10 values
Latin American Episcopal Conference
1972, mit der Wahl Alfonso López Trujillos zum CELAM-Generalsekretär, gewannen konservative Bischöfe an Einfluss. López Trujillo versuchte, durch Statutenänderungen und Umstrukturierungen in den Instituten der CELAM die Befreiungstheologie zurückzudrängen. Mit Bonaventura Kloppenburg ernannte er einen scharfen Kritiker der Befreiungstheologie zum Leiter des IPLA.
The arboretum's plantings include "Acer truncatum", "Aesculus pavia", "Betula nigra", "Cercis canadensis", "Celtis occidentalis", "Chamaecyparis nootkatensis", "Fraxinus pennsylvanica", "Ginkgo biloba", "Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens'," "Juniperus virginiana", "Magnolia grandiflora", "Metasequoia glyptostroboides", "Morus alba 'Chaparral'," "Nyssa sylvatica", "Platanus x acerifolia", "Quercus muehlenbergii", "Quercus nigra", "Quercus shumardii", "Taxodium distichum", and "Ulmus pumila".
Lagrangian point
The “female factories” in Tasmania constituted a system of female convict prisons located in four locations across Van Diemen’s Land, in Hobart, George Town, Launceston and Ross. The latter factories were constructed in the early 1830s to alleviate overcrowding issues within the Cascades Female Factory. Eleanor Casella argues that the design of the female factories were predicated on the thought that convict women could be morally reformed through the prescription of manual labour, thus these institutions were essentially turned into economically productive, government supervised “manufactories”. According to Adrien Howe, the experiences of the convict women in Tasmania’s colony during the nineteenth-century were much more interlinked with the prison institutions then the male convicts, who were largely employed in the construction of infrastructure within the colony. Textile manufacturing was chosen as the primary program to implement within the female factories as, besides being a traditionally gendered industry, it was the most practical to fit within the factory-like atmosphere of the prison. The factory played a multiplicity of roles within Hobart’s society; it functioned as source of labour, a marriage bureau, gaol and hospital. After women had served their sentences, or after periods of nominal good behaviour, they were promoted to a “hiring class” which meant that they were ready to be employed within domestic service, often on farmland, within the hospital or a role within the prison itself. The factory administration was responsible for integrating the female convicts back into society. Today, the Cascades Female Factory remains as a historic site for tourists to explore the heritage of Hobart’s female convict landscape. By 1851, there was a sum of approximately 12,000 convict women that had been transported to the Van Diemen’s Land colony. Casella maintains that contrary to traditional portrayals of these women as “a monolithic bunch of damned whores,” most of them were convicted of petty crime, serving sentences of seven to fourteen years.
Species diversity assigned to different ecological guilds.
End of Mongol rule and Kara Koyunlu-Aq Qoyunlu rivalry.
David Hume was baptised 27 February 1757 at Chirnside, Berwickshire, a son of John Hume of Ninewells (1709–1786) and his wife, Agnes née Carre (1725–1785); he was a nephew of the philosopher David Hume.
In modern-era motorsports, World Rally Championship has seen two very successful Estonian drivers, with Ott Tänak winning the drivers' world title in the 2019 World Rally Championship and Markko Märtin achieving 5 rally victories and finishing 3rd overall in the 2004 World Rally Championship. In circuit racing, Marko Asmer was the first Estonian driver to test a Formula One car in 2003 with Williams Grand Prix Engineering, in other series Sten Pentus, Jüri Vips, and Kevin Korjus (active driver) have enjoyed success on a global scale.
Совет министров СССР
Совет министров СССР (до января 1991 года)
Crim Rocks, Isles of Scilly
People's Volunteer Army
그래서 [[중화인민공화국]]의 [[중국인민지원군]]이 사단급의 병력으로 전쟁에 개입하여 반격해 왔다. 당시 중화인민공화국은 내전이 갓 끝난 상황으로, 대부분의 인민이 극심한 빈곤에 시달리던 시기였으므로 참전자가 매우 많았다.
USS Black Hawk (1848)
In 1945-46 German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun and six others were secretly housed at the Army Intelligence Service post at Fort Strong.
World Bank
Лесото получает экономическую помощь, которую оказывают, в частности, США, Всемирный банк, Ирландия, Великобритания, Европейский союз, Германия.
После Вуэльты он принял участие в первом чемпионате Европы для профессионалов, где занял 26-е место. Завершающей гонкой в сезоне для него стала Джиро ди Ломбардия на которой он занял 16-е место.
Set as a prequel to "", the story focus on Eddie Cantrell, who was captured by the Danish in the confused aftermath the Battle of Wismar depicted in "1633", became involved with the daughter of Christian IV of Denmark.
كارلوس منعم
في أغسطس 2008 تم وضع الرئيس الأرجنتيني السابق كارلوس منعم قيد التحقيق لدوره في الانفجار.
T. S. Eliot included "Private Ortheris's Song" in his 1941 collection "A Choice of Kipling's Verse".
Hòa Hảo
During World War II, the Hòa Hảo supported the Japanese occupation and planned for Cường Để to become Emperor of Vietnam. However, this never happened and the Hòa Hảo came into conflict with the communists both because the Việt Minh were anti-Japanese and because of their Marxist opposition to all religion. During the State of Vietnam (1949–1955), they made arrangements with the Head of State Bảo Đại, much like those made by the Cao Đài religion and the Bình Xuyên gang, which were in control of their own affairs in return for their nominal support of the Bảo Đại regime. In fact, the control of this government by France meant that most Hòa Hảo opposed it.
Guerra de Esmalcalda
Kamenz citizens officially turned Protestant in 1536. In the Schmalkaldic War of 1546/47, the Upper Lusatian towns refused to support the troops of the Habsburg emperor Ferdinand I against the Protestant princes and were penalised with the loss of numerous privileges. The Franciscan convent finally dissolved in 1564.
En el el rey Felipe V de España mandó derribar las murallas.
George Wallace
جورج والاس د. هو ممثل أمريكي، ولد في 8 يونيو 1917 بنيويورك في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 22 يوليو 2005 بلوس أنجلوس في الولايات المتحدة.
During the Nuremberg trials (1945–1946) simultaneous wire recordings were made for English, German and other languages spoken during proceedings.
Catskill Mountains
ميدل ماونتن، هو جبل يقع في جبال كاتسكيل بنيويورك شرق - جنوب شرق داونزفيل. يقع تل ماري سميث غرب الجبل الأوسط، ويقع تل الزان شرقًا.
لعب كويسنيل في أندية بوردو (1997-1998) كان (1998-2000) نافال (2000-2001) ألفيركا (2001-2004) بنفيكا (2004) إستوريل برايا (2005) مرسيليا (2005-2006) موناكو (2006-2007) .
Jurchen people
언어학자 알렉산더 보빈은 2012년 논문에서 여진 문자가 발해 문자에서 발전한 것이라 학설을 제기하였는데, 여전히 의문점이 있다.
Central African Republic Bush War.
巴納德星b是以量測徑向速度方式發現的,這是最常見的搜尋系外行星技術。在巴納德星的運動狀態觀測中確認有週期233日的震盪,這對應於軌道半長軸0.4天文單位的候選天體。天文學家並推測可能的行星候選天體質量為地球的3.2倍。天文學家對觀測資料的分析是謹慎而廣泛的。領導該團隊的天文學家 Ignasi Ribas表示該團隊使用7個不同儀器的觀測資料,時間尺度長達20年,最終對巴納德星的觀測成為精確徑向速度研究的最龐大與範圍最廣泛的資料庫之一。巴納德星b的半徑大約是地球的1.3661倍。
MCA Records
『テイク・オフ・ユア・パンツ・アンド・ジャケット』 ("Take Off Your Pants and Jacket") は、アメリカのポップ・パンクバンド、ブリンク 182の4枚目のアルバム。2001年6月12日にMCAレコードから発売された。プロデューサーは、1999年発売の『エニマ・オブ・ザ・ステイト』のアルバムを手掛けたがプロデュースした。
Panzer III
الأولى للدبابة بانزر-3 ومع مرور الزمن تم استبدالها بالسلاح بيات PIAT البريطاني في المشهد الأوروبي.
Attack on the camps of Mark Antony.
Red Star Belgrade
كأس أوروبا الوسطى 1967–68 هو موسم من كأس أوروبا الوسطى. شارك فيه  16 فريقاً، وفاز فيه النجم الأحمر بلغراد.
مهرجان أكادير للسينما والهجرة هو مهرجان سينمائي يقام سنويا في مدينة أكادير المغربية.
محرك ديزل
تنتج شركة  نسخة صينية من إكستيرا تسمى أوتنج من 2007 إلى 2015. وهي مبنية على الجيل الأول من إكستيرا. كان متوفرا مع 2.4 لتر و أو 2.5 لتر محرك ديزل تيربو مقترن بعلبة تروس يدوية 5 سرعات.
بيل تيلدن هزم فرانسيس هنتر 3-6 6-3 4-6 6-2 6-4
Altar frontal from La Seu d'Urgell or of The Apostles
В настоящее время монастыри валломброзианов находятся в Пассиньяно (Аббатство святого Михаила Архангела), Риме (Санта-Прасседе), Альбано-Лациале, Ливорно. Главный монастырь ордена находится во Флоренции (монастырь Святой Троицы).
以色列航空公司於1948年11月15日正式成立,但由於飛機未能如期付運,以色列航空公司一直使用租借飛機直至1949年2月兩架購自美國航空的DC-4正式投入服務。該次購買由以色列政府、The Jewish Agency for Israel及其他猶太機構合資的,第一架飛機於1949年4月3日抵達本·古里安國際機場,而南非裔律師Aryeh Pincus被選舉為公司主席。
After moving to Hong Kong in 1977, Chan became engaged with Dr. Stanley Ho, and they have three children together. Florinda, the elder daughter was born on 27 February 1989, Laurinda and Orlando, the twins, were born on 9 May 1991
William James Blacklock
Shiqiao Station () is a station of Line 3 of the Guangzhou Metro. It started operations on 28 December 2006. It is located at the underground of the junction of Guangming Road North and Qiaoxing Avenue, Shiqiao Subdistrict, the seat of Panyu District.
Cyrillic script
알파벳, 키릴 문자, 반각 가타카나 문자 등을 이용한 이모티콘이 쓰이고 있다.
Spinal cord injury and sex
Eudoxus of Cnidus
1st Filmfare Awards (1954)
Textual criticism
Roy Emerson
ニール・フレーザー(Neale Fraser、1933年10月3日 - )は、オーストラリア・メルボルン出身の男子テニス選手。1960年のウィンブルドン選手権優勝者で、全米選手権でも1959年と1960年に大会2連覇を達成した。また、ダブルスでもロイ・エマーソンとのペアで「キャリア・グランドスラム」を達成している。左利きの選手。身長185cmの長身から繰り出す、爆弾のようなサーブと強力なボレーを最大の持ち味にした。彼の全盛時代から、空前絶後の厚い選手層を誇ったオーストラリア・テニス界の黄金時代が始まった。
"Abu Nuwas in America".
Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia. The population of the state roughly consists of: 30% Iban people, 30% Malaysian Chinese, 25% Malay and Melanau people, and 7% of other indigenous people. Meanwhile, the Iban, Bidayuh, and other indigenous people are collectively known as the Dayak people. Since 1970, Sarawak has been ruled by the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition which consisting of: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), Sarawak National Party (SNAP), and Sarawak United Peoples' Party (SUPP). Roughly speaking, PBB represents the Malay/Melanau people, SUPP represents the Chinese, and SNAP represents the Dayak people. Many Dayaks are members of PBB and SUPP.
Township (disambiguation)
Verdigris Township (disambiguation)
(昂古莱姆的)查理二世(法语:Charles II d'Angoulême,1522年1月22日-1545年9月9日)法国王子和统帅。他的封号包括奥尔良公爵和昂古莱姆公爵。
2015年9月25日に発売された『暗殺教室』 Blu-ray&DVD 第7巻 初回生産限定版に収録された初回特典のスペシャルCDにて、キャラクターフィーチャーシリーズ第3弾として同作キャラクターの3年E組カバ担(岡野ひなた(CV:田中美海)&矢田桃花(CV:諏訪彩花))によるカヴァーが収録された。後に発売された暗殺教室 ベストアルバム ~Music Memories~の初回生産限定盤 CD2にも収録されている。
Arctic Circle
Peter Pan (Sequels)
Jack and the Beanstalk
Le film est diffusé la première fois le jeudi sur Gulli. Il était censé repasser mardi après-midi, mais fut remplacé par "Jack et le Haricot magique". Il y eut une rediffusion le mardi , puis une autre le mercredi après-midi, et enfin une nouvelle rediffusion le jeudi à 20 h 45.
Influences françaises
Frank Costello
The radar is mounted on a fifth generation CS-50 twin-hulled semi-submersible oil platform. Conversion of the vessel was carried out at the AmFELS yard in Brownsville, Texas; the radar mount was built and mounted on the vessel at the Kiewit yard in Ingleside, Texas. It is nominally based at Adak Island in Alaska, but has spent significant time at Pearl Harbor in test status.
Christian Democratic Appeal
The Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) remained the biggest party (5 seats), despite losing 2 seats.
The main stand seats 1,800 people. Behind one goal, at the Inchicore end, space was constructed into a new uncovered stand in time for the 2007 UEFA Cup campaign of St Patrick's Athletic F.C. This stand seats 1,000 and is known as the West (or 'New') Stand. The hardcore St. Pat's supporters have traditionally gathered at the other end, in the 'Shed End', though in more recent times the Shed has housed the away supporters while the more vocal Pat's fans have moved to the main stand. Although known locally as the "Shed End" the official name is the John Minnock stand, as it was financed with money received from his transfer to Charlton Athletic. It was originally a fully covered terrace before half the roof was removed in the early 2000s and the other half in early 2020, leaving it as an uncovered terrace. The Camac terrace, across from the main stand, is used by home fans, and named after the river that runs behind it. The Camac holds the ground's TV gantry.
Boogie Nights
Lawrence began her association with the hit 1970s musical "Boogie Nights" in 2001 and played the leading female, Debs, on two major tours. She also starred in the sequel "Boogie Nights 2 – This Time It's The 80s", alongside David Essex, which did a nationwide tour in 2004 and 2005. Additionally, Lawrence was the Assistant Director of "Boogie Nights". She has directed and choreographed several pantomimes and musicals.
Духовская церковь (Церковь Святого Духа, Свято-Духовская церковь) — православная церковь в городе Старая Русса, Россия.
Tris Speaker
ロジャー・フェデラー def. アンディ・ロディック, 6–2, 4–6, 7–5, 6–1
В 2006 году Клэр Перо получает главную женскую роль Салли Боулз во французской адаптации знаменитого мюзикла «Кабаре» (). Режиссёром этой версии был американский театральный и кинорежиссёр Сэм Мендес. На премьеру спектакля приехала Лайза Миннелли, исполнительница роли Салли Боулз в фильме «Кабаре». Спектакль выдержал более 400 представлений на сцене театра Фоли-Бержер и был номинирован на в 7 категориях.
Нари асомтаврули и нари мхедрули включены в стандарт Юникод начиная с самой первой его версии (1.0.0) в блоке «Грузинское письмо» () под шестнадцатеричными кодами U+10AC и U+10DC соответственно.
En , il fait partie de la vingtaine de personnalités sélectionnées par le programme commun des Nations unies sur le VIH/sida (dite ONUSIDA) pour constituer une nouvelle commission sur la prévention du VIH. Cette commission comprend également deux anciens chefs d'État, Jacques Chirac et Michelle Bachelet.
The Russian Navy Code of Signals originates from a similar code of signals used by the Imperial Russian Navy. It was used by the Soviet Navy and with mostly insignificant changes remains in use by the Naval fleet of the Russian Federation.
Prisoner-of-war camp
Campo was a military town during World War II and was known as Camp Lockett. It was home to a veterans' convalescent hospital, a 300-bed Italian Prisoner-of-war camp in Cameron Corners and an all African-American Cavalry unit which patrolled the border on horseback until 1944.
In 803, the Uyghurs of the Uyghur Khaganate seized Turfan from the Tibetans. The Uyghur Khaganate however was destroyed by the Kirghiz and its capital Ordu-Baliq in Mongolia sacked in 840. The defeat resulted in the mass movement of the Uyghurs out of Mongolia and their dispersal into Gansu and Central Asia, and many joined other Uyghurs already present in Turfan. In the early twentieth century, a collection of some 900 Christian manuscripts dating to the ninth to the twelfth centuries was found at a monastery site at Turfan.
Genetic testing
The Herring Nunataks () are two prominent nunataks standing northwest of Mount Lechner in the western Forrestal Range of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica. They were mapped by the United States Geological Survey from surveys and U.S. Navy air photos, 1956–66, and was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names for Earl F. Herring, an aviation storekeeper at Ellsworth Station, winter 1957.
French Indochina
Conflict with French Indochina.
2004년 케리는 대통령을 위하여 민주당 후보의 지명을 이겨 조지 W. 부시 대통령을 비난하는 자신의 선거 운동 노력들의 거의에 전념하였다. 케리는 부시의 외교 정책, 특히 이라크 분쟁의 다루는 것을 반대하였다. 케리가 이라크 전쟁을 수행하는 데 대통령에게 권위를 주는 데 투표하였어도 그는 후에 앞뒤로 정치하는 한복판에 국가를 위하여 87억 달러의 원조 정책에 대항하는 데 투표하였다.
First Army Air Service.
Frank Spencer Sutton (October 23, 1923 – June 28, 1974) was an American actor best remembered for his role as Gunnery Sergeant Vince Carter on the CBS television series "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.".
史肯達·凱恩斯(,)是一名英國政治顧問和前男演員,是著名科學家達爾文的後代 ,也是偉大的經濟學家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的曾曾侄子。因在《納尼亞傳奇》電影系列扮演愛德蒙·佩文西(Edmund Pevensie)這一角色而著名。
Jewish Military Union
Mordechaj Anielewicz (prononciation: "Mordekhaï Anielevitch"), né à Wyszków, dans la voïvodie de Mazovie en 1919 et mort à Varsovie le , fut le commandant de la "Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa" (ŻOB, l'Organisation juive de combat), qui coorganisa avec Żydowski Związek Wojskowy (ŻZW), l'Union militaire juive — proche du Betar) le soulèvement du ghetto de Varsovie en 1943.
In 2009, Backwords published his next book, "Acid Heroes", about 1960s icons John Lennon, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Hunter S. Thompson, R.Crumb, and Jerry Garcia.
Sioux language
E. H. Harriman
From 1912 into the 1930s, the tunnel company was managed by Sherman Weld Tracy. It was never very profitable, but it avoided receivership, with most of the stock held by J. Ogden Armour, E. H. Harriman and their heirs.
一部歌詞を想像させる曲目を除き、基本的に「歌のないインストゥルメンタル」として、1980年代前半から1990年代後半にかけて、放送局のラジオ・テレビ番組テーマ曲やバックグラウンドミュージックとして、ほぼ採用されている。主な代表曲には、「亜麻色のスーベニール」、「CAN CAN CAN!」、「Kissin' in the Rainbow」、「SKIP STEP SNAP!」、「Jumpin' for joy」、「舞ミューズ」、「夢気球」等があげられる。
Lifetime Achievement Award (Golden Rooster Awards)
Application to the European Court of Human Rights.
Кентукки Колонелс
Денвер Наггетс vs. Кентукки Колонелс.
Differential diagnosis can be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
João Pedro de Magalhães is a Portuguese microbiologist at the University of Liverpool. His lab at the University of Liverpool studies aging through both computational and experimental approaches. His ultimate goal is to cure human aging.
"Leiostyla abbreviata" was listed as Critically endangered in the "1996 IUCN Red List", but it is considered to be extinct.
Province of Monza and Brianza
جائزة لينين
نال أوبارين لقب بطل الإنتاج الاشتراكي عام 1969، وحصل على جائزة لينين في عام 1974، وعلى ميدالية لومونوسوف الذهبية في عام 1979 للإنجازات البارزة في الكيمياء الحيوية، وتلقى وسام لينين لخمس مرات في حياته.
Gardens of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Nuclear weapons in the U.S. are controlled by the civilian United States Department of Energy, not by the Department of Defense.
In Erik Zürcher's pioneering studies of the works attributed to An Shigao, he uses both the information provided by later Chinese catalogues and internal stylistic evidence to conclude that only sixteen of the nearly two hundred translations attributed to him by later Chinese catalogues may be regarded as authentic. Stefano Zacchetti has proposed, in light of recent research, that thirteen of the sixteen texts originally listed by Zürcher can be reliably ascribed to An Shigao. These thirteen are (listed by Taishō number):
Oblast Kemerowo
Mariinsk () ist eine Stadt in der mittelsibirischen Oblast Kemerowo (Russland) mit Einwohnern (Stand ).
Der Kathedraljugendchor ist ein gemischter Jugendchor aus Trier. Es ist das vierte und jüngste Ensemble der Chorfamilie am Trierer Dom. Es wurde 2014 aus dem seit 2002 bestehenden Mädchenchor am Trierer Dom und den 2010 neu ins Leben gerufenen Trierer Domsingknaben gegründet. Zur Zeit umfasst das Ensemble ungefähr 60 Sängerinnen und Sänger. Gründer und derzeitiger Leiter ist Thomas Kiefer.
Sweden at the European Games
House of Stuart
Arthur Elphinstone, 6th Lord Balmerino and 5th Lord Cupar (1688 – 18 August 1746) was a Scottish nobleman and Jacobite, or supporter of the claim of the exiled House of Stuart to the British throne.
Despite this, Tilley was involved in the organisation of The Great Exhibition held in Hyde Park, London in 1851.
Rio Branco
ولد أراخو في بورتو أليغري في عام 1967. تخرج من جامعة برازيليا، حيث درس اللغويات والأدب، وتم تدريبه كدبلوماسي في معهد ريو برانكو. متزوج ولديه ابنة. كما أنه يتبع للكنيسة الرومانية الكاثوليكية.
have been for the American Red Cross,
Li Erlang was the second son of Li Bing from the Qin dynasty.
ユリシーズ ジャンヌ・ダルクと錬金の騎士
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
This flag was adopted by the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic on 31 January 1952. The flag has three horizontal bands of red, green (1/4) and red, with a hammer and sickle in the canton. As defined by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic on the flag description:
李 璟(り けい)は、十国南唐の第2代皇帝(国主)。烈祖李昪の長男。もとの名は徐景通であったが、南唐建国後に李璟と改名し、さらに後周の臣下を称したあと後周の信祖郭璟(太祖郭威の高祖父)の諱を避けて李景と再改名した。
Xu Xiangqian
Before entering La Academia, González was a schoolteacher, teaching second grade in a primary school for Nahuatl children in Xalpatlahuac, Guerrero. He studied elementary education in Puebla, Puebla, and received his teaching degree there.
وكالة الفضاء الكندية
قيادة القوات التنفيذية (المغاوير ديلا سكوادرا العسكرية الجوية أو CSA) تسيطر على كافة وحدات من منطوق Militare ايرونوتيكا. من مسؤولية وكالة الفضاء الكندية هو ضمان أن تكون كل وحدة مجهزة ومدربة ومستعدة لمهام قتالية. لكن بالنسبة للبعثات الفعلية هي أمر وحدات من القوات الجوية "قيادة عمليات" (المغاوير Operativo ديلي Forze Aeree أو COFA).
Protocols of the Internet protocol suite tend to use checksums.
Big Four
«Запись года», является одной из 4 самых престижных категорий из примерно 100 других номинаций этой премии (Большая четвёрка, "The Big Four", наряду с такими как «Лучший новый исполнитель», «Песня года» и «Альбом года»). Вручается ежегодно, начиная с 1-й церемонии «Грэмми» в 1959 году.
Dynamo Moscow 3 : 1 Iskra
The is a cable-stayed bridge in Aomori, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. It was constructed in order to alleviate cargo ship traffic. It is a very notable part of Aomori's skyline.
Западный Берлин
Фридхельм Вакс (; род. 25 мая 1963, Западный Берлин) — немецкий журналист, общественный деятель и консультант.
Opponents of Marxism had a very different interpretation of Luxemburg's murder. Anti-communist Russian refugees occasionally expressed envy for the "Freikorps"' success in defeating the Spartacus League. In a 1922 conversation with Count Harry Kessler, one such refugee lamented:
Ondrej Nepela Memorial
Maé-Bérénice Méité (; born 21 September 1994) is a French figure skater. She is the 2011 Ondrej Nepela Memorial champion, the 2016 International Cup of Nice champion, the 2015 Winter Universiade silver medalist, and a six-time French national champion.
Основными регионами выращивания кофе в Кении являются высокие плато, окружающие гору Кения, хребет Абердэр, , провинцию Ньянза, города Бунгома и Накуру, Керичо и в меньших масштабах на холмах Мачакос и Таита в восточных и прибрежных провинциях соответственно.
Bing Xin is the second alternate counterpart of Cai Yun Han. Though she doesn't use the name Han, the meanings are still the same: Han (寒) means "cold", and Bing Xin (冰心) means "heart of ice".
Regin (also known as Prax or QWERTY) is a sophisticated malware and hacking toolkit used by United States' National Security Agency (NSA) and its British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).
ロハン・ボパンナ / ダニエル・ネスター "(2回戦)
Federated States of Micronesia
密克罗尼西亚联邦国会()是密克罗尼西亚联邦的国家立法机关。密克罗尼西亚联邦国会实行一院制,由14名议员组成,其中10名议员任期2年,其他4名为任期4年的“全任期”议员。现任国会议长是Wesley W. Simina。现任议员皆为独立人士。
Likewise, rather than simply wiring all 64 output bits to a single 64-input NOR gate to generate the Z flag on a 64-bit ALU, circuit designers have found that it runs much faster to have a tree – for example, have the Z flag generated by an 8-input NOR gate, and each of their inputs generated by an 8-input OR gate.
Khmelnytskyi Oblast
Бровари (Хмельницкая область)
В 1713 году Война за испанское наследство закончилась, её итоги были закреплены в серии договоров и соглашений. По Утрехтскому мирному договору, подписанному 13 июля 1713 года и включившему в себя несколько дополнительных производных договоров и соглашений, Филипп V признавался королём Испании в обмен на гарантии, что Испания и Франция не объединятся под одной короной. Также стороны обменялись территориями: Филип V сохранял заморские территории Испании, но отказывался от Южных Нидерландов, Неаполя, Милана и Сардинии в пользу Австрии; Сицилии и части миланских земель — в пользу Савойя; от Гибралтара и Менорки — в пользу Великобритании. Помимо этого Великобритания получала эксклюзивное право на торговлю рабами с неиспанским населением в Испанской Америке сроком на 30 лет (так называемое «асьенто»). Касательно Гибралтара (), договор устанавливал, что город, крепость и порт (но не материковые территории) передаются Британии «навеки, без исключений и препятствий». Также договор указывал, что если Британия пожелает отказаться от Гибралтара, он должен быть предложен в первую очередь Испании.
대중 매체
Mass media in Bhutan
버지니아 식민지 정부가 있던 제임스 타운은 말라리아 등 전염병이 자주 발생했다. 따라서 1699년, 식민지 정부는 제임스 타운 외곽 도시인 윌리엄스버그로 이전했다.
Twin Ring Motegi
Mobilityland is a merger of two Japanese racing track facilities, known as the Suzuka Circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi. Suzuka Circuit was established in 1962 and Twin Ring Motegi was established in 1997. The two facilities merged management operations June 1, 2006, establishing the following business model. Mobilityland is publicly held, but all shares are owned by Honda Motor Company.
The English Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskelyne visited the Herschels while they were at Walcot (which they left on 29 September 1777).
Earth-21: New Frontier.
North Chungcheong Province
Поы́н (, Boeun-gun) — уезд в провинции Чхунчхон-Пукто, Южная Корея.
The Return of the King (disambiguation)
Den Helder
Den Helder railway station
يمتد ماكموردو ساوند ومياهه المحصورة بالجليد حوالي 55 كيلومترًا (34 ميل) يربط ماكموردو ساوند بحر روس من الشمال بتجويف روس الجليدي إلى الجنوب عبر مضيق هاسكل. أقل من 10 في المائة من شواطئ ماكموردو ساوند خالية من الجليد.
عصر ذهبي
"Golden Age Masterworks".
Operation Mato Grosso.
IRB Sevens World Series
The 2007–08 IRB Sevens World Series was the ninth of an annual IRB Sevens World Series of rugby sevens tournaments for full national sides run by the International Rugby Board since 1999–2000.
Tomáš Berdych defeated Juan Martín del Potro, 6–1, 6–4
At its peak, the site would have held the remains of 16 popes and 50 martyrs. Nine of those popes were buried in the Crypt of the Popes itself, to which Pope Damasus I built a staircase in the 4th century. Among the discovered Greek language inscriptions are those associated with: Pope Pontian, Pope Anterus, Pope Fabian, Pope Lucius I, and Pope Eutychian. A more lengthy inscription to Pope Sixtus II by Furius Dionisius Filocalus has also been discovered.
متغيرات دلتا الترس شموع قياسية هامة ، وقد استخدمت لتحديد المسافة إلى سحابة ماجلان الكبرى، العناقيد المغلفة، العناقيد المفتوحة، ومركز المجرة.
Banda de los Cuatro
La cuarta y última fase de la campaña coincidió con la enfermedad y hospitalización de Zhou. Después de que la campaña de 1974 "critique a Lin Biao, critique a Confucio" alcanzó su clímax, y pronto disminuyó. A partir del verano de 1975, la Banda de los Cuatro desplegó una nueva campaña, introduciendo debates públicos sobre A la orilla del agua y la "guerra contra el empirismo" como una herramienta para criticar a Zhou y sus otros enemigos, notablemente Deng, que marcó "las críticas a Confucio". " Deng Xiaoping luego asumió muchas de las responsabilidades de Zhou, actuando como primer ministro en ausencia de Zhou hasta que Deng fue nuevamente purgado, en 1976. Después de la muerte de Mao, la Banda de los Cuatro también dirigió la campaña contra Hua Guofeng, quien fue nombrado sucesor de Mao. La campaña terminó con el arresto de Hua de la Banda de los Cuatro, en octubre de 1976.
En agosto de 1928 se creó la Asociación de Fútbol de Israel y un año más tarde se afilió a la FIFA, convirtiéndose en una de las primeras 14 organizaciones deportivas que combatían en antisemitismo en Europa.
منليك الثاني
أصبح البير العملة الرسمية في 9 فبراير 1893 وأُنتج 200000 ورقة نقدية في عام 1894 في عملة باريس لصالح الإمبراطور منليك الثاني. وقسم البير إلى 20 غيرش. تأسس بنك الحبشة عام 1905 على يد الإمبراطور مينليك والمجموعة المصرفية الأوروبية. افتتح مينليك البنك رسميًا في 15 فبراير 1906. اشترى الإمبراطور هيلا سيلاسي بنك الحبشة في عام 1931 مقابل 235 ألف جنيه إسترليني لجعله مؤسسة إثيوبية بحتة. أعيد تسميته ليصبح بنك إثيوبيا.
The École nationale des sciences appliquées d'Al Hoceima (National School of Applied Sciences of Al Hoceima) is a Moroccan public engineering school located in Al Hoceima, Al Hoceïma Province. It is a part of Morocco's national network of schools of applied sciences.
Council of Florence
London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kees Bakels
This architecture should be compared to the original P-code machine specification as proposed by Niklaus Wirth.
ラハイナ東海(ラハイナとうかい)は、愛知県名古屋市中区に本社を置く日本のアダルトビデオメーカーの一つ。All AboutのインディーズAVメーカーリンク集では「名古屋が誇るトップメーカーの一つ」「特にダンスものは質量共に強力」と評していた。
African Union
1961년의 베오그라드의 비동맹 국가 정상 회의에 참석하여 제3세계의 입장을 강화해 범아프리카주의에 근거해서 1963년에 설립된 아프리카통일기구(OAU 현재 아프리카 연합)의 초대 의장이 되었다. 그외에도 이스라엘과 군사적 협력 관계를 맺는 등 독자적인 외교 노선을 추진했다.
In spring 554, while on a diplomatic mission to Liang (now with Xiao Yi as its undisputed emperor—as Emperor Yuan), the Western Wei official Yuwen Renshu (宇文仁恕, probably Yuwen Tai's relative but relationship is unclear) was slighted by Emperor Yuan, who treated Northern Qi's ambassador with far greater respect. Emperor Yuan then further aggravated the situation by sending an impolite letter to Yuwen Tai demanding that the borders be redrawn in accordance with old borders. Yuwen made the comment, "Xiao Yi is the type of person that, as said in proverbs, 'One who has been abandoned by heaven cannot be revived by anyone else.'" Yuwen Tai therefore began to prepare attacking Emperor Yuan at his headquarters of Jiangling (江陵, in modern Jingzhou, Hubei), as Emperor Yuan had made Jiangling his capital and declined to move back to the old capital Jiankang. The Western Wei general Ma Bofu (馬伯符), formerly a Liang general, secretly revealed the attack plans to Emperor Yuan, but Emperor Yuan did not believe Ma and took minimal precautions.
History of education
2001年 『現代教育史事典』東京書籍(領域編集)
معاهدة ميونخ
She told Harold Nicolson that Neville Chamberlain was "the greatest Englishman that ever lived" for signing the Munich Agreement.
On October 4, 2014, the Blitz announced they were joining X-League Indoor Football for the 2015 season. Shortly after, the team was removed from the X-League website, and was no longer affiliated with the X-League. On October 15, 2014, the Blitz joined American Indoor Football (AIF), following former CIFL team, the Sting. The Blitz finished the regular season 6-2, earning the 3 seed in the AIF playoffs. They defeated the 2nd seeded Saginaw Sting 63-45 in the AIF semifinals, earning a berth in the 2015 AIF Championship Game. The Blitz traveled to York, Pennsylvania to take on the York Capitals for the AIF crown. The Blitz fell to the Capitals 30-58.
2005年にはセカンドアルバム収録の「NOTHING BUT A GOOD TIME」が映画『Mr.&Mrs. スミス』(出演:ブラッド・ピット、アンジェリーナ・ジョリー)のサントラに使われた。
また「仮想現実のマリア」のMVでは、映画「レザボア・ドッグス」の冒頭の、マドンナの「ライク・ア・バージン」の独自解釈を行う部分のパロディとして、DREAMS COME TRUEの「大阪LOVER」の解釈をするシーンが見られる。他にも、曲名が映画「あの頃、ペニーレインと」のパロディになっている「あの頃、モダンバレリーナと」や、同名のミュージカル映画(メインテーマは前述した映画「時計じかけのオレンジ」の挿入歌にも使われており、エンドロール中にも流れている)がそのまま曲名になった「雨に唄えば」等、曲名ひとつ取っても映画へのオマージュが多く見られる。
In contrast, Gould sees selection as usually acting on organisms in a local population, although in theory and practice, it can occur at many levels, with change at one level often affecting future options at other levels. Selection can occur at the group level, with some species lineages having characteristics which make extinction less likely, or speciation more likely. And while rare, selection can occur on genes within an organism. While selection is important, and requires understanding, it is just one of many factors explaining microevolutionary events and macroevolutionary patterns. Further, complex adaptations are but one phenomenon explanations in evolutionary biology. Extrapolationism is not a good theory, with large-scale patterns in the history of life not explainable by extrapolating from measurable events in local populations. Evolutionary biology needs a theory of variation, explaining the effect of variation supply on change potentiality. While humans are evolved animals, attempts to explain human behaviour using techniques from evolutionary biology have largely failed, "vitiated by one-sided understanding of evolutionary biology. They have often been biologically naive." (p. 170)
この1742年夏を過ぎると、バッハはコレギウム・ムジクムとも疎遠になり始め、世俗音楽の新作は出なくなる。このためにBWV212を原曲とするパロディは発生していない。ただし、第20曲のアリアは、カンタータ201番の通称「フェーブスとパンの争い」(Der Streit zwischen Phöbus und Pan)からの転用である。
Museo Nacional del Bardo
The Bardo National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography (, "El-mathaf El-ouatani Bardo", ) is a national museum located in Algiers, Algeria.
Kirby turned down her place at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art after she was signed to a talent agency and met the theatre director David Thacker, who gave her three starring roles over 2009 at the Octagon Theatre Bolton: in "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller, "Ghosts" by Henrik Ibsen, and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. For "All My Sons" she won the BIZA Rising Star Award at the Manchester Evening News Theatre Awards, worth £5,000.
Trey Parker
The bold style of journalism has triggered unwanted attention from the triads with incidents of criminal damage at the offices of Next Media. Apple Daily and its parent company Next Media are considered pioneers of paparazzi and yellow journalism in Hong Kong. A notable incident happened in 2006 when Gillian Chung, a member of singing group Twins, was photographed changing clothes at the backstage by a spy camera installed by a subsidiary magazine of Next Media. The case triggered debated over paparazzi acts in Hong Kong and regulation of paparazzi was considered.
Supreme Soviet of the National Economy
Nikita Khrushchev's attempt during the late 1950s to decentralise decision-making by reforming the chain of command that was in use since the early times of the Council of People's Commissars to manage local industries and enterprises resulted in major reorganisation of the USSR ministries. A large number of ministries were been eliminated and replaced by a network of regional and local sovnarkhoz supervised by the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy. Khrushchev's economic reform proved disastrous as it severed regional economic relations and was abandoned by the Soviet Government after Khrushchev's ousting in 1964. The year later twenty-eight industrial ministries, eleven All-union and seventeen Union ministries were reestablished. The second attempt at decentralising the Soviet economy was in 1965, with Premier Alexei Kosygin initiating a new economic reform aimed at giving enterprises more economic freedom and incentives to be profitable.
Впервые выйдя в Первый дивизион Футбольной лиги в 1906 году, «Бристоль Сити» сходу занимает в нем второе место, пропустив вперед лишь «Ньюкасл Юнайтед». В 1909 клуб дошел до финала Кубка Англии, где уступил «Манчестер Юнайтед» со счетом 0:1. Но несмотря на эти локальные успехи в 1911 году «Сити» вылетает во Второй дивизион Футбольной лиги. Успехи 1906—1909 годов клуб так и не сможет повторить, а возвращения в элиту придется ждать 65 лет.
Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby 2014 special
1989年、師匠のイワン・プトスキーが主宰していたテキサスのインディー団体においてスーパー・コライダー("Super Collider")のリングネームでデビュー。1991年、ダラスのグローバル・レスリング・フェデレーション(GWF)にてスティービー・レイ("Stevie Ray")と改名し、弟のブッカー・Tとエボニー・エクスペリエンス("The Ebony Experience")を結成。ベビーフェイスのポジションで活動し、1992年から1993年にかけてGWFタッグ王座を通算3回獲得した。1992年10月には「ブラック・ボンバーズ」の名義で桜田一男らが主宰していたネットワーク・オブ・レスリングに初来日している。
Омия Ардия
Он является младшим братом полузащитника «Омия Ардия» Дайго Ватанабэ.
Within 2001 Nu Virgos collected some of their first awards: “A Hundred Pood Hit” from HIT FM Radio, “Golden Gramophone” from “Russian Radio”, and the “Golden Firebird” prize at the Ukrainian annual festival “Tavriyski Igry”.
Until (Dean Martin song)
Western Yan
In April 2019, a court in Ecuador stopped oil exploration activities in of the Amazon rainforest.
The Bahamas
The Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA) is a professional body that regulates the accountancy industry in the Bahamas.
Bottled water is more expensive than municipally-supplied tap water. Tap water sources and delivery systems (taps and faucets) are fixed in place while bottled water is available at many differing price points and in a variety of size formats.
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
In 2015, the Chairman of City Airways signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) to lease ten Comac C919 and ten Comac ARJ21-700 aircraft.
2011年8月,義大利那不勒斯大学彼得雷拉(Daniele Petrella)教授提出新证据,指出马可·波罗的游记有多个不合理的地方。例如对1274年及1281年忽必烈两度進攻日本的描述,多次出现了自相矛盾及错误,并且混淆了两次进攻的细节:马可·波罗称,第一次进攻的舰队离开朝鲜半岛后,在抵达日本海岸前受到颱风吹袭,但是实际上舰队是在第二次进攻时遇上颱风的。彼得雷拉质疑马可·波罗若亲身目击事件,不可能混淆相隔七年的两件事。彼得雷拉亦指出马可·波罗对蒙古舰队的描述,与考古团队在日本发现的船舰残骸不符:马可·波罗称蒙古人使用五桅帆船,但是实际上船舰-{}-只有三桅帆船。襄陽獻炮是明顯有違史實的捏造,他自稱獻拋石機幫助攻打襄陽,獻炮的是波斯的亦思馬因和阿老瓦丁,元史和其他資料都有他們的傳記引以為證。此外马可·波罗多次以波斯语描述地名和物件名称,而非使用当地所使用的语言:例如他指蒙古人用称为“chunam”的沥青使船身防水,但“chunam”其实是波斯语的“沥青”,汉语和蒙古语中并无此词。