10 values
Oscar II of Sweden
After 1868 he left military service because of poor health and lived abroad. He was a Russian representative at the wedding of Prince Milan of Serbia and Russian noblewoman Natalia Keshko, in 1875 he was attached to King Oscar II of Sweden during his visitation of Russia. In 1875, he was appointed the head of the Kharkov military district.
Ottoman conquest and Austrian Empire.
Yauyos Province
Der Distrikt San Pedro de Pilas befindet sich in der peruanischen Westkordillere im Westen der Provinz Yauyos. Der Río Omas entwässert das Areal nach Westen zum Pazifischen Ozean.
Tagebau Schöningen
Stardust Promotion
was a Japanese female idol group under the management of Stardust Promotion. They come from the Kansai region. The group was disbanded in May 9, 2021.
フリードリヒ・ヴィルヘルム1世 (メクレンブルク公)
Kamen Rider Fourze
A "Movie War" film, titled was released on December 9, 2017. Along the casts of "Kamen Rider Build" and "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid", Shu Watanabe and Ryosuke Miura ("Kamen Rider OOO"), Sota Fukushi ("Kamen Rider Fourze"), Gaku Sano ("Kamen Rider Gaim"), and Shun Nishime ("Kamen Rider Ghost") reprised their respective roles.
Heller was founded in Paris in 1957 by Léo Jahiel and its first model kit was a 1/100 scale Sud Aviation Caravelle, produced the following year. In 1963, a production facility was established in Trun, Orne.
Янь Сишань
Shanxi Provincial forces closing the Shanxi / Chahar border – Yan Xishan
The island is in length and wide. It is separated from Adak Island to the west by Kagalaska Strait (Aakayuudax̂ in Aleut) which is approximately wide at its narrowest point. Little Tanaga Island is located to the east, across Little Tanaga Strait.
Ubisoft Montreal
Shaun White Skateboarding is a sports video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360. It is a spin-off of the "Shaun White Snowboarding" duology.
Miller Valley () is a small ice-free valley between Drury Ridge and Brown Ridge in the Neptune Range, Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica. it was mapped by the United States Geological Survey from surveys and U.S. Navy air photos, 1956–66, and was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names for Lieutenant Donald R. Miller, an LC-47 pilot with U.S. Navy Squadron VX-6, who flew logistical support for the Neptune Range field party in 1963–64.
劇中故事圍繞着山下智久、香里奈和戶田惠梨香的三角關係進行。在劇中飾演主角前女友的長澤雅美前一次演出月九劇已是6年前的《求婚大作戰》,當時跟山下智久飾演情侶,長澤因此表示「相當懷念」。此外,飾演CAFE & Bar店長的是繼1996年的《》後,相隔17年半再次出演月九劇,也是首次跟山下智久和飾演他妻子的板谷由夏等人同台演出。
About 20 minutes walk from Taga Taisha-mae Station on the Ohmi Railway Taga Line, or about 10 minutes by bus from Minami-Hikone Station on the JR West Biwako Line.
John Steinbeck fellowship
September 16, 2010 Shore conducted the RSO Vienna (Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra) which performed "In Dreams from The Fellowship of the Ring" at Hollywood in Vienna in Vienna, Austria.
Short track speed skating at the Winter Universiade
2007 Pan American Games - Events
Aaron Sorkin
Golgi apparatus
Bunyaviruses replicate in the cytoplasm, while the viral proteins transit through the ER and Golgi apparatus. Mature virions bud from the Golgi apparatus into vesicles which are transported to the cell surface.
1905年夏にはアルメニア革命連盟支持者として、ロシア社会民主労働党のセルゲイ・ルカシンと紙上で論争を行っている。しかし、これがきっかけでミャスニコフは、翌1906年6月に社会民主主義者に転向した(その後、ミャスニコフは1910年代までロシア社会民主労働党とアルメニア社会民主労働者協会 () の両党に属した)。
Ohmi Railway
Ohmi Railway Taga Line
Capital punishment
Capital punishment in Britain
Coat of arms of Spanish Sahara.
Hermitian adjoint
は内積 を備えるヒルベルト空間とし、連続線型作用素 (線型作用素に対して、連続性はそれが有界作用素であることと同値)を考えるとき、 の随伴作用素 は、
Barbed wire
Barbed wire for agriculture use is typically double-strand -gauge, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel and comes in rolls of length. Barbed wire is usually placed on the inner (pasture) side of the posts. Where a fence runs between two pastures livestock could be with the wire on the outside or on both sides of the fence.
辽朝 (916-1125年).
Church of the Intercession
Церковь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы (Покровское)
Аргентинский «Сан-Лоренсо де Альмагро» начинал свой легендарный европейский тур с матча на «Метрополитано», в котором 23 декабря 1946 года разгромил «Атлетико» со счётом 4:1.
Alismatidae in the Cronquist system.
Uyghur Khaganate (8th–9th centuries).
In Summer 2006 Jewel & Blaire were cast as sisters Khristy & Maggie for the feature film "The Legend of Sasquatch", starring William Hurt and John Rhys-Davies.
Lihulõpe is a village in Haljala Parish, Lääne-Viru County, in northeastern Estonia.
Геоморфологическая область Талыш охватывает Талышские горы (горная система Талыш, Пештясяр и Буровар) и Лянкяранскую низменность. Имеются широкие впадины (Ярдымлы, Зувард), морские террасы оползни. Речная сеть довольно плотная. Подобласть делится на такие геоморфологические районы, как Лянкяран, Ярдымлы, Буровар, Пештясяр, Зувард и Талыш.
Addition of both CYP79A1 and CYP71E1 into the genomes of "Arabidopsis thaliana" and "Nicotiana tabacum" has been shown to be sufficient for Dhurrin production to occur. Both of these enzymes are sufficient and necessary for Dhurrin production, as removal of the CYP79A1 gene from the "Sorghum bicolor" genome results in plants lacking dhurrin content. This strain could theoretically be used as a safer crop for fodder in arid environments where sorghum is the only available grain. "In vitro" biosynthesis of dhurrin has been constructed in both microsomes recovered from "Sorghum bicolor" seedlings and in micelles.
Португальская Гвинея
Декретом правительства Португалии от 18 сентября 1913 года № 141 с 1 января 1914 года на португальские колонии (Кабо-Верде, Португальская Гвинея, Сан-Томе и Принсипи, Ангола и Мозамбик) было распространено действие декрета от 22 мая 1911 года о введении вместо реала новой денежной единицы — эскудо (1000 реалов = 1 эскудо).
Patients Beyond Borders (book)
هارلم غلوبتروترز
The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island
On 20 July 2017, Tayyebi signed with Qatar SC.
Best practice and cost effectiveness.
An anime adaptation, produced by Hoods Entertainment and directed by Ayumu Watanabe, aired from April 6 to June 29, 2014 on Tokyo MX and later on Sun TV, TV Aichi, BS11 and AT-X. NIS America simulcasted the series on Crunchyroll with English subtitles. The opening theme song is by Aoi Yūki, while the ending theme song is by Yell, a group composed of Ibuki Kido, Ai Kayano, Kana Asumi, Kana Hanazawa, Yōko Hikasa and Ayaka Suwa.
Tomáš Berdych "(Third round)"
Uyghur Khaganate
Throughout its history, the term "Uyghur" has had an increasingly expansive definition. Initially signifying only a small coalition of Tiele tribes in Northern China, Mongolia and the Altai Mountains, it later denoted citizenship in the Uyghur Khaganate. Finally, it was expanded into an ethnicity whose ancestry originates with the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate in the year 842, causing Uyghur migration from Mongolia into the Tarim Basin.
[[Image:Capsicum annuum.JPG|right|thumb|"[[Capsicum annuum]]" cultivars]]
Цайдам — топоним. Может означать:
Подчиняется административному округу Верхняя Бавария. Входит в состав района Ландсберг-на-Лехе. Население составляет 1670 человек (на 31 декабря 2010 года). Занимает площадь 23,33 км². Официальный код — "09 1 81 120".
Jack Kerouac
Writer Jack Kerouac details his experiences with delirium tremens in his book "Big Sur".
角田信朗 〜傾いて候〜 よっしゃあ!
Adirondack Mountains
The village slogan, which reflects Croghan's proximity to the Adirondack Mountains, is "In the Foothills of the Adirondacks".
Протесты против строительства трубопровода Dakota Access, также известные под хештегом #NoDAPL — это местное движение, которое началось в начале 2016 года в ответ на утверждение строительства компанией на севере США. Трубопровод был спроектирован, чтобы проходить от нефтяных месторождений Баккен в западной части Северной Дакоты до южного Иллинойса, пересекая реки Миссури и Миссисипи, а также под частью озера Оахе возле индейской резервации Стэндинг-Рок. Многие в племени Стэндинг-Рок считают, что трубопровод и его предполагаемое пересечение реки Миссури, представляет угрозу для чистой воды в регионе и для древних могильников. В апреле старейшина народа сиу в Стэндинг-Рок создала лагерь в качестве центра для сохранения культуры и духовного сопротивления трубопроводу; в течение лета лагерь вырос до тысячи человек.
Roberto Donadoni
On January 18, 2009, Arai shocked everyone when he joined the heel group Real Hazard, turning heel for the first time since 1998. It came about when he came to the ring seemingly to assist Yasushi Kanda from suffering a beatdown from Real Hazard, after he lost a Real Hazard banishment match to Gamma, but instead, he joined the group, and then he joined Kanda and the other group members in beating down and ousting Gamma. He adopted a violent fight style and also re-introduced the alcoholic aspect of his character, carrying large amounts of alcohol bottles to the ring, which he used in his matches.
East Africa
They played their first matches against Canada in 1974, losing a three-day match but winning the limited overs match. They played home internationals against East Africa and Sri Lanka, beating East Africa. They toured East Africa the following year, drawing with both East Africa and Kenya.
Uspenskoye, Krasnodar Krai
Exclusion Crisis
The idea behind establishing Space Shower TV was to create a specialized music channel like MTV in Japan. The purpose was to make it a strictly music channel providing quality content that would meet the standards of a true music fan.
Columbia Records and Warner Bros. Records.
The Top Bet ( Literal translation: "Queen of Gambling") is a 1991 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Jeffrey Lau and Corey Yuen and starring Carol Cheng, Anita Mui and Ng Man-tat. It is a sequel to Lau and Yuen's 1990 film "All for the Winner".
بريطانيا الرومانية
لوندينيوم (Londinium) هي مدينة تأسست في الموقع الحالي لحي السيتي حوالي عام 43 بعد الميلاد. جسورها على نهر التايمز حوَّلت المدينة إلى حلقة وصل وميناء كبير، كانت المدينة بمثابة مركز تجاري كبير في بريطانيا الرومانية حتى تم التخلي عنها خلال القرن الخامس.
ظهرت أغنية "بطريقة أو بأخرى (ركلات المراهقة)" لأول مرة في المرتبة الأولى على تصنيف المملكة المتحدة للأغاني المنفردة، مما يجعلها ثالث رقم واحد بالمملكة المتحدة لفرقة ون دايركشن. تم ترشيح الأغنية لأفضل أغنية منفردة بريطانية في حفل توزيع جوائز بريت 2014.
École des hautes études commerciales de Paris
Prot was born 24 May 1951. He graduated from HEC Paris in 1972 and from the École nationale d'administration in 1976.
The Neipi Beach () is a beach in Su'ao Township, Yilan County, Taiwan facing the Pacific Ocean.
الجامعة اللبنانية
ترجع نشأة مكتبات الجامعة اللبنانية إلى عام 1951، وتضم الجامعة اللبنانية اليوم 62 مكتبة موزعة على مختلف الفروع والكليات على امتداد الاراضي اللبنانية.
عُرض الفيلم لأول مرة في مهرجان تورونتو السينمائي الدولي في 7 سبتمبر 2018.
Supreme Council for National Reconstruction
Initially, a new administration was formed from among those military officers who supported Park. The reformist military Supreme Council for National Reconstruction was nominally led by General Chang. Following Chang's arrest in July 1961, Park took overall control of the council. The coup was largely welcomed by a general populace exhausted by political chaos. Although Prime Minister Chang and United States Army General Carter Magruder resisted the coup efforts, President Yun sided with the military and persuaded the United States Eighth Army and the commanders of various ROK army units not to interfere with the new government. Soon after the coup, Park was promoted to Lieutenant General. The South Korean historian Hwang Moon Kyung described Park's rule as very "militaristic", noting right from the start Park aimed to mobilize South Korean society along "militaristically disciplined lines". One of Park's very first acts upon coming to power was a campaign to "clean up" the streets by arresting and putting to work all street kids and vagrants.
The name was later used for a character in Richard Wagner's opera cycle "Der Ring des Nibelungen".
Michael Collins (footballer, born 1986)
The airport is owned by the Chilean government and has been operated since October 2015 by "Nuevo Pudahuel", a consortium of companies formed by Aéroports de Paris (France), Vinci (France) and Astaldi (Italy). Air traffic control is handled by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
Saints Cyril and Methodius
Saints Cyril and Methodius (disambiguation)
وفي أوائل القرن السادس الهجري ثار سكان صفرو على دولة الموحدين . وقد أخمد هذه الثورة إسماعيل إيكيك بن يسلالي الهزرجي وقد كان من طلبة المهدي ابن تومرت.
Zhu Tao (朱滔) (died 785), formally the Prince of Tongyi (通義王), was a general of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty who initially served imperial causes during the reigns of Emperor Daizong and Emperor Dezong, but later turned against imperial rule in alliance with Wang Wujun, Tian Yue, and Li Na. Eventually, when his brother Zhu Ci rebelled at the Tang capital Chang'an and claimed imperial title, Zhu Tao became his crown prince, but after Zhu Ci was defeated and killed in 784, Zhu Tao submitted to Emperor Dezong again.
Summer Offensive of 1947 in Northeast China
Los Angeles
West Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Alfred Arthur Cox (architect) designed a new Sunday school and parish hall, 1902–03.
The piece was premiered on 19 March 1910 in Budapest by the Waldbauer-Kerpely Quartet, two days after Bartók played the piano with them in a concert dedicated to the music of Zoltán Kodály. It was first published in 1911 in Hungary.
Madre de la Iglesia
In 2018, Pope Francis decreed that the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church be inserted into the Roman Calendar on the Monday after Pentecost (also known as Whit Monday) and to be celebrated every year.
Safwan Air Base is a former Iraqi Air Force base in the Basra Governorate of Iraq. It was captured by Coalition forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.
Graham Bonnet
Blackthorne was an American hard rock project, that involved Bob Kulick on guitar, Graham Bonnet on vocals, Frankie Banali on drums, Jimmy Waldo on keyboards, and Chuck Wright on bass. The group released the album "Afterlife" through CMC International (US) and Music For Nations (Europe) in 1993.
Site selection
The is a public wholesale fish, fruit, and vegetable market in Narita, Chiba, Japan. It is located near Narita International Airport.
German Democratic Party
The cabinet was once again based on the "Weimar Coalition" of Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Catholic Zentrum and the German Democratic Party (DDP). Fehrenbach's cabinet had been based on the Zentrum, DDP and the German People's Party (DVP).
Old age and pathology.
São Lourenço
São Lourenço dos Órgãos (São Lourenço dos Órgãos)
Jean Malouel, or Jan Maelwael in his native Dutch, ( 1365 – 1415) was a Dutch artist who was the court painter of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy and his successor John the Fearless, working in the International Gothic style.
美網,首輪以3-6, 4-6敗給前冠軍斯维特拉娜·库兹涅佐娃而出局。
Kawado Station was served by the 108.1 km Sankō Line from in Shimane Prefecture to in Hiroshima Prefecture, which closed on 31 March 2018.
Kazuchika Okada
Sabre was announced as a participant of the 2019 G1 Climax. He walked away with 8 points after winning four matches, beating Bad Luck Fale, Will Ospreay, fellow Suzuki Gun stablemate Lance Archer, and Kenta, whilst suffering losses to Kazuchika Okada, Sanada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi, and Evil.
The gameplay has received several major changes as well, including changes to the scheduling of her courses/work, which no longer follows the monthly timeline but follows a more lengthy weekly timeline. More detailed choices are available on how lenient you are on her diet, curfew, allowance and her disposition towards school, people around her, and how she should think. RPG elements have been implemented as well, though nowhere as intensively as "Princess Maker 2", the player can now let his/her daughter go explore in the worlds that are parallel to her own.
Thai Airways
タイ国際航空が発注したボーイング社製航空機の顧客番号(カスタマーコード)はD7で、航空機の形式名は747-4D7, 777-2D7, 777-2D7ER, 777-3D7 などとなる。
Richard Somers (September 15, 1778 – September 4, 1804) was an officer of the United States Navy, killed during an assault on Tripoli during the First Barbary War.
Home (disambiguation)
No Place Like Home (disambiguation)
Pierre Lapin
Peter Rabbit was named after a pet rabbit whom Beatrix Potter had as a child, and whom she called Peter Piper. The first Peter Rabbit story, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", was created in 1893 initially as a letter to Noel Moore, the five-year-old son of Potter's former governess, Annie Moore. The boy was ill, and Potter wrote him a picture and story letter to help him pass the time and to cheer him up. The letter included sketches illustrating the narrative.
Extrême-Orient 1901-1905.
The season is directed by Morio Hatano and written by Reiko Yoshida. Bandai Visual is collecting the series in both DVD and Blu-ray format with each volume containing four episodes. The first volume of "Saint Seiya Omega" was released on August 24, 2012. Two pieces of theme music were used for the season. The first opening theme, used for , is performed by the band MAKE-UP featuring Shoko Nakagawa. The second opening theme, used for beginning with episode 28, is performed by Root Five.
Finns Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikko Hirvonen took a double win for the Ford factory team.
Domingo de Pasión
Domingo de Pasión (V de Cuaresma).
Además de los Nuevos Guerreros, utilizados en el acontecimiento que desencadena la serie, los otros dos grupos de superhéroes adolescentes de Marvel Comics existentes en la época de la publicación de Civil War son los Jóvenes Vengadores y los Runaways. Su participación en la serie tiene lugar en un crossover de 4 números entre ambos grupos, publicado bajo el nombre de "Jóvenes Vengadores & Runaways" y con guiones de Zeb Wells y dibujos de Stefano Caselli. El mismo está situado cronológicamente con posterioridad al primer volumen de los Jóvenes Vengadores, y con posterioridad a la muerte de Gertrude Yorkes en la publicación de los Runaways. Asimismo, está situado entre los números 2 y 3 de Civil War.
While USAF and EPAF customers account for the majority of F-16 sales, the F-16 has also been sold to many other customers under an agreement known as a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.
Situated along the Carpathian Mountains, the village had a population of 6,814 in 2019.
Mohamed Atta
وبحسب ما ورد في تقرير لجنة 11 من سبتمر فإن جواز سفر السقامي وجد من قبل أحد المارة (غير معروف الهوية)، حيث سقط في محيط شارع Vesey، [8] قبل انهيار البرجين. (وذكرت العديد من وكالات الأنباء عن طريق الخطأ أن جواز السفر يعود إلى محمد عطا.)
The following is a list of ecoregions in Turkey as identified by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
Ded Moroz
Als Großmütterchen Katarina für sich und Großväterchen Jeremej Holz im Wald sucht, trifft sie die Eisfee Ljuba, eine Enkelin von Väterchen Frost, und nimmt sie sogleich als Enkelin auf; fleißig hilft diese sogleich im Haushalt mit.
In addition, Deer Creek is a refugial stronghold for spring-run Chinook salmon ("Oncorhynchus tshawytscha"), and the stream supports Central Valley anadromous steelhead trout ("Oncorhynchus mykiss"), fall-run Chinook salmon, late-fall-run Chinook salmon, and Pacific lamprey ("Entosphenus tridentatus"). Historically, spring-run Chinook salmons populations averaged around 2,800, but numbers began to decline in the 1980s to the low hundreds.
Виллем I
In The Hague, on 14 September 1830 Albert married Princess Marianne, daughter of King William I of the Netherlands. The marriage was dissolved on 28 March 1849. They had five children:
Католический приход в Берестовице был создан в 1495 году. В 1506 году король польский и Великий князь литовский Александр Ягеллончик за заслуги перед родиной передал Берестовицу вместе с рядом других поместий Александру Ходкевичу, потомки которого владели имением ещё много лет. В 1549 году Григорий Ходкевич начал здесь строительство дворянской усадьбы.
公益財団法人新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団(しんにほんフィルハーモニーこうきょうがくだん、New Japan Philharmonic)は、日本のオーケストラ。日本オーケストラ連盟正会員。
Battle of Adwa
Giuseppe Galliano (Vicoforte, 27 September 1846 – Adwa, 1 March 1896) was an officer of the Royal Italian Army, mostly known for his role during the First Italo-Ethiopian War. He perished in the Battle of Adwa and was posthumously awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valour.
Er war Lehrstuhlinhaber für Römisches Recht, Zivilrecht und Strafprozeßrecht
ザ・ハート・ファウンデーション(The Hart Foundation)は、ブレット・ハートを中心にWWF(現・WWE)で活躍したプロレスラーのタッグチーム・ユニットの名称である。メンバーの多くはスチュ・ハートに関連した人物である。
Договор о СНП являлся одним из серии подписанных между СССР/Россией и США договоров по ядерному разоружению, к которым относятся договоры ОСВ-I (1972), по ПРО (1972), ОСВ-II (1979), РСМД (1987), СНВ-1 (1991), СНВ-2 (1993) и СНВ-III (2010).
Netherlands Antilles Championship
Polish diaspora
Полония (тауншип, Миннесота)
Dersu Uzala (; alternate U.S. titles: "With Dersu the Hunter" and "Dersu the Trapper") is a 1923 memoir by the Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev, concerning his travels with the hunter Dersu Uzala.
North Jeolla Province
The Sunchang Gochujang Festival is held annually in Gochujang Village in Sunchang County, North Jeolla Province, South Korea. In 2018, the Sunchang Gochujang Festival took place in October.
Panik Elektro war eine jährlich erscheinende, deutschsprachige Anthologiereihe für Comics. Sie wurde 2003 vom Hamburger Comiczeichner Thomas „Wittek“ Wittke ins Leben gerufen und beim Weimarer Verlag "Schwarzer Turm" veröffentlicht.
Ernest I
Ernest I or Ernst I can refer to:
A club was under formation as of 2006 in Banda Aceh, although this project was ultimately unsuccessful.
Maximilian I
31 мая 1486 года император Священной Римской империи Максимилиан I привел к присяге на верность Филиппа Бургундского в качестве сеньора де Вере.
Ponte Palatino takes its name from the Palatine Hill, at whose slopes the structure rises. The bridge links the Forum Boarium to Piazza Castellani, in front of the Tiber Island; the epithet "English" is due to the left-hand traffic flow that applies on it, just as in the United Kingdom.
King of the Ring
バッド・ブラッド("Bad Blood, Badd Blood")は、アメリカのプロレス団体WWEの主催していたプロレス興行。およびそれを扱ったPPV。過去3回行われ、初開催は1997年。これまで行われてきたキング・オブ・ザ・リングに変わるPPVとして2003年に復活した。しかし、2005年になり毎年7月開催だったヴェンジェンスが6月開催になり、さらに、グレート・アメリカン・バッシュが7月開催になり、ECWワン・ナイト・スタンドが新設されたことにより、2004年を最後に廃止された。また、過去3大会のメイン戦は全て、ヘル・イン・ア・セル戦が行われた。
Lake Geneva
Whitewater-Lake Geneva-Delavan, WI µSA
Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Browning was born in Liverpool, England. He has a Chinese grandfather, making him eligible to play for China national football team. He attended the same school as his Wigan Athletic teammates Lee Nicholls and Jack Phillips.
Tsing Yi Public Library
Adult education
Adult education was the spirit of the movement, and Coady credits Dr. Hugh MacPherson and Rev. Jimmy Tompkins at St. F.X. with their early roles as "pioneer extension workers at the University interested in both adult education and economic cooperation."
Canon law
Canon law of the Catholic Church
Giuseppe Verdi
2010年歌剧季的部分曲目有:理查德·施特劳斯的《莎樂美 (歌劇)》、沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特的《依多美尼歐》、葛塔諾·多尼采蒂的《愛情靈藥》乔治·比才的《卡门》、贾科莫·普契尼的《埃德加(Edgar)》、朱塞佩·威尔第的茶花女 (歌劇)等。
Rugby league
بيل براينت (لاعب دوري الرغبي)
أعلن لي هوانوو، حفيد أول رئيس وزراء سنغافورة، لي كوان يو، وابن أخ رئيس الوزراء الحالي، لي هسين لونغ، عن كونه مثلي الجنس في يوليو 2018.
Aurelian Walls
Southward, the "rione" borders with "Quartiere" Tuscolano (Q. VIII), whose boundary is marked by the portion of the Aurelian Walls between Piazzale Labicano and Piazzale Appio (Porta San Giovanni).
Combat Zone Wrestling (2015–present).
Виндзорские насмешницы
В 1970 году по предложению Анатолия Смелянского переехал в Горький, где в 1970—1986 годах был главным режиссёром Горьковского ТЮЗа. Первый же его спектакль «Три мушкетёра» стал настоящим культурным событием города. Театр оказался в центре внимания, на его спектакли трудно было достать «лишний билетик». Уделял большое внимание классике, создал на сцене ТЮЗа шекспириану: «Двенадцатая ночь», «Сон в летную ночь», «Виндзорские насмешницы». Ставил современные пьесы. При нём именно в Горьковском ТЮЗе впервые были поставлены многие пьесы А. Вампилова, А. Яковлева, М. Розовского, В. Железнякова. За 15 лет работы в ТЮЗе поставил более 40 спектаклей. Это время в истории театра называется «эпохой Наравцевича».
Фунасси () — неофициальный талисман города Фунабаси, актёр и певец, представляющий из себя Духа груш (наси), или Грушевого эльфа. Дух груш и человек внутри костюма стали одним целым «артистом».
Insulele Britanice
Outside the British Isles.
Potolirea furtunii este una din minunile lui Iisus, consemnată în Evanghelia după Matei (8:23-27), în cea după Marcu (4:35-41) și în cea după Luca (8:22-25).
Ark of the Covenant
According to 2 Maccabees (), the prophet Jeremiah hid the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant in a cave there.
Diana, Princess of Wales interview.
Battle of Kosovo (disambiguation)
2014 Liga Nusantara West Sumatra
Korean language
On January 4, 2011, she married Mexican international football player Rafael Márquez on the beach in Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico.
Dijon FCO
In late June 2015, Jullien was loaned to Dijon FCO in the Ligue 2.
アメリカでは、1964年6月24日にユナイテッド・アーティスツ・レコードより発売されたサウンドトラック・アルバム『A Hard Day's Night (United Artists)』のB面1曲目に収録され、A面4曲目にはジョージ・マーティンがスコアを手がけたオーケストラ・バージョンが収録された。
During the Second World War, Nazi Germany occupied Świecie and annexed it on 8 October 1939, making it the seat of the "Kreis" county of Schwetz. It was administered as part of the Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia. Prominent Poles were arrested using secret politically targeted hit list and murdered using the "Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz" paramilitaries. Local Poles were murdered in large massacres in Świecie, Grupa and Mniszek.
During the Hundred Days' Reform in 1898 Dong Fuxiang, Ma Anliang, and Ma Haiyan were called to Beijing and helped put an end to the reform movement along with Ma Fulu and Ma Fuxiang.
埃爾伍德鎮區 (伊利諾伊州弗米利恩縣)
Postal code
Postal code: 813300; Area code: 0974
Du Chongwei () (died March 13, 948), known as Du Wei () during the reign of Shi Chonggui, was a major general of the Chinese Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period state Later Jin, as a brother-in-law to its founding emperor Shi Jingtang and uncle to Shi Jingtang's successor (adoptive son and biological nephew) Shi Chonggui. He, however, would betray Shi Chonggui and surrender to Later Jin's rival, the Khitan state Liao's Emperor Taizong, hoping that Emperor Taizong would make him the emperor of China, and would later rebel against the succeeding Later Han state's founding emperor Liu Zhiyuan. He eventually surrendered again to Later Han, but was executed at Liu Zhiyuan's directions following Liu Zhiyuan's death. He was one of the reviled figures of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, due to his treachery and mistreatment of the people.
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky
Agony in the Garden
27 — Моление о чаше<br>
Выборы в Верховный Совет СССР состоялись 4 марта 1984 года. Были безальтернативными.
رعاية صحية
6.التزاماتها بالقيام بتوفير خدمات رعاية صحية للمؤمن عليهم بإبرام عقود خدمات صحية مع مقدمي خدمة معتمدين من المجلس.
Forte teaches courses in the area of Political Anthropology, with related courses and seminars on the New Imperialism, Indigenous Resurgence, and Globalization, and additional courses on the Caribbean, Decolonizing Anthropology, New Directions in Anthropology, media ethnographies, visual anthropology, and in the past, cyberspace ethnography. He has won a number of grants and awards, including two awards for excellence in teaching.
Санфречче Хиросима
Он был продан в клуб из элиты «Санфречче Хиросима» в сезоне 2005 года. Он записал в актив два хет-трика и забил 18 голов в сезоне.
Tennessee is included in most definitions of the Bible Belt, and is ranked as one of the nation's most religious states. Several Protestant denominations have their headquarters in Tennessee, including the Southern Baptist Convention and National Baptist Convention (in Nashville); the Church of God in Christ and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (in Memphis); and the Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy (in Cleveland); and the National Association of Free Will Baptists (in Antioch). Nashville has publishing houses of several denominations.
The Verve
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
The Declaration on the Essence of Esperantism (), commonly referred to as the Declaration of Boulogne ("Bulonja Deklaracio"), is a historic document that establishes several important premises for the Esperanto movement. The Declaration was written by L. L. Zamenhof and ratified in 1905 by the attendees of the first World Esperanto Congress, held in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.
Names of Jiang Qing.
Coco Lee
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the original soundtrack album of the 2000 Academy Award- and Golden Globe Award-winning film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" starring Yun-Fat Chow, Michelle Yeoh, Ziyi Zhang and Chen Chang. The score was composed by Tan Dun, originally performed by Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai National Orchestra, and Shanghai Percussion Ensemble. It also features many solo passages for cello played by Yo-Yo Ma. The "last track" ("A Love Before Time") features Coco Lee. The music for the entire film was produced in two weeks.
Mary (mother of Jesus)
و من مريم العذراء وصار إنسانا
Procopius, John of Ephesus, and other contemporary historians recount Kaleb's invasion of Yemen around 520, against the Himyarite king, Yusuf Asar Yathar, known as Dhu Nuwas, a Jew who was persecuting the Christian community of Najran. After much fighting, Kaleb's soldiers eventually routed Yusuf's forces and killed the king, allowing Kaleb to appoint Sumuafa' Ashawa', a native Christian (named Esimiphaios by Procopius), as his viceroy of Himyar.
Georg der Bärtige
Im ersten Drittel des 16. Jahrhunderts war das Brauschenkengut Anlass zum Zitzschewiger Bierstreit zwischen dem "Rat zu Dresden" und dem Meißner Bischof, zu dessen Beilegung Herzog Georg der Bärtige verfügte, dass „neben der Eigenproduktion (aus 50 Scheffeln Gerste) nach eigenem Ermessen Dresdner und Meißner sowie von Donati bis Michaelis (7.8. bis 29.9.) auch Freiberger Bier“ ausgeschenkt werden dürfe.
Senhimes Mutter war Asai O-Gō (). 1598 hatte Toyotomi Hideyoshi auf dem Krankenbett verfügt, dass sein Sohn und Nachfolger Hideyori die Enkelin Ieyasus, Senhime, zur Frau erhalten soll. Um diese Heirat wirklich festzulegen, wurden 1603 die siebenjährige Senhime und der elfjährige Hideyori miteinander verheiratet. Senhime befand sich auf der Burg Ōsaka, als diese von Tokugawa Ieyasu 1615 belagert wurde. Sie konnte aber vor deren Einnahme und Zerstörung der Burg heimlich fliehen. Sie erreichte das Feldlager der Tokugawa, von wo aus sie nach Edo geschickt wurde.
A Farewell to Arms
Après le passage au parlant, il tient encore des seconds rôles de caractère ou des petits rôles non crédités, entre autres dans "L'Adieu aux armes" de Frank Borzage (1932, avec Helen Hayes et Gary Cooper), "Les Croisades" de Cecil B. DeMille (1935, avec Loretta Young et Henry Wilcoxon) et "Les Temps modernes" de Charlie Chaplin (film muet, 1936, avec le réalisateur et Paulette Goddard).
Les Alpes peuvent être subdivisées en trois parties, les Alpes occidentales (de la Méditerranée au mont Blanc), les Alpes centrales (de la Vallée d'Aoste au Brenner) et les Alpes orientales (du Brenner à la Slovénie).
Tokushima Line
ثنائي أكسيد النيتروجين
يُصنف ثنائي أكسيد النيتروجين على أنها مادة خطرة للغاية في الولايات المتحدة كما هو محدد في المادة 302 من الولايات المتحدة التخطيط للطوارئ وحق المجتمع في المعرفة قانون (42 جامعة جنوب كاليفورنيا 11002)، ويخضع لشروط صارمة في التقارير المقدمة من المنشآت التي تنتج أو تتاجر، أو تستخدمه بكميات كبيرة.
The Spanish "Golden Age" politically ends no later than 1659, with the Treaty of the Pyrenees, ratified between France and Habsburg Spain.