import unittest import settings from healthvaultlib.helpers.connection import Connection class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.connection = self.get_connection() def get_connection(self): conn = Connection(settings.HV_APPID, settings.HV_SERVICE_SERVER) conn.thumbprint = settings.APP_THUMBPRINT conn.publickey = settings.APP_PUBLIC_KEY conn.privatekey = settings.APP_PRIVATE_KEY conn.connect() conn.set_person_and_record(settings.OFFLINE_PERSON_ID, settings.OFFLINE_RECORD_ID) return conn
from alerta.models.alert import Alert from alerta.webhooks import WebhookBase class SentryWebhook(WebhookBase): def incoming(self, query_string, payload): # For Sentry v9 # Defaults to value before Sentry v9 if 'request' in payload.get('event'): key = 'request' else: key = 'sentry.interfaces.Http' if payload.get('event')[key]['env'].get('ENV', 'prod') == 'prod': environment = 'Production' else: environment = 'Development' if payload['level'] == 'error': severity = 'critical' else: severity = 'ok' return Alert( resource=payload['culprit'], event=payload['event']['event_id'], environment=environment, severity=severity, service=[payload['project']], group='Application', value=payload['level'], text='{}\n{}\n{}'.format(payload['message'], payload['event'].get('title', ''), payload['url']), tags=['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in payload['event']['tags']], attributes={'modules': ['{}=={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in payload['event']['modules'].items()]}, origin='', raw_data=str(payload) )
""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from import YOLOv4 as yolo_main import numpy as np import cv2 labels = {0: 'person', 1: 'bicycle', 2: 'car', 3: 'motorcycle', 4: 'airplane', 5: 'bus', 6: 'train', 7: 'truck', 8: 'boat', 9: 'traffic light', 10: 'fire hydrant', 11: 'stop sign', 12: 'parking meter', 13: 'bench', 14: 'bird', 15: 'cat', 16: 'dog', 17: 'horse', 18: 'sheep', 19: 'cow', 20: 'elephant', 21: 'bear', 22: 'zebra', 23: 'giraffe', 24: 'backpack', 25: 'umbrella', 26: 'handbag', 27: 'tie', 28: 'suitcase', 29: 'frisbee', 30: 'skis', 31: 'snowboard', 32: 'sports ball', 33: 'kite', 34: 'baseball bat', 35: 'baseball glove', 36: 'skateboard', 37: 'surfboard', 38: 'tennis racket', 39: 'bottle', 40: 'wine glass', 41: 'cup', 42: 'fork', 43: 'knife', 44: 'spoon', 45: 'bowl', 46: 'banana', 47: 'apple', 48: 'sandwich', 49: 'orange', 50: 'broccoli', 51: 'carrot', 52: 'hot dog', 53: 'pizza', 54: 'donut', 55: 'cake', 56: 'chair', 57: 'couch', 58: 'potted plant', 59: 'bed', 60: 'dining table', 61: 'toilet', 62: 'tv', 63: 'laptop', 64: 'mouse', 65: 'remote', 66: 'keyboard', 67: 'cell phone', 68: 'microwave', 69: 'oven', 70: 'toaster', 71: 'sink', 72: 'refrigerator', 73: 'book', 74: 'clock', 75: 'vase', 76: 'scissors', 77: 'teddy bear', 78: 'hair drier', 79: 'toothbrush'} class YOLOv4: def __init__(self): self.weights_path = "" self.model = None self.yolo_classes = "" self.iou = 0 self.score = 0 self.input_shape = 0 self.output_path = "" def load_model(self, weights_path:str = None, classes_path:str = None, input_shape:int = 608): if (weights_path is None) or (classes_path is None): raise RuntimeError ('weights_path AND classes_path should not be None.') self.yolo_classes = classes_path self.weights_path = weights_path self.input_shape = input_shape self.model = yolo_main(shape = self.input_shape) self.model.classes = self.yolo_classes self.model.make_model() self.model.load_weights(self.weights_path, weights_type = 'yolo') def predict(self, img:np.ndarray, output_path:str, iou = 0.45, score = 0.25, custom_objects:dict = None, debug=True): self.output_path = output_path self.iou = iou self.score = score #img = np.array([..., ::-1] pred_bboxes = self.model.predict(img, iou_threshold = self.iou, score_threshold = self.score) boxes = [] if (custom_objects != None): for i in range(len(pred_bboxes)): check_name = labels[pred_bboxes[i][4]] check = custom_objects.get(check_name, 'invalid') if check == 'invalid': continue elif check == 'valid': boxes.append(list(pred_bboxes[i])) boxes = np.array(boxes) res = self.model.draw_bboxes(img, boxes) if debug: cv2.imwrite(self.output_path, res) else: res = self.model.draw_bboxes(img, pred_bboxes) if debug: cv2.imwrite(self.output_path, res) return res class TinyYOLOv4: def __init__(self): self.weights_path = "" self.model = None self.yolo_classes = "" self.iou = 0 self.score = 0 self.input_shape = 0 self.output_path = "" def load_model(self, weights_path:str = None, classes_path:str = None, input_shape:int = 0): if (weights_path is None) or (classes_path is None): raise RuntimeError ('weights_path AND classes_path should not be None.') self.yolo_classes = classes_path self.weights_path = weights_path self.input_shape = input_shape self.model = yolo_main(tiny = True, shape = self.input_shape) self.model.classes = self.yolo_classes self.model.make_model() self.model.load_weights(self.weights_path, weights_type = 'yolo') def predict(self, img:np.ndarray, output_path:str, iou = 0.4, score = 0.07, custom_objects:dict = None, debug=True): self.output_path = output_path self.iou = iou self.score = score #img = np.array([..., ::-1] pred_bboxes = self.model.predict(img, iou_threshold = self.iou, score_threshold = self.score) boxes = [] if (custom_objects != None): for i in range(len(pred_bboxes)): check_name = labels[pred_bboxes[i][4]] check = custom_objects.get(check_name, 'invalid') if check == 'invalid': continue elif check == 'valid': boxes.append(list(pred_bboxes[i])) boxes = np.array(boxes) res = self.model.draw_bboxes(img, boxes) if debug: cv2.imwrite(self.output_path, res) else: res = self.model.draw_bboxes(img, pred_bboxes) if debug: cv2.imwrite(self.output_path, res) return res
import mitsuba import pytest import enoki as ek from enoki.dynamic import Float32 as Float from mitsuba.python.test.util import fresolver_append_path from mitsuba.python.util import traverse def test01_create_mesh(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core import Struct, float_dtype from mitsuba.render import Mesh m = Mesh("MyMesh", 3, 2) m.vertex_positions_buffer()[:] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0] m.faces_buffer()[:] = [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0] m.parameters_changed() assert str(m) == """Mesh[ name = "MyMesh", bbox = BoundingBox3f[ min = [0, 0, 0], max = [1, 1, 0] ], vertex_count = 3, vertices = [36 B of vertex data], face_count = 2, faces = [24 B of face data], disable_vertex_normals = 0, surface_area = 0.96 ]""" @fresolver_append_path def test02_ply_triangle(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core import UInt32, Vector3f from mitsuba.core.xml import load_string m = load_string(""" <shape type="ply" version="0.5.0"> <string name="filename" value="data/triangle.ply"/> <boolean name="face_normals" value="true"/> </shape> """) positions = m.vertex_positions_buffer() faces = m.faces_buffer() assert not m.has_vertex_normals() assert ek.slices(positions) == 9 assert ek.allclose(positions[0:3], [0, 0, 0]) assert ek.allclose(positions[3:6], [0, 0, 1]) assert ek.allclose(positions[6:9], [0, 1, 0]) assert ek.slices(faces) == 3 assert faces[0] == UInt32(0) assert faces[1] == UInt32(1) assert faces[2] == UInt32(2) @fresolver_append_path def test03_ply_computed_normals(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core import Vector3f from mitsuba.core.xml import load_string """Checks(automatic) vertex normal computation for a PLY file that doesn't have them.""" shape = load_string(""" <shape type="ply" version="0.5.0"> <string name="filename" value="data/triangle.ply"/> </shape> """) normals = shape.vertex_normals_buffer() assert shape.has_vertex_normals() # Normals are stored in half precision assert ek.allclose(normals[0:3], [-1, 0, 0]) assert ek.allclose(normals[3:6], [-1, 0, 0]) assert ek.allclose(normals[6:9], [-1, 0, 0]) def test04_normal_weighting_scheme(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core import Struct, float_dtype, Vector3f from mitsuba.render import Mesh import numpy as np """Tests the weighting scheme that is used to compute surface normals.""" m = Mesh("MyMesh", 5, 2, has_vertex_normals=True) vertices = m.vertex_positions_buffer() normals = m.vertex_normals_buffer() a, b = 1.0, 0.5 vertices[:] = [0, 0, 0, -a, 1, 0, a, 1, 0, -b, 0, 1, b, 0, 1] n0 = Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) n1 = Vector3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) angle_0 = ek.pi / 2.0 angle_1 = ek.acos(3.0 / 5.0) n2 = n0 * angle_0 + n1 * angle_1 n2 /= ek.norm(n2) n = np.vstack([n2, n0, n0, n1, n1]).transpose() m.faces_buffer()[:] = [0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4] m.recompute_vertex_normals() for i in range(5): assert ek.allclose(normals[i*3:(i+1)*3], n[:, i], 5e-4) @fresolver_append_path def test05_load_simple_mesh(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core.xml import load_string """Tests the OBJ and PLY loaders on a simple example.""" for mesh_format in ["obj", "ply"]: shape = load_string(""" <shape type="{0}" version="2.0.0"> <string name="filename" value="resources/data/tests/{0}/cbox_smallbox.{0}"/> </shape> """.format(mesh_format)) positions = shape.vertex_positions_buffer() faces = shape.faces_buffer() assert shape.has_vertex_normals() assert ek.slices(positions) == 72 assert ek.slices(faces) == 36 assert ek.allclose(faces[6:9], [4, 5, 6]) assert ek.allclose(positions[:5], [130, 165, 65, 82, 165]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mesh_format', ['obj', 'ply', 'serialized']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('features', ['normals', 'uv', 'normals_uv']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('face_normals', [True, False]) def test06_load_various_features(variant_scalar_rgb, mesh_format, features, face_normals): """Tests the OBJ & PLY loaders with combinations of vertex / face normals, presence and absence of UVs, etc. """ from mitsuba.core.xml import load_string def test(): shape = load_string(""" <shape type="{0}" version="2.0.0"> <string name="filename" value="resources/data/tests/{0}/rectangle_{1}.{0}" /> <boolean name="face_normals" value="{2}" /> </shape> """.format(mesh_format, features, str(face_normals).lower())) assert shape.has_vertex_normals() == (not face_normals) positions = shape.vertex_positions_buffer() normals = shape.vertex_normals_buffer() texcoords = shape.vertex_texcoords_buffer() faces = shape.faces_buffer() (v0, v2, v3) = [positions[i*3:(i+1)*3] for i in [0, 2, 3]] assert ek.allclose(v0, [-2.85, 0.0, -7.600000], atol=1e-3) assert ek.allclose(v2, [ 2.85, 0.0, 0.599999], atol=1e-3) assert ek.allclose(v3, [ 2.85, 0.0, -7.600000], atol=1e-3) if 'uv' in features: assert shape.has_vertex_texcoords() (uv0, uv2, uv3) = [texcoords[i*2:(i+1)*2] for i in [0, 2, 3]] # For OBJs (and .serialized generated from OBJ), UV.y is flipped. if mesh_format in ['obj', 'serialized']: assert ek.allclose(uv0, [0.950589, 1-0.988416], atol=1e-3) assert ek.allclose(uv2, [0.025105, 1-0.689127], atol=1e-3) assert ek.allclose(uv3, [0.950589, 1-0.689127], atol=1e-3) else: assert ek.allclose(uv0, [0.950589, 0.988416], atol=1e-3) assert ek.allclose(uv2, [0.025105, 0.689127], atol=1e-3) assert ek.allclose(uv3, [0.950589, 0.689127], atol=1e-3) if shape.has_vertex_normals(): for n in [normals[i*3:(i+1)*3] for i in [0, 2, 3]]: assert ek.allclose(n, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) return fresolver_append_path(test)() @fresolver_append_path def test07_ply_stored_attribute(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core import Vector3f from mitsuba.core.xml import load_string m = load_string(""" <shape type="ply" version="0.5.0"> <string name="filename" value="data/triangle_face_colors.ply"/> </shape> """) assert str(m) == """PLYMesh[ name = "triangle_face_colors.ply", bbox = BoundingBox3f[ min = [0, 0, 0], max = [0, 1, 1] ], vertex_count = 3, vertices = [72 B of vertex data], face_count = 1, faces = [24 B of face data], disable_vertex_normals = 0, surface_area = 0, mesh attributes = [ face_color: 3 floats ] ]""" def test08_mesh_add_attribute(variant_scalar_rgb): from mitsuba.core import Struct, float_dtype from mitsuba.render import Mesh m = Mesh("MyMesh", 3, 2) m.vertex_positions_buffer()[:] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0] m.faces_buffer()[:] = [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0] m.parameters_changed() m.add_attribute("vertex_color", 3)[:] = [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0] assert str(m) == """Mesh[ name = "MyMesh", bbox = BoundingBox3f[ min = [0, 0, 0], max = [1, 1, 0] ], vertex_count = 3, vertices = [72 B of vertex data], face_count = 2, faces = [24 B of face data], disable_vertex_normals = 0, surface_area = 0.96, mesh attributes = [ vertex_color: 3 floats ] ]"""
from math import sqrt def is_simple(n: int) -> bool: if n % 2 == 0 and n != 2: return False for i in range (3, int(sqrt(n)) + 2, 2): if n % i == 0 and n != i: return False return True def next_prime(n: int) -> int: n += 1 if n <= 2: return 2 else: if n % 2 == 0: n += 1 while not is_simple(n): n += 2 return n
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Time : 2021/10/9 17:51 @Auth : 潇湘 @File @IDE :PyCharm @QQ : 810400085 """
import asyncio import json import datetime from aiohttp import ClientSession from channels.generic.http import AsyncHttpConsumer from .constants import BLOGS class NewsCollectorAsyncConsumer(AsyncHttpConsumer): """ Async HTTP consumer that fetches URLs. """ async def handle(self, body): # Adapted from: # "Making 1 million requests with python-aiohttp" # async def fetch(url, session): async with session.get(url) as response: return await tasks = [] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # aiohttp allows a ClientSession object to link all requests together t0 = async with ClientSession() as session: for name, url in BLOGS.items(): print('Start downloading "%s"' % name) # Launch a coroutine for each URL fetch task = loop.create_task(fetch(url, session)) tasks.append(task) # Wait on, and then gather, all responses responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) dt = ( - t0).total_seconds() print('All downloads completed; elapsed time: {} [s]'.format(dt)) # asyncio.gather returns results in the order of the original sequence, # so we can safely zip these together. data = dict(zip(BLOGS.keys(), [r.decode('utf-8') for r in responses])) text = json.dumps(data) # We have to send a response using send_response rather than returning # it in Channels' async HTTP consumer await self.send_response(200, text.encode(), headers=[ ("Content-Type", "application/json"), ] )
import torch class RankSort(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, logits, targets, delta_RS=0.50, eps=1e-10): classification_grads=torch.zeros(logits.shape).cuda() #Filter fg logits fg_labels = (targets > 0.) fg_logits = logits[fg_labels] fg_targets = targets[fg_labels] fg_num = len(fg_logits) #Do not use bg with scores less than minimum fg logit #since changing its score does not have an effect on precision threshold_logit = torch.min(fg_logits)-delta_RS relevant_bg_labels=((targets==0) & (logits>=threshold_logit)) relevant_bg_logits = logits[relevant_bg_labels] relevant_bg_grad=torch.zeros(len(relevant_bg_logits)).cuda() sorting_error=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() ranking_error=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() fg_grad=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() #sort the fg logits order=torch.argsort(fg_logits) #Loops over each positive following the order for ii in order: # Difference Transforms (x_ij) fg_relations=fg_logits-fg_logits[ii] bg_relations=relevant_bg_logits-fg_logits[ii] if delta_RS > 0: fg_relations=torch.clamp(fg_relations/(2*delta_RS)+0.5,min=0,max=1) bg_relations=torch.clamp(bg_relations/(2*delta_RS)+0.5,min=0,max=1) else: fg_relations = (fg_relations >= 0).float() bg_relations = (bg_relations >= 0).float() # Rank of ii among pos and false positive number (bg with larger scores) rank_pos=torch.sum(fg_relations) FP_num=torch.sum(bg_relations) # Rank of ii among all examples rank=rank_pos+FP_num # Ranking error of example ii. target_ranking_error is always 0. (Eq. 7) ranking_error[ii]=FP_num/rank # Current sorting error of example ii. (Eq. 7) current_sorting_error = torch.sum(fg_relations*(1-fg_targets))/rank_pos #Find examples in the target sorted order for example ii iou_relations = (fg_targets >= fg_targets[ii]) target_sorted_order = iou_relations * fg_relations #The rank of ii among positives in sorted order rank_pos_target = torch.sum(target_sorted_order) #Compute target sorting error. (Eq. 8) #Since target ranking error is 0, this is also total target error target_sorting_error= torch.sum(target_sorted_order*(1-fg_targets))/rank_pos_target #Compute sorting error on example ii sorting_error[ii] = current_sorting_error - target_sorting_error #Identity Update for Ranking Error if FP_num > eps: #For ii the update is the ranking error fg_grad[ii] -= ranking_error[ii] #For negatives, distribute error via ranking pmf (i.e. bg_relations/FP_num) relevant_bg_grad += (bg_relations*(ranking_error[ii]/FP_num)) #Find the positives that are misranked (the cause of the error) #These are the ones with smaller IoU but larger logits missorted_examples = (~ iou_relations) * fg_relations #Denominotor of sorting pmf sorting_pmf_denom = torch.sum(missorted_examples) #Identity Update for Sorting Error if sorting_pmf_denom > eps: #For ii the update is the sorting error fg_grad[ii] -= sorting_error[ii] #For positives, distribute error via sorting pmf (i.e. missorted_examples/sorting_pmf_denom) fg_grad += (missorted_examples*(sorting_error[ii]/sorting_pmf_denom)) #Normalize gradients by number of positives classification_grads[fg_labels]= (fg_grad/fg_num) classification_grads[relevant_bg_labels]= (relevant_bg_grad/fg_num) ctx.save_for_backward(classification_grads) return ranking_error.mean(), sorting_error.mean() @staticmethod def backward(ctx, out_grad1, out_grad2): g1, =ctx.saved_tensors return g1*out_grad1, None, None, None class aLRPLoss(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, logits, targets, regression_losses, delta=1., eps=1e-5): classification_grads=torch.zeros(logits.shape).cuda() #Filter fg logits fg_labels = (targets == 1) fg_logits = logits[fg_labels] fg_num = len(fg_logits) #Do not use bg with scores less than minimum fg logit #since changing its score does not have an effect on precision threshold_logit = torch.min(fg_logits)-delta #Get valid bg logits relevant_bg_labels=((targets==0)&(logits>=threshold_logit)) relevant_bg_logits=logits[relevant_bg_labels] relevant_bg_grad=torch.zeros(len(relevant_bg_logits)).cuda() rank=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() prec=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() fg_grad=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() max_prec=0 #sort the fg logits order=torch.argsort(fg_logits) #Loops over each positive following the order for ii in order: #x_ij s as score differences with fgs fg_relations=fg_logits-fg_logits[ii] #Apply piecewise linear function and determine relations with fgs fg_relations=torch.clamp(fg_relations/(2*delta)+0.5,min=0,max=1) #Discard i=j in the summation in rank_pos fg_relations[ii]=0 #x_ij s as score differences with bgs bg_relations=relevant_bg_logits-fg_logits[ii] #Apply piecewise linear function and determine relations with bgs bg_relations=torch.clamp(bg_relations/(2*delta)+0.5,min=0,max=1) #Compute the rank of the example within fgs and number of bgs with larger scores rank_pos=1+torch.sum(fg_relations) FP_num=torch.sum(bg_relations) #Store the total since it is normalizer also for aLRP Regression error rank[ii]=rank_pos+FP_num #Compute precision for this example to compute classification loss prec[ii]=rank_pos/rank[ii] #For stability, set eps to a infinitesmall value (e.g. 1e-6), then compute grads if FP_num > eps: fg_grad[ii] = -(torch.sum(fg_relations*regression_losses)+FP_num)/rank[ii] relevant_bg_grad += (bg_relations*(-fg_grad[ii]/FP_num)) #aLRP with grad formulation fg gradient classification_grads[fg_labels]= fg_grad #aLRP with grad formulation bg gradient classification_grads[relevant_bg_labels]= relevant_bg_grad classification_grads /= (fg_num) cls_loss=1-prec.mean() ctx.save_for_backward(classification_grads) return cls_loss, rank, order @staticmethod def backward(ctx, out_grad1, out_grad2, out_grad3): g1, =ctx.saved_tensors return g1*out_grad1, None, None, None, None class APLoss(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, logits, targets, delta=1.): classification_grads=torch.zeros(logits.shape).cuda() #Filter fg logits fg_labels = (targets == 1) fg_logits = logits[fg_labels] fg_num = len(fg_logits) #Do not use bg with scores less than minimum fg logit #since changing its score does not have an effect on precision threshold_logit = torch.min(fg_logits)-delta #Get valid bg logits relevant_bg_labels=((targets==0)&(logits>=threshold_logit)) relevant_bg_logits=logits[relevant_bg_labels] relevant_bg_grad=torch.zeros(len(relevant_bg_logits)).cuda() rank=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() prec=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() fg_grad=torch.zeros(fg_num).cuda() max_prec=0 #sort the fg logits order=torch.argsort(fg_logits) #Loops over each positive following the order for ii in order: #x_ij s as score differences with fgs fg_relations=fg_logits-fg_logits[ii] #Apply piecewise linear function and determine relations with fgs fg_relations=torch.clamp(fg_relations/(2*delta)+0.5,min=0,max=1) #Discard i=j in the summation in rank_pos fg_relations[ii]=0 #x_ij s as score differences with bgs bg_relations=relevant_bg_logits-fg_logits[ii] #Apply piecewise linear function and determine relations with bgs bg_relations=torch.clamp(bg_relations/(2*delta)+0.5,min=0,max=1) #Compute the rank of the example within fgs and number of bgs with larger scores rank_pos=1+torch.sum(fg_relations) FP_num=torch.sum(bg_relations) #Store the total since it is normalizer also for aLRP Regression error rank[ii]=rank_pos+FP_num #Compute precision for this example current_prec=rank_pos/rank[ii] #Compute interpolated AP and store gradients for relevant bg examples if (max_prec<=current_prec): max_prec=current_prec relevant_bg_grad += (bg_relations/rank[ii]) else: relevant_bg_grad += (bg_relations/rank[ii])*(((1-max_prec)/(1-current_prec))) #Store fg gradients fg_grad[ii]=-(1-max_prec) prec[ii]=max_prec #aLRP with grad formulation fg gradient classification_grads[fg_labels]= fg_grad #aLRP with grad formulation bg gradient classification_grads[relevant_bg_labels]= relevant_bg_grad classification_grads /= fg_num cls_loss=1-prec.mean() ctx.save_for_backward(classification_grads) return cls_loss @staticmethod def backward(ctx, out_grad1): g1, =ctx.saved_tensors return g1*out_grad1, None, None
import numpy as np import PIL.Image import pythreejs import ipyvolume as ipv from .datasets import UrlCached def _randomSO3(): """return random rotatation matrix, algo by <NAME>""" u1 = np.random.random() u2 = np.random.random() u3 = np.random.random() R = np.array([[np.cos(2*np.pi*u1), np.sin(2*np.pi*u1), 0], [-np.sin(2*np.pi*u1), np.cos(2*np.pi*u1), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) v = np.array([np.cos(2*np.pi*u2)*np.sqrt(u3), np.sin(2*np.pi*u2)*np.sqrt(u3), np.sqrt(1-u3)]) H = np.identity(3)-2*v*np.transpose([v]) return -, R) def spherical_galaxy_orbit(orbit_x, orbit_y, orbit_z, N_stars=100, sigma_r=1, orbit_visible=False, orbit_line_interpolate=5, N_star_orbits=10, color=[255, 220, 200], size_star=1, scatter_kwargs={}): """Create a fake galaxy around the points orbit_x/y/z with N_stars around it""" if orbit_line_interpolate > 1: import scipy.interpolate x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(orbit_x)) x_smooth = np.linspace(0, 1, len(orbit_x)*orbit_line_interpolate) kind = 'quadratic' orbit_x_line = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, orbit_x, kind)(x_smooth) orbit_y_line = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, orbit_y, kind)(x_smooth) orbit_z_line = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, orbit_z, kind)(x_smooth) else: orbit_x_line = orbit_x orbit_y_line = orbit_y orbit_z_line = orbit_z line = ipv.plot(orbit_x_line, orbit_y_line, orbit_z_line, visible=orbit_visible) x = np.repeat(orbit_x, N_stars).reshape((-1, N_stars)) y = np.repeat(orbit_y, N_stars).reshape((-1, N_stars)) z = np.repeat(orbit_z, N_stars).reshape((-1, N_stars)) xr, yr, zr = np.random.normal(0, scale=sigma_r, size=(3, N_stars))# + r = np.sqrt(xr**2 + yr**2 + zr**2) for i in range(N_stars): a = np.linspace(0, 1, x.shape[0]) * 2 * np.pi * N_star_orbits xo = r[i] * np.sin(a) yo = r[i] * np.cos(a) zo = a * 0 xo, yo, zo =, [xo, yo, zo]) #print(x.shape, xo.shape) x[:, i] += xo y[:, i] += yo z[:, i] += zo sprite = ipv.scatter(x, y, z, texture=radial_sprite((64, 64), color), marker='square_2d', size=size_star, **scatter_kwargs) with sprite.material.hold_sync(): sprite.material.blending = pythreejs.BlendingMode.CustomBlending sprite.material.blendSrc = pythreejs.BlendFactors.SrcColorFactor sprite.material.blendDst = pythreejs.BlendFactors.OneFactor sprite.material.blendEquation = 'AddEquation' sprite.material.transparent = True sprite.material.depthWrite = False sprite.material.alphaTest = 0.1 return sprite, line def radial_sprite(shape, color): color = np.array(color) ara = np.zeros(shape[:2] + (4,), dtype=np.uint8) x = np.linspace(-1, 1, shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, shape[1]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) s = 0.5 radius = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2) amplitude = np.maximum(0, np.exp(-radius**2/s**2)).T ara[...,3] = (amplitude * 255) ara[...,:3] = color * amplitude.reshape(shape + (1,)) im = PIL.Image.fromarray(ara, 'RGBA') return im def stars(N=1000, radius=100000, thickness=3, seed=42, color=[255, 240, 240]): import ipyvolume as ipv rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x, y, z = rng.normal(size=(3, N)) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)/(radius + thickness * radius * np.random.random(N)) x /= r y /= r z /= r return ipv.scatter(x, y, z, texture=radial_sprite((64, 64), color), marker='square_2d', grow_limits=False, size=radius*0.7/100) milkyway_url = '' milkyway_image = UrlCached(milkyway_url) def plot_milkyway(R_sun=8, size=100): mw_image = rescale = 40 t = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) xmw = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) ymw = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) xmw, ymw = np.meshgrid(xmw, ymw) zmw = xmw * 0 + 0.01 mw = mesh = ipv.plot_mesh((xmw-0.5)*rescale, (ymw-0.5)*rescale+R_sun, zmw, u=xmw, v=ymw, texture=mw_image, wireframe=False) mw.material.blending = pythreejs.BlendingMode.CustomBlending mw.material.blendSrc = pythreejs.BlendFactors.SrcColorFactor mw.material.blendDst = pythreejs.BlendFactors.OneFactor mw.material.blendEquation = 'AddEquation' mw.material.transparent = True mw.material.depthWrite = False mw.material.alphaTest = 0.1 ipv.xyzlim(size) return mesh
def pick_food(name): if name == "chima": return "chicken" else: return "dry food"
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay, confusion_matrix def save_confusion_matrix(truth, pred, out_file, norm=None): label_names = list(set(truth) | set(pred)) label_names.sort() truth_compact = [label_names.index(x) for x in truth] pred_compact = [label_names.index(x) for x in pred] cm = confusion_matrix( truth_compact, pred_compact, labels=list(range(len(label_names))), normalize=norm) if norm is not None: cm *= 100 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay( confusion_matrix=cm, display_labels=label_names) disp.plot(ax=ax, xticks_rotation='vertical', values_format='.1f' if norm is not None else 'd') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(out_file) plt.close(fig)
"""Discover Nanoleaf Aurora devices.""" from . import MDNSDiscoverable class Discoverable(MDNSDiscoverable): """Add support for discovering Nanoleaf Aurora devices.""" def __init__(self, nd): super(Discoverable, self).__init__(nd, '_nanoleafapi._tcp.local.')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.29 on 2021-02-25 20:32 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): """Updates ImageField syntax for later version. """ dependencies = [ ('appliance_catalog', '0014_auto_20180625_1104'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='appliance', name='appliance_icon', field=models.ImageField(blank=True, upload_to='appliance_catalog/icons/'), ), ]
import os import shutil import numpy as np from pyrevolve.custom_logging.logger import logger import sys class ExperimentManagement: # ids of robots in the name of all types of files are always phenotype ids, and the standard for id is 'robot_ID' def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings manager_folder = os.path.dirname(self.settings.manager) self._experiment_folder = os.path.join(manager_folder, 'data', self.settings.experiment_name, self._data_folder = os.path.join(self._experiment_folder, 'data_fullevolution') self._gen_num = 0 def create_exp_folders(self): if os.path.exists(self.experiment_folder): shutil.rmtree(self.experiment_folder) os.makedirs(self.experiment_folder) os.mkdir(self.data_folder) folders = ['genotypes', 'phenotypes', 'descriptors', 'objectives', 'fitness', 'battery', 'phenotype_images', 'failed_eval_robots'] for folder in folders: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.data_folder, folder)) @property def experiment_folder(self): return self._experiment_folder @property def data_folder(self): return self._data_folder def export_genotype(self, individual): if self.settings.recovery_enabled: individual.export_genotype(self.data_folder) def export_phenotype(self, individual): if self.settings.export_phenotype: individual.export_phenotype(self.data_folder) def export_fitnesses(self, individuals): folder = self.data_folder for individual in individuals: individual.export_fitness(folder) def export_fitness(self, individual): folder = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness') individual.export_fitness(folder) def export_objectives(self, individual): folder = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'objectives') individual.export_objectives(folder) def export_battery(self, individual): folder = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'battery') individual.export_battery(folder) def export_behavior_measures(self, _id, measures): filename = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'descriptors', f'behavior_desc_{_id}.txt') with open(filename, "w") as f: if measures is None: f.write(str(None)) else: for key, val in measures.items(): f.write(f"{key} {val}\n") def export_phenotype_images(self, dirpath, individual): individual.phenotype.render_body(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dirpath, f'body_{}.png')) individual.phenotype.render_brain(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dirpath, f'brain_{}.png')) def export_failed_eval_robot(self, individual): individual.genotype.export_genotype(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'genotype_{}.txt')) individual.phenotype.save_file(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'phenotype_{}.yaml')) individual.phenotype.save_file(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'failed_eval_robots', f'phenotype_{}.sdf'), conf_type='sdf') def export_snapshots(self, individuals, gen_num): self._gen_num = gen_num if self.settings.recovery_enabled: path = os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, f'selectedpop_{gen_num}') if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) for ind in individuals: self.export_phenotype_images(f'selectedpop_{str(gen_num)}', ind)'Exported snapshot {str(gen_num)} with {str(len(individuals))} individuals') def experiment_is_new(self): if not os.path.exists(self.experiment_folder): return True path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness'))) if len(files) == 0: return True else: return False def read_recovery_state(self, population_size, offspring_size): snapshots = [] for r, d, f in os.walk(self.experiment_folder): for dir in d: if 'selectedpop' in dir: exported_files = len([name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dir)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.experiment_folder, dir, name))]) if exported_files == (population_size * 2): # body and brain files snapshots.append(int(dir.split('_')[1])) if len(snapshots) > 0: # the latest complete snapshot last_snapshot = np.sort(snapshots)[-1] # number of robots expected until the snapshot n_robots = population_size + last_snapshot * offspring_size else: last_snapshot = -1 n_robots = 0 robot_ids = [] for r, d, f in os.walk(os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'fitness')): for file in f: robot_ids.append(int(file.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1])) last_id = np.sort(robot_ids)[-1] # if there are more robots to recover than the number expected in this snapshot if last_id > n_robots: # then recover also this partial offspring has_offspring = True else: has_offspring = False return last_snapshot, has_offspring, last_id+1 def plot_path(self, data_source: str, filename: str, file_extension=".png"): data_folder = os.path.join(self._data_folder, data_source) if not os.path.exists(data_folder): os.mkdir(data_folder) return os.path.join(data_folder, filename + str(self._gen_num) + file_extension)
#!/usr/bin/env python """Builds the documentaion. First it runs gendoc to create rst files for the source code. Then it runs sphinx make. .. Warning:: This will delete the content of the output directory first! So you might loose data. You can use -nod. Usage, just call:: -h """ import argparse import os import shutil import sys import gendoc thisdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def setup_argparse(): """Sets up the argument parser and returns it :returns: the parser :rtype: :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` :raises: None """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Builds the documentaion. First it runs gendoc to create rst files\ for the source code. Then it runs sphinx make.\ WARNING: this will delete the contents of the output dirs. You can use -nod.") ipath = os.path.join(thisdir, '../src') ipath = os.path.abspath(ipath) idefault = [ipath] parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', nargs='+', default=idefault, help='list of input directories. gendoc is called for every\ source dir.\ Default is \'%s\'.' % ', '.join(idefault)) opath = os.path.join(thisdir, 'reference') opath = os.path.abspath(opath) odefault = [opath] parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs='+', default=odefault, help='list of output directories. if you have multiple source\ directories, the corresponding output directorie is used.\ if there are less dirs than for source, the last output dir\ is used for the remaining source dirs.\ WARNING: the output directories are emptied by default. See -nod.\ Default is \'%s\'.' % ', '.join(odefault)) gadefault = ['-T', '-f', '-e', '-o'] parser.add_argument('-ga', '--gendocargs', nargs='*', default=gadefault, help="list of arguments to pass to gendoc. use -gh for info.\ Default is \'%s\'" % ', '.join(gadefault)) parser.add_argument('-nod', '--nodelete', action='store_true', help='Do not empty the output directories first.') parser.add_argument('-gh', '--gendochelp', action='store_true', help='print the help for gendoc and exit') return parser def prepare_dir(directory, delete=True): """Create apidoc dir, delete contents if delete is True. :param directory: the apidoc directory. you can use relative paths here :type directory: str :param delete: if True, deletes the contents of apidoc. This acts like an override switch. :type delete: bool :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ if os.path.exists(directory): if delete: assert directory != thisdir, 'Trying to delete docs! Specify other output dir!' print 'Deleting %s' % directory shutil.rmtree(directory) print 'Creating %s' % directory os.mkdir(directory) else: print 'Creating %s' % directory os.mkdir(directory) def run_gendoc(source, dest, args): """Starts gendoc which reads source and creates rst files in dest with the given args. :param source: The python source directory for gendoc. Can be a relative path. :type source: str :param dest: The destination for the rst files. Can be a relative path. :type dest: str :param args: Arguments for gendoc. See gendoc for more information. :type args: list :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: SystemExit """ args.insert(0, '') args.append(dest) args.append(source) print 'Running gendoc.main with: %s' % args gendoc.main(args) def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Parse commandline arguments and run the tool :param argv: the commandline arguments. :type argv: list :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ parser = setup_argparse() args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.gendochelp: sys.argv[0] = '' genparser = gendoc.setup_parser() genparser.print_help() sys.exit(0) print 'Preparing output directories' print '='*80 for odir in args.output: prepare_dir(odir, not args.nodelete) print '\nRunning gendoc' print '='*80 for i, idir in enumerate(args.input): if i >= len(args.output): odir = args.output[-1] else: odir = args.output[i] run_gendoc(idir, odir, args.gendocargs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Project : RNN_Prediction @Author : <NAME> @Filename: @IDE : PyCharm @Time1 : 2020-05-20 13:18:46 @Time2 : 2020/5/20 13:18 @Month1 : 5月 @Month2 : 五月 """ import tushare as ts import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import matplotlib.pyplot as plt stock_catl = ts.get_hist_data('300750') stock_catl = stock_catl.sort_index(ascending=True) stock_catl = (stock_catl - stock_catl.mean()) / \ (stock_catl.max() - stock_catl.min()) # train, val = train_test_split(stock_catl, test_size=0.5) # train = train.sort_index(ascending=True) # val = val.sort_index(ascending=True) train = stock_catl.iloc[:-60, :] val = stock_catl.iloc[-60:, :] window_size = 30 column = 'high' epoches = 300 def batch_dataset(dataset): dataset_batched = dataset.batch(window_size, drop_remainder=True) return dataset_batched def zip_ds(dataset): ds_data = tf.constant(dataset.values, dtype=tf.float32) ds_data = \ window(window_size, shift=1).flat_map(batch_dataset) ds_label = tf.constant(dataset.values[window_size:], dtype=tf.float32) ds_label = ds_train =, ds_label)).batch(128).repeat() return ds_train ds_train = zip_ds(train) ds_val = zip_ds(val) model = tf.keras.Sequential( [ tf.keras.layers.LSTM(128, return_sequences=True, activation='relu'), tf.keras.layers.LSTM(128, activation='relu'), tf.keras.layers.Dense(13) ] ) optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.01) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mse') history = ds_train, epochs=epoches, steps_per_epoch=5, validation_data=ds_val, validation_steps=1 )'stockLSTM') # Plot loss function plt.figure(figsize=(19, 9)) ax = plt.gca() plt.plot(range(len(history.history['loss'])), history.history['loss']) plt.plot(range(len(history.history['val_loss'])), history.history['val_loss']) ax.set_yscale('log') # Compare fitting and real values. dff = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(len(stock_catl) - window_size): fits = model.predict(tf.constant(tf.expand_dims(stock_catl.values[i:i + window_size, :], axis=0))) dffits = pd.DataFrame(fits, columns=stock_catl.columns) dff = dff.append(dffits) dff.index = stock_catl.index[window_size:] plt.figure(figsize=(19, 9)) dff[column].plot() stock_catl.iloc[window_size:, :][column].plot(style='-o') # To predict future 100 business days. dfp = stock_catl.copy() for i in range(100): pres = model.predict(tf.constant(tf.expand_dims(dfp.values[-1 * window_size:], axis=0))) dfpres = pd.DataFrame(pres, columns=stock_catl.columns) dfp = dfp.append(dfpres, ignore_index=True) dfp[column].plot()
import pandas as pd I = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"] oneDigit = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], pd.Index(I)) twoDigit = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], pd.Index(I)) print "addends:" print oneDigit print twoDigit print print "sum:" print oneDigit + twoDigit print I2 = ["A", "B", "C"] I3 = ["B", "C", "D", "E"] X = pd.Series([0, 1, 2], pd.Index(I2)) Y = pd.Series([10, 20, 0, 0], pd.Index(I3)) print "addends:" print X print Y print print "sum:" print X + Y print A = pd.Series(["hello ", "my ", "name", "is", "brad"]) B = pd.Series(["world", "real"]) print "addends:" print A print B print print "sum: " print A + B
from setuptools import setup setup(name='mydocstring', version='0.2.7', description="""A tool for extracting and converting Google-style docstrings to plain-text, markdown, and JSON.""", url='', author="<NAME>", license='MIT', packages=['mydocstring'], install_requires=['mako', 'docopt'], entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'mydocstring=mydocstring.docstring:main', ],}, package_data={'mydocstring': ['templates/']}, zip_safe=False)
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 <NAME> # License: MIT License # source: # source: from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple import math from ezdxf.math import Vec2 if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex __all__ = [ "bulge_to_arc", "bulge_3_points", "bulge_center", "bulge_radius", "arc_to_bulge" ] def polar(p: Any, angle: float, distance: float) -> Vec2: """ Returns the point at a specified `angle` and `distance` from point `p`. Args: p: point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object angle: angle in radians distance: distance """ return Vec2(p) + Vec2.from_angle(angle, distance) def angle(p1: Any, p2: Any) -> float: """ Returns angle a line defined by two endpoints and x-axis in radians. Args: p1: start point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object p2: end point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object """ return (Vec2(p2) - Vec2(p1)).angle def arc_to_bulge(center: 'Vertex', start_angle: float, end_angle: float, radius: float) -> Tuple['Vec2', 'Vec2', float]: """ Returns bulge parameters from arc parameters. Args: center: circle center point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object start_angle: start angle in radians end_angle: end angle in radians radius: circle radius Returns: tuple: (start_point, end_point, bulge) """ start_point = polar(center, start_angle, radius) end_point = polar(center, end_angle, radius) pi2 = math.pi * 2 a = math.fmod((pi2 + (end_angle - start_angle)), pi2) / 4. bulge = math.sin(a) / math.cos(a) return start_point, end_point, bulge def bulge_3_points(start_point: 'Vertex', end_point: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> float: """ Returns bulge value defined by three points. Based on 3-Points to Bulge by `Lee Mac`_. Args: start_point: start point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object end_point: end point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object point: arbitrary point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object """ a = (math.pi - angle(point, start_point) + angle(point, end_point)) / 2 return math.sin(a) / math.cos(a) def bulge_to_arc(start_point: 'Vertex', end_point: 'Vertex', bulge: float) -> Tuple['Vec2', float, float, float]: """ Returns arc parameters from bulge parameters. The arcs defined by bulge values of :class:`~ezdxf.entities.LWPolyline` and 2D :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Polyline` entities start at the vertex which includes the bulge value and ends at the following vertex. Based on Bulge to Arc by `Lee Mac`_. Args: start_point: start vertex as :class:`Vec2` compatible object end_point: end vertex as :class:`Vec2` compatible object bulge: bulge value Returns: Tuple: (center, start_angle, end_angle, radius) """ r = signed_bulge_radius(start_point, end_point, bulge) a = angle(start_point, end_point) + (math.pi / 2 - math.atan(bulge) * 2) c = polar(start_point, a, r) if bulge < 0: return c, angle(c, end_point), angle(c, start_point), abs(r) else: return c, angle(c, start_point), angle(c, end_point), abs(r) def bulge_center(start_point: 'Vertex', end_point: 'Vertex', bulge: float) -> 'Vec2': """ Returns center of arc described by the given bulge parameters. Based on Bulge Center by `<NAME>`_. Args: start_point: start point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object end_point: end point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object bulge: bulge value as float """ start_point = Vec2(start_point) a = angle(start_point, end_point) + (math.pi / 2. - math.atan(bulge) * 2.) return start_point + Vec2.from_angle(a, signed_bulge_radius(start_point, end_point, bulge)) def signed_bulge_radius(start_point: 'Vertex', end_point: 'Vertex', bulge: float) -> float: return Vec2(start_point).distance(Vec2(end_point)) * ( 1. + (bulge * bulge)) / 4. / bulge def bulge_radius(start_point: 'Vertex', end_point: 'Vertex', bulge: float) -> float: """ Returns radius of arc defined by the given bulge parameters. Based on Bulge Radius by `<NAME>`_ Args: start_point: start point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object end_point: end point as :class:`Vec2` compatible object bulge: bulge value """ return abs(signed_bulge_radius(start_point, end_point, bulge))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(c) 2019 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation # Filename: ''' Parameter module for Cgwsh driver configuration ''' import GlobalModule from EmCommonLog import decorater_log from DriverSetParameterECDB import DriverSetParameterECDB class CgwshDeviceDriverSetParameterECDB(DriverSetParameterECDB): ''' Parameter class for Cgwsh driver configuration ''' @decorater_log def __init__(self, device_name=None, ec_message=None, db_info=None): ''' Constructor ''' super(CgwshDeviceDriverSetParameterECDB, self).__init__(device_name, ec_message, db_info) self.ec_message = self.ec_message["device"] @decorater_log def get_service_info(self): ''' Service information is acquired. ''' pass @decorater_log def get_management_info(self): ''' Management information is acquired. ''' get_info = {} get_info["device_name"] = self.ec_message.get("name") GlobalModule.EM_LOGGER.debug("get management_info = %s" % (get_info,)) return get_info @decorater_log def get_static_route_info(self): ''' Static route information is acquired. acquired dict: { static_route:[{ ip_address:str, subnet_mask:str, gateway_address:str }] } ''' get_info = {} tmp_list = [] routes = self.ec_message.get("serviceInfo", {}).get("staticRoute", ()) for route in routes: tmp_item = {} tmp_item["ip_address"] = route.get("ipAddress") tmp_item["subnet_mask"] = route.get("subnetMask") tmp_item["gateway_address"] = route.get("gatewayIpAddress") tmp_list.append(tmp_item) get_info["static_route"] = tmp_list GlobalModule.EM_LOGGER.debug("get static_route = %s" % (get_info,)) return get_info @decorater_log def get_tunnel_if_info(self): ''' Tunnel interface information is acquired. acquired dict: { tunnel_if:[{ vrf_name:str, if_name:str, uni_if_name:str, uni_vlan_id:str, tunnel_source:str, }] } ''' get_info = {} tmp_list = [] tunnel_uni = self.ec_message.get("serviceInfo", {}).get("uni", ()) tunnel_officeInfo = self.ec_message.get( "serviceInfo", {}).get("officeInfo", ()) vrf_name = tunnel_uni.get("vrfName") uni_if_name = tunnel_uni.get("ifName") uni_vlan_id = tunnel_uni.get("vlanId") for tunnel in tunnel_officeInfo: tmp_item = {} tmp_item["vrf_name"] = vrf_name tmp_item["if_name"] = tunnel.get("tunnelIfName") tmp_item["uni_if_name"] = uni_if_name tmp_item["uni_vlan_id"] = uni_vlan_id tmp_item["tunnel_source"] = tunnel.get( "tunnelSrcIpAddress") tmp_list.append(tmp_item) get_info["tunnel_if"] = tmp_list GlobalModule.EM_LOGGER.debug("get tunnel_if = %s" % (get_info,)) return get_info @decorater_log def get_pppoe_info(self): ''' PPPoE information is acquired. acquired dict: { pppoe:[{ username:str, password:str, tenant:str, pp_no:str }] } ''' get_info = {} tmp_list = [] ppp_infos = self.ec_message.get("serviceInfo", {}).get("pppInfo", ()) for ppp_info in ppp_infos: tmp_item = {} tmp_item["username"] = ppp_info.get("connectionId") tmp_item["password"] = <PASSWORD>.get("connectionPassword") tmp_item["tenant"] = ppp_info.get("corporationId") tmp_item["pp_no"] = ppp_info.get("ppId") tmp_list.append(tmp_item) get_info["pppoe"] = tmp_list GlobalModule.EM_LOGGER.debug("get pppoe = %s" % (get_info,)) return get_info
import torch def make_sgd_optimizer( model, base_lr=0.001, bias_lr_factor=2.0, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005, weight_decay_bias=0.0, ): params = [] for key, value in model.named_parameters(): if not value.requires_grad: continue param_lr = base_lr param_weight_decay = weight_decay if "bias" in key: param_lr = base_lr * bias_lr_factor param_weight_decay = weight_decay_bias params.append({ 'params': [value], 'lr': param_lr, 'weight_decay': param_weight_decay }) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params, base_lr, momentum=momentum) return optimizer
class Point3D: def __init__(self,x,y,z): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z ''' Returns the distance between two 3D points ''' def distance(self, value): return abs(self.x - value.x) + abs(self.y - value.y) + abs(self.z - value.z) def __eq__(self, value): return self.x == value.x and self.y == value.y and self.z == value.z def __hash__(self): return hash((self.x,self.y,self.z)) def __repr__(self): return f'({self.x},{self.y},{self.z})' def __add__(self,value): return Point3D(self.x + value.x, self.y + value.y, self.z + value.z)
from querybuilder.fields import ( RankField, RowNumberField, DenseRankField, PercentRankField, CumeDistField, NTileField, LagField, LeadField, FirstValueField, LastValueField, NthValueField, NumStdDevField ) from querybuilder.query import QueryWindow, Query from querybuilder.tests.models import Order from querybuilder.tests.query_tests import QueryTestCase, get_comparison_str class QueryWindowTest(QueryTestCase): def test_query_window(self): query_window = QueryWindow() query_str = query_window.get_sql() expected_query = 'OVER ()' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_query_window_partition(self): query_window = QueryWindow().partition_by('field_one') query_str = query_window.get_sql() expected_query = 'OVER (PARTITION BY field_one)' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_query_window_order(self): query_window = QueryWindow().order_by('field_one') query_str = query_window.get_sql() expected_query = 'OVER (ORDER BY field_one ASC)' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_query_window_partition_order(self): query_window = QueryWindow().partition_by( 'field_one' ).order_by( 'field_one' ) query_str = query_window.get_sql() expected_query = 'OVER (PARTITION BY field_one ORDER BY field_one ASC)' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_query_window_partition_order_many(self): query_window = QueryWindow().partition_by( 'field_one' ).partition_by( 'field_two' ).order_by( 'field_one' ).order_by( '-field_two' ) query_str = query_window.get_sql() expected_query = 'OVER (PARTITION BY field_one, field_two ORDER BY field_one ASC, field_two DESC)' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) class WindowFunctionTest(QueryTestCase): def test_rank_no_over(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ RankField() ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = 'SELECT RANK() AS "rank" FROM querybuilder_tests_order' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_rank_over(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ RankField( over=QueryWindow() ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = 'SELECT RANK() OVER () AS "rank" FROM querybuilder_tests_order' self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_rank_over_order(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ 'id', RankField( over=QueryWindow().order_by( 'id' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY id ASC) AS "rank" FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_rank_over_partition(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ 'id', RankField( over=QueryWindow().partition_by( 'account_id' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY account_id) AS "rank" FROM ' 'querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_row_number(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', RowNumberField( over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ).order_by( 'row_number' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "row_number" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY row_number ' 'ASC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_rank(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ 'id', RankField( over=QueryWindow().partition_by( 'account_id' ).order_by( 'id' ) ) ] ).order_by( '-rank' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT, ' 'RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY account_id ORDER BY id ASC) AS "rank" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY rank ' 'DESC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_dense_rank(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', DenseRankField( over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ).order_by( 'dense_rank' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "dense_rank" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY dense_rank ' 'ASC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_rank_percent(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', PercentRankField( over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ).order_by( 'percent_rank' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "percent_rank" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY percent_rank ' 'ASC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_cume_dist(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', CumeDistField( over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ).order_by( 'cume_dist' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'CUME_DIST() OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "cume_dist" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY cume_dist ' 'ASC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_ntile(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', NTileField( num_buckets=2, over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ).order_by( 'ntile' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'NTILE(2) OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "ntile" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY ntile ' 'ASC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_lag(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', LagField( 'margin', over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'LAG(querybuilder_tests_order.margin, 1) OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "margin_lag" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_lag_default(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', LagField( 'margin', default=0, over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'LAG(querybuilder_tests_order.margin, 1, \'0\') OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "margin_lag" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_lead(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', LeadField( 'margin', over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'LEAD(querybuilder_tests_order.margin, 1) OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "margin_lead" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_first_value(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', FirstValueField( 'margin', over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'FIRST_VALUE(querybuilder_tests_order.margin) OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "margin_first_value" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_last_value(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', LastValueField( 'margin', over=QueryWindow().order_by( 'margin' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'LAST_VALUE(querybuilder_tests_order.margin) OVER (ORDER BY margin ASC) AS "margin_last_value" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_nth_value(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', NthValueField( 'margin', n=2, over=QueryWindow().order_by( '-margin' ) ) ] ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' 'NTH_VALUE(querybuilder_tests_order.margin, 2) OVER (ORDER BY margin DESC) AS "margin_nth_value" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query)) def test_num_stddev(self): query = Query().from_table( table=Order, fields=[ '*', NumStdDevField( 'margin', over=QueryWindow() ) ] ).order_by( '-margin_num_stddev' ) query_str = query.get_sql() expected_query = ( 'SELECT querybuilder_tests_order.*, ' '(CASE WHEN (STDDEV(querybuilder_tests_order.margin) OVER ()) <> 0 ' 'THEN ((querybuilder_tests_order.margin - (' 'AVG(querybuilder_tests_order.margin) OVER ())) / (STDDEV(querybuilder_tests_order.margin) OVER ())) ' 'ELSE 0 ' 'END) ' 'AS "margin_num_stddev" ' 'FROM querybuilder_tests_order ' 'ORDER BY margin_num_stddev ' 'DESC' ) self.assertEqual(query_str, expected_query, get_comparison_str(query_str, expected_query))
import os from collections import namedtuple import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from torch.optim import Adam from tqdm import tqdm from data import DataIteratorDistill from loss import FocalLoss from model import CNN from torchtext import data, vocab from args import get_args, print_args from config import ConfigBinaryClassification from config import ConfigBinaryClassificationDistill from config import ConfigTripleClassification if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_args() print_args(args) if args.class_num == 2: cfg = ConfigBinaryClassificationDistill() elif args.class_num == 3: cfg = ConfigTripleClassification() else: raise ValueError("wrong class num") device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % args.cuda) Data = DataIteratorDistill(config=cfg, train_batchsize=args.batch_size) model = torch.load("checkpoints/CNN-29", map_location=device) optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), criterion = FocalLoss(classes=args.class_num, device=device).to(device) criterion_kv = nn.KLDivLoss().to(device) alpha = 0.2 T = 2 for epoch in range(args.epoch_num): print(epoch) for sample in Data.train_iter: model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(sample.text.permute(1, 0).to(device)) loss_f = criterion(output, output = F.log_softmax(output/T, 1) score =, sample.pred1.unsqueeze(1).to(device)), dim=1) score = F.softmax(score/T,1) loss_kv = criterion_kv(output, * T * T loss = alpha * loss_f + (1 - alpha) * loss_kv #print(loss_f.item(), loss_kv.item()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() preds = [] labels = [] for sample in Data.valid_iter: output = model(sample.text.permute(1, 0).to(device)) p = output.argmax(1).cpu().tolist() l = sample.label.tolist() preds += p labels += l report = classification_report(preds, labels) print(report), os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.save_config + str(epoch)))
import difflib import itertools import voluptuous as vol from esphome.py_compat import string_types class ExtraKeysInvalid(vol.Invalid): def __init__(self, *arg, **kwargs): self.candidates = kwargs.pop('candidates') vol.Invalid.__init__(self, *arg, **kwargs) def ensure_multiple_invalid(err): if isinstance(err, vol.MultipleInvalid): return err return vol.MultipleInvalid(err) # pylint: disable=protected-access, unidiomatic-typecheck class _Schema(vol.Schema): """Custom cv.Schema that prints similar keys on error.""" def __init__(self, schema, extra=vol.PREVENT_EXTRA, extra_schemas=None): super(_Schema, self).__init__(schema, extra=extra) # List of extra schemas to apply after validation # Should be used sparingly, as it's not a very voluptuous-way/clean way of # doing things. self._extra_schemas = extra_schemas or [] def __call__(self, data): res = super(_Schema, self).__call__(data) for extra in self._extra_schemas: try: res = extra(res) except vol.Invalid as err: raise ensure_multiple_invalid(err) return res def _compile_mapping(self, schema, invalid_msg=None): invalid_msg = invalid_msg or 'mapping value' # Check some things that ESPHome's schemas do not allow # mostly to keep the logic in this method sane (so these may be re-added if needed). for key in schema: if key is vol.Extra: raise ValueError("ESPHome does not allow vol.Extra") if isinstance(key, vol.Remove): raise ValueError("ESPHome does not allow vol.Remove") if isinstance(key, vol.primitive_types): raise ValueError("All schema keys must be wrapped in cv.Required or cv.Optional") # Keys that may be required all_required_keys = set(key for key in schema if isinstance(key, vol.Required)) # Keys that may have defaults all_default_keys = set(key for key in schema if isinstance(key, vol.Optional)) # Recursively compile schema _compiled_schema = {} for skey, svalue in vol.iteritems(schema): new_key = self._compile(skey) new_value = self._compile(svalue) _compiled_schema[skey] = (new_key, new_value) # Sort compiled schema (probably not necessary for esphome, but leave it here just in case) candidates = list(vol.schema_builder._iterate_mapping_candidates(_compiled_schema)) # After we have the list of candidates in the correct order, we want to apply some # optimization so that each # key in the data being validated will be matched against the relevant schema keys only. # No point in matching against different keys additional_candidates = [] candidates_by_key = {} for skey, (ckey, cvalue) in candidates: if type(skey) in vol.primitive_types: candidates_by_key.setdefault(skey, []).append((skey, (ckey, cvalue))) elif isinstance(skey, vol.Marker) and type(skey.schema) in vol.primitive_types: candidates_by_key.setdefault(skey.schema, []).append((skey, (ckey, cvalue))) else: # These are wildcards such as 'int', 'str', 'Remove' and others which should be # applied to all keys additional_candidates.append((skey, (ckey, cvalue))) key_names = [] for skey in schema: if isinstance(skey, string_types): key_names.append(skey) elif isinstance(skey, vol.Marker) and isinstance(skey.schema, string_types): key_names.append(skey.schema) def validate_mapping(path, iterable, out): required_keys = all_required_keys.copy() # Build a map of all provided key-value pairs. # The type(out) is used to retain ordering in case a ordered # map type is provided as input. key_value_map = type(out)() for key, value in iterable: key_value_map[key] = value # Insert default values for non-existing keys. for key in all_default_keys: if not isinstance(key.default, vol.Undefined) and key.schema not in key_value_map: # A default value has been specified for this missing key, insert it. key_value_map[key.schema] = key.default() error = None errors = [] for key, value in key_value_map.items(): key_path = path + [key] # Optimization. Validate against the matching key first, then fallback to the rest relevant_candidates = itertools.chain(candidates_by_key.get(key, []), additional_candidates) # compare each given key/value against all compiled key/values # schema key, (compiled key, compiled value) for skey, (ckey, cvalue) in relevant_candidates: try: new_key = ckey(key_path, key) except vol.Invalid as e: if len(e.path) > len(key_path): raise if not error or len(e.path) > len(error.path): error = e continue # Backtracking is not performed once a key is selected, so if # the value is invalid we immediately throw an exception. exception_errors = [] try: cval = cvalue(key_path, value) out[new_key] = cval except vol.MultipleInvalid as e: exception_errors.extend(e.errors) except vol.Invalid as e: exception_errors.append(e) if exception_errors: for err in exception_errors: if len(err.path) <= len(key_path): err.error_type = invalid_msg errors.append(err) # If there is a validation error for a required # key, this means that the key was provided. # Discard the required key so it does not # create an additional, noisy exception. required_keys.discard(skey) break # Key and value okay, mark as found in case it was # a Required() field. required_keys.discard(skey) break else: if self.extra == vol.ALLOW_EXTRA: out[key] = value elif self.extra != vol.REMOVE_EXTRA: if isinstance(key, string_types) and key_names: matches = difflib.get_close_matches(key, key_names) errors.append(ExtraKeysInvalid('extra keys not allowed', key_path, candidates=matches)) else: errors.append(vol.Invalid('extra keys not allowed', key_path)) # for any required keys left that weren't found and don't have defaults: for key in required_keys: msg = getattr(key, 'msg', None) or 'required key not provided' errors.append(vol.RequiredFieldInvalid(msg, path + [key])) if errors: raise vol.MultipleInvalid(errors) return out return validate_mapping def add_extra(self, validator): validator = _Schema(validator) self._extra_schemas.append(validator) return self # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def extend(self, *schemas, **kwargs): extra = kwargs.pop('extra', None) if kwargs: raise ValueError if not schemas: return self.extend({}) if len(schemas) != 1: ret = self for schema in schemas: ret = ret.extend(schema) return ret schema = schemas[0] if isinstance(schema, vol.Schema): schema = schema.schema ret = super(_Schema, self).extend(schema, extra=extra) return _Schema(ret.schema, extra=ret.extra, extra_schemas=self._extra_schemas)
"""Constant values.""" STATUS_SUCCESS = (0,) STATUS_AUTH_FAILED = (100, 101, 102, 200, 401) STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS = ( 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 234, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 271, 272, 275, 276, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 293, 294, 295, 297, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 380, 381, 382, 400, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 509, 510, 511, 523, 532, 3017, 3018, 3019, ) STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = (214, 277, 2553, 2554, 2555) STATUS_ERROR_OCCURRED = ( 215, 219, 222, 224, 226, 231, 233, 237, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 268, 269, 270, 273, 274, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 289, 291, 292, 296, 298, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 322, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 383, 391, 402, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 533, 602, 700, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 2551, 2552, 2556, 2557, 2558, 2559, 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3016, 3020, 3021, 3022, 3023, 3024, 5000, 5001, 5005, 5006, 6000, 6010, 6011, 9000, 10000, ) STATUS_TIMEOUT = (522,) STATUS_BAD_STATE = (524,) STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = (601,)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import gzip import pandas as pd import numpy as np from eust.core import _download_file, conf _DIMENSION_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-z_0-9]+$") _YEAR_RE = re.compile(r"^(1|2)[0-9]{3}$") def _is_valid_dimension_name(s: str) -> bool: return bool(_DIMENSION_NAME_RE.match(s)) def _split_values_flags(series: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame: split = series.str.split(" ") df = pd.DataFrame( { "value": split.apply(lambda l: l[0] if l else None), "flag": split.apply(lambda l: l[1] if l and len(l) > 1 else None), } ) return df def _set_multiindex_dtype(index, level, type_): index_df = index.to_frame() index_df[level] = index_df[level].astype(type_) new_index = index_df.set_index(index.names).index return new_index def _read_tsv(path_or_buffer) -> pd.DataFrame: d = pd.read_csv(path_or_buffer, sep="\t", header=0, dtype=str) top_left_cell = d.columns[0] row_dimension_names, header_dimension_name = top_left_cell.split("\\") row_dimension_names = row_dimension_names.split(",") index_data = d[top_left_cell] del d[top_left_cell] assert len(set(index_data)) == len(index_data) # no duplicates assert len(row_dimension_names) >= 1 = header_dimension_name index_data = index_data.apply(lambda s: s.split(",")) d.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( list(zip(*index_data)), names=row_dimension_names, ) # cannot handle multidimensional column labels d = d.stack() assert set(d.apply(type)) == {str} assert isinstance(d, pd.Series), d.columns assert all(map(_is_valid_dimension_name, d.index.names)) d.index.set_levels( [level.str.strip() for level in d.index.levels], inplace=True ) d = _split_values_flags(d) d.loc[d["value"] == ":", "value"] = np.nan d["value"] = d["value"].astype(float) if "time" in d.index.names: time_strings = d.index.unique("time") matches_year = (_YEAR_RE.match(s) for s in time_strings) if all(matches_year): d.index = _set_multiindex_dtype(d.index, "time", int) d = d.sort_index() return d _TSV_GZ_FILENAME = "data.tsv.gz" _HDF_FILENAME = "data.h5" _HDF_TABLE_PATH = "eurostat_table" def _read_tsv_gz(path_or_buffer) -> pd.DataFrame: with, "rb") as f: return _read_tsv(f) def _download_tsv_gz(url, dst_dir): path = dst_dir / _TSV_GZ_FILENAME _download_file(url, path) def _read(the_dir): hdf_path = the_dir / _HDF_FILENAME tsv_gz_path = the_dir / _TSV_GZ_FILENAME try: data = pd.read_hdf(hdf_path, _HDF_TABLE_PATH) except FileNotFoundError: data = _read_tsv_gz(tsv_gz_path) data.to_hdf( hdf_path, _HDF_TABLE_PATH, complevel=conf["hdf_complevel"], complib=conf["hdf_complib"], ) # Replace empty flags by None (issue #3) # # Doing it at this point so that the null flag is saved in the HDF # file as a string, for performance reasons. # This is a pandas PerformanceWarning: # "your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types # that it cannot map directly to c-types # [inferred_type->mixed,key->block0_values] [items->['flag']]" data["flag"] = data["flag"].replace({"": None}) return data
from datetime import datetime from pypylon import pylon import nimmAuf import smbus2 import os import argparse import bestimmeVolumen from threading import Thread import time programmstart = time.time() # Argumente parsen (bei Aufruf im Terminal z.B. ' -n 100' eingeben) ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Skript zum Aufnehmen von Bildern der Teststrecke und der Volumenbestimmung von Luftblasen""") ap.add_argument("-n", "--number", default=400, type=int, help="Anzahl an Frames die aufgenommen werden sollen. Default: 400 Bilder") ap.add_argument("-fr", "--framerate", default=100, type=int, help="Framerate in fps. Richtwerte: <Flow 3 ml/s:50 fps, 3-6ml/s:100 fps, >6ml/s:200 fps; Default: 100 fps") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # Argumente des Parsers extrahieren numberOfImagesToGrab = args['number'] framerate = args['framerate'] if __name__ == '__main__': startzeit = time.time() #Test ob Kamera angeschlossen ist devices = pylon.TlFactory.GetInstance().EnumerateDevices() if len(devices) == 0: print("Keine Kamera angeschlossen oder Kamera woanders geöffnet.") return False # Test ob Drucksensor angeschlossen ist try: bus = smbus2.SMBus(0) bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x40, 0, 2) # 2 Bytes empfangen except OSError: print("Kein Drucksensor angeschlossen") exit() # Aus der aktuellen Zeit und den Parametern einen individuellen Ordnernamen generieren dirname = f'{"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")}' os.mkdir(dirname) # Ordner erstellen print(f"Ordnername: {dirname}") beginn = time.time()-programmstart # Threads zum Aufnehmen und Verarbeiten starten t_aufnahme = Thread(target=nimmAuf.starte, args=(dirname, numberOfImagesToGrab, framerate, startzeit)) t_tracke = Thread(target=bestimmeVolumen.tracke, args=(dirname, numberOfImagesToGrab)) t_aufnahme.start() t_tracke.start() t_aufnahme.join() t_tracke.join()
########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2011, Image Engine Design Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of Image Engine Design nor the names of any # other contributors to this software may be used to endorse or # promote products derived from this software without specific prior # written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ########################################################################## import maya.cmds import IECore import IECoreImage import IECoreMaya class ImageConverterTest( IECoreMaya.TestCase ) : def test( self ) : imageA = IECore.Reader.create( "test/IECoreImage/data/exr/colorBarsWithAlpha.exr" ).read() toMaya = IECoreMaya.ToMayaImageConverter( imageA ) mImage = maya.OpenMaya.MImage() toMaya.convert( mImage ) fromMaya = IECoreMaya.FromMayaImageConverter( mImage ) imageB = fromMaya.convert() self.assertFalse( IECoreImage.ImageDiffOp()( imageA=imageA, imageB=imageB, maxError=1.0/256 ).value ) if __name__ == "__main__": IECoreMaya.TestProgram()
import cocos from MultiLanguage import MultiLanguage from package.helper import ProjectHelper class FrameworkAdd(cocos.CCPlugin): @staticmethod def plugin_name(): return "add-framework" @staticmethod def brief_description(): return MultiLanguage.get_string('FRAMEWORK_ADD_BRIEF') # parse arguments def parse_args(self, argv): from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(prog="cocos %s" % self.__class__.plugin_name(), description=self.__class__.brief_description()) parser.add_argument("name", metavar="NAME", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('FRAMEWORK_ADD_ARG_NAME')) return parser.parse_args(argv) def run(self, argv): args = self.parse_args(argv) name = project = ProjectHelper.get_current_project() ProjectHelper.add_framework(project, name)
"""Project""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals class GenProject(object): """Genesais project annotation.""" def __init__(self, data, gencloud): for field in data: setattr(self, field, data[field]) self.gencloud = gencloud = getattr(self, 'id', None) # pylint: disable=invalid-name = getattr(self, 'name', None) def data_types(self): """Return a list of data types.""" data = self.gencloud.project_data( return sorted(set(d.type for d in data)) def data(self, **query): """Query for Data object annotation.""" data = self.gencloud.project_data( query['case_ids__contains'] = ids = set(d['id'] for d in self.gencloud.api.dataid.get(**query)['objects']) return [d for d in data if in ids] def find(self, filter_str): """Filter Data object annotation.""" raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self): return or 'n/a' def __repr__(self): return u"GenProject: {} - {}".format(,
# coding=utf-8 # *** WARNING: this file was generated by the Pulumi SDK Generator. *** # *** Do not edit by hand unless you're certain you know what you are doing! *** import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload from ... import _utilities from . import outputs from ._enums import * from ._inputs import * __all__ = ['TestMatrixArgs', 'TestMatrix'] @pulumi.input_type class TestMatrixArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, environment_matrix: pulumi.Input['EnvironmentMatrixArgs'], result_storage: pulumi.Input['ResultStorageArgs'], test_specification: pulumi.Input['TestSpecificationArgs'], client_info: Optional[pulumi.Input['ClientInfoArgs']] = None, fail_fast: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, flaky_test_attempts: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, request_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ The set of arguments for constructing a TestMatrix resource. :param pulumi.Input['EnvironmentMatrixArgs'] environment_matrix: The devices the tests are being executed on. :param pulumi.Input['ResultStorageArgs'] result_storage: Where the results for the matrix are written. :param pulumi.Input['TestSpecificationArgs'] test_specification: How to run the test. :param pulumi.Input['ClientInfoArgs'] client_info: Information about the client which invoked the test. :param pulumi.Input[bool] fail_fast: If true, only a single attempt at most will be made to run each execution/shard in the matrix. Flaky test attempts are not affected. Normally, 2 or more attempts are made if a potential infrastructure issue is detected. This feature is for latency sensitive workloads. The incidence of execution failures may be significantly greater for fail-fast matrices and support is more limited because of that expectation. :param pulumi.Input[int] flaky_test_attempts: The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns. :param pulumi.Input[str] project: The cloud project that owns the test matrix. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "environment_matrix", environment_matrix) pulumi.set(__self__, "result_storage", result_storage) pulumi.set(__self__, "test_specification", test_specification) if client_info is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "client_info", client_info) if fail_fast is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "fail_fast", fail_fast) if flaky_test_attempts is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "flaky_test_attempts", flaky_test_attempts) if project is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "project", project) if request_id is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "request_id", request_id) @property @pulumi.getter(name="environmentMatrix") def environment_matrix(self) -> pulumi.Input['EnvironmentMatrixArgs']: """ The devices the tests are being executed on. """ return pulumi.get(self, "environment_matrix") @environment_matrix.setter def environment_matrix(self, value: pulumi.Input['EnvironmentMatrixArgs']): pulumi.set(self, "environment_matrix", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="resultStorage") def result_storage(self) -> pulumi.Input['ResultStorageArgs']: """ Where the results for the matrix are written. """ return pulumi.get(self, "result_storage") @result_storage.setter def result_storage(self, value: pulumi.Input['ResultStorageArgs']): pulumi.set(self, "result_storage", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="testSpecification") def test_specification(self) -> pulumi.Input['TestSpecificationArgs']: """ How to run the test. """ return pulumi.get(self, "test_specification") @test_specification.setter def test_specification(self, value: pulumi.Input['TestSpecificationArgs']): pulumi.set(self, "test_specification", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="clientInfo") def client_info(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['ClientInfoArgs']]: """ Information about the client which invoked the test. """ return pulumi.get(self, "client_info") @client_info.setter def client_info(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['ClientInfoArgs']]): pulumi.set(self, "client_info", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="failFast") def fail_fast(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]: """ If true, only a single attempt at most will be made to run each execution/shard in the matrix. Flaky test attempts are not affected. Normally, 2 or more attempts are made if a potential infrastructure issue is detected. This feature is for latency sensitive workloads. The incidence of execution failures may be significantly greater for fail-fast matrices and support is more limited because of that expectation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "fail_fast") @fail_fast.setter def fail_fast(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]]): pulumi.set(self, "fail_fast", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="flakyTestAttempts") def flaky_test_attempts(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]: """ The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns. """ return pulumi.get(self, "flaky_test_attempts") @flaky_test_attempts.setter def flaky_test_attempts(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]]): pulumi.set(self, "flaky_test_attempts", value) @property @pulumi.getter def project(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ The cloud project that owns the test matrix. """ return pulumi.get(self, "project") @project.setter def project(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): pulumi.set(self, "project", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="requestId") def request_id(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: return pulumi.get(self, "request_id") @request_id.setter def request_id(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): pulumi.set(self, "request_id", value) class TestMatrix(pulumi.CustomResource): @overload def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, client_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ClientInfoArgs']]] = None, environment_matrix: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['EnvironmentMatrixArgs']]] = None, fail_fast: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, flaky_test_attempts: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, request_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, result_storage: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ResultStorageArgs']]] = None, test_specification: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['TestSpecificationArgs']]] = None, __props__=None): """ Creates and runs a matrix of tests according to the given specifications. Unsupported environments will be returned in the state UNSUPPORTED. A test matrix is limited to use at most 2000 devices in parallel. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed or if the matrix tries to use too many simultaneous devices. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ClientInfoArgs']] client_info: Information about the client which invoked the test. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['EnvironmentMatrixArgs']] environment_matrix: The devices the tests are being executed on. :param pulumi.Input[bool] fail_fast: If true, only a single attempt at most will be made to run each execution/shard in the matrix. Flaky test attempts are not affected. Normally, 2 or more attempts are made if a potential infrastructure issue is detected. This feature is for latency sensitive workloads. The incidence of execution failures may be significantly greater for fail-fast matrices and support is more limited because of that expectation. :param pulumi.Input[int] flaky_test_attempts: The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns. :param pulumi.Input[str] project: The cloud project that owns the test matrix. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ResultStorageArgs']] result_storage: Where the results for the matrix are written. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['TestSpecificationArgs']] test_specification: How to run the test. """ ... @overload def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, args: TestMatrixArgs, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None): """ Creates and runs a matrix of tests according to the given specifications. Unsupported environments will be returned in the state UNSUPPORTED. A test matrix is limited to use at most 2000 devices in parallel. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed or if the matrix tries to use too many simultaneous devices. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param TestMatrixArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ ... def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, *args, **kwargs): resource_args, opts = _utilities.get_resource_args_opts(TestMatrixArgs, pulumi.ResourceOptions, *args, **kwargs) if resource_args is not None: __self__._internal_init(resource_name, opts, **resource_args.__dict__) else: __self__._internal_init(resource_name, *args, **kwargs) def _internal_init(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, client_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ClientInfoArgs']]] = None, environment_matrix: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['EnvironmentMatrixArgs']]] = None, fail_fast: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None, flaky_test_attempts: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, request_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, result_storage: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['ResultStorageArgs']]] = None, test_specification: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['TestSpecificationArgs']]] = None, __props__=None): if opts is None: opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions() if not isinstance(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') if opts.version is None: opts.version = _utilities.get_version() if is None: if __props__ is not None: raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid to get an existing resource') __props__ = TestMatrixArgs.__new__(TestMatrixArgs) __props__.__dict__["client_info"] = client_info if environment_matrix is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'environment_matrix'") __props__.__dict__["environment_matrix"] = environment_matrix __props__.__dict__["fail_fast"] = fail_fast __props__.__dict__["flaky_test_attempts"] = flaky_test_attempts __props__.__dict__["project"] = project __props__.__dict__["request_id"] = request_id if result_storage is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'result_storage'") __props__.__dict__["result_storage"] = result_storage if test_specification is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'test_specification'") __props__.__dict__["test_specification"] = test_specification __props__.__dict__["invalid_matrix_details"] = None __props__.__dict__["outcome_summary"] = None __props__.__dict__["state"] = None __props__.__dict__["test_executions"] = None __props__.__dict__["test_matrix_id"] = None __props__.__dict__["timestamp"] = None super(TestMatrix, __self__).__init__( 'google-native:testing/v1:TestMatrix', resource_name, __props__, opts) @staticmethod def get(resource_name: str, id: pulumi.Input[str], opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None) -> 'TestMatrix': """ Get an existing TestMatrix resource's state with the given name, id, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup. :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) __props__ = TestMatrixArgs.__new__(TestMatrixArgs) __props__.__dict__["client_info"] = None __props__.__dict__["environment_matrix"] = None __props__.__dict__["fail_fast"] = None __props__.__dict__["flaky_test_attempts"] = None __props__.__dict__["invalid_matrix_details"] = None __props__.__dict__["outcome_summary"] = None __props__.__dict__["project"] = None __props__.__dict__["result_storage"] = None __props__.__dict__["state"] = None __props__.__dict__["test_executions"] = None __props__.__dict__["test_matrix_id"] = None __props__.__dict__["test_specification"] = None __props__.__dict__["timestamp"] = None return TestMatrix(resource_name, opts=opts, __props__=__props__) @property @pulumi.getter(name="clientInfo") def client_info(self) -> pulumi.Output['outputs.ClientInfoResponse']: """ Information about the client which invoked the test. """ return pulumi.get(self, "client_info") @property @pulumi.getter(name="environmentMatrix") def environment_matrix(self) -> pulumi.Output['outputs.EnvironmentMatrixResponse']: """ The devices the tests are being executed on. """ return pulumi.get(self, "environment_matrix") @property @pulumi.getter(name="failFast") def fail_fast(self) -> pulumi.Output[bool]: """ If true, only a single attempt at most will be made to run each execution/shard in the matrix. Flaky test attempts are not affected. Normally, 2 or more attempts are made if a potential infrastructure issue is detected. This feature is for latency sensitive workloads. The incidence of execution failures may be significantly greater for fail-fast matrices and support is more limited because of that expectation. """ return pulumi.get(self, "fail_fast") @property @pulumi.getter(name="flakyTestAttempts") def flaky_test_attempts(self) -> pulumi.Output[int]: """ The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns. """ return pulumi.get(self, "flaky_test_attempts") @property @pulumi.getter(name="invalidMatrixDetails") def invalid_matrix_details(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Describes why the matrix is considered invalid. Only useful for matrices in the INVALID state. """ return pulumi.get(self, "invalid_matrix_details") @property @pulumi.getter(name="outcomeSummary") def outcome_summary(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Output Only. The overall outcome of the test. Only set when the test matrix state is FINISHED. """ return pulumi.get(self, "outcome_summary") @property @pulumi.getter def project(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The cloud project that owns the test matrix. """ return pulumi.get(self, "project") @property @pulumi.getter(name="resultStorage") def result_storage(self) -> pulumi.Output['outputs.ResultStorageResponse']: """ Where the results for the matrix are written. """ return pulumi.get(self, "result_storage") @property @pulumi.getter def state(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Indicates the current progress of the test matrix. """ return pulumi.get(self, "state") @property @pulumi.getter(name="testExecutions") def test_executions(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.TestExecutionResponse']]: """ The list of test executions that the service creates for this matrix. """ return pulumi.get(self, "test_executions") @property @pulumi.getter(name="testMatrixId") def test_matrix_id(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Unique id set by the service. """ return pulumi.get(self, "test_matrix_id") @property @pulumi.getter(name="testSpecification") def test_specification(self) -> pulumi.Output['outputs.TestSpecificationResponse']: """ How to run the test. """ return pulumi.get(self, "test_specification") @property @pulumi.getter def timestamp(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The time this test matrix was initially created. """ return pulumi.get(self, "timestamp")
'''Test feet admittance control''' from sot_talos_balance.utils.run_test_utils import run_ft_calibration, run_test, runCommandClient try: # Python 2 input = raw_input # noqa except NameError: pass run_test('') run_ft_calibration('robot.ftc') input("Wait before running the test") print('Set saturation value') runCommandClient('robot.admBF_dqSaturation.sin.value = [0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]') input("Wait before dumping the data") runCommandClient('dump_tracer(robot.tracer)')
import torch from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.autograd.function import Function, once_differentiable import apex_C def check_contig_cuda(tensors, names): for tensor, name in zip(tensors, names): if not tensor.is_contiguous(): raise RuntimeError(name+" with size {} is not contiguous" .format(tensor.size())) if not tensor.is_cuda: raise RuntimeError(name+".is_cuda = False." "Currently, only cuda tensors are supported.") class Fused_Weight_Norm(Function): """ Custom autograd function that implements weight norm, as presented in `<>`_, along a tensor's slowest or fastest dimension using fused kernel launches for the forward and backward passes. Accepts fp32 or fp16 input; the output type will match the input type. Within the kernels, all calculations are performed in fp32 for numerical stability, regardless of input/output precision. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, g, dim=0): """ Args: input(torch.cuda.FloatTensor or torch.cuda.HalfTensor): input tensor corresponding to **v** in the paper. ``input`` should be contiguous. g(torch.cuda.FloatTensor or torch.cuda.HalfTensor): input tensor corresponding to **g** in the paper. ``g`` should be the same type as ``input``. dim(int, optional, default=0): Dimension across which to perform weightnorm. Currently, only the first or last dimension of the input tensor is supported. Returns: Output tensor corresponding to **w** in the paper. Output type and precision will match type and precision of ``input``. """ # torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("FusedNorm.forward, input.size() = {}" # .format(input.size())) check_contig_cuda((input,g),("input","g")) """ This is ok, new() treats a torch.Size object properly. No need to unpack with an asterisk via new(*input.size()). """ output = """ For output with size (slow, faster, faster, ...fastest), we want norms with size (slow, 1, 1, ...1), so that if you want retrieve norms and apply the same normalizing factors to another Tensor "t" with the same size as output, "t/norms" will broadcast each element of norms across the corresponding slowest dim of t. """ if dim == 0: norm_size = (output.size(0),) + (1,)*(output.dim() - 1) elif dim == output.dim() - 1: norm_size = (1,)*(output.dim() - 1) + (output.size(-1),) else: raise RuntimeError("Currently, Fused_Weight_Norm only supports first or last dimension.") norms = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(*norm_size).contiguous() """ Beware: If you call the following: norms = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(norm_size).contiguous() the constructor sees a tuple: FloatTensor( (output_size(0),1,1,...) ) and creates a 1D tensor with values from the tuple: [output_size(0),1,1,...]. """ apex_C.weight_norm_fwd(output, norms, input, g, dim) ctx.save_for_backward(input, g) # save_for_backward can only save input or output tensors, # use ctx state to save the norms and dimension: ctx.norms = norms ctx.dim = dim return output @staticmethod @once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_output): """ Args: grad_output(torch.cuda.FloatTensor or torch.cuda.HalfTensor): Gradient of loss with respect to output **w**. ``grad_output`` should be contiguous for performance. Returns: Gradient of loss with respect to ``input`` and ``g``. The precision of these gradients will match the precision of ``grad_input``. """ check_contig_cuda((grad_output), ("grad_output")) savedInput, savedg = ctx.saved_tensors savedNorms = ctx.norms # We expect that these .contiguous() calls will be no-ops. They're present for safety. grad_output_contig = grad_output.contiguous() grad_input = grad_g = apex_C.weight_norm_bwd(grad_input, grad_g, grad_output_contig, savedInput, savedg, savedNorms, ctx.dim) return grad_input, grad_g, None
""" Insertion Sort Algorithm:""" """Implementation""" def insertion_sort(arr) -> list: n = len(arr) for i in range(1, n): swap_index = i for j in range(i-1, -1, -1): if arr[swap_index] < arr[j]: arr[swap_index], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[swap_index] swap_index -= 1 else: break return arr def main(): arr_input = [10, 5, 30, 1, 2, 5, 10, 10] a2 = insertion_sort(arr_input) print(a2) # Using the special variable # __name__ if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ test_simple_compression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tests for compression of single chunks. """ import brotli import pytest from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import binary, integers, sampled_from, one_of def test_roundtrip_compression_with_files(simple_compressed_file): """ Roundtripping data through the compressor works correctly. """ with open(simple_compressed_file[0], 'rb') as f: uncompressed_data = assert brotli.decompress( brotli.compress(uncompressed_data) ) == uncompressed_data @given( chunk_size=integers(min_value=1, max_value=2**12), mode=sampled_from(list(brotli.BrotliEncoderMode)), quality=integers(min_value=0, max_value=11), lgwin=integers(min_value=10, max_value=24), lgblock=one_of( integers(min_value=0, max_value=0), integers(min_value=16, max_value=24) ), ) def test_streaming_compression(one_compressed_file, chunk_size, mode, quality, lgwin, lgblock): """ Confirm that the streaming compressor works as expected. """ compressed_chunks = [] c = brotli.Compressor( mode=mode, quality=quality, lgwin=lgwin, lgblock=lgblock ) with open(one_compressed_file, 'rb') as f: while True: next_data = if not next_data: break compressed_chunks.append(c.compress(next_data)) compressed_chunks.append(c.finish()) decompressed = brotli.decompress(b''.join(compressed_chunks)) with open(one_compressed_file, 'rb') as f: assert decompressed == @given( chunk_size=integers(min_value=1, max_value=2**12), mode=sampled_from(list(brotli.BrotliEncoderMode)), quality=integers(min_value=0, max_value=11), lgwin=integers(min_value=10, max_value=24), lgblock=one_of( integers(min_value=0, max_value=0), integers(min_value=16, max_value=24) ), ) def test_streaming_compression_flush(one_compressed_file, chunk_size, mode, quality, lgwin, lgblock): """ Confirm that the streaming compressor works as expected, including flushes after each chunk. """ compressed_chunks = [] c = brotli.Compressor( mode=mode, quality=quality, lgwin=lgwin, lgblock=lgblock ) with open(one_compressed_file, 'rb') as f: while True: next_data = if not next_data: break compressed_chunks.append(c.compress(next_data)) compressed_chunks.append(c.flush()) compressed_chunks.append(c.finish()) decompressed = brotli.decompress(b''.join(compressed_chunks)) with open(one_compressed_file, 'rb') as f: assert decompressed == @given(binary()) def test_compressed_data_roundtrips(s): assert brotli.decompress(brotli.compress(s)) == s @given(binary(), binary()) def test_compressed_data_with_dictionaries(s, dictionary): d = brotli.Decompressor(dictionary) compressed = brotli.compress(s, dictionary=dictionary) uncompressed = d.decompress(compressed) assert uncompressed == s @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params", [ {"mode": 52}, {"quality": 52}, {"lgwin": 52}, {"lgblock": 52}, ] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("exception_cls", [brotli.Error, brotli.error]) def test_bad_compressor_parameters(params, exception_cls): with pytest.raises(exception_cls): brotli.Compressor(**params)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ldap.controls.deref - classes for (see See for project details. """ __all__ = [ 'DEREF_CONTROL_OID', 'DereferenceControl', ] import ldap.controls from ldap.controls import LDAPControl,KNOWN_RESPONSE_CONTROLS import pyasn1_modules.rfc2251 from pyasn1.type import namedtype,univ,tag from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder,decoder from pyasn1_modules.rfc2251 import LDAPDN,AttributeDescription,AttributeDescriptionList,AttributeValue DEREF_CONTROL_OID = '' # Request types #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For compatibility with ASN.1 declaration in I-D AttributeList = AttributeDescriptionList class DerefSpec(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType( 'derefAttr', AttributeDescription() ), namedtype.NamedType( 'attributes', AttributeList() ), ) class DerefSpecs(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = DerefSpec() # Response types #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AttributeValues(univ.SetOf): componentType = AttributeValue() class PartialAttribute(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('type', AttributeDescription()), namedtype.NamedType('vals', AttributeValues()), ) class PartialAttributeList(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = PartialAttribute() tagSet = univ.Sequence.tagSet.tagImplicitly( tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext,tag.tagFormatConstructed,0) ) class DerefRes(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('derefAttr', AttributeDescription()), namedtype.NamedType('derefVal', LDAPDN()), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('attrVals', PartialAttributeList()), ) class DerefResultControlValue(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = DerefRes() class DereferenceControl(LDAPControl): controlType = DEREF_CONTROL_OID def __init__(self,criticality=False,derefSpecs=None): LDAPControl.__init__(self,self.controlType,criticality) self.derefSpecs = derefSpecs or {} def _derefSpecs(self): deref_specs = DerefSpecs() i = 0 for deref_attr,deref_attribute_names in self.derefSpecs.items(): deref_spec = DerefSpec() deref_attributes = AttributeList() for j in range(len(deref_attribute_names)): deref_attributes.setComponentByPosition(j,deref_attribute_names[j]) deref_spec.setComponentByName('derefAttr',AttributeDescription(deref_attr)) deref_spec.setComponentByName('attributes',deref_attributes) deref_specs.setComponentByPosition(i,deref_spec) i += 1 return deref_specs def encodeControlValue(self): return encoder.encode(self._derefSpecs()) def decodeControlValue(self,encodedControlValue): decodedValue,_ = decoder.decode(encodedControlValue,asn1Spec=DerefResultControlValue()) self.derefRes = {} for deref_res in decodedValue: deref_attr,deref_val,deref_vals = deref_res[0],deref_res[1],deref_res[2] partial_attrs_dict = { str(tv[0]): [str(v) for v in tv[1]] for tv in deref_vals or [] } try: self.derefRes[str(deref_attr)].append((str(deref_val),partial_attrs_dict)) except KeyError: self.derefRes[str(deref_attr)] = [(str(deref_val),partial_attrs_dict)] KNOWN_RESPONSE_CONTROLS[DereferenceControl.controlType] = DereferenceControl
from django.utils.text import slugify from django.utils.html import format_html class MenuItem(object): def __init__(self, label, url, name=None, classnames='', order=1000): self.label = label self.url = url self.classnames = classnames = (name or slugify(unicode(label))) self.order = order def render_html(self): return format_html( u"""<li class="menu-{0}"><a href="{1}" class="{2}">{3}</a></li>""",, self.url, self.classnames, self.label)
import unittest import app def test_test(): assert app.test() == "Works!"
#!/usr/bin/env python from btmacd.binance_fetcher import BinanceFetcher def main(): fetcher = BinanceFetcher("BTCUSDT", filename="binance_ohlc.csv", start_date="01.01.2018") fetcher.fetch() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals range = getattr(__builtins__, 'xrange', range) # end of py2 compatability boilerplate import numpy as np from matrixprofile import core from matrixprofile.algorithms.mpdist import mpdist_vector def snippets(ts, snippet_size, num_snippets=2, window_size=None): """ The snippets algorithm is used to summarize your time series by identifying N number of representative subsequences. If you want to identify typical patterns in your time series, then this is the algorithm to use. Parameters ---------- ts : array_like The time series. snippet_size : int The size of snippet desired. num_snippets : int, Default 2 The number of snippets you would like to find. window_size : int, Default (snippet_size / 2) The window size. Returns ------- list : snippets A list of snippets as dictionary objects with the following structure. >>> { >>> fraction: fraction of the snippet, >>> index: the index of the snippet, >>> snippet: the snippet values >>> } """ ts = core.to_np_array(ts).astype('d') n = len(ts) if not isinstance(snippet_size, int) or snippet_size < 4: raise ValueError('snippet_size must be an integer >= 4') if n < (2 * snippet_size): raise ValueError('Time series is too short relative to snippet length') if not window_size: window_size = int(np.floor(snippet_size / 2)) if window_size >= snippet_size: raise ValueError('window_size must be smaller than snippet_size') # pad end of time series with zeros num_zeros = int(snippet_size * np.ceil(n / snippet_size) - n) ts = np.append(ts, np.zeros(num_zeros)) # compute all profiles indices = np.arange(0, len(ts) - snippet_size, snippet_size) distances = [] for j, i in enumerate(indices): distance = mpdist_vector(ts, ts[i:(i + snippet_size - 1)], int(window_size)) distances.append(distance) distances = np.array(distances) # find N snippets snippets = [] minis = np.inf total_min = None for n in range(num_snippets): minims = np.inf for i in range(len(indices)): s = np.sum(np.minimum(distances[i, :], minis)) if minims > s: minims = s index = i minis = np.minimum(distances[index, :], minis) actual_index = indices[index] snippet = ts[actual_index:actual_index + snippet_size] snippet_distance = distances[index] snippets.append({ 'index': actual_index, 'snippet': snippet, 'distance': snippet_distance }) if isinstance(total_min, type(None)): total_min = snippet_distance else: total_min = np.minimum(total_min, snippet_distance) # compute the fraction of each snippet for snippet in snippets: mask = (snippet['distance'] <= total_min) snippet['fraction'] = mask.sum() / (len(ts) - snippet_size) total_min = total_min - mask del snippet['distance'] return snippets
from import FileSystemStorage from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from core.forms import DocumentForm from core.models import Document from media import image_cv2 def home(request): documents = Document.objects.all() number = len(image_cv2.myList) return render(request, 'core/home.html', {'documents': documents, 'number': number}) def simple_upload(request): if request.method == 'POST' and request.FILES['myfile']: myfile = request.FILES['myfile'] fs = FileSystemStorage() filename =, myfile) uploaded_file_url = fs.url(filename) return render(request, 'core/simple_upload.html', { 'uploaded_file_url': uploaded_file_url }) return render(request, 'core/simple_upload.html') def model_form_upload(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = DocumentForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): return redirect('home') else: form = DocumentForm() return render(request, 'core/model_form_upload.html', { 'form': form })
"""Simple example to show how to use weave.inline on SWIG2 wrapped objects. SWIG2 refers to SWIG versions >= 1.3. To run this example you must build the trivial SWIG2 extension called swig2_ext. To do this you need to do something like this:: $ swig -c++ -python -I. -o swig2_ext_wrap.cxx swig2_ext.i $ g++ -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include/python2.3 -fPIC -I. -c \ -o swig2_ext_wrap.os swig2_ext_wrap.cxx $ g++ -shared -o swig2_ext_wrap.os \ -L/usr/lib/python2.3/config The files swig2_ext.i and swig2_ext.h are included in the same directory that contains this file. Note that weave's SWIG2 support works fine whether SWIG_COBJECT_TYPES are used or not. Author: <NAME> Copyright (c) 2004, <NAME> License: BSD Style. """ # Import our SWIG2 wrapped library import swig2_ext import scipy.weave as weave from scipy.weave import swig2_spec, converters # SWIG2 support is not enabled by default. We do this by adding the # swig2 converter to the default list of converters. converters.default.insert(0, swig2_spec.swig2_converter()) def test(): """Instantiate the SWIG wrapped object and then call its method from C++ using weave.inline """ a = swig2_ext.A() b = # This will be an APtr instance. b.thisown = 1 # Prevent memory leaks. code = """a->f(); b->f(); """ weave.inline(code, ['a', 'b'], include_dirs=['.'], headers=['"swig2_ext.h"'], verbose=1) if __name__ == "__main__": test()
from django import forms from ...models import Language class LanguageForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Form for creating and modifying language objects """ class Meta: model = Language fields = [ "code", "english_name", "native_name", "text_direction", ]
from __future__ import print_function import re, sys, glob, getopt, os def usage(): print('aspx2url v1.0') print('Usage:') print(sys.argv[0]+' -d -h filename(s)') print('-d : Delete original file') print('-h : This help') def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd") except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(str(err)) usage() sys.exit(2) deleteOriginal = False for option,value in opts: if option == '-h': usage() sys.exit() elif option == '-d': deleteOriginal = True for origFilename in args: with open(origFilename, "r") as f: html_doc = prog = re.compile('\<mso\:URL.*?\>(.*?),.*?\<\/mso\:URL\>', re.M) result = url =; filename ='(.*?)\.aspx',origFilename).group(1) fullFilename = filename+'.url' with open(fullFilename, 'w') as out: out.write('[InternetShortcut]\n') out.write('URL='+url) out.write('\n') if deleteOriginal: os.remove(origFilename) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright <NAME>, 2015. # # Creates a pileup from a given SAM/BAM file, and calls consensus bases (or variants). import os import sys import operator import subprocess def increase_in_dict(dict_counter, value): try: dict_counter[value] += 1 except: dict_counter[value] = 1 def process_mpileup_line( line, line_number, ret_variant_list, ret_vcf_list, ret_snp_count, ret_insertion_count, ret_deletion_count, ret_num_undercovered_bases, ret_num_called_bases, ret_num_correct_bases, ret_coverage_sum, coverage_threshold, verbose=False, ): # Split the line, and perform a sanity check. split_line = line.strip().split("\t") if len(split_line) < 5 or len(split_line) > 6: sys.stderr.write(line + "\n") return 0 ref_name = split_line[0] position = split_line[1] ref_base = split_line[2] coverage = split_line[3] original_bases = split_line[4] if len(split_line) == 6: qualities = split_line[5] bases = "" # Replace the '.' and ',' signs with the actual reference base. i = 0 while i < len(original_bases): if original_bases[i] == "." or original_bases[i] == ",": bases += ref_base else: bases += original_bases[i] i += 1 base_counts = {} insertion_count = 0 current_base_deletion_count = 0 deletion_count = 0 insertion_event_counts = {} deletion_event_counts = {} end_counts = 0 # print 'position: %s' % position; # print 'bases: "%s"' % bases; # print 'line_number: %d' % line_number; # print line; # print ''; # sys.stdout.flush(); i = 0 while i < len(bases): base = bases[i] if base == r"^": # This is the starting position of a read. It encodes two # symbols: '^' marking the read start and a char marking the # mapping quality of the read. # increase_in_dict(base_counts, bases[i + 1].upper()); i += 1 # Increase only by 1, because we have i += 1 down there. elif base == r"$": # This marks the end of a read. end_counts += 1 elif base == r"*": # This is a deletion, just count it. current_base_deletion_count += 1 elif base == r"-": # This marks the occurance of deletions. It is a composite object # consisting of: the special character '-', the number of the deleted bases # and the actual bases that are deleted (these bases follow the current position). # In our approach, we ignore this case, because we count deletions one by one # through the '*' character. # Get the number of bases that need to be skipped in the string. j = i + 1 while bases[j] in "0123456789": j += 1 num_bases = int(bases[(i + 1) : j]) skip_bases = (j - i) + num_bases - 1 deletion_count += 1 deletion = bases[j : (j + num_bases)].upper() increase_in_dict(deletion_event_counts, deletion) # Skip the length of the numeric entry plus the actual number of bases # that need to be skipped. i += skip_bases elif base == r"+": # This marks the occurance of an insertion. It is a composite object # consisting of: the special character '+', the number of the inserted bases # and the actual bases that are inserted (these bases follow the current position). # Similar to the deletion marking, but here we actually care about the bases, # and we need to make an allele aware count. # Get the number of bases that are inserted; j = i + 1 while bases[j] in "0123456789": j += 1 num_bases = int(bases[(i + 1) : j]) skip_bases = (j - i) + num_bases - 1 insertion_count += 1 insertion = bases[j : (j + num_bases)].upper() increase_in_dict(insertion_event_counts, insertion) i += skip_bases else: increase_in_dict(base_counts, bases[i].upper()) i += 1 # TODO: An additional problematic case, discovered this on 03.11.2014., when analyzing BWA-MEM's mpileup. # There are pileup bases that do not have any actual bases, but only the '*' symbols. How should this be handled properly? # Example line from the mpileup file: # gi|48994873|gb|U00096.2|_Escherichia_coli_str._K-12_substr._MG1655,_complete_genome 1938202 T 20 ******************** 8,2*#-;)$B>2$1&D- # I chose to handle them as undercovered bases. non_indel_coverage_current_base = int(coverage) - current_base_deletion_count if verbose == True: sys.stdout.write("%s\nbase_counts: %s\n" % (line.strip(), str(base_counts))) # EDIT: Previously I compared the total coverage of the current base with the coverage threshold. # However, the total coverage also accounts for the deletions denoted with the '*' sign, which I think # isn't relevant, as deletions are counted prior to occuring, and at that point is already decided if there is going # to be a deletion event. If we wound up at this base (i.e. this base didn't get skipped because of a deletion # consensus), then the deletions on this base are ignored. # if (int(coverage) < coverage_threshold or int(coverage) == current_base_deletion_count): # if (non_indel_coverage_current_base < coverage_threshold): if int(coverage) < coverage_threshold: ret_num_undercovered_bases[0] += 1 # ret_coverage_sum[0] += 0; ret_coverage_sum[0] += int(coverage) # TODO: Should I count total coverage of this base, or the non_indel_coverage_current_base? sorted_base_counts = [["A", 0], ["C", 0], ["T", 0], ["G", 0]] sorted_base_counts = sorted( list(base_counts.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1) ) try: most_common_base_count = sorted_base_counts[-1][1] except Exception as e: most_common_base_count = 0 pass # variant_line = 'undercovered1\tpos = %s\tcoverage = %d\tnon_indel_cov_curr = %d\tmost_common_base_count = %d\tref_base = %s\tcons_base = %s\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s\t%s' % (position, int(coverage), non_indel_coverage_current_base, most_common_base_count, ref_base, sorted_base_counts[-1][0], str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip()); # ret_variant_list.append(variant_line); variant_line = ( "undercovered1\tpos = %s\tref = %s\tcoverage = %d\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s" % ( position, ref_name, int(coverage), str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), ) ) ret_variant_list.append(variant_line) ### VCF output ### qual = 1000 info = "DP=%s;TYPE=snp" % (coverage) ref_field = ref_base alt_field = "N" vcf_line = "%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t%s\t%d\tPASS\t%s" % ( ref_name, position, ref_field, alt_field, qual, info, ) ret_vcf_list.append(vcf_line) ################## else: ret_num_called_bases[0] += 1 ret_coverage_sum[0] += int(coverage) # TODO: Should I count total coverage of this base, or the non_indel_coverage_current_base? most_common_base_count = 0 ### Handling base consensus. sorted_base_counts = sorted( list(base_counts.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1) ) try: most_common_base_count = sorted_base_counts[-1][1] except Exception as e: pass # sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n'); # sys.stderr.write('sorted_base_counts:\n'); # sys.stderr.write(str(sorted_base_counts) + '\n'); # sys.stderr.write('base_counts:\n'); # sys.stderr.write(str(base_counts) + '\n'); # sys.stderr.write('original_bases:\n'); # sys.stderr.write(str(original_bases) + '\n'); # sys.stderr.write('line:\n'); # sys.stderr.write(line.strip() + '\n'); # most_common_base_count = 0; # Allow for the case where there are multiple equally good choices. # In this case, we prefer the choice which is equal to the reference. is_good = False for base_count in sorted_base_counts: if base_count[1] == most_common_base_count: if base_count[0] == ref_base: is_good = True break if is_good == False: if len(sorted_base_counts) > 0: ret_snp_count[0] += 1 # ret_variant_list.append(line_number); variant_line = ( "SNP\tpos = %s\tref = %s\tcoverage = %d\tnon_indel_cov_curr = %d\tmost_common_base_count = %d\tref_base = %s\tcons_base = %s\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s\t%s" % ( position, ref_name, int(coverage), non_indel_coverage_current_base, most_common_base_count, ref_base, ("{}") if (len(sorted_base_counts) == 0) else (str(sorted_base_counts[-1][0])), str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip(), ) ) ret_variant_list.append(variant_line) ### VCF output ### alt_base = ( ("{}") if (len(sorted_base_counts) == 0) else (str(sorted_base_counts[-1][0])) ) qual = 1000 info = "DP=%s;TYPE=snp" % (coverage) ref_field = ref_base alt_field = alt_base vcf_line = "%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t%s\t%d\tPASS\t%s" % ( ref_name, position, ref_field, alt_field, qual, info, ) ret_vcf_list.append(vcf_line) ################## else: sys.stderr.write( "\nWarning: a SNP was detected, but there were no bases in the sorted_base_counts!" ) variant_line = ( "SNP\tpos = %s\tref = %s\tcoverage = %d\tnon_indel_cov_curr = %d\tmost_common_base_count = %d\tref_base = %s\tcons_base = %s\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s\t%s" % ( position, ref_name, int(coverage), non_indel_coverage_current_base, most_common_base_count, ref_base, ("{}") if (len(sorted_base_counts) == 0) else (str(sorted_base_counts[-1][0])), str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip(), ) ) sys.stderr.write("\n") else: ret_num_correct_bases[0] += 1 if verbose == True: sys.stdout.write("Reference base: %s\n" % (ref_base)) sys.stdout.write("Consensus base: %s\n\n" % (base_count[0])) # if (int(position) == 100000 or int(position) == 1000000 or int(position) == 2000000 or int(position) == 3000000 or int(position) == 4000000): # print '\nTEST\tpos = %s\tcoverage = %d\tnon_indel_cov_curr = %d\tmost_common_base_count = %d\tref_base = %s\tcons_base = %s\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s\t%s\n' % (position, int(coverage), non_indel_coverage_current_base, most_common_base_count, ref_base, sorted_base_counts[-1][0], str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip()); ### Handling indel consensus. ### Put a different coverage threshold. Here we are interested even in the reads ### which had a '*' at the current position (because we don't know where it ends). non_indel_coverage_next_base = ( int(coverage) - end_counts - deletion_count - insertion_count ) if ( non_indel_coverage_next_base + deletion_count + insertion_count ) > coverage_threshold: # Sanity check, just to see if there actually were any insertions (to avoid index out of bounds error). # If there are insertions, get the most common one. if len(list(insertion_event_counts.keys())) > 0: sorted_insertion_counts = sorted( list(insertion_event_counts.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1) ) most_common_insertion_count = sorted_insertion_counts[-1][1] most_common_insertion_length = len(sorted_insertion_counts[-1][0]) insertion_unique = ( True if ( sum( [ int(insertion_count[1] == most_common_insertion_count) for insertion_count in sorted_insertion_counts ] ) == 1 ) else False ) else: most_common_insertion_count = 0 most_common_insertion_length = 0 insertion_unique = False # Sanity check, just to see if there actually were any deletions (to avoid index out of bounds error). # If there are deletions, get the most common one. if len(list(deletion_event_counts.keys())) > 0: sorted_deletion_counts = sorted( list(deletion_event_counts.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1) ) most_common_deletion_count = sorted_deletion_counts[-1][1] most_common_deletion_length = len(sorted_deletion_counts[-1][0]) deletion_unique = ( True if ( sum( [ int(deletion_count[1] == most_common_deletion_count) for deletion_count in sorted_deletion_counts ] ) == 1 ) else False ) else: most_common_deletion_count = 0 most_common_deletion_length = 0 deletion_unique = False if ( most_common_insertion_count > most_common_deletion_count and most_common_insertion_count > non_indel_coverage_next_base ): # In this case, insertions are a clear winner. if insertion_unique == True: # ret_insertion_count[0] += most_common_insertion_length; ret_insertion_count[0] += 1 ret_num_called_bases[0] += most_common_insertion_length # variant_line = 'insertion\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (most_common_insertion_count, str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip()); # ret_variant_list.append(variant_line); try: temp_sorted_bc = sorted_base_counts[-1][0] except: temp_sorted_bc = 0 indel_length = most_common_insertion_length variant_line = ( "ins\tpos = %s\tref = %s\tnon_indel_cov_next = %d\tnon_indel_cov_curr = %d\tmost_common_insertion_count = %d\tref_base = %s\tcons_base = %s\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s\t%s" % ( position, ref_name, non_indel_coverage_next_base, non_indel_coverage_current_base, most_common_insertion_count, ref_base, temp_sorted_bc, str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip(), ) ) ret_variant_list.append(variant_line) ### Insertions in the VCF format specifies the position where a insertion occurs. The ref position should contain the base which is the same as ref, but the alt field contains the ref base + the insertion event. ### VCF output ### alt_base = ( ("{}") if (len(sorted_base_counts) == 0) else (str(sorted_base_counts[-1][0])) ) qual = 1000 info = "DP=%s;TYPE=ins" % (coverage) ref_field = ref_base alt_field = "%s%s" % (ref_base, sorted_insertion_counts[-1][0]) vcf_line = "%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t%s\t%d\tPASS\t%s" % ( ref_name, position, ref_field, alt_field, qual, info, ) ret_vcf_list.append(vcf_line) ################## elif ( most_common_deletion_count > most_common_insertion_count and most_common_deletion_count > non_indel_coverage_next_base ): # In this case, deletions are a clear winner. if deletion_unique == True: # ret_deletion_count[0] += most_common_deletion_length; ret_deletion_count[0] += 1 # variant_line = 'deletion\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (most_common_deletion_count, str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip()); # ret_variant_list.append(variant_line); # return most_common_deletion_length; variant_line = ( "del\tpos = %s\tref = %s\tnon_indel_cov_next = %d\tnon_indel_cov_curr = %d\tmost_common_deletion_count = %d\tref_base = %s\tcons_base = %s\tbase_counts = %s\tinsertion_counts = %s\tdeletion_counts = %s\t%s" % ( position, ref_name, non_indel_coverage_next_base, non_indel_coverage_current_base, most_common_deletion_count, ref_base, sorted_base_counts[-1][0], str(sorted_base_counts), str(insertion_event_counts), str(deletion_event_counts), line.strip(), ) ) ret_variant_list.append(variant_line) ### Deletions in the VCF format specifies the position where a deletion occurs, with the first base being non-deletion, and the following bases being a deletion event. ### VCF output ### alt_base = ( ("{}") if (len(sorted_base_counts) == 0) else (str(sorted_base_counts[-1][0])) ) qual = 1000 info = "DP=%s;TYPE=del" % (coverage) ref_field = "%s%s" % (ref_base, sorted_deletion_counts[-1][0]) alt_field = ref_base vcf_line = "%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t%s\t%d\tPASS\t%s" % ( ref_name, position, ref_field, alt_field, qual, info, ) ret_vcf_list.append(vcf_line) ################## return most_common_deletion_length else: # In this case, either the base count consensus wins, or the # insertion/deletion count is ambiguous. pass return 0 def process_mpileup( alignments_path, reference_path, mpileup_path, coverage_threshold, output_prefix, thread_id=0, bed_position="", ): fp = None try: fp = open(mpileup_path, "r") except IOError: sys.stderr.write( 'ERROR: Could not open file "%s" for reading!\n' % mpileup_path ) return None ret_variant_list = [] ret_vcf_list = [] ret_snp_count = [0] ret_insertion_count = [0] ret_deletion_count = [0] ret_num_undercovered_bases = [0] ret_num_called_bases = [0] ret_num_correct_bases = [0] ret_coverage_sum = [0] # lines = fp.readlines(); fp_variant = None fp_vcf = None if output_prefix != "": if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_prefix)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_prefix)) variant_file = "%s-cov_%d.variant.csv" % (output_prefix, coverage_threshold) fp_variant = open(variant_file, "w") vcf_file = "%s-cov_%d.variant.vcf" % (output_prefix, coverage_threshold) fp_vcf = open(vcf_file, "w") fp_vcf.write("##fileformat=VCFv4.0\n") fp_vcf.write("##fileDate=20150409\n") fp_vcf.write("##source=%s\n" % (" ".join(sys.argv))) fp_vcf.write("##reference=%s\n" % reference_path) fp_vcf.write('##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Raw Depth">\n') fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=TYPE,Number=A,Type=String,Description="Type of each allele (snp, ins, del, mnp, complex)">\n' ) fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">\n' ) fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=SB,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled strand bias at this position">\n' ) fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=DP4,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description="Counts for ref-forward bases, ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases">\n' ) fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=INDEL,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates that the variant is an INDEL.">\n' ) fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=CONSVAR,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates that the variant is a consensus variant (as opposed to a low frequency variant).">\n' ) fp_vcf.write( '##INFO=<ID=HRUN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Homopolymer length to the right of report indel position">\n' ) fp_vcf.write("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n") fp_vcf.flush() use_bed = False bed_chromosome = "" bed_pos_start = 0 # bed_pos_end = len(lines); bed_pos_end = -1 if bed_position != "": bed_split = bed_position.split(":") if len(bed_split) != 2: use_bed = False else: bed_chromosome = bed_split[0] bed_pos_split = bed_split[1].split("-") if len(bed_pos_split) != 2: use_bed = False else: bed_pos_start = int(bed_pos_split[0]) bed_pos_end = int(bed_pos_split[1]) use_bed = True sys.stderr.write("Using location specified through commandline:\n") sys.stderr.write('\tChromosome: "%s"\n' % bed_chromosome) sys.stderr.write("\tStart: %d\n" % bed_pos_start) sys.stderr.write("\tEnd: %d\n\n" % bed_pos_end) # i = 0; i = 0 if (use_bed == False) else max((bed_pos_start - 10), 0) j = 0 # while (i < bed_pos_end): # len(lines)): num_bases_to_skip = 0 for line in fp: # line = lines[i]; if num_bases_to_skip > 0: num_bases_to_skip -= 1 continue if use_bed == True: line_split = line.strip().split("\t") if len(line_split) > 2 and line_split[0] == bed_chromosome: current_pos = int(line_split[1]) if current_pos < bed_pos_start or current_pos >= bed_pos_end: i += 1 j += 1 continue else: # print line_split[0]; # print bed_chromosome; i += 1 j += 1 continue if thread_id == 0: if (j % 1000) == 0: sys.stderr.write( "\r[%d] snps = %d, insertions = %d, deletions = %d, undercovered = %d, coverage = %.2f" % ( i, ret_snp_count[0], ret_insertion_count[0], ret_deletion_count[0], ret_num_undercovered_bases[0], (float(ret_coverage_sum[0]) / float((i + 1))), ) ) sys.stderr.flush() variant_list_length = len(ret_variant_list) vcf_list_length = len(ret_vcf_list) num_bases_to_skip = process_mpileup_line( line, i, ret_variant_list, ret_vcf_list, ret_snp_count, ret_insertion_count, ret_deletion_count, ret_num_undercovered_bases, ret_num_called_bases, ret_num_correct_bases, ret_coverage_sum, coverage_threshold, verbose=use_bed, ) if len(ret_variant_list) > variant_list_length and fp_variant != None: fp_variant.write("\n".join(ret_variant_list[variant_list_length:]) + "\n") fp_variant.flush() if len(ret_vcf_list) > vcf_list_length and fp_vcf != None: fp_vcf.write("\n".join(ret_vcf_list[vcf_list_length:]) + "\n") fp_vcf.flush() i += num_bases_to_skip i += 1 j += 1 # if (i > 10000): # break; fp.close() sys.stderr.write("\n") if fp_variant != None: fp_variant.close() if fp_vcf != None: fp_vcf.close() summary_lines = "" summary_lines += "alignments_file: %s\n" % alignments_path summary_lines += "mpileup_file: %s\n" % mpileup_path summary_lines += "coverage_threshold: %d\n" % coverage_threshold summary_lines += "snp_count: %d\n" % ret_snp_count[0] summary_lines += "insertion_count: %d\n" % ret_insertion_count[0] summary_lines += "deletion_count: %d\n" % ret_deletion_count[0] summary_lines += "num_undercovered_bases: %d\n" % ret_num_undercovered_bases[0] summary_lines += "num_called_bases: %d\n" % ret_num_called_bases[0] summary_lines += "num_correct_bases: %d\n" % ret_num_correct_bases[0] summary_lines += "average_coverage: %.2f\n" % ( (float(ret_coverage_sum[0]) / float((i + 1))) ) sys.stderr.write(summary_lines + "\n") sys.stderr.write("\n") if output_prefix != "": # summary_file = output_prefix + '.conssum'; summary_file = "%s-cov_%d.variant.sum" % (output_prefix, coverage_threshold) try: fp_sum = open(summary_file, "w") fp_sum.write(summary_lines) fp_sum.close() return summary_file except IOError: sys.stderr.write( 'ERROR: Could not open file "%s" for writing!\n' % (summary_file) ) return None return None def main( alignments_path, reference_path, coverage_threshold, output_prefix, thread_id=0, bed_position="", ): # Sanity checking the existence of the file, and the correctness of its extension. # Also, if input file is a SAM file, then convert it to a sorted BAM. alignments_path_bam = alignments_path if os.path.exists(alignments_path) == False: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: File "%s" does not exist!\n' % alignments_path) return if alignments_path.endswith("sam"): # Determine the path where the new BAM file will be generated. dir_name = os.path.dirname(alignments_path) if dir_name == "": dir_name = "." alignments_path_bam = ( dir_name + "/" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(alignments_path))[0] + ".bam" ) alignments_path_bam_exists = os.path.exists(alignments_path_bam) # Check if a BAM file with the given name already exists. if alignments_path_bam_exists == False or ( alignments_path_bam_exists == True and os.path.getmtime(alignments_path) > os.path.getmtime(alignments_path_bam) ): # Convert the SAM file to a sorted BAM file. command = "samtools view -bS %s | samtools sort - %s" % ( alignments_path, os.path.splitext(alignments_path_bam)[0], ) sys.stderr.write(command + "\n"), shell="True") # Create the BAM index file. command = "samtools index %s %s.bai" % ( alignments_path_bam, alignments_path_bam, ), shell="True") elif alignments_path.endswith("bam") == False: sys.stderr.write( 'ERROR: File extension needs to be either .sam or .bam! Input file path: "%s".\n' % alignments_path ) return # Convert the sorted BAM file to a mpileup file if it doesn't exist yet. mpileup_path = "%s.mpileup" % alignments_path_bam mpileup_exists = os.path.exists(mpileup_path) if mpileup_exists == False or ( mpileup_exists == True and os.path.getmtime(alignments_path) > os.path.getmtime(mpileup_path) ): command = "samtools mpileup -B -d 1000000 -Q 0 -A -f %s %s > %s.mpileup" % ( reference_path, alignments_path_bam, alignments_path_bam, ), shell="True") sys.stderr.write('Processing file "%s"...\n' % alignments_path) sys.stderr.write('Reference file "%s"...\n' % reference_path) sys.stderr.write("Coverage threshold: %d\n" % coverage_threshold) summary_file = process_mpileup( alignments_path, reference_path, ("%s.mpileup" % alignments_path_bam), coverage_threshold, output_prefix, thread_id, bed_position, ) def CollectSummaries( sam_files, prefix_for_intermediate_results, collective_output_file ): fp_collect = None try: fp_collect = open(collective_output_file, "w") except IOError: sys.stderr.write( 'ERROR: Could not open file "%s" for writing!\n' % collective_output_file ) return for sam_file in sam_files: summary_file = prefix_for_intermediate_results + ".sum" try: fp_sum = open(summary_file, "r") lines = fp_sum.readlines() fp_sum.close() except IOError: sys.stderr.write( 'ERROR: Could not open file "%s" for reading!\n' % summary_file ) continue fp_collect.write("".join(lines) + "\n") fp_collect.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # if (len(sys.argv) < 5): # sys.stderr.write('Usage:\n'); # sys.stderr.write('\t%s <reference_file_path> coverage_threshold <collective_output_file> <{sb}am_file_1> [<{sb}am_file_2> <{sb}am_file_3> ...]\n' % sys.argv[0]); # sys.stderr.write('\t(If <collective_output_file> is equal to "-", no files will be written to disk.)\n'); # exit(1); if len(sys.argv) < 5: sys.stderr.write("Usage:\n") sys.stderr.write( "\t%s <reference_file_path> coverage_threshold <output_prefix> <{sb}am_file_> [position]\n" % sys.argv[0] ) sys.stderr.write( '\t(If <collective_output_file> is equal to "-", no files will be written to disk.)\n' ) sys.stderr.write( '\tPosition parameter is a string specifying "chromosome:start-end"\n\n' ) exit(1) reference_file = sys.argv[1] coverage_threshold = int(sys.argv[2]) output_prefix = sys.argv[3] sam_file = sys.argv[4] bed_position = "" if len(sys.argv) > 5: bed_position = sys.argv[5] # sys.stderr.write('bed_position: "%s"\n\n' % bed_position); processes = [] if output_prefix == "-": output_prefix = os.path.splitext(sam_file)[0] main(sam_file, reference_file, coverage_threshold, output_prefix, 0, bed_position) # if (output_prefix != '-'): # CollectSummaries([sam_file], output_prefix, output_prefix + '.variant.sum');
"""Command models to open a Thermocycler's lid.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from typing_extensions import Literal, Type from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from ..command import AbstractCommandImpl, BaseCommand, BaseCommandCreate from opentrons.protocol_engine.types import MotorAxis if TYPE_CHECKING: from opentrons.protocol_engine.state import StateView from opentrons.protocol_engine.execution import EquipmentHandler, MovementHandler OpenLidCommandType = Literal["thermocycler/openLid"] class OpenLidParams(BaseModel): """Input parameters to open a Thermocycler's lid.""" moduleId: str = Field(..., description="Unique ID of the Thermocycler.") class OpenLidResult(BaseModel): """Result data from opening a Thermocycler's lid.""" class OpenLidImpl(AbstractCommandImpl[OpenLidParams, OpenLidResult]): """Execution implementation of a Thermocycler's open lid command.""" def __init__( self, state_view: StateView, equipment: EquipmentHandler, movement: MovementHandler, **unused_dependencies: object, ) -> None: self._state_view = state_view self._equipment = equipment self._movement = movement async def execute(self, params: OpenLidParams) -> OpenLidResult: """Open a Thermocycler's lid.""" thermocycler_state = self._state_view.modules.get_thermocycler_module_substate( params.moduleId ) thermocycler_hardware = self._equipment.get_module_hardware_api( thermocycler_state.module_id ) # move the pipettes and gantry over the trash # do not home plunger axes because pipettes may be holding liquid await self._movement.home( [ MotorAxis.X, MotorAxis.Y, MotorAxis.RIGHT_Z, MotorAxis.LEFT_Z, ] ) if thermocycler_hardware is not None: await return OpenLidResult() class OpenLid(BaseCommand[OpenLidParams, OpenLidResult]): """A command to open a Thermocycler's lid.""" commandType: OpenLidCommandType = "thermocycler/openLid" params: OpenLidParams result: Optional[OpenLidResult] _ImplementationCls: Type[OpenLidImpl] = OpenLidImpl class OpenLidCreate(BaseCommandCreate[OpenLidParams]): """A request to open a Thermocycler's lid.""" commandType: OpenLidCommandType = "thermocycler/openLid" params: OpenLidParams _CommandCls: Type[OpenLid] = OpenLid
import json from pfm.pf_command.base import BaseCommand from pfm.util.log import logger class UpdateCommand(BaseCommand): def __init__(self, name, forward_type, remote_host, remote_port, local_port, ssh_server, server_port, login_user, config): super(UpdateCommand, self).__init__(config) = name self.forward_type = forward_type self.remote_host = remote_host self.remote_port = remote_port self.local_port = local_port self.ssh_server = ssh_server self.server_port = server_port self.login_user = login_user def run(self): f = open(self.config_path, 'r') targets = json.load(f) if in targets: target = targets[] self.update(target) else: logger.warn("Port forward setting named " + + "is not registered") # write the target f = open(self.config_path, 'w') f.write(json.dumps(targets, indent=4)) f.close() def update(self, target): if self.forward_type is not None: target["type"] = self.forward_type if self.remote_host is not None: target["remote_host"] = self.remote_host if self.remote_port is not None: target["remote_port"] = self.remote_port if self.local_port is not None: target["local_port"] = self.local_port if self.ssh_server is not None: target["ssh_server"] = self.ssh_server if self.server_port is not None: target["server_port"] = self.server_port if self.login_user is not None: target["login_user"] = self.login_user
import sys import os import boto import boto.s3.connection import json import inspect import pickle import bunch import yaml import ConfigParser import rados from boto.s3.key import Key from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from import eq_ as eq from .reqs import _make_admin_request ragweed_env = None suite = None class RGWConnection: def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, host, port, is_secure): = host self.port = port self.is_secure = is_secure self.conn = boto.connect_s3( aws_access_key_id = access_key, aws_secret_access_key = secret_key, host=host, port=port, is_secure=is_secure, calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(), ) def create_bucket(self, name): return self.conn.create_bucket(name) def get_bucket(self, name, validate=True): return self.conn.get_bucket(name, validate=validate) class RGWRESTAdmin: def __init__(self, connection): self.conn = connection def get_resource(self, path, params): r = _make_admin_request(self.conn, "GET", path, params) if r.status != 200: raise boto.exception.S3ResponseError(r.status, r.reason) return bunch.bunchify(json.loads( def read_meta_key(self, key): return self.get_resource('/admin/metadata', {'key': key}) def get_bucket_entrypoint(self, bucket_name): return self.read_meta_key('bucket:' + bucket_name) def get_bucket_instance_info(self, bucket_name, bucket_id = None): if not bucket_id: ep = self.get_bucket_entrypoint(bucket_name) print ep bucket_id = result = self.read_meta_key('bucket.instance:' + bucket_name + ":" + bucket_id) return def check_bucket_index(self, bucket_name): return self.get_resource('/admin/bucket',{'index' : None, 'bucket':bucket_name}) def get_obj_layout(self, key): path = '/' + + '/' + params = {'layout': None} if key.version_id is not None: params['versionId'] = key.version_id print params return self.get_resource(path, params) def get_zone_params(self): return self.get_resource('/admin/config', {'type': 'zone'}) class RSuite: def __init__(self, name, bucket_prefix, zone, suite_step): = name self.bucket_prefix = bucket_prefix = zone self.config_bucket = None self.rtests = [] self.do_preparing = False self.do_check = False for step in suite_step.split(','): if step == 'prepare': self.do_preparing = True self.config_bucket ='conf')) if step == 'check' or step == 'test': self.do_check = True self.config_bucket ='conf')) def get_bucket_name(self, suffix): return self.bucket_prefix + '-' + suffix def register_test(self, t): self.rtests.append(t) def write_test_data(self, test): k = Key(self.config_bucket) k.key = 'tests/' + test._name k.set_contents_from_string(test.to_json()) def read_test_data(self, test): k = Key(self.config_bucket) k.key = 'tests/' + test._name s = k.get_contents_as_string() print 'read_test_data=', s test.from_json(s) def is_preparing(self): return self.do_preparing def is_checking(self): return self.do_check class RTestJSONSerialize(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (list, dict, str, unicode, int, float, bool, type(None))): return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) return {'__pickle': pickle.dumps(obj)} def rtest_decode_json(d): if '__pickle' in d: return pickle.loads(str(d['__pickle'])) return d class RPlacementRule: def __init__(self, rule): r = rule.split('/', 1) self.placement_id = r[0] if (len(r) == 2): self.storage_class=r[1] else: self.storage_class = 'STANDARD' class RBucket: def __init__(self, zone, bucket, bucket_info): = zone self.bucket = bucket = self.bucket_info = bucket_info try: self.placement_rule = RPlacementRule(self.bucket_info.placement_rule) self.placement_target = except: pass def get_data_pool(self): try: # old style explicit pool explicit_pool = self.bucket_info.bucket.pool except: # new style explicit pool explicit_pool = self.bucket_info.bucket.explicit_placement.data_pool if explicit_pool is not None and explicit_pool != '': return explicit_pool return self.placement_target.get_data_pool(self.placement_rule) def get_tail_pool(self, obj_layout): try: placement_rule = obj_layout.manifest.tail_placement.placement_rule except: placement_rule = '' if placement_rule == '': try: # new style return obj_layout.manifest.tail_placement.bucket.explicit_placement.data_pool except: pass try: # old style return obj_layout.manifest.tail_bucket.pool except: pass pr = RPlacementRule(placement_rule) return self.placement_target.get_data_pool(pr) class RStorageClasses: def __init__(self, config): if hasattr(config, 'storage_classes'): self.storage_classes = config.storage_classes else: try: self.storage_classes = bunch.bunchify({ 'STANDARD': { 'data_pool': config.data_pool }}) except: self.storage_classes = None pass def get(self, storage_class): assert(self.storage_classes != None) try: if not storage_class: storage_class = 'STANDARD' sc = self.storage_classes[storage_class] except: eq('could not find storage class ' + storage_class, 0) return sc def get_all(self): for (name, _) in self.storage_classes.iteritems(): yield name class RPlacementTarget: def __init__(self, name, config): = name self.index_pool = config.index_pool self.data_extra_pool = config.data_extra_pool self.storage_classes = RStorageClasses(config) if not self.data_extra_pool: self.data_extra_pool = self.storage_classes.get_data_pool('STANDARD') def get_data_pool(self, placement_rule): return self.storage_classes.get(placement_rule.storage_class).data_pool class RZone: def __init__(self, conn): self.conn = conn self.rgw_rest_admin = RGWRESTAdmin(self.conn.system) self.zone_params = self.rgw_rest_admin.get_zone_params() self.placement_targets = {} for e in self.zone_params.placement_pools: self.placement_targets[e.key] = e.val print 'zone_params:', self.zone_params def get_placement_target(self, placement_id): plid = placement_id if placement_id is None or placement_id == '': print 'zone_params=', self.zone_params plid = self.zone_params.default_placement try: return RPlacementTarget(plid, self.placement_targets[plid]) except: pass return None def get_default_placement(self): return get_placement_target(self.zone_params.default_placement) def create_bucket(self, name): bucket = self.create_raw_bucket(name) bucket_info = self.rgw_rest_admin.get_bucket_instance_info( print 'bucket_info:', bucket_info return RBucket(self, bucket, bucket_info) def get_bucket(self, name): bucket = self.get_raw_bucket(name) bucket_info = self.rgw_rest_admin.get_bucket_instance_info( print 'bucket_info:', bucket_info return RBucket(self, bucket, bucket_info) def create_raw_bucket(self, name): return self.conn.regular.create_bucket(name) def get_raw_bucket(self, name): return self.conn.regular.get_bucket(name) def refresh_rbucket(self, rbucket): rbucket.bucket = self.get_raw_bucket( rbucket.bucket_info = self.rgw_rest_admin.get_bucket_instance_info( class RTest: def __init__(self): self._name = self.__class__.__name__ self.r_buckets = [] self.init() def create_bucket(self): bid = len(self.r_buckets) + 1 bucket_name = suite.get_bucket_name(self._name + '.' + str(bid)) bucket_name = bucket_name.replace("_", "-") rb = self.r_buckets.append(rb) return rb def get_buckets(self): for rb in self.r_buckets: yield rb def init(self): pass def prepare(self): pass def check(self): pass def to_json(self): attrs = {} for x in dir(self): if x.startswith('r_'): attrs[x] = getattr(self, x) return json.dumps(attrs, cls=RTestJSONSerialize) def from_json(self, s): j = json.loads(s, object_hook=rtest_decode_json) for e in j: setattr(self, e, j[e]) def save(self): suite.write_test_data(self) def load(self): suite.read_test_data(self) for rb in self.r_buckets: def test(self): suite.register_test(self) if suite.is_preparing(): self.prepare() if suite.is_checking(): self.load() self.check() def read_config(fp): config = bunch.Bunch() g = yaml.safe_load_all(fp) for new in g: print bunch.bunchify(new) config.update(bunch.bunchify(new)) return config str_config_opts = [ 'user_id', 'access_key', 'secret_key', 'host', 'ceph_conf', 'bucket_prefix', ] int_config_opts = [ 'port', ] bool_config_opts = [ 'is_secure', ] def dict_find(d, k): if d.has_key(k): return d[k] return None class RagweedEnv: def __init__(self): self.config = bunch.Bunch() cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() try: path = os.environ['RAGWEED_CONF'] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( 'To run tests, point environment ' + 'variable RAGWEED_CONF to a config file.', ) with file(path) as f: cfg.readfp(f) for section in cfg.sections(): try: (section_type, name) = section.split(None, 1) if not self.config.has_key(section_type): self.config[section_type] = bunch.Bunch() self.config[section_type][name] = bunch.Bunch() cur = self.config[section_type] except ValueError: section_type = '' name = section self.config[name] = bunch.Bunch() cur = self.config cur[name] = bunch.Bunch() for var in str_config_opts: try: cur[name][var] = cfg.get(section, var) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass for var in int_config_opts: try: cur[name][var] = cfg.getint(section, var) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass for var in bool_config_opts: try: cur[name][var] = cfg.getboolean(section, var) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass print json.dumps(self.config) rgw_conf = self.config.rgw try: self.bucket_prefix = rgw_conf.bucket_prefix except: self.bucket_prefix = 'ragweed' conn = bunch.Bunch() for (k, u) in self.config.user.iteritems(): conn[k] = RGWConnection(u.access_key, u.secret_key,, dict_find(rgw_conf, 'port'), dict_find(rgw_conf, 'is_secure')) = RZone(conn) self.suite = RSuite('ragweed', self.bucket_prefix,, os.environ['RAGWEED_STAGES']) try: self.ceph_conf = self.config.rados.ceph_conf except: raise RuntimeError( 'ceph_conf is missing under the [rados] section in ' + os.environ['RAGWEED_CONF'] ) self.rados = rados.Rados(conffile=self.ceph_conf) self.rados.connect() pools = self.rados.list_pools() for pool in pools: print "rados pool>", pool def setup_module(): global ragweed_env global suite ragweed_env = RagweedEnv() suite = ragweed_env.suite
from django.contrib import admin from .models import Order, receiverInfo @admin.register(Order) class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): date_hierarchy = 'created_at' list_display = ('user', 'code', 'total_price', 'shipping_status', 'created_at') list_display_links = ('user',) list_editable = ('shipping_status',) list_filter = ('shipping_status', 'payment_mode', 'created_at') list_per_page = 25 search_fields = ('user__phone_number', 'user__email', 'code') readonly_fields = ('user','cart', 'receiver', 'payment_mode', 'shipping_status', 'code') def total_price(self, obj): return obj.cart.total_price def has_add_permission(self, request): return False @admin.register(receiverInfo) class receiverInfoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): date_hierarchy = 'created_at' list_display = ('id', 'full_name', 'phone_number', 'address', 'created_at') list_display_links = ('id', 'full_name') list_filter = ('created_at',) list_per_page = 25 search_fields = ('full_name', 'phone_number', 'address') readonly_fields = ('full_name', 'phone_number', 'address')
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at # # Copyright (c) 2014-2018, <NAME> <EMAIL> """ Test of the general tokenizer """ from unittest import TestCase from vunit.parsing.tokenizer import describe_location from vunit.test.mock_2or3 import mock class TestTokenizer(TestCase): """ Test of the general tokenizer """ def test_describes_single_char_location(self): self.assertEqual( _describe_location("""\ S """), """\ at filename0 line 1: S ~""") def test_describes_single_char_location_within(self): self.assertEqual( _describe_location("""\ S """), """\ at filename0 line 1: S ~""") def test_describes_multi_char_location(self): self.assertEqual( _describe_location("""\ S E """), """\ at filename0 line 1: S E ~~~""") def test_describes_multi_char_location_within(self): self.assertEqual( _describe_location("""\ S E """), """\ at filename0 line 1: S E ~~~""") def test_describes_multi_line_location(self): self.assertEqual( _describe_location("""\ S____ E """), """\ at filename0 line 1: S____ ~~~~~""") def test_describes_multi_file_location(self): self.assertEqual( _describe_location("""\ S__E""", """\ SE"""), """\ from filename0 line 2: S__E ~~~~ at filename1 line 3: SE ~~""") def test_describe_location_none(self): self.assertEqual(describe_location(None), "Unknown location") def test_describe_missing_location(self): self.assertEqual(describe_location((("missing.svh", (0, 0)), None)), "Unknown location in missing.svh") def test_describe_none_filename_location(self): self.assertEqual(describe_location(((None, (0, 0)), None)), "Unknown Python string") def _describe_location(*codes): """ Helper to test describe_location """ contents = {} location = None for idx, code in enumerate(codes): filename = "filename%i" % idx contents[filename] = code start = code.index("S") if "E" in code: end = code.index("E") else: end = start location = ((filename, (start, end)), location) with mock.patch("vunit.parsing.tokenizer.read_file", autospec=True) as mock_read_file: with mock.patch("vunit.parsing.tokenizer.file_exists", autospec=True) as mock_file_exists: def file_exists_side_effect(filename): return filename in contents def read_file_side_effect(filename): return contents[filename] mock_file_exists.side_effect = file_exists_side_effect mock_read_file.side_effect = read_file_side_effect retval = describe_location(location=location) return retval
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import argparse import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import util import os.path import pandas as pd import numpy as np import yaml import xarray as xr import datetime import pickle def scale(dataset, std=None, mean=None): """ scale the data so it has a standard deviation of 1 and a mean of zero :param dataset: [xr dataset] input or output data :param std: [xr dataset] standard deviation if scaling test data with dims :param mean: [xr dataset] mean if scaling test data with dims :return: scaled data with original dims """ if not isinstance(std, xr.Dataset) or not isinstance(mean, xr.Dataset): std = dataset.std(skipna=True) mean = dataset.mean(skipna=True) # adding small number in case there is a std of zero scaled = (dataset - mean) / (std + 1e-10) check_if_finite(std) check_if_finite(mean) return scaled, std, mean def sel_partition_data(dataset, start_dates, end_dates): """ select the data from a date range or a set of date ranges :param dataset: [xr dataset] input or output data with date dimension :param start_dates: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param end_dates: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :return: dataset of just those dates """ # if it just one date range if isinstance(start_dates, str): if isinstance(end_dates, str): return dataset.sel(date=slice(start_dates, end_dates)) else: raise ValueError("start_dates is str but not end_date") # if it's a list of date ranges elif isinstance(start_dates, list) or isinstance(start_dates, tuple): if len(start_dates) == len(end_dates): data_list = [] for i in range(len(start_dates)): date_slice = slice(start_dates[i], end_dates[i]) data_list.append(dataset.sel(date=date_slice)) return xr.concat(data_list, dim="date") else: raise ValueError("start_dates and end_dates must have same length") else: raise ValueError("start_dates must be either str, list, or tuple") def separate_trn_tst( dataset, train_start_date, train_end_date, val_start_date, val_end_date, test_start_date, test_end_date, ): """ separate the train data from the test data according to the start and end dates. This assumes your training data is in one continuous block and all the dates that are not in the training are in the testing. :param dataset: [xr dataset] input or output data with dims :param train_start_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start train period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param train_end_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end train period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param val_start_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start validation period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param val_end_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end validation period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param test_start_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start test period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param test_end_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end test period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) """ train = sel_partition_data(dataset, train_start_date, train_end_date) val = sel_partition_data(dataset, val_start_date, val_end_date) test = sel_partition_data(dataset, test_start_date, test_end_date) return train, val, test def split_into_batches(data_array, seq_len=365, offset=1): """ split training data into batches with size of batch_size :param data_array: [numpy array] array of training data with dims [nseg, ndates, nfeat] :param seq_len: [int] length of sequences (i.e., 365) :param offset: [float] 0-1, how to offset the batches (e.g., 0.5 means that the first batch will be 0-365 and the second will be 182-547) :return: [numpy array] batched data with dims [nbatches, nseg, seq_len (batch_size), nfeat] """ combined = [] for i in range(int(1 / offset)): start = int(i * offset * seq_len) idx = np.arange(start=start, stop=data_array.shape[1] + 1, step=seq_len) split = np.split(data_array, indices_or_sections=idx, axis=1) # add all but the first and last batch since they will be smaller combined.extend([s for s in split if s.shape[1] == seq_len]) combined = np.asarray(combined) return combined def read_multiple_obs(obs_files, x_data): """ read and format multiple observation files. we read in the pretrain data to make sure we have the same indexing. :param obs_files: [list] list of filenames of observation files :param pre_train_file: [str] the file of pre_training data :return: [xr dataset] the observations in the same time """ obs = [x_data.sortby(["seg_id_nat", "date"])] for filename in obs_files: ds = xr.open_zarr(filename) obs.append(ds) if "site_id" in ds.variables: del ds["site_id"] obs = xr.merge(obs, join="left") obs = obs[["temp_c", "discharge_cms"]] obs = obs.rename( {"temp_c": "seg_tave_water", "discharge_cms": "seg_outflow"} ) return obs def reshape_for_training(data): """ reshape the data for training :param data: training data (either x or y or mask) dims: [nbatch, nseg, len_seq, nfeat/nout] :return: reshaped data [nbatch * nseg, len_seq, nfeat/nout] """ n_batch, n_seg, seq_len, n_feat = data.shape return np.reshape(data, [n_batch * n_seg, seq_len, n_feat]) def get_exclude_start_end(exclude_grp): """ get the start and end dates for the exclude group :param exclude_grp: [dict] dictionary representing the exclude group from the exclude yml file :return: [tuple of datetime objects] start date, end date """ start = exclude_grp.get("start_date") if start: start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d") end = exclude_grp.get("end_date") if end: end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d") return start, end def convert_batch_reshape(dataset, seq_len=365, offset=1, y = False, period = np.nan): """ convert xarray dataset into numpy array, swap the axes, batch the array and reshape for training :param dataset: [xr dataset] data to be batched :param seq_len: [int] length of sequences (i.e., 365) :param offset: [float] 0-1, how to offset the batches (e.g., 0.5 means that the first batch will be 0-365 and the second will be 182-547) :return: [numpy array] batched and reshaped dataset """ # convert xr.dataset to numpy array dataset = dataset.transpose("seg_id_nat", "date") arr = dataset.to_array().values # if the dataset is empty, just return it as is if == 0: return arr # before [nfeat, nseg, ndates]; after [nseg, ndates, nfeat] # this is the order that the split into batches expects arr = np.moveaxis(arr, 0, -1) # batch the data # after [nbatch, nseg, seq_len, nfeat] batched = split_into_batches(arr, seq_len=seq_len, offset=offset) # reshape data # after [nseq, seq_len, nseg, nfeat] #reshaped = reshape_for_training(batched) reshaped = np.moveaxis(batched, [0,1,2,3], [0,2,1,3]) if y & np.isfinite(period): reshaped = reshaped[:,-period:,...] return reshaped def coord_as_reshaped_array(dataset, coord_name, seq_len=365, offset=1): # I need one variable name. It can be any in the dataset, but I'll use the # first first_var = next(iter(dataset.data_vars.keys())) coord_array = xr.broadcast(dataset[coord_name], dataset[first_var])[0] new_var_name = coord_name + "1" dataset[new_var_name] = coord_array reshaped_np_arr = convert_batch_reshape( dataset[[new_var_name]], seq_len=seq_len, offset=offset ) return reshaped_np_arr def check_if_finite(xarr): assert np.isfinite(xarr.to_array().values).all() def prep_data( obs_temper_file, obs_flow_file, pretrain_file, #distfile, train_start_date, train_end_date, val_start_date, val_end_date, test_start_date, test_end_date, x_vars=None, y_vars= ["seg_tave_water", "seg_outflow"], seq_length = 365, offset = 1, period = None, primary_variable="temp", #catch_prop_file=None, #exclude_file=None, #log_q=False, out_file=None, #segs=None, normalize_y=False, ): """ prepare input and output data for DL model training read in and process data into training and testing datasets. the training and testing data are scaled to have a std of 1 and a mean of zero :param obs_temper_file: [str] temperature observations file (csv) :param obs_flow_file:[str] discharge observations file (csv) :param pretrain_file: [str] the file with the pretraining data (SNTemp data) :param distfile: [str] path to the distance matrix .npz file :param train_start_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start train period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param train_end_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end train period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param val_start_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start validation period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param val_end_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end validation period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param test_start_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to start test period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param test_end_date: [str or list] fmt: "YYYY-MM-DD"; date(s) to end test period (can have multiple discontinuos periods) :param x_vars: [list] variables that should be used as input. If None, all of the variables will be used :param primary_variable: [str] which variable the model should focus on 'temp' or 'flow'. This determines the order of the variables. :param catch_prop_file: [str] the path to the catchment properties file. If left unfilled, the catchment properties will not be included as predictors :param exclude_file: [str] path to exclude file :param log_q: [bool] whether or not to take the log of discharge in training :param out_file: [str] file to where the values will be written :returns: training and testing data along with the means and standard deviations of the training input and output data 'y_trn_pre': batched, scaled, and centered output data for entire period of record of SNTemp [n_samples, seq_len, n_out] 'y_obs_trn': batched, scaled, and centered output observation data for the training period 'y_trn_obs_std': standard deviation of the y observations training data [n_out] 'y_trn_obs_mean': mean of the observation training data [n_out] 'y_obs_tst': un-batched, unscaled, uncentered observation data for the test period [n_yrs, n_seg, len_seq, n_out] 'dates_ids_trn: batched dates and national seg ids for training data [n_samples, seq_len, 2] 'dates_ids_tst: un-batched dates and national seg ids for testing data [n_yrs, n_seg, len_seq, 2] """ ds_pre = xr.open_zarr(pretrain_file) x_data = ds_pre[x_vars] # make sure we don't have any weird input values check_if_finite(x_data) x_trn, x_val, x_tst = separate_trn_tst( x_data, train_start_date, train_end_date, val_start_date, val_end_date, test_start_date, test_end_date, ) x_scl, x_std, x_mean = scale(x_data) x_trn_scl, _, _ = scale(x_trn, std=x_std, mean=x_mean) x_val_scl, _, _ = scale(x_val, std=x_std, mean=x_mean) x_tst_scl, _, _ = scale(x_tst, std=x_std, mean=x_mean) y_obs = read_multiple_obs([obs_temper_file, obs_flow_file], x_data) y_obs = y_obs[y_vars] y_pre = ds_pre[y_vars] y_obs_trn, y_obs_val, y_obs_tst = separate_trn_tst( y_obs, train_start_date, train_end_date, val_start_date, val_end_date, test_start_date, test_end_date, ) y_pre_trn, y_pre_val, y_pre_tst = separate_trn_tst( y_pre, train_start_date, train_end_date, val_start_date, val_end_date, test_start_date, test_end_date, ) if normalize_y: # scale y training data and get the mean and std y_obs_trn, y_std, y_mean = scale(y_obs_trn) y_pre_trn, _, _ = scale(y_pre_trn, y_std, y_mean) else: _, y_std, y_mean = scale(y_obs_trn) data = { "x_train": convert_batch_reshape(x_trn_scl, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "x_val": convert_batch_reshape(x_val_scl, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "x_test": convert_batch_reshape(x_tst_scl, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "x_std": x_std.to_array().values, "x_mean": x_mean.to_array().values, "x_cols": np.array(x_vars), "ids_train": coord_as_reshaped_array(x_trn, "seg_id_nat", offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "dates_train": coord_as_reshaped_array(x_trn, "date", offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "ids_val": coord_as_reshaped_array(x_val, "seg_id_nat", offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "dates_val": coord_as_reshaped_array(x_val, "date", offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "ids_test": coord_as_reshaped_array(x_tst, "seg_id_nat", offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "dates_test": coord_as_reshaped_array(x_tst, "date", offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length), "y_pre_train": convert_batch_reshape(y_pre_trn, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length, y=True, period=period), "y_train": convert_batch_reshape(y_obs_trn, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length, y=True, period=period), "y_val": convert_batch_reshape(y_obs_val, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length, y=True, period=period), "y_test": convert_batch_reshape(y_obs_tst, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length, y=True, period=period), "y_vars": np.array(y_vars), 'period': np.array([period]), 'y_pre_train_val': convert_batch_reshape(y_pre_val, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length, y=True, period=period), 'y_pre_train_test': convert_batch_reshape(y_pre_tst, offset=offset, seq_len=seq_length, y=True, period=period), "y_std": y_std.to_array().values, "y_mean": y_mean.to_array().values, } if out_file: if os.path.isdir(out_file) == False: os.makedirs(out_file) ''' np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file, 'pre_train.npz'), x=data['x_train'], y=data['y_pre_train']) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file,'train.npz'), x=data['x_train'], y=data['y_obs_train'], ) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file, 'test.npz'), x=data['x_test'], y=data['y_obs_tst'], ) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file,'val.npz'), x=data['x_val'], y=data['y_obs_val'], ) ''' np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file,'data.npz'), **data) return data def prep_adj_matrix(infile, dist_type, out_file=None): """ process adj matrix. **The resulting matrix is sorted by seg_id_nat ** :param infile: :param dist_type: [str] type of distance matrix ("upstream", "downstream" or "updown") :param out_file: :return: [numpy array] processed adjacency matrix """ adj_matrices = np.load(infile) adj = adj_matrices[dist_type] adj_full = sort_dist_matrix(adj, adj_matrices["rowcolnames"]) adj = adj_full[2] adj = np.where(np.isinf(adj), 0, adj) adj = -adj mean_adj = np.mean(adj[adj != 0]) std_adj = np.std(adj[adj != 0]) adj[adj != 0] = adj[adj != 0] - mean_adj adj[adj != 0] = adj[adj != 0] / std_adj adj[adj != 0] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-adj[adj != 0])) I = np.eye(adj.shape[0]) A_hat = adj.copy() + I D = np.sum(A_hat, axis=1) D_inv = D ** -1.0 D_inv = np.diag(D_inv) A_hat = np.matmul(D_inv, A_hat) if out_file: out_dm = [adj_full[0], adj_full[1], A_hat] with open(out_file+'.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(out_dm, f, protocol=2) return adj_full[0], adj_full[1], A_hat def sort_dist_matrix(mat, row_col_names): """ sort the distance matrix by seg_id_nat :return: """ df = pd.DataFrame(mat, columns=row_col_names, index=row_col_names) df = df.sort_index(axis=0) df = df.sort_index(axis=1) sensor_id_to_ind = {} for i, sensor_id in enumerate(df.columns): sensor_id_to_ind[sensor_id] = i return row_col_names, sensor_id_to_ind, df #check = prep_adj_matrix('../../gits/river-dl/DRB_data/distance_matrix.npz', 'upstream', 'data/DRB_gwn_full/adj_mx') #if __name__ == "__main__": check2 = prep_data(obs_temper_file='../../gits/river-dl/DRB_data/obs_temp_full', obs_flow_file='../../gits/river-dl/DRB_data/obs_flow_full', pretrain_file='../../gits/river-dl/DRB_data/uncal_sntemp_input_output', train_start_date=['1985-10-01', '2016-10-01'], train_end_date=['2006-09-30', '2020-09-30'], val_start_date='2006-10-01', val_end_date='2016-09-30', test_start_date=['1980-10-01', '2020-10-01'], test_end_date=['1985-09-30', '2021-09-30'], x_vars=["seg_rain", "seg_tave_air", "seginc_swrad", "seg_length", "seginc_potet", "seg_slope", "seg_humid", "seg_elev"], y_vars=['seg_tave_water'], primary_variable='temp', seq_length=365, period=np.nan, offset=1, out_file = 'data/DRB_gwn_full') '''f __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--output_dir", type=str, default="data/METR-LA", help="Output directory.") parser.add_argument("--traffic_df_filename", type=str, default="data/metr-la.h5", help="Raw traffic readings.",) parser.add_argument("--seq_length_x", type=int, default=12, help="Sequence Length.",) parser.add_argument("--seq_length_y", type=int, default=12, help="Sequence Length.",) parser.add_argument("--y_start", type=int, default=1, help="Y pred start", ) parser.add_argument("--dow", action='store_true',) args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.exists(args.output_dir): reply = str(input(f'{args.output_dir} exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n)')).lower().strip() if reply[0] != 'y': exit else: os.makedirs(args.output_dir) generate_train_val_test(args) ##### Reformat our inputs to match theirs. df = pd.read_hdf("data/metr-la.h5") seq_length_x = 12 seq_length_y = 12 y_start = 1 LAtrain = np.load('data/METR-LA/train.npz') LAtest = np.load('data/METR-LA/test.npz') LAval = np.load('data/METR-LA/val.npz') LAtrain['x'].shape LAtrain['y'].shape LAtest['x'].shape LAtest['y'].shape check = np.moveaxis(data['x_train'], [0,1,2,3], [0,2,1,3]) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file, 'pre_train.npz'), x=data['x_train'], y=data['y_pre_train']) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file,'train.npz'), x=data['x_train'], y=data['y_pre_train'], ) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file, 'test.npz'), x=data['x_test'], y=data['y_pre_test'], ) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(out_file,'val.npz'), x=data['x_val'], y=data['y_pre_val'], ) '''
import hugectr from mpi4py import MPI solver = hugectr.CreateSolver(model_name = "dcn", max_eval_batches = 1, batchsize_eval = 16384, batchsize = 16384, lr = 0.001, vvgpu = [[0]], repeat_dataset = True, use_mixed_precision = False, scaler = 1.0, use_cuda_graph = True, metrics_spec = {hugectr.MetricsType.AUC: 1.0}) reader = hugectr.DataReaderParams(data_reader_type = hugectr.DataReaderType_t.Norm, source = ["./dcn_data/file_list.txt"], eval_source = "./dcn_data/file_list_test.txt", check_type = hugectr.Check_t.Sum, num_workers = 16) optimizer = hugectr.CreateOptimizer(optimizer_type = hugectr.Optimizer_t.Adam, update_type = hugectr.Update_t.Global, beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999, epsilon = 0.0001) model = hugectr.Model(solver, reader, optimizer) model.add(hugectr.Input(label_dim = 1, label_name = "label", dense_dim = 13, dense_name = "dense", data_reader_sparse_param_array = [hugectr.DataReaderSparseParam("data1", 2, False, 26)])) model.add(hugectr.SparseEmbedding(embedding_type = hugectr.Embedding_t.DistributedSlotSparseEmbeddingHash, workspace_size_per_gpu_in_mb = 300, embedding_vec_size = 16, combiner = "sum", sparse_embedding_name = "sparse_embedding1", bottom_name = "data1", optimizer = optimizer)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Reshape, bottom_names = ["sparse_embedding1"], top_names = ["reshape1"], leading_dim=416)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Concat, bottom_names = ["reshape1", "dense"], top_names = ["concat1"])) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Slice, bottom_names = ["concat1"], top_names = ["slice11", "slice12"], ranges=[(0,429),(0,429)])) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.MultiCross, bottom_names = ["slice11"], top_names = ["multicross1"], num_layers=1)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct, bottom_names = ["slice12"], top_names = ["fc1"], num_output=1024)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU, bottom_names = ["fc1"], top_names = ["relu1"])) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Dropout, bottom_names = ["relu1"], top_names = ["dropout1"], dropout_rate=0.5)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct, bottom_names = ["dropout1"], top_names = ["fc2"], num_output=1024)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.ReLU, bottom_names = ["fc2"], top_names = ["relu2"])) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Dropout, bottom_names = ["relu2"], top_names = ["dropout2"], dropout_rate=0.5)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.Concat, bottom_names = ["dropout2", "multicross1"], top_names = ["concat2"])) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.InnerProduct, bottom_names = ["concat2"], top_names = ["fc3"], num_output=1)) model.add(hugectr.DenseLayer(layer_type = hugectr.Layer_t.BinaryCrossEntropyLoss, bottom_names = ["fc3", "label"], top_names = ["loss"])) model.compile() model.summary() model.graph_to_json(graph_config_file = "/dump_infer/dcn.json") = 2300, display = 200, eval_interval = 2000, snapshot = 2000, snapshot_prefix = "/dump_infer/dcn") model.export_predictions("/dump_infer/dcn_pred_" + str(2000), "/dump_infer/dcn_label_" + str(2000)) from hugectr.inference import InferenceParams, CreateInferenceSession import numpy as np batch_size = 16384 num_batches = 1 data_source = "./dcn_data/file_list_test.txt" inference_params = InferenceParams(model_name = "dcn", max_batchsize = batch_size, hit_rate_threshold = 1.0, dense_model_file = "/dump_infer/dcn_dense_2000.model", sparse_model_files = ["/dump_infer/dcn0_sparse_2000.model"], device_id = 0, use_gpu_embedding_cache = False, cache_size_percentage = 1.0, i64_input_key = False, use_mixed_precision = False, use_cuda_graph = True) inference_session = CreateInferenceSession("/dump_infer/dcn.json", inference_params) predictions = inference_session.predict(num_batches = num_batches, source = data_source, data_reader_type = hugectr.DataReaderType_t.Norm, check_type = hugectr.Check_t.Sum) grount_truth = np.loadtxt("/dump_infer/dcn_pred_2000") diff = predictions-grount_truth mse = np.mean(diff*diff) if mse > 1e-3: raise RuntimeError("Too large mse between DCN multi hot inference and training: {}".format(mse)) sys.exit(1) else: print("DCN multi hot inference results are consistent with those during training, mse: {}".format(mse))
from dm_control import suite from dm_control.rl.control import flatten_observation from dm_env import StepType import gym import numpy as np from metarl.envs import Step from metarl.envs.dm_control.dm_control_viewer import DmControlViewer class DmControlEnv(gym.Env): """ Binding for `dm_control <>`_ """ def __init__(self, env, name=None): self._name = name or type(env.task).__name__ self._env = env self._viewer = None @classmethod def from_suite(cls, domain_name, task_name): return cls(suite.load(domain_name, task_name), name='{}.{}'.format(domain_name, task_name)) def step(self, action): time_step = self._env.step(action) return Step( flatten_observation(time_step.observation)['observations'], time_step.reward, time_step.step_type == StepType.LAST, **time_step.observation) def reset(self): time_step = self._env.reset() return flatten_observation(time_step.observation)['observations'] def render(self, mode='human'): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements if mode == 'human': if not self._viewer: title = 'dm_control {}'.format(self._name) self._viewer = DmControlViewer(title=title) self._viewer.launch(self._env) self._viewer.render() return None elif mode == 'rgb_array': return self._env.physics.render() else: raise NotImplementedError def close(self): if self._viewer: self._viewer.close() self._env.close() self._viewer = None self._env = None def _flat_shape(self, observation): return np.sum(int( for k, v in observation.items()) @property def action_space(self): action_spec = self._env.action_spec() if (len(action_spec.shape) == 1) and (-np.inf in action_spec.minimum or np.inf in action_spec.maximum): return gym.spaces.Discrete( else: return gym.spaces.Box(action_spec.minimum, action_spec.maximum, dtype=np.float32) @property def observation_space(self): flat_dim = self._flat_shape(self._env.observation_spec()) return gym.spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=[flat_dim], dtype=np.float32) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d['_viewer'] = None return d
Numbers/Roman Number Generator/
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import unittest from roman_number_generator import arabic_to_roman class Test(unittest.TestCase): def _start_arabic_to_roman(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, arabic_to_roman, 4000) self.assertEqual(arabic_to_roman(4), "IV") self.assertEqual(arabic_to_roman(12), "XII") self.assertEqual(arabic_to_roman(20), "XX") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
from django.conf.urls import url from django.urls import path, include,re_path from . import views from rest_framework.authtoken.views import obtain_auth_token urlpatterns = [ path('', views.index, name='index'), path('about', views.about, name='about'), path('projects', views.projects, name='projects'), path('photos',, name='photos'), re_path(r'^api/projects/$', views.ProjectList.as_view()), re_path(r'^api-token-auth/', obtain_auth_token), re_path(r'api/project/project-id/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$', views.ProjectDescription.as_view()), ]
"""Flask App configuration file.""" import logging import os import dotenv import frontend.constants as constants dotenv.load_dotenv(os.path.join(constants.BASEDIR, "frontend.env")) class Base: """Configuration class used as base for all environments.""" DEBUG = False TESTING = False LOGGING_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s in %(message)s" LOGGING_LOCATION = "frontend.log" LOGGING_LEVEL = os.environ.get("LOGGING_LEVEL", logging.DEBUG) class Development(Base): """Configuration class for development environment. Parameters ---------- Base: base configuration object. """ DEBUG = True TESTING = False ENV = "dev" class Staging(Base): """Configuration class for development staging environment. Parameters ---------- Base: base configuration object. """ DEBUG = False TESTING = True ENV = "staging" class Production(Base): """Configuration class for development production environment. Parameters ---------- Base: base configuration object. """ DEBUG = False TESTING = False ENV = "prod" config = { "development": "frontend.config.Development", "staging": "frontend.config.Staging", "production": "frontend.config.Production", "default": "frontend.config.Development", } def configure_app(app): """Configures the Flask app according to the FLASK_ENV envar. In case FLASK_ENV is not defined, then use the 'default' configuration. Parameters ---------- app: flask.Flask Flask app Module. """ # Configure app config_name = os.environ.get("FLASK_ENV", "default") app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) # Configure logging handler = logging.FileHandler(app.config["LOGGING_LOCATION"]) handler.setLevel(app.config["LOGGING_LEVEL"]) formatter = logging.Formatter(app.config["LOGGING_FORMAT"]) handler.setFormatter(formatter) app.logger.addHandler(handler)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: rainsty @file: @time: 2020-01-04 18:36:57 @description: """ import os from pyspark.sql import SparkSession os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = '/root/jdk' os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = '/root/spark' os.environ['PYTHON_HOME'] = "/root/python" os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = "/usr/bin/python" os.environ['SPARK_MASTER_IP'] = 'rainsty' def create_spark_context(): sc = SparkSession.builder \ .appName("TestSparkSession") \ .master("spark://rainsty:7077") \ .config('spark.executor.num', '1')\ .config('spark.executor.memory', '512m')\ .config("spark.executor.cores", '1')\ .config('spark.cores.max', '1')\ .config('spark.driver.memory', '512m') \ .getOrCreate() return sc logFile = "/root/spark/" spark = create_spark_context() logData = numAs = logData.filter(logData.value.contains('a')).count() numBs = logData.filter(logData.value.contains('b')).count() print("Lines with a: %i, lines with b: %i" % (numAs, numBs)) spark.stop()
from copy import deepcopy import bifrost as bf from bifrost.pipeline import TransformBlock from bifrost.ndarray import copy_array class CopyBlock(TransformBlock):# $\tikzmark{block-start}$ """Copy the input ring to output ring""" def __init__(self, iring, space): super(CopyBlock, self).__init__(iring) self.orings = [self.create_ring(space=space)] def on_sequence(self, iseq): return deepcopy(iseq.header) def on_data(self, ispan, ospan): copy_array(,$\tikzmark{block-end}$ def copy_block(iring, space): return CopyBlock(iring, space) bc = bf.BlockChainer() bc.blocks.read_wav(['hey_jude.wav'], gulp_nframe=4096) bc.custom(copy_block)(space='cuda')# $\tikzmark{gpu-start}$ bc.views.split_axis('time', 256, label='fine_time') bc.blocks.fft(axes='fine_time', axis_labels='freq') bc.blocks.detect(mode='scalar') bc.blocks.transpose(['time', 'pol', 'freq'])#$\tikzmark{gpu-end}$ bc.blocks.copy(space='system') bc.blocks.quantize('i8') bc.blocks.write_sigproc() pipeline = bf.get_default_pipeline()# $\tikzmark{pipeline-start}$ pipeline.shutdown_on_signals()$\tikzmark{pipeline-end}$
import logging import random import numpy as np import pypinyin import tensorflow as tf from augmentations.augments import Augmentation from utils.speech_featurizers import SpeechFeaturizer from utils.text_featurizers import TextFeaturizer logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') import time class AM_DataLoader(): def __init__(self, config_dict, training=True): self.speech_config = config_dict['speech_config'] self.phone_config = config_dict['inp_config'] self.text_config = config_dict['tar_config'] self.running_config=config_dict['running_config'] self.augment_config = config_dict['augments_config'] self.streaming = self.speech_config['streaming'] self.chunk = self.speech_config['sample_rate'] * self.speech_config['streaming_bucket'] self.batch = config_dict['running_config']['batch_size'] self.speech_featurizer = SpeechFeaturizer(self.speech_config) self.phone_featurizer = TextFeaturizer(self.phone_config) self.text_featurizer = TextFeaturizer(self.text_config) self.make_file_list( training) self.augment = Augmentation(self.augment_config) self.init_text_to_vocab() self.epochs = 1 self.steps = 0 def return_data_types(self): return (tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.int32,tf.int32) def return_data_shape(self): return ( tf.TensorShape([self.batch, None, 1]), tf.TensorShape([self.batch, ]), tf.TensorShape([self.batch, None]), tf.TensorShape([self.batch, ]), tf.TensorShape([self.batch, None]), ) def get_per_epoch_steps(self): return len(self.train_list) // self.batch def eval_per_epoch_steps(self): return len(self.test_list) // self.batch def init_text_to_vocab(self): pypinyin.load_phrases_dict({'调大': [['tiáo'], ['dà']], '调小': [['tiáo'], ['xiǎo']], '调亮': [['tiáo'], ['liàng']], '调暗': [['tiáo'], ['àn']], '肖': [['xiāo']], '英雄传': [['yīng'], ['xióng'], ['zhuàn']], '新传': [['xīn'], ['zhuàn']], '外传': [['wài'], ['zhuàn']], '正传': [['zhèng'], ['zhuàn']], '水浒传': [['shuǐ'], ['hǔ'], ['zhuàn']] }) def text_to_vocab_func(txt): pins = pypinyin.pinyin(txt) pins = [i[0] for i in pins] phones = [] for pin in pins: if pin in self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array: phones += [pin] else: phones += list(pin) # print(phones) return phones self.text_to_vocab = text_to_vocab_func def make_file_list(self, training=True): train_list=self.speech_config['train_list'] test_list=self.speech_config['eval_list'] if training: with open(train_list, encoding='utf-8') as f: train_list = f.readlines() train_list = [i.strip() for i in train_list if i != ''] self.train_list = train_list np.random.shuffle(self.train_list) with open(test_list, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [i.strip() for i in data if i != ''] self.test_list = data self.train_offset = 0 self.test_offset = 0'load train list {} test list {}'.format(len(self.train_list), len(self.test_list))) else: with open(test_list, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [i.strip() for i in data if i != ''] self.test_list = data self.test_offset = 0 def only_chinese(self, word): txt = '' for ch in word: if '\u4e00' <= ch <= '\u9fff': txt += ch else: continue return txt def eval_data_generator(self): sample = [] speech_features = [] input_length = [] phones = [] phones_length = [] txts = [] max_input = 0 batch = self.batch for i in range(batch * 10): line = self.test_list[self.test_offset] self.test_offset += 1 if self.test_offset > len(self.test_list) - 1: self.test_offset = 0 wp, txt = line.strip().split('\t') try: data = self.speech_featurizer.load_wav(wp) except:'{} load data failed,skip'.format(wp)) continue if len(data) < 400: continue elif len(data) > self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate * self.speech_config['wav_max_duration']: '{} duration out of wav_max_duration({}),skip'.format(wp, self.speech_config['wav_max_duration'])) continue if self.speech_config['only_chinese']: txt = self.only_chinese(txt) if not self.streaming: speech_feature = data / np.abs(data).max() speech_feature = np.expand_dims(speech_feature, -1) in_len = len(speech_feature) // ( self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * self.speech_config['stride_ms']) else: speech_feature = data speech_feature = np.expand_dims(speech_feature, -1) reduce = self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * \ self.speech_config['stride_ms'] in_len = len(speech_feature) // self.chunk if len(speech_feature) % self.chunk != 0: in_len += 1 chunk_times = self.chunk // reduce if self.chunk % reduce != 0: chunk_times += 1 in_len *= chunk_times py = self.text_to_vocab(txt) if self.check_valid(py, self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array) is not True:' {} txt phone {} not all in tokens,continue'.format(txt, self.check_valid(py, self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array))) continue if self.check_valid(txt, self.text_featurizer.vocab_array) is not True:' {} txt phone {} not all in tokens,continue'.format(txt, self.check_valid(py, self.text_featurizer.vocab_array))) continue txt = list(txt) phone_feature = self.phone_featurizer.extract(py) text_feature = self.text_featurizer.extract(txt)+[self.text_featurizer.endid()] if in_len < len(phone_feature):'{} feature length < phone length,continue'.format(wp)) continue max_input = max(max_input, len(speech_feature)) speech_features.append(speech_feature) input_length.append(in_len) phones.append(np.array(phone_feature)) txts.append(np.array(text_feature)) phones_length.append(len(phone_feature)) sample.append(line) if len(sample) == batch: break if self.streaming: max_input = max_input // self.chunk * self.chunk + self.chunk speech_features = self.speech_featurizer.pad_signal(speech_features, max_input) if self.streaming: reduce = self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * \ self.speech_config['stride_ms'] max_input = max_input // self.chunk * self.chunk + self.chunk max_in_len = max_input // self.chunk chunk_times = self.chunk // reduce if self.chunk % reduce != 0: chunk_times += 1 max_in_len *= chunk_times input_length = np.clip(input_length, 0, max_in_len) speech_features = self.speech_featurizer.pad_signal(speech_features, max_input) phones = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(phones, maxlen=max([len(i) for i in phones]), padding='post', value=self.phone_featurizer.pad) txts = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(txts, maxlen=max([len(i) for i in txts]), padding='post', value=self.text_featurizer.pad) x = np.array(speech_features, 'float32') phones = np.array(phones, 'int32') txts = np.array(txts, 'int32') input_length = np.array(input_length, 'int32') phones_length = np.array(phones_length, 'int32') return x, input_length, phones, phones_length, txts def check_valid(self, txt, vocab_list): if len(txt) == 0: return False for n in txt: if n in vocab_list: pass else: return n return True def generate(self, train=True): sample = [] speech_features = [] input_length = [] phones = [] phones_length = [] txts = [] max_input = 0 if train: batch = self.batch * 3 // 4 if self.augment.available() else self.batch else: batch = self.batch for i in range(batch * 10): if train: line = self.train_list[self.train_offset] self.train_offset += 1 if self.train_offset > len(self.train_list) - 1: self.train_offset = 0 np.random.shuffle(self.train_list) self.epochs += 1 else: line = self.test_list[self.test_offset] self.test_offset += 1 if self.test_offset > len(self.test_list) - 1: self.test_offset = 0 wp, txt = line.strip().split('\t') try: data = self.speech_featurizer.load_wav(wp) except:'{} load data failed,skip'.format(wp)) continue if len(data) < 400: continue elif len(data) > self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate * self.speech_config['wav_max_duration']: '{} duration out of wav_max_duration({}),skip'.format(wp, self.speech_config['wav_max_duration'])) continue if self.speech_config['only_chinese']: txt = self.only_chinese(txt) if not self.streaming: speech_feature = data / np.abs(data).max() speech_feature = np.expand_dims(speech_feature, -1) in_len = len(speech_feature) // ( self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * self.speech_config['stride_ms']) else: speech_feature = data speech_feature = np.expand_dims(speech_feature, -1) reduce = self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * \ self.speech_config['stride_ms'] in_len = len(speech_feature) // self.chunk if len(speech_feature) % self.chunk != 0: in_len += 1 chunk_times = self.chunk // reduce if self.chunk % reduce != 0: chunk_times += 1 in_len *= chunk_times py = self.text_to_vocab(txt) if self.check_valid(py, self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array) is not True:' {} txt phone {} not all in tokens,continue'.format(txt, self.check_valid(py, self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array))) continue if self.check_valid(txt, self.text_featurizer.vocab_array) is not True:' {} txt {} not all in tokens,continue'.format(txt, self.check_valid(txt, self.text_featurizer.vocab_array))) continue txt = list(txt) phone_feature = self.phone_featurizer.extract(py) text_feature = self.text_featurizer.extract(txt)+[self.text_featurizer.endid()] if in_len < len(phone_feature):'{} feature length < phone length,continue'.format(wp)) continue max_input = max(max_input, len(speech_feature)) speech_features.append(speech_feature) input_length.append(in_len) phones.append(np.array(phone_feature)) txts.append(np.array(text_feature)) phones_length.append(len(phone_feature)) sample.append(line) if len(sample) == batch: break if train and self.augment.available(): sample = random.sample(sample, self.batch // 4) for i in sample: wp, txt = i.strip().split('\t') try: data = self.speech_featurizer.load_wav(wp) except: continue if len(data) < 400:'{} wav too short < 25ms,skip'.format(wp)) continue elif len(data) > self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate * self.speech_config['wav_max_duration']: continue data = self.augment.process(data) if self.speech_config['only_chinese']: txt = self.only_chinese(txt) if not self.streaming: speech_feature = data / np.abs(data).max() speech_feature = np.expand_dims(speech_feature, -1) in_len = len(speech_feature) // ( self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * self.speech_config['stride_ms']) else: speech_feature = data speech_feature = np.expand_dims(speech_feature, -1) reduce = self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * \ self.speech_config['stride_ms'] in_len = len(speech_feature) // self.chunk if len(speech_feature) % self.chunk != 0: in_len += 1 chunk_times = self.chunk // reduce if self.chunk % reduce != 0: chunk_times += 1 in_len *= chunk_times py = self.text_to_vocab(txt) if self.check_valid(py, self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array) is not True:' {} txt phone {} not all in tokens,continue'.format(txt, self.check_valid(py, self.phone_featurizer.vocab_array))) continue if self.check_valid(txt, self.text_featurizer.vocab_array) is not True:' {} txt {} not all in tokens,continue'.format(txt, self.check_valid(txt, self.text_featurizer.vocab_array))) continue txt = list(txt) phone_feature = self.phone_featurizer.extract(py) text_feature = self.text_featurizer.extract(txt)+[self.text_featurizer.endid()] if in_len < len(phone_feature):'{} feature length < phone length,continue'.format(wp)) continue max_input = max(max_input, len(speech_feature)) speech_features.append(speech_feature) input_length.append(in_len) phones.append(np.array(phone_feature)) txts.append(np.array(text_feature)) phones_length.append(len(phone_feature)) if self.streaming: reduce = self.speech_config['reduction_factor'] * (self.speech_featurizer.sample_rate / 1000) * \ self.speech_config['stride_ms'] max_input = max_input // self.chunk * self.chunk + self.chunk max_in_len = max_input // self.chunk chunk_times = self.chunk // reduce if self.chunk % reduce != 0: chunk_times += 1 max_in_len *= chunk_times input_length = np.clip(input_length, 0, max_in_len) speech_features = self.speech_featurizer.pad_signal(speech_features, max_input) phones=tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(phones,maxlen=max([len(i) for i in phones]),padding='post',value=self.phone_featurizer.pad) txts=tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(txts,maxlen=max([len(i) for i in txts]),padding='post',value=self.text_featurizer.pad) x = np.array(speech_features, 'float32') phones = np.array(phones, 'int32') txts = np.array(txts, 'int32') input_length = np.array(input_length, 'int32') phones_length = np.array(phones_length, 'int32') return x, input_length, phones, phones_length,txts def generator(self, train=True): while 1: s=time.time() x, input_length, phones, phones_length,txts = self.generate(train) e=time.time()'load data cost time: {}'.format(e-s)) if x.shape[0] == 0:'load data length zero,continue') continue yield x, input_length, phones, phones_length,txts
""" Plot CMDs for each component. """ import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm plt.ion() # Pretty plots from fig_settings import * ############################################ # Some things are the same for all the plotting scripts and we put # this into a single library to avoid confusion. import scocenlib as lib data_filename = lib.data_filename comps_filename = lib.comps_filename compnames = lib.compnames colors = lib.colors ############################################ # Minimal probability required for membership pmin_membership = 0.5 ############################################ # how to split subplots grid = [5, 5] # CMD limits xlim = [-1, 5] ylim = [17, -3] ############################################ # Read data try: tab = tab0 comps = comps0 except: tab0 = Gmag = tab0['phot_g_mean_mag'] - 5 * np.log10(1.0 / (tab0['parallax'] * 1e-3) / 10) # tab['parallax'] in micro arcsec tab0['Gmag'] = Gmag comps0 = tab = tab0 comps = comps0 # Main sequence parametrization # fitpar for pmag, rpmag fitpar = [0.17954163, -2.48748376, 12.9279348, -31.35434182, 38.31330583, -12.25864507] poly = np.poly1d(fitpar) x = np.linspace(1, 4, 100) y = poly(x) m = y > 4 yms = y[m] xms = x[m] def plot_MS_parametrisation_and_spectral_types(ax, xlim, ylim): ax.plot(xms, yms, c='brown', label='Median main sequence', linewidth=1) ax.plot(xms, yms - 1, c='brown', label='1 mag above the median', linewidth=1, linestyle='--') ax.plot(xms, yms - 1.5, c='brown', label='1.5 mag above the median', linewidth=1, linestyle='--') ax.axvline(x=0.369, linewidth=0.5, color='k') # F ax.axvline(x=0.767, linewidth=0.5, color='k') # G ax.axvline(x=0.979, linewidth=0.5, color='k') # K ax.axvline(x=1.848, linewidth=0.5, color='k') # M ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) return ax print('Plotting %d components.'%len(comps)) fig=plt.figure() for i, c in enumerate(comps): ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[0], grid[1], i+1) # TODO: adjust this if needed comp_ID = c['comp_ID'] col=tab['membership%s'%comp_ID] mask = col > pmin_membership t=tab[mask] if len(t)>100: alpha=0.5 else: alpha=1 t.sort('membership%s'%comp_ID) #~ t.reverse() #~ ax.scatter(t['bp_rp'], t['Gmag'], s=1, c='k', alpha=alpha) ax.scatter(t['bp_rp'], t['Gmag'], s=1, c=t['membership%s'%comp_ID], alpha=1, vmin=0.5, vmax=1, cmap=cm.jet) ax=plot_MS_parametrisation_and_spectral_types(ax, xlim, ylim) age=c['Age'] ax.set_title('%s (%.2f$\pm$%.2f Myr %s) %d'%(comp_ID, age, c['Crossing_time'], c['Age_reliable'], len(t))) #~ plt.tight_layout()
import unittest import paramiko from tornado.httputil import HTTPServerRequest from tests.utils import read_file, make_tests_data_path from webssh.handler import MixinHandler, IndexHandler, InvalidValueError class TestMixinHandler(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_real_client_addr(self): handler = MixinHandler() handler.request = HTTPServerRequest(uri='/') self.assertIsNone(handler.get_real_client_addr()) ip = '' handler.request.headers.add('X-Real-Ip', ip) self.assertEqual(handler.get_real_client_addr(), False) handler.request.headers.add('X-Real-Port', '12345x') self.assertEqual(handler.get_real_client_addr(), False) handler.request.headers.update({'X-Real-Port': '12345'}) self.assertEqual(handler.get_real_client_addr(), (ip, 12345)) handler.request.headers.update({'X-Real-ip': None}) self.assertEqual(handler.get_real_client_addr(), False) handler.request.headers.update({'X-Real-Port': '12345x'}) self.assertEqual(handler.get_real_client_addr(), False) class TestIndexHandler(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_specific_pkey_with_plain_key(self): fname = 'test_rsa.key' cls = paramiko.RSAKey key = read_file(make_tests_data_path(fname)) pkey = IndexHandler.get_specific_pkey(cls, key, None) self.assertIsInstance(pkey, cls) pkey = IndexHandler.get_specific_pkey(cls, key, 'iginored') self.assertIsInstance(pkey, cls) pkey = IndexHandler.get_specific_pkey(cls, 'x'+key, None) self.assertIsNone(pkey) def test_get_specific_pkey_with_encrypted_key(self): fname = 'test_rsa_password.key' cls = paramiko.RSAKey password = '<PASSWORD>' key = read_file(make_tests_data_path(fname)) pkey = IndexHandler.get_specific_pkey(cls, key, password) self.assertIsInstance(pkey, cls) pkey = IndexHandler.get_specific_pkey(cls, 'x'+key, None) self.assertIsNone(pkey) with self.assertRaises(paramiko.PasswordRequiredException): pkey = IndexHandler.get_specific_pkey(cls, key, None) def test_get_pkey_obj_with_plain_key(self): fname = 'test_ed25519.key' cls = paramiko.Ed25519Key key = read_file(make_tests_data_path(fname)) pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj(key, None, fname) self.assertIsInstance(pkey, cls) pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj(key, 'iginored', fname) self.assertIsInstance(pkey, cls) with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueError) as exc: pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj('x'+key, None, fname) self.assertIn('Invalid private key', str(exc)) def test_get_pkey_obj_with_encrypted_key(self): fname = 'test_ed25519_password.key' password = '<PASSWORD>' cls = paramiko.Ed25519Key key = read_file(make_tests_data_path(fname)) pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj(key, password, fname) self.assertIsInstance(pkey, cls) with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueError) as exc: pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj(key, 'wrongpass', fname) self.assertIn('Wrong password', str(exc)) with self.assertRaises(InvalidValueError) as exc: pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj('x'+key, password, fname) self.assertIn('Invalid private key', str(exc)) with self.assertRaises(paramiko.PasswordRequiredException): pkey = IndexHandler.get_pkey_obj(key, '', fname)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from unicodedata import normalize from flask import Blueprint, render_template, current_app from flask import redirect, url_for, g, abort from sqlalchemy import desc from fedora_college.core.database import db from fedora_college.modules.content.forms import * # noqa from fedora_college.core.models import * # noqa from fedora_college.fedmsgshim import publish from flask_fas_openid import fas_login_required bundle = Blueprint('content', __name__, template_folder='templates') from import * # noqa _punct_re = re.compile(r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.]+') # Verify if user is authenticated def authenticated(): return hasattr(g, 'fas_user') and g.fas_user # generate url slug def slugify(text, delim=u'-'): """Generates an slightly worse ASCII-only slug.""" result = [] for word in _punct_re.split(text.lower()): word = normalize('NFKD', word).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if word: result.append(word) return unicode(delim.join(result)) # attach tags to a content entry def attach_tags(tags, content): rem = TagsMap.query.filter_by(content_id=content.content_id).all() for r in rem: db.session.delete(r) db.session.commit() for tag in tags: tag_db = Tags.query.filter_by(tag_text=tag).first() if tag_db is None: tag_db = Tags(tag) db.session.add(tag_db) db.session.commit() Map = TagsMap(tag_db.tag_id, content.content_id) db.session.add(Map) db.session.commit() # delete content @bundle.route('/content/delete/<posturl>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/content/delete/<posturl>/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @fas_login_required def delete_content(posturl=None): if posturl is not None: db.session.rollback() content = Content.query.filter_by(slug=posturl).first_or_404() rem = TagsMap.query.filter_by( content_id=content.content_id).all() '''delete mapped tags''' for r in rem: db.session.delete(r) comments = Comments.query.filter_by( content_id=content.content_id).all() '''delete comments with foriegn keys''' for r in comments: db.session.delete(r) db.session.delete(content) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('profile.user', nickname=g.fas_user['username'])) abort(404) # add / edit more content @bundle.route('/content/add/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/content/add', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/content/edit/<posturl>/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/content/edit/<posturl>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @fas_login_required def addcontent(posturl=None): if authenticated(): form = CreateContent() form_action = url_for('content.addcontent') media = Media.query.order_by(desc(Media.timestamp)).limit(10).all() if posturl is not None: content = Content.query.filter_by(slug=posturl).first_or_404() form = CreateContent(obj=content) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(content) tags = str(',') attach_tags(tags, content) content.rehtml() db.session.commit() '''Publish the message''' msg = content.getdata() msg['title'] = content.title msg['link'] = current_app.config[ 'EXTERNAL_URL'] + content.slug publish( topic=current_app.config['CONTENT_EDIT_TOPIC'], msg=msg ) if content.type_content == "blog": print url_for('', slug=posturl) return redirect(url_for('', slug=posturl)) return redirect(url_for('home.content', slug=posturl)) else: if form.validate_on_submit(): url_name = slugify( content = Content(, url_name,,,, g.fas_user['username'], ) tags = str(',') try: db.session.add(content) db.session.commit() attach_tags(tags, content) '''Publish the message''' msg = content.getdata() msg['title'] = content.title msg['link'] = current_app.config[ 'EXTERNAL_URL'] + url_name publish( topic=current_app.config['CONTENT_CREATE_TOPIC'], msg=msg ) if content.type_content == "blog": return redirect(url_for('', slug=posturl)) return redirect(url_for('home.content', slug=url_name)) # Duplicate entry except Exception as e: return str(e) db.session.rollback() pass tags = Tags.query.all() return render_template('content/edit_content.html', form=form, form_action=form_action, title="Create Content", media=media[0:5], tags=tags) abort(404) # View Blog post @bundle.route('/blog', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/blog/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/blog/<slug>/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/blog/<slug>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/blog/page/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bundle.route('/blog/page/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def blog(slug=None, id=0): id = int(id) screen = Content.query. \ filter_by( type_content="lecture", active=True ).limit(10).all() if slug is not None: try: posts = Content.query. \ filter_by(slug=slug).all() except: posts = "No such posts in database." else: try: posts = Content.query. \ filter_by(type_content="blog").all() if id > 0: posts = posts[id - 1:id + 5] else: posts = posts[0:5] except: posts = [] return render_template('blog/index.html', title='Blog', content=posts, screen=screen, id=id, slug=slug )
# Copyright (c) 2022,, inc. # All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or import os import re import time import random import argparse import torch from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast from jaxformer.hf.codegen.modeling_codegen import CodeGenForCausalLM ######################################################################## # util class print_time: def __init__(self, desc): self.desc = desc def __enter__(self): print(self.desc) self.t = time.time() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): print(f'{self.desc} took {time.time()-self.t:.02f}s') def set_env(): os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'false' def set_seed(seed, deterministic=True): random.seed(seed) os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = deterministic torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = not deterministic # torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(deterministic) def cast(model, fp16=True): if fp16: model.half() return model ######################################################################## # model def create_model(ckpt, fp16=True): if fp16: return CodeGenForCausalLM.from_pretrained(ckpt, revision='float16', torch_dtype=torch.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True) else: return CodeGenForCausalLM.from_pretrained(ckpt) def create_tokenizer(): t = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained('gpt2') t.max_model_input_sizes['gpt2'] = 1e20 return t def include_whitespace(t, n_min=2, n_max=20, as_special_tokens=False): t.add_tokens([' ' * n for n in reversed(range(n_min, n_max))], special_tokens=as_special_tokens) return t def include_tabs(t, n_min=2, n_max=20, as_special_tokens=False): t.add_tokens(['\t' * n for n in reversed(range(n_min, n_max))], special_tokens=as_special_tokens) return t def create_custom_gpt2_tokenizer(): t = create_tokenizer() t = include_whitespace(t=t, n_min=2, n_max=32, as_special_tokens=False) t = include_tabs(t=t, n_min=2, n_max=10, as_special_tokens=False) return t ######################################################################## # sample def sample( device, model, tokenizer, context, pad_token_id, num_return_sequences=1, temp=0.2, top_p=0.95, max_length_sample=128, max_length=2048 ): input_ids = tokenizer( context, truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=max_length, return_tensors='pt', ).input_ids input_ids_len = input_ids.shape[1] assert input_ids_len < max_length with torch.no_grad(): input_ids = tokens = model.generate( input_ids, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=num_return_sequences, temperature=temp, max_length=input_ids_len + max_length_sample, top_p=top_p, pad_token_id=pad_token_id, use_cache=True, ) text = tokenizer.batch_decode(tokens[:, input_ids_len:, ...]) return text def truncate(completion): def find_re(string, pattern, start_pos): m =, start_pos) return m.start() if m else -1 terminals = [ re.compile(r, re.MULTILINE) for r in [ '^#', re.escape('<|endoftext|>'), "^'''", '^"""', '\n\n\n' ] ] prints = list(re.finditer('^print', completion, re.MULTILINE)) if len(prints) > 1: completion = completion[:prints[1].start()] defs = list(re.finditer('^def', completion, re.MULTILINE)) if len(defs) > 1: completion = completion[:defs[1].start()] start_pos = 0 terminals_pos = [pos for pos in [find_re(completion, terminal, start_pos) for terminal in terminals] if pos != -1] if len(terminals_pos) > 0: return completion[:min(terminals_pos)] else: return completion def test_truncate(): assert truncate('\nif len_a > len_b:\n result = a\nelse:\n result = b\n\n\n\n#') == '\nif len_a > len_b:\n result = a\nelse:\n result = b' ######################################################################## # main def main(): # (0) constants models_nl = ['codegen-350M-nl', 'codegen-2B-nl', 'codegen-6B-nl', 'codegen-16B-nl'] models_pl = ['codegen-350M-multi', 'codegen-2B-multi', 'codegen-6B-multi', 'codegen-16B-multi', 'codegen-350M-mono', 'codegen-2B-mono', 'codegen-6B-mono', 'codegen-16B-mono'] models = models_nl + models_pl # (1) params parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, choices=models, default='codegen-350M-mono') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda:0') parser.add_argument('--rng-seed', type=int, default=42) parser.add_argument('--rng-deterministic', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--p', type=float, default=0.95) parser.add_argument('--t', type=float, default=0.2) parser.add_argument('--max-length', type=int, default=128) parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--no-fp16', action="store_false") parser.add_argument('--pad', type=int, default=50256) parser.add_argument('--context', type=str, default='def helloworld():') args = parser.parse_args() # (2) preamble set_env() set_seed(args.rng_seed, deterministic=args.rng_deterministic) device = torch.device(args.device) if device.type == "cpu": args.no_fp16 = False if args.model.startswith("codegen-16B"): args.no_fp16 = True ckpt = f'./checkpoints/{args.model}' # (3) load with print_time('loading parameters'): model = create_model(ckpt=ckpt, fp16=args.no_fp16).to(device) with print_time('loading tokenizer'): if args.model in models_pl: tokenizer = create_custom_gpt2_tokenizer() else: tokenizer = create_tokenizer() tokenizer.padding_side = 'left' tokenizer.pad_token = args.pad # (4) sample with print_time('sampling'): completion = sample(device=device, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, context=args.context, pad_token_id=args.pad, num_return_sequences=args.batch_size, temp=args.t, top_p=args.p, max_length_sample=args.max_length)[0] truncation = truncate(completion) print('=' * 100) print(completion) print('=' * 100) print(args.context+truncation) print('=' * 100) if __name__ == '__main__': test_truncate() main() print('done.')
import json import re from flask import request, abort, jsonify from Chibrary import config from Chibrary.config import logger from Chibrary.exceptions import * from functools import wraps from urllib import parse from Chibrary.server import db def parse_url_query(url: str) -> dict: if not url.lower().startswith('http://') \ and not url.lower().startswith('https://'): return {} query = url[url.rindex('/') + 1:] if '?' not in query: return {} query = query[query.index('?') + 1:] lines = query.split('&') result = {} for line in lines: if line.count('=') != 1: continue key, val = line.split('=') # 注意这里的类型转化处理 if val == 'undefined': val = None else: try: val = int(val) except ValueError: try: val = float(val) except ValueError: pass if val is not None: if type(val) is str: result[key] = parse.unquote(val) else: result[key] = val return result def form_url_query(url: str, data: dict): # if not url.lower().startswith('http://') \ # and not url.lower().startswith('https://'): # logger.warning('Provided wrong url %s !' % url) # return url # if len(data) == 0: # return url # query = '?' # for key in data: # # 特事特办(?) # if type(data[key]) is str and '/' in data[key]: # query = query + parse.urlencode({key: data[key]}) + '&' # else: # query = query + key + '=' + parse.quote(str(data[key])) + '&' # query = query[:-1] # return url + query # 这里是+和%20的坑 return url + '?' + parse.urlencode(data).replace('+', '%20') def remove_ids_dfs(data: dict): if '_id' in data: del data['_id'] for key in data: if type(data[key]) is dict: data[key] = remove_ids_dfs(data[key]) return data """ 返回值格式: { code: ..., message: ..., data: ..., } """ def make_result(code: int, message=None, data=None): result = { 'code': code, } # 根据code选message if message is None: try: result['message'] = config.code[str(code)] except ValueError: logger.warning('Error code %s not found!' % code) result['message'] = config.code['0'] else: result['message'] = message if data is not None: # 一定要删除所有_id元素 data = remove_ids_dfs(data) result['data'] = data return result def make_error_result(error): return make_result(1, message=str(error)) def dump(data): return json.dumps(data) def check_args(args: dict, requirements: list): for r in requirements: if r not in args: return False return True def format_file_size(size_by_bytes: int) -> str: units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] # 最终数值应该在1~999之间 index = 0 unit = units[index] while size_by_bytes > 1000: index = index + 1 unit = units[index] size_by_bytes = size_by_bytes / 1000 if index == len(units): break if size_by_bytes > 20: return "%.0f%s" % (size_by_bytes, unit) return "%.2f%s" % (size_by_bytes, unit) # 用户在header里面加上Authorization: {token} def login_check(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): headers = dict(request.headers) if 'Authorization' not in headers: return make_result(3) # login error token = headers['Authorization'] if db.token_find_by_token(token) is None: return make_result(3) # login error return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated # 用户在header里面加上Authorization: {token} def admin_check(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): headers = dict(request.headers) if 'Authorization' not in headers: return make_result(3) # login error token = headers['Authorization'] token_data = db.token_find_by_token(token) if token_data is None: return make_result(3) # login error # 用户level大于等于10表示有管理员效力 user = db.user_find(username=token_data['username']) if user is None: return make_result(3) # login error,不会有效 if user['info']['level'] < 10: return make_result(10) # No permission return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated # 必须在request过程中调用,获取不到直接打断 def get_user_from_headers(): headers = dict(request.headers) if 'Authorization' not in headers: abort(jsonify(make_result(3))) # login error token = headers['Authorization'] token_data = db.token_find_by_token(token) if token_data is None: abort(jsonify(make_result(3))) # login error # 用户level大于等于10表示有管理员效力 user = db.user_find(username=token_data['username']) if user is None: abort(jsonify(make_result(3))) # login error,不会有效 return user def check_admin_abort(): headers = dict(request.headers) if 'Authorization' not in headers: abort(jsonify(make_result(3))) # login error token = headers['Authorization'] token_data = db.token_find_by_token(token) if token_data is None: abort(jsonify(make_result(3))) # login error # 用户level大于等于10表示有管理员效力 user = db.user_find(username=token_data['username']) if user is None: abort(jsonify(make_result(3))) # login error,不会有效 if user['info']['level'] < 10: abort(jsonify(make_result(10))) # No permission def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: pass # try: # import unicodedata # unicodedata.numeric(s) # return True # except (TypeError, ValueError): # pass return False # def url_check(url: str): # url = url.lower() # reg = "^(https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms)\\://?([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]+(\\:[a-zA-Z0-9\\.&%\\$\\-]+)*@)?((25[0-5]|2" \ # "[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]" \ # "{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\\.(25[0-5]|" \ # "2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]" \ # "{2,4})(\\:[0-9]+)?(/[^/][a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\,\\?\\'\\\\/\\+&%\\$\\=~_\\-@]*)*$" # print(, reg)) if __name__ == '__main__': print(parse_url_query('')) print(format_file_size(20250000)) # print(url_check(''))
import csv def csv_dict_writer(path, headers, data): with open(path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, delimiter=',', fieldnames=headers) writer.writeheader() for record in data: writer.writerow(record) if __name__ == '__main__': data = '''book_title,author,publisher,pub_date,isbn Python 101,<NAME>, <NAME>,2020,123456789 wxPython Recipes,<NAME>,Apress,2018,978-1-4842-3237-8 Python Interviews,<NAME>,Packt Publishing,2018,9781788399081''' records = [] for line in data.splitlines(): records.append(line.strip().split(',')) headers = records.pop(0) list_of_dicts = [] for row in records: my_dict = dict(zip(headers, row)) list_of_dicts.append(my_dict) csv_dict_writer('output_dict.csv', headers, list_of_dicts)
# Generated by Django 2.1.7 on 2019-02-23 23:45 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('torrents', '0010_auto_20190223_0326'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='realm', options={'ordering': ('name',)}, ), ]
# coding: utf-8 # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2021. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # IBM OpenAPI SDK Code Generator Version: 3.25.0-2b3f843a-20210115-164628 """ The administration REST API for IBM Event Streams on Cloud. """ from typing import Dict, List import json from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import BaseService, DetailedResponse from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators.authenticator import Authenticator from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.get_authenticator import get_authenticator_from_environment from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.utils import convert_model from .common import get_sdk_headers ############################################################################## # Service ############################################################################## class AdminrestV1(BaseService): """The adminrest V1 service.""" DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL = '' DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME = 'adminrest' @classmethod def new_instance(cls, service_name: str = DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, ) -> 'AdminrestV1': """ Return a new client for the adminrest service using the specified parameters and external configuration. """ authenticator = get_authenticator_from_environment(service_name) service = cls( authenticator ) service.configure_service(service_name) return service def __init__(self, authenticator: Authenticator = None, ) -> None: """ Construct a new client for the adminrest service. :param Authenticator authenticator: The authenticator specifies the authentication mechanism. Get up to date information from about initializing the authenticator of your choice. """ BaseService.__init__(self, service_url=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL, authenticator=authenticator) ######################### # default ######################### def create_topic(self, *, name: str = None, partitions: int = None, partition_count: int = None, configs: List['ConfigCreate'] = None, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Create a new topic. Create a new topic. :param str name: (optional) The name of topic to be created. :param int partitions: (optional) The number of partitions. :param int partition_count: (optional) The number of partitions, this field takes precedence over 'partitions'. Default value is 1 if not specified. :param List[ConfigCreate] configs: (optional) The config properties to be set for the new topic. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse """ if configs is not None: configs = [convert_model(x) for x in configs] headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='create_topic') headers.update(sdk_headers) data = { 'name': name, 'partitions': partitions, 'partition_count': partition_count, 'configs': configs } data = {k: v for (k, v) in data.items() if v is not None} data = json.dumps(data) headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' url = '/admin/topics' request = self.prepare_request(method='POST', url=url, headers=headers, data=data) response = self.send(request) return response def list_topics(self, *, topic_filter: str = None, per_page: int = None, page: int = None, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Get a list of topics. Returns a list containing information about all of the Kafka topics that are defined for an instance of the Event Streams service. If there are currently no topics defined then an empty list is returned. :param str topic_filter: (optional) A filter to be applied to the topic names. A simple filter can be specified as a string with asterisk (`*`) wildcards representing 0 or more characters, e.g. `topic-name*` will filter all topic names that begin with the string `topic-name` followed by any character sequence. A more complex filter pattern can be used by surrounding a regular expression in forward slash (`/`) delimiters, e.g. `/topic-name.* /`. :param int per_page: (optional) The number of topic names to be returns. :param int page: (optional) The page number to be returned. The number 1 represents the first page. The default value is 1. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `List[TopicDetail]` result """ headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='list_topics') headers.update(sdk_headers) params = { 'topic_filter': topic_filter, 'per_page': per_page, 'page': page } if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' url = '/admin/topics' request = self.prepare_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers, params=params) response = self.send(request) return response def get_topic(self, topic_name: str, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Get detailed information on a topic. Get detailed information on a topic. :param str topic_name: The topic name for the topic to be listed. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `dict` result representing a `TopicDetail` object """ if topic_name is None: raise ValueError('topic_name must be provided') headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='get_topic') headers.update(sdk_headers) if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' path_param_keys = ['topic_name'] path_param_values = self.encode_path_vars(topic_name) path_param_dict = dict(zip(path_param_keys, path_param_values)) url = '/admin/topics/{topic_name}'.format(**path_param_dict) request = self.prepare_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers) response = self.send(request) return response def delete_topic(self, topic_name: str, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Delete a topic. Delete a topic. :param str topic_name: The topic name for the topic to be listed. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse """ if topic_name is None: raise ValueError('topic_name must be provided') headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='delete_topic') headers.update(sdk_headers) if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' path_param_keys = ['topic_name'] path_param_values = self.encode_path_vars(topic_name) path_param_dict = dict(zip(path_param_keys, path_param_values)) url = '/admin/topics/{topic_name}'.format(**path_param_dict) request = self.prepare_request(method='DELETE', url=url, headers=headers) response = self.send(request) return response def update_topic(self, topic_name: str, *, new_total_partition_count: int = None, configs: List['ConfigUpdate'] = None, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Increase the number of partitions and/or update one or more topic configuration parameters. Increase the number of partitions and/or update one or more topic configuration parameters. :param str topic_name: The topic name for the topic to be listed. :param int new_total_partition_count: (optional) The new partition number to be increased. :param List[ConfigUpdate] configs: (optional) The config properties to be updated for the topic. Valid config keys are 'cleanup.policy', '', 'retention.bytes', 'segment.bytes', '', 'segment.index.bytes'. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse """ if topic_name is None: raise ValueError('topic_name must be provided') if configs is not None: configs = [convert_model(x) for x in configs] headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='update_topic') headers.update(sdk_headers) data = { 'new_total_partition_count': new_total_partition_count, 'configs': configs } data = {k: v for (k, v) in data.items() if v is not None} data = json.dumps(data) headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' path_param_keys = ['topic_name'] path_param_values = self.encode_path_vars(topic_name) path_param_dict = dict(zip(path_param_keys, path_param_values)) url = '/admin/topics/{topic_name}'.format(**path_param_dict) request = self.prepare_request(method='PATCH', url=url, headers=headers, data=data) response = self.send(request) return response def get_mirroring_topic_selection(self, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Get current topic selection for mirroring. Get current topic selection for mirroring. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `dict` result representing a `MirroringTopicSelection` object """ headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='get_mirroring_topic_selection') headers.update(sdk_headers) if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' url = '/admin/mirroring/topic-selection' request = self.prepare_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers) response = self.send(request) return response def replace_mirroring_topic_selection(self, *, includes: List[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Replace topic selection for mirroring. Replace topic selection for mirroring. This operation replaces the complete set of mirroring topic selections. :param List[str] includes: (optional) :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `dict` result representing a `MirroringTopicSelection` object """ headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='replace_mirroring_topic_selection') headers.update(sdk_headers) data = { 'includes': includes } data = {k: v for (k, v) in data.items() if v is not None} data = json.dumps(data) headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' url = '/admin/mirroring/topic-selection' request = self.prepare_request(method='POST', url=url, headers=headers, data=data) response = self.send(request) return response def get_mirroring_active_topics(self, **kwargs ) -> DetailedResponse: """ Get topics that are being actively mirrored. Get topics that are being actively mirrored. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `dict` result representing a `MirroringActiveTopics` object """ headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='get_mirroring_active_topics') headers.update(sdk_headers) if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' url = '/admin/mirroring/active-topics' request = self.prepare_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers) response = self.send(request) return response ############################################################################## # Models ############################################################################## class ReplicaAssignmentBrokers(): """ ReplicaAssignmentBrokers. :attr List[int] replicas: (optional) """ def __init__(self, *, replicas: List[int] = None) -> None: """ Initialize a ReplicaAssignmentBrokers object. :param List[int] replicas: (optional) """ self.replicas = replicas @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'ReplicaAssignmentBrokers': """Initialize a ReplicaAssignmentBrokers object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'replicas' in _dict: args['replicas'] = _dict.get('replicas') return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ReplicaAssignmentBrokers object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'replicas') and self.replicas is not None: _dict['replicas'] = self.replicas return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this ReplicaAssignmentBrokers object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'ReplicaAssignmentBrokers') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'ReplicaAssignmentBrokers') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class ConfigCreate(): """ ConfigCreate. :attr str name: (optional) The name of the config property. :attr str value: (optional) The value for a config property. """ def __init__(self, *, name: str = None, value: str = None) -> None: """ Initialize a ConfigCreate object. :param str name: (optional) The name of the config property. :param str value: (optional) The value for a config property. """ = name self.value = value @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'ConfigCreate': """Initialize a ConfigCreate object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'name' in _dict: args['name'] = _dict.get('name') if 'value' in _dict: args['value'] = _dict.get('value') return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ConfigCreate object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'name') and is not None: _dict['name'] = if hasattr(self, 'value') and self.value is not None: _dict['value'] = self.value return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this ConfigCreate object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'ConfigCreate') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'ConfigCreate') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class ConfigUpdate(): """ ConfigUpdate. :attr str name: (optional) The name of the config property. :attr str value: (optional) The value for a config property. :attr bool reset_to_default: (optional) When true, the value of the config property is reset to its default value. """ def __init__(self, *, name: str = None, value: str = None, reset_to_default: bool = None) -> None: """ Initialize a ConfigUpdate object. :param str name: (optional) The name of the config property. :param str value: (optional) The value for a config property. :param bool reset_to_default: (optional) When true, the value of the config property is reset to its default value. """ = name self.value = value self.reset_to_default = reset_to_default @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'ConfigUpdate': """Initialize a ConfigUpdate object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'name' in _dict: args['name'] = _dict.get('name') if 'value' in _dict: args['value'] = _dict.get('value') if 'reset_to_default' in _dict: args['reset_to_default'] = _dict.get('reset_to_default') return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ConfigUpdate object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'name') and is not None: _dict['name'] = if hasattr(self, 'value') and self.value is not None: _dict['value'] = self.value if hasattr(self, 'reset_to_default') and self.reset_to_default is not None: _dict['reset_to_default'] = self.reset_to_default return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this ConfigUpdate object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'ConfigUpdate') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'ConfigUpdate') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class MirroringActiveTopics(): """ Topics that are being actively mirrored. :attr List[str] active_topics: (optional) """ def __init__(self, *, active_topics: List[str] = None) -> None: """ Initialize a MirroringActiveTopics object. :param List[str] active_topics: (optional) """ self.active_topics = active_topics @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'MirroringActiveTopics': """Initialize a MirroringActiveTopics object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'active_topics' in _dict: args['active_topics'] = _dict.get('active_topics') return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a MirroringActiveTopics object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'active_topics') and self.active_topics is not None: _dict['active_topics'] = self.active_topics return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this MirroringActiveTopics object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'MirroringActiveTopics') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'MirroringActiveTopics') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class MirroringTopicSelection(): """ Mirroring topic selection payload. :attr List[str] includes: (optional) """ def __init__(self, *, includes: List[str] = None) -> None: """ Initialize a MirroringTopicSelection object. :param List[str] includes: (optional) """ self.includes = includes @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'MirroringTopicSelection': """Initialize a MirroringTopicSelection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'includes' in _dict: args['includes'] = _dict.get('includes') return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a MirroringTopicSelection object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'includes') and self.includes is not None: _dict['includes'] = self.includes return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this MirroringTopicSelection object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'MirroringTopicSelection') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'MirroringTopicSelection') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class ReplicaAssignment(): """ ReplicaAssignment. :attr int id: (optional) The ID of the partition. :attr ReplicaAssignmentBrokers brokers: (optional) """ def __init__(self, *, id: int = None, brokers: 'ReplicaAssignmentBrokers' = None) -> None: """ Initialize a ReplicaAssignment object. :param int id: (optional) The ID of the partition. :param ReplicaAssignmentBrokers brokers: (optional) """ = id self.brokers = brokers @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'ReplicaAssignment': """Initialize a ReplicaAssignment object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'id' in _dict: args['id'] = _dict.get('id') if 'brokers' in _dict: args['brokers'] = ReplicaAssignmentBrokers.from_dict(_dict.get('brokers')) return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ReplicaAssignment object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'id') and is not None: _dict['id'] = if hasattr(self, 'brokers') and self.brokers is not None: _dict['brokers'] = self.brokers.to_dict() return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this ReplicaAssignment object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'ReplicaAssignment') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'ReplicaAssignment') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class TopicConfigs(): """ TopicConfigs. :attr str cleanup_policy: (optional) The value of config property 'cleanup.policy'. :attr str min_insync_replicas: (optional) The value of config property 'min.insync.replicas'. :attr str retention_bytes: (optional) The value of config property 'retention.bytes'. :attr str retention_ms: (optional) The value of config property ''. :attr str segment_bytes: (optional) The value of config property 'segment.bytes'. :attr str segment_index_bytes: (optional) The value of config property 'segment.index.bytes'. :attr str segment_ms: (optional) The value of config property ''. """ def __init__(self, *, cleanup_policy: str = None, min_insync_replicas: str = None, retention_bytes: str = None, retention_ms: str = None, segment_bytes: str = None, segment_index_bytes: str = None, segment_ms: str = None) -> None: """ Initialize a TopicConfigs object. :param str cleanup_policy: (optional) The value of config property 'cleanup.policy'. :param str min_insync_replicas: (optional) The value of config property 'min.insync.replicas'. :param str retention_bytes: (optional) The value of config property 'retention.bytes'. :param str retention_ms: (optional) The value of config property ''. :param str segment_bytes: (optional) The value of config property 'segment.bytes'. :param str segment_index_bytes: (optional) The value of config property 'segment.index.bytes'. :param str segment_ms: (optional) The value of config property ''. """ self.cleanup_policy = cleanup_policy self.min_insync_replicas = min_insync_replicas self.retention_bytes = retention_bytes self.retention_ms = retention_ms self.segment_bytes = segment_bytes self.segment_index_bytes = segment_index_bytes self.segment_ms = segment_ms @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'TopicConfigs': """Initialize a TopicConfigs object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'cleanup.policy' in _dict: args['cleanup_policy'] = _dict.get('cleanup.policy') if 'min.insync.replicas' in _dict: args['min_insync_replicas'] = _dict.get('min.insync.replicas') if 'retention.bytes' in _dict: args['retention_bytes'] = _dict.get('retention.bytes') if '' in _dict: args['retention_ms'] = _dict.get('') if 'segment.bytes' in _dict: args['segment_bytes'] = _dict.get('segment.bytes') if 'segment.index.bytes' in _dict: args['segment_index_bytes'] = _dict.get('segment.index.bytes') if '' in _dict: args['segment_ms'] = _dict.get('') return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a TopicConfigs object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'cleanup_policy') and self.cleanup_policy is not None: _dict['cleanup.policy'] = self.cleanup_policy if hasattr(self, 'min_insync_replicas') and self.min_insync_replicas is not None: _dict['min.insync.replicas'] = self.min_insync_replicas if hasattr(self, 'retention_bytes') and self.retention_bytes is not None: _dict['retention.bytes'] = self.retention_bytes if hasattr(self, 'retention_ms') and self.retention_ms is not None: _dict[''] = self.retention_ms if hasattr(self, 'segment_bytes') and self.segment_bytes is not None: _dict['segment.bytes'] = self.segment_bytes if hasattr(self, 'segment_index_bytes') and self.segment_index_bytes is not None: _dict['segment.index.bytes'] = self.segment_index_bytes if hasattr(self, 'segment_ms') and self.segment_ms is not None: _dict[''] = self.segment_ms return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this TopicConfigs object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'TopicConfigs') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'TopicConfigs') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other class TopicDetail(): """ TopicDetail. :attr str name: (optional) The name of the topic. :attr int partitions: (optional) The number of partitions. :attr int replication_factor: (optional) The number of replication factor. :attr int retention_ms: (optional) The value of config property ''. :attr str cleanup_policy: (optional) The value of config property 'cleanup.policy'. :attr TopicConfigs configs: (optional) :attr List[ReplicaAssignment] replica_assignments: (optional) The replia assignment of the topic. """ def __init__(self, *, name: str = None, partitions: int = None, replication_factor: int = None, retention_ms: int = None, cleanup_policy: str = None, configs: 'TopicConfigs' = None, replica_assignments: List['ReplicaAssignment'] = None) -> None: """ Initialize a TopicDetail object. :param str name: (optional) The name of the topic. :param int partitions: (optional) The number of partitions. :param int replication_factor: (optional) The number of replication factor. :param int retention_ms: (optional) The value of config property ''. :param str cleanup_policy: (optional) The value of config property 'cleanup.policy'. :param TopicConfigs configs: (optional) :param List[ReplicaAssignment] replica_assignments: (optional) The replia assignment of the topic. """ = name self.partitions = partitions self.replication_factor = replication_factor self.retention_ms = retention_ms self.cleanup_policy = cleanup_policy self.configs = configs self.replica_assignments = replica_assignments @classmethod def from_dict(cls, _dict: Dict) -> 'TopicDetail': """Initialize a TopicDetail object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'name' in _dict: args['name'] = _dict.get('name') if 'partitions' in _dict: args['partitions'] = _dict.get('partitions') if 'replicationFactor' in _dict: args['replication_factor'] = _dict.get('replicationFactor') if 'retentionMs' in _dict: args['retention_ms'] = _dict.get('retentionMs') if 'cleanupPolicy' in _dict: args['cleanup_policy'] = _dict.get('cleanupPolicy') if 'configs' in _dict: args['configs'] = TopicConfigs.from_dict(_dict.get('configs')) if 'replicaAssignments' in _dict: args['replica_assignments'] = [ReplicaAssignment.from_dict(x) for x in _dict.get('replicaAssignments')] return cls(**args) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a TopicDetail object from a json dictionary.""" return cls.from_dict(_dict) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'name') and is not None: _dict['name'] = if hasattr(self, 'partitions') and self.partitions is not None: _dict['partitions'] = self.partitions if hasattr(self, 'replication_factor') and self.replication_factor is not None: _dict['replicationFactor'] = self.replication_factor if hasattr(self, 'retention_ms') and self.retention_ms is not None: _dict['retentionMs'] = self.retention_ms if hasattr(self, 'cleanup_policy') and self.cleanup_policy is not None: _dict['cleanupPolicy'] = self.cleanup_policy if hasattr(self, 'configs') and self.configs is not None: _dict['configs'] = self.configs.to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'replica_assignments') and self.replica_assignments is not None: _dict['replicaAssignments'] = [x.to_dict() for x in self.replica_assignments] return _dict def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" return self.to_dict() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a `str` version of this TopicDetail object.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other: 'TopicDetail') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other: 'TopicDetail') -> bool: """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """WebHelpers used in project.""" #from webhelpers import date, feedgenerator, html, number, misc, text from markupsafe import Markup def bold(text): return Markup('<strong>%s</strong>' % text)
# Copyright (c) 2018, Palo Alto Networks # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> ''' Palo Alto Networks Provides rendering of configuration templates with user defined values Output is a set of loadable full configurations and set commands for Panos and Panorama Edit the config_variables.yaml values and then run the script This software is provided without support, warranty, or guarantee. Use at your own risk. ''' import datetime import os import shutil import sys import time import getpass import oyaml from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from passlib.hash import des_crypt from passlib.hash import md5_crypt from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt defined_filters = ['md5_hash', 'des_hash', 'sha512_hash'] def myconfig_newdir(myconfigdir_name, foldertime): ''' create a new main loadable_configs folder if required then new subdirectories for configs :param myconfigdir_name: prefix folder name from the file :param foldertime: datetime when script run; to be used as suffix of folder name :return: the myconfigdir full path name ''' # get the full path to the config directory we want (panos / panorama) myconfigpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', 'loadable_configs')) if os.path.isdir(myconfigpath) is False: os.mkdir(myconfigpath, mode=0o755) print('created new loadable config directory') # check that configs folder exists and if not create a new one # then create snippets and full sub-directories myconfigdir = '{0}/{1}-{2}'.format(myconfigpath, myconfigdir_name, foldertime) if os.path.isdir(myconfigdir) is False: os.mkdir(myconfigdir, mode=0o755) print('\ncreated new archive folder {0}-{1}'.format(myconfigdir_name, foldertime)) if os.path.isdir('{0}/{1}'.format(myconfigdir, config_type)) is False: os.mkdir('{0}/{1}'.format(myconfigdir, config_type)) print('created new subdirectories for {0}'.format(config_type)) return myconfigdir def create_context(config_var_file): # read the metafile to get variables and values try: with open(config_var_file, 'r') as var_metadata: variables = oyaml.safe_load( except IOError as ioe: print(f'Could not open metadata file {config_var_file}') print(ioe) sys.exit() # grab the metadata values and convert to key-based dictionary jinja_context = dict() for snippet_var in variables['variables']: jinja_context[snippet_var['name']] = snippet_var['value'] return jinja_context def template_render(filename, template_path, render_type, context): ''' render the jinja template using the context value from config_variables.yaml :param filename: name of the template file :param template_path: path for the template file :param render_type: type if full or set commands; aligns with folder name :param context: dict of variables to render :return: return the rendered xml file and set conf file ''' print('..creating template for {0}'.format(filename)) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('{0}/{1}'.format(template_path, render_type))) # load our custom jinja filters here, see the function defs below for reference env.filters['md5_hash'] = md5_hash env.filters['des_hash'] = des_hash env.filters['sha512_hash'] = sha512_hash template = env.get_template(filename) rendered_template = template.render(context) return rendered_template def template_save(snippet_name, myconfigdir, config_type, element): ''' after rendering the template save to the myconfig directory each run saves with a unique prefix name + datetime :param snippet_name: name of the output file :param myconfigdir: path to the my_config directory :param config_type: based on initial run list; eg. panos or panorama :param element: xml element rendered based on input variables; used as folder name :param render_type: type eg. if full or snippets; aligns with folder name :return: no value returned (future could be success code) ''' print('..saving template for {0}'.format(snippet_name)) filename = snippet_name with open('{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(myconfigdir, config_type, filename), 'w') as configfile: configfile.write(element) # copy the variables file used for the render into the my_template folder var_file = 'loadable_config_vars/config_variables.yaml' if os.path.isfile('{0}/{1}'.format(myconfigdir, var_file)) is False: vfilesrc = var_file vfiledst = '{0}/{1}'.format(myconfigdir, var_file) shutil.copy(vfilesrc, vfiledst) return # define functions for custom jinja filters def md5_hash(txt): ''' Returns the MD5 Hashed secret for use as a password hash in the PanOS configuration :param txt: text to be hashed :return: password hash of the string with salt and configuration information. Suitable to place in the phash field in the configurations ''' return md5_crypt.hash(txt) def des_hash(txt): ''' Returns the DES Hashed secret for use as a password hash in the PanOS configuration :param txt: text to be hashed :return: password hash of the string with salt and configuration information. Suitable to place in the phash field in the configurations ''' return des_crypt.hash(txt) def sha256_hash(txt): ''' Returns the SHA256 Hashed secret for use as a password hash in the PanOS configuration :param txt: text to be hashed :return: password hash of the string with salt and configuration information. Suitable to place in the phash field in the configurations ''' return sha256_crypt.hash(txt) def sha512_hash(txt): ''' Returns the SHA512 Hashed secret for use as a password hash in the PanOS configuration :param txt: text to be hashed :return: password hash of the string with salt and configuration information. Suitable to place in the phash field in the configurations ''' return sha512_crypt.hash(txt) def replace_variables(config_type, render_type, input_var): ''' get the input variables and render the output configs with jinja2 inputs are read from the template directory and output to my_config :param config_type: panos or panorama to read/write to the respective directories :param archivetime: datetimestamp used for the output my_config folder naming ''' config_variables = 'config_variables.yaml' # create dict of values for the jinja template render context = create_context(config_variables) # update context dict with variables from user input for snippet_var in input_var: context[snippet_var] = input_var[snippet_var] # get the full path to the output directory we want (panos / panorama) template_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', 'templates', config_type)) # append to the sys path for module lookup sys.path.append(template_path) # output subdir located in loadable_configs dir myconfig_path = myconfig_newdir(input_var['output_dir'], input_var['archive_time']) # render full and set conf files print('\nworking with {0} config template'.format(render_type)) if render_type == 'full': filename = 'iron_skillet_{0}_full.xml'.format(config_type) if render_type == 'set_commands': filename = 'iron_skillet_{0}_full.conf'.format(config_type) element = template_render(filename, template_path, render_type, context) template_save(filename, myconfig_path, config_type, element) print('\nconfigs have been created and can be found in {0}'.format(myconfig_path)) print('along with the metadata values used to render the configs\n') return if __name__ == '__main__': # Use the timestamp to create a unique folder name print('=' * 80) print(' ') print('Welcome to Iron-Skillet'.center(80)) print(' ') print('=' * 80) input_var = {} # archive_time used as part of the my_config directory name input_var['archive_time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') print('\ndatetime used for folder creation: {0}\n'.format(input_var['archive_time'])) # this prompts for the prefix name of the output directory input_var['output_dir'] = input('Enter the name of the output directory: ') # this prompts for the superuser username to be added into the configuration; no default admin/admin used input_var['ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME'] = input('Enter the superuser administrator account username: ') print('\na phash will be created for superuser {0} and added to the config file\n'.format( input_var['ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME'])) passwordmatch = False # prompt for the superuser password to create a phash and store in the my_config files; no default admin/admin while passwordmatch is False: password1 = getpass.getpass("Enter the superuser administrator account password: ") password2 = getpass.getpass("Enter password again to verify: ") if password1 == password2: input_var['ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD'] = <PASSWORD> passwordmatch = <PASSWORD> else: print('\nPasswords do not match. Please try again.\n') # loop through all config types that have their respective template folders for config_type in ['panos', 'panorama']: for render_type in ['full', 'set_commands']: replace_variables(config_type, render_type, input_var)
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np from import DataLoader, Sampler from import Subset, ConcatDataset import as data_dist from dataflow.datasets import get_train_dataset, get_val_dataset, TransformedDataset, get_train_noval_sbdataset def get_train_val_loaders(root_path: str, train_transforms: Callable, val_transforms: Callable, batch_size: int = 16, num_workers: int = 8, val_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, pin_memory: bool = True, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, train_sampler: Optional[Union[Sampler, str]] = None, val_sampler: Optional[Union[Sampler, str]] = None, with_sbd: Optional[str] = None, limit_train_num_samples: Optional[int] = None, limit_val_num_samples: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[DataLoader, DataLoader, DataLoader]: train_ds = get_train_dataset(root_path) val_ds = get_val_dataset(root_path) if with_sbd is not None: sbd_train_ds = get_train_noval_sbdataset(with_sbd) train_ds = ConcatDataset([train_ds, sbd_train_ds]) if random_seed is not None: np.random.seed(random_seed) if limit_train_num_samples is not None: train_indices = np.random.permutation(len(train_ds))[:limit_train_num_samples] train_ds = Subset(train_ds, train_indices) if limit_val_num_samples is not None: val_indices = np.random.permutation(len(val_ds))[:limit_val_num_samples] val_ds = Subset(val_ds, val_indices) # random samples for evaluation on training dataset if len(val_ds) < len(train_ds): train_eval_indices = np.random.permutation(len(train_ds))[:len(val_ds)] train_eval_ds = Subset(train_ds, train_eval_indices) else: train_eval_ds = train_ds train_ds = TransformedDataset(train_ds, transform_fn=train_transforms) val_ds = TransformedDataset(val_ds, transform_fn=val_transforms) train_eval_ds = TransformedDataset(train_eval_ds, transform_fn=val_transforms) if isinstance(train_sampler, str): assert train_sampler == 'distributed' train_sampler = data_dist.DistributedSampler(train_ds) if isinstance(val_sampler, str): assert val_sampler == 'distributed' val_sampler = data_dist.DistributedSampler(val_ds, shuffle=False) train_loader = DataLoader(train_ds, shuffle=train_sampler is None, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, sampler=train_sampler, pin_memory=pin_memory, drop_last=True) val_batch_size = batch_size * 4 if val_batch_size is None else val_batch_size val_loader = DataLoader(val_ds, shuffle=False, sampler=val_sampler, batch_size=val_batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=pin_memory, drop_last=False) train_eval_loader = DataLoader(train_eval_ds, shuffle=False, sampler=val_sampler, batch_size=val_batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=pin_memory, drop_last=False) return train_loader, val_loader, train_eval_loader def get_inference_dataloader(root_path: str, mode: str, transforms: Callable, batch_size: int = 16, num_workers: int = 8, pin_memory: bool = True, limit_num_samples: Optional[int] = None) -> DataLoader: assert mode in ('train', 'test'), "Mode should be 'train' or 'test'" get_dataset_fn = get_train_dataset if mode == "train" else get_val_dataset dataset = get_dataset_fn(root_path, return_meta=True) if limit_num_samples is not None: indices = np.random.permutation(len(dataset))[:limit_num_samples] dataset = Subset(dataset, indices) dataset = TransformedDataset(dataset, transform_fn=transforms) loader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=pin_memory, drop_last=False) return loader
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import contextlib from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets from dsrlib.settings import Settings class LayoutBuilder: def __init__(self, target): = target self._stack = [] @contextlib.contextmanager def _layout(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): layout = cls() self._stack.append(layout) try: yield layout finally: self._pop(*args, **kwargs) def _pop(self, *args, **kwargs): layout = self._stack.pop() if self._stack: parent = self._stack[-1] if isinstance(layout, QtWidgets.QSplitter): parent.addWidget(layout) else: if isinstance(parent, QtWidgets.QSplitter): container = QtWidgets.QWidget(parent) container.setLayout(layout) parent.addWidget(container) else: parent.addLayout(layout, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(, QtWidgets.QMainWindow): if isinstance(layout, QtWidgets.QSplitter): else: container = QtWidgets.QWidget( container.setLayout(layout) else: if isinstance(layout, QtWidgets.QSplitter): layout2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() layout2.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout2.addWidget(layout) else: @contextlib.contextmanager def hbox(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover with self._layout(QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout, *args, **kwargs) as layout: layout.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) layout.setSpacing(1) yield layout @contextlib.contextmanager def vbox(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover with self._layout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout, *args, **kwargs) as layout: layout.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) layout.setSpacing(1) yield layout def stack(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover return self._layout(QtWidgets.QStackedLayout, *args, **kwargs) def form(self, *args, **kwargs): class _FormLayout(QtWidgets.QFormLayout): def addLayout(self, layout): self.addRow(layout) def addRow(self, label, widget=None): # pylint: disable=C0111 if isinstance(label, str): label = QtWidgets.QLabel(label) label.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) if widget is None: super().addRow(label) else: super().addRow(label, widget) return self._layout(_FormLayout, *args, **kwargs) def split(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover return self._layout(QtWidgets.QSplitter, *args, **kwargs) def getSaveFilename(parent, domain, extension): with Settings().grouped('Paths') as settings: path = QtCore.QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QtCore.QStandardPaths.DocumentsLocation) sname = 'save_%s' % domain if settings.contains(sname): path = settings.value(sname) while True: name, dummy = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent, _('Save'), path, '*.%s' % extension, options=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) if not name: return None if not name.endswith('.%s' % extension): name = '%s.%s' % (name, extension) if os.path.exists(name): resp = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(parent, _('Overwrite file?'), _('This file already exists. Overwrite?'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes|QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No|QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) if resp == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: settings.setValue(sname, os.path.dirname(name)) return name if resp == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: continue return None settings.setValue(sname, os.path.dirname(name)) return name def getOpenFilename(parent, domain, extension): with Settings().grouped('Paths') as settings: path = QtCore.QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QtCore.QStandardPaths.DocumentsLocation) sname = 'open_%s' % domain if settings.contains(sname): path = settings.value(sname) name, dummy = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent, _('Open file'), path, '*.%s' % extension if extension else '') if name: settings.setValue(sname, os.path.dirname(name)) return name return None class EnumComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox): valueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, *args, enum, value=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._enum = enum for item in enum: self.addItem(enum.label(item), item) if value is not None: self.setValue(value) self.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._emit) def setValue(self, value): for index, item in enumerate(self._enum): if value == item: self.setCurrentIndex(index) break else: raise ValueError('Value "%s" not found in enum' % str(value)) def _emit(self, _): self.valueChanged.emit(self.currentData())
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' // Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. ''' """ PanicLogger RAM-tracing """ import sys import time from logger import Logger class PanicLogger(Logger): """ Panic logger """ def __init__(self, control): # Base class init call Logger.__init__(self, control) # Add default kernel module parameter for RAM-tracing self._kernel_module_parameters += " trace_method=1 sideband_log_method=1" # Add more option to command line input self._parser.add_argument('-p', '--panic', action='store', help='Panic tracing mode: 1=Normal, 2=Hooked(default)', required=False, default=2) self._parser.add_argument('-s', '--sideband', action='store', help='Panic tracing mode: 0=Off, 1=On(default)', required=False, default=1) self._parser.add_argument('-g', '--gbuffer', action='store', help='Dump trace data to gbuffer: 0=Off, 1=On(default)', required=False, default=1) self._parser.add_argument('-u', '--userspace', action='store', help='Exclude user space: 0=Off, 1=On(default)', required=False, default=1) self._parser.add_argument('-k', '--kernel', action='store', help='Exclude kernel: 0=Off(default), 1=On', required=False, default=0) self._parser.add_argument('-d', '--dump', action='store', help='Dump kernel and kernel modules for processing: 0=Off, 1=On(default)', required=False, default=0) self.args = self._parser.parse_args() self._kernel_module_parameters += " panic_tracer=" + str(self.args.panic) self._kernel_module_parameters += " panic_sideband=" + str(self.args.sideband) self._kernel_module_parameters += " panic_gbuffer=" + str(self.args.gbuffer) self._kernel_module_parameters += " exclude_userspace=" + str(self.args.userspace) self._kernel_module_parameters += " exclude_kernel=" + str(self.args.kernel) def initialize(self): self._debug_print("PanicLogger::initialize") # Initialize Logger base class Logger.initialize(self) # Call start_tracing earlier to stop execution earlier self.start_tracing() def start_tracing(self): self._debug_print("start_tracing") trace_name, trace_path = self.get_trace_name("Enter <<trace name>> to start panic tracing? :") if trace_name: self.set_trace_path(trace_path, trace_name) self.get_build_info() # TODO Problem, there is no Sideband.bin info yet # Quick Fix # Start tracing, wait 100ms, Stop tracing, fetch sideband info Logger.start_tracing(self) time.sleep(0.2) Logger.stop_tracing(self) time.sleep(0.2) Logger.get_sideband_data(self) self.dump_kernel() self.dump_linux_gate() self.dump_kernel_modules() Logger.start_tracing(self) print "" print "Panic tracing activated" print "If panic happens, wait 10s and reboot device." print "" print "When device boot up run following command:" print "sat-panic-fetch " + self.trace_name sys.exit(0) else: print "Panic Tracer did not get started" def stop_tracing(self): return def get_data(self): return def get_trace_data(self): return
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2020 The Project U-Ray Authors. # # Use of this source code is governed by a ISC-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # # # SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC ''' FDCE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Clear FDPE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset FDRE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Reset FDSE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Set LDCE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Clear and Gate Enable LDPE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Preset and Gate Enable ''' from prims import isff, isl from utils.segmaker import Segmaker segmk = Segmaker("design.bits", bits_per_word=16) def loadtop(): ''' i,prim,loc,bel 0,FDPE,SLICE_X12Y100,C5FF 1,FDPE,SLICE_X15Y100,A5FF 2,FDPE_1,SLICE_X16Y100,B5FF 3,LDCE_1,SLICE_X17Y100,BFF ''' f = open('top.txt', 'r') f.readline() ret = {} for l in f: i, prim, loc, bel, init = l.split(",") i = int(i) init = int(init) ret[loc] = (i, prim, loc, bel, init) return ret top = loadtop() def vs2i(s): return {"1'b0": 0, "1'b1": 1}[s] print("Loading tags from design.txt") with open("design.txt", "r") as f: for line in f: ''' puts $fp "$type $tile $grid_x $grid_y $ff $bel_type $used $usedstr" CLEM CLEM_X10Y137 30 13 SLICE_X13Y137/AFF REG_INIT 1 FDRE CLEM CLEM_X10Y137 30 13 SLICE_X12Y137/D2FF FF_INIT 0 ''' line = line.split() tile_type = line[0] tile_name = line[1] grid_x = line[2] grid_y = line[3] # Other code uses BEL name # SLICE_X12Y137/D2FF site_ff_name = line[4] site, ff_name = site_ff_name.split('/') ff_type = line[5] used = int(line[6]) cel_prim = None cel_name = None if used: cel_name = line[7] cel_prim = line[8] cinv = int(line[9]) init = vs2i(line[10]) # A B C D E F G H which = ff_name[0] # LUT6 vs LUT5 FF is2 = '2' in ff_name if used: segmk.add_site_tag(site, "%s.ZINI" % ff_name, 1 ^ init) ''' On name: The primitives you listed have a control input to set the FF value to zero (clear/reset), the other three primitives have a control input that sets the FF value to one. Z => inversion ''' segmk.add_site_tag(site, "%s.ZRST" % ff_name, cel_prim in ('FDRE', 'FDCE', 'LDCE')) segmk.compile() segmk.write()
import pandas as pd from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.chart import BarChart, Reference wb = Workbook() ws = df = pd.read_csv('population.csv') ws.append(df.columns.tolist()) for row in df.values: ws.append(list(row)) row_length = 1 + len(df.values) values = Reference(ws, min_col=2, max_col=2, min_row=1, max_row=row_length) categories = Reference(ws, min_col=1, min_row=2, max_row=row_length) chart = BarChart() chart.type = 'bar' = 11 chart.shape = 4 chart.title = '都道府県別の人口' chart.x_axis.title = '都道府県' chart.y_axis.title = '人口' chart.add_data(values, titles_from_data=True) chart.set_categories(categories) ws.add_chart(chart, 'A9')'population_horizontal.xlsx')
#!/usr/bin/env pytest-3 from fastapi.testclient import TestClient from fast_lemon_api import app client = TestClient(app) def test_get_root(): response = client.get("/") assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.text == "Welcome to the fast-lemon-api!\n" neworder = { "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "buy", "quantity": 1, "valid_until": 1996943663, "status": "open" } order_id = None def test_post_orders1(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "buy", "quantity": 1, "valid_until": 1996943663, }) assert response.status_code == 201 j = response.json() #print(repr(j)) order_id = j.pop('uuid') assert j == neworder #assert 0 def test_post_orders2(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "buy", "quantity": 1, "valid_until": 1996950863 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'loc': ['body', 'isin'], 'msg': 'ensure this value has at least 12 characters', 'type': 'value_error.any_str.min_length', 'ctx': { 'limit_value': 12 } }] } def test_post_orders3(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "buy", "quantity": 1, "valid_until": 1996950863 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'ctx': { 'limit_value': 12 }, 'loc': ['body', 'isin'], 'msg': 'ensure this value has at most 12 characters', 'type': 'value_error.any_str.max_length' }] } def test_post_orders4(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": -1, "side": "buy", "quantity": 1, "valid_until": 1996950863 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'ctx': { 'limit_value': 0 }, 'loc': ['body', 'limit_price'], 'msg': 'ensure this value is greater than 0', 'type': 'value_error.number.not_gt' }] } def test_post_orders5(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "BUY!", "quantity": 1, "valid_until": 1996950863 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'ctx': { 'enum_values': ['buy', 'sell'] }, 'loc': ['body', 'side'], 'msg': "value is not a valid enumeration member; permitted: 'buy', 'sell'", 'type': 'type_error.enum' }] } def test_post_orders6(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": 0.33333, "side": "SELL", "quantity": 0, "valid_until": 1996950863 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'ctx': { 'limit_value': 0 }, 'loc': ['body', 'quantity'], 'msg': 'ensure this value is greater than 0', 'type': 'value_error.number.not_gt' }] } def test_post_orders8(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "SELL", "quantity": 1.1, "valid_until": 1996950863 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'loc': ['body', 'quantity'], 'msg': 'value is not a valid integer', 'type': 'type_error.integer' }] } def test_post_orders7(): response ='/orders/', json={ "isin": "blablablabla", "limit_price": 0.2, "side": "SELL", "quantity": 2, "valid_until": 1996 }) assert response.status_code == 422 assert response.json() == { 'detail': [{ 'loc': ['body', 'valid_until'], 'msg': 'valid_until cannot be in the past', 'type': 'value_error' }] }
""" HTTP MultiServer/MultiClient for the ByteBlower Python API. All examples are guaranteed to work with Python 2.7 and above Copyright 2018, Ex<NAME>. """ # Needed for python2 / python3 print function compatibility from __future__ import print_function # import the ByteBlower module import byteblowerll.byteblower as byteblower import time configuration = { # Address (IP or FQDN) of the ByteBlower server to use 'server_address': '', # Configuration for the first ByteBlower port. # Will be used as HTTP server. 'port_1_config': { 'interface': 'trunk-1-13', 'mac': '00:bb:01:00:00:01', # IP configuration for the ByteBlower Port. # Options are 'DHCPv4', 'DHCPv6', 'SLAAC', 'static' # if DHCPv4, use "dhcpv4" 'ip': 'dhcpv4', # if DHCPv6, use "dhcpv6" # 'ip': 'dhcpv6', # if SLAAC, use "slaac" # 'ip': 'slaac', # if staticv4, use ["ipaddress", netmask, gateway] # 'ip': ['', "", ""], # if staticv6, use ["ipaddress", prefixlength] # 'ip': ['fd00:c2b6:b24b:be67:2827:688d:e6a1:6a3b', '64'], # TCP port number to be used by the HTTP connection. # On the HTTP server, this will be the port on which the server # listens. 'tcp_port': 4096 }, # Configuration for the second ByteBlower port. # Will be used as HTTP client. 'port_2_config': { 'interface': 'trunk-1-25', 'mac': '00:bb:01:00:00:02', # IP configuration for the ByteBlower Port. # Options are 'DHCPv4', 'DHCPv6', 'SLAAC', 'static' # if DHCPv4, use "dhcpv4" 'ip': 'dhcpv4', # if DHCPv6, use "dhcpv6" # ip': 'dhcpv6', # if SLAAC, use "slaac" # 'ip': 'slaac', # if staticv4, use ["ipaddress", netmask, gateway] # 'ip': ['', "", ""], # if staticv6, use ["ipaddress", prefixlength] # 'ip': ['fd00:c2b6:b24b:be67:2827:688d:e6a1:6a3b', '64'], # TCP port range the HTTP Clients will use to connect with # the HTTP server 'tcp_port_min': 32000, 'tcp_port_max': 50000 }, # HTTP Method # HTTP Method can be GET or PUT # - GET: Standard HTTP download, we retrieve data from the web server # - PUT: Standard HTTP upload, the wireless endpoint will push data to the # webserver 'http_method': 'GET', # 'http_method': 'PUT', # total duration, in nanoseconds. # This is the duration of the flow. When this duration expires, # all sessions will be stopped. 'duration': 10000000000, # session duration, in nanoseconds # Duration of the individual sessions # 'session_duration': 1500000000, 'session_duration': None, # session size, in bytes # The number of bytes transmitted by a session 'session_size': 1 * 1000 * 1000, # 'session_size': None, # max concurrent sessions # Maximum number of sessions that will be running simultaneously 'max_concurrent_sessions': 100, # maximum number of sessions # No more than this number of sessions will be created # 0 means no limit 'max_total_sessions': 0, # TOS value to use on the HTTP client (and server) 'tos': 0 } class Example: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.server_address = kwargs['server_address'] self.port_1_config = kwargs['port_1_config'] self.port_2_config = kwargs['port_2_config'] # Helper function, we can use this to parse the HTTP Method to the # enumeration used by the API from byteblowerll.byteblower import ParseHTTPRequestMethodFromString http_method_arg = kwargs['http_method'] self.http_method = ParseHTTPRequestMethodFromString(http_method_arg) self.duration = kwargs['duration'] self.session_duration = kwargs['session_duration'] self.session_size = kwargs['session_size'] self.max_concurrent_sessions = kwargs['max_concurrent_sessions'] self.max_total_sessions = kwargs['max_total_sessions'] self.tos = kwargs['tos'] self.server = None self.port_1 = None self.port_2 = None def cleanup(self): """Clean up the created objects""" byteblower_instance = byteblower.ByteBlower.InstanceGet() if self.port_1: self.server.PortDestroy(self.port_1) self.port_1 = None if self.port_2: self.server.PortDestroy(self.port_2) self.port_2 = None if self.server is not None: byteblower_instance.ServerRemove(self.server) self.server = None def run(self): byteblower_instance = byteblower.ByteBlower.InstanceGet() print("Connecting to ByteBlower server %s..." % self.server_address) self.server = byteblower_instance.ServerAdd(self.server_address) # Create the port which will be the HTTP server (port_1) print("Creating HTTP Server port") self.port_1 = self.provision_port(self.port_1_config) print("Creating HTTP Client port") # Create the port which will be the HTTP client (port_2) self.port_2 = self.provision_port(self.port_2_config) http_server_ip_address = self.port_1_config['ip_address'] # create a HTTP server http_server = self.port_1.ProtocolHttpMultiServerAdd() server_tcp_port = self.port_1_config['tcp_port'] if server_tcp_port is not None: http_server.PortSet(server_tcp_port) else: server_tcp_port = http_server.PortGet() # create a HTTP Client http_client = self.port_2.ProtocolHttpMultiClientAdd() # - remote endpoint http_client.RemoteAddressSet(http_server_ip_address) http_client.RemotePortSet(server_tcp_port) # - local endpoint http_client.LocalPortRangeSet(self.port_2_config['tcp_port_min'], self.port_2_config['tcp_port_max']) # Configure the direction. # If the HTTP Method is GET, # traffic will flow from the HTTP server to the HTTP client # If the HTTP Method is PUT, # traffic will flow from the HTTP client to the HTTP server http_client.HttpMethodSet(self.http_method) print("Server port:", self.port_1.DescriptionGet()) print("Client port:", self.port_2.DescriptionGet()) # let the HTTP server listen for requests http_server.Start() # - total duration of all sessions http_client.DurationSet(self.duration) # - how many connections can be created? http_client.CumulativeConnectionLimitSet(self.max_total_sessions) # - how many connections can be running at the same time http_client.MaximumConcurrentRequestsSet(self.max_concurrent_sessions) # - individual duration, can be size-based or time-based if self.session_duration is not None: # let the HTTP Client request a page of a specific duration # to download... http_client.SessionDurationSet(self.session_duration) elif self.session_size is not None: # let the HTTP Client request a page of a specific size... http_client.SessionSizeSet(self.session_size) else: raise ValueError("Either duration or request_size must be configured") print("Starting the HTTP client") http_client.Start() http_client_result = http_client.ResultGet() for iteration in range(10): time.sleep(1) http_client_result.Refresh() print("-" * 10) print("Iteration", iteration+1) print(" connections attempted", http_client_result.ConnectionsAttemptedGet()) print(" connections established", http_client_result.ConnectionsEstablishedGet()) print(" connections aborted", http_client_result.ConnectionsAbortedGet()) print(" connections refused", http_client_result.ConnectionsRefusedGet()) print("-" * 10) http_client.Stop() http_server.Stop() print("Stopped the HTTP client") request_status_value = http_client.StatusGet() request_status_string = byteblower.ConvertHTTPMultiClientStatusToString(request_status_value) http_client_result.Refresh() tx_bytes = http_client_result.TcpTxByteCountGet() tx_speed = http_client_result.TcpTxSpeedGet() rx_bytes = http_client_result.TcpRxByteCountGet() rx_speed = http_client_result.TcpRxSpeedGet() http_server_result = http_server.ResultGet() http_server_result.Refresh() print("Requested Duration : {} nanoseconds".format(self.duration)) print("Status : {}".format(request_status_string)) print("Client Result data : {}".format(http_client_result.DescriptionGet())) print("Server Result data : {}".format(http_server_result.DescriptionGet())) return [ self.duration, self.session_duration, self.session_size, self.max_total_sessions, self.max_concurrent_sessions, tx_bytes, rx_bytes, tx_speed, rx_speed, request_status_value ] def provision_port(self, config): port = self.server.PortCreate(config['interface']) port_l2 = port.Layer2EthIISet() port_l2.MacSet(config['mac']) ip_config = config['ip'] if not isinstance(ip_config, list): # Config is not static, DHCP or slaac if ip_config.lower() == "dhcpv4": port_l3 = port.Layer3IPv4Set() port_l3.ProtocolDhcpGet().Perform() config['ip_address'] = port_l3.IpGet() elif ip_config.lower() == "dhcpv6": port_l3 = port.Layer3IPv6Set() port_l3.ProtocolDhcpGet().Perform() config['ip_address'] = port_l3.IpDhcpGet() elif ip_config.lower() == "slaac": port_l3 = port.Layer3IPv6Set() port_l3.StatelessAutoconfiguration() config['ip_address'] = port_l3.IpStatelessGet() else: # Static configuration if len(ip_config) == 3: # IPv4 port_l3 = port.Layer3IPv4Set() port_l3.IpSet(ip_config[0]) port_l3.NetmaskSet(ip_config[1]) port_l3.GatewaySet(ip_config[2]) config['ip_address'] = port_l3.IpGet() elif len(ip_config) == 2: port_l3 = port.Layer3IPv6Set() # IPv6 address = ip_config[0] prefix_length = ip_config[1] ip = "{}/{}".format(address, prefix_length) port_l3.IpManualAdd(ip) config['ip_address'] = ip_config[0] if not isinstance(config['ip_address'], str): ip = config['ip_address'][0] if '/' in ip: config['ip_address'] = ip.split('/')[0] print("Created port", port.DescriptionGet()) return port # When this python module is called stand-alone, the run-function must be # called. This approach makes it possible to include it in a series of # examples. if __name__ == "__main__": example = Example(**configuration) try: finally: example.cleanup()
class BST: def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): self.val = val self.left = left self.right = right @staticmethod def array2BST(array): ''' array:sorted array ''' n = len(array) if n == 0: return None m = n//2 left,root,right = array[:m],array[m],array[m+1:] return BST(root,BST.array2BST(left),BST.array2BST(right)) @staticmethod def BST2array(node): ''' node:BST node ''' if not node: return [] return BST.BST2array(node.left)+[node.val]+BST.BST2array(node.right)
import pprint import mxnet as mx from mxnet import gluon from mxnet import init from lib.core.get_optimizer import * from lib.core.metric import MPJPEMetric from lib.core.loss import MeanSquareLoss from lib.core.loader import JointsDataIter from import get_net from lib.net_module import * from lib.utils import * from lib.dataset.hm36 import hm36 from config import config, gen_config, update_config_from_args, s_args config = update_config_from_args(config, s_args) def main(): # Parse config and mkdir output logger, final_Model_path = create_logger(config) config.final_Model_path = final_Model_path gen_config(os.path.join(final_Model_path, 'hyperParams.yaml'))'Training config:{}\n'.format(pprint.pformat(config))) # define context if config.useGPU: ctx = [mx.gpu(int(i)) for i in config.gpu.split(',')] else: ctx = mx.cpu()"Using context:", ctx) # dataset, generate trainset/ validation set train_imdbs = [] valid_imdbs = [] for i in range(len(config.DATASET.train_image_set)):"Construct Dataset:", config.DATASET.dbname[i], ", Dataset Path:", config.DATASET.dataset_path[i]) train_imdbs.append(eval(config.DATASET.dbname[i])(config.DATASET.train_image_set[i], config.DATASET.root_path[i], config.DATASET.dataset_path[i])) valid_imdbs.append(eval(config.DATASET.dbname[i])(config.DATASET.valid_image_set[i], config.DATASET.root_path[i], config.DATASET.dataset_path[i], config.final_Model_path)) data_names = ['hm36data'] label_names = ['hm36label'] train_data_iter = JointsDataIter(train_imdbs[0], runmode=0, data_names = data_names, label_names=label_names, shuffle=config.TRAIN.SHUFFLE, batch_size=len(ctx)*config.TRAIN.batchsize, logger=logger) valid_data_iter = JointsDataIter(valid_imdbs[0], runmode=1, data_names = data_names, label_names=label_names, shuffle=False, batch_size=len(ctx)*config.TEST.batchsize, logger=logger) assert train_data_iter.get_meanstd()['mean3d'].all() == valid_data_iter.get_meanstd()['mean3d'].all() # network net = get_net(config) if config.resume: ckp_path = os.path.join(config.resumeckp) net.collect_params().load(ckp_path, ctx=ctx) else: net.initialize(init=init.MSRAPrelu(), ctx=ctx) if config.NETWORK.hybrid: net.hybridize() # define loss and metric mean3d = train_data_iter.get_meanstd()['mean3d'] std3d = train_data_iter.get_meanstd()['std3d'] train_metric = MPJPEMetric('train_metric', mean3d, std3d) eval_metric = MPJPEMetric('valid_metric', mean3d, std3d) loss = MeanSquareLoss() # optimizer optimizer, optimizer_params = get_optimizer(config, ctx) # train and valid TrainDBsize = train_data_iter.get_size() ValidDBsize = valid_data_iter.get_size()"Train DB size:", TrainDBsize, "Valid DB size:",ValidDBsize) if not isinstance(train_data_iter, train_data_iter = trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), optimizer, optimizer_params) for epoch in range(config.TRAIN.begin_epoch, config.TRAIN.end_epoch): trainNet(net, trainer, train_data_iter, loss, train_metric, epoch, config, logger=logger, ctx=ctx) validNet(net, valid_data_iter, loss, eval_metric, epoch, config, logger=logger, ctx=ctx) logger.kill() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" This module defines the LDARProgram class. """ import numpy as np import copy from .repair import Repair from ..EmissionSimModules.result_classes import ResultDiscrete, ResultContinuous class LDARProgram: """ An LDAR program contains one or more detection methods and one or more repair methods. Each LDAR program records the find and repair costs associated with all detection and repair methods in the program. The LDAR program deploys runs the action methods of each detection and repair method contained in the program. The detection and repair methods determine their own behavior at each time step. """ def __init__(self, gas_field, tech_dict): """ :param gas_field: a GasField object :param tech_dict: a dict containing all of the detection methods to be employed by the LDAR program. The dict must have the form {"name": DetectionMethod}. All of the relationships between detection methods and between detection methods and repair methods must be defined by the dispatch_objects specified for each method. """ self.emissions = copy.deepcopy(gas_field.emissions) self.emissions_timeseries = [] self.vents_timeseries = [] #self.emissions_results = ResultContinuous(units='g/s') #self.vents_results = ResultContinuous(units='g/s') self.tech_dict = tech_dict = {} self.repair_cost = ResultDiscrete(units='USD') for tech_name, tech in tech_dict.items(): if type(tech.dispatch_object) is Repair:[tech_name + ' ' +] = tech.dispatch_object def action(self, time, gas_field): """ Runs the detect method for every tech in tech_dict and runs the repair method :param time: the simulation time object :param gas_field: the simulation gas_field object :return: """ for i, tech in enumerate(self.tech_dict.values()): if hasattr(tech, 'survey_interval') and tech.survey_interval \ and np.mod(time.current_time, tech.survey_interval) < time.delta_t: tech.action(list(np.linspace(0, gas_field.n_sites - 1, gas_field.n_sites, dtype=int))) tech.detect(time, gas_field, self.emissions.get_current_emissions(time)) for rep in, self.emissions) def calc_rep_costs(self, time): """ Calculates the total repair costs up to time.current_time, assuming that all reparable emissions that have a max end_time less than time.current_time have been repaired. :param time: a FEAST time object :return: None """ for em in self.emissions.emissions.index.unique(): empdf_temp = self.emissions.emissions.loc[[em]] max_row = empdf_temp[empdf_temp.end_time == empdf_temp.end_time.max()].iloc[0] if max_row.reparable & (max_row.end_time < time.current_time): self.repair_cost.append_entry([max_row.end_time, max_row.repair_cost])
import logging import uuid from enum import Enum from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any from dataclasses import dataclass, field from pydantic import BaseModel from ...integrations.scheduled.playbook_scheduler import PlaybooksScheduler from ..reporting.base import Finding, BaseBlock class EventType(Enum): KUBERNETES_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE = 1 PROMETHEUS = 2 MANUAL_TRIGGER = 3 SCHEDULED_TRIGGER = 4 class ExecutionEventBaseParams(BaseModel): named_sinks: Optional[List[str]] = None # Right now: # 1. this is a dataclass but we need to make all fields optional in subclasses because of # 2. this can't be a pydantic BaseModel because of various pydantic bugs (see # once the pydantic PR that addresses those issues is merged, this should be a pydantic class # (note that we need to integrate with dataclasses because of hikaru) @dataclass class ExecutionBaseEvent: findings: Dict[str, Finding] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) named_sinks: Optional[List[str]] = None response: Dict[ str, Any ] = None # Response returned to caller. For admission or manual triggers for example stop_processing: bool = False _scheduler: Optional[PlaybooksScheduler] = None def set_scheduler(self, scheduler: PlaybooksScheduler): self._scheduler = scheduler def get_scheduler(self) -> PlaybooksScheduler: return self._scheduler def create_default_finding(self) -> Finding: """Create finding default fields according to the event type""" return Finding(title="Generic Finding", aggregation_key="Generic finding key") def add_enrichment( self, enrichment_blocks: List[BaseBlock], annotations=None, finding_key: str = "DEFAULT", ): finding = self.findings.get(finding_key) if not finding: finding = self.create_default_finding() self.findings[finding_key] = finding finding.add_enrichment(enrichment_blocks, annotations) def add_finding(self, finding: Finding, finding_key: str = None): if ( not finding_key ): # user didn't specify a key, so this finding shouldn't be accessed by key. Randomise it finding_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) existing_finding = self.findings.get(finding_key) if existing_finding: logging.warning( f"Overriding existing finding. finding_key: {finding_key} new finding: {finding}" ) self.findings[finding_key] = finding @staticmethod def from_params(params: ExecutionEventBaseParams) -> Optional["ExecutionBaseEvent"]: return ExecutionBaseEvent(named_sinks=params.named_sinks)
from .functions.deform_conv import deform_conv, modulated_deform_conv from .functions.deform_pool import deform_roi_pooling from .modules.deform_conv import (DeformConv, ModulatedDeformConv, DeformConvPack, ModulatedDeformConvPack) from .modules.deform_pool import (DeformRoIPooling, DeformRoIPoolingPack, ModulatedDeformRoIPoolingPack) __all__ = [ 'DeformConv', 'DeformConvPack', 'ModulatedDeformConv', 'ModulatedDeformConvPack', 'DeformRoIPooling', 'DeformRoIPoolingPack', 'ModulatedDeformRoIPoolingPack', 'deform_conv', 'modulated_deform_conv', 'deform_roi_pooling' ]
import sqlite3 from pandas import DataFrame conn = sqlite3.connect('./data.db',check_same_thread=False) class DataBase(): cursor = conn.cursor() def __init__(self): self.createTable() def createTable(self): ''' Creates A Table If it Doesnt Exist ''' conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MeetingData (Name text,ID text,Password text, DateTime text,Audio text,Video Text)""") def enterData(self,meetingData): ''' Enters Data From The UI Table To The DataBase ''' meetingData.to_sql('MeetingData', con = conn, if_exists='replace', index = False) def readData(self): ''' Reads Data From The SQL DataBase ''' self.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM MeetingData''') retVal = DataFrame(self.cursor.fetchall(),columns=['Name','ID','Password','DateTime','Audio','Video']) return retVal
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __about__ = """ This project demonstrates a social networking site. It provides profiles, friends, photos, blogs, tribes, wikis, tweets, bookmarks, swaps, locations and user-to-user messaging. In 0.5 this was called "complete_project". """
import factory from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group, Permission from waliki.models import ACLRule, Page, Redirect class UserFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): username = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'user{0}'.format(n)) password = factory.PostGenerationMethodCall('set_password', '<PASSWORD>') email = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: <EMAIL>' % o.username) class Meta: model = User @factory.post_generation def groups(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: # A list of groups were passed in, use them for group in extracted: self.groups.add(group) class GroupFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Group name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "Group #%s" % n) @factory.post_generation def users(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: # A list of groups were passed in, use them for user in extracted: self.user_set.add(user) class ACLRuleFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = ACLRule name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'Rule {0}'.format(n)) slug = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'page{0}'.format(n)) @factory.post_generation def permissions(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: # A list of groups were passed in, use them for perm in extracted: if not isinstance(perm, Permission): perm = Permission.objects.get(content_type__app_label='waliki', codename=perm) self.permissions.add(perm) @factory.post_generation def users(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: # A list of groups were passed in, use them for user in extracted: self.users.add(user) @factory.post_generation def groups(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: # A list of groups were passed in, use them for group in extracted: self.groups.add(group) class PageFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): title = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'Page {0}'.format(n)) slug = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'page{0}'.format(n)) @factory.post_generation def raw(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: self.raw = extracted class Meta: model = Page class RedirectFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): old_slug = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'old-page{0}'.format(n)) new_slug = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'new-page{0}'.format(n)) class Meta: model = Redirect
#! /usr/bin/env python3 ######################################################################## # # # This script was written by <NAME> in 2015. # # <EMAIL> <EMAIL> # # # # Copyright 2015 <NAME> IV # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # # # ######################################################################## # This is written to work with python 3 because it should be good to # be working on the newest version of python. from __future__ import print_function import argparse # For parsing commandline arguments import datetime import glob # Allows referencing file system/file names import os import re import readline # Allows easier file input (with tab completion?) import subprocess # Allows for submitting commands to the shell from warnings import warn from thtools import cd, make_obj_dir, save_obj, resolve_path yes = ['y', 'yes', '1'] # An input function that can prefill in the text entry # Not sure if this works in 3.5+ because raw_input is gone def rlinput(prompt, prefill=''): readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill)) try: return input(prompt) finally: readline.set_startup_hook() def _dir_and_file(path): warn('_dir_and_file is deprecated. Use os.path.split instead', DeprecationWarning) if '/' in path: rel_dir, f_name = path.rsplit('/', 1) rel_dir = rel_dir + '/' else: rel_dir = '' f_name = path return rel_dir, f_name def create_gau_input(coord_name, template, verbose=True): """ make gaussian input file by combining header and coordinates files This function takes as input a file with a set of molecular coordinates (the form should not matter, it will just be copied into the next file) and a template file that should be the header for the desired calculation (including charge and multiplicity), returns the name of the file, and creates a Gaussian input file ending with '.com' :param str coord_name: name of file with coordinates in a format Gaussian can read :param str template: name of file with header for Gaussian calculation (up to and including the charge and multiplicity) :param bool verbose: If True, some status messages will be printed (including file names) :return: name of the written file :rtype: str """ if verbose: print('Creating Gaussian input file...') _out_name = coord_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.com' with open(_out_name, 'w') as out_file: with open(template, 'r') as templ_file: if verbose: print('opened {}'.format(template)) for line in templ_file: out_file.write(line) if '\n' not in line: out_file.write('\n') with open(coord_name, 'r') as in_file: if verbose: print('opened {}'.format(coord_name)) for i, line in enumerate(in_file): if i < 2: # ignore first two lines # number of atoms and the title/comment continue # if line.strip().isdigit(): # # the first line is the number of atoms # continue # # XYZ files created by mathematica have a comment # # as the second line saying something like: # # "Created by mathematica". Obv. want to ignore that # if line.strip().startswith('Create') or # line.strip().startswith('generated'): # continue # else: out_file.write(line) out_file.write('\n\n\n') if verbose: print('created Gaussian input file {}'.format(_out_name)) return _out_name def get_input_files(base_name, batch): _in_name_list = glob.glob(base_name + '*') _in_name_list.sort() # sort files alphanumerically _in_name_list.sort(key=len) # sort by length (because otherwise would # put 1,10,11,... as opposed to 1,...,9,10,... # if number 01,02,... They should all be the same length and the # second sort won't do anything. if not batch: num_files = len(_in_name_list) if num_files > 1: print('Multiple files starting with {}'.format(base_name)) if input('Did you mean to execute a batch job? ') in yes: batch = True else: print('What file name shall I use?') _in_name_list = [rlinput('file name: ', base_name)] return _in_name_list, batch def use_template(template, in_names, verbose): made_name_list = [] for in_name in in_names: out_name = create_gau_input(in_name, template, verbose=verbose) made_name_list.append(out_name) if verbose: print('Added {} to files to possibly submit.'.format(out_name)) _in_name_list = made_name_list _in_name_list.sort() _in_name_list.sort(key=len) return _in_name_list def write_sub_script(input_name, num_cores=16, time='12:00:00', verbose=False, mem='125', executable='g09', chk_file=None, copy_chk=False, ln_running=None, hold_jid=None, xyz=None, make_xyz=None, make_input=False, ugt_dict=None): """ Write submission script for (Gaussian) jobs for submission to queue If make_xyz is not None, the file make_xyz will be checked to exist first to make sure to not waste time when missing a necessary input file. :param str input_name: Name of the file to use as input :param int num_cores: Number of cores to request :param str time: Amount of time to request in the format 'hh:mm:ss' :param bool verbose: If True, print out some status messages and such :type mem: int or str :param mem: Minimum amount of memory to request :param str executable: Executable file to use for the job Example, 'g09', 'g16' :param str chk_file: If not None, this file will be copied back after the job has completed. If this is not None and make_input is True, this will also be passed to use_gen_template. :param bool copy_chk: If this is True, the script will attempt to copy what should be an existing checkpoint file to the scratch directory before running the job. `chk_file` must be not None as well. :param str ln_running: If not None, this will be the base name for linking the output file to the current directory. If chk_file is not None, it will also be linked with the same base name. :param str hold_jid: Job on which this job should depend. This should be the name of another job in the queuing system. :param str xyz: Name of an xyz file to use as input to use_gen_template (if make_input is True). :param str make_xyz: The name of a file to pass to obabel to be used to create an xyz file to pass to use_gen_template. :param bool make_input: If True, use_gen_template will be used to create input for the Gaussian calculation. :param dict ugt_dict: dict of arguments to pass to use_gen_template. This should not include out_file, xyz, nproc, mem, or checkpoint because those will all be used from other arguments to this function. out_file will be input_name; xyz will be xyz or a time-based name if make_xyz is not None; nproc will be $NSLOTS (useful if this gets changed after job submission); mem will be mem; and checkpoint will be chk_file. :return: The name of the script file :rtype: str """ rel_dir, file_name = os.path.split(input_name) if file_name.endswith('.com'): short_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] if not short_name + '.com' == file_name: raise SyntaxError('problem interpreting file name. ' + 'Period in file name?') out_name = short_name + '.out' elif '.' in file_name: short_name, input_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) if not short_name + '.' + input_extension == file_name: raise SyntaxError('problem interpreting file name. ' + 'Period in file name?') out_name = short_name + '.out' else: short_name = file_name file_name = short_name + '.com' print('Assuming input file is {}'.format(file_name)) out_name = short_name + '.out' job_name = re.match(r'.*?([a-zA-Z].*)', short_name).group(1) if len(job_name) == 0: job_name = 'default' _script_name = os.path.join(rel_dir, 'submit'+short_name+'.sh') temp_xyz = os.path.abspath('.temp' +'%H%M%S%f') + '.xyz') if xyz is None or make_xyz is not None: n_xyz = temp_xyz else: n_xyz = resolve_path(xyz) temp_pkl = temp_xyz[:-4] if ugt_dict is not None: make_obj_dir() pkl_path = save_obj(ugt_dict, temp_pkl) if chk_file is not None: chk_line = 'checkpoint=\'{}\','.format(chk_file) else: chk_line = '' with open(_script_name, 'w') as script_file: sfw = script_file.write sfw('#!/bin/bash -l\n\n') sfw('#$ -pe omp {}\n'.format(num_cores)) sfw('#$ -M <EMAIL>\n') sfw('#$ -m eas\n') sfw('#$ -l h_rt={}\n'.format(time)) sfw('#$ -l mem_total={}G\n'.format(mem)) sfw('#$ -N {}\n'.format(job_name)) sfw('#$ -j y\n') sfw('#$ -o {}.log\n\n'.format(short_name)) if hold_jid is not None: sfw('#$ -hold_jid {}\n\n'.format(hold_jid)) if make_xyz is not None: sfw('if [ ! -f {} ]; then\n'.format( os.path.abspath(make_xyz)) + ' exit 17\n' 'fi\n\n') sfw('module load wxwidgets/3.0.2\n') sfw('module load openbabel/2.4.1\n\n') sfw('obabel {} -O {}\n\n'.format(os.path.abspath( make_xyz), os.path.abspath(n_xyz))) if make_input: sfw('python -c "from import ' 'use_gen_template as ugt;\n' 'from thtools import load_obj, get_node_mem;\n' 'm = get_node_mem();\n' 'd = load_obj(\'{}\');\n'.format( os.path.abspath(pkl_path)) + 'ugt(\'{}\',\'{}\','.format( file_name, os.path.abspath(n_xyz)) + 'nproc=$NSLOTS,mem=m,{}'.format(chk_line) + '**d)"\n\n') sfw('INPUTFILE={}\n'.format(file_name)) sfw('OUTPUTFILE={}\n'.format(out_name)) if chk_file is not None: sfw('CHECKFILE={}\n\n'.format(chk_file)) else: sfw('\n') if ln_running is not None: sfw('WORKINGOUT={}.out\n'.format(ln_running)) if chk_file is not None: sfw('WORKINGCHK={}.chk\n\n'.format(ln_running)) else: sfw('\n') sfw('CURRENTDIR=`pwd`\n') sfw('SCRATCHDIR=/scratch/$USER\n') sfw('mkdir -p $SCRATCHDIR\n\n') sfw('cd $SCRATCHDIR\n\n') sfw('cp $CURRENTDIR/$INPUTFILE .\n') if chk_file is not None: sfw('# ') if not copy_chk else None sfw('cp $CURRENTDIR/$CHECKFILE .\n\n') else: sfw('\n') if ln_running is not None: sfw('ln -s -b /net/`hostname -s`$PWD/$OUTPUTFILE ' '$CURRENTDIR/$WORKINGOUT\n') if chk_file is not None: sfw('ln -s -b /net/`hostname -s`$PWD/$CHECKFILE ' '$CURRENTDIR/$WORKINGCHK\n\n') else: sfw('\n') sfw('echo About to run {} in /net/`'.format(executable) + 'hostname -s`$SCRATCHDIR\n\n') sfw('{} <$INPUTFILE > $OUTPUTFILE'.format(executable)) sfw('\n\n') if ln_running is not None: sfw('rm $CURRENTDIR/$WORKINGOUT') if chk_file is not None: sfw(' $CURRENTDIR/$WORKINGCHK\n\n') else: sfw('\n\n') sfw('cp $OUTPUTFILE $CURRENTDIR/.\n') if chk_file is not None: sfw('cp $CHECKFILE $CURRENTDIR/.\n\n') else: sfw('\n') sfw('echo ran in /net/`hostname -s`$SCRATCHDIR\n') sfw('echo output was copied to $CURRENTDIR\n\n') if verbose: print('script written to {}'.format(_script_name)) return _script_name def submit_scripts(scripts, batch=False, submit=False, verbose=False): outputs = [] if batch: if submit or input('submit all jobs? ') in yes: for script in scripts: rd, f = _dir_and_file(script) with cd(rd, ignore_blank=True): cl = ['qsub', f] # Don't really know how this works. Copied from # # running-bash-commands-in-python process = subprocess.Popen(cl, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.communicate()[0] if verbose: print(output) outputs.append(output) else: if verbose: print('No jobs submitted, but scripts created') else: if submit or input('submit job {}? '.format(scripts[0])) in yes: rd, f = _dir_and_file(scripts[0]) with cd(rd, ignore_blank=True): cl = ['qsub', f] # Don't really know how this works. Copied from # # running-bash-commands-in-python process = subprocess.Popen(cl, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.communicate()[0] if verbose: print(output) outputs.append(output) else: if verbose: print('{} not submitted'.format(scripts)) _job_info = [' '.join(output.split(' ')[2:4]) for output in outputs] return _job_info if __name__ == '__main__': description = 'Create and submit a script to run a Gaussian job on SCC' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('in_name', help='Name of Gaussian input file') parser.add_argument('-c', '--numcores', type=int, default=16, help='Number of cores for job') # I should probably check validity of this time request # Maybe it doesn't matter so much because it just won't # submit the job and it will give quick feedback about that? parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', help='Time required as "hh:mm:ss"', default='12:00:00') parser.add_argument('-e', '--executable', type=str, default='g09', help='name of executable to run') parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch', action='store_true', help='create multiple scripts (batch job)') parser.add_argument('-x', '--template', default=None, help='template file for creating input from coords') parser.add_argument('-s', '--submit', action='store_true', help='Automatically submit jobs?') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='make program more verbose') parser.add_argument('-j', '--nojobinfo', action='store_false', help='Do not return the submitted job information') parser.add_argument('-k', '--chk_file', default=None, help='checkpoint file to be written and copied back') parser.add_argument('--copy_chk', action='store_true', help='Copy check file to the scratch directory') parser.add_argument('-l', '--ln_running', type=str, default=None, help='base name for linking output to cwd while ' 'running') parser.add_argument('-d', '--hold_jid', default=None, help='job on which this job should depend') args = parser.parse_args() in_name_list, args.batch = get_input_files(args.in_name, args.batch) if args.template: in_name_list = use_template(args.template, in_name_list, args.verbose) script_list = [] for in_name in in_name_list: script_name = write_sub_script(input_name=in_name, num_cores=args.numcores, time=args.time, verbose=args.verbose, executable=args.executable, chk_file=args.chk_file, copy_chk=args.copy_chk, ln_running=args.ln_running, hold_jid=args.hold_jid) script_list.append(script_name) if not len(script_list) == len(in_name_list): # This should never be the case as far as I know, but I would # like to make sure everything input gets a script and all the # script names are there to be submitted. raise IOError('num scripts dif. from num names given') job_info = submit_scripts(script_list, args.batch, args.submit, args.verbose) if job_info and args.nojobinfo: for job in job_info: print(job) if args.verbose: print('Done. Completed normally.')
import unittest import logging import contextlib from libpermian.settings import Settings from .proxy import IssueAnalyzerProxy from .base import BaseAnalyzer, BaseIssue from .issueset import IssueSet LOGGER = logging.getLogger('test') class NewIssue(BaseIssue): def submit(self):'submit was called') return super().submit() def make(self):'make was called') return '' def update(self):'update was called') def _lookup(self):'lookup was called') return None @property def resolved(self): return False @property def report_url(self): return '' class TrackedUnresolvedIssue(NewIssue): def _lookup(self):'lookup was called') return '' @property def resolved(self): return False @property def report_url(self): return '' class TrackedResolvedIssue(TrackedUnresolvedIssue): @property def resolved(self): return True class TestNewIssue(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.settings = Settings({}, {}, []) self.issue = NewIssue(self.settings) def test_properties(self): self.assertTrue( self.assertFalse(self.issue.tracked) self.assertEqual(self.issue.uri, None) def test_sync(self): # test lookup was called with self.assertLogs('test', level='INFO') as cm: self.issue.sync() self.assertEqual(cm.output, ['INFO:test:lookup was called']) self.test_properties() def test_str(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.issue), self.issue.report_url) class TestTrackedUnresolvedIssue(TestNewIssue): def setUp(self): self.settings = Settings({}, {}, []) self.issue = TrackedUnresolvedIssue(self.settings) def test_properties(self): self.assertFalse( self.assertTrue(self.issue.tracked) self.assertEqual(self.issue.uri, '') def test_str(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.issue), self.issue.uri) # TrackedResolvedIssue should behave the same way as TrackedUnresolvedIssue # so just inherit the whole test case to run the very same test class TestTrackedResolvedIssue(TestTrackedUnresolvedIssue): def setUp(self): self.settings = Settings({}, {}, []) self.issue = TrackedResolvedIssue(self.settings) class TestSubmitDisabled(unittest.TestCase): settings = Settings( { 'issueAnalyzer' : { 'create_issues': False, 'update_issues': False, 'create_issues_instead_of_update': False, } }, {}, [] ) def setUp(self): = NewIssue(self.settings) self.unresolved = TrackedUnresolvedIssue(self.settings) self.resolved = TrackedResolvedIssue(self.settings) # sync the issues so that lookup is not called => logged during submit self.unresolved.sync() self.resolved.sync() @contextlib.contextmanager def assertUnchanged(self, issue): old_uri = issue.uri old_new = old_tracked = issue.tracked yield issue self.assertEqual(issue.uri, old_uri) self.assertEqual(, old_new) self.assertEqual(issue.tracked, old_tracked) def assertSubmitNoop(self, issue): with self.assertUnchanged(issue): with self.assertLogs('test', level='INFO') as cm: issue.submit() issue.submit() self.assertEqual(cm.output, [ "INFO:test:submit was called", "INFO:test:submit was called", ]) def assertSubmitCreate(self, issue): with self.assertLogs('test', level='INFO') as cm: result1 = issue.submit() result2 = issue.submit() self.assertEqual(cm.output, [ "INFO:test:submit was called", "INFO:test:make was called", "INFO:test:submit was called", ]) self.assertEqual(result1, result2) return result1 def assertSubmitUpdate(self, issue): with self.assertUnchanged(issue): with self.assertLogs('test', level='INFO') as cm: result1 = issue.submit() result2 = issue.submit() self.assertEqual(cm.output, [ "INFO:test:submit was called", "INFO:test:update was called", "INFO:test:submit was called", ]) self.assertEqual(result1, result2) return result1 def testNew(self): self.assertSubmitNoop( def testUnresolved(self): self.assertSubmitNoop(self.unresolved) def testResolved(self): self.assertSubmitNoop(self.resolved) class TestSubmitCreateUpdate(TestSubmitDisabled): settings = Settings( { 'issueAnalyzer' : { 'create_issues': True, 'update_issues': True, 'create_issues_instead_of_update': False, } }, {}, [] ) def testNew(self): result = self.assertSubmitCreate( self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(result, '') self.assertEqual(result, # repeated submit doesn't do anything with self.assertUnchanged( with self.assertLogs('test', level='INFO') as cm: result = self.assertEqual(cm.output, [ "INFO:test:submit was called", ]) def testUnresolved(self): self.assertSubmitUpdate(self.unresolved) def testResolved(self): self.assertSubmitUpdate(self.resolved) class TestSubmitCreateOnlyNew(TestSubmitCreateUpdate): settings = Settings( { 'issueAnalyzer' : { 'create_issues': True, 'update_issues': False, 'create_issues_instead_of_update': False, } }, {}, [] ) def testUnresolved(self): self.assertSubmitNoop(self.unresolved) def testResolved(self): self.assertSubmitNoop(self.resolved) class TestSubmitUpdateOnlyTracked(TestSubmitCreateUpdate): settings = Settings( { 'issueAnalyzer' : { 'create_issues': False, 'update_issues': True, 'create_issues_instead_of_update': False, } }, {}, [] ) def testNew(self): self.assertSubmitNoop( class TestSubmitCreateAlwaysWithUpdateOff(TestSubmitCreateUpdate): settings = Settings( { 'issueAnalyzer' : { 'create_issues': True, 'update_issues': False, # This should have no effect 'create_issues_instead_of_update': True, } }, {}, [] ) def testUnresolved(self): old_uri = self.unresolved.uri result = self.assertSubmitCreate(self.unresolved) self.assertEqual(result, '') self.assertEqual(self.unresolved.uri, result) self.assertNotEqual(result, old_uri) def testResolved(self): old_uri = self.resolved.uri result = self.assertSubmitCreate(self.resolved) self.assertEqual(result, '') self.assertEqual(self.resolved.uri, result) self.assertNotEqual(result, old_uri) # The update_issue should have no effect when create_issues_instead_of_update # is set to True. class TestSubmitCreateAlwaysWithUpdateOn(TestSubmitCreateAlwaysWithUpdateOff): settings = Settings( { 'issueAnalyzer' : { 'create_issues': True, 'update_issues': True, # This should have no effect 'create_issues_instead_of_update': True, } }, {}, [] )
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from abc import ABC class Injector(ABC): """Base class for the injectors of artificial noise. Attributes ---------- rem_indx : :obj:`List` Removed indexes (rows) from the dataset after the filtering. parameters : :obj:`Dict` Parameters used to define the behaviour of the filter. clean_data : :obj:`Sequence` Filtered independent attributes(X) of the dataset. clean_classes : :obj:`Sequence` Filtered target attributes(y) of the dataset. """ def __init__(self, attributes, labels, rate: float = 0.1) -> None: self._new_noise = [] if not isinstance(attributes, pd.DataFrame): self._attrs = pd.DataFrame(attributes) else: self._attrs = attributes if not isinstance(labels, pd.DataFrame): self._labels = pd.DataFrame(labels) else: self._labels = labels self._rate = rate self.verify() self._num_noise = int(self._rate * self._attrs.shape[0]) self._label_types = set(self.labels[0].unique()) @property def labels(self): return self._labels @property def noise_indx(self): return self._new_noise def verify(self) -> None: if min(self._labels.value_counts()) < 2: raise ValueError("Number of examples in the minority class must be >= 2.") if self._attrs.shape[0] != self.labels.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Attributes and classes must have the sime size.") if self._rate < 0 or self._rate > 1: raise ValueError("") def _gen_random(self, seed: int = None): """[summary] Args: seed (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 123. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) for example in self._new_noise: self._labels.iloc[example] = rng.choice(list(self._label_types - set(self._labels.iloc[example])))
import rs3clans import discord from discord.ext import commands from bot.bot_client import Bot from import separator from bot.utils.context import Context class Clan(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: Bot): = bot @commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.user) @commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) @commands.command(aliases=['clan']) async def clan_detail_info(self, ctx: Context, *, clan_name: str): try: clan = rs3clans.Clan(name=clan_name, set_exp=True) except ConnectionError: return await ctx.send(f"Houve um erro ao tentar conectar a API da Jagex. Tente novamente mais tarde.") except rs3clans.ClanNotFoundError: return await ctx.send(f"O clã '{clan_name}' não existe.") clan_leader = None for member in clan: if member.rank == 'Owner': clan_leader = clan_url =' ', '%20') clan_embed = discord.Embed(,, url=f'{clan_url}' ) clan_embed.set_author(name='RuneClan', url=f'{clan_url}') clan_embed.set_thumbnail(url=f'{clan_url}/clanmotif.png') clan_embed.add_field(name="Exp Total", value=f'{clan.exp:,}') clan_embed.add_field(name="Membros", value=str(clan.count)) clan_embed.add_field(name="Líder", value=clan_leader) clan_embed.add_field(name="Exp Média por Membro", value=f'{clan.avg_exp:,.0f}') return await ctx.send(embed=clan_embed) @commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.user) @commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) @commands.command(aliases=['claninfo', 'clanexp', 'claexp', 'clainfo', 'clãexp', 'clãinfo']) async def clan_user_info(self, ctx: Context, *, username: str): try: player = rs3clans.Player(name=username, runemetrics=True) except ConnectionError: return await ctx.send(f"Houve um erro ao tentar conectar a API da Jagex. Tente novamente mais tarde.") if not player.exists: return await ctx.send(f"Jogador '{}' não existe.") if not player.clan: return await ctx.send(f"Jogador '{}' não está em um clã.") user_clan = rs3clans.Clan(name=player.clan) member = user_clan.get_member(username) user_clan_exp = member.exp user_rank = member.rank display_username = if if player.suffix: display_username = f"{} {player.title}" else: display_username = f"{player.title} {}" user_url_name =" ", "%20") user_url_clan = player.clan.replace(" ", "%20") icon_url = f"{user_url_name}/chat.png" runeclan_url = f"{user_url_name}" clan_banner_url = f"{user_url_clan}/clanmotif.png" embed_title = "RuneClan" rank_header = "__Rank__" clan_header = "__Clã__" exp_header = "__Exp no Clã__" total_exp_header = "__Exp Total__" private_profile_header = "Indisponível - Perfil Privado" rank_emoji =[user_rank]['Emoji'] user_rank =[user_rank]['Translation'] clan_info_embed = discord.Embed( title=embed_title, description="", color=discord.Colour.dark_blue(), url=runeclan_url, ) clan_info_embed.set_author( icon_url=icon_url, name=display_username ) clan_info_embed.set_thumbnail( url=clan_banner_url ) clan_info_embed.add_field( name=clan_header, value=player.clan ) clan_info_embed.add_field( name=rank_header, value=f"{user_rank} {rank_emoji}" ) clan_info_embed.add_field( name=exp_header, value=f"{user_clan_exp:,}" ) if player.private_profile: clan_info_embed.add_field( name=total_exp_header, value=private_profile_header, inline=False ) else: clan_info_embed.add_field( name=total_exp_header, value=f"{player.exp:,}" ) return await ctx.send(content=None, embed=clan_info_embed) @commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.user) @commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) @commands.command(aliases=['ranksupdate', 'upranks', 'rank']) async def ranks(self, ctx: Context, *, clan: str = 'Atlantis'): if clan.lower() == 'atlantis argus': return await ctx.send('`!rank argus` irmão') elif clan.lower() == 'atlantis': exp_general = 2_000_000_000 exp_captain = 1_000_000_000 exp_lieutenant = 500_000_000 exp_seargent = 250_000_000 exp_corporal = 125_000_000 elif clan.lower() == 'argus': exp_general = 500_000_000 exp_captain = 250_000_000 exp_lieutenant = 125_000_000 exp_seargent = 60_000_000 exp_corporal = 30_000_000 clan = 'Atlantis Argus' else: return await ctx.send('Clã não reconhecido.') rank_emoji = { 'Recruit':['Recruit']['Emoji'], 'Corporal':['Corporal']['Emoji'], 'Sergeant':['Sergeant']['Emoji'], 'Lieutenant':['Lieutenant']['Emoji'], 'Captain':['Captain']['Emoji'], 'General':['General']['Emoji'], } ranks_embed = discord.Embed( title="__Ranks a Atualizar__", description=" ", ) found = False clan = rs3clans.Clan(clan, set_exp=False) clan_members = reversed([member for member in clan]) member: rs3clans.ClanMember for member in clan_members: if len(ranks_embed.fields) >= 20: await ctx.send('Muitos ranks a serem atualizados, enviando apenas os 20 primeiros.') break if member.exp >= exp_corporal and member.rank == 'Recruit': ranks_embed.add_field(, value=f"Recruta {rank_emoji['Recruit']} ❯ Cabo {rank_emoji['Corporal']}\n" f"**__Exp:__** {member.exp:,}\n{separator}", inline=False) found = True elif member.exp >= exp_general and member.rank == 'Captain': ranks_embed.add_field(, value=f"Capitão {rank_emoji['Captain']} ❯ General {rank_emoji['General']}\n" f"**__Exp:__** {member.exp:,}\n{separator}", inline=False) found = True elif member.exp >= exp_captain and member.rank == 'Lieutenant': ranks_embed.add_field(, value=f"Tenente {rank_emoji['Lieutenant']} ❯ Capitão {rank_emoji['Captain']}\n" f"**__Exp:__** {member.exp:,}\n{separator}", inline=False) found = True elif member.exp >= exp_lieutenant and member.rank == 'Sergeant': ranks_embed.add_field(, value=f"Sargento {rank_emoji['Sergeant']} ❯ Tenente {rank_emoji['Lieutenant']}\n" f"**__Exp:__** {member.exp:,}\n{separator}", inline=False) found = True elif member.exp >= exp_seargent and member.rank == 'Corporal': ranks_embed.add_field(, value=f"Cabo {rank_emoji['Corporal']} ❯ Sargento {rank_emoji['Sergeant']}\n" f"**__Exp:__** {member.exp:,}\n{separator}", inline=False) found = True if not found: ranks_embed.add_field( name="Nenhum Rank a ser atualizado no momento :)", value=separator, inline=False ) return await ctx.send(embed=ranks_embed) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Clan(bot))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from components import ProgramState import binaryninja as binja import argparse import os.path import curses # TODO...impliment live-refreashing the settings.json during run (add the keybinding and check for it here in the global input loop) # multi-key presses? Not sure if this already works or not # TODO...make sure to support small terminals (I think it does right now, but I should add some more checks so nothing goes out of bounds) def main(stdscr): # Setup parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Nearly Headless BinaryNinja.') parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', default="") args = parser.parse_args() program = '' if not args.filename == "": if os.path.isfile(args.filename): bv = binja.BinaryViewType.get_view_of_file(''.join(args.filename), False) bv.update_analysis() while not str(bv.analysis_progress) == "Idle": prog = bv.analysis_progress stdscr.erase() stdscr.border() state = '' if prog.state == binja.AnalysisState.DisassembleState: state = "Disassembling" else: state = "Analyzing" loadingText = "Loading File: " prog = int((prog.count/(*34.0) stdscr.addstr(2, 4, loadingText) stdscr.addstr(2, 4 + len(loadingText), state) stdscr.addstr(4, 4, '[' + '#'*prog + ' '*(34-prog) + ']') stdscr.refresh() program = ProgramState(stdscr, bv) else: raise IOError("File does not exist.") else: program = ProgramState(stdscr) key = "" while program.is_running: # Input Filtering try: key = stdscr.getkey() except curses.error as err: if not str(err) == "no input": raise curses.error(str(err)) else: key = "" # Clear Key Buffer # Rendering and input program.parseInput(key) program.render() curses.doupdate() if __name__ == "__main__": background = "2a2a2a" text = "e0e0e0" curses.wrapper(main)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 将耗时间的任务放到线程中以获得更好的用户体验。 """ import time import tkinter import tkinter.messagebox def download(): # 模拟下载任务需要花费10秒时间 time.sleep(10) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '下载完成') def show_about(): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('关于', '作者:罗浩') def main(): top = tkinter.Tk() top.title('单线程') top.geometry('200x150') top.wm_attributes('-topmost', True) panel = tkinter.Frame(top) button1 = tkinter.Button(panel, text='下载', command=download) button1.pack(side='left') button2 = tkinter.Button(panel, text='关于', command=show_about) button2.pack(side='right') panel.pack(side='bottom') tkinter.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import torch from mmedit.models.backbones import ContextualAttentionNeck, DeepFillEncoder from mmedit.models.common import SimpleGatedConvModule def test_deepfill_enc(): encoder = DeepFillEncoder() x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)) outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert encoder.enc2.stride == (2, 2) assert encoder.enc2.out_channels == 64 encoder = DeepFillEncoder(encoder_type='stage2_conv') x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)) outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert encoder.enc2.out_channels == 32 assert encoder.enc3.out_channels == 64 assert encoder.enc4.out_channels == 64 encoder = DeepFillEncoder(encoder_type='stage2_attention') x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)) outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert encoder.enc2.out_channels == 32 assert encoder.enc3.out_channels == 64 assert encoder.enc4.out_channels == 128 if torch.cuda.is_available(): encoder = DeepFillEncoder().cuda() x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)).cuda() outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert encoder.enc2.stride == (2, 2) assert encoder.enc2.out_channels == 64 encoder = DeepFillEncoder(encoder_type='stage2_conv').cuda() x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)).cuda() outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert encoder.enc2.out_channels == 32 assert encoder.enc3.out_channels == 64 assert encoder.enc4.out_channels == 64 encoder = DeepFillEncoder(encoder_type='stage2_attention').cuda() x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)).cuda() outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert encoder.enc2.out_channels == 32 assert encoder.enc3.out_channels == 64 assert encoder.enc4.out_channels == 128 encoder = DeepFillEncoder( conv_type='gated_conv', channel_factor=0.75).cuda() x = torch.randn((2, 5, 256, 256)).cuda() outputs = encoder(x) assert isinstance(outputs, dict) assert 'out' in outputs res = outputs['out'] assert res.shape == (2, 96, 64, 64) assert isinstance(encoder.enc2, SimpleGatedConvModule) assert encoder.enc2.conv.stride == (2, 2) assert encoder.enc2.conv.out_channels == 48 * 2 def test_deepfill_contextual_attention_neck(): # TODO: add unittest for contextual attention module neck = ContextualAttentionNeck(in_channels=128) x = torch.rand((2, 128, 64, 64)) mask = torch.zeros((2, 1, 64, 64)) mask[..., 20:100, 23:90] = 1. res, offset = neck(x, mask) assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert offset.shape == (2, 32, 32, 32, 32) if torch.cuda.is_available(): neck.cuda() res, offset = neck(x.cuda(), mask.cuda()) assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert offset.shape == (2, 32, 32, 32, 32) neck = ContextualAttentionNeck( in_channels=128, conv_type='gated_conv').cuda() res, offset = neck(x.cuda(), mask.cuda()) assert res.shape == (2, 128, 64, 64) assert offset.shape == (2, 32, 32, 32, 32) assert isinstance(neck.conv1, SimpleGatedConvModule)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 02.11.2017 @author: fstallmann ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from collections import deque import bkt from bkt import dotnet Drawing = dotnet.import_drawing() from . import helpers as pplib class TextframeSpinnerBox(bkt.ribbon.RoundingSpinnerBox): ### Instance initialization attr = 'MarginTop' def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' attr examples: MarginTop, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight ''' #self.attr is automatically set through RibbonControl attribute handling self.fallback_value = 0 my_kwargs = dict( size_string = '###', round_cm = True, convert = 'pt_to_cm', get_enabled = bkt.apps.ppt_selection_contains_textframe, ) my_kwargs.update(kwargs) super(TextframeSpinnerBox, self).__init__(**my_kwargs) ### Spinner Box callbacks ### def get_text(self, shapes, selection): value = self.get_attr_from_shapes(shapes, selection) if value is None: #e.g. no textframe detected return None elif int(value) == -2147483648: #replace large negative number (values differ between selected items) with fallback value return self.fallback_value else: return value def on_change(self, shapes, selection, value): self.set_attr_for_shapes(shapes, selection, value) ### Getter Methods ### def get_attr_from_shapes(self, shapes, selection): ''' Get attr for shapes ''' for textframe in pplib.iterate_shape_textframes(shapes): try: return self.get_attr_from_textframe(textframe) except: # produces error for certain chart types, e.g. Treemap continue return None def get_attr_from_textframe(self, textframe): return getattr(textframe, self.attr) ### Setter methods ### def set_attr_for_shapes(self, shapes, selection, value): ''' Set attr for shapes ''' value = max(0,value) for textframe in pplib.iterate_shape_textframes(shapes): self.set_attr_for_textframe(textframe, value) def set_attr_for_textframe(self, textframe, value): setattr(textframe, self.attr, value) class ParagraphFormatSpinnerBox(bkt.ribbon.RoundingSpinnerBox): ### Instance initialization attr = 'SpaceBefore' def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' attr examples: SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter, LeftIndent, FirstLineIndent, LineSpacing ''' #self.attr is automatically set through RibbonControl attribute handling self.fallback_value = 0 my_kwargs = dict( size_string = '-###', get_enabled = bkt.apps.ppt_selection_contains_textframe, ) if self.attr in ["SpaceBefore", "SpaceAfter", "SpaceWithin"]: my_kwargs["round_pt"] = True else: my_kwargs["round_cm"] = True my_kwargs["convert"] = "pt_to_cm" if self.attr in ["LeftIndent", "FirstLineIndent"]: my_kwargs["big_step"] = 0.25 my_kwargs["small_step"] = 0.125 my_kwargs["rounding_factor"] = 0.125 my_kwargs.update(kwargs) super(ParagraphFormatSpinnerBox, self).__init__(**my_kwargs) ### Spinner Box callbacks ### def get_text(self, shapes, selection): value = self.get_attr_from_shapes(shapes, selection) if value is None: #e.g. no textframe detected return None elif int(value) == -2147483648: #replace large negative number (values differ between selected items) with fallback value return self.fallback_value else: return value def on_change(self, shapes, selection, value): self.set_attr_for_shapes(shapes, selection, value) ### Getter Methods ### def get_attr_from_shapes(self, shapes, selection): if selection.Type == 3: # text selected try: # produces error if no text is selected return self._get_attr(selection.TextRange2.Paragraphs(1,1).ParagraphFormat) except: try: # produces error if there is no textrange, e.g. selection within a chart return self._get_attr(selection.TextRange2.ParagraphFormat) except: return None else: # shapes selected for textframe in pplib.iterate_shape_textframes(shapes): try: value = self.get_attr_from_textrange(textframe.TextRange) except: # produces error for certain chart types, e.g. Treemap continue try: if int(value) == -2147483648: #different values for each paragraph, so get value from first paragraph value = self._get_attr(textframe.TextRange.Paragraphs(1,1).ParagraphFormat) except: pass return value return None def get_attr_from_textrange(self, textrange): return self._get_attr(textrange.ParagraphFormat) def _get_attr(self, par_format): if self.attr in ["SpaceBefore", "SpaceAfter", "SpaceWithin"]: if (self.attr == "SpaceBefore" and par_format.LineRuleBefore == 0) or (self.attr == "SpaceAfter" and par_format.LineRuleAfter == 0) or (self.attr == "SpaceWithin" and par_format.LineRuleWithin == 0): self.huge_step = 10 self.big_step = 3 self.small_step = 1 self.round_at = 0 else: self.huge_step = 0.5 self.big_step = 0.2 self.small_step = 0.1 self.round_at = 1 return getattr(par_format, self.attr) ### Setter methods ### def set_attr_for_shapes(self, shapes, selection, value): if self.attr != "FirstLineIndent": #FirstLineIndent can be negative! value = max(0,value) if selection.Type == 3: # text selected self.set_attr_for_textrange(selection.TextRange2, value) #need to use TextRange2 as TextRange does not contain LeftIndent, etc. else: for textframe in pplib.iterate_shape_textframes(shapes): self.set_attr_for_textrange(textframe.TextRange, value) def set_attr_for_textrange(self, textrange, value): #using textrange instead of textframe! if self.attr == "SpaceBefore" and textrange.ParagraphFormat.LineRuleBefore == -2: #if values differ, set the same value as in the first paragraph textrange.ParagraphFormat.LineRuleBefore = textrange.Paragraphs(1,1).ParagraphFormat.LineRuleBefore if self.attr == "SpaceAfter" and textrange.ParagraphFormat.LineRuleAfter == -2: #if values differ, set the same value as in the first paragraph textrange.ParagraphFormat.LineRuleAfter = textrange.Paragraphs(1,1).ParagraphFormat.LineRuleAfter if self.attr == "SpaceWithin" and textrange.ParagraphFormat.LineRuleWithin == -2: #if values differ, set the same value as in the first paragraph textrange.ParagraphFormat.LineRuleWithin = textrange.Paragraphs(1,1).ParagraphFormat.LineRuleWithin setattr(textrange.ParagraphFormat, self.attr, value) class PPTSymbolsSettings(object): recent_symbols = deque(bkt.settings.get("bkt.symbols.recent_symbols", []), maxlen=3) convert_into_shape = bkt.settings.get("bkt.symbols.convert_into_shape", True) #always convert newly inserted symbols into shapes convert_into_bitmap = bkt.settings.get("bkt.symbols.convert_into_bitmap", False) #always convert newly inserted symbols into bitmap picture unicode_font = bkt.settings.get("bkt.symbols.unicode_font", None) #insert unicode characters as symbol with special font (e.g. Arial Unicode) @classmethod def add_to_recent(cls, item): try: #try to remove if already exists and add to beginning cls.recent_symbols.remove(item) cls.recent_symbols.append(item) except ValueError: cls.recent_symbols.append(item) bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.recent_symbols"] = cls.recent_symbols @classmethod def switch_unicode_font(cls, font=None): cls.unicode_font = font #if font else SymbolsGallery.fallback_font bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.unicode_font"] = cls.unicode_font @classmethod def convert_into_text(cls): return not (cls.convert_into_shape or cls.convert_into_bitmap) @classmethod def switch_convert_into_text(cls, pressed): cls.convert_into_shape = False cls.convert_into_bitmap = False bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.convert_into_shape"] = cls.convert_into_shape bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.convert_into_bitmap"] = cls.convert_into_bitmap @classmethod def switch_convert_into_shape(cls, pressed): cls.convert_into_shape = pressed cls.convert_into_bitmap = False bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.convert_into_shape"] = cls.convert_into_shape bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.convert_into_bitmap"] = cls.convert_into_bitmap @classmethod def get_convert_into_shape(cls): return (cls.convert_into_shape or bkt.get_key_state(bkt.KeyCodes.SHIFT)) and not bkt.get_key_state(bkt.KeyCodes.CTRL) @classmethod def switch_convert_into_bitmap(cls, pressed): cls.convert_into_shape = False cls.convert_into_bitmap = pressed bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.convert_into_shape"] = cls.convert_into_shape bkt.settings["bkt.symbols.convert_into_bitmap"] = cls.convert_into_bitmap @classmethod def get_convert_into_bitmap(cls): return (cls.convert_into_bitmap or bkt.get_key_state(bkt.KeyCodes.CTRL)) and not bkt.get_key_state(bkt.KeyCodes.SHIFT) class PPTSymbolsGallery(bkt.ribbon.SymbolsGallery): @property def fallback_font(self): return PPTSymbolsSettings.unicode_font or bkt.ribbon.SymbolsGallery.fallback_font def on_action_indexed(self, selected_item, index, context, selection, **kwargs): ''' create numberd shape according of settings in clicked element ''' item = self.symbols[index] self._add_to_recent(item) shift_or_ctrl = bkt.get_key_state(bkt.KeyCodes.CTRL) or bkt.get_key_state(bkt.KeyCodes.SHIFT) if selection.Type == 3 and not shift_or_ctrl: #text selected selection.TextRange2.Text = "" #remove selected text first and then insert symbol self.insert_symbol_into_text(selection.TextRange2, item) elif PPTSymbolsSettings.convert_into_text() and selection.Type == 2 and not shift_or_ctrl: #shapes selected self.insert_symbol_into_shapes(pplib.get_shapes_from_selection(selection), item) else: #convert into shape or bitmap if PPTSymbolsSettings.get_convert_into_bitmap(): self.create_symbol_bitmap(selection.SlideRange(1), item) else: self.create_symbol_shape(selection.SlideRange(1), item) def _add_to_recent(self, item): PPTSymbolsSettings.add_to_recent(item) def insert_symbol_into_text(self, textrange, item): if item[0] or PPTSymbolsSettings.unicode_font is not None: #font name is given, then insert as symbol font = item[0] or self.fallback_font try: char_number = ord(item[1]) #ord does not work for higher level unicode, e.g. emojis, and throws TypeError if char_number > 61695: #for higher numbers (f0ff works, f100 doesnt work) InsertSymbol does not work anymore. Also the default ppt symbol-picker only shows unicode chars til f0ff. raise TypeError("character number to large for InsertSymbol") #fallback to InsertAfter placeholder_char = textrange.InsertAfter("X") #append placeholder symbol so that InsertSymbol behaves the same as InsertAfter return placeholder_char.InsertSymbol(font, char_number, -1) #symbol: FontName, CharNumber (decimal), Unicode=True except TypeError: char_inserted = textrange.InsertAfter(item[1]) #append symbol text #so, NameFarEast and NameComplexScript should be writable, but they are not if InsertSymbol is used before (it remains the font of the symbol). only way to replace these values and correctly show icon is setting it to '+mn-..' char_inserted.Font.NameFarEast = "+mn-ea" char_inserted.Font.NameComplexScript = "+mn-cs" char_inserted.Font.Name = font #font name return char_inserted else: return textrange.InsertAfter(item[1]) #append symbol text # if item[0]: # char_inserted.Font.Name = item[0] #font name def insert_symbol_into_shapes(self, shapes, item): #pplib.iterate_shape_textframes(shapes, lambda textframe: self.insert_symbol_into_text(textframe.TextRange, item)) for textframe in pplib.iterate_shape_textframes(shapes): self.insert_symbol_into_text(textframe.TextRange, item) # for shape in shapes: # if shape.HasTextFrame == -1: # self.insert_symbol_into_text(shape.TextFrame2.TextRange, item) def create_symbol_shape(self, slide, item): shape = slide.shapes.addTextbox( #office.MsoAutoShapeType.msoShapeRectangle.value__, 1, 100,100,200,200) shape.TextFrame2.WordWrap = 0 shape.TextFrame2.AutoSize = 1 #ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText shape.TextFrame2.MarginBottom = 0 shape.TextFrame2.MarginTop = 0 shape.TextFrame2.MarginLeft = 0 shape.TextFrame2.MarginRight = 0 self.insert_symbol_into_text(shape.TextFrame2.TextRange, item) # if item[0]: # shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = item[0] #font name # shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item[1] #symbol text if PPTSymbolsSettings.get_convert_into_shape(): #convert into shape try: orig_fontsize = shape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size shape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 60 shape.TextFrame2.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Visible = 0 new_shape = pplib.convert_text_into_shape(shape) new_shape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = orig_fontsize except: else: else: def create_symbol_bitmap(self, slide, item): import tempfile, os font = item[0] or self.fallback_font img = bkt.ribbon.SymbolsGallery.create_symbol_image(font, item[1], 400, None) tmpfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "bkt-symbol.png") img.Save(tmpfile, Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) shape = slide.shapes.AddPicture(tmpfile, 0, -1, 200, 200) #FileName, LinkToFile, SaveWithDocument, Left, Top os.remove(tmpfile) class PPTSymbolsGalleryRecent(PPTSymbolsGallery): @property def symbols(self): return PPTSymbolsSettings.recent_symbols @symbols.setter def symbols(self, value): pass def get_item_image(self, index): try: return super(PPTSymbolsGalleryRecent, self).get_item_image(index) except: return super(PPTSymbolsGalleryRecent, self).create_symbol_image("Arial", "?") def button_get_label(self, index): try: return self.symbols[index][2] except: return "Zuletzt verwendet: Undefined" def button_get_visible(self, index): try: return self.symbols[index] is not None except: return False def get_index_as_button(self, index): return bkt.ribbon.Button( id="{}_button_{}".format(, index), get_label=bkt.Callback(lambda: self.button_get_label(index)), on_action=bkt.Callback(lambda context, selection: self.on_action_indexed(None, index, context, selection)), get_image=bkt.Callback(lambda: self.get_item_image(index)), get_visible=bkt.Callback(lambda: self.button_get_visible(index)), ) class LocpinGallery(bkt.ribbon.Gallery): def __init__(self, locpin=None, item_supertip="Shape-Fixpunkt bzw. Fixierung bei Änderung {}", **kwargs): self.locpin = locpin or pplib.GlobalLocPin self.items = [ ("fix_locpin_tl", "Oben-links", item_supertip.format("oben-links")), ("fix_locpin_tm", "Oben-mitte", item_supertip.format("oben-mitte")), ("fix_locpin_tr", "Oben-rechts", item_supertip.format("oben-rechts")), ("fix_locpin_ml", "Mitte-links", item_supertip.format("mitte-links")), ("fix_locpin_mm", "Mitte-mitte", item_supertip.format("mitte-mitte")), ("fix_locpin_mr", "Mitte-rechts", item_supertip.format("mitte-rechts")), ("fix_locpin_bl", "Unten-links", item_supertip.format("unten-links")), ("fix_locpin_bm", "Unten-mitte", item_supertip.format("unten-mitte")), ("fix_locpin_br", "Unten-rechts", item_supertip.format("unten-rechts")), ] my_kwargs = dict( # get_enabled=bkt.apps.ppt_shapes_or_text_selected, columns="3", item_height="24", item_width="24", show_item_label=False, on_action_indexed = bkt.Callback(self.locpin_on_action_indexed), get_selected_item_index = bkt.Callback(lambda: self.locpin.index), get_item_count = bkt.Callback(lambda: len(self.items)), get_item_label = bkt.Callback(lambda index: self.items[index][1]), get_item_image = bkt.Callback(self.locpin_get_image, context=True), get_item_screentip = bkt.Callback(lambda index: self.items[index][1]), get_item_supertip = bkt.Callback(lambda index: self.items[index][2]), # children = [ # Item(image=gal_item[0], screentip=gal_item[1], supertip=gal_item[2]) # for gal_item in self.items # ] ) if not "image" in kwargs and not "image_mso" in kwargs: my_kwargs["get_image"] = bkt.Callback(self.locpin_get_image, context=True) my_kwargs.update(kwargs) super(LocpinGallery, self).__init__(**my_kwargs) def locpin_on_action_indexed(self, selected_item, index): self.locpin.index = index def locpin_get_image(self, context, index=None): if index is None: return context.python_addin.load_image(self.items[self.locpin.index][0]) else: return context.python_addin.load_image(self.items[index][0]) class PositionGallery(bkt.ribbon.Gallery): # items: [label, position, reference] # position: [left, top, width, height] # values can be absolute or percentage # reference: CONTENTE / SLIDE / ABS # values are converted according to reference items = [ [u"<NAME>", [ 0, 0, 1, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"2/3 Links", [ 0, 0, 2./3, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"2/3 Rechts", [1./3, 0, 2./3, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/2 Links", [ 0, 0, .5, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/2 Mitte", [.25, 0, .5, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/2 Rechts", [ .5, 0, .5, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/3 Links", [ 0, 0, 1./3, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/3 Mitte", [1./3, 0, 1./3, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/3 Rechts", [2./3, 0, 1./3, 1], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/6 Oben", [ 0, 0, 1, 1./6], 'CONTENT'], [u"1/6 Unten", [ 0, 5./6, 1, 1./6], 'CONTENT'] ] def __init__(self, positions=None, label="Standardpositionen", columns=3, **kwargs): self.items = positions or PositionGallery.items super(PositionGallery, self).__init__( label = label, columns = columns, image_mso='PositionAnchoringGallery', supertip=u"Positioniere die ausgewählten Shapes auf eine Standardposition.", children=[ bkt.ribbon.Button( label="Benutzerdef. Bereich festlegen", supertip="Der benutzerdefinierte Bereich wird anhand des gewählten Shapes festgelegt. Dieser Bereich ist anschließend über die Gallery wählbar und wird dauerhaft in der aktuellen Prästentation vorgehalten.", on_action=bkt.Callback(self.set_userdefined_area), get_enabled = bkt.get_enabled_auto ) ], **kwargs ) def on_action_indexed(self, selected_item, index, context, **kwargs): ''' reposition shapes according of settings in clicked element ''' item = self.items[index] position = item[1] reference = item[2] #self.change_position(selection, shapes, item[1]) # reference size if reference == 'CONTENT': ref_left,ref_top,ref_width,ref_height = pplib.slide_content_size(context.slide) else: # SLIDE / ABS page_setup = context.presentation.PageSetup ref_left,ref_top = 0, 0 ref_width,ref_height = page_setup.SlideWidth, page_setup.SlideHeight # target size left,top,width,height = self.rect_from_definition(position, ref_frame=[ref_left,ref_top,ref_width, ref_height]) frame = pplib.BoundingFrame.from_rect(left, top, width, height) if 'on_position_change' in self._callbacks: if context: return context.invoke_callback(self._callbacks['on_position_change'], target_frame=frame, **kwargs) def get_item_count(self, presentation): self.init_userdefined_area_item(presentation) return len(self.items) # def get_enabled(self, shapes): # return True # def get_item_label(self, index): # item = self.items[index] # return "%s" % getattr(NumberedShapes, 'label_' + item['label'])[index%self.columns] def get_item_image(self, index, presentation): ''' creates an item image with target area according to settings in the specified item ''' # retrieve item-settings item = self.items[index] return self.create_image(item[1], item[2], presentation) def get_item_screentip(self, index): # retrieve item-settings item = self.items[index] return 'Positionierung: ' + item[0] def get_item_supertip(self, index): return 'Verwende angezeigten Position/Größe.' def create_image(self, position, reference, presentation): # create bitmap, define pen/brush height = 40 width = height*16./9 img = Drawing.Bitmap(width, height) g = Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(img) # reference size if reference == 'CONTENT': v_offset = height/5 v_ref = (height*4)/5 left,top,fill_width,fill_height = self.rect_from_definition(position, ref_frame=[0,v_offset,width, v_ref]) else: # SLIDE / ABS ref_width,ref_height = presentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth, presentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight left,top,fill_width,fill_height = self.rect_from_definition(position, ref_frame=[0,0,ref_width, ref_height]) left = left /ref_width * width fill_width = fill_width /ref_width * width top = top /ref_height * height fill_height = fill_height/ref_height * height color = Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml('#ffdd0000') brush = Drawing.SolidBrush(color) g.FillRectangle(brush, Drawing.Rectangle(round(left),round(top), round(fill_width), round(fill_height))) color = Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml('#ff999999') pen = Drawing.Pen(color,1) g.DrawRectangle(pen, Drawing.Rectangle(0,0, width-1, height/5-1)) g.DrawRectangle(pen, Drawing.Rectangle(0,0, width-1, height-1)) return img def rect_from_definition(self, pos_definition, ref_frame=[0,0,640,480]): left = self.length_from_definition(pos_definition[0], ref_frame[2]) + ref_frame[0] top = self.length_from_definition(pos_definition[1], ref_frame[3]) + ref_frame[1] width = self.length_from_definition(pos_definition[2], ref_frame[2]) height = self.length_from_definition(pos_definition[3], ref_frame[3]) return left, top, width, height def length_from_definition(self, length_definition, reference): if type(length_definition) == list: # allow [150, 50%] l = 0 for ldef in length_definition: l += self.length_from_definition(ldef, reference) return l elif type(length_definition) in [int, float, long]: if length_definition < 0: # negative values specify distance 'from right' return reference - self.length_from_definition(-length_definition, reference) elif length_definition <= 1: # percentage values return reference * length_definition else: # absolute values return length_definition else: return 10 ## userdefined area def set_userdefined_area(self, presentation, shapes): if len(shapes) == 1: pplib.ContentArea.define_contentarea(presentation, shapes[0]) else: frame = pplib.BoundingFrame.from_shapes(shapes) pplib.ContentArea.define_contentarea(presentation, frame) self.init_userdefined_area_item(presentation) def init_userdefined_area_item(self, presentation): #due to performance check first if tag exists at all if pplib.ContentArea.isset_contentarea(presentation): left, top, width, height = pplib.ContentArea.read_contentarea(presentation) if len(self.items) == 12: self.items.pop() self.items.append([u"Benutzerdef. Bereich", [left, top, width, height], 'ABS'])
#!/usr/bin/env python # License: Apache-2.0 # Copyright (C) 2020 <NAME> class Column(object): """ Represents ClickHouse column """ def __init__( self, database: str, table: str, name: str, type: str, default_kind: str, default_expression: str, comment: str, compression_codec: str, is_in_partition_key: bool, is_in_sorting_key: bool, is_in_primary_key: bool, is_in_sampling_key: bool, ): self.database = database self.table = table = name self.type = type self.default_kind = default_kind self.default_expression = default_expression self.comment = comment self.compression_codec = compression_codec self.is_in_partition_key = is_in_partition_key self.is_in_sorting_key = is_in_sorting_key self.is_in_primary_key = is_in_primary_key self.is_in_sampling_key = is_in_sampling_key @property def db_table(self): return "{}.{}".format(self.database, self.table) def __str__(self): return
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import distance as dist import glob import re import os from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * import sys import cv2 import pandas as pd from PyQt5.Qt import * import pyqtgraph as pg #from PyQt4.Qt import * #%% class eggUI(QDialog): ''' createOpenCVEggROI : take eggID defined ROIs and visualise ''' sliderUpdate = QtCore.pyqtSignal() embryoUpdate = QtCore.pyqtSignal() keyPressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(eggUI, self).__init__(parent) # Make QDialog self.diag = QtGui.QDialog() global parentPath, vidTime self.diag.setWindowTitle('Identify eggs') self.diag.imv = pg.ImageView() self.btn_save = QPushButton('Save', self) #============================================================================== # #============================================================================== def showUI(self,ims,eggRotBBox, eggBoxPoints, embryoLabels, eggInt): self.eggInt = eggInt self.embryoLabels = embryoLabels self.diag.setWindowTitle('Identify eggs') # Make ImageView self.diag.imv = pg.ImageView() self.diag.resize(1000,600) # Make ROI self.importOpenCVROIs(eggRotBBox, eggBoxPoints) if (eggRotBBox[0][0][0] != 'nan'): self.createOpenCVEggROI() self.diag.imv.addItem(self.roi) # Remove buttons from ImageView widget self.diag.imv.ui.roiBtn.hide() self.diag.imv.ui.menuBtn.hide() # Make tableview self.diag.table = QtGui.QTableWidget() self.diag.table.setShowGrid(True) self.diag.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Embryo', 'Sorted']) # Sets different alignment data just on the first column self.diag.table.setRowCount(int(len(self.embryoLabels))) self.diag.table.setColumnCount(2) # Highlight first row self.diag.table.selectRow(0) # Make layout checkLayout = QGridLayout() # Deal with stretching for approrpraite formatting. checkLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 3) checkLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 1) checkLayout.setRowStretch(0, 1) checkLayout.setRowStretch(1, 3) # Add to layout checkLayout.addWidget(self.diag.imv,0,0,2,2) checkLayout.addWidget(self.diag.table,1,5) # Apply layout self.diag.setLayout(checkLayout) # Make buttons self.cpROI_btn = QtGui.QPushButton('&Copy ROI') self.cpROI_btn.setMinimumHeight(40); self.useCpROI_btn = QtGui.QPushButton('&Use Copied ROI') self.useCpROI_btn.setMinimumHeight(40); self.noEgg_btn = QtGui.QPushButton('&No Egg') self.noEgg_btn.setMinimumHeight(40); self.approveROI_btn = QtGui.QPushButton('&Approve ROIs') self.approveROI_btn.setMinimumHeight(40); self.exit_btn = QtGui.QPushButton('Exit') self.exit_btn.setMinimumHeight(40); # Make button layout self.btnLayout = QGridLayout() self.btnLayout.addWidget(self.cpROI_btn,0,0) self.btnLayout.addWidget(self.useCpROI_btn,0,1) self.btnLayout.addWidget(self.noEgg_btn,1,1) self.btnLayout.addWidget(self.approveROI_btn,1,0) # Exit button not implemented, just use window x (topRight). # self.btnLayout.addWidget(self.exit_btn,2,1) # Add button layout to GridLayout. checkLayout.addLayout(self.btnLayout,0,5) # Format images for pyqtgraph and put in ImageView # self.formatSequence(ims) self.imImport() self.diag.imv.setImage(self.compSeq) # Add the ROI to ImageItem # Call function to add data self.dataForTable() # Function for modifying the table when ROI is approved. self.approveROI_btn.clicked.connect(self.updateTable) # Copy current ROI self.cpROI_btn.clicked.connect(self.cpROI) # Apply copied ROI self.useCpROI_btn.clicked.connect(self.applyCopiedROI) # Assign nan to frames not containing egg self.noEgg_btn.clicked.connect(self.recordNoEgg) # Exit - prompt user to confirm #self.exit_btn.clicked.connect(self.closeEvent) # Connect changes in timeline so correct ROI is created and displayed. self.diag.imv.timeLine.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.updateOpenCVEggROICurrEmbryo) #self.diag.keyPressEvent(self.keyPressEvent) #============================================================================== # Generate data for populating the embryo/approveROI table. #============================================================================== def dataForTable(self): self.tableData = {'Embryo':list(self.embryoLabels), 'ROI approved':['No'] * len(list(self.embryoLabels))} self.tableCols = [QtGui.QColor(0,0,100,120)]* len(list(self.embryoLabels)) # Enter data onto Table horHeaders = [] for n, key in enumerate(sorted(self.tableData.keys())): horHeaders.append(key) for m, item in enumerate(self.tableData[key]): newitem = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item) newitem.setBackground(QtGui.QColor(0,0,100,120)) self.diag.table.setItem(m, n, newitem) # Add Header self.diag.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(horHeaders) # Adjust size of Table self.diag.table.resizeRowsToContents() # self.diag.table.resizeColumnsToContents() #============================================================================== # Update table when approve ROI button clicked. #============================================================================== def updateTable(self): self.tableData['ROI approved'][self.diag.table.currentRow()] = 'Approved' self.tableCols[self.diag.table.currentRow()] = QtGui.QColor(0,100,0,120) horHeaders = [] for n, key in enumerate(sorted(self.tableData.keys())): horHeaders.append(key) for m, item in enumerate(self.tableData[key]): newitem = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item) self.diag.table.setItem(m, n, newitem) newitem.setBackground(self.tableCols[m]) #Add Header self.diag.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(horHeaders) #Adjust size of Table self.diag.table.resizeRowsToContents() #============================================================================== # Update the user interface #============================================================================== def updateUI(self,ims,eggRotBBox, eggBoxPoints): self.imImport() self.diag.imv.setImage(self.compSeq) self.importOpenCVROIs(eggRotBBox, eggBoxPoints) self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() self.updateOpenCVEggROINewEmbryo() # Add the ROI to ImageItem #self.diag.imv.addItem(self.roi) #============================================================================== # Deal with data from the dataHandling class #============================================================================== def formatSequence(self,ims): # Format seq appropriately for pyqtgraph ROIs self.tSeqd = np.zeros_like(ims) for l in range(len(self.tSeqd)): self.tSeqd[l] = ims[l].T #============================================================================== # Get folders for a particular embryo #============================================================================== def getEmbryoFolders(self, parentPath, embryo): self.parentPath = parentPath self.embryo = embryo self.embryoFolders = glob.glob(parentPath + "*/" + embryo +"/") self.embryoFolders.sort(key=os.path.getctime) #============================================================================== # Get image #============================================================================== def imImport(self): for f in range(len(self.eggUIimPaths)): im = cv2.imread(self.eggUIimPaths[f],cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH) ran = (im.max()-im.min())/255. out = (im/ran) out = out-out.min() self.compSeq[int(f)] = out.astype(np.uint8) self.compSeq[f] = self.compSeq[f].T #============================================================================== # Update image iteratively when slider moved #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # def updateImage(self): # self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() # #self.UI.compSeq[e*len(self.eggIDIms):(e*len(self.eggIDIms)+len(self.eggIDIms))] = self.seq # #self.UI.comp(self.imImport(self.diag.imv.currentIndex())) # im = cv2.imread(self.eggUIimPaths[self.diag.imv.currentIndex],cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH) # ran = (im.max()-im.min())/255. # out = (im/ran) # out = out-out.min() # self.compSeq[self.diag.imv.currentIndex] = out.astype(np.uint8) # self.diag.imv.setImage(self.compSeq.T) # # #======== #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ROI functions #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # Import OpenCV determined ROIs from dataHandling instance. Called from showUI and updateUI. #============================================================================== def importOpenCVROIs(self,eggRotBBox, eggBoxPoints): self.eggRotBBox = eggRotBBox self.eggBoxPoints = eggBoxPoints self.originalEggRotBBox = eggRotBBox.copy() self.originalEggBoxPoints = eggBoxPoints.copy() #============================================================================== # Get index values for ROI data. #============================================================================== def getSeqValsAndCurrROI(self): # Calculate the indices for current frame if self.eggInt != 1234: self.divVal = self.diag.imv.currentIndex/float(len(self.eggRotBBox[1])) self.intDivVal = int(self.divVal) self.withinSeqVal = int((self.divVal - self.intDivVal)*len(self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal])) self.currROI_eggRotBBox = self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] self.currROI_eggBoxPoints = self.eggBoxPoints[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] else: self.divVal = self.diag.imv.currentIndex self.intDivVal = int(self.divVal) self.currROI_eggRotBBox = self.eggRotBBox[0,self.intDivVal] self.currROI_eggBoxPoints = self.eggBoxPoints[0,self.intDivVal] #============================================================================== # Generate a pyqtgraph ROI, using data from OpenCV. #============================================================================== def createOpenCVEggROI(self): # Get relevant sequence position and ROI. self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() if (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[0] != 'nan'): # 0 or 90 degree angles seem very buggy. Shift to 1 and 89 as a bodge fix. if self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -90: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -89 # Get rotated bounding box points ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) elif self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -0: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -1 ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) elif self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -180: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -179 ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) else: # Get rotated bounding box points ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] # Make ROI - note non 0,or 90 degree angles, require different of the X size # Rectangular ROI used to enable more easy handling of corner handles for tracking user chagnges. if (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -90.0) | (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -0.0)| (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == 0.0): self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # Debug # print 'no angle' else: # Random angle ROIs self.roi = pg.ROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) self.roi.setAngle(self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4], update=True) # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # Add handles self.roi.addRotateHandle([1, 0],[0.5,0.5]) self.roi.addRotateHandle([0, 1], [0.5,0.5]) self.roi.addScaleHandle([1, 1], [0, 0]) self.roi.addScaleHandle([0, 0], [1, 1]) self.roi.setPen('y',width=3) self.roi.removable self.roi.invertible = 'True' # Make var for dealing with modifications to roi self.updatedEggROI=[] self.roi.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(self.updateROI) #else: #============================================================================== # Update the ROI for current embryo. #============================================================================== def updateOpenCVEggROICurrEmbryo(self): # Remove previous if (hasattr(self, 'roi')): self.diag.imv.removeItem(self.roi) # Get relevant video position and ROI. self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() # 0 or 90 degree angles seem very buggy. Shift to 1 and 89 as a bodge fix. if self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -90: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -89 # Get rotated bounding box points ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) elif self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -0: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -1 ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) elif self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -180: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -179 ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) else: # Get rotated bounding box points ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] # Make ROI - note non 0,or 90 degree angles, require different of the X size # Rectangular ROI used to enable more easy handling of corner handles for tracking user chagnges. if (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -90.0) | (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -0.0)| (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == 0.0): self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # Debug # print 'no angle' else: # Random angle ROIs self.roi = pg.ROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) self.roi.setAngle(self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4], update=True) # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # Add handles self.roi.addRotateHandle([1, 0],[0.5,0.5]) self.roi.addRotateHandle([0, 1], [0.5,0.5]) self.roi.addScaleHandle([1, 1], [0, 0]) self.roi.addScaleHandle([0, 0], [1, 1]) self.roi.setPen('y',width=3) self.roi.removable self.roi.invertible = 'True' # Make var for dealing with modifications to roi self.updatedEggROI=[] ### Still to do... self.diag.imv.addItem(self.roi) self.roi.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(self.updateROI) #============================================================================== # Update ROI for new embryo. #============================================================================== def updateOpenCVEggROINewEmbryo(self): # Remove old ROI if (hasattr(self, 'roi')): self.diag.imv.removeItem(self.roi) # Get relevant video position and ROI self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() # 0 or 90 degree angles seem very buggy. Shift to 1 and 89 as a bodge fix. if self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -90: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -89 # Get rotated bounding box points ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) elif self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -0: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -1 ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) elif self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -180: #self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] = -179 ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) else: # Get rotated bounding box points ySorted = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.currROI_eggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # Get bottom most bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] (bl, br) = bottomMost # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] # Make ROI - note non 0,or 90 degree angles, require different of the X size # Rectangular ROI used to enable more easy handling of corner handles for tracking user chagnges. if (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -90.0) | (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == -0.0)| (self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4] == 0.0): self.roi = pg.ROI([bl[0], bl[1]], [self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # Debug # print 'no angle' else: # Random angle ROIs self.roi = pg.ROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2], self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]]) self.roi.setAngle(self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4], update=True) # Add handles self.roi.addRotateHandle([1, 0],[0.5,0.5]) self.roi.addRotateHandle([0, 1], [0.5,0.5]) self.roi.addScaleHandle([1, 1], [0, 0]) self.roi.addScaleHandle([0, 0], [1, 1]) self.roi.setPen('y',width=3) self.roi.removable self.roi.invertible = 'True' # Make var for dealing with modifications to roi self.updatedEggROI=[] ### Still to do... self.diag.imv.addItem(self.roi) self.roi.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(self.updateROI) #============================================================================== # Update ROI. #============================================================================== def updateROI(self): #global vidTime, xyPosHandles, ellipse, changeAngle, roiChanges,updatedEggROI, changeX, changeY, changeScaleX, changeScaleY, changeAngle # Get changes to ROI scale, angle and position roiChanges = self.roi.getGlobalTransform() changeX = -roiChanges.getTranslation()[0] changeY = roiChanges.getTranslation()[1] changeScaleX = roiChanges.getScale()[0] changeScaleY = roiChanges.getScale()[1] changeAngle = roiChanges.getAngle() # Update ROI, either updating the previously updated or taking the unaltered ROI from OpenCV as a starting point. #if len(self.updatedEggROI) == 0: self.updatedEggROI = (((self.currROI_eggRotBBox[0]-changeX),(self.currROI_eggRotBBox[1]+changeY)),((max((self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]*changeScaleX),(self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2]*changeScaleY))),(min((self.currROI_eggRotBBox[3]*changeScaleX),(self.currROI_eggRotBBox[2]*changeScaleY)))),self.currROI_eggRotBBox[4]+changeAngle) #else: #self.updatedEggROI = (((self.updatedEggROI[0][0]-changeX),(self.updatedEggROI[0][1]+changeY)),((max((self.updatedEggROI[1][0]*changeScaleX),(self.updatedEggROI[1][1]*changeScaleY))),(min((self.updatedEggROI[1][0]*changeScaleX),(self.updatedEggROI[1][1]*changeScaleY)))),self.updatedEggROI[2]+changeAngle) hh = self.roi.getHandles() hh = [self.roi.mapToItem(self.diag.imv.getImageItem(), h.pos()) for h in hh] # Handle on each corner. Get handle positions self.xyPosHandles =[] for h in hh: self.xyPosHandles.append([h.x(),h.y()]) (eggBBX, eggBBY), (eggBBW, eggBBH), eggBBAng = cv2.minAreaRect(np.array(self.xyPosHandles, dtype=np.int32) ) if eggBBAng == -90: eggBBAng = -89 elif eggBBAng == -180: eggBBAng = -179 elif eggBBAng == -0: eggBBAng = -1 # Save updated # If more than one frame eggID per sequence.. if self.eggInt != 1234: self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] = [eggBBX, eggBBY, eggBBW, eggBBH, eggBBAng] self.eggBoxPoints[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] = cv2.boxPoints(((eggBBX, eggBBY), (eggBBW, eggBBH), eggBBAng)) # Otherwise just save simply else: self.eggRotBBox[0,self.intDivVal] = [eggBBX, eggBBY, eggBBW, eggBBH, eggBBAng] self.eggBoxPoints[0,self.intDivVal] = cv2.boxPoints(((eggBBX, eggBBY), (eggBBW, eggBBH), eggBBAng)) #============================================================================== # Copy ROI on button click. #============================================================================== def cpROI(self): self.originalEggRotBBox = self.currROI_eggRotBBox self.originalEggBoxPoints = self.currROI_eggBoxPoints #============================================================================== # Assign nan to current ROI if 'No Egg' button clicked #============================================================================== def recordNoEgg(self): # Remove ROI self.diag.imv.removeItem(self.roi) # Store nans in place of ROI if self.eggInt != 1234: self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] self.eggBoxPoints[0,self.intDivVal] = [np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan] else: self.eggBoxPoints[0,self.intDivVal] = [np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan] self.eggRotBBox[0,self.intDivVal] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] #============================================================================== # Copy ROI on button click. #============================================================================== def applyCopiedROI(self): self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() # Store copied ROI to embryo sequence ROIs if self.eggInt != 1234: self.divVal = self.diag.imv.currentIndex/float(len(self.eggRotBBox[1])) self.intDivVal = int(self.divVal) self.withinSeqVal = int((self.divVal - self.intDivVal)*len(self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal])) self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] = self.originalEggRotBBox self.eggBoxPoints[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] = self.originalEggBoxPoints else: self.divVal = self.diag.imv.currentIndex self.intDivVal = int(self.divVal) self.eggRotBBox[0,self.intDivVal] = self.originalEggRotBBox self.eggBoxPoints[0,self.intDivVal] = self.originalEggBoxPoints self.updateOpenCVEggROICurrEmbryo() #============================================================================== # #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # Close button - not implemented (hidden) #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # def closeEvent(self, event): # # quit_msg = "Are you sure you want to exit the program?" # reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message', # quit_msg, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) # # if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: # #event.accept() # app.quit() # else: # event.ignore() # #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # #self.originalEggRotBBox = eggRotBBox.copy() # #self.originalEggBoxPoints = eggBoxPoints.copy() # #self.currROI_eggRotBBox = self.eggRotBBox[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] # #self.currROI_eggBoxPoints = self.eggBoxPoints[self.intDivVal,self.withinSeqVal] # # # Modified version of updateOpenCVEggROICurrEmbryo # # Remove previous # self.diag.imv.removeItem(self.roi) # # Get relevant video position and ROI. # self.getSeqValsAndCurrROI() # # Get rotated bounding box points # ySorted = self.originalEggBoxPoints[np.argsort(self.originalEggBoxPoints[:, 1]), :] # # Get bottom most, and top most sorted corner points # bottomMost = ySorted[:2, :] # topMost = ySorted[2:, :] # # Get bottom most # bottomMost = bottomMost[np.argsort(bottomMost[:, 1]), :] # (bl, br) = bottomMost # # Use bottom-left coordinate as anchor to calculate the Euclidean distance between the # # The point with the largest distance will be our bottom-right point # D = dist.cdist(bl[np.newaxis], topMost, "euclidean")[0] # (tl, tr) = topMost[np.argsort(D)[::-1], :] # # Make ROI - note non 0,or 90 degree angles, require different of the X size # # Rectangular ROI used to enable more easy handling of corner handles for tracking user chagnges. # if (self.originalEggRotBBox[4] == -90.0) | (self.originalEggRotBBox[4] == -0.0)| (self.originalEggRotBBox[4] == 0.0): # self.roi = pg.ROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [self.originalEggRotBBox[2], self.originalEggRotBBox[3]]) # # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # else: # # Random angle ROIs # self.roi = pg.ROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-self.originalEggRotBBox[2], self.originalEggRotBBox[3]]) # self.roi.setAngle(self.originalEggRotBBox[4], update=True) # # roi = pg.EllipseROI([bottomMost[0][0], bottomMost[0][1]], [-eggRotBBox[vidTime][2], eggRotBBox[vidTime][3]]) # # Add handles # self.roi.addRotateHandle([1, 0],[0.5,0.5]) # self.roi.addRotateHandle([0, 1], [0.5,0.5]) # self.roi.addScaleHandle([1, 1], [0, 0]) # self.roi.addScaleHandle([0, 0], [1, 1]) # self.roi.setPen('y',width=3) # self.roi.removable # self.roi.invertible = 'True' # # Make var for dealing with modifications to roi # self.updatedEggROI=[] # ### Still to do... # self.diag.imv.addItem(self.roi) # self.roi.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(self.updateROI) #============================================================================== #===============
import pygame from pygame.sprite import Sprite class Coins(Sprite): """Coins""" def __init__(self, hub, x, y, name='coin', state='floating'): super().__init__() # Values = name self.hub = hub self.original_pos = [x, y] self.rest_height = y self.rest_x = x self.velY = 0 self.upwards = True self.state = state self.scale = (30, 50) self.scale2 = (14, 50) self.scale3 = (4, 50) # Screen Camera self.screen = self.hub.main_screen self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect() = # Images self.index = 0 self.change_freq = 120 self.player_clock = pygame.time.get_ticks() + self.change_freq self.frameRate = 30 self.clock = pygame.time.get_ticks() + self.frameRate self.image_index = [pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/coin1.png"), pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/coin2.png"), pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/coin3.png"), pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/coin2.png")] self.image_index[0] = pygame.transform.scale(self.image_index[0], self.scale) self.image_index[1] = pygame.transform.scale(self.image_index[1], self.scale2) self.image_index[2] = pygame.transform.scale(self.image_index[2], self.scale3) self.image_index[3] = pygame.transform.scale(self.image_index[3], self.scale2) self.resting_index = [pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/CoinForBlackBG.png"), pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/CoinForBlackBG1.png"), pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/CoinForBlackBG2.png"), pygame.image.load("imgs/Items/CoinForBlackBG1.png")] for i in range(len(self.resting_index)): self.resting_index[i] = pygame.transform.scale(self.resting_index[i], self.scale) if self.state == "floating": self.image = self.image_index[self.index] else: self.image = self.resting_index[self.index] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = self.original_pos[0] self.rect.y = self.original_pos[1] def draw(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) def update(self): self.check_state() def check_state(self): if self.state == "floating": self.start_anim() elif self.state == "resting": self.resting() def start_anim(self): """Starts coin spin animation""" self.velY = 5 if self.rect.y == (self.rest_height - 60): self.upwards = False if self.upwards: self.rect.y -= self.velY else: self.rect.y += self.velY # start timer if pygame.time.get_ticks() > self.player_clock: self.player_clock = pygame.time.get_ticks() + self.change_freq if self.index == 0: self.original_pos[0] += 8 elif self.index == 1: self.original_pos[0] += 5 elif self.index == 2: self.original_pos[0] -= 5 elif self.index == 3: self.original_pos[0] -= 8 self.index += 1 self.index %= len(self.image_index) self.image = self.image_index[self.index] if self.rect.y == self.rest_height: self.hub.gamemode.coins += 1 self.hub.gamemode.check_coins() self.hub.gamemode.score += 200 self.kill() def resting(self): """Starts coin rest animation""" # start timer if pygame.time.get_ticks() > self.player_clock: self.player_clock = pygame.time.get_ticks() + self.change_freq self.index += 1 self.index %= len(self.resting_index) self.image = self.resting_index[self.index]
""" These methods can be called inside WebCAT to determine which tests are loaded for a given section/exam pair. This allows a common WebCAT submission site to support different project tests """ def section(): # Instructor section (instructor to change before distribution) #return 8527 #return 8528 return 8529 def exam(): # A or B exam (instructor to change to match specific project distribution return "A" #return "B"
""" PermCheck Check whether array A is a permutation. Task description A non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given. A permutation is a sequence containing each element from 1 to N once, and only once. For example, array A such that: A[0] = 4 A[1] = 1 A[2] = 3 A[3] = 2 is a permutation, but array A such that: A[0] = 4 A[1] = 1 A[2] = 3 is not a permutation, because value 2 is missing. The goal is to check whether array A is a permutation. Write a function: def solution(A) that, given a zero-indexed array A, returns 1 if array A is a permutation and 0 if it is not. For example, given array A such that: A[0] = 4 A[1] = 1 A[2] = 3 A[3] = 2 the function should return 1. Given array A such that: A[0] = 4 A[1] = 1 A[2] = 3 the function should return 0. Assume that: N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000]. Complexity: expected worst-case time complexity is O(N); expected worst-case space complexity is O(N), beyond input storage (not counting the storage required for input arguments). Elements of input arrays can be modified. """ def solution(A): # write your code in Python 2.7 s = set(A) N_set = len(s) #O(n) N = len(A) if N != N_set: return 0 sum_N = N*(N+1)/2 #O(1) sum_A = sum(A) #O(n) return 1 if sum_N == sum_A else 0
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ CLI for Accessing Deenis """ # Standard Imports import sys from pathlib import Path # Module Imports import click # Path Fixes working_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent sys.path.append(str(working_dir)) # Project Imports from deenis import Deenis help=( "Deenis can be used to group and automate boring DNS tasks. For example, " "`host` can take a hostname, IPv4 Address, and IPv6 Address, and create " "forward A & AAAA, and reverse PTR records (4 actions) with a single command." ) ) def add_records(): """Click Command Group Definition""" # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass # Dear Pylint: This is how Click likes to do things. Get over it bruh. pass @add_records.command("host", help="Add a Host Record") @click.option("-c", "--config-file", "config_file", help="Path to YAML Config File") @click.option("-4", "--ipv4-address", "ipv4", default=None, help="IPv4 Address") @click.option("-6", "--ipv6-address", "ipv6", default=None, help="IPv6 Address") @click.option("-f", "--fqdn", "fqdn", required=True, help="FQDN") def host(**click_input): """Add host records from CLI""" if not click_input["config_file"]: config_path = Path.cwd().joinpath("deenis.yaml") if not config_path.exists(): raise click.UsageError( ( f"Config file not specified and not found at {config_path}. " "Please specify a config file path." ), fg="red", bold=True, ) ) elif click_input["config_file"]: config_path = Path().resolve(click_input["config_file"]) if not click_input["ipv4"] and not click_input["ipv6"]: raise click.UsageError("At least one IP Address is required", fg="red", bold=True) ) try: responses = Deenis(str(config_path)).AddHost( { "hostname": click_input["fqdn"], "ipv4": click_input["ipv4"], "ipv6": click_input["ipv6"], } ) if responses: for res in responses: status, record_record, record, target, errors = res if status == "Success": click.echo( "Added " +, fg="green", bold=True) + " Record for " +, fg="yellow", bold=True) + " Pointing to " +, fg="blue", bold=True) ) elif status == "Failure": click.echo( "Error Adding " +, fg="magenta", bold=True) + " Record for " +, fg="cyan", bold=True) + " Pointing to " +, fg="red", bold=True) + f"\nErrors:\n" ) for err in errors: click.secho(err, fg="red") if not responses: click.secho("\nNo records were added", fg="magenta", bold=True) except (RuntimeError, AttributeError) as error_exception: raise click.UsageError(, fg="red", bold=True)) @add_records.command("tenant", help="Bulk Add PTR Records for a Tenant/Customer") @click.option("-c", "--config-file", "config_file", help="Path to YAML Config File") @click.option( "-i", "--crm-id", "crm_id", default=None, help="Unique Tenant Indentifier" ) @click.option( "-4", "--ipv4-prefix", "prefix4", default=None, help="IPv4 Prefix Assignment" ) @click.option( "-6", "--ipv6-prefix", "prefix6", default=None, help="IPv6 Prefix Assignment" ) @click.option( "-f4", "--ipv4-fqdn", "host4", default=None, help="FQDN for IPv4 PTR Target" ) @click.option( "-f6", "--ipv6-fqdn", "host6", default=None, help="FQDN for IPv6 PTR Target" ) def tenant_reverse(**click_input): """Add Tenant Records from CLI""" if not click_input["config_file"]: config_path = Path.cwd().joinpath("deenis.yaml") if not config_path.exists(): raise click.UsageError( ( f"Config file not specified and not found at {config_path}. " "Please specify a config file path." ), fg="red", bold=True, ) ) elif click_input["config_file"]: config_path = Path().resolve(click_input["config_file"]) if not click_input["prefix4"] and not click_input["prefix6"]: raise click.UsageError("At least one prefix is required", fg="red", bold=True) ) try: responses = Deenis(str(config_path)).TenantReverse( { "crm_id": click_input["crm_id"], "host4": click_input["host4"], "host6": click_input["host6"], "prefix4": click_input["prefix4"], "prefix6": click_input["prefix6"], } ) """ Response format: [ ( 'Success', 'A', '', '', [] ), ( 'Success', 'PTR', '250', '', [] ) ] """ nl = "\n" tab = " " _text = {"fg": "white", "bold": True} _stat_suc = {"fg": "green", "bold": True} _stat_fail = {"fg": "red", "bold": True} _rec_type = {"fg": "yellow", "bold": True} _rec_name = {"fg": "magenta", "bold": True} _rec_trgt = {"fg": "cyan", "bold": True} _error = {"fg": "red"} click.secho(nl + "Records:" + nl, **_text) for res in responses: status, rec_type, rec_name, rec_trgt, errors = res if status == "Success": _status = ("⚡ " + status, _stat_suc) elif status == "Failure": _status = ("☝ " + status, _stat_fail) click.echo( tab +[0], **_status[1]) + nl + tab * 4 +, **_rec_type) +" ⟫ ", **_text) +, **_rec_name) +" ⟩ ", **_text) +, **_rec_trgt) ) if errors: click.echo(tab * 4 +"Errors: ", **_stat_fail)) for err in errors: if isinstance(err, dict): for ename in err.keys(): click.echo( tab * 6 + + ":", **_error) + tab +[ename]), **_error) ) elif isinstance(err, str): click.echo(tab * 4 +, **_error)) except (AttributeError, RuntimeError) as tenant_error: raise click.ClickException(tenant_error) if __name__ == "__main__": add_records()
# # slice paddle model generator # import numpy as np from save_model import saveModel import paddle as pdpd import sys data_type = 'float32' def slice(name : str, x, axes : list, start : list, end : list): pdpd.enable_static() with pdpd.static.program_guard(pdpd.static.Program(), pdpd.static.Program()): node_x ='x', shape=x.shape, dtype = data_type) out = pdpd.fluid.layers.slice(node_x, axes = axes, starts = start, ends = end) cpu = pdpd.static.cpu_places(1) exe = pdpd.static.Executor(cpu[0]) # startup program will call initializer to initialize the parameters. outs = feed={'x': x}, fetch_list=[out]) saveModel(name, exe, feedkeys=['x'], fetchlist=[out], inputs=[x], outputs=[outs[0]], target_dir=sys.argv[1]) return outs[0] def main(): x = np.linspace(1, 60, num = 60, dtype=np.int32).reshape(4, 3, 5).astype(data_type) slice("slice", x, axes=[1, 2], start=(0, 1), end=(-1, 3)) x = np.linspace(1, 60, num = 60, dtype=np.int32).reshape(2, 30).astype(data_type) slice("slice_1d", x, axes=[0], start=[0], end=[1]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()