType_.c_cardinality.copy() def issuer_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Issuer, xml_string) class AssertionIDRef(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AssertionIDRef element """ c_tag = 'AssertionIDRef' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'NCName'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def assertion_id_ref_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AssertionIDRef, xml_string) class AssertionURIRef(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AssertionURIRef element """ c_tag = 'AssertionURIRef' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyURI'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def assertion_uri_ref_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AssertionURIRef, xml_string) class SubjectConfirmationDataType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectConfirmationDataType element """ c_tag = 'SubjectConfirmationDataType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_attributes['NotBefore'] = ('not_before', 'dateTime', False) c_attributes['NotOnOrAfter'] = ('not_on_or_after', 'dateTime', False) c_attributes['Recipient'] = ('recipient', 'anyURI', False) c_attributes['InResponseTo'] = ('in_response_to', 'NCName', False) c_attributes['Address'] = ('address', 'string', False) c_any = {"namespace": "##any", "processContents": "lax", "minOccurs": "0", "maxOccurs": "unbounded"} c_any_attribute = {"namespace": "##other", "processContents": "lax"} def __init__(self, not_before=None, not_on_or_after=None, recipient=None, in_response_to=None, address=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.not_before = not_before self.not_on_or_after = not_on_or_after self.recipient = recipient self.in_response_to = in_response_to self.address = address def subject_confirmation_data_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectConfirmationDataType_, xml_string) class KeyInfoConfirmationDataType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:KeyInfoConfirmationDataType element """ c_tag = 'KeyInfoConfirmationDataType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{}KeyInfo'] = ('key_info', [ds.KeyInfo]) c_cardinality['key_info'] = {"min": 1} c_child_order.extend(['key_info']) def __init__(self, key_info=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.key_info = key_info or [] def key_info_confirmation_data_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(KeyInfoConfirmationDataType_, xml_string) class ConditionAbstractType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:ConditionAbstractType element """ c_tag = 'ConditionAbstractType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() class Audience(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Audience element """ c_tag = 'Audience' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyURI'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def audience_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Audience, xml_string) class OneTimeUseType_(ConditionAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:OneTimeUseType element """ c_tag = 'OneTimeUseType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ConditionAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ConditionAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ConditionAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ConditionAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() def one_time_use_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(OneTimeUseType_, xml_string) class ProxyRestrictionType_(ConditionAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:ProxyRestrictionType element """ c_tag = 'ProxyRestrictionType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ConditionAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ConditionAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ConditionAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ConditionAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Audience'] = ('audience', [Audience]) c_cardinality['audience'] = {"min": 0} c_attributes['Count'] = ('count', 'nonNegativeInteger', False) c_child_order.extend(['audience']) def __init__(self, audience=None, count=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): ConditionAbstractType_.__init__( self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.audience = audience or [] self.count = count def proxy_restriction_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(ProxyRestrictionType_, xml_string) class EncryptedAssertion(EncryptedElementType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:EncryptedAssertion element """ c_tag = 'EncryptedAssertion' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = EncryptedElementType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = EncryptedElementType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = EncryptedElementType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = EncryptedElementType_.c_cardinality.copy() def encrypted_assertion_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(EncryptedAssertion, xml_string) class StatementAbstractType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:StatementAbstractType element """ c_tag = 'StatementAbstractType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() class SubjectLocalityType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectLocalityType element """ c_tag = 'SubjectLocalityType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_attributes['Address'] = ('address', 'string', False) c_attributes['DNSName'] = ('dns_name', 'string', False) def __init__(self, address=None, dns_name=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.address = address self.dns_name = dns_name def subject_locality_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectLocalityType_, xml_string) class AuthnContextClassRef(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnContextClassRef element """ c_tag = 'AuthnContextClassRef' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyURI'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def authn_context_class_ref_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnContextClassRef, xml_string) class AuthnContextDeclRef(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnContextDeclRef element """ c_tag = 'AuthnContextDeclRef' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyURI'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def authn_context_decl_ref_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnContextDeclRef, xml_string) class AuthnContextDecl(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnContextDecl element """ c_tag = 'AuthnContextDecl' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyType'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def authn_context_decl_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnContextDecl, xml_string) class AuthenticatingAuthority(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthenticatingAuthority element """ c_tag = 'AuthenticatingAuthority' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyURI'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def authenticating_authority_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthenticatingAuthority, xml_string) class DecisionType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:DecisionType element """ c_tag = 'DecisionType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'string', 'enumeration': ['Permit', 'Deny', 'Indeterminate']} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def decision_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(DecisionType_, xml_string) class ActionType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:ActionType element """ c_tag = 'ActionType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'string'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_attributes['Namespace'] = ('namespace', 'anyURI', True) def __init__(self, namespace=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.namespace = namespace def action_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(ActionType_, xml_string) class AttributeValue(AttributeValueBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AttributeValue element """ c_tag = 'AttributeValue' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_value_type = {'base': 'anyType'} c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() def attribute_value_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AttributeValue, xml_string) class EncryptedAttribute(EncryptedElementType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:EncryptedAttribute element """ c_tag = 'EncryptedAttribute' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = EncryptedElementType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = EncryptedElementType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = EncryptedElementType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = EncryptedElementType_.c_cardinality.copy() def encrypted_attribute_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(EncryptedAttribute, xml_string) class BaseID(BaseIDAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:BaseID element """ c_tag = 'BaseID' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = BaseIDAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = BaseIDAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = BaseIDAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = BaseIDAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() def base_id_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(BaseID, xml_string) class NameID(NameIDType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:NameID element From the Oasis SAML2 Technical Overview: "The <NameID> element within a <Subject> offers the ability to provide name identifiers in a number of different formats. SAML's predefined formats include: Email address, X.509 subject name, Windows domain qualified name, Kerberos principal name, Entity identifier, Persistent identifier, Transient identifier." """ c_tag = 'NameID' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = NameIDType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = NameIDType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = NameIDType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = NameIDType_.c_cardinality.copy() def name_id_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(NameID, xml_string) class SubjectConfirmationData(SubjectConfirmationDataType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectConfirmationData element """ c_tag = 'SubjectConfirmationData' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SubjectConfirmationDataType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SubjectConfirmationDataType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SubjectConfirmationDataType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SubjectConfirmationDataType_.c_cardinality.copy() def subject_confirmation_data_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectConfirmationData, xml_string) class Condition(ConditionAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Condition element """ c_tag = 'Condition' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ConditionAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ConditionAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ConditionAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ConditionAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() def condition_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Condition, xml_string) class AudienceRestrictionType_(ConditionAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AudienceRestrictionType element """ c_tag = 'AudienceRestrictionType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ConditionAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ConditionAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ConditionAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ConditionAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Audience'] = ('audience', [Audience]) c_cardinality['audience'] = {"min": 1} c_child_order.extend(['audience']) def __init__(self, audience=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): ConditionAbstractType_.__init__( self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.audience = audience or [] def audience_restriction_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AudienceRestrictionType_, xml_string) class OneTimeUse(OneTimeUseType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:OneTimeUse element """ c_tag = 'OneTimeUse' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = OneTimeUseType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = OneTimeUseType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = OneTimeUseType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = OneTimeUseType_.c_cardinality.copy() def one_time_use_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(OneTimeUse, xml_string) class ProxyRestriction(ProxyRestrictionType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:ProxyRestriction element """ c_tag = 'ProxyRestriction' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ProxyRestrictionType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ProxyRestrictionType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ProxyRestrictionType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ProxyRestrictionType_.c_cardinality.copy() def proxy_restriction_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(ProxyRestriction, xml_string) class Statement(StatementAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Statement element """ c_tag = 'Statement' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = StatementAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = StatementAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = StatementAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = StatementAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() def statement_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Statement, xml_string) class SubjectLocality(SubjectLocalityType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectLocality element """ c_tag = 'SubjectLocality' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SubjectLocalityType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SubjectLocalityType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SubjectLocalityType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SubjectLocalityType_.c_cardinality.copy() def verify(self): if self.address: # dotted-decimal IPv4 or RFC3513 IPv6 address if valid_ipv4(self.address) or valid_ipv6(self.address): pass else: raise ShouldValueError("Not an IPv4 or IPv6 address") elif self.dns_name: valid_domain_name(self.dns_name) return SubjectLocalityType_.verify(self) def subject_locality_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectLocality, xml_string) class AuthnContextType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnContextType element """ c_tag = 'AuthnContextType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children[ '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthnContextClassRef'] = ( 'authn_context_class_ref', AuthnContextClassRef) c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthnContextDecl'] = ( 'authn_context_decl', AuthnContextDecl) c_cardinality['authn_context_decl'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthnContextDeclRef'] = ( 'authn_context_decl_ref', AuthnContextDeclRef) c_cardinality['authn_context_decl_ref'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children[ '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthenticatingAuthority'] = ( 'authenticating_authority', [AuthenticatingAuthority]) c_cardinality['authenticating_authority'] = {"min": 0} c_child_order.extend(['authn_context_class_ref', 'authn_context_decl', 'authn_context_decl_ref', 'authenticating_authority']) def __init__(self, authn_context_class_ref=None, authn_context_decl=None, authn_context_decl_ref=None, authenticating_authority=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.authn_context_class_ref = authn_context_class_ref self.authn_context_decl = authn_context_decl self.authn_context_decl_ref = authn_context_decl_ref self.authenticating_authority = authenticating_authority or [] def verify(self): if self.authn_context_decl and self.authn_context_decl_ref: raise Exception( "Invalid Response: " "Cannot have both <AuthnContextDecl> and <AuthnContextDeclRef>" ) return SamlBase.verify(self) def authn_context_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnContextType_, xml_string) class Action(ActionType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Action element """ c_tag = 'Action' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ActionType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ActionType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ActionType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ActionType_.c_cardinality.copy() def action_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Action, xml_string) class AttributeType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AttributeType element """ c_tag = 'AttributeType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AttributeValue'] = ( 'attribute_value', [AttributeValue]) c_cardinality['attribute_value'] = {"min": 0} c_attributes['Name'] = ('name', 'string', True) c_attributes['NameFormat'] = ('name_format', 'anyURI', False) c_attributes['FriendlyName'] = ('friendly_name', 'string', False) c_child_order.extend(['attribute_value']) c_any_attribute = {"namespace": "##other", "processContents": "lax"} def __init__(self, attribute_value=None, name=None, name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.attribute_value = attribute_value or [] = name self.name_format = name_format self.friendly_name = friendly_name # when consuming such elements, default to NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED as NameFormat def harvest_element_tree(self, tree): tree.attrib.setdefault('NameFormat', NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED) SamlBase.harvest_element_tree(self, tree) def attribute_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AttributeType_, xml_string) class SubjectConfirmationType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectConfirmationType element """ c_tag = 'SubjectConfirmationType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}BaseID'] = ('base_id', BaseID) c_cardinality['base_id'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}NameID'] = ('name_id', NameID) c_cardinality['name_id'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}EncryptedID'] = ( 'encrypted_id', EncryptedID) c_cardinality['encrypted_id'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children[ '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}SubjectConfirmationData'] = ( 'subject_confirmation_data', SubjectConfirmationData) c_cardinality['subject_confirmation_data'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_attributes['Method'] = ('method', 'anyURI', True) c_child_order.extend(['base_id', 'name_id', 'encrypted_id', 'subject_confirmation_data']) def __init__(self, base_id=None, name_id=None, encrypted_id=None, subject_confirmation_data=None, method=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.base_id = base_id self.name_id = name_id self.encrypted_id = encrypted_id self.subject_confirmation_data = subject_confirmation_data self.method = method def subject_confirmation_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectConfirmationType_, xml_string) class AudienceRestriction(AudienceRestrictionType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AudienceRestriction element """ c_tag = 'AudienceRestriction' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AudienceRestrictionType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AudienceRestrictionType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AudienceRestrictionType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AudienceRestrictionType_.c_cardinality.copy() def audience_restriction_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AudienceRestriction, xml_string) class AuthnContext(AuthnContextType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnContext element """ c_tag = 'AuthnContext' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AuthnContextType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AuthnContextType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AuthnContextType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AuthnContextType_.c_cardinality.copy() def authn_context_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnContext, xml_string) class Attribute(AttributeType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Attribute element """ c_tag = 'Attribute' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AttributeType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AttributeType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AttributeType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AttributeType_.c_cardinality.copy() def attribute_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Attribute, xml_string) class SubjectConfirmation(SubjectConfirmationType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectConfirmation element """ c_tag = 'SubjectConfirmation' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SubjectConfirmationType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SubjectConfirmationType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SubjectConfirmationType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SubjectConfirmationType_.c_cardinality.copy() def subject_confirmation_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectConfirmation, xml_string) class ConditionsType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:ConditionsType element """ c_tag = 'ConditionsType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Condition'] = ( 'condition', [Condition]) c_cardinality['condition'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AudienceRestriction'] = ( 'audience_restriction', [AudienceRestriction]) c_cardinality['audience_restriction'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}OneTimeUse'] = ( 'one_time_use', [OneTimeUse]) c_cardinality['one_time_use'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}ProxyRestriction'] = ( 'proxy_restriction', [ProxyRestriction]) c_cardinality['proxy_restriction'] = {"min": 0} c_attributes['NotBefore'] = ('not_before', 'dateTime', False) c_attributes['NotOnOrAfter'] = ('not_on_or_after', 'dateTime', False) c_child_order.extend(['condition', 'audience_restriction', 'one_time_use', 'proxy_restriction']) def __init__(self, condition=None, audience_restriction=None, one_time_use=None, proxy_restriction=None, not_before=None, not_on_or_after=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.condition = condition or [] self.audience_restriction = audience_restriction or [] self.one_time_use = one_time_use or [] self.proxy_restriction = proxy_restriction or [] self.not_before = not_before self.not_on_or_after = not_on_or_after def verify(self): if self.one_time_use: if len(self.one_time_use) != 1: raise Exception("Cannot be used more than once") if self.proxy_restriction: if len(self.proxy_restriction) != 1: raise Exception("Cannot be used more than once") return SamlBase.verify(self) def conditions_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(ConditionsType_, xml_string) class AuthnStatementType_(StatementAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnStatementType element """ c_tag = 'AuthnStatementType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = StatementAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = StatementAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = StatementAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = StatementAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}SubjectLocality'] = ( 'subject_locality', SubjectLocality) c_cardinality['subject_locality'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthnContext'] = ( 'authn_context', AuthnContext) c_attributes['AuthnInstant'] = ('authn_instant', 'dateTime', True) c_attributes['SessionIndex'] = ('session_index', 'string', False) c_attributes['SessionNotOnOrAfter'] = ('session_not_on_or_after', 'dateTime', False) c_child_order.extend(['subject_locality', 'authn_context']) def __init__(self, subject_locality=None, authn_context=None, authn_instant=None, session_index=None, session_not_on_or_after=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): StatementAbstractType_.__init__( self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.subject_locality = subject_locality self.authn_context = authn_context self.authn_instant = authn_instant self.session_index = session_index self.session_not_on_or_after = session_not_on_or_after def authn_statement_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnStatementType_, xml_string) class AttributeStatementType_(StatementAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AttributeStatementType element """ c_tag = 'AttributeStatementType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = StatementAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = StatementAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = StatementAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = StatementAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Attribute'] = ( 'attribute', [Attribute]) c_cardinality['attribute'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}EncryptedAttribute'] = ( 'encrypted_attribute', [EncryptedAttribute]) c_cardinality['encrypted_attribute'] = {"min": 0} c_child_order.extend(['attribute', 'encrypted_attribute']) def __init__(self, attribute=None, encrypted_attribute=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): StatementAbstractType_.__init__( self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.attribute = attribute or [] self.encrypted_attribute = encrypted_attribute or [] def attribute_statement_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AttributeStatementType_, xml_string) class SubjectType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:SubjectType element """ c_tag = 'SubjectType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}BaseID'] = ('base_id', BaseID) c_cardinality['base_id'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}NameID'] = ('name_id', NameID) c_cardinality['name_id'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}EncryptedID'] = ( 'encrypted_id', EncryptedID) c_cardinality['encrypted_id'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}SubjectConfirmation'] = ( 'subject_confirmation', [SubjectConfirmation]) c_cardinality['subject_confirmation'] = {"min": 0} c_child_order.extend(['base_id', 'name_id', 'encrypted_id', 'subject_confirmation']) def __init__(self, base_id=None, name_id=None, encrypted_id=None, subject_confirmation=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.base_id = base_id self.name_id = name_id self.encrypted_id = encrypted_id self.subject_confirmation = subject_confirmation or [] def subject_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(SubjectType_, xml_string) class Conditions(ConditionsType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Conditions element """ c_tag = 'Conditions' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = ConditionsType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = ConditionsType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = ConditionsType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = ConditionsType_.c_cardinality.copy() def conditions_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Conditions, xml_string) class AuthnStatement(AuthnStatementType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthnStatement element """ c_tag = 'AuthnStatement' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AuthnStatementType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AuthnStatementType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AuthnStatementType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AuthnStatementType_.c_cardinality.copy() def authn_statement_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthnStatement, xml_string) class AttributeStatement(AttributeStatementType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AttributeStatement element """ c_tag = 'AttributeStatement' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AttributeStatementType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AttributeStatementType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AttributeStatementType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AttributeStatementType_.c_cardinality.copy() def attribute_statement_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AttributeStatement, xml_string) class Subject(SubjectType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Subject element """ c_tag = 'Subject' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SubjectType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SubjectType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SubjectType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SubjectType_.c_cardinality.copy() def subject_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Subject, xml_string) #.................. # ['AuthzDecisionStatement', 'EvidenceType', 'AdviceType', 'Evidence', # 'Assertion', 'AssertionType', 'AuthzDecisionStatementType', 'Advice'] class EvidenceType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:EvidenceType element """ c_tag = 'EvidenceType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AssertionIDRef'] = ( 'assertion_id_ref', [AssertionIDRef]) c_cardinality['assertion_id_ref'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AssertionURIRef'] = ( 'assertion_uri_ref', [AssertionURIRef]) c_cardinality['assertion_uri_ref'] = {"min": 0} c_cardinality['assertion'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}EncryptedAssertion'] = ( 'encrypted_assertion', [EncryptedAssertion]) c_cardinality['encrypted_assertion'] = {"min": 0} c_child_order.extend(['assertion_id_ref', 'assertion_uri_ref', 'assertion', 'encrypted_assertion']) def __init__(self, assertion_id_ref=None, assertion_uri_ref=None, assertion=None, encrypted_assertion=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.assertion_id_ref = assertion_id_ref or [] self.assertion_uri_ref = assertion_uri_ref or [] self.assertion = assertion or [] self.encrypted_assertion = encrypted_assertion or [] def evidence_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(EvidenceType_, xml_string) class Evidence(EvidenceType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Evidence element """ c_tag = 'Evidence' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = EvidenceType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = EvidenceType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = EvidenceType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = EvidenceType_.c_cardinality.copy() def evidence_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Evidence, xml_string) class AuthzDecisionStatementType_(StatementAbstractType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthzDecisionStatementType element """ c_tag = 'AuthzDecisionStatementType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = StatementAbstractType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = StatementAbstractType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = StatementAbstractType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = StatementAbstractType_.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Action'] = ( 'action', [Action]) c_cardinality['action'] = {"min": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Evidence'] = ( 'evidence', Evidence) c_cardinality['evidence'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_attributes['Resource'] = ('resource', 'anyURI', True) c_attributes['Decision'] = ('decision', DecisionType_, True) c_child_order.extend(['action', 'evidence']) def __init__(self, action=None, evidence=None, resource=None, decision=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): StatementAbstractType_.__init__( self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.action = action or [] self.evidence = evidence self.resource = resource self.decision = decision def authz_decision_statement_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthzDecisionStatementType_, xml_string) class AuthzDecisionStatement(AuthzDecisionStatementType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AuthzDecisionStatement element """ c_tag = 'AuthzDecisionStatement' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AuthzDecisionStatementType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AuthzDecisionStatementType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AuthzDecisionStatementType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AuthzDecisionStatementType_.c_cardinality.copy() def authz_decision_statement_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AuthzDecisionStatement, xml_string) #.................. # ['Assertion', 'AssertionType', 'AdviceType', 'Advice'] class AssertionType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AssertionType element """ c_tag = 'AssertionType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Issuer'] = ('issuer', Issuer) c_children['{}Signature'] = ('signature', ds.Signature) c_cardinality['signature'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Subject'] = ('subject', Subject) c_cardinality['subject'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Conditions'] = ( 'conditions', Conditions) c_cardinality['conditions'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_cardinality['advice'] = {"min": 0, "max": 1} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Statement'] = ( 'statement', [Statement]) c_cardinality['statement'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthnStatement'] = ( 'authn_statement', [AuthnStatement]) c_cardinality['authn_statement'] = {"min": 0} c_children[ '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AuthzDecisionStatement'] = ( 'authz_decision_statement', [AuthzDecisionStatement]) c_cardinality['authz_decision_statement'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AttributeStatement'] = ( 'attribute_statement', [AttributeStatement]) c_cardinality['attribute_statement'] = {"min": 0} c_attributes['Version'] = ('version', 'string', True) c_attributes['ID'] = ('id', 'ID', True) c_attributes['IssueInstant'] = ('issue_instant', 'dateTime', True) c_child_order.extend(['issuer', 'signature', 'subject', 'conditions', 'advice', 'statement', 'authn_statement', 'authz_decision_statement', 'attribute_statement']) def __init__(self, issuer=None, signature=None, subject=None, conditions=None, advice=None, statement=None, authn_statement=None, authz_decision_statement=None, attribute_statement=None, version=None, id=None, issue_instant=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.issuer = issuer self.signature = signature self.subject = subject self.conditions = conditions self.advice = advice self.statement = statement or [] self.authn_statement = authn_statement or [] self.authz_decision_statement = authz_decision_statement or [] self.attribute_statement = attribute_statement or [] self.version = version = id self.issue_instant = issue_instant def verify(self): # If no statement MUST contain a subject element if self.attribute_statement or self.statement or \ self.authn_statement or self.authz_decision_statement: pass elif not self.subject: raise MustValueError( "If no statement MUST contain a subject element") if self.authn_statement and not self.subject: raise MustValueError( "An assertion with an AuthnStatement must contain a Subject") return SamlBase.verify(self) def assertion_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AssertionType_, xml_string) class Assertion(AssertionType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Assertion element """ c_tag = 'Assertion' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AssertionType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AssertionType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AssertionType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AssertionType_.c_cardinality.copy() def assertion_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Assertion, xml_string) class AdviceType_(SamlBase): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:AdviceType element """ c_tag = 'AdviceType' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = SamlBase.c_children.copy() c_attributes = SamlBase.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = SamlBase.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = SamlBase.c_cardinality.copy() c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AssertionIDRef'] = ( 'assertion_id_ref', [AssertionIDRef]) c_cardinality['assertion_id_ref'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}AssertionURIRef'] = ( 'assertion_uri_ref', [AssertionURIRef]) c_cardinality['assertion_uri_ref'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Assertion'] = ( 'assertion', [Assertion]) c_cardinality['assertion'] = {"min": 0} c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}EncryptedAssertion'] = ( 'encrypted_assertion', [EncryptedAssertion]) c_cardinality['encrypted_assertion'] = {"min": 0} c_child_order.extend(['assertion_id_ref', 'assertion_uri_ref', 'assertion', 'encrypted_assertion']) c_any = {"namespace": "##other", "processContents": "lax"} def __init__(self, assertion_id_ref=None, assertion_uri_ref=None, assertion=None, encrypted_assertion=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): SamlBase.__init__(self, text=text, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes) self.assertion_id_ref = assertion_id_ref or [] self.assertion_uri_ref = assertion_uri_ref or [] self.assertion = assertion or [] self.encrypted_assertion = encrypted_assertion or [] def advice_type__from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(AdviceType_, xml_string) class Advice(AdviceType_): """The urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion:Advice element """ c_tag = 'Advice' c_namespace = NAMESPACE c_children = AdviceType_.c_children.copy() c_attributes = AdviceType_.c_attributes.copy() c_child_order = AdviceType_.c_child_order[:] c_cardinality = AdviceType_.c_cardinality.copy() def advice_from_string(xml_string): return saml2.create_class_from_xml_string(Advice, xml_string) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EvidenceType_.c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Assertion'] = ( 'assertion', [Assertion]) Evidence.c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Assertion'] = ( 'assertion', [Assertion]) AssertionType_.c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Advice'] = ( 'advice', Advice) Assertion.c_children['{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Advice'] = ( 'advice', Advice) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AG_IDNameQualifiers = [ ('NameQualifier', 'string', False), ('SPNameQualifier', 'string', False), ] ELEMENT_FROM_STRING = { BaseID.c_tag: base_id_from_string, NameID.c_tag: name_id_from_string, NameIDType_.c_tag: name_id_type__from_string, EncryptedElementType_.c_tag: encrypted_element_type__from_string, EncryptedID.c_tag: encrypted_id_from_string, Issuer.c_tag: issuer_from_string, AssertionIDRef.c_tag: assertion_id_ref_from_string, AssertionURIRef.c_tag: assertion_uri_ref_from_string, Assertion.c_tag: assertion_from_string, AssertionType_.c_tag: assertion_type__from_string, Subject.c_tag: subject_from_string, SubjectType_.c_tag: subject_type__from_string, SubjectConfirmation.c_tag: subject_confirmation_from_string, SubjectConfirmationType_.c_tag: subject_confirmation_type__from_string, SubjectConfirmationData.c_tag: subject_confirmation_data_from_string, SubjectConfirmationDataType_.c_tag: subject_confirmation_data_type__from_string, KeyInfoConfirmationDataType_.c_tag: key_info_confirmation_data_type__from_string, Conditions.c_tag: conditions_from_string, ConditionsType_.c_tag: conditions_type__from_string, Condition.c_tag: condition_from_string, AudienceRestriction.c_tag: audience_restriction_from_string, AudienceRestrictionType_.c_tag: audience_restriction_type__from_string, Audience.c_tag: audience_from_string, OneTimeUse.c_tag: one_time_use_from_string, OneTimeUseType_.c_tag: one_time_use_type__from_string, ProxyRestriction.c_tag: proxy_restriction_from_string, ProxyRestrictionType_.c_tag: proxy_restriction_type__from_string, Advice.c_tag: advice_from_string, AdviceType_.c_tag: advice_type__from_string, EncryptedAssertion.c_tag: encrypted_assertion_from_string, Statement.c_tag: statement_from_string, AuthnStatement.c_tag: authn_statement_from_string, AuthnStatementType_.c_tag: authn_statement_type__from_string, SubjectLocality.c_tag: subject_locality_from_string, SubjectLocalityType_.c_tag: subject_locality_type__from_string, AuthnContext.c_tag: authn_context_from_string, AuthnContextType_.c_tag: authn_context_type__from_string, AuthnContextClassRef.c_tag: authn_context_class_ref_from_string, AuthnContextDeclRef.c_tag: authn_context_decl_ref_from_string, AuthnContextDecl.c_tag: authn_context_decl_from_string, AuthenticatingAuthority.c_tag: authenticating_authority_from_string, AuthzDecisionStatement.c_tag: authz_decision_statement_from_string, AuthzDecisionStatementType_.c_tag: authz_decision_statement_type__from_string, DecisionType_.c_tag: decision_type__from_string, Action.c_tag: action_from_string, ActionType_.c_tag: action_type__from_string, Evidence.c_tag: evidence_from_string, EvidenceType_.c_tag: evidence_type__from_string, AttributeStatement.c_tag: attribute_statement_from_string, AttributeStatementType_.c_tag: attribute_statement_type__from_string, Attribute.c_tag: attribute_from_string, AttributeType_.c_tag: attribute_type__from_string, AttributeValue.c_tag: attribute_value_from_string, EncryptedAttribute.c_tag: encrypted_attribute_from_string, } ELEMENT_BY_TAG = { 'BaseID': BaseID, 'NameID': NameID, 'NameIDType': NameIDType_, 'EncryptedElementType': EncryptedElementType_, 'EncryptedID': EncryptedID, 'Issuer': Issuer, 'AssertionIDRef': AssertionIDRef, 'AssertionURIRef': AssertionURIRef, 'Assertion': Assertion, 'AssertionType': AssertionType_, 'Subject': Subject, 'SubjectType': SubjectType_, 'SubjectConfirmation': SubjectConfirmation, 'SubjectConfirmationType': SubjectConfirmationType_, 'SubjectConfirmationData': SubjectConfirmationData, 'SubjectConfirmationDataType': SubjectConfirmationDataType_, 'KeyInfoConfirmationDataType': KeyInfoConfirmationDataType_, 'Conditions': Conditions, 'ConditionsType': ConditionsType_, 'Condition': Condition, 'AudienceRestriction': AudienceRestriction, 'AudienceRestrictionType': AudienceRestrictionType_, 'Audience': Audience, 'OneTimeUse': OneTimeUse, 'OneTimeUseType': OneTimeUseType_, 'ProxyRestriction': ProxyRestriction, 'ProxyRestrictionType': ProxyRestrictionType_, 'Advice': Advice, 'AdviceType': AdviceType_, 'EncryptedAssertion': EncryptedAssertion, 'Statement': Statement, 'AuthnStatement': AuthnStatement, 'AuthnStatementType': AuthnStatementType_, 'SubjectLocality': SubjectLocality, 'SubjectLocalityType': SubjectLocalityType_, 'AuthnContext': AuthnContext, 'AuthnContextType': AuthnContextType_, 'AuthnContextClassRef': AuthnContextClassRef, 'AuthnContextDeclRef': AuthnContextDeclRef, 'AuthnContextDecl': AuthnContextDecl, 'AuthenticatingAuthority': AuthenticatingAuthority, 'AuthzDecisionStatement': AuthzDecisionStatement, 'AuthzDecisionStatementType': AuthzDecisionStatementType_, 'DecisionType': DecisionType_, 'Action': Action, 'ActionType': ActionType_, 'Evidence': Evidence, 'EvidenceType': EvidenceType_, 'AttributeStatement': AttributeStatement, 'AttributeStatementType': AttributeStatementType_, 'Attribute': Attribute, 'AttributeType': AttributeType_, 'AttributeValue': AttributeValue, 'EncryptedAttribute': EncryptedAttribute, 'BaseIDAbstractType': BaseIDAbstractType_, 'ConditionAbstractType': ConditionAbstractType_, 'StatementAbstractType': StatementAbstractType_, } def factory(tag, **kwargs): return ELEMENT_BY_TAG[tag](**kwargs)
async def handler(context): return await
# Copyright (C) 2014 eNov<NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from neutron_lib.db import model_base import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import orm from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.db.models import agent as agent_model from neutron.db import models_v2 class L3HARouterAgentPortBinding(model_base.BASEV2): """Represent agent binding state of a HA router port. A HA Router has one HA port per agent on which it is spawned. This binding table stores which port is used for a HA router by a L3 agent. """ __tablename__ = 'ha_router_agent_port_bindings' __table_args__ = ( sa.UniqueConstraint( 'router_id', 'l3_agent_id', name='uniq_ha_router_agent_port_bindings0port_id0l3_agent_id'), model_base.BASEV2.__table_args__ ) port_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False, primary_key=True) port = orm.relationship(models_v2.Port) router_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) l3_agent_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey("", ondelete='CASCADE')) agent = orm.relationship(agent_model.Agent) state = sa.Column(sa.Enum(n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_ACTIVE, n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_STANDBY, name='l3_ha_states'), default=n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_STANDBY, server_default=n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_STANDBY) class L3HARouterNetwork(model_base.BASEV2, model_base.HasProjectPrimaryKey): """Host HA network for a tenant. One HA Network is used per tenant, all HA router ports are created on this network. """ __tablename__ = 'ha_router_networks' network_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, primary_key=True) network = orm.relationship(models_v2.Network) class L3HARouterVRIdAllocation(model_base.BASEV2): """VRID allocation per HA network. Keep a track of the VRID allocations per HA network. """ __tablename__ = 'ha_router_vrid_allocations' network_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, primary_key=True) vr_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, primary_key=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python import shutil, re, os, sys file_model = "Model.template" bookname = "TechNotes" file_bibtex = "thebib.bib" folder_target = "../pdf/" #if name is a chapter, return its sections def get_sections(name): if not os.path.isdir(name): return [] files = os.listdir(name) sections = [] for section in files: if re.match('.*\.tex$', section) and not re.match(".*lmz0610.*", section): sections.append(name + "/" + section) return sections def is_updated(pdffile, texfiles): def depend_modified(fname, ims): depend_mtime = os.path.getmtime(fname) if depend_mtime > ims: print pdffile, ' mtime: ',ims print fname, ' mtime: ', depend_mtime return True return False old_pdffile = folder_target + pdffile if not os.path.isfile(old_pdffile): return False pdf_mtime = os.path.getmtime(old_pdffile) #if depend_modified(sys.argv[0], pdf_mtime): #return False #if depend_modified(file_model, pdf_mtime): #return False for section in texfiles: if depend_modified(section, pdf_mtime): return False return True def remove_tmp(tmpname): if os.path.isfile(tmpname): os.remove(tmpname) def remove_latex_tmps(texname): remove_tmp(texname + ".pdf") remove_tmp(texname + ".tex") remove_tmp(texname + ".blg") remove_tmp(texname + ".bbl") remove_tmp(texname + ".out") remove_tmp(texname + ".toc") remove_tmp(texname + ".aux") remove_tmp(texname + ".idx") remove_tmp(texname + ".log") remove_tmp(texname + ".lof") remove_tmp(texname + ".lot") def read_bbl_file(object_name): file_bbl = object_name + ".bbl" if not os.path.isfile(file_bbl): return "" with open(file_bbl, 'r') as f: return #if depend_files contains citation def need_bibtex(object_name, depend_files): #if a file contains latex citation command \cite{} def contain_citation(section_name): with open(section_name, "r") as f: content_section = if content_section.find("\\cite{") == -1: return False return True for section in depend_files: if contain_citation(section): return True return False def gen_pdf(object_name): object_pdf = object_name + ".pdf" if object_name == bookname: depend_files = book_sections targets = [folder_target + object_pdf, folder_target + "AAAAAAAAAAA.pdf"] chapter_start_counter = 0 else: depend_files = chap_sections[object_name] targets = [folder_target + object_pdf] chapter_start_counter = book_chapters.index(object_name) # if is_updated(object_pdf, depend_files): # print(object_pdf + " is updated") # return False obj_need_bibtex = need_bibtex(object_name, depend_files) model = '' with open(file_model) as model_file: model = model = model.replace("OBJECTNAME", object_name) if object_name == 'Report': model = model.replace("CHAPTERSTART", "0") model = model.replace("\\tableofcontents", "%\\tableofcontents") model = model.replace("ctexrep", "ctexart") model = model.replace("\\setcounter{chapter}", "%\\setcounter{chapter}") else: model = model.replace("CHAPTERSTART", str(chapter_start_counter)) insert_word = "TOADD" insert_pos = model.find(insert_word) latex_text = model[:insert_pos] + insert_word for section in depend_files: latex_text = latex_text + "\n\\input{"+ section + "}" #prepend text encoding mode line section_text = "" with open(section, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() if line[:6] != '%!Mode': section_text = '%!Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"\n' + line + if section_text != "": with open(section, 'w') as f: f.write(section_text) if obj_need_bibtex: latex_text = latex_text + "\n\n" latex_text = latex_text + "\\bibliographystyle{unsrt}\n" latex_text = latex_text + "\\bibliography{thebib}\n" latex_text = latex_text + model[insert_pos+len(insert_word):] object_tex = object_name + ".tex" with open(object_tex, "w") as f: f.write(latex_text) # os.system("xelatex " + object_name) # if len(sys.argv) < 3 or sys.argv[2] != "fast": # if obj_need_bibtex: # old_bbl = read_bbl_file(object_name) # os.system("bibtex " + object_name) # if old_bbl != read_bbl_file(object_name): # os.system("xelatex " + object_name) # os.system("xelatex " + object_name) # # if os.path.isfile(object_pdf): # for target in targets: # shutil.copy(object_pdf, target) return True #trim trailing slash def trim_chap_name(name): if name[len(name) - 1] == '/': name = name[:len(name)-1] return name def merge_chapter_pdfs(): mergecmd = 'pdftk ' for chap in book_chapters: chappdf = folder_target + chap + '.pdf' if os.path.isfile(chappdf): mergecmd += chappdf + ' ' mergecmd += 'cat output ' + folder_target + 'AAABBBBBBBB.pdf' print mergecmd os.system(mergecmd) ################################################## #now work starts files = os.listdir('.') chap_sections = {} book_sections = [] book_chapters = [] for chap in files: sections = get_sections(chap) if len(sections): chap_sections[chap] = sections book_sections.extend(sections) book_chapters.append(chap) cmd = "one" if cmd == "one": gen_pdf(bookname) elif cmd == "all": modified = False for chap in chap_sections: modified = gen_pdf(chap) or modified if modified: merge_chapter_pdfs() elif cmd == "clean": for chap in chap_sections: remove_latex_tmps(chap) remove_latex_tmps(bookname) else: chap = trim_chap_name(cmd) if chap in book_sections: #chap is actually a section section = chap chap = 'Report' chap_sections[chap] = [section] book_chapters.append(chap) if not chap_sections.has_key(chap): print(chap + " is not a valid chapter name") sys.exit(1) modified = gen_pdf(chap) if modified and chap != 'Report': merge_chapter_pdfs()
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats from finished_files.survey_data_dictionary import DATA_DICTIONARY # Load data # We want to take the names list from our data dictionary names = [ for x in DATA_DICTIONARY] # Generate the list of names to import usecols = [ for x in DATA_DICTIONARY if x.usecol] # dtypes should be a dict of 'col_name' : dtype dtypes = { : x.dtype for x in DATA_DICTIONARY if x.dtype} # same for converters converters = { : x.converter for x in DATA_DICTIONARY if x.converter} df = pd.read_csv('data/survey.csv', header=0, names=names, dtype=dtypes, converters=converters, usecols=usecols) #%% Clean up data: remove disqualified users # In the survey, any user who selected they don't use Python was then # disqualified from the rest of the survey. So let's drop them here. df = df[df['python_main'] != 'No, I don’t use Python for my current projects'] # Considering we now only have two categories left: # - Yes # - No, I use Python for secondary projects only # Let's turn it into a bool df['python_main'] = df['python_main'] == 'Yes' #%% Plot the web dev / data scientist ratio # In the survey, respondents were asked to estimate the ratio between # the amount of web developers vs the amount of data scientists. Afterwards # they were asked what they thought the most popular answer would be. # Let's see if there's a difference! # This is a categorical data point, and it's already ordered in the data # dictionary. So we shouldn't sort it after counting the values. ratio_self = df['webdev_science_ratio_self'].value_counts(sort=False) ratio_others = df['webdev_science_ratio_others'].value_counts(sort=False) # Let's draw a bar chart comparing the distributions fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) RATIO_COUNT = ratio_self.count() x = np.arange(RATIO_COUNT) WIDTH = 0.4 self_bars =, ratio_self, width=WIDTH, color='b', align='center') others_bars =, ratio_others, width=WIDTH, color='g', align='center') ax.set_xlabel('Ratios') ax.set_ylabel('Observations') labels = [str(lbl) for lbl in ratio_self.index] ax.set_xticks(x - 0.5 * WIDTH) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.legend((self_bars[0], others_bars[0]), ('Self', 'Most popular')) #%% Calculate the predicted totals # Let's recode the ratios to numbers, and calculate the means CONVERSION = { '10:1': 10, '5:1' : 5, '2:1' : 2, '1:1' : 1, '1:2' : 0.5, '1:5' : 0.2, '1:10': 0.1 } self_numeric = df['webdev_science_ratio_self'] \ .replace(CONVERSION.keys(), CONVERSION.values()) others_numeric = df['webdev_science_ratio_others'] \ .replace(CONVERSION.keys(), CONVERSION.values()) print(f'Self:\t\t{self_numeric.mean().round(2)} web devs / scientist') print(f'Others:\t\t{others_numeric.mean().round(2)} web devs / scientist') #%% Is the difference statistically significant? result = scipy.stats.chisquare(ratio_self, ratio_others) # The null hypothesis is that they're the same. Let's see if we can reject it print(result)
from getratings.models.ratings import Ratings class NA_Talon_Jng_Aatrox(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ahri(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Akali(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Alistar(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Amumu(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Anivia(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Annie(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ashe(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_AurelionSol(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Azir(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Bard(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Blitzcrank(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Brand(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Braum(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Caitlyn(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Camille(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Cassiopeia(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Chogath(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Corki(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Darius(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Diana(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Draven(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_DrMundo(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ekko(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Elise(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Evelynn(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ezreal(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Fiddlesticks(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Fiora(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Fizz(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Galio(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Gangplank(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Garen(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Gnar(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Gragas(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Graves(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Hecarim(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Heimerdinger(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Illaoi(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Irelia(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ivern(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Janna(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_JarvanIV(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Jax(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Jayce(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Jhin(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Jinx(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kalista(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Karma(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Karthus(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kassadin(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Katarina(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kayle(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kayn(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kennen(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Khazix(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kindred(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Kled(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_KogMaw(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Leblanc(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_LeeSin(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Leona(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Lissandra(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Lucian(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Lulu(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Lux(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Malphite(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Malzahar(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Maokai(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_MasterYi(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_MissFortune(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_MonkeyKing(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Mordekaiser(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Morgana(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Nami(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Nasus(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Nautilus(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Nidalee(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Nocturne(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Nunu(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Olaf(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Orianna(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ornn(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Pantheon(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Poppy(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Quinn(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Rakan(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Rammus(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_RekSai(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Renekton(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Rengar(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Riven(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Rumble(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ryze(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Sejuani(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Shaco(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Shen(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Shyvana(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Singed(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Sion(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Sivir(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Skarner(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Sona(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Soraka(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Swain(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Syndra(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_TahmKench(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Taliyah(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Talon(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Taric(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Teemo(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Thresh(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Tristana(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Trundle(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Tryndamere(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_TwistedFate(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Twitch(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Udyr(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Urgot(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Varus(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Vayne(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Veigar(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Velkoz(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Vi(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Viktor(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Vladimir(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Volibear(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Warwick(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Xayah(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Xerath(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_XinZhao(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Yasuo(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Yorick(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Zac(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Zed(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Ziggs(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Zilean(Ratings): pass class NA_Talon_Jng_Zyra(Ratings): pass
from minqlx_plugin_test import * import logging import unittest from mockito import * from mockito.matchers import * from hamcrest import * from redis import Redis from merciful_elo_limit import * class MercifulEloLimitTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): setup_plugin() setup_cvars({ "qlx_mercifulelo_minelo": "800", "qlx_mercifulelo_applicationgames": "10", "qlx_mercifulelo_abovegames": "10", "qlx_mercifulelo_daysbanned": "30", "qlx_owner": "42" }) setup_game_in_progress() self.plugin = merciful_elo_limit() self.reply_channel = mocked_channel() self.plugin.database = Redis self.db = mock(Redis) self.plugin._db_instance = self.db when(self.db).__getitem__(any).thenReturn("42") def tearDown(self): unstub() def setup_balance_ratings(self, player_elos): gametype = None if len(player_elos) > 0: gametype = ratings = {} for player, elo in player_elos: ratings[player.steam_id] = {gametype: {'elo': elo}} self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"] = mock({'ratings': ratings}) def setup_no_balance_plugin(self): if "balance" in self.plugin._loaded_plugins: del self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"] def setup_exception_list(self, players): mybalance_plugin = mock(Plugin) mybalance_plugin.exceptions = [player.steam_id for player in players] self.plugin._loaded_plugins["mybalance"] = mybalance_plugin def test_handle_map_change_resets_tracked_player_ids(self): connected_players() self.setup_balance_ratings([]) self.plugin.tracked_player_sids = [123, 455] self.plugin.handle_map_change("campgrounds", "ca") assert_that(self.plugin.tracked_player_sids, is_([])) def test_handle_map_change_resets_announced_player_ids(self): connected_players() self.setup_balance_ratings([]) self.plugin.announced_player_elos = [123, 455] self.plugin.handle_map_change("campgrounds", "ca") assert_that(self.plugin.announced_player_elos, is_([])) def test_handle_map_change_fetches_elos_of_connected_players(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 1200)}) self.plugin.handle_map_change("thunderstruck", "ca") verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"]).add_request( {player1.steam_id: 'ca', player2.steam_id: 'ca'}, self.plugin.callback_ratings, CHAT_CHANNEL ) def test_handle_player_connect_fetches_elo_of_connecting_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connecting_player = fake_player(789, "Connecting Player") connected_players(player1, player2, connecting_player) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 1200), (connecting_player, 1542)}) self.plugin.handle_player_connect(connecting_player) verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"]).add_request( {connecting_player.steam_id: 'ca'}, self.plugin.callback_ratings, CHAT_CHANNEL ) def test_fetch_elos_of_players_with_no_game_setup(self): setup_no_game() self.setup_balance_ratings({}) self.plugin.fetch_elos_of_players([]) verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"], times=0).add_request(any, any, any) def test_fetch_elos_of_players_with_unsupported_gametype(self): setup_game_in_progress("unsupported") self.setup_balance_ratings({}) self.plugin.fetch_elos_of_players([]) verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"], times=0).add_request(any, any, any) def test_fetch_elos_of_player_with_no_balance_plugin(self): mocked_logger = mock(spec=logging.Logger) spy2(minqlx.get_logger) when(minqlx).get_logger(self.plugin).thenReturn(mocked_logger) self.setup_no_balance_plugin() self.plugin.fetch_elos_of_players([]) verify(mocked_logger).warning(matches("Balance plugin not found.*")) def test_handle_round_countdown_with_no_game(self): setup_no_game() player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Speccing Player", team="spectator") connected_players(player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({}) self.plugin.handle_round_countdown(1) verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"], times=0).add_request(any, any, any) def test_handle_round_countdown_fetches_elos_of_players_in_teams(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Speccing Player", team="spectator") connected_players(player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 1200), (player3, 1600)}) self.plugin.handle_round_countdown(4) verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"]).add_request( {player1.steam_id: 'ca', player2.steam_id: 'ca'}, self.plugin.callback_ratings, CHAT_CHANNEL ) def test_callback_ratings_with_no_game_running(self): setup_no_game() player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Speccing Player", team="spectator") connected_players(player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({}) self.plugin.callback_ratings([], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) verify(self.db, times=0).get(any) def test_callback_ratings_with_unsupported_game_type(self): setup_game_in_progress("unsupported") player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Speccing Player", team="spectator") connected_players(player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({}) self.plugin.callback_ratings([], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) verify(self.db, times=0).get(any) def test_callback_ratings_warns_low_elo_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) patch(minqlx.next_frame, lambda func: func) patch(minqlx.thread, lambda func: func) patch(time.sleep, lambda int: None) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("2") self.plugin.callback_ratings([player1, player2], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) verify(player2, times=12).center_print(matches(".*Skill warning.*8.*matches left.*")) verify(player2).tell(matches(".*Skill Warning.*qlstats.*below.*800.*8.*of 10 application matches.*")) def test_callback_ratings_announces_information_to_other_players(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) patch(minqlx.next_frame, lambda func: func) patch(minqlx.thread, lambda func: func) patch(time.sleep, lambda int: None) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("2") self.plugin.callback_ratings([player1, player2], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) assert_plugin_sent_to_console(matches("Fake Player2.*is below.*, but has.*8.*application matches left.*")) def test_callback_ratings_announces_information_to_other_players_just_once_per_connect(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) self.plugin.announced_player_elos = [456] patch(minqlx.next_frame, lambda func: func) patch(minqlx.thread, lambda func: func) patch(time.sleep, lambda int: None) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("2") self.plugin.callback_ratings([player1, player2], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) assert_plugin_sent_to_console(matches("Player.*is below.*, but has 8 application matches left.*"), times=0) def test_callback_ratings_makes_exception_for_player_in_exception_list(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Fake Player3", team="red") connected_players(player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799), (player3, 600)}) self.setup_exception_list([player3]) patch(minqlx.next_frame, lambda func: func) patch(minqlx.thread, lambda func: func) patch(time.sleep, lambda int: None) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("2") self.plugin.callback_ratings([player1, player2, player3], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) verify(player2, times=12).center_print(matches(".*Skill warning.*8.*matches left.*")) verify(player2).tell(matches(".*Skill Warning.*qlstats.*below.*800.*8.*of 10 application matches.*")) verify(player3, times=0).center_print(any) verify(player3, times=0).tell(any) def test_callback_ratings_warns_low_elo_player_when_application_games_not_set(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) patch(minqlx.next_frame, lambda func: func) patch(minqlx.thread, lambda func: func) patch(time.sleep, lambda int: None) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.callback_ratings([player1, player2], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) verify(player2, times=12).center_print(matches(".*Skill warning.*10.*matches left.*")) verify(player2).tell(matches(".*Skill Warning.*qlstats.*below.*800.*10.*of 10 application matches.*")) def test_callback_ratings_bans_low_elo_players_that_used_up_their_application_games(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("11") spy2(minqlx.COMMANDS.handle_input) when2(minqlx.COMMANDS.handle_input, any, any, any).thenReturn(None) patch(minqlx.PlayerInfo, lambda *args: mock(spec=minqlx.PlayerInfo)) patch(minqlx.next_frame, lambda func: func) when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.callback_ratings([player1, player2], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) verify(minqlx.COMMANDS).handle_input(any, any, any) verify(self.db).delete("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player2.steam_id)) verify(self.db).delete("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_increases_application_games_for_untracked_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(False) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db).incr("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_makes_exception_for_player_in_exception_list(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Fake Player3", team="red") connected_players(player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799), (player3, 600)}) self.setup_exception_list([player3]) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(False) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db).incr("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player2.steam_id)) verify(self.db, times=0).incr("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player3.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_starts_tracking_for_low_elo_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(False) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) assert_that(self.plugin.tracked_player_sids, has_item(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_resets_above_games_for_low_elo_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(True) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db).delete("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_increases_above_games_for_application_games_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 801)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(True) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db).incr("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_increases_above_games_for_application_games_player_with_no_aobve_games_set(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 801)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("1") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(True) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db).incr("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_starts_tracking_of_above_elo_players_for_application_games_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 801)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(True) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) assert_that(self.plugin.tracked_player_sids, has_item(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_removes_minelo_db_entries_for_above_elo_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 801)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn("11") when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(True) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db).delete("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player2.steam_id)) verify(self.db).delete("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player2.steam_id)) def test_handle_round_start_skips_already_tracked_player(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.plugin.tracked_player_sids.append(player2.steam_id) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player1, 900), (player2, 799)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn(3) when(self.db).delete(any).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).exists(any).thenReturn(False) when(self.db).incr(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.handle_round_start(1) verify(self.db, times=0).delete(any) verify(self.db, times=0).delete(any) def test_handle_round_start_with_unsupported_gametype(self): setup_game_in_progress("unsupported") player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) self.setup_balance_ratings({}) self.plugin.handle_round_start(2) verify(self.plugin._loaded_plugins["balance"], times=0).add_request(any, any, any) def test_handle_round_start_with_no_balance_plugin(self): player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") connected_players(player1, player2) mocked_logger = mock(spec=logging.Logger) spy2(minqlx.get_logger) when(minqlx).get_logger(self.plugin).thenReturn(mocked_logger) self.setup_no_balance_plugin() self.plugin.handle_round_start(5) verify(mocked_logger, atleast=1).warning(matches("Balance plugin not found.*")) def test_cmd_mercis_shows_currently_connected_merciful_players(self): player = fake_player(666, "Cmd using Player") player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Fake Player3", team="blue") connected_players(player, player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player, 1400), (player1, 801), (player2, 799), (player3, 900)}) when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player1.steam_id)).thenReturn("2") when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player2.steam_id)).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player1.steam_id)).thenReturn("6") when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player.steam_id)).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player3.steam_id)).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.cmd_mercis(player, ["!mercis"], self.reply_channel) assert_channel_was_replied(self.reply_channel, matches("Fake Player1 \(elo: 801\):.*8.*application matches " "left,.*6.*matches above.*")) assert_channel_was_replied(self.reply_channel, matches("Fake Player2 \(elo: 799\):.*7.*application matches " "left")) def test_cmd_mercis_replies_to_main_cbannel_instead_of_team_chat(self): self.addCleanup(self.reset_chat_channel, minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL = mocked_channel() player = fake_player(666, "Cmd using Player") player1 = fake_player(123, "Fake Player1", team="red") player2 = fake_player(456, "Fake Player2", team="blue") player3 = fake_player(789, "Fake Player3", team="blue") connected_players(player, player1, player2, player3) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player, 1400), (player1, 801), (player2, 799), (player3, 900)}) when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player1.steam_id)).thenReturn("2") when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player2.steam_id)).thenReturn("3") when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:abovegames".format(player1.steam_id)).thenReturn("6") when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player.steam_id)).thenReturn(None) when(self.db).get("minqlx:players:{}:minelo:freegames".format(player3.steam_id)).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.cmd_mercis(player, ["!mercis"], minqlx.BLUE_TEAM_CHAT_CHANNEL) assert_channel_was_replied(minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL, matches("Fake Player1 \(elo: 801\):.*8.*application matches " "left,.*6.*matches above.*")) assert_channel_was_replied(minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL, matches("Fake Player2 \(elo: 799\):.*7.*application matches " "left")) def reset_chat_channel(self, original_chat_channel): minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL = original_chat_channel def test_cmd_mercis_shows_no_mercis_if_no_player_using_their_application_matches(self): player = fake_player(666, "Cmd using Player") connected_players(player) self.setup_balance_ratings({(player, 1400)}) when(self.db).get(any).thenReturn(None) self.plugin.cmd_mercis(player, ["!mercis"], minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL) assert_plugin_sent_to_console(any, times=0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SkinWeights command and component editor # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> # Website: # # pyqt attribute sliders # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> # Website: # # neighbour finding algorythm # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> # Website: # # skinningTools and UI # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> # Website: # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See for a copy of the GNU General # Public License. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/env python """A simple viewer for Stokes patterns based on two far-field pattern files. (Possibly based on one FF pattern files if it has two requests: one for each polarization channel.)""" import os import argparse import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from antpat.reps.sphgridfun.tvecfun import TVecFields from antpat.radfarfield import RadFarField from antpat.dualpolelem import DualPolElem FEKOsuffix = 'ffe' GRASPsuffix = 'swe' NECsuffix = 'out' def Jones2Stokes(Jones): """Convert Jones matrix to Stokes vector. This assumes dual-pol antenna receiving unpolarized unit valued radiation i.e. incoming Stokes = (1,0,0,0).""" brightmat = numpy.matmul(Jones, numpy.swapaxes(numpy.conjugate(Jones),-1,-2)) StokesI = numpy.real(brightmat[...,0,0]+brightmat[...,1,1]) StokesQ = numpy.real(brightmat[...,0,0]-brightmat[...,1,1]) StokesU = numpy.real(brightmat[...,0,1]+brightmat[...,1,0]) StokesV = numpy.imag(brightmat[...,0,1]-brightmat[...,1,0]) return StokesI, StokesQ, StokesU, StokesV def plotStokes_fromFEKOfiles(p_chan_file, q_chan_file, freq): (tvf_p, tvf_q) = (TVecFields(), TVecFields()) tvf_p.load_ffe(p_chan_file) tvf_q.load_ffe(q_chan_file) (ant_p, ant_q) = (RadFarField(tvf_p), RadFarField(tvf_q)) (p_chan_name, q_chan_name) = (os.path.basename(p_chan_file), os.path.basename(q_chan_file)) (, = (p_chan_name, q_chan_name) dualpolAnt = DualPolElem(ant_p, ant_q) THETA, PHI, Jones = dualpolAnt.getJonesPat(freq) (StokesI, StokesQ, StokesU, StokesV) = Jones2Stokes(Jones) x = THETA*numpy.cos(PHI) y = THETA*numpy.sin(PHI) #x= THETA #y=PHI xyNames = ('theta*cos(phi)','theta*sin(phi)') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) plt.pcolormesh(x, y, 10*numpy.log10(StokesI), label="I") #plt.pcolormesh(x, y, StokesI, label="I") plt.colorbar() ax1.set_title('I (dB)') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) plt.pcolormesh(x, y, StokesQ/StokesI, label="Q") plt.colorbar() ax2.set_title('Q/I') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) plt.pcolormesh(x, y, StokesU/StokesI, label="U") plt.colorbar() ax3.set_title('U/I') ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224) plt.pcolormesh(x, y, StokesV/StokesI, label="V") plt.colorbar() ax4.set_title('V/I') fig.suptitle('Stokes (azimuthal-equidistant proj) @ ' +str(freq/1e9)+' GHz') if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("p_chan_file", help='Filename of polarization channel p') parser.add_argument("q_chan_file", help='Filename of polarization channel p') parser.add_argument("freq", nargs='?', type=float, help="Frequency in Hertz") args = parser.parse_args() if args.p_chan_file.endswith(FEKOsuffix): plotStokes_fromFEKOfiles(args.p_chan_file, args.q_chan_file, args.freq) elif args.p_chan_file.endswith(GRASPsuffix): print("Not implemented yet.") elif args.p_chan_file.endswith(NECsuffix): print("Not implemented yet.") else: print("Far-field pattern file type not known") exit(1)
# coding: utf-8 """ 插入所有需要的库,和函数 """ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def klSigmode(self): """查找模式""" if self.mode == 'deal': self.canvas.updateSig(self.signalsOpen) self.mode = 'dealOpen' else: self.canvas.updateSig(self.signals) self.mode = 'deal'
import base64 from google.protobuf import json_format from importlib import import_module import json import numpy as np import os import sys from mmdnn.conversion.caffe.errors import ConversionError from mmdnn.conversion.caffe.common_graph import fetch_attr_value from mmdnn.conversion.caffe.utils import get_lower_case, get_upper_case, get_real_name class JsonFormatter(object): '''Dumpt a DL graph into a Json file.''' def __init__(self, graph): self.graph_def = graph.as_graph_def() def dump(self, json_path): json_txt = json_format.MessageToJson(self.graph_def) parsed = json.loads(json_txt) formatted = json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True) with open(json_path, 'w') as f: f.write(formatted) class PyWriter(object): '''Dumpt a DL graph into a Python script.''' def __init__(self, graph, data, target): self.graph = graph = data = ' ' * 4 self.prefix = '' target = target.lower() if target == 'tensorflow': = target = 'TensorFlowNetwork' elif target == 'keras': = target = 'KerasNetwork' elif target == 'caffe': = target = 'CaffeNetwork' else: raise ConversionError('Target %s is not supported yet.' % target) def indent(self): self.prefix += def outdent(self): self.prefix = self.prefix[:-len(] def statement(self, s): return self.prefix + s + '\n' def emit_imports(self): return self.statement('from dlconv.%s import %s\n' % (, def emit_class_def(self, name): return self.statement('class %s(%s):' % (name, def emit_setup_def(self): return self.statement('def setup(self):') def emit_node(self, node): '''Emits the Python source for this node.''' def pair(key, value): return '%s=%s' % (key, value) args = [] for input in node.input: input = input.strip().split(':') name = ''.join(input[:-1]) idx = int(input[-1]) assert name in self.graph.node_dict parent = self.graph.get_node(name) args.append(parent.output[idx]) #FIXME: output = [node.output[0]] # output = node.output for k, v in node.attr: if k == 'cell_type': args.append(pair(k, "'" + fetch_attr_value(v) + "'")) else: args.append(pair(k, fetch_attr_value(v))) args.append(pair('name', "'" + + "'")) # Set the node name args = ', '.join(args) return self.statement('%s = self.%s(%s)' % (', '.join(output), node.op, args)) def dump(self, code_output_dir): if not os.path.exists(code_output_dir): os.makedirs(code_output_dir) file_name = get_lower_case( code_output_path = os.path.join(code_output_dir, file_name + '.py') data_output_path = os.path.join(code_output_dir, file_name + '.npy') with open(code_output_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.emit()) with open(data_output_path, 'wb') as f:, return code_output_path, data_output_path def emit(self): # Decompose DAG into chains chains = [] for node in self.graph.topologically_sorted(): attach_to_chain = None if len(node.input) == 1: parent = get_real_name(node.input[0]) for chain in chains: if chain[-1].name == parent: # Node is part of an existing chain. attach_to_chain = chain break if attach_to_chain is None: # Start a new chain for this node. attach_to_chain = [] chains.append(attach_to_chain) attach_to_chain.append(node) # Generate Python code line by line source = self.emit_imports() source += self.emit_class_def( self.indent() source += self.emit_setup_def() self.indent() blocks = [] for chain in chains: b = '' for node in chain: b += self.emit_node(node) blocks.append(b[:-1]) source += '\n\n'.join(blocks) return source class ModelSaver(object): def __init__(self, code_output_path, data_output_path): self.code_output_path = code_output_path self.data_output_path = data_output_path def dump(self, model_output_dir): '''Return the file path containing graph in generated model files.''' if not os.path.exists(model_output_dir): os.makedirs(model_output_dir) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(self.code_output_path)) file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.code_output_path))[0] module = import_module(file_name) class_name = get_upper_case(file_name) net = getattr(module, class_name) return net.dump(self.data_output_path, model_output_dir) class GraphDrawer(object): def __init__(self, toolkit, meta_path): self.toolkit = toolkit.lower() self.meta_path = meta_path def dump(self, graph_path): if self.toolkit == 'tensorflow': from dlconv.tensorflow.visualizer import TensorFlowVisualizer if self._is_web_page(graph_path): TensorFlowVisualizer(self.meta_path).dump_html(graph_path) else: raise NotImplementedError('Image format or %s is unsupported!' % graph_path) elif self.toolkit == 'keras': from dlconv.keras.visualizer import KerasVisualizer png_path, html_path = (None, None) if graph_path.endswith('.png'): png_path = graph_path elif self._is_web_page(graph_path): png_path = graph_path + ".png" html_path = graph_path else: raise NotImplementedError('Image format or %s is unsupported!' % graph_path) KerasVisualizer(self.meta_path).dump_png(png_path) if html_path: self._png_to_html(png_path, html_path) os.remove(png_path) else: raise NotImplementedError('Visualization of %s is unsupported!' % self.toolkit) def _is_web_page(self, path): return path.split('.')[-1] in ('html', 'htm') def _png_to_html(self, png_path, html_path): with open(png_path, "rb") as f: encoded = base64.b64encode('utf-8') source = """<!DOCTYPE> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Keras</title> </head> <body> <img alt="Model Graph" src="data:image/png;base64,{base64_str}" /> </body> </html>""".format(base64_str=encoded) with open(html_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(source)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jun 3 19:26:47 2019 @author: sercangul """ n = 5 xy = [map(int, input().split()) for _ in range(n)] sx, sy, sx2, sxy = map(sum, zip(*[(x, y, x**2, x * y) for x, y in xy])) b = (n * sxy - sx * sy) / (n * sx2 - sx**2) a = (sy / n) - b * (sx / n) print('{:.3f}'.format(a + b * 80))
import base64 def parse_basic_auth(header_value): """ Attempts to parse the given header value as a Base64-encoded Basic auth header. """ if not header_value: return None parts = header_value.split(" ") if len(parts) != 2 or parts[0].lower() != "basic": return None try: basic_parts = base64.b64decode(parts[1]).split(":", 1) if len(basic_parts) != 2: return None return basic_parts except ValueError: return None
#!python import numpy as np from numpy import inf from numpy import nan from scipy.optimize import fmin from scipy.stats import beta from scipy.special import beta as B from scipy.special import comb import argparse import sys def parseArgs(): '''Function for parsing arguments''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pipeline for analyzing barcoded amplicon \ sequencing data with Unique molecular \ identifiers (UMI)") parser.add_argument('-cons', '--cons_file', dest='cons_file', help='Path to cons file, for fitting parameters of the bgmodel') parser.add_argument('-nonbgposfile', '--non-background-positions', dest='nonbgposfile', help='Path to file with non-background positions') parser.add_argument('-out', '--out_file',dest='out_file',help="name of output file, default = %(default)s]",default="bgmodel.params") parser.add_argument('-f','--fsize',dest='fsize', help='Family size cutoff (consensus cutoff) for variant calling. [default = %(default)s]', default=3) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) return(args) def parse_cons_file(filename,fsize=3): n1=[] f1=[] c1=[] posx=[] data=[] with open(filename) as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('Sample Name'): line=line.rstrip('\n') parts=line.split('\t') pos=parts[1]+':'+parts[2] name=parts[3] #print(name) if name not in "": famsize=parts[-4] if int(famsize)==fsize: frac=float(parts[-2]) alt=parts[-1] count=parts[-3] if frac > 0 and alt not in 'N': cov=int(parts[-5]) f1.append(float(frac)) n1.append(int(cov)) c1.append(int(count)) posx.append(pos) data.append(line) #print(name) #print(famsize) return(f1,n1,c1,posx,data) def betaNLL(params,*args): a,b = params data = np.array(args[0]) pdf=beta.pdf(data,a,b,loc=0,scale=1) lg=np.log(pdf) #lg=np.where(lg==-np.inf,0,lg) mask = np.isfinite(lg) nll = -lg[mask].sum() nll=-1*np.sum(lg) return(nll) def get_beta_parameters(data): m=np.mean(data) v=np.var(data) a0=m*(m * (1-m) / v-1 ) b0=(1-m)*(m * (1-m) / v-1 ) result=fmin(betaNLL,[a0,b0],args=(data,)) return(result) def run_fit_bgmodel(args): spikepositions=[178952085,55599321,7577558,7577547,7577538,7577120] if args.nonbgposfile: nonbgpos=[] with open(args.nonbgposfile) as f: for line in f: line=line.rstrip() nonbgpos.append(line) else: nonbgpos=spikepositions if not args.cons_file: args.cons_file=glob.glob(args.output_path+'/*cons.tsv')[0] args.fsize=int(args.fsize) f1,n1,a1,pos,data=parse_cons_file(args.cons_file,args.fsize) f1 = np.array(f1) n1 = np.array(n1) a1 = np.array(a1) pos = np.array(pos) data = np.array(data) result=get_beta_parameters(f1[np.isin(pos,nonbgpos)!=True]) #a=prob_bb(n1,a1,result[0],result[1]) print(pos,nonbgpos,np.isin(pos,nonbgpos)) with open(args.out_file,'w') as g: g.write('{}\n'.format(result[0])) g.write('{}\n'.format(result[1])) #a[a==inf]=1e-10 #a[np.isnan(a)]=1e-10 #Q = -10*np.log10(a) #data=np.array(data) #plot_histogram(Q,args.output_path+'/'+args.sample_name+'.histogram.png') #if args.vc_method.lower()=='bbmodel': # rout=data[Q >= float(args.qvalue_threshold)] # Qsig=Q[Q >= float(args.qvalue_threshold)] #else: # rout=data[a1 >= float(args.count_cutoff)] # Qsig=Q[a1 >= float(args.count_cutoff)] #outfilename=args.output_path+'/'+args.sample_name+'2.vcf' #write_vcf(outfilename,rout,Qsig,args.reference_file) if __name__=='__main__': args=parseArgs() run_fit_bgmodel(args)
"""Common ETL test fixtures""" import json import pytest @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mitx_settings(settings): """Test settings for MITx import""" settings.EDX_API_CLIENT_ID = "fake-client-id" settings.EDX_API_CLIENT_SECRET = "fake-client-secret" settings.EDX_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "http://localhost/fake/access/token/url" settings.EDX_API_URL = "http://localhost/fake/api/url" settings.MITX_BASE_URL = "http://localhost/fake/base/url" settings.MITX_ALT_URL = "http://localhost/fake/alt/url" return settings @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def oll_settings(settings): """Test settings for MITx import""" settings.OLL_API_CLIENT_ID = "fake-client-id" settings.OLL_API_CLIENT_SECRET = "fake-client-secret" settings.OLL_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "http://localhost/fake/access/token/url" settings.OLL_API_URL = "http://localhost/fake/api/url" settings.OLL_BASE_URL = "http://localhost/fake/base/url" settings.OLL_ALT_URL = "http://localhost/fake/alt/url" return settings @pytest.fixture def mitx_course_data(): """Catalog data fixture""" with open("./test_json/test_mitx_course.json", "r") as f: yield json.loads( @pytest.fixture def non_mitx_course_data(): """Catalog data fixture""" with open("./test_json/test_non_mitx_course.json", "r") as f: yield json.loads(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from scipy import stats import numpy as np import warnings from ...compat import check_is_fitted, pmdarima as pm_compat from .base import BaseEndogTransformer __all__ = ['BoxCoxEndogTransformer'] class BoxCoxEndogTransformer(BaseEndogTransformer): r"""Apply the Box-Cox transformation to an endogenous array The Box-Cox transformation is applied to non-normal data to coerce it more towards a normal distribution. It's specified as:: (((y + lam2) ** lam1) - 1) / lam1, if lmbda != 0, else log(y + lam2) Parameters ---------- lmbda : float or None, optional (default=None) The lambda value for the Box-Cox transformation, if known. If not specified, it will be estimated via MLE. lmbda2 : float, optional (default=0.) The value to add to ``y`` to make it non-negative. If, after adding ``lmbda2``, there are still negative values, a ValueError will be raised. neg_action : str, optional (default="raise") How to respond if any values in ``y <= 0`` after adding ``lmbda2``. One of ('raise', 'warn', 'ignore'). If anything other than 'raise', values <= 0 will be truncated to the value of ``floor``. floor : float, optional (default=1e-16) A positive value that truncate values to if there are values in ``y`` that are zero or negative and ``neg_action`` is not 'raise'. Note that if values are truncated, invertibility will not be preserved, and the transformed array may not be perfectly inverse-transformed. """ def __init__(self, lmbda=None, lmbda2=0, neg_action="raise", floor=1e-16): self.lmbda = lmbda self.lmbda2 = lmbda2 self.neg_action = neg_action self.floor = floor def fit(self, y, X=None, **kwargs): # TODO: kwargs go away """Fit the transformer Learns the value of ``lmbda``, if not specified in the constructor. If defined in the constructor, is not re-learned. Parameters ---------- y : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples,) The endogenous (time-series) array. X : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples, n_features), optional The exogenous array of additional covariates. Not used for endogenous transformers. Default is None, and non-None values will serve as pass-through arrays. """ lam1 = self.lmbda lam2 = self.lmbda2 # Temporary shim until we remove `exogenous` support completely X, _ = pm_compat.get_X(X, **kwargs) if lam2 < 0: raise ValueError("lmbda2 must be a non-negative scalar value") if lam1 is None: y, _ = self._check_y_X(y, X) _, lam1 = stats.boxcox(y + lam2, lmbda=None, alpha=None) self.lam1_ = lam1 self.lam2_ = lam2 return self def transform(self, y, X=None, **kwargs): """Transform the new array Apply the Box-Cox transformation to the array after learning the lambda parameter. Parameters ---------- y : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples,) The endogenous (time-series) array. X : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples, n_features), optional The exogenous array of additional covariates. Not used for endogenous transformers. Default is None, and non-None values will serve as pass-through arrays. Returns ------- y_transform : array-like or None The Box-Cox transformed y array X : array-like or None The X array """ check_is_fitted(self, "lam1_") # Temporary shim until we remove `exogenous` support completely X, _ = pm_compat.get_X(X, **kwargs) lam1 = self.lam1_ lam2 = self.lam2_ y, exog = self._check_y_X(y, X) y += lam2 neg_mask = y <= 0. if neg_mask.any(): action = self.neg_action msg = "Negative or zero values present in y" if action == "raise": raise ValueError(msg) elif action == "warn": warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) y[neg_mask] = self.floor if lam1 == 0: return np.log(y), exog return (y ** lam1 - 1) / lam1, exog def inverse_transform(self, y, X=None, **kwargs): # TODO: kwargs go away """Inverse transform a transformed array Inverse the Box-Cox transformation on the transformed array. Note that if truncation happened in the ``transform`` method, invertibility will not be preserved, and the transformed array may not be perfectly inverse-transformed. Parameters ---------- y : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples,) The transformed endogenous (time-series) array. X : array-like or None, shape=(n_samples, n_features), optional The exogenous array of additional covariates. Not used for endogenous transformers. Default is None, and non-None values will serve as pass-through arrays. Returns ------- y : array-like or None The inverse-transformed y array X : array-like or None The inverse-transformed X array """ check_is_fitted(self, "lam1_") # Temporary shim until we remove `exogenous` support completely X, _ = pm_compat.get_X(X, **kwargs) lam1 = self.lam1_ lam2 = self.lam2_ y, exog = self._check_y_X(y, X) if lam1 == 0: return np.exp(y) - lam2, exog numer = y * lam1 # remove denominator numer += 1. # add 1 back to it de_exp = numer ** (1. / lam1) # de-exponentiate return de_exp - lam2, exog
CV Model/Model - JupyterNotebook/mrcnn/
import tensorflow as tf # Convert the model. converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model('') tflite_model = converter.convert() open("trash_ai.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
from lxml import etree from django import forms from django.db import models class XMLFileField(models.FileField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.schema = kwargs.pop('schema') super(XMLFileField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): data = super(XMLFileField, self).clean(*args, **kwargs) with data as fh: doc = etree.parse(fh) with open(self.schema) as fh: schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(fh)) if not schema.validate(doc): raise forms.ValidationError('The XML file failed to validate ' 'against the supplied schema.') return data
# Copyright 2018 Jetperch LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from PySide2 import QtCore, QtWidgets from . import joulescope_rc from .meter_value_widget import MeterValueWidget import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) FIELDS = [ ('current', 'A', 'Amps'), ('voltage', 'V', 'Volts'), ('power', 'W', 'Watts'), ('energy', 'J', 'Joules'), ] class MeterWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.verticalLayout.setSpacing(0) self.controlWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) self.controlLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.controlWidget) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.controlWidget) self.accumulateButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.controlWidget) self.accumulateButton.setCheckable(True) self.accumulateButton.setObjectName("accumulateButton") self.controlLayout.addWidget(self.accumulateButton) self.accumulateButton.toggled.connect(self.on_accumulate_toggled) self.controlSpacer = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.controlLayout.addItem(self.controlSpacer) self.values = {} for name, units_short, units_long in FIELDS: w = MeterValueWidget(self) w.setStyleSheet("QWidget { background-color : black; color : green; }") w.configure(name.capitalize(), units_short, units_long) self.values[name] = w w.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(w) self.values['energy'].configure_energy() self.sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) self.sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) self.setSizePolicy(self.sizePolicy) self.retranslateUi() @QtCore.Slot(bool) def on_accumulate_toggled(self, checked): self.values['current'].accumulate_enable = checked self.values['voltage'].accumulate_enable = checked self.values['power'].accumulate_enable = checked def update(self, statistics): """Update the multimeter display :param statistics: The statistics data structure """ for name, field in statistics['signals'].items(): d = field['statistics'] self.values[name].update_value(mean=d['μ'], variance=d['σ2'], v_min=d['min'], v_max=d['max']) energy = statistics['accumulators']['energy']['value'] charge = statistics['accumulators']['charge']['value'] self.values['energy'].update_energy(energy, charge) def retranslateUi(self): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate self.accumulateButton.setText(_translate("meter_widget", "Accumulate"))
import unittest from api import create_app class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): """Default super class for api ver 1 tests""" # setup testing def setUp(self): = create_app('testing') self.client = self.item_list = [] # deconstructs test elements def tearDown(self): = None self.item_list.clear()
import os from timeit import default_timer as timer import unittest import pytest from decorator import decorator from import Env import hail as hl from hail.backend.local_backend import LocalBackend _initialized = False def startTestHailContext(): global _initialized if not _initialized: backend_name = os.environ.get('HAIL_QUERY_BACKEND', 'spark') if backend_name == 'spark': hl.init(master='local[1]', min_block_size=0, quiet=True) else: Env.hc() # force initialization _initialized = True def stopTestHailContext(): pass _test_dir = os.environ.get('HAIL_TEST_RESOURCES_DIR', '../src/test/resources') _doctest_dir = os.environ.get('HAIL_DOCTEST_DATA_DIR', 'hail/docs/data') def resource(filename): return os.path.join(_test_dir, filename) def doctest_resource(filename): return os.path.join(_doctest_dir, filename) def schema_eq(x, y): x_fds = dict(x) y_fds = dict(y) return x_fds == y_fds def convert_struct_to_dict(x): if isinstance(x, hl.Struct): return {k: convert_struct_to_dict(v) for k, v in x._fields.items()} elif isinstance(x, list): return [convert_struct_to_dict(elt) for elt in x] elif isinstance(x, tuple): return tuple([convert_struct_to_dict(elt) for elt in x]) elif isinstance(x, dict): return {k: convert_struct_to_dict(v) for k, v in x.items()} else: return x _dataset = None def get_dataset(): global _dataset if _dataset is None: _dataset = hl.split_multi_hts(hl.import_vcf(resource('sample.vcf'))).cache() return _dataset def assert_time(f, max_duration): start = timer() x = f() end = timer() assert (start - end) < max_duration print(f'took {end - start:.3f}') return x def create_all_values(): return hl.struct( f32=hl.float32(3.14), i64=hl.int64(-9), m=hl.null(hl.tfloat64), astruct=hl.struct(a=hl.null(hl.tint32), b=5.5), mstruct=hl.null(hl.tstruct(x=hl.tint32, y=hl.tstr)), aset=hl.set(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']), mset=hl.null(hl.tset(hl.tfloat64)), d=hl.dict({hl.array(['a', 'b']): 0.5, hl.array(['x', hl.null(hl.tstr), 'z']): 0.3}), md=hl.null(hl.tdict(hl.tint32, hl.tstr)),'chr22', 33878978, 'GRCh38'), ml=hl.null(hl.tlocus('GRCh37')), i=hl.interval('1', 999),'1', 1001)),, 1), mc=hl.null(hl.tcall), t=hl.tuple([, 2, phased=True), 'foo', hl.null(hl.tstr)]), mt=hl.null(hl.ttuple(hl.tlocus('GRCh37'), hl.tbool)), nd=hl.nd.arange(0, 10).reshape((2, 5)), ) def prefix_struct(s, prefix): return hl.struct(**{prefix + k: s[k] for k in s}) def create_all_values_table(): all_values = create_all_values() return (hl.utils.range_table(5, n_partitions=3) .annotate_globals(**prefix_struct(all_values, 'global_')) .annotate(**all_values) .cache()) def create_all_values_matrix_table(): all_values = create_all_values() return (hl.utils.range_matrix_table(3, 2, n_partitions=2) .annotate_globals(**prefix_struct(all_values, 'global_')) .annotate_rows(**prefix_struct(all_values, 'row_')) .annotate_cols(**prefix_struct(all_values, 'col_')) .annotate_entries(**prefix_struct(all_values, 'entry_')) .cache()) def create_all_values_datasets(): return (create_all_values_table(), create_all_values_matrix_table()) def skip_unless_spark_backend(): from hail.backend.spark_backend import SparkBackend @decorator def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(, SparkBackend): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: raise unittest.SkipTest('requires Spark') return wrapper fails_local_backend = pytest.mark.xfail( os.environ.get('HAIL_QUERY_BACKEND') == 'local', reason="doesn't yet work on local backend", strict=True) def run_with_cxx_compile(): @decorator def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs): return return wrapper def assert_evals_to(e, v): res = hl.eval(e) if res != v: raise ValueError(f' actual: {res}\n expected: {v}') def assert_all_eval_to(*expr_and_expected): exprs, expecteds = zip(*expr_and_expected) assert_evals_to(hl.tuple(exprs), expecteds) def lower_only(): @decorator def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs): flags = hl._get_flags() prev_lower = flags.get('lower') prev_lower_only = flags.get('lower_only') hl._set_flags(lower='1', lower_only='1') try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: hl._set_flags(lower=prev_lower, lower_only=prev_lower_only) return wrapper
# Original work Copyright (C) 2017 <NAME>, Carnegie Mellon University # Modified work Copyright 2018 <NAME>. import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction def get_bleu_stats(ref, hyps): scores = [] for hyp in hyps: try: scores.append(sentence_bleu([ref], hyp, smoothing_function=SmoothingFunction().method7, weights=[1./3, 1./3,1./3])) except: scores.append(0.0) return np.max(scores), np.mean(scores) def gaussian_kld(recog_mu, recog_logvar, prior_mu, prior_logvar): kld = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(1 + (recog_logvar - prior_logvar) - tf.div(tf.pow(prior_mu - recog_mu, 2), tf.exp(prior_logvar)) - tf.div(tf.exp(recog_logvar), tf.exp(prior_logvar)), reduction_indices=1) return kld def norm_log_liklihood(x, mu, logvar): return -0.5*tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(2*np.pi) + logvar + tf.div(tf.pow((x-mu), 2), tf.exp(logvar)), reduction_indices=1) def sample_gaussian(mu, logvar): epsilon = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(logvar), name="epsilon") std = tf.exp(0.5 * logvar) z= mu + tf.multiply(std, epsilon) return z def get_bow(embedding, avg=False): """ Assumption, the last dimension is the embedding The second last dimension is the sentence length. The rank must be 3 """ embedding_size = embedding.get_shape()[2].value if avg: return tf.reduce_mean(embedding, reduction_indices=[1]), embedding_size else: return tf.reduce_sum(embedding, reduction_indices=[1]), embedding_size def get_rnn_encode(embedding, cell, length_mask=None, scope=None, reuse=None): """ Assumption, the last dimension is the embedding The second last dimension is the sentence length. The rank must be 3 The padding should have zero """ with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'RnnEncoding', reuse=reuse): if length_mask is None: length_mask = tf.reduce_sum(tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(embedding), reduction_indices=2)),reduction_indices=1) length_mask = tf.to_int32(length_mask) _, encoded_input = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, embedding, sequence_length=length_mask, dtype=tf.float32) return encoded_input, cell.state_size def get_bi_rnn_encode(embedding, f_cell, b_cell, length_mask=None, scope=None, reuse=None): """ Assumption, the last dimension is the embedding The second last dimension is the sentence length. The rank must be 3 The padding should have zero """ with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'RnnEncoding', reuse=reuse): if length_mask is None: length_mask = tf.reduce_sum(tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(embedding), reduction_indices=2)),reduction_indices=1) length_mask = tf.to_int32(length_mask) _, encoded_input = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(f_cell, b_cell, embedding, sequence_length=length_mask, dtype=tf.float32) encoded_input = tf.concat(encoded_input, 1) return encoded_input, f_cell.state_size+b_cell.state_size def get_prob_for_one_sent(vocab_prob, sent, length_mask=None): """ :param vocab_prob: :param sent: :param length_mask: :return: """ tf.boolean_mask(tf.reshape(usr_input_sent, [-1, 50]), tf.sequence_mask(length_mask, 50)) def tf_repeat(tensor, repeats): """ :param tensor: :param repeats: :return: """ with tf.variable_scope("repeat"): expanded_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) multiples = [1] + repeats tiled_tensor = tf.tile(expanded_tensor, multiples=multiples) repeated_tensor = tf.reshape(tiled_tensor, tf.shape(tensor) * repeats) return repeated_tensor
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @File @Time :2021/04/16 20:02:55 @Author :wlgls @Version :1.0 ''' import numpy as np def statistics(data, combined=True): """Statistical features, include Power, Mean, Std, 1st differece, Normalized 1st difference, 2nd difference, Normalized 2nd difference. Parameters ---------- data array data, for DEAP dataset, It's shape may be (n_trials, n_channels, points) Return ---------- f: Solved feature, It's shape is similar to the shape of your input data. e.g. for input.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, points), the f.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, n_features) Example ---------- In [13]: d.shape, l.shape Out[13]: ((40, 32, 8064), (40, 1)) In [14]: statistics_feature(d).shape Out[14]: (40, 32, 7) """ # Power power = np.mean(data**2, axis=-1) # Mean ave = np.mean(data, axis=-1) # Standard Deviation std = np.std(data, axis=-1) # the mean of the absolute values of 1st differece mean diff_1st = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(data,n=1, axis=-1)), axis=-1) # the mean of the absolute values of Normalized 1st difference normal_diff_1st = diff_1st / std # the mean of the absolute values of 2nd difference mean diff_2nd = np.mean(np.abs(data[..., 2:] - data[..., :-2]), axis=-1) # the mean of the absolute values of Normalized 2nd difference normal_diff_2nd = diff_2nd / std # Features.append(np.concatenate((Power, Mean, Std, diff_1st, normal_diff_1st, diff_2nd, normal_diff_2nd), axis=2)) f = np.stack((power, ave, std, diff_1st, normal_diff_1st, diff_2nd, normal_diff_2nd), axis=-1) if combined: f = f.reshape((*f.shape[:-2])) return f def hjorth(data, combined=True): """Solving Hjorth features, include activity, mobility, complexity Parameters ---------- data array data, for DEAP dataset, It's shape may be (n_trials, n_channels, points) Return ---------- f: Solved feature, It's shape is similar to the shape of your input data. e.g. for input.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, points), the f.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, n_features) Example ---------- In [15]: d.shape, l.shape Out[15]: ((40, 32, 8064), (40, 1)) In [16]: hjorth_features(d).shape Out[16]: (40, 32, 3) """ data = np.array(data) ave = np.mean(data, axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis] diff_1st = np.diff(data, n=1, axis=-1) # print(diff_1st.shape) diff_2nd = data[..., 2:] - data[..., :-2] # Activity activity = np.mean((data-ave)**2, axis=-1) # print(Activity.shape) # Mobility varfdiff = np.var(diff_1st, axis=-1) # print(varfdiff.shape) mobility = np.sqrt(varfdiff / activity) # Complexity varsdiff = np.var(diff_2nd, axis=-1) complexity = np.sqrt(varsdiff/varfdiff) / mobility f = np.stack((activity, mobility, complexity), axis=-1) if combined: f = f.reshape((*f.shape[:-2])) return f def higher_order_crossing(data, k=10, combined=True): """Solving the feature of hoc. Hoc is a high order zero crossing quantity. Parameters ---------- data : array data, for DEAP dataset, It's shape may be (n_trials, n_channels, points) k : int, optional Order, by default 10 Return ---------- nzc: Solved feature, It's shape is similar to the shape of your input data. e.g. for input.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, points), the f.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, n_features) Example ---------- In [4]: d, l = load_deap(path, 0) In [5]: hoc(d, k=10).shape Out[5]: (40, 32, 10) In [6]: hoc(d, k=5).shape Out[6]: (40, 32, 5) """ nzc = [] for i in range(k): curr_diff = np.diff(data, n=i) x_t = curr_diff >= 0 x_t = np.diff(x_t) x_t = np.abs(x_t) count = np.count_nonzero(x_t, axis=-1) nzc.append(count) f = np.stack(nzc, axis=-1) if combined: f = f.reshape((*f.shape[:-2])) return f def sevcik_fd(data, combined=True): """Fractal dimension feature is solved, which is used to describe the shape information of EEG time series data. It seems that this feature can be used to judge the electrooculogram and EEG.The calculation methods include Sevcik, fractal Brownian motion, box counting, Higuchi and so on. Sevcik method: fast calculation and robust analysis of noise Higuchi: closer to the theoretical value than box counting The Sevick method is used here because it is easier to implement Parameters ---------- Parameters ---------- data array data, for DEAP dataset, It's shape may be (n_trials, n_channels, points) Return ---------- f: Solved feature, It's shape is similar to the shape of your input data. e.g. for input.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, points), the f.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, n_features) Example ---------- In [7]: d.shape, l.shape Out[7]: ((40, 32, 8064), (40, 1)) In [8]: sevcik_fd(d).shape Out[8]: (40, 32, 1) """ points = data.shape[-1] x = np.arange(1, points+1) x_ = x / np.max(x) miny = np.expand_dims(np.min(data, axis=-1), axis=-1) maxy = np.expand_dims(np.max(data, axis=-1), axis=-1) y_ = (data-miny) / (maxy-miny) L = np.expand_dims(np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(y_, axis=-1)**2 + np.diff(x_)**2), axis=-1), axis=-1) f = 1 + np.log(L) / np.log(2 * (points-1)) # print(FD.shape) if combined: f = f.reshape((*f.shape[:-2])) return f def calc_L(X, k, m): """ Return Lm(k) as the length of the curve. """ N = X.shape[-1] n = np.floor((N-m)/k).astype(np.int64) norm = (N-1) / (n*k) ss = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(X[..., m::k], n=1)), axis=-1) Lm = (ss*norm) / k return Lm def calc_L_average(X, k): """ Return <L(k)> as the average value over k sets of Lm(k). """ calc_L_series = np.frompyfunc(lambda m: calc_L(X, k, m), 1, 1) L_average = np.average(calc_L_series(np.arange(1, k+1))) return L_average def higuchi_fd(data, k_max, combined=True): """Fractal dimension feature is solved, which is used to describe the shape information of EEG time series data. It seems that this feature can be used to judge the electrooculogram and EEG.The calculation methods include Sevcik, fractal Brownian motion, box counting, Higuchi and so on. Sevcik method: fast calculation and robust analysis of noise Higuchi: closer to the theoretical value than box counting The higuchi method is used here because it is easier to implement Parameters ---------- Parameters ---------- data array data, for DEAP dataset, It's shape may be (n_trials, n_channels, points) Return ---------- f: Solved feature, It's shape is similar to the shape of your input data. e.g. for input.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, points), the f.shape is (n_trials, n_channels, n_features) Example ---------- In [7]: d.shape, l.shape Out[7]: ((40, 32, 8064), (40, 1)) In [8]: higuchi_fd(dif combined: f = f return ).shape Out[8]: (40, 32, 1) """ calc_L_average_series = np.frompyfunc(lambda k: calc_L_average(data, k), 1, 1) k = np.arange(1, k_max+1) L = calc_L_average_series(k) L = np.stack(L, axis=-1) fd = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1]) for ind in np.argwhere(L[..., 0]): tmp = L[ind[0], ind[1], ind[2]] D, _= np.polyfit(np.log2(k), np.log2(tmp), 1) fd[ind[0], ind[1if combined: f = f return ], ind[2]] = - D f = np.expand_dims(fd, axis=-1) if combined: f = f.reshape((*f.shape[:-2])) return f
""" Fill na with most common of the whole column """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime import re from collections import Counter from statistics import median from tqdm import tqdm def find_most_common_value(element_list): for element in element_list: if not pd.isna(element): break if pd.isna(element): return np.nan elif isinstance(element, np.double): array = np.array(element_list) array = array[~np.isnan(array)] if len(array) == 0: return np.nan else: array = array.astype( return np.double(np.bincount(array).argmax()) elif isinstance(element, str): count = Counter(df[col]) try: del count[np.nan] except ValueError: pass if count == dict(): return np.nan else: return count.most_common(1)[0][0] file = '/home/nicolasbievre/yelp_data.pkl' file_na = '/home/nicolasbievre/yelp_data_no_na.pkl' df = pd.read_pickle(file) categories = list(set(df['categories'].values)) n = len(categories) for i in tqdm(range(len(df.columns))): col = df.columns[i] if not col in {'review_id': 0, 'business_id': 0, 'user_id': 0, 'postal_code': 0}: df_col = df[col].values na = sum(pd.isna(df_col)) if na > 0: most_commom_term = find_most_common_value(df_col) if not pd.isna(most_commom_term): df.loc[(pd.isna(df_col)), col] = most_commom_term if i % 35 == 0 and i > 0: df.to_pickle(file_na) df.to_pickle(file_na)
import Hedge while True: text = input('Hedge > ') if text.strip() == "": continue result, error ='<stdin>', text) if (error): print(error.asString()) elif result: if len(result.elements) == 1: print(repr(result.elements[0])) else: print(repr(result))
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException from rest_framework import status class GraphAPIError(APIException): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass class NodeNotFoundError(GraphAPIError): status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND def __init__(self, id): = id super(NodeNotFoundError, self).__init__("Node with id '{}' does not exist.".format(id)) class NodeTypeNotFoundError(GraphAPIError): status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND def __init__(self, node_type): self.node_type = node_type super(NodeTypeNotFoundError, self).__init__("Node type '{}' does not exist.".format(node_type)) class MissingNodeTypeError(GraphAPIError): """ Creating a node requires a type. """ status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST class MalformedUpdateDictionaryError(GraphAPIError): status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST class InvalidPropertyError(GraphAPIError): status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST class InvalidValueError(GraphAPIError): status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST class PermissionDenied(GraphAPIError): status_code = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN default_detail = 'Insufficient permissions for the request.'
#!/usr/bin/env python import math import numpy as np def sd1(rr): sdnn = np.std(rr) return math.sqrt(0.5 * sdnn * sdnn)
from lite_content.lite_internal_frontend.open_general_licences import ( OGEL_DESCRIPTION, OGTCL_DESCRIPTION, OGTL_DESCRIPTION, ) from lite_forms.components import Option class OpenGeneralExportLicences: class OpenGeneralLicence: def __init__(self, id, name, description, acronym): = id = name self.description = description self.acronym = acronym open_general_export_licence = OpenGeneralLicence( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "Open General Export Licence", OGEL_DESCRIPTION, "OGEL", ) open_general_trade_control_licence = OpenGeneralLicence( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000013", "Open General Trade Control Licence", OGTCL_DESCRIPTION, "OGTCL", ) open_general_transhipment_licence = OpenGeneralLicence( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000014", "Open General Transhipment Licence", OGTL_DESCRIPTION, "OGTL", ) @classmethod def all(cls): return [ cls.open_general_export_licence, cls.open_general_trade_control_licence, cls.open_general_transhipment_licence, ] @classmethod def as_options(cls): return [ Option(, value=f"{} ({ogl.acronym})", description=ogl.description) for ogl in cls.all() ] @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, id): return next(ogl for ogl in cls.all() if == id)
# Generated by Django 3.2.6 on 2021-09-03 15:48 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('grocery', '0002_alter_item_comments'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='item', name='comments', field=models.CharField(blank=True, default='null', max_length=200), preserve_default=False, ), ]
import numpy as np import unittest from pydlm.modeler.trends import trend from pydlm.modeler.seasonality import seasonality from pydlm.modeler.builder import builder from pydlm.base.kalmanFilter import kalmanFilter class testKalmanFilter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.kf1 = kalmanFilter(discount=[1]) self.kf0 = kalmanFilter(discount=[1e-10]) self.kf11 = kalmanFilter(discount=[1, 1]) self.trend0 = trend(degree=0, discount=1, w=1.0) self.trend0_90 = trend(degree=0, discount=0.9, w=1.0) self.trend0_98 = trend(degree=0, discount=0.98, w=1.0, name='a') self.trend1 = trend(degree=1, discount=1, w=1.0) def testForwardFilter(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(self.trend0) dlm.initialize() self.kf1.predict(dlm.model) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.prediction.obs, 0) # the prior on the mean is zero, but observe 1, with # discount = 1, one should expect the filterd mean to be 0.5 self.kf1.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs, 0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.prediction.obs, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.sysVar, 0.375) self.kf1.predict(dlm.model) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs, 0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.prediction.obs, 0.5) dlm.initialize() self.kf0.predict(dlm.model) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.prediction.obs, 0) # the prior on the mean is zero, but observe 1, with discount = 0 # one should expect the filtered mean close to 1 self.kf0.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.prediction.obs[0, 0], 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.sysVar[0, 0], 0.5) self.kf0.predict(dlm.model) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.prediction.obs[0, 0], 1) def testForwardFilterMultiDim(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(seasonality(period=2, discount=1, w=1.0)) dlm.initialize() self.kf11.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.state[0][0, 0], 0.33333333333) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.state[1][0, 0], -0.33333333333) self.kf11.forwardFilter(dlm.model, -1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.state[0][0, 0], -0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.state[1][0, 0], 0.5) def testBackwardSmoother(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(self.trend0) dlm.initialize() # with mean being 0 and observe 1 and 0 consectively, one shall # expect the smoothed mean at 1 will be 1/3, for discount = 1 self.kf1.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1) self.kf1.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 0) self.kf1.backwardSmoother(dlm.model, \ np.matrix([[0.5]]), \ np.matrix([[0.375]])) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 1.0/3) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.sysVar[0, 0], 0.18518519) # second order trend with discount = 1. The smoothed result should be # equal to a direct fit on the three data points, 0, 1, -1. Thus, the # smoothed observation should be 0.0 def testBackwardSmootherMultiDim(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(self.trend1) dlm.initialize() self.kf11.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1) state1 = dlm.model.state cov1 = dlm.model.sysVar self.kf11.forwardFilter(dlm.model, -1) self.kf11.backwardSmoother(dlm.model, \ rawState = state1, \ rawSysVar = cov1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 0.0) def testMissingData(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(self.trend0) dlm.initialize() self.kf0.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obsVar[0, 0], 1.0) self.kf0.forwardFilter(dlm.model, None) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obsVar[0, 0]/1e10, 0.5) self.kf0.forwardFilter(dlm.model, None) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obsVar[0, 0]/1e10, 0.5) self.kf0.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs[0, 0], 0.0) def testMissingEvaluation(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(self.trend0) dlm.initialize() dlm.model.evaluation = np.matrix([[None]]) self.kf1.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1.0, dealWithMissingEvaluation = True) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.obs, 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.transition, 1.0) def testEvolveMode(self): dlm = builder() dlm.add(self.trend0_90) dlm.add(self.trend0_98) dlm.initialize() kf2 = kalmanFilter(discount=[0.9, 0.98], updateInnovation='component', index=dlm.componentIndex) kf2.forwardFilter(dlm.model, 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.innovation[0, 1], 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(dlm.model.innovation[1, 0], 0.0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import pytest from bmipy import Bmi class EmptyBmi(Bmi): def __init__(self): pass def initialize(self, config_file): pass def update(self): pass def update_until(self, then): pass def finalize(self): pass def get_var_type(self, var_name): pass def get_var_units(self, var_name): pass def get_var_nbytes(self, var_name): pass def get_var_itemsize(self, name): pass def get_var_location(self, name): pass def get_var_grid(self, var_name): pass def get_grid_rank(self, grid_id): pass def get_grid_size(self, grid_id): pass def get_value_ptr(self, var_name): pass def get_value(self, var_name): pass def get_value_at_indices(self, var_name, indices): pass def set_value(self, var_name, src): pass def set_value_at_indices(self, var_name, src, indices): pass def get_component_name(self): pass def get_input_item_count(self): pass def get_output_item_count(self): pass def get_input_var_names(self): pass def get_output_var_names(self): pass def get_grid_shape(self, grid_id): pass def get_grid_spacing(self, grid_id): pass def get_grid_origin(self, grid_id): pass def get_grid_type(self, grid_id): pass def get_start_time(self): pass def get_end_time(self): pass def get_current_time(self): pass def get_time_step(self): pass def get_time_units(self): pass def get_grid_edge_count(self, grid): pass def get_grid_edge_nodes(self, grid, edge_nodes): pass def get_grid_face_count(self, grid): pass def get_grid_face_nodes(self, grid, face_nodes): pass def get_grid_face_edges(self, grid, face_edges): pass def get_grid_node_count(self, grid): pass def get_grid_nodes_per_face(self, grid, nodes_per_face): pass def get_grid_x(self, grid, x): pass def get_grid_y(self, grid, y): pass def get_grid_z(self, grid, z): pass def test_bmi_not_implemented(): class MyBmi(Bmi): pass with pytest.raises(TypeError): Bmi() def test_bmi_implemented(): assert isinstance(EmptyBmi(), Bmi)
from plasTeX import Command, Environment def ProcessOptions(options, document): colors = {} document.userdata.setPath('packages/color/colors', colors) colors['red'] = latex2htmlcolor('1,0,0') colors['green'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,1,0') colors['blue'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0,1') colors['cyan'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,1,1') colors['magenta'] = latex2htmlcolor('1,0,1') colors['yellow'] = latex2htmlcolor('1,1,0') colors['white'] = latex2htmlcolor('1') colors['black'] = latex2htmlcolor('0') colors['gray'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.9') colors['darkred'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.8,0,0') colors['middlered'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.9,0,0') colors['lightred'] = latex2htmlcolor('1,0,0') colors['darkgreen'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0.6,0') colors['middlegreen'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0.8,0') colors['lightgreen'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,1,0') colors['darkblue'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0,0.8') colors['middleblue'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0,0.9') colors['lightblue'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0,1') colors['darkcyan'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.6,0.8,0.8') colors['middlecyan'] = latex2htmlcolor('0,0.8,0.8') colors['darkmagenta'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.8,0.6,0.8') colors['middlemagenta'] = latex2htmlcolor('1,0,0.6') colors['darkyellow'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.8,0.8,0.6') colors['middleyellow'] = latex2htmlcolor('1,1,0.2') colors['darkgray'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.5') colors['middlegray'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.7') colors['lightgray'] = latex2htmlcolor('0.9') def latex2htmlcolor(arg, model='rgb', named=None): named = named or {} if model == 'named': return named.get(arg, '') if ',' in arg: parts = [float(x) for x in arg.split(',')] # rgb if len(parts) == 3: red, green, blue = parts red = min(int(red * 255), 255) green = min(int(green * 255), 255) blue = min(int(blue * 255), 255) # cmyk elif len(parts) == 4: c, m, y, k = parts red, green, blue = [int(255 * x) for x in [1 - c * (1 - k) - k, 1 - m * (1 - k) - k, 1 - y * (1 - k) - k]] else: return arg.strip() else: try: red = green = blue = float(arg) except ValueError: try: return named[arg] except KeyError: return arg.strip() return '#%.2X%.2X%.2X' % (int(red), int(green), int(blue)) class definecolor(Command): args = 'name:str model:str color:str' def invoke(self, tex): a = self.parse(tex) u = self.ownerDocument.userdata colors = u.getPath('packages/color/colors') colors[a['name']] = latex2htmlcolor(a['color'], a['model'], colors) class textcolor(Command): args = '[ model:str ] color:str self' def invoke(self, tex): a = self.parse(tex)['color'] = latex2htmlcolor(a['color'], a['model'], self.ownerDocument.userdata.getPath('packages/color/colors')) class color(Environment): args = '[ model:str ] color:str' def invoke(self, tex): a = self.parse(tex)['color'] = latex2htmlcolor(a['color'], a['model'], self.ownerDocument.userdata.getPath('packages/color/colors')) class pagecolor(Command): args = '[ model:str ] color:str' class colorbox(Command): args = '[ model:str ] color:str self' def invoke(self, tex): a = self.parse(tex)['background-color'] = latex2htmlcolor(a['color'], a['model'], self.ownerDocument.userdata.getPath('packages/color/colors')) class fcolorbox(Command): args = '[ model:str ] bordercolor:str color:str self' def invoke(self, tex): a = self.parse(tex)['background-color'] = latex2htmlcolor(a['color'], a['model'], self.ownerDocument.userdata.getPath('packages/color/colors'))['border'] = ('1px solid %s' % latex2htmlcolor(a['bordercolor'], a['model'], self.ownerDocument.userdata.getPath('packages/color/colors'))) class normalcolor(Command): pass
""" Tests related to :class:`.SqliteWrapper` / :class:`.ExampleWrapper` """ # from unittest import TestCase from tests.base import * class TestSQLiteWrapper(PrivexDBTestBase): def test_tables_created(self): w = self.wrp self.assertEqual(w.db, ':memory:') tables = w.list_tables() self.assertIn('users', tables) self.assertIn('items', tables) def test_tables_drop(self): w = self.wrp tables = w.list_tables() self.assertIn('users', tables) self.assertIn('items', tables) w.drop_schemas() tables = w.list_tables() self.assertNotIn('users', tables) self.assertNotIn('items', tables) def test_insert_find_user(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'flat' res = w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') self.assertEqual(res.rowcount, 1) user = w.find_user(res.lastrowid) self.assertEqual(user[1], 'John') self.assertEqual(user[2], 'Doe') def test_action_update(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' res = w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') last_id = res.lastrowid rows = w.action("UPDATE users SET last_name = ? WHERE first_name = ?", ['Smith', 'John']) self.assertEqual(rows, 1) john = w.find_user(last_id) self.assertEqual(john['last_name'], 'Smith') def test_find_user_dict_mode(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' res = w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') self.assertEqual(res.rowcount, 1) user = w.find_user(res.lastrowid) self.assertEqual(user['first_name'], 'John') self.assertEqual(user['last_name'], 'Doe') def test_find_user_nonexistent(self): w = self.wrp user = w.find_user(99) self.assertIsNone(user) def test_get_users_tuple(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'flat' w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Jane', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') users = list(w.get_users()) self.assertEqual(len(users), 3) self.assertEqual(users[0][1], 'John') self.assertEqual(users[1][1], 'Jane') self.assertEqual(users[1][2], 'Doe') self.assertEqual(users[2][2], 'Johnson') def test_get_users_dict(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Jane', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') users = list(w.get_users()) self.assertEqual(len(users), 3) self.assertEqual(users[0]['first_name'], 'John') self.assertEqual(users[1]['first_name'], 'Jane') self.assertEqual(users[1]['last_name'], 'Doe') self.assertEqual(users[2]['last_name'], 'Johnson') def test_insert_helper(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' res = w.insert('users', first_name='Dave', last_name='Johnson') self.assertEqual(res.lastrowid, 1) user = w.find_user(res.lastrowid) self.assertEqual(user['first_name'], 'Dave') self.assertEqual(user['last_name'], 'Johnson')
import math,time,random import pepper_interface IP = "" PORT = 9559 simulation = False with pepper_interface.get(IP,PORT,simulation) as pepper: time.sleep(1.0) values,time_stamp = pepper.laser.get() print print "Front" print values["Front"] print print "Left" print values["Left"] print print "Right" print values["Right"] print
""" Bellman Ford Arbitrage implementation over websocket API. """ from __future__ import annotations from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal from math import log import pandas as pd import numpy as np import asyncio import typing from aiokraken.model.assetpair import AssetPair from import AssetPairs, Assets from aiokraken.model.asset import Asset from import RestClient from aiokraken.websockets.publicapi import ticker import networkx as nx client = RestClient() async def ticker_updates(pairs: typing.Union[AssetPairs, typing.Iterable[AssetPair]], pmatrix): # For required pairs, get ticket updates if isinstance(pairs, AssetPairs): # TODO : we need to unify iterable of pairs somehow... properpairs = pairs pairs = [p for p in pairs.values()] else: properpairs = AssetPairs({p.wsname: p for p in pairs}) tkrs = await client.ticker(pairs=[p for p in pairs]) # TODO : build price matrix for p, tk in tkrs.items(): # retrieve the actual pair pair = properpairs[p] fee = pair.fees[0].get('fee') # TODO : pick the right fee depending on total traded volume ! await pmatrix(base=pair.base, quote=pair.quote, ask_price=tk.ask.price,, fee_pct=fee) # TODO : 2 levels : # - slow updates with wide list of pairs and potential interest (no fees - small data for quick compute) # - websockets with potential arbitrage (including fees - detailed data & precise compute) async for upd in ticker(pairs=pairs, restclient=client): print(f"wss ==> tick: {upd}") # update pricematrix base = upd.pairname.base quote = upd.pairname.quote fee = properpairs[upd.pairname].fees[0].get('fee') await pmatrix(base=base, quote=quote, ask_price=upd.ask.price,, fee_pct=fee) class PriceMatrix: # Note This matrix is square # since we want to do arbitrage and find cycles... df: pd.DataFrame # we also need to be careful that only one writer can modify data at a time... wlock: asyncio.Lock assets: typing.Optional[Assets] def __init__(self, assets: typing.Union[Assets, typing.Iterable[Asset]]): self.wlock = asyncio.Lock() if isinstance(assets, Assets): assets = [a for a in assets.values()] self.df = pd.DataFrame(data={c.restname: {c.restname: None for c in assets} for c in assets}, columns=[c.restname for c in assets], dtype='float64') self.assets = None async def __call__(self, base: Asset, ask_price: Decimal, quote: Asset, bid_price: Decimal, fee_pct: Decimal): if self.assets is None: # retrieve assets for filtering calls params, only once. self.assets = await client.retrieve_assets() async with self.wlock: # careful with concurrent control. if not isinstance(base, Asset): base = self.assets[base].restname if not isinstance(quote, Asset): quote = self.assets[quote].restname # These are done with decimal, but stored as numpy floats for faster compute self.df[quote][base] = bid_price * ((100 - fee_pct) /100) # bid price to get: quote_curr -- (buy_price - fee) --> base_curr self.df[base][quote] = ((100 - fee_pct)/100) / ask_price # ask price to get: base_curr -- (sell_price - fee) --> quote_curr def __getitem__(self, item): if item not in self.df.columns: raise KeyError(f"{item} not found") if item not in self.df: return pd.Series(dtype=pd.dtype('decimal')) return self.df[item] def __len__(self): return len(self.df.columns) def __str__(self): return self.df.to_string() def neglog(self): if not self.assets: return False newpm = PriceMatrix(assets=[self.assets[c] for c in self.df.columns]) # copy all values and take -log() for c in self.df.columns: # TODO : fix this : is it on row, or columns ? which is best ?? newpm.df[c] = np.negative(np.log(self.df[c])) return newpm def to_graph(self): G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(self.df, create_using=nx.DiGraph) # from import output_file, show # from bokeh.plotting import figure, from_networkx # # plot = figure(title="Networkx Integration Demonstration", x_range=(-1.1, 1.1), y_range=(-1.1, 1.1), # tools="", toolbar_location=None) # # graph = from_networkx(G, nx.spring_layout, scale=2, center=(0, 0)) # plot.renderers.append(graph) # # output_file("networkx_graph.html") # show(plot) return G def test_pricematrix_mapping(): # testing with string for simplicity for now pm = PriceMatrix(["EUR", "BTC"]) pm["EUR"]["BTC"] = Decimal(1.234) pm["BTC"]["EUR"] = Decimal(4.321) assert pm["EUR"]["BTC"] == Decimal(1.234) assert pm["BTC"]["EUR"] == Decimal(4.321) async def arbiter(user_assets): assets = await client.retrieve_assets() proper_userassets = Assets(assets_as_dict={assets[a].restname: assets[a] for a in user_assets}) assetpairs = await client.retrieve_assetpairs() proper_userpairs = AssetPairs(assetpairs_as_dict={p.wsname:p for p in assetpairs.values() if p.wsname is not None and ( p.base in proper_userassets or p.quote in proper_userassets )}) # retrieving widely related assets related_assets = set(assets[p.base] for p in proper_userpairs.values()) | set(assets[p.quote] for p in proper_userpairs.values()) proper_related_assets = Assets({a.restname: a for a in related_assets}) pmtx = PriceMatrix(assets=proper_related_assets) # running ticker updates in background bgtsk = asyncio.create_task(ticker_updates(pairs=proper_userpairs, pmatrix=pmtx)) try: # observe pricematrix changes while True: # TODO : efficient TUI lib ! # print(pmtx) # pricegraph = pmtx.to_graph() # display... neglog = pmtx.neglog() if neglog: negcycle = bellmanford(neglog) if len(negcycle): amnt = 1 # arbitrary starting amount pred = negcycle[-1] dscr = f"{amnt} {pred}" for cn in reversed(negcycle[:-1]): amnt = amnt * pmtx[pred][cn] pred = cn dscr = dscr + f" -> {amnt} {pred}" print(f"ARBITRAGE POSSIBLE: {dscr}") # TODO : from these we can extract market making opportunities ?? # Another way : # negloggraph = neglog.to_graph() # # negcycle = list() # # if nx.negative_edge_cycle(negloggraph): # # find it ! # print("NEGATIVE CYCLE FOUND !") # # # Now find it # print(f"computing cycles... {}") # # for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(negloggraph): # # for cycle in nx.cycle_basis(negloggraph): # NOT implemented ! # # find negative weight sum (cycle need to be more than one node) # if sum(negloggraph[n][m].get('weight') for n, m in zip(cycle, cycle[1:])) < 0: # print(f"Found one: {cycle}") # negcycle.append(cycle) # print(negcycle) # print(f"computing cycles DONE ! {}") await asyncio.sleep(5) finally: # in every case cancel the background task now bgtsk.cancel() # TODO: react ! def bellmanford(pmatrix_neglog: PriceMatrix, source='ZEUR'): n = len(pmatrix_neglog) min_dist = {source: 0} min_pred = {} # Relax edges |V - 1| times for i in range(n - 1): # iterations for v in pmatrix_neglog.df.columns: # vertex source if v in min_dist.keys(): # otherwise distance infinite until we know it... for w in pmatrix_neglog.df.columns: # vertex target if w not in min_dist.keys() or min_dist[w] > min_dist[v] + pmatrix_neglog[v][w]: min_dist[w] = min_dist[v] + pmatrix_neglog[v][w] min_pred[w] = v # If we can still relax edges, then we have a negative cycle for v in pmatrix_neglog.df.columns: if v in min_dist.keys(): # otherwise node is not yet relevant here for w in pmatrix_neglog.df.columns: if min_dist[w] > min_dist[v] + pmatrix_neglog[v][w]: # print(f"{min_dist[w]} > {min_dist[v]} + {pmatrix_neglog[v][w]}") path = (w, min_pred[w]) while len(set(path)) == len(path): # while no duplicates, cycle is not complete... path = (*path, min_pred[path[-1]]) # First cycle retrieved is *likely* (?) to be the minimal one -> the only one we are interested in return path[path.index(path[-1]):] return () if __name__ == '__main__':["XTZ", "ETH", "XBT", "EUR"]), debug=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Computes distance between killmails by text similarity. Edit Distance Metrics - Levenshtein Distance - Damerau-Levenshtein Distance - Jaro Distance - Jaro-Winkler Distance - Match Rating Approach Comparison - Hamming Distance Vector Distance Metrics - Jaccard Similarity - Cosine Distance Written By: <NAME> Updated On: 11/09/2019 """ # Start timing import time start = time.time() total = 0 def lap(msg): """Records time elapsed.""" global start, total elapsed = (time.time() - start) - total total = time.time() - start if elapsed > 3600: print(f'(+{elapsed/3600:.2f}h|t:{total/3600:.2f}h) {msg}') elif elapsed > 60: if total > 3600: print(f'(+{elapsed/60:.2f}m|t:{total/3600:.2f}h) {msg}') else: print(f'(+{elapsed/60:.2f}m|t:{total/60:.2f}m) {msg}') else: if total > 3600: print(f'(+{elapsed:.3f}s|t:{total/3600:.2f}h) {msg}') elif total > 60: print(f'(+{elapsed:.3f}s|t:{total/60:.2f}m) {msg}') else: print(f'(+{elapsed:.3f}s|t:{total:.3f}s) {msg}') lap("Importing modules...") from ast import literal_eval from functools import reduce import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel def get_long_text_cosine_distance(los1, los2): """Calculates cosine distance between two killmails' item lists. 1. Converts collection of long text items to raw document representation. 2. Converts the collection of raw documents to a matrix of TF-IDF features using TfidfVectorizer (combines vector counting and TF-IDF calculator). 3. Computes cosine similarity between feature vectors. Uses linear kernel since TF-IDF matrix will be normalized already. Arguments: los1: First document, a list of raw strings. los2: Second document, a list of raw strings. Returns: cosine distance as a value between 0-1, with 1 being identical. """ if type(los1) == float or type(los2) == float: return 0 if len(los1) == 0 or len(los2) == 0: return 0 doc1 = reduce(lambda x, y: f'{x} {y}', [x[0] for x in los1]) # Create bag of words doc2 = reduce(lambda x, y: f'{x} {y}', [x[0] for x in los2]) # Create bag of words tfidf = TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform([doc1, doc2]) # Vectorize the bag of words cos_dist = linear_kernel(tfidf[0:1], tfidf[1:2]).flatten()[0] # Compute cosine distance return cos_dist def get_short_text_cosine_distance(los1, los2): """Calculates cosine distance between two killmails' item lists. 1. Converts collection of short text items to raw document representation. 2. Converts the collection of raw documents to a matrix of TF-IDF features using TfidfVectorizer (combines vector counting and TF-IDF calculator). 3. Computes cosine similarity between feature vectors. Uses linear kernel since TF-IDF matrix will be normalized already. Arguments: los1: First document, a list of raw strings. los2: Second document, a list of raw strings. Returns: cosine distance as a value between 0-1, with 1 being identical and 0 being complete different. """ if type(los1) == float or type(los2) == float: return 0 if len(los1) == 0 or len(los2) == 0: return 0 doc1 = reduce(lambda x, y: f'{x} {y}', [x[1] for x in los1]) # Create bag of words doc2 = reduce(lambda x, y: f'{x} {y}', [x[1] for x in los2]) # Create bag of words tfidf = TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform([doc1, doc2]) # Vectorize the bag of words cos_dist = linear_kernel(tfidf[0:1], tfidf[1:2]).flatten()[0] # Compute cosine distance return cos_dist # Load CSV from local file lap("Loading CSV data from local file...") df = pd.read_csv(f'data/all_victims_complete_partialKD.csv', encoding='utf-8') df = df.drop(columns=['HighSlotISK', 'MidSlotISK', 'LowSlotISK', 'type', 'fill']) df = df.dropna() # Convert items column to correct data type lap("Converting 'item' column value types...") df['items'] = df['items'].apply(literal_eval) # Group DataFrame by character_id and compute distance series for each group lap("Computing cosine distances and change in kd by grouping character_id's...") groupby = df.groupby('character_id') # group dataframe by character_id num_groups = len(groupby) # get number of groups count = 0 # current group number out of number of groups groups = [] # list to append modified group dataframes to for name, gp in groupby: # Order the observations and prepare the dataframe gp = (gp.sort_values(by=['killmail_id']) .reset_index() .drop('index', axis=1)) # Generate change in kills over change in deaths and change in kd ratio kills1 = gp['k_count'] kills2 = gp['k_count'].shift() deaths1 = gp['d_count'] deaths2 = gp['d_count'].shift() idx = len(gp.columns) gp.insert(idx, 'del_kdratio', (kills2 - kills1) / (deaths2 - deaths1)) gp.insert(idx+1, 'kd_ratio_diff', gp['kd_ratio']-gp['kd_ratio'].shift()) # Generate pairs of observations sequentially to compare pairs = [] items1 = gp['items'] items2 = gp['items'].shift() for i in range(1, len(gp)): # Start from 1 to avoid adding nan pair los1 = items1.iloc[i] los2 = items2.iloc[i] pairs.append((los2, los1)) # Generate distance series using pairs list and different metrics # start distance series with nan due to starting range at 1 cos_dist_lt = [np.nan] # cosine distance b/w long text BoW cos_dist_st = [np.nan] # cosine distance b/w short text BoW for pair in pairs: cos_dist_lt.append(get_long_text_cosine_distance(pair[0], pair[1])) cos_dist_st.append(get_short_text_cosine_distance(pair[0], pair[1])) idx = len(gp.columns) gp.insert(idx, 'cos_dist_lt', cos_dist_lt) gp.insert(idx, 'cos_dist_st', cos_dist_st) groups.append(gp) # Record progress count += 1 print(f"Progress {count/num_groups:2.1%}", end="\r") lap("Concatenating resulting groups and writing to file...") df_res = pd.concat(groups) df_res.to_csv(f'data/useable_victims_distancesAndKD.csv') lap("Exit")
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import time import cv2 from hitnet.utils_hitnet import * drivingStereo_config = CameraConfig(0.546, 1000) class HitNet(): def __init__(self, model_path, model_type=ModelType.eth3d, camera_config=drivingStereo_config): self.fps = 0 self.timeLastPrediction = time.time() self.frameCounter = 0 self.camera_config = camera_config # Initialize model self.model = self.initialize_model(model_path, model_type) def __call__(self, left_img, right_img): return self.estimate_disparity(left_img, right_img) def initialize_model(self, model_path, model_type): self.model_type = model_type with, "rb") as f: graph_def = tf.compat.v1.GraphDef() loaded = graph_def.ParseFromString( # Wrap frozen graph to ConcreteFunctions if self.model_type == ModelType.flyingthings: model = wrap_frozen_graph(graph_def=graph_def, inputs="input:0", outputs=["reference_output_disparity:0","secondary_output_disparity:0"]) else: model = wrap_frozen_graph(graph_def=graph_def, inputs="input:0", outputs="reference_output_disparity:0") return model def estimate_disparity(self, left_img, right_img): input_tensor = self.prepare_input(left_img, right_img) # Perform inference on the image if self.model_type == ModelType.flyingthings: left_disparity, right_disparity = self.inference(input_tensor) self.disparity_map = left_disparity else: self.disparity_map = self.inference(input_tensor) return self.disparity_map def get_depth(self): return self.camera_config.f*self.camera_config.baseline/self.disparity_map def prepare_input(self, left_img, right_img): if (self.model_type == ModelType.eth3d): # Shape (1, None, None, 2) left_img = cv2.cvtColor(left_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) right_img = cv2.cvtColor(right_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) left_img = np.expand_dims(left_img,2) right_img = np.expand_dims(right_img,2) combined_img = np.concatenate((left_img, right_img), axis=-1) / 255.0 else: # Shape (1, None, None, 6) left_img = cv2.cvtColor(left_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) right_img = cv2.cvtColor(right_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) combined_img = np.concatenate((left_img, right_img), axis=-1) / 255.0 return tf.convert_to_tensor(np.expand_dims(combined_img, 0), dtype=tf.float32) def inference(self, input_tensor): output = self.model(input_tensor) return np.squeeze(output)
import csv class echa: def werehousing(self): with open('kelas_2b/echa.csv', 'r') as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: print("menampilkan data barang:", row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])
from __future__ import absolute_import import re from email.mime.text import MIMEText from smtplib import SMTP from weasyl import define, macro EMAIL_ADDRESS = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\Z") def normalize_address(address): """ Converts an e-mail address to a consistent representation. Returns None if the given address is not considered valid. """ address = address.strip() if not EMAIL_ADDRESS.match(address): return None local, domain = address.split("@", 1) return "%s@%s" % (local, domain.lower()) def send(mailto, subject, content): """Send an e-mail. `mailto` must be a normalized e-mail address to send this e-mail to. The system email will be designated as the sender. """ message = MIMEText(content.strip()) message["To"] = mailto message["From"] = macro.MACRO_EMAIL_ADDRESS message["Subject"] = subject # smtp.sendmail() only converts CR and LF (produced by MIMEText and our templates) to CRLF in Python 3. In Python 2, we need this: msg_crlf = re.sub(r"\r\n|[\r\n]", "\r\n", message.as_string()) smtp = SMTP(define.config_read_setting('host', "localhost", section='smtp')) try: smtp.sendmail( from_addr=macro.MACRO_EMAIL_ADDRESS, to_addrs=[mailto], msg=msg_crlf, ) finally: smtp.quit() define.metric('increment', 'emails')
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from gwu_nn.gwu_network import GWUNetwork from gwu_nn.layers import Dense from gwu_nn.activation_layers import Sigmoid np.random.seed(8) num_obs = 8000 # Create our features to draw from two distinct 2D normal distributions x1 = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, .75],[.75, 1]], num_obs) x2 = np.random.multivariate_normal([3, 8], [[1, .25],[.25, 1]], num_obs) # Stack our inputs into one feature space X = np.vstack((x1, x2)) print(X.shape) y = np.hstack((np.zeros(num_obs), np.ones(num_obs))) print(y.shape) # colors = ['red'] * num_obs + ['blue'] * num_obs # plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) # plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c = colors, alpha = 0.5) # Lets randomly split things into training and testing sets so we don't cheat X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42) # Create our model network = GWUNetwork() network.add(Dense(2, 1, True, 'sigmoid')) network.add(Sigmoid()) #network.set_loss('mse') network.compile('log_loss', 0.001), y_train, epochs=100) from scipy.special import logit colors = ['red'] * num_obs + ['blue'] * num_obs plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=colors, alpha=0.5) # Range of our X values start_x1 = -5 end_x1 = 7 weights = network.layers[0].weights.reshape(-1).tolist() bias = network.layers[0].bias[0][0] start_y = (bias + start_x1 * weights[0] - logit(0.5)) / - weights[1] end_y = (bias + end_x1 * weights[0] - logit(0.5)) / -weights[1] plt.plot([start_x1, end_x1], [start_y, end_y], color='grey')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # - takes a single email or mbox formatted # file on stdin or in a file and reads it into the database. # import os import sys from optparse import OptionParser from configparser import ConfigParser import psycopg2 from import ArchivesParserStorage from lib.mbox import MailboxBreakupParser from lib.exception import IgnorableException from lib.log import log, opstatus from lib.varnish import VarnishPurger def log_failed_message(listid, srctype, src, msg, err): try: msgid = msg.msgid except Exception: msgid = "<unknown>" log.error("Failed to load message (msgid %s) from %s, spec %s: %s" % (msgid, srctype, src, err)) # We also put the data in the db. This happens in the main transaction # so if the whole script dies, it goes away... conn.cursor().execute("INSERT INTO loaderrors (listid, msgid, srctype, src, err) VALUES (%(listid)s, %(msgid)s, %(srctype)s, %(src)s, %(err)s)", { 'listid': listid, 'msgid': msgid, 'srctype': srctype, 'src': src, 'err': str(str(err), 'us-ascii', 'replace'), }) if __name__ == "__main__": optparser = OptionParser() optparser.add_option('-l', '--list', dest='list', help='Name of list to load message for') optparser.add_option('-d', '--directory', dest='directory', help='Load all messages in directory') optparser.add_option('-m', '--mbox', dest='mbox', help='Load all messages in mbox') optparser.add_option('-i', '--interactive', dest='interactive', action='store_true', help='Prompt after each message') optparser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output') optparser.add_option('--force-date', dest='force_date', help='Override date (used for dates that can\'t be parsed)') optparser.add_option('--filter-msgid', dest='filter_msgid', help='Only process message with given msgid') (opt, args) = optparser.parse_args() if (len(args)): print("No bare arguments accepted") optparser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if not opt.list: print("List must be specified") optparser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if and opt.mbox: print("Can't specify both directory and mbox!") optparser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if opt.force_date and ( or opt.mbox) and not opt.filter_msgid: print("Can't use force_date with directory or mbox - only individual messages") optparser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if opt.filter_msgid and not ( or opt.mbox): print("filter_msgid makes no sense without directory or mbox!") optparser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) log.set(opt.verbose) cfg = ConfigParser()'%s/archives.ini' % os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))) try: connstr = cfg.get('db', 'connstr') except Exception: connstr = 'need_connstr' conn = psycopg2.connect(connstr) curs = conn.cursor() # Take an advisory lock to force serialization. # We could do this "properly" by reordering operations and using ON CONFLICT, # but concurrency is not that important and this is easier... try: curs.execute("SET statement_timeout='30s'") curs.execute("SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(8059944559669076)") except Exception as e: print(("Failed to wait on advisory lock: %s" % e)) sys.exit(1) # Get the listid we're working on curs.execute("SELECT listid FROM lists WHERE listname=%(list)s", { 'list': opt.list }) r = curs.fetchall() if len(r) != 1: log.error("List %s not found" % opt.list) conn.close() sys.exit(1) listid = r[0][0] purges = set() if # Parse all files in directory for x in os.listdir( log.status("Parsing file %s" % x) with open(os.path.join(, x)) as f: ap = ArchivesParserStorage() ap.parse(f) if opt.filter_msgid and not ap.is_msgid(opt.filter_msgid): continue try: ap.analyze(date_override=opt.force_date) except IgnorableException as e: log_failed_message(listid, "directory", os.path.join(, x), ap, e) opstatus.failed += 1 continue, listid) purges.update(ap.purges) if opt.interactive: print("Interactive mode, committing transaction") conn.commit() print("Proceed to next message with Enter, or input a period (.) to stop processing") x = input() if x == '.': print("Ok, aborting!") break print("---------------------------------") elif opt.mbox: if not os.path.isfile(opt.mbox): print("File %s does not exist" % opt.mbox) sys.exit(1) mboxparser = MailboxBreakupParser(opt.mbox) while not mboxparser.EOF: ap = ArchivesParserStorage() msg = next(mboxparser) if not msg: break ap.parse(msg) if opt.filter_msgid and not ap.is_msgid(opt.filter_msgid): continue try: ap.analyze(date_override=opt.force_date) except IgnorableException as e: log_failed_message(listid, "mbox", opt.mbox, ap, e) opstatus.failed += 1 continue, listid) purges.update(ap.purges) if mboxparser.returncode(): log.error("Failed to parse mbox:") log.error(mboxparser.stderr_output()) sys.exit(1) else: # Parse single message on stdin ap = ArchivesParserStorage() ap.parse(sys.stdin.buffer) try: ap.analyze(date_override=opt.force_date) except IgnorableException as e: log_failed_message(listid, "stdin", "", ap, e) conn.close() sys.exit(1), listid) purges.update(ap.purges) if opstatus.stored: log.log("Stored message with message-id %s" % ap.msgid) conn.commit() conn.close() opstatus.print_status() VarnishPurger(cfg).purge(purges)
# pypi import six # local from ...lib import db as lib_db from ...lib import utils from ...model import objects as model_objects from ...model import utils as model_utils from . import formhandling # ============================================================================== def decode_args(getcreate_args): """ support for Python2/3 """ if six.PY3: for (k, v) in list(getcreate_args.items()): if isinstance(v, bytes): getcreate_args[k] = v.decode("utf8") return getcreate_args # standardized mapping for `model_utils.DomainsChallenged` to a formStash DOMAINS_CHALLENGED_FIELDS = { "http-01": "domain_names_http01", "dns-01": "domain_names_dns01", } class AcmeAccountUploadParser(object): """ An AcmeAccount may be uploaded multiple ways: * a single PEM file * an intra-associated three file triplet from a Certbot installation This parser operates on a validated FormEncode results object (via `pyramid_formencode_classic`) """ # overwritten in __init__ getcreate_args = None formStash = None # tracked acme_account_provider_id = None account_key_pem = None le_meta_jsons = None le_pkey_jsons = None le_reg_jsons = None private_key_cycle_id = None private_key_technology_id = None upload_type = None # pem OR letsencrypt def __init__(self, formStash): self.formStash = formStash self.getcreate_args = {} def require_new(self, require_contact=None, require_technology=True): """ routine for creating a NEW AcmeAccount (peter_sslers generates the credentials) :param require_contact: ``True`` if required; ``False`` if not; ``None`` for conditional logic :param require_technology: ``True`` if required; ``False`` if not; ``None`` for conditional logic """ formStash = self.formStash acme_account_provider_id = formStash.results.get( "acme_account_provider_id", None ) if acme_account_provider_id is None: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="acme_account_provider_id", message="No provider submitted." ) private_key_cycle = formStash.results.get("account__private_key_cycle", None) if private_key_cycle is None: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="account__private_key_cycle", message="No PrivateKey cycle submitted.", ) private_key_cycle_id = model_utils.PrivateKeyCycle.from_string( private_key_cycle ) private_key_technology_id = None private_key_technology = formStash.results.get( "account__private_key_technology", None ) if private_key_technology: private_key_technology_id = model_utils.KeyTechnology.from_string( private_key_technology ) if not private_key_technology_id and require_technology: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="account__private_key_technology", message="No PrivateKey technology submitted.", ) contact = formStash.results.get("account__contact", None) if not contact and require_contact: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="account__contact", message="`account__contact` is required.", ) getcreate_args = {} = getcreate_args["contact"] = contact self.acme_account_provider_id = getcreate_args[ "acme_account_provider_id" ] = acme_account_provider_id self.private_key_cycle_id = getcreate_args[ "private_key_cycle_id" ] = private_key_cycle_id self.private_key_technology_id = getcreate_args[ "private_key_technology_id" ] = private_key_technology_id self.getcreate_args = decode_args(getcreate_args) def require_upload(self, require_contact=None, require_technology=None): """ routine for uploading an exiting AcmeAccount+AcmeAccountKey :param require_contact: ``True`` if required; ``False`` if not; ``None`` for conditional logic :param require_technology: ``True`` if required; ``False`` if not; ``None`` for conditional logic """ formStash = self.formStash # ------------------- # do a quick parse... requirements_either_or = ( ( "account_key_file_pem", # "acme_account_provider_id", ), ( "account_key_file_le_meta", "account_key_file_le_pkey", "account_key_file_le_reg", ), ) failures = [] passes = [] for idx, option_set in enumerate(requirements_either_or): option_set_results = [ True if formStash.results[option_set_item] is not None else False for option_set_item in option_set ] # if we have any item, we need all of them if any(option_set_results): if not all(option_set_results): failures.append( "If any of %s is provided, all must be provided." % str(option_set) ) else: passes.append(idx) if (len(passes) != 1) or failures: # `formStash.fatal_form()` will raise `FormInvalid()` formStash.fatal_form( "You must upload `account_key_file_pem` or all of (`account_key_file_le_meta`, `account_key_file_le_pkey`, `account_key_file_le_reg`)." ) # ------------------- # validate the provider option # will be None unless a pem is uploaded # required for PEM, ignored otherwise acme_account_provider_id = formStash.results.get( "acme_account_provider_id", None ) private_key_cycle = formStash.results.get("account__private_key_cycle", None) if private_key_cycle is None: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="account__private_key_cycle", message="No PrivateKey cycle submitted.", ) private_key_cycle_id = model_utils.PrivateKeyCycle.from_string( private_key_cycle ) private_key_technology_id = None private_key_technology = formStash.results.get( "account__private_key_technology", None ) if private_key_technology is not None: private_key_technology_id = model_utils.KeyTechnology.from_string( private_key_technology ) if not private_key_technology_id and require_technology: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="account__private_key_technology", message="No PrivateKey technology submitted.", ) # require `contact` when uploading a PEM file if formStash.results["account_key_file_pem"] is not None: require_contact = True contact = formStash.results.get("account__contact") if not contact and require_contact: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="account__contact", message="`account__contact` is required.", ) getcreate_args = {} = getcreate_args["contact"] = contact self.private_key_cycle_id = getcreate_args[ "private_key_cycle_id" ] = private_key_cycle_id self.private_key_technology_id = getcreate_args[ "private_key_technology_id" ] = private_key_technology_id if formStash.results["account_key_file_pem"] is not None: if acme_account_provider_id is None: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="acme_account_provider_id", message="No provider submitted." ) self.upload_type = "pem" self.acme_account_provider_id = getcreate_args[ "acme_account_provider_id" ] = acme_account_provider_id self.account_key_pem = getcreate_args[ "key_pem" ] = formhandling.slurp_file_field(formStash, "account_key_file_pem") else: # note that we use `jsonS` to indicate a string self.le_meta_jsons = getcreate_args[ "le_meta_jsons" ] = formhandling.slurp_file_field(formStash, "account_key_file_le_meta") self.le_pkey_jsons = getcreate_args[ "le_pkey_jsons" ] = formhandling.slurp_file_field(formStash, "account_key_file_le_pkey") self.le_reg_jsons = getcreate_args[ "le_reg_jsons" ] = formhandling.slurp_file_field(formStash, "account_key_file_le_reg") self.getcreate_args = decode_args(getcreate_args) class _PrivateKeyUploadParser(object): """ A PrivateKey is not a complex upload to parse itself This code exists to mimic the AcmeAccount uploading. """ # overwritten in __init__ getcreate_args = None formStash = None # tracked private_key_pem = None upload_type = None # pem def __init__(self, formStash): self.formStash = formStash self.getcreate_args = {} def require_upload(self): """ routine for uploading an exiting PrivateKey """ formStash = self.formStash getcreate_args = {} if formStash.results["private_key_file_pem"] is not None: self.upload_type = "pem" self.private_key_pem = getcreate_args[ "key_pem" ] = formhandling.slurp_file_field(formStash, "private_key_file_pem") self.getcreate_args = decode_args(getcreate_args) class _AcmeAccountSelection(object): """ Class used to manage an uploaded AcmeAccount """ selection = None upload_parsed = None # instance of AcmeAccountUploadParser or None AcmeAccount = None class _PrivateKeySelection(object): selection = None upload_parsed = None # instance of AcmeAccountUploadParser or None private_key_strategy__requested = None PrivateKey = None @property def private_key_strategy_id__requested(self): return model_utils.PrivateKeyStrategy.from_string( self.private_key_strategy__requested ) def parse_AcmeAccountSelection( request, formStash, account_key_option=None, allow_none=None, require_contact=None, ): """ :param formStash: an instance of `pyramid_formencode_classic.FormStash` :param account_key_option: :param allow_none: :param require_contact: ``True`` if required; ``False`` if not; ``None`` for conditional logic """ account_key_pem = None account_key_pem_md5 = None dbAcmeAccount = None is_global_default = None # handle the explicit-option acmeAccountSelection = _AcmeAccountSelection() if account_key_option == "account_key_file": # this will handle form validation and raise errors. parser = AcmeAccountUploadParser(formStash) # this will have: `contact`, `private_key_cycle`, `private_key_technology` parser.require_upload(require_contact=require_contact) # update our object acmeAccountSelection.selection = "upload" acmeAccountSelection.upload_parsed = parser return acmeAccountSelection else: if account_key_option == "account_key_global_default": acmeAccountSelection.selection = "global_default" account_key_pem_md5 = formStash.results["account_key_global_default"] is_global_default = True elif account_key_option == "account_key_existing": acmeAccountSelection.selection = "existing" account_key_pem_md5 = formStash.results["account_key_existing"] elif account_key_option == "account_key_reuse": acmeAccountSelection.selection = "reuse" account_key_pem_md5 = formStash.results["account_key_reuse"] elif account_key_option == "none": if not allow_none: # `formStash.fatal_form()` will raise `FormInvalid()` formStash.fatal_form( "This form does not support no AcmeAccount selection." ) # note the lowercase "none"; this is an explicit "no item" selection # only certain routes allow this acmeAccountSelection.selection = "none" account_key_pem_md5 = None return acmeAccountSelection else: formStash.fatal_form( message="Invalid `account_key_option`", ) if not account_key_pem_md5: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field=account_key_option, message="You did not provide a value" ) dbAcmeAccount = lib_db.get.get__AcmeAccount__by_pemMd5( request.api_context, account_key_pem_md5, is_active=True ) if not dbAcmeAccount: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field=account_key_option, message="The selected AcmeAccount is not enrolled in the system.", ) if is_global_default and not dbAcmeAccount.is_global_default: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field=account_key_option, message="The selected AcmeAccount is not the current default.", ) acmeAccountSelection.AcmeAccount = dbAcmeAccount return acmeAccountSelection # `formStash.fatal_form()` will raise `FormInvalid()` formStash.fatal_form("There was an error validating your form.") def parse_PrivateKeySelection(request, formStash, private_key_option=None): private_key_pem = None private_key_pem_md5 = None PrivateKey = None # :class:`model.objects.PrivateKey` # handle the explicit-option privateKeySelection = _PrivateKeySelection() if private_key_option == "private_key_file": # this will handle form validation and raise errors. parser = _PrivateKeyUploadParser(formStash) parser.require_upload() # update our object privateKeySelection.selection = "upload" privateKeySelection.upload_parsed = parser privateKeySelection.private_key_strategy__requested = ( model_utils.PrivateKeySelection_2_PrivateKeyStrategy["upload"] ) return privateKeySelection else: if private_key_option == "private_key_existing": privateKeySelection.selection = "existing" privateKeySelection.private_key_strategy__requested = ( model_utils.PrivateKeySelection_2_PrivateKeyStrategy["existing"] ) private_key_pem_md5 = formStash.results["private_key_existing"] elif private_key_option == "private_key_reuse": privateKeySelection.selection = "reuse" privateKeySelection.private_key_strategy__requested = ( model_utils.PrivateKeySelection_2_PrivateKeyStrategy["reuse"] ) private_key_pem_md5 = formStash.results["private_key_reuse"] elif private_key_option in ( "private_key_generate", "private_key_for_account_key", ): dbPrivateKey = lib_db.get.get__PrivateKey__by_id(request.api_context, 0) if not dbPrivateKey: formStash.fatal_field( field=private_key_option, message="Could not load the placeholder PrivateKey.", ) privateKeySelection.PrivateKey = dbPrivateKey if private_key_option == "private_key_generate": privateKeySelection.selection = "generate" privateKeySelection.private_key_strategy__requested = ( model_utils.PrivateKeySelection_2_PrivateKeyStrategy["generate"] ) elif private_key_option == "private_key_for_account_key": privateKeySelection.selection = "private_key_for_account_key" privateKeySelection.private_key_strategy__requested = ( model_utils.PrivateKeySelection_2_PrivateKeyStrategy[ "private_key_for_account_key" ] ) return privateKeySelection else: # `formStash.fatal_form()` will raise `FormInvalid()` formStash.fatal_form("Invalid `private_key_option`") if not private_key_pem_md5: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field=private_key_option, message="You did not provide a value" ) dbPrivateKey = lib_db.get.get__PrivateKey__by_pemMd5( request.api_context, private_key_pem_md5, is_active=True ) if not dbPrivateKey: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field=private_key_option, message="The selected PrivateKey is not enrolled in the system.", ) privateKeySelection.PrivateKey = dbPrivateKey return privateKeySelection # `formStash.fatal_form()` will raise `FormInvalid()` formStash.fatal_form("There was an error validating your form.") def form_key_selection(request, formStash, require_contact=None): """ :param formStash: an instance of `pyramid_formencode_classic.FormStash` :param require_contact: ``True`` if required; ``False`` if not; ``None`` for conditional logic """ acmeAccountSelection = parse_AcmeAccountSelection( request, formStash, account_key_option=formStash.results["account_key_option"], require_contact=require_contact, ) if acmeAccountSelection.selection == "upload": key_create_args = acmeAccountSelection.upload_parsed.getcreate_args key_create_args["event_type"] = "AcmeAccount__insert" key_create_args[ "acme_account_key_source_id" ] = model_utils.AcmeAccountKeySource.from_string("imported") (dbAcmeAccount, _is_created,) = lib_db.getcreate.getcreate__AcmeAccount( request.api_context, **key_create_args ) acmeAccountSelection.AcmeAccount = dbAcmeAccount privateKeySelection = parse_PrivateKeySelection( request, formStash, private_key_option=formStash.results["private_key_option"], ) if privateKeySelection.selection == "upload": key_create_args = privateKeySelection.upload_parsed.getcreate_args key_create_args["event_type"] = "PrivateKey__insert" key_create_args[ "private_key_source_id" ] = model_utils.PrivateKeySource.from_string("imported") key_create_args["private_key_type_id"] = model_utils.PrivateKeyType.from_string( "standard" ) ( dbPrivateKey, _is_created, ) = lib_db.getcreate.getcreate__PrivateKey__by_pem_text( request.api_context, **key_create_args ) privateKeySelection.PrivateKey = dbPrivateKey elif privateKeySelection.selection == "generate": dbPrivateKey = lib_db.get.get__PrivateKey__by_id(request.api_context, 0) if not dbPrivateKey: formStash.fatal_field( field="private_key_option", message="Could not load the placeholder PrivateKey for autogeneration.", ) privateKeySelection.PrivateKey = dbPrivateKey return (acmeAccountSelection, privateKeySelection) def form_domains_challenge_typed(request, formStash, http01_only=False): domains_challenged = model_utils.DomainsChallenged() domain_names_all = [] try: # 1: iterate over the submitted domains by segment for (target_, source_) in DOMAINS_CHALLENGED_FIELDS.items(): submitted_ = formStash.results.get(source_) if submitted_: # this function checks the domain names match a simple regex # it will raise a `ValueError("invalid domain")` on the first invalid domain submitted_ = utils.domains_from_string(submitted_) if submitted_: domain_names_all.extend(submitted_) domains_challenged[target_] = submitted_ # 2: ensure there are domains if not domain_names_all: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="Error_Main", message="no domain names submitted", ) # 3: ensure there is no overlap domain_names_all_set = set(domain_names_all) if len(domain_names_all) != len(domain_names_all_set): # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="Error_Main", message="a domain name can only be associated to one challenge type", ) # 4: maybe we only want http01 domains submitted? if http01_only: for (k, v) in domains_challenged.items(): if k == "http-01": continue if v: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="Error_Main", message="only http-01 domains are accepted by this form", ) except ValueError as exc: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="Error_Main", message="invalid domain names detected" ) return domains_challenged def form_single_domain_challenge_typed(request, formStash, challenge_type="http-01"): domains_challenged = model_utils.DomainsChallenged() # this function checks the domain names match a simple regex domain_names = utils.domains_from_string(formStash.results["domain_name"]) if not domain_names: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field(field="domain_name", message="Found no domain names") if len(domain_names) != 1: # `formStash.fatal_field()` will raise `FormFieldInvalid(FormInvalid)` formStash.fatal_field( field="domain_name", message="This endpoint currently supports only 1 domain name", ) domains_challenged[challenge_type] = domain_names return domains_challenged
from zone_api.core.zone_manager import ZoneManager from zone_api import platform_encapsulator as pe from import Zone from zone_api.core.zone_event import ZoneEvent from zone_api.core.devices.dimmer import Dimmer from zone_api.core.devices.switch import Fan, Light, Switch from zone_api.core.devices.illuminance_sensor import IlluminanceSensor from zone_api.core.devices.motion_sensor import MotionSensor from zone_api.core.actions.turn_on_switch import TurnOnSwitch from zone_api_test.core.device_test import DeviceTest ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD_IN_LUX = 8 INVALID_ITEM_NAME = 'invalid item name' class ZoneManagerTest(DeviceTest): """ Unit tests for """ def setUp(self): items = [pe.create_switch_item('TestLightName'), pe.create_switch_item('TestMotionSensorName'), pe.create_number_item('IlluminanceSensorName'), pe.create_string_item('AstroSensorName'), pe.create_dimmer_item('TestDimmerName'), pe.create_switch_item('TestFanName'), ] self.set_items(items) super(ZoneManagerTest, self).setUp() [self.lightItem, self.motionSensorItem, self.illuminanceSensorItem, self.astroSensorItem, self.dimmerItem, self.fanItem] = items self.illuminanceSensor = IlluminanceSensor(self.illuminanceSensorItem) self.light = Light(self.lightItem, 2, ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD_IN_LUX) self.motionSensor = MotionSensor(self.motionSensorItem) self.dimmer = Dimmer(self.dimmerItem, 2, 100, "0-23:59") = Fan(self.fanItem, 2) = ZoneManager() def tearDown(self): self.dimmer._cancel_timer() self.light._cancel_timer() super(ZoneManagerTest, self).tearDown() def testAddZone_validZone_zoneAdded(self): zone1 = Zone('ff') self.assertEqual(1, len( zone2 = Zone('2f') self.assertEqual(2, len( def testGetZoneById_validZoneId_returnValidZone(self): zone1 = Zone('ff') zone2 = Zone('2f') self.assertEqual(zone1.get_name(), self.assertEqual(zone2.get_name(), def testGetZoneById_invalidZoneId_returnNone(self): self.assertTrue('invalid zone id') is None) def testRemoveZone_validZone_zoneRemoved(self): zone1 = Zone('ff') zone2 = Zone('2f') self.assertEqual(2, len( self.assertEqual(1, len( self.assertEqual(0, len( def testContainingZone_validDevice_returnsCorrectZone(self): zone1 = Zone('ff').add_device(self.light) zone2 = Zone('sf').add_device( self.assertEqual(zone1, self.assertEqual(zone2, def testContainingZone_invalidDevice_returnsNone(self): zone1 = Zone('ff').add_device(self.light) self.assertEqual(None, def testGetDevicesByType_variousScenarios_returnsCorrectList(self): zone1 = Zone('ff').add_device(self.light) zone2 = Zone('sf').add_device( self.assertEqual(2, len( self.assertEqual(1, len( self.assertEqual(2, len( self.assertEqual(0, len( def testOnMotionSensorTurnedOn_noZone_returnsFalse(self): self.assertFalse( ZoneEvent.MOTION, pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.motionSensor, pe.create_string_item(INVALID_ITEM_NAME))) def testOnMotionSensorTurnedOn_withNonApplicableZone_returnsFalse(self): zone = Zone('ff', [self.light, self.motionSensor]) self.assertFalse( ZoneEvent.MOTION, pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.motionSensor, pe.create_string_item(INVALID_ITEM_NAME))) def testOnMotionSensorTurnedOn_withApplicableZone_returnsTrue(self): self.assertFalse(self.light.is_on()) pe.set_number_value(self.illuminanceSensorItem, ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD_IN_LUX - 1) zone = Zone('ff', [self.light, self.motionSensor, self.illuminanceSensor]) zone = zone.add_action(TurnOnSwitch()) self.assertTrue( ZoneEvent.MOTION, pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.motionSensor, self.motionSensor.get_item())) def testOnSwitchTurnedOn_noZone_returnsFalse(self): self.assertFalse( pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.light, pe.create_string_item(INVALID_ITEM_NAME))) def testOnSwitchTurnedOn_withNonApplicableZone_returnsFalse(self): zone = Zone('ff', [self.light, self.motionSensor]) self.assertFalse( pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.light, pe.create_string_item(INVALID_ITEM_NAME))) def testOnSwitchTurnedOn_withApplicableZone_returnsTrue(self): zone = Zone('ff', [self.light, self.motionSensor]) self.assertTrue( pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.light, self.light.get_item())) def testOnSwitchTurnedOff_noZone_returnsFalse(self): self.assertFalse( pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.light, pe.create_string_item(INVALID_ITEM_NAME))) def testOnSwitchTurnedOff_withNonApplicableZone_returnsFalse(self): zone = Zone('ff', [self.light, self.motionSensor]) self.assertFalse( pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.light, pe.create_string_item(INVALID_ITEM_NAME))) def testOnSwitchTurnedOff_withApplicableZone_returnsTrue(self): zone = Zone('ff', [self.light, self.motionSensor]) self.assertTrue( pe.get_event_dispatcher(), self.light, self.light.get_item()))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################### ## Python code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Aug 8 2018) ## ## ## PLEASE DO *NOT* EDIT THIS FILE! ########################################################################### import wx import wx.xrc ########################################################################### ## Class MyFrame1 ########################################################################### class MyFrame1 ( wx.Frame ): def __init__( self, parent ): wx.Frame.__init__ ( self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, title = wx.EmptyString, pos = wx.Point( 0,0 ), size = wx.Size( 767,507 ), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) self.SetSizeHints( wx.DefaultSize, wx.DefaultSize ) gbSizer1 = wx.GridBagSizer( 0, 0 ) gbSizer1.SetFlexibleDirection( wx.BOTH ) gbSizer1.SetNonFlexibleGrowMode( wx.FLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED ) self.m_button00 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 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), 0 ) self.m_button04.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button04, wx.GBPosition( 0, 4 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button10 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button10.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button10, wx.GBPosition( 1, 0 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button11 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button11.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button11, wx.GBPosition( 1, 1 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button12 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button12.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button12, wx.GBPosition( 1, 2 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button13 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button13.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button13, wx.GBPosition( 1, 3 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button14 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button14.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button14, wx.GBPosition( 1, 4 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button20 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button20.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button20, wx.GBPosition( 2, 0 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button21 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button21.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button21, wx.GBPosition( 2, 1 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button22 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button22.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button22, wx.GBPosition( 2, 2 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button23 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button23.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button23, wx.GBPosition( 2, 3 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button24 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button24.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button24, wx.GBPosition( 2, 4 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button30 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button30.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button30, wx.GBPosition( 3, 0 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button31 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button31.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button31, wx.GBPosition( 3, 1 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button32 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button32.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button32, wx.GBPosition( 3, 2 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button33 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button33.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button33, wx.GBPosition( 3, 3 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button34 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button34.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button34, wx.GBPosition( 3, 4 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button40 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button40.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button40, wx.GBPosition( 4, 0 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button41 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button41.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button41, wx.GBPosition( 4, 1 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button42 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button42.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button42, wx.GBPosition( 4, 2 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button43 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button43.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button43, wx.GBPosition( 4, 3 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.m_button44 = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 50,50 ), 0 ) self.m_button44.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( 255, 0, 0 ) ) gbSizer1.Add( self.m_button44, wx.GBPosition( 4, 4 ), wx.GBSpan( 1, 1 ), wx.ALL, 5 ) self.SetSizer( gbSizer1 ) self.Layout() self.m_menubar1 = wx.MenuBar( 0 ) self.m_menu1 = wx.Menu() self.m_menuItem3 = wx.MenuItem( self.m_menu1, wx.ID_ANY, u"Open", wx.EmptyString, wx.ITEM_NORMAL ) self.m_menu1.Append( self.m_menuItem3 ) self.m_menuItem1 = wx.MenuItem( self.m_menu1, wx.ID_ANY, u"Save", wx.EmptyString, wx.ITEM_NORMAL ) self.m_menu1.Append( self.m_menuItem1 ) self.m_menuItem2 = wx.MenuItem( self.m_menu1, wx.ID_ANY, u"quit", wx.EmptyString, wx.ITEM_NORMAL ) self.m_menu1.Append( self.m_menuItem2 ) self.m_menubar1.Append( self.m_menu1, u"File" ) self.m_menu2 = wx.Menu() self.m_menuItem4 = wx.MenuItem( self.m_menu2, wx.ID_ANY, u"python", wx.EmptyString, wx.ITEM_NORMAL ) self.m_menu2.Append( self.m_menuItem4 ) self.m_menubar1.Append( self.m_menu2, u"export" ) self.SetMenuBar( self.m_menubar1 ) self.Centre( wx.BOTH ) # Connect Events self.m_button00.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton00Click ) self.m_button01.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton01Click ) self.m_button02.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton02Click ) self.m_button03.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton03Click ) self.m_button04.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton04Click ) self.m_button10.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton10Click ) self.m_button11.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton11Click ) self.m_button12.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton12Click ) self.m_button13.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton13Click ) self.m_button14.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton14Click ) self.m_button20.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton20Click ) self.m_button21.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton21Click ) self.m_button22.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton22Click ) self.m_button23.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton23Click ) self.m_button24.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton24Click ) self.m_button30.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton30Click ) self.m_button31.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton31Click ) self.m_button32.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton32Click ) self.m_button33.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton33Click ) self.m_button34.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton34Click ) self.m_button40.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton40Click ) self.m_button41.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton41Click ) self.m_button42.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton42Click ) self.m_button43.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton43Click ) self.m_button44.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton44Click ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuOpenSelect, id = self.m_menuItem3.GetId() ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSaveSelect, id = self.m_menuItem1.GetId() ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuQuitSelect, id = self.m_menuItem2.GetId() ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExportPythonSelect, id = self.m_menuItem4.GetId() ) def __del__( self ): pass # Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class def onButton00Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton01Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton02Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton03Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton04Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton10Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton11Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton12Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton13Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton14Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton20Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton21Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton22Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton23Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton24Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton30Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton31Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton32Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton33Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton34Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton40Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton41Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton42Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton43Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def onButton44Click( self, event ): event.Skip() def OnMenuOpenSelect( self, event ): event.Skip() def OnMenuSaveSelect( self, event ): event.Skip() def OnMenuQuitSelect( self, event ): event.Skip() def OnExportPythonSelect( self, event ): event.Skip()
"Actions for compiling resx files" load( "@io_bazel_rules_dotnet//dotnet/private:providers.bzl", "DotnetResourceInfo", ) def _make_runner_arglist(dotnet, source, output, resgen): args = dotnet.actions.args() if type(source) == "Target": args.add_all(source.files) else: args.add(source) args.add(output) return args def emit_resx_core( dotnet, name = "", src = None, identifier = None, out = None, customresgen = None): """The function adds an action that compiles a single .resx file into .resources file. Returns [DotnetResourceInfo]( Args: dotnet: [DotnetContextInfo]( name: name of the file to generate. src: The .resx source file that is transformed into .resources file. Only `.resx` files are permitted. identifier: The logical name for the resource; the name that is used to load the resource. The default is the basename of the file name (no subfolder). out: An alternative name of the output file (if name should not be used). customresgen: custom resgen program to use. Returns: DotnetResourceInfo: [DotnetResourceInfo]( """ if name == "" and out == None: fail("either name or out must be set") if not out: result = dotnet.actions.declare_file(name + ".resources") else: result = dotnet.actions.declare_file(out) args = _make_runner_arglist(dotnet, src, result, customresgen.files_to_run.executable.path) # We use the command to extrace shell path and force runfiles creation resolve = dotnet._ctx.resolve_tools(tools = [customresgen]) inputs = src.files.to_list() if type(src) == "Target" else [src] inputs = inputs + resolve[0].to_list(), tools = customresgen.default_runfiles.files, outputs = [result], executable = customresgen.files_to_run, arguments = [args], env = {"RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE": customresgen.files_to_run.runfiles_manifest.path}, mnemonic = "CoreResxCompile", input_manifests = resolve[1], progress_message = ( "Compiling resoources" + dotnet.label.package + ":" + ), ) return DotnetResourceInfo( name = name, result = result, identifier = identifier, )
from cereal import car from common.numpy_fast import clip, interp from import apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits, create_gas_interceptor_command, make_can_msg from import create_steer_command, create_ui_command, \ create_accel_command, create_acc_cancel_command, \ create_fcw_command, create_lta_steer_command from import CAR, STATIC_DSU_MSGS, NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR, TSS2_CAR, \ MIN_ACC_SPEED, PEDAL_TRANSITION, CarControllerParams from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker from common.op_params import opParams VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert class CarController(): def __init__(self, dbc_name, CP, VM): self.last_steer = 0 self.alert_active = False self.last_standstill = False self.standstill_req = False self.steer_rate_limited = False self.standstill_hack = opParams().get('standstill_hack') self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name) self.gas = 0 self.accel = 0 def update(self, enabled, active, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert, left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart): # gas and brake if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor and enabled: MAX_INTERCEPTOR_GAS = 0.5 # RAV4 has very sensitive gas pedal if CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.RAV4, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.HIGHLANDER, CAR.HIGHLANDERH]: PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.15, 0.3, 0.0]) elif CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.COROLLA]: PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.3, 0.4, 0.0]) else: PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.4, 0.5, 0.0]) # offset for creep and windbrake pedal_offset = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, 2.3, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [-.4, 0.0, 0.2]) pedal_command = PEDAL_SCALE * (actuators.accel + pedal_offset) interceptor_gas_cmd = clip(pedal_command, 0., MAX_INTERCEPTOR_GAS) else: interceptor_gas_cmd = 0. pcm_accel_cmd = clip(actuators.accel, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MIN, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MAX) # steer torque new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX)) apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps, CarControllerParams) self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s) if not enabled or CS.steer_state in [9, 25] or abs(CS.out.steeringRateDeg) > 100: apply_steer = 0 apply_steer_req = 0 else: apply_steer_req = 1 # TODO: probably can delete this. CS.pcm_acc_status uses a different signal # than CS.cruiseState.enabled. confirm they're not meaningfully different if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status: pcm_cancel_cmd = 1 # on entering standstill, send standstill request if CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR and not self.standstill_hack: self.standstill_req = True if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8: # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled self.standstill_req = False self.last_steer = apply_steer self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill can_sends = [] #*** control msgs *** #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor) # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2; # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed # on consecutive messages can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req, frame)) if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR: can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2)) # LTA mode. Set ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and whitelist 0x191 in the panda # if frame % 2 == 0: # can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2)) # can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, actuators.steeringAngleDeg, apply_steer_req, frame // 2)) # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or pcm_cancel_cmd: lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12. # at low speed we always assume the lead is present so ACC can be engaged # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.LEXUS_IS, CAR.LEXUS_RC]: can_sends.append(create_acc_cancel_command(self.packer)) elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl: can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, pcm_accel_cmd, pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req, lead, CS.acc_type, CS.distance_btn)) self.accel = pcm_accel_cmd else: can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead, CS.acc_type, CS.distance_btn)) if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl: # send exactly zero if gas cmd is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and gas cmd. # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling can_sends.append(create_gas_interceptor_command(self.packer, interceptor_gas_cmd, frame // 2)) self.gas = interceptor_gas_cmd # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if: # - there is something to display # - there is something to stop displaying fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw steer_alert = hud_alert in [VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw] send_ui = False if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \ (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active): send_ui = True self.alert_active = not self.alert_active elif pcm_cancel_cmd: # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead send_ui = True if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui): can_sends.append(create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd, left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart, enabled)) if frame % 100 == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu: can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert)) # *** static msgs *** for (addr, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_DSU_MSGS: if frame % fr_step == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars: can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus)) new_actuators = actuators.copy() new_actuators.steer = apply_steer / CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX new_actuators.accel = self.accel new_actuators.gas = self.gas return new_actuators, can_sends
import pyproj import pytest import numpy as np from import geotiff, shp from import imread from skimage.color import rgb2gray import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def test_prase_header_string_width(): out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string("* 256 image_width (1H) 13503") assert out_dict['width'] == 13503 def test_prase_header_string_length(): out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string("* 257 image_length (1H) 19866") assert out_dict['length'] == 19866 def test_prase_header_string_scale(): in_str = "* 33550 model_pixel_scale (3d) (0.0029700000000000004, 0.0029700000000000004, 0" out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string(in_str) assert out_dict['scale'] == (0.0029700000000000004, 0.0029700000000000004) def test_prase_header_string_tie_point(): in_str = "* 33922 model_tie_point (6d) (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 368090.77975000005, 3956071.13823," out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string(in_str) assert out_dict['tie_point'] == (368090.77975000005, 3956071.13823) in_str = "* 33922 model_tie_point (6d) (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 368090.77975000005, 3956071.13823, 0" out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string(in_str) assert out_dict['tie_point'] == (368090.77975000005, 3956071.13823) def test_prase_header_string_nodata(): out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string("* 42113 gdal_nodata (7s) b'-10000'") assert out_dict['nodata'] == -10000 def test_prase_header_string_proj_normal(capsys): in_str = "* 34737 geo_ascii_params (30s) b'WGS 84 / UTM zone 54N|WGS 84|'" out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string(in_str) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert f"[io][geotiff][GeoCorrd] Comprehense [{in_str}]" in captured.out assert out_dict['proj'] == pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(32654) def test_prase_header_string_proj_error(capsys): # should raise error because WGS 84 / UTM ... should be full out_dict = geotiff._prase_header_string("* 34737 geo_ascii_params (30s) b'UTM zone 54N|WGS 84|'") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert '[io][geotiff][GeoCorrd] Generation failed, because [Input is not a CRS: UTM zone 54N]' in captured.out assert out_dict['proj'] == None def test_get_imarray_without_header(capsys): pass def test_get_imarray_with_header(capsys): pass def test_point_query_one_point(): point = (368023.004, 3955500.669) out = geotiff.point_query(r'file/', point) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out, np.float32(97.45558), decimal=3) def test_point_query_numpy_points(): points = np.asarray([[368022.581, 3955501.054], [368024.032, 3955500.465]]) out = geotiff.point_query(r'file/', points) expected = np.asarray([97.624344, 97.59617]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out, expected, decimal=3) def test_point_query_list_numpy_points(): points = np.asarray([[368022.581, 3955501.054], [368024.032, 3955500.465]]) point = np.asarray([[368023.004, 3955500.669]]) p_list = [point, points] expected = [np.asarray([97.45558]), np.asarray([97.624344, 97.59617])] out = geotiff.point_query(r'file/', p_list) assert type(expected) == type(out) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected[0], out[0], decimal=3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected[1], out[1], decimal=3) def test_point_query_wrong_types(): # [TODO] pass def test_point_query_input_ndarray(): # [Todo] pass def test_mean_values(capsys): mean_ht = geotiff.mean_values(r'file/') captured = capsys.readouterr() # When not convert to float, mean_values = 97.562584 # assert mean_ht == np.float32(97.562584) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(mean_ht, np.float32(97.562584), decimal=3) # another case that not working in previous version: # Cannot convert np.nan to int, fixed by astype(float) mean_ht = geotiff.mean_values(r'file/tiff_test/2_12.tif') captured = capsys.readouterr() np.testing.assert_almost_equal(mean_ht, np.float(72.31657466298653), decimal=3) def test_gis2pixel2gis(): geo_head_txt = """ TIFF file: 200423_G_M600pro_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif, 411 MiB, little endian, bigtiff Series 0: 31255x19436x4, uint8, YXS, 1 pages, not mem-mappable Page 0: 31255x19436x4, uint8, 8 bit, rgb, lzw * 256 image_width (1H) 19436 * 257 image_length (1H) 31255 * 258 bits_per_sample (4H) (8, 8, 8, 8) * 259 compression (1H) 5 * 262 photometric (1H) 2 * 273 strip_offsets (31255Q) (500650, 501114, 501578, 502042, 502506, 502970, 5 * 277 samples_per_pixel (1H) 4 * 278 rows_per_strip (1H) 1 * 279 strip_byte_counts (31255Q) (464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, * 284 planar_configuration (1H) 1 * 305 software (12s) b'pix4dmapper' * 317 predictor (1H) 2 * 338 extra_samples (1H) 2 * 339 sample_format (4H) (1, 1, 1, 1) * 33550 model_pixel_scale (3d) (0.001, 0.001, 0.0) * 33922 model_tie_point (6d) (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 484576.70205, 3862285.5109300003, * 34735 geo_key_directory (32H) (1, 1, 0, 7, 1024, 0, 1, 1, 1025, 0, 1, 1, 1026 * 34737 geo_ascii_params (30s) b'WGS 84 / UTM zone 53N|WGS 84|' """ gis_coord = np.asarray([[ 484593.67474654, 3862259.42413431], [ 484593.41064743, 3862259.92582402], [ 484593.64841806, 3862260.06515117], [ 484593.93077419, 3862259.55455913], [ 484593.67474654, 3862259.42413431]]) header = geotiff._prase_header_string(geo_head_txt) expected_pixel = np.asarray([[16972, 26086], [16708, 25585], [16946, 25445], [17228, 25956], [16972, 26086]]) pixel_coord = geotiff.geo2pixel(gis_coord, header) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(pixel_coord, expected_pixel) gis_revert = geotiff.pixel2geo(pixel_coord, header) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(gis_revert, gis_coord, decimal=3) def test_is_roi_type(): roi1 = np.asarray([[123, 456], [456, 789]]) roi2 = [roi1, roi1] roi_wrong_1 = (123, 345) roi_wrong_2 = [123, 456] roi_wrong_3 = [[123, 345], [456, 789]] roi1_out = geotiff._is_roi_type(roi1) assert roi1_out == [roi1] roi2_out = geotiff._is_roi_type(roi2) assert roi2_out == roi2 with pytest.raises(TypeError) as errinfo: roi_w1_out = geotiff._is_roi_type(roi_wrong_1) assert 'Only numpy.ndarray points and list contains numpy.ndarray points are supported' in str(errinfo.value) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as errinfo: roi_w2_out = geotiff._is_roi_type(roi_wrong_2) assert 'Only list contains numpy.ndarray points are supported' in str(errinfo.value) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as errinfo: roi_w3_out = geotiff._is_roi_type(roi_wrong_3) assert 'Only list contains numpy.ndarray points are supported' in str(errinfo.value) def test_imarray_clip_2d_rgb_rgba(): photo_path = 'file/' roi = np.asarray([[2251, 1223], [2270, 1270], [2227, 1263], [2251, 1223]]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(12,4)) # ----------------------------------------------- imarray_rgb = imread(photo_path) assert imarray_rgb.shape == (3456, 4608, 3) im_out_rgb, offsets_rgb = geotiff.imarray_clip(imarray_rgb, roi) ax[1].imshow(im_out_rgb / 255) ax[1].set_title('rgb') # ----------------------------------------------- imarray_2d = rgb2gray(imarray_rgb) assert imarray_2d.shape == (3456, 4608) im_out_2d, offsets_2d = geotiff.imarray_clip(imarray_2d, roi) ax[0].imshow(im_out_2d, cmap='gray') ax[0].set_title('gray') # ----------------------------------------------- imarray_rgba = np.dstack((imarray_rgb, np.ones((3456, 4608)) * 255)) assert imarray_rgba.shape == (3456, 4608, 4) im_out_rgba, offsets = geotiff.imarray_clip(imarray_rgba, roi) ax[2].imshow(im_out_rgba/255) ax[2].set_title('rgba') def test_clip_roi_pixel(): poly = shp.read_shp2d('file/shp_test/test.shp') poly_pixel = geotiff.geo2pixel(poly['0'], geotiff.get_header('file/tiff_test/2_12.tif')) imarray, offset = geotiff.clip_roi(poly_pixel, 'file/tiff_test/2_12.tif', is_geo=False) assert len(imarray) == 1 def test_clip_roi_geo(): poly = shp.read_shp2d('file/shp_test/test.shp') imarray, offset = geotiff.clip_roi(poly['0'], 'file/tiff_test/2_12.tif', is_geo=True) assert len(imarray) == 1
""" Web settings to override for testing. """ import os from biothings.web.settings.default import QUERY_KWARGS # ***************************************************************************** # Elasticsearch Variables # ***************************************************************************** ES_INDEX = 'bts_test' ES_DOC_TYPE = 'gene' ES_SCROLL_SIZE = 60 # ***************************************************************************** # User Input Control # ***************************************************************************** # use a smaller size for testing QUERY_KWARGS['GET']['facet_size']['default'] = 3 QUERY_KWARGS['GET']['facet_size']['max'] = 5 QUERY_KWARGS['POST']['q']['jsoninput'] = True # ***************************************************************************** # Elasticsearch Query Builder # ***************************************************************************** ALLOW_RANDOM_QUERY = True ALLOW_NESTED_AGGS = True USERQUERY_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'userquery') # ***************************************************************************** # Endpoints Specifics # ***************************************************************************** STATUS_CHECK = { 'id': '1017', 'index': 'bts_test', 'doc_type': '_all' }
import click from . import utils def main(): "Simple CLI for oracles to work with Ether dollar" pass @main.command() @click.option('--ether-price', type=float, help="The ether price in ether dollar") @click.option('--collateral-ratio', type=float, help="The collateral ratio") @click.option( '--liquidation-duration', type=int, help="The liquidation duration in minutes") @click.option( '--private-key', callback=utils.check_account, help='The privat key to sign the transaction') def vote(ether_price, collateral_ratio, liquidation_duration, private_key): "Vote on the variable for setting up Ether Bank" assert [ether_price, collateral_ratio, liquidation_duration ].count(None) == 2, "You should set one variable per vote" if ether_price: var_code = 0 value = int(ether_price * 100) elif collateral_ratio: var_code = 1 value = int(collateral_ratio * 1000) elif liquidation_duration: var_code = 2 value = liquidation_duration * 60 func = utils.contracts['oracles'], value) tx_hash = utils.send_transaction(func, 0, private_key) return tx_hash @main.command() @click.option('--oracle', required=True, help="The oracle's address") @click.option('--score', type=int, required=True, help="The oracle's score") @click.option( '--private-key', callback=utils.check_account, help='The privat key to sign the transaction') def set_score(oracle, score, private_key): "Edit oracle's score" oracle = utils.w3.toChecksumAddress(oracle) func = utils.contracts['oracles'].functions.setScore(oracle, score) tx_hash = utils.send_transaction(func, 0, private_key) return tx_hash @main.command() @click.option( '--private-key', callback=utils.check_account, help='The privat key to sign the transaction') def finish_recruiting(private_key): "Set recruiting as finished" func = utils.contracts['oracles'].functions.finishRecruiting() tx_hash = utils.send_transaction(func, 0, private_key) return tx_hash if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# # Copyright 2016-2019 Games Creators Club # # MIT License # import math import pyroslib import pyroslib.logging import time from pyroslib.logging import log, LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG from rover import WheelOdos, WHEEL_NAMES from rover import normaiseAngle, angleDiference from challenge_utils import Action, PID SQRT2 = math.sqrt(2) PIhalf = math.pi / 2 class MazeAttitude: UNKNOWN = 0 LEFT_WALL = 1 RIGHT_WALL = 2 FRONT_WALL = 4 BACK_WALL = 8 NO_GAP = 0 FORWARD_GAP = 1 SIDE_GAP = 2 POINTS = [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315] WALLS = [90, 270, 0, 180] L0_45 = 0 L45_90 = 45 L90_135 = 90 L135_180 = 135 L180_225 = 180 L225_270 = 225 L270_315 = 270 L315_0 = 315 LINES = [L0_45, L45_90, L90_135, L135_180, L180_225, L225_270, L270_315, L315_0] ANGLE_TOLLERANCE = 1.075 @staticmethod def normAngle(a): if a > PIhalf: a = a - math.pi elif a <= -PIhalf: a = a + math.pi return a class Line: def __init__(self, line_index, long_point_index, short_point_index, factor, adjust): self.line_index = line_index self.short_point_index = short_point_index self.long_point_index = long_point_index self.factor = factor self.adjust = adjust self.angle = None def calcAngle(self, distances): long_distance = distances[self.long_point_index] short_distance = distances[self.short_point_index] if long_distance is not None and short_distance is not None: lsqrt2 = long_distance / SQRT2 self.angle = MazeAttitude.normAngle(math.atan2(lsqrt2, lsqrt2 - short_distance) * self.factor + self.adjust) else: self.angle = None class Wall: def __init__(self, distance_sensor_angle, distance_sensor_index, wall_point_kind, left_mid_point_index, left_point_index, mid_point_index, right_point_index): self.ds_angle = distance_sensor_angle self.ds_index = distance_sensor_index self.wall_point_kind = wall_point_kind self.left_mid_point_index = left_mid_point_index self.left_point_index = left_point_index self.mid_point_index = mid_point_index self.right_point_index = right_point_index self.is_front_or_back = self.ds_angle == 0 or self.ds_angle == 180 self.selected_line = None self.angle = None self.distance = None def setAngle(self, angle, distances): self.angle = angle distance = distances[self.mid_point_index] if distance < 1: self.distance = 0 else: if self.is_front_or_back: self.distance = abs(int(math.sin(angle) * distance)) else: self.distance = abs(int(math.cos(angle) * distance)) def setAngleAndDistance(self, angle, distance): self.angle = angle self.distance = distance def tryFindingWall(self, distances, lines, points): lmline = lines[self.left_mid_point_index] lline = lines[self.left_point_index] mline = lines[self.mid_point_index] rline = lines[self.right_point_index] dlong1 = distances[lline.long_point_index] dmid = distances[mline.short_point_index] dlong2 = distances[mline.long_point_index] plong1 = points[self.left_point_index] pmid = points[self.mid_point_index] plong2 = points[self.right_point_index] if dlong1 < dlong2 and plong1 != MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and lmline.angle * MazeAttitude.ANGLE_TOLLERANCE >= lline.angle >= lmline.angle / MazeAttitude.ANGLE_TOLLERANCE: points[self.mid_point_index] = points[lline.long_point_index] angle = MazeAttitude.normAngle(mline.angle - PIhalf) distance = distances[self.right_point_index] * abs(math.sin(mline.angle) / SQRT2) self.setAngleAndDistance(angle, distance) elif dlong1 >= dlong2 and plong2 != MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and mline.angle * MazeAttitude.ANGLE_TOLLERANCE >= rline.angle >= mline.angle / MazeAttitude.ANGLE_TOLLERANCE: points[self.mid_point_index] = points[rline.long_point_index] angle = MazeAttitude.normAngle(mline.angle + PIhalf) distance = distances[self.left_point_index] * abs(math.sin(mline.angle) / SQRT2) self.setAngleAndDistance(angle, distance) elif lline.angle is not None and mline.angle is not None: if lline.angle * MazeAttitude.ANGLE_TOLLERANCE >= mline.angle >= lline.angle / MazeAttitude.ANGLE_TOLLERANCE: if plong1 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.left_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind if pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind if plong2 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.right_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(mline.angle, distances) else: if dlong1 < dlong2 and plong1 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.left_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(lline.angle, distances) elif dlong1 >= dlong2 and plong2 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind points[self.right_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(mline.angle, distances) elif plong1 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and plong2 != MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.left_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(lline.angle, distances) elif plong1 != MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and plong2 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind points[self.right_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(mline.angle, distances) elif lline.angle is not None and plong1 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.left_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(lline.angle, distances) elif mline.angle is not None and pmid == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN and plong2 == MazeAttitude.UNKNOWN: points[self.mid_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind points[self.right_point_index] = self.wall_point_kind self.setAngle(mline.angle, distances) def __init__(self): self.lines = {self.L315_0: self.Line(self.L315_0, 315, 0, -1, math.pi), self.L0_45: self.Line(self.L0_45, 45, 0, 1, -math.pi), self.L45_90: self.Line(self.L45_90, 45, 90, -1, PIhalf), self.L90_135: self.Line(self.L90_135, 135, 90, 1, -PIhalf), self.L135_180: self.Line(self.L135_180, 135, 180, -1, math.pi), self.L180_225: self.Line(self.L180_225, 225, 180, 1, -math.pi), self.L225_270: self.Line(self.L225_270, 225, 270, -1, PIhalf), self.L270_315: self.Line(self.L270_315, 315, 270, 1, -PIhalf)} self.right_wall = self.Wall(90, 2, self.RIGHT_WALL, 0, 45, 90, 135) self.left_wall = self.Wall(270, 6, self.LEFT_WALL, 180, 225, 270, 315) self.front_wall = self.Wall(0, 0, self.FRONT_WALL, 270, 315, 0, 45) self.back_wall = self.Wall(180, 4, self.BACK_WALL, 90, 135, 180, 225) self.left_gap = self.NO_GAP self.right_gap = self.NO_GAP self.walls = {self.right_wall.ds_angle: self.right_wall, self.left_wall.ds_angle: self.left_wall, self.front_wall.ds_angle: self.front_wall, self.back_wall.ds_angle: self.back_wall} self.points = {0: 0, 45: 0, 90: 0, 135: 0, 180: 0, 225: 0, 270: 0, 315: 0} self.distances = {0: 0, 45: 0, 90: 0, 135: 0, 180: 0, 225: 0, 270: 0, 315: 0} def calculate(self, state): def getPointDistance(state, angle): distance = state.radar.radar[angle] status = state.radar.status[angle] if status == 0: return distance last_distance = state.radar.last_radar[angle] if abs(distance - last_distance) < 100: return distance return None def updateUndefinedWall(wall, preferable_wall, wall_adjust, second_wall): if wall.angle is None and self.distances[wall.ds_angle] is not None: if preferable_wall.angle is not None: wall.setAngleAndDistance(self.normAngle(preferable_wall.angle + wall_adjust), self.distances[wall.mid_point_index]) else: wall.setAngleAndDistance(self.normAngle(second_wall.angle - wall_adjust), self.distances[wall.mid_point_index]) self.points[wall.ds_angle] = wall.wall_point_kind self.distances = {p: getPointDistance(state, p) for p in self.POINTS} for line in self.lines: self.lines[line].calcAngle(self.distances) wls = [self.walls[w_ds_angle] for w_ds_angle in self.WALLS if self.distances[w_ds_angle] is not None] wall_processing_order = sorted(wls, key=lambda wall: self.distances[wall.ds_angle]) for wall in wall_processing_order: wall.tryFindingWall(self.distances, self.lines, self.points) updateUndefinedWall(self.front_wall, self.right_wall, -PIhalf, self.left_wall) updateUndefinedWall(self.back_wall, self.right_wall, PIhalf, self.left_wall) updateUndefinedWall(self.right_wall, self.front_wall, PIhalf, self.back_wall) updateUndefinedWall(self.left_wall, self.front_wall, -PIhalf, self.back_wall) # TODO calc gaps class MoveForwardOnOdo(Action): def __init__(self, agent, stop_action=None): super(MoveForwardOnOdo, self).__init__(agent) self.stop_action = stop_action self.required_odo = {'fl': 0, 'fr': 0, 'bl': 0, 'br': 0} def setRequiredOdo(self, distance): for wheel_name in WHEEL_NAMES: self.required_odo[wheel_name] = distance def start(self): super(MoveForwardOnOdo, self).start() state = self.rover.getRoverState() for wheel in self.required_odo: self.required_odo[wheel] = WheelOdos.normaliseOdo(state.wheel_odos[wheel] + self.required_odo[wheel]) log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Reset odo to " + str(self.required_odo) + "; starting...") self.rover.command(pyroslib.publish, 300, 120) # pyroslib.publish("move/steer", "300 120") def end(self): super(MoveForwardOnOdo, self).end() def next(self): state = self.rover.getRoverState() do_stop = False log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Driving to " + str(self.required_odo)) for wheel_name in WHEEL_NAMES: if state.wheel_odos[wheel_name] >= self.required_odo[wheel_name]: do_stop = True if state.radar.radar[0] < 1.0 or state.radar.radar[315] < 1.0 or state.radar.radar[45] < 1.0: do_stop = True if do_stop: return self.stop_action else: return self def execute(self): pass def getActionName(self): return "Forward ODO" class MazeAction(Action): LEFT = -1 RIGHT = 1 def __init__(self, agent): super(MazeAction, self).__init__(agent) def check_next_action_conditions(self): return self class ChicaneAction(MazeAction): def __init__(self, agent, left_or_right, distance, speed, next_action=None): super(ChicaneAction, self).__init__(agent) self.left_or_right = left_or_right self.distance = distance self.speed = speed self.next_action = next_action if self.left_or_right == MazeAction.RIGHT: self.a1 = 45 self.a2 = 90 self.a3 = 135 else: self.a1 = 315 self.a2 = 270 self.a3 = 225 self.left_corner_action = MazeTurnAroundCornerAction(self, self.LEFT, self.distance, self.speed, self) self.right_corner_action = MazeTurnAroundCornerAction(self, self.RIGHT, self.distance, self.speed, DriverForwardForTimeAction(self, 10, self.speed, None)) def start(self): super(ChicaneAction, self).start() def end(self): super(ChicaneAction, self).end() def next(self): if self.left_or_right == self.LEFT: diagonal_distance = state.radar.radar[45] else: diagonal_distance = state.radar.radar[315] if self.left_or_right == self.LEFT and diagonal_distance > 800: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found second part of chicane, rfd={: 4d}".format(int(diagonal_distance))) self.left_or_right = self.RIGHT elif self.left_or_right == self.RIGHT and diagonal_distance > 800: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found end ofchicane - leaging, rfd={: 4d}".format(int(diagonal_distance))) return self.next_action return self def execute(self): state = self.rover.getRoverState() front_distance = state.radar.radar[0] gain = 60 offset = 150 # Values that worked speed=150, steer=5-7, dist=4 # self.speed = 150 # 150 speed = 50 # mm/second - TODO use odo to update to correct value! speed_steer_fudge_factor = 5 # 5-7 speed_distance_fudge_factor = 4 # 4 min_angle = 1 * math.pi / 180 steer_speed = speed * speed_steer_fudge_factor distance_speed = speed * speed_distance_fudge_factor if self.left_or_right == self.RIGHT: distance = -1000000000 distance_from_wall = state.radar.radar[90] distance_error = distance_from_wall - self.distance angle = 0 if abs(distance_error) < 10: angle = 0 elif distance_error > 0 and distance_error > distance_speed: angle = math.pi / 4 if front_distance < 450: angle += math.pi * (450 - front_distance) / 1800 # divide with 10 and by 180 -> 450/10 - 45deg elif distance_error < 0 and distance_error < -distance_speed: angle = -math.pi / 4 if front_distance < 450: angle -= math.pi * (450 - front_distance) / 1800 # divide with 10 and by 180 -> 450/10 - 45deg else: try: angle = math.asin(distance_error / distance_speed) except BaseException as ex: log(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "Domain error wa={: 3d} dw={: 4d} de={: 4d} d={: 4d} s={: 3d}".format(int(0), int(distance_from_wall), int(distance_error), int(distance), int(speed))) else: distance = 1000000000 distance_from_wall = state.radar.radar[270] distance_error = distance_from_wall - self.distance angle = 0 if abs(distance_error) < 10: angle = 0 elif distance_error > 0 and distance_error > distance_speed: angle = -math.pi / 4 if front_distance < 450: angle -= math.pi * (450 - front_distance) / 1800 # divide with 10 and by 180 -> 450/10 - 45deg elif distance_error < 0 and distance_error < -distance_speed: angle = math.pi / 4 if front_distance < 450: angle += math.pi * (450 - front_distance) / 1800 # divide with 10 and by 180 -> 450/10 - 45deg else: try: angle = -math.asin(distance_error / distance_speed) except BaseException as ex: log(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "Domain error wa={: 3d} dw={: 4d} de={: 4d} d={: 4d} s={: 3d}".format(int(0), int(distance_from_wall), int(distance_error), int(distance), int(speed))) distance = int(distance) angle = int(angle * 180 / math.pi) self.rover.command(pyroslib.publish, self.speed, angle, distance) # pyroslib.publish("move/steer", str(distance) + " " + str(self.speed) + " " + str(angle)) wheel_orientations = state.wheel_odos.odos log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "{:16.3f}: dist_f={: 4d} wa={: 3d} dist_w={: 4d} dist_err={: 3d} la={: 3d} ld={: 3d} ra={: 3d} rd={: 3d} s_spd={: 3d} dist_spd={: 3d} dist={: 4d} angle={: 3d} heading={: 3d} odo={:7.2f}".format( float(time.time()), int(front_distance), int(0 * 180 / math.pi), int(distance_from_wall), int(distance_error), int(0 * 180 / math.pi), int(0), int(0 * 180 / math.pi), int(0), int(steer_speed), int(distance_speed), int(distance), int(angle), int(state.heading.heading), float(state.wheel_orientations.orientations['fl']) )) def getActionName(self): return "Chicane " + ("L" if self.left_or_right == self.LEFT else "R") class MazeCorridorAction(MazeAction): def __init__(self, agent, left_or_right, distance, speed, next_action=None): super(MazeCorridorAction, self).__init__(agent) self.left_or_right = left_or_right self.distance = distance self.speed = speed self.next_action = next_action if self.left_or_right == MazeAction.RIGHT: self.a1 = 45 self.a2 = 90 self.a3 = 135 else: self.a1 = 315 self.a2 = 270 self.a3 = 225 self.left_corner_action = MazeTurnAroundCornerAction(self, self.LEFT, int(self.distance * 1), self.speed, self) self.right_corner_action = MazeTurnAroundCornerAction(self, self.RIGHT, int(self.distance * 1), self.speed, self) # self.right_corner_action = MazeTurnAroundCornerAction(self.odo, self.radar, self.heading, self.RIGHT, self.distance, self.speed, DriverForwardForTimeActoun(10, self.speed, None)) self.been_in_chicane = False def start(self): super(MazeCorridorAction, self).start() self.been_in_chicane = False def end(self): super(MazeCorridorAction, self).end() def next(self): left_diagonal_distance = state.radar.radar[315] front_distance = state.radar.radar[0] if state.radar.status[0] != 0 and abs(state.radar.radar_deltas[0]) > 100: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Front distance not correct: d={:4d} s={:2d} delta={:4d}".format(front_distance, state.radar.status[0], state.radar.radar_deltas[0])) else: if state.left_front_distance_of_wall > 100 and front_distance < 550: expected_diagonal_distance = 0 if state.left_wall_angle < 0: expected_diagonal_distance = front_distance * 2 * math.cos(math.pi / 4 + state.left_wall_angle) else: expected_diagonal_distance = front_distance * math.cos(state.left_wall_angle) * SQRT2 if False and not self.been_in_chicane and front_distance > 300 and left_diagonal_distance > expected_diagonal_distance * 1.2: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found chicane... lfd={: 4d} fd={: 4d} dd={: 4d} ed={: 4d}".format(int(state.left_front_distance_of_wall), int(front_distance), int(left_diagonal_distance), int(expected_diagonal_distance))) self.been_in_chicane = True return ChicaneAction(self, self.LEFT, self.distance, self.speed, next_action=self) else: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found corner - turning, lfd={: 4d} fd={: 4d} dd={: 4d} ed={: 4d}".format(int(state.left_front_distance_of_wall), int(front_distance), int(left_diagonal_distance), int(expected_diagonal_distance))) return self.left_corner_action if front_distance < 550 and state.radar.radar_deltas[0] < 0: left_distances = state.radar.radar[270] + state.radar.radar[315] right_distances = state.radar.radar[90] + state.radar.radar[45] if left_distances > right_distances: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found corner 2 - turning left, fd={: 4d} ld={: 4d} rd={: 4d}".format(int(front_distance), int(left_distances), int(right_distances))) return self.left_corner_action else: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found corner 2 - turning left, fd={: 4d} ld={: 4d} rd={: 4d}".format(int(front_distance), int(left_distances), int(right_distances))) return self.right_corner_action if state.right_front_distance_of_wall > 100 and state.left_front_distance_of_wall > 100 and front_distance < 700: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found final corner - turning to finish, rfd={: 4d} fd={: 4d} ".format(int(state.right_front_distance_of_wall), int(front_distance))) return self.right_corner_action return self def execute(self): state = self.rover.getRoverState() left_diagonal_distance = state.radar.radar[315] front_distance = state.radar.radar[0] gain = 60 offset = 150 # Values that worked speed=150, steer=5-7, dist=4 # self.speed = 150 # 150 speed = 50 # mm/second - TODO use odo to update to correct value! speed_steer_fudge_factor = 5 # 5-7 speed_distance_fudge_factor = 4 # 4 min_angle = 1 * math.pi / 180 steer_speed = speed * speed_steer_fudge_factor distance_speed = speed * speed_distance_fudge_factor if self.left_or_right == self.RIGHT: wall_angle = state.right_wall_angle if -min_angle < state.right_wall_angle < min_angle: distance = 1000000000 else: distance = steer_speed / state.right_wall_angle if 0 <= distance < 150: distance = 150 elif -150 < distance < 0: distance = -150 distance = -distance distance_from_wall = state.right_wall_distance distance_error = distance_from_wall - self.distance angle = 0 if abs(distance_error) < 10: angle = 0 elif distance_error > 0 and distance_error > distance_speed: angle = math.pi / 4 elif distance_error < 0 and distance_error < -distance_speed: angle = -math.pi / 4 else: try: angle = math.asin(distance_error / distance_speed) except BaseException as ex: log(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "Domain error wa={: 3d} dw={: 4d} de={: 4d} d={: 4d} s={: 3d}".format(int(wall_angle), int(distance_from_wall), int(distance_error), int(distance), int(speed))) else: wall_angle = state.left_wall_angle if -min_angle < state.left_wall_angle < min_angle: distance = 1000000000 else: distance = steer_speed / state.left_wall_angle if 0 <= distance < 150: distance = 150 elif -150 < distance < 0: distance = -150 distance_from_wall = state.left_wall_distance distance_error = distance_from_wall - self.distance angle = 0 if abs(distance_error) < 10: angle = 0 elif distance_error > 0 and distance_error > distance_speed: angle = -math.pi / 4 elif distance_error < 0 and distance_error < -distance_speed: angle = math.pi / 4 else: try: angle = -math.asin(distance_error / distance_speed) except BaseException as ex: log(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "Domain error wa={: 3d} dw={: 4d} de={: 4d} d={: 4d} s={: 3d}".format(int(wall_angle), int(distance_from_wall), int(distance_error), int(distance), int(speed))) distance = int(distance) angle = int(angle * 180 / math.pi) self.rover.command(pyroslib.publish, self.speed, angle, distance) # pyroslib.publish("move/steer", str(distance) + " " + str(self.speed) + " " + str(angle)) wheel_orientations = state.wheel_odos.odos # log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "{:16.3f}: dist_f={: 4d} wa={: 3d} dist_w={: 4d} dist_err={: 3d} la={: 3d} ld={: 3d} ra={: 3d} rd={: 3d} s_spd={: 3d} dist_spd={: 3d} dist={: 4d} angle={: 3d} heading={: 3d} odo={:7.2f}".format( float(time.time()), int(front_distance), int(wall_angle * 180 / math.pi), int(distance_from_wall), int(distance_error), int(state.left_wall_angle * 180 / math.pi), int(state.left_front_distance_of_wall), int(state.right_wall_angle * 180 / math.pi), int(state.right_front_distance_of_wall), int(steer_speed), int(distance_speed), int(distance), int(angle), int(state.heading.heading), float(state.wheel_orientations.orientations['fl']) )) def getActionName(self): return "Corridor" class MazeTurnAroundCornerAction(MazeAction): def __init__(self, agent, left_or_right, distance, speed, next_action=None): super(MazeTurnAroundCornerAction, self).__init__(agent) self.left_or_right = left_or_right self.distance = distance * (1 if left_or_right == self.RIGHT else -1) self.speed = speed self.start_heading = 0 self.last_heading = 0 self.requested_heading = 0 = None self.next_action = next_action self.error = 0 def start(self): super(MazeTurnAroundCornerAction, self).start() state = self.rover.getRoverState() self.start_heading = state.heading.heading self.requested_heading = normaiseAngle(self.start_heading + 80 * -(1 if self.left_or_right == self.RIGHT else -1)) = PID(1, 0.0, 0.05, 1, 0, diff_method=angleDiference), self.start_heading) log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Starting to turn around corner at distance {:04d} at speed {:04d}, start heading {:07.3f}, requested heading {:07.3f}".format(self.distance, self.speed, self.start_heading, self.requested_heading)) self.rover.command(pyroslib.publish, self.speed, 0, self.distance) # pyroslib.publish("move/steer", str(self.distance) + " " + str(self.speed)) def end(self): super(MazeTurnAroundCornerAction, self).end() def next(self): heading = state.heading.heading self.error =, heading) if self.left_or_right == self.LEFT and self.error > 0: return self elif self.left_or_right == self.RIGHT and self.error < 0: return self else: if self.next_action is not None: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Finished turning around the corner - invoking next action " + self.next_action.getActionName()) else: log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Finishing turning - no next action spectified.") return self.next_action def execute(self): state = self.rover.getRoverState() heading = state.heading.heading last_heading = self.last_heading self.last_heading = heading log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Turning speed={:04d} h={:07.3f} lh={:07.3f} dh={:07.3f} rh={:07.3f} e={:07.3f}" .format(self.speed, heading, last_heading, angleDiference(heading, last_heading), self.requested_heading, self.error)) def getActionName(self): return "Turn-Around-Corner" class DriverForwardForTimeAction(Action): def __init__(self, agent, time, speed, next_action): super(DriverForwardForTimeAction, self).__init__(agent) self.time = time self.speed = speed self.next_action = next_action def start(self): self.rover.command(pyroslib.publish, self.speed, 0) # pyroslib.publish("move/drive", "0 " + str(self.speed)) log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Going forward for " + str(self.time) + " ticks.") def end(self): pass def next(self): if self.time > 0: self.time -= 1 log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Going forward for " + str(self.time) + " ticks.") return self return self.next_action if __name__ == "__main__": from rover import Radar, RoverState radar_values = {0: 10, 45: SQRT2 * 10, 90: 10, 135: SQRT2 * 10, 180: 10, 225: SQRT2 * 10, 270: 10, 315: SQRT2 * 10} radar_last_values = {0: 10, 45: SQRT2 * 10, 90: 10, 135: SQRT2 * 10, 180: 10, 225: SQRT2 * 10, 270: 10, 315: SQRT2 * 10} radar_status = {0: 0, 45: 0, 90: 0, 135: 0, 180: 0, 225: 0, 270: 0, 315: 0} attitude = MazeAttitude() radar = Radar(0, radar_values, radar_status, Radar(0, radar_last_values, radar_status)) state = RoverState(None, None, None, radar, None, None) def printWallLines(a): if attitude.lines[a].angle is None: print("{:3d} -> point too far - not calculated".format(a)) else: angle = int(attitude.lines[a].angle * 180 / math.pi) point = attitude.points[a] if point is None: print("{:3d} -> line at {:3d} angle".format(a, angle)) else: if point == MazeAttitude.LEFT_WALL: wall = "left wall" elif point == MazeAttitude.RIGHT_WALL: wall = "right wall" elif point == MazeAttitude.FRONT_WALL: wall = "front wall" elif point == MazeAttitude.BACK_WALL: wall = "back wall" else: wall = "no wall" print("{:3d} -> line at {:3d} angle belogs to {:s}".format(a, angle, wall)) def printWall(w): if w.angle is None: print("Wall {:3d} -> is too far - not calculated".format(w.ds_angle)) else: if w.distance is None: print("Wall {:3d} -> has angle {:3d} but is too far - distance not calculated".format(w.ds_angle, int(w.angle * 180 / math.pi))) else: print("Wall {:3d} -> has angle {:3d} and is at {:3d}".format(w.ds_angle, int(w.angle * 180 / math.pi), w.distance)) def printWalls(): for p in attitude.points: printWallLines(p) for w in attitude.walls: printWall(w) print("----------------------------------------------------------") # attitude.calculate(state) # printWalls() # # state.radar.radar[0] = 5 # state.radar.radar[45] = SQRT2 * 5 * 0.9 # state.radar.radar[315] = SQRT2 * 17 # state.radar.radar[270] = SQRT2 * 13 # state.radar.radar[225] = SQRT2 * 12 # attitude.calculate(state) # printWalls() state.radar.radar[180] = 50 state.radar.radar[315] = 30 attitude.calculate(state) printWalls()
import unittest import pytest from old_password import old_password import csv import re @pytest.mark.parametrize("password,expected_hash", [ (None, None), ("", ""), ("a", "<PASSWORD>"), ("abc", "<PASSWORD>"), ("ä", "<PASSWORD>"), ]) def test_old_password(password, expected_hash): assert old_password(password) == expected_hash def test_password_with_space(): """ spaces in password are skipped """ assert old_password("<PASSWORD>") == old_password("password") def test_password_with_tab(): """ tabs in password are skipped """ assert old_password("<PASSWORD>") == old_password("password") def test_password_from_testdata(): with open("../testdata.csv", "r") as file: for line in file: line = line.strip() password, expected_hash = line.split(";") hash = old_password(password) assert hash == expected_hash, "password: %s" % password
import unittest from molecule import onize_formula, update_equation_with_multiplier, flaten_formula, parse_molecule class MoleculeParserTestCases(unittest.TestCase): def test_onizing_formulas(self): self.assertEqual(onize_formula('H'), 'H1') self.assertEqual(onize_formula('H2O'), 'H2O1') self.assertEqual(onize_formula('Mg(OH)2'), 'Mg1(O1H1)2') self.assertEqual(onize_formula('K4[ON(SO3)2]2'), 'K4[O1N1(S1O3)2]2') def test_updating_formula_with_multipler(self): self.assertEqual(update_equation_with_multiplier('H1', '2'), 'H2') self.assertEqual(update_equation_with_multiplier('K4[O1N1(SO3)2]2', '2'), 'K8[O2N2(SO6)4]4') def test_flatting_formula(self): self.assertEqual(flaten_formula('H2O'), 'H2O') self.assertEqual(flaten_formula('[H1]2O'), 'H2O') self.assertEqual(flaten_formula('M1g1(O1H1)2'), 'M1g1O2H2') self.assertEqual(flaten_formula('K4[O1N1(S1O3)2]2'), 'K4O2N2S4O12') def test_full_parsing(self): parsed_mole = parse_molecule('H2O') self.assertEqual(len(parsed_mole.keys()), 2) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['H'], 2) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['O'], 1) parsed_mole = parse_molecule('Mg(OH)2') self.assertEqual(len(parsed_mole.keys()), 3) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['H'], 2) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['O'], 2) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['Mg'], 1) parsed_mole = parse_molecule('K4[ON(SO3)2]2') self.assertEqual(len(parsed_mole.keys()), 4) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['K'], 4) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['O'], 14) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['N'], 2) self.assertEqual(parsed_mole['S'], 4) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# TODO turn prints into actual error raise, they are print for testing def qSystemInitErrors(init): def newFunction(obj, **kwargs): init(obj, **kwargs) if obj._genericQSys__dimension is None: className = obj.__class__.__name__ print(className + ' requires a dimension') elif obj.frequency is None: className = obj.__class__.__name__ print(className + ' requires a frequency') return newFunction def qCouplingInitErrors(init): def newFunction(obj, *args, **kwargs): init(obj, *args, **kwargs) if obj.couplingOperators is None: # pylint: disable=protected-access className = obj.__class__.__name__ print(className + ' requires a coupling functions') elif obj.coupledSystems is None: # pylint: disable=protected-access className = obj.__class__.__name__ print(className + ' requires a coupling systems') #for ind in range(len(obj._qCoupling__qSys)): # if len(obj._qCoupling__cFncs) != len(obj._qCoupling__qSys): # className = obj.__class__.__name__ # print(className + ' requires same number of systems as coupling functions') return newFunction def sweepInitError(init): def newFunction(obj, **kwargs): init(obj, **kwargs) if obj.sweepList is None: className = obj.__class__.__name__ print(className + ' requires either a list or relevant info, here are givens' + '\n' + # noqa: W503, W504 'sweepList: ', obj.sweepList, '\n' + # noqa: W504 'sweepMax: ', obj.sweepMax, '\n' + # noqa: W504 'sweepMin: ', obj.sweepMin, '\n' + # noqa: W504 'sweepPert: ', obj.sweepPert, '\n' + # noqa: W504 'logSweep: ', obj.logSweep) return newFunction
print('load extractor_batch') # Utility to run multiple feature extraction # diagrams over many files with multiple threats import pandas as pd import os import sys import glob from import tqdm from queue import Queue from threading import Thread from datetime import datetime import time import logging # thread class class ExtractorDiagramThread(Thread): def __init__(self, queue,extdia ,wn): Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.wn = wn self.extdia = extdia self.stop = False def run(self): while not self.stop: # Get the work from the queue and expand the tuple file_path, target_class = self.queue.get() # execute diagaram self.extdia.execute_diagram(file_path,target_class) self.queue.task_done() def IfStrReturnList(s): if type(s) == str: return [s] else: return s def time_stemp_str(): now = return (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) class LoggerWrap(): def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('feature_extraction_batch') if (self.logger.hasHandlers()): self.logger.handlers.clear() self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create file handler which logs even debug messages self.fh = logging.FileHandler('feature_extraction_batch.log') self.fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.addHandler(self.fh) def close(self): print('close log file') #print(self.fh) self.fh.close() logging.shutdown() def log(self,s): m = time_stemp_str() + ': ' + s print(m) def get_file_list(machine, snr, id, target_class_map, FileCountLimit, datset_folder_from_base, base_folder): flist = [] tlsit = [] tn = {} fn = {} for tc in target_class_map: fn[tc] = sorted( \ glob.glob( \ os.path.abspath( "{base}/{SNR}/{machine}/id_{ID}/{n}/*.{ext}".format( base=base_folder+datset_folder_from_base, SNR=snr, machine=machine,ID=id, n=tc, ext='wav' )))) if FileCountLimit: if FileCountLimit < len(fn[tc]): fn[tc] = fn[tc][:FileCountLimit] tn[tc] = np.ones(len(fn[tc]), dtype='int')*target_class_map[tc] for tc in target_class_map: flist+= fn[tc] tlsit+=(list((tn[tc]))) return flist, tlsit def multithreadpolltracker(queue, total): last = total done_l = 0 pbar = tqdm(total=total) while not queue.empty(): time.sleep(0.05) if last > queue.qsize(): done = total-int(queue.qsize()) #print(done, end ="--") pbar.update(done-done_l) done_l = done last = queue.qsize() queue.join() done = total pbar.update(done) # Main Function def extractor_batch(base_folder, target_folder, extdia, FileFindDict = {'SNR': '6dB', 'machine': 'pump', 'ID': ['00']}, n_jobs = 1, target_class_map = {'abnormal':1, 'normal': 0}, FileCountLimit = None, datset_folder_from_base = 'dataset', augment = False, # create one augmentation for a given target class i.e. 'normal' DeviceType = 0, # 0 continuses or 1 sporatic fHP = None, # simple FIR HP to cut of very low freq to not overload MEL main_channel = 0): # assuming a DOA was able to get mein direction (pseudo DOA ...) lw = LoggerWrap() base_folder_full = os.path.abspath(base_folder) target_folder_full = os.path.abspath(base_folder+target_folder) os.makedirs(target_folder_full, exist_ok=True) lw.log('Target folder will be: ' + target_folder_full) lw.log('Extractor diagram is fof type: ' + str(extdia)) for m in IfStrReturnList(FileFindDict['machine']): for snr in IfStrReturnList(FileFindDict['SNR']): for id in IfStrReturnList(FileFindDict['ID']): lw.log('-'*44 ) lw.log('Working on machinepart:' + m + ' SNR:' + snr + ' ID:' + id ) ts = time.time() # create file list for ID batch filelist, targetlist = get_file_list(m, snr, id, target_class_map, FileCountLimit, datset_folder_from_base, base_folder) lw.log('Files to process: ' + str(len(filelist)) ) # start processing if n_jobs == 1: # in the notebook ed = extdia(base_folder,0,main_channel,augment,DeviceType,fHP) pbar= tqdm(total = len(filelist)) for f,tc in (zip(filelist, targetlist)): ed.execute_diagram(f,tc) pbar.update() outport_akkulist_tofile(base_folder,target_folder,ed,m,snr,id) lw.log('list for the id pickled' ) else: # to threads # create the threads and akku diagram edl = [] wl = [] queue = Queue() for w in range(n_jobs): edl.append(extdia(base_folder,w,main_channel,augment,DeviceType,fHP)) worker = ExtractorDiagramThread(queue,edl[w],w) worker.daemon = True worker.start() wl.append(worker) # fill the Queue lw.log('multithread mode filling the queue' ) for f,tc in (zip(filelist, targetlist)): queue.put((f, tc)) multithreadpolltracker(queue, len(filelist)) for w in wl: w.stop = True lw.log('multithread mode all threads done' ) joinlist = outport_akkulist_join(exdia_list=edl) outport_akkulist_tofile(base_folder, target_folder, joinlist, m, snr, id) lw.log('multithread mode list joined and pickled for the id' ) del edl # trying to fiht the memory leak del joinlist tneeded_sec = np.round(time.time()- ts,2) tneeded_min = np.round(tneeded_sec/60,2) lw.log('total time needed for the ID: ' + str(tneeded_sec) + 'sec' + ' = ' + str(tneeded_min) + 'min') lw.close()
from copy import copy from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, cast from pypika import Table from pypika.terms import Criterion from tortoise.exceptions import FieldError, OperationalError from tortoise.fields.relational import BackwardFKRelation, ManyToManyFieldInstance, RelationalField if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: nocoverage from tortoise.models import Model from tortoise.queryset import QuerySet def _process_filter_kwarg( model: "Type[Model]", key: str, value: Any, table: Table ) -> Tuple[Criterion, Optional[Tuple[Table, Criterion]]]: join = None if value is None and f"{key}__isnull" in model._meta.filters: param = model._meta.get_filter(f"{key}__isnull") value = True else: param = model._meta.get_filter(key) pk_db_field = model._meta.db_pk_column if param.get("table"): join = ( param["table"], table[pk_db_field] == param["table"][param["backward_key"]], ) if param.get("value_encoder"): value = param["value_encoder"](value, model) criterion = param["operator"](param["table"][param["field"]], value) else: field_object = model._meta.fields_map[param["field"]] encoded_value = ( param["value_encoder"](value, model, field_object) if param.get("value_encoder") else model._meta.db.executor_class._field_to_db(field_object, value, model) ) criterion = param["operator"](table[param["source_field"]], encoded_value) return criterion, join def _get_joins_for_related_field( table: Table, related_field: RelationalField, related_field_name: str ) -> List[Tuple[Table, Criterion]]: required_joins = [] related_table: Table = related_field.related_model._meta.basetable if isinstance(related_field, ManyToManyFieldInstance): through_table = Table(related_field.through) required_joins.append( ( through_table, table[related_field.model._meta.db_pk_column] == through_table[related_field.backward_key], ) ) required_joins.append( ( related_table, through_table[related_field.forward_key] == related_table[related_field.related_model._meta.db_pk_column], ) ) elif isinstance(related_field, BackwardFKRelation): to_field_source_field = ( related_field.to_field_instance.source_field or related_field.to_field_instance.model_field_name ) if table == related_table: related_table = related_table.as_(f"{table.get_table_name()}__{related_field_name}") required_joins.append( ( related_table, table[to_field_source_field] == related_table[related_field.relation_source_field], ) ) else: to_field_source_field = ( related_field.to_field_instance.source_field or related_field.to_field_instance.model_field_name ) from_field = related_field.model._meta.fields_map[related_field.source_field] # type: ignore from_field_source_field = from_field.source_field or from_field.model_field_name related_table = related_table.as_(f"{table.get_table_name()}__{related_field_name}") required_joins.append( (related_table, related_table[to_field_source_field] == table[from_field_source_field],) ) return required_joins class EmptyCriterion(Criterion): # type: ignore def __or__(self, other: Criterion) -> Criterion: return other def __and__(self, other: Criterion) -> Criterion: return other def __bool__(self) -> bool: return False def _and(left: Criterion, right: Criterion) -> Criterion: if left and not right: return left return left & right def _or(left: Criterion, right: Criterion) -> Criterion: if left and not right: return left return left | right class QueryModifier: """ Internal structure used to generate SQL Queries. """ def __init__( self, where_criterion: Optional[Criterion] = None, joins: Optional[List[Tuple[Table, Criterion]]] = None, having_criterion: Optional[Criterion] = None, ) -> None: self.where_criterion: Criterion = where_criterion or EmptyCriterion() self.joins = joins if joins else [] self.having_criterion: Criterion = having_criterion or EmptyCriterion() def __and__(self, other: "QueryModifier") -> "QueryModifier": return QueryModifier( where_criterion=_and(self.where_criterion, other.where_criterion), joins=self.joins + other.joins, having_criterion=_and(self.having_criterion, other.having_criterion), ) def __or__(self, other: "QueryModifier") -> "QueryModifier": if self.having_criterion or other.having_criterion: # TODO: This could be optimized? result_having_criterion = _or( _and(self.where_criterion, self.having_criterion), _and(other.where_criterion, other.having_criterion), ) return QueryModifier( joins=self.joins + other.joins, having_criterion=result_having_criterion ) if self.where_criterion and other.where_criterion: return QueryModifier( where_criterion=self.where_criterion | other.where_criterion, joins=self.joins + other.joins, ) return QueryModifier( where_criterion=self.where_criterion or other.where_criterion, joins=self.joins + other.joins, ) def __invert__(self) -> "QueryModifier": if not self.where_criterion and not self.having_criterion: return QueryModifier(joins=self.joins) if self.having_criterion: # TODO: This could be optimized? return QueryModifier( joins=self.joins, having_criterion=_and(self.where_criterion, self.having_criterion).negate(), ) return QueryModifier(where_criterion=self.where_criterion.negate(), joins=self.joins) def get_query_modifiers(self) -> Tuple[Criterion, List[Tuple[Table, Criterion]], Criterion]: """ Returns a tuple of the query criterion. """ return self.where_criterion, self.joins, self.having_criterion class Q: """ Q Expression container. Q Expressions are a useful tool to compose a query from many small parts. :param join_type: Is the join an AND or OR join type? :param args: Inner ``Q`` expressions that you want to wrap. :param kwargs: Filter statements that this Q object should encapsulate. """ __slots__ = ( "children", "filters", "join_type", "_is_negated", "_annotations", "_custom_filters", ) AND = "AND" OR = "OR" def __init__(self, *args: "Q", join_type: str = AND, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if args and kwargs: newarg = Q(join_type=join_type, **kwargs) args = (newarg,) + args kwargs = {} if not all(isinstance(node, Q) for node in args): raise OperationalError("All ordered arguments must be Q nodes") #: Contains the sub-Q's that this Q is made up of self.children: Tuple[Q, ...] = args #: Contains the filters applied to this Q self.filters: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs if join_type not in {self.AND, self.OR}: raise OperationalError("join_type must be AND or OR") #: Specifies if this Q does an AND or OR on its children self.join_type = join_type self._is_negated = False self._annotations: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._custom_filters: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} def __and__(self, other: "Q") -> "Q": """ Returns a binary AND of Q objects, use ``AND`` operator. :raises OperationalError: AND operation requires a Q node """ if not isinstance(other, Q): raise OperationalError("AND operation requires a Q node") return Q(self, other, join_type=self.AND) def __or__(self, other: "Q") -> "Q": """ Returns a binary OR of Q objects, use ``OR`` operator. :raises OperationalError: OR operation requires a Q node """ if not isinstance(other, Q): raise OperationalError("OR operation requires a Q node") return Q(self, other, join_type=self.OR) def __invert__(self) -> "Q": """ Returns a negated instance of the Q object, use ``~`` operator. """ q = Q(*self.children, join_type=self.join_type, **self.filters) q.negate() return q def negate(self) -> None: """ Negates the curent Q object. (mutation) """ self._is_negated = not self._is_negated def _resolve_nested_filter( self, model: "Type[Model]", key: str, value: Any, table: Table ) -> QueryModifier: related_field_name = key.split("__")[0] related_field = cast(RelationalField, model._meta.fields_map[related_field_name]) required_joins = _get_joins_for_related_field(table, related_field, related_field_name) modifier = Q(**{"__".join(key.split("__")[1:]): value}).resolve( model=related_field.related_model, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, table=required_joins[-1][0], ) return QueryModifier(joins=required_joins) & modifier def _resolve_custom_kwarg( self, model: "Type[Model]", key: str, value: Any, table: Table ) -> QueryModifier: having_info = self._custom_filters[key] annotation = self._annotations[having_info["field"]] annotation_info = annotation.resolve(model, table) operator = having_info["operator"] overridden_operator = model._meta.db.executor_class.get_overridden_filter_func( filter_func=operator ) if overridden_operator: operator = overridden_operator if annotation_info["field"].is_aggregate: modifier = QueryModifier(having_criterion=operator(annotation_info["field"], value)) else: modifier = QueryModifier(where_criterion=operator(annotation_info["field"], value)) return modifier def _resolve_regular_kwarg( self, model: "Type[Model]", key: str, value: Any, table: Table ) -> QueryModifier: if key not in model._meta.filters and key.split("__")[0] in model._meta.fetch_fields: modifier = self._resolve_nested_filter(model, key, value, table) else: criterion, join = _process_filter_kwarg(model, key, value, table) joins = [join] if join else [] modifier = QueryModifier(where_criterion=criterion, joins=joins) return modifier def _get_actual_filter_params( self, model: "Type[Model]", key: str, value: Table ) -> Tuple[str, Any]: filter_key = key if key in model._meta.fk_fields or key in model._meta.o2o_fields: field_object = model._meta.fields_map[key] if hasattr(value, "pk"): filter_value = else: filter_value = value filter_key = cast(str, field_object.source_field) elif key in model._meta.m2m_fields: if hasattr(value, "pk"): filter_value = else: filter_value = value elif ( key.split("__")[0] in model._meta.fetch_fields or key in self._custom_filters or key in model._meta.filters ): filter_value = value else: allowed = sorted( model._meta.fields | model._meta.fetch_fields | set(self._custom_filters) ) raise FieldError(f"Unknown filter param '{key}'. Allowed base values are {allowed}") return filter_key, filter_value def _resolve_kwargs(self, model: "Type[Model]", table: Table) -> QueryModifier: modifier = QueryModifier() for raw_key, raw_value in self.filters.items(): key, value = self._get_actual_filter_params(model, raw_key, raw_value) if key in self._custom_filters: filter_modifier = self._resolve_custom_kwarg(model, key, value, table) else: filter_modifier = self._resolve_regular_kwarg(model, key, value, table) if self.join_type == self.AND: modifier &= filter_modifier else: modifier |= filter_modifier if self._is_negated: modifier = ~modifier return modifier def _resolve_children(self, model: "Type[Model]", table: Table) -> QueryModifier: modifier = QueryModifier() for node in self.children: node_modifier = node.resolve(model, self._annotations, self._custom_filters, table) if self.join_type == self.AND: modifier &= node_modifier else: modifier |= node_modifier if self._is_negated: modifier = ~modifier return modifier def resolve( self, model: "Type[Model]", annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], table: Table, ) -> QueryModifier: """ Resolves the logical Q chain into the parts of a SQL statement. :param model: The Model this Q Expression should be resolved on. :param annotations: Extra annotations one wants to inject into the resultset. :param custom_filters: Pre-resolved filters to be passed though. :param table: ``pypika.Table`` to keep track of the virtual SQL table (to allow self referential joins) """ self._annotations = annotations self._custom_filters = custom_filters if self.filters: return self._resolve_kwargs(model, table) return self._resolve_children(model, table) class Prefetch: """ Prefetcher container. One would directly use this when wanting to attach a custom QuerySet for specialised prefetching. :param relation: Related field name. :param queryset: Custom QuerySet to use for prefetching. """ __slots__ = ("relation", "queryset") def __init__(self, relation: str, queryset: "QuerySet") -> None: self.relation = relation self.queryset = queryset self.queryset.query = copy(self.queryset.model._meta.basequery) def resolve_for_queryset(self, queryset: "QuerySet") -> None: """ Called internally to generate prefetching query. :param queryset: Custom QuerySet to use for prefetching. :raises OperationalError: If field does not exist in model. """ relation_split = self.relation.split("__") first_level_field = relation_split[0] if first_level_field not in queryset.model._meta.fetch_fields: raise OperationalError( f"relation {first_level_field} for {queryset.model._meta.db_table} not found" ) forwarded_prefetch = "__".join(relation_split[1:]) if forwarded_prefetch: if first_level_field not in queryset._prefetch_map.keys(): queryset._prefetch_map[first_level_field] = set() queryset._prefetch_map[first_level_field].add( Prefetch(forwarded_prefetch, self.queryset) ) else: queryset._prefetch_queries[first_level_field] = self.queryset
import builtins = 'bar' foo # foo
# @Author: <NAME> <valle> # @Date: 10-May-2017 # @Email: <EMAIL> # @Last modified by: valle # @Last modified time: 23-Feb-2018 # @License: Apache license vesion 2.0 from kivy.uix.modalview import ModalView from kivy.uix.button import Button from import ObjectProperty, StringProperty, ListProperty from kivy.lang import Builder Builder.load_file("view/sugerencias.kv") class Sugerencias(ModalView): onExit = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True) content = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True) texto = StringProperty("") des = StringProperty("") sug = ListProperty([]) key = StringProperty("") tag = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True) def __init__(self, **kargs): super(Sugerencias, self).__init__(**kargs) self.auto_dismiss=False def on_sug(self, key, value): self.lista.rm_all_widgets() for item in self.sug: btn = Button(text=item) btn.tag = item btn.bind(on_press=self.onPress) self.lista.add_linea(btn) def onPress(self, b): self.onExit(self.key, self.content, b.tag, self.tag) def clear_text(self): self.texto = "" def exit(self): self.texto = self.txtSug.text if self.onExit: if self.texto != "": self.sug.append(self.texto) self.onExit(self.key, self.content, self.texto, self.tag)
#!/usr/bin/python DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: kong short_description: Configure a Kong API Gateway ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Register a site kong: kong_admin_uri: name: "Mockbin" taget_url: "" request_host: "" state: present - name: Delete a site kong: kong_admin_uri: name: "Mockbin" state: absent ''' import json, requests, os class KongAPI: def __init__(self, base_url, auth_username=None, auth_password=<PASSWORD>): self.base_url = base_url if auth_username is not None and auth_password is not None: self.auth = (auth_username, auth_password) else: self.auth = None def __url(self, path): return "{}{}" . format (self.base_url, path) def _api_exists(self, name, api_list): for api in api_list: if name == api.get("name", None): return True return False def add_or_update(self, name, upstream_url, request_host=None, request_path=None, strip_request_path=False, preserve_host=False): method = "post" url = self.__url("/apis/") api_list = self.list().json().get("data", []) api_exists = self._api_exists(name, api_list) if api_exists: method = "patch" url = "{}{}" . format (url, name) data = { "name": name, "upstream_url": upstream_url, "strip_request_path": strip_request_path, "preserve_host": preserve_host } if request_host is not None: data['request_host'] = request_host if request_path is not None: data['request_path'] = request_path return getattr(requests, method)(url, data, auth=self.auth) def list(self): url = self.__url("/apis") return requests.get(url, auth=self.auth) def info(self, id): url = self.__url("/apis/{}" . format (id)) return requests.get(url, auth=self.auth) def delete_by_name(self, name): info = id = info.json().get("id") return self.delete(id) def delete(self, id): path = "/apis/{}" . format (id) url = self.__url(path) return requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth) class ModuleHelper: def __init__(self, fields): self.fields = fields def get_module(self): args = dict( kong_admin_uri = dict(required=False, type='str'), kong_admin_username = dict(required=False, type='str'), kong_admin_password = dict(required=False, type='str'), name = dict(required=False, type='str'), upstream_url = dict(required=False, type='str'), request_host = dict(required=False, type='str'), request_path = dict(required=False, type='str'), strip_request_path = dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), preserve_host = dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), state = dict(required=False, default="present", choices=['present', 'absent', 'latest', 'list', 'info'], type='str'), ) return AnsibleModule(argument_spec=args,supports_check_mode=False) def prepare_inputs(self, module): url = module.params['kong_admin_uri'] auth_user = module.params['kong_admin_username'] auth_password = <PASSWORD>.params['<PASSWORD>'] state = module.params['state'] data = {} for field in self.fields: value = module.params.get(field, None) if value is not None: data[field] = value return (url, data, state, auth_user, auth_password) def get_response(self, response, state): if state == "present": meta = response.json() has_changed = response.status_code in [201, 200] if state == "absent": meta = {} has_changed = response.status_code == 204 if state == "list": meta = response.json() has_changed = False return (has_changed, meta) def main(): fields = [ 'name', 'upstream_url', 'request_host', 'request_path', 'strip_request_path', 'preserve_host' ] helper = ModuleHelper(fields) global module # might not need this module = helper.get_module() base_url, data, state, auth_user, auth_password = helper.prepare_inputs(module) api = KongAPI(base_url, auth_user, auth_password) if state == "present": response = api.add_or_update(**data) if state == "absent": response = api.delete_by_name(data.get("name")) if state == "list": response = api.list() if response.status_code == 401: module.fail_json(msg="Please specify kong_admin_username and kong_admin_password", meta=response.json()) elif response.status_code == 403: module.fail_json(msg="Please check kong_admin_username and kong_admin_password", meta=response.json()) else: has_changed, meta = helper.get_response(response, state) module.exit_json(changed=has_changed, meta=meta) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, render from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.shortcuts import redirect from joboard.models import Factory from joboard.forms import FactoryForm from django.template import RequestContext from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from urllib import urlopen, urlencode import urllib2 from fuzzybee.conf import b_url, b_ak, geo_table, l_url, app_id, app_key from utils.pack_json import toJSON, fromJSON from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from people.models import People import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @login_required def index(request): form = None if request.method == 'POST': form = FactoryForm(request.POST) print form if form.is_valid(): factory = form.cleaned_data logger.debug("lat: " + str(factory['fact_lat'])) logger.debug("addr: " + factory['fact_addr']) #save factory in model factmodel = print request.user factmodel.fact_maintainer = People.objects.get(user=request.user) factid = #save in public server: leancloud and baidu save_factory_cloud(factory, factid) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('board:detail', args=(factid,))) else: form = FactoryForm() return render_to_response('board/new.html', {'form': form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def detail(request, fact_id): print fact_id info = get_object_or_404(Factory, pk=fact_id) return render(request, 'board/detail.html', {'info':info}) @login_required def manager(request): print "manager..." try: people = People.objects.get(user=request.user) factory = Factory.objects.get(fact_maintainer=people) except ObjectDoesNotExist: print 'no hire action...' return redirect(reverse('joboard.views.index', args=[])) return render(request, 'board/manager.html', {'info':factory}) def save_factory_cloud(fact_info, fact_id): title = fact_info['fact_name'] address = fact_info['fact_addr'] lat = fact_info['fact_lat'] lng = fact_info['fact_lng'] num = fact_info['hire_num'] data = { 'title': title.encode("utf-8"), 'address': address.encode("utf-8"), 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lng, 'job_num': num, 'factory_id': fact_id, } head = { 'X-AVOSCloud-Application-Id': app_id, 'X-AVOSCloud-Application-Key': app_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } req = urllib2.Request(l_url, toJSON(data), head) print str(req) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) #print lean_response = fromJSON( print lean_response lean_objectId = lean_response['objectId'] # save in Baidu Map params = urlencode({ 'title': title.encode("utf-8"), 'address': address.encode("utf-8"), 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lng, 'coord_type': 3, 'geotable_id': geo_table, 'ak': b_ak, 'job_num': num, 'lean_id': lean_objectId, }) req = urllib2.Request(b_url, params) #print str(req) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) #print
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import unittest from telemetry import benchmark from telemetry.core import browser_options from telemetry.core.platform import android_device from telemetry.core.platform import android_platform_backend from telemetry.unittest_util import system_stub class AndroidDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._android_device_stub = system_stub.Override( android_device, ['adb_commands']) def testGetAllAttachedAndroidDevices(self): self._android_device_stub.adb_commands.attached_devices = [ '01', '02'] self.assertEquals( set(['01', '02']), set(device.device_id for device in android_device.AndroidDevice.GetAllConnectedDevices() )) def tearDown(self): self._android_device_stub.Restore() class GetDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._android_device_stub = system_stub.Override( android_device, ['adb_commands', 'os', 'subprocess', 'logging']) self._apb_stub = system_stub.Override( android_platform_backend, ['adb_commands']) def tearDown(self): self._android_device_stub.Restore() self._apb_stub.Restore() def testNoAdbReturnsNone(self): finder_options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions() def NoAdb(*_, **__): raise OSError('not found') self._android_device_stub.subprocess.Popen = NoAdb self.assertEquals([], self._android_device_stub.logging.warnings) self.assertIsNone(android_device.GetDevice(finder_options)) def testAdbNoDevicesReturnsNone(self): finder_options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions() self.assertEquals([], self._android_device_stub.logging.warnings) self.assertIsNone(android_device.GetDevice(finder_options)) def testAdbPermissionsErrorReturnsNone(self): finder_options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions() self._android_device_stub.subprocess.Popen.communicate_result = ( 'List of devices attached\n????????????\tno permissions\n', '* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *\n' '* daemon started successfully *\n') device = android_device.GetDevice(finder_options) self.assertEquals([ 'adb devices gave a permissions error. Consider running adb as root:', ' adb kill-server', ' sudo `which adb` devices\n\n'], self._android_device_stub.logging.warnings) self.assertIsNone(device) def testAdbTwoDevicesReturnsNone(self): finder_options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions() self._android_device_stub.adb_commands.attached_devices = [ '015d14fec128220c', '015d14fec128220d'] device = android_device.GetDevice(finder_options) self.assertEquals([ 'Multiple devices attached. Please specify one of the following:\n' ' --device=015d14fec128220c\n' ' --device=015d14fec128220d'], self._android_device_stub.logging.warnings) self.assertIsNone(device) def testAdbPickOneDeviceReturnsDeviceInstance(self): finder_options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions() finder_options.android_device = '555d14fecddddddd' # pick one self._android_device_stub.adb_commands.attached_devices = [ '015d14fec128220c', '555d14fecddddddd'] device = android_device.GetDevice(finder_options) self.assertEquals([], self._android_device_stub.logging.warnings) self.assertEquals('555d14fecddddddd', device.device_id) def testAdbOneDeviceReturnsDeviceInstance(self): finder_options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions() self._android_device_stub.adb_commands.attached_devices = ( ['015d14fec128220c']) device = android_device.GetDevice(finder_options) self.assertEquals([], self._android_device_stub.logging.warnings) self.assertEquals('015d14fec128220c', device.device_id)
#$Id$ from projects.util.ZohoHttpClient import ZohoHttpClient from projects.api.Api import Api from projects.parser.UsersParser import UsersParser base_url = Api().base_url zoho_http_client = ZohoHttpClient() parser = UsersParser() class UsersApi: """Users Api class is used to 1.Get all the users in the given project. """ def __init__(self, authtoken, portal_id): """Initialize Users api using user's authtoken and portal id. Args: authtoken(str): User's authtoken. portal_id(str): User's portal id. """ self.details = { 'authtoken': authtoken } self.portal_id = portal_id def get_users(self, project_id): """Get all the users in the given project. Args: project_id(long): Project id. Returns: list of instance: List of users object. """ url = base_url + 'portal/' + str(self.portal_id) + '/projects/' + str(project_id) + '/users/' response = zoho_http_client.get(url, self.details) return parser.get_users(response)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """recumpiler Recompile text to be semi-readable memey garbage. """ __version__ = (0, 0, 0)
""" Defines two dictionaries for converting between text and integer sequences. """ char_map_str = """ ' 0 <SPACE> 1 ব 2 া 3 ং 4 ল 5 দ 6 ে 7 শ 8 য 9 ় 10 ি 11 ত 12 ্ 13 ন 14 এ 15 ধ 16 র 17 ণ 18 ক 19 ড 20 হ 21 উ 22 প 23 জ 24 অ 25 থ 26 স 27 ষ 28 ই 29 আ 30 ছ 31 গ 32 ু 33 ো 34 ও 35 ভ 36 ী 37 ট 38 ূ 39 ম 40 ৈ 41 ৃ 42 ঙ 43 খ 44 ঃ 45 ১ 46 ৯ 47 ৬ 48 ০ 49 ২ 50 চ 51 ঘ 52 ৎ 53 ৫ 54 ৪ 55 ফ 56 ৌ 57 ৮ 58 ঁ 59 য় 60 ৩ 61 ঢ 62 ঠ 63 ৭ 64 ড় 65 ঝ 66 ঞ 67 ঔ 68 ঈ 69 v 70 b 71 s 72 ঐ 73 2 74 0 75 1 76 4 77 f 78 o 79 t 80 a 81 l 82 w 83 r 84 d 85 c 86 u 87 p 88 n 89 g 90 ঋ 91 i 92 z 93 m 94 e 95 ঊ 96 h 97 x 98 3 99 5 100 y 101 9 102 ৗ 103 j 104 œ 105 8 106 ঢ় 107 k 108 ৰ 109 """ # the "blank" character is mapped to 28 char_map = {} index_map = {} for line in char_map_str.strip().split('\n'): ch, index = line.split() char_map[ch] = int(index) index_map[int(index)+1] = ch index_map[2] = ' '
# class Book: category = '소설' # Class 멤버 b1 = Book(); print(b1.category) b2 = b1; print(b2.category) print(Book.category) Book.category = '수필' print(b2.category); print(b1.category) ; print(Book.category) b2.category = 'IT' print(b2.category); print(b1.category) ; print(Book.category)
from .knn_interpolate import knn_interpolate __all__ = [ 'knn_interpolate', ]
import argparse import autoencoder def addTrainablesArg(parser): parser.add_argument('--model', dest='model', help='Trained model', default='') def addExchangeArg(parser): parser.add_argument('--exchange', dest='exchange', help='File with exchanged data', required=True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action") encode_parser = subparsers.add_parser('encode') addTrainablesArg(encode_parser) encode_parser.add_argument('--input', dest='input', help='Input image file name', required=True) addExchangeArg(encode_parser) decode_parser = subparsers.add_parser('decode') addTrainablesArg(decode_parser) addExchangeArg(decode_parser) decode_parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', help='Output image file name', required=True) opts = parser.parse_args() if opts.action == 'encode': autoencoder.encode(opts.model, opts.input, elif opts.action == 'decode': autoencoder.decode(opts.model,, opts.output)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Demos of encoding and decoding algorithms using populations of IAF neurons. """ # Copyright (c) 2009-2015, <NAME> # All rights reserved. # Distributed under the terms of the BSD license: # import sys import numpy as np # Set matplotlib backend so that plots can be generated without a # display: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('AGG') from bionet.utils.misc import func_timer import bionet.utils.band_limited as bl import bionet.utils.plotting as pl import bionet.ted.iaf as iaf # For determining output plot file names: output_name = 'iaf_pop_demo_' output_count = 0 output_ext = '.png' # Define algorithm parameters and input signal: dur = 0.1 dt = 1e-6 f = 32 bw = 2*np.pi*f t = np.arange(0, dur, dt) np.random.seed(0) noise_power = None if noise_power == None: fig_title = 'IAF Input Signal with No Noise' else: fig_title = 'IAF Input Signal with %d dB of Noise' % noise_power print fig_title u = func_timer(bl.gen_band_limited)(dur, dt, f, noise_power) pl.plot_signal(t, u, fig_title, output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext) # Test leaky IAF algorithms: b1 = 3.5 # bias d1 = 0.7 # threshold R1 = 10.0 # resistance C1 = 0.01 # capacitance try: iaf.iaf_recoverable(u, bw, b1, d1, R1, C1) except ValueError('reconstruction condition not satisfied'): sys.exit() b2 = 3.4 # bias d2 = 0.8 # threshold R2 = 9.0 # resistance C2 = 0.01 # capacitance try: iaf.iaf_recoverable(u, bw, b2, d2, R2, C2) except ValueError('reconstruction condition not satisfied'): sys.exit() b_list = np.array([b1, b2]) d_list = np.array([d1, d2]) R_list = np.array([R1, R2]) C_list = np.array([C1, C2]) output_count += 1 fig_title = 'Signal Encoded Using Leaky IAF Encoder' print fig_title s_list = func_timer(iaf.iaf_encode_pop)([u, u], dt, b_list, d_list, R_list, C_list) pl.plot_encoded(t, u, s_list[0], fig_title + ' #1', output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext) output_count += 1 pl.plot_encoded(t, u, s_list[1], fig_title + ' #2', output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext) output_count += 1 fig_title = 'Signal Decoded Using Leaky IAF Population Decoder' print fig_title u_rec = func_timer(iaf.iaf_decode_pop)(s_list, dur, dt, bw, b_list, d_list, R_list, C_list) pl.plot_compare(t, u, u_rec, fig_title, output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext) # Test ideal IAF algorithms: b1 = 3.5 # bias d1 = 0.7 # threshold R1 = np.inf # resistance C1 = 0.01 # capacitance try: iaf.iaf_recoverable(u, bw, b1, d1, R1, C1) except ValueError('reconstruction condition not satisfied'): sys.exit() b2 = 3.4 # bias d2 = 0.8 # threshold R2 = np.inf # resistance C2 = 0.01 # capacitance try: iaf.iaf_recoverable(u, bw, b2, d2, R2, C2) except ValueError('reconstruction condition not satisfied'): sys.exit() b_list = [b1, b2] d_list = [d1, d2] R_list = [R1, R2] C_list = [C1, C2] output_count += 1 fig_title = 'Signal Encoded Using Ideal IAF Encoder' print fig_title s_list = func_timer(iaf.iaf_encode_pop)([u, u], dt, b_list, d_list, R_list, C_list) pl.plot_encoded(t, u, s_list[0], fig_title + ' #1', output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext) output_count += 1 pl.plot_encoded(t, u, s_list[1], fig_title + ' #2', output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext) output_count += 1 fig_title = 'Signal Decoded Using Ideal IAF Population Decoder' print fig_title u_rec = func_timer(iaf.iaf_decode_pop)(s_list, dur, dt, bw, b_list, d_list, R_list, C_list) pl.plot_compare(t, u, u_rec, fig_title, output_name + str(output_count) + output_ext)
import globals class ToggleSwitch(globals.Hass): async def initialize(self): config = self.args["config"] self._input = config["input"] self._toggle_service = config["toggle_service"] self._toggle_payload = config["toggle_payload"] self._power = config["power"] self._power_on_threshold = float(config["power_on_threshold"]) self._check_interval = float(config["check_interval"]) self.ensure_state_task = await self.create_task( self._ensure_state_async(False)) await self.listen_state(self._input_callback_async, entity=self._input) async def terminate(self): # self.log("Terminate") self.ensure_state_task.cancel() async def _input_callback_async(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs): if old == new: return # self.log(f"InputChange: old = {old}, new = {new}") self.ensure_state_task.cancel() self.ensure_state_task = await self.create_task(self._ensure_state_async()) async def _ensure_state_async(self, immediate=True): # self.log(f"EnsureState: immediate = {immediate}") if immediate: await self._toggle_async() while True: await self.sleep(self._check_interval) power = float(await self.get_state(self._power)) input = await self.get_state(self._input) # self.log( # f"EnsureState: input = {input}, power: {power}") if input == "on" and power < self._power_on_threshold or input == "off" and power > self._power_on_threshold: await self._toggle_async() async def _toggle_async(self): # self.log("Toggle") await self.call_service(self._toggle_service, **self._toggle_payload)
from __future__ import absolute_import import operator from collections import deque import functools from abc import ( ABCMeta, abstractmethod ) import rlp_cython as rlp import time import math from uuid import UUID from typing import ( # noqa: F401 Any, Optional, Callable, cast, Dict, Generator, Iterator, Tuple, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, List, Iterable, ) import logging from itertools import groupby from hvm.rlp.receipts import Receipt from hvm.types import Timestamp from eth_typing import ( Address, BlockNumber, Hash32, ) from eth_utils import ( to_tuple, to_set, ) from hvm.db.backends.base import BaseDB from hvm.db.backends.memory import MemoryDB from hvm.db.chain import ( BaseChainDB, ChainDB, ) from hvm.db.journal import ( JournalDB, ) from hvm.db.read_only import ReadOnlyDB from hvm.constants import ( BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT, BLANK_ROOT_HASH, NUMBER_OF_HEAD_HASH_TO_SAVE, TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE, GENESIS_PARENT_HASH, ) from hvm.db.trie import make_trie_root_and_nodes from hvm import constants from hvm.estimators import ( get_gas_estimator, ) from hvm.exceptions import ( HeaderNotFound, TransactionNotFound, ValidationError, VMNotFound, BlockOnWrongChain, CanonicalHeadNotFound, CannotCalculateStake, NotEnoughTimeBetweenBlocks, ReceivableTransactionNotFound, TriedImportingGenesisBlock, JournalDbNotActivated, ReplacingBlocksNotAllowed, UnprocessedBlockNotAllowed, AppendHistoricalRootHashTooOld, HistoricalNetworkTPCMissing, HistoricalMinGasPriceError, UnprocessedBlockChildIsProcessed, ParentNotFound, NoChronologicalBlocks, RewardProofSenderBlockMissing, InvalidHeadRootTimestamp, RewardAmountRoundsToZero, TriedDeletingGenesisBlock, NoGenesisBlockPresent) from eth_keys.exceptions import ( BadSignature, ) from hvm.utils.blocks import reorganize_chronological_block_list_for_correct_chronological_order_at_index from hvm.validation import ( validate_block_number, validate_uint256, validate_word, validate_vm_configuration, validate_canonical_address, validate_is_queue_block, validate_centisecond_timestamp, ) from hvm.rlp.blocks import ( BaseBlock, BaseQueueBlock, ) from hvm.rlp.headers import ( BlockHeader, HeaderParams, ) from hvm.rlp.transactions import ( BaseTransaction, BaseReceiveTransaction ) from hvm.utils.db import ( apply_state_dict, ) from hvm.utils.datatypes import ( Configurable, ) from hvm.utils.headers import ( compute_gas_limit_bounds, ) from hvm.utils.hexadecimal import ( encode_hex, decode_hex ) from hvm.utils.rlp import ( ensure_imported_block_unchanged, ) from hvm.db.chain_head import ChainHeadDB from hvm.db.consensus import ConsensusDB from eth_keys import keys from eth_keys.datatypes import( BaseKey, PublicKey, PrivateKey ) from hvm.utils.numeric import ( effecient_diff, are_items_in_list_equal, ) from sortedcontainers import ( SortedList, SortedDict, ) from hvm.rlp.consensus import NodeStakingScore, PeerNodeHealth from hvm.rlp.accounts import TransactionKey if TYPE_CHECKING: from hvm.vm.base import BaseVM # noqa: F401 from functools import partial import asyncio # Mapping from address to account state. # 'balance', 'nonce' -> int # 'code' -> bytes # 'storage' -> Dict[int, int] AccountState = Dict[Address, Dict[str, Union[int, bytes, Dict[int, int]]]] class BaseChain(Configurable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ The base class for all Chain objects """ chain_head_db: ChainHeadDB = None chaindb: ChainDB = None chaindb_class = None # type: Type[BaseChainDB] vm_configuration = None # type: Tuple[Tuple[int, Type[BaseVM]], ...] genesis_wallet_address: Address = None genesis_block_timestamp: Timestamp = None min_time_between_blocks: int = None # # Helpers # @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_chaindb_class(cls) -> Type[BaseChainDB]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_consensus_db(self, header: BlockHeader = None, timestamp: Timestamp = None) -> ConsensusDB: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def enable_read_only_db(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Chain API # @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_genesis(cls, base_db: BaseDB, genesis_params: Dict[str, HeaderParams], genesis_state: AccountState=None) -> 'BaseChain': raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_genesis_header(cls, base_db: BaseDB, genesis_header: BlockHeader) -> 'BaseChain': raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_chain_at_block_parent(self, block: BaseBlock) -> 'BaseChain': raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # VM API # @classmethod def get_vm_configuration(cls) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, Type['BaseVM']], ...]: return cls.vm_configuration @classmethod def get_vm_class(cls, header: BlockHeader) -> Type['BaseVM']: """ Returns the VM instance for the given block number. """ return cls.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(header.timestamp) @abstractmethod def get_vm(self, header: BlockHeader=None, timestamp: Timestamp = None) -> 'BaseVM': raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @classmethod def get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(cls, timestamp: int = None) -> Type['BaseVM']: """ Returns the VM class for the given block number. """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = int(time.time()) if cls.vm_configuration is None: raise AttributeError("Chain classes must define the VMs in vm_configuration") validate_uint256(timestamp) for start_timestamp, vm_class in reversed(cls.vm_configuration): if timestamp >= start_timestamp: return vm_class else: raise VMNotFound("No vm available for timestamp #{0}".format(timestamp)) # # Header API # @abstractmethod def create_header_from_parent(self, parent_header: BlockHeader, **header_params: HeaderParams) -> BlockHeader: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block_header_by_hash(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> BlockHeader: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_canonical_head(self): raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Block API # @abstractmethod def get_ancestors(self, limit: int, header: BlockHeader=None) -> Iterator[BaseBlock]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block_by_hash(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block_by_header(self, block_header: BlockHeader) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block_by_number(self, block_number: BlockNumber, wallet_address: Address = None) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_blocks_on_chain(self, start: int, end: int, wallet_address: Address = None) -> List[BaseBlock]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_all_blocks_on_chain(self, wallet_address: Address = None) -> List[BaseBlock]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_all_blocks_on_chain_by_head_block_hash(self, chain_head_hash: Hash32) -> List[BaseBlock]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_blocks_on_chain_up_to_block_hash(self, chain_head_hash: Hash32, start_block_number: int = 0, limit: int = float('inf')) -> List[BaseBlock]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block(self) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # @abstractmethod # def get_canonical_block_by_number(self, block_number: BlockNumber) -> BaseBlock: # raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # @abstractmethod # def get_canonical_block_hash(self, block_number): # raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_all_chronological_blocks_for_window(self, window_timestamp: Timestamp) -> List[BaseBlock]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def import_current_queue_block(self) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def import_current_queue_block_with_reward(self, node_staking_score_list: List[NodeStakingScore]) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head_by_hash(self, block_hash_to_delete: Hash32) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head(self, existing_block_header: BlockHeader): raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Chronologically consistent blockchain db API # @abstractmethod def check_block_chronological_consistency(self, block: BaseBlock) -> List[Hash32]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Transaction API # @abstractmethod def get_transaction_by_block_hash_and_index(self, block_hash: Hash32, transaction_index: int) -> Union[BaseTransaction, BaseReceiveTransaction]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def create_transaction(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTransaction: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_canonical_transaction(self, transaction_hash: Hash32) -> BaseTransaction: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def populate_queue_block_with_receive_tx(self) -> List[BaseReceiveTransaction]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block_receive_transactions_by_hash( self, block_hash: Hash32) -> List['BaseReceiveTransaction']: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_receive_tx_from_send_tx(self, tx_hash: Hash32) -> Optional['BaseReceiveTransaction']: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def create_receivable_transactions(self) -> List[BaseReceiveTransaction]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_receivable_transactions(self, address: Address) -> Tuple[List[BaseReceiveTransaction], List[TransactionKey]]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_current_queue_block_nonce(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def create_and_sign_transaction_for_queue_block(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTransaction: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def create_and_sign_transaction(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTransaction: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Chronological Chain API # @abstractmethod def try_to_rebuild_chronological_chain_from_historical_root_hashes(self, historical_root_hash_timestamp: Timestamp) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_block_hashes_that_are_new_for_this_historical_root_hash_timestamp(self, historical_root_hash_timestamp: Timestamp) -> List[Tuple[Timestamp, Hash32]]: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def initialize_historical_root_hashes_and_chronological_blocks(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Execution API # # @abstractmethod # def apply_transaction(self, transaction): # raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def estimate_gas(self, transaction: BaseTransaction, at_header: BlockHeader=None) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def import_block(self, block: BaseBlock, perform_validation: bool=True) -> BaseBlock: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def import_chain(self, block_list: List[BaseBlock], perform_validation: bool=True, save_block_head_hash_timestamp: bool = True, allow_replacement: bool = True) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def import_chronological_block_window(self, block_list: List[BaseBlock], window_start_timestamp: Timestamp, save_block_head_hash_timestamp: bool = True, allow_unprocessed: bool = False) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Validation API # @abstractmethod def get_allowed_time_of_next_block(self, chain_address: Address = None) -> Timestamp: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def validate_block(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def validate_gaslimit(self, header: BlockHeader) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def validate_block_specification(self, block) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Stake API # @abstractmethod def get_mature_stake(self, wallet_address: Address = None, raise_canonical_head_not_found_error:bool = False) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_mature_stake_for_chronological_block_window(self, chronological_block_window_timestamp, timestamp_for_stake): raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_new_block_hash_to_test_peer_node_health(self) -> Hash32: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Min Block Gas API used for throttling the network # @abstractmethod def re_initialize_historical_minimum_gas_price_at_genesis(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def update_current_network_tpc_capability(self, current_network_tpc_cap: int, update_min_gas_price: bool = True) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_local_tpc_cap(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") # # Consensus db passthrough with correct db corresponding to timestamp # @abstractmethod def get_signed_peer_score(self, private_key: PrivateKey, network_id: int, peer_wallet_address: Address, after_block_number: BlockNumber = None, ) -> NodeStakingScore: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_signed_peer_score_string_private_key(self, private_key_string: bytes, peer_wallet_address: Address, after_block_number: BlockNumber = None, ) -> NodeStakingScore: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def validate_node_staking_score(self, node_staking_score: NodeStakingScore, since_block_number: BlockNumber) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def save_health_request(self, peer_wallet_address: Address, response_time_in_micros: int = float('inf')) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") @abstractmethod def get_current_peer_node_health(self,peer_wallet_address: Address) -> PeerNodeHealth: raise NotImplementedError("Chain classes must implement this method") class Chain(BaseChain): """ A Chain is a combination of one or more VM classes. Each VM is associated with a range of blocks. The Chain class acts as a wrapper around these other VM classes, delegating operations to the appropriate VM depending on the current block number. """ raise_errors = False logger = logging.getLogger("hvm.chain.chain.Chain") header = None # type: BlockHeader network_id = None # type: int gas_estimator = None # type: Callable _journaldb = None num_journal_records_for_block_import = 0 chaindb_class = ChainDB # type: Type[BaseChainDB] chain_head_db_class = ChainHeadDB _queue_block: BaseQueueBlock = None def __init__(self, base_db: BaseDB, wallet_address: Address, private_key: BaseKey=None) -> None: if not self.vm_configuration: raise ValueError( "The Chain class cannot be instantiated with an empty `vm_configuration`" ) else: validate_vm_configuration(self.vm_configuration) validate_canonical_address(wallet_address, "Wallet Address") self.db = base_db self.private_key = private_key self.wallet_address = wallet_address self.chaindb = self.get_chaindb_class()(self.db) self.chain_head_db = self.get_chain_head_db_class().load_from_saved_root_hash(self.db) try: self.header = self.create_header_from_parent(self.get_canonical_head()) except CanonicalHeadNotFound: #this is a new block, lets make a genesis block # self.logger.debug("Creating new genesis block on chain {}".format(self.wallet_address)) self.header = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp().create_genesis_block(self.wallet_address).header if self.gas_estimator is None: self.gas_estimator = get_gas_estimator() # type: ignore def reinitialize(self): self.__init__(self.db, self.wallet_address, self.private_key) def set_new_wallet_address(self, wallet_address: Address, private_key: BaseKey=None): self.logger.debug('setting new wallet address') self.wallet_address = wallet_address self.private_key = private_key self.reinitialize() @property def queue_block(self): if self._queue_block is None: self._queue_block = self.get_queue_block() return self._queue_block @queue_block.setter def queue_block(self,val:BaseQueueBlock): self._queue_block = val @property def min_time_between_blocks(self): vm = self.get_vm(timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))) min_allowed_time_between_blocks = vm.min_time_between_blocks return min_allowed_time_between_blocks # @property # def consensus_db(self, header: BlockHeader = None, timestamp: Timestamp = None): # # gets the consensus db corresponding to the block timestamp # # return self.get_vm(header, timestamp).consensus_db def get_consensus_db(self, header: BlockHeader = None, timestamp: Timestamp = None) -> ConsensusDB: # gets the consensus db corresponding to the block timestamp return self.get_vm(header, timestamp).consensus_db # # Global Record and discard API # def enable_read_only_db(self) -> None: if not isinstance(self.db, ReadOnlyDB): self.base_db = self.db self.db = ReadOnlyDB(self.base_db) self.reinitialize() def enable_journal_db(self): if self._journaldb is None: self.base_db = self.db self._journaldb = JournalDB(self.base_db) #we keep the name self.db so that all of the functions still work, but at this point it is a journaldb. self.db = self._journaldb #reinitialize to ensure chain and chain_head_db have the new journaldb self.reinitialize() def disable_journal_db(self): if self._journaldb is not None: self.db = self.base_db self._journaldb = None #reinitialize to ensure chain and chain_head_db have the new journaldb self.reinitialize() def record_journal(self) -> UUID: if self._journaldb is not None: return (self._journaldb.record()) else: raise JournalDbNotActivated() def discard_journal(self, changeset: UUID) -> None: if self._journaldb is not None: db_changeset = changeset self._journaldb.discard(db_changeset) else: raise JournalDbNotActivated() def commit_journal(self, changeset: UUID) -> None: if self._journaldb is not None: db_changeset = changeset self._journaldb.commit(db_changeset) else: raise JournalDbNotActivated() def persist_journal(self) -> None: if self._journaldb is not None: self._journaldb.persist() else: raise JournalDbNotActivated() # # Helpers # @classmethod def get_chaindb_class(cls) -> Type[BaseChainDB]: if cls.chaindb_class is None: raise AttributeError("`chaindb_class` not set") return cls.chaindb_class @classmethod def get_chain_head_db_class(cls) -> Type[ChainHeadDB]: if cls.chain_head_db_class is None: raise AttributeError("`chain_head_db class` not set") return cls.chain_head_db_class @classmethod def get_genesis_wallet_address(cls) -> Address: if cls.genesis_wallet_address is None: raise AttributeError("`genesis_wallet_address` not set") return cls.genesis_wallet_address # # Chain API # @classmethod def create_genesis_header(cls, base_db: BaseDB, wallet_address: Address, private_key: BaseKey, genesis_params: Dict[str, HeaderParams], genesis_state: AccountState=None, ) -> 'BaseChain': genesis_vm_class = cls.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp() account_db = genesis_vm_class.get_state_class().get_account_db_class()(base_db) if genesis_state is None: genesis_state = {} # mutation account_db = apply_state_dict(account_db, genesis_state) account_db.persist(save_account_hash = True, wallet_address = wallet_address) genesis_params['account_hash'] = account_db.get_account_hash(wallet_address) genesis_header = BlockHeader(**genesis_params) signed_genesis_header = genesis_header.get_signed(private_key, cls.network_id) chaindb = cls.get_chaindb_class()(base_db) chaindb.persist_header(signed_genesis_header) return signed_genesis_header @classmethod def from_genesis(cls, base_db: BaseDB, wallet_address: Address, genesis_params: Dict[str, HeaderParams], genesis_state: AccountState, private_key: BaseKey = None ) -> 'BaseChain': """ Initializes the Chain from a genesis state. """ genesis_vm_class = cls.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp() account_db = genesis_vm_class.get_state_class().get_account_db_class()( base_db ) if genesis_state is None: genesis_state = {} # mutation account_db = apply_state_dict(account_db, genesis_state) account_db.persist(save_account_hash = True, wallet_address = cls.genesis_wallet_address) genesis_header = BlockHeader(**genesis_params) return cls.from_genesis_header(base_db, wallet_address = wallet_address, private_key = private_key, genesis_header = genesis_header) @classmethod def from_genesis_header(cls, base_db: BaseDB, wallet_address: Address, genesis_header: BlockHeader, private_key: BaseKey, ) -> 'BaseChain': """ Initializes the chain from the genesis header. """ chaindb = cls.get_chaindb_class()(base_db) chaindb.persist_header(genesis_header) chain_head_db = cls.get_chain_head_db_class()(base_db) #window_for_this_block = math.ceil((genesis_header.timestamp+1)/TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE window_for_this_block = int(genesis_header.timestamp / TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE chain_head_db.set_chain_head_hash(cls.genesis_wallet_address, genesis_header.hash) chain_head_db.initialize_historical_root_hashes(chain_head_db.root_hash, window_for_this_block) chain_head_db.persist(save_current_root_hash = True) #chain_head_db.add_block_hash_to_chronological_window(genesis_header.hash, genesis_header.timestamp) return cls(base_db, wallet_address = wallet_address, private_key=private_key) def get_chain_at_block_parent(self, block: BaseBlock) -> BaseChain: """ Returns a `Chain` instance with the given block's parent at the chain head. """ try: parent_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(block.header.parent_hash) except HeaderNotFound: raise ValidationError("Parent ({0}) of block {1} not found".format( block.header.parent_hash, block.header.hash )) init_header = self.create_header_from_parent(parent_header) return type(self)(self.chaindb.db, self.wallet_address, self.private_key, init_header) # # VM API # def get_vm(self, header: BlockHeader=None, timestamp: Timestamp = None) -> 'BaseVM': """ Returns the VM instance for the given block timestamp. Or if timestamp is given, gets the vm for that timestamp """ if header is not None and timestamp is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify header and timestamp for get_vm(). Only one is allowed.") if header is None or header == self.header: header = self.header if timestamp is not None: header = header.copy(timestamp = timestamp) vm_class = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(header.timestamp) return vm_class(header=header, chaindb=self.chaindb, network_id=self.network_id) else: vm_class = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(header.timestamp) return vm_class(header=header, chaindb=self.chaindb, network_id=self.network_id) # # Header API # def create_header_from_parent(self, parent_header, **header_params): """ Passthrough helper to the VM class of the block descending from the given header. """ return self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp().create_header_from_parent(parent_header, **header_params) def get_block_header_by_hash(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> BlockHeader: """ Returns the requested block header as specified by block hash. Raises BlockNotFound if there's no block header with the given hash in the db. """ validate_word(block_hash, title="Block Hash") return self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) def get_canonical_head(self, chain_address = None): """ Returns the block header at the canonical chain head. Raises CanonicalHeadNotFound if there's no head defined for the canonical chain. """ if chain_address is not None: return self.chaindb.get_canonical_head(chain_address) else: return self.chaindb.get_canonical_head(self.wallet_address) # # Block API # def get_genesis_block_hash(self) -> Hash32: return self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_hash(block_number = BlockNumber(0), chain_address= self.genesis_wallet_address) @to_tuple def get_ancestors(self, limit: int, header: BlockHeader=None) -> Iterator[BaseBlock]: """ Return `limit` number of ancestor blocks from the current canonical head. """ if header is None: header = self.header lower_limit = max(header.block_number - limit, 0) for n in reversed(range(lower_limit, header.block_number)): yield self.get_block_by_number(BlockNumber(n), header.chain_address) def get_block_by_hash(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> BaseBlock: block_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) return self.get_block_by_header(block_header) def get_block_by_header(self, block_header: BlockHeader) -> BaseBlock: """ Returns the requested block as specified by the block header. """ block_class = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(block_header.timestamp).get_block_class() send_transactions = self.chaindb.get_block_transactions(block_header, block_class.transaction_class) receive_transactions = self.chaindb.get_block_receive_transactions(block_header,block_class.receive_transaction_class) reward_bundle = self.chaindb.get_reward_bundle(block_header.reward_hash, block_class.reward_bundle_class) output_block = block_class(block_header, send_transactions, receive_transactions, reward_bundle) return output_block def get_block_by_number(self, block_number: BlockNumber, chain_address: Address = None) -> BaseBlock: if chain_address is None: chain_address = self.wallet_address block_hash = self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_hash(block_number, chain_address) return self.get_block_by_hash(block_hash) def get_blocks_on_chain(self, start: int, end: int, chain_address: Address = None) -> List[BaseBlock]: if chain_address is None: chain_address = self.wallet_address if end == 0: canonical_head_header = self.get_canonical_head(chain_address=chain_address) head_block_number = canonical_head_header.block_number end = head_block_number + 1 blocks = [] for block_number in range(start, end): try: new_block = self.get_block_by_number(BlockNumber(block_number), chain_address) blocks.append(new_block) except HeaderNotFound: break return blocks def get_all_blocks_on_chain(self, chain_address: Address = None) -> List[BaseBlock]: if chain_address is None: chain_address = self.wallet_address canonical_head_header = self.get_canonical_head(chain_address=chain_address) head_block_number = canonical_head_header.block_number return self.get_blocks_on_chain(0, head_block_number + 1, chain_address=chain_address) def get_all_blocks_on_chain_by_head_block_hash(self, chain_head_hash: Hash32) -> List[BaseBlock]: chain_head_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(chain_head_hash) chain_address = chain_head_header.chain_address return self.get_all_blocks_on_chain(chain_address) def get_blocks_on_chain_up_to_block_hash(self, chain_head_hash: Hash32, start_block_number: int = 0, limit: int = float('inf')) -> List[BaseBlock]: chain_head_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(chain_head_hash) to_block_number = chain_head_header.block_number if to_block_number > (start_block_number + limit): to_block_number = (start_block_number + limit) chain_address = chain_head_header.chain_address return self.get_blocks_on_chain(start_block_number, to_block_number + 1, chain_address) def get_block(self) -> BaseBlock: """ Returns the current TIP block. """ return self.get_vm().block def get_queue_block(self) -> BaseBlock: """ Returns the current TIP block. """ return self.get_vm().queue_block # def get_block_by_hash(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> BaseBlock: # """ # Returns the requested block as specified by block hash. # """ # validate_word(block_hash, title="Block Hash") # block_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) # return self.get_block_by_header(block_header) # def get_canonical_block_by_number(self, block_number: BlockNumber) -> BaseBlock: # """ # Returns the block with the given number in the canonical chain. # # Raises BlockNotFound if there's no block with the given number in the # canonical chain. # """ # validate_uint256(block_number, title="Block Number") # return self.get_block_by_hash(self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_hash(block_number)) # # def get_canonical_block_hash(self, block_number: BlockNumber) -> Hash32: # """ # Returns the block hash with the given number in the canonical chain. # # Raises BlockNotFound if there's no block with the given number in the # canonical chain. # """ # return self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_hash(block_number) # # Blockchain Database API # def save_chain_head_hash_to_trie_for_time_period(self,block_header): timestamp = block_header.timestamp currently_saving_window = int(time.time()/TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE +TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE if timestamp <= currently_saving_window: #we have to go back and put it into the correct window, and update all windows after that #lets only keep the past NUMBER_OF_HEAD_HASH_TO_SAVE block_head_root_hash window_for_this_block = int(timestamp / TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE #window_for_this_block = math.ceil((timestamp + 1)/TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE # if propogate_to_present: self.chain_head_db.add_block_hash_to_timestamp(block_header.chain_address, block_header.hash, window_for_this_block) # else: # self.chain_head_db.add_block_hash_to_timestamp_without_propogating_to_present(self.wallet_address, block_header.hash, window_for_this_block) # # Queueblock API # def add_transaction_to_queue_block(self, transaction) -> None: validate_is_queue_block(self.queue_block, title='self.queue_block') if isinstance(transaction, BaseTransaction): if not self.queue_block.contains_transaction(transaction): self.queue_block = self.queue_block.add_transaction(transaction) else: self.logger.debug("found transaction in queueblock already, not adding again") else: if not self.queue_block.contains_receive_transaction(transaction): self.queue_block = self.queue_block.add_receive_transaction(transaction) else: self.logger.debug("found receive transaction in queueblock already, not adding again") def add_transactions_to_queue_block(self, transactions) -> None: if not isinstance(transactions, list): self.add_transaction_to_queue_block(transactions) #self.logger.debug("tx_nonce after adding transaction = {}".format(self.queue_block.current_tx_nonce)) else: for tx in transactions: self.add_transaction_to_queue_block(tx) def sign_queue_block(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseQueueBlock: """ Passthrough helper to the current VM class. """ return self.get_vm().sign_queue_block(*args, **kwargs) def sign_header(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BlockHeader: """ Passthrough helper to the current VM class. """ return self.get_vm().sign_header(*args, **kwargs) # # Transaction API # def get_canonical_transaction(self, transaction_hash: Hash32) -> BaseTransaction: """ Returns the requested transaction as specified by the transaction hash from the canonical chain. Raises TransactionNotFound if no transaction with the specified hash is found in the main chain. """ (block_hash, index, is_receive) = self.chaindb.get_transaction_index(transaction_hash) block_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) VM = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(block_header.timestamp) if is_receive == False: transaction = self.chaindb.get_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash( block_hash, index, VM.get_transaction_class(), ) else: transaction = self.chaindb.get_receive_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash( block_hash, index, VM.get_receive_transaction_class(), ) if transaction.hash == transaction_hash: return transaction else: raise TransactionNotFound("Found transaction {} instead of {} in block {} at {}".format( encode_hex(transaction.hash), encode_hex(transaction_hash), block_hash, index, )) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=32) def get_transaction_by_block_hash_and_index(self, block_hash: Hash32, transaction_index: int) -> Union[BaseTransaction, BaseReceiveTransaction]: num_send_transactions = self.chaindb.get_number_of_send_tx_in_block(block_hash) header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) vm = self.get_vm(header=header) if transaction_index >= num_send_transactions: # receive transaction transaction_index = transaction_index - num_send_transactions tx = self.chaindb.get_receive_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash(block_hash=block_hash, transaction_index=transaction_index, transaction_class=vm.get_receive_transaction_class()) else: # send transaction tx = self.chaindb.get_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash(block_hash=block_hash, transaction_index=transaction_index, transaction_class=vm.get_transaction_class()) return tx def create_transaction(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTransaction: """ Passthrough helper to the current VM class. """ return self.get_vm().create_transaction(*args, **kwargs) def create_and_sign_transaction(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTransaction: if self.private_key is None: raise ValueError("Cannot sign transaction because private key not provided for chain instantiation") transaction = self.create_transaction(*args, **kwargs) signed_transaction = transaction.get_signed(self.private_key, self.network_id) return signed_transaction def create_and_sign_transaction_for_queue_block(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTransaction: if 'nonce' not in kwargs or kwargs['nonce'] is None: kwargs['nonce'] = self.get_current_queue_block_nonce() transaction = self.create_and_sign_transaction(*args, **kwargs) self.add_transactions_to_queue_block(transaction) return transaction def get_current_queue_block_nonce(self) -> int: if self.queue_block is None or self.queue_block.current_tx_nonce is None: tx_nonce = self.get_vm().state.account_db.get_nonce(self.wallet_address) else: tx_nonce =self.queue_block.current_tx_nonce return tx_nonce def create_receive_transaction(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseReceiveTransaction: """ Passthrough helper to the current VM class. """ return self.get_vm().create_receive_transaction(*args, **kwargs) def get_receivable_transactions(self, address: Address) -> Tuple[List[BaseReceiveTransaction], List[TransactionKey]]: #from hvm.rlp_templates.accounts import TransactionKey tx_keys = self.get_vm().state.account_db.get_receivable_transactions(address) if len(tx_keys) == 0: return [], [] transactions = [] for tx_key in tx_keys: tx = self.get_canonical_transaction(tx_key.transaction_hash) transactions.append(tx) return transactions, tx_keys def create_receivable_transactions(self) -> List[BaseReceiveTransaction]: tx_keys = self.get_vm().state.account_db.get_receivable_transactions(self.wallet_address) if len(tx_keys) == 0: return [] receive_transactions = [] for tx_key in tx_keys: #find out if it is a receive or a refund block_hash, index, is_receive = self.chaindb.get_transaction_index(tx_key.transaction_hash) re_tx = self.get_vm().create_receive_transaction( sender_block_hash = tx_key.sender_block_hash, send_transaction_hash=tx_key.transaction_hash, is_refund=is_receive, ) receive_transactions.append(re_tx) return receive_transactions def populate_queue_block_with_receive_tx(self) -> List[BaseReceiveTransaction]: receive_tx = self.create_receivable_transactions() self.add_transactions_to_queue_block(receive_tx) return receive_tx def get_block_receive_transactions_by_hash( self, block_hash: Hash32) -> List['BaseReceiveTransaction']: block_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) vm = self.get_vm(header = block_header) receive_transaction_class = vm.get_block_class().receive_transaction_class receive_transactions = self.chaindb.get_block_receive_transactions(header = block_header, transaction_class = receive_transaction_class) return receive_transactions def get_receive_tx_from_send_tx(self, tx_hash: Hash32) -> Optional['BaseReceiveTransaction']: block_hash, index, is_receive = self.chaindb.get_transaction_index(tx_hash) if is_receive: raise ValidationError("The provided tx hash is not for a send transaction") send_transaction = self.get_canonical_transaction(tx_hash) block_children = self.chaindb.get_block_children(block_hash) if block_children is not None: block_children_on_correct_chain = [child_hash for child_hash in block_children if self.chaindb.get_chain_wallet_address_for_block_hash(child_hash) ==] for block_hash in block_children_on_correct_chain: receive_transactions = self.get_block_receive_transactions_by_hash(block_hash) for receive_tx in receive_transactions: if receive_tx.send_transaction_hash == tx_hash: return receive_tx return None def get_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash(self, block_hash: Hash32, transaction_index: int) -> Union[BaseTransaction, BaseReceiveTransaction]: header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) vm = self.get_vm(header=header) self.chaindb.get_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash() self.chaindb.get_transaction_by_index_and_block_hash( block_hash, transaction_index, vm.get_transaction_class(), ) # # Chronological Chain api # def try_to_rebuild_chronological_chain_from_historical_root_hashes(self, historical_root_hash_timestamp: Timestamp) -> None: try: correct_chronological_block_window = self.get_block_hashes_that_are_new_for_this_historical_root_hash_timestamp(historical_root_hash_timestamp) self.chain_head_db.save_chronological_block_window(correct_chronological_block_window, historical_root_hash_timestamp-TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) except InvalidHeadRootTimestamp: pass def get_block_hashes_that_are_new_for_this_historical_root_hash_timestamp(self, historical_root_hash_timestamp: Timestamp) -> List[Tuple[Timestamp, Hash32]]: ''' This is a time consuming function that gets all of the blocks that are new in this root hash that didn't exist in the base root hash. :param timestamp: :return: ''' block_window_start = historical_root_hash_timestamp - TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE base_root_hash = self.chain_head_db.get_historical_root_hash(block_window_start) new_root_hash = self.chain_head_db.get_historical_root_hash(historical_root_hash_timestamp) if base_root_hash == new_root_hash: return None if base_root_hash is None or new_root_hash is None: raise InvalidHeadRootTimestamp( "Could not load block hashes for this historical_root_hash_timestamp because we don't have a root hash for this window or the previous window.") base_head_block_hashes = set(self.chain_head_db.get_head_block_hashes(base_root_hash)) new_head_block_hashes = set(self.chain_head_db.get_head_block_hashes(new_root_hash)) diff_head_block_hashes = new_head_block_hashes - base_head_block_hashes chronological_block_hash_timestamps = [] # now we have to run down each chain until we get to a block that is older than block_window_start for head_block_hash in diff_head_block_hashes: header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(head_block_hash) chronological_block_hash_timestamps.append([header.timestamp, head_block_hash]) while True: if header.parent_hash == GENESIS_PARENT_HASH: break try: header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(header.parent_hash) except HeaderNotFound: break if header.timestamp < block_window_start: break chronological_block_hash_timestamps.append([header.timestamp, header.hash]) assert len(chronological_block_hash_timestamps) > 0 chronological_block_hash_timestamps.sort() return chronological_block_hash_timestamps # def initialize_historical_root_hashes_and_chronological_blocks(self) -> None: # ''' # This function rebuilds all historical root hashes, and chronological blocks, from the blockchain database. It starts with the saved root hash and works backwards. # This function needs to be run from chain because it requires chain_head_db and chaindb. # :return: # ''' # # self.chain_head_db.load_saved_root_hash() # current_window = self.chain_head_db.current_window # earliest_root_hash = self.chain_head_db.earliest_window # #TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE # # # 1) iterate down the root hash times # # 2) create new chain_head_db with memorydb # # 3) go through each chain and any blocks newer than the timestamp, save to chronological window. # # 4) when you reach a block less than the timestamp, set it as chain head in the new memory based chain_head_db # # 5) get the root hash # # 6) set this root hash in the real chain_head_db at the correct timestamp. # # # A chronological block window holds all of the blocks starting at its timestamp, going to timestamp + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE # # A historical root hash is the root hash at the given timestamp, so it includes all blocks earlier than that timestamp. # # # us a journaldb so that it doesnt write changes to the database. # temp_chain_head_db = self.get_chain_head_db_class()(MemoryDB()) # #temp_chain_head_db = self.get_chain_head_db_class().load_from_saved_root_hash(JournalDB(self.db)) # for current_timestamp in range(current_window, earliest_root_hash-TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE, -TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE): # self.logger.debug("Rebuilding chronological block window {}".format(current_timestamp)) # if current_timestamp < self.genesis_block_timestamp: # break # # if current_timestamp == current_window: # head_block_hashes = self.chain_head_db.get_head_block_hashes_list() # else: # head_block_hashes = temp_chain_head_db.get_head_block_hashes_list() # # # iterate over all chains # for head_block_hash in head_block_hashes: # current_block_hash = head_block_hash # # now iterate over blocks in chain # while True: # current_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(current_block_hash) # if current_header.timestamp >= current_timestamp: # # add it to chronological block window in the real chain head db # self.chain_head_db.add_block_hash_to_chronological_window(current_header.hash, current_header.timestamp) # else: # # The block is older than the timestamp. Set it as the chain head block hash in our temp chain head db # temp_chain_head_db.set_chain_head_hash(current_header.chain_address, current_header.hash) # break # if current_header.parent_hash == GENESIS_PARENT_HASH: # # we reached the end of the chain # temp_chain_head_db.delete_chain_head_hash(current_header.chain_address) # break # # set the current block to the parent so we move down the chain # current_block_hash = current_header.parent_hash # # # Now that we have gone through all chains, and removed any blocks newer than this timestamp, the root hash in the # # temp chain head db is the correct one for this historical root hash timestamp. # self.chain_head_db.save_single_historical_root_hash(temp_chain_head_db.root_hash, Timestamp(current_timestamp)) def initialize_historical_root_hashes_and_chronological_blocks(self) -> None: ''' This function rebuilds all historical root hashes, and chronological blocks, from the blockchain database. It starts with the saved root hash and works backwards. This function needs to be run from chain because it requires chain_head_db and chaindb. :return: ''' self.chain_head_db.load_saved_root_hash() current_window = self.chain_head_db.current_window earliest_root_hash = self.chain_head_db.earliest_window #TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE # the saved # 1) iterate down the root hash times # 2) create new chain_head_db with memorydb # 3) go through each chain and any blocks newer than the timestamp, save to chronological window. # 4) when you reach a block less than the timestamp, set it as chain head in the new memory based chain_head_db # 5) get the root hash # 6) set this root hash in the real chain_head_db at the correct timestamp. # A chronological block window holds all of the blocks starting at its timestamp, going to timestamp + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE # A historical root hash is the root hash at the given timestamp, so it includes all blocks earlier than that timestamp. self.logger.debug("Rebuilding chronological block windows") # us a journaldb so that it doesnt write changes to the database. temp_chain_head_db = self.get_chain_head_db_class()(MemoryDB()) #temp_chain_head_db = self.get_chain_head_db_class().load_from_saved_root_hash(JournalDB(self.db)) for current_timestamp in range(current_window, earliest_root_hash-TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE, -TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE): if current_timestamp < self.genesis_block_timestamp: break head_block_hashes = self.chain_head_db.get_head_block_hashes_list() # iterate over all chains for head_block_hash in head_block_hashes: current_block_hash = head_block_hash # now iterate over blocks in chain while True: current_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(current_block_hash) if current_header.timestamp >= current_timestamp: # add it to chronological block window in the real chain head db self.chain_head_db.add_block_hash_to_chronological_window(current_header.hash, current_header.timestamp) else: # The block is older than the timestamp. Set it as the chain head block hash in our temp chain head db self.chain_head_db.set_chain_head_hash(current_header.chain_address, current_header.hash) break if current_header.parent_hash == GENESIS_PARENT_HASH: # we reached the end of the chain self.chain_head_db.delete_chain_head_hash(current_header.chain_address) break # set the current block to the parent so we move down the chain current_block_hash = current_header.parent_hash # Now that we have gone through all chains, and removed any blocks newer than this timestamp, the root hash in the # temp chain head db is the correct one for this historical root hash timestamp. self.chain_head_db.save_single_historical_root_hash(self.chain_head_db.root_hash, Timestamp(current_timestamp)) self.chain_head_db.persist() # finally, lets load the saved root hash again so we are up to date. self.chain_head_db.load_saved_root_hash() # # Execution API # def estimate_gas(self, transaction: BaseTransaction, at_header: BlockHeader=None) -> int: """ Returns an estimation of the amount of gas the given transaction will use if executed on top of the block specified by the given header. """ if at_header is None: at_header = self.get_canonical_head() with self.get_vm(at_header).state_in_temp_block() as state: return self.gas_estimator(state, transaction) def validate_time_from_genesis_block(self,block): if not block.is_genesis: #first make sure enough time has passed since genesis. We need at least TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE since genesis so that the # genesis historical root hash only contains the genesis chain. if block.header.timestamp < (self.genesis_block_timestamp + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE): raise NotEnoughTimeBetweenBlocks("Not enough time has passed since the genesis block. Must wait at least {} seconds after genesis block. " "This block timestamp is {}, genesis block timestamp is {}.".format(TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE, block.header.timestamp, self.genesis_block_timestamp)) return # # Reverting block functions # def delete_canonical_chain(self, wallet_address: Address, vm: 'BaseVM', save_block_head_hash_timestamp:bool = True) -> None: self.logger.debug("delete_canonical_chain. Chain address {}".format(encode_hex(wallet_address))) self.chain_head_db.delete_chain(wallet_address, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) self.chaindb.delete_canonical_chain(wallet_address) vm.state.clear_account_keep_receivable_transactions_and_persist(wallet_address) def set_parent_as_canonical_head(self, existing_block_header: BlockHeader, vm: 'BaseVM', save_block_head_hash_timestamp:bool = True) -> None: block_parent_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(existing_block_header.parent_hash) self.logger.debug("Setting new block as canonical head after reverting blocks. Chain address {}, header hash {}".format(encode_hex(existing_block_header.chain_address), encode_hex(block_parent_header.hash))) if save_block_head_hash_timestamp: self.save_chain_head_hash_to_trie_for_time_period(block_parent_header) self.chain_head_db.set_chain_head_hash(block_parent_header.chain_address, block_parent_header.hash) self.chaindb._set_as_canonical_chain_head(block_parent_header) vm.state.revert_account_to_hash_keep_receivable_transactions_and_persist(block_parent_header.account_hash, block_parent_header.chain_address) def revert_block(self, descendant_block_hash: Hash32) -> None: self.logger.debug('Reverting block with hash {}'.format(encode_hex(descendant_block_hash))) descendant_block_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(descendant_block_hash) vm = self.get_vm(descendant_block_header) self.chain_head_db.delete_block_hash_from_chronological_window(descendant_block_hash, descendant_block_header.timestamp) self.chaindb.remove_block_from_all_parent_child_lookups(descendant_block_header, vm.get_block_class().receive_transaction_class) self.chaindb.delete_all_block_children_lookups(descendant_block_hash) self.revert_block_chronological_consistency_lookups(descendant_block_hash) #for every one, re-add pending receive transaction for all receive transactions only if sending block still exists #make all blocks unprocessed so that receivable transactions are not saved that came from one of the non-canonical blocks. vm.reverse_pending_transactions(descendant_block_header) # remove the block from the canonical chain. This must be done last because reversing the pending transactions requires that it # is still in the canonical chain to look up transactions self.chaindb.delete_block_from_canonical_chain(descendant_block_hash) #self.chaindb.save_unprocessed_block_lookup(descendant_block_hash) vm.state.account_db.persist() def revert_block_chronological_consistency_lookups(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> None: # check to see if there are any reward type 2 proofs. Then loop through each one to revert inconsistency lookups block_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) block_class = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp(block_header.timestamp).get_block_class() reward_bundle = self.chaindb.get_reward_bundle(block_header.reward_hash, block_class.reward_bundle_class) chronological_consistency_key = [block_header.timestamp, block_header.hash] for proof in reward_bundle.reward_type_2.proof: # timestamp, block hash of block responsible sender_chain_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(proof.head_hash_of_sender_chain) # The chronological consistency restrictions are placed on the block on top of the one giving the proof. block_number_with_restrictions = sender_chain_header.block_number + 1 self.chaindb.delete_block_consistency_key(sender_chain_header.chain_address, block_number_with_restrictions, chronological_consistency_key) def purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head_by_hash(self, block_hash_to_delete: Hash32, save_block_head_hash_timestamp: bool = True) -> None: genesis_block_hash = self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_hash(BlockNumber(0), self.genesis_wallet_address) if block_hash_to_delete == genesis_block_hash: raise TriedDeletingGenesisBlock("Attempted to delete genesis block. This is not allowed.") block_header_to_delete = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash_to_delete) self.purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head(block_header_to_delete, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) def purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head(self, existing_block_header: BlockHeader, save_block_head_hash_timestamp: bool = True) -> None: # First make sure it is actually in the canonical chain. If not, then we don't have anything to do. if self.chaindb.is_in_canonical_chain(existing_block_header.hash): vm = self.get_vm() if existing_block_header.block_number == 0: self.delete_canonical_chain(existing_block_header.chain_address, vm, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) else: #set the parent block as the new canonical head, and handle all the data for that self.set_parent_as_canonical_head(existing_block_header, vm, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) #1) delete chronological transactions, delete everything from chronological root hashes, delete children lookups all_descendant_block_hashes = self.chaindb.get_all_descendant_block_hashes(existing_block_header.hash) #first set all of the new chain heads and all the data that goes along with them if all_descendant_block_hashes is not None: for descendant_block_hash in all_descendant_block_hashes: if not self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(descendant_block_hash): descendant_block_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(descendant_block_hash) if descendant_block_header.parent_hash not in all_descendant_block_hashes: #this is the new head of a chain. set it as the new head for chronological root hashes #except for children in this chain, because it will be off by 1 block. we already set this earlier if descendant_block_header.chain_address != existing_block_header.chain_address: if descendant_block_header.block_number == 0: self.delete_canonical_chain(descendant_block_header.chain_address, vm, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) else: self.set_parent_as_canonical_head(descendant_block_header, vm, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) # Must persist now because revert_block creates new vm's for each block and could overrwite changes if we wait. vm.state.account_db.persist() #now we know what the new heads are, so we can deal with the rest of the descendants for descendant_block_hash in all_descendant_block_hashes: #here, since we are already going through all children, we don't need this function to purge children as well if self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(descendant_block_hash): self.purge_unprocessed_block(descendant_block_hash, purge_children_too = False) else: self.revert_block(descendant_block_hash) self.revert_block(existing_block_header.hash) #persist changes self.chain_head_db.persist(True) self.reinitialize() def purge_unprocessed_block(self, block_hash, purge_children_too = True): ''' Deletes all unprocessed block lookups, and unprocessed children lookups for this block and all children blocks. Todo: delete saved block header, and saved transaction tries for each block as well ''' self.logger.debug("purging unprocessed block") if purge_children_too: self.logger.debug("purging unprocessed children") if self.chaindb.has_unprocessed_children(block_hash): self.logger.debug("HAS UNPROCESSED CHILDREN BLOCKS") children_block_hashes = self.chaindb.get_block_children(block_hash) if children_block_hashes != None: for child_block_hash in children_block_hashes: #this includes the child in this actual chain as well as children from send transactions. if not self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(child_block_hash): raise UnprocessedBlockChildIsProcessed("In process of deleting children of unprocessed block, and found one that is processed. This should never happen") else: self.purge_unprocessed_block(child_block_hash) try: block = self.get_block_by_hash(block_hash) chain = encode_hex(block.header.chain_address) self.logger.debug("deleting unprocessed child block number {} on chain {}".format(block.number, chain)) self.chaindb.remove_block_from_unprocessed(block) except HeaderNotFound: pass def import_chronological_block_window(self, block_list: List[BaseBlock], window_start_timestamp: Timestamp, save_block_head_hash_timestamp:bool = True, allow_unprocessed:bool =False) -> None: validate_uint256(window_start_timestamp, title='timestamp') if block_list is None or len(block_list) == 0: return #if we are given a block that is not one of the two allowed classes, try converting it. if len(block_list) > 0 and not isinstance(block_list[0], self.get_vm(timestamp = block_list[0].header.timestamp).get_block_class()): self.logger.debug("converting chain to correct class") corrected_block_list = [] for block in block_list: corrected_block = self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).convert_block_to_correct_class(block) corrected_block_list.append(corrected_block) block_list = corrected_block_list #first we delete any blocks we have in the same window that are not in the new block list local_chronological_timestamp_block_window = self.chain_head_db.load_chronological_block_window(window_start_timestamp) if local_chronological_timestamp_block_window is not None: local_block_hash_list = [x[1] for x in local_chronological_timestamp_block_window] new_block_hash_list = [block.hash for block in block_list] block_hashes_to_delete = effecient_diff(new_block_hash_list, local_block_hash_list) if len(block_hashes_to_delete) > 0: self.logger.debug("deleting existing blocks in chronological window {}".format(block_hashes_to_delete)) for block_hash_to_delete in block_hashes_to_delete: self.purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head_by_hash(block_hash_to_delete) if len(block_list) > 0: self.logger.debug("starting block import for chronological block window") #if block list is empty, load the local historical root hashes and delete them all for i in range(len(block_list)): # Reset this after each block imports blocks_that_have_been_reorganized = set() wallet_address = block_list[i].header.chain_address while True: try: self.import_block(block_list[i], wallet_address = wallet_address, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = save_block_head_hash_timestamp, allow_unprocessed=allow_unprocessed) break except (UnprocessedBlockNotAllowed, ParentNotFound) as e: # Because of the timestamps being in seconds, there may be multiple blocks that depend on each other # with the same timestamp, and they could be out of order. So we attempt to reorganize the blocks # and import again. If it fails again we will raise the exception. if block_list[i].header.hash in blocks_that_have_been_reorganized: self.logger.debug("Already tried reorganizing this block.") raise e self.logger.debug("Attempting to reorganize chronological window for import") blocks_that_have_been_reorganized.add(block_list[i].header.hash) block_list = reorganize_chronological_block_list_for_correct_chronological_order_at_index(block_list, i, self.logger) else: self.logger.debug("importing an empty chronological window. going to make sure we have a saved historical root hash") historical_root_hashes = self.chain_head_db.get_historical_root_hashes() if historical_root_hashes is not None: #historical_root_hashes_dict = dict(historical_root_hashes) #if it does exist, make sure it is the same as the last one. if not, then delete all newer try: self.chain_head_db.propogate_previous_historical_root_hash_to_timestamp(window_start_timestamp + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) except AppendHistoricalRootHashTooOld: self.logger.debug("Tried to propogate the previous historical root hash but there was none. This shouldn't happen") #self.logger.debug("historical root hashes after chronological block import {}".format(self.chain_head_db.get_historical_root_hashes())) def import_chain(self, block_list: List[BaseBlock], perform_validation: bool=True, save_block_head_hash_timestamp: bool = True, allow_replacement: bool = True) -> None: if len(block_list) > 0: self.logger.debug("importing chain") #if we are given a block that is not one of the two allowed classes, try converting it. if not isinstance(block_list[0], self.get_vm(timestamp = block_list[0].header.timestamp).get_block_class()): self.logger.debug("converting chain to correct class") corrected_block_list = [] for block in block_list: corrected_block = self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).convert_block_to_correct_class(block) corrected_block_list.append(corrected_block) block_list = corrected_block_list wallet_address = block_list[0].header.chain_address for block in block_list: self.import_block(block, perform_validation = perform_validation, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = save_block_head_hash_timestamp, wallet_address = wallet_address, allow_replacement = allow_replacement) # If we started with a longer chain, and all the imported blocks match ours, our chain will remain longer even after importing the new one. # To fix this, we need to delete any blocks of ours that is longer in length then this chain that we are importing # First make sure the whole chain imported correctly. If not, then we don't need to do anything try: local_canonical_head = self.chaindb.get_canonical_head(wallet_address) imported_canonical_head = block_list[-1].header #self.logger.debug("imported chain head hash {}. actual chain head hash {}".format(encode_hex(imported_canonical_head.hash), encode_hex(local_canonical_head.hash))) if imported_canonical_head.block_number < local_canonical_head.block_number: if self.chaindb.is_in_canonical_chain(imported_canonical_head.hash): # Our chain is the same as the imported one, but we have some extra blocks on top. In this case, we would like to prune our chain # to match the imported one. # We only need to purge the next block after the imported chain. The vm will automatically purge all children self.logger.debug("After importing a chain, our local chain is identical except with additional blocks on top. We will prune the top blocks to bring" " our chain in line with the imported one.") block_number_to_purge = imported_canonical_head.block_number + 1 hash_to_purge = self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_hash(BlockNumber(block_number_to_purge), wallet_address) self.purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head_by_hash(hash_to_purge, save_block_head_hash_timestamp) except CanonicalHeadNotFound: pass from hvm.utils.profile import profile @profile(sortby='cumulative') def import_block_with_profiler(self, *args, **kwargs): self.import_block(*args, **kwargs) def import_block(self, block: BaseBlock, perform_validation: bool=True, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = True, wallet_address = None, allow_unprocessed = True, allow_replacement = True, ensure_block_unchanged:bool = True, microblock_origin: bool = False) -> BaseBlock: #we handle replacing blocks here #this includes deleting any blocks that it might be replacing #then we start the journal db #then within _import_block, it can commit the journal #but we wont persist until it gets out here again. wallet_address = block.header.chain_address # we need to re-initialize the chain for the new wallet address. if wallet_address != self.wallet_address: self.logger.debug("Changing to chain with wallet address {}".format(encode_hex(wallet_address))) self.set_new_wallet_address(wallet_address=wallet_address) journal_enabled = False #if we are given a block that is not one of the two allowed classes, try converting it. #There is no reason why this should be a queueblock, because a queueblock would never come over the network, it #it always generated locally, and should have the correct class. if not isinstance(block, self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).get_block_class()): self.logger.debug("converting block to correct class") block = self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).convert_block_to_correct_class(block) if isinstance(block, self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).get_queue_block_class()): # Set the queue block timestamp to now, when it is being imported. block = block.copy(header=block.header.copy(timestamp=int(time.time()))) else: if block.header.chain_address == self.genesis_wallet_address and block.header.block_number == 0: try: our_genesis_hash = self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_header_by_number(BlockNumber(0), self.genesis_wallet_address).hash except HeaderNotFound: raise NoGenesisBlockPresent("Tried importing a block, but we have no genesis block loaded. Need to load a genesis block first.") if block.header.hash == our_genesis_hash: return block else: raise ValidationError("Tried to import a new genesis block on the genesis chain. This is not allowed.") if len(block.transactions) == 0 and len(block.receive_transactions) == 0: # if block.reward_bundle is None: # raise ValidationError('The block must have at least 1 transaction, or a non-zero reward bundle. Reward bundle = None') if (block.reward_bundle.reward_type_1.amount == 0 and block.reward_bundle.reward_type_2.amount == 0): raise RewardAmountRoundsToZero('The block has no send or receive transactions, and the reward bundle has amount = 0 for all types of rewards. This is not allowed. If this is just a reward block this usually means more time needs to pass before creating reward bundle.') #if we are adding to the top of the chain, or beyond, we need to check for unprocessed blocks #handle deleting any unprocessed blocks that will be replaced. if block.number >= self.header.block_number: existing_unprocessed_block_hash = self.chaindb.get_unprocessed_block_hash_by_block_number(self.wallet_address, block.number) if (existing_unprocessed_block_hash != block.hash) and (existing_unprocessed_block_hash is not None): if not allow_replacement: raise ReplacingBlocksNotAllowed("Attempted to replace an unprocessed block.") #check to make sure the parent matches the one we have if block.number != 0: # if block.number == self.header.block_number: # existing_parent_hash = self.chaindb.get_canonical_head_hash(self.wallet_address) # else: existing_unprocessed_parent_hash = self.chaindb.get_unprocessed_block_hash_by_block_number(self.wallet_address, block.number-1) if existing_unprocessed_parent_hash is not None: if block.header.parent_hash != existing_unprocessed_parent_hash: raise ParentNotFound("Parent is unprocessed. Parent hash = {}, this hash = {}".format( encode_hex(existing_unprocessed_parent_hash), encode_hex(block.header.parent_hash))) else: try: existing_canonical_parent_hash = self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_header_by_number(block.header.block_number-1, block.header.chain_address) if block.header.parent_hash != existing_canonical_parent_hash: raise ParentNotFound("Parent is canonical. Parent hash = {}, this hash = {}".format( encode_hex(existing_canonical_parent_hash), encode_hex(block.header.parent_hash))) except HeaderNotFound: pass #lets delete the unprocessed block, and its children, then import self.enable_journal_db() journal_record = self.record_journal() journal_enabled = True self.purge_unprocessed_block(existing_unprocessed_block_hash) #check to see if this is the same hash that was already saved as unprocessed if block.number > self.header.block_number: #check that the parent hash matches what we have. existing_parent_hash = self.chaindb.get_unprocessed_block_hash_by_block_number(self.wallet_address, block.number-1) #we can allow this for unprocessed blocks as long as we have the parent in our database if existing_parent_hash == block.header.parent_hash: if block.hash == self.chaindb.get_unprocessed_block_hash_by_block_number(self.wallet_address, block.number): #we already imported this one return_block = block else: #save as unprocessed if not allow_unprocessed: raise UnprocessedBlockNotAllowed() self.logger.debug("Saving block as unprocessed because parent on this chain is unprocessed") return_block = self.save_block_as_unprocessed(block) if journal_enabled: self.logger.debug('commiting journal') self.commit_journal(journal_record) self.persist_journal() self.disable_journal_db() return return_block else: raise ParentNotFound('Parent is unprocessed 2') #now, if it is the head of the chain, lets make sure the parent hash is correct. if block.number == self.header.block_number and block.number != 0: if block.header.parent_hash != self.chaindb.get_canonical_head_hash(chain_address= self.wallet_address): raise ParentNotFound("Block is at the head of the chain") if block.number < self.header.block_number: if not allow_replacement: raise ReplacingBlocksNotAllowed("Attempted to replace a canonical block") self.logger.debug("went into block replacing mode") self.logger.debug("block.number = {}, self.header.block_number = {}".format(block.number,self.header.block_number)) self.logger.debug("this chains wallet address = {}, this block's sender = {}".format(encode_hex(self.wallet_address), encode_hex(block.sender))) #check to see if we can load the existing canonical block existing_block_header = self.chaindb.get_canonical_block_header_by_number(block.number, self.wallet_address) if existing_block_header.hash == block.header.hash: self.logger.debug("tried to import a block that has a hash that matches the local block. no import required.") return block else: if not journal_enabled: self.enable_journal_db() journal_record = self.record_journal() journal_enabled = True self.purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head(existing_block_header, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = save_block_head_hash_timestamp) #check to see if this block is chronologically inconsistent - usually due to reward block that used proof from this chain block_hashes_leading_to_inconsistency = self.check_block_chronological_consistency(block) if len(block_hashes_leading_to_inconsistency) > 0: if not allow_replacement: raise ReplacingBlocksNotAllowed("Attempted to import chronologically inconsistent block. Block hashes leading to inconsistency = {}.".format([encode_hex(x) for x in block_hashes_leading_to_inconsistency])) else: # revert all of the blocks leading to the inconsistency. if not journal_enabled: self.enable_journal_db() journal_record = self.record_journal() journal_enabled = True for block_hash in block_hashes_leading_to_inconsistency: self.logger.debug("Purging block {} to preserve chronological consistency".format(encode_hex(block_hash))) block_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(block_hash) # This should be impossible, but lets double check that none of these blocks are on the same chain as this block if block_header.chain_address == block.header.chain_address: raise Exception("Tried to revert chronologically inconsistent block on this same chain. This should never happen...") self.purge_block_and_all_children_and_set_parent_as_chain_head(block_header, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = save_block_head_hash_timestamp) try: return_block = self._import_block(block = block, perform_validation = perform_validation, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = save_block_head_hash_timestamp, allow_unprocessed = allow_unprocessed, ensure_block_unchanged= ensure_block_unchanged, microblock_origin = microblock_origin) # handle importing unprocessed blocks here because doing it recursively results in maximum recursion depth exceeded error if not self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(return_block.hash): self.logger.debug("Checking to see if block has unprocessed children") self.import_all_unprocessed_descendants(return_block.hash, perform_validation= True, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = save_block_head_hash_timestamp, allow_unprocessed = True) except Exception as e: if journal_enabled: self.logger.debug('discarding journal') self.discard_journal(journal_record) self.disable_journal_db() raise e if journal_enabled: self.logger.debug('commiting journal') self.commit_journal(journal_record) self.persist_journal() self.disable_journal_db() return return_block def _import_block(self, block: BaseBlock, perform_validation: bool=True, save_block_head_hash_timestamp = True, allow_unprocessed = True, ensure_block_unchanged: bool = True, microblock_origin: bool = False) -> BaseBlock: """ Imports a complete block. """ self.logger.debug("importing block {} with number {}".format(block.__repr__(), block.number)) self.validate_time_from_genesis_block(block) if isinstance(block, self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).get_queue_block_class()): # If it was a queueblock, then the header will have changed after importing perform_validation = False ensure_block_unchanged = False queue_block = True else: queue_block = False if not self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(block.header.parent_hash): #this part checks to make sure the parent exists try: vm = self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp) self.logger.debug("importing block with vm {}".format(vm.__repr__())) if queue_block: imported_block = vm.import_block(block, private_key = self.private_key) else: imported_block = vm.import_block(block) # Validate the imported block. if ensure_block_unchanged: if microblock_origin: # this started out as a microblock. So we only ensure the microblock fields are unchanged. self.logger.debug('ensuring block unchanged. microblock correction') corrected_micro_block = block.copy(header = block.header.copy( receipt_root = imported_block.header.receipt_root, bloom = imported_block.header.bloom, gas_limit = imported_block.header.gas_limit, gas_used = imported_block.header.gas_used, account_hash = imported_block.header.account_hash, account_balance = imported_block.header.account_balance, )) ensure_imported_block_unchanged(imported_block, corrected_micro_block) else: self.logger.debug('ensuring block unchanged') ensure_imported_block_unchanged(imported_block, block) else: self.logger.debug('Not checking block for changes.') if perform_validation: self.validate_block(imported_block) #self.chain_head_db.set_chain_head_hash(self.wallet_address, imported_block.header.hash) if save_block_head_hash_timestamp: self.chain_head_db.add_block_hash_to_chronological_window(imported_block.header.hash, imported_block.header.timestamp) self.save_chain_head_hash_to_trie_for_time_period(imported_block.header) self.chain_head_db.set_chain_head_hash(imported_block.header.chain_address, imported_block.header.hash) self.chain_head_db.persist(True) self.chaindb.persist_block(imported_block) vm.state.account_db.persist(save_account_hash = True, wallet_address = self.wallet_address) #here we must delete the unprocessed lookup before importing children #because the children cannot be imported if their chain parent is unprocessed. #but we cannot delete the lookup for unprocessed children yet. self.chaindb.remove_block_from_unprocessed(imported_block) # Add chronological consistency lookups self.save_block_chronological_consistency_lookups(imported_block) try: self.header = self.create_header_from_parent(self.get_canonical_head()) except CanonicalHeadNotFound: self.header = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp().create_genesis_block(self.wallet_address).header self.queue_block = None self.logger.debug( 'IMPORTED_BLOCK: number %s | hash %s', imported_block.number, encode_hex(imported_block.hash), ) # Make sure our wallet address hasn't magically changed if self.wallet_address != imported_block.header.chain_address: raise ValidationError("Attempted to import a block onto the wrong chain.") return_block = imported_block except ReceivableTransactionNotFound as e: if not allow_unprocessed: raise UnprocessedBlockNotAllowed() self.logger.debug("Saving block as unprocessed because of ReceivableTransactionNotFound error: {}".format(e)) return_block = self.save_block_as_unprocessed(block) if self.raise_errors: raise e except RewardProofSenderBlockMissing as e: if not allow_unprocessed: raise UnprocessedBlockNotAllowed() self.logger.debug("Saving block as unprocessed because of RewardProofSenderBlockMissing error: {}".format(e)) return_block = self.save_block_as_unprocessed(block) else: if not allow_unprocessed: raise UnprocessedBlockNotAllowed() self.logger.debug("Saving block as unprocessed because parent on this chain is unprocessed") return_block = self.save_block_as_unprocessed(block) return return_block def import_all_unprocessed_descendants(self, block_hash, *args, **kwargs): # 1) get unprocessed children # 2) loop through and import # 3) if child imports, add their unprocessed children to list, and delete that block from unprocessed # 4) if list of unprocessed children has 0 length, break # need to step one level at a time. We use a queue to achieve this effect. It won't get to the next level # until it finishes all of the blocks on this level. So it goes one level at a time. if self.chaindb.has_unprocessed_children(block_hash): self.logger.debug("HAS UNPROCESSED BLOCKS") # try to import all children children_block_hashes = self.chaindb.get_block_children(block_hash) if children_block_hashes != None: block_hashes_to_import = deque(children_block_hashes) # iterate over children while True: # remove from right side current_block_hash_to_import = block_hashes_to_import.pop() if self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(current_block_hash_to_import): self.logger.debug("importing child block") try: child_block = self.get_block_by_hash(current_block_hash_to_import) if child_block.header.chain_address != self.wallet_address: #self.logger.debug("Changing to chain with wallet address {}".format(encode_hex(child_block.header.chain_address))) self.set_new_wallet_address(wallet_address=child_block.header.chain_address) self._import_block(child_block, *args, **kwargs) #if the block imported, add its children the the deque if not self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(current_block_hash_to_import): # it imported successfully if self.chaindb.has_unprocessed_children(current_block_hash_to_import): children_block_hashes = self.chaindb.get_block_children(current_block_hash_to_import) if children_block_hashes != None: block_hashes_to_import.extendleft(children_block_hashes) # we have queued up its children to be imported. Assuming exceptions don't occur, we can remove this block from the unprocessed children lookup. self.chaindb.delete_unprocessed_children_blocks_lookup(current_block_hash_to_import) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Tried to import an unprocessed child block and got this error {}".format(e)) if len(block_hashes_to_import) == 0: return self.chaindb.delete_unprocessed_children_blocks_lookup(block_hash) def save_block_chronological_consistency_lookups(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None: ''' We need to require that the proof sender chain doesn't add a block after their claimed chain_head_hash, and the timestamp of this block being imported. :param block: :return: ''' block_header = block.header reward_bundle = self.chaindb.get_reward_bundle(block_header.reward_hash, block.reward_bundle_class) chronological_consistency_key = [block_header.timestamp, block_header.hash] for proof in reward_bundle.reward_type_2.proof: # timestamp, block hash of block responsible sender_chain_header = self.chaindb.get_block_header_by_hash(proof.head_hash_of_sender_chain) # The chronological consistency restrictions are placed on the block on top of the one giving the proof. block_number_with_restrictions = sender_chain_header.block_number + 1 self.logger.debug("saving chronological consistency lookup for chain {}, block {}, timestamp {}".format(encode_hex(sender_chain_header.chain_address), block_number_with_restrictions, block_header.timestamp)) self.chaindb.add_block_consistency_key(sender_chain_header.chain_address, block_number_with_restrictions, chronological_consistency_key) def save_block_as_unprocessed(self, block): #if it is already saved as unprocesessed, do nothing if self.chaindb.is_block_unprocessed(block.hash): return block #before adding to unprocessed blocks, make sure the receive transactions are valid # for receive_transaction in block.receive_transactions: # #there must be at least 1 to get this far # receive_transaction.validate() #now we add it to unprocessed blocks self.chaindb.save_block_as_unprocessed(block) #save the transactions to db vm = self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp) vm.save_items_to_db_as_trie(block.transactions, block.header.transaction_root) vm.save_items_to_db_as_trie(block.receive_transactions, block.header.receive_transaction_root) #we don't want to persist because that will add it to the canonical chain. #We just want to save it to the database so we can process it later if needbe. self.chaindb.persist_non_canonical_block(block) #self.chaindb.persist_block(block) try: self.header = self.create_header_from_parent(self.get_canonical_head()) except CanonicalHeadNotFound: self.header = self.get_vm_class_for_block_timestamp().create_genesis_block(self.wallet_address).header self.queue_block = None self.logger.debug( 'SAVED_BLOCK_AS_UNPROCESSED: number %s | hash %s', block.number, encode_hex(block.hash), ) return block def import_current_queue_block(self) -> BaseBlock: return self.import_block(self.queue_block) def import_current_queue_block_with_reward(self, node_staking_score_list: List[NodeStakingScore]) -> BaseBlock: reward_bundle = self.get_consensus_db().create_reward_bundle_for_block(self.wallet_address, node_staking_score_list, at_timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))) # #testing # reward_bundle = reward_bundle.copy(reward_type_2 = reward_bundle.reward_type_2.copy(amount=0)) self.queue_block = self.queue_block.copy(reward_bundle = reward_bundle) return self.import_current_queue_block() def get_all_chronological_blocks_for_window(self, window_timestamp:Timestamp) -> List[BaseBlock]: validate_uint256(window_timestamp, title='timestamp') chronological_blocks = self.chain_head_db.load_chronological_block_window(window_timestamp) if chronological_blocks is None: return None else: list_of_blocks = [] for chronological_block in chronological_blocks: block_hash = chronological_block[1] new_block = self.get_block_by_hash(block_hash) list_of_blocks.append(new_block) return list_of_blocks # # Chronologically consistent blockchain db API # def check_block_chronological_consistency(self, block: BaseBlock) -> List[Hash32]: ''' Checks to see if the block breaks any chronological consistency. If it does, it will return a list of blocks that need to be reverted for this block to be imported returns list of block hashes that have to be reverted :param block: :return: ''' consistency_keys = self.chaindb.get_block_chronological_consistency_keys(block.header.chain_address, block.header.block_number) block_hashes_to_revert = list() for consistency_key in consistency_keys: if consistency_key[0] > block.header.timestamp: block_hashes_to_revert.append(consistency_key[1]) return block_hashes_to_revert # # Validation API # def get_allowed_time_of_next_block(self, chain_address: Address = None) -> Timestamp: if chain_address is None: chain_address = self.wallet_address try: canonical_head = self.chaindb.get_canonical_head(chain_address=chain_address) except CanonicalHeadNotFound: return Timestamp(0) vm = self.get_vm(timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))) min_allowed_time_between_blocks = vm.min_time_between_blocks return Timestamp(canonical_head.timestamp + min_allowed_time_between_blocks) def validate_block(self, block: BaseBlock) -> None: """ Performs validation on a block that is either being mined or imported. Since block validation (specifically the uncle validation must have access to the ancestor blocks, this validation must occur at the Chain level. """ self.validate_gaslimit(block.header) def validate_gaslimit(self, header: BlockHeader) -> None: """ Validate the gas limit on the given header. """ #parent_header = self.get_block_header_by_hash(header.parent_hash) #low_bound, high_bound = compute_gas_limit_bounds(parent_header) #if header.gas_limit < low_bound: # raise ValidationError( # "The gas limit on block {0} is too low: {1}. It must be at least {2}".format( # encode_hex(header.hash), header.gas_limit, low_bound)) if header.gas_limit > BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT: raise ValidationError( "The gas limit on block {0} is too high: {1}. It must be at most {2}".format( encode_hex(header.hash), header.gas_limit, BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT)) def validate_block_specification(self, block) -> bool: ''' This validates everything we can without looking at the blockchain database. It doesnt need to assume that we have the block that sent the transactions. This that this can check: block signature send transaction signatures receive transaction signatures - dont need to check this. it doesnt add any security signatures of send transaction within receive transactions send transaction root matches transactions receive transaction root matches transactions ''' if not isinstance(block, self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).get_block_class()): self.logger.debug("converting block to correct class") block = self.get_vm(timestamp = block.header.timestamp).convert_block_to_correct_class(block) block.header.check_signature_validity() for transaction in block.transactions: transaction.validate() for transaction in block.receive_transactions: transaction.validate() send_tx_root_hash, _ = make_trie_root_and_nodes(block.transactions) if block.header.transaction_root != send_tx_root_hash: raise ValidationError("Block has invalid transaction root") receive_tx_root_hash, _ = make_trie_root_and_nodes(block.receive_transactions) if block.header.receive_transaction_root != receive_tx_root_hash: raise ValidationError("Block has invalid receive transaction root") return True # # Stake API # def get_mature_stake(self, wallet_address: Address = None, raise_canonical_head_not_found_error:bool = False) -> int: if wallet_address is None: wallet_address = self.wallet_address coin_mature_time_for_staking = self.get_vm(timestamp = Timestamp(int(time.time()))).consensus_db.coin_mature_time_for_staking return self.chaindb.get_mature_stake(wallet_address, coin_mature_time_for_staking, raise_canonical_head_not_found_error = raise_canonical_head_not_found_error) # gets the stake for the timestamp corresponding to teh chronological block window, so it is all blocks for the next 1000 seconds. def get_mature_stake_for_chronological_block_window(self, chronological_block_window_timestamp: Timestamp, timestamp_for_stake: Timestamp = None): if timestamp_for_stake is not None and timestamp_for_stake < chronological_block_window_timestamp: raise ValidationError("Cannot get chronological block window stake for a timestamp before the window") if timestamp_for_stake is None: timestamp_for_stake = int(time.time()) chronological_block_hash_timestamps = self.chain_head_db.load_chronological_block_window(chronological_block_window_timestamp) chronological_block_hashes = [x[1] for x in chronological_block_hash_timestamps] coin_mature_time_for_staking = self.get_vm(timestamp=timestamp_for_stake).consensus_db.coin_mature_time_for_staking return self.chaindb.get_total_block_stake_of_block_hashes(chronological_block_hashes, coin_mature_time_for_staking, timestamp_for_stake) def get_new_block_hash_to_test_peer_node_health(self) -> Hash32: ''' returns one of the newest blocks we have seen. :return: ''' before_this_timestamp = int(time.time()) - 60 # ask the peer for a block that was received at before 1 minute ago current_historical_window = int(time.time() / TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE for timestamp in range(current_historical_window, current_historical_window-NUMBER_OF_HEAD_HASH_TO_SAVE*TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE, -1* TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE): chronological_window = self.chain_head_db.load_chronological_block_window(timestamp) if chronological_window is not None: chronological_window.sort(key=lambda x: -1*x[0]) for timestamp_hash in chronological_window: if timestamp_hash[0] < before_this_timestamp: return timestamp_hash[1] #if we get to here then we don't have any blocks within all chronological block windows... raise NoChronologicalBlocks() # # Min Block Gas API used for throttling the network # def re_initialize_historical_minimum_gas_price_at_genesis(self) -> None: ''' re-initializes system with last set min gas price and net tpc cap ''' hist_min_gas_price = self.chaindb.load_historical_minimum_gas_price() hist_tpc_cap = self.chaindb.load_historical_network_tpc_capability() hist_tx_per_centisecond = self.chaindb.load_historical_tx_per_centisecond() if hist_min_gas_price is not None: init_min_gas_price = hist_min_gas_price[-1][1] else: init_min_gas_price = 1 if hist_tpc_cap is not None: init_tpc_cap = hist_tpc_cap[-1][1] else: init_tpc_cap = self.get_local_tpc_cap() if hist_tx_per_centisecond is not None: init_tpc = hist_tx_per_centisecond[-1][1] else: init_tpc = None self.chaindb.initialize_historical_minimum_gas_price_at_genesis(init_min_gas_price, init_tpc_cap, init_tpc) def update_current_network_tpc_capability(self, current_network_tpc_cap: int, update_min_gas_price:bool = True) -> None: validate_uint256(current_network_tpc_cap, title="current_network_tpc_cap") self.chaindb.save_current_historical_network_tpc_capability(current_network_tpc_cap) if update_min_gas_price: current_centisecond = int(time.time()/100) * 100 timestamp_min_gas_price_updated = self.update_tpc_from_chronological(update_min_gas_price = True) if timestamp_min_gas_price_updated > current_centisecond: self.chaindb._recalculate_historical_mimimum_gas_price(current_centisecond) def update_tpc_from_chronological(self, update_min_gas_price: bool = True): #start at the newest window, if the same tps stop. but if different tps keep going back self.logger.debug("Updating tpc from chronological") current_historical_window = int(time.time()/TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) * TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE current_centisecond = int(time.time()/100) * 100 #load this once to find out if its None. If it is None, then the node just started, lets only go back 50 steps #hist_tpc = self.chaindb.load_historical_tx_per_centisecond() end_outer = current_historical_window-20*TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE for historical_window_timestamp in range(current_historical_window, end_outer, -TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE): tpc_sum_dict = {} chronological_block_window = self.chain_head_db.load_chronological_block_window(historical_window_timestamp) self.logger.debug('loading chronological block window for timestamp {}'.format(historical_window_timestamp)) #zero the dictionary if historical_window_timestamp+TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE < current_centisecond: end = historical_window_timestamp +TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE else: end = current_centisecond+100 for timestamp in range(historical_window_timestamp, end, 100): tpc_sum_dict[timestamp] = 0 if chronological_block_window is not None: for timestamp_block_hash in chronological_block_window: #first count up the tx in the block #if it is 0, then set to 1? in case block is all receive num_tx_in_block = self.chaindb.get_number_of_total_tx_in_block(timestamp_block_hash[1]) if num_tx_in_block == 0: num_tx_in_block = 1 #then add them to the dict centisecond_window_for_block = int(timestamp_block_hash[0]/100) * 100 if centisecond_window_for_block <= end: tpc_sum_dict[centisecond_window_for_block] += num_tx_in_block same_as_database = self._update_tpc_from_chronological(tpc_sum_dict) if same_as_database == True: break if update_min_gas_price: self.chaindb._recalculate_historical_mimimum_gas_price(historical_window_timestamp + TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE) return historical_window_timestamp+TIME_BETWEEN_HEAD_HASH_SAVE def _update_tpc_from_chronological(self, new_hist_tpc_dict): ''' returns True if they are all the same as what we already had in the database, otherwise it returns False ''' if not isinstance(new_hist_tpc_dict, dict): raise ValidationError("Expected a dict. Didn't get a dict.") hist_tpc = self.chaindb.load_historical_tx_per_centisecond() difference_found = False if hist_tpc is None: hist_tpc = list(new_hist_tpc_dict.items()) else: hist_tpc_dict = dict(hist_tpc) for timestamp, tpc in new_hist_tpc_dict.items(): if timestamp not in hist_tpc_dict or hist_tpc_dict[timestamp] != tpc: #if tpc != 0: difference_found = True hist_tpc_dict[timestamp] = tpc hist_tpc = list(hist_tpc_dict.items()) #print(hist_tpc) #save it to db self.chaindb.save_historical_tx_per_centisecond(hist_tpc, de_sparse = False) return not difference_found def get_local_tpc_cap(self) -> int: #base it on the time it takes to import a block from hvm.utils.profile import profile from hvm.db.backends.memory import MemoryDB from hvm import MainnetChain from hvm.chains.mainnet import ( MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PARAMS, MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_STATE, TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PRIVATE_KEY, MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_BLOCK_TO_IMPORT, ) from hvm.constants import random_private_keys db = MemoryDB() chain = MainnetChain.from_genesis(db, TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PRIVATE_KEY.public_key.to_canonical_address(), MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PARAMS, MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_STATE, private_key = TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PRIVATE_KEY) block_to_import = chain.get_vm(timestamp = MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_BLOCK_TO_IMPORT['header']['timestamp']).get_block_class().from_dict(MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_BLOCK_TO_IMPORT) chain.genesis_wallet_address = MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PARAMS['chain_address'] chain.genesis_block_timestamp = MAINNET_TPC_CAP_TEST_GENESIS_PARAMS['timestamp'] #@profile(sortby='cumulative') def temp(): chain.import_block(block_to_import) start_time = time.time() temp() duration = time.time()-start_time #self.logger.debug('duration = {} seconds'.format(duration)) tx_per_centisecond = int(100/duration) return tx_per_centisecond # # Consensus DB passthrough's that depend on block timestamp # def get_signed_peer_score(self, private_key: PrivateKey, network_id: int, peer_wallet_address: Address, after_block_number: BlockNumber = None, ) -> NodeStakingScore: # This function should always use the vm for the current timestamp. So we dont need to ask for timestamp return self.get_consensus_db(timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))).get_signed_peer_score(private_key, network_id, peer_wallet_address, after_block_number) def get_signed_peer_score_string_private_key(self, private_key_string: bytes, peer_wallet_address: Address, after_block_number: BlockNumber = None, ) -> NodeStakingScore: network_id = self.network_id # This always occurs at this time. So we take the current consensus db return self.get_consensus_db(timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))).get_signed_peer_score_string_private_key(private_key_string, network_id, peer_wallet_address, after_block_number) def validate_node_staking_score(self, node_staking_score: NodeStakingScore, since_block_number: BlockNumber) -> None: # This depends on when the staking score was created. So get the consensus db given by that timestamp return self.get_consensus_db(timestamp = node_staking_score.timestamp).validate_node_staking_score(node_staking_score, since_block_number) def save_health_request(self, peer_wallet_address: Address, response_time_in_micros: int = float('inf')) -> None: # This always occurs at this time. So we take the current consensus db return self.get_consensus_db(timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))).save_health_request(peer_wallet_address, response_time_in_micros) def get_current_peer_node_health(self,peer_wallet_address: Address) -> PeerNodeHealth: return self.get_consensus_db(timestamp=Timestamp(int(time.time()))).get_current_peer_node_health(peer_wallet_address)
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: mozman --<<EMAIL>> # Purpose: test drawing module # Created: 11.09.2010 # Copyright (C) 2010, <NAME> # License: GPLv3 from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import unittest from io import StringIO from svgwrite.drawing import Drawing from svgwrite.container import Group class TestDrawingFullProfile(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty_drawing(self): dwg = Drawing() result = dwg.tostring() self.assertEqual(result, '<svg baseProfile="full" height="100%" version="1.1" '\ 'width="100%" xmlns="" '\ 'xmlns:ev="" '\ 'xmlns:xlink=""><defs /></svg>') def test_stylesheet(self): dwg = Drawing() dwg.add_stylesheet('test.css', 'Test') f = StringIO() dwg.write(f) result = f.getvalue() f.close() self.assertEqual(result, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' \ '<?xml-stylesheet href="test.css" type="text/css" title="Test" alternate="no" media="screen"?>\n' '<svg baseProfile="full" height="100%" version="1.1" width="100%" '\ 'xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" '\ 'xmlns:xlink=""><defs /></svg>') def test_save(self): fn = 'test_drawing.svg' if os.path.exists(fn): os.remove(fn) dwg = Drawing(fn) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fn)) os.remove(fn) def test_save_as(self): fn = 'test_drawing.svg' if os.path.exists(fn): os.remove(fn) dwg = Drawing() dwg.saveas(fn) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fn)) os.remove(fn) def test_non_us_ascii_chars(self): dwg = Drawing() dwg.set_desc('öäü') f = StringIO() dwg.write(f) result = f.getvalue() f.close() self.assertEqual(result, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' \ '<svg baseProfile="full" height="100%" version="1.1" width="100%" '\ 'xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" '\ 'xmlns:xlink="">' '<title>öäü</title><defs /></svg>') class TestDrawingTinyProfile(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty_drawing(self): dwg = Drawing(profile="tiny") result = dwg.tostring() self.assertEqual(result, '<svg baseProfile="tiny" height="100%" version="1.2" '\ 'width="100%" xmlns="" '\ 'xmlns:ev="" '\ 'xmlns:xlink=""><defs /></svg>') def test_stylesheet(self): dwg = Drawing(profile="tiny") dwg.add_stylesheet('test.css', 'Test') f = StringIO() dwg.write(f) result = f.getvalue() f.close() self.assertEqual(result, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' \ '<?xml-stylesheet href="test.css" type="text/css" title="Test" alternate="no" media="screen"?>\n' '<svg baseProfile="tiny" height="100%" version="1.2" width="100%" '\ 'xmlns="" '\ 'xmlns:ev="" '\ 'xmlns:xlink=""><defs /></svg>') class TestDefs(unittest.TestCase): def test_simple_defs(self): dwg = Drawing() g = dwg.defs.add(Group(id='test')) inner_g = g.add(Group(id='innerTest')) result = dwg.tostring() self.assertEqual(result, '<svg baseProfile="full" height="100%" version="1.1" '\ 'width="100%" xmlns="" '\ 'xmlns:ev="" '\ 'xmlns:xlink="">' \ '<defs><g id="test"><g id="innerTest" /></g></defs></svg>') if __name__=='__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Loads a set of web pages several times on a device, and extracts the predictor database. """ import argparse import logging import os import sys _SRC_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'devil')) from import device_utils sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'android')) import devil_chromium sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'tools', 'android', 'loading')) import controller from options import OPTIONS import page_track _PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT = 20 def _CreateArgumentParser(): """Creates and returns the argument parser.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Loads a set of web pages several times on a device, and ' 'extracts the predictor database.'), parents=[OPTIONS.GetParentParser()]) parser.add_argument('--device', help='Device ID') parser.add_argument('--urls_filename', help='File containing a list of URLs ' '(one per line). URLs can be repeated.') parser.add_argument('--output_filename', help='File to store the database in.') parser.add_argument('--url_repeat', help=('Number of times each URL in the input ' 'file is loaded.'), default=3) return parser def _FindDevice(device_id): """Returns a device matching |device_id| or the first one if None, or None.""" devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices() if device_id is None: return devices[0] matching_devices = [d for d in devices if str(d) == device_id] if not matching_devices: return None return matching_devices[0] def _Setup(device): """Sets up a device and returns an instance of RemoteChromeController.""" chrome_controller = controller.RemoteChromeController(device) device.ForceStop(OPTIONS.ChromePackage().package) chrome_controller.AddChromeArguments( ['--speculative-resource-prefetching=learning']) chrome_controller.ResetBrowserState() return chrome_controller def _Go(chrome_controller, urls_filename, output_filename, repeats): urls = [] with open(urls_filename) as f: urls = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] with chrome_controller.Open() as connection: for repeat in range(repeats):'Repeat #%d', repeat) for url in urls:'\tLoading %s', url) page_track.PageTrack(connection) # Registers the listeners. connection.MonitorUrl(url, timeout_seconds=_PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT, stop_delay_multiplier=1.5) device = chrome_controller.GetDevice() device.ForceStop(OPTIONS.ChromePackage().package) database_filename = ( '/data/user/0/%s/app_chrome/Default/Network Action Predictor' % OPTIONS.ChromePackage().package) device.PullFile(database_filename, output_filename) def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) parser = _CreateArgumentParser() args = parser.parse_args() OPTIONS.SetParsedArgs(args) devil_chromium.Initialize() device = _FindDevice(args.device) if device is None: logging.error('Could not find device: %s.', args.device) sys.exit(1) chrome_controller = _Setup(device) _Go(chrome_controller, args.urls_filename, args.output_filename, int(args.url_repeat)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as np from time import time from cgbind.atoms import get_atomic_number from cgbind.log import logger from cgbind.constants import Constants from cgbind.exceptions import CgbindCritical def get_esp_cube_lines(charges, atoms): """ From a list of charges and a set of xyzs create the electrostatic potential map grid-ed uniformly between the most negative x, y, z values -5 Å and the largest x, y, z +5 Å :param charges: (list(float)) :param atoms: (list(autode.atoms.Atom)) :return: (list(str)), (min ESP value, max ESP value) """'Calculating the ESP and generating a .cube file') start_time = time() try: from esp_gen import get_cube_lines except ModuleNotFoundError: raise CgbindCritical('esp_gen not available. cgbind must be ' 'installed with the --esp_gen flag') if charges is None: logger.error('Could not generate an .cube file, charges were None') return [], (None, None) coords = np.array([atom.coord for atom in atoms]) charges = np.array(charges) # Get the max and min points from the coordinates max_cart_values = np.max(coords, axis=0) min_cat_values = np.min(coords, axis=0) # The grid needs to be slightly larger than the smallest/largest Cartesian # coordinate # NOTE: All distances from here are in Bohr (a0) i.e. atomic units min_carts = Constants.ang2a0 * (min_cat_values - 5 * np.ones(3)) max_carts = Constants.ang2a0 * (max_cart_values + 5 * np.ones(3)) coords = np.array([Constants.ang2a0 * np.array(coord) for coord in coords]) # Number of voxels will be nx * ny * nz nx, ny, nz = 50, 50, 50 vox_size = max_carts - min_carts rx, ry, rz = vox_size[0] / nx, vox_size[1] / ny, vox_size[2] / nz # Write the .cube file lines cube_file_lines = ['Generated by cgbind\n', 'ESP\n'] n_atoms = len(coords) min_x, min_y, min_z = min_carts cube_file_lines.append(f'{n_atoms:>5d}{min_x:>12f}{min_y:>12f}{min_z:>12f}\n') # n_atoms origin(x y z) cube_file_lines.append(f'{nx:>5d}{rx:>12f}{0.0:>12f}{0.0:>12f}\n') # Number of voxels and their size cube_file_lines.append(f'{ny:>5d}{0.0:>12f}{ry:>12f}{0.0:>12f}\n') cube_file_lines.append(f'{nz:>5d}{0.0:>12f}{0.0:>12f}{rz:>12f}\n') for atom in atoms: x, y, z = atom.coord cube_file_lines.append(f'{get_atomic_number(atom):>5d}{0.0:>12f}' f'{Constants.ang2a0*x:>12f}{Constants.ang2a0*y:>12f}{Constants.ang2a0*z:>12f}\n') # Looping over x, y, z is slow in python so use Cython extension cube_val_lines, min_val, max_val = get_cube_lines(nx, ny, nz, coords, min_carts, charges, vox_size) cube_file_lines += cube_val_lines'ESP generated in {time()-start_time:.3f} s') return cube_file_lines, (min_val, max_val)
from pathlib import Path import pytest import git import json from conftest import TEST_DIR def test_init_with_project(tmpdir): output_path = Path(tmpdir.strpath) # Set arguments args = f"init -o {output_path} {TEST_DIR}/example_templates/python_project" from masonry import main # Run from entry point main.main(args=args) # Check files were created package_name = 'testpackage' files = [ '.git/', '.mason', '', 'README', 'requirements.txt', '', 'src/testpackage', 'src/testpackage/', 'src/testpackage/' ] for f in files: p = output_path / package_name / f assert p.exists() # Check requirements were polulated target = "requests\nlogzero\n" req_file = output_path / package_name / 'requirements.txt' result = req_file.read_text() assert result == target # Check git repo was created and commits made repo_dir = output_path / package_name r = git.Repo(repo_dir.as_posix()) log = r.git.log(pretty='oneline').split('\n') assert len(log) == 1 assert "Add 'package' template layer via stone mason." in log[0] def test_init_with_project_and_template(tmpdir, no_prompts): output_path = Path(tmpdir.strpath) # Set arguments args = f"init -o {output_path} {TEST_DIR}/example_templates/python_project/pytest" from masonry import main # Run from entry point main.main(args=args) # Check files were created package_name = 'testpackage' files = [ '.git/', '.mason', '', 'README', 'requirements.txt', '', 'src/testpackage', 'src/testpackage/', 'src/testpackage/', 'tests/' ] for f in files: p = output_path / package_name / f assert p.exists() # Check requirements were polulated target = "requests\nlogzero\npytest\npytest-cov\ncoverage\n" req_file = output_path / package_name / 'requirements.txt' result = req_file.read_text() assert result == target # Check MANIFEST was prefixed target = "graft tests\ngraft src\n" manifest_file = output_path / package_name / '' result = manifest_file.read_text() assert result == target # Check git repo was created and commits made repo_dir = output_path / package_name r = git.Repo(repo_dir.as_posix()) log = r.git.log(pretty='oneline').split('\n') assert len(log) == 2 assert "Add 'pytest' template layer via stone mason." in log[0] assert "Add 'package' template layer via stone mason." in log[1]
# coding=utf-8 from ..logger import log_debug from ..utils import parent_map, replace_node, is_prefixed_var, get_used_vars def opt_unused_variable(ast): parents = parent_map(ast) used_vars = get_used_vars(ast) for node in ast.iter(): if node.tag in ["AssignmentStatementAst"]: subnodes = list(node) if subnodes[0].tag == "VariableExpressionAst": if subnodes[0].attrib["VariablePath"].lower() not in used_vars: if not is_prefixed_var(subnodes[0].attrib["VariablePath"]): log_debug("Remove assignement of unused variable %s" % (subnodes[0].attrib["VariablePath"])) parents[node].remove(node) return True return False def opt_remove_uninitialised_variable_usage(ast): assigned = set() for node in ast.iter(): if node.tag in ["AssignmentStatementAst"]: subnodes = list(node) if subnodes[0].tag == "VariableExpressionAst": assigned.add(subnodes[0].attrib["VariablePath"].lower()) if node.tag in ["BinaryExpressionAst"]: subnodes = list(node) if subnodes[0].tag == "VariableExpressionAst": variable = subnodes[0] other = subnodes[1] elif subnodes[1].tag == "VariableExpressionAst": variable = subnodes[1] other = subnodes[0] else: variable, other = None, None if variable is not None and other is not None: if variable.attrib["VariablePath"].lower() not in assigned: if not is_prefixed_var(variable.attrib["VariablePath"]): log_debug("Remove unassigned variable use '%s'" % (variable.attrib["VariablePath"])) replace_node(ast, node, other) return True return False
from enum import Enum from functools import reduce from math import ceil from typing import Optional, Tuple from autovirt import utils from autovirt.exception import AutovirtError from autovirt.structs import UnitEquipment, RepairOffer logger = utils.get_logger() # maximum allowed equipment price PRICE_MAX = 100000 # value to add and sub from offer quality when filtering QUALITY_DELTA = 3 class QualityType(Enum): INSTALLED = "quality" REQUIRED = "quality_required" def quantity_to_repair(units: list[UnitEquipment]) -> int: """Calculate total quantity of equipment to repair on given units""" return sum([unit.wear_quantity for unit in units]) def quantity_total(units: list[UnitEquipment]) -> int: """Calculate total equipment count on given units""" return sum([unit.quantity for unit in units]) def filter_offers( offers: list[RepairOffer], quality: float, quantity: int ) -> list[RepairOffer]: # select units in range [quality-DELTA ... quality+DELTA] and having enough repair parts filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.quality > quality - QUALITY_DELTA, offers)) filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.quality < quality + QUALITY_DELTA, filtered)) filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.quantity > quantity, filtered)) filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.price < PRICE_MAX, filtered)) return filtered def expected_quality( qual_rep: float, qual_inst: float, items_total: int, items_wear: int ) -> float: return ( qual_inst * (items_total - items_wear) + qual_rep * items_wear ) / items_total def select_offer( offers: list[RepairOffer], units: list[UnitEquipment], quality: float = None ) -> RepairOffer: if not quality: quality = units[0].quality_required qnt_rep = quantity_to_repair(units) qnt_total = quantity_total(units) qual_min = utils.get_min(units, QualityType.INSTALLED.value) qual_exp = [ expected_quality(o.quality, qual_min, qnt_total, qnt_rep) for o in offers ] qual_diff = [abs(qual - quality) for qual in qual_exp] diff_norm = utils.normalize_array(qual_diff) price_norm = utils.normalize_array([o.price for o in offers]) qp_dist = [p + q for (p, q) in zip(price_norm, diff_norm)] summary: list = [ [o, price_norm[i], qual_exp[i], qual_diff[i], diff_norm[i], qp_dist[i]] for i, o in enumerate(offers) if qual_exp[i] >= quality ]"listing filtered offers for quality of {quality}:") for o in summary: f"id: {o[0].id}, quality: {o[0].quality}, price: {o[0].price}," f" quantity: {o[0].quantity}, qual_exp: {o[2]:.2f}, qp: {o[5]:.3f}" ) minimum_qp_item = reduce(lambda x, y: x if x[5] < y[5] else y, summary) return minimum_qp_item[0] def select_offer_to_raise_quality( unit: UnitEquipment, offers: list[RepairOffer], margin: float = 0 ) -> Optional[Tuple[RepairOffer, int]]: required = unit.quality_required + margin quality_coeff = unit.quantity * (required - unit.quality) offers = list(filter(lambda o: o.quality >= required, offers)) if not offers: return None offer = offers[0] count_to_replace = ceil(quality_coeff / (offer.quality - unit.quality)) price = count_to_replace * offer.price for offer_ in offers[1:]: count = ceil(quality_coeff / (offer_.quality - unit.quality)) price_ = count * offer_.price if price_ < price: offer = offer_ count_to_replace = count return offer, count_to_replace def split_by_quality( units: list[UnitEquipment], quality_type: QualityType = QualityType.REQUIRED ) -> dict[float, list[UnitEquipment]]: """Split units by quality (required or installed)""" res: dict[float, list[UnitEquipment]] = {} for unit in units: quality = getattr(unit, quality_type.value) if quality not in res.keys(): res[quality] = [] res[quality].append(unit) return res def split_mismatch_quality_units( units: list[UnitEquipment], ) -> tuple[list[UnitEquipment], list[UnitEquipment]]: """Split units into 'normal' and 'mismatch' groups. Mismatched unit have installed equipment of lower quality then required. We need to treat them in different manner then normal while repairing. """ normal = [] mismatch = [] for unit in units: if unit.quality < unit.quality_required: mismatch.append(unit) else: normal.append(unit) return normal, mismatch
import numpy as np from imread import imread from . import file_path def test_read(): im = imread(file_path('star1.bmp')) assert np.any(im) assert im.shape == (128, 128, 3) def test_indexed(): im = imread(file_path('py-installer-indexed.bmp')) assert np.any(im) assert im.shape == (352, 162, 3) assert np.any(im[:,:,0]) assert np.any(im[:,:,1]) assert np.any(im[:,:,2])
from datetime import timedelta from django.utils.timezone import now from preferences import preferences from rest_framework import fields, serializers from bikesharing.models import Bike, Station, VehicleType from cykel.serializers import EnumFieldSerializer class TimestampSerializer(fields.CharField): def to_representation(self, value): return value.timestamp() class GbfsFreeBikeStatusSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): bike_id = serializers.CharField(source="non_static_bike_uuid", read_only=True) vehicle_type_id = serializers.CharField(read_only=True) last_reported = TimestampSerializer(read_only=True) class Meta: model = Bike fields = ( "bike_id", "vehicle_type_id", "current_range_meters", "last_reported", ) def to_representation(self, instance): representation = super().to_representation(instance) # defined by GBFS 2.1: Only if the vehicle has a motor the field is required if ( instance.vehicle_type is not None and instance.vehicle_type.propulsion_type == VehicleType.PropulsionType.HUMAN ): representation.pop("current_range_meters") # Default to False TODO: maybe configuration later representation["is_reserved"] = False # Default to False TODO: maybe configuration later representation["is_disabled"] = False public_geolocation = instance.public_geolocation() if public_geolocation is not None: pos = public_geolocation.geo if pos and pos.x and pos.y: representation["lat"] = pos.y representation["lon"] = pos.x return representation # only return bikes with public geolocation class GbfsVehicleOnStationSerializer(GbfsFreeBikeStatusSerializer): def to_representation(self, instance): representation = super().to_representation(instance) if representation is None: return None representation.pop("lat") representation.pop("lon") return representation class GbfsStationInformationSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): name = serializers.CharField(source="station_name", read_only=True) capacity = serializers.IntegerField(source="max_bikes", read_only=True) station_id = serializers.CharField(source="id", read_only=True) class Meta: model = Station fields = ( "name", "capacity", "station_id", ) def to_representation(self, instance): representation = super().to_representation(instance) if ( instance.location is not None and instance.location.x and instance.location.y ): representation["lat"] = instance.location.y representation["lon"] = instance.location.x return representation class GbfsStationStatusSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): station_id = serializers.CharField(source="id", read_only=True) vehicles = serializers.SerializerMethodField() def get_vehicles(self, obj): # if configured filter vehicles, where time report # is older than configure allowed silent timeperiod bsp = preferences.BikeSharePreferences if bsp.gbfs_hide_bikes_after_location_report_silence: available_bikes = obj.bike_set.filter( availability_status=Bike.Availability.AVAILABLE, last_reported__gte=now() - timedelta(hours=bsp.gbfs_hide_bikes_after_location_report_hours), ) else: available_bikes = obj.bike_set.filter( availability_status=Bike.Availability.AVAILABLE ) vehicles = GbfsVehicleOnStationSerializer(available_bikes, many=True).data return list(filter(lambda val: val is not None, vehicles)) class Meta: model = Station fields = ( "station_id", "vehicles", ) def to_representation(self, instance): representation = super().to_representation(instance) representation["num_bikes_available"] = len(representation["vehicles"]) representation["num_docks_available"] = ( instance.max_bikes - representation["num_bikes_available"] ) if representation["num_bikes_available"] > 0: representation["last_reported"] = max( ( vehicle["last_reported"] if vehicle["last_reported"] is not None else 0 ) for vehicle in representation["vehicles"] ) else: # if no bike is at the station, last_report is the current time # not sure if this is the intended behavior of the field # or it should be the timestamp of the last bike removed # but it is not so easy to implement representation["last_reported"] = int(now().timestamp()) def drop_last_reported(obj): obj.pop("last_reported") return obj representation["vehicles"] = list( map(drop_last_reported, representation["vehicles"]) ) status = (instance.status == Station.Status.ACTIVE) or False representation["is_installed"] = status representation["is_renting"] = status representation["is_returning"] = status return representation class GbfsVehicleTypeSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): vehicle_type_id = serializers.CharField(source="id", read_only=True) form_factor = EnumFieldSerializer( read_only=True, mapping={ VehicleType.FormFactor.BIKE: "bicycle", VehicleType.FormFactor.ESCOOTER: "scooter", VehicleType.FormFactor.CAR: "car", VehicleType.FormFactor.MOPED: "moped", VehicleType.FormFactor.OTHER: "other", }, ) propulsion_type = EnumFieldSerializer( read_only=True, mapping={ VehicleType.PropulsionType.HUMAN: "human", VehicleType.PropulsionType.ELECTRIC_ASSIST: "electric_assist", VehicleType.PropulsionType.ELECTRIC: "electric", VehicleType.PropulsionType.COMBUSTION: "combustion", }, ) def to_representation(self, instance): data = super(GbfsVehicleTypeSerializer, self).to_representation(instance) # defined by GBFS 2.1: Only if the vehicle has a motor the field is required if instance.propulsion_type == VehicleType.PropulsionType.HUMAN: data.pop("max_range_meters") return data class Meta: model = VehicleType fields = ( "vehicle_type_id", "form_factor", "propulsion_type", "max_range_meters", "name", )
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #(C) 2018 <NAME> # This file is part of Open-Tamil project # You may use or distribute this file under terms of MIT license import codecs import json import tamil import sys import os #e.g. python கலைஞர் CURRDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def encode(text): with,"data","madurai_tamilmorse.json"),"r","utf-8") as fp: codebook = json.loads( output = [codebook.get(l,l) for l in tamil.utf8.get_letters(text)] return u" ".join(output) if __name__ == u"__main__": encode(u" ".join([i.decode("utf-8") for i in sys.argv[1:]]))
""" Django settings. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 2.2.4. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ #DEBUG = False DEBUG = True SERVE_STATIC = DEBUG ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { #'ENGINE': '' #'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', #'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'mydatabase', 'USER': 'mydatabaseuser', 'PASSWORD': '<PASSWORD>', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '5432', } }
import torch import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.models as models from model.laplacian import LapLoss device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class EPE(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(EPE, self).__init__() def forward(self, flow, gt, loss_mask): loss_map = (flow - gt.detach()) ** 2 loss_map = (loss_map.sum(1, True) + 1e-6) ** 0.5 return (loss_map * loss_mask) class Ternary(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Ternary, self).__init__() patch_size = 7 out_channels = patch_size * patch_size self.w = np.eye(out_channels).reshape( (patch_size, patch_size, 1, out_channels)) self.w = np.transpose(self.w, (3, 2, 0, 1)) self.w = torch.tensor(self.w).float().to(device) def transform(self, img): patches = F.conv2d(img, self.w, padding=3, bias=None) transf = patches - img transf_norm = transf / torch.sqrt(0.81 + transf**2) return transf_norm def rgb2gray(self, rgb): r, g, b = rgb[:, 0:1, :, :], rgb[:, 1:2, :, :], rgb[:, 2:3, :, :] gray = 0.2989 * r + 0.5870 * g + 0.1140 * b return gray def hamming(self, t1, t2): dist = (t1 - t2) ** 2 dist_norm = torch.mean(dist / (0.1 + dist), 1, True) return dist_norm def valid_mask(self, t, padding): n, _, h, w = t.size() inner = torch.ones(n, 1, h - 2 * padding, w - 2 * padding).type_as(t) mask = F.pad(inner, [padding] * 4) return mask def forward(self, img0, img1): img0 = self.transform(self.rgb2gray(img0)) img1 = self.transform(self.rgb2gray(img1)) return self.hamming(img0, img1) * self.valid_mask(img0, 1) class SOBEL(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(SOBEL, self).__init__() self.kernelX = torch.tensor([ [1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1], ]).float() self.kernelY = self.kernelX.clone().T self.kernelX = self.kernelX.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).to(device) self.kernelY = self.kernelY.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).to(device) def forward(self, pred, gt): N, C, H, W = pred.shape[0], pred.shape[1], pred.shape[2], pred.shape[3] img_stack = [pred.reshape(N*C, 1, H, W), gt.reshape(N*C, 1, H, W)], 0) sobel_stack_x = F.conv2d(img_stack, self.kernelX, padding=1) sobel_stack_y = F.conv2d(img_stack, self.kernelY, padding=1) pred_X, gt_X = sobel_stack_x[:N*C], sobel_stack_x[N*C:] pred_Y, gt_Y = sobel_stack_y[:N*C], sobel_stack_y[N*C:] L1X, L1Y = torch.abs(pred_X-gt_X), torch.abs(pred_Y-gt_Y) loss = (L1X+L1Y) return loss class MeanShift(nn.Conv2d): def __init__(self, data_mean, data_std, data_range=1, norm=True): c = len(data_mean) super(MeanShift, self).__init__(c, c, kernel_size=1) std = torch.Tensor(data_std) = torch.eye(c).view(c, c, 1, 1) if norm:, 1, 1, 1)) = -1 * data_range * torch.Tensor(data_mean) else:, 1, 1, 1)) = data_range * torch.Tensor(data_mean) self.requires_grad = False class VGGPerceptualLoss(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, rank=0): super(VGGPerceptualLoss, self).__init__() blocks = [] pretrained = True self.vgg_pretrained_features = models.vgg19(pretrained=pretrained).features self.normalize = MeanShift([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], norm=True).cuda() for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, X, Y, indices=None): X = self.normalize(X) Y = self.normalize(Y) indices = [2, 7, 12, 21, 30] weights = [1.0/2.6, 1.0/4.8, 1.0/3.7, 1.0/5.6, 10/1.5] k = 0 loss = 0 for i in range(indices[-1]): X = self.vgg_pretrained_features[i](X) Y = self.vgg_pretrained_features[i](Y) if (i+1) in indices: loss += weights[k] * (X - Y.detach()).abs().mean() * 0.1 k += 1 return loss # flow could have any channels. # def flow_smooth_delta(flow, if_second_order=False): def gradient(x): D_dx = x[:, :, :, 1:] - x[:, :, :, :-1] D_dy = x[:, :, 1:] - x[:, :, :-1] return D_dx, D_dy dx, dy = gradient(flow) # dx2, dxdy = gradient(dx) # dydx, dy2 = gradient(dy) if if_second_order: dx2, dxdy = gradient(dx) dydx, dy2 = gradient(dy) smooth_loss = dx.abs().mean() + dy.abs().mean() + dx2.abs().mean() + dxdy.abs().mean() + dydx.abs().mean() + dy2.abs().mean() else: smooth_loss = dx.abs().mean() + dy.abs().mean() # smooth_loss = dx.abs().mean() + dy.abs().mean() # + dx2.abs().mean() + dxdy.abs().mean() + dydx.abs().mean() + dy2.abs().mean() # 暂时不上二阶的平滑损失,似乎加上以后就太猛了,无法降低photo loss TODO return smooth_loss # flow should have 4 channels. # # weight_type='exp' seems to perform better than 'gauss'. def edge_aware_smoothness_order1(img0, img1, flow, constant=1.0, weight_type='exp', error_type='L1'): def weight_fn(x): if weight_type == 'gauss': y = x ** 2 elif weight_type == 'exp': y = torch.abs(x) else: raise ValueError('') return y def gradient_xy(img): gx = img[:, :, :, :-1] - img[:, :, :, 1:] gy = img[:, :, :-1, :] - img[:, :, 1:, :] return gx, gy def gradweight_xy(img0, img1): img0_gx, img0_gy = gradient_xy(img0) img1_gx, img1_gy = gradient_xy(img1) img0_wx = torch.exp(-torch.mean(weight_fn(constant * img0_gx), 1, keepdim=True)) img0_wy = torch.exp(-torch.mean(weight_fn(constant * img0_gy), 1, keepdim=True)) img1_wx = torch.exp(-torch.mean(weight_fn(constant * img1_gx), 1, keepdim=True)) img1_wy = torch.exp(-torch.mean(weight_fn(constant * img1_gy), 1, keepdim=True)) # First two flow channels: 1->0 flow. So use img1 weights. # Second two flow channels: 0->1 flow. So use img0 weights. # weights_x and weights_y are for x and y's spatial gradients, respectively. weights_x =[img1_wx, img1_wx, img0_wx, img0_wx], dim=1) weights_y =[img1_wy, img0_wy, img0_wy, img1_wy], dim=1) return weights_x, weights_y def error_fn(x): if error_type == 'L1': y = torch.abs(x) elif error_type == 'abs_robust': y = (torch.abs(x) + 0.01).pow(0.4) else: raise ValueError('') return y # The flow gradients along x, y axes, respectively. # flow_gx, flow_gy have the same number of channels as flow. # No matter the flow is x- or y-flow, it should be smooth along both x and y axes. # I.e., a y-flow should also be smooth along x-axis, and x-flow should also be smooth along y-axis. flow_gx, flow_gy = gradient_xy(flow) # weights_x, weights_y both have 4 channels, same as flow_gx and flow_gy (if the input flow has 4 channels). weights_x, weights_y = gradweight_xy(img0, img1) smoothness_x = error_fn(flow_gx) * weights_x smoothness_y = error_fn(flow_gy) * weights_y return torch.mean(smoothness_x) + torch.mean(smoothness_y) # Dual teaching helps slightly. def dual_teaching_loss(mid_gt, img_stu, flow_stu, img_tea, flow_tea): loss_distill = 0 # Ws[0]: weight of teacher -> student. # Ws[1]: weight of student -> teacher. # Two directions could take different weights. # Set Ws[1] to 0 to disable student -> teacher. Ws = [1, 0.5] use_lap_loss = False # Laplacian loss performs better in earlier epochs, but worse in later epochs. # Moreover, Laplacian loss is significantly slower. if use_lap_loss: loss_fun = LapLoss(max_levels=3, reduction='none') else: loss_fun = nn.L1Loss(reduction='none') for i in range(2): student_error = loss_fun(img_stu, mid_gt).mean(1, True) teacher_error = loss_fun(img_tea, mid_gt).mean(1, True) # distill_mask indicates where the warped images according to student's prediction # is worse than that of the teacher. # If at some points, the warped image of the teacher is better than the student, # then regard the flow at these points are more accurate, and use them to teach the student. distill_mask = (student_error > teacher_error + 0.01).float().detach() # loss_distill is the sum of the distillation losses at 2 directions. loss_distill += Ws[i] * ((flow_tea.detach() - flow_stu).abs() * distill_mask).mean() # Swap student and teacher, and calculate the distillation loss again. img_stu, flow_stu, img_tea, flow_tea = \ img_tea, flow_tea, img_stu, flow_stu # The distillation loss from the student to the teacher is given a smaller weight. # loss_distill = loss_distill / 2 return loss_distill if __name__ == '__main__': img0 = torch.zeros(3, 3, 256, 256).float().to(device) img1 = torch.tensor(np.random.normal( 0, 1, (3, 3, 256, 256))).float().to(device) ternary_loss = Ternary() print(ternary_loss(img0, img1).shape)